Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 05, 1875, Image 3

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, 1 44 dw: ,ftittt
nirandaila.,Nrskr, AM 5,1371
GETAT nroucroirra TO PORN mums
!esixii'r,g lam* increase the circula
tion thelßEP4nat, we will between
this time and the first of January next,
give.a new Sixty-Sie Dollar Weed Sewing
Machine to,every 'arson forwarding us
Forty New Subscq)ers, at $1.50 each.
Such a clitb cal be formed in every
A 'AIME 'xonli,,q,ation listened to a
very interesting missionary address, by
Bishop LEE,
,at Clarist Church, on &Imlay
morning last. I
. l
TEE crowded:state e.
of our advertising
columns compels its to omit a large
amount of reading! matter prepared for,
this paper. . !
I , .
Hon. E. 112 air has the only water
power in thig sect* which is never af.
I fected by dry weather. Ms supply of
water is inexbaustilde.
TEE Company noir operating the stone
quarry. near , llornbiuok, employ nearly
fifty men. The company is .composed of
several active, en4rgetic, Philadelphia
CuABLEs J. Bn+fi, of Sheshequin,
cut eightAcre,s of grass, with a five feet
Clipper machine, in three hours and forty
minutes: one day last week. Has any one
beaten this? -
• A rAt.rAirix yormi 'Mare belonging to
E. C. HERRICK, 'of Athens, had a kg bro
ken on Tuesday last.' She had never been
driven alone, and the experiment cost not'
only a leg; but the life of the animal.
TH; centennial Of birth of D.'txim.
O'CoNNELt; will be celebrated at the
Catholic Church, in this place, on Friday
next. Mass at 10:36 1 A. M.; lecture at I
e. n. Admission fret. All are invited.
IT WILL be: seen ithat the WALLACE
.sisters are to appear m thin - place again,
on Friday evening net. Those who have
witnessed their perfoinances on previous
`Visits, need no urging to induce them to
ag,ain. • • i
knri.'r, of Scranton, was
one of the commission appointed by Bish
op SMITH to inve4igate the : charges
-against Bishop WITIT;FWGII , OI. The COM- ,
mission, after ax_iniestigation, decided
.that-there icas i:) ,, gronnd for the charges.
VERY sharply contested and interest
ing game of Base Ball was played in this
place, on Friday aftetnoon last, between
- the Athletics, of Ithaqa, and the Winonas,
•of_Towanda. Both clubs did some excel
lent playing, but the Ithaca club Were the
victors by a,score of 1p to 5.
-THE irrkpres.sible proposes to
put up gas Works .at lyellsboro', provided
the borough authorities will agree to pur
chase and use fifty street lamps and two
Jutzulred meters for dwellings, stores, etc.,
be guaranteed. Theg-as not to cost con
siamers-to-exceed $4 pi.n. thousand feet. .
tRE ,
Elmira ..ildred ,
imer publishes the
names of persons int Chemung over 70
years of age, which fl; of up 749, divided
according to ages as follows : 604 between
,_7O and 80c128 betweeii 80 and 90; 16 be
tween 90 and 100; and one over 100. Who
says the age of man is lon the decline, es
pecially in ebemmog . county.?
- --.lltv. H. A. CLEv I ELANtr, - pastor -of
Foundry Church, Wtishington, •D. C.,
will supply .the pulpit of the 31. E.
Church, this place, net Sunday. M.: C.
is one of the most giftefi and popular pul
pit orators in- the country, and the peo
ple of Orwell, where lie was born and
reared, enjoy his annual slimmer visits.
r THE weather is phiasant on Saturday
evening next,- the, Lin-ta Band Will play
from the Music: Staid the following
.piceeN :
1. Young Bull 'Quickstep; 2. Departed
—Days; 3. Darling Waltz 4. Silver Threads
Among the Gold; You ire Always Young
to Me; .When the' Silver - tints the Gold.
Also by redueAt, Brtider LUstig Gallop;
11,--The What-is-it?
Svuoot. special meeting
oaf &lima Board on Monilay evening, Aug.
2, the following Members were present :
.1. A. epDDING, President; TIDD,
Treasurer -- ; C. F..Niennt,s, Secretary ; J.
was elected Janitor, for the school building
for the coming year, at a salary of $3O
per month. On motion of .T. P. VAN
FLEI7r, the following [text books were
adopted : - WATsoNs' se t ries of lleaders„
liai:x}'s' History, W.vnioNs' Spellers.'
. C. F. NtenoLs, Sec'y.
HonAcE pomElor,,lr Troy ; contem
plates building, a tine residence further
West on Main street than the Presbyteri
an church. There is scarce a more eligi
ble Spot than this hillside, and it is but a
little removed front the : LAM - -
HENCE VALK, architt, of Ilrooklya.
is preparing the plans.
• Tiii•:•Troy Y.C. A, is in a flourish
ing condition. It has gyc')wn-from twenty
three members at its I organization to
,abottteiglity at the close of the first year.
The following officers'Riave been elected
for the current year :
- •
President, JAM Es B. IV 11. IA 11 - I:: Vi-cc PreAtleut. E. E. WARLItEr,rr: Secretary.
B. B. 11rruttur.r.; Treast rer,
IIIi'E\TLT at 31hinelitia,tWO walks were,
ompleted,iwe called Pine • walk and the
other Ilea& 'walk. Whgn the connection
was made,. a 'marriage eoremony was per
formed, a lady and . gentleman taking the
parts respectively of Mss Pine and Mr.
Reach. Dr. McKNionT, - of Elmira, per
formed the ministerial Kit of the service,
And joined the loving couple. Poetry was
reacj, speeches made, and a general jollifi
cation followed. It wai, an event very
prettily conceived and Very handsomely
carried out. '
Mn. Eorron : Please apow me space in
your piper to acknowledge the .receipt of
.1 beautiful cane, finely ornamented, and
bearing a plate my 'name handsome
ly engraved thereon: which was handed
me on Thursday last, by! a young gentle
man of your borough, who disclaimed an_
knowledge from what source it came.
To say I was much surprised, and more
pleased than surprised, Aqould.not be tell
ing half enough. Did I knoW the gener
ous donor;--I
.could Concentrate my grati
tude directly in that quarter; but know
ing only that it came firim , Towanda, ,I
,hall have to spread my gratitude over all
the hills and valleys of Old Bradford, that
I „limy be sure of hitting he mark. _ The
kind aiul generous trieatment I receil'ed at
tlie hands of all her, citizens, during the
tniv....vears of my life that spent in your
thriving and beautifUlbotrugh, will never
be_forgf•tton, and the remembrance of the
many cheerful gatheringslwith their kind
'-r_ greetings, will alwayt form a green
lot in my memory, until all business
cares air laid aside forever.
• T. towEN.
Elmira. X. 1"..
P I : II sONAL.—DocOr: STEWART ? pastor
First Presbyterian Church, is
spending a few weeks with his mother, in
toingomery county,. He expects to be
absent four weeks, and will visit the new
Presbyterian resort, Sea Grove.
—Out genial friend, rtAX Quin, of
Troy, was made doubly happy the other
morning, when his better[half presented
him with. twins: t
—Jolts DActs Dt - 6 - im.p l , of l'hiladel 7
pion, is in town, •
•-.7711Er. G. W. Cie.6;i4n and' family
left town to-slay for. 4 Mite weeks' visit
with friends..
At.tcy: and Ivyv
~ f Lancaster, Pa., are ruslieating at the
home of their uncle, lion.l E. 11. MV Ell,
ill Wysox. 11,
. —Editor If.tavt er , os' the Montrose
Dem , ,erirt, paid us a filendly_ call on Fri
day morning. Brother 11. is a simori-pure
Deameml, but one of thel most . 'affable,
entertaining gentleman of; our acqimint
ance. As his lot has; bee 4 cast in a Re
publican stronghold, his extreme political
views only serve to make the other side
more vigilant, while his g nature and
polished manners' eleiate moral tone
of the couuututityv
- • •
Own:rm.—We, the undendowa MOMS.
ben of Cascade Chung% Camptown, do
hereby expieee our deep sorrow occasion.
ed 14,the death of our sister, Mrs. 0. W.
STEPHEN; who was a chart er member of
our Grange.. We also assure our brother,
Mr. G. W. ErrzerrExs ' that he has ou
si n cere sympathy in this his great be
reafeMent.- G. L. WILLIAMS,
D. Coox,
Ite.v. Mr.. HuosoN, a Presbyterian cler
grof Williamsport, with his sister--
Miss M BEYSON, who were returning
frchn a visit, in the country on Wednesday
last, and while driving in Watsontown to
take the cars for home, were badly injur
ed by the horse running away. Mr. Him
'Ben's %back was broken. Ile is an old
gentleinan, and there are 120 hopes of his
recovery. Miss BATSON was very badly
Injured about the neck.
DEE;De recorded week ending July 61 :
D Cash . to Burton Russell, July 4, 1862,
Omni L Antliohy et al to S B Ross,
Feb 24, 1874, Athens; Geo P Cash to F A
Cash, Sept 28, '69, Towanda Boro'; Geo
P Cash et al to same, Aug 10, -'79, To
wandalßoro'; James H Webb, adm'r, to
N C Harris, July 28, '75, Athens Boro';
John C Weller to Wm Owner, July 22,
'75, Athens Boro'; Daniel Sullivan to A
Loder, - Oct 13,''70, Towanda Boro'; J M
Smiet; Sheriff, to Horace Spencer. May
'75, Burlington.
A PcinvoN of the school directors of
this borough, at a meeting convened for
the purpose on 'Monday evening last, im
poftd upon the people of this place the
aaitiorial burthen of purchasing new
school ;books. The heavy debt, under
which the district is now resting, requir
ing, a tax of one per cent., ought to have
admonished these officials that it was in
bad taste, at least, to require the five or
six hundred pupils in our school, to lay
aside their old books and bny new ones,
simply ; because some interested agent
bores them:
I. O. Or G. T.—At the regular meeting
of the' Good
.Templars' Liidge; of - this
place, hOd on Weattesday evening of last
week, the following officers were cle - cted
for the current term, and will be installed
this evening by Lodge Deputy G. W. C.
