Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 15, 1875, Image 3

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TowsziA4 Ps!, Thasaq, iralr 181..
Doidiiikt to OzgelYlikulzge the circula
tion of the Rif:PORTER, we will between
this time aid the first of dentin neat,
give a new Sixtfr4lve Dollar Weekl • Sewing
lilac -bit* to every, person forwarding na
,Forty New sulisciecre, at sl.sousch.
Such a club scan be formed in ever? ,
THE Odd Fellows, of Leßoy, celebrated
their anniversary on the 24th ult.
CHABLIS . . Ssim bag his residence on
Main street nearly enclosed.
Hos. JosEror O.:Parras is erecting an
elegant new residence on Second street.
RREDEr has just been appointed .
Mamma of the Mutual Building As
sociation will pa)r in their monthly dues .
on Monday evening next.
F. J., C'4l,-KisS is busily engaged on the
foundatibri and Oellar for his noir house.
corner Thiad and,Poplar streets.
Da. HORTON his his 'work, the ." Gene
alogy of.the Horton Family,"" nearly
ready for the press.
LErrEn. past,* to most foreign coun
tries, has been reduced to live cents for
each half ounce in weight.
REV. C. E. . ittelLvAiNE took occasion
oft the Fourth td, deliver_ 'a :very able and
interesting disc
l use appropriate to the
THE names of between six - htuulred and
seven huhdred scholars, were on the rolls
at the public sehOols of this borough dur
ing the last year.
• THE Celebratkon and Festival at Le
ltaysville, on the sth inst., was a success,
realizing about $l5O over ~ expenses.
Thanks to all con'cerned. , '
TIRE friends* of ASSASA HAN'EILLY, of
Albany township,' will present his name
to the Republicat County Convention as
a candidate for Commissioner.
' •C. T, KIMST 'already employs quite a
force in putting up his remedies. One of
our presses is kept running a large por
tion of the time tiretiaring labels, direc
•tions, etc., for bim.
A YOUNG man named THOS. RIGGS, son
of Jonx RIGGS, of Leßoy , township, was
kicked ley a horse and • horribly bruised,
on Friday, July 2,from the effects of
Which he died the 'ollowing day. •
OUR old friend, B. F. BEEIIE, was iu
town last week, with several very fine
paintings from the easel of - WATERS, the
Elmira artist. Aidge IlussELL had the
'good taste to select three of the best pic
A .TERRnetc rain-storm, accompanied
by much wind and hail, passed over a
portion of Pike totiliship, on the sth inst.,'
leveling knees anduprooting trees in its
'coarse. Mr. S. B. Cm:FF.l.l3's barn was
unroofed by the tornado. -
COYNCILMAN Pox will receive the
hearty thanks uoti only of the residents
on Chestnut street; but of all who fir:
quent that popular, thoroughfare, for the
very substantial :Ma much needed im
provements mule thiring the last week.
- H. G.-Cn'aNs, a prominent citizen of
WEiverly,- N. Y., anti well known through
out this, section, tried very suddenly in
that place on tiaturilay morning last. His
funeral was attenchid by the Masonic Fra
ternity, other societies, and the citizens
generally, on 'Monday.
a student at the Stlisiinehanna Collegiate
Institute for two ori three years past,itill
enter the Freshman class at Princeton,
this fall. We learn, that his examination,
which was a very thorough one, wasfnuist
creditable to"the ,yOung man, as well is
tO.the faculty of the Collegiate Institute.
JOSIII7A Branows: and his two Alegi'.
ters-in-law, are sojOurning in Colorado,'
whither they went in hopes that the
health of. Mrs. Awriturt Bututows would
be imProved by the" change 'of climate,
journey '
etc. The ladies are the wives of
the well known merehants, W. C. A.
B. Brunows, or Steyensville.
THE Grangers, of Litclitiehl, will dedi
cate their new ball on Saturday, July 24.
The exerebies will coinmence at 10 o'clock
A: At., and continue during the da.)l W.
A. Amsts•rnoNo„ Of :Elmira, Colonel V.
E. Ptonr.ET and citliers, are exiiectiid to
make • addresse's un the occasions— = The
ceremonies will beiniblic.
THE roof of the ngw jailwas struck by
lightning on Mondax afternoon; .411 y
The only damage done by the electric flu.:
hi was the demolishing ,of one of the
chimneys. A , personi who witnessed the
shock, says that. fire rolled off the roof,
giving; the appearanie 4if a forge with
mi4ten iron pouring opt.
B. Font; who his exhibited minds
kable signs of insanity for some weeks
past, was conveyed to Thimille Insane
Asylum by his friendi, on Tuesday. SO
far he has been harmless, imagining him
self very wealthy,• ainl negotiating loans
amounting to.miilion . It is hoped lie
'wily he restored to 3 !Sutliff' mind by a
, Inut:continement in the Asvh!le.
(full readers havenever.pernsed that
most interestin,,o,and Instrnetivehune,
"Ple front 'the otter Ytiorld," - by 11.
1. 11 1•I'orr, we advise them to make haste
and t.,ettre a copy. Slr. F. G. Joulcsoi:
is now canvassing , foti the , !work ;ht this
vichto.. It contains full description of
tln , piritnal phenomena mirich have agi
roll] the country fur *ars.
Tin', report of 'JottN W. itx, Master
iu chatteery. in the eipility is e of (it,tvutt
PONtEnov, covers three )tmulred pages
Hof folseap, besides- tifteen. or twenty
111 . 1 1)` , .1 The liastrr enttifiles• that some
` 4• Y( . llfreil days Ns - ere 0(171114(41 in bearing
II to caf..e. It, is lorebably - the Most voltinii
teiort•of presented to
the t . (ittrt Of this County! • •
L,r •
it been so long: iinm. Judge 34n-
UR indulged in the jutenile spotte,
dent tO the “Fourth, !Ahat he had for
gotten that it is not ',tiara to sky
rockets in the txtre hand while diseharg
them, and his (thoughtlessness result
-441-in n paiefull and setre burn, Whieb
lion e•kepels him to do Withonf the use of
it;•: !c‘f i t hand. .V feW 'days' careful at
tilitiou, however. Will probably bring him
,mt alit right.
Oxriof the most extensive mercantile
establalments in the county is situated a
few miles from this place: We refer to
the large • store •1 at , Vgysaukfrng. Mr.
Surrn4 the proprietor, is one' of those
quiet, Unostentations, candid fellows who
atways ; gain The confidence of .fair-dealitig
men. !Added to these sterling qualities,
he basiabunthqt capital" and abundance
"f 'tore' took Thererote it . is not sur
14i:411g:that the fanners 0- Eastern Brad
feta flunk to hitn e;• make.
. .
3lits.i IL, of the fist Ward, has a pet
(1,;". of the rat and tan species. which has
14 n taught amcnig o ther: tricks to sit up
and be g in canine la%mage for whatever
it wants. The other dartlu3 little fellow
a hig 4ewteuadland dog - passing by
its•master's residence, with S bout, and
immediately fell on' his banes before
the large brother, And Oeiratteatoed /NW
tang for it. The arge animal for st mo
ment surveyed the little 'mendicant,' and _
then depositing the =oriel before itim,
"trotted along, to find anotber for hiniSsit.
/iglUt of such acts; who will !,ay
that &Cgs do no't have r.tenteg facaP
ties ? t
beßarth Whom track *aria*
teen rand:red, and ia noway.
firat-elate Ander. The untiring *twin
tendent, Mr. JUDD, gives his personal
supervision to 'the aftirs of thos roado:
and knows from penkliale • - that
***War; taOkka Off ProPe We con
gratulate the company and • i • pi/bile on
their good fortune in having such a man
to look after the interests and rights of
all concerned. •
Lnltkrsvms, Lodge L O. of 0. F.
was - reorganized on Fridal last. Gran d
Ntenouknt conducted the ea
movie„ assisted by D. D., G. W. Br iat-
MAN and others. Members from several
!were also present. Leßaysville
Lodge is revived u nde r the most natter
ing_ auspices, most of the old members
and:,. many new onet enteling into the
work with great zeal.
WE ESE shown a marvelous thing at
the botne - of L T. ROUE, Er 4., who, by
the way keeps a most .excellent beiaxding
house, on Monday last.. As we were pass
ing, /dr.! SXYDER, one of the boanlers,
invited us to step in. We accepted the
invitation, and were shown five large
eggs,: which Mrs. R. had just taken from
a hen she was dressing. The eggs were
without hard shells, and measured -'six
inches in circumference one way, and
seven inches the other. It seems too bad
to slaughter such a fowl., It is Lice kill
ing the goose that lays the golden egg.
WOOD&DE.—WO had the pleasure of
spending a day at Major HALE'S -hospita
ble residence, ".Woodside," week.
Recent_,improveMents Miro/du d e this
place one of the most delightfulretreats
hereabonte., ! while the rare social qualities
of the 31ajorzand his good wife render a
visit to them an. occasion long to be re
membered. The presenCe of our genial
friends, Mr. GswErrnS and Hon. 1. (3.
PArrox,' added to the pleasures of the
day. iMajor HALE's latch-string -is al
ways out, and we advise any one who has
the gciod,fortune to be counted among his
friends, to go and see him often. We
SHRPHERD FAIRCHILD, of Herrick, died
very suddenly at his hoine Monday after
noon,:,,Tuly 5. He had worked at slang::
ling on his new house all of the forenoon,
with the mechanics. At noon he ate 'a 1
heart}{ dinner, , and went back to shing-t;
ling. !The beat was very oppressive, and
he soon, began to complain that his atom. !
ach felt bad. He went to the house and
lay down, but soontot up and went out
:again, as was-supposed to go to work, but I
was fOund in a short time lying on .'a I
board Insensible. He died in a lew min
FAIRCHILD was, a, man of re-
marlable strength and endutance, and
very industrious fariner. Ills family con- I
sisted ; of himself and wife, though he
leaves ;a. large circle of relatives and
friends to mourn his' early departure, who
.haveAhe sympathy of all acquainted with ;
the deceased, in this their sudden and sad
A yEny appropri4e. and intensely in
teresting address was. delivered in the
Congregational Church, at Leßnysville,
by the pastor, the, Rev. W. 11. L.k.osTox,
on Sabbath evening last, being the ninety
ninth anniversary of American Independ
ence., . 1Ie; speke , in glowing terms of the
Pilgrim Fathers, and urged upon his au
dience the importance of cultivating a
high moral manhood, pointing out the
evils tObe dreaded from the want of that
sturdy principle in the officials of out
country'. in the present day, and exposed
the doings of some of the ringsmitich are
so detrimental to the' country's tp , elfare.
