/ROIALL NATiO i 4141 --- ! • prituioti ottet mirmyKes Rambiet,nian is theis.re . ,200 stallions.: • • - - ---• , FLORIDA ianeil 10,000 anigatirs ESITOROt ;; their hides last ydar. - F •r 4 O. GOODRICH. S. W. ALROHITh II Bo's.ros paid out $9,889,540 in July qivi . !lends and interest on loans. .I.7r.x.rucEv election is the first on hand i 4 .I ..iotgiast 2d.. . . t FOR GOVERNOR. - ..THE Wisconsin Republicans count on . a }l;N. - JOHN T. 11.A.RTRA:VFT, Sangnine , vietory. . . Of Montgomery. OCTOBER 12 Nebraska votes on the new, 1 FOR STATE TREASURER, 4. i * ConstitiltiOß. ~. HEST); RAWLE, . A frontier paper thinks that the trouble t With the Indian Bureau is its hiving too t' Of Eri County. Many Arawers.: - . .. • . , . . 'AT the great fair held annually at NIJI4 REIP:FIBLICAN COE:WY CONVEIITION. Novgorod, in Russia, commodities valued The Republican County Committee unit at the at . $9Q;000,000 are annually disposed of. ; ani II on Thursday, July Ist, and appointed , Ot TIM Saratoga trunk. which the Duke nie Vigilance Committees for the several Min:whips and Duchess of Edinburgh took,to Ilus, I an d hprougni.. in the eoukty. it was intaMmonaly pia, held 80 tons - . • . . 1 , trt.rof red. That the County Convention this year ' THREE Democratic papers,' in Ciilifor be held on TUESDAY. AC UST ties, at ....: o'clock Mi. are edited by women.l That quite r : u., at the court House, Towmads. - j4o f 6feed,'That we recommend the Republicans exceeds comprehension. , of the several election districts to take such action a 4 thee .sitall deem best of the primal meetings in • tiiiiiEVI:IIORT, La.,, aspires to be t oe ;. rt7ani to the adoption of the "Cnrwford Cooney cotton centre - , of Northern- Lonisatia, System" In the nomination of candidates and In- E6tern Texan and Western Arkansas. , - ceashig,the number of standing committee. ..- ,:, .nerroirei, That meetings for the election of dele . OF the 255,000 headstones to mark nip 1 rites be held on Saturday, Augast W; In e the town . - resting-places .of . 1. - nion soldiers in. mi.. ' l' g rlii i ir een h t ste . ill:leers') of =of ;an . and B k o' r il o'clock Ft tional cemeteries, 105,000 are for giave t s _ 1 r. , . '5,.. and that delegates be elieted by ballot. The of the unknown. : 1 ~. lions shall - be - kept open continuously from the first named hour until aftet the expiration of he time NEW YORK policemen make money liy gained. , - . ,barging keepers of- panel houses in their : t t Candhiates for the following offices are tO be nom precincts $lO a week and half the money ' t i,„ t ,...,i , stolen from victims. . .. • , '-. One person for Prothonotary. - , . . Titi: Alfensists and Carlists continue ! .. . One person for sheriff. . - ;. - o;e permor for Register and Recorder. , very active in the field. The artillery oft e person for Treasurer. . the latter now numbers 120 guns, mid i , Two persons for County Commissioners. - More are expected daily. .„! i Two person., for County Auditors. , • ' , i One person for County Coroner. - Sixer. Tilden went to Long Branch for' 1 ~ it is, ..nrnestly recommended that the inmost cart the i summer, the World and Sun , have Una caution be "bserseti in conducting the primary fippressed leaders about the peripatetic ' , L„,,,,., 1 „ ; ,.., ~, thacthere need be no Just 'cause for President. ' -- ksoup,aint on the part of any. ; Ev.t:ltY-State has about a dozen candi- ' it;tl.A E COMMITTEES,; ~bates; who would not spurn the Preside:n- Atltiqu• Tnwiliblirpiik Weller. J. F. Ocen- Matt . - Carpenter has been named by . rhit'r• ;r !I.• no r . Ito K r...L-C T. Bull. C. Illnton. Ai If. 4,319- elithasiastie: admirers in Wisconsin. : • kiUg .of Saxony has conferred the ulehla Twp—C. Welder. D. Sherman; George title id: Knight of the Order of Albert on .Abanv—J. 1 tested. A. 'fever's-, C:Cor . bla. Dr. •A,,- M. Pons, the naturalist.; of To- .%.ylutli—r. E. Anita'. E. Felhitsb. reed; Kerrlek. ! Albn It,nv—lntrl Wilson, Geo. Webb Ilvllooker. • 11;trvlAy—Jtolin Ditchtotim. Dr, M:, N. Thld. i . 3.,...p - IN . .Nltt:t,tat has roinidetvd a tidy- F • ._ lictrUngl4." T S ‘"P --4. .. Bellnar , Alex. I:ine, Ilallt • ', 1 1 1: 1 {k :-' 6 I s ii i:k i i I ( l; ;l fi l . i r i e ' 74 l . l t i : l l,l E l l i i i ( ,: n r . :: vti h i :tis i e t lio ll iCi 4..' i 15, .. 11'' T 1f r.,, r111 , '"" B""—W. IL U. Green' j* Rice, G. "Efli.n. . ! Burlington West--John Blackwell. S. I. Stiles, ,is t Oillg :May with Canton Twp—Win.-Lawn.nee, C. B.ylor, I. Taylor, .' . Jut: el.;.t.rit fluid - I• . . . 1.1"" " all. ' r H ill fetagyed traditions. It singed la cat i s“nand. I t i • :at Alton Mini - the other day. Clippin.. , , ...: cant,m in,,,tohn spat/ling, E. 11. Tfi?mas, G. ~r. ' IV Griffin '. , n , 111.41 Illlt have bettered the job. 1 I i•,,itonbia • = A. 31: Cornell, G. 31. earl!. Dewitt . - i Wolf \Vito say:: - "Lo l ! the poor hull:in. - , The ; Fm . olkllo lathe , . C. Rldway. F. • - •_.1,. Itegis,,tribe. living in ,Canalaa. Just i sterile McKee. ' .o,; t •r the borders of Franklin t•ounty;lutve 1 tiraavine—y. saxton, L. D. Taylor, II:: Bailey. i Herrick— '%V Ilfi,bltt. John Woodbnrn, James tiouldeti their number , . in ten years. Newer. _ • ' A' Western - man. reading Of a cricket l Litetifiela—W. ll.•Carrner, .1. F. Stn:Tple, C. 11. lob in a Nen t - York paper. writes the ed- 1 7 e . rr e;;!..v—it: meKee. it. M. Holcomb, Ti Bowman. nor to know if the club is go l A for any- 1 '• Leßaysvlllt.-1. J. frloiham. J. P.-Carli dames H. thing for 1; rasshorpers. 1 Joldison. 1 . I pomp,. Tit - 1....4. W. Irvine. W. H:lll4wes. .1. L. A New York lady. fond of •inmic. but • Rockwell.' with a constitutional dislike to perfinan- Notre ern e o—D. J. f;tweet B. B. Ilidlet, J. 0. i iii herself lias• - taugla her pet tom cat to .-: th i' n r i iNl:ii —II. L. case, Geo. Corblii, Jo4plt Tuttle. Ilay the piano by note. . • '. -' overlok—ham Mottliews.- Chas. ?dolmen'. 0. A ' expedition of ;11111 or 17i0 piand I ( o p ik ,.— c . w " V. i t i.„id,, s: I'. 4•„ pi i,, r , r , IT. Wel,li siligets - is I wing' org-arnize4 "to pro : . '3 Crandal. 1 , • . L 0:eli to the United States in July next.',on 1 11.1g 4, ilEY - - . E. A. !‘tw'Per, ti., AL [burn. E. It. tht . OCVasiun of the (centenary of the II" - 1 ll 'i'it i - t ...w!--w. W. Mrxxly. 11. Md - abe, I. .1. I:iration of American IndepenthMee. . 1 I Seeley. i - • Bore-- A - I'.Yonin , bun" ' Allen• Mont- TII E lie:4 ina . rksMan at WimblethuLtlie i ~ , !!:..n c l ; :iitronnini. 7 : 1 . • • table : informs its. is a Japanese. totallY,'l" Sprlngfield-,James 17.. - Verlie - s. L-Borge,s. \\'.A. ignoritrir - td .. the English tin,ruage...: - Thev :- ,' 11 "'" - ' - • ' 'Smlthffrld—A. a. Tracy, I% G. Hurley, - It. It. Her• ae he make .I"ng range that are !Si • , Ma: - Vienna Pitc,“ report"; that the :weavers im strike in llrunu havwassuMed ,1 threatenhm attitude. Five battalli;ins troops areheld in riiadinesq prese:rve . ~ rdt•r. ' TII-1. Nova pe a ,Scotia coal oCators rc aboutaont to invoke (the aid •of . the British ' ,, tiverinnent in an effort to - secure thelre peal of the.'.liiiiricati tariff touching the • imputation of their 6imunidity:l Tut: Tilden leaderslhave called a groial .—terpt council of Etistern and !Western A)imuieracy to meet in New - Yorkiand ,tli• timpreAmt 1111(1,4 i(InS in Illirl . renrelW.. tWl'en tIWIP. • B. B. WI LI ox. of Ilornellsville, recent- t iv plo'wed up halt' a bushel Indian;ar- Cow heads on the Brower farm, tijoining .the c‘nptiration, including a tlitft hatOet and. a pestle finr pounding corn. Mt. - A kirrlN will lase to make holster v. ith ltis preliminaries of reeoneiliationi between Mr. and Mrs. Tilton• for the lat-1 t cf . has taken steps for an absolute divUreel; from her lord and ;master. 