ural ifi g b r y s l ed Deleripsiett of the cokraAp. Beetle, . The irruption from the s'eat 44 iiittith.west of the potato :...scatirge,- the famous " Colorsdo beetle." itaQ drawit cresll at:ontion to tiriiLat4re Uf the.p64 and the I:xst, means of' 4e sttoying it. Although diacovei,ed as early as I g:0, this speekipflx , t. liar almost entirely attained its eelifb. 'city: within the pwt few year* Thief,. sear ago the outskirts of the migta tion toneb.ed .l'ehnsylvania; and a seat later Invaded • severah the rid.h6st counties lof Western . :Nitw , 31(antim+ .the .great States which occupy the valley of cite il;l.4ippi and its continent strrams have for year -been • Wtiffering from t'pe presience of the .foritt a-f c o!a, , s I ;.!it",7.the potato ctropi Of 'abet several other IVesterri : , States wiire largely ilePleted by the r.vrage , ,r,f the Coloradobi.tgi and evert now thipte Siates-haye hardly ref:ore - red frerra tge reign of the ' ; pestilence.:` In ti t he I alt of last year the vangna'rd - of the 1 -- ,er..7t1 ha!l rc.w:liefl , the Atiasitie lin the neighborhood of , Sound in .=,uch intimber-i a), to the thrown up on the tycitch in great Ile. • pf l rsivi. At yorent the State vriufl threateneil 'with a . .i,.*itation I'ennsylvania.! Advice- [frorn ' e• all 4ctirfri3 of the :State repr&ent tihe progreftl . of the liieetle efostwatd toils! and i%ln-ad r he cropi in many parts of , rt vl are friiffering operntiorei I of the pc.tst. the conntie4. writ! atfo''tlefi }Nang Ni.,rthamptoii. • Sitilivan and Moiitgornerv. in otherf-i. the inerea'•, , .ed nine - her- of, - "of .- klAlf, 'rivers Itr 4 I sTrt is 4! of . - lifi I:s fla t ..., ir ' f.r(ir Er4lturtiS fOi;t. lie la lig): .of enfti - a-': tit,. .The appearane(:: - of OP (", Arc y,l4 ixfalf., ha 4 ItTfl 'WI - My Ir4ltel; ii?- I. s 4 , :ribf-.7( . and is well known to the ' tar7fi , :n4 of the West. 11/ length, the 1 :,i,yerage 'specimen fneasure..fully half inch. while individuals have Isles' teorol nearly three-fourths of aniiieh .:Ong. • Its.color :s light yellow. , , the; eJ i ver of the wings being ornameiled with ten dark lines running letl.gib wise. and from which the insect de rives its Scientific name of horyphqra il l i+-rolin;oia.-6r "the ten-I i l tied speiir- I inn. - It' belongs to the ( 7 5 :1 - !// 1 1/11 4- i ., i(0, , order, :End IS one of tau i largiist of the tribe. : 11 - 1 ,addition to these lark line- , . which. distingoith tjhe , l lColorado'' from the "eight-lined 7 - i. ;nil other leaf-eating beetles,iits la r vid 1 , throat ;sodr are colored a-rich, brottn, .1 kiiteNfolw:fl with black. ' 11t.4 WiTigi4 I - ire of a light pink cotor. and arc ,•? ~1(101, 1 closely beneath the COver-yk cti(f. When the insect is in flight. •f ne of the most dangefons ehariac t cristicslof specie, speeti is itS iillifilli 4 41! c i l pacitY of reprodnetioa,: It ha's 14:en estimatedithat the TorOgeney lof r4 ie y ear , if unmolested for one yeiir, s"ould fliflolint 111 the aggregate' Ito 1.: ii - er 0.000,000 of individuals. The runale lays from -1,009 to 2,000 nvi: each incubation, the whole imin; icr being grouped in clusters Of LOO ," more upon the lower sUrface of lie leave s. Within a week the (in re brood-arc hatched, the larva., jai 1 naturity. disappearing .into :t the , 'round. wheie they change [to pit ie.. id in a fortnight reappear fiqin:(4.l),f,l.' : I 'ithin a week the entire 'broil haVJ i ,-iired_„iind in seven days more - the ernale: of the second generation 141 S. /_7;01 n to deposit a third briuxl. Al ogether, the. different 1 changes lirour.which the insect gofs occupy Vita a mnth ii ! nil a - llialf.:1 or frdm .. I ,rty- Ito- f i fty 'lays. For =food the ! •etk -- depetals _principally Upon, the , r)tato, but. is not at ill 'adverse to, l unatoes and °PO . choice icseulefits . 1 their season.. In some sections I • is reported to . have developed I a ' iracionq appetite for the egg-plant, lit in general the. potato', fills the ainsiilace in his bill of fare. 7 1,,, Besides the . genuine ColOrado bee -I.•;there are several other i4pecies Of lie appearance and similar, habits, deli havel frequently beenmistako i'. the, it true "spearman." One Of hose is !what is known s the fali4e l idato IMg4Alie Doryphora dixjuiscila, 'hich has only eight stripeS, and the Irval-:' of which are provided - with lly one row-IX dots ,down the side, 'bile those of its Wester*congent.r avelwo. ;f his' variety haS long op :ivied :41 . If ItSteril habitat; and isia Immo!' ac plaint:lnce of pic New gland farmer. As a rule- it rarely :, aely the Potato, its. chief. food lib ig egg-plant, home-nettle. etc. Th ( 4 l .: ere is the potato fly of the East4n ii ! ales, which fifteen or twenty years lo'was regarded aii the-cause or the tato - rot, 1111(1 which, at One tithe, 1 great damage in the Middle (1-Eastern . 4t.ates. li i .addition tin e foregoing arc the potato beetle r l irro/idng friiiotabO , . so %Inert frchn S having Ihretl black dots on tlic ck. and which was discovered near - nuintown, Pa.. in I>sl9;.the Parke ued leaf beetle. the Crino.pris triii iota of ftliver.and several other less :Stipa varieties. 'To the tfoloradb . . levies. however. lielongs the leadei i u) as to destructive igentS, the (Ali named being all of minor impot!- i ,0(., . nn d of comparatively,comparatively,loll lire. -. - !. , 1111(.11: has 1/61 said • and wro , Leu , icerning,''the effectual remedies f 4 e destruetion of the pest. !Jinni iter, and Ither mild agents havi.. .11 applied freely, b9t with slight 1 only temporary `;success. 