*agora ' , II glen. rDnOnfit - IE. 0. SOODIPACII. S I W. ALUM". Towanda, Pa., inzus,67, Angnst, 1901575.1 FOR GOVERNOR, " • • GEN.-.JOHN P. HARTRANFT, i • 7 ' 'Of Montgomery: .' FOR ST..yrE THEASUBER HENRI RAWLE, .. Of Erie County. R E }MICA COUNTY CONY ENTI.IO!N 1 - The Ilepublienn .Connly Committee met at the Ward TlOuse on Thursday. duly Ist. and appointed the Vigilance Counreit tees for the several townships :‘ad boroughs in the county. It was unanimousty Rrsole,ri„ That the County Convention this gear, be held on TUES:IIbtI,"..I.I:GUST 31ST. at L o'elork e. it., at the Court lion,e. Towanda: , Reßart , f, That we recommend the Republicans ~1 the several election districts to take such aellon they shall-deem best at the primary meetings in, regard to the adoption of the !`Crawford County, : , -v t :tem" In the Matiluation of candidates and, In; ,eteasing the number of stramilug continittee. &e•./red, That meetings for the election of &le :ales be held on Saturday, Augsust 25; In the tdwn , ddps between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock 1.4 'And In borottghs between the hours of 6 anti Bo'cioek r. it., and that delegates be elated by ballot. The polls shall be kept open continubtsly from•the Brat named hour until after the expiration of the tilde named. .. • Candidates for the following offices are to lie puts MEM . . fine per.r.di I or.Prothottotary. 1 i i i_in person for Sheriff. I - . (,Pue person . for'ltegister and Iteeord sr. line person forTreaiurer. Twa:persrais for County Commis:4one' Two persons for County Auditors. 'tine person for County Coroner. t . It Is earitesay recommended that the otillost care caution ti• obsrryttil in conducting the prltnaty tue,tiogs. so rat there need be no jut au+ for v ont plaint on le j*irt of any. VIGILANCE CjiMMITTEES. A.lliele , TomiNtilp—Frank Welle', .1. F. Owe,. =hier. J. D. 11iy:47r.. Atliel, 11,,r0—C..T. Dull. c. Hinton. A. 11. 41.1.1- Arrner,l:l Tap—f'. Wel4..r. D. Sherman. t;,orge C.1.g..r,. - , . I - I.kllmily—.l. 11e•ted, A. Heverly. C. torlais. .%-yllim--P. E. A.rnot. E. Frlhrt4t. Fred. Keerick. A lha 11.,ri--.1nt , 1 Wil,cou.l.; ... Webb. Dr. 1144 , ker. 11arelay—r.rehil Dlte!thtirti. Jr. 111111, W. T 144. 111111Ingt/w. Te.-pi--4.1. Ile!lamp. Airt. 1,m..., nob!. 1i j:3pp. I i . 11ur1111;, , 11 " 11.,reHW. 11. l. Ii men. John Bice, G Mirth 1..2.11,:l AV ,•,1--..f, 'till 1113 , 10,qi . S. 11. S 1 11.... a. I. 11. McKviiii.. 1 1 . 'ant..:l Twi.-11 - 011. I.VIAN r•-tic, C. 11. Tay I , lr. I. • hard. 1 'I- E. 11.:Thotii: I;„ NV. l; r c . "ltrtill,i.t—A. M. M. 4:artl. Do% itt P rankluk,--1 ithiAl li. F. • ' 4 .rAlis L. D. Taylor. R. 11.•rriLli—Wm. 7.: - ,,i.ift. .1 , .11n iVoAlrurn..iiinw.s \ ••w,l). . , ,Lit , Wield—W.l'l. IL:arni,r, .J. F. 2 , trit1.1 , ,. f'. 11. 1 It, ri ill 1 > lolt.y—R. m.. KA . V., If. NI. 13 , .1c0nit , . 1.. Itow , jnan. -- 'l,l-1,,1arv,vi11..- 1 .,J. t;.,r km1..1. P.,,l'ari. Jaili., IL 1!11,, , ..r , n. - : . ... 'Monroe. Twl--.1. 1 'W. I'm ill , . W. ti. II awf: , i.I. 1.. Monroe 11..r,—.11. 3. ~%,,,... t:. B. B. Ilollet. 4.'1/. 11-iilet. - ; , Irw,•II-11. 1.. r ;I <r • 'Gel.. Corlll.n, .111serh Tuttle. " Vi: ri , lll-4. 4111 M.0t111.•\% , . rim... , 'Alolynew . .v. 0. I :I , I•. . 1 .... i PIP ., -- , . W. lIvyto.:11..- . 4 . r. Tnrper. (.. 11. , 111.1:11. . 1: ,,,, z ,,, i1y _ 1 ... i . ,-,,, r ,..,. t: . mt (Wwrn. .. IL r. •..k - N, ob. 1 :.m..• T‘q , ---- W. IV. 11,-1, - . 'll. 31,•ca1.., 11. .1. 1 iz.tilw lt,brt-- k. 1.. 1",,‘111g. 14aa. ..klivn. N.,ltt.. nor Urim fling, - i -..pringll , l(l—.latin,i E. )...i k....A.,8urgt , ,, R'..\. s•lnitlitl , •l4l:, \.. i. Tracy-T. I:. fhirrey. 13. It.l: hi er- ) i kuih 4 I."'l'.—` l . , 4 . . 1 . 1,011 , - 4, 11.. lta Crane.. '4;,1). ; al k. I ,Ii ani,—!-I. I.: T:a• . 1.0.r. , y - ,, ,,Ag.m. T. H. • NN:.lthili:. IL iri. r to u . )t. 1t...41. ti...1,4,n y 1: . •::'.1, , , . - i 1',..,,,,.1,, 1.... r.., 1.; \V.II-.1--.1. 11,44 .stillr, .1, ~.t.,D., • i t 4.111. 4:00.- Mil 'al..j.. I fr - pi5.,,,,i, 1;,,,.. IA \v.,,, , .—T. \I ~ I 14.,-1.,.. I'. 1..1 TA y. ,'•. I: M. M:1,11 illr, • ) , I i , 1:111.1:1 11.. r.. :4,1 W"nr.l,—NV. .... V. yin.; 1. A. il.t1“111:1111. I:. U. 11.1,..,1'1. l'n, - Ipla 9'Nvl , -I'. \V 111:11.•. , .1,..1. S. “Villi•. '1:. 11. 1:. 11111 Q. A . 1.. WIII. • rr , ;% .1.,11111:rant. l'ont -IS / NVlii S. Xr..veY• flin"l-1. - 11.- T. Skft.terv. I S. 'N ' t.tnet).••ter. 11. fla. I:„ \ i:. N \‘',ll:—W:A,l,lleardslt.y. THE CRAWFORD COIL T 1 SYSTFM - • H communications front "liste v", and " l'ather Abraham," - Which pu hli s li this. week, •present l the I,w° of.thts Crawford County i :••y stein question in the strongest, neo,,rilinc , to different - Eritortaiiiin! , very det4ded -cutimCnts onrself, Wt. have neveixthe le-s I C:licCrfully given ~place to! the , at:;uments :911( opinions of thosel who froni us, considering that the rop .sc(l - ehange was a mere matter, lwolicY. in advocating 'Which we ,I , :eurfl to others the wine disintdirest - elf m.ft.ives.and ardent desire f toi pro ,t the good of the party. al4 we el :f im I'4 ff ourselves. .-eeius to its that those who halve thr:11...4,01 this Matter lose sight Of aI .one • Vvry, ipiportant consideration, wl.itAi is, tqat our County Conven -ti„n, are not merely the dispensers ollie.—they are not merely bodies eongre!rated to - name this man . m 1 that man for they arti. or . r shpold bc:.•coneerenees of representa . from - the biuly 'of the party, • assembled ti, act for the hestite l rests )!' the party,. by adopti-mz such Teas a?' 'may most certainly coliduee it, i 4M.:cess. line ut_the inevitable and injsi troublesome matters to be ,li-po , ed of_,in convention, tq say y.-ho ,hall: be the .nominees for the oiliee , That parties are fieeTssarv' mill not be denied. But tics, to I.ei useful aril successful, inu•st have - I '-orrranization, Otherwise lieconie weak and ineffective,. 1111 , 1 10-e their cohesion: Anti to pre: .--(•:-ve - this organ izat !requires the -exercise:Alf, the mos; unselfish judg _ meat and disinterested aetiun. It : ; 1'..1-...1)ee9111CS necessary at tithes to preference-4A, orl !even pr.ludiees. to arrange the noininees ~.!)Lfraphically so. that wetionll ou:y )1 be excited. and to so u' .hr and ,direct the party move iniet the desires and de of the great- hulk of the If caol election district would scqd to a C6nrcrenee, or Convention w;a of most intelligent and up• rkritt IZi - ptiblican ,-, , who would come I •). , ,.zether, not as the partli - km4 of this eau:Ed:Au or dna aspinthq, but actu ated he a. sineerc desire and determi= -nation , in ctll things to endeayOr to prumke the. interests of the party, could there lie a. lx.tter scheme de , i.f.cd to exPress the will of the, peo ple and prOdnee good results? We loot: upon the propoSition to g‘ive eaelleetion district a numeri . strenatt the Convention pro , , p,trtioned to its_ Republican vote, as when ice consider that a 'ol'iveiitiod should be. a deliberative :titcl.:u.lvisorY body, and not, a gather where- Ithe strongest shall out ote and 0 . .. - er-ride the weaker. If a I . 