1 SA VD k unhappy over the after-1 thotlight that it might have eelArated al: - ffegatta Centennial, thi , first ime, havinf 'been rowed in Englad. on Thames. June •23, ; ! (•111mlNkLs have. sweethearts, invaria- j ! bly. aDI the. - Alai? detectiv es now ilogf their If )4,tsters to ,et' on track of their , } erimil al lovers.. In two instances of-late! thisinethod of tlett;Ction has provetltcer-I t-tin sure.. , ! ! . ! A towir in Ilti!tory 'has been taxed at tiolltnislty a eontract4 for a debt due blur -for paveriients: Etell'of its I.ttoo inktibi4 tints is to give hini all egg daily diking!' ..:ix yf•ars. paying bun in all 1.19;(1011 , 1 • !: THE rctimis of the election fiir . ntem4 .m-s- of the ProVincial ,Legislature have; received front the entire Province of tjuubec. The government - rrty claim mii,jority of lei. while the opposition imlV , concede - dam a majority of ' Tilt: Prince of Wales visit C-41cin: T% be wholly devoted to sport—killingi Oephants, visiting the kraals andjungles4, bill the English people don't see the ;real son for giVing away a couple of milliorut pounds to enable the Prinee:to indulge? iu such. Sport. '• Tilt: Conewango - Swamp. containing' -.4,11;6 "ri.ooo acres of wet farming land.in . , tit:nit:mina and Cattail - nig-us counties.i • \'.'l'., is al tout tit he reclaimed bydraini age. It is i‘stimatell that by this inean... I over Fithotio.oott witrit, of land Will he got a atlt't• cultivation. I I • THE - Mormons have established a Initneh of their church initl a• newspaper called • the :pircitißer, at Clarksburg-. West Vir4 • finial The Fairmi quit I i,,le.r says: Then . is gline a number of this sect in Mann,; { tagton district; in this comity, and in tiff! • neighborhood of SilinnstA me. • • i - I • , ' Tae t bvernor 1)1 Illinois ha', hit upon •-a klirewd met - lox! of avertin! , the epiderii4 it orlswearin g that tltreatened to folloW the taking of notary commissions by woi 'mill in the State. lie requires the applii . • . ant to testify: that she is /troy twenty-onti. years of age. ' • - THE Raleigh. N.. C., „Vertig says, that • over 1,:i00 citizens in Wake county stand intliqed before the present-term or Wake •-• superior court for the offense of failing VI register- their, poll in 18734"4, an act of the I tgisrature for their relief hawing been roiltuna(' unconstitutionhi.-, 7 - '.. 1 - , T 1 resignations `of H. T. Munson,of ('out o ectieut, and M. B. Phillip. of 1)hiol i prinitiple exaMiners of the Patent Offieei • 11,1.•• e been accepted, - - • They rot) to 'New York to practice patent law. ' - Within the - oast 'Year some ten officers of high grade have resigned ; from this bureau for a lils+ puipose. • i I 'inxi• Scliouv xi.oFF. the Russian _.ain hassador at the Vourt7 of St. James, - re ce t. I: ' i ntly gave a grand ball to the Prince and Princess - of : Wales and the .thike and . •I Duchess of Edinburgh. In the openin riaadolle the Princess of Walt•s danced with Illit ambassador and the DuchAs or - Edinburgh - - Wit li the Prince of Wales. 1 • P4tmasti,r I ;..neral- Je w ell captivat6l halkinaptlis. <•• _% correspondent. a :44 .r.:1Sti i `11111:14/4•1' says that "his i•oniplexion vi-as'os litre and fair as if the winds or tieal'"en had never visited it too roughly,l and that •ilie, clear blue eyes and matelli It•s's teeth' were admirably set off by the t. •silvery hair and white moustache and rte:, rd..' ' .. , I; EN. 1;1 nwn,i,..: the candidate iti the IndePendihn party : for Goyernor or Cali ' fornia. has pulled tip all till- wine-bearing . • vines in his vineyard and planted i raisin Mapes-in their stead. hecause - behrould ... not lie a party to a business whicht was' •' rcspeinsilde for more than two-thilds 0T the crime, dest it iition and misery eXtant.'l THE Secretary of the Treasitry lilts Stilt I under advisement a question presented • . by Sir Edward Thornton to Set'retarY Fish :fir by him referred t 4 that depart.; -ti - tent relating to a supposed conflict bcs twcen•the Treasury regulations and Rini Tteaty of ,Washington fits to Canadiati •• ,n.fehandise intended for export and fori xv.trilkAl in transit over the territory of thti • I.,:niteil States. - ' - • iltivirrs just made' by Third -%. • • •tsistsut PostrbaSter General Barber,' sheiw that InTAQ,OOO postal cards were issued 4u: .Ting the fiscal year which ended June 30 . last, against 91,0:9,000 issued for . the Near which ended June 30, 2874. The In: crease 'is equivalent to about 18 146 pet. eon., vnich shows that the postal cards,' are growing in, popular favor as a Zueani . of inter-orulannicationr . . , Towanda, Pa., Thursaill, itay 22, 1875:1 MET -5 , m.111 creek—S. C.- Tionupson. Ira Cfane. 1.1. Turk. I:. Tracy. Leroy S'conton. T. 11. Arnold. She.4ll4:goln-1. YOung.E.llintkins, 11. Horton. Standing Stone—A. Taylor, 31. E. Hied. Nelson Coe. - Terry—W. T. Horton. Clmrles Thomp , m, 4: M. Bottle.. Towanda Born. Ist War 4 1 7,1,, 11441ronh. 4. Stone man. Geo. McCabe.. - Towanda Burn, Ward—T.,Mulloek,t C. F. Tay lor. c. Towaroin Born, ad Ward—W. S. Nevlnq, It. A. Chamberlain, E. 1%11:welly: . . Towanda Tcrp—T. 'Ackley. J. J.-Semi - 111e. G. D. Mare. Towand.l Nortl4-4a, Fo.ter. (. B. Mills, W. A. sluyter. . Troy Tµ'l.--C. Manley, 1.. Itallant, Win. slim. Troy Bore—A. Newinan. .lohn Grant. E. Pom eroy. Titsearoray. S. Culver. Wm.:Cklstlan, S. Bought. Ulster—S. S. Lockwo.d. John Dixon; S. Hovey. Wilinot—.l, W. Ingham, 31. T. *lottery. C. S. towell. • • ly . arren—ll. lion ell. Wio. M:nicln•iter, .1. 11. 'at y. Wltotham-Win. 11. ek,rk. M titer. 4;,...rge .awrence. Wyalushe:—Hr. Home?. B. Tailor. B. T. Ltrook. WysoN—B. E. C. Myer, Miles Shores, Geo. IN'oosl. Wel 1 , --Wade Beardsley.A.Judson, Ilse , . Baker. TREARCAER MACKEY AGAIN. We last Week published an article from the vigorous pen of Col. Mc ' Cm:RE of the . Philadelphia Tii frs , in relation to the Democratic charges of fraud in the Treasury Department. In, another article upon 'the -same subject the Times sums up the rea sons' Why the •cOimilittee appointed by a Democratic House does not complete its work. 'When the truth is known, - and the people understand that the affairs of the Treasury are right. and that every' farthing of `the funds is honestly accounted .for, by Mr. - MAcKEr, the', stock trade of political demagogues will be gone and their villainy and deinagogism made : apparent to those who are now ' their dupes. AlthOugh the defeat,of the Republicans would afford no'one so much pleasure as Col..McCLuttE, it is still to his credit that' he has the independenee and candor to tell the truth in regard to one of bis:mcist bitter political opponents. We shoidd be pleased to see thoi:e Demo cratic sheets - NM So much admire the Colonel's the Republican party. print some of his articles . like the following': " One of the yast promising evi denees of Democratic. fitness to avail itself of the gteat opportunity proff ered by Republican debauehery, in al4tost every department of authority, is the narrow, groveling asperatiOns of its leaders. They dare not be truthful and honest, and ;therefore truthful and honest nien- - .distrust; them, and they proffer only , the gath erings of the political• scavenger to people who are hungry for states manship, unfaltering • integrity and the fearless diScharge.of public trust. A political scandal makes their eyes •brighten and their hopes swell with ,fresh pulsations. while he: who lie sires to be truthful on all questions, and would win political battles in be half of competency and fidelity, is seouted as a pretender: For several years a howl has passed .along the line of Democracy that there is p de falcation in the State Treasury. There were a hundred wayslby which the truth -Or falsity of the accusation could have been ascertained by those Who proclaimed it ; but, as a rule, they either did not dare to test the issue or they did not want, to do so Beyond the point they supposed might make silence profitable. And now a committee of ,the: House is floundering 'about oh the outskirts of the Treasury, pretending to exam ine it, and apparently determined that they shall not be alloWed to do so, whereuponPartyorgans denounce the Treasuter.as a'defaulter, and in sist that all who do not assent to the charge should be sent to the political guillotine without the benefit of eler gy. "The Tilnes will play no nonsense on this or any other public question, merely to oblige a lot of driveling political leadeia whO can't remember when theyo)vei won - a contest, and _. wouldn't *one in - a generation if 81 1°,4 . i 0: 41 1 * fi'the*: 4 ilirgite4 : tomb., There Is iiait now; ftilOiete , never T l r was, a flefaletatio* in jhe 'Statii Treafiary wider-. 