. . taw oninuanzotr. Ate"UvertiaLag In a:Titian exCluaire of fobsecip. times to the paper ; SPECIAL NOTICES inserted at Firrarat cans, per. line, for the Ilrst!lnsertlon, and sTra carra' per line for scinenitt Insertions. LACAL NOTICES same style . ns reading mat- ter, TWENTY CENTS 1; LINE. ADVERTISEMENTS will lie inserted accenting to the totiowirig table et rates - Time lOm I cv 1:in1 8m 16m I - 13 - r — B.OO I Coo 1 - 6:iicria.ca is 1 Inch.. LIZZI IBM 31iFlies tem 4 Inches.— !2.00 1 8;50 It Column.. 17 - CoTi t 2.93 I Folniun 70.00 [o4oo 1 30.00.1 410.0068.00 1 78.00 column... 1 Zl.OO 60.00 1 60.00 80.00 1 100. - 1 150. ADALINISTEATOES and Executors Notices, '2.00; Auditors tiotlceit, x. 50; Itasinesa Cardh fire lines, (per years 15.00, additional lines. *l.OO each;. YE STILT Advertisements are entitled to quar terly changes. TEANSEENT advertisements must be paid for, IN ADVANCE. - - ALL Resolutions Of: Associations, CoMmunlca-' lions of Malted or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and .Depths, exceeding five lines, are charged TEN CiENTS,PER LINE. .1013 PitINTING,-eit every kind, In plain and fancy color?, done with neatness and dispatch. handbills. llUnits, Caids, Pamphlets. hillhead.s. statements. &c. 4 of eve& variety:and style, printed at the. shortest!, notice„. THE REPORTER tact Is well - supplied With potter presses, a good assort. mentof new type,. and ;every - thing in the 'Printing Ilse can tie extruted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.: INVAPIAIILY CASH. - • ,Profeisional a4d. Bus:bless Caid OVERTQN ATTOD-NEYS AT LAZY. - TOWANDA PA. Office over SlositanyeeSiore. • Duas67s. - WA. OVERT_ OS._ RODNEY A. INIEnCI7II. MONTAN YE, ATTOR- . 3iEYS AT IjAvv.—Ocoee. corner of Main and PDke St.. opposita Dr. Varter's Drug Store.. WlI. eAIIISO.OHAN, ATTOR • NET AT LA' Troy, Pa, ..erdiections made and promptly remit led, • trelils-Gatr. -. llw• PATRICk, ATTORNEY AT e r i.Aw. Otriiv.-3.lerciir's Mork, next door i., Ext; ss Ortice,krowanda; Pa. jlyl7-70.•• i: • --- 1)111 S. M IY( 1 01 - )B1711N, Physi ohn and Sti:rgett.i °Mee oter 0. A. Ittark'r t•roekery store. Tow:titan, )fity 1572r:4.• WTOOD SATSDERSON, ATT . (:)ItNEYS AT Totrvcr.l. AV 001 1 . .INO. F. 5.% N DEI:t 4 4 IN. 10ECK & LAW !)1 , 1 , 1ii1.1., Tow.vs DA. 1.), , ... . . , _ V.". ..1.. PECK l [Jaitit, 7.1:;:. 11. STI:I 7 ..VT El:. i , . CIFIIIS. JOIINSON "7. ,..k . .. NEIII ON.' ~ I_,IF Illy:Act:ins :Ind 4444172:e0tiF. °fare over Dr., Porter S - ..s"tl - 2.11r,'1g stitri.. Ttitramla. l'a: r. 11..1(11INSi IN. Zil. 1).: 1). N. NEWTI)N. )t. 1), t • latil-75ti. FJ• -r.G II I 1),I .J.,17. . J , .: , !: : . ..\ TTiIIiNEY AT 1,.V IV. . - April i.i . i'',;. - t- ' i ' ToW. I O;DA. PA." . _ 1 1 E 0 It G E W. BRINK: .111stive of ir Ow l'..ae , -.:ii:il l' , ..lTil.3"avir.er. 7... t 11.0 in , itrance A gviit, 1. , 11 . ny5 - v - 111 0 .. Pa. :, • . - 31;11111 1 .0, i7. f 1 ..- • Al 1). L. 1)._)1)S - ()N. DEN•risT. 1. i ( 111 :Lll , i ;,0"141' S.•lrt. !I. luny 1... rompl-ill Ihe ilf.g:tt Ile`W 1 1 N;IfIS 104 'lrl.l 11 1,0 1' . 0 . t . I hr. Pratt' , new 0 1 1, 0 0 11 1 . ..1a1‘ . SI reel. 1111...11ie,s ,•011011eil. ,- SIMI. :,-.; llf: r r " . .IVV" B. KELLY. DENTIST .—O ffice i • ~1 e r 7.,1. 15., 1i , .-4-itfi , •l , i',, T..wlaulo. 1`11„ - • 'i'•-•••.!i illsorivrl ia th,lit. Silr., V. , 1111,1,1". 7.11'i Air , l'e iot:liiti ha- , .. T.' , rizi .x a. witli,mt ;tilt. 11-72. .! • r) EET I V I t CY , AT LAW ' M E R (IV-11 1;-I, 0 (7 li• Ipril 1-74. • ; T,,w.%):t% 1. P.A. AITI T • IA W ELL. T.y ..111.•.• o'4 tr Tw.randa.,-P3. •i• i? l :E* E.T. AV MVW • , LiV I." "s1 , 1":.1771. 1 :Nit; :7: 4 ( IN. .V E D rronNY AN • rot . “ 1.r."1: k 1. Mc. .7 , ! . . 1 , ••• Tr:l , y & Nol.le",t. New Wool:, :ioityl3, - It. (% M. SI'AtINI.V. 111-INTIST, I 11,111:4; r:;(1 hi 4; !,in 0k:1,,•,. N. .Cl' • !'- vor rot. %ton% kir..l. of (:vo:d! work !le 1,1, v() V.‘INIEIZi cot:NT \ 4 :l t y - '!tlI ( 1 ).;11, 5 ;:() yi•TuRN'Ey T. Al't!l at) , !;161 '.it ti, .3n• iti rtwvi9:74.l : Igents N I.{ TP•il t.l yr. IN:-1 - 1:.‘st . F. - A . .wm •Y. woh 1:1".•14 1:i %I, li;. (;..1. I:ir~lt i. Al rry I:I:1 Vi• .t - N T .V \ „ . „ - , I - (A V El: T( liS 4 l; 1: F. E. .1 iTnit "i EY , Al I. NY, ' ,AI ,11" 1. ii:nittgcu tr~•.i hf. 4. • giNen to fa 11, 111 ( . ”110 4 . - (Apt 1 ;fjo, N, ( .VEL,I7.I:EE: .A.1)11.1, ,k 7 AT I: ‘y. . ' i 11 1 :4• , • \h , .•l - .. of Vit,t , I.putt; (1 S. MEER I \ S A N . .(7 E BEI "MIN \V. MIX ' V. , t'M M - , I”N T 4 vto.Y.l, l'Nl l l , :i*i(;NED. ARCM ! F• T '; to ill rort,k ,t,;( !ha' ho-I% ill I", t1• , .1•; , f1t • 1.4 ;. , 1 • , • • ••,•11,•`.,; , .•/1. at 1••••••,,,.'1,1•1 N. 1.. • ; ..; .1 .014 11/01,4, ,11.•01-. MEM= 1:1X1;1.11: (.' of I \ r t Ma. "; ( . .:11,1, i frw II OW. KINS;I9tY . • I I r .V,\ U (•, alai:? N Stat., MEE I NSUIZ.INCE .k!;ENCY. • •II!.•1•0•,,,,I;;;ng Ni) .)'l - t1 ED .`ril•ro •11!,1 AMM IMIIIEM Pit.ENI X. I1•rt11 • F 111.11;c11 4 .1"-.. ". k. V_l N Tio `7 , .: A 1.11.1 NK }"ri iw4t „ , ,'r S. VI NI% , •;fers .1`; 1"-T 1; P%cl LIT! ES , . for ~r . 4 ;1:\ i:.l 11.1 NRINI; [1:1 -1' I*. %111 tel)1:01N( c T.l At:l:Er-Ail-2NT. ' 111 , J 4: I "s; TIIIN (117 a'' , .1:1,1 ,1,1:1n;_r SEN 310 N ET to any fort or 0r.. , ;.t0,t, of too/, or A 1 4 .1.v0N t 2 j . hore • f.l Ihrtt itorpo • rAss.te;E Ti(iK Errs • , 7.1 ...tm t,n,.1.1:u1.1. OEM r .. . , ~ f 1 , .- . !,,,• .• tit Art i ;; yrick , paiti S., iknuis, .(i , W ELL. PreAdent o :. C snfrizt: •Itp:UNI) mitt (1) : Ele :lit sb,,t p:ary Iu Towaut in buy gaud CIGARS AND Tt;!BACCO, at I,;w rates_ I:i'methirer oppoi!te d - 01"1:T Ileft'SE F1 , ;,.4 - or 'nu-. -IND! N S'9L'Air Ul. - 23-7) 18.25 . 1 25.00 UM Eri is.oo Fr=iirlio.oo REORGANIZATION OP TEE BRAPFOBD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL Aminal Exhibition to be held at Towanda, Pa., _ Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 22, 23 and 24, 1875, ITO V,XIIIIIITOItn. pook4of entry VI be opened on and after the seienth day of September at the office of the Secretary in Towanda, and exhibitors are par. tieularty requested to notice that the Entry Books will be closed On Tuesday, the '2i st (layer September, and that entries must be made before that date— Ihr earlier the Idler. This regulation Is Intended to Insure better arentnntoditlona and arrangenten and by pre'venting delay and confuSion at the open_ ing of the 'lair, : to enable Judges to Make examina tions aiid award premiums' on the first day. . hibitors will thin; derive the full benefits of the awards made to them. Exhibitors can enter good's without extra charges upon the•purchase of a membership ticket, but uo article [;hall be.fittered for more than one premhttn, except Upon payment of one dollar 'fur each addi tional entry. 