7;4 ~ y remedy which sfielnk tO .stand i test of tirne and ! ti, Prim:4. effete t!l . under all eircumsOnees, is Pariii I ' ' oi in a solution of: one part of the ion to,six of water. In Michigan, - inois; Minnesota .anti other Weso.. a States. where the farmers have . 1 to contend with the thickest of seomge. - this receipt has been tad to twin valuable. Care should . taken. in the selection of, the 14 1, i 1, only the best and strongest is': rig, employM, and that at a period siineiently early that the crop nria2li (.i ! ierienee .no ultimate harin. • ('au= r tion is indispensable in the; applical:- i iOn of the -mixture, Paris green be l t: big one_of the (.Icailliest of the ehen. icalsond liable, on expostire i to con nth-ideate the virus to the operator'.. -Fr r,this reason it is customary- when - Iv: tering ;the plants to pretect the hands with thick cotton gliives, and to avoid tasting or inhaling(the song- ' ticn in.- any. way. or is the beetle itself without !mist - Mons !gnalitieS. in sittliivati C0.,.1 4 8.041 farther wail se'7.6l. with Violent Convulsions froth . ha log. carelessly inhaled the fttmei3" - or 'boilin g water - which had- been po trod upon theinseets. In another pa of the same State a farmer n. fled Tyler, While picking larvth 4t, froth his vines, was poisoned by it chew of tobacco -which he took durr in the operation , the noxious matte[ ha 'ing evidently beeriTeOrainithreated ti) the tobacco from his hands. M'-. to suffering . severelY for several days ~ th ..man recovered. - These incidentn ha - e . ininsed ' a greater amount 'cif . caution into the work of extermin NE I I llil lIE , ,li on _th• hr i I,o' l 111; (.1.1 hn tilt P(I tigg s - inclittLijui • proveet. ei-eorttestfint. with the_isea. - additkict tiplll6 other advantages, the:. Paris green remedy has that of dithweN the total . cost of the sec nary Niphew thus per at-re being only ,"a" , per sea. :wits. The other meth/41 of hand picking,..whieh 'was Orie time. Es voreil. ki:s . no* been alnuidoned as b e ing atirxer and more Woke: Carious estimates- of' eash loss to the count by the ravage* of the her tie have been made, all - of which me in placing the decrease in pro- dactioll . aloneat $8,000,0* and this without cYionting the rtitira expense entailed 'by the use . ofi remedial agents, extra labor, ace. Good an thorities State the ' total lOas as rath er over than Under $10,010,000, and by many it is thought to exceed well ft 2,000.000.. One of thew fea trirs of the grisent • " 'oi is that the Colorado beetle is speed for its pElinanenev. and rarely abandons lo calities tmfil . it has ringed them for seVeral seas ons succession. In !Portions Of Illinois, where it made iti first appearance in Imo;, the farm er are still suffering from its pres ence, with every prospect of a cotk tinnance or the evil fir several years. Violer 11101 circumstances, the only re2.our , :e is. to commence..sa Mgr"- war upon the beetles ; while they ail: Atilt comparatively few, and thus thin Out their ranks before the second arid third ~ a sons' hatchings are upon the Crtmer. At the present time the f?‘•*ftlf.: ha, reaclicil the shore of the o'l'an, and ican apparently gr, no far tiu r , • still, every precaution is being taken by fo re ign i ;overnments to pre v4lit til;• rian , ,portation ofd the plague thit 4.. a. A rk;ent! law,of the German Parliament forbids, the im bonatiote t,f American potatoes into ' ;Vrrnany. under severe 1 penalties; lilt it /lonianl if even stich a meas ure Will have theldie4tirvl effect. The .larva , can he earned abroad in a thou- 'and ditfi•rent "Ifay:4 ancll disguises, extraordinary Nigilance is cgi by 5 4 hip-Inaster and Cns orn the . pesl t will he ,r - ettv ~n re to find a ramtls or trans- . , portation across the sea. l ln a coun try like Ireland, where.the t mass Of I.IIP people live upon t e patito, irea the - f,utrering which wouldlbe entailed by the presence of the, Colorado bug would be terrible. It,bas! been ,stig gested that: all out - ward-bund ship. masters should he - furnished with de- w.rij,ti.nis of the beetle, and (.!aution -1 kl to destroy all specimens of it found on shipboard. ! i • To sum - up, it may .be said with confidence that the ,itnmediate appli cation of the propef remedies both in the infeeted distiicts and in those whieh the scourge has as y t only tonthed in the majority of cases., result favorably to the growing crop and prevent the indefinite.Multiplica- tion ',f the pest in the future. This has !peen generally , done throughout Pennsylvania, and it now remains to follow it up in New .Te i sey, :New York, and otherpoitians I f the East in which the presence of the plague . is I _ beginning tot* felt. ,di rational 7 parlinEni r‘oIMITTF.F. OF ASSOCIAT ENTOitii - E; quiNLAN, •W. H. rtioitros, en.twironic IV. :FAN. A. A. KEfiNEY. ;ALL commtmfratirm• t o ll, I,,Aerif.,l In this 4.partinotit, hio,tim to sent In tn. ,tiairr n m, of the rommittee, F.. E. grlNLttx. sit trowatil.a. And win to fm - warded by him M the kl,timr In eharz', f4r the .nmling week I - . . . . . . Variety ro• Routine in 1 1 1 : bind Any onti, who has atall:Nirate led the op. eratious ochildren, , or villo has not lost an recollection of his owii yo4thful days, will bear witness to the itenth of the af firmation, that there is nothing aceep table to tlMyo , ung heart f ax variety. Du ring the past few weeks, the Most earelem observer cannot fail to have noticed how the kite followed the marble, Only to give place to the hall, awl theme in their turn have been Suspended byl othq games on the part of tlie boys; bout, alsd, the jump rope has 'consigned tp te4orary ob livion the rolling !Mop on the part of And so the plays will go on the year round, now one claiming the l children's attention and :now another, sir there will be a constant *-- variety and clinge The girls. will 'pnibably display Ipsx of this restless desire for somekhingt new tban the hdlg.