1;n Vention.was organized - Upon the if. allowing each' election' dis trict to ha •i a poi•cr proportioned toy its Republican vote, however I and just it might seem, yet the table result Would -,be, that a strong districts would have sup pirrti:mtleranceof votes as to leaf the danger of fg,noring and outt the small districts, encouragititet amongst the former creating local dissatisfaction and sec• tional jealousy in the latter. Under the presestplan, - although they align boroughs luti - e an equal voice with the amore - populous tows, yet we have never heard it made a cause of com plaint liy the large towns. It appears to us that the experience of many years proves that the equal represen tation of the election distficts, in Shaping - , the action of the paity and nominating the candidates, has pro. motet' giiod feeling, and prevented such action as might justly. have caused dlisatisfaction and trouble. This proposed change . is treated tig if the people were ignored in the primaries, and as if a Convention d oes not, or cannot, be a reflex of the popular will. While we are 'ready to Admit that the delegate'aystem is not perfect,' yet, whenever it is sbUsed, it is hecause the voters dO bot!and will not attend the primaries.. If there was a general attendance of voters' at the caucus, there Would not .be any growlings and complaints, and unjust beliefs 'in the .existence of an tmdetined • ring." The evils which' are perpetrated are not incident to the system, but thek . proceed from the apathy and neglect Of the voters. Would the adoption oflthe Crawford County System -remedy-theie eiits? We.cannot see how; and on the oth er hand. the method is complex, and every step susceptible to fraudulent practices. If the people will not at• tend the primaries, and thtis correct the i vils of which comi)laint is now made. we cannot see how the adop tion Of the proposed plan is to bring about any. hettet state of affairs. Certainly the experience of 'counties that, have adopted the Crawford County System, does not show. that it promotes the morals lof the party, nor contribute to '4 iiermanent strength. Whenever the People are ' awake, and attend the primaries, the evils are cured,- and in times of apa thy and indifference, there,' is more opportunity for dishonesty 'by means of the Crawford County system than iby any-other plan yet deviSed. Hole frauds - are perpetrated it 'is easy to show., but space does not . allow - us • • now to into' that branch of - the subject. As we have before said, we have decided opinions adverse to the proposition to adopt the Crawford County system here ; a .! jUdgment which has been f6rmed after careful inquiry of those familiar; with the system elsewhere. The result of our inquiries his been that unanimously those cl;Visulted have declared that = the system was a failure'—that it multiplied Candidates—that it.ofFered a premium for corrupt practices— that it caused dissatisfaction, ' by' making nominees of candidates who did not receive one-tenth of the Re 7 publicantvotes±that it was so com plicated in its machinery as to be cumbersome and difficult to execute, and that it did not.; in any manner, remedy any of the grievances which are complained of . liS being incident to primary elections. The Proposition to apply the Craw- 1 ford County System to the nomina tions this fall, is' .. - misclavous, and impracticable. There is.'not sufficient time. afterthe Convention;Shall have met 'to arrange the details. Direct voting requires all the machineryof a general election= polling places and oflicers, poll books, lists of 0- ters, and tally and return papers; it is also customary to ffiriaish each district with the ball - Ots This makes: it necessary to have from ;each can didatti a for Mal notice of his candi dacy, accompanied generally by a' written pledge to abide by. the result. and support the candidate who shall be . declared nominated. TO say noth ing of , the discontent which would be created, it is simply impossible , to 1 perfect a plan which makes such a radical change, and- is so complicated in its details, and have it successful ly carried out in the short time Which now remains. If the change should be made, there should be ample time and oppOrtunity afforded to give T-the svoters a chance to familiarize them -1 selves with its requirements. Mutt ;r. Grorne I. I:. Taylor. Jitil.N.m. Tlioic !taker. Ti r-Northeni Pacific Railroad, with all the franchises of the compa lay, including the franchise 'to be a corporation, and all property of the company, except those lands which have been patented or certified, was sold under a_decree of court at auc tion on tfie 11th, on the steps of the custom hot* in New York. The whole was bid in as an entirety by the purchasing committee; consisting of Messrs. Livingston. Billings, Stark. Moorhead. llntehinson and Penni son;- ropresenting the general ,body of the bondholders who have assent ed or may 'hereafter assent to the plan 'of ii6rellase and reorganization. There being no competition, the price realized was nominal one of $lOO,- 000. The sale sesults in • a transfer of all the company's property and right to the bondholders, the bonds to be surrendered and cancelled, and the holders to: receive preferred stock in the reorganized company pursuant to the terms of the plan. represented by the purchasing committee. THE venerable - HORACE BINNEY; one of the oldest and most prominent jurists in the country, died in Phila delphia-last lveck. A. RECEPTION will . g iven the American Rifle .Teani-lin ilNew Ynrk nn Saturiinr. - DUNCAN, SIIERAIAN & CO:S state ment shows a defieit.of nearly $300,- 000. ' P and we are glad that " .R" in the iretia- Tra has presented the arguments in favor of that system. ' When he says, "Did Greece fall becauste every man voted for the rulers direct ?" he must _have mistaken the tenor of our argument. We said nothing about the fall of Greece, and stated in the outset- that wewere in favor of every man votingfor the rulers direct,- or of being a ruler him self if he could fairly p rocure - votes enough. We referred to the 'history of Athens, whore the assembly of the Whole people exercised, the powers of a Legisla ture in addition to the duties of a Supreme Court, to show that. often in liniments of excitement or anger, when their passions Were moved by their :orators, they were guilty of many acts or injustice and cru elty -which never could have been com mitted in a representative government. Representives are . more apt to act with coolness and deliberatien, because they feel their responsibility to the people who elected them and to whom they are ac countable.. They know it is necessary to investigate thoroughly every subject upon which they are called to, act, in order that they may act wisely", and. their acts receive the approval of their constituents. It is the same with the delegates we send to represent us in the political convention.: • All men are born ,equal as regards po litical rights, but not as regards natural ability 1 and noterithstandaigour'common schools, - it is to be feared that there will always be peat differences in education; so that it never be a hard matter to find men who are more *competent than ourselves to represent us in the Legisla ture or the , nominating' convention. But the...tiling we should insist on above all' !others, is, that they should lie honest and patriotic. The Bradford &publican ad mit!' that a