T.—C. F. NICHOL... 7 .
`W. 1r; T.— Miss CHAFFEE.
W. B.;—C. H. ALLLZI.
W. C.:4-0. J. Cnt - nntx-K.
W. I. 0.-3IAltiA Nienot.s. -
W. o..G.—Wit. KETNEIt.
The Lodge is steadily increasing in
nurnhersi interest and influence.
AT 'Nil: regular meeting - of Herrick
Lodge 1.,0. of - G. T., on Monday evening
aast,_ the following officers, were elected
for the quarter commencing Ang. 1 :
W. C. T.—E. 0.- TArLon.
1 W. V. T.—Mrs. G. F. WARNEI.
W. $.4-Mrs. J. L. IVooonnts.
W. P. S.—N. H. ACCT..
W. T.-i-AsA WARNER. _
W. INI.L 7 L. C. I3Lint:
. .
W. (3, - GEO. CJLtFEE.
The Lodge is in flourishing condition,
and notwithstanding the opposition we
have met.! we are receiving new members
almost every week. Sixty members have
already been- received,' and we hope to
number 100 before January next.
S. P. WARNER, Seey.
En. it6'OlTElt : In justice to the Ist
Nine of the Star B. B. Club, I wish to,
make a statement .through your paper,
that the Comets' did not play 'the New
Albany B. ('.. no! a picked Nine of
Albany, as printed in the REronTEn and
Republititio of last week, but they did
play the 24 Nine of the Star B. B. C.,
and in which there was not a player from
the Ist Nine, which is better, - I think,
4han the Conicts can say for their club.
Allow Me to say also that the match
game between the Star Club and the .3lii
zeppas was played at New Albany, in
stead of Evergreen, with a victory for the
Stars,. by *score of 20 to 14.
• Saturday- the Star Club was called to
(some of the Ist Nine being away)
to play the. Monroe- boys, and came out
victorions4score, 3 - 4' to 11.
A conuEsmisnENT of the Ilakpendent
Rcji Niel( furnishes the following hchu
tiful tribute to the late Mrs.. Brunows. of
" We hav'e no words adequate to speak
of this gentle wife anti mother. Praise is
not fitting fur one who seemed beyond
it. We can only 'say that 'she is dead,'
and hearts:are desolate, and there is a
name dear to_us never to be forgotten.
'We shall titiss Alice when we all meet
where she lias often met witli us, now,
alas ! for the last time on earth. Those
who ha . ve known her will long remengifer
rare ,qualities of mind and heart; accom
plishments which fitted her to grace any
Position; and, better than these, the fortu
nate possession of a temper and disposi
tion which endeared her to all who were
ever her friends ; and yet this gentleness
was combined with strength of mind and
courage which helped to till out the l few
years of her life with energy and com
pleteness. Attacked by the dread destroy
er-r-eonsumption—she sought relief by
travel and change of climate, but without
benefit.; and returned from Colorado Ter
ritory but a short time before her death,'
Only. came home to die ; and the end was
peace. surronntle(j. husband. father.
and loving friend: - Leaving to their, ten
der care het', infant son, she, whose life
was beautifid, gave hev,self up to the will
of her Savior, and was;-beautiful in death."
•ED. : I read the announce
ment contained in your- paper of last
Week, of the death of Mr. W. A. PECK,
with feelings of uncommon sadness. The
melancholy eVent most faithfully recalls
to my mind the peculiar eireinustances at
tending my introduction to him, and the
great kindnesi he . extended me while -a
law student in his office. Having studied
law a short time before enteringhis office.
I sometimes acted as counsel for parties in
unimportant icas'es before Justices of the
Peace. On One 'of these occasions, Mr.
PECK appeared for the adversary of my
client, and I shall never forget the fear
and embarraiisment. I experienced upon
learning that he was a regular practicing
attorney_of the Bradford county bar, nor
how quickly ;these painful feelings were
removed by the kindly and, considerate
manner in which he treated me. "
Shortly after this occurrence I com
menced my legil studies in his office,
Where I receiVed from him and his true
and faithful brother, Benj. 31. PECK. Esq.,,
the most patient. and kind attention. I
shall ever revert, to this period of my life
with the.uttutist gratitude for the aid, en
couragement i.and sympathy, these two.
brothers gave me in my dark and weary
I regret, Mr. Editor, that I am not bet
ter able to express the feelings of admira
tion and reverence henterained for the
intellectital character of the deceased. In
native ability' nd scholastic attainments,
I shall alWayabelieVe that he was a great
and remarkable man. Unrestrained in
his researches to any particular branch of
knowledge, his mind seemed to grasp
with _precision and firmness the whole
field of htimati intelligence. As a lawyer,
in debate his demeanor was the impress
of perfect grace . and courtesy; his logic
symmetrical, grand - and convincing. 'En
dowed with inventive ability of a thigh
his arguments were always distin
guished by their originality and philo
sophical speculations. With all his unu j
seal mental endowments, he was a can
tious and studious lawyer:. While . I Nvas
his office, I am certain no advice of the
slightest importance fell froin his lipS
without being ~ first framed by the most
diligent and careful examination; andlio
case he repreSented was ever present6l,
to a judge or jury without first receiving
the most thorough preparation.
I remember ia very important rase in
which he represented a certain large man
ufacturing company before some court in
.New York' the question in controversy
related to ;lie construction of a large man
ufacturing establishment, the disposition
of Which depended principally upon the
testimony of experts. In preparin g him
self for the trial of this case, Mr. PECK
occupied one whole week in the establish
ment, in studying and analyzing the parts
andA.ombinaticins of its machinery.
In respect to'-all the intellectual quali
ties necessary. to make a man great, and a
lawyer successful and eminent, .no Man•
more richly- deServeS a :tribute of praise
than the deceaSed;.and I trust, Sir, that
my feeble.effortis hilt a prelude to many
more, woithierand better.
. - Yours Trul
F: 31. cants.
.Wilkes-Berre,,,Augast 8, 1875
ChM populsz Aitist, A. J. Ftsaam, has
placed a hum, containing specimens of
his skill, in the Post-Office. The pictures
speak for themselves. •
Tun following extract from one of W.
C. T. DAwrT's circulars, although short,
is just to the point and full of"wisdom
" After many years of work In thif tem
perance cause, exrrience has taught us
that prevention is better than cure. 110
the beat means for aocinnplishnig the end
for which we are laboring, is a thorough
education of the children in the princi
ples of temperance."
Let temperance people educate their
own children to avoid the "vile cup," and
we shall soon have a generation of total
abstainers. -
Sixtpeight years ago, when a boy of five
years, I lived with my grandfather,
31c*Exs COOLHAUtaI, then living in Wysox.
My grandfather tanned and prepared a
buckskin, from which he cut and made
me a nice pair of pantaloons, for which I
was thankful and proud as any boy. The
same day that my pants were finished, I .
had to sally out through the neighbor
hood to show my playmates my new rig.
Unfortunately it rained pretty Much all
the day, and my now pants were; wet to
my skin. In the evening grandfather
built a large wood fire, and stood'before
it and dried my new pants. But lo ! when
bed-time came, and-I tried to disrobe my
self of my pants, I found them dried tight
to the skin, so that grandfather or grand;
mother, or both, could not get their little
boy out of the new pants. I was Obliged
to sleep with them ~ on that night! The
next morning a new trial was made, but
to no better parpose, and my grandpa
was obliged to cut °pert the legs to relieve
me from my last pair of leather breeches:
Tin next 'scission of the State Tealch,_ enel
AssoCiation *ill be held in he lama:
House, Wilkes-Barre, Aug. 10,.•11 and 12,i
1875. Important educational topics are
to be considered, and every effort viillhe
made to render the meeting a profitable,
and interesting one. meting
excursion will!
probably be taken by Members of the As- !,
sociation on Friday - to ithe Switch-Back, V'
or some other point of- interest in the vi
cinity of the meeting. The proper offi
cers have made arrangements with the •
different railroads of the State by which
persons attending the Association can go
at reduced rates. ' but the L. V. 11.. IL, Is
suing mileage tickets,.. Bradford 'County
Teachers can attend at rates not differing
materially from the lowest excursion
rates, and those desiring to attend had ,
. I ;
better' secure mileage tickets.
And now_ as this Association ,is tb be
held so close to us, and as Bradford cowl=
ty has a good - reputation throughout the 1
State for Intelligence, we hope to See a 1
large delegation of our teachers present.
CIWILE.4 WRIGIIT y Esq., of Canton,
who died on, the 20th ult., after providing
for his widow and other relatives, left the
following sums, to the Presbyterian
Church :
. Presbyterian Board of Education, $l,-
000, for cducating youni men for !the
minisfry• ' ,to Presbyterian' Church, Can
ton, $7,000; the income 'from $5,00 for
support of ministry there, and the bal
ance for Foreign Missions. • The bakince
of his estate, amounting tit $B,OOO or $lO,-
000, after a few small, bequests, is given
to the Presbyterian Church of Canton . ; to
be invested, and the interesethereof to be
paid annually to the Society for the relief
and support of worn out and disabled
ministers of the Presbyterian deriombia-
Wm. Ire also stipulates that three of his
relatives, to whom die betriwaths wine
thing, shall annually pay to the PresbYte
rian church at'Canton ti each. Trios: S:
)f.t.xt.Ey is made trustee, to whom he also
bequeaths $3OO to be used in .the educa
tion of a Son.
The will orovides that should the Plies
bytotian Church at Canton change in be
lief and doetrine, so 'as not to be in hitr
mony with the Westmiulter Confession of.
Faith, then the income devoted to the
support of said church shall be paidtto
the Susquehanna . Presbytery, to be ex
pended for preaching .said doctrine at
Canton and Canton Birth'.
IlitoTnun KINNEY, of the Waverly .4d
roritte, was in:town a few days since, and
.refers to his Pleasant visit in this manner:
"Made Towanda a visit last week after
three years', absence, and_ the
these three years have wrought are really
wonderful. • None can judge so well of
the growth of. a place as an occasional
visitor. Ile returns, exPeeting to find
things just as he left them a few years
before,. when be is forced to conclude that
Aladin mith his wonderful lamp has been
round thafway. Towanda has spread in
.its territorial dimensions, multiplied in
population and increased in business in
proper ratio. Everybody seemed to have
something to do, and even hiafers plied
their silent vocations with commendable
energy Nothing but :the river )thowed
indications of a decline, 'four prosperous
newspapers being unable to keep it pp.