- But even -they will lw found to have their turn way of expriNsing this' trait.of human .pature. 'Their Aging - will be arrayed eaeli:sUcceeilheg.d:jy in differ ent style of wardrobe, and iheir play-: houses present many phroa-s i l f architec ture. In short, the eonSiant and 'unflag ging aim of "Young Amernia : "- r . sc•cms either tit tell or hear Something, nilw. . 1 Nor does this.cie4m, for eh: rigi. et'ame _with the days of elaildhissl.. : ; L It is felt all the Way alOngflirough life, until age makes felilde th'e. Powers, or`the rapidly approaching -- realltief4 !pf eternity engage by their nearne;.s thelundiyieled attention of the The young man seeks variety according to his early training. or the tia tiind bent of his mind, in different kiwis of business r Study, or -- x.xiety,, in travel or amuse- 11/I . llt, 14: he is notxtrongly held by religioom ur niural re►trtints, in, the thea- tre, the club-rooin, the drinking saloon. The young 1:uly seek, 4 variety 'in respond ing to the ever ; changeful demands of taxte or in active works :of benevolence, or, as is boooften the case. in the eiciting and unreal romance, where life and its, facts are falsified, by being too intensely colored. Tlie mature roan. and woman seek variety in methods adapted lo their more developed habit, and Lutes. The old, even, find variety in living over again memory. the el l ai igefut set neg of ecir clap: of -y o uth and krentrtle. Tlets sietesiOnte he the. eleileirtie,.-is bat, I here iv, a seqije.t.t feer" seererttwfvel re.llectirtn. It in not a thing We shouhl croak over and strive to subdue. To loye variety is an natural as ,itag to live, naked it in the ne cessary actlompaniment ora true life, As well might you grieve that the tree in ur garden, `aLicl► sends',(nd its branches in every I posgible direction, bas not taken the Altai* of. a 'geometrical figure, as to , lament that ..the ilesireiciand, feelings of rim ) bd.y:4 anal girls are not fatiiul running along !pertain straight lines, which just . exactly snit your own notions_ it ix not sin alone which makes !the children so restless, it is nature, it is life. Sin often has a rood deal to du in trailing the grow ing impulses in the dust; but above and beyond this there is a foie!, which is at work and which pt:rfectly 4iniciis and pure—the fore of vitality. ,I, for one, shouldbe extremely Sorry: totee boys and girls any the less inclined to restbssness and change. I always look with - sctspi. cion on what are called on'all sides "pat tern ebildren," little pale-caced,..quiet, premature men and woman, who - are at. wart precisely precise, and are never known to be otherwise thin patiently sat isfied. There is generally in such paps somethin,g wrong phYslcallyil and . : ten matt arg,roarr twietlire `licofritedi twit 6i train assiatieetthe'livido; WWl* 'dolt theiseerm, 1114 tiwF ffi Stkiilipi wrest tbeir,_aropeum. fhtli: lit the aaaiiie'irith !Odell teadiess bit7velyi. deal. What 'is the rreeption "we Ore :bens realest sari tonyent young hodiWiraiii winds? ("rdinarfly, it k to he Garry!, Wavy Annual and chitlins' one f. efrierxis'es them and aoizt.. tlrenfto the awing Which in in opinion are , waited to their age and capacity. Thrir nrvitat wai are inononintonow, zilit gAsorsi Cur word as found in teat-bcsoks2-rxtit4' than hr. parting own ideas in trait bre e rtite., What calibrations are Made corisi4 of coututi 'wraiths whia saw...et themseh - es to the teacher as hew es aims ly along. There - , has evidently been no previous preparation. no careful analysis, and arran,,qement for the tram: coune queutly the recitation bas none of the vi vacity and . warmth of real life about it: ,but it manifestly • only the cold perform ance of an unlaced and disagnable tisk. It is, in short, a dry monotony. whirls the teacher brawl( ir , mtirl foe twat. ais an Arab from the sirctoort, if be were subject instead of rnkr, , Teachers, can we not break up this rou tine—get Sew life—let there he an appear ance of activity: Let ns throw mote en tht Csizsm into our winds, more variety in our methods, get out of the rut and jog alcerrg, in some rig' trick. It will not remedy ratters, 1 am sure, to sigh over the wretched tastes of chil drenond charge our failure to their na tive depravity. A guilty nature is indeed the justly blamable source of many evils, but thisis one which can hardly be re garded as issuing from it: alone. The fault is not so much in the children as in the system. What is wanted is to make our trehOols as much as possible the em bodiment of real life. We are not to to develop its alms by straight lines, bat ark tti throw in some angles and carves. A class is not a militia - company' which must forever be put through the same manual . of arms, neither is the school it self an organized regiment which cannot go beyond the tactics already foreseriliecL We want order, it is true, and cannot get along without it, but we .want the order of the tree, whow piocesses go on accord ing to its nature, not the order of theina chine, which must move. will or no will. In a word, we must have orderiy variety, not disarrangement, but diversity; not a compact unity, but a unity of distinct but different parts. This will satisfy all the desires of the children for a change, and will bind"them