representive government is best, and that the delegate system is in strict conformityto our theory of govern ment, but says -in substance, that if the people are capable of voting for represen itative.s at the election they are'capable of voting for them at the caucus. . This prop osition would seem at first glance to be unanswerable, but in the first place it is II":the question undet consideration, the second place, the two acts which aeon to be precisely the same are entirely different from each other.. InAhe one case the tickets of the tea) or more political parties—the best, probably, they were able to' select, knowing the necessity of a selection in order to succeed,— have a • n in the field for some time, and the merits and demerits of the several candidates have been canvassed, so that the voter can vote understandingly. In the other case, a party ticket is to be formed in a large county, where it is im possible for the people to know all the candidates, or even to remember their names or residences, or the different lo calities which should be regarded in the formation of a ticket ; nor would they be likely to understand the necessity which frerMently exists of yielding up their own preferences for the sake of har mony. In , other words, a party ticket is to be chosen from forty candidates, with out the knowledge which can only be gained by personal intercourse with men from all parts of the county, assembled at a county convention. In such a case we would be like men at sea, out of sight of Land -without a compass or a chart. We have no feeling or interest in this question other than a desire to promote the, welfare of the party and the public good. We believe that by selecting the most intelligent and honest men of our party in each district, and sending them to a conference, the probabilities are they will be able to nominate a better ticket; and one that will - give more general satis-, faction to the voters, than a ticket hatched; out under the Crawford system. "R" says "we need to be-rid of seeing a hundred office hunters scouring the country, riding day after day hither and thither all. over-their section. spending half the profits ere they - are nominated for the office desired:" ,He has got the number of office hunters a little higher - than the Republican, but his sources of infOrination may be more accurate and his knowledge, of arithmetic better. We imagine he lives on the corners whore several political run-ways cross each other, and as he is a good liver and very hospita ble, the candidates have dined with him, or Called him out from his dinner until his good lady is about tired of it; for he says, "there should be some way of calling out candidates, instead of Lavin , * the candi dates calling out the voters." The trouble is be lives too well, and lives too handy ; let him sell out and move into this section, and he won't be likely to see candidates a bit oftener than he wants to. Lastly . , he says: "Make it possible for the solid body of Republicans to believe that there is no ring at Towanda, and vic tory in November is as . sure as day and night." The solid body of Republicans believe that nom. They know (What . "R" knows himself) that there is no more of a ring in Towanda than there is in Troy, Lellaysville or Liberty Corners. They know that the political advantages of a central location are the - greatest, but these Towanda would have anyhow, even under the Crawford County system. The only valid objection, in our opinion, that can be made against the delegate system' is the practice of allowing, the candidate to select delegates from Ins own district, anti sometimes from adjoining districts,. who are such strong personal friends, and so entirely devoted to his• interests, that he can trade with their totes. This evil the people can remedy easily enough .if they desire, without a resort to the Crawford system. C.tsq}:t.Au. "I, ALSO, WILL GIVE.MINE OPINION," With your permission, Messrs. Editors, on the proposed change in selecting can didates for county officers. Next to the right of choosing our own officer', is the right of ,setecting.candidatets. There is no barrierbetween the legal vo ter and the ballot-box at the final choice, but the Delegate system stands a- barrier between the voter and his first choice of candidates within his own party. . _ . The aristocracy formerly argued that the.people were .not wise enough to elect their own rulers, but the letter men among them should do that for them. The Delegate system proceeds upon the same assumption, and condescends to take from the masses the choice of candidates. When the better men have made their choice for both or all parties, they leave the people generally to "choose betwenn two evils," or to "belt:" the party which they would sustain. The Direct vote, on the contrary, ac knowledges the riglitii of the masses—the learned and the unlearned, the better and the worse—to nodinate as well as to eltet Officers. It extends the systeni , of New England town meetings—the usual way of choosing borough or township officers, only made uniform and regular to county officers also ; it could hardly be extended to State or National offices, for there is not the personal knowledge of candidates in these wider fields, necessary to qualify for an intelligent direct choice. The safest rule for freemen is, "Never delegate a power which you can your selves exercise." In State or National of--' fairs, `we may—perhaps must—entrust delegates-; but in our county affairs, we need no one to step in between us and the offices to be filled. The same power that elects delegates could Choose candidates. It is true, as "Castelar" argues, that all , Bradford County could not assemble at Towanda to select nor to elect officers; but each subdistrict of .the county gives both chances, one as well as the other. And we Can be more sure in voting' for officers than we arc in voting for delegates. The objection that frauds may occur under - the Direct vote system, operates with ten-fold force against ; the Delegate system. One fraudulent vote may elect two delegates, who would be the 49th part of a nominating convention.. One fraud ulent vote under the Direct system would be only the 7711th part (vote for 31ercur,. 