El Agi*dintal Reparhnent INS=II .. . , Barn,-Stable and YAM. Gerinan azriculturai papers report several cases of tatalrresults to do mestic animals, occasioned by the use of petroleum for destroyittg, lice. The. Green Bay (Wis.) .AdroCate •:13-s: We are credibly informed that a two-year old colt, belonging to Jame,s Cornier, in the town of Ash wabenon, about three miles from,this city.:Ni'as literally devoured by - wood ticks. a few days ago. The colt - had been rurtniiia pasture . for some tittle - and had noAttention paid to it. arid lien discovered it was comple tely Covered with wood ticks. The tbish was literally rotten and pieces had drapped off', and its eyes were pit out., The - animal was in - such. misery that it butted it head amtinst the fence. It was killed by a HOT from an axle, . „ A. stock-raiser says: 'ff'sneep Are addicted to the Vice of jumping, take :t board about two feet long, five or, -.ix ; inches . Il T ide, and one inch thkk, and fast.it to the sheep's neck so -that it will come flat against the knees. When - the sheep attempts to jut* the board preVents a foothold on the'ffence and tiniows them hack. A - few trials satisfy-them. f • l'We worst jumpers can he cured this , wAy. Year I bad nine which Were such bad jumpers that no fence .could stop -them. I fixed theth in the way above described had , noTtirther trouble. At the same-time the board will pre t much riming about and cause :hem to fatten. better by remaining more quiet. A. correspondent , -of the National Department of Agriculture says: it . aypear, from remarks of different :•, - riters that none knbw of any certain for hots in horses: .1 know of remedy. that is ~afe: and certain, isco'N - ered in the following way : :\ 1,,1tt ;thirty yilars ago a ftiend lost Lr bbt,', a very fine horse. lie took crop) thcL.-tomacli of the dead' horse of - hots and brought them office to experiment upon. lie pr4parations of every remedy I:e` dal heard of. and put s_orne of 11,j•in into each. Flo-thad no effect, atieeted them slightly. but sage morc than anything else; that fifteen hours. lie epneitti,leil s. them-I.y 'main: , them into nttrie hut it had Ito more titiot .urr , n :-theist than water ; the thitd day they wkh . e aS - lively as when A'lluiteli of tansy was growing '.l.v /ay office.— lie took a handful of • it, athleil a little water out 61e jniee. awl jmt .some were - dead 'in one minute. Diu e tkoll i Lace had.; it ?IN-en to have seen:, affected with Lot : -. and Ila yr I . lo ' N't•l' lthownlt to tail ivin2 entire ivlief - , notlwr lior-v airectefl With 19ts. yenr, Inter. I Ic, gaVe him the 1:111:4v the nirnniu, apdi a close of - in the eveiiiiils-L; the:nt, , xt morn -rift," he took 111, front-tine excretions art'. half-pint: Iterulari.ty in the of eolv, mueli impirtanee regularity iu feeiliwz them. Ina F4t:tte Ott' nature. :ne tow - , i rclit - ol of sit,:milk a rcat CMIIV liint•s• , C;iCh 1 - 11(ler Such . • , the ti(liler of tilli• cow y:;11. :111(1 -if allowed io lain t he IWclyc aye The practice more than' twice in wenty four hours causes the pael -1 V of die. udder to 1 ie!rreatly 'novas am! prohbaly helps in maintaining the lacteal .secretion long after preg naey has takdi place. When, how an' artificial system. the:cow been enahled to retain her milk wit'lloto. inconvenience; for twelve honrs or SO, ',lle 01.1!rht to be milked re , rularly,&very Clay at. the same hour. W.heu the time Ihr milking arrives, (Oiler 'usually I iecoineF ; distended 4 ti its;ntinckst_capacity, and if the Milk is pot E:'slicedily ri,inoved. the animal e4ulsiderahlr pain:. 'Cases of v(y,ithe result of allowing: animals 1.) (twain too low . ; upmilked, arc, in fly no Means of unfrequeift-oc '.(irkenee. It is especially necessary ! , 1 attelo - I(killis point for Some days •:„Iti ! r the animal has tirOu_ (*lit forth its younfr. fr;r Cinrjoi! - r tlnit period tVry it:16611 . 0f the lacteal organs i.•lil clt to bring on that most fatal u ; all inaladie's, ! fever. If milkink be 100 inn! , tlelay6l, nature will try to , !c t i , the 1)001. animal.l An absorp :.7n of milk into blood will to some ::tent take plaCe. and that which re :liain, in the u(blex will become de- IJA - iorntol. When neglect, to milk a regular tim e i rept , nted velal tiines:, the sec r etion of the perManently 'checked ; and :here ;.ire many cases where. by 0, "-11.14. an animal ha; become 1171 - .. in le , , , ,Ethan a month. ri6(.l and Orchard writer in the ..1/ , ! /, qll the t!roul Iles at the ).)uth 1 0 cheap Slant- powder aptl tratl. ILc - .z.av:;the shocking' of iiige.e livorolis has I his year cost :11)0 )aina alone mere than S I 0.000.000 i:dtlie ravk-re.s The simpV:A. remedy , for the r1v :1•71-,; of the potato 1113 g maid to have h•cen-flis l covered by a, man