• Aliknifitral Etritinteid • . • . • .... •.". (Fee the Ecroe'reel Hints About Butt& Hakintir• - At this seagon of the year when so many butter makers fail to 'pro duce a fair. Sample of butter, it u not be out of place to offers few hints on the subject. Many of the facts sic - taken from Johnson's Ag, ricUltural Chemistry and adapted to our country and our. time. Son:te bf the Lints have been learned by ob servation while livino• in different -pr arts of the.otiontry: • 1. Health of the animal is one Of the. most important things in the 0.6- 'ductionfof prime butter. Tite cow should be entirely free from disturbances. Anything which frets, disturbs, torments or renders the animal_ uneasv, affects the quan tity', or changes 7the quality of the milk.. - , , • 1 -• 3. Kind of food.. affects the milk and the butter more than - anything else. Rich hillsides where there drc . healthy. graSseS, such as .the white clover, -the June grass or timothy,will • furnish the elements Of good milk and first-class butter. . ; . 4.; Indivi'dual constitution of the cow is of great importance. •Eating and properly digesting food are Kline requisites. Hence azood cow must he a regular glutton, for you cannot expect milk and butter unless the animal eats_ enough and manufac tures what is eaten into milk and cream: Small eating, cows will, as ,a -rule, he scrimpy in the quantity 6r quality of the milk. - • ; 5. The quality of the milk Varies according to the time it is taken' from the udder. Milk which is first dr4wu is more watery and contains a Nint er quality.of cream than that drawn at the last.) , Most farmers knoW this ' fact and -practiee accordingly when . saving 'trippinzs. - Ilitethe vital point is lost sight of when strippiugs • and the cream from the poiver :qe.thrown together to be churiled. -'lWmake choice butter the last drMvu milk should the kept separate from beginning to encl._ In some dairie s three, •or four different grade; of • milk are kept. each grade fitrtushing, . its own grade; of butter. One itional step might lie added, names _ to save the stripping from the very choice cows only, and either churn this 'alVas milk, or , save the cream from it and churn. 6. another fact is found to obtain - re&'rard' to the time - the cream' is allowed to rise. The first cream al- Ways produces the finest flavored and highest colored butter. This fact is I practically carried out in Europe, and butter of fine' quality is the re sult. Why not apply American in-! crenuitY to-this important law, of the -' ; rising • of the superior cream 'Arst.l lln all probability the choice binteri ' ,thus produced would sell for-aS Mu* as all of it brings by the old method,l thus lea\ - ing the -second qualitf as al , Clear gain,_ i ; i. -Length of time ehiumingis an! .inipOrtant part of dairying. • .I. l llanm views'on, this subject are' held by ferent authorities. Some ask for a$ liour or an hour and a half for churn ing cream, and demand two hour 'where the milk 'is to be churned In America, the country of speed . and bosh, ten. fifteen- -or,twenty min utes are variously urged. Hot water •js - dashed into the unyielding cream when the 'time exceeds the niimbe of minutes alloWed. Palo butter re sults and , a lack. 'of uniformity in color and flavor whiCh is far worse. there is no definite time that , 'can - well be fixed, for everythigr, _about butter:Making . tends to vary the lengthof .time required to Churn. A good general, rule would be tb - ]churn sufficiently slow inieummer tii prevent the butter's being soft and . , rreasV: and lin winterito churn pile '' • ' cnou(rh, to raise the temperature 4f •, the cream to the' desired point - at whhill butter most readily separatel;-, or. in other words. the temperakurr of the cream during. churning, rises several degrees iecause ,of, the fric tion of the dasher and the crept" and the moment of, the particles over !