1872) of a nomination. As 49 is to 7711, so is the ; power of a fraudulent vote under the Direct system, While any false vote may be detected at home, however there is no security that a' delegate may be true to hii profes sions. His vote, may never be known to those' who choose him—he . may openly violate his instructions—ho .may pursue "ways that are dark" to mislead—he may be bribed, by bartering votes for one of -1 fiee for votes for another, .asv.men shuf fle cards,. or by promises f favors in vari ous forfris, or by "so much"' cash—or .he .n. 0 • • i • •• ; • ordeceived. t ••• ') - •' 44.9 ' •‘ this. But i •• • • • of these in , •• ....L. O -• • judgment. delegates, but A • 1•• ve a to-n- Claitnl that either plan , 4 01001.0iin State or Na s: It brelabried, however, iirect vote gives the better r~rvotas-kmake hia own used choice for .norpina- Lions. Theoretically, something may be i said for the Delegate system. If only wise and disinterested men were selected, it might be endured. But you and I know ns. Editors and reailerie-Lthet,. as matter of fact, nearly all our delegates go as the friend—l. might say - the servant — of - some one man, who " controls " them. If the great strife be for Sheriff, two sets of , candidates are run hr f every district, 'one known to be fOr Mr. A 'Aid the other for 3,1 r. IL Wore There no other officers, that might be a fair pull. But there are always three offices. One 'man wants A for Sheriff, but he wants C for Prothono tary.l Another wants A. for ,Sheriff, but he wants D for Prothonotary. Another ; wants B for Sheriff, but ho wants E for ! Prothonotary. Another wants B for Sher- I ; ,i iff, the wants F for Prothonotary—and so o . It would require twenty or. thirty sets f candidates fora fair test len the inst ons Ilan, and then, amid the cora plum ons , . . „promises mule by delegates to votes, } to one could tell hew the sr' ul ones would vote. • Iluti by the D' t vote system, every man vetes his own t choice for every office to li e filled, and t counts ono in September just as it will t the final test in -. a t It not claimed that the Direct vo t e is riff 'on, or will ' satisfy everybddy. defeated under that system, as well as der the 'Delegate system, will; be so headed, and some . f them will swear, per ps, and it to, go back and trithe '9l way ;" but the more honest and i,en s`lhiel will take defeat in better limner— they k now that while among the jug ' and.hargains of delegates there is ore or 100 i cheating, no' one could cor rup t or wheedle the masses as to their ehoiee. Bat it is elainied that the Direct vote syst m wilt be more satisfactory to; the be r men in our party—will call . out r numbers—will 'elicit more discus sionlupon the merits,, claims and qualif cati us of , candidates—and one's personal and fitness will be his advantage' s° as he is known. These considera tionS.ensure a better class of candidates, and 1 a consequent strengthening of the party, The assumed leaders of parties —these who live, or desire.to live, by get tinglor bargaining, away offices—will not likeithe change, but will imagine a great many objections to it. Those, however:, not !seeking for any positions--only de sirous of getting the best men for all po sitierrs---will be glad of this chance -for ?I lene. ' By this system, unfair advantage of small districts will bo avoided. Why should the 17 Republican miners in Over ton Count as much as the 201 'Republican farmers of Smithfield? yet they do when the 117 Republicans of Overton have the same voice in convention as the 261 of Smithfield. The 45 in Lellaysville have the 'same power as the 183 of Pike—the. 36 in Alba as the 167 of Canton township --Ax. This is not 'right. Everybody knows it is wrong, and when wrongs can "'righted they must—they will be. 'admit there is much falsehisel and unfairness in the gossip about " Towanda Rine .. among the outs of our party ; yet it is always well to regard even the preju dices of men, when they may be avoided. The change is right in itself, as I think, and I would therefore advise Towanda Republicans, and Wyalusing Republicans,' and Republicans all over, to inaugurate a trial of the new system ; roll that stum bling block (which has cost us so many defeats) out of the way, and thus prepare for , a united, old-fashioned majority in 1875 and in the all-important campaign of 1576. i FATHER A nit AIINM .- ED. EEPORTER:—AS the farmers. are all now busy at home and the streets ate quiet, you may have time to run your ea gle eye over a little; manuscript from Sioux City, lowa. Three months have passed in which we" have all held our breath at the mention of :the word '"G rasshopper." It has - been "cannon to right of us, cannon, to left of us - , !Cannon in front of us volleyed and thundered." but so far no grasshopper has opened upon us. It would do your eyes good to see the fields of Northwest ern lowa and Southern Dakotab. As compared with other parts of the coun try, this has suffered little damage from the floods, and crops are excellent; and 'are out of danger, excepting corn, and ten days more will place it where thejaw bone of the grasshopper •cannot destroy it, even though he come up against us, which is not probable. • Wheat buyers now offer One dollar per bushel for wheat delivered within the next two Months, a sum 4hich cannot but make glad the heart of the Granger. Potatoes are abundant and of the best quality; they came into market a month ago at the modest sum 4of two dollars per bushel, but twenty-five cents will do now. . The feeling so bitter against railroad corporations two years, ago, is rapidly dy ing out.. A great deal has been learned by experiencein the meantime, and the laborer and capitalist are finding that nei ther can prosper without the co-operation of the other. So it- has ever been, but like many other things laid down•in the 'books, each -generation ignores it until learned by experience. Politically no great interest is as ye manifested, though the indications poin to an old fashioned republican majority *lien erection day cOnies. L. S. FAWCETT. August 12., 1877.4 ' MOODY AND SANKEY A Surplus of $5,000 in the Rands of the London Committee Devoted to a Noon Prayer-Meeting. LADELPIIIA, Aug. 11.—Hon. J. V. Farwell, of Chicagd, who, is ex pected to arrive with Messrs. Moody and Sankey, in the steamer. Spain on Saturday, writes George 11. Stuart, of this cityi that the London commit tee, after paying all bills connected with the Evangelists' labors in that city, amounting to about $150,000, had a surplus of $5,000, which was appropriated for 'a noon-day prayer meeting, to be continued daily. At a breakfast meeting, ' (given for the Evangelists,) Mr. Moody:made a proposition that a memorial,of their interest in the work, which they had only begun, would be the_appropriate thing -to inaugurate. .It was at once proposed to raise $500,000 for an Evangelistic building in the West End, and smaller amounts for other localities. Before leaving the table over $200,000 were subscribed, one gentleman . giving $50,000, and three others $25,000. - This, with the amount already expended, makes $350,000 given in London alone since Moody and Sankey went -there, and all of it voluntarily. The Evangelists declin ed. a proposition-to give them a testi monial, and the copyright upon their hymn books Which were sold, amount ing to. $35000, to which they had a legal and moral right, was left to the Hdisposal of the London committee for religious work. HARRISBURG, August 12.- I The partly decomposed body of a 'woman was found on Fisher's Island, oppo site Highsiiire, six miles:exit of -Har risburg, yesterday afternoon. To-day the c - oroOtir's jury rendered a verdict to the - effect that the body is that -, of Mrs. Rebecca Forbes, a passenger from New York for San Francisco, who leaped from the Pacific Express last week near Dunca i non, fifteen miles west of Harrisburg , and then jumped into the Juniata ° river near that point.. Portions of embroidery - on the garments on the corpse corre spond_ with the embroidery on sev veral peices of clothing found near the point where she jumped from the train. The body will be interred by the railroad company. Oou closed on TnegOay at IBUSIrESS LOCAL. artoy — linen .es at M. E. Uoiwkiliu,D% 4 . 