in New Thiven., who finds that wood :Ales. ikinkled on the vine:, answersevery purOo:-.e of Pa ci's green 4na othei• poi -ons. One of _the' most active — manures . Ivithin the reach of most farmers is a m ixtura - of leached :Ole's, plaster and .ni: , la-soil-mixed_ with fine 'soil.. Let -tile - compound be thoroil l gillv worked over a smooth spot. and allowed to -.tam] a, week .before• using A hima - 1)111. of this mixture in a lull is exeel. lout to fziye earn a 'start. Potatoes nd . ffartten vt.gc:tables f;enerally feel Nett quick. Hen Manure is an ~ x eelft.nt ingreadient in Such manures. Lat it should be .well slacked with -water before mixing with other sub MBE Chestiitit - i_rt , c , art-. vOmin ! , to 1)t ,•-timato:Cn-sl-.l . .alnaLle enough - on the .-t-ores of fruit, and woorl , to pay fOr --direct cultivation. Tito vultivntor ....% , hotild select large nut , : for seta. or tho , ze from- stmerior tree•,. The , 4e. cxpo , ol tO-1.11,t• sintfor sev , pr:il (lays. and 111,:n packed iil ordin :try man i, F-o tlicLy - will neither lwat 'nor 1 i,eoine too dr - . They till spring.ithenplant c,l in rows . l 5 or 1S inches apart, and such distances of -10 E inches, and ecN,ered three inches ' deep. They be.kept clean. and allowed to rilnain two .years. The; third spring they bbould be set in niusery rows. the tcp rot being shortened. When 4 , ight feet high let themr be put out Avhcrever they may - lie .IWanted: To _raft or. bull, cut the young trees )lade - in; the spring si icor eight feet; s,,Ject live or six of the young shoots that start, bud thentland remove the Select tile time when the bark i- most, readily remOyed from the f roes. and use the method called ring luidding, or Whip-;raft them in the before 7owth. gdwational ttpai.fintitti COMMITTEE OF ASSOCIATE EDITORS E. E. QuiNi.AN, W. H. TifOMPSON, .1 C. CRAWFORD, G..W. A. A. KEENEt (ALL communications intended Inserted to this department. should be sent to the Chairman of the eeminlttee. E. E. Qrtwt.alt, at Towanda, and will be forwanled by him to the Editor In Charge ter the ensuing Wetki. j ;For the Educational DCriartmcnt.j • . POSTAL CARDS. i s The: main objection most people have to sending communications onpOstal cards is. that the writing is; of comae, open ,to general peruSal. A good way to avoid. this difficulty is to use sympathetic ink. A solution of ten grains of hyPostdphite of soda in sixteen teaspoonfuls' of water is the simplest , fluid for thevarOse. tse and perfectly, clean pen after Writing go over the letters with a smooth Paper cut ter to - remove aIL traces of . the Salt. Ex po7nrc to the heat - of a . bright" coal fire turns the writing black. I, SOLVE 'MIS PROBLEM: i ! I start a young man in business with $10.78 worth of merchandise, Sind $7.92 in cash. One month after her pays me 4:1.17. At the end of two nionths we, settle. llc reports that ht - liar; sold mer chandise tp the amount of $319:28, and that he has bought merchandise to the amount of $3.1.7:3 at one time, and at an other time $162.20, which ho ha's paid for. lie als , i returns to me merchandise to the amount 869.16. I allow him $27 rent anti €:.7.1 for his service. Do I owe him or he me. and how much? What, was the :rain 1 , 11 merchandise ?, HMV TO TEACH *itriTso.. A series of tracing books is!being in troduced by the various authizirs of pen manship. which should be *chased by parent, for their childten in preference to the common printed boot s, ire schools tauhlit by persons uot. specially A naiiiied - to instruct in this branch, anti the majority of the teachers °flour coun ty are less prepated to teach writing than any other study Of our commcin schools. The iniprovement consists ill printing copies of lightly dotted letters on various lines of a copy book page, andi requiring pupils to trace with ink over these cop ies until the muscles for . writing are de veloped and disciplined, and pupils are thus prepared while in oar 4chools for rapid writing of the business Iwoild t in stead of -haVing to serve an annoying ap prenticeship at acquiring a decent busi ness band after entering the (iffice and: 'counting room. * The principle is, "writing is best learn ed by much writing:* An unfunded ob jection ha*s, been , made that "constant tracing fails to *enable the pno to write well without "his copies," but ny cions teacher will-require abundant prac tice of the same copies on loose paper Or ,extra blank book. With thesy3ooks the principal work the teacher ito secure correct positiotrof person, arm= hand, fin gers and pen, and neatness :lint care in following the rotted lines. run& TIONS TO INEXTERIESZCED tEACITERS. • t have your pup 4 write k , very day, and - devote as muck time to i as . to any recitation of yonr school next to arithtme . 