'these regulations apply to all entries except repeat tej.t of speed Is required; In which teat per cettLof time whole premium will be . charged. All persons who intend , to exhibit horses, cattle. sheep or should have them entered upon the ticcretaXy's book; as far asPossible;at least a week fi,fto P the Fair, Exhibitors will receive a rant for each witch. entered, ilesignattng ; the class anditumber,of the entry, whhit must be'altached to the article. No minim! nithoot a card attached eau he in the . stalls wci s hout the col or the committee to charge of that department: nor can the Society assure :My eihltdtor. who nekl e ets flits meat, that they will Ie passed upon by the Sudges . In Jostle,4'm thins ho comply with the roles of - IM• So-lety2they. shall In all cases first receive attention. Art icier or animals removed from the grOund, le fore thg close of Ili-lex:WM(on. tv per. 'mission of, the committee in charge. cannot tier eke a prim into. though awarded. : 1. co pirwitnn wlll be Awanled MI :illy article or animal _ln; tl o • absence 01 comp -LIT', tlu Judges derm it meritorious. rtieho: or animal' entered for exhibition must ... b e oft - t h e - „,,,und s 110011 of the first tidy or the Fair. or u 111 hot rerelye a premium. ti rn tho' MEE ?.Irlr, ..ntered ,•‘llll,itima nlll not lw tw removed .111,nt tb fah* lif11111111.:. I'y IWrilli ,, b.ll of tli,..,antnice” in . :1. N.; pr..piiittil ‘vill 3,*ant..l nn :99* arli.6e animal nult•-• entry rani In :fita,ll.4l. ita..•!oo, eottf..f.tiottery, or otlwr staiols wag, on.. and 'bows or ex Itlbltiotts. may is ;olinltted to tho• Fair to Ow PreNhtetit ati , l plying a I ,, a,ottahhe rotnpensatlout fort h ,: :Quo% th.. alvtrr mill tr^ ont,hl.• of tho Otclo , tt , twar the greinele 4 . , n. , No -piriltion , nor galikbling alloircel on tilt , gro 'not. 'luring the dace of tim Fair. .7., str , :out ',.fthictit poll •• tore, n 111 Ito nit ground 4:13 .17tri0;.%; the }air. Steci..l y n ill car.lttaly Nvi . ve all article ., on c‘lel! el doe!, belt will not IM resp o n.ii,i, tar :thy :it rletclet, that tear _ (held alt rved for hw furnished ltv the (re, of charge. 10, Al: anlmol.• val,•r*,l fi (14,, 010 , 4 I,•• pteA hiNhie the ti kat the holm, tianicat tef flu- not Ire a - 111 P. givt•to i. i.r they will in. t tb.. 11..1q pr•mittin< nit liy tirq of .1:111113ry'111.‘t HIII 1:.•1 Mello, (~ thr :••••elety. • 41...t5: 4 1. . . 1)11:11.%1I 11 , 1:1%'. 'l,ll, WO, PIM ❑n API - Tos‘”1.11;.. • viol,' I • E I t jlEvtiN 'IA— I. • :;_ . . - •'.‘1,.1.F.t,1N z ti ..r.•111013 11 Vlll4 aw• prrnqum 3 , (,13- I. - . „ CAT I'I.V Swn • inimn 4 I= zlliu CLASS 7. Ei..l):-. - -\\" , vIIKINO.; ANI) F Vf thatillwafl. • roke ,;,u1.4 F•';. 7'; N, LIFF PREMIUM. - - • 11 - I,w olvvr fotir.:yean• 01.1. f roil) stlilrit tarz.•-t 1111antil - made iu one week ,'ow under foqr p•rir, wit la tilimitity I,itter 1,3, made 11: oft. meek • - T 4 W‘ \II 1. I' 011 11 , t: .lean till. V. :Za • • fi‘t• rnm•. IT.•si.j::.> I , v' rn;.l inl..; ~'u ~. ~ ; ~nq~-llin MERE ' ',ite kcir MEE •-• , 11 folk, a • ror W bite. . 'l. AS , 11. . TIR 1 1101... 1 ;11 1 14:1:1/ AN 11 111,10( ol)E1) 111,1:Sr.- 11.•?-1 -..t:1111,m. .1 . earn viii,l ovi..r T ., on 7 , 1 1 . .1 L 1) It i' ,, 11 tlii,l , l*•:. yr-al, !I; E N TT TitwA N PA. r", •LA:....5 . DitIVINI.; .►ND IZIDINI; It.•'t pair serfage borNeN no niareq roar.. rimier I years 3 . Ali:: rarrlig, bor.. 3 mare 3 M:rs , or mare or saddb• Aw.irtlisqr, 'rretnimns I ,tyle ;,11,1 arti , m, will I, coriA.ierr.l .)0,4)(1f1 • I'Ort.TRY. Brit glisp'ay; not lers thin 5 varlet h•-• trio dark bralmma. light eoehins ttuß. ••• Mark • white ' • • white Irvin 711 • i/TVWII " 1013ek white-tat 1••1 h • • IL R. ii. ( ;; Attle tiookin - pile bruwu lirewteil red g.gm.• gelger re I game ' - white game • Hack game • uhire IMMO rt. N. BETT. An. Best trio'bro=e Best trio geese M 11=1 S. W. ALVORD, Publish°ri VOLUME XXXYI: . M M , . I=l IME=II ''1..1!..S IMIII tai! but k pair ..1%;! , • w -%‘ r. 1;e'1 II"; le, , 111:111 3. 1111 , 1er ai ~v. awl pig • !i.,1 1= yval , horx colt man• I.•oI Ii It • %%init.% rat , and ot rr ; im; tz4l-r ear, mart. colt L•afr fla.,f 310^,1, MUM <1..15,..; 11. .lA('.li.: A.'S!) 111-1.1.::. Yt , t Jack pals' litu'm 1111111• i olgtreil golden spanglcd Itottle.ttg silver " - while " mttlack golden silver t black• white crest polish • white •• ' l ' bantams - . tiontittique . ' frizziest • snit's , ref i•Lr.yi millto bnIT -innagarrrtt 1711E12 breauen A Best trio ronen sylesbury elt.Yrigz Befit mil guinea [olds Best lot pigeons, MECHANICAL.DEPARTif ' CLASS to. AGRICITLTURAL IMPL'EMEI 4 ; Best display agrienttaral Implements ' reaper and mower combined • mowing marnine • ' - threshing inaehlue,. clorer huller • tanning mill . . grain drill • calibrator • harrow - horse hay-fork hay. straw, and fodder cutter . vegetabki cutter hay rake corn Sheller portable elder mill and pre , s plow td e -It ill plow • field roller bay tedder . hoc loader • Rest ploirman i'luithqr under 18 years old nuas con ast.owiNi:. 1.: The quantity of ground for each teat one.loorth acre. t. The time allowed todo,the work sill be 3. The team 4 to start at One time, and CIO man to do his work will t a driver or asst' 1; Each plowman to strike Ms own land, a Independently of the adirduhig laud. A. Within the fourth of an acre plower plowman will be Tog - aired to strike two I rowed lands. and tinlsh with the dead furriii twiddle.; MACIIINNItY. EDGE T(ml.S, HARI) ET('. I:est porialde steam engine eytimler !ogler tubular steam IsAtcr holler lire front marlitut, • brfrk edge fo+3l, t•aWri fi r - ; • 405.'24 and 1 luware : • hardware illumps fur wells, , 1 • • 'straw holler CLASS 19. • riI:IIIAGES AND AVAGONr...„ lb•A aiut 1arg0...1 : di...0;4y of, careage,, bug. zie : •,, and Nl4gils, it , ' ,l eurrtage buggy Ili buggy • , milky iumber Wa ;VIII .. . • platform Spring srag,,il . 1/11:10.11 2ft. AND rrs NIANI:YAIJE Bea pair coar,e Mt... hand. $Olll.-.1 • • fine, pegged Largest and beta Jlaplay of 11,41tA and Bea aniflarge , t display of ha rues set light doted... haniess heavy harness , t; ti single harness. ,shin tole iratlii..r harness A(;1:11:1."L7'1'llAL • DEliAl?Til. 14. 4 111,11.1 n It Ste wlic:it • rcd • p•ch cjotcr scvd peck tion'ithy sec•l - and larzest display of ivraili+ and Nerds. not less than six rarit•ties •ael; white wheal floor red • • rye corn inval nwl'uwnl VA ETA 111.1:5. . • .11•pl.ty inq lhan bosh-I 27.3, 111.• /7,1 sts - .4•• t•.0.t.5..1,....11.-13 display tario,•., lot vinipki,i 1 cso, . • 4 li.tti 101.1.,! 11•141.1••••• 1 ` 11..1 s?, t‘t•• Itt• .1,1•!.., .1, A , Y'ri• 13 1-1 , 1••• • • IjgJ•. IS•_e -1.3,t . % 1..11 •.o. li • , A i • lt ;111, 4 011 , 0. t: .Itl . l %Al 1• • t), to ..,.p IS. • :1 %MM..; m 7 L. li •• n I . II? . 4 ,1"101' •.F •.i'+rt ft ..1;1 S a it•l r.ti•dF iv • ~,13 Tirol I. rg.i crir,rll•4l. N.,!nt.1.• erAl. 10- finit _ 11 ,, 5t 1 1 .4 thatf.7, 4 linitirheP Liana, I 'oneopl, Drlawan• t;iintoo ti vot viairtip• LASs AND Iir.SIWNS p•.t .1. vorath, , .l.•-hvt - • 10,4%1 t; it i Il•tm rrs. • ' In r.~tui4 01 Ihnt.•t. .•f ul%i;:rn..u. ,'.'.•r. ti•m 113tigit17,1,44,•1• r•.:1 , :...6. t .4 1.11:141, nat. f`d•-'1 1 . 0;1..1 %ZVI :t,tii‘t•k•lti• ' MCI .ottvp,ll lint 3.1 ==l ZEE pi.N %at kit, 11,1. tit rt^• ik•Y ~ ~ ~.11 ~•~ ti ~ n~i 1:.^1 ,til• 11911.; bEr.aRTMF;ST. N el 11:1)1.