1! new-441017. , ; i tpi x g ottosevabtrealibils*Haril• k you 'Want a Thindiv* gm.; t JACODP StyllAh Snit, call Jar Engraving dime rit 11 . F.NbELSIAN'S Jewelry Store. . is* xes awl )1111141Cal CIACkI I / 4 St Ilttx . • 4- Mg3iit.• DLlol•?..eft. ~t; taken that speak for thent 05t16104 tic* tialies7.l Pictp l aelvow at i 1: 4ta - offers a peat rettnetkrn In SU lO~IIFNDL vri-Plated =1 Inds of goods In the jewelry line, OMAN'S. ,- For all call at M. illzsc i b!tditerles, W tt, lioods and Laees 1101111711.8. rr New E •t E.va i iit k Bing in the line of station ,17111 & SIIAVT'S. Of Evc cry at Wtttrel I W style picture—the. Prome A. J. Frertan's Gallery. rtr A nad..—taken • leld. and Spy Ota.•;ses in a great-va 1r.4 DELI' AN'S. sir Opera iety. at sat:oats, and Trimmings, at EYANI3 & li4Dgrairs. air sow D 'an buy a set of C IBLACVS. rir You low for ca.sh-a i. ' le D.itaiis,l6s'N.ll , klat t i ator Towel's' • !:; e Ti ,at:EviNs & Dent Boast or Stea r ti to to Mrstt & Sir For Ri;Nor.up'B.l Mks and Vas/amen., at EVANI4 41101111.1,111KTIV'S _ _ _ 1,... V e 11, I the!one-price clothing man, rec.' from the city with a large stock '" &wont to the, wtae is sufficient." 13 " J I has Just rthi of Clothing. • agr Go tb JAcoiri* and buy your boys' Clot lug :a 1.:! 7 , , eont you can get the cloth elsewhere. - Yon naia - -7-We hate a Livery to Q good, , carrtages, hack, etc., whlho ale Cheap and , on reasonable terms. or agent at the stables, or at our 1.1 YEN . : elOd horses we offer for.. tognlye of fo.ie Won.' "ant the best Cook :+tir extant, colt Mere block. . , fy - [f at JuNE's, In lIITCCMLI&SIIAIUT's,N I frrettes Block, aild Stationery. -El"Cin to -for your Boob , t - Foii! SALE. JA good . Thieshing Machine, at et l le.ltalf Its value. .1. 0. PArrulv. slung Maciiines, t.econd-band lowA. Rubber Paint, &c. H. 31. W ELLE.; TIIIF (them , : r N. WALDRON, of f."ast, Slllith rantl,l4late far Regliter and Record- 1M - WM fivl.l. will ,NtES & l'.%SsAc.}: are general 11ie•090br31 , 41 !klathuslia and Orrtn2.—the 114”. t In thls or intry. rar Ho r agora:, for tY r:o. Wool, any other ent .gt and best seliTtlon of Spring and et yet brought to this market. Is being 1. le, at 11. .I.Atutts% -The Li' Summer geese received dad, lir M. tw.t. At As has the large,t and be'st. stock of lad i es 'and gentleinens • gold and sliver watches i!ve brought to Towanda. fall to call at 11ExhisAAN's, If you nythlng In the tine of Jewelry. Silver heel Ware. !lair Don - t: wish to loly and slhrr•pli ' can and Freud' Clock., In great %ark.- prleec at --...-- ~ 111:N DELM AN'S. '11;6'.. and Steel Srk.etarles, and Eye I .at 'variety, at. lIENIIELMAN $ Jewel- air A turr l y; vory li sa-601it,1 Ll,ses, In CM= waut to secure a good artlele, and get your money, the. place to gots NT. II Ex- sir I f yt,ll l Ile. we,rtli =ME les' white Party Slippers and Sole ,Shiles. They are be:tulle, .1114 :,:.?1" La Infants' S(if i rect•tra.ll at oitsEn k C 005% -stuck of Picture:sand Pictute Frame. SIIAUT'S, Meretir Block. *Wri.arg. at WitiTtl). ,k at the New Goods at TAYIAM & co's. nadine's, in great variety, at TAYLOR & ('u's. Vg . G IM=ME lies' .Linen Suits, just:opeocti at I - TAYLOR & Co's. nr La Ur Take AvEit's SARSAPARILLA to purity the 111•xn1, and purge . out the humors. pim• pleq., bolls a &sores, ,whleh :lie merely emblem , of the rotteum s•:44thin. Ur If ;on hive got to purchase school wets, t WHITCOMB & SUACT'`• 0 5 " Ott pictures , copied and enlarged, or redtteed : to any size desired, awl furnislipd In oil, water e'olors, or Intent the new tt altery over 0. A. itt.ACK - Q store. the daily papers, weeklies and bear. at WHITCOMB 4% SHAUT.S. Er A t generall knolvn that 11. C. NVIIITA- Book - Bindery over the RErou'rEn s Blank Books in any style of ruling and ;ire& If you want a new Ledger, Jour :et, give him - a call. Inr It 1:41I KEIL, at. office, mak binding nal or Mir UNTY COMMISSIONER.- I nine° niy,cl( ma candidate for,Cminty "übject - to the ilechlen of the Re unty Convention. N. GILBERT. tale. May 19. 1575. Vr (.( hereby ann Connui,46 publlean (..', 1 ranklin GIsTER AND DECORDER.—S.. Columbia lownship, will be a candidate 1. of Register and lteconler, soiled to of the Republican County Convention. rZ'' It , ca.AYE,of for the al the der!. to UNTY COMMMISSIUNEIL—AMASA of Albany. .lie a candidate for missioner: subject to decision or Re- la7Ci HAN rni.vF County Co publlent) MEM r buy a Cook stove until you have Called _ and examined the ." New Empire," a has never di,appointed the expecta table, which will most fastidious housewife. -e• tween all ages.:: act.: Anyone buying $l.OO or antee to not eve of goods at 31 F. izost:VIE.LD'S Cloth- j riaqs OM) PLA: !Oil receive, free one elegant Alpaca Ca,p, The following Intl both of the latest styles. ifir Nei at Jt;N:t* , il stoic whit tlon4 of th 41 F more wort ing Store, or Straw I WEN AWAY :—Every purchaser nounting io 0.00 •or more, will receive e htripetl Alpaca Cap, or Straw Hat, at t:si•u:t : n's Clothing Store. M - G of gorA, at FREE, one M. E. Ito.. fer PIANO-FORTES = GREAT REM:I:- TION PIANOS.-101xst-class, largo size, minare grand, V( octave Piano-fortes, for r-r. 5. OrganS In proportion'; at HOLMES & V:ANSAGE4 Towanda, Pa. ; 20 UTPIREAT BARGAESS.On and after nib; Ilate„ I will sell my surplus STOCK or FLOWERS at rettn‘tli pricer, at my ltreen-, houses on!Main street ) , north of Episcopal Church. JAS. C. ' I LosT:—ln Moretti's Hall, Saturday: evening, August It a chaste ring with square top. The tinder will be liberally rewarded by lemlng, It ! at this offiye. tLAWSON, on SENECA WHEAL—A white wheat. very nice. and cleaned ready for sow Ing. at two dollar" per lite:hel. d. H. Wr.t.a.r.Q. Wyalit.ffig., Bradford Co.. Pa., Aug. 143 w - SFSQUEII.I.NNA COLLEGIATE INSTI. xerr..-LTite Fall Term of the' twenty-second year of GIL , Institution, will begin MONDAY, Al*- Gr:- , T with eight experienced teachers— one mote titan last year. Additional apparatus and facilities for eaching have been 'provided. The accommodatitilis for non-resident students, will be better than during any previous year. Special in ducements to those preparing to leach. As usual a teacher's class will be organized at the com mencement of the year, and every. effort will be made to .thoroughly prepare the members of the class for the special duties ofjhe school room. The Principal will also aid those who are earnest and proficient securing positions. In addition to the usualctaMes in• the common English studies, Math ematical Classes, and classes in the languages al ready somewhat advanced, classes will probably commence Latin. Greek, Algebra, French, Ger man, philosophy, Surveying, Geometry, and such other, studies as the wants of the student may de mand. Tuition from 1 1 4 to 410 per term., Board, with room carpeted and furnished throughout, Ughti, etc., tt peg week. Rooms will be secured fur these wishing to hoard themselves by sending their naMes to the Principal. For further i s )articw: lays or catalogue, address the Principal, • Towanda, Pa. MILLER FOX, • • Pre.. Board Trustees rir LOST.