in the school by a double tie of interest and lore. • If by infusing, -more variety in school conduct and teaching, we are able to ren der the work more delightful to the chg. dren, and therefore more likely to benefit them, it heroines us in every way to seek and introduCe i new plans and • methods. We should .be willing to give those branches we expect to teach the most careful study: We should be heartily ashamed of all commonplace and careless instruction, and strike by laying hold of all available helps to prepare ourselves for the great task we have undertaken. Let us remember we are dealing with im mortal souls, that will meet us in the day of final anti "faithful reckoning. Let us also remember that the eye of God him% self is upon either in approbation or condemn..l6oll,ot our course, and may .we all be so iiligent that when the labor is past we shall hear the- joy-giving "well done,7prrmouncetl by (sir approving Itis. ter. , MAICIAN G. ACKLEt. .Into, 14, 18;3. ---• ..41111, , •.• •--- Doubtless many of our teachers ihnit to contribute anything for the "Mum tionak-Derartment,— thinking they: have nothing new to present 0 that something Tare or remarkable must- be given. . Let us make our department, in a great MIMI. tire, a school, until wane more interesting matter comes to hand. Since the papers in most of their articles present matter of educational interest to the general pub, lie, let us devote much of our space tol special preparation of teachers for their. work in the school-room.- Le*Xons on primary teaching, on methods of analysis :.of more aavanced - subjects' required in Our common schools may be given, and prove of value to those expecting to be ;come teachers, as well an to experienced teachers for comparisons and criticisms: what ix presented in the columns of a newspaper will be more readily remem bered by teachers than. that given 'in hooks. ' Let actual lessons on primary or ad varsvd teaching be given, - showing just how awl what to do, rather than general discluirses:on what should be. taught.' The space is, kindly allotted to us, and if we .fail to utiliie it all and make the edu cational columns of vital value to teach ers, we arc censurable in Tailing to avail ourselves , of . gtiod opportunities. Ask questions of a practical nature, that hare puzzled you in the school-room. Criti cise analysis and matter in our.text-books and thuS aid the committee on text-books. Dr. jtplm HUll utters this i,ii. of wis dom: "Teachers are sometimes.. tem prted to nagging. They do not scold, or re reprove, or punish outright. Betteethey did. The victim perhaps reports in this way: Ile or she, as the case may be, ‘l* always at me.' This is a mistake in pol icy. • The avert ge child is ,iusceptible,atul responds promptly to generosity; confi dence, and obvious good will. When the ; child-heart . feels that the teacher wishes; expects and enjoys goodness in the pupil, it has tne strongest ,rnotfie to be :gutud. But let the dark muipleion once get into the miful: 'My teacher likes me to fall and trip; for the satisfaction of being down upon me,' and, that little is heartily learned Is the less of two evils. The greater and graver is the embittering of the child-heart, the poisoning of its foun tains,-and the kindling of a malignant, vindictive spirit within it, of whleh the effect is to obliterate all that might . be angelic, and to produce all that is demon ical." --+N► It is said that it is as impossible for minds to remain unmoved when properly addressed, as it is for a perfect, musical instrument to refuse to give forth its tones when swept 14 a master hand. If this Is true, teachers will see. the ne cessity of propeily addrening the minds they have : wider their care. To under stand bovi to addreia those minds proper ly, the temieber must hate a knowledge of the laws that control and . wimp minds. To have a knowkdgo of those law the teacher must study mental philosophy, and then apply it theoretically in the school-room. The more knowledge a teacher has of the laws which govern man —morally, phySically, intellectuallkia and apply them In teaching, the greater will be the success. Teach ers, learn the nature of the clay - you are moulding. • t, • ' It IA not The ditty of' the teacher to do the went _Mr the aelidasm * bat to teach them how to do It Tor 6th:twelves, .and then *aka them do* Teacli hew, them say„ fidOtt yotiroalr- •- • - ... .s, .. -..E0- itie el& - - - ~. ~~ Ft 6111111Wilinit Sow 10 'to 2114 ems "ltikiler*lnNtaitti4oo: . . ' , L intiii4-6# Out *taint 17 orris to lekgkegoiol4 . . 40 .40 11 111 1 $ 1 .cOwd b 0 fir .....,..,..... . air etr'or . .1 -" •! . 7 . arria c4ipip alr oli the .144 and traiii - t/repoillS to arid time, ftitior to the suer manoir .* tibia *meta were misted.. 1 . - 1 - . i • ' ; - 5. - ,extbe;in. at 'loile and add icy fi,',o. Pi/P. digierH._ dive ley* - 1 1 1 .. R.. Wm* ea Ca *rani azd a oilman of' lisr smart *OA trifOopfla . add. - 1 - - I.'' ,Whit dritlie intratiently no tw.. P rmerd *L a-1 0 3 * mamirr ritl, fisr7l., 11w toori,'&e. I,'. i - ! ' , Advance! one istei at at" . and Array" th ; seem a ieyfeet artery of y peireipte or crorsztkra opota Shit* -r ikle:trl, begin! prieeediffig ititb nest. qo over NAT i'at ninth gram! at any toe •ezenerre if maim be MT nailer- Amid, and; mit"' r 4aily. . , 1 H The greatest wane - ere rs.a.**amit i t 1 to the ttieber and Of Xv„r.o. astir:lain-4 Interrit. 0 4 the 1 0 r# of tbi - PuPil i 4. foam' in the, aetatauilatioa of i .ly au*. tend legeoare I. EadelarOr to seettie the intere.t of the class and +ever 'do : for a pool :what he can readqbe kd to.dO foT kiniclf. (To be toatiatied; with ;resents oa pti maxi Oirliv Ind*ogr4 l l-) . 