% IJn MEI : \\ , i , • - • i Itou tu•La..;:;,.1 , • ... K.iiiii”;: ui....., h ; 4 ,, gn .i., "I rhubarb 1 I. . . Ilinq h t g:011141.144.1.;113. I•ot t liki, I . .. rntlyftl, Ile:- au - are. 611 . 7. - urt,•'4l:avkiwrry, ItAldfß•rry, 1•1144-,r -1,..rry, Bla 10,11'3 I %11•Ii.lIcelirli I;r4 .11r.trt .. ty ~tll,r r... if .1 • tit•lttv•ct tin. L•ar. let:wit..) nip wali.tit rt.l..r. vilt•••;:.tt• - • - t Pre., r,...., t(t. Ik•"t , -,•••rs. and j,:1114-.. ur.Nc 1.. k t ., p nr,t vrAcli, - .11111711. •w With I. 1.1•11,t, ••,u'tt MEM is 4 own, Mid r !Toa. tralsero .rlO 10 eit, 11 girl under In. 'without aid itrst rohk,bokot.rtisk,lrirrettit,l..altrst Iratirorrieri ireol. forgo.., prerrorsed turkey. preserved chicken,. loan-Kra.. fruit rtkr, Lily rake r pound rake, : r.• remits in, jolly, Whit.• moorotmlo, rho colate dako.,l•ol r 6 0 , 4 j 166161.1 1.4 are y ' 3 , .1.611g1141,16. tatieliy 01 rliihie of ira:try • nr. , 1111 , 11 AIM!' •fatl e10 . ”.A. 6 isarko^e larrtor,•not t o rsi than ;titfresh Cutter in ruits or prints hotter made a'ziri underirs, without KR tt . . ni • - rqsreron of churn, firkin, or tub, each' I All rirti , :lo eta , . 211 t" Iwo oiTonitorti...l will ,•ipt frernaking or curing. 1100,9. 4 .1 ( 011 „ ,IM • PA a Es i• Round, thAto Imbv.s MOE - i'LASS•27.—.2t:ILTiN4:, IC kr.bl;BWOlili , kc. . I t Wot silk; delaine, calico, or stole' : bed quilt, uarni coverlet, woolen blanket, each : , ,2 419 11 , 4 lounctuade rug, linen, wooden shakings, iiiien sb.,cl.lng , , pact, display 1 Ileit pair stockings knit by girl under 12 years I I 'meted woolen stocking yarn 7 ,or pound linen do • ' 74 woolen mitten. and gloves, each pair . 7,0 • knit spread'- 1 to . . Best embroidery, bureau curer, toilet mats, cur. 1 1 tains, band-made shirt, Machinequade shirt, I boy's shirt, girl's shirt, yoke and sleeve., collar and Tuffs, display of Jetting, each artir,h, 1 00 Beet carriage and sleigh afghan 1, - 2, .1; 3 (lit Best sofa, cover, chair cover, knitted chair . cover, I tofu pillow, /dippers, crocheted zephyr shawl, . knitted zephyr shawl, silk embnaldery, child's afghan, knitted lady's hood, child's tap, child's 1 1 socks, needle Look or housewife, watch chain, work broker, each - ,: 100 Best display of burr work, Lest single sperimen . - • of burr work • ; lOd Best display hair work '• 1• ol Beet display was flowers„nax Borers ur leafs:,. i ~. . ~'~. -. ~ ..IP ....1 I El ' Dock. MI I'LAS, 17. rLowiN t: IL IT, UIIISIA WEIR 1213111 It, rffMl'M • , ;,-11t1:1:Atr, ItUTTEI!:c.s,K 1.1. 4. • TOWANDA, BRADFORD: COUNTY, PA.,, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 22,' 1875. leather floviem Best wax tiorrera in design displly of shell inlet; bead • work, :or moss - walk, each '. • • • I 00 Best catch-all, enibitddered tidy, knittedi toilet cashion, lenitted taste "rtwer, nig/11=1mA; case, display, of feather. lowers, each : rto . Iot—FINE AitTS, ae. • Best collective oil paintings el pp , original landscape • : .copy lanitscape original 'demur portrait • • copy piety or portrait • specimen of print in oil • specimen of flowers In Oil .rtiiieetian of water rotors single specimen portit, or colored crayon Wit - hitch crayon, sepia or Indl,i ink, Pending, pendia; done by person under. Pi, years, pem mannmihhip, penmanship done . by poison nm der 16 years, each hest display of plain nod rololvd pliuti.graplis on paper, metal or other material, display of lint brolyis4, doloarr.aolypes, lyorytypits, tintypes, display 'ad' pint log, (nal • CIASZA INSTIII.I)IENTS, fleet and largest display MC I I liE . - . i ' t'LASA :10.—Vri:NITIIII:. Dal and larp•st divlny of fnnitlitre, ' 11 • . 'Kirke. oryyttsge o‘,t, each I) drat tuatfnis, ~oIJ, toringe', couch, IT I:l4'A tear 4 lug rhalf, each --4 10 1 TROTTING DEPARTMENT. 1 MI CLASS :,14.—5EC0N11.1.1.1.V4 P. 31.. For Titn't IV OA Pa/ea IN MN (SINNIy t 1411 N- C: tant. 11 !dolt' Finn Thin! carp hi MO SEriNI) 10.% I*, 3 For - .l:4Ntlea M., in !Prim. 1 1 t• tut, 4;44-onol 1141.1 • Tun; P.M. flad Nerrr rrot,,ty, } ir•t t:i.4 1111 T1111:1 , 1 , Ai.'11 6 •31 po Ui /1:V1111'31121 }lnt 'ru.na TII PAY. 3 PM Eint Lmt 1 Third MCI 10.:1;11..V11 , )Ns _J . , , , . . In :111 j.,111 - t..111.1kt• , tit'or, now to 'tail Entrant - 1i I . in iti7r r-ttt.l. 1.1 tt premium. 'II-latolft;:r Ito rvl,l only to = .. 11, In . , Ent :Ilf IVIS Intl! lin all r.i.a s 111 . 101111%1r1Y I Ile, entry Mi . n - ,no :and f ter , Crit.tioll of 1111trso., awl Halm of i tA oN% tri.r. ' .. Yu i. , %11 , 4i. in the comity iillowi+l to entt.ri•il 'cxi-rpt in Ow." ire, to all." tior•••• in 11.44 f.t tin.) .rrr• r•li;ildr r rtrirurn• n ill 1. 4in• nt tht• S••cr••t.rq''a Fair the titNit. , l,y .•f th, Fair, Iv4.thi,,lity, 1..0; • , N W. MEANS,• 1•1••••i•I•oitt, I/ I) i ' 1 1 I '...V/ We Ix ti And a And It , I Irwin'. t ht hits a boN fig* Ills I.4,Sis 26.1 thing's, rrleket-bag for Ids !rat; ,r4c1,1 thl• brightest awl 1..,1 of king,. pew ..traw hat nOO Wi• 11.1,1( him litt" the railway troop of hls young . !lade a. though !flyem fitf,t and rah, AMIN our ;ye?. with tear._ H Ul,l use. EEC \ye fool. Id )u farce lor 'n of a son OW rid ely Aiiinblervil lib, hat with gli., n•h•'n tI. v woalii start Th • 1 But he I, 1111 A EINE! It 11131 /11.. 11. e 4 dot a. Ip boy wa...'tebiler an I Ma: ai a n•orbl tlaat.was all b . •fore. rs IV:11 a IA orld !island For thl I But ilk r Awl ,m SAM •INI 1 .14 '4l /f that Ih. lltalvting lioart rca. oald, 011111 r.:l , 1.,3•81.13T1 , 1 trito; I mroill , !fire 111 , 111%, that I. v. 111: „ eti,o,reit 11w that 1, new; 'T xla I;tit th.t I t And II till IT • %I V! cvr nut- to kty.tv that Lore h 0 flnwer outs g,roweth duo ti: •areoly ,Jl..lke for the ',pal, M . ;tit hour, rov,. hack throng!' lit" town ..t I'l FACT AND I'ACETIZE. ru HEMME the wet itersepf pnlejtt- -,. . . (!ive. r l'i - 11' V. thernt sense is a vizor without A handle. - " l'• MAN r men of many mint s , in Neva (la. .4 , _ .:, il i i i ii the'diseomfort of life is the result offgettino+ tired of ourselves. I.4.:NEvi tr;:vcr. is the cream on the milk of human kindness.. IPEormi; ()Onions of good sense are those whose ,gree with ours. ll'Assto sometime always lowers a great 4nan, but elevates a little one. plc arid auxi•• sure is purr, or without ty is mixed with all our joy. a short day, but it is ai working ivity may lead to. evil; but inac not lead to good. Unending to coMplimeut uly by calling her a gentle lamb e is one mutton as iS small r book and a 'good wOmaware things for those who know just 4neciate their value. There arc 'ever ' who judge of both from l• of the covering. s old being asked by her tat she thought of the doctrine epravity, replied she thought it .xcellent, doctrine, and had no • l ad been the means of saving 1 or !..IFE Isl 'Ac tiOty can Fnu. a 'young 1 said "SI A good e*eellent 110:iy to al bon• the beard APlod pastorwl' ot:total I most dowbt it Il 111:1,oy sou T 111: ed spent $: 4 9( the: prize brass rim Washingt pletswres Itor of the Vicksburg , . Herald on a church fair' hoping to get f $3,900 in gold, and he drew a in and a photograph of George n. This world has no further or him. AN 11114 :ince t 0 ti to' the hal fo4(I thett fathers ! aus*ered, thy._'" iginative Irish►nan gave, utter- Ids lamentation : "I returned dis of my fathers by night, and hin ruins I cried aloud, "My there arc they .And echo " Is that you, Patrick :Wear- THE, go , friend . ner l putting Iti r k to Apologii4 when lie see Pie unman who asserted that his l er opened his mouth without ' r 4 fool in it, being called upon ?e, said he was very sorry. but . (flade the assertion he did not 'of his friend's foot. . i ampshire family has trstql one `.. venty-eight years, while a De- 1 as kicked three to peiees with- • Some men, as swill as they lower-hearted, go for the cook away. i .I.2.Ven - - StOVC for troit man 1, in a year.' get right • I.irrz fatliyr.as - ..ye decliire N(hi r.