—A Knight Templar mart F, between Buten street and Ilimi:Dopik,,,tilli(We iittsday) morning, with nafil411A31111! S. Stet IL. I T°lO ONlFl rtad 414 0* 4preirtOot'll.eiroo! , taid 4-11 %. .5 W i Tolarioo 7 ,l3 '1 WO -,1301.1.z08*.. Son fe r vao " ss tnipiii*ll6 4 lP4 l o ol9o . Fre . Os iell4e, MAK. galena ig and business. Thorough histrketion aid dis cipitne. Banking, wholesale and retail busilswlN-'-ntliroad lug, telegraphy, etc., practically tangle t. Next term opens *Sept. I. Woe catalogue cos! alulug-a beautiful steel engraving of the iletninary , and for illastrited Commercial JonrnaL - addresi Bev. D. Corzi.AND, Ph. D., Kingston,' Luzern/ 3 Co.. Pa. On commercial :natters address Ps if. L. L. SPIIAGUZ. ' slut 9 21-6 w. _ . [HOPE FOIITHE DESPOZIDEN' you been coughing all winter and Legit t to despair of recovery, or If you have taken a tea ant cold, go at once to the. Drug Store of Tonsika a Deimos and get a bottle of Dr. IdonntS` Syl a nd of Tax, Wild Cherry and Horehound. Take It and be well. No other medicine acts so promptly d effectually In coughs, colds. and all diseases of the throat, limp and Cheat, leading to Consump Lion: Hui deeds who once thought they had that dread di sease have been restored to health I.IS the use of kW almost magic remedy. It tsetse the best known spedna for Croup, and never falls Ito Whooping • Cough. Trial size 10 cents. (ma)2o. FALipAlo.wiNiigu OF 1875-4 CLOTHING, GENTS' FKIINISII. DEM "tt. E. It oS E .1)7 IE L IF' 8, This popular haws lia.inoW;reaily one of the finest stocks of Clothing In America, for style quality and fit, which li a guarantee that ct cry garment will prove what I'represent It to be. FA RMERS, !WWI k Coming to town, are partieulatly requested to cal at my store and examine the leading styles, made from french, Scotch and American Cloths, for Men, Boys and Youths' wear. In it will be found many leading styles for the coining seaisou, such as the Double Breasted Cnt-away, Vest Sults: tho Pi oneer Sults: the !Nazar Vent suits; the Centennial Setts,-of all of which 1 ask a careful examination, by all who are in want of cheap and snnstantial clothing and furnishing gas's. OVERCOATS OF .E VERY HATS, 31. E. 1: 0S E E: '5, TOW A N DA, PA. TO THEY DON'T !' New AdareTtileFlatti , • ING GGOpS, -AT MMI WHOLESASE . A7cD RETAIL. GAANGERS, MECHANICS, MEE= COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DESCRIPTION CAPS, 6 LON ES, 3!ITTENS, &C., WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL, MEE EZEMEI People complain 41 1 11-A HD TIMES, Ihtllluia• aln"arr wl•extimigh In 11." ' Y 111E141 OIOTIIING -~'i~- if. .1 .1 I' i) B 1 1 8 7' (i E .1 4 :0,er Mill Linn Weill the 'nullity ~f GOODS HE SELLS MR. JO e OBS Tim lake in calling attention to LA Ilf; E AND" E LEG A vr A sSO RTmEN 'I -0E ! FALL AND WINTER GOoDS -I t ,I:- MEN AND BOYS' WEAR iii..ertlon oflii. ..tort, nlll he .aitti. ienrn satbdy all that 11 , eati otter rtleater holneetnetit than ever. tathrt7-7a , MILE MUTTAI: PROTECHON LIFE INSURANcE ioMPA.NI". 11 111 MTH,. flay tii4obr r; ri,rj th , Et yixlerl , , S 11, S. CLAIIK. AI;ENT =I ton I: called to Ih'• 1,4101%111g tate tw found nlii etfy equitable, a, be tot which the' company Hill guar *ecil one-half the (..tit of any firm N Contivtuy. Table sh6ws the Rate, i",,r IWO° !plied for any addlt II Is the large,4 risk ity Cclit!4 will ht• asseq.meot for collect awl way be mull up to 4.7:000, whh• IMP llfe. Two Mount of ..ach Uft THE CENTRAL HOTEL, ULSTER, PA. The undersigned having again taken To, , session of the above hotel, respectfully solicits the patron age of his old friends and the public generally. angl6-tf. M. A. FORREST, MADAMOISELLE J. LEQUINI Will form classes in French - aMI Thawing AUGUST 23, 187 S, At the Crafted School and the Institute. TERMS: Per Term of to week-) French in rivss I►rawing ; Use of Copies French and Drawing. private lessons, j anglG-Its. TIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Towanda Post ' l. pftlee for week ending . August 18,1675: C S Emery, Martha J Brown, Carrott 4-Htmter Margaret • CQnsidence, Pat !Horton, Andrew Clark, Anna M Madden, H C Coefield, John Madden, Miss II Daniels, Mary Moody; Amanda Diinoe, Mond Soder, Will Diirine, Daniel Sheyard. Nornian Sheridan, John 2 Wilson, D C Persons railing for any of the above letter: will please s:ty "advertised," giving date of ii t. NN". A Lvonn, P. M israwaro,So. Onoicy • ,• , ' II A It I) VIA '11:1140. • co DDINC USSELL, Invite the attention I I ) of the Willi' le tlirii - stlt:S. Yf all ktip ' I PARLOR &ill-MAT WEARS, SCISSO CHANDELIERS, iti eArlety. The 14rge,t. mitt 'meld kept in Nor(ltem l'etinsy From ow twa i 4,t to (li. Is CHIMNEYS lip enlbres variety, or our own limn tatiteil tirst-clas,. • Jobbing of all kiwis in our line fled to. Tin roofs and eaves iroiiglis most satisfactory manner. at short no GAS FITTING .A.NI) 'A Specialty: WE ItAVE'TIiE ON CAI. PLUMBER IN TMVANDA• I Our old t frietoli and the public g bear In luli,l that we sell goods only f I • A 1) 1' A Itehdtliit the only ,y , h4u- by wilt , In tione'lloth buyer audtel,ter. thaleful tor itaq very liberal Mr. licit a continuance of your 'custom. %v ranee that we will otter you, greater titan any other establishment lu the e carry alarger stock. ;tiot enjoy pccu for purehasinz. 11124-7 rlf 13A1Z(.!rA!Ns•IN: CA I{ ENTE(;'s OE 6IVLN .11.1, 11 A 11 1) IV A 1: E AYEWS CATI for all the pirpo,., COM= lll‘entery. Foul Stoma cl Erysipela., tku 1111,4Tes, M= STitirnlgii. a- .1 1110.1. , 11111 . 1110 , 4, COll fectol. 1111• t• exe...l all other Pin. Rut lint i.mvrful the fmtl nximot , : 01 the I =tM akon on any (led to tln singgi,ll 4W.tisortlered Impayf health and t.nu• 1. curt...pot uptc the t•l'vry lol4lv but fortnidable and skillful physicians, must El our beet rlt Vous. •curl eel ed and of great to nefit% the PIM. They are t IZEIIII2 Mg sugar-coated. tlit.y aE 19 • '4O 51 52 • 53 .1 'mull tt•gclablr. lhrf parv.l J.v Dr. .1. 4'. I. Practical A tialyt Ira :11111 dealer , lu - G.IIO(TRIES GROCERIES & 'Pito 00 _5O ONE DOOR NORTH OF CODD I N Towanda, .Nile M. 48751 A ITDITOR,'S NOTIC; 11 Pettels S Co. vs. 11. G. Goff. Common Pleas of Bradford Count: T., 1871. • . The undersigned, an auditor ni Court to distribute funds In the ban arising from the - Sale of defendant': nal property wIU attend to the tlntit.' went at the office of Peet & Davis on WEDNESDAY. the Ist day of ' o'clock which time and pia ing'elaims upon said funds must prt! forever debarred front coining In u GOODS, HARDWARE totibibtlii OYES (190 K. ST et! pattcnr of IN; ❑cost approi RANG NO STOVES, . In epilte,is. 4 rarlety.' BUILDINGH '. iIf AMILIA =1 BM= fIOTTOM RICE. OM ICE - CREAM F Of L‘ery 11, , 4, II POCKET C TLER e, and war tr the bet utatittpetit C'ARVENTE s' TO rip t lmi MEIZZE ({AS FIVI ME DEE 1203 1M K E ROSEN 1. 4 4 LAM ' iCt greatly re,lured prix. TIN WVAI E, (OD1►IN( & TINWARE II A DIV A R. F. IRONANDDA GI, ISs: ME Ell 11. 'l'. .4'N 1,:z•••• TO\FA\I►A. li IA lITI sr rt P minx' =lll rep.. 1.1 MIMI ME Liver ( • It P.h,❑uu MEM MIME zmati They a I 1..1: 111, SEEM OEM 11=21 elangurott MIMI BEM IL.•y li i i -.lreNt - ,, ari" Nt t :Lsx ttt MEM MIMI ( lit ink( I • I&iur. ®I McCABE & EDWA dealer in all aitgsA - 4 llbestial:Les:lu; TIE PANIC, insmatE f tilLE Is past. The I ~11111111 Ail READY 1 MA of th.ff 13frst slkles atu tier, wllll 4i tell , r \r^ experlewied du SPRING AN MENIAN 81111r16, CUFFS, TRU And in fart eNiTytt ullAtlrpa4,ort try arty H I If you don't hefti gain.