The exercises were interspersed, with ap
propriate music furnished by the village
band, the whole congregation joining at'
its close In the singing'of the hymn, '.'My
Country ! 't is of Thee."
On S'abbatkevening next a temperance
lecture iis 'to be delivered in the saute
Reio, linimnonE. , pastor
of M. E. Church.
TH Mowin... , Machine trial appoint:
ed by Wysatking - Orange,' last week, the
Eur e ka' was the only Anaehine entered.
Quite 3 11(111111er of farmers weal present
to witness the work, anti 'all expres s e i t
themseltes highly pleand,with the man
ner in.whiuli-the new ri feet mower oper
ates. It cut an acre of grass in jbst
twenty-rour minutes. A live feet ma
chine cut the same amount in 28 minutes.
One of the teams was driven by JOHN Pi-
Id the other by Col. PIMA:M . B
sou. • Bo oh of the young men demonstrat
ed the fact that they "know how to run
machiliv;7 and that although they arc
the sons,of rich men, they are not asham.--
ed of toi'. The Messrs. PIMAX:r (or per
haps the Mrs. Pun.r.F.vs) certainly de-i
serve credit for "the way iv which their
boys hate been trained up.". We have
no doubt these young men will prove not
only an honor to : their parents, but useful
members of society. At :all events they
arc not likely' to become mere drones,
from present indications.
Tut; following are the officers elected
for the vitt - rent:year of the Grand Lodge
Knights Of - Honor, iostitnted at Corry. on
the 29th inst.:
7L—IIENtcy 31( (' u t. 3leadvillt
U. D.--Jos.' A. PAIN 1 7 . 7 Corr Y.
1).—0..1. Posr, finsquellamta.
E. Goounicii, Warrim.
U. R2-±lf. L. MiLLAtiv Erie.
1.,31m.Kir., Union City.
Tr&pir-4'.- BARKEV. Erie.
0. Girtirdian—E., VEN.6T.E, TorL
G.• FRANK, Corry.
Seof. - --.T. E. 3lrEns, Meadville.
. Trostecei :l -111. It. GftEitiNt.E.E, Union City
(3 'years); C. P. '"lerNkEn, •Pitheion, .(2
years): -- Ann Ens., Greensburg; l year.
Com, 6.11 „Vino nre--.S. M. I,ocioroon,
Corry . ; PAST and lithißLE. •
Prizobw— F K. 3111. K Ir. ST n.t NA
A-11 Air.K.Fs , 31Yr-1:N.
Iwrrrs Irian Sisp. —3111.i..5 t It I), 11 t LEI;
Striytie' ! z LET() N, T IN ALLEN
Foexo.--Nearly two years since, Mr.
T. Mut.Locs,,of this place,, lust a silver
iratchOitilci very inysteßous eiretimstan
ces. The. time-piece was first missed 4,4 n
Sunday, -When:Mr, M. bad . s4 ? :arcely been
out of the:house, except to attend church.
Diligent search was made for smile time
but no clue to the mystery • was discover
ed, and the matter was altnost forgotten.
until lastweekjast after one of the heavy
showers which visited this section,. when
a little son of Mr. Mvi.T.ocK - was 'playing
in the street in front of his -residence on
Pine street, and found a watch. On ex
amination; it proved to be the identical
"AmerimM." which_ was lost so long, ago..
It. was einisiderably bruised, and out of
repair. The theory is that Mr. M., while
removing, asires, from the stow tii. the
street. must have dropped the• watch ml
obScrved in the ash pan, and it was thus
cast. into the street, where 4. it has Since re.:
maim', although the street has several
time 'weir eltaNeti in repairing the tho
roughfare.. The rain having washed the
earth away, the watch was discovered,
probably very near the spot .where it first
LXTE for insertion in, our last issue,.
Fwe received the g,ratifying . intelligence
that our esteemed friend, , the able and
'revered pastor of -the First Presbyterian
Church of this place, had been made n'
D. D.,The honor was as much .of .a
prise to' the niuistentations, ' but 'really
great, little Man, as' it was gratifying to
his numerous friends, who are not confin
ed to his own membership. His real
catholic spir,it has attracted 'to him all the
r good people, of Towanda, without distinc
tion of creed, sect or Baste. Possessed of
getudue acbobtrly i .retinernetti !be is
equally self-possessed in the InWAOst
cottage, or the most elegant mansion.
His sermons ate always full of interest to,
both cultivated end unlettered hearers. The
distinguished honor conferred upon him,
could not have fallen upon a more deserv
ing man. The Elmira .Adrertieer, in re-
Airing to the subject, so gracefully cow;
-plimeubs Hr. SuVW,MIT I tha p qcs nnot
'refrain front hemming the' . ph :
'Hairtiltort College„ ,at its; te cont
nmze,mtiMt:'d, ,bestowed the title of D. D.,
upon theltim J. 0 : goriliAltl, pastor of
the , ,Piegbiterhin Towanda,
compliment most worthily conferred.. Mr.
Shirivatt is a ziadnide of "Princeton, aud
one of its honor num. He Was for awhile
,sasodated ` lid :a~o~tioioil'
evidejkee of his`high sanding as a:aim:Aar. ,
It Wadi 'every, leanacd Vandit:thatain
iireieh,lait Au this case profound acqure
npifafrmi.iitafthjerWp pau g t w n th po t p e idaytaleap
of the best rottern e eful
plenriclitition'o? his diseobrte is ahvays
**. ,
orb. ibt bead constructionA*
=e17 944h E1._
Hoftte m at.
,roui in Northern roma
Arriardireie. 'New York ita
nevolent *attributions reaching a higher'
fture than,.
..rthnost any , other of its site
within oar lllPlderb. Dr. &EWA= %has
misted repeated solicitations todraw him
to other and more prominent lima, but
his present field offers- scope to
his high-ft' stinbitkin bf usefulness, and
he seems Content •to give his life and la
bors to a people who are as united in him
as he is derMed bo them." ,
STBAXIIBE - 17Nr/rESITY.—The C'hantiel
rePort Of-this institution for the past
year, shows the following gifts:4100000
as the gift of one individual; $30,000
gnueaathed by an aged lafiy, payable on her
dfttb; $6,000 donated by another perion
to be 'expended for a library to be added
to the several thtirusiurd already
gathered. Dr. BErgerr is now in ER=
rope, making tberaideetioni. ,
.The entirely out of debt,
has a large endowment wbich is soon to
be greatly increased, owns fifty acres in
Syrandiet-i4 city' of 60,000 inhabitants- 7 .
and a College building thought by many
to be the finest in America; also a into
,prr e ctr t rt. - Churles hotel) in the centre
The incoming F an class Will
probably mimber nearly a hundred.
Govp.lo. HAVEN, L. L.D.,
fonnerly President of ligan Universi
ty at Ann Arbor', after Ward President it&
the North-weitern University at Evans.
ton, is the popular amtellicient Chancel
lor of Syracuse University.
Mn. Efirrcin : hs I - lately ti lbited Eaist
ern Bradford, I thought I would send ypu
a few notesb, of my trip. The people ex
hibit much industry, are intelligent and
cultured; and amoug the most prosperous
I must mention Mr. Jong. BEARDSLEY
and son, Of Warrenham, Pa.. - Mr. B. set
tled where he now resides some 50 years
ago, poor brit industrious. — Dispensinka
generous hospitality 'toward both his
friends and the public, he has been en.
abled bp:aMW:a fortune. Ha ipv owns
some 500 acres of land, 350 of which are
cleared, has a dairy of 50 cows, and pos
sesses several fine horses, one team being
valued at $800:.. Besides he 'keeps 40 or
50 head of young cattle. Last year ho
sold some three tons of butter to C,/B.
PATCH, of Towanda; He also sold at'
Owego and 'Union, N. Y., over two toils
of pork, besides - buying and selling sever
al tons mere.
This proves the suece s ss attending good
farming. when directed .by a busineiss
brain. 3lr B. and son are wealthy, and
are trier gentlemen-.kind, open-hearted,
and hospitality, which has en
.cleared them to a large circle of friends.
Such men- are an honor and blessing to
the section in which they live.
T it mil ma.
of Mauch ehunk, are visiting; in thin
—Capt. Masill.l.}:, accompanied by
his niece, Mrs. N. P. lIICKS, are Nititing
friends hi - Canada. •
. . . . , •
=airs. DIIcOLEY and daughter,cif New
York, have paying a visit to ;W. A:,
Cu.varunuriN's family,
, -,f`;•.7";; • •
=I).A eireivEi, J. S. TrlO:4l.soN;
and ; JoaN . REED, of - Carnptolvn, have
gone to Florida, with the intention of lo ! „
eating permanently there, if climate,
business , prospects, etc., are favorable,
FULLER and ,wife, 0.. S. LAF'•
ItEIITY, and 'JAMES Brz.ts and wife, of.
Wyalusing, are making a tour of -some of.
the Western States.
VIES and wife,' and dons W. airs and'
wife, will leave on the early train to-
morrow Morning for quite, an extended.
Qpt4.),the "Thousand Islands," Montreal,
uebee, New York,_ etc. We wish the
party a pleasant voyage and safe return. l'
—ou.inr.r.s Fox, of Jersey City, l i spent
hist •Sabbath'wiCh lady ion snit ibrifthers in
this place. ,
Edi(or Rome, in cum
mon with other places, has been suffering•
severely from the try, cold weather.