31r. 34.471E1T::*, speak advisedly ,of it during OA . . years 1872,'73, and '74, because it was our official duty then . to know- something about it; and we *assume that it is so now, because w 4 have I several times had other impressive teachings of the fact that Mr. Ming:- rr is not a fool. With . an unques tioned bond to the State . for half a million, with the capacity as a bank-. er second to but few, if any, and with from one and a half to three millions otresources for five years, the_ . man who expects to find a hole in the Treasury must have an appetite for clap-trap that defies all rules , om- mon sense. i There never was a day when the books and aceomits ! of !the Trersuiy could not be examined by 1 any one in authority, anti the' House committee can now go into the Treas urer's office, verify his cash arid bank accounts, and ascertain exactly 'whether there are fictitious.represent atiVes of value counted as cash. We fall Y agree with the Infrlligencer that-' immediate examination of .the ..4' assents of the Treasury be made,' and have so insisted as a matter of justice - to both the Treasurer and, the taxpayers, ever since the commit tee was appWnted, and it is not - done only because such examination would show that there is no defalcation, and would end the clamor of a lot of po liticans who would be without occu pation if. they could not clamor about something.. • . .. EDUCATIONAL BENEFACTORS F. Farchild, Another gift ; of land has just 'been by made. AsA OACKEtt to Lehigh Uni versity, Bethlehem'. Through that gentleman's mwlificenc this institu tion is now one bf the best endowed in the country, and s already. begins to attract hosts of students to its, balls; Within the last few years several of our older colleges have received hand somel additions to their resources. BWIINER, 31-iRQUA'ND, and others in New York, have come liberally to the assistance of Princeton, by the erect. ion of buildings, and by cOntribu tions to the general fund: Harv ard, ;Yale, Dartmouth, and other col- leges in New England are continually receiving bequests ; from old gradu ates and generous friends. • A rich man can make no better use of his money than to endow an insti tution of learning. It is a monument that will preserve ltis name long after it would otherwise be forgotten. Men like GIRARD and STEWART must make some public disposition of their wealth because they are?ehildless. Rut our remark applies alSo to mill ionaires who havut families. Instead of bequeath i nga collossal fortune for i few heirs to squander. it would be ' infinitely better for men of wealth after making ailequate provision for their 'households, to set apart the bulk of their fortune for the estab lishment of some great charity or seat of learning. l'osterityWill arise and call them ble4sed. Two WEEKS SINCE ill commenting upon a paragraph in the Artiu. we incidentally referred to a flirt in : the' history of a prominent Democratie' office-seeker and professional pOlitt cian—a man who is spurned by hon est men of all parties, and only, re tains his position — as leader of the Democracy through the 'sycoPhitney of such men as furnish the • Aripoi with editorials. In the last issue of that sheet the individual referred to makes our Paragraph the pretext for a most malicionsindecent and ca lumniottl fling a his Honor:Judge 31Enci - tt.than when no man in Penn, sylvania stands higher as an upright citizen, statesman and jurist. • Judge MEa - cra needs no defense, and we only refer to the subject to show the groveling and debased character of one who has for years sought to be a rival, and thus make : capital. from having his name associated with one whose private and' public character is withont a stain or blemish. Judge MEncrit's fair name is in no more danger of injury front the assaults of the .Argtti than 4 his "ancient po litical rival " is of being regarded, as an honest man, or the Arfpfx a re spectable journal. , .1 • ONLY about foui - weeks now remain before the Republican priiiiary meet ings. Let the time be improved by the judicioUs,- sincere friends of the, Tarty, in a fair and cordial ()iseussion of the merits of the several candi dates and the courSe - jo be pursued at the COnvention.. Individuals, their 'claims and interests, must be over ;looked, and the good of the party my kept' in view.. With a ticket iairly nominated, without eveli - . the appearance of unfairness, we shall shoW,the.opposition that the people of Bradford County are still true to the party and principles which have • made us , the most prosperous -nation on the face of t•he earth... TitE Sunday Tribune, ofyhiladel phia, has been resuscitated and now seems to be established, upon a perm anent basis. It was always an inde, pendent and outspoken paper, .ex pressing its opinions without fear or favor. .It criticises - the acts of both parties, and, during Gov. HAUTRAFT/ s first campaign, it took strong ground& against hiS'election, being persuaded to this course by a belief in the bold and villianous charges made against him. It now honeitly admits its error f • • by • enthusiastically supporting his nomination. The Tribune Wilt be . .encouraged in its course by thous ands who were similarly mistaken in 1872, and all ReptiblicauS will wish it,'" God speed" in its new,work. . . •.. :we rtmentini. - _, ' I • This. is -jjlk , 4ll9Wion in which c tit t ' ~.. -„ p tA e oplo--a4ti r i.?..t, . i.i.-., ust .mak e a SOms.Ppi . re sort, and .pro lificiafashlo fir beginning to fdlloiii thee to a coisidera ble,*xtent;:',-Evet is resorted to in order to justify the folly and expense on 'the part ofthose whip feel the pressure Of the tries, wile oth; 11 ers upon: whom fickle fortune has not smiled lament their ",miserable coti dition,".).s..9nse they ;are compelled to stay at home. WedOribt if 6 - en city people geti erally gain _muck either in health, amusement or comfort, by al sojourn at any . of the faShionle sea-side re sorts: A-trip into the country where •tlicatmosphere IS pure, food whole some, and aeconimodations far supe -rior to the seven-by-nine rooms into which they are I stowed at. , ill first class , honseS, "down by tie sea," would be far more sensible than in dulging in the round„'ot fashionable dissipation, which Is inseparable:from :a sojourn at watering-'places. l l The lot of country:and tc! 'plc who are compelled to n home is not so bad after all, i will promptlyaccept - the i and provide for it. :Unless can spend their entire. sin ~ some cool resort, there is n L gained by going, away. The I frcim the Pittsburg Comioni think,' is an dieellent argu this point: . . ." The fatigue oftravelingl taut watering place;: and I'4 the inconvenience of contraq J ters whilst there, arid the ri felt in getting back into har • a shortsojourril of freedom_ I must be placed; on the debt exceptionably unfliYorable mill animist deStrOf the pl the entire experiment. It i: j wealthy, or well-t O-do bath can amuse themselves as t 1 during the whole summer . fatiguing excursions. do not contribute much .to ‘-: - either pleasure. To those men pull the oar during the hi I there may be some en . 1 words.said whiCh will show I they can at least very nun I whatever! hardihiPs there :i I circumstance.. : And; first, I attentioni to food, ;drinitj j bathing and other !sanitai I will always bring a rewar I food, coOling i drinkS, in nri I suitable 'apparel; and care exposure to the , sun, will I keep the general health 4 i other things being . even,.gc will bring cheerfulness an lion.: There is usually, id itimes durina the 'day, a pleasant nook alio* you or your dwelling place. 'spot and you are a 4 well woulpe at a summer :re you are better off-4you e: 'modate yourself in I varion easy ways that are I impoi3: watering place crowded w' ers.!* ',.. fru: announcement of t Lady JANE . FRANE.LIN; 'AMP ill LOlOOll 011; . S1111(1 last, although' not Unlookc : be sad news to- the civil' • I This lady, Who is known her life-long devotion t( I 1 band, in his ; life and afte' was- the daughter of .Joi j Esq.. and was born' abuut, was married . to Sir Jou. FRANKLIN in' 1824, that being his second mar ,riagc.• Ten years later, i on his ap pointment to the_ Governorship of 'Van Diemen's Land, she l sailed with him to that distant' colon3i . . In 1845 her husband departed on his•,third polar expedition, and Nl•hen three years later the long absk Erebus and Terror. exeitei l prehensions as to .the sal expedition, Lady 'FIL 14ge rewards : to - stimulat( Mr husband's party. •Th she touchingly appealed pie of _this country to co the search . and the dui l difloil has the result. t I.: 1 LIN herself, at her priva fitted out an expedition assist those sent by the C anil'one or two, in later 3 heart , and soul were invo seater'', and hope never di I breast till 1857. Capt. I, CusToeK. commander one of the vessels fitted I FRANKLIN, brought back .Sir .li - ins and his : party less Wished ten years pr not before realizing hi the diseovery•of the Nor' sage." he House of Co_ .