Looked through their new jail, which
no doubt, the best institution of the kind
AO the country., it is so attractive that .:j
about forty - men in that county want to
be elected to take charge ;of it. A Sher
itr's term there is worth $lO,OOO net,
which is probably as attractive kits the
new jail. Saw the Jury Commissioners
draw jurors for September term: - They '
had about as much to do with it as the
pathmasters of Armenia momitains. Saw
lots of old friends, but didn't treat one (,`,l'
'em. It's against our principles to treat
or he treated. Always did like TowandaJ
and its folks. Will go again some time.l'
Tut: Toigieranee l'indica tor pays
friend DARTT tlic following merited coin
pliment :
" Tiro. Dxftrr takes every occasion tp
visit' Lodges. East week, after complet :
ing the business id• the Executive Con/
mittee meeting in Philadelphia, he
,a -
cepted_the kind invitation of Germantown
Lodge to join in an excursion to Florence
Heights. This proved to be a very pleasL
ant affair, " and; judging froth the fra l r
ternal feeling that prevailed and the enerr .
gy members displayed to make every del
tail complete, Germantown Lodge is mak
ing very good public sentiment as far as
her influence extends.
On Friday eveninr , ' he visited Scatter!
good Lodge,and, asßro. Moore recount;
ed the wonderfuli works of that Lodgci
since its organization—sending out worl d '
ers to all lands and upon the high seas—
we thought eternity alone would disclose
the amount of gopd that Lodge, has all
ready seiltferecl. We were equally encour.!
aged by the spirt, of determination to
continue the goocriWork manifested.
"Circulars published to-day give the
standing committees and special deputies)
appointed for the - ensuing year. . The ap-1
pointees are well-known and active Good
Templars, and will no doubt discharge
satisfactorily all the duties devolving up-;
on them." I
, " N'ext week a corrected list of Lodges l
and Lodge Deputies will be published,'
thus completing the organization for the
year. Now for an advance along the
THE Massachusetts Humane Society
has Published very brief and intelligible
directions for saving the lives of persons
rescued from the water after they have
become insensible. They are as follows :
1. Lose no time. Carry out these di
rections on the spot.
2. Remove the froth and mucus from
the mouth and . nostrils.
3. Hold the body, for - a few seconds
only, with the head hanging down, so that
the water may run nut of the lungs and
4. Loosen all tight articles of clothing
about ,the neck and chest.
5. See that the tongue is pulled forward
if it falls back into the throat. By taking
hold of it with a handkerchief it will not
6. If the breathing has ceased, or nearly
so, it must be stimulated by pressure of
the chest with the hands, in imitation of
the natural breathing; forcibly expelling
the air from the lungs, and allowing it to
re-enter and expand them by the elastici
ty of the ribs. Remember that this is the
most important step of all.
To do it readily lay the person'on his
back t with a cushion, pillow, or some firm
substance under his shoulders; then press
with the flat of the hands over the lower
part of the breast-bone and the upper
part of the abdomen,
keeping up a regu
lar repetitioi. and relaxation •of pressure
twenty-or thirty times a,minute. A pres
sure of thirty pounds may be applied with
safety to a grown person.
7. Rub the limbs with the hands or
with dry cloths constantly, to aid the cir
culation and keep the body warm.
8. As soon as the person can swallow,
ire a tablespoonful of spirits in hot wa
ter, or some warmireffee or tea.
9. Work deliberately. Do not'ye up
too quickly. Swims; has, the
- orts of hours.
P. G.,_.Tomi 17. - <harm i prominent
Odd Fellow aid esteemed gentleman of
Canton, entertained the members of his
Lodge at his residence, a few eve=
since. 1 The Sentinel describes the
tit , •
" • . &today evening last, 'Canton_
I , • No. 821, i O. O. ic., met at their
11 for the nsnill routine of business,
and hi t d progressed far toward acijouni•
ment when the 0. G. announced the re
ceipt of a communication, which was duly
passed to the Secretary, who observing
the delicate nature of it, and the super
seriptiOn evidently of a lady's band, he,
hesitatingly opened it, fearing (in these
degenerate times) some exposure of an
unfortunate brother; but his fears were
fortunately d,ispelAed after a careful peril
; sal; and handed the 'Janie 'fiver to• the N.
G. i for reading and aetionof the Lodge. The
ißrothers were not long held in suspense,
as the Secretary read an invitation to
ithem to meet their. wives and daughters
I st the residence of P. G., J. W. GRIFFIN,
as their presence was much desired, after
the elose;of the F.
"Many were the conjectures at this re.
,quest. The object could not po defined.
The invitation,however, was accepted,
and in due' tim e the members formed in
Carching order. 1
"On entering the dwelling Of the
, _orthy P. G., they were cordially receiv
ed and greeted by. the beaming counte
pances of a host -of ladies, and tables
groaning under the weight of substantials
end luxiiries for the inner man.. The sur
prise was complete, and give rise to much
merriment and a general feeling 'of re
spect for the fair ladies in their ;display of
kindness and labor in preparing the ban.
duet. After supper the Brothers were
.entertained with fine music by Mimi, 11EL
liN BoTifwELL and others, and the agree
a'ble association of the ladies. It is need
less to say the evening thus spent was one
that will long be remembered and cher
ithed 1))1 allihe participants in its enjoy
"We Must' not omit mentions
_g in this
connection, that many of the Brothers
from Griffin Lodge, of Roaring Branch,
and Block House, who visited Canton
Dodge oil that evening were present, and
had the pleasure of .enjoying the festivi
ties of the occasion.
I " The getters-up, as well as those who
rendered!assistance, deserve considerable.
- praise for the excellent manner 'in which
the whole programme was 'carried out.
May their, experience happiness imm.easur
able;. may their eyes never grow dim; may
their cheeks never fade and their_ brows
never wrinkle; for the .surprise of Last
"Saturday night will •be something . always
„lc( be remembered with grateful feeling"
land pleasant - heartfelt emotions' of grid i
itiide. ' • : •
. ,
1 IrAmir.v IiErNION. —A . pleasant time
;wits experienced by D. W; BROWN and
'fancily, at'Browntown, on Joly 17. These
annual gatherings, or reunions, afford
pleasant and profitable hours, especially
to our family, as God in his mercy, to
this date, has- lefi the' golden chain that
bids us, without a misking link. We all
bid untold consolation bi reflecting upon
Bie times by-gone, while roaming over fa
ndliar play grounds, and along the banks
blithe various streams and ponds, Where
where we had spent much of our !time in
4Many changes weio noticed by each of
!ii that time had wrought : forests had
! yielded to !the woodman's axe; the un
-I,tilled soil had become subdued in many
!Places; ol(b landmarks! had been removed;
!tenses had rotted and fallen, and in some
instances new ones had been erected in
their stead.
i : We noticed, too,
that many who were
F Children when we left home, had. grown
! tolbe men and women; and those who
Wore' re' in th i t prime, had either faded and
, now carri ed the marks of time and toil, or
hail been numbered among the dead.
i It saddened us somewhat to see our pa
: retits with 'careworn-brows and eyes dim
! Med with age, - though we feel to! rejoice
th:ii such a great degree of health and
phisperity lattends them. Some-I°f our
- near relatives are, step by step, -nearing
the open gates. The • fires of life have
'Mined low, and we fear that at another
' re -lotion some now animated km May be
Walking in spirit robes; we 'trust, how
r, that such may not be tht ease.
! - Tirpe, how ver, oveth all thing on to
death, and if we would, we could not stop
its savages
; ; A
visit to one's old home, after air al.)
Rime of m. ny years, engaged in arduous
toil I hellcat 1 the towering walls 'of city
buildings, here nothing but Innitle and
contusion' signs, ahtl the reflected sun
i light fairly scorches one's brains, iS a rea
sonable exuse for'being considerably ear
-1 rice away ith country scenery and do
mestic fell ity. You,' kind reader will
net smile, if. I tell you that I enjoy'ed the
tinkle of a cow-bell and the baying; of a
heirnd; much better than the notes of. the
meal; delicately touched harpString.l Don't
call .Me - a:•" granger," but simply cOnsider
me ii, little r nthusiastic over the laughing
brooks, the smiling forests, the Singing
bird's, the blossoming, flowers, and the '
are ma fro xt the liar-fields., •
AI fathily reunion In the rural d istricts F
can;t be outdone. The poet may Sing of l i
towering dOmes, magnificent castles, au
cien't althe'rats and grand old palaces; or
pilrieg,al splendor in -this or any other
laritt or Of v a.trip across the water," or
aremul the orld; yet my head and appe
tite J 1
are mo o easily in fl uenced and satis-!!
fie( lin and! around the old homestead,
!than they would be to realize the fall val
ne of all that the poet could convey in his
song Of all Alm good things to !eat or
drink, my nother prepares the best. May '
the writer ireet her many, many Unties as
of !y lyre, is his heartfelt prayer. " God
bless our 'nether."
Iniconclu ion I feel a few (hilts fel
atiVe to the longevity of the family will
not be out o place or, character here.
- MY grand ather was one of thel ea Ty '
settlprs of Wyalusing, iii4 - •name was
D.ix)r.i. Bit?ws. Ile, was in Wybming
the day prior to ,the g reat massaere, and
was then nine years o f age. His father,
withibis fareily, fortunately left that lo
cali just in time to avoid death at the
basics of the ruthless savage. When a
young man, le located in the place that
l'eart, his, au -name, viz: " BrownthWn."
Heilvetrto 1e 89 years of age. Ilelleft,a
largq family, nine of Whom are now -M
-ing, I My fa tier., _the youngest, is aged 61;
nextiin age 3, and the rest as follows,:
65, 7i), 71, 73, 77, 79, 81—aggregateiages,
640. i The gMndehildren number 41, !great
grandehildr - 81. Total number of de
scendants living, 131. But abodt 20
deaths have occurred in all these tears,
'frofiljall the amities.