Veggiatioty is backward; - for the seasons
and on last Monday morning corn and po- 1
tatocs that were up were in numy, places
frozen down to the groUnd;' ice foolmcd in;
a pan of water nearly a quarter of an inch
in thickness. This, with the Coloradoi
potato hag, which has come upon us in
countless multitudes, make the pros eet
for potatoes next fall rather slim. Corn
will come on again, but it will be We.
Gra'ss, Apo, affords a poor, prospect, - but
last night and to-day -we .hare-beeniw
ing a refreshing rain. the first of any
amount this season, •
Prof. Ilmss, formerly of this place, but
now of Chicago, came here on a visit to
0. F. Yot:xo's, together with Mrs. Buss.
OA Sunday evening last he gave us
'Bible reading, at the Presbyterian Church,
after the manner of 31(xxlyMid Sankey,
now in Europe. So much interest was
manifested by the congregat boo in the ex
ereises that, Prof. • Blass and, wife have
been pievailed upon to remain with us
for a - few • days. Theirbre Readings
, and explanation of the " Old, 01(1 Atory
Jesus and His love," together with 1 1
,isinging their soul-inspiring Gospel songs,"
have cheered and comforted the hearts of •?
God's people ; and we fondly , hope that
Many a wanderer froM the fold of the )'
Good Shepherd, may-be persuaded to re-1
turn. -
Prof. Buss and wife seem to be well
calculated for the work in which they, are
engaged. May success attend. them
wherever they go. S. W. G.
[The above letter should have appeared
two weeks ago, but it was carelessly vois
hid]. •
c.xcutistox or lirc-TAllosF, r 6 Bilin
tritNlPTON.—Seventeen years ago fountain
1 Esc, . No. 4, of Binghamton, aurae to this
place to celebrate the
: anniversary of 'our
National Independente, at the invitation
of Lin-ta Hose. The next year Liti-tas
returned thC'risit and went to Bingliain,
ton. 'file acquaintances then made have
-been strengthened- by a yearly exchange
of courte.sies, until we can say, with ree
-1 fire gorreetness, that 'the members of
two.companies.are warm friends. •
• The' visit of Lin:tit lieose . to Binghamton
sixteemSears afro was such a pleasant
nattily . ' and scr full :o gratifying inci
; 'dents, that the trip has ever been a mem
orable one, and is often referred to, by
those who" - participated and still lire to
dwell upon the pleasant memories of the
occasion. But alas ! sixteen years hare
brought many - changes and many sad ex
, Perieuees. •(If the brave and joyous band
I who manned Hui wipes - on that day, some
have laid their lives ou the altar of their
country. -and .their .comrades strov their•
graves on -DecOrationi3ay with the llOw
; ers of early spring--others behr upon
their persons honorable scars gained upon
the battle=field—and upon all who survive,
the cares and vicissitudes of sixteen years
! haye left their enduring mark. • ,
But notwithqtanding - the rapid flight, of
time, with its changes and mutations,
I the friendships and acquaintance's of the
. 1 two companies bare , been preserved, fresh
'; and green, and the cordial invitation., of
Fountain ouse, to be their.guests at the'
eeleliratien on' the .Finxith; was readily ac
, eepted, with the certainty that they would
bo Warnily Welcomed and Ifeisp4ly en
tertained. ,The . preparations 'made by
Lin-tas . to' creditably sustain the reputa
tion of Towanda for doing 'things well;
we haie already, published, and a descrip
tion ottbeir uniform and . arrangements
- would be superfluous: -
Lin-ta Company met at'6 A. 31., Monday
morning; .at their rooms, and preceded by .
their band mirehed to the' depot. TheY
numbered 98 members, With their bandOf
16 pieces, under the leaderahiP OF . A.
Lacy. were a com
mittee of: citizens, consisting of Hon. So-
MPH POWEIA,; E. 0. GOODElXtr;_Tigoi l As
R. Jorumiv, -. IY. A.,'
• &cram, E. T. Et e LIOTTjka.B. Ht teititkir
•, and Cot: S. •Smirn. •
, largo number of
citizens alio availed themselves of the op-
IpirtunitYo celebrate the ninth at the
1 . arlor„City. Special aim to .Waverly,
saute special train from thence to Bing,
handon;i-bronght them safely and•nitickly
to. the latter city. Here' they.. were re
t~ioed Fountain House, with the halo
• i tif 4 the Whillegiment,,and earort4. to the
Carerty Meuse, their beadquiiitets.
• On the arrival of the barrios at: the CO
f frowns - they were received by Mayor
IoWS icho, addressed them as
. :* ;11
•iivsklont Packer and Gengerii4n . pf Linqa
Towanda :
- It bedontes the &matof the
Mayor, in behalf of nar munielphl author-
tallt • hui
• t
.The COM*lohg.
• SOW•7 l 4,likesie.i6-11 6 '
.144910,01t00 , estaspdee art P
•Asel•-• ' knee' -that so
" tliroWle)efloWands• lei
'tOlgreet, you cm. '
, • -
' ' thl93h :WI this Thdikind
• ion'
_will • carry . ' away sone .
333*lpiapt. zpoolhections of our
lien lathe of . this 99th Rani
ventar3r of our National Independeime
Our ' own "Fountain ; Hoe,' No.* 1 4,"
whose more immediate you areito.
day, is also the pride 44 wAlly, and ;We
feel sate WO sayialrt rrent
raw and the ge 'en of his organize
tioni will do credit to our 'city, in uniting
with us to render your visit pleasant' as
lonremg as your con
us. venience will allow • You
ain • I
TO 'tido kW end, guttering addretei of
the Mayor, COL' BMITIF on behalf of the
, made the following response_
1 Mayon' : ' On behalf of Lin-ta
Hose Co., allow me to dank you forthe
cordial manner in which we have been re
ceived, and the kind Welcome you hive
given iut, trige. the munleW authorities
ofthe "railer' City.' We have ovine
sev.eptY-live mike tmow the acquaint
ances of the past, and form new friend
ships for the future. 'I trust that the let
teel will, pore; as , pleasant and enduring
as the fOrmerhave been, and that we can
roans to this; visit der 'ell' time to fCOtpe
with the,watt,. grateful recollections.
Again I thank you for your greetings."
The Company was then dismissed until
11 o'clock, P. ar., for parade; and se
ated to enjoy individually the attentions
I and courtesiecef their hosts. • I
The grand parad e was advertised for
• Li e'cleek, and the, work of forming the
line', eneed about"! o'clock. The Lift
' to Rand, ,towhoin was given the post of
honor, took its place on Court-st., near
Carte' 11,- and the various companies fell
into line behind.• At the stroke of the
lire bell the long column began to move.
The; view from the .corner of Court aed
Chenango streets was varied and interest
ing. As , far as the eye could see in any
direetir ,',growda . f 4 people -'lined the
*Wens Stied the window's, doors, and
porches of the houses. Numbers were
perched upon roofs, and the Court House
steps were one mass of people. In the
pr 'on were all the firdeoinpanies
Binghamton, and the :iisitingfeina__Panitile
viz Lin-ta Hose Co. Sapphop.tose of
Oxford, Rough and Ready Hose of Moir ,.
trose, Nioga Hose of Whitney's Poin
the 'Telford Zouaves of Susquelmnna De
pot, and a portiOn of the 44th Regiment,
including a battery.
Soon after the procession bad started
the threatening rain, which for some time
had been impending, began to fall, but so
slightly as not to seriously interfere with
tht Mardi. ',Throughout the r w,hole line
'the interest was Very great, and the elab
orate. decorations and frequent applanes
gavel evidence of The hospitality and
friendship ' the • flifighamtdri ' people:
Flags ,and mottoes were displayed along
the route lof the'pmeession, , and a number
of consorts furnished, • refreshments to
those in the line. Lemonade and ice wa4
ter were freely supplied to the men.
Aliout four o'clock the line was review
ed by the Mayor, Common Council, City
Officials, the Orator, of the Day and iir
-1 vitedlguests, from the balcony of the Ex'
change Hotel: The procession' Marched
,up Court street to Carroll; and then coun
ter-marched to the Chenango bridge., pas
sing again np the street. The'lme was
reviewed each time / the, firemen and oth.-
cis in the Procession 'saluting as they pass.
ed the hotels , At ,the close of the review
"the Pro Cession was disbanded, and the
members dispersed to enjoy themselves
as they wished.
The following account Of theitiariquet:
i_we take from, the Binghamton Times:
1.. After a delightful semnade about ten
o'clock, by • Lin-Ta's band in front of the
Cafferty Clouse, the visitors front Towan
da.with a 'number of other guests, and
their entertainers, Fountain Hose, assent
bled at a, banquet given in the dining,
hall: Over d and fifty were pres
ent. Nearly three ,hours were spent in
an exchange of fraternal sentiments and,
the discussion of one of the best suppers
ever spread on Catferty's tables. On tak-
I ing their seats the 'attention of the com
pany was called by President 13 is
of Fountains to the neat little cards un
der their pla tes; on one side of the cart}
was ipperibed, 'Fountain Fours , Welcome
to 3,' and on th reverse,!
!Help Yourselves.' •: , •11 •
' "General J. C. ItoniNsox, Ex-Mayor
11tuuEny; , Proeident BARgurr of FoUrsj
CL-5,Y PRESTON, P. W. Hoesixs, - 3Ltn-
TIN 'S'ioNE, and C. F. • Paw v., Esqs., of
this city, and Col. Snrrn, President
I Piteram, of Lin-Tas, E. T. Etworr,:
Foreman PORTER, J. A. COMING of TO
' wanda; McCoLLuu, Esq., of Mont
' rose and Mayor MeKt'NE of _Scranton
were called_ upon_ , and entertained the
company with speeches in keeping
the occasion. •
. _ _ ....