_,--each other; now fast churning raises „the temperature more than slow,mod '_ :crate churning, and in summer the latter , course should •be followed; , , while in the winter the fonner,gives the 1-i - e4 • 8: -- 7 - gver-churnm!r is often thevaiqe ~f* ° l ily- butter. . Perhaps there is hopeof a few added particles of bii:tr •, ter front the milk - . Why not strain the buttermilk, if that is the Pease, rather_than break the 'grain of the - whole'cluirninff venderina it less val ., unt , le n unfit'to eat? • 9. Proper 3emperature befote. claiming is a prune necessity. ;Fqr • • cream 55°, andifor whole milk churn- 1 inns 65. F. If Mitch warmer or cold r there will be more or less disappoint meat about the time of the butter's comine - , and about, the 'quantity arid . , • the quality of thebutter. How many there, are-who- guess At this most __tat point in da - because , ' think . a thermometer'so cOstly or lo much nonsense of,science. ” 10. It may ()fiend to talk of dear lines,'Vet the fact is patent that the majority of butter makers are cleanly. Comparath-e ' fails to - answer. Absolute and un tainted cleanliness is demanded all times and in all respects., Froni . the cow-stable to, the printing stamp or the packing tub. The milk, the 'cream, the dishes ands' the atincis - . phere about the milk must be i pute. It is ominon to find neatness -some respects, but not uncommon to . -find the opposite in others. Hqw many stables, or 'ards are, free frOm offensive -odorS arising frp'm filth? Yet the milk oftetr.statids•Preathing . theSe odors for half an hone" or more. . cellars how often 4e see the inouldy sills and sleepers ipverheatt -- 'NO longer .do we wonder :that tie butter-which Was ushered to life in ; such a place should give forth odors of its own-after a few weeks' sojourn in-siamther gather. When we s ee the heavy, soft clay jars which hold the milk. we are sure to 'say nay to the butter if more than nine days' • cold. But these are only:a 'few of tie hints that might be thrown out- ion , this subject of cleanliness. . Facts for Farmers • . • ! If you invest your money in choke fruits and do not guard and give thOu a 'chance to grow and .prove tht4r vafge, it . i 5; .the, . same as putting} a goo 4 hand into the Old with prior tool tb work 43 . -bli invest Your ;money- in a goad . . farmer ..and. dc•mot cldtava .it it- is the same raarryb:ig•a plod wife and so enslaving and abusing her as to crash energies and break - • her heart. ° if you invest your ruoney,in a *le liotisG and do not cultivateyoUrinind and . taste so as to adorn it, `with in telligene:and, refinement, it is if 3rou were to wear broadcloth and a silk hatitomill. • i - Sri lbstgis3mds.. ►jHE OLD AND POPULAR , - : ' :-• Alt D W 81' RE. comic ii:Russat.t., rite tlte•attentlon at the 'publlo to their,stocr- HARDWARE 601)DS, Ccetslsting or COOK STOVES Of the most approred patients: . • RANGES, Of all kinds; ARLOtt:& HEAtING STOVES, in endless miety. BUILDING MATERIALS, Furnished at BOTTOM 'PRICES. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, every style SHEARS. SCISSORS, RAZORS, and POCKET CUTLERY, Of the ' best manataiture, and wartanted CARPENTERS' TOOLS, of every description GAS FIXTURES, i CHANTELIERS, BRACKETS, itc., • endless variety. The largest and :best assort ment kept In Northern Perinsylvalla. KEROSENE LAMPS, From the cheapest to the best. LAMP CHIMNEYS Sr, GLOBES, At greatly reduced prices; TIN WARE, n endless variety, of Oar owu manufacture, war- ranted first:elasq„ Jobbing of .all kinds in our line promptly atten• ded to. Tin roofs and eaves troughs put up In the most satisfactory manner, at short notice. GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING A Specialty. WE HAVE THE ONLY PRACTI CAL PLUMBER IN TOWANDA. ; Our, old friends and the public ketierally will bear in mind that we sell goods only for READY PAY! Bearing It the only