Ititink it ould be di ffi cult to show a
better recd of long life. I have no doubt
mil has h e n due to prudent, ;temperate
living, to all w us to record so long a life,
teasel . The are three physicians livingf
anti acne de s , belonging to the family; nkik
lawyer* the argest number farmers and !
mechanics. If such - a thing is possible,
we hope nex year to sec all this array of
Binii - xs to ther, grand re-union,
that is so ma ry of them as may be stared to live. • ! •
Th`e child n made their mother happy,
and !her visio ' clearer, -- by; 'presenting her ,
with b pair o gold-bowed..glasses; and re
minded the other of advancing time by
presenting h:m with a calendar (000,
maniifacturel at Ithaca,. N. Y.
iI remain, yours truly }
(the i eldest fD. W. BnowN's famil y).
. Mira, N. Y.
_ ; i,
Titi: Tut. L.—Pursuant to' auno Itce
ntent,i the ag nts of the Eureka and Buck
eye Mowert, et on Tuesday to teat the
draft of thei respective machines. v The
following co sprdence will explain the
reason why t e trial - did not take place :
On arriving at the Ward House, Mr.
I)Avlsox add essed the following letter to
Mr. 11 ADDEN :
W.,tun lloust:, July 21, 1 87 5 .
I.4ITLENEI'i:!—I desire to notify( you
now that I shalt at the trial this afternoon
challenge you to mow against the Model
Buckflye, cutting 4 feet 6 inches witl4our
Eureka, cutting 4 feet 3 inches. •If you
desire! a fain trial you will accept this
challenge, as tltat machine is the only one
you make ch comes into competition
with the Model Buckeye. 1 '
ruly Yours,
i ,
To the Eut .Im. Co., Towanda.
TotANDA, Pa., July 97, 1875.
DAVISON : Yours Of 1 this
date mceived., The competition to-day is
betweqn the Direct Draft Eureka Mower
' and, thb Side Draft Buckeye. In oui. ex-
I penence we find that success is found in
:doing one thirtg at a time. Our business
to-day,tis to at the Buckeye in draft.
IWe hope you will' be present to see it
done.' i Respectfull y Yours , !
1 To'w.t.. - Ds EttnElts MOWER CO.
On n 1
triving in the figld Mr. D e visors
made the fofithriug statement to the ROM.
M ittee F , ;
1 - Wm:m.4uly 27,1876. ~.
Gerruotior nitwit: Ccorinmix—As the
Eureka Company were recommending and
trying to sell their 4 feet 8 'inch Mower — at
the time when the arrangement was • mad
for this ttial, I had of course expected to
compete , with a machine of that class,pri ce
and width of cut, and more espec ially as
that is tlitimachine claimed by the Eureka
Company to be built 'for the expre ss pur
pose of competing with the ni la e I sell
and other mowers of its class and width of
tit. But was imrprised ;to learn while at
their works yesterday that they ( the Eureka
Company) thought of putting into this-test
a 6 feet mower. As most of the power of
,a machine is, consumed in the friction of
' the gearing, which iS the same, whether the
cut is wide or narrow, this test is manifestly
unfair, and
_especially so as the extreme
width of cut has dragba:cks and disadvan
tages aside (rota draft, that overbalances
the slight gain. Long experience . has,
things considered,. established the best
(width for mowers at from 4 ft. to 4 ft. 6 inch.
Bhould you. - as the committee, decide that
on the terms agreed upon between the Eure
a company and myself, that the Eureka
ompany have the right to put into this trial
it machine costing one third more than mine
(because of its increased width of cut,) and
then compute the draft in pounds per inch
of cut; then,and in that case I must decline
so clearly an unfair 'coldest, and pay the
forfeit. But lat once renew the challenge
and propose; here and now, to test the
Buckeye with a 4 feet 6 inch tut, ,I claiming
nothing for the additional 8 inches of cut. 1
Yield this because I greattk desire to enter
tiport this trial at once. I tropose, that if I
the Eureka company show \the least draft
hr their machine, the Buckeye shall be at
eir, disposal; if the Buckeye shows the
least draft the Eureka shall be at my dii
Respectfully, your most obedient servant,
Cleo. 8. * Dxv1.0",..
Y. S.—After learnisig ;what mower • the
Eureka company were intending to put into
this teat, I gave them timely notice that I
W old not go into the trial against, a ma-.
c ine which gave them such a decided ad
v ntage, counting, as they propose, the
d i ft per inch of cut.
' - ANoViElt tff:kLI.ENG
Dear Sir:—l hereby challenge you to
'eet me in trial to test the relative draft
_Buckeye, cutting 41 feet; against
o Eureka, cutting 4 feet 3 inches, and I
put up from one to twe_hnndred dpl
: forfeit, and meet you to-day, to-rnor
. or. any day this
.week, thc lightest
Ilaft to win the other.
i • GEO. B. lltvlsON.
owanda, July 27, 1875 . .
. MADDEN, President of the Eureka
~ refused to accept this challenge.
' s titEliA MOWER OFFICE, July 29, 1875.
‘!i peo B. DAVIDSON, Agt.—The Bradford
[ Reporter of this date prints your challenge'
I to me representing the Direct Draft Eureka
• Mower,= in which you desire to' match the
Bt.ckeye Mower, with 4. feet bar, . with our
Drect Draft " Baby Mower," 41 feet cut.
Y ti recently paid 'twenty dollars rather
than art in a tragedy gotten up by yourself,
' The , Dying Buckeye." You antici- .
paled a " Baby Shear" on' the 27th. You
saw tae elephant. Beaten at your own game
de - eated. even among your friends, you feel
like *hipping something and 'pint challenge
ou . "'Baby." We testify to your good
sei se in paying s2oforfeit rather than face
a . re defeat on the 27th. But when you
pu lish a challenge like that referred to
albve ( Reporter), you either take xis for
foqls, or you wear the cap yourself. The
Tovanda. Eureka Mower Co. are manufac
turpg four sizes of mowers, with 4i, 5, 51,
and 6 feet cutter bars. The last three sizes
:leave been in market for the last five years,
and thousands bear witness to their practi
cal working and &eat economy to the hus
h! dman. Our- • Buhr is but just born—
the fruit of the union of 'the Polighkebpsie
'm Towanda Companies—not yet six
mohths old, and yet you discover in i•
foe worthy of your ,steel. This
is exceedingly flattering to US . that
you, with your. largest and best product
—Om result of thirty years experience—
shoild pay $2O, rather than compete with our
usual product. That you's.should shun our
medium and larger sizes, and challenge the
"baby:" You well know that we have
built, and thousands of farmer's' are using
Direct Draft Eureka Mowers, with 5, 51 and
6 feet bar successfully. e have clearly'
derrionstmted tbaton the Direct Draft
prieciple—illustrated in the Eureka Mower.
We can,not only make, but, practically use a
cuteer bar and knife two feet longer than any
side cut machine. It would_ doubtless be
ver3l gratifying to you to have us dwarf our
capacity: cripple our strength ; so you
could satisfy that insatiate desire to bet and
fight with some " show " in the 'contest.
Now, Davison, we are an accommodating
people, willing to cater to theamusement of
the public, or the caprice of an individual,
if not carried to excess, and 'we therefore
make the following proposition: We will
meet you in a trial of draft and work of
mac i hmes—you using the Buckeye 41 feet
bar ais proposed—we using our "baby" 41
feet bar, providing, that you publish .a card
overt your signature and challenge containing
theollowing facts:.
Ist. The Towanda Eureka Mower Cora-
Ii l manufacturepant and sell three sizes of
mot ers, viz-: No. 2, 3. and 4, having 5 2
:4, • nd 6 feet bar respectively, each and all
of w ich arc easier of draft per riot of bar
- than the Buckeye.
2 . At the Orwell trial I challenged the
Eur ka Company to meet the Buckeye in a
test f draft, July 27, '75, but on the day
appointed paid $2O forfeit rather than face
a sure defeat and lose a Bueke'e besides.
3d , Not daringto compete with the larger
size of mowets made by the Eureka Com
p= 0 I herefily , challenge their "baby,"
their smallest mower, and a more equal
opponent for the Buckeye, dc., &c:
Wr will notask a more complete confes
sion. The above facts are patent and all
pertinent to the question. Put yourself
squarely before the people. Let there be
no, cuibbling or squirming from a clean
exposition of the fact that, you wish to 1
math your oldest and most perfect Buck- 1
!eye rainSt our " Baby " Eureka , not six 1
mon hs old, and of consequent little expo
, rienee. Let the whole truth appear, and
we will cordially meet you to-day,-to-tuor
roar; Or any day this week. _.
1 ' S. D. Mannix, President.
$ flr The REPORTER, office has the best
tackles for doing job work, and turns out more
and f tter specimens than any. other establishment
in Northern. Pennsylvania. Persons wanting any
thing in the job printing line, will do well to call
and examine our work.
. {
sir ' linen Col3lll at COl3 at kt. E. E. 0.41,4 FIELD'S.
.....,..4,- 1
416/- r
Neatly printed town orders for- sale at this
Cr To secure children' pi i ctures—take
them the new Gallery. , _
4 , ar
- Sir New goods received daily at 11E.:s Mani WS.
Sir °graving done at lIENDKLItAIS'S Jewelry
Store. • --;
/fir Music -Boxes and Musical CIA. at BEN
I 4114.
Li`' Pictures taken that speak for them
selves, at A. 1. FISHER'S New Gallery.
flirfliiSntswAx teems great redaction In 511-
yer-Pl i ted Ware.
fir For all kinds of goods in the jewelry line,
call at f,f. linvntEmAN's.
Siirliew Embroideries, White Gouda and Laces
at Evkzs & lllLDltrall'S.
I ---....._____
t car A new style picture: thc Piutne
nade—taken at A. J. Fiensit's Gallery.
sir Opera, Field, and Spy Glasses In a great va
riety, at tizitnatates's.
Sir :4ow Drehr, Goods, and Trimmings, at " -
Ettafts 4 littnselit's.
.tr ei.
Or You can buy a set of Qrockery very
low for cash at BLACK'S.