• girl ran out to inect her he was on his way home to terday - , exclaiming : Pa I ebody has broken kitty all to n examination diseloSed the - onrteen little Thomasses and d been added to the feline peiecs. fact [.that puss e!+ hi famOy llyn, did you ever stop to think," said n Mieihgan !venue grocer yesterday, as hti meastired-ont a Half a peck of pota toeS, ''than these potatoes, contain sugar mater and starch ?'Noak, I didn't," replied the boy, "hut I heard mother cry that you put peas and beans hi your Icoffe, and about a pint of water in every lquart of roilk you sold." The Subject of natural 'philosophy was drooped right there„—Detroit /We Prevs. , . . . A io,Eia.ow in -Kentucky ran away•with a fariner's - .daughter and horse, and was ihotly:', pursued. The farmer got. vrithiu !close range - andllourished a revolver. ".I)on't shoot, for heaven's sake Shouted the lover. l*on't.'" was the reply, "'cause I'm feard I'll hit titer hoss. Jest leave ther ' WAS auil take titer gall." ! !: ! . i I That com Promise was accexted by the young folks, who walked on to a preach er's house, a d the father rode hoine on hts hcirse. - • . ! J ..„.: . _ . . ......L. 4 . m .kr 1, as a delicious day. It was nature's grand overture. The. sunshine was s palmy land brilliant, the air Was as gentlefas an angel's touch, - *mitt* birds' melody thriled earth and Heaven. !. Man walked forth into the country, breathing pi. the' delicious fragrance, bathing his soul in the !blessed sunshine, apd rejoic ing hr the glad music of .the birds. ! The next. Morning he was yerling.at the top of his vdiee. " Where in thunder is that.ar thick Mulershirt, Maria ?LC:kir/orlon ;(Illy. Pkrinclettler. .1 . , . 5411 C 1 " ' - Ir I " • Ii.!GiANDLESS OF' DENUNCIATION FROM ANY' QUARTER. 1 00 2 00 EMI MET= .S.O 00 10 r:Drl r *75 5 . 11.11 rcruarm Fr It, 111 ,Il (w. 10 IMMEESE MEI SCHOOL. t vt t lac ~d #otko. == BOW BThANGE.4 WILL BE. no* stiontilt Irll lie, lore,-ho4wsirangt; whin we tt►v ' • ' shaol e.what i 01,loscrs become— Yon tots ft : l;l44lnd faithless,. I mid and untrue, You thoughtless of me,*anill careless of you, Our pet manes grown silent with flatting lode, ' "Loves bright web unraveled and rout and worn through, , •• ,• • 4MI we sit,ln life's twlligttt gram ' me, • • now strange It will be How Orange It will be, when the: witchery goes Which makes mu seem lovely today; When your thought of me loses Its color of rot 4., When every day serves some new faniCto disclose; When you find l're'add eyeS and an everyolay nose, And. wonder you could fora moment snymosc I Was o u t, of the commonplace way Ali: me, ' How strange - It Will be: 'foul strange It lore,—how strange when .wo meet, c . wtth jy3t the chin tenth Of the laud— When my pulses no longer delightfully bat At the thought oc . your coining, the wound of your Piet When I watch not your Wring tar down the long ME When your dear, loving yoke, now no thrilling y o.weet, brows harsh lit reproach or ronimand : Alt : Me, L' How strange it will he; , •, . • low strange it will In, 'tvitelt we willingly ;day ' Divided the tlfear± day throttght Or getting remotely apart as, we may, tilt chilly and silent, with nothing to say, . . in a wearpotne "old married folk" :ion of a Way, I shrink trout the pleture.4,ton't you? _ th : u n •, 'flow strange It will be: ..DeAr luve, if our hers do grow torpid and cold, " As so many otners hav;. . It we let our love perbdi froth hunger and cold; If we dim all lire's diamonds; and tarnish Its gold, tr,We Chinn to live wretched, and ilk unconsoled, 'l'll4lllm strangest. of. all thNiss II:at ever were told, As happening under IN: = Ala: mr, lluw trtirge it will l.• isrrllr 1111:1SWIViiviVi'LVVIRRN • •I►t " "Good mg , paw, said a sweet, childish voice. I lookt d. down hi surprise upon the little girl that was standing be. side my friend's knee; for though tlds was our first iueeting after a separationpf sonic 3'ears, 1.--,had sup posed him to be childless. She had entered the room so noise lessly that until she'Spoke, neither of had‘been conseions of Tier pres e4e. "flowl night, my daughter," said my host, a Smile of infinite tender ness softening' his rather stern fea t res, and holdin(r out his arms as he s mke. The child sprang.; quickly to the shelter Of that broad breast, laying soft Cheek lovingly,against his. As he held her. this, stroking as t nderly as - a mother might, the in i , g hair that mingled with leis own jetty locks e seen a prettier inetime., I thoughtthat I had nev i seen was in form so ipetite, with fea tures almost iittantinein their delica-. Cy l . of outline, he so strong and state 7 iy . ; her complexion Was exquisitely lair, and'her eyes of the‘softest blue, while hiS were black' and piercing, and his fatic bronzedlby,exposure to sun and storm incidental to his -ad venturous life.. 4 A matronly-looking woman 'opened the door, pausing upon the threshold as if reluctant to disturb them. lAs soon as my friend observed her he arose, and blessing the child with' a i solemnity and ~ tenderness I kid never witnessed in him before, dis missed her. - 1 " Not your own doughter ?" I said, as soon as. we were left alone. No ; but I could not love her bet ter if she was. She is the most pre cious of all my ;earthly possessions, as 1 well she might be. My darling little Kathie ! she saved my life." What! that tender,delieate child ?" • 1 ' Yes and when slie was smaller and younger than she now." 1 will tell you how, it Was," added my , friend, replying more to the eager inquiry in my eyes rather than to any thing I had saiij, "It is not a long sOry." lnd pushing:toward me a eut glans dish, of some quaini,. and usurious , pattern, tilled with heavy .clusters of grapes, my host settled himself back in his easy chair and Commenced as follows ; About.: two years ago iinportant buSineSs called me to ,A—,. in the we , Oern part of Canada: Partly be calsel was more accustomed to that kind of locomotion, and partly be cause public conveyances in that sce tion of the country were slow and unCertain, I started on liorsi!back: 1.1 had been about a fortnight on my way,'and was beginning to congratu late myself that I must be near the tertian:dim of my journey. It was near sundown, and the sky Megan to look as if a atom was brew ing I had ridden 'many hours