1, • 1 Paordsmi.—Wearmetz a few aril h meti• ad prairies, most them eat dellnilt, but ithutmeirrir the terauf arittlie in emer gencies: A man desires to sell sixty bushels of ;id grain and having 4 half measure uses a pail in . th e :sieve of an invertrd fru:trans : of a cone of following di ire mensions:' diameter of r end, to inches, of larger end 12 riches, slanting height 15 inches. Row try time antst the pail *OM? ' • L , • A Pile of grain indled k from a Gin ning mill is in the shape of a cote, 8 feet diameter 4 the floor, and lc fert %lam height. How l ni:nt' jr bushels are tii•-ir - 3 Which is the 'cheaper, to give ID I'. fits for two oirges each 3 . Ithet. in Maw. - UT, pr the same 1111131111111 t for one orange. 4 inches in diameter? . 1 The sum of two nwnben. iA U'; tlw quotient of one dirided by the etthq r is 10. Reopthed an arithmetical sfilution. A ditch: is to be' dug .airistrul'a ...ram .1 1 ' acre of gottud, cutting 4 the icon:, of equal width and depth, and of ~neh di musicals tirat the dirt taken from the ditch will I cover the remaining pr . prti4 of the acre 1 foot deep. Required the ,size of the ditch. jEWETT * SON'S PanorECTLY PURI W , 711114 ONLY., QUAIL 1, 7171 1 1* Ilr UAW: THE LAST SIX? TtAltl 'JOH* JEWi:TT 182, Frottt St., re PACIAGE. W6OD :Ad EG?4, 2ti snd 100 lbs. ear CASKS, l abtiallet, 300 ind - i:1 1 . Palls, ..!e. Per % hi ,',I rIALI: DR. H Po i ltilil - Alpo, at, the lower l I'• L S TURPENTINE AND COLORID P A►r7 or 'IOTA in ofl or BHUMIF:) 1 , OY f:V.Y.III: WINDOW & MOTU [ [ •[ [ Of all sizes., DR. H. C. CF)RTY.ti CORNIER MAIN A*DlTirreslS., Aprlll2,. 1147:4m: E A ' L 21.1" A. J. N 0111,E. . ' , Malnidreet, TO WA ND A, PARMA., SEII.T.S. e, =MM= lIA NI) AT IlAtif:Al?ot Alm) large trarts of land In lOWA, NEBRASKA '& KANSAS, Moog fine of Tian Roads. Vilry rle,frable frw Knitgrants. I 71115= MiEMMM Rrnts reollretell and; rrnOrd T aNimatolr term, Money Loaned £ Loans Negotiated. Parties wishing in parrhnor will doieell to inisk ow our lids. A, .L NOBLE k Co. ar.'"'....,... Tail. OF V rifIANOF OF :FIR.--The co x) partsseishlp heretofore existing' under the name of fre.; iNeter 100, has tern dissolved by mutual consent. ' Dr. If. e. Porter will continue is the Drug bust peas at the old place, corner of Wain and rim sta., who will settle all the arrtiunts of the late Arm and to whom all persons indehled are reirested to make Ferment. henry V. Porter will have char nem as heretofore, and will he -pit satisfactorily sane all his friends of this aid established Drag Howe. - DR. c. HENRY C. Towanda, Nay 1, 10/1. 1 THE MT p X IRIF L • 1, • lOWA AND NEAR/ • 1 :far salety - BURLINGTON & MI SOURI R. R. go, • On ten year's credit ot II per cent. Interest. ONE MILLION ACREnts lOWA and Southern NEBRASKA. The finest country In the world to cenibine Cana leg nod stock raising. Products 'parlor land and Int- Orsooraontalltsogliologatho'prln• ,_alpstimoissiona LAMM DISCOUNTS Oar cash. • "The toadied deentie In Nebraska Iles le the tar waters r . relosAseyamit the heels eit: the ILA It. Li. (o.' Sr For timbal Mitt vitt Infyj deaerlbe these leads, and the terms ot sale c iMmaress, LAND or E=Nlla,allittrt=llll424lll& , • -; yr MS. EVEANS k twrite,4 , l.-rpmrt wiry , .UR A: LOWEST I'V SIDLE PRICE SPRING ANT) 'OPENING FO Er►ry Department 11 ITZ LIIAD. :71* Of ITIIITE As 13= - SONS, STAPLE) York. WHICII WILL BE RANG 11r. each Ito. ear h. hrr than In 71 WA A: SON April I.lk price, MEANS 110 A.M. Pa, D' OIL, I= The liner,. fraent,s bower, IMared agalevt extia.ebarge, VARNISH, rte.r..Al sapertnr tjnality of 01 yed, `4, MI Towiinds. Jams:4.ll. IC I LWELL 110 ALI rill, 31311311:1 {E GLASS Having leam4l this homer.' misdate the meeting pea, grin tie spited to give rat jive hfm S call. arNifilh aide Hf Pohl! new block, IGNIIIT PORTIA TOWANDA, PA BETHLEHEM, "OLD MORAY DE Rich In hl.torleal Interests, It Is the only bulldln In the country except independenee Halt, by the enjoy= within lts Irons of Washington, La ftyette. Lee and other pitritti of the nevetinkle. 'This popular hotel has reeentty changed hands. been impnreed, entirely refarnbdaed i and the pro prietor cordially Invites his Mewls and traveling mit ten mine to give hint a pains will he spared to render th eir stay We. ' People en route for Philadelidda will gad tt convenient to spend the night here. reaching t city about eight in the ntorfftet.: A sample . on the nest door, for the acontnneslation of Vienne WI agents. CO., N' A. IfoUSES, Sept. 4,73 D'l .' N I N G TOWN, 11=2151 We are prrpoured to of the day, and evening. theft atinanws. March I'o,lo. NEW ARR 'AT TIM FIRST MRS.; MARY! faring parrhasell Site 44 i'ffakery, has trtltt rehaserl an entirely NEW STOC9 OF (MOODS, rtnltr.l to the trt , .. 'mat as Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits,. andies, Confee tionery,Fresh read, Biscuit, Rusk, Rolls„ Ate.,Daily. $ A neat and lattmetlee ICE CREAII I SALOON Win be opene.l in emtnectkm with th- ritt4l,ll.e -turn?, where bdles and gentlemen ran always find the .at errant and other tielirsodei ot the ms 1 4 11 E DININ G ROO weaves Has lawn refornt.4lo4l, 11131 i 11111 at all times ir sop plied with milstantial eatable*, wlileh will be *erred at reamnable rates. Itarrners and others whiting town will start me a concern: plus to onpply the wants of the Inner man. - MARY E. KITTREDGE. Towandi, April ta,•7441 1 THE .PLACE TO BUY YOUR . f ILVINEfIi, AND HORSE FIXINGS . GENERALLY is ea C. Ir.ltATOlfri In tie stone lately Itt,ttpled Jams Wolff so heketblig elate. Uinta; Minced we'deshohlialostena In -' conmadlons anal eans-e -quarter; I y Incite my oltt :lotto— men, asillsals or soyalsr It' the lbw of [ HARNESS,SARDLES, WHIPS, of the. bosl seed to see and the paterms • RTER. !PORTER. AN D 8 11121 to eve me *a call, feeling ditties I peewee lot • better Jek Its beret • listmeas lit the meaty. steed Den or a 3 Urge*, the Oa • sum routialtasb4. farm in - View to*. brag sui .Atbe -t Nibs bow War*, _ cirvas seft_veliNlait Mao asistaiii. dab, 41" 941ttitt 411ae. 601614 tar'sgentle. la amithesatAto wanklerami law Is Aria terisitint:ancleuruks even barns& Ater. , , , DEZW;-thign,'N. Y. .