NEW Table Damasks, Napkins and
Towels t KENT d: WATROC I 6'. (Juril7
/fir. ew Table Damasks , Napkins and Towel's
at s is littnimirs.
Sit IF'or the best Beast or Steak Pito Mr= it
la. New Clods and Cassimers, at
I EvAirn It .111blittSTri'S.
sr I . you want the best Cook Stove extan t tan
at JIM Et, In NertOrti block. .
- r . town/maws* samrrotereurs Ugh
for your Ilidetitain7. ....
try . - TimOthy;
Ilfseidneost naafi *1 US 1. G. rarrow.
I, - Threshingldacidges, second-hand
act, ohesp; Pknro, Robber Paha, tc,
anga _ K. Wrztas k Sot.
la7' Wir. N. WALDRON, of East Smith
field, will be a candidate for Register and Retold.
er. •
llomma,& Ilse/ton are general
agents for the eelebriied Mathusbet Plana, and
Gr.o.Wootes a C 0 . 48 Organs—the best in this or
any other country. tAprill. •
a r The largest and best selection of Spring and
Bummer goods yet brought to this market, is being
reeelyed daily, at U. Jacond.
' Sir M. fizatlr.t.malf has the largest And beet
stock of ladles , and gentletnens' gold and silver
watches over brought to Tcntands.
air Don't fall to call at IlExinarta'N'a, if you
wish to buy anything In the line of Jewelry, Silver
and Silver-plated Ware.
`American and Trench Clocks in great varie
ty, at very low prices, at lIEYDLLt[A f'9.
Air Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye
Glasses, In great variety, at llzaatLaials 13 Jewel
W If you want to secure a good article, and * get
the worth of your money, the place togo Is M. His.
!Fir Large stock of Pictures and Picture Frames,
at WHITCOMB it SHAUT'B, Mercur Block.
or Look at the'New Goods at TAYLOR
k (O'4.
riff - Grenadine's, in great variety, at
7TArcon &
Qom' Ladies' Linen Suits, just opened at
Old pictures copied and enlarged,
or reduced to ally size desired, and furnished 10
00, water colors, or Ink at the new Gallery over 0.
tar A. special meeting of the Historical
Society of Bradford County, will be held In Canton
on Wednesday evening, August 11.1873. The pub
qe pre Invited to attend. H. A. Minenn,.Bec'y.
[Northern Tier Gazette and Athenz Gazette
please ropy] •
vir Rev. Mr. siosToN, of lA.naysvme,
will deliver n i'emperanc'e Lecture at Ifecrickville,
on Thursday evening, Aug. 12, 1875. The iienlck•
villa Cornett:land will be present - . Come one, come
all, and hear the best temperance leetnre you ever
listened to. S. P. W.
wir.MRS. ALLEN, Dresimaker,
York "Avenite, above ' Locust street. Prices rea
sonable, and Satisfaction guaranteed.
igigft Is not general! known that IL C. WIIITA
xxn, at the Book, Bindery over the REPORTER
°dice, makes iilank Books In aliy style of ruling and
binding desired. If you want a new Ledger, Jour
nal or Docket, give him a call.
hireby announce myself ass candidate for County
Comnibisloner, subject to the decision of the Re
publican County Convention. N. OIL Eicy.
Franklhulate, May 19. 18.15.
CRANE, of Columbia, loicuship, will be , a candidate
fdr the Mace of Register and Rcconlei, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Convention.
Iti.vEALY, of Alinsuy. Will be a candidate for
County Colittnission . er. subject to decision of Re.
publican Convention.
Sir Never buy a Cook Stove until you have called
at JeNE'B awl examined the New Empire," a
stove which has never disappointed the expecta
' nous of the most fastidious housewife.
Ur FACE !L— Any one buying 41.00 .or
more wortp of goods at 31 E ROSENFIELD% Cloth-
Ing i Store, *lll receive tree ono•elegant Atpaci Cap,
or Straw not, both of the latest styles. L
„AWAY I—Every purciuuler
of goods amounting to 11.00 or more, will receive
FREE, one striped Alpaca Cat, or Straw Hat, at
M. E. RosENYintn's Clothing Store.
TION IN PlANos.—Flrst-clais, large size, square
grand, 7i; octave Plano-fortei, for r-S5. Organs In
proportion; at }imams At PASSAGE, Towanda, Pa.
or GREAT On and after
this date, I will sell my surplus STOCK OF
FLOWERS at rt need prices, at my Green.
houses, on Main street, north of Etilseoplil Chitral,
Livnity run SALE:—We bare a !Avery fU
eight twines and good , carriages, hack, etc., whirl°
we offer' for Sale Cheap and on reasonable terms.
Enquire of our agent at the stables; or at our
Music Store. '
air MR. WM. IIosTWICK. late Of J. S. Att.YS &
Co., can hereafter be found at J. 0. FRoST &SONs,
on Main street, where he will be happy to see all of
his numerous Mends. And any in need of Furni
ture, or anything in Ur line of Undertaking, wig
find the best goods, best assortment, and lowest'
prices, at their store, of any place In the country.
('all and see for yourself.
m Enc.! L COLLEGE.- ACcommodatiOn for 200
boarders and as many day scholars. Students.pre
pared for collage, professional study, teaching and
business. Thorough instructliM and discipline.
Banking, wholesale and retail business, railroad
ing, telegraphy, etc.. praetically taught. Neat
term opens Sept. L For catalogue containing a
beautiful' steel engraving of the Seminary. and for
Illustrated Commercial Journal, address Rev. D.
COI\ELAND. Ph. IL.' Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa.
On commercial matter: address Prof.
July 21—Ow.
tf; r
nir A Normal Teachers' Institute will
be held at Rerne,begbantng TUESDAY, AUGUST
17, and continuing ton weeks. - The Institute will
be Under the general direction of A. A. KEESEY,
aided by such competent assistants as the duties of
the Superintendency may require. The text books
to use throughout the county Will be adopted .
Members of the Institnteowlio are deemed qualified
Will receive certificates at the close without turther
To corer expenses, a tuition fee of from five to
six dollars will be charged.
Arrangements will also he made for the aceom-
Modation, at satisfactory rates, of the younger pu
pils who may wish to attend.
For particulars, inquire of or address
C. J. EAsTAnnoox, Rome, Bradfonl Co
A MAG.:cis-ter:lr OFFEII.—A very liberal
contract with the Weed Sewing Machine Company
will enable us, we hope, to place theiC celebrated
Machines in many families. So fine an opportunity
to secure a first;clalis sewing machtne'seldom oc
curs. May we not expect our friends, and an in
terested In our work, to make an earnest, united
effort to extend our circulation and thereby Increase
our influence? Cannot the reader form a club In
his or her neighborhood and secure this sewing
machine as a premium ? A few hours of well-di
rected effort will obtain it. Are you a postmaster?
With a little thought and effort you can easily send
us 40 names. Pass the subscription paper. Forty
names at /I 50 each will secure 40 copies of this
paper for one year -and a /65 sewing ranching. In
forming such a club you will help us In nut work,
benefit year neighbors by placing In their families
good reading, and at. the same time make your own
or some other:famlly happy In the possession of a
great labor-saving machlne,:srarrantM , to be per
fectly new, of the latest Improved construction and
In perfect order.
revE.—The Fall Term of the twenty-second year
or this Install Gen, 'Will begin MONDAY, AU
GUST 23, 1875, with eight experienced-teachers—
one mom than last year. Additional apparatus and
facilities fur teaching have been provided. The
accommodations for non-resident students, will be
better than during any precious year. Speelal in those preparing to teach.• As usual
a teaclier',; class will be ciamlned at the cum
meneeMent of the year, and every effort will be
made thoroughly prepare. the members of the
class for the apeclal duties of the school room.' The
Principal will also aid those j who are eirneit and
proficient in securing positioni. In addition to the
usual classes In the common English studies, Math
ematical classes, and classes In the languages al
ready somewhat•advanced, claw! will probably
commence Litlif, Greek, Algebra, yieneti, ;Ger
man, Philoiophy, Surveylng,l Geometry, and such
.other studies as the wants Cof the Atturent may de
mand. Tuition from N 10,410 per -Mon. Board,
with room carpeted and farnlabed throughout,
ughts ete.,44 per week. RoOraevilli be vetoed
for those wishing to bard tnemselves by sending
their names to the Princinal. For further partieu
lan or eitalOglae, addreas the iltnelpg,
• • Tulip*,
' • •
‘ . PlelitingTstuttees.
• r .
' arn 1 Mini .—if YON
have been iouganir fa utintstsnel het* to Sear&
of , or if goo OM taken a recent cola,go.
at once to Drug Store of Truss * 001 LOON
sad get a inotau of Dr. Noaats , firnp of-
,Wild Cherry sad Horehound. Take t Sad
No other itedlelao sets so promptly and esgr
In coughs, .colds. and an diseases of tho l t=,
Ss and Chest, leading , to ConstimpWn.
t l:in-;
dr , who oneo thought they had that dread di. ,
sease have been restored to health ligq the of
this alinostrnagiti remedy. St Video the test twin
specific foul Croup; and never tails In Whoopieg
'Cough. Thai she 10 cents. (snap/.
1 ' I
; DIED. • A -
ROCKWE L—At Springhill., Tuscaroraltownsh p,
June 16, 167 A, Silas Llule Rockwell, danghterOf
W. A. and Nary T., Rockwell, Aged Aa yearsi 2
months and 2
I days.
The de a / was not thought to be dingermudy
ill until two days before death. She was!of a mild,
amiable a n attractive character, very much belov
ed by her fates and acqttaintances,l autl . p+-
pared for th death-change by a life consecrated to
:the service ilf our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Chri st, Whom she onored by a hely flying [sir seretwl
years of heiklet life - here. Ever In h 4, phiee as
pupil or teacher In Sabbath-school, she had endear
,ed herself to the aged and the young. We do net
;sorrow as thoserwho have no hope, We feel assur
'cd that our loss Is her unspeakable gain, ;and that
'she has gone "to be forever with the Lord,"
- •
31erryall, PIL, July 31, 73
k* OR d.