£2,000 for a: statue of Si', the Royal Geographical ociety eoh feiTed- upon : Lady FiIiNKLIN the • honorable db4inetiOn of the founder's gold iiedal. Lady 1' n.% 'MAN'S life will always be pointed . as one of wonderffil wifely 'devOti n, no less than of :the di!ei)e4t, -soricfw. , f L- -" • 'IIE A rgits! is very much troubled ( t abo it the extravaontiee of Republi k . I\ • ~,. I can-.oicials. and some one has taken pains to took up the expendititres (),f other, at linitiistrations. he author I of the table however, forgot to state ! . what .the real cost per I cad to tax i payers has been under the various . ~. administrations. 'Here are some fig -1 ures which throw's little more light upon the subject, and we respectfully commend them to the r Ittention of i the 'astute'leOrps Of amateur .writers I who_ not oohsinspire bit indite the 1-non§bnse which is ,weekV spread be ! 1 1 fore the readers of the Argits: nistrathins. !: Expense per head. Polk, Dernocral :: / ,r• 05 1 Taylor and Fin lore, Whig " 199 Pierce, Denuhr6t ' ' 233 Buchanan, Priuiwrat 2 29 Lincoln and Jolipson, Urpuhlican :-.: ' 1 91 Grant, IhTuolii-an : I, ' 1 Cm IT 16 ally i l liting but cre4itable to the nominees . (?r the PioMbitiou party, that their ] warmest advocates are their ancient - and undying enemies, . r the Democratic , press. Of course, all the votes thrown awa on BROWN and PENNYPACKER come from Re publicans. - TemPeran Democrats are like ancre l visits l fe and far . be- 0 tweeu. • , ' • , _ Mhe completion ofl l' • 1 ' icte2iO rent •Tif • f e !,,• . • 4 . ...' '.- 1 to . ''Jfiln t;It T` i'• • t i a ' ri ; is linfn ..' • !: 41 4 61073nanaent 3 ',;'' the honored President, ....._ . humblest brakeman, ii 'Coniimed of ,the most Obligingntlemen, ._and e t passengers* assur - that nothing which will conduce to their conveni ence, or .comfort wil l, overlooked by any employe or officer: In the ElMira Adrerlisel• - of llonday morn ing we fintl the following notice of this route : . • • " QUICK, TRANSIT,T . The popular Lehigh Valley Railroad, running from Elmira to New York, passing through the most delightful and his toric regi4fs of Pennsylvania, cer tainly invites the Attel tion of travel em ;going ; eastward, whether for. business or pleasure, to the great me-• ,tropolis or bathing tiesorts; in fact, all points 1:!,r1 the sea-coast are equally,' ael.wasibleby this route. As a 'sub stantial, well-Manageroad, the Le high Valley has no superior. Its; .palace coaches, powe fill machinery, engineers:, conductors and intiperin tendents are nowhere excelled. Speed, safety and Comfort - are assured by this route. The newly completed extension from • Eaton to . Jersey City, calleil Eastern Amboy Div. of L. V., R. R. C0.,.c01. Harry E. Pack er superintendefit; , i e. ' the crowning effort of this succe fill - and enter prising company; bb it a most agree-, able and rapid transit is made frono this city to,New York with Ont change of cars., leaving here at 9 o'clock r. • M. and arriving in Heir York. on the ..ieturuiag, day following at 8 o clock .t. m: By ted guar- daylight the travehr or tourist can, rlitetanee -reach the city in same time and en less after and ease, • joy the beautiful si..enery en route. , As an evidence of ,quiek transit, and sid e . 311 " iwe knoW whereof w write. Messrs. weather , Charley and Billy ('iinmings (whose '" sure " 1. , names are synonymous with the Le only the , high Valley Railroad, as ever, ably hors who ' conducting on East{ Amboy Div. of et/ please i nil Short generally : • L. V. RAI.), presented Alderman n Worm' Of . the Third Ward with a loaded salver of delicious blue, fish ealth or and so ft shell crabs, Which graced ho must his, table yesterday morning at seven of season o'clock—the same I .ere sporting in ..ouraging t h e wa t er ' s of the ~ tlantie ocean on them that . Saturday at 2 o'clock r. at. 'Rah for mitigate Lehigh 1 7 alley Railroad. May it keep i r er in the . its•Cutmninits and kOep coming" e,. la . wooer, I Iwu pea otuain at - if they .ituittion persons nmer in • of ►inu•h olluw•ing •f_./ . (1/, ne ment on to a dis- . , HERE are a few extracts from the . , 1 - )ay Book. an orthOdox Democratic paper, published in New York. Those who imagine that the era of good feeling has dawned upon the South, :old that, the• late rebels have forgot ten their) treasoriand intend to accept the situation, will please read: "If I refuse to recognize Lincoln as the Martyr President, etc.'. it is because I re ganl him !as a huge human grizzly bear, MC of the cruelest, Meanest. monkeyist, and most hypocritical despots that ever bestrode the seat of pincer.' "The individual or !family that equal izes, harmonizes, andmates with negroes i ., is lost. trl7ncli A sin against God and out rage on nature is, in t to nature of things, impossible ; at the must it could only be an approach, and therefore just to the ex tent that mutual massacres occurred would there be evidence of vitality still.: left among such mo 'grazed humanity. " God has made n .groes different • be ings,. with di ff erent in tures and different wants, and therefore I designed them for ~ different conditions of existence whenever or wherever in jrtxtipOsition. • "Thus when the Aholitionists appeared in our midst. the instinct of self-preserva tion prompted • our people to Massacre them." The above is from i Wanviel:, Le County.L The edithr says. "We in dorse ' eVery nttenince;of that patri otic worker." raiment, y matters 1. Light (Aeration, .fulness certainly [rood; and •od health satisfae different cool and r business Find that off as you sort, nay. an geroM s free and Isible at a ith strang- he (lea th . of Ahicli took ay evening l e l d-for, will izeti world. Ise, well by her !is his death, Is GRIFFIN, 1805. She " The White Republic or no Repubtir." "The naked heatheo' who live and multiply,their kind, are immeasurably better off than the colored 'citizens ' of New York.". "But the day of jtidgment is at hand. With a Million of wOrkinn people out of employment, and milkatton rapidly dy ing from the Potomac to the Gulf, we are all standing, on a vokano that any hour may involve forty Millions of people in horrors onpaailleled in human annals." "In the whole history of_the world there never was so foolish a thing as the War for the tnion."i i nce rof the , (1 grave-ap fety of the ;LIN offered, iiearell for le next year ,o the peo )1-operate in NELL expe 141y FRANK expense,, ill 1850 to overnment, Nothing is more common than terri torial changes, and if, the great Mississip- Vpi Valley and the great St. Lawrence alley were made the centres of two Fed erations in North Ainerica, it would be the happiest conjuncture in its dekinies that one can conceive of." THE FOOL I S NOT .M.I. DEAF, VET.— Daily, since resumption took place in the Pottsville xegiOn, there have been mutterings of discontent by the miners in the employ of individual coal operators against the ten per cent. reduction, they averring that a 1 compromise Would be. more just to all' parties concerned. Though the dissatisfaction ii . niong the men has existed in various arts of the coal region Rome time,here was no strike inaugurated until - last - week, when the miners turned out at St. Clair to a man, and at Wadesville all the out side laborers- struc . It 7 was under stood there would be a compromise at St. Clait, ,butt despatches from there cOntradiCt tle statement, and report they. will not go to work. A despatch from Wt desville represents the men as, dissatitified and that the miners will not return to work. The • colleries at' both places are owned 811(1 operated byl individual enter-, prise, employing a large number : of men and boys. ears. iler yell in this 1 die in her prom) Mc 'f the Fox, !ht by Lady proofs that had doubt iriously,tho' 1 - ambition h-west Pas mrins voted JOHN, arid Pitiro.