‘ lijkkjug ; At es. ....I.l`NlCW4aillbi . Sping ,1,05; HI I.DRETH slob in pernitue sery ti 0 D . _ _ ~ ii! to oaf/ and es xitar we•.r NEW s T C K II OMER GOODS, ~~,q'hlr'h ey atP. wr► INSPECTION. maptete with a!! that Is 1 1M D NOVEL, EISMII Goons, OLD DECIDED !INS, BT ELANS it HILDRETH, Bridge St • Hotels tai crate. 'SE, TOWANDA, STRILETA it 4,, of ail gne , l% of thIA eafp_by Tire. without any ;4 1 . l• . . IA .I.tritils6 naiL4 AM. Part T. R. JORDAN, Proprietor. • • 1 1S• F, TOWANDA, ll= 1 is Mir ready to acrom le. ND palms aor espmse i stAetion to thole odic' Junky Mnare, east of Mrrctars PA. AN SUN INN," EBB C.r T. gMITH. It 0 S ITtl THE 11. t KEKI N . 4 1 r: Tlt E (:‘ EMIE= ; the Mom at all ky,ter4 strike Crram In D. W. SCOTT .1k c 0 11 \'.G E NI E N T 6 .YRAD BAKERY. 1 KITTREDGE k and fixture* of 11. A. 4 the adatottabtnent and MEI &C I thdied that (mu the la ,. Aft Pthek. I can tlo a is than any other estab- one doer' below the old e. DAYTON tr:VAtiiltiet - NE SHOP. fie ~. 1M bis amtimpii the roomer!, fartreetherre = rnit eer ome r Allen Camas. 11.1111 1114 . 0 4 91 Kalne4110 8 a.11 1111 := 2'" MILL OK&RINGS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. . 3LA NI6IIILLS, - • Milt 'lron limit to order, tNGlNES—itkatiiir.En. Anti .wort wurirstd s, ere Astist4rli.m. SHINGLE ,MACiIINES Of tie fated zed sent hipever., 16.4. ma 14/4mt el sad kept cnertantly out karelmoil r+.24f. f,* SIDE-HILL IRON AND WOODEN REIW' 'et CULTIVATORS; CORN PLOUGHS AND PLOUGH - ' • • POINTS • 01:01 tsn4 tms the 'tateat tmptT•ar_ns kept .eei ham& CRCRNi POWERS,,. lARGE 1.4.1 CD STOVE • CASTINGS. I'ELLAR GRATE. SLED NI) AEA :II 04 ca.''?, i, fonai•brd Nardi ""7 , .. 31E.V1 , 1* ic_fo.f.KwELL , B L -0 0 c 0 P.l N y sti mei tyre tp nunuf.artnr. 1 hWit c.bermatr4 HORSE POWERS k CLEANERS. And will veil a Netter tarsehtne for lew nwmfy Hem rat hr bad ebearhere in the' world. We etalin fnr oar inaehtars that they will do a mach, or ware. itura any wtber, and timer durebly ,taaltt. We yet i armatly oftpertftteftd weiwork arel see that It I. well date. We will 'end DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES or felt nartitn- : . ".41 a ppttrathn. otiE A: TWO lIOIZSE POIVEItS, line, and two hi,rse 'f I rea s - 1) rl4 and 84parators, Thresher and Cleaner 4. I.' A N ti 111 11. L „ CIRCULAR AND DRAG, sAW STILL* Saw Ana Grist Mill work 4lun<• ti, order. Give Us n mil before iturchasing; elsewhere. 7y - it - 4);) *.sx:ptiv Ang.L'no • XrEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY STI:: [;EN R.poet folly interoffice. to riend - and' j , kt that he Ina train a NEW BRI(K CARRIAGE FACMIII", Wherr he wilt r,fin,tantly k .111 Oil Wild a full a•-•r r mod of FAMILYICARRIAGES. TOP ANT) OPEN BUGGIES. PLATFORM WAGONS., TROTTING ST - LIKYS". AND,BREI.I7,TioNS • Made of the br:t material amt finishedth 'the. hest • city style. His long experience In city car riage Factories give* him a decided - advantage over °then In the STYI.E AND DURA1111,1f1: Of warm.. All be a+l:. INSPECTION OF 111 WORK Preriotu , to pnrcitaAti: ALI. WililK To GIVE ECT TIS-F.ITION. Thankful fur the Motif patfunage torowtly tended and reltertfulls. }. k a rtrtitluttature of the REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ' HENRY STUILEN. Towati.b.JAD. 5."4-tr. ' WA4oNs!: WAGONS! Proprietor I keep on hand a large atisortment of SELL HEAI' E It Than and• other establishment in the WAGONS ANT) CARRIAGES Of every description mannfictured to order on short notice: Towanda, Marth 7e , 1973. BOOK BINDERY.—TIie public Beslwellutlyinforined that the Book Bindery haa-litea- reamed 40. the Rarotrren !Innen& MA *ion Whets will be done - BOOK-BINDING In all its various Manche'', en terms as, reasonable the "hart times" Weer. The Bindery be under the charge at If. C. IV 11 I T A k.E.R, to experieneed Moder. and all %uric will be p. p,ly done In a style and manner which cannot 1* excelled: Mirdr,ltairasines, Neirapapers, Old Rooks. Sic.. bound In every. style. ParUcular atten tion win be paid to the Ruing and Binding or , BLANK BOOBS, • to say detirrd pattern. which In vainly aiul dura bility will be warranted. air Ali work will he rawly for delivery when promised. The pittoaare of the pa Ile le mottettpd, raid pet • - ,7 . ; . And ail kiwis*/ PLOUGHS LAM: V. KETTLES - 03 V 0001:1 f )11.44 thf! nff.fr AT REDUCED IPMCES AV A 0N S WAGONS 'a ,f...,_, wmcll I WILL count n JAMES .BRYA:NT. -- ~~Y~` T"""4..i-0..0,,f4D.:0:ii, „ . - , WIWAXILUS AND I Efl$MMI rirros-sator TOWANDA,,P rATI2IO - 7, 4 ....E.LiXt I±CI:.%R I.IIAIEIt LI rovWDElta. Gr. 114 'SYS TI 711141: 46 . 4 vt-tCE.t IC2III Aeei "pirratallea. , of all DYE STIT,FFS, MACHINE OIL.S. KEROSENE; ALCOHOL Mil PURE WINES AND ==24 TOIL tCCO. SNUFF. CI /MEM PtIPELAU PATENT MEM • and a Eller aperrthmrsti TOILET AND F'ANCI, Mart! than n‘nat ram ht tng nf pmertptinip. Open an lanot 1., Ir. te.. se4 Inntt .1 r. 7t. 10 r., 311. Dr. 3T toe rnitardted at tvl4.9y rt earifireAt. a4lPrtetoffer. IP- 111.! W. 61 ECM Dll. If. C. POI:TER. : I THE 01.1► (*ASH Dittfil At•l Piariq., T . Estm!di.4.”l , :cer rearis W4•4.