% than hate bee EM G R I' FIT 11?•,, AZORS, elilffAINLI That I :too prep.* ME@ DON l'T r•t LE I , •ro ' lltik Cl= J. TOWAN CKETS, bv;.t. ;13 4 01 'MILL M.rin alter •[ FIRE AND M 0.0131E1t.el :sl Roy AL. lot 1,1‘i11 , 1 QUEEN. CONTINI:NTAL, , oi GEHMANT,t. LOBES, iliEumAs A MEM , MANHATTAN. Pfutxtx, of Matti ORIENT, A mAzoN. Ohio, CiTizENW. of New 1=!1 LIFE & ACCIDENT COMPA • 1.1 NATIONAL Liyv. eg C. .. ;I` ,l TUAV.1...LE.1:,, of Wilford. •• RAILW %IC 31t,TUA I. LVE I, of Nvw Yorli . " ajtru• put up lit the MRING 1. -tf • . t412,1,::,:,1 Y Pli CTI T KR AYSV The roll Ter. µlll MONDAY, , con l'an , than tL• grvate , t !.I brim 1 , 1"t.4 . 14 all ' 1,3 707 , 1 ‘‘t• so th av , ll- , ' 1 ."" " 11 J„Thici.ment. I " mntry. a.. We I , tar facilities SELL 1; ,, ,1rti .IFi I' 11.1.. r Ilmy 3i 4.11111:2' ciAMPTO AVJ rel . Es MONDAY, r : , 11;.;:ir,:t. • pLows: A OE Farin..l.: are 1,1 I ran rd l Ilir:ki , ll ll 0 0 . 1J I,EIZ A YSVI . .., ~ .4 .(.vory kind. ^.% 4'7.... 1 a 9, 9 t itil,. , tt : .1 oly 1. Ikea - fitrzlisht.,l at ~A,:..-tlrttt4... It nt, *.tL ' _L • A , : rA IX AT; ,1.111 1, 1' E. sTEV I i.r : r F1,1:1) e 4 4., I'_\.--rs from Al'• n 1 the txhioi Vaileylß; pt,i,rzy a I:RIST 3E11.1, with four tun or .!..10.• rvud it if Ili; •:1 . ..t•Ar IV! \Il LI,. %stilt and F(11 - 1: 111‘ 1; , , Scrrs of hinit. I A ;foul Mat . , forl , 11•••iill••••• • •.1d411,•,-• ,11 1111. MI I FUN I ASII, 0 R E iiiss()Lt7Trl()N.—Notice by t H•o-partit,t•Ititt lit - rt•tor, t•xr-tine Iwiwevit 11111‘11 . 1 thr tit It; Immo of h ENT .1: )v S. iu 11, ory di , ' k 0 .1 . 1 , 1 Ity 1;1•1:,91i. ' 1 1 .1. 1.. R I: Ni. W Itgm; 17.{ N T- E i,:„‘• m• 1 -1,10 nudri iI liim imamuG K E and N,lll lime Dry 1:8,0t1, 1111,iiit , •: 1t thr• pied be Rent & \‘'3lr4.lt.i, I'l ELS. 'hysi , . curing 1 tiligt• Ile.itljt b. rtlid ion- and .11:wit , t 17. 1 , 75.. I ;,1 ' I. I' i 1 , 1 , 1,1 c ATION IN D I I*()I‘CE.: 1 1 - lA_ —To .1,-,,,pi i i W. liall , loll. No. it:.s.l Fan. T.. V.. 75. ion are lierebv 10,litictl that Ilaeliet I,: tidoti.l your wife. ha'. aPpited Ito .the court , fj I 'il itp,.,zi I i'least'of !trail fordl County 'for a dti - or. - elfte a the bond , of matrimony! :mil tht• -aid trourt hilf a y , - I pointed Monday - . 01,141,1:1y of Sept;tinh;tr.l foti lo•ar tug.tiee said IZaelitt in llp. V Cllll,l, W .at WI II 1 jill and pc yon ..anjottem if von think itrowt.i . ••...t-iniritt. * I. . I .AT_ •miTit, - 1 1 1'1 ) 1,1( 1 .1TION IN 1)11 . " )lir I`::1 —To TiiiMl4S :Sillier rlrk. No: , I 2: Fril.. T.. i A_ 1 , 75. You arehereby notified that [Ai/a Jane 11, - ' Kitniek, your-, AN Ife: liatti applied to The Coitrt . of 1 Common Plea,: of l Ilratle l oril I '..•tinty for q. Moor', ru i (n, the lion& of litatriutony. mot the . ahl'Cuort I hilt applouted .Itoinlay. the nth day of S Ttetilher-I ... t ; for t hearing the Kil.l i , ,liia Jane in the pii i intr. , . all Avidell time 311,110;o,- o',lt ran attend It ,){,u t thliti: 'ittper. .1, Nt. SMITILISIviriIf. , It . I -' - PPLICI.TION IN DlV"Allit'l:. ri —To I)antel Smith. No. 217, Feb. Ti. is7:,_l, You are hereby net 'lied that Itozella Smitli. your I Wife, lin , applied to the t'onrt of common 11 , a, of Bradford County for a .111\ - OrVe fr.-11k.tialfilis o Matrimony, atrimony, arid t le saiti'l'otirt ha, apr.olnt,..‘ -3101,..1 ; day. the 811, day Of September. for Ireariiii the .aid' ltozella in the prertlise , . Art' m•lriell time Itir'll P l a''''' 1 you ran Ittutl . if INton.think proper. • t . ' . ~.. i .1. M. SIITII. •-l. d ebit. . _ ' i 1 ) 1 ) 141(. 1 . rt i 'l(lN TN DTI - 011'1...1 LA., —To V 11.,, M. 1ti., , ,k. No. 7.,•. 0,,.-T;. 1.71.. , lon are lierehy untitled that rimer \. itroi li. , oarl, ! huthatol. ha: _ appllyt to tin! rourt.tf I 'ont now I . leatt.; 1 of Itrattford - Contit,i,.l furl a tlivori... fromltltol t..m.t...1 • of Matrittiony. and . 1 111.• 7,1.1 tmti I ha, ;app, ,, iut, dl ' llontray. the nth .tnyt of r7.eptetnber. for I,l•arllng thd viol lamer A. in , :thet premise", at , IM•M iitn, alt. , plaet• yoll van ati •mi if p • tit Mini. properi • I Aug. 11,1075. • : J. 31. SNIITI.I4 •••lierili. • t -- , i X F C I. T 0 It 'Si .- N-t)'l"il'lF..--1 i _A Notice. is hereby Over, that all perin,.lrideltl4 F - ' - i ed to tire estate of Joshua Bayley. late cif North To ) . wanda,ilei , Aare requesiedlo make iiirmollate pay: I meld. and! all vir,,,iis. -having claims nalii4 oai, l estate must putt, trtilietti duly authenticated. for twit! I meat. FRA NuIS qatfle,G . M 11.T. , N DAYI..F:y .. . F. 'Vellum , . i LplaluL 1111,p. INVorinJ, Irtsrifing fl. tth , yct p,•r 1/AV 111111'11 or,• onol plea. . luy plirge out -tininhiteiht = beieg. •Phey Hits of (1,,•11/1? Hot 10173111,11, :11111 lenrvNyerfonn deril col frmit ul best phy,lo I=l and bving ISTEMISGE MIMI! Sold Iry all :1118 11,:111. ISHINS ME FlicuT( i , hereby the estate of Sault nttokt: Make and all per,ens Ij 'Those, vie,ent - t . .11;19: / 0S IS_ 411 4 . 1X Et f u p 14 hereby gi the estate of Da tired. must to:11:+. • lerMgned, and al said estate otie4 -! for settletnetil. I ; RUSSELL DS, - B. •A. . A J ly two% - . _ 17.1 ) 1TO l lt In the Court, of r 3... Elsbree ,s. 1, No. 720, I)ee. i of Connuon Pleas T., 1875. pointed by the The undersigned. Is of tho Sheriff Court. to distrilinti. real and perso- Slierfff, arising fro ,of his appoint- plate, will attend Towanda,boro, I On Tll VHS 13 A Y l , .: ept., 1A75; at 10 of Smith & MOM all persons hav- where all verso' A sent them or be lined present th .n on the game, rt wing In upon Ili ". DAMES, 1 Atnit t or. j atig - ra I. ortisoments. NSE4)IIEN(.' El 4, ga b ! re.1,,r1.4.1. , ) <Ansi . CLOTHING, O.' tip in I to learn that NOWI =MI ale r, ii stuck blEit Go 1111 (or YS! WPM] BO ST+ r( fy F GLO I VES, (;()ICI, Nkfl, TIIA ‘71.. i(.4.5. In! the form-luny store Iti the cutintry. Ell ;ve . I . ogt-r b t o; glvenlyou lierciofmrp, !, my btcirr fn .• •r~~~•r ~cr.~~~•h. t:IU anti 1 ' . VI NVE Y titllill all I a.1,‘.-rt taLt. THE PLAGE. ,etliotod ?.y U. J. K. 1;1:S1' =NM 1A I . N S . l_7 RA A e; i.:.\"(t' 8 - 1 , ~. .1 , 1 1 M , •11(• 1.1‘.. 4 fllit II ARINE COMPA 1 1 ~.L or , rog,l - 11, A" , l kl.l I I " •• ' I • I • 1311=11111 At :h.: , - 01 INCEN I ln•w7,tl r.,11,,/.1 - As 111 f4II on AUGUST 30, I, Tlf 11t 1 00 11.1tri• the otwnlitg of Mt' ivri }:1; IT S~ 4';11,1,11 , 0 I! ] • . I !;.•tr.l •'; =BM 21.1'.1.11EN1 Y. .•f . 61, ITl,lltil!i,tlc,‘ IBM= AUGUST 30, I I..rc '4..1. F. 1:1.1.1 , a I I litari. 1131141,1 H, d Wit 1 -.11” L I. El MIMI Etrill .1. 1.. - NEN - 1•, I:. 1 I'S NOT , ot icd th;it all rer,otis ihile , 4e.l t , ,Wel,her.htte of Frnliflclitiklee'd %te payment to the iintleritglie.q llrlalin azahi , t 4:041 e,lahi Aoth..ntirate.t, ;for set t E .1% . .111.:'1 II \V 01;1:11;1. 1:11 , 1;NV AY. , . II si N 0T w E._L Not icti HI that all .perevos'iotte!bte/1 t , / ii Ilvrtott, late of :., ;t:',/10,.. - tiol. totoe/liate payinvia to the no/ 'WMOII3 hai Ing clap i< ilg:zio. event them, dilly ati6ello/ . /ite/1. M - M. I'. 111b1tTi1..".14 wat. /I. LIELVI'StIi. • I....xeentor.. , 01 ' ICE.---HN. eDryll. Mrlcean. f 'O. Nfi..tri. , ; rebi I I I .. Ain Auditor appoint,l , l hy .30 the looney in the hqntli 01 tht• if the ,31e of ,lef!mlant'3 relt ',., the (hales of hlvappo4ttment '•ptenther 2d, 1..75. at 113. elllei. mye, In Towritula, wt It anill havtti claim+ upon sztil fun I 1 1 of li.' tofu Ner deh:tfre,, I trots I •[ i t;: 11 NfoNTA"..:II", 1 1 • I tkuillto:', . - - - . , SALg.