•lllow.Ds - 4 and nnother gen tleman ascended in a haloon from Chicagaon Thursday lasi, since which time they have no -- heed' heard from. It is saippoSed that the high, wind which Prevailed t9ok the balloon t - ward the lake, and it is feared that the aerial voyagers may have. perished in the water. , Cal?t. letamoNo, of the. steam-Large New ra, reports seeing, shout fifty miles 1191. th-east of Chica go, a life-preserver with the straps pulled oat, floati4, in the water, and something near by which looked like n basket. lie did not know exactly what 'ft was, not getting near enough. He had not heard of • the missing ba loon. Capt. CAST4LO, of the schoon er Queen of the West:, reports that on' Saturday evening he saw 'some, thing like' a balo?n sticking out of the water. about.L .four miles from ; .i . Grciss Point. lle'eoidd not get near it. '. The Captain of a lumber vessel reportS seeing a dead body, wearing a gray coat, aboj, forty miles from Grand.Hien. - . ci . . , . i • - =srin )1:0$ it flit() AI -1 Why should an f- WijOion be e • female • e - ed= 4 lo, `u stigke • t ,• I ni*he'ee eatisfacto• 0- , eyed. • The Bollo4o4,.Repu& - : licaa, referring to the pay of teachers in a portion of liennSylvanhi, says: "!We contend for that justice-that gives men and women' the same pay for the same services . :. At this late day of the nineteenth century it is time,that the . AmeriCan people, at least, - show ' that theYlmve . outlived the: heathenish practice of discrimi- - nating against, or deprecating, a wo man's work simply beCatise she is a woman. Teaching, as well as other work, is supposed command cer taih compensation, and the qUality of.ihe work alone shoiild regulate the rates. We know it hasbeen custom ary in many . parts .of the country to pay Male teachers double the sala ry paid females for the same amount and quality of work. The unfairness, the injustice of such! discrimination purely.on account of , sei will not be tolerated much longer. Upon what principle of justice can such a scale as this be defended : • Princlpal High School, (lady)' Principal, Grammar School, (lady)... Principat, IntermedLatei (lady') Principal, Intermediate, (genlielnan) That is the comparative value set upon the services of male and femole teachers in oar schools." • , • . knom present indications 'IEART nANres majority in this, county will be 1000 to 1200 greater than three years ago. Many persons who were deeeived then by, the falseand. ca lumnious chargeta made agkinst him, now regret their action in either Scratching his Milne or voting for BucKALEw, and deem it 'simple jut , - Ur* to themselves to make reparation for the injury the 3; did an honest man, by working and voting for him this fall, now that they are,,satistled that the opponents of the Governor then deliberately deieived. them. Put Bradford down for an old4ashioned majority. U. S. MARSIIAI.I' HALL has. the happy faculty, or - .perhaps we should say, the sound, good sense, to call to the service of the United States, as jurors, the very best, men in his dirt_ trict. for the present term of'Court .at Erie we . notice such men as llon. JOns SCOTT, Hon. 3611 N B. PAcrom, Hon. W. H. Aamsnioxo, and others of the same high. Character on the Grand Jury. When Col. lI ALI gets to be Governor, as he certainly will some day, if his life is spared, we Moll expect to see : I t tim surrounded by just such men, . Tit 1: Democratic papers have be- ; some vigorous advocates of temper ance for Rrpablionfix . . They are, land ing the nominees of the cold water party to the skies,, and we warrant that theSe men are astonished to see virtues so%Li;hlv extolled by ,„ filen, who. a 1 . 6* years ago, called them " Lincoln hirelings" and "nigger theives." The object of all this is. so apparrent that is disgusting tem perance men and driving them back into the. ranks dI their party. They will not lend themselves to the sue eo.ffs of the Dethoeracy by any such t • ,• THE Republican campaign for 18T5 in this State will be .opened in Erie this evening by a grand ratification Meeting, to be . held •in the t►ublic parks. The Republicans have chosen a good time to open the Campaign thus early, as the city will be full' of people from Al parts of Western Pennsylvania. Gov. JOHN F. HAUT RANFT, lion. JOHN: SCI;TT, Gen. It AR ity M. HOYT, lion. THOMAS M. MAII 11 !ALT., Hon. C. S. Wois, Hon JOHN' I'AcKER, and other prominent Re- Publican speakers will be present to address the meeting. Wtiii.E the Arijits is complaining SO bitterly about :Abe extravagance and corruption of Republican offi cials, the intelligent reader wOnders how it happens that taxes have been *materially - reduced, and nearly half of the onerous debt of $40,000,000, whiiih the Democratic party incurred in Ibis ,State, has been paid during fifteen years.of Republica rule. • Tut: July returns to thei Depart ment of Agriculture are unusually full, showing an improvement of the cotton crop during the month of June tn all the cotton States except Texas. AT UTICA, • on the 13th, .10,000 boxes of cheese were sold at an'aver age price of 111 cents; and at tittle Fa 1 1 ,77 0. boxes were sold at an aver age of 141. cents per pound. THE INDIANS. WASII I NGTON July 18.—Regarding ,the icharges which have been made through the press against the affairs in the Indian Teritory under *he agents nominated by the Society of Friends, Agent John P. Miles, of the Kiekapoo A genet' reports under date 4)1 . July 9th to the CommissiOner of Indian A ffairs•that the cattle de livered in Felmary, March and April were not very fat, yet be could not say • they were not "merchantable cattle" and as good ns could poisibly be obtained in that 'country at the .time, and particularly at the price, paid flir the general average—namely $1,04 per 100 for - the twelve months of the year. The Military have been paying for beef delivered to troops and captive Indians 50 to $3 per 100 gross.. • , • • - Agent llawworth writes Aim his agency that the Winter was very severe and cdid, there being an un usual snow-fall. the cattle depeml erit upon the range would, by the month of March, become thin intesh and, classed with corn-fed cattle: would not be regarded as goatmer clumtabre beef cattle in regular mar kets, but for gross cattle he felt war ranted in saying they were fair beef, and gave satisfaction to the Indians, and kept them from suffering. The cattle fuisisketl on Steven's contract have been up to the average of any previous year since the estab lishment of his agency. ~ .. , . . „ =MU MX OVIVIUMMINITtex . e.. says that !Wars: CoA) . ~ 4 .._.-----t' Pardee of Clinton coutY. • have just , ' , . _ . !----.,_• .-. in this seetionof the country. • The y a IJITYSII2O* . ....; tered into the largest contract ever y, . " -^ II ::. LOU I's is s ssisi to supply all the timber: to be uSedby , Mn. ' 77 ' .: 's ' '-'' i': •7 : • railroad now building ,in Western Ne trifi of Pee :. ill ~, f Beecher af ,' ..1 k ' .. 4 Slits `. , -!'-',',, , run rip into millions. ! dive milli. hay idence,"justor , Iplace . a'• 1 .-1- 7 • , 4 been engaged in cutting for this woe one-half. - Abetir:eitoCk the ',- , , I and it is not nearly done yet. - I i Cornet - Band, No:1, began to..'y and ' Tun State Teacherst tAstsociatieni wi the citizens to gather, preparatort for the meet at Wilkesbarra, August 10, 111 an march. The line formed in thelollowing 12. Tickets will be sold km the followin order: 1. Peekskill Band. 2. C0.14,,16t named railroads, from; lAugust..7 . to 1 Batalion N.-Y.S. N.l2}. • (in unifoim). 3.- goo d -t o , re t ur n :A u g us t Iy. E see o', Citizens on foot and in carriages. iMarch- ttokeralurbe:proeurediwithe4 Orders .. ing through , the Streets the p lon the Prineipal stations 'oohe Lehigh Va . was greeted.on all sides by ladies l iwaving ley Railroad, by exhibitino their handkerchiefs and old men Fishing mern b ers ia is s. p ersons ? ' y our earns having car d s 4 us a happy time. Arriving at Mr. ileecli ex's farm, we passed through the shadY membership , who pay 41 fare slit fill . over. the Delaware & litubten road to th gate, up the shady lane,'Which, 110. so de. meeting, lightfully cool this hot .summer weather, t i n s tolk can procure pa4ses at theniee. a usa t re e, . !1. . . ;• L , and marched, while thee Band !inlayed, 1 f 0 secure th e ab o v e i s i v ra t es , a nd al around the carriage road' to .the rear of the to obtain hotel am-miled:diens at 4 r: Mr. Beecher's house; thence Own educed figure , teachers , arid others shent east side to the south side, resting u pon procure cards of membership, by eitele: the beautiful lawn in front of the house. ing ono dollar (With stainp) giving na , - After the hand ceased to play,i).'ldwarti Wells, Ems- one of the: most prominent Sickly,Germantown,PA 1 - U- - 1 lawyers ofTeekskill, and an earne4 curia- ,„ and address, to the tieket :agent, 4, , , i liT. next annual exhibition of the Su thin gentleman alias addressed Mil Beech- • Aorienitural Society, to he oiven atiist er, who now had appeared urn 9e porch. 