" Sereral - toasts were given, among
ti.ienVonec, to the city. of Binghamton, pro
posed by Mr. ELLIOTT, and another pro-.
posed by President PACKER to.the consol:
idation.of Lin-Tas and Fours into one
crack company to' attend the'Ventennial
'next year. .fl'he invitationlook the Fours
by surprise, but the President responded
with an acceptance and three cheers were
given for the Centennial. , ', .
`f. c .kverat of the older members of Ii(o
"respective departments spoke of the long
itetAintance of the companies, and re
ferred to•Lio-Tit'S visit,' seVenteen years:
ago ,j The Messrs. Marsh, of Lin-Ta!s,
favored the banqueters with several songs:.
4.,grqat, amount of fraternal feeling pre::
i tailed thrimighont the evening,. and, after
fa series of responsive cheers, the comps,
t i a
tisr disperSed, to dream of coup r-marell
es,:suPplis, speechei,tand Cen WO
At 6 ;h. m., Tuesday mornin , *ho line
Was again formed and Lin-Ta's proceeded
to tho depot, , homeward-bound, bearing
away with them the pleasant and gratify
ing experiences of their visit. As we
;Wrote sixteen years ago, we can now re
',Peat, on , behalf of those who left the
'•. 'Parlor City," with regret to part with
the noble and generous friend's they there
Met: . .
1. `,•.Forward we look tvlatw/stfol eye,
Sraree halt restg,,ned4 yet thtnk how meet,
Pwlll be, In coming years. to meet."
IWirenni otrn 'Ptairtx. CELEBRATED THE
1 .:tirE.—As the •Fourth of July occurred-
J • ibis 'year on Sunday, Saturday and ?dun
! day were observed as holidays. Wilde"
the latter was legally the day to stibsti
tote for the Fourth, the former was 0 11
served hi many places. The good people of
i , -.
iltad imply gre*calettlatiens! fur, a grand
e rribunieti of the several G. A. lc Postsr,of
' the county on that day. At an early hour
the people began to pour into that ancient,
toWn from all quarters. -The,early traing'
i ~ the I. 4:,,N. Y. B: U. nearly emptied'
!' their 'coaches when they ' arrived it that
station. f'lilinore Post, aided by the lib
'Oral citiz
~ n s oflloo town, had made ample
! preparations fur the throng, while the
bulidintrs' were everywhere decorated with
flags, banners, evergreens and flowers, in I
I honor of the festal day. - .
( .1 At 0 o'eloolvWfitkiths Post ti this place,. ,
accompanied by the Naiad Band, -were
I ;
received by their . comrades of Gilmore
PoSt. They were soon followed by Per-.
kitisßost of, AlliPms and Phelps PiOst,pf
I EastSinithfield, 'with bands of mnsie.,...A,
procession was theri formed, , composed:Of
the. four Poste, bandti 'fold eitireas, and
paraded through the streets of thervillage, ,
after which all repaired -to iff'Carty'
I g rove , where an appropriate and exquisite
licoenk i entitled; ?.''t The • Dying Soldiey,l
was beautifully 'rendered by Miss MART
MARTIN, of tide!.
The following officers were announced ;
. ! Presidelit--C. E. FUHOUSON.
Chiet r ifarshoi—C,,T. 111544. i t 1 ,•
' l !4,lets-rAdjt'S G. V. Nue, .C 44. lIIN
TON, .3:48...P0TY; C. o:l3.oCliviriLL.-
. About, noon the orator of the day; Maj.
H. H. IjoeKwEtt., of , Xlatira, was intro
dined; ~. I and ' - favo'red' ' the ' assenitti
with an,oration suited to. the day and the
.43eUt*kna: The fact.- that the large audi
ence, listened' attentively ibr Inearly an
liOur to the,. eloqueAt. remar,ks
,of , the
*AO, is} thebist evidence'thaf, she 'ad
dress was more .thauran, ordinarreffort.
The hour ter dinner now hiving arrived, •
members of the G. A: B. were filet - seated,
.irttie:iiible, '. after ,which', the . **Wog
, ieiti were tilled by Other eitiiens. ' • " . a
i Proibuo* A+ hiuirbitut Aide for supp \
„.!, !''
the fempornl wants of a large num ,
and (the "ibatth>searred.'
.reterans " . . , -.
good justice to•the . rich - acid tatepthig;
viands prepared by the thir ladieafor tlieW,
entertauiment. Our re , , rter -and; others
.. werei.klielly and . . , 17 •,, • ente,riained of
thO VanDycii Hciuiia, 1: ."-. . ~ splak -hi the
zu‘t tiatteriug_tersta of thalweg sidles
{ tereair- awl Idrs. DokrougS. 1
1 The dinner disposed Of, the soldiers
, .:, • 1
g drew parade. • ave an eniertsdument in the wig f 4 •
• '
The festivitkat of ;the day wera dosed
withagrandfakee,eutitled, "Capt. ilium
with la Riwmns,, on their inky to the
Tholcit MU" - erferty- some,
;twenty-live or thirty men and Ix** . ate
tired in the most bnUWe costume Mai
drawn in vehicles of every ,-•—
m &taw, as Capt. .7_ , perform
eti Ns role to reaction. The , •
as it wended its way thromh the ,
was everywhere Meted with viands of
The day rsaW without the occurrence
of-any • •asu , to mar the enjornent of
the Amnion, ' and' all who participated
unite in ,pratumncing the celebration a
sumo% and in bestowing unlimited paha
upon the citizens of Ulster for. their gen
erous hospitality. • •
The Naiad koys participated in the cel
- On the ISthl at 'Pittston. , They
were met on their arrival in'the' town by
Eagle Hose, whose guests they_werskand
escorted to their quarters in West piths
ton. The , • are loud in their praises of
the p and • the attention 'paid
them by their. , rother firemen of Pittston.
The celebration at
attracted many of oar citizens on Membiy.
Special trains were run for the twooomix,
dation of those whq clesireil to uplb3 with
11i3 **AI of 'l3l4ari COMAY in "keep ,,.
'ing the Fourth." The Naiad Band 4 fur
nished the music, and we are pleased to
learn that the affair was a cenfpletezlnitgr
cess—netting the projectors about MO,
Othei parties who desired to obseite
the Glorious Fourth rAore quietly betook
themselves to retired places in the counr
try, and spent the day pienicing. '
WE mat received- from a valued_cor
respondent., an ;Interesting account of
commencement exercises at LaPityette
College, and its great length is our only
apology for not printing it entire. The
Baccalaureate sermon was delivered by _
the President, Dr. CATTELL, at the con
clusion of which he 'addressed the grad&
sting class as follows :
"It is fitting in these last worda Of
mine to tell you from this sacred der*
that I shall exhort you to ponder theM.
truths. YoUr course as students of this
college is new ended. , jipla go fotth,
Some otirion . to 6lettinuty ydni studies in
professional schools, end others to enter
at once upon the active duties of life. But
all of you will , -be thrown 'into new` rela
tions to society, and you will assume new
responsibilities and duties in width,. as
educated men,, you will occupy positions
with reference to, the Kingdom of Truth,
conspicuous and influential. - This col. 1
lege, founded and maintained by' thee..
who are lob al to Christ's crown and king
'l:llom,- expects all of its sons to be torch;
bearers among, men,. ;It is. not 'enough
that you haveleen trained in science' and
letters there is something more and
better than this. We want you to he riot,
only scholars, but Christian men. tie
then briefly reviewed the great enlaige2 .
mpg, of the college curriculum and other
improvements they bad witnessed, And ire,
dwelt more particularly upon the +Om' ,
of him - Kelf and his colleagues to impress a
Christian character upon all the studies'
of the college, that the truth as it is in
Christ, Jesus, :might! Nemo Jumps • .
from their other acquisitions. - Referring
to the revivals of religion that had occur
red since they entered college, ho exhort..
eel thetuall to a faithful performance of
Christian duty, and that in the new NU;
tions they were flow to assume in society,,
they should, as . Christian scholars, be
come torch-bearers among men."
We are pleased to notice among the
nein es of the graduating class, that of
W. ,
E. Tnowits, or Stevensville, this
county'. ;'fir, audtei with the high
est honors of his class, havingbeen select
ed to deliver the Salutatory.-1 .
The Alumni held their meeting in Par
dee Hall. Thaattendance was very large,
and the exercises were opened with pray-,
er by Rev, T.- TnomiLs, of this county.
Prof. Corm" . read a list Of the dead of
the past year. The (total was six, and
among them P. G. F,:sitEn, of Standing
- .
The_ exercises we re 1 -cirueNdc(ls. with the
reception at Dr. CATELIAI.
If PAL•s.tori have for sale twd
recent Sunday-school singing.r—
--m-Brightest and Best ;' -theintestiveri of
Lo'iv4N4 Mind - MOANI4.'t sal "Every Sab-
Jpath, by T. C. O'KAICE. The first chal
'hinges attention front 'the!s feibt of its
authors. We always 'expect' music
from them; 'and are • never 'disappointed.(
Of their :two previous works a million
;and a half copies have Lem, sokl, and alo
heady the sales of "Brightest and Best"
exceed 100,000 copies. This I n eVes.their
AmPrecedented popularity st9etniposers
of Sunday-school music: " Brightest and
ill€4llMay WA Xs) what #ts;tame tote!4,
yet it is undoubtedly worthy:of lace in
the company, pC ",Pare Gold," an "Thet
Royal Diadem.' The hymus aroall gisid;
if not of great excellence; most of them
were writtpnV Ymor2itt 3. CROSBY,the
blind poetess, and are 'in her,sret and,
'apiritnal style. Mrs. ITAWXS;• the author
of "I need Thee Every Hour," contrib
utes several: sliteti , i 6Teannot
pause to enumerate our favotiteiLin this
collection; but,sevpral ofthem are beauti
ful and - destitiedlte be ( iXtreniely POpular.