systetn by whObjutstlee can be.flone both buyer and seller. Grateful for past very liberal patronage, weso licit a contimmuce of your custom - , with the assu rance that we will offer you greater inducements than any other establishment in the country, as we carry a larger stock, and enjoy peculiar facilities for purchasing. CODDING & RUSSELL I c29-7S-t f BARG!AINS IN STOVES TINWARE, lIA D A ita IRON AND PAINS, CA.RP.ENTER'S TOOLS, GLASS, d.C., MI GIVEN TO ALL PURCHASERS .FOR CASH, 11. T. JUNE'S HARDWARE STzOREA TOWANDA, PA dect743 R EALESTATE! A. J. NOBLEsk Ca, • Main strevt, TbWA.3I 7 D4, FARMS, MILL,S, VILLAGE LOTS, HOUSES, BUSINESS SITES IN TOWN, AL* AYS ON BAND AT BARGAINS .Also, large tracts of land In lOWA, NEBRASKA, KANSAS, Along line of desirable for Emtgrantg. PROPERTY FOR RENT. POW DWELLINGS AND BUSINESS PURPOSES. Rents collected and remitted on rea , ortable terms Money Loaned & Loans INegodated. Parttea wishinv to purchnsr eery do ityll to look or.r our lists. A, J. NOBLE 4k: Co. sprr--75t f IcHEAP COAL AND LIME. tom antlafter July 1, 1 lOU craslllme. kr., for cash only, And the price Ilst atilt htrcorrected monthly. ..• ewer.: OF COAL FOR JOLT, PLU4ON 01P 2,ooojbs, AT VIZ YARD: Mutton Store, Cheetnut and' Furnace ti 00 Pea I wi . - Carbon Run Lamp 4 00 .. .. .. Smith ~ 300 Barelay Monahan Lump 3 50 ..• tl. Smith - .. 2 75 Allentown Lbw X bushel Lath B K. flßagrrtek VI bushel VI X T KM always 10 dallier purchases' on short notice at t nstg Wee of dellsety.. 1 oleo tendenny theakOnffief 4: 1 107 M ends and exestoterildreett Tail !menu lestrenage In the al . r .trt u=ssliati tai Stew *pustular to make It to Ass:rontlnne to limy whore they can get the beet Molten money. - Tholllllollcsste "Indebted to me will take notice laislllnellitsoney or I can't hey for mai and pay trams. Rim. must settle try the lot id Air Ettanew - - • • , via Respecfully' Tours. - ff. PlitllnST • forma% lom r 1....11101101111010 . :c, "T'v't 11 1, O , S k- IMMO z:z= TOWAIIIIWiar . .Y - Seth, 1875. TETE-A-TETES, EASY CHAIRS HALL RACKS, At very low prices. We are determined to close oat one etocir tn this line before the fall trade, and in order to do so we are selling aG MI BLACK WALNUT, ~MARBLE Being the ber4thing in the market for the price and all other goods at very tow prieesi &C•_ &C., =1 And 10 00 MI ~.~t a.,-'.r- - natNiTtna I We we BO* egotists a large stock of PARLOR .SIIITS, MARBLE AND WOOD TOP TABLES, &0., VERY LOW PRICES. would call atteutton to our new CENTENNIAL, TOP, DRESSING CASE CHAMBER SUITS, AT $BO 00 MI UNDERTAA,IIOO,, Done In the best manner:and on the lowest tonna. You Will And better Coat and for less..money here than at any other place. Call and see us. JAS. 0. FROST & SONS, Manufacturers of and „ IN tudesain and 'Beta! Dealers In Fnmiture and undertaking, Main at., TOWA'SDA. PENICA j1520-tf O A. BLACK, - 11 OFFEI: • CROCKERY OF _ VARIOUS .PATTERNS, AND AS LOW AS THE LOWEST GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, siLttER vL A TED WARE, WOOD WARE, - STONE WARE, ,• BIRD CAGES, BASKETS, GLASS SHADES, I would say to the public that on any goods kept In stock I will not be undersold. 12133333 THE PANIC; With all Its DISAGREABLE Z'ONSEQUEirCE.S, Is past. The country is again restored to con ndence. All who want READY MADE CLOTMIND, Ot the latest styles and 'made up is the best man • ner, will be pleased to leant that I J. K. BUSH,- An experienced dealer, has opened an ltnmense stock or SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD MEN ANO ,IlOffes WEAR. MY STOCK OF SHIRTS, TIES, GLOVES, CUFFS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, IC., , Aral la tact eyeryttdag la the turnlahlag liras, is unsurpassed by any store in the country. If you don't believe I, can offer you better bar. him than have been gtven you heretofore, just call at my store in GRIFTITIIB k PATTO:q "8 BLOCK, BRIDGE S and I will CERTAINLY CONVINCE YOU That I am prepared to totlil sit I advertise, and time. nolin POSIGET THE PLACE, .store reeeatly act rOAb7 Kn. J. D. Hill. J. K. Btu. aprs.7& B NB' . I ~iT .M Ai E...R : '9O T 8 I T li- Y PRIORS LO = PLEASE CI Towanda. June STEVENS W H=a - L - E CHOICE F 0. A. BLACK Or taken In exc eel. • Our kin gives us we lire not ambt ter Buyers than a Pennsylvania. FIRE , A Is prepared , to l Ot sure classes !class, tellatde mpaulei, at as . 