1 caster on the lt,h 29th and":loth of: St., - : i to greet' his neightars,aniid hearty ap- . and October tat anti ' q] in tember st , ; t plause. Mr. Wells said : ' li : - : ' - "Mr. Beecher, I appear before you to- ' lersh old fair grounds. have item' - comic , . ~ night }n behalf of - the eitizens orPeeks- promises to eelipse all termer fairs. iTi ill, representing the different churches, k' to afford :tin le spiahe for the , ..aers i professions and organizations of the town, 843 . a s , ~ . enlarged and, improved, in various Was! to express to you their high regard 1. for mouation of a A number o f , additional. bnildings will 1 and confidence -in you as a man, a neigh- 11..eZhibitos . s . and visite ' bor, and a Christian minister. liComing. into our town fifteen years ago, ith 'your .ereeted, to s e cure the utmost facilities fi political opinions differing from many of - 1.1 e rich , „ agriculturaldis tricts . ex F hi ro bi n t i in ts o h liv_e stock, Mahieete Lanenster, Dauphin, i Lebanon, lier , ours, and With , the partizan re Bags all York, Cumberland, Franklin and Chest": towns have, we ',watched you 'critically there will bebrenght the finest breeds and well. By tract aCquaintance and .horses' the 'best, spech i inins from herds continued association each year Once, we: a have all, without distinction Ofsnarty; or. church, or creed, learned to le and_re spect you, and to hold you in reverencei n swine; the handiwork and- s orade k Cattle; sheep Of the dourest ( mi; rtments the products; Of the looni, ti as a kind neighbor, a loving friend,' and estiblishinents, and the si an earnest, honest, worthy Chrhithin man dairy and the orchard ;; the bestSwoi ofindustrial, • '.. . i ; ari d n pleat, most economics% d u rable. , 1 and minister,. • • , • ! • _l' " During the past year especially, while rat implement manufacture, besid we, in common - with all other 4 not Only chines in the wide range of the agrieuh works of t t floral deCerations. etc, : in these United States but throughout the !„ ,' l . ' , , ' c entra l , a . n.l the ! civilized world, have been watching with ..' "e l ocati o n- , t I ..,„. ij intense interest theprOgress of Pie great • • trial, our faith has not swerved - nor our . - : that could be desired' no doubt the f edifies for transportation e e s ant , . Rill be (in every respect) one of the no, confidence lessened, and to-night it is our privilege and pleasure to tressisiss upon .. succe' fill In!ld since the society, '.T.lte exhibition is met es,', 'the organization I the retirement, you seek here. reeling :LS- , fined to livestock and;farm products,' h ' mired we shall be pardoned for tic) doing, to express to you our unbounded cones- . i• " p elt e s hiical skill and donnsaie prodnerid to exhibitors ef !the tine arts, IT sPence in your Chrisrian integrity. We s „ , ~., mh s , or D onsit s, f i are glad you have chosen yiitir home : st, ene , ra ,) , ,S."'e- s ",`“ 4,, l c lo 1 ' • 1,2 8111011 g us, anti we trust you rmay .firm I , suoino r mase . a straw s ; •1 rt to um ,i !. long to lift your voice and move your)ien goon ( isplay. in every department. 1 iin the cause of Right, of Truth. and of • Tf;tr. Potter Enter/Wins. says: Sam Humanity, as you have for thelnast forty , Lose3', of Pike township ; Potter cumin ' years, and when done with iirp may re- , is now 102 years and 7 months old. a l ceive the approbation of the God whom is, without ,doubt, the nidest, person ii „you serve." (Applause).l , living in northwestern! Pennsylvania. To which Mr. Beceher, i is hale and hearty, but has been blind I the steps of his veranda,' standing up o n- his ficee ruliant .: manySyearsS llis mind is good and ree and flush with health, while ibis white ~ lection dear in-regard to the persOms -locks floated in the summer air, replied : ' events of the early days of Tiega a • " Mn. WELLS AND FELFAMi-CrrizENs ! Potter comities. Mr.'-i's,sey came 19 11 or Psskssii.r. : It is withpeculiarly deep : ter county about (1:1 years ago,andisets and tender feelings that I thank you for.; where he resides, on line Creelt; li this, your expression of confideitee anti es- • the first saw mill on the watds )1* 1., . reem. To know I have the leonfidence I . stream ; . before lie 11,0 derived:, any . pr and gtxxi opinion of my ehurchland of my , from his labor, and expense ,thensill neighbors, of the citizens wham l live, 0 burned. For a periotiof 17') y - 6 ars',le givessne More real pleasure than syiniei- 1 , taken no medicines and lots neVer Call • thy from abroad. I came_ here fifteen nhysician for biniselfiduring thislongi years ago seeking rest froni, my arduous' rust, except when his: eyes began tis, labors, and lam glad I selected my home him: remit iek. were then prepared 1 among you. When lam no' tenger ablethem and b applied ;them. , his Cno i to perform my public duties, it! is my in- ' sation and history are3nll of interest ' tendon tolive with you till my end comes ; ' romance: his"clear mind and' distinct and be buried here with you ii so I tams olleetion isf wonderful. Dates,S,'W. shier that Peekskill is really my tonne." and persons are all tikist and namcd N Referring to the omit four Aars, Mr. certainty. life names all the first ,Sett ', Beecher said : " I hare 'beenthoroughly, ofTioga. fixes their , Places of nest( . sifted. I could not speak to a IMan upon. anti can tell Whether they - are 11i-in the road, at the station, on the ferryhoat, (I,e4d. lie is one of pie very few Per, or anywhere, but what it is reported more now liyins, that - even saw the gileat or less perfectly in the prints. i.'or a man g(""1 -Fath e r of his country. and t who Is lively, jocose, and full'of Ileums, cams Abe Many now lking whir WT." such is sifting will: reveal the' saying. of , la 4 ore the! rei-olutionary war - act* Matty foolish things, things said thought- yommeneed. If Mi . : istsey is living i lessly. things which after-01014;ln wou ld year he slorld be take , " 111 the evnen, have Omitted." In speAking of the trial. I. Tile. Set-setts' RsHb/Osnt gives A, Mr. Beecher paid a high tribute S, the ' einua of a diStre.;sing i affair whiff' 'ii I ; counsel on both sides, and thiinght they red at Its& Park last Sunday. A. conducted the trial in a manner to bring lour-year-ofd . son of f:. W. Eva Us., out as little foul in:Merin pi.inf as pos s i- prietor orthe Washburn Strect 11 , ble, eonsidering the nature-Of the of ence. i well(' into the bar-molt :done. Party it, Mr. Beecher expresseil . his . di,Sregard of morning. and taking: a I.shiske i 11,11 the, newspapers who had; and !ir e , so bit- , from the shelf, issued ' out a glasl-rtt'!: terly and with such Pertinasity S.ppitsing 1 , (hanky it. i About (Oven ,Joinoti.ls liiinand trying to put him dos ts Ile ex- Ids father i l ante thovit !stairs and.ttias I pressed his surprise and phlasttri, that! rilied to MO the child ! prostrate and s i such papers as the 11'4/(4! thsq Ilrooklyn :less upon tw th.Or 1:6 IQ the result o , Dully Eagle. who had been his hitter pis,' cursed can Ile li;led him in hiS,- a! 1 litical opponents always, shottld espouse Ind knoWi i g ! how itO account fin+ his cause when his character Was attacked. , strange ciwadition, but :tie bottle ;10 4 He iipitke of theyalue of a gOtxl, settled and the chair beside' the - liar. seon i character of years standing, Mid said had -their tragic story, and the truth ot, it not been for that he shouldp have gone affair tlashisl acrosshissmind. Hy C. under. lie appealedt to the young men his wife and placing the child in the present to look to it that they tsverebuild- dle haste Mid. for 1/1 4 . Dr. Collie!: !wit ing;up " ,, 00d characters. As ti.? his future speed. I /it arriving at the seStie course, Mr. Beecher said he Was . trim, old : learning the cause ; of the sad • calm to hegin making changes. 11c l :should 'still ! the doct,Wsent 31r::Evans fora .tot trust men—he had -only been deceived 'pump. After: searching some tune once in 41' years—am) hive min and works one be retnrued , but vs, late. for the k for men as long as he lived: He had nev- ? , was deati„l The face anti limbsWe r 're ti er snivel) for greatness nor fable; but that ' len to a coesiderable, extent. but !URI be might better humanity. . With many Sees of childish _beauty were still visib other remarks. and again tletking-them . the wealth' of tints and finely proitot• fur their kindness and confidence. he ,ed soutlinel of forte anti , feature. I closed his address amid great I:applause. lad's parents 'were 'almt;st beside t' After the band played iiisain, Hon. selves with grief, anti yet_the smith Chimney 31. DepeW was called upon to the child lis the legitimate result o' speak. IMr. D.'s remarks iodic pert iitent, father's litishiess. i -, humorous, and expressive cif the good o ..0..f. . .. sr{.!sittess sr! har.: issued the and"feelingn Widow° he amt his nelgh - . rant for t'he'', execution -on MimilaV hors and friends of Peekkkilli:enterhtined 901 illy Or I,noustnext..of .P.trity;. l for Mr. Beecher. Ile saidlthei.e was a eel.- 1 , '. r • 4 . '1; T r - " '.l ~ s ne, esmynset, at , coming yount, l tint spring in Peekskill jviiiilli tradition 1:, i l the .st osv :of 110,: e n i b e r: I" s• 4., , said if one drank of its wat rliciwould never murder of Polin Deter, and ish. sott perManently leave Peekskill. 1! Ile said he D uggested to the citizens 3 , eail l , ago if Mr. eeembei.l3, ',t57.4. ti, lii leuised: AI s , nun for the eX'eentiOn ~r mzroe ',.. 1 / 4 -a, Beecher had not tasted of that spring lie. viously i!4;ited by OW thwernor, lil y 5h0D14.14 eVell, if necessary, t 6 resort 1111 ' force to compel line to. It W ' Court.Vit as "up said warrant ' Was - -recallell. ! to him that it had already taken ef- warrant is issued on. a.re-sent, . feet, and while they permitted Mr:Beech- c tie on jui n. , 5 Is.'s' , by th e I s ul k o lerto go down and preach oc6sionally to 1T ! I • ' r 7 l ' •' ' en ant in'Tniller 01. , .yemmlig Copra; Plymouth Church, they should see to it - 1 the Berks . !county prison 1 that thek claim held good. r(Laughter.) A MAN WAS,. rece9tly diseharged Notwithstanding the quietness with 'where In been serv ing , a Sentence of ';10 day i s f which this affair was gotteiti up, vet no grancy. Who is only' :1.. years of ags sooner bad Mr. Beecher appe.ared hefore leis been Ihi 27 different jails, ans the company than a half-dozep. newspaper nt °o' reporters arrived with pencil and paper, I learnedevery h ,. ye trades, seen ears t it . leis 11c!_, 111 . thet; b' v • s, a word for the moaning papersji Assoon.as that kill" c'f'lif . • . I • the concourse broke up, an i4itation was THE 144Aillg Edalf, says: On tile' extended to them by Mr. Be4eher's near- ices of Mr!, N. F. Ilechtel, PerlciOnci eat neighbor (Benj, Kittridgli) to call and enue mid! Franklin; street, is to y lit have sonic blackberry wilie ;tad lotion:lde - one of tilC most remarkable curit combined, not less than twoibarrels of it: erer heard of, of the kind. A tarsi being arranged for the purpose. Before apple tree, is., growing .in - the .Ortl, a t 10 o'clock all were en route Air Peekskill - the fop Of the tree is blooming- ; again, feeling they had dischaged a pleaS- White rose, The ;rose stem. wh ant anti impertent duty. , S growing . isLion rae the apple beli. i. Yours truly, st-% si yearS lolil, as it has already - ' two yearSj, The newer can. best 1)1 ' from the, second Story of the 1 Health Commissioner Miller sayS it of the greatest curiosities lie , iss seen. ' STATE NEWS. 11 AccountNo to the fast agiictiltural re port, the value of . farm' products in this State is $2O 80 per acre.' i! IIoN. A. L. HAviS, formery law judge of Lancaster county, died gently at the advanced age of .82 years. :i T ' . • Joux. C.•lnym, of Jersey'Shore ' claims to have captured by actualilcount - about 90,000 potato bugs in his fields this year, and he has not yet abandoned the' Conte t. Ilex. ELI SLIFEE, of LeWisburg. has been appointed State Advistiry Member !I— w A of the Centennial Committeelogricul- • - , 1111: PEACE MU'. 1 tine, agricultural implement: ~ and other ° , ; matters pertaining to agricelture l with B.IIIISIOICE,3IIII' IK.—At the reference,to the great CenteanialtNhibi- info , or the. peaeh „growers o r tion. . , • :-., 1: - laud ancliDelaWalreAwninsitla a THE Democratic conventiim to select 4 - eton, i l aLnrc ay,... , mindidates for county officerli!in Philadel- 11 '''4 '-' 1 it W•ts !wive pliia last week, adopted the follow n" the crop, ( 11 the Peninsula w° lll ticket,• Judge of Common Peas, E. Cop- be less than. 4,(10010000 baskets. pee Mitchell, tsq.: Hecordetl of Deeds. crop is I thattiritig rapidly, and Wm. Ayres; Clerk of Quarier Sessions, Henry S. .llagert; City varietieS will he sent to mark( " inlissi6ner 'S 1 week. blot tile t r:Ule will not ltq„ Thomas A:'Fahy and John IT. Crawford. ,- ; n earnest before Aug.. -NOtWitil THE Gazette and Bulletin lif Williams- ) : - • ' - • port says: Some two montlet! ago Mr. J. ' 'lig -produce the unmense crop, S. Mundy had the misfortnite to lose 3 Peet - rea4 , sales and . - good' pro d uce horse by death. • Soon after Wards he pur- A rrangernents for. quick iransi chased another in Philadelphia, and bring. Um: to , ing him home placed hitt ilin a•paSture are more !perfeet than in any ! • dew-I - Orli - by Water nn{ field on the other side of the river. • He had not been there long till ho was stolen. -jug season. ""en hUndr° After diligent inquiry it was !learned that fifty carSthaye already been lea. I the horse had been taken nviir the"nmut- • growers ',:and branch railroads taro in the night time, and time party hay- used in' mug him' in charge eluded the - vtgilitute.of ' , :u rile NeW-York trade, (in. Old IDOminiOn Stearn-:Ail) the toll - gate keeper by leading the animal ': • 1 do he - avy busineSs he over the porch and around the gate With- pan y will . t , • - out opening it. Here all trace was lost,Lewes, :nut New-York. A .new and nothing more was - heard of him till a prise is o llie opening Qf direct i cy few days since when the animal was forbid wande.ring in., eou band irm, • nication !betweeli . the peach - cc ' t l' .. ' r and by this where he had been turned aban— antiin e l io , cities, .., , doned. Several of his:shoe* were gone, : growers i anticipate ! doing: 1m; showing that he had been severely driven,. !nuieker r mid making'-greater pr I Mit where" be had-been, 430 why he was . doing alytty with ;middlemen,l 'I - brought to that place and abandoned, re - ariangeinents ekiend as fares mains a mystery:. } Mr..MuridY is certain- • and St, 'Louis' and are made ly lucky in recovering the horse at all. Is 1 it .a ease of Conscience on the part of the . with thc • pennsylvania and Bal, thief? , • ;land OhiQ-RailrOads. . 11 . 31. K. 'I AN ElSb.tmtif nained Dan CV 0.'3 1 had beeir . diwharged by the StIPFIIi ent of the -Herdic House. on account -- of intemperance, atter to shoot MiSS McEHorny,. an of the ! believing she ,was the cause of his discharged. lie, tired a shot Simi volver, 114 did not inflict a ecru Wound. )Day waslod;:ted "SCAO, LEVEI... is the name ; filer resort 'near Johnstown. Pa. I= WOWING =MY. Upon of thelloard of %thou to Wyoming Semi am sad-Commercial Oolloge, l ions ?m, 1875. 1 The board organized by selecting . 1, I Bev: Alex.:M. Wiggins 4t.*., of the i Philadelphia conferenee;, chairman, . I and ReV. D. D. Lindriley, of the Wy. I 1 oming conference, secretary,: The following Members of the - con-- , ' ference visiting committees were, present. :Wyoming .'conference H- , 4; Revs. B. W. Van Shoiclii 1). D. Linds- - ley, J. 13. Sunufer, Hon. Lewis ,Puglie, . . f 0, E. Bnmp, Esq., Henry Alfrev— f Esq., ainr,lL B. JadWiti,l,Esq. Cell tral Pennsylvania 'conference—Rey. John A. Be Moyer. 11Phiradelphia conference--Alex. M. Wiggi,ii& • A t-,, ',. the request of the 'faculty the i follow ing, * who were present; were hied to I. 1 the committee: Revs. Ilf' it. • Hair _i -i- ' . W. 11. Olin, P..Krohn, (4. ef,unfort. '. S, Elwell and J. F. Will?nrt • ! 'i . 