thro' a rode, thinly-settled country, and beglin :to look anxiously about for some hunrin habitatiOn. It was, therefore, with a .feeling, of relief that I !,:.law •a few rods ahead of me.what seigned to be'a public house. It was so fling since I had seen one that, in spite_ of its dark and dreary-appear ance, i t had a pleasant look to me: There were neither trees nor any signs of vegetation around the house, in front of which a crazy looking sign was creaking iu - the wind that was rising, upon which could be seen a few letters of what evidently was once r --." Entertainment for Mao and Beast;" now .nearly effaced by ex posure to the weather. AS I rode to the'door I saw a stout, middle-aged man • sitting.' upon the rude' porch, cleaning a gun. good evening; friend," I said. " Can you tell me how Ilir it is to the villa4e of . t'? • The man gave me a quick, compre hensive glance, and then. dropped his eyes.l . "It is a matter of eight miles,” he replied; "just beyond Black Forest, the edge of which you' can see from herer • "You had better not attempt it to night" he added, .as he saw I hesi tated las to whether I had better stop or push ahead, now that I was so near my.journey's end. " There is-a storm coming up; besides, a goOd many travelers have beeti robbed in , . Black 'Forest lately." . I believe I won't OW it .then," I Said ; " for I have'that about,me that I shouldn't tare to lose.' • I recalled, afterwards, the sudden brightening of the eyes ail I said this, but it was so brief that it made little impression on me at the time. • Remarking that his hostler had gone away on an errand, he took' charge of my horse; and taking my saddle bags iii my hand, I entered the house. •It consisted of • a large hall, with a good sized room on either side. As soon as - ,I stepped •in my attention was arreated'by a little girl, in spite of her neglected appearance one, - of the most perfectly lovely creatures that I ever salt. I learned afterwards that she was. nearly nine, but so small and delicate was •she that she, looked full three • years younger. In one of the rcolus was a large, Coarse-featured woman, with. a. 'pecu liar disagreeable expression -of coun tenance, engaged in • some -domestic duties ; the other was' vacant; and ntering it, I took a seat upon. the settee.' The little girl came and stood by the open door, Axing her large, 'ear nest eyes upon me with nmournful intentness of expression that I never Saw in any child before or . since. I smiled and : heldout my hand to her. To my surprise she came directly to Me. Touched by. thit expression of ConfideUee in an entire stranger, no less than by her exceeding beauty, I took her upon my lap. r ' .'You are not my pao,',' she said; regarding . me- With tho same wiiitful loot:, "but you look like WM." . " Where is your papa ?" I inquired, More for the sake of talking than be- CanSe I cared to know. The child shuddered and turned pale. Just then the landlord entered. He frowned as his eyes fell upon the Child, and looked uneasy. You muse not trouble the gentle man," he said, in a, voice whose harshness was in'marked contrast to' the smooth, oily tones he had • used in speaking to me. " Get down and go into the kitchen." The child. shrank. hi mortal fear from that look, and in spite or my detaining hand; slipped 'quickly from iy knee and left the room. After partaking of a': warm, sub stantial slipper, I requested to be immediately shown to my room, as I. was desirous of taking an early start in the morning. The room into which the landlord took me was an tipper one, of good size and epinfor tably furnished: I observed that there was only one window, and that one very small, and providefl with shutters. As I was examining my knapsack. with my back to tlm door, I heard alhint rustle, and turning saw the little girl I had observed be low, standing in the middle of the rOom, , with an expression upon her countenance which . startled me. as Much as her unexpected appearance. "A re you going to stay here to night ?" she said in a hurried whisper. 111:010. - Yes," I replied ; "wouldn't you like to Lave me?" !"No. oh no!" she said with the same look awl tone, shuddering. as she.spoke. •' This is a dreadful place. POn't stay; if you dt they will kill you - ai they did—r" '" Kathie, Kathie," screamed the. harsh - voice. of the landlord's wife, "Come down here this minute." Kathie's eyes dilated with terror; turning,, she glided from the room as quickly and noiselessly as she had entered.. Listening, I heard angry voiCes below; then a sharp cry,•end ing in piteous sobs, which gradually died away, as •if the -child were con veyed to some sliStant part of the honse. Filled with indignation and . ahirm, I oPened the door with the Intention of interfering; but feeling upon - second thought, how useless. 'any such attempt would be, in my present situation, I closed it and went to 'the window. I placed my hand. upon the shutters; they were iron and firmly fixed into the easel nicht. It did not take me long to' decide what to do. After examining lily revolver to see. .that it was all right, I took*y traps and deeended to the bar-room. Tbe landlord start .ettWith an angry look when lie saw me. I have concluded to resume my journey," I said, inns careless a tone as I could assume.' " Please bring . my horse - directly to the door." " Every one to his fancy," said the man, glancing sharply at me, ifrem the corner of his • eyes;, " but I shouldn't want to pass through Black Forest alone such a night as this." "ri - ou forget• my : trusty friend here," I said, touching my revolver significantly, as I spoke. The villain cowered,. for he saw in a moment that I understood him. s'pose you know your own bu siness best," he muttered sullenly as he Went out for my horse. It was with a feeling of joy .that I found myself again in the Saddle, though gloomy and lonely was the way, before me. Yet my thoughts reverted sadly to the sweet child, to whose timely warning I owed so much. I determined to obtain a .search warrant and: rescue her if pos. ilde from the cruel handS of those whom I felt could have no legal, claim on her. I soon struck into the ifiack For est which was composed principally of fir and pine, and to whosiiilark foliage it doubtless owed its name. lint • soon the *faithful creature that bad never failed me before, be gan to halt, and_ finally became so' hone` as to be unable to proceed fur ther. Suspecting some treachery. I 'dismounted. • The sky had partially cleared, and the 'moon had risen, but she gave only a fitful light, and now had 'entirely.disappeared under a cloud. But striking a match, I. dis coveied that two sharp pebbles had been skillfully inserted•lnto' one of the fore hoofs, and which had been driveu• with- every .step further into the bone. Isucceeded in dislodging one, but the other defied all my.ef fores.l So tying the animal to a tree deter Mined to proceed on foot. I had hardly done so when I heard the quick sound of 'horses' feet, aloog the road. I stepped back in the shadoW of .a..tFee, and looked in the. direction whence it proceeded. I could just discern the outlines .of two ' / r Al .. . .. .