1. • \lv friend had 2ud. in all writing, copying cir drawing, with slate pencil, lean pencil °ripen, insist on correct position. and that the fingers and pen touch the writing surface very lightly, that free and • rapid movements may be secured. / 2d. Let the body b 4 as neatly erect as the focal distance of the pupils eyes will permit, and - square to the desk- rather than au arbitrary right or 1(4 side posi tion. Atli. The pen should miss the fore tin at third joint. the middle finger at root of nail," the holder pointing to right shimd der. Let the thumb rest on the holder very" lightly, opposite first joint of fore finger sth: Let the hand rest lightly on the nails of - the third and fourth fingers„ and the nails directly= tinder the thud joint of those fingers when writing. IThe wrist should not touch' the paper lint the arm rest near the elbow. , FEWER scnt. 11001 is IN tERIES: Most adult, persons remember when one hot di! on arithmetic, one on gra l namar, one on geography. composed the !list. Du ring recent years the book publishers have gone to -the — other extreme, in grammar having two, in geography four,! Now the golden mean Reins reached by most publishers in havingitwo books contititte,,,a seric in geography and.two in arithmetic. Two books on geography are announced by Ivison ton's Elementary and Complete. The latter is before its and is an admirable book: we shall look with .interest for the •i is::ne of the elementary. lira Wing is made coittpttlsory in several States. and teachers have to qu i rt - lify them- Nelves accordingly. Whether compulsory of not: no live teacher should Or need re main-ignorant-in this branch,? as Krusi's Inventive System :an:. veers well without a teacher. and in douht others, also. The Detroit Board of Edneittion have resolved that from 'September 1, 1815, the salaries for service in the public schools shall be as. follbms: First yea 4 $300; 2d, s'4oo: 4th, $4:10; 5t11,15500 . : 6th, Ttli. :$550: Bth. 19t11, $OOO. , 10th. llth sl'oo. Problem; The sum of two number is 10; the quotient 6f the larger divided by the smaller is 10. Solution:? The quo tient,lo shows how many times the divi sortnay be subtracted from the dividend, hence the dividend is compoSed of ten parts, the divisor 1 part, and 4s the sum of both 'lO. the divisor is 110-11. the dividend 9 1-11. A SCHOOLMASTER AROUND LOOSE Four or five days ago ,a mail about 40 years of 'age, looking as though he had been drawn over a dusty floor for an hour or two, called upon one of the; members of the Board of Education, :and intro thiced hiMself as'William Cannon Harri 'son. of Saginaw county. Ire vas received, and commenced business I romptly by saying `• rm a-looking f'/F a situation as a school teacher.— 3 . ? "-\L, ha " replied' the meMber, won dering why the man Wasn't loOking for a wood-pile. • " I could have brought a pile of recom mends so high," continued the nian,meas wing with his handS, "but recommends don't amount to nothing:: . "have you any school in vie' ?" asked the member. t• I want to get in, here in I)ctroit," re plied 1 the man. "What ward do you pay?" "Yin afraid—,' 9 began the member, when the schoolmaster interrupted: "Oh! well, I s'pose you. Fii• goin', wa ges, and 'that's all I can ask fair. I•don't want to put on style and live:high, as getting a leetle old and ouglit_ to save . - money." "As I was goine: to remarle r ---, raid •••"-1•••••••••••••••••••• ,, ..q.. , ........ , MIKIELLIXEL MEM •AT kIY ARITILMF.TICAL Oil the member, Arco the achadmaster and denly implied! "DoWORN / 41 404 C af Oboaa here, i If therl% I'm the man.7l,ft tO dress the bey! down! come foe* by the, doriiiroarit,wOold do you r heart, geed to pee the wril laid 'em! 74, when I bad: that In Bay county I *ought nothing,* thirty etholara a day, beside! :hearing twelve r aters recite! I'm an old 'scream •er, I tell you, there's fun In me when you get mei woke up !" -;!' I hardly think—," commenced' the member again, when the achoolmaster jumped up and said: , "Of course you -won't take me unless I pa4 l- exsunination, but I hain't afraid of notiguaiing__ . I'd like to see a word I couiii spell! For instance 'Catarrh:' 'C'-a-t-n-r-r,h,catarrh."DandelioneD-a-n -dandelion.' Or try me on wwtis of four syllables. 