—At LeDaysville, June 15, 1575, EValine
Fo. •
Mn. rOIID war a due, spirited,. plods and Indus.
irlous woman; About ten years ago she became ti
Christian, and following the example of her plena
matter, becatite a member of the 31. E. Chiircb, - of
Which she coOlnued'a faithful and actite ,Member
4s long as health was given her. She delighted In
the prayer meetings, Sundapschools and class
Meettngi, and held an honorable place In the cholr
of the church. Ilen'ce she promised, If heSlth an
life were continued, years of active service in the,
cause of Christ. •
I About four years ago she entered into the mar
riage relation, and dlscharted DS : duties with coin.
Mendable fidelity and devothiti ‘ To the Cesponsi-1
utitles and cares of family Me, her bealtlC proved'
equal, and though she met them with .S heroic
spirit, she sank beneath their weight into the arms :
of sickness and death. To leave her ImsbUnd andl
two little children 'to the care of others, was a pain
ful and difficult Work; but after making MII the
proi l islon for their comfort her circumitances
winild permit, and, while sinking Into the Srms Of
(leap, spending on ; them the care and love of a wife
mid- mother, she gave both them and hentell Int
the.hands other Saviour. _trusting his inCilcy and
MIT to keep them safi.coth evil until the fltiattlay.
Then may husband and Children meet her, wherel
sickness and sorrow, pain and death. are felt and I
feared no more." 0,
DOUGIIERTT.—In Orwell, July 6, tif7s, afteC au
Illness of three days, Francis N. Dougherty, aged
19 years. 4 months and 4 days.
COrrected every Wednesday, by C. 11, PBTCII, -
subject to changes dully. i 9
wheat, "0 bush All 30 @ 1'49
Bye, 11 bush ~ - I I
Buckwheat, ? bush .
Corp, - fk. bush : oo
Oati, 111=bush 50,
Ileitis, IA btish 1 •560
• .
Butler t rolls) ?lb • 2,5 2%
41 (dalrY).? lb 28 igt.27
Eggs, "i 4 dos ,' 'lB
Potatoes, It bush, . 451
Plane, iflbartel 8 00 01 9 00 L
Wstutrrs OF GllAlN:—Wheat 60 lbs: t Corn 56 lbs.;
Ryes 6 lbs. ; Oats 32 M.; Barley 46i lbs.; Buckwheat
88 %S.; Beans '62 lb.: Bran 20 lbs.: Clover Seed 60
lbs.; Tirnothy Seed 44 'tbs.; Dried Peaches 33 Ibbs.
Drled'Apples 22 lbs.: Flax seed 50 lbs.
I . _,.._.:.__
. .
ELt & CO., Bankers and Brokers,
Street, Plllladelphla, Aug. 3,.
120 , 2
118 2 4
IY6 •
117. 7 ti
- " c.
Sliver •
Philadelphia & Erie
Lehigh Navigation.
Tallei,-Ex. Dir..
United R. it.lot
Oil Creek
liorttiern Centra1........
Centrdl Transportation..
C. & A. Mortgage 6 4 5, 'B9
. .
.IST OF. LETTERS remainirlo• in
the Towanda Post Office for week ending
Aegust 3; 1575:
, •
Bennett Maria, Buan Frank ,T,_
Bosworth John F, Chilson Burlie, •
Coefleld John, Cash Geore;
Carrier G 11, Campbell J F,
- Huge a rlie Katie,
Ferguson Fred,
Gunn Capt Wm, " - " Hufferman C,
Jdnes Wm H, . Lewis Jac*.
Manyx John, .Ridgeway J W,
Sinith 'Wasson, Sheridan Anna.
Sicitter .Abbie, Vanauken. Little,
Washburn George, •1
. .
l'etsons calling for any of the, above letterl will
please say "advertise/I," giving date of list. ',-
1 0 FRiDAY 13
In their great drama.
Prices as usuat.
/4 - • Weal - veil seats at X t npv's Drug store — ilk
The Fall Term of this School will coruntrnee
MO I NDAY, AUGUST 30, 1875.
To continue Twelve week: , :
Can will be Taken to class pupils so as to hiSure
them the greatest progress. Dence.thelinportince
of beiirg present at the opening of the term.
Each class will recite daily. ‘Cawfully prepared
lessons will la rigidly hirtisted upon.
From $.3 00 to NlOO.
can be bri4 at reasonable rates. also rOionl
for those wishing to board themselves.
- angst3'. W. M. NESBIT.
. _
lj lib, Fall Tenn of this Institution will coin.
Under the supervision of .1. F. ELLIOTT
Fur turther partlvulaig., .rev hand bills.
Farolera are hereby Informed that I 3111 now tire
pared to furnish the celebrated
; .
of every kiwi. Also Points, or any portion' or the
plow fwentshed at lowest rates.
G limit, A tizust 3. 1375 t(
Office on Ptirk St.;
Oie,.r the , Conti liotise
, d MARRIED. 1 • 1 ,.
pntryN.. 6,
o—rnorz.—At the .Parsonage, MJ,n.
roeton, Jtly 28, by Re, . Rallock Armitrong, Mr.
Royal D. ,Pruyile of Luther's Mills; sad Miss
Wealthy A.StioPeott Metttanht Lake, '
"The Soul that lours to see my face,
Is sure ray lore to gala;
And he that early seek my grace,
Shall never seek la rain."
1881, c . .
5-20, c. '62, M. and N.'
`t '65, J. and J
it 64 .67 , t•
Patine 6'3, ey
s's, Reg. 1881...
New Aiivertisemeats.
S. W. A LVORD, P.' M
MONDAY.' AUCUIST 30, 1875"niv
zoo -.lmressiente.
*pre their 11 a very cheap le the
Temperance ritual Benefit Aiso
A well establliihe -and well condulted Life Insu
rance plan, by whit total abstainers get the bene
fit of their habits of abstinence., as they cannot do
In companies which Insure ordinary drinkers. No
large premiums to y; no tine builitings to build;
no high =furies.' I C. IL HAIL, Agent.
TowandA, July 2: 4:75.
mato sti,e, ori
CommEnclAL 1.3:ii0:4:, 1 1 Eosr.l, a , 1.4. 117,150,000
116YAL, of Liverpool, I 4, 1 12,000,000
QCEEN. ji., - 4' - 11,090,000
LONTINENTAL, of Ne fork.' --- , 2,006,238
GYIIMANIA, '• I • 1,537,539
GERMAST AMERICAS:, • . - • 1,824,410
31.51411ATTA11. - 709,885
tPitGENIx, of Itartford, •• i, 1,852,303
0181 EXT, 1 " •• •: 719,842
A - 34.Azos. IA Cwlllo, " ,' 9:15,50 •
leirizENB 4 ,i'of Newark !
-A1 , 111124:(1,--REMAN. 01 f i..rni.thy , - '2,500.000
NikrioNAL L Ltrt:, of 1.;...„.1., assets . t *3,580.225
T :AVELEns, of Ifartfo 1, •• i 3,186.240
, K IrILIVAY PASSIIS, " ' 650,000
III:71:A1., Wry:, of New P ork i • I 72,3.36,070
1 .1
j ,osses adjusted and p .at this (Mice
Apr:24s t
1$ 5 I 0 $9 I
475. ;,
Are now Deady to serve t, ,
and best
o. 42,
„ .
.0p7 , , 6110 ES, TItUNIPC..:
Aver brought y, Towand
Cats and see es.
PE .
.1:Iso manufacturing a.
to du short notice. We
frogs the new clip, and a,
fast as offered. 11
50% I
1291 f
Camptownnei. do, 187
FORD CO.: PA.—Vine niles from Wyalusing. on
the Lehigh• Valley B. IL The zroperty consists or
,a GRIST MILL, with f r run of stones In good
condition: a SAW MI 1 , with new and first-class
maellnerT; FOUR D 'ELIA NOS. find about
Twinty Acres of land.
Axood place for Mishit
103 q
k. 4 N. Y. n,sti, nos
fenßer Trains. to take e
3i4; No ' No STA.T
15 r 7
P31; 1 ; Am I PM
2 15, 4 50 8 30 ..Nlagim
2 16 2510 15
556 j 9201 Au
7 1512 00 7 1.5 1 Ith
8 5812 2.8; - Oar
9 0012 55 8 30' Ell l
9-31' 1 25' 9 05 Wail
94( 133' 9 P2'
9 56 1 38 9 19 sth '
10 9 2 0710 00 ...TOW.
10 50 Wyal l
11 231 3 02 11 12".... Lace
.- .'l2 3: ..Mesh
12 101 3 5211 25,..Ttutkh
12 51'8 4 35. 1 20,. L & 13..1
12 571 1.42: 1 30' - ' Pitt I
1 26 5 00' 2 00
2 ni 6 32, 3 27 ....W. II
3.15 7 10' 4 15 .... P. II
1 3 40i 7 25 4 1.5 ...Mauch
4 454 8 31: 5 50
;4 40'; 8 34 ' .5 53'..E. P. J
00;: 8 45. 6 051.. .Bethleit
15 30 1 j, 9 15, 6 35; ...... EaBV
6 45r10 30' 8
8 5 , 3 9 45 New
No; 29 leaves Elmira at l
all stations. arriving at
'at 1 13. and Wilkes Barrel
No,; 30 leaves Wilkes It
ping it all' stations, arrlvin
Elmira at 12 30, and Itha
NN 32 leave... Towanda a
all stations, arriving at W
ra at 9 00 a. ni.
No; 31 leaves Elmira at 5
statlqns, arriving at Wave
at 7 Iftp. m.
Train 6 leaves Phlladell
Yerk4l2 43, arriving at Tut
': Train 3 leaves Tunkhani
Ting at Philadelphia at 2 2.
p. m.
Trains 8 and 15 run dally
Cars attached.
Drals - ing Boom Cars att
he tvalen Elmira and Phtlai
B. A. PAC.
....fElstwee vs. Henry II
of CoMmon Pleas of Brad
T.. 18n.
Theduterslgued: an an
Courtl! to distribute the- the
Sheriff, ariSing from, the
estate; will attend to the d
on TitUItSDAY, Septem
of Smith & 31ontanyti, I.
ndiere2all persons haring
must present them or be
coma?* In upon the same.