-sal.- awl Retail 114.3 1) ItUGS, 31ED11 CHEMICALS: Ai:111S. DYE-STUYIrS..k PEILF3 - 311ERY. .1 I) F . /li - sc .- V. G.OI!DS SMINGE.....RrPtIFA WRAC EA* PS, Cr MRS: POM DT;'. 161 R DYES. TRET)I.:'Aix. AND RA VIM... .4 - 11' ET-111)4 1K:1 AND rtyliT-3111w'SS AI ' 31 Al' A 11 - 113": 11.Nrir, V0111:11:3i AND 1111311>T11_11 - 1 1 %.1115, 6.%1111EN. 111:1141 , Air; 1 - 1.1_134',ER ran. jnel I.ljez!!! , , IP PTA N Il'. AND 11031cEPAT1111' 111.:.5T E DI ANDAL t; I'INE PDre.1....(11:p1.7.D1e IN . E• r.ti..rnm7trit.4lll4 Camp., N. I I'M N11'1"1.1: It EI.I: 4 . & slit El. Ds, 1;(1771...Ez , , TEETIfri r e: ll Xrr , ri 0z..% re d 1'413., 'UMW:. Thitnionst , r,r, . KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, WI(K, cif BATfa! NrclT -4 FIHIT T.%N.NEtr:*...tISI) MA ,= rl►NErrrl.. . . . . I.E.tilfri. TINIPENTI F. 1'.%1 VAR'S' 1•11:WIIITEW IL" NTER, ,114tE., mit!' lIDING. HAIR. TuouTil. and all •4h-r kinds of I.ro;ih". WINDOW AND PICTURE CLASS, of all PURE LINI•Ett) Iff„ vrs., .Ni'. VARNISH.' READY NISI rAtS'n. OF .tNY RED c•It.OR. BY THE IND. - ND. PINT oR A LI,o G1141177 4 :1) ot: VAIINRaII. . AND DRY VI tI.OIN .tY ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED. , • , l'to.; ,, tif.tiott• , art•folly rotrttauilotlot at ail hour. of rho and night, Illy- ii .mt4,..y. ft:T.l . tr-rrlptto , /, frtnn 9to 111. A. M., I: to 1 and sto tli':y. U. 1 Ur. I'..rter ran I, ro•R•i,itryl ..,. lotplotore In II: , ottO.. - I'M , ' i-C7a. Grccerie: and Pro-i_-ion:. U. B. PATCH. lIOLESA LE AND RETAIL, PE %LER GROCEIZIFS INI► I•IUJ;'N'IsloNs. kl Thn I MIREMMII The highest pri••e inid for It COUNTR PRODIrCt: El= BUTTER. POULTI6",II ME • ` 1 , • Eflice tat attention TAM to filling vt.lor., tior,.! . ft-tivete+ll Ire, of charge anylrhere in - the lioron4.li. j, • . li i- r • tr , I` %.Tl'll 1 :. ! ! i. 'a: -, i: • : _ ant 1-7 I. $. 0T ' I - IV - CK li. F. II I . ; ! i! lint th. vrty-1.-4 gov.l. of all kiwi,' \opt i.v ally fit - At-via., grocer, awl Nolfl pont n, 1.1 1 .1111 7 I)•..Vt if, STRICTLY 01.,1: I'ASIC': ' . . , Til. rh01,...,4 TEA, 61'10ES, .. MOLASSES, SYlltP:!;, SUGARS, COF,FKF:S; tit.'4 • .1 .. Received l►atlT, fresh from the New Iliork Market. and bought at the very lowest cao prices. , Haring Leen enzaged for the ta.4 thy., yearsorlth a First- elass Wholesale grocer In Nie! volt. lave Facilities tor baying my pawls so that I can ItMkt` It an object for an C .tSII rill and • I', • KEE MY STOCK. Before ptitcha,lng elsrwliete. - 1 Wlll.l. PAY f!.,,Vilf FOR PItiql)1:11, M. B. OWEN, • • um). WHITE tNb MA' E STOLIE4tHI Miscellaneous Advertisement:. pon WNO. ON etriVENIENT TERMS. ij - A Markman's and wagial shnTM wittt!a twenty te at water power attached. A very glertliaNrjoratliiiti for taistneaa, The shops are large and convenient. with neces sary machinery for carrying , on an c:itenstcr loud ness. A small new dwelling haw Mid one acre of land attached. miter water lioner on the :owe stream, with a twenty - lire fret whirl. with haw and lath milk ail in good running', order. This property wind* void together with lire acres or -Ist! on which the mill stands, 4 ; . 11.0 TEL PROPERTY. with - a•l7 large tiro and one-half story house, with back bnifiling. Ulan building 00:2 feet, with large , : and conveni ent barn. This property will be sold with one or more acres of land, to spit purchaser.i; • 1 , • ALSO—A TARSI containing _about 154 neres or land, all irnpmred except a acne ; ; two dwelling homier!. two orchards, large calk, bare, horse barn, worm house and Amnia thereon. This property is in a high state of cultivation, and the quality of theland unsurpassed In the county.' The above describedproper. ty Is an desirably lo- rated and convenient to Lehigh Valle? Rail Road. 40`for terms of sale apply. to the ;subscriber, at 31yeraburg, Bradford County, Pa r • sprl43. E. REED MYER. „Ls ADMINISTIU TOW NOTICE. —NOW* Is hereby given that all persons)n. debited to the estate of C. P. Wenes,f, late of Ath ens boo, dee'll, must inalte launedinte payment to the' undersigned, and all porwas having. claims against said estate must present thenti duly authen ticated, for settlement. JAMES U. *EBB. Ailmlpistrator ile boldsld non, .Itb!rill annexed juaelift • ' • • . MI; 11.tro W r S ! EU . ir~s'~. r_~. r 1 3i ID WAT ETA EEO .11LLWL . ..74. , AR. 217E31 TVA Te II ES, V GOODS. liEiM3l 1, k & 1 t II .N i r) =I , (i4)RIPLoN. FINK ..04IERICAN .tNI) f.:01.1/ 1 . 1 1. NI; Wr STOR E. aftd FINE 3 ENVEI,ItY. anda. I. l'esd-ry r !a IN ES S. TF:ItL I ' N 1.; $II; V, SILVER PLATED W_ FllO3l THE CHEAPEST T( THE t;“ILb. t:1 I,V f. 12. A TE FL SPECTACLE & EYE • yn t - d"•x riorilior lir. PrTier 4 2.....mnr, , ' - .1112.fri Stirt ! • pI:ESENTS FOR A N .1' V. W E V T r. 7 iwz in !•• It., i FINE f,:r#l,l) .SETS, PINS. i:ANDs. All Eftlf AN AND "AV1!....i GOLD ANi) AVATC :±ILVER W ARE 1)Y VAR! surt-r A 7S II 1.7.1'EcT.10•1 SILVER AN PLATED liINGs AND 1-II C S. 0 F I, 1 ; .4 S T! • Wat , ll. and J , Trelry Irnt ntarmtor. atul-n-Arrant,4. (..r lll•rr.llvattorm7,, ink rontintroatre i . . timl2-73 2 W. A. Itftt'K,W , LIPECT teLV•4 . ....._ _ I r T 11.!,.. Ittnto-, pay.ti th..,[.,w,?r• I.r l'rryt4i,t q, Ey , tt,vin I pnIT ATit" Ari,ipz tom' 1.1 . c•milr.tlitrii he {{vat. ; 1:11,1-r Wll-,11"., it ttiOi Es.gll-41 IrttrrN {.strut. - A Rl' slilitiii Nl' E I) SITTiI S:110171.1) 1:1E PREFERRED Tit ALL MITI I They luvethe trowor of ArrrAtln Ow Ile of Solar:anal Artiltrlal. Light beroreert They arc N:tolft Tinu•d, yet nipiteti to (hr. T:yeapp-ar rotorlok.sx. Th' 1110 aliq iirm 11' ttiiilleri 31-, thy W3l. A'.4.11.t31111;111.1X • ;: JEWELER, TOW.