'Lugubriousf ingubrious.' Oh! I can ,knock the socks right olf 'n these well-bead teachers, and not half try ! " "I should hie to help you," pat in the member, "but—" "Oh! you needn't think I'm behind on geography;" interrupted the . teaclu4. "For instance: What is an isthmus? Au istiun6 is a narrow strip of land connect ing two larger b E odies.' Is the world round or flat? Round. Why is it, round? Be i. cause jit is. Which is the , highest moun tain in the world ? The Andes. Which is the longest river? The Amazon. I might go on for seventy-tlva days this way, and' Uteri not tell yon half I know!" " Ton seem to be pretty well poked in geography, but as I wanted to tell—" . • "And on grammar, too !" exclaimed the teacher, jumping up again. "What is a noun? A -noun is the name of any plaCe or thing. Give us an exam ple: Man, dog, cat, coon, goat, Jack-knife, fish-hook, gate-post. What are the prin 7 eipal conjunctions? And, as, both, be cause; for, if, that, or, nor, neither, either, and so forth and so forth. Oh! I'm right on the roof of the meeting-horse when you sling grammar at me !" The member was getting desperate, and as soon as he could get in a word he said: ; " I will take your name, and as• soon as a vacancy—" "And I know arithmetic froth cover to cover!". exclaimed the man, standing up " I can go through the tables hire lightning through a hay-stack, and when you get to, fractions and cube root I'm awful—l weigh a ton and :a half and still growing ! 'Rithmetic's mg favorits studs, and 11l giVe you fifty dollars to find a man who'll , saw sums into and plane 'em down's as quickly as I can !" ' His speech took the wind out of him, and the memher managed to say there was no vacancy at present, but he would take his - name and consider his case as soon as one occurred. to, commence right off I. re plied the man, "but I'm willing to wait. Here's my name, and the Ininit I get your letter I'll come down a flying. If you get me you don't get much style, but you get solid eommon sense and genuine edu cation. You won't see scholars playing hide-and-coop around , the. wood box or marbles on the floor—no you won't 1 " . And he Went down stairs. Detroit Free PresiJ view Advertise:cents. J.'o. FROST SOTS '1171INITUI;E TOWANDA, JULY 50th, 1875. rWe arr now offering a large i.tock of • PARLOR SLITS, TETE-A-TETES, EASY CHAIRS HALL RACKS, WOOD TOP TABLES, &C., At very low price.t. We are determined to clop on onr stock In this line before the fall:trade, and it order to do owe are selling at '1 VERY LOW PRICES We wonl.l call attention to our new s.s. . . I • ' BLAcI: WALNUT, MARBLE TOP DRESSINGV CASE CHAMBER SUITS, AT $BO 60, Being:the be.t:thlng In the market for the price and all Other goods at very low prices. i I 1 I . UNDERTAKING, Done In the best manner, and on the lowest terms. yon will And better work and for less money here than atany other place.: Call and see us, I JAS. 0.• FROST & SONS, • 'Nlannfactnrtfrs of and 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers In FOrnlture and mndertaklng, Main St., TOW A.IN 1.) A, PENICA jlyn-tl. I WOOL CARDING, AT THE WOOLEN MILLS, CAMPTOWN PENN A. Also , nianufactnihist and cloth dregin attended to au bhort, notice.. We are. ahead making rolls from the new eUp,,luad• to 40 work as fag as offered, t — 3 ' 1 • V.:- B. INGHAM. • cam . owonCl, .in , 1A75. . :.I felsimida jr l T - . l ** lo, • MME B 00 ODS! THIS PLEASE CALL' AND FAMINE. Toiranda. June g. 1875 STEVENS & LONG, WHOLESALE Az RETAIL CHOICE .FAMILY GROCERIES, MARBLE AND Or taken In exchange for goods, an lowest Cash pri ces. Our s lang experience In ,the Grocery Trade gtve4 us peculiar advantages in purchasing, and as we are hot' eunbltione to make large profits, we flat- Buyers than any other establishment In Northern Pennsylvania. mayl3. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. • cit As. M. HALL, Towanda, Pa., Is prepared to insure all classes at risks in first- Class, reliable companies, at as low rates as are con sistent with security, and invites a share of the bu siness at his friends and the public generill. 'Will give sperial attention to survey of ri•ka outshie dr , lowanda. Towanad, July 22, 11754 m. MONROETON GRADED SCHOOL. The next term of this school will commence oh Monday, August 23d, and continue Twelve weeks, under the Instruction of ItRV. HALLOCK ARMSTRONG, A. M., with competent assistance. A limited number- °fleapits from outside of the district will be receive& - Rooms can be obtained for these wishing to board themselves. • A Teachers' ehiss will be formed at the com mencement of the term. TUITION : • Teachers' Class and - Etcher English &wile's. per math • • - • 00 latennedlate Classes, par month. - - 150 rrent4 100 sad of sub mutts. = _ poldi =Med ter lon than Ulf seam, and dadsliden Melo for absence Wen as lloreent of Blanes& ~. :Y~~~- NEW OPENED ea TAYLOR & -3-i PRIORS LOWER THAR EVER. SPECIAL BARGAINS EVERY DEPARTMENT -'--s TAYLOR & CO Dealers in COUNTRY PROCUCE, GRAIN, &C Having a largo Ind commodious store, we are enabled to carry a heavy stock at all times. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, I- unAts.AND PRODUCE ter ouraehres . that we can offer GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO STEVENS & LONG. CORNER MAIN 'A BRIDGE STS., Spring 7!. ET Intlte eve E K, LOWE Co' S : SPRIN OPENI livery Del EM MIIIIII MEMO MEALS HOUSE, TOWANIJA, Pa., CORNER MAIN AND lIMIDGE STIMETS. The liorsek Harness, hr., (.4 all guests of this hosuse, instned against loss by Fire, Without any extra charge) A superior quality ei Old English Pass Ale. itiSt received. 1 I'. It. JORDAN. Towinda, an. 21,11. Proprietor. ULWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, XII PA.. Having lease 4 this house, Is now ready to ac . cone• modate the travelling public. 'Kt) pains nor expense will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may give pima cap. Sit'North tilde of Public Square, eaq of Mercur's new block. BETIEVM, P 4 "OLD 40HAVIAN SUN INN," • Rich in historical interests, it Is the only building In the country except Independence Hall, honored by the soionni within its walls of Washington, La. Fayette, Lee and other patriots of the Revolution. This popular; hotel has recently changed hands, been linprov i %l, entirely refurnished , and the pro. prletor cord ly invites his friends and traveling pnolle to givoillinaa call.:no pains will be spared to render their stay comfortable. People en route for Philadelphia Still find it convenient to spend the night here, reaching the city about eight in the morning. A Sample moth on the first flour, for the accommodatlOn of conimercial agents. Sept. 4,•73. DIN)ING ROOMS IN CONN.C,TION WITII TIIE ISAKERI i ; We are pre aced to feed the hungry at all times of the day an evening. Oysters and Ice Crean' in their seasons. c, Minh 30,70 1 . . • NEW' 1 ARRANGEMENT AT TIER FIRST WARD BAKERY MRS. MARY E. KITTREI)GE !laving pnrchased tqc stork and fixtures of 11. A. Cowless• Bakery, hail refitted the astablb•hment and purchased an entirely • NEW; STOCK OF OOODS, Groceries,!Teas, Coffees, Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, Candies, Confee 7 tionery, Fresh Bread, Biscuit, - Rtvik, Rolls, &c.,Daily. A neat and attractive • • ICE,' CREAM SALOON Will be opened in 'connection with the est:ll4lBe !tient, Where ladies and gentlemen can always find the oest cream and other, delicacies of the season TOWANt)A, PA! Has been refurnished, and will at all times be sup. plied with subetantial eatables, which will be served at reasonable gates. farmers and others wishing town will And 'yds a convenient piaci) to supply the wants or the inner man. MARY E. KITTREDGE Towanda, A .r1123,14-tf. T HE BtACE TO BUY YOUR HORSE OXINGS GENERALLY Is at C. F. DA TON'S In the store lately occupied Johns Wolff as a Clothing Store. Haying removed my establishment to more commodious and conve nient quarters, I respectfully 'lnvite my old cnsto• mere, and all In want of anything In the 'hie of lIARNELS SADDLES, WHIPS , to give me a call, feeling satisfied that from the fa cilities I possess for purchasing stock, I can do a better job, at a lower price than any other estab liniment in the county. Don 't torgCt the place one door below the old strnd of Fox Eercur. tuar26., 1 C. Y. DAYTON. FroOR SALg.—A valuable farm In Athens Ivry., laying 2? miles from Athens , and 3 sillies from Waverly. Contains 156 acres, Of Which 125 aro in grass and grain. A dairy of 23 cowsban been kept on it, and there is base ment stabling, for that number. It has a gentle in clination to the south, and Is warm, strong land. It will be sold low and possession given immedi ately. Address novlll 74t1 I 1 Itiqui ,Jk if EMI B O hl i r/816': . N s ' who mad• wish to puratitse any kind or 'RY GOODS; At the 1 T POSSIBLE PRICE 1.) can and 'examine their ELY STOCK AND SUMMER GOODS; Whlth timy are nevi 'G FOR INSPECTION. artnput b orittriett with ail that f. E!ilMnilMli .t. Stt'll A, %P.LE GOODS. VI LI, BE SOLI) AT irEcIDED BAR': Al NS', BY FLANS k HILDRETH, . Bridge Street. Hotels and Restaurants. e. M. W LsW.si I BUILT 17:7,8, C. T. SMITH, Proprietor NEiIR THE COURT HOUSE D. W. SCOTT & CO Stetted to the trade, such as THR DINING ROOM HARNESS AND NETS, &C., E. D. DREW, Elmira, N. Y D. P. PARK, Athens, Pa. .1. PREW, on the farm. • ' - -.7 ~.;• il , e..... 7, , ~ , •-:-......'.., ' -14 . ; - F 5..,:.„. , ~ -. 1 - T', l l: ri - , - ,' - ' ,• 1. " 7 "? ' ' 7! - .r) - ' 'tit ,i 1: MCP Blt it ILACHENEIIIIOIOO - ,i; .-,:-..., :.-.-: r -,t,----„ , ..1-•:- , ,, , '; ~.,„.: • .- lutrumus Foundry awl ,latiell: 01.0 a Carman, are frtkiloll Ida * lc a etabllng to e- MitbieeeilteloB . . -- - . MILL Gk3AatING . I3, , • , ENE CU~~i;.Fi~A~V ~ ~ILLb, 4' I~A~IDILILLS, AnS alt klncls-qt -Mill Irons made to order • tNGINES REPAIRED. And work warranktil to give Batlsfattion • SHINGLE MACHINES Of Ole latestand mostainproved kinds manufactur "viand kept constautly on hand and ready fur use PLOUGRIS SIDE-HILL, IRON AND.WOOIWN ISEAAIS CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS ANIi.PLOUGH Of :all and the latest. Improveuteut kept on hand. CHURN POWER :5.., LARGE-AND bMALL MM.