We thought that, Bradbury was dead,
and that "Bright .Tewels ! exhausted his
repertory, But ; thecry . is, still they
coma! 'Perktralierels - some
lc • trick in this._lle ours g' Sunday
school friends holemystle seances in:New
-Turk or Eirwisbnxit:
Every Sabbath " :May suit ,sonie peo-'
pie , as -well, but great— ly Orefer
'Brightest and 'However,, Mr.
otriCane has:even' us,seine Ave :*original
songs, but they are few and far between.
There is so much . O'Kano that one is
tempted to say 0 Pshaw might, have
. „,varied_ ie. stops a ‘ i
, little ' p b 2 is . To
be sore gittedt 111, pretty air f ini,.
al lovely one,4rom lierepdante, ' lively
I strain hem Von We ' hgrand ex=
cerpt from. Handel, kind but un
known friends give him a lift, but such a
book . to be first-class must have Anon% va
rmty.• 'But` perhaps' Mr.' O'Kade 'Mikes
up for this Lick in the poeticy,of his book.
Here is the "Wonderful Star," composed
Webster, when it& tobe
hoped, can preach better than' he can
write poetry :,
" Vest &it nimbi a inikk Meiseuger canto,
'T a was the • Lion of .Indab,` and Jesus his name;
Itetberstat,tAfonalng Shit: {niter hes' iW t birth ,
rid' rising trt heaven., it at on the earth.
HOW a lion can be a bright
and at the same time,a lydght Aorning,
Star" that rose in heaven _Mal sat,• (sic !)
on the earth, beats us out. This is bad
tnlaigh,)bdt sac* tbiltheltdrds :
",The Star, the Star, the Bethlehem Siar,
Is shining in splendor; la seen Mtn afar
It throws out Its light to the nations around.
/ Ci t gr4des.tnthePtikee 'Kb* itiolinTicm is found."
But weitlmnght the Star paton the earth,
lihe a-lip o biihiupelies... i Xow we find
flint - it s' nOt" at ill, but shim*:
frofii'a ar/Tistt'i'eomPhiiiig. But worse
h ill, thislion points tl)O. way. It eannot
be the kind of lions we sometimes see in
onr grand . Orkititill (.bonts; I for they are
mere fond of pointing their paws at you,.
than of • • intmg out the )vny,to yon. But
this Ili , ..--0•Vof the lkin. sbelita -give us
panse. = ,s's on.
- .tb .pro , Wt, • withi !all • our "he:irt
_against James S. Clark's "Beautiful
Hills" as a Spidipseheol'simg, T hese :
"linesarehoth, orAahrtiagerialhun
"What the breath of Oaf 6 1 , 1 04 0 lirts*hal) play
TUI onr Wile* bloout to -
ON - Friday morning last a corntat i et
kers might blivetliddi Edda ' g
their way to the depot. On the rrival
.f the train it wig' i f
4 ound that over e
e ticket agen
, 1 • - meustip j u;lcota j 1144 ( lie sold,
tt "riniarked that from
the uppearanee ,of-the zon3wd there must,
st great many. huge.; ehil
,, 'After :all Ivere'xitilogd, a count
made, and the sinister:Of-old and
ascertained to be ono lindred and
•, 'The objectii;e l Ell
*dge Park, Elm' here we arrived at
1 Oelock Through the courtes
(well-known generosity of the, Pa. •
B o the; ,P4rty ifies ton
ato the irk without extra charge.
After an hour , spent VI, tbeenioitering
the' beautifid, arflir 024chalie t Park ?
(through the liberality of 'Dr.‘ ELL.'
DWl*tom.PEWler Cif /'" pfr blilblq~ .
.iiid a w were
'out, such eisti _ a
1 the • • tbingteaktdateiEtCtenok
J.. , • -s.riliomokt. wont
••• • Zeforeetw.Way , %Ciro douht
vex* much if,tneli, or" oneliasket:
pi,couX ba:v*, ;gathered_ up after the
woof , • ~e itwielifi d been eup. ,
plied. • • desert, which co*"
ryenient • •tn .entry ineh ndigtanee,
' indebted te tut plate gbod
fa— ir
Allslolloo s Mol
ids, we fcsmdiVgeneretut
tioe wan
deli =
cious issarlissluid
stuillcieutior 14.04,10 rinquiting kept
whence, it mak *pod, atter cenaiderao
hie-trouble, ;hid sLid: Wow, bad 'ordered
it; Ind furthernidukte had &nicked that
no one elm - shod& :bent , any' of the ex
wan, The Woes munerous %wands
friends, were Will gragidad at the honor
tot meeting him and Ms good wife and
beautiful loys,';and"fbr his 'eartiftiland
unceasing attention - to'. their .iranta awl
pleasure, will raise him another Mello IA
the gra memories. • • •
The balance of Opiate
,wae devn
ted to boil-riding; and friendly
intemorms and ea*.Wft the children.
From the s p uti ar this C l lO just mot-,
ed on the.' mapitionut view of
the city surrounding country is had;
:We were 'informed' OA- Dr. Mammon
has already expended 11114000 In
up thisdeliglorui spot' una: that is
Intention I t o crintienn mi
.15 un it
shall have no riialottbs the 'clam
• 'AV 5:30 ' tfelokk Conifsttor
gave the signal forknidft; and it
7:10 we were safely .e
htnded at the lower
depot in Towanda.
For the complete StiaCese,* t j aiiiitite unal
loyed pletteure experienced bY all who
participated in the exeurskai r we went
ly iudebte4 in additke to M. DT
-1 r =*:
PARR,_Hon; C. , S. •Ruestur. sod otit'ers.,
Rows..+:l4no EDITOR:: , Pleviiii stow *
alllapi sp-•• io your sjdy, oper for • i 9
e*.ot the•Bome items. ,:-- The 4th pf Ju l
witif Celebrated' liere`ine,•thO 2d and tkil*
over 100: !oonple;:ti ' it ,' hidl , given :by , the
very - obliging f hotel amermr, 'Mr.' A. A.
TsTion, Shia lady know just how
to make 'the ii . iPetste )14PPYp. Fiver:raft
wont of iii'llie theijt_ ogreeible manner;:
Ther leader - lot the• bAd . 'got a 'little to ,
drank to, balanoe. gracefully. , z• 4.. : , i •
A. feeble.opposition was raised a day Or
two before4he ball was to, take plate,
Which *qui' . alicifeet 'lliac: •It was to
diiii= the• ccompluiy .-PrOwi. the hetet: to .
oody's Hall; for the ptir=ifidlvidiri g .
the spoils Witheurnever hotel pro.
, Victor. It resulted., howevor, ',.raddlbig
; • bill 'of $l5 on' originat or of the
;The 8d was ;celebrated by : the bietho- •
dists of this plaec., . i They collected at the
church at an early hour,. and called to the
chair Mr.' Joirs - `Psssuonj and W.•'ll.
11AW for •Vice-Presinelit.• ; Whim .In
-1 -.they _listened - toslw; vezy able
speech from 341;1), o. , ,,DEWlrk‘of To;: .
• t
da. Next was mtisio by the Herrick-
vino-Biller Comet Baud; which hag never
sled to give , satistadicm. - Prof. T. 8..
ow ean ;sang. the song , entitled , "The
word of Bunker IBIW .in ,s .very fine
nner., Dinner was nest in , and - ,
' : :. ofiall•the dellideiee Of the land,.
and with enfoyed byiseireratifindred pee, I,
.le. t ic The fesavities7werobtit up until a
to Pper io.ithe. I °yelling. ~The net Oro:
• ekitt were betWeeo $BO and $100.: ; ,' •
inie'llitifeis.' in ' bile' vicinity ' are ,pot.
• , " . kiwi) , well ever the prospects .44.110
1 . pp. !rho heavy frost on;Junetkltii id
-- ,,!TUlt tof -41!**' ' The( • Potato
i • Ps hare ,come fo b again; but the brigs
itreboiind to destroy' the crop;lnfore 'they
pen. (iorn is so late and uneven that it,
-. . . ~ , _ nt-to-mueb-There. is only
one crop thaveueew thatlepliallidi *tying,
and that is about three acres of twins, of
.11411 1 04i 4 PAIi i re,o1Xii.SIVIti tow:
uaw, c 'cken mere t. .I,no
tice that 'th variety' is (incited in • New;
Terkst fro $4,per,liushel. • He
planted two bushels of seed ' that, were
purchased in Boston `at a cost of $1.14.4
including freight. From • him we M. in
hopes of obtainingari article for seed nest
. year that :101.kring l a Lyge; price in any
market:: Iffi. • Li''bas; I believe kept up
the shi ‘ merit of from 154 to 200_ pounds;
Of , .rip ~ • • per week tu- the Mansion
House in , lauch..Chnnk for the last three,
years.. He, Op/ no) go into "fancy stock',',
as do som e of our townsmen. One .fti
iner has one peacock,
,old and five,
young buiiar4 *ages , quite ,a number
other "fords." . • - • • ,
Our village .. is • Proskrib,d,llnely. . The .
borti • o ffi cers have passed' an ordinance
that the side-walks shall be built on both
sides of 'llfAin 'street, nearly the entire
length of" the corporation, the most or
,whickt littsribticar putt &km. The Odd
,Fellows wear the belt thus far, liaving'
put dowii a beautiful; Ilag walk in front
of their lot, which is an ornament to the
,village. There is one other stone walk
that resembleit the maker, and represents
him fully. There are many improve
ments to •the way , cof byililinp sr r BUILT
i3MITII is building a very spacious addi his 4welling.; Eop C. Wkrll.l3 is
. I)iittin,,4 'tip a splendid thin' across the
street from Judge PASSMORE'S. preparato
ry ft bdll4ing Xdivalling? no merchants
are - doing a lively business this season,and
espeeiallyris our wide-awake 'little drug .
istoredoiriglitore in its limititid at loWer
prices than any in the country.