% N .v NI ER Ir AN .SW - i . ss wA Tc Zer ERL Si LVEIt,A4H).S:. AND F}t►t RCN ERS DROS.:( . 1:i. Bit AT ED Elt IA FINE 6 0 LI) .1 Ey E Ll{ A', &( 1.. oProsiTE rouirr- itontE, NOV. 12,/14 RA N.K' S GRAVE GUARDS ' Vor 111111NNt! of prv.,erving Mr 'Kirin* nr Itnrial mounds and holding the ifra,l and Ynpt' more . pcntranentl, at emyty in position. • For particular); adqreks: . • • 1— S. Mc KENSON, Agt ; . , ' •f • Sprlngth Fi II'IMY3IENT.-1 want! 1; agents to eanvaks for the COMP.) III Al. ST, and Tilt GROWING WORLD. ',Rill such terms and furnish such advertising Mel that no man need mike less than PIO per ti and all expensee--tro' matter trbethea he crei Tamed before or not. Address 1/r. 0. rill BROW N, No. 210 rand street. Jersey City. and toll particulars still he sent by return. a. marariti. ; estate of Is hereto , Elven that !all persons Indebf estate of .I.i. N. Be tts,bes of Towanda • , . must make tinmentate pyfwent to the tinders! ana an persons wing *= add 1 untstpresen* th em, duly =ltem for 1 " 40 ' 0 _ • -.,.- V. *as i.r, C4AMBER iikWer. ar 0. Air D , E. E L ami FIES'AND CI,Ot . 'to*A.NDA, d atwEt,Rt :~11.~1 ER 1111 ) 1 \ 4/0.41...r in 13E1 CLq/4 K., TOWANDA, PA., !WM A. OCKW E luNi; . STUDS. CHARMS, NECKtA at Um lo'cr.,t Altrl%illEL TINTED. REASONS WWV Tll E M11321213E W. A. Cli A=M111:1 1 1 ' ,6 P A TR ON • - , I lEJ W 0101 D PHEYrOGR'APF . IEitS, 'OlrA iA,!, . , . • - Griaitel ter the itese paerbear. If the putt rex& soldei lakert ail wantlet rAn'ave tlcst w ;re nal irithn PI par •10.44 • 62eM0m,1, .i' 1 • i EMI SEA ,I,Nry ntrw.rvEr. mi.Firrxrs7‘. .11art otagsin reed ..204ett notrAts privriver, an 4 TefrAlebttr, to r 'Derr: IM FINER riffriocin TITAN en: r. EMII . . eir tho r tlArti- as , * 'pat "NI: 'Ensir It a ip.rtauy tat !mats Ithirbof mete*; any-4am nastataL and Inivh. tn. Wart Cofer India.tailr, x In OIL In a.lha , . .. , . , surf - IntlrLlct , ..ED lrElltlr ri.,iir irsemz.- . c 1 ar.f , ..r..0 .ftrieAlT , J, te + tar.. slf tbe'risere,vat.l , :. , . In unkkimr. iirOlrew.pferroPAL me -m• to.s.frt. sr. t" , ... , t"-At irs-matx. . MI T. 4, JR" 'Mr -aim - Cy ai*faz PyT,.. tt,o.'grrf , ALI new :ranicti* 224 tileterwl- 40 TA—. :114 fe.:r. ntab ?boa u s ww.4l3'wlT - Wrow ttr.4l.! Hal 14,17. Li=l : - t."-CeniCarl& Att7C . 27ol=er i f • , i , 1 COAL:CO A L COA L THE 1. (iLI) TOWANDA C 0 . 14, 11-i-111) i • • - ~ - .7" -- .2-' - 1 1i .• .''i . ' - -• i - PIERCEik,:.!.Ci •1 OTT .1 I t - rake FA-i-v-.." - - 1R z.,?1,01.-4 - raz .t.+ c,hrir fra.qvl • 1: ;Jr- math e Z-a,r;;. - Ny.. ?lust thr,3 - .7re 1e. , Tar ,0 11 ,- - ' 7 I 110...0..i 2rl: 4t tbe• fag:main , v‘z.'..r.0...5 fr.'s:, !... - .lyi,• rt., v- *stir lezratrzaa-ra.. -, r,!..Aarase„a2T •-•era-ei-, ,, . ..- 4.2:,:. avi-ir - 3: .4.14'w rAt-t,.,..i.. - z qrf !ardi t.. T w.sraali. 1 11 - - ii..l.a- 1. , ...r., a , ,a4-•: : f'rl q , ,11,1 l' , • ' • ark* Willq-ir..srcr rxv.ste.a. ' 1 f', I -' t ' 1-' ' SUI: L I 1"A N Li NT!! R.‘ (-:-lIT F 132 FM EMI E 31 I T AND STOVf., • Ci).ll SUE fru, ' •_ ~~~ • 1 . • 1 risl ' 1 - A..1, 1 ,E); TOW.' 1..1.111F.:: !CEMEN I DM rE 7%•11 aZ rzt" F. 4, r sins T1,1.r-S - Wsr l. r• a ....It .171 , t .? 7.1 • - r if pr.tupt ri.E - AsE GIVE C'S (.I.ILL. ; . 1 - rf rut, i. tt I EIS2 i ~~~:a N F: or I: 1.> 7 1 ,11 . 1':' ,1 1TQUIN. I' ES , 1 • 1 • r::. - , 1.7-, rl`...r 17,- • r 1,-- :1- STEI 1,1,4)1T1Z1N4: EN =ME II MI 1= MiSiE TII T.T IT IBM Br , at ar , .l ! 11. (11 t-tt alt.] ttti .f; -• t . I' l 1:T1 0 .1 - 1. to • NT -.f ~f m ..r "/1-••••iri,z h,s,•• ¶h• it f••rr'ynn: ralri ' ••; T.'n Jr; -71. r. k., NEW Fil:11 IMI h.a fog 1,a..41 die -V.! , La"ly 4p-ri fully BM REAI►v'MAI'E CIA) EI . - -t!ilAhl.- :• 4 -I•ri nz ! Ty. F'n•ttt •n:r .:-.11,rirn..«. it, Ili, Im'•t 10'nr2hi6n•- 41.111 i t ,..rt • I MI I Itlt ...-4,Tiftl-•:1! UM linlinEl6 MI! ..y .st ERE NOR'I7IIERN I'ENNSI r IBM I, I, 0 (► (► I=l ®EE ME me 3;...-p MEI tl awl, GENTS' HAINISIIING , ,i.:sl FELT " \ e.I7iF4 , .•i(ANTIK ".•111V.1 , IZ , otwinly-y.111. , 1,1 , 1 t nr, • - • , 111 , 1 - r:f awl 11. - DECKER 11:0",,l'11 Towanda. March 17.', ME OE ZEN I tilat E Ni 6 Thy REMINGTI , N SEWINqi Trutt:: triphlty'fitt , . favor eoottiblnatt , ni tor gooo.ol To:011W, 11:1111..6 : :•1111.0th, wor4-h•.+, mod.. ( 111 r:l9c',,r " Stitch.. tti. a Sill', ti.• kr:' 1111,1 t ' ' - HEmix(iToN. 'No.! I ! , A ..\lactlne t"r faunlv tr.,. In th- thipl nirt ,nlOl a moo, nipia in, r•i rail" of .04,1han Any inartiln, 1. I% AZEIIINIiTON NO. 2. • I 1 A 31arilluz, for tilatititarturing our ntintly (ready r., delivery rrniv rinse June. 1 , -7 1.1 :. , :',l , :: *- perfer t ion, Mel Varlet!: -of work; Is irltlioul 3 r" In [amity or w0,rk,11,1, ISM GOOD ,1( 1? 'l's WANTED • crud tot VITTIPATS to ItEAIINtiMN !SEWING MA(' N iIAON, N . FW .YOR K - ! I OB RB- Ole BRANCII OFFICES OF R E 1 )11'..,:‘; 1 0 . . r - • I COMPANIEe... • I. E. REMINGTON & SONS. i• i .... . REMINGTON SEWING M. CO., • 1 .. RE.stix.G.ruN Awl., co.! 1 231 k 263•11ttuda•av N. Y. Arias . 3lntllsch Squa*, N. T., Ae, wing 31pettlue 4 . Chleago. 237 State St" S. Machine -4 and , % M.. HMSO. asz wan)gton44.. Sewing 11240' Olneittztll, 181 lest 4tti St... Sewing 11 :tc hl '' . [ldea, 120 Geneseq st„ tforlng Mdctaries• - Wlshbglon.D. (*.ova 'mot...4llring liachlV` Atlanta, Ga., De44l1 l es Opera Rouse, Mirka) : -- t., SowlntMachino Mtiter onth an -I.llt If. J., lice 1 to e to ttle . Eetr, lES dc? C 0 i± COAL. MEC! ME m l g l l 't. 1 1(f T. ? MEE EU ME =I ER RE ct t z ‘', 1,-, mu =I Inn ITIZI E MI gam EMS ME DE MN, I=l =~ I =I EN