:'—.Notice Is hereby k;
debte4 to the estate of W,i
wanda;deed,must make In
undersigned, and all per
said estate must present - t
fOr settlement.
augSwe. '
l'ettels Co. rs. If.
(*mullion Pleas of It ratl fon
P. 187 j.
The Anler.igned. an a, l
Court to distribute fends I
arising from the sale of de
nal property will attend to
ment at the °Mee of Peet &
o'cloc& ik.m.,at which time
lug claims upon said funds',
forever debarred from corn , l.
Mack Shepherd DI
top of teend, white, on clerk
411: answers to the name
tnrntnyt said•tMg to me at
h rmation n here he is, n:11
,11tontneton, Bradford Co.
1 • ute of the stan,erlheri
Sanday, July 11, ler), four,
and one hetier. The wne
property, pay charges
'Monroe, July 17, 18:5. 7 -3 l t .
In the matter of the Inc/
field Library and Literary
field township.
The objects of the A.Www
and maintain a MM.*? of
velop a Lome literary taste
BMW) 13 hereby given
sedation intends to apply tt
Pleas of Bradford County,4
1875, for Incorporation and(
'net of Assembly of April '
lily R . :4 1875
C'asb deal rs in all kinds id
gn EN(' Y.
Geineral Agents
Per .Ifay. at home.
TerniS rree. Address,
nd )failn
rjaek2-i -741
C 0 0 N S'
• e public with the largest
rAffe k oC
Prime: to bait till• Milt's
11 , IIE
'u: cloth dressing attended
lase already making rolls
prepared to do work as
11. it. I\(111.01
Fall River, Mas,..
S.—Arrangement of Pas
ct May 30.-Ix7l.
11 . AL
No No No
2• 4 8
1 ---- ...---,—..---
All , PM PM
F:11174.. 1 10 ..... 12 .55
'lO 12 45 '1225
'urn 945 .... '4,, 9 20
ca .732 . '6 56
go 0 40 ' 660
1ta...... 0 15 0 10 5 35
ens 1 40 8 25 4 55
re 1 33 8 10 4 48
lois 5 29 5 10' 4 42
NDA..• , 5 00 7 0 4 10
1 1 .
sing.',... 6 40 '
- 1110.,.. I 02 6..2n.
3 07
ppen.... 61:11) .
nnock .. '3.22 53 0 ,224
inctlon . 2 40 . I 35 1 40
t0n..... 2 32 4 22' 1 32
arre„.:. 2 15 4 00' 1 15
weir •• • 1 05 2 32,12 05
Yen ..... 12 10 1 50 11 25
hunk.. 11 45 1.30 11 05
I ou11• • •,• 10 47.12 23'10 05
nctlon..! ..... : 12 1910 00
°'• em.,.. 10 30 : 12 10 9 45
n . 10 05.11 40: 9 15
phla:.. 8 30 9 45 8 00
ork .... ' 9 15: 5 30
kBt 531 rli
15, P. m.: stopping at
averly at 3 Zo, Towanda
t 8 05, p. In,
Tiro at 7 20, a. ni.. stop
at Towanda at 10 55,
at 3 00 p..Ja.
7 10 a. m. - stopping at
hvorly at S 05, and Ehni.
130 p. slipping at all
ly at 6 15, and Tidtanda
is at 2 10 p. m.. .7...;ew
khannock at 10 00 p.
tick at 7 00'a. in., arrl•
and New York at 3 25
with Pullman SI&TIng
ched to Trains 2 and 9
elplif a.
McKean. In the Court
or! CO, No. PIO: Feb.
for appointed by said
(ley In the hands of the,
.ale of defendant's real
Ines ot his appointment
, r 2d, 1875, at the office
Towanda, when and
]alms upon said fund
forever debarred from
And ftor
yen that all persons In
, 1. A. Peck. late of To
% ciliate payment to the
haying claims against
• em, duly anthentleated
1 TICE.-B. A.
,;. (Soff. in the Court of
County; No. 720, Dec.
Thor appointed by the
the hands of the Sheriff
1 Manes real and perso
. e duties of his appoint
' )avls to Towanda,boro;
, day of Sept., 1875, at 10
Ind place all persons hay
' nust present them or tie
ng In upon the same. ,
W. T. DAAA E'?:.,
A MI I tor.
g, with white st.'ot on
and breast and end of
f Tot,. Any person re
: louroeton or giving In
, be liberally rewarded.
Ira., July 1541.
, 1
$ into the enelos
rl n Monroe township, on
* yearlings, three steers
t is requested to prevo
i ke them away. -,
J. G. ti ALE.
rporatton of the Smith-
Association of
tattoo' . are to establish
sant books, and to de
, nd talent by providing
that tho above named as
to the Court of Common
at tho September term,
the provisions of the
291 1874.
. C. COBSS,.
• Lep!:
affil of 'Jorore dralyo foil S . epierii
I _;4
her Court, 187 a ;. f l
• ,
Many, Wni Martin, Jail E Patch; Athens.twp..
Nathaniel _C:Green, Geo Voters; Bare*, Enos 31c , • a
Gee: Franklln,. John Rockwell; Ora: vine, Vilah ,1,,
I) ;Baxter; tonne twP. John Northrup; Pike. 1,
Win Aymer Jr;
South Creek, Peter .1 Hlean; She- .
shequin JWIIILam Patterson, Geo Childs: Terry.
Charles! Thompstm - ; Towanda tarp, Elias W, Yale;
rf: olll ___.Huta bora, Wm B ,DodiriVarren MN; To
wanda north , Robert Keene; boro,iJohn Tatn....
unison; Ulster, Wm IL Smith; Inahtm, Henry
Cogswell: Wyalusttlg, Jackson Lewis. "yors:..ino
Meehan,: Henry Paatnnore; 'Wilmot, .ilba Wilson.
. .
':. . riLirtniLLlCßOLlS—lat WEER.
A, l
sylunl, EdirtirtlDetong*llarthOlnmeiN Laporte:
Athena tW_pu'Oalntiel Ovenrhier, John J Palmer. L.
}rank S Marley, Nathan '1"; Weller; Burlington ~'
MT, Horace 0 Burns,- Burlington West; Iforace H , l'
Pratt; Catitohlwp, Illysseil Manley;. Canton hero, , 1 . .
Walter Newman 2d; Columbia, Geo C Gates; 3Ion:. '• i
rne twp, Charles , See, tt; Orwell, Horace ft Hopson: ' I',
Pike, William C Rrister, Robert Rolls; ifildgbpry 4
Alsdp Iliay;Sudthlleid,Jesse Sumner:Win If Phelps;
Springfield; Alfred Brace. 1513mti Ratty. Albert
Illckenson; South.lercelr, Samuel N Thompson:
Tevranda Born. licihjamin R ; Wilcox. Dudley II ~.
Tinmer,Geo W Ryan, Chas C. Wood, Chas McAl- ~•;;,,•
lister; Troy Wyo. James 'McClelland; Troy born,
Fred A Lmig; Warren. Patrick Tougher Vi'yseir,
-Wm Lewis, ,tastes W Farman, Ulysses Brown:
Wells, Rica W Updyke; 'Wlmot, Daurd I Hogan. . ..:
Jas ;Holland; ,flidgway, John ;Allen; Ca ton tap..
Dattleit Downio,- heßaytrville,• Stephen Gorham: ,
Nfettroe• twp, Thos T Smily; Colutubla.R Bexley:
Siiiithfield, W If Pierre; Barclay, Edw McCabe:, -•.
W liarlington; ST lionstem,A thens, II B Lowrey:
Granville, V !leXteni ;Wells, Al Knapp; Tihicaroes. i ;,
Wm•Shumway.; ! ;
• •
7 I vrtartusr, a ; rtions-2dwr...r.8, ~. :
i _.
Athens twP.' Wm sawyer, 13,:Thz Plunuter, Wm
Coletnan; Athens born, Edward II • Perk no; Alba .;
, 6 •4 0,• • Volll''Y 3M Wilson: Barclay, Daniell It Will-
latils,rJolati it • Davis: Burling W ton twp,l Andrew,
31rIvilte„ Anzaziah Blakeslee. John L. no; 'Du r• ~ ,
lington bole, Geo C IIIII: Burllogton West.. Burton
Rockwell; Canton tap, Jariles W Ketcham, Pat- •
rielC;l:recii:.Coltimbip, Charles', COlties; friankllth
tailstrt Slckier; Leroy..lohn Hickey, Monroe her...
J f; liallor s Hinman; Orwell, • Ell Conklin; I'lk,e.
Reguls Stevens . ; :Itidgintry, Norman; IStorra,': •
Smitimod, Lark 'Brat houth Creek, Sarenct Pet- „
tenet'. Martin E.:Wilson: Slieshequin, GO L Ifor
toe; Towindi yore, E Thomas Noble. James Stone. ' '
man,. ; John M 'Brarindi Tuscarora, John- lardner.
Clance II Browning; Ulster,; Owen ~ C Merrill.
JaniesOlmstcall; Warred, David J Thonias: Wind-
ham. ,Inn Finch; Welts. David Beckwith: iWilmot.
Smith Tuttle. -, I - 't
.. i i '
, „ R
rita.FESEJcsona-4,t) WEEK.i r •
Asylum, Joseph Hornet; Athena tap. Win if
Walker, siulth Wolcott; A thens'Wro, JohMM Pike:
Barclay, Levi Wilber,'Daniel Figarty; linriington .
[Win Chester E Cantpliell; Btiffinglen West. powliir
Swain; Columbia, Joseph If ,lewellt GkanvilH...).
Chas II Lane, Malachi Shoemaker', Ifcrrie,lc. John '
CraW(oril, William Bowker, - James Lacheyi; Mich- '
field, Alpheus Decker,•Antirewi•J Laytord- I.eroV.