'; 1; i r • 1 1 lteriEt
En. REroitlEit:-.-Therchildren, grand children.
and great grand children of Enoch and Elizabeth
Towner assembled at - the house of A. 1). Towner 14
'Rome, On July lath, to celebrate the 84th birthday
of Mts. Elizabeth Towner. widow of the late Enoch
'Telmer. • It was an interrosting Gina to all tteitint.'
bled. The friends to the number of SO sat down to
tables loaded with the many. haxtulesof; the season.
provided by the friends In plc-nle style, each doing
ample justice to the
M richlworlslons set bef re them.
The tablesibeing eleare
fi 4 awn Ma ev'y the iSury
pi t
gathered In the litals rooms oral uy I home
stead and mingled their tears while M I Hattie
Tanner sang and played that beautiful piece,
When Ohm' Ma-Ma Is Gone." •
i 'ten .4. 1 *. Reethopintelti,a few appropriate it ,
marlot and a' Mayer. E. W. Towner, Esq.; enter.
tallied the company by singing some beautiful
pieces, after which merry voices Joined In singing
•• Shall we Gather at the River," It was a pleasant
occasion, not only to our . aged , mother, but to all
thezt asietribled,,and* shistrelyhope titat 'Mother
Townerimay live to see many more birthday aunt.
versaries. H..:
.wore shooting r frogs. on Towanda Creek'
the other day, CHARLIE was not a little
Surprised to find liimself attacked from
the rear, by a mammoth ram which.
thq 1 eld. liaviimdistilvrar-ed
CHARLIE, the four-footed champion made
Co; 941, " other " hut .piLLY was
prepared for the ass i ault, and being a
good shot with a stone, met his ramship
more than-half way. The stone being
harder than the head of the pugilist,- he'
was Tat to flight. In the meantime Mr.
P. made an inglorious retreat, and now
,deelaiesibit he hai had' tuattin idnough
for some time.
As osr, of tju34 young gentlemen Who'
attended the party at PIOLLET's on Tubs:
day evening, was proceeding up I Pbplar
street to his home, thinking of the , girth('
him,. be bladNgtaiatly.,stum.
bletimpoti a skunk; , Thei4esttlt is air or
der for a new suit of clothes from DIV
'Mot's, and the application of the .eu
phonious sobriquet, night-blooming pc
.fi) the nnfortunat,egentleurap. •.
Oun liberal friend anti devoted htuo.!•,
kind, Deputy United. states Marshi~l, :j
lI.!DELOso of North Towanda, mesent,-
• •••• ••"- beStltifin n and
plated harness on the occasion of her hit'
!!•birthday. - —. • cirri
It7sT rir we go to press, we lepre:by.
tele MOP that the, University Boat kite
at Saratoga was won by the COrnell'Star,
iS•eoys` linen colars at L: IR. ItoskrrtiuM
iMr . rft
4 1111 ". ‘.;
1 1* S'A rcrAis..6l44A*Nv4.r..v.,:
ar Falgraal k ag 41car, HLADV:I.I4.I6ZET, 314C4Ty
RtiftW '1 • J •
W musiemoras Xtudesl COON. at . lIEN
j t r,
I t lr.,ipmstVi Oi 11.
e t r t , spent mlnstir in 84.
'Warn I • "" •, • 0 4
inxt M 414 4
F.:s Al" Duw,N i.4ll°lV :s. 411441'
frr-4 Jim/Ai6oorl ice 11.,ailies' Kid
436 v 0 9 . ; 1 f WIT w ATRucsvi'
virtigitittret, -tir.VrittiVsN'far La
—tr odeAmatm) 111 qiny of
• • • s , * a% 7 a FiTn°rs'•‘-li
m .
Wert aiii'doorailit paffea
*me 4v
MAN I AZiff tik ttl*ti Orri
otaf •
agpagOingtlllll.lolbaans in a great %raj
'wit arm:ma'am zliskobiz.x.4.3-8.
__ - 5 , .•c, .
V4IIIrXOIRDPIMIGOOdIr4 Sad 118 1 ./ .
. - ,
.194 1 . 1 :
..I!Enrrl *MR earteDlepsklet of Crockery Ira*
Nsw Table Dumb, Itapliaas
to** at Year INAndesf. Cituat
, . .
- 1 0 1 1tAnc 111 4 0,1)11 ". 1 04
tf : P! .ll - 1 ! 4)! " 814
ErNsw widtogoodsatKiqrAit
WWII. • ' I '1:
• ,
t .ICarit & seui
par 4 . Ladles , KM Gloves ibey sell: ii
prthtgillit C
1 , •
-' i AlNPttar ,Use Ain Roast ovitulsit to , t?lfTsltk
llF. , iliscf.l4, ~ , . i .._.. . ' • . ;f:
*3. 1 *(4 dikx*: and Cautipteri,i i i -, 1i . •:,:,
• , , ft; i ' ; --. f ;.• EVANS tilittoDiirrill:
. 1 •
•- . .
4r?) . Stole a tart, git
..‘, t pin 'NOS Op beat ' Cook
xeitiVS, In 'Meteors ' s•
iFirffio toWiliTCCltie tea vilrolte* '411101141
tpryotr Booki agif.tltatkorrr. • .
. 4 ,
Black Grenidines,at 8 E74,
1; (41 ,RN. ,
tar Extras for the' - roulto ; WAR-
Rios ,toiriNG MACITINICcait be ',Lod. at H.
. 1 4410 nanhrstro , tiltore In , Xercur Mock; TO.
wandsi' Po
• frir ROLIIES 'et. PASSAGE ar,e gcuetal
evils* the celebrated Idathuebek Pianos, : add
Gan. WOOD!it k C 0.41 Organs.-the: be# , In tblei*
any other country. , : Aprta.
. .
. .
igir The largest mut best; atilectlott og t 3 trogarott
131rou1et gouty Tet brought tolhht troult Itt.billig
Fee daily, at nr..,74c0ni0. ` • I- ,
. ..irpOtrt , to call at litletetbstirt;s v tryeu
wish balmy anything In tbe.liae ot: deirebll ifitteir
and ill*eritlated Witte. • _ •' -
ll000F:s Tir.vsusumr,
Irsin 134',LT flat I.a!td Plows, 10. Stoll t!o'c!i,
fr; Klif r by Mowers,:liorso Rakes, Fed ettiteri;
Ribber:Patti; etc: • R. k„IVIC4LIti* SOX:
ifilt•Arneelcati aniflorensh (locks 14 Oat 1:7a.0.e.;
ty t . 'at v ery low prices, at ` lf N 6.
. .
AR- tipl!l s, atul Steel Spectitchis,,atut E7*
Cliaissej . ln great cartt,!s Jewel;
I St°r ; - . •
airlf you want to 'secure a good artle;le, aud. get
iortb' o r your money , the place togiils 3L;
DiarAit'S. • •
nrißitoo3rs ou SALH.
4. 11. Siftiit,Vister, Pa.
*.• air arge Mac of Pletisrtsind Pieta • ;Fraiiiet.,
It Wiiit•COill & SUAirr's.Aleirnt /awl. e r. ' -1.
01 4 T he Improved ieTonlP - :
litutiCoAneet hake,' ts the beit. lkst4 for d,-
talpttri paper. :• ' 11. It. Wm:LT. - 31'ff Sex...
k . itethe :11 -r ew Goods'ai.J'L'AY-Lolt
rfr kon conyenicut house;
desitablilocatCd. Enquire. at Ibis oak.:
tgrirenudirie's, in great varistg,: at'
• . • •2 1 . Tkr i,ou &
tadjes! /4ineri Suits, just opened at
TAYton, & C9'?.
Notice' ls beretiy Mien to' all Verlorls , hold
ing Mal and. Ladder 'Unifornia, th 'ey are re
flaked tutreturp the fame at once. They: say be
'eft with the or at 31cDOAL , D*8 •T9bacroiStore. ,
E. iynuczn, Eng.
. I
•M: ilflytszzirair has the largest. 'awl best
.stoclreot yattest.and gentlemen's' gold 6,,,a sliver
.watelies.eiterlortrght tq Towassis. ; . ,
sir It ti not ierti*l ,
blown flint H. C. Nit/TA.
UN, at the Book, Blnderyi over the. Itit!oniNi
i ialCei n kca, planlr i llooks In any style ot niflng add
binding dqgyed. It you want a new telig4; donr6 ,
Dock 'give him a call.' • •
~ , _ ... .
1 ' ' rir 60tiN'i"P'C'03DfiSSIONEIR: I
hetiliy aniotnice myself as a Cand Mate to44Upiiniy
ComnitstilOtter,':subldet: to ' the . .leelsiOn of Ahi- RI
publican COnntyConenntinth': - 'Ne GIOIIIIT.
... Fl*lklititlale, Nay 18, 1875. , -
514).520 Per Day at home.
Terms free. Address,
briNsox & Co., Porttand,,/diltte.
. .
' .111a..Nevirbuyi i a (.'obi t Stovettntll yeti have called.
at't4 and ',alkaline* the .•,..New lEnti:drt.,' , a
eitu);e which has'olover dir.pppoluted the t,apecta
three of thcfnued iastitlions hymen:He. . I
. •.e. '
. i
Cam - Rt.CTISI'LIIt !IND iRECOEDEtt.--,-S. li.
4.lnAlNizio(ilkilanibla lawnahlit, will be a candidate
for the °MT of Itegtotor atid. Recorder. subject to
the decision 011ie Ilepublicsri Cfronty Comiention.
.12rFAEF.!— Any one
,Intku: tg $l,OO or
'roore : Wortli of goods at 31 'ResnxVIELD - te
Mg Store,-illl receive tree one elegant Alth ; tea qaip,
!or Straw not, both of duo latest styles. •
G*Fati dwair..l--Every purOmser
k goods atrionattng, to 411.00 or. more, will receive
FREF,,ono , otriml Alpaca Cap,., or Straw, I at, at
M. ii! - -lti:oroC, rtEraes Clothing Store.
, . Thp .several. boards: of- • - eters
who havenOtyet forwarded co. toe, tha.Aunlial :Be-
Port and ceriltleate tor the?