--.... ~ , , \ • r.....: t,' 'i I 1 i• fl 4 , " ...;'.,-. ''.. l ' , :.! . ..: ' ''' ! .:,:ki,,! ~..__ (..... _ . ... ~ •... ..,.. . . N . , .. • ' horsemen, Who '. reined up within ; few feet of- the spot where I - - Stood., f felt that the odds were greatly against. me, lint 4 was determined to sell my life denoy. - ~. - "I SlMuldn't s'pose hiS horse' Conla have't4"Fen him - away any farther,l said on of them, whose • voice liii-1 stantly recognized as that of my late host... ,i`; . • .. , . "Ilist! here is his korse,'' said thel other, as an' impatient movement' Of .the animal betrayed his proxiMity: ;.. Just l[then - the • moon, emerging' from a. loud, revealed my form dis tinctly, as, I . stood, with one finger on the ti•igger, watching for the' first gleam or light, to make myaini sure. The , landlord's eyei fell directly Anion me and with a: muttered curse he snatched -a pistol frcnii - his . belt. But he . .vas too ' late ; there - was a sharp Whistle, followed by a dull, heavy sound, and throwing his hands. upward,jhe fell forward -upon his horse. As he -fell, his pistol, which was at4alf cock, was discharged, to * g lifiig*Fance mortally wounding his companion, Who dropped instant lyi.to- tlii: ground.' Mitt it seems That this was merely a feint ; for no soon er did he see that I was off my guard than hel tired.. Fortunately he aimed to high; and the ball passed harm lessly olier.lay head. I sprang, ' fOr ward anal after a brief straggle•stic ieeded in disarming him. Then per: Ceivitag that the bone of his knee . was shattered, making- - his escape inipoS sible, I '.left him, and mounting ithe fine looking animal he rode. I reSuth •edmy-j ol rny. - . • • It wastpast midnight when I reiteh- A-___, apd broad daylight when; ac companied by a magistrate, a posse of constables aml several of the vil lagers, I lieturned to the scene of [my niglit'sadventure. - • - - The landlord, lay .just :is he had fallen, im{ pale face turned up to ; the rays of the rninesini. 'The other villain 14d managed to crawl away, but was i i doon -tracked and secured. We then went in a body to the tav ern: There was no one in the house but the olit. woman..N . lw though she seemed at first a littli.• startled by oar entranceOnanifes'ted . the utmost'Jn diflerem.,4}'. even when told of the fate of her linsband. As she was believed to he an 4eeessory to his crimes, she was taken into custody. Tolny,stir prise a ntOstonsbnient, little Kathie was no Where to be, found. It was in vain tl''at I questioned the woMan, endeavoriip- by alternate threats and i i bribes, to; obtain smile clue to lier:i - she Maintained a sullen silence. They had' all pile but I still lingered,- thinkiter Sadly of the dear child, who I was cOni:trained , to fear, in saving my life !lad, lost . her own, when I. heard a Onit 'cry=. I put my ear, to the floor ;;whence it. seemed to pro eet;(l, andlit was repeated. As quick as :thought I removed some straw that was (Ong upon the floor, reveal ing a trap' door.- I lifted it up, and there, in ii dark, damp, noisome hole, was poor ittle , Kathie, almost faint 7 tint ing from error. ; • - Ify joy, lit finding her you can Well imagine: iitnd as for her, she clung to me as-*e cling to the only. friend we have. The man was tried and exeented., the woinaii turning state's ,evidence. Ile confesikd upon the scaffold to the inurd4 of a number of travelers, among whindwaS Kathie's father, : As soonlas my protege was'ahle to travet,',l lOok - ' • her with me to the statOt. . : Though i the very, idea of parting with her teas a painful - one, a sense of duty incluced me to write to her , nearest m. le relative, an uncle- resid ing in Ohi i, stating what I had ascer tained in* regard to his brother'S fate. and the sihgular Providence which had given his little niece so strong a claim upoff my love and protection. But he liad• a large family .of his owns and hough `he would have giv en a home to his-brother's child ' liati she. stood i . i need of it, neon learning the circumstances, t ery willingly i e-1 inquithe.(l • ter tome. , She has Ived with me ever since growing li g arer 'and „dearer to my heart ever3i i i i day. - . ,• - . "SO • you.. perceiviy added-- . my friend, in cnclusion, " that I did not Speak lightly alien I said that little. Kathie say 4my :life. , And I have sometimes thought," he added; his expreSsive 'eyes ~ growing stilt, and misty as he spoke, "that she has dofie muchitorard making it worth the saVing,• r or -never • until - I felt the i clinging, ofpier. little arms around my neck. dill I realize the full import of those holy words, 'Of such is the Kingdom of Ileareii.'" , And as- looked upon him, and t thought of the one great sorrow that bud hardemill his youth, turning Co hitteriUss tfie sweet spring of dotnCs tie atlectio4 and the life he had led since, sb ealculated. to draw out harsher audi,sterner parts of his na ture, ithanked God for the angel he had sent to him. in -the forni of• a' lit tle ii .. "AM I MY !BROTHER'S KEEPER?" ' I.' ~ . ' iioine wish words from the. ,Bus Comity hiteqigencer4 a ..: When one man, in the heat of sum mer in a eroded eityjdieS of hydro .phobia, immediately there is great 1 CX el tent Mt. .Everyoirly cries : "Down with the - dog and the poor ani mals, if founktimmuzzled, are carried .otr.to the pond and killed. is hy drophobia s' much more terrible than detiri.(i' ! frem . ens? And yet cc: cry day the lost promising and tal ented yoting Men in our land' sulfer ii the imtold,agonies'W the, latter dis:- ' ease,' and cite, leaving dishonored names behind them. • .Nobody tiS hor- .ritied; nobody cries : "Down . with the dram-shbps !"1 -- in? ollieers 'go .around to liOzzle the rum-sellers and the signers i.f licenses, and carry, them off to a pound where they shall be inearcerat l 4l until they take a sol emn pledge . never again to place stumbling-hl ek§ in .their brothers' paths. ii l I. • . - ' Mayhap th‘signers Of licenses may object to be classed ',with the runt , : sellers,,but it i the eye of, God what is the dilfereucq? 'A man &alma sell liquor without a license, and so : the signers are. *rally responsible for all tha will dine by the ruin 'that lis sold. ~ Do Jtotithiplt to stifle your cert., sciences with ithe plea that -a 'publio 'house is need, id in your vacinity; if - 4 ri ftl ii f litMtt 211220 i ce . TV, a; public : house, binder tutybodj lie house? Tk plates in . house is' neeess tion a the tai' the trnito S • • spot that need ed har. yourselves wit yAin do not 81.: fot:ltra fences Pome,_b I by whoni, the e i may-cheat you cheat these, but you and. when you • meat seat it *I 1 'ask, • as did' brother's keepe A GOOD Erk " In a notice' Ijarper, one m it was said: .",, lefthis office foi to his home in l give up give up -411 ti matters and ti business utfairS, he printed, in wil background, arn hting Over, the ness , man 1 in tli portals of every • Should , be:, the ~ W . ollid thrust,bn '' No BusineSs t cannot throw a',', street that yot Broken in_body,li in life, thiougl husiness,' • Winel l tp• folio* his* ill ,, till nioht. l l; ,•• Which should l. This very . ',day,,l! Office, one I gen, the getting out ridor belbre fi l , his mail. *idle was passirfg, fr the stillet•il was Ones and; read Not,. even the sh,, of lmsines, ,Of,i Was permitted ii i engitations.l , 'l' , ness 'men Teser l , Most taxing par t i and pass their, sMall hours; inil next :day s (Te r they break (toil reached the . - inel while. Harp'er, . !I care from W I M I -,1 place of buSines ,rr not necessary, fo, and ' Vandeilft for hibi g: god - 01(1 ag63: .• iA (loot) ' • few (lays ; i 114peninn• t , t 4 1 11'1%1' iilace, the I:Mk a smith! o,ai ration for ate patient. lie; 11 - : liiy bill, s'ett:(l pa la at the next of s Ablermen. to coniplain du being a littlenn physiciaa took and said upoii re,! would 3i-rite 4 prl! set; him to rights send by the boy bill. the. site boy ealled.at'thk cit 3 ,Ball, nti(1 . 1( 1 wh.0,5,01 said the . tlerk,, paiier4 that 'Nfetl , molt - physicians hut that of this . a cross betw,Cenl styie anti tin.! Chinese astronm - hen the el& 'thetwo•papers l ,l): to ntake out Lia r ion! and which zag; characters t one, of the paler the 4)resvrjption. drug store and ha who turned and! then said . ,l is tit not?" the i atlirrnatire che4rful,‘ and IsTo a big powder and 'a .bottle' of betaken in the,, day 4 clerk about the Willa bu the, inedieine had I able'good. tI I At. the nett n the, doctor's bift F NO . abent all that on it :,ilJ ‘ as that itleal rereryed - usual inittee, to he tip4r at the ttex, When at favotable $1 was ;at 'lig the otd morning . .ie in high thidgeon, that' bill? I see ;;; : hoar d only alloWe i Theelerksahttle ecl juSt, the Same, a. :arm* that it ;Ras i i the irate physi iookeil at it' for s then exclaimed •! " . • 1 1 I May . I be liars , board' of alder Men work for two wee, tion, ;and have at I . - , 1 4!8, 1 , th ' 6l eX C. itcid,clerk,," an(l if I take yO / the drng store, ,ai there and gave use I phyisiced . me to deii 1 Tlat bestjoke v i oist'S Clerk quest,lot up the prescriptlo get such a looking I -always put up I calomel .and" - rhtibli by .the` black draUg .first : f l ithe I therei.llt about Tuvr is a good, who, 'going into * mother' crept up jto establishment swithl have s.4ugot any boo gotanyl religion in re i t . , m 16 Advance. LIFER , 7. =ICI is needed wbat is to from keeping a pub 'ere are thousandm of rica whore a:-,_lptipio I. for the ammoda ling 'public, butin all s there is not one a tavern with tt Heens -11. dare you comfort the thought that if the license others :t needs be that of t woe, unto that man i ease ,cometh. 7 You fell O w --men, you may by such quibbles as cannot cheat'" God,; tend before the judg• 1 m = ail you little to in of old. " A m I iny 9,, -44.111 I'LE rot Businss f the death of John the Harper brothers, liter Mr. nartier had • the and retired ifth avenue, he would , oughts of business fuse to converse on '' That fact should 'Re letters on a black framed in gilt and desk of every busi e land. ..And Over the business, man's home, 'amino . to those WhQ i mess into that house: lansaeted liere.'! You lone into a crowded will pot. bit a map if not in mind, early ;1110.11T:a awl tear of has been•permitted 7ery step from morn and, even the hours e devoted to sleep. stopping at the post !ennui could no wait of the postothee cot must •begin to opcn another gentleman m the office, and in breaking the envel n«. the enclosures. I=n:i walk tohis place ! a pleasant morning ; free ' from business - o-thirds of our bush • until evening the • of their day's work, venings, even to the Devising plans for the . ations. - Of course In before they have (d•their lives. - ho drives business s he turns from his devoting the time sleiqj t 9 recreation, •wlio'in the evening .. me of winst,—reachound in bQdy• and in .., 0-,•;j A OdeTon:—A. t Western city clerk filet a r physician of the •_ mentioned that lie i against the corpo dance uppn a city s tall to .make out in, and it would be meeting , of the'board 'he 'clerk happened ing the interview of er the weather . ; the • i iie of his symptoms, chino his office. he e.• scripton that would and which he would ho would bring the. oon - of same day a clerk's office at the ft two papers, men. them. "All right 1, . glancing at- the thrown upqn leis ec chirography of is not, very -plain, articulai 31. D.' - was the usual medical.' limeters used by rs And Inundrynien k came to examine • was much puzzled i was the prescript 'he bill. Some: zig- Jat appeared upon led him to think it Ile took it to the xlcd it to'thc clerk, L several directions ;!ThiS is from Dr.— eing answered in is at • once becathe handed the clerk taken at night, ome dark liquid to orning. Tor two ooked rather pale t felt On the whole alone him consider- .r , etino• of the. board t, 1 s preSented, but d be made out of ted fur $7. It was to the proper .corn ined' and reported 1.( e, regular meeting repot was made owed. The ' nest L'r came to the clerk End said : you put down' my he papers that the $1;" the billwas made out, amt to i fight . handed it to dan. The doctor 1 11 ,'Ine moments, :find red if you and the haven't been at ,son my preserip ast allowed me $7 now ',aroused and I may I be hanged , ar infernal bill - to , ul they allowed it t dose that nearly th." 1 , ' as that the drug. ' ed about making , said : When I itper from Dr'-- , , big powder of :IN to be followed t, and this is the A bee* any ftiss ry . of a little boy, ik store, with his the of the e sly query "Say' for boys that ain't NOTESONTIMINT2INAZIONAL i ---1 , , OILY 3, ItO. 1 ;., • ticr, &Inv ill: 7-1:--Gtor.osit TErr;s4r...lonN, :14, Tuna, grAwfla No. IV . I ',_ This passage is a part of our blavioueff, . ttlemorabh3 conversation with Nieodemits. ,, 4 The scene is Jerusalem, I where Jesus lied; / , gone to attend the Passover, and where / he wruNlit miracles (itt 23) and boldly ../, put himself forward as 'the Messiah (h. , / 14-16). in consequence of tlarnanifest-,; atien, Nicodemus visited him by night.lll - was a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jewi‘, 'r '(f. e., a member of the ;Sanhedrin). lic il - * a learned, , influential, wealthy Joy. Farrar writes of Lim : "A constitutional 1 timidity is, however, ebservable in all', which the Gospels tell Its atout Nicode- 'I mus; a timidity which mild not be wholly overcome even by his honest desire to be friend and acknowledge One whom he knew to be a prophet, e4eii if he did not 1 at once recognize in hint the promised ites4'alt. Thus the few words in which ,I he interpOsed t 6 check the rash injustice. ,1 of his colleagueS (vii: 50-42) arca:autious- , ~ ly, rested on a general principle, and 'be- '/, tray no indication of Ids personal faith in 1 1 the 'Cialilaean whom his Sect despised. t l , ~Virl even when the puvrp. of Christ's Doe, manifested on the cross, had made , the numt, timid disciPies bold, Nicodetims does nut come forward with his splendid - 0 4 , gifts of affection Audit the example hail ~ been se't by one' of his own wealth. and 7 and rank and station in society. Sui:ll aas the Rabbi she, with that mingled i candor and fear of man which character - • c ize all that we know of him, - came intlee4l to Jesus, but came, cautiously by niglit. - Iris first remark reveals the timid. in direct character Odds mind. and Asti the fundamental inrsfake under which be la bored. Ile does not directly seek inst./ tic. tiori, as did -Intim: and John (I: ".,4) bat begins withal c . Olir ditnentary recognition 1 of 'Jesus as a teacher suit from God. Ile evidentl thought the kingdom of God consisted in inere kninvledge. Jesus avoids all preliminaries. ,and reaches tlic difficulty iii his tirit and .seeminglyabrupt' sentence (v. :I) "It is not leandi , lint life that is wanted for Messiah's kingiliiie. and life must bgitt by bittlt. - It was' a bold eliallefigil to the (il, intellect-hard oiled Plia,risee. ,hence his question. 