% STOVE CASTINGS CELLAR GRATES, SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, - LARGE KETTLES. all klndn of casting.; turalslwel at March 30,70 'B LOOD & C 0 31 l' A N y suncoutinue to manufaettne their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, And will sell a betteir 111;10111W fur less money than can ho had elsewhere in the world. We claim for our machines that they will do us much, or moru, than any other, and more -dumbly built. We per sonally superintend our work and .9•e that It I, well done. We will send DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES of our Maellhos , ou apidleMlon ONE & TWO HORSE POWERS, One and two horse 'Threashers and Separathrs, Thresher and' Ocaners. FANNING MILLS, CU:ULM: AND URAti r.,AW Saw smi (rist Mill work (lone to •order. Give us it Call before . purchasing elsewhere. va Lo.) alloauvyta `I4NHILLI' "O.» ) (160'111 Aug.to u NEw CARRIAGI FACTORY! )11w514Ite the new Jail TOWANDA, PENiN'A HENRY STULEN iteNwettnily announeee to hi, friend, and pat I , IIIS, that he has built a !GEW BRICK CAIZRIM;F: Whore he will ronmantly keep on Innul a run a- net meta 0! FAMILY CA 1U11.1(;E:-.!, TOP AND OPEN BUGG] Es. PLATFORM WAGONS TROTTING SITIKYS, AND SK ELEToNS. Made of r the best material and finished In the city:Si:vie. Ills long experience In city C•ar riage Factories gives him a decided advantage over others the FINISH', STYLE ANT) DURABILITY or wagons.. All lie all INSPECTION • OP 111 WORK Preyloug 10 jnirelsa,lllg% •-I.entwr, WORK WARRANTED TI I 1 Vit. rEnrEcT TISFATI,o; 'EhaftLful for the 111”4.11 patronage forno.ily 1 . 1 feuded ;god reToytirtvlly . a,k a continuative or 111, saint.. REPMRINI.: PROMPTLY AVIENDI'DTo AT ItEl'Uri:l) HENRY STULEN Towanda, J an. f. WA (i IN S ! A(;O AV Al; 0 N ! I keep on hand a lai'ge as:sortment of WAUONS EL I, ell E A I); E R Than any other establishment hi the WAGONS .ANI► VARRIA(JES Of *very description manufact urea to order on short notice Towanda, March Z 6, In 3 BOOK BINDERT.—The public is Respectfully informerrthat the Book Bindery has teen ' removed to the ;REPORTER Building, third story, where will be done BOOK-BINDING In all Its various bratirlios, on Kenn i as reamniable as the ' , hard times" will allow. TII Bindery will he under the charge cf IL C. IV 11 I TA K An experienced* Binder, nioPikll work will be promptly done Iti n style and manner which cannot .la excelled. Music, Magazines, Newepapers, Old Books.. he., bound In every etyle. Particular atten tion will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, to any desired pattern, which ❑n finality and dare Willy will be warranted. rAn work will be ready for delivery when Promised. The patronage of the public is, solicited, and per fect satisfaction guaranteed, atigltAtf. of all kinds POINTS MEANS & ROCK' ELI =I countr3 JAMES BRYANT. I :17 4,,:rA1411011414111-41ir fiAN.E.B . - • . '; WS O 4SALE'P I iND RETAJ D I S -) pArrows:utAioc, I • 'rOWAND.A HENNA. ACIDS, 11EXTRACTS,,EMAillS, I POWDERS SUGAR COAXED GUMS 'PILLS' , , 13:111UTS, TINC• 1.1 RIE , I WINES, _ Asicl i)tepa!alloivil of all 1(111,1 DYE STUFFS, MACHINE OILS; KEROSENE,. . ALCUMOL;- &C., & PURE WINES AND LI fur medicinal purpones., TOBACCO, SNUFI4', lIIEE ropy LAR PATENT. MEDICI and a fine.assortnent of • TOILILT AND [FANCY 31O1t ttlau 11$1131 card is given to tin log of prescriptions. iffpen on Sunday to I P. M., and from 5 r..M. tOj r. 3/. Dr. 31 Ann.!. can he consulted at the urdav or each week, as heretofore. tna3 -72 Tyt. 11. C. PORTEIt, MOM OLl► CASH DRUG S' rortwr Main :tuft Flue Sts., 'rowan Epda?dialo- , 1 a yreartir Ja (' Wholes:dr and Retail Dealer 1) fiLS , MEDTCI CITEMItALS, ACIDS, DYE-STUFFS. & PERFUMEIIY, TOILET AND FAN SPONGES, BRUSHES, BRACES ig sOAp9, COMBS, POMADES. HAI TEETH. SKIN, AND HAIR PREPAI 'RAZORS, POCKET-ICNIV pig:Fit - IT-BOOKS AND PORT-MO NI AC.% BOY AND SCOycif ss r FO,REIGN AND DOM Ef•vric Cie,; A Rs. '“AitDEN. FIELD ANT) FLOWEni SEEDr , Purr Wltm+ and I.lpqors, for modlchu RoTANtr, Ect,EcTic AND ',tom it KM Er;, .SNI AI.L ttENUINE POPULAR 11.11 Supporter , . Suspensories, Iltea.st IPPLES, NIPPLE SHELLS, 5: NURSING DoTTLES, TEETIIIN) Syringes, Bed Pans. Ur'halm, Them ELASTIC STOCKINUS, SC KEROSENE OR COAL WICKS, CHIMNEYS. BATH II SPERM, LARD, 15 - HALE, NE.l'l TANNER'S, AND MACHINE, A I.Ct lilt 0L AN D :witrni•TuvlT • SASH., PAINT. V•ARNI,u. NVHITEIV ASH . , 110RSE, )lAN E. ;MOE. and all other Moils of brusho WINDOW AND PICTURE or an s!kr,s. PERE LINSEED VAUNI,SH. tINEADY MIXED PAINT 4 f )1 , ANY pEsin ED (.'(.Li liY THEVOUND. MT OR GA GROUINI) IN ()IL 01l vAllNsit, AN[) DRY COLORS OF A,L1.11: ES. ALL ARTICLES WARRAN TED. Pre+crlptlons carefully coinrioundedt all hour: of day and night. (mom Sundays for Ireseriptloto, from 9 to 10. A. M.. 12 to 1 to C., r. At. Dr. Porter ran be «distilled a: here ofore In the office. r:r0ay1.375. • Groceries and Provision 'L' c ',WIIOL ; ESALE =MD= GR4M:ERII:S AND 11:0‘ Tow NI) A •I'h , •'b~.t : ~~ran , t , ref Fl,Ol - 11 A LIVAYS ON Th.• FIN I.q' 311 1:1 cOI - Nt111" MIODU 11171*1'EIL r'OU 1:11; ES atletiti , m pia t.. linjug free ..1 anvil N O TICK If at the ‘rry Is•Nt t.t. all kinds flrst-cla ,, grocer, :mg , flltt Dm% it, =1 i i ' ri) I 'IT I' ••• '' ' MOT. ~vliUps- C(II:I.'KES, &C Received Dallv. fro-Ti fr.An the N en antl Ipouglit at the vvr,y lowest rash Ilmlng been vinfagml for the last three a Flrst-class Wholesale grocer In New Y Fat:llltles for buying my goods so that It an Mort for all CASII BUYERS call SEE MT STOCK Byron.. purrla,i,ig I WILL I'AY ASII }Yin PROD M. B. OWEN. RED, WillTE AND BLUE STORE, 1;1, Miscellaneous Advertisements. • FOR • §ALE-CHEA P AND ON CONVENIENT TERMS. - A blacksmith and wagon shop,'with a twenty feet water power attached. A very desiralde location for biLii The shops are large and convenient,,lith neces sary machinery for - earrying on an Cali - M.4re busi ness. A small new dwelling honse and pne acre of Land attached. ALSO—One other Water power Oni the same stream, with a twenty-five feet wheel, with saw and lath mill, all in good running. ()rioter. This property will be sold together with Mal acres of land on Which the mill stands. ALSO—A HOTEL PROPERTY, will, a large two and one-half story house, with backl buildings. Main building 60.0.2 feet, with lafge and conveni ent barn. This property will be sold With one or more acres of land, to sullpurchaser. ALSO—A FARM containing about 1 1 7,0 acres of land, all improved except• 5 acres; tw , dwelling houses, two orchards, large. cattle barn, torso barn, wogon house and sheds thereon. Thisproperty is 1 49a high state of cultivation. and thelguallty , of the land unsurpassed In the county. i • The alinvit described property Is all deslrabiy to lcated and convenient' to,Lehigh•Valley liail Road. Kir Fur tering of sale apply to the snbseriber, at Mversbnrg, Itradtbrd County, l'a aprl-75 EEEDi MYER RAN 'S 111 AVE GUARDS. For the purixnii‘ of prcoenlug tho i)ormant.nt symmetry of Burial mounds and luddin* the, nSual: Head and Foot Stones more permaneulty atek In position. For particulars address L. S. IIIPIiENSONI Agt., • -- p -ON, W . ! ME FINE ,41EWELlt . . . . w Al , 64 E i . 4;i A N I) . C L.o.c 'RS, June2-7I IRS, &C SEM W4.T . CII.ES, F[W]LE CAM pf MILO ruin J k . M MEM i IINER, I'l.lN. I). IL TU, " I li. Go) I FINE: AMERICA\,ANI►':SIVI I 1 MEE ME n I ~ ry. NES Y 4011)L. itr 4 •:•4>. DIES. qtATIoN ILVE 11 1' 14 A' E \V Al: N‘ll.- [ EltoM 'THE (111EAl'EST TIIE I pLI rpt El' is SPECTACLE & EYE Gil... ASSES 1 :I)I(.IXEFz tuip4. 11E1.1)S, ItINGS I I I I On , ' dons north of Dr. rot I,r a; :•, ,, ,t':- Diliz, ..tr.!re. :3railt !....ti!..rt. . ! 1 1 = OIL, F"T Janr.-71. p s, EN T I' 011 A if or N. TEII, 3E= I - W .1E IZ T 0 !II CLASS, rrv. AND . \V. A. "IZO('KNVEI.I, ;4,ll,nintly PINS kND EZETA-11, JSI()NS GOLD IVATICIE:S : 4 11Ni:1:PLATED %V 1:1:DF I. V PILTI ES i" ii , 1.1).!• , 0 , t t :CND :,11: - .11. -.VI:. CA, [:k I) MEE MG WM V. 11,11 GA 11E, El= SPE r.• iii ME 1,. I MEM companl i F:ngikli 1 t It . l .Ij* II AN 11. ' A lit ZEE SHOUI SUGAR of Solar' and Artificial Light 7N•fori' innering the trk Mark,t, when applied to } - curs with rk, I have I rah make 41,(1 I\ - 1) I !BICE'S vMEItICA MODEM ROI :EIGS 1111 i FINE ,UMI, 1 , On ton yea ONE MILLION The finest. min Ing and 'dock rat. Products wi provement clp • `• The sireaped far western reglo M. It. It. co.!, Alp For clreul lutots,atot the ter M== i A. C II A II B • I . Deaf,. I In 11141 - fiIOIVDS MEE Toy A NPA, PA , J EW E1.11,Y, SI Thl-EIZ II E ND L,E il A IV, Dealt t 111 n SP, 17ER FINE JEWELRY. S.T E I; O . IS IL V: 01 ('Liu K, (if 01.p..:-11.1"1.11: .IND Tow ANPA. PA ILTEME id jt.welry. ()Lb SETs. BANDS I~l\f~~, s Ds. (Jll A li J 1 S. • NECKLAICIIS, • ANILItiCAN. NI) SWlsti WATril .kN . ‘7 , ;11 I Ilk • i t i. l ll - AS ' LL E :II Itlt I.pve,t pt '1... - 1; and Jjwolr2l - t . ..i.alritiv - .1..114-.1. i(... 1,,,,t mann.q., awd,arralit-....1. H . , .1 . .1 llber;il ii.dronag.. and hop, t t. t . ' , / ,,• rk . a . continuance or the ..„,,,,,e. . w., A. ID ju li NV EI.1;. - ME . 'TA ei.ES! .SPEC"I'A II ES". Tr:TEp. hors. the . pax rr uf Pri.tet EEO 11:RIT.ATI0N atbang frmii ac: aby I.leat., Under •u':.lwcrlc,m and th , r , it ‘y it DELTIYTEDsPETNcIA:s i BE PIZEFV.IZI:EI) TO ALI. oTIi E 1; lIIC IHrIN”I" or .trr.•-Ling 16. livat-Miy, MST Tinted, yrt rotistrurte,ll Thin are Viol .111., Eye apprar eolorle,s = rie litimbersave the gatne.thit. A. CH At I:ER LIN E WELER', TOW A N DA, =EME=I ' & 8W ISS W A TCIEES N.EI: st , ,H)N7i ANi) F 01401, ,, • i• ' I I'ELEBHATEDsii.vEitwAI!F sTEIII,I.Nti SI ) .i'IEW EI, RY, ,C., (Sz '., - . ITI•: c111..