... Past schir year year,
are t l / 4 4peeitOlyyrquested to do so at °rice.
' • •ii A. A: lize.Wtir; • Co. upt.
-Tie& igte:
Itraiio 7 s4 44 pire Pisusiotor!wi, tbf42B3.
propottion ; f Ila Lairs p'Asilaar, Tawai
11.-tncAr3is.4(hi *ter
thrs air; V i rtu' sea my :' surplus firriciak.9r.
wwwities at reduced' prices, at' my areen
houses, ea Main street, north oi. Episcopal Cinch,
.1* JAB. C. IlertlM.
. .
air LterAr. Pon B.ten.—We bare a Lieerp to
elghttontta nut& got'. earrlagesOise ete., wtilho
,we, otter pr.. pate etunip and on reasonsble terms,
ptqnlie of: oni:' agent at the liitables, or at our
linsli Atom. I
Ablrxss & PASSAGE.
4 11iPASIII:11 4 ,11 :110 STW iCK. late Of dr. S. ALllt'
Co.,'earitereikter be &end it d.O. Ffios? aSt/Its,
On 'Mali atre*'wheee he will berbappy to ape all at
h4Puziercuairrieildll• :aglY fa need of
tare ; or or anytAng
'find the bee'gonde l - best Alan:etanent, and !invest
prices; at thete keen, ofani place tiiAbe; co u n t ry";
Call and see. • • '
• r 1815.
C o
Ar; now romi to genii the "ohne with the larget
. -• • •: and test Steekret • ••
Boor Einitif,'.
Cfat!'andeeti ns• to_ • •
. i f MARRIED .. . ,
GitEOG—W.ITERS--At tlio home of the if r4le In
thlghlartd,4lme 30; by Thci:'ilatiork' Amami - oot,
Mr. A. E, Mr of Tfwm a
ota,mt. 01141:p E
is ,
' Water 3, of Oland.
- . : -, -, - -If - -I .., - r -
i;c:citrrvisrL-oktri..--Ixt - tite E:iisonag4,L'llohtoe
ton,iligly-lk . by,-.llev: muldock- Annstrreg. Mr:
Burton Scoptop and MI NH LontF. Cttrl, both of
,I. ,• -,,
c 7•, 1110 , 11dWili $1" . ":, - .
TANDY R.F.41.4 Xast canton,. iltay 0 .. 101 0 , , kiln
" both VatiDyte. willow of the late Davis Vail.;
Dlke, aged 1,0 70211:. •- „I 1,,
1 44ttlies.lisrres, July 1. 1876, 01;intah
N., ivlta l ia iiige 37 years
' The renisaneif ifis.ketcLe2vveril taken to Nryi•
hiteissedi. 'She iris sinimlietlFT Chrhl
Church. Towailas a devoted Christian , loved
by all who kneirtiPs" She leaves a law circle : of
_Meads dna t hhiria *ilia husband to mourn
, Whllitatte lead. been a stigerer for seieral
(4 bat , few .days
and great stareeini. She hate with tt ,the Last,
fit'ebhie tjuleity. * *
....I..4ittestea atg the dead that Mein the Lora."
t Vir.4o.Pg iON ; TUE ErRONDEST.f
have beem coutiblng ell winter And begin to despair
of recovery. tor if oe hero Melt a reeenreoid, go
at owe to the Dpgag Store of Trani: it ; 60111:10X
oneCti bottle of TWOlottuts' • Shop of Tar.
NiKPOlTYpreliTlerelaaaaLr Tato Wand Se well.
No oilier =calque, acts so promptly and egeCtuany
to tongtiai (WOOL , and' ait diseases •blttbe throat,
Sows and ,q icpuntnPticn• Hulk
dltds*lidohee':thoit d th o y -
had that dread ' dl.
swag bteCrestatett- to. heidth by the meet
ifileatinest tuA L. remedy. It Is also the best know*
, apetigs for • and nano In •Wbottping
Potigh Trial elao 10 cents: • ' war" ,
ISM CORLETTERS tenini4ing in
11.2. afte Taltsaida Part Ogee-• tar week ending
• -
' C'Oaki l i.
AIeVP/AU410116 toutisu Utileolifortotaausa3ll:
iteffent Matz .I , Kettoem titty l tttroui
telit ,
itas Soba;_ *TaylOrk, Vote Brait,
, j - Warct Arthur 4,,g ' 4
Persons calltimitgrAtot of the above letters *ill
.>cl l ?,ilq " 14 , 1 40 0 1:41,10fItall date of IRt:
. - TP , Y4APY.9.4sr*.
tlitt l gtrirtte. l6 le-ut gi r ki l lttt u r
t ; wort' to tbd himilsoltfflo. iJosporocotoov
wilisuutt!ril. v . IN_ 001 te 4104 , 40 ao tot ot viii Mooroot ttanwo os
j oe,
Mosta* 110idoitt Co. 1 1 3., Aly 04. ~ -
' viCievier
1 I
a'it .every
she will
slew ot as
int Illade '
'The imitt
and 'coattail*
101 Miet MEI be
for itomilliOds
44,6 1 4 .4.
;• -1
o was
C-A n
' i I
Cr slektleits.:
T .A. N.
I •,
• ' spu ,
.t • ~ I
~ 1
. 1 1
June 8.
STE.V . Eic
I ,
ItatztOg a latio and
, enabled to ca
: 1 • aIitAIN.A-'
Os' taken In ezebinp
to., Ow
.long eiporie
ere nsPftuusw wiran
Rance acit ambli,lolla
• ter oursetree
"ctEAtert IN
*psis east iiay i °flier
144 , 11 " 1 "F 1.1
ON-1.20115E .
0148. DUI , YEYi
. Propletot. to
STEAD hoar': oired
forams:" oeitiole4 vs 2114
rip eble Of ltrfdp street, idlers
• • to see all wbo are la wint of
bleu and bore cloth.
--- r .
ETfkN ;
4,IVF , who?! , 0 11 commence , oa
• t; AuglOt 23d,
weeks. ender the testraetion
. X., with
Mt Of OW teetwoutside of the
oetol iliemaehe ses outs. be obtaised
to bond • . •
i: •
m be - Wined thl• eat?-
ir. , I 7
.itettlgber Zngltnh ittulten i ter
• :per mond!, - • - 1.50
1 00
OM .
[welts" than hall'. term, and
ittsenee unless on *tenant
• : • • I.YIO-tt".
ll,' 1875.
IV E K ,
0 R•
c i o'
1 °
• 1
_ \ • •
f 1 -
v .1- - 1 4 1;
- 1 ) ." • .
I -
• I
~ _.
. :
• 1,
• •
1 . ,
• 73. ' 1
%4A . L
alers In
I. •
I PRocucE,
ITT; tC.
4 44 =odious stout wit 'pre
4 ; a•hcivy ritnek at
tisne. -4- 4
.**.Pltt* - 44_;
• c as h • ••,
goal 4 31,11 iOlireSt, s pti=
ee 1n ,the Grocery Tradtc
gee la purclundne f end an
Intake largevrents, Ma
hal we , can Offe - • •- - •
P •
ktitg4hraeitt to Noitgbtlr
NS & 1,0141 G.
41;N . k.sitttwx sts.,
~' .~rU. ; . y.: ~'_: ;"•l•~: , -~ ~~;,~~ ..lit
Commottreeltli re. Erterto/ No. O. Septets.-
bet Teak DWI •littraer. - : Reptemaire
'ath, 1674. True MIL Otenmtereealth of 'Penult-,
Bradford sit.„ tors . th i s
On the Ist Or of Mar, MI, •
ber, Clerk of sald•Cort,iperaftelly a ppears.
MOISIVer Malik/OW .. l amrlV - al l a cranir• wh °
being duly meant doth 'atid say; That ill
IL= of the follania odd Coact, and et
Death Wilma rageakaley,? Joan V.
,ot . b ald Coatmcatweelth, bear' •
lag date the day at ,Ituae, trA,- bei the said
,Shetilt, at a. thee tlediputed.lst . mid warrant,
wit: Ott Thmodayi the drat - day of J01y,1178, at
twelve (Mott and 'brad:antes P. raceedrd to
execute, and did. - execute said Albert Steen, ,
hang log tdm by the neck" until be`witt dead, with.
la the Ara tat,lft Jail of sold Comity, sod In the
imlatarghers:et said Sheriff, uuttwer
'mput e lamm o
of said Coontraeleeted by said
Eheriff.' t •
' :1: MONROE tlitirit isb(
flworu aid :subscribed -before. meAbli day 01 .
July; 1875: , ' BENI. K. PZOK4 Clerk. ,4
Nance hereby 'sea that • N. Ferdinand!
*oath and Alfred Bedford, conettttttlnrr the arm of
SWIM Bedford, of Athens . Bradford'.
eounty,'Tenns3l 'yenta,' br_ died of tary
Ognmerif, bare aedgnedili the estate and property:
known as th e Onstinettanan Woolen , Sills, to 31 IC
Zyntsn4r., of weverly; Sew' York, In two for'
the benefit of, creditors of. ttio said •timith & Bed;:'
ford. •
All perform, thererort,..lndebted to Me old:"
Smith k , iledford will- make foment to the old';
atslgnee ' and those baring claims or demande,
Mate known the MUM without delay. ' ' •
l 311. LYALipt;
July 10-tetitir --4 P 6 • _ Attiplec. !!
- A rDITOR'S NOTICEi,.-- - E. W.
Irate TB , W. Smutted! and Geo. P. Cash.' '24
I. tho .Conrticif Common Pleas of Bradlenl'County,
;Dee. Term, 1673.1 Also, J. P.',22.lrby *a. Wi
Illiamhall anti 0e0,.P. No. $3,44.e1i. Term; ;
1874. AI" Ir. A. Seott's W, .I.o"antbatl
I and Geo p.Pasir, No, 115, Feb. Terra, 13744 Also.fil.;
P. Kirby, es. W. Branitiall'. SOS, Yet 4 'Term,
. • .