1 After a full and freeelcpre . sion or .' opinion from the memberS of t meow :. mittee, the chairman and se i cretary . were authorized to . preSont thf.trePort , e embodying the Views of the birethreo. li and- fu:'zish the same te, -; the Chilixt. inn Advocate and Ninlife6o tilfir;..ifn,, - Adrocatel for publicaticntr . j 1 - '• The following is therefore reset ir; 0 : ": • ! The' !Maid of confer • - i .. fence visitors '. 1 , , Pr!, tO , ,: Wyoming Seminary dining, 0 1 6 ! o .. ' 9 i conimenement week. r i -f.sii. ',r i f ler. r ,f I c areful attention to the silty assigned. 4 i with. Wash re report. 'Hie seminary. d • under the Management..9f Bev. i ltr.' , !- ' Copeland and'his co-lii lbrers ;f,e : a. ' . , • 1' 1 11 ; k e ',• Pies a 'prominent pos on among 5)111 . ,_ : educational ,institut; un4: 4. 1- I I•, . i t- J . j Three l days spent, iti,_„the recitation 1- . rooms diniw , hall and: Chapel, have !s '-iven us an opportunity:to Judge , Of the aovernment of the school as well t • ~ , , , „ Tuts, I J ;! - r: 11 • as of Its ',scumarstliv. ! g q't. al , it Manly beating aiflady-like l dt port st facia of the, students speak I WO, r fo I )I . - the discipline Of, thel- cliittrl. I TIlf. 1 ; 1 lesson of self-goVernMent , '!:eeqe4: It , 1 , 1 .. ' have been well taterlit. 'awl wt,kir,. , 1 ~ that ~ iis not surprised to earn Lib tlierejta's tt. heen great freedom from. silt act..4" l , ~I ' a i disorder:during the entire year. 11 As •a college preparatory seho4 el the seminary ranks verY birth. -til, it p , • residentS of V ale. I l iVesleyan, i t: Di i)w !'versity awl Lafayette ,colleges , rep , .rt rra le ! Wyorningstudentsasstandrnnumg " I 'l the first in seholarshiii - anirgiltit.: • ! - !! I ' t- !manly deportment. The high reptita -1„d tion of the schooll„in Aids respect. t: !tt- -largely •due to Prol.i I tandall, of thc ied •Idepartment tit . Latin and Greek.!l • Ht. -Advaill,afres• are PlferetlitV. •• ! Wyt , ' 4 •Initurseminary for• a toareratl . culo l :"ftif• tilt , ~ , n , • , „71,. r.. , li, , - - ..,,, efiti.v.atinn fo r both cvie- , , ano geritic ns 'nen: - Thi..re a re - tWtt con rsch I tyst l p •!! ill tl :I or ~ this purpose. 1 1. •th rt . le I 3 . ,•ar,.. I;" - :; e(mr , o fin. literatnre and silenecltmd. ' 4l " a i.lasSieal.eoto•se t ifftliurvears. l: , ii 11 „ f cr o .. „of these.courses are rarplete,atford- Id ing"a hnind and. varied' cultrtre. IV ve- euliar facilitieS are atlqrde(T. for: tit)• ts• stud °ln:aural sciemJe., 'nit , 1,;,i,f1 , 1 sir tory is l ovelli furnished With 11( M,et , ... rs :, sary apparatus for tlu,rougl- insirti. , 1 li r tion in this departme l nt. ' - The ein rSe. in Anathemati!, ~ ' exten(ll one awl 0,1, exeell shown the et tmmittei by tint .turveying gave evit_ence course is nOt simply.! theort ... 1 r,••/, - ,•4/. : ! The instruction ilt 111(4 guagt.s is I given' Jty lea el ...,/,•(//.- the language:4.l ' 1 The speeitnens of Arty paintirtg a:lOnting.the-Aval chapel were well exncilt 'ed. that this - department; had il l due share of attention. .. 1 In instrumental and ''voli we had fulLin,pr ori he ,ni s i tieieney 4 . ;he No.:I:It tin soiree on w - e , ines , i , t: (NI , during the pxere,is.esl i on A I 'tient day. : i ' The commercial coll'ege ,•011,: ' ',1:c'1• „ with the setninar:. ltas , an nltle princi pal in Prof. 1 ..1.. iLl.wague. 00 i. equal to anv in ithetlountrv. :' nitro_ men are h'ere thoroli_thl;', l i trek!'” I for all kinds,of ltsiness. d Nlan: - ; I ~t 1 the g6tluates are 'ntlor . holding l it'. , -'- t;ons of!rreitt trUst at. / u1 1 . 4 sinnisilli!‘-. were all the departnients of study-„- r were pleastal . with the i...xamin:O . ions. they were f . i . .sf,- ,fif .4,-,, , ,1(tr. , 1ip. Fp; A drill upon a joreeolmeived set (O l t plc.:- films and answ4l's. and Oat sttplynt passt•tl the-ordell in such la' AMIUM..I ' • r r I,. :AP. to give general satisfaction :. r ! The essays - and dtlli f es4.;: (, I .' ti. , . scititicnts and ~ I.:Oiti es on eouninene...' mem day :•Itow(h1 aul l p ! rt. mat untv thought that is Inswil^4 , ll ,lick !Hwy:, situ's. 1 II i! ' .1 • • • This report -1,111 , 1 I'ctrit.to i uplc t, were. we 114)1 to 'speak ,If the reli.ritn , character of thr.isenihrary. t It iittioi. ()uglily ehristian. btit not) sectari:m. and is largely patroniz i ctl hv :10 ft..ft nominations. ~',k. l ar!re muitiwr :-0r) . , . enter here upon' an l active :ed Ifiitk nil reli , tions life.• • - . 1 I 1! With words (?t* volatile aloil,o 11. the board itic trustees fol . ' their 1 1 . ,,.... tering care. to the principal itinl- thr' faculty for their-faithful discli:4•gc ..t duty, and I rejoicim , lin theconstaio increasing prosperity - of th • senf*i 1. • we hespeak for' it the 0, ronl!,i , r ; our memlters• and friends ~as ,hilt' the best institutiont4 of rtie • kmil in our connfry. • At.r.x. M. \Vita. 11. I). I,itist, , Ei. ,S, l ; 'r ! • .•_•.i ally ext its' izwlr hiid , ft vol t ra e in t .1, rh, cro c of the EMI ruin had • va aria has and like EMI seen ifies crab ti on pare it 'l 3 • • 3in E Prviniunl on gold IN , tkelining, hi 1 1 " -4 than 13 cts: ! - lined ...e.en MEM Mil ,H: T 1.7.111(iII V.VidiF,Y - .1N I ) 1'., , Li N. Y. 11 A 11. 111‘.%11p.—Ari:erz..,in.,,,t ,illl, tenglr Trains,to take ..Ifeet 31 : ,.-, -- 46i . I`%'- , sot - I'll% 4 ;Am'. • -1 ix --,---- pne; r At. - I - -- -- i PM A M ; I'3l • 215 I 50i S3O ;:ciot:;,,,tl r.0i... . 1 1 , • ".- 2 50 5 25;10. 15 ...•.. .1101f.00. .... 12. 1, . l ll ' ;: 51 1 • 9 29 .....: Amltilt 0...1"1' - . 1 • ... 121 2 _ 1 , 1) 7 15'....2...1111.ra l e ''. ~.1 .. 7... s 1.7 . 41NV.1:.v. • I t. P ~, . . ' 1 00 12 5: 2!, i 39 }:insita l ' :, .'-' ; 9 31 125 9 t. 5 .....-.WaviTly ! . 1 :: I - 9 14 1 3:1 9 12 ... J. . 5a.,),. . 3 ' . ' L 1 .• 9 :'.O 1 35 9 19 ..., '..1111,;q1+ 15 29 _,if.' :II II) 22 2 117 14 , '0 .....I',l!W .%',.....- 1)A. 1. 1 "" ;i1 1 • '.... • 1t.,• :111 ~. 'Wy:11101 . ..,,;... 1. • • " I 12:t a 1 , .! 14' 1 12 ...;1.41 , .. ill , •••: I 1 ' '': ' -', ' I?. 3": ....Me.lieplieli..... .... ..;' , l 12 11, :1 52 11 25 ..Tinikbalinoel: . - 1 3 22 ',T I :. : , .".• 12 50 1 :15 120 . -1.,:k IC .ICiiirtlen . I'2 IP I : I! ' '.. 12 :-,7 I 1.2 1' :0 ..... Pittsloll..... 12 32. I ',iti 1 2 0 2 son trlor ...,.W.i i llitrr4. .... '2 15 I 32 I ." ‘''. 232 0 3 27,... :W. 11091 . •••1 05 2 114 3 15 7 10 4 15 .... 1'..119:N , 11 .... 2 in I CO " ". 31 0 7 25 4 :::: ..31fineli ' lititil4. ai I I:i I :I'ril ' 1 15 A 91 5 511 ..., .%114.116.4vir •• • 1 0 17 12 [: - o, ' 4 P. , s 91 7. 59 .. E. I'..lnitutimi.. 1 ..... 1 . : i • !''' .-, 00 S 4.5 II 1 , 5.. .11,11414:11eni..... t; 30 12 . l'i •" ! i 5 3 " I r ls 0 9 5 ' ritNtin; - o o.i It r; 0 LI 10 31 , n 21 , .....1.9i11adeir1ita... IS 31 , ',, ).: 7 ' s. ;•...: -II 15 Ne'n - I{4!rk .... ~.. 9: i. ' 3,it PM 1.,1.; .% m 101 I''' ' 11,1111.10 X U. T11.%1X , ' .<, ' I ' N 4.. 291......: Elmira at : 15. p. 1n.:, , t4 , pp 911 ,tations. arriving at Waverly 30 Cl!. T... r 0.. at 1 12. awl Wilke,'Parn. 415 05 . 1 1 . 1 ,10. • N! 4 . 9 0 leave. Wilkes 11arTe at 7120, a. ni3 s 1 pliig at all St:111‘014, arr)viniz •at T..wanil9 :it 1 1 ' 1111111 a at 12 10. nip( Illl3l'A at Ino P. 111. jl I . MU end- HO. rtell , eutg a re- ME MEM MI gry- M id that not The arly this n nt talld- S eX.- ME MEI Mill EU ii n~l I r eL . t(' O be chile tom No, 32 leaves T v svaila 4 7 19 a. nl.: .: . .4 . 111 !dation:, arriving' at Waverly :if ...I,' e:i, of Ir. 'raat 9 91) a. In. , • .. I' • ...i :,I Nn.3l leaves E lnara at :: an ',Ail.; , nao's- •-' ,union , , anis pig al Wavrly at G 1.1, awl Tde,••• at 7 In Ir. In i 1 ' Train 9 lea\ ei Thihelelidith at 2i to 1 .. I'"r6l'"r6l2 1:..:u ris inkat Tllliknante , :r: al le ,ci' . Train :rleaveA Tinikhanuock at 7 1,4..0. I 0.. Vitlg at rilitallll4l4 Olt '2 '2.4). and NC% , H l'.. I. .'', • Trains is and 1:. ran i daily Stith Pdilinall' , l' •'' t 'ars attached. , 1 11 1 . I! la am attached. to i Train , ::: a.,' ME ' nter unlit- nt6 i eans :ines, fit bit . 1 hese Drawing Room I'm bettween Elmira aml 1 1 A • ;PACKER. Sort -inn-W:0 Q'CRAYEI) ORISTOLEN ! A Blarlt Shepherd por„ wdthl white top of head, white on neoc and breast awl; rmi tali; answers to the name ,of T.lt. Any pero;: , turning Italtl dog to toe at Ilionroetpu or ttiving.,l formation where he Is, will belibeMßY re" .3r. ' tr. It. Mitlz• 31uumten, Bradford Cu. Va., Ja v tago ireet is ore alt. .. rtit:tt.; , in:: ii, - , t I lit fill_rN ;. I • vtly, 11 iwt- i•l'r. , 1) b Mil:, )111111 ' 11r cre..tzt ry. MIN