-RT I ol'IN) W. .1. CIIA3II;ERLINi '4: ON . 'TIE BEST B. I L Mall AND NEARASKA, lOWA for titiV I , vroN & missou , BURLI\ FR R. It. CO. 9 s credit at 6 per CP 111 " Interest.pg,k enii,,t „,:t •-• , i': N CO 11 l'l) It 1 11..• lit. , :it•f ~ t !ACRES 11110 W X and SO1i6 21 !• I 11,1 , 1 i.. , f ;iIV :111 , 1 i ; r N y E l :t il the - tK world A • to combine it -r \H' .l ,4. 1 9 , • , .: • .' , ...:''1 • king% ' - ! ecirt , ' , ' , , 1i..! , 1 I , , i.:-.!.11 , . '.... • t l and in:on::on I 1... , ~ • • 1 4111. Conk' St'l..l , a hont.• i 0,0.11 II pay for land and: 4i . ,i‘: Fen. Ille1:11 V ~., N.*•ll'l , ' , . • S long before the ini :1 ' L - N" 1 ” " k I'''''''Y ''+' t. wf salci , o , lation int,•nd, To . 111 becomes due. ' 1 A __id*, , r 'hi, 1.1,,k, .r 1:,,,, , .!,,,,i ( ISCOUNTS for CaSrlant , 1 mai . 1..7", c..i• in.il.it 1 , 1 in, N'etiriolca Iles iPOliitillen,t ,' i. O .k - ''' ,l 'i. " 1 - -in, beyond. the !until of the the 01110 i 1 r lichen anti rs'lliat 3411 fully d!scribe 44 1 ‘ 1 f" , “ 1 1 sio int sale, apoy to t r.addrtqrl ,l ft . 041 LAND CO3I.IIISSIONER,I i• ' 1 T 1 , tingtnn, i{owo, for LanNTF, 1 ' icClo, Neb„ fe?riNet‘rtaka 1.0141l." - :, ] , . 7 " . ' . .. 2 :"- ' • ' LARCE nu ' 1r Lit r• 7-.... r . ..- j , ...-- ':, -filo. , ()Aril lLi .. i , , 1 -- 1 • 1 1 IN. 11 , E 0 ;,: Wu 0' ,1 1 . TOWANF/A; • t Criatetui , for .the gentirona, pat, you, would infortti alt thartre 'art attit addthgri , ul NEW AND 131PR0% Elk I . • i Alat adopting triad akd alerre d Iprititlng and retouching o er to se FINER 1110TOtittli.PS MI Isnadematstdo of Ike clttem, pit a apeetalty to enlarge an k 1 any taro desired, and - MOM. India Ink, or In , Pll, In the BEST STYLES AND VET , We also endeavor to ,ce 1W making chlldrens Pictures :best results. We are tonstAntly - l idin FIiAIIE l Alt new pattertni and taste nlslt-them at astnall adyance MI =I Stay 11.'73 Xingligneous COA COAL TI °bp T()WA ND, 1 .1) I E C Take (,lcastnrc lu atinnunc the public gcncrally, thatl nish any of, the following ties, to holt. purchasers, 1 slat.), and •at as low raq wasitta, We keep the br,' t/tttl ll'llt6-rarre SULLIVANS ;11. 1 11 , ,m mho 1 1 §.1,11, „ 1 ::1\I) 1 th ,• .nft ica r doy )II BEST - A LLEN, 111.1:i'l' (01 ;111,4,1er, le•ft.:at lb . 1 fi". .7, 4 alklii Tliil,l ~ ttr t 'Mr , . c ,, rio:r of I: 14, ri , l , lm.liiittniist att ,: ti; r; t t. - N T. E t- I ip. STE A 11.(1 l$ h r , now h, parer! f 1.... T , NI I ME il i•I th, tiv mill, will Lac, theit fm - ri Owv brim; • ME 1 / 1 .:( K NEW F. The nttde•r.-igue4 ha, In leased the store htteiy nr iTeettqlly hP tte th.• .I 1 te• iirge -to, k tef IZ-1.2.11)1 . Fr. , lll l .lll , c‘p , ti,klit 1.11ri1.4 I. I'lll/Al,ll .oivrifEßN , `• s‘t., ENTS' VUIZN .\ • n Fl u: II F:rutrwl.•r plal 4'. I ‘.l DECKER 1 Tow . on,li }larch 17,77, rr II EI II E :NI The It 1'..)!1N.6 TON r ,t,rung, rapt Ally into fac t conthinatloti of good' quay Ong, smooth: nokele.., Mitch. It te• shlitth• Orop MTEN I I T A 3lachtn.2 f.r family I c;listegn:e.ha , met P ith ratio of sale , than .kny A :11;14.111m' 1, , r" r , t ib.ady, for .Ik•llvvry I , ,erfi•cti,Fil. owl (awl) AGEN St.n.l 1. IN ;S R l F:mixtrro7s; INIME= { ~ -~•~ P.O, DM IMiS rv a au t t; i r, estabils NSTRU ITLLAN lif;I: , 1 ormfl at:al r ive DlA lucli of NetureN it 1 : in }ti at 1 r folov • • , 1 1 Y LOW 'RICE,. , • It the Ito e frt,th l l 50 ax to secure 11) II to our et al style. ant' f7l I rpoi hem - OE ME BM Q 4, the ir ! art prt aped CO4l, MOO' gel I 'at any, 4i rrohl Ilig they nos? torn i r44i EMI lii IE IE2I MI ME c ir To 11111111 IV N I OM MI I."Ii 1 F.ll/./ tore h er. /. . • -. RE 5111..t11 Mil EH • and tit., I ltt oli %h. eq.. .111 F+l "i 1 1 111.• ll' I , ItINIPIN 4 H.tO.I TII 1 - 1' 1 , • 111 1 , ! , MOM k NVII , OI .121 , 1 1:31 1:11111. &,•.. 111% ay 1.111.1 sale it Gm ' ~Q 11l • 1 1 t hi I /WI =I h .1 Lc .111111 t h • It? pn 110. iti II HE LOT I SET lII= 1+•.•1 111+• MGM lIiNI~ IM BOYS , =IEI ME 'I fir, SEEM lEEE 1 L 1; ME BM CHI \1; i Mil MUM =I laud .1 'iv I, MU BM G 'l' it M N% a Wk.+, 1111 M A ' cp0,e. , 1,n lamely : 1 MI ME MEE th nipt•t• oI tilt` lit ill a 1110 NO. :3 IM EMINGI EEC \\IAN [ME 113331 IBM MU MENG ME N nti, .11i it to on t Ili grit t 1 olt I villa \ 1 It 11111 tt 115 .5 4 1 n: , • ( IMIE IF . N. 1 \ •-•".• 1 1 1, , 12 EVE ME P atch rktur m id I rE2I =E urn WE Ell Mil ri.-rl, rtri tet ~ S tit title nr4l, ,fitil fn [h. I pi IMI MEI MEM D IME EMS BEI I L .1( St V tiz Sten I it' - Ttr 1.1 I lIE ISM 1111 rXIO t n OE •,. OHM ME 7 . " 1 • IRE - .tut t LIM lIIME MIE EOM EZB 111Nt tin•• Light ri 'pith I A tt MIIII II• , k f t 1%71. I.llllli OM 14 in , n , , i' N% I En% VAI I 111