'latent with se+trltj, and Invites slltess of his friends and tbe pout Will ere st;eetal &netlike. tol °aisle of Towanda. Tostfinail, July r.1,167i4m. COLLARS, Mlkr oN . torro . 1 44RADED 1 - SCHOOL. The next t i e chi li = ;ID .cconmenee on 1111 ay, 234, and costume Twelve 1401111, ander the ttatidetion of REV. UALLOCE 41003TROSO. R. IL. with eamp_tent aselance. i _ A unkind net:Fiber of i.w rroen outside of the district din be; reeetreC RooWi can be obtained foe theeridablft to baird thesniehes. -; A Teaeherll etas* wtd. be foresee* at the cow mew fluent of the tend. 1 1 4 11111101 1' Teachers' C and Ingher Etigthdi Stadler, pee math •- - , '.ll • -.- - IS 00 ielll Z ti r. l24l . it .ti l : : 1 1 00 8° - 7- • ` . 3lllllWrile7'rett of asch% So Repflitinlated forfeit RAM au osaamma OW aa Vow aa maw SSW 1 , WAHL 1 I MI El Ni 111 OPENS 133113 rza 111 R , C E =I NMI L BARGA SPECI = 1 i 1 . 1 DEPARTM EVERY r 1 i 'l4-147.- I- AND Lx , CM LOR Ea ICE@ dt LdNG IN E & =I CM • AMA GR TRI COUN EM !laving a large and eotamodl.. ambled to emirs heavy alltimee. IDi FOR CASH P, PROD IN AN OM ge tar, rands, a axperikinike irk advaritaiges isk :lam to sake ! i l.kresi i teat we c i I 1" I A 'Apr ' OEM ' i . other istabllsb CREATE STEVENS FINER LAIN & m 2713. D 'LIFE IN u. 114 : Towa CMSI - 41101181 1 A • ," spiiig EvE4l4s; ni Invite everyorp, who sluY klud of D St [l7O Y 00 LE K , _( LOWE ST I'OSSI MI Tq call and eraual t. : N'EW ST SPRING AND SU vu. Which they a . FOR I' NS • Every Eoeivint le corn - 1 NIEW AND 111 a STAPLE IIIEII! WILL BE BO ' BABB Al.- I=l2 ELANS & MEI CO. Hotels and 8 sturants. MEANS .HOU E TOWANDA, Pa., . . COnxt.n .11A1 NIE 11.11:N3E gTIMETS. The Horses, Harness, &c., or all guests of this lionise, insured against lok, by Fire, withont any extra chargC. - A superior quality or OA English Bass Ale, just received.' T. It. JORDAN. Towanda, Jan. :4,14. Proprietor. WELL 11011.' 1 E' TOWANDA ! 1 E 1 .1 , A., 1 1 ' C. 31, 11*I.S0:4 , • liming leasied this house,; Is now ready to accom modate the travelling public. No pains nor expense will be spared to give satisfaction to those who ma y give him a call I , r I - sirNortti side of Publi • &pave, east of Mercul's new block. i ETAIL BETE!LEHEIf, CERIES, "OLD MORAV4N SUN 81111.7 1758. • ' , Rich to hilitorical Interests, It Is the only building in the country except independence - Hall, honored by the sojourn within Its wails of -Washington, La- Fayette. Lee and other patriots of the Revolution. This popular hotel has recently changed hands, been improyed, emtlrelrwiturnished, and the pro prietor cordially Invites his friends and Traveling Mile to give_ him a Call —Re pains will be spared to render their eta comfortable. - People en route for Pldladelphiawill Lind it convenient to spend. the night here, reaching thq city about eight -in the morning. A sample room on the first floor, for the accemmodation of comme cial agents. • C. T; swam, Sept. 4,173. Proprietor. I INNING 11,00. MS EVE, w ; 1 ; I N CONNECTION i• • , NEAR TILE COURT HOUSE We are 'prepared to feeil l the hungry at all times of the day and evening. flystera and Ice Crewn in their wagons. March 0,10. D. W;SCOTT & CO. store, we are.' Cock at - UTTER, EW ARRANGEMENT 1 . . AT !THE FIRST WARD BAKERY. MRS. MARY E. KITTREDGE, I I Haling laird:lased tile stock and fixtures of jl. A. 0oWles• Bakery, has retitled the astabllshment and portissett an entirely • NrW STOC OF GOODS, I ; Suited to the trade. such as Groceries, - Teas, C?ffees, Dried Fruits, Onniied Fruits, pandieo,,. Confec tiOnery;Fresl reid,Biseuit, Ausk, Roll , A neat. an attractive • . tcVl 6 . 