The m101'100441, an A uditin'appolnted by the
CUM'S. to Anstiibute monerin the hands of the Slier.
Jr arising from sale of defendants' real estate. will
attend to the duties of his aidnitinent'oti MiTh
.DAY the •lath day of' JUIX; A.D., 1875. at ten
o'efilek, A. 31.,ftit: the office of Overton Stereur
-Ins the Bore' of Teneanda,i wherranit whe par
,tips are required to make thelti claims, I r Ire de
tmreel front eetiiiite,.ln upon said fend. I
311:12Cp l2.
•.1 nue o.•tir.7yert:' , : mom
__' • l • • i { , •
AUDIT6WS N,OT . ltit. -r i.
Kirby !114 W.. earner. the floori o;
Common'Pleas of Bradford County, No. spl,
Tenn, ' .
The untiersigiNi. on Alellber.appeintoll by lite
Court to distribute money to the hand* of the tihor
(tt arising, from sale of defendant's reatestate.. win
attend to the duties of bbi appointment on ITUI:rc
DAY flit L'Oth day of JULY. A. IX, 1573, al: tell t;
*'clock, .the ofitee of Overton Olercur
in It be 11,Oro' of Towanda, when and where!all par
ties are 'rettaired to make •thelraelaims, or be de
paired front coming in updn said fund.
- It. A..llEndl.ilt,
June 9, 457,5-wr, • . . Auditor
matter of the estate of Larrison Lefiei,ticc'd.
In the Oqdtaus' .Court- of ,13radford County. , NO.,
30, Feb. T., 1873. • ' ..'I . 1 . ,
The ,tifidersigneit, an auditor appointed by the
Court on exceptimui filed tq the:appraisment to ; the,
widow in the estate of Larrtson Leder, deetst,'„late
.f lildgburyi will attend 1.. the antk4 of PIS AP
pointtnent, at the: off 11 & lifeicue, iii•
Towanda boro., on T day. ot .:Angast..
A. P. 1873, at 2 .o'c ;ale& time and
place all persons int tested. to attend..
1, 1 , )W_ERTOINT,
Junl7. I 1 . 1 - Andpor.
--s - 'ottee I.s. it, AC.ite perapus in
eined to tlte e:s.ta Bennet, Late of
Albany twp., deed, Tann; mace Immedlatt pay
Meat to the undersigned, and ail' personshaving
ciaijns against Said eseste - must present the, duty
utieuttcatest,.foy,settleaient,. . - , 1
I ' . II 4.11: 3f. HUI MAN. 1
'pianos., . It - I. -- Administrators.
—Nonce libdreby girel that all'persolis in
debted to the _estate of Seth Doan, late of Wind,
ham, deed, must_inaka. ii;apiediate payment tollae
undersigned, and perains" hating claims against
Bahl estate must , :iwresent'lttem. duly authenticated
for settlement. ' PRICE DOA,
juntoofe. - .&dadnistrator.
. . !
A--lichice Is hettltylgtven. that all. persons in-
dehted to the estate of David B. nuteliMson, late
of Pike, dent. Must make Immediate payment
to,thn undetslgned, and all j persona .haVing n/alfna
against said estate %in present them to the Allele- •
tstrators fo settleinent. - t . :, 1
p.r. woontufle, • .
• - ; . HENRY J. I.IIIfiCHINSO. , ' 5.... '
Jonl. .il , .I , ..A.dintandrat Ts, -
—Notice Is hereby • glen that . 1 1 1 1 Pefso 5 li i. - .i .
t ehted to the estate of Julia Werkheizer, la e of '
00{01. deed , muss make lannedlate .payme t to
thOpnderslgne,d, : and all , persons h a ting c Inn; ,t;
against raid. estate Must present them, dilly an hen-
tft.ated. for r setthiteent.' Aceounts may •be p •sen, ,
tea to the Aditthditt : itOr at the °Mee at Peet pa.
vlegin Tounnda. ;,, -_ j , J. 31. cenEN,- • ,
11 , 0116-.`.•__ I
__ . . 'II . - " Admirdstta or,
-. ....__
111, ' 13 hert;try gtvtot that , : ill perEotmlndebt fl to
the 'estate et Dltiit, ifortork late et:Sitedi Oil,
def*ti., 7 mtramake ,iunuediati., pay. 1.014 .to 111 ten
llerstgliede and ail ! pttrsons ttalrlu,, ,,- clAiths , agpio , t ..
Faitriotate iiiust -present:theta; duty atimenttchtett, •
fvf,settlesne et. e .: lII' WM. P. I.IOIiTON.
. , : 'II )V3t. J. DELP,LTEUIt,
_ _ _
ilytwn. ' • _. 1 .il 1 ! • - • Execute r.,
_ —___ • _ _
A' .. ,D3I.O,IISTRA.T OR'S . :X.OTIc E.
—Notice Is be H reby glveri that all per of in
debted to. the eatate of Robert Illillhatm late of
'Wells deed, niti4t" make immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all persona baring claims .
against said estate most present them, duly anthey-
Ueatett, for settlement. )-„
!I ' 114
• -Administrate s.
- 3,...Notimi.libeially given that Ml persona In
debted to the estatebt James Bowman, late et To
wanda, deo'd., mast }mike int ediato t parrnent, and
all persons having tialms against said estate must
present them duly authenticated for settlement.;
J. L. BoW3IAN4 7.. •
, -7..-- k - tJDITOR ' S N01CE.,,,,,1
' l dseph.
.fCJI , Towner vs, P.'.,t. ToWner, and .11: W. Lane
va.r.t%A. Towner, In the CoW - Cof Common Plea i
of fOodford Counts;, Nos. 1.81 awl 191; Nay Term.
4873. : ' • 'll .l
- The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by ~/
Court. to dlatrlbute_noney sett by .filierill's Face
-of defendant ' s personal prope ty will attend to
di:Olean( hllappolutnient at& dem litTowanda on
.-7 . 111. 7 115 DAY, Atrtl CST LI, 875, at:l. o'clock riot.,
when and . where alf.persona haling claims • upon
Bald fund mnatpresout the or be forever debar.;
reVrom con i ng In uponspo -n me. I_,- ,' I -
. 1 1 ,•• - , ; . A. -k - - lir STRE'ETEII,I
jly,lsW-1 ' i 11. ' • • ' I :• i
- 1a,.. wilier.
A.. a. :cOll
' .
, • • . ,
reef, opposite the Court House
31aln St
1 '
i '
• , t I_
ColorticrAl. 11.7 , ki0.i of Ei40.1 4 - as'ts. 417,130,000
R,0Y4f.,, of LlNexpoot, • •
QtrzEN, • I - 1 ", • "- -; 11,0o0,qoo
CONTINENTAL, Of 3r ! cin - York l , " 't
2 , 606 ,23 5
GE.n)f:AxiA, _1 1 1 " ' " , ,537,533
, - '
GETMAN' AME.IM .7.ix " . ' " , 6144 r
~.. , , ,
m.„,,,u.TT.,,,,,, , . J.,," . 1 ' ' 7 00 ,
PIICENIX, of frartfor4; • ' 1 ' " ,852,30 a
OlttE2ir, , ""
il 1
11 " { .119,342,
AmAzoN, of. Ohio, . 1 . .. 935,501
crTizr-vs , , of Newark. , .. *" - I 393,156
4",,1M8UTA.; f31117.14A.N, of Genn4l4 " ..' 2,500,000
• ! I
• . • ':11' ' l ‘ ' ' ''
NATIONAL Lirr, et IT. 1 4 . A.,lets ta,rys'o.
TsAY - Epins,of " 3,158,310
ItAIGITAY , •7. " - GU) . ~000
SILVIAL LIVE; AC Nov 'York ' • , 11.,33G010
• • ~1 11* ".
.1 , •
Losses adjustill aptlpaLd at this office. •
i . !
• ',l• .. 1
• • i• I . oe:sera! Agents,
1 I 1
;!P.C74-7:st f.
lil,A1 ) . COAL AND LIITE.
• 4 .
fora aid atter inly ITU/
for eat only, and the price Ilst Fill be correcte4
monthly: ' •
PI4CE, COAL YOU , JOLT, P TON or ::,000lb9;
AT THE 17.1 R
rittst6o Stove, -. G'hestntl and PlitnaCe
• Pea - .1
Carbon 1t mLmurpp ' - f • • . 4 00
- ' .. . . .... ... 00
Ilaftittyhtourdain Lnmp - 350
Sutith • 2, 75
hileittetim Lime Vt 344
LAW,* M ' • T. 23
'Nair" bushel - •
kirk/VON ' ' ti 10 00
, 1 •
a*Osbitsie preparrcl to Wirer purcaases on
short notice at tfurnsual price . delivery. I
, •I tack tender my thankCie tnylatauftriends and,
comostlers tor their,rery: ilbend. , .pationage An the
past and hope under the new departure - to make it to
their interest' to continne 'to buyArbere they can
get the best goods for the least Mgraggy, • 11
Those-1010 are :•Indebted - to' Me ttkp notlco,l
- that :Meat have money or I cattl tiny for -cash and
pay 14134245: They most settle hy the first icho ,
gu . st 11 8 1 1" '
• '; • very ltespecttally2fouss. •
- • J.ll. PHISNY.
'iroirsiolv, - 41 3 44 ins; •,;'b •
OOL cAltrefal`
,-• • I
'WOO,Lgis t i IiiLLS • CAUV i rCVit,
4soumigitituriagaid clan:drat:4; gting ottended
item l
Won Oast notice. ' wO ntevnitendy - Ina
ttolliew cup, =4 brc P7ollaix4 to p wait 10.
fast as olferecl. • I
Ca _ • I
14187. t. •