'V. tI. Ile meant to say that in his -conceptions moral ne* birtt i wal as incredible and im possible as a s&Ond.natural birth. All Jesus does is to repeat with amplitieation his preyious startling declaration. Theii f mtlst be a mortal new birth (or _spit itu II regeneration). and this ;mtist bi: eff4 (Jed by the T)lNine Spirit. ale ,is 'lii I to tills Je.1.4. from Ohl Te..- See !Ezekiel xxxvi : 25- 1 • sul”;equent •passiges — tir tll led to concludC that the also tki Christian nary 'iziolinistaiices is lo 1 sign !',f spiritual renewing i - fitin; iii: 7i, fii,l Peter- Ili; Jesns girq the reason wlti i is alrsoluti.4,i - necassary. , ! am ie prat tirki i . is, tnieleingeal Ilesli to the ital. 4 life. 'Sr spiritilal. we HMS!. Ile ilOrli , 1 : WC :Mils! liVeetVe. n , lir Ii• Christ --=the si.;eand Ada I Spirit, "'!Liss is sn ;,dear in meni Ps. 0: 10:ijor. iV : 31, etc.)—that no teaelai slanild-Winaler at ii. • • )li , Tile 4inal trtuislaiial • • lid] tw - o nVanliy,s,,botti of wl{ ed . I - 10.re. 1 ',•131,,irn .aga: titre of the; alms -.,” as t', lug criff-rgy.: iinn - 4rial . phatie)._ Tin - .._,ernce in v. 1: 4 61411114101 1.11e.et14 Testlimeet tO maitre: Addressir .t tc;O•li! ' 1 ~ cr in Bane!, ',l sillnaturaßy all along rt . fers•Kick to the JoVish•Seriptures:ifT ll the reference is to Ezekiel xxxvii: lit v. q .. Of this ellapter,breath (i. wee s k,'iine .! ,il.l, spirit) enters iitto the bones and-they.livi. :The : breath is front the fottrWinds (v. ti - . .14 thizi passage "occurred tothe Saviotir7r mind; the night-Wind probably rose and fell in fitful Whistiel'ingsoutside`the booth where. they. sat, arid'so Isis thought sliakfctl itselfjii the wonderful pitraseidpgy-of tlii;. verse: . : Lange rein:irks : •' Evert if - the, ~, generalconditions,of its origin he known, . as they' were : only in part to the ancietit,7. 'yet the • . Particular Fictial • condfl.. ‘ tions,•and the precise origin In' ' a given current, are not known. No more the end of the current, ;its p; iticttlar'-actlza r effects.... So with the Spirit, both an to i,ts origin and it.4etteets, in the, matteil of re: generation.'' '1 1 The three krcit ideas ate (1) the freedom and indepCndence pt the.' Spirit:4" hloWetli where , 'T iistetli:',' --.?.). , . I ;.-- the irresistible elfect—".t on heareSt•tln - ; sound thereof:,(3) the. inetimpreltensilili: , ty—". thou - knoweSt not'',--both as.' to ori 'o-in`ofitilience it coineth' and to o,terini•! c, flatlet' , (" whither it goeth '' ). "Soit is with very olio that is bort orthe SPit l it.:', Nieitilemusi couldnot dittlerStilOd GIL: ; t.. inystey; v. 9. This ilmorance wal.::::t re proach :tv. 10), .as this dOctrinc - is sntli-:, cientlY indicated in tho Old Testament to prepake,a teacher Of, Isritel ler the fuller. i revelaiions'ofthe Gtispel-. • But the . trout arose 'rat front l ipCre inability to. - com-, prehend, but from unbelief (v. lt). "If 1 • have told, yOu earthly things," —' the, I tn4ll:+cOneernin s alvation. viewed front , - itS earthly - side (oflwhich regeneration is . one)4•"and ye believe nritr how shall ye believe if I WI Jon!c'l r c heav i enly things,7"! • —i. e.,o'c the truths i concerning salVation viewed - from rite benvenly Side - 4 - -the eter-i nal plan ~ tt' cfo i q e9l.llifiles •etlemptii- T , of! which 110 goestow I 0 treat, land especially in v:10. 1 It istrucpiat if any ono rejects' the doetrine of regOletatit», he will re ject the doctrine alno' of , vyarions a:tone-, I meld. l'Aud t 4 reje4 i the w i tness of 'Jesus . ; Christ I ii;lto reject the only tupetent wit 'leis of Iteaverily ' 1 thing,; (v. t 3); because lie, and lie alone, .tirites.a divine and lin, man nature inlns person—he was at' tlit‘ 1, • , . - same ttme en earth 1 and ,in,• heaven., As 1 11 1 - , thus SOU'ef 111:311 and Son Of Opil, lie.i,; the revealer of,' l God 'i4 mysterious km - amis.. • . • 1 concerning the i redemption of the wcirld; And what God's. plan of salvation is lie goes on, state; v 541.1-17. • • With reg,ard to the 14th ver§e, we give : Dean 4lford's- r i note 'Which' is the; most .satisfactor . y e*planatimv•we . have !seen :. 'The serpent is' in scripture syrnbelikn; • the decid t :-rfroni the Illistoriefil temptation' in Gen. Ili, .down. iwartls. , .But._ulty is the devil set fortliby the serpen ? How does: the bite of the 'serpent elle W.': It per vades felts' its poisott i the fra te of it.; de.- tint: Ahat : frame heroines. p isoned; l and, .r, death cnincl. .f.. 10 sie, • the . pobto n of , the deal, being instilled nto,on nature; that nature baSlbeenme a i l , Poison - if nature -a flesh of site. !Now - the braze serpent was made in Ike ti4ness Of the rpent `which had bitten then. Ittreprese . ted to their. the poison which had gone rough their frames, and it as hung lip there on the banuer-stall; asl a trophy, to show them that for the poisen there teas healing—alai the plagtteliad beenerereonie. ' In it there was no 'poison,', only, the' tifeeitess . of it. Now was not. the Lord Jesnslmade itthe 'likeness 'Of sinful jfitth„, RoMans viii : 2? Was note made "sin!for us, whn knew no sin," 2 Cor. 47:!2"1 . Did not he, on his aross,•maiki3 an open show of Mid triuMph over; the r4lanky; it, that.: it' was as if the Enemy himself 'hod ben Oiled ' to that, eross; C6l; ii: 15? -rem not' Sin and Death anikSatan miamed Njlteu hd 'mu crucified Pk '- 1! : -.- -1 '' ~ . • .ii: ; 'll' . ,' . • ,7 1 i . change), and' "born froin .t , 'ii. - ; otirce ofe . h im'coinpfisil-, "1 - e, , " (thel i :1161e . pcisonii, principle) •• wil4 1 ? e," i..,•,14_ e rerelti II $( Logeneratif Saviour .hpe.iks tanieut gremul.• 27. . Compariu;:: e - Word, art Sa. ion r , Ip • r(o_.ivesl. :t,4 r (Act; ii:-'3%. 1 ;: 1 :21). lii v„. c, 1 „ , 7 +1 .i' ..i1i:411(7.1 7 4 - birth ' he 11es:tly, N(1- . )1e . .. It refilitiiis that". to beronw ! or • the' Sliiyll: Ji.itiii - e 'fro! , ii—throngli• his 1 tlilL(/11.1 Test - 4: fael:F xviii: ii ,of thi - ; .. .1e , ,i'5: iirvel not,;" elk Irii agiiiti,". 11 . 11, - 11'h arc hity.ll , l•- iii, ' (the 114-