111 NI SALOON . bsoipened In connection - with the est ' abib.e: meat, where ladles andrentlernen; can always find oes the t cream and other delicacies of the season TIEE DBTNG ROOM s t ird will at all times be sup ables, which will be served mere and others wisiting mient placa to supply the lowest cash prl- Grocery Trade and as profits, we fist offer INTO TO ent In N4thern d z LONG. RIDGE an., OWANDA, nireturnlahe piled with substantial ea at reroon,Ole rate& Fa town wllt•tind this a con wants of the-Inner man. SITRANCE. Towanda, April 23,74- UM T" PLACE . HORSE FIXIN 9 S GENERALLY Is at C. DATON;I3 in the storelstely occupied 411/11331 Wolff as a Ctothlog Store. !laving removed my est:Zile/Meta, to mops commodious and conve nient quarters. I respectfully invite wy old custo mers, and all in want of ! anything In the line of • HARNESS; SADDLES, WHIPS, lot risk* In KW- rates s 5 are con- I share of the bu- e grneyail wimpy of risks --- NET , &C., to give me a call, feelln satisfied that from the fa cilities k ,possess for lairchasing stock, t cap do a better Jett, at alower lice than any othe l estab7 'Lament in the county. DWI t t forget the ;mice one door below the old strnd of !Fos Elmer.' ink 721 1 ., C. r.,ToAriow. . , POI SALE.--41. valuable farm in AMens talo.„laylng Illi miles from Athena , and a nal es ' from Waverly. Contains 136 WSW ati Irma 125 are in grass and grain, A dairy of 23 cows has- been kept on It, and there Is base ment stabling for that Amber. It has a gentle In elinatkni' to Ike south, mid Is srsams, strong 'and. an; . It will tiesold low , potted gins tunnedl- MeV. i Address ---- • 1 . • •1. DBEN, Matra, N. Y. . , 'Ti • ' '1):, ~ PA=../..tbens, Pa. 1 - leralWo4llmt an. ainifi.,7ltt. EMI 1111 spring 'nu; D TH fi? Purctilae any D 8, -s V At the LE PRICE e ilielr l cieK ER GOODS, I=l 'SPECTION. SI lete with all that Is TOVEL, As well B ; OODS, D AT DECIDED ,S, BY ILDRETH, Bridge Street '.llll THE BAKERY, A nite.; KITTREDG E TO BUY. YOUR 88 AND RYA.' w • -vorpitylt-mottNE-stiop. The stidesalWd having purebised 'fitiltilittlry 014111tEklueOW" 112 mrsimilabt-Outuressman; op prepared Oslo sa ds of w k 'Wan to their t!RatolcillOrith - Rill/ 1 7 3 r • :35; ": ~!fi ~ : i ~.. MILL IGHARINGSt CIRCULAR SAW -1 MILLS, , MANDRILLS, And all kinds of .311,11 Irons made to eider,- ENGINES Ana work svarrsinted 'to give satisfaction 8111.13Glag MACILINES 0I MO lairst alitl most Improrthl kinds inanufatirth ed arid kept constantly on hand awl ready for thie PLOITORS :31D E-1111.4, lIW AND I%OO.I:YES-B,EABIS foto] kinds. CITLTITATORS, CORN PiOUGITS JiND I - POINTS Of :,atl Muth:, and the latest Imprvyetneut kept ou hand. I=l CHURN POWER' , 1 AND SMALL :,IZE STOVE CASTINGS CELtA It GRATES, SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES; • . : i t .tit(iE KETTLES, And all klllda ' af castings furnished al-- 31EASii & LOCkWEI.I. 'BLOOD _ & COM pANy sin, continue to mina:velure their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS , ti And will sell a better umeldne roi• less money than Can he had.hlsewhere .In the world. We elaint for our machines that they will do as much, or more, than any other, and morn dumbly hunt.. AVe per sonality superintend our work and see that It Is well done. We :will send D',ESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES of our Machines. on applicap.on O$E Az 4- TWO IJORSE POWERS, OTie and two horse Threashers and Separators, Thresher and . Cleaners. FANNING LLS, rlncur.An, AND St Vti` `ILLS, ' - Saw snd Grist Mill work done to order. Give tts'a call before purchasing elsewhere. , Vd ‘7lja 11110A1Vlitt `SX:III,I,T "oa 000 la Avg 1,'89 NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! 0111.1te the lew