Samuel 3Lecrattey; Pike, Spencer B Tupper; Rome
twp, :',Lewis God: Smithfield, !Joseph yankirk: '
Springfield, Jude l' Adams; Standlng .- S,tone.•Cha--
ChUson, Wilson 0 Taylor; Towanda born, William
Shaw f ,Wallaco,Reeleri'Troy Twp, Burtnn'C Pion. '
eros-, H Nelsoll - rish, Litcasaiutlley; Troy -
Tuscarora, Geo
iel J Quaid; Tuseara, Geo Sunnier , C 111,4 1)a- ,
V a": tiger.; W
LeWlS ' inettra; Warren. Eilwin E
Allyn: Windhani, John;Fairchild: rzinqing Pa
rid Brown: . Welles. Bhiton Ayres..* - I
; •
1 , lion. PACt. D. 31iiinnow. President Judge of
the lan ,Ititllclal Dlstrlct, - Consbitlng of thd county. •
of Bradford, and' Ilona, S. I). • Ilaux:Sr.SS and I'.'
S. Brks.r.LL Associate Judgevl In eta' Incf said' .
county of Bradford, have issued their precept hear
date the sad, day of ' July, 1875, to ins directed.
for holding a Court of ,Oyer and.Tcrniiner, Veneta? '
Jailllfelbeery. Quarter Sessions of the l'eace. Coin-,,
mon pleas andj Orphans' Court,! at - To*anda, for,
the County of Bradford. on MoralayiSepterher t'•
1875, tOnn
ctinue Br adford .
Notice Is therefore hereby given to the rpronere '
and dtt',dlces of the Peace lit the,',.ounty of firad-•
ford that they be Bien and there in theiri proper
persoti; at 10 o'qlock In the forenoon of 'sald i day.
with , ,records. InqulAtiOna bud other rentembrance.
to do those things which do their office. apOrtalin ,
to lk? drone: and j those , who are bound by rel.ogult
ance.or otherwhie to prosecute against the prtsoners
who are or limy he In the Jallof said county, hr who
shalLhq homial, 0 appear at the said Courr. are to he
then'satid there ltd. prosecute against theta its *bat!.
be just; Jurors, are requested to be uicfnal In
theta attendance. agreeably to their notice. j 1
Dated `at. Towanda, the . 2241- day of ; July,. att the
year•of our Lord. one thousand eight bemired
and seventy-fire, and Of tne Independence. of the
United States, the uinety-ninth.;
J..310N110E surnr. :14.a•
, ,
I ' Notice is hereby! given that N. Ferdinand
Smith and Alfred Bedford. constitiffing%the Stn) of ,
Snittli tc Fiedford, of 4 4 ithens Townildri, lire dfor,l
C'ounty renusylvanial Jby deed bf v aunttirc' a:=
signnient. hwie assigned all the estate and prli>ert:i
ktimi'n as the Susquehanna Woolen Miffs, tooseS
Lyman,,' Jr.. of Waverlk, New York. In trt st for
the benefit of creditors of the said' Smith • fled
ford.: , t
All'. persons. lierefore. Indebted to ' thq , said
Smith lit Bedford Will , make payment to the saw
asslgiiel;i, and those liaVino cialnis ;or demand.,..wil .
make known OM saint. without delay. . 1, ' .1
~ .. I 1 •. 31.1.1 - 31.% N . , Jr..; . I
Wiivei - ly. N. 'Y.,
~.1 uly I 4.;:1.' we d- A ssigi tee .
A „,tniTors NOTleE.—:in 1- flit;
..CX,,triatt,r of 'pie estate of Lavri;;ou Leflefj!lee'llj
Iti the, Orphans' Court Of Bradford county! Sol
ail, FehJ.T.. 1875 r I I
'The: Undersigned. an 'auditor appointed liv the;
Court;'oil ex442ptipr; filed to the appraismentso the!
wi.loW fit the estate of larrlson 4eller(dee'll..latel
of Milgtours, will attend to the Autles of his ap-;
poilitnient at the office of Overt,in .it .Meriitir. in!
Towanda biro., eu Tuesday, tie' 14' day ol..An g ut , t.
A. D.' 14,75, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at i which l time mull
Place allirrsons interested are requested to 4ttentl.l
• I ' 1, 1), A. OVERTON. I
• I I
illlll 7 . . ' I ' Auditor
, l- 1
AVPITOft.i'S , NoTICE. , --Tcrepl,l
T o wner vs .V__..l., 'Towner: And 1i..W4 ~„„.•
vs.l.. A.: Towne . Jit the Court of Common Plea,,
of litnitlford County: . ! , :es. 151 i
and 191: MayTerin.!
1•,75. ... . • I :. , 1
The inoler.signed; an .l editor appointed loy : , a1,1!
Court to , listrlbute'r money raised :by Sheriff's sale
of defenilant.',s personal property, Will attend:to Owl
duties onhis appolutmetit at his OttiCe in Towanda on I
Till:ltSbAY. AI7GiCST,I2., 1875, it I WeloCk P01..'
when and where Fall persons having claim!'upon i
tzald filmd must present thent,-or lie forever debar-
red from -comingn upon the same.- i
•I . ! } 11. S'III.2ETI-1. i
Ilvls* t
b:iyis vs. ,IW.
li.!Parks. in the Ct . :net of
Common ileas of' Gradient County.
T.. 1875. : I
The lintlerAgn-d; an auditor Ullsented lie iii
Court to; ilistrihnte" ithines in the 'hand,. qr the
Sheriff; arising from the; sale of :the den:nil:lnt*,
personal property. will attend to the duties 3d •hlr
ai‘pointtnent on TEESpAY, the-Inth day of AU
GUST, at 10 0-clock A. st.; at the office of Wilt &
Maxwelljin tho. ; fforough of Tou:anda. when and
where all lett - Gey are required to pre.sentl their
claims. or he deb, rrini fr '
onn eontilig in upon salt
fund. I J.
0 . - . IIItFW WILT.
3 1 3" 20 * 4 ; ' l l .1 1 '?; i;
tl . i.wl..rF.lns In
debted •to the estate IFreematrße inlet;
Albany tlvp.. hoist make iltnmeJlale Lay
nivnt tf) the' unatir,lzned. :Ina all permmr: ILN Ii
claims Against said estate, trust present them? dais
authenticated. fur settlentent.
J. It. 31. zirxmAx.
,:-Notice is hereby given, that all pth'stiit4 in
delred to the estate of David B. Ifntehltison4 late
of VIM 'deed. must malce immediate 'payment
to the tindersigned. and all persons having elairn
agatnst'saht estate, will present theth to the A.4lnin-
Istraters fp' settlement. i - !
I'. E. WOODRugp,
IE(N-ItY J. 111,"TelliNt.“):Ni.
T .
• l
Cs hereby given that Iyll person e s in • -
debted to the -eshtte j Werlchelzer, late of
Orwell, decd, must make Imtnedlate payment to
the un4erslgned,l and I/cm:M . l;l haring claim.,
against salt' estntd must preSent them. duly auithm-
Ocated,.fer settleMeht. Accounts "Inay is presen
ted to the Adminl'rztrator at the otlieis of Peet kOa
vies, in Tdwanda. CARE:II.
T .-- —1
VXECITTQIIS' "NOTICE.-Noticeui is hereby glen that all persons Indetitisel to
the estate of Daeht , l Horton. late ',of titteshehutn.
'dee'd, must make ;Intruedlate pay,ment to the un
derslgnell,-!anit all! persons havintv claims atn,;:llnNt
said estate: must present them, duly authenticated,
for settlehjent. W3f. P. HORTON% ;
I r . 1 : WM'. 4. DrIiPC,ECIT.
- t _ 7 7 A
D\iINiST,R ATOR',9 i. IOTIC' 1.11:
otlce is hereby
! Ilven that; all peny - ,lt In
debted ;the estate, of ohert Mlllhant, late of
Welts, two I, ntucti mare lloniXalate raylpC•llt
'the undeiiigned, anti persons 'playing etaling
against &VII estate ulit present them, duly auillei-
Mated, f.l)r m
settleent. I
1! I WM. Rk:LYIE.I.S. •
'N4tFee Is hereby given that 101 person; in
ehted NI the estate of James S. Itottinan„ late of:To
wanda, dead, must make Immediate paymenq and
all persons having . claims 'against said estate must
present them duly authenticated fgesettlerneue: -
J. L. 'BoW3Lt.N;
-4,41c0 h hereby itiven that all persons in
debted bathe estate sir Shepard Fairchild, lath or
Herrlek.tleed. must make Immedlati , paymeitt to
the undersigned., and - all 1 , persons ihaslng cl4ires
against mid estate. must present them', duly au
thenticated, for settlement. 'II
C. L. tiQI, 6 11:F.5,
Jly .22‘‘
Is hereby ghee that . ,3lose lAtatkin3 of ißie
slitmau Towii.hip, Bradford Comity, ha. 3 matte an
it , lgninelit of all MA effects: real mid and per..imal
to the undersigned fur the.beuellt of his erediliw,.
All persoril knowing therm:Mies llndebted
make imMediate lettleme'nt, and per ens h4lng,
claims against batfl-Mu..e3 Watkltyi wilt. pN;iut,
them to toe; .
.Ittly 26, ; Vii - 5-6t. 7 A''lgnqe•
OR.: S N oT I C
key given that
Il ali.ei,ons
ayley. lat e of North, To
ue;f.tect to make Minietliate 'pay
having claims - againi , :,:alti
hem dniyanthentleated. for set:
NOlke here
etl to the c,tate nr J
sranda„slee'.l.are re.,
merit, autl. all ver
estate mus . t. present
j1.r.% t
- P
" u4' is hereby "given' that jai!. persOns indebted to
tho estate ig Samuel iVebber,lato of y'canklin.dded,
must make immedlete payment to the undersigned,
and all persons hav i ng claims against said estate
must pros Cut their), duly authentiCated, for sepie..
• •• I,
- V OR ', RE—A I farm - .' to rent !for
, ,
'each or for a share of crops: s i tuated d Diller,
from Burlington Borough, cocktail:a 0 117 acne}. 75
acres improved, Wit ti good fences, good nous° and
barn, well watefed with Bring spring', frult.trues,
and also one, large Sugar Bush . Terms made cal. ,
• '1 .? Address D. WHIM. DELL,'
;1 ~ . I , D.
Towanda, Pa.
Or inquire of Ilundell 'Er 31;yer, Xaino Sfreet,iTo:.
warlda. Pai . 1 i • 1 utiv224.-3 4
1 - .
4wAY, "t