-I—)3y - virt(i(! a writ Of Ili. Pa., hated! Did of Biel r:Oitri Common Pleas of. Bradfordtonnty, and, t o reeted, I will expose to pub l ic; sale at. ,rite. um 'footle TOwands tore, on , *rider, lterdend.cr 1n75 at 1 o'clock p.m. the follOsing descrllyed erty, to-witr, I: ' firm lot of t land In :Athens twp„ loruhded on I laorth by lands of-Philip Crun6 and the public hi; way; they east le: the public' highway: (/ 11 f eolith by toad* of:Bimer. fr.; on the wc.l lands ,Ehnur k c 0.., A....kYrcs, Delano pt,r. ty, Johtr Iten3ley, and .hires' F. Itrearljr; 7.5 . :terns of /and: more oriillt..4, all heir(„ t• with 3 framed, dwelling hoilge*;,l framed barn. fointcd truildlng kamen thci •lliusquehanna Iv, lactbry,l: 1 brick dace audorchard of fruit thereon. tilized and taken into cleemlou suit of LOrenzo Watkins vs. Terdlnaint cur and Alfred Bedford. ' ALso—Opu other lot ',of /arid in .Athcn., fi .binonled nl follovraf begtnnimk at an Iron pin a , . i3lltre, junction , of Lehigh ati JiradfOrd rite , IT, f e ,..t, from 0. Slicing's ter— port), bound of flradforl ritrei Litio•neel ford thence . awl 13 It. from Sprb Knuth 69: e l p.st 337 7-19 ft., to the loins rail road. cOmpany; thence allng the . 6 8 10' (Jamb :516 ft.• thence south . , 61 4 %. t. ll , : cOnCie of Lehigh avenue: t(i Hie arurortlmtre, north Ily !West, r plare'of begiiming. COulainitig ;arm 3 frattml building and brick engine hrrc welt as the Novelty rfirOtore Wo and taken Info ,rxe,utioh at, he suit K. ettyler 111,•plien Al, Marti tico,, S, Ctitinuitig6 :111111 4 i:17311 A.l . • J.131', tIM IT' l i t m,,k, 1 1 I (A, I)E'GI§TEIVS .N q 11-hereby' Oren ttrerthr. Regintqr pf . of Bradford. accounts tre t ittli toltowthr eitate,, ' Final ;t , :it; of If N Pact!. rl 1.1t0rr14. - I:,t of , Atticto, Math,' Aec`c of 'of Mold 7: Sherman lat,: , Is , I Flual act of II TV exr - s , lof the tf fIRC*I•I, • - imin• all ircrt. of Dpios ►i.or 'tato of Wni Baker. lat.• of Final acclT or T flirter lof the cslatt. of I..tbttiel, Idee.A. •I: , • ' W ;exrs.of 1.11•;• NOB- (It I mine 'bor.. Flll3l acq't of pclolifig•to bard IVMl3rus,.tillnor (bill 'late of ?Mr". decd. aF•Cf.of> .1 II 11 II or I"i4rk late of .7iton Ihial;;;;Oit. of .5 rh: OM :i 1 a l ebrii. /hr.' Of AV ,chjld of F ; i 11" w 1' rt I Final 11 11110 , It •Id. t \Viii F rot, bow. !Mot of "Fitv,:i, M of Volo+y L 1 th.• i 4.f Tas riiial 4 , 1 t.lll ( P I. ti ti,•ll El of t' Indr,gc r. foh• .1.111%11 Fitt:tl nr 11 I: t t • vthal •.,f. If" I 11 lAr", of the t Fil/ II de ;E t , . f•. I in ii:,ti ILLII. • '• Cc. of,la, M ,1•• flVlloll6ni, } ,t I !I k mal a. a liik - is 1 tit , I. ,1; , 1. ( itaal Itl.e,t.tte• 111:0 7. 1 , ,0. 0 ,n n F,454) 1,66n,0n0 r it 1 S•'( ~1 .1 ,, 14m .V 4 . 4. , I'ry. (now 11 - 11kfl , • le -r 1.41:43 - - - .I11 , • lr , •'t 44 • - : , ;11111.,. rl. ,It )1.•1i,- ,, . a.lrin '-- 41. 1 . 1;11 4 ' 4 , r Fialihl '4:l 44 E II - 'Fb , ln :i 114-rrir - R: Int-,,,pf 1' app);ll ,, -inent 4,4 1 41 A41ni11j,:n0 , ..t.,1 , t"Wint; 41, , t. , 1 , .. 11-. x .1r Ilenty 1.--- , -pv:i •i .1 ~ illft,r; tatoS -, 1. • Will Vt . ‘Vllkill • - ' I:110. 7 r. 'l*%i - t - i!1. •I .lohn IA 116 - i.ii• -1. , - 1:.-tawn ‘.l Ithi•. . 1 4 ' I-; NI 4•:1.• -: 539 1,110 , ''ll'3)l, 11 11. 1 . .11 ' 11.11 .1114 bt•11 MEE Ira t .4 I) W( A 1 ,41 th ; 0 3, , t y WI r flii• Pr! is,; ._a~~ ,~~~~., ~,.,,;,, \Lich:ll 11..L',1: L. .1 .I•Lliit,“l,L. ILL \ - 1,1 IL \\ 11l I'LL ILL 4.1•41-1: L.. 11 I th 1 i lilt 1 =EI P L ': TIONS F. ,••• 1.1,, 1 , 1 , V h.r ,‘ r. 1 1..! I t it 1 'll t• t rite It. TVLI \14, 1 )1.,;. 11...“.•1100. , I 11 :M.' i, =I LICA 1 . 1().N i_.• t DEEM 14-,1;1 - f4 , r11',1'. = I..itttl AltlN Iv 1".1',0•.1110. ing 4.1 Nilnm bi HP :11 :U!ti Vou , .1!I • 11.1 I I - 1 r I'lrl . i I '.IT 1 i! . s SI, 1 , 71,• 1 t 1: i •m b, rt. , N f . 1,11,111 =EI fi..w *, tit,it: iiu• :rt . :Ill.:I ti:" . !bial; 1 - ) I; (.1( 1!..N. 1., T. )21 , t and inn :Is.• ,Pay 'hi 10 , 1 , 1:11L: yyvi ry. Quarto' ywp ...1 f 5.• 14. I :.11,u, thrt , i‘,t• \ 1,•',.1,1 MBE OE 410 . ) 'IV: Ul - I II . 1 4 1, f !- tt " i••• 1,) :•• Wiilol Mil I t tr I. t I ill ut ,1•• ~) I ii.:l 1.! !.1,1 , r , art' It! , 1;.1 roV I ... , ml, ME MIME iii t I. ()1: 1:11 ,S I; =II 5 r" , 1171 , 1 , :'' r., I • ‘ V NO Iwit •,').!.rt ,•-•!1-10.:H f.slll._ .! :-!,11 , 11..v1;t•,tf,0,1 3t14 ~,,, II .1k 'n 11,.• • • N I i..• i• , 1:1!4• `,111; e—.l;ll;t . 'lYl , .. pit' rtt:- •••-.0 , .. , t r.l I!Ni. k 1)7+11N •1. :1,1 , 0 a 111'1 I. 1 t - I 1,„ . Ns-:. 1 . , I 1111,"q Tio• :Iti 4 4'1 , i10 I , i tn.:intuit... OT. , 311 9'rEr!i ) l I; 111 - .0•4 i•i• ill , iqr.z.ll 4.1,1111-, 7 ,- ;I, I 1 , H Enrol. : " t 1):11 I N I STli • arl.l inul4 •' • I . . i 1)1LI N I S'l'lt .k" 1..: !.' , 5z:,.. , .: r. olt. cil..tc,••,l.lll;Lit 11 1 . iJko Me nnkt . .,-4,.:nt•.1, : , .1,1 ;111 ag Oh- z -0;•1,--tht , • Illti , t pr, ti , ;1: -I. f,q , - • t!,•ol.•111. .kl. t.•. 1 :., t.:,', \ 1111.,H1 tr..1i . .“ 1 :It 10'. 111 T,, , \%.L1:11.1. ! 1. l 11% 6.1.. 1 ;a . I k I ) NII N 1 'I'l; .I'l , l /- , .1.1.1..1 IA,!„. , ..:.,,... - I ‘Nh it .11111.1 lilt ,I.inl t 111 I>,t• lit'i !,.1,. , ~.,111 l' , Uate !ILI,: 1, - i ' 1: for ,t , tti , in . .. ;: r. :,,t,,.,. ! .. Txci,)l;l'()lt.vri A t. ih. 1 .... , :o, ....f ;!• ..t ip•ht t.Oll-..1:.- -.,,,,1 1:1 I ,,,1, t i,.... ] ~,,,t ~, . .p. TI:,. 01.1.,1-, of •H, , A-- :111.11n31,it.111t i I l' , Cl'. •' , 1•1 1 1.:1 hp 1...• illt•`.11 :... , ,..s ilik•laly th,••:11, -, , 0,11111•‘ 11 , 11• Ir ., ~ .1 1r 1:Itii, 1 1111111 Pa , 1%7".. 1..1'31 . 1.•1t ant t.l 11 ~„ ~.. 11 11 Ler, f r 'alw r 1: kngli 117‘ • of ..rttyr.• r•At i;rtre ft. NJ 'none itT . • pf Mar, dm. .1( UMW I Nor IEM tC time and i ti et to no 11 o 1 Oil oi MIN slam 41,t1 and 44.1re1l ME , •'Jr el 4 rqi I 1.0 i4l. aflt, ME ,6;1 NI .11 o, ',it. .4 , • Ca-hit I.liiii II i •111: : I ila it IS *-1 1 of i.• i liinan. C. tt•e'.l. , yid J,4 jail In- Wi ME uarth.i I.lte I= I lw•?'. .ttlitt'r I tit. atli Alt ,1 mit r rL Li. • .ite of I MEM F . I Po'r rl r di ri. :Phu r kan.. d ti F I 1 4 : n( NI I.f I v a: 101 J 110•. TM IL tt i. 4 I r . C. 11411 , 1, .1 rt • I EMS ni'r v. rt . z. ty IA N ! . If 1.1 ? • - I • I :J L. lOt[ • 1 tti-1 _ II 1 IC ;.‘,z tir.• ern , . r LI ill is I 1 r 1 ;c•1 pi. V HI ME =MEI ME NM EMI IN I =I MC lII= ME I 'l 11 r L. ""I I 'N1)11 ; , • I 1. 1 •11 i , n. I • M '\II ►~.- II EMI I •I 1). 11%!:k I ... I .r IN r . HI, " I 11, n•l'. , •1 1•„) ' , i::. 11 (_"p li N I me MI I= 11 r • k I •al I i IM En ME +I , . EMI I 1 :V 1 Hit; \ ;j•, , ,t 111 1111E1 1 I- : I. x ) . 11 inn MEI =II ... in ' In 11, IM I NI% \ NO 11 QM le 1‘ LI tr. I. Slit I•I .t• 111:1 h I . IOT ( h • /it I'. T 1 11 111 ,I:\ i \ , , 1 i 1 El I • I • •I d 4 t I'. It•• t ' 'I kt t • 1"t1 1 , 1 i I:\1 \\\ II RUE )1I •s • . ‘fi tl.l IL 7;n_ ,' g. 10% r:: t.1,11g I 1 itul% .1 fir 11:1 1.11 11i BEE IN Y 1 011 ' h• 1, , 1)11S . tl..tt 1p \\ ilor on. -•nt tl to o Int, 1, to• fn 11l Ni(Yi : 1 '1 1 011 . : crlith t' .111 I \\I•;I ME \ EN : 11.11 ~~11 •~'~ill :11111 :.I~ , , i 1 Tr i , MEM MEM • (•.44 H. IF A lll. i. 1));% N.\ l' I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers