El , !z n riA4-*L' i tbiikr,it,''' • GREAT nmucamions TO PORI 011U118 POR TSB ,111201ITIL • Desiring to largely increase the circuit! ion of the RIPOSITI3I4 41re 'WM betwee# Lis time and the .first of January next:, ..ye a new Sixty-flve Doltnr Weed Sewing; • ' ' to (well PePon 4 )ll = l ** orty New finbscrihoars; 41MS° each. Such n club can be :formed - in ever*: ownship. LOCAL AND CEDERAL.Ii ISAAC 0. BLUM' Las been anoirite4 Postmaster at Bernice. : • ! HISS DRINKWAT# is eulargiedand im proving her house on Canal street. Tin best vegetable - girder' in Ton-aim:la WILLIAM Mix's. ; ' THE CanUin V. M. C. A. is fitting igt reading rooms and secure a nrary. Miss-Loma.' PO*Fira,' or this, place, is one of the graduating class at Wells Col lege, this season. • Tx ERF. was no pre...16111,g in the M. E. Chnieb, on Sunday ;last, the Pastor being absent. Oua young Meta, Rottrier M. Rovny, is now pelletal Patisenger Agent of the 'deneva,lthaes, & Athens R. R. Co. THE 'Mutual Building Association meets on Monday evening next, for *the payment of monthly dues. I THE festival given by the scholars of the Graded School netted about fifty dol lars. • • QUITE a severe - frost was experienced ill this section on Monday morning. Early garden vegetables stiffered somewhat. D. O. sold his proper ty in North To*aila* to W. G. MACY, has rented a hotise iri the borough. THE :Mansfield I4krertiser !has made its appearance again,- with our old friend, 0. D. GooDuNoton, l -as editor. SUCCOBB tO it. - TILE annual excui4iou of the Peinisyl rnia Editorial AmoeiatiOn cornea off next week: Will the edit Ors of ilindford min ty participate ? , THE people of Ulster are making exten sive prepararations for the (4. A. R. Cel ebration its that village on Saturday; July I ---1 ~-- f • • LL I MOL'S nut a very elegant epithet for a rniuister to apply to an erring fellow-sinner who, commits a petty larceny. : THE . annual 'parade of the Towanda Fire Departinent, comes off on Wednes day next. Several companies from abroad have been invited. Rio , .. YOU NO V. ' 'OM R,ytu want' a godd - Sewing . Machine? Then OH to work in your neighborhood. aiul „get; a i club fur the REPORTER. ' I ' • ".Coat cc. events east 'flier shaduis, ctc." • Supt. P.v.KEalhatzi just purchased a beautiful ue , :v turd-seated Ifamily cat- =2 =I WE ACKNowi.Eix;i: - the receipt of a neatly executed imitation to the "s'enior Hop of the graduating clasti of Cornell University. which conics off this evening. -- +~-. - :rut.: Centennial Committee, of this cOunty propose bolding a and Festi val to aid in raising finds for tlie Centen nial, sometime in August or September: , SEE inducements tO persons to act as club agenti for the •110. - .potirEni, 11'e 'shall he glad to send two or three Weed Sew ing Machines into every tolwnshiplin the eounty. ' • . . . . - 111:syON, of the Athens daiette, has al - been luxurating-on greed peas from I the garden of N. C. lAnnlg.o We - wish there was some such liberal fellOw as NAT Bete. WE Airri CE the townsinp and horongh Idieers'in many of the counties are Mth lir:him:: their financial 'statements, aecord- ing to law. is BradfOrd exenipt from the requirements of the att.•.) IS(tt.AM4 the yot l- ing and Cn 'ctriprising inerFli:lnttiCSti,garlNn, having ,fast taken to himself it bettl-h#. feels rxtr nu l} lil{eral. and 1 isoffrineg e xtraor inary iinluci•ments I IN LEI . of a regulartliscont4w,on *Sun morning last. the 1 7 - Episcopal rhurch. the rector gave - an .tc..oimt of-the proceedings of the dioceisan conv e ntion, which ntt,t iu (trading last . . 1 •1 . . • • Ei,oluot;E Fire Co. 'Co, fl,Oof ,Itave accepted the invitation of the Frank lin boys to participate..itt the annual fx-t -l'ade of the Towanda ! Fire Department, "p Wednesday next, and will f bring . with ,them tht;ir new La France Steamer. _ Presbyterians oi' Troyp l lau for their new Church, and work will ;be commenced at 'inum. The sturcture is t0.,,,v05t about $2,0 : 000, and will be one of the finest church buildings Peunsylvailia. , .1. (*. I..t.x.i:tso, E.* 1., whOsk sudden ‘l,.,idi in Wilkes-Barre, ia few days sinec., east a gloom over that eity,. a brother of M. 11. I,.vsNiso.' E.5q..1 1 of this 'place. w lli , ca a man of immense wealth, and a Itt'ut•Y‘ , lt•tit, public-spirited gentleman. ~ TnE .,, uofl people of N`yalus ng propose • veleliftit big the bOndiegth anrnversaty of tLr settlinneut of that,tOwn, on the sth of July, Capt . . W.' H. CAnNoctils has been to' fleliver an address on the °era t.ion. • 1• = • A mioNINt, machine trial Lowe off t.n the Tann or CliAll,;(l6:lljayiu °rWelli nu Thursday, July hij, The following machines have been entered :IThe Eure ka.(fhampiou,Eagle vedil Wood ./111" Im proved. Mowing machineage.nts and fanners are invited to be present. - Tnr. United!states Supreme rourt will meet in Williamsport, on Monday neit.. , Tlicre are several cases from-this county oil the list, and the folloWing persons will . attend as jurymen : N. GIMIEIitT, R. JEX NIGS, GEO.II. Fox, Joix.E. , ox. Esq.,: 61 . CairN 111., who; ANAL". Pnoviorso, Fon Tee KitiCTlOlt oct has been spending several Weeks with i'oti' *AtTEU&SiI ; ir 43113 " lag ' PUBLIC friends in this place, is about tO return to I SI.SILIWArs.—An ' . for the' above object 1 , 43 Wes t e ni home. _Mine M i r. , L i ' sa ' was peased 1)y ' fate 'l,4odature: 'l i t Democrat, of the '" Strictest sect," hi de- ! provides that. ' perm), who, having sires reliable information - froin his. old i the facilities, shaft erect and tnaintsdn in home, and very wisely lies for the I retpair4 seitoblei . troegh, not' Wise= itzroautzi.r ' 7- • Li . ' I roadtut bi keittOlrebe 4441810* on nnueliolii - EPThilin term milk commence *lint the flint; of 13eptenber.1 Under the superior management of Prot/ RYAN, the *clod ranks among the very first schools in the State. : .•, . t; JAMES Krey., a soldier of the twirl o 4 1612, died ae:the residence of his son. in Asylum township, ; Saturday morning,l June 12, in his ninety,fourih' year. The, deceased had:teen a resident of this coon- ty for 'nearly !MN i'cetitary. ; ' OCR pld friend and former townsman,: Gent' F i luziEll boa sent us a card contain ing illustrati* of the Dwight House and surroundings{; Judgiog from these ,views,, the totel must be a delightful place to'so journ, and .we know that Pam: is the prince of good fellows. DEACON SAMUEL WEBER died at his Insidence in Franklin, mi Stmdsty - last, aged 67 years: In early - life, Mr. W. was a sailor, and served several , years on board a man-of-war' Ho had 'resided in thiS county for over forty years, and always possessed the esteem and confidence of all with whom hs was associated. AT t-weeting of the school directors of this Boie, held on 2dondiy afternoon, the new board was organized by the elec tion of the following officers : Preiident-4.' A. CODDIEO. Seer etary—c. F. 'lifenoLs. Treasurer—N. TIDD. - Tan commencement exercises at Wyo ming Seminary commence on Friday next, and continue until the -next Wednesday. The exercises throughout will •be inter spersed with. vocal and instsrumental music. The drawings and paintings exe cuted by students will also be on exhibi tion during the last two days. THERE 'will be a Celebration anti festi val on the 3d day of July, at Leßa c ysville. An address will be delivered by Rev. W. L. Tnonr, of Montrose. • The Leßaysville Band is expected to be present. The pro- reeds will be Spplied to liquidating the debt on the 31. E. Church, and purchas. ing a library for the Sunday-school. ABRAM MACE, of Towanda township,, reached the advanced age of one hundred years on the fourth inst. During all the long period of his life, he has enjoyed' good lealth and a vigorous intellect, until the past few months.• He resides with his son, G. D. MACE, and his centennial was celebrated' . by his neighbors and friends. IT I a singular coincidence that three of the ex-Sheriffs of this county are now invalids, and that they are all afflicted with the sante tli.sease- , —rheumatic fever. Col:. CoDniko his beeii the greatest suf ferer. but A. 11. S . PALDING and Col. SEANS are under the doctor's &Ire The former has been : Confined to ,his room for several weeks, and. is. not yet able to ap pear out of doors. • BARNEY McCue, convicted Jr the mur der of DEETER, in Lycoming county, Was last week senteueed by his honor, Judge 'G.t3int.r., to be hanged. Young Suit= was • also:. sentenced to au imprisontn4nt of three years II in ceudiarism. lie is one of the gang of boys. who" were last, Year . detected in tiring buildings and turnber in I. 0.-BLit:lyr was last week presented with a beautiful valuable ~o ltlwatch; his'fiiends at BareLaY. Mr. B. had Air many years lived ariutug the miners,' and by his unifbeprlibidneNs and courtesy' .won the e:Nteem and affection of all with whom he came in eoritaa. That he will prove just as popph►r in his new position as Superintendent of the State Line anti Sullivan Mines,* hav6 no doubt. '1" PERSONA L. tditor KEELEn, of the Owego Record, left Lis card on. our table one day last t4TitEETEn town vis iting friends. K. SANpEns,•editor (4' the Nunda ...Vorx, was in town last week, on a visit to his,friends..W!meoun & SHAFT, and made made us a Mendlv call. —_lira. Fox of Owego. is quite ill, at the residenee' Of her. son, E. T. Fox, in Otis place. • —''Mr. of BloOmsburgli, is in town visitin* his Fon-in-law. E. W. Er, EMU _ Tat; llook and Ladder. Coinpany Was organized on 31O'ndi4,T' evening hist, and the following officers elected : • JiiNsoN. lied-Pfegide E. 13. 31eKEE. I.l)re »I o----CII.IpLES PARSONS. .Foremaiil7WlLLlAM .Secretary--GEonou C. Sr Tretrxri(er—};. P. LYNcii.. The company already numbers 28 mem bers, and is orilnized under he most : t • Ilatkring a tispieo... • ' J. MEEII2 LECTURE .17 Rev. Father CC113111?•:KY, a former resident of harelay. but pow of :Hazleton, Pa., will. deliver a ''lecture iii Odd ,Fellows Hall, Barclai , , on Tuesday evening;;June 22. Subject : "A brief Review of the Life and Labors of St. Patrick, and their: Permanency." Fa ther Cummissir is'a\yOung man, and, will no doubt *liver an interesting lecture, as the subject cluaieuis interesting to all natives of the " Green Isle," - and their deacendents. We understand the pro eteds are to be used for a beavolent pur- Wse. Turnout all and hear him. A wonKaus named L. E. Mrra,En, em ployed in KELLOGG Si 31..kURICE!S Works ;at' Athens;! met with a -eeriorta in jury on Saturday last. While at work a pile of irop fell upon him, crushing one of his legs very badly. Dr. JousitoN, of Waverly, was telegraphed for and render ed• prompt assistance. The unfortunate Man 'was removed to the residence of. his uncle, S. S. - MAVOF.N; Esq., where he is receiving the best of care. The foreman, Mr. MArtsir, is entitleiktogreat credit for the manner in which he provided for the wants of the unfortunate workman.. • On - ixo to the pre t ss of business, I was utterly 'finable to thank my many friends at Barclay for the very handsome mark of their respect fur me. I hereby take this public manner . or thanking them, more especially as the present was so entirely unnzpected, and in the name of myself and family, Ito trigit Sincerely thank all at Barclay for the marked - respect with which we were ever treated. Eight long years we were together] and as I wear your handsome Present near my heart, and .wherever my lot in .lire is cast, I will remember Barr* and' my many friends , there. L O. B. hairtiine%Viiiiagth,JOre denr,'olll either wookliiiiiaw hini, - anl have pm* ' efti, ortfitne,o l, 7; PlPl*Blefglo, same pipeor otherwiee, or the' eellfilie4. l g,*.:/".; l llePti,Pt. eP9I I the eh* of highway, ihall be entitled tot reeih, from the Toed , inn& the sera of three doflaripsr`nnenm on ihe payinentl of road tax.. Section ixondprovbieithat where there ire the -proper facilitieti fori such a trough tti beferetted f ,Pakid the own-, er of the property . neglects to avail hits-' . himself of the privileges of section Bert, then the impeilleare of the teirriehlishall erect the same andkeep kin repair, and for a neglect ori s efasal todo adshell be: subject to the *Wiles of erilsting laws. imposed upon supervisors for neglect of duty. Section three providesfor the pm - 'aliment of persons interfering or commit-, ting any nuisance uport the watering troughs after they are erected. ' • THE CommeneemenEzereises of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, took place on Thrirsda4 afternoon and evening of last week in. : thee Presbyterian Church. The redistionicorations and essays, - were all; creditable; and give evidence of care ful instruction. In the evening, Dr. WM. E. Knox, of Elmira, lectured upon "Christian civilization, etnnparatively considered." The audience; thqugh good° in quality, was a - failure in respect of quantity; although the lecture was well worthy of a. large and critical hearings. Wp , cannot tell why it that the WWll gerit'peDple of Towanda itre c so indiiferent as to their good name. They allow dis tinguished men to visit tour town—speak to a "little handful of an audience"—and go away with a feeling of well, with a determination in some cases never to set foot on our streets again. We know that ' Iwe have more than the usual amount of taste and intelligence . . Would it not lie I as well to let strangerti'''See more of it in the future ? Scnbol. Boman.—June 14, 1813. Board met pursuant i to call - of President. Pres ent, : J. A. CODDLKG, S. W. ALVORD, N. Trpa, J.T. Pali FLEET, an 4 J.-IfotatEs. The Board was organized as follows : J. • A. CODDINO k President; C. F. Nrcums, Seertary, and N. TIDD Treainrer, for thetoming school year. It Was nnanimouldragreed hy -vote that', we levy a school tax of 5 mills, and also a building tax of 5 mBli; upon the valuation for the coming year. It was moved and carried, that the du 7 plicate of school taxes be left in the bands of the School Treasurer for voluntary payment-of said tiffs according to the act in such case Made and provided . . On motion the following resolution was. adopted : •• Besotted, That the school 'year be *di vided as follows :,Fall term from August 23 to Nov. 12, 1875, inclusive; :Winter term; from Nov. 15, 1875, to 3far6h 10, 1876, inchisive, with two weekS Vacation at holidays; Spring term, from, March 26- to June 21, 1876, inclusive, with one week• vacation. • Atijourfied to meet at call of . PresOent J. P. VAN FLEET,. Seey. . KILLING POTATO BCGS.—Paris green is,; the only known remedy for field: destrut tion. But citte thing must be borne in mind, that Paris green is a deadly - poison; whether inhaled or otherwise introduced into the systera. (rest sure should be ta ken to prevent serious and fatal accidents, for if the poison be fnlualed whiM mixing it with - the flour, or while dusting the vine's, the workwhu may be seriously its. jured. Cover" the month with. a large handkerchief, or strip of muslin, moisten ed so as to attract-and hold the i insidious, dust, and always seek the windward side, keeping the mouth shut as double .2 • guard. The old ..41 general. recipe the, fol lowing : 1 lb. of Paris greeni; 20 lbs. of spring-wheat Hour; thorbughly mixed. Dust lightly the principal stalk:; of 'each' hill with the mixture, , fran a 'dredging, can fastened to a long light It is . not necessary to dtist every leaf, as one mouthful of a leaf that ha. r s been properly dusted will end the days of the greedy, • gourmand. , • This preparation is - not intended to! drive them away, but to kill them. Hence the weaker the dose of poison, if genuine, and fresh from•the manufactory, the bet ter. The bugs must eat it, to make the operation effectual, and if too strong a dOse is given, the gourmand may reject it altogether. Having seen bushels of these pests destroyed by observing these rules, i and knowing that no accidents occurred where Paris green has been properly and carefully used, we feel called upon to write as, we have both to. warn .and to en courage. WHILE in Philadelphia; a few days since, we paid a visit to The headquarters of the Grange state Purchasing Agency. We were warmly welcomed by Prof. GI:ADDI:4;6, whom ; .we found very busir examining the mail just received. On in quiry we. that from forty! , to fifty orderS eroin granges were received daily, and - that Mr. G.'s purchases aniount to from $l,OOO to $1,500 each day. The reader will readily perceive ,chat to. trans act such a business properlY and prompt -Iy, must reqiiire the entire time of the agent.. The letters are all elamitied, and then turned' over to a clerk; who books the orders and answers . any communica tion requiring an answer, while Mr. 0.• attends to retaking, the purchases - hi per son. The orders received include every thing from a, pair of stockings to a mw mill; but so systematically is the business arrangetii . that all . orders. are. promptly filled, and generally prove entirely satis factory.. Mr. G.'s chief. 'Clerk is his estimable wife, whp takes a .deep interpt the business, and seems to understand it quite as well as any man could. Miss EallE 40ER, of this place, and Miss Look's, of Troy, are also -employed as book-keepers, and we doubt the- most industriolls granger could.find fault with the quality or quantity of their work. -The grangers of Pennsylvania are to be congratulated on their excellent , and' pru dent selection of prirchasing agent. Mr. G. throws all his . pownts - into the 'Work, and purehases'are made . with the same care and prudence although the buslners were entirely his own. He is careful And economical in his personal expenses,. and looks upon every granger as a brother, whose interests are identical with his own. His purchases will aggrEgate over `half a million Of dollars this ycart and re sult in a saving to Initeldiers of many thousand dollars. I=l SYBIL P.tui CCLYER.--DIED MAY la, 1875.—We have hesitated in offering our humble -tribute to the memory of the gifted aud,loving woman who has just passed from our midst, in the hope that a more competeut pen would Undertake:a notice of her life and poem, that would more fully meet thndoittands of the obli gation duo to one whose mission as poetibasbeen so chastely and . deliattely exercised among us. Many of her present friends and admir ers can date brick ,to an early period of her orphanage, which though sheltered by the affectionate care of tender and =- wearying relatives, left its'inipresta on her NOD ii4APIL Witt Ira ithatootinoti bi the 1 ins ietireutetifotivi and ' the,tldA*Witty*, _ , 'otmthothet, , ' to Unit= i UM* tinUlh3gll- that f ! _°" l4l3 il. o o:W 4 o l ,*daiptfnitiolont - twatnd*Remise. ' inpri*•:';' -. ' •-•'•::''' 1 iiiiicii - oriiirlAidge:lTSO elVi l' iji her devotion - i+i , ibi itiisetti4iid the pet, iiiist g i n ~.."4 1110 1 4" 4"1 8 1 0 1 3 00 10 , 1114 . : aid* nom 'as a school `girl, iutd latinsl wheu theialirixiiirainaga of life ' ', including its larger rlaties of r wife and Mother, claimed her inerealdng 4itentio4; Her private tastes' And *Winces were 'M e rl PPM"! to - interftnt Vl* , thesi:' higher relations; and the cheery brightl! ness that ran thteugh .her poems, Writtet; &wing the intervals of relaxation in de.: i. motto life, has ever been one of their, sweetest sing most hopressivw charms. I To her, nature was a vast area of limit less beauty and lcrrint 'march, , aziir•wl hive seen her regard a tiny flower with St loOk as of one seeking to fathom infinityl . The moving clouds, the. purple hills, the shadowy valley)), tend the murmuring wa4. tern, Yielded up their store of varying I . loveliness, which= she incorporated into her verse, with a haunting melody that lingered on the ear, and :Aped the heart; like atrattui of familiar music. , Altliough her life by no means escaped the sorrows common to her lot, she never gave way to a glocany or • brooding frame of mind. Inl i one of her earlier poemsi dedicated , a desponding friend, she writes : "When, therelbumic, them b heaven; .Where there's Sobers, a paradise; And such beauteous charms are given Oft to cheer bits tearful ens. And' later, lin a little sonnet entitled "The Bird of Hope," we find the same sweetly cheering thought, embodied i* the tender , flowing rhythm of a deepening experience. Before we ' had dream9d of such 4 thought as her 'going hence, we had re= marked upon the'ripening beauty of her poetry. "April TWilight," and a poem we re= can, now that she is gone, as if fraughi ilith prophetic; utterance, "After We tire Read," chinreS through the memory with BB undertone Of sadness, though-not bej ; reft of a rising, and closely held, immortal hope. WALTER. §C'OTT says of poets, with sort of mournful self-disparagement, that they are . ' :"4 simple race 'rho Baste their toil , i 1 For the rain tribute of a mile' I 1 If it be . wasted toil to waken to life thS low..drooping music, chords, of way-womi l spirits, then bas this latter- day "Sweet Singer of the Shesbequin Valley" tubed her lyre' in vain : but rather would we take to ourifelvaS the consolation that she', j is risen to a height of observation whence; i can be discerned the breadth and depth; Of the influence of those whose mission it l l i s to dispense harmonies alOng the ragged; and disorderly 'ed o es of life. Surely, ill God's laws are a grand adjustment of harmonies, then have we a right to appre- , , bend that they . who approach them most: nearly, come closest to the well-springs of! 1 His love. It is htit a few weeks since an admirer predicted for her of whom we write, I" a larger field and a broader flight." ;1 1 Aien . the news of her sudden and unexpected death reached us,' those words came back with startling, distinctness, that a fulfil theut of So different a nature from that• ive divined, shoidd besospeedily realized. Justin the prime of her days, when life revealed its fullest sig,niticance, mid pre sented its strongest claims , she.met death' calmly, trusting those she loved most tenderly;tO the care of Him who had been to her in its every sense, the orphan's Father. She has written many memorials for the comfort of those who sorrowed, and now that she in.turn is fallen, we trust those sante beautiful words of consolation may remain for those' who mourn her loss like sweet strains wooing onward to the fuller development of a happiness and rest they. heralded for others. Many of her goems, which have been highly coMmeded, it has been our mis fortune . nnt to have seen,' among them, and'pre-cannent, "Joan of Arc." • She was borne from her own hoine, on the 'mornihg of Tuesday, May 18, and ta ken to the valley of Sheshequin, her early and beloved home, and the burial place of her rtrento, and an infant child, fol. in terment. . . , . . We can And no better closing wprds than the last two verses of one of her re cently published poems, entitled -11. 1 ve found - no vacant places At oar fir&side's ruddy cheer,— [ [Hissed no absent fates That loved and kissed as here: if the angers stient.traiass Were not always written elear—i -rhea tt might be tuat forever 'With the roses dropping dew. .! And, the snaltgbt shining ever j From the sky's serenest bine; Web'onld ask to leave lt, never- 7 I , , Earth so beautiful and true." 4 1 L. W. Towanda, June 12 'tutTuAltv. A solemn knell I as an; pounced to the public car, that the silent remains of an aged and venerable I citizen has passed to that sepulchral hone from whenee nine return until the morning of the eterual day. On the oth E insta4it, 21;- , , RD WOODRUFF, cif Monroe, -utparteu thiS life in the great 'peace of Christian faith,*aged nearly -eighty-six yeatis. Ho' had been 'a meritber:of the Presbyterian church An'. about thirty-eight years, was an elder at the time of his death,'. and an brnamenf,to society and his church and profession'. He emigrated from Connect- Nonroe about sixty-three years ago, and settled On the farm where ho lived and . died, ornamenting society, ben efittfil coinnumity, and exemplifying re ligion. Mr. WttoDBUFF was more than a com mon martin many respects. His strict integrity ntid most indoirdtable industry, united With hisv beneyolence, rendered him almoiii invaliablit in chnrcliand cora munity. e leaves a pleasant home,. of his awn Creation, an abundance of This world's g:io4ds honestly obtained, and an affectionate"famili. " Hie daughters, Mrs. Dr. 3tASO;C, of Towanda, and Mrs. GEO. D. JACKSON', of Dushore, with his son, Mr. J.. P. WOODBEFF, and wife, with• their motlier f were Untiring and constant in their attention during four months of most painful illness and suffering. His aged-comPnion for a brief period. =Lit walk ,' good man has met his fate: A large concourse attended him to his grave.l! . Con. BUSINESS LOCAL. *Mr' linen man at M. E. itkiirarumrh.- Or CROQUET for $l.OO at BLACK''. H" Neatti printed town orders for sale at this pence, - I New gu ods received daily at HILVLILEXAIe 'B. Eagriidni done 4at lis t ringractit's Jewelry , • Store. . **•3ip.imes. and Mistral Clocks,:it nZi* DLBNAIeII: • - . , - 04" Ilistilunimc Oen a greaS'iedartion Sil ver-Plited Ware. , sir For nil kinds of condi la the jewelry line, tall it Si, A *and:lonia line of Ladies' Eld , Gloves, at • Us? a WaThour. trap iotan %wrap' .taitlib , Or as ciiivn. ME --- =»--- ' 1r0ne..40#1 4 1 111 / 1 0_4 1 4 * -siih i okrris at _ &in 6 WArtetts: pariNewEidinnesies, iWlitte Goods imit at INAlis litt,Duiru* • aro**, irku, awl eabigeshiagiessval, , aisusr l imes. • tr 111Pgiffir Theillllooo4 IMO Tti!nnengs;at = firirou am bay a later Clealwrytyfr RIM* a tat BLACK% ,1 a t 1 NEW Table Daniaslui, Napkins andi at tam: It W....viably: {Jean. E= • ew Tabo Thuneski, Napi;ies end T M 1441 1 ,13111 .1 . , . E Itzw white polls # KENTdo Wier.; • sove*.l or KENT it WATnotre toorrant every pair of iLadka' Rid Glares the? blaw 'printijnA opoiteci at Kral.; Ss WAligoor. 1 dunl7. iir*or the beet Rood tr Steak to to MIME* etteztVe. • 'le l KNIVES and forks, 75 cents a iait,; 4ranstited steel,“ at stActrs. Unnt7wl. s assitte q. Chew Clocks stutc rs, pt ' ZilAxs Ur The place tole)? cream and butter; pots an4.elputts bow for eastOlLica's; air If ion mint the best. poet Store extant, aid st JITNII . B, In Mercer's block. remember that you can find, Rase Balls at BLACK'S. [Jour • TCC3IIIt StiAtirsOlterctu's Slott; I.otationeir. renadines at KENT & mu," ` Wad Paper and Curtadna, cheap at Warr- COMB k rinarr.a, MercerNock. , • tutnos variety of Baby Wagons at BLACK*. I ljunnwl. I Extras for the YOUNG WAR-. RIOR MOWING itACIIIESTE eau be had at H. T, JUNE'd gardwure &Lire In Idetru : 'fi Block, To. liands, pa. • #OLY.F.B PABititGE are general agenhi for the Wehrated ldathashelt Planes, and Ozo. Woon's k Co.'s Organe—the best to this as any other country. • (Aprla, Sir Tbe l largest and best *Welke of Spring and Summer ioods yet bronght t 4 this market, Is being received daily, at 11. JACODA'. Sir A good, Light Wagon, and Double Harness. for sale Cheap. Will take Lumber for ply. En. qulrs at ynoss k Sous' Eureltive Store. tinchlt • /fir lion% tail to WI at HltriMaaitAN'd, ifyou wish to iniy anything to the 'tine of lew - ell7. Sliver and Silver i -plated Ware. • IfODGE'S REVERSIBLE PLOWS.— Iron Beata Flat Laud Plows, $9. Steel Horse Hoes, 419 ; Hlrbe Mowers,Torse Rakes, Feed Cutters, Rubber Pidnt, etc. • Ili &I.lrEuxs & Som. • • _ r linooms - von 1311,E. Enquire or A. B. SAITN. Ulster, Pa. mire • ef t.l . stock of Picture and Picture inane% LIM * SIIA yrs. 3ftrcur Block. WS- Lai at WIIITC Arrii.ricau and French dodo; In great varie ty, at verriew prices, at 118NDEuttales. Of" Fuji sets Croquet at Bt,AciCs, for ono ,lunar.l air Gold, Sliver, and Steel Spectacles. and Eye (Manes. Inlgrrat variety. at liewrortatAN's Jerstr 1.75.10 re• Egy- Without any-exception, : the finest assortuteutlof goods:suitable for bouselseepere". use fulfill; vicinity: 4s to be found at MACK'S. air 1t YOu want to secure a good arttele, and get the worth nt your money, the place.tngolx3l. llLa- DELAAtc'aj • tar The Improved Self-duniping Tomp kins Co. Wheel !take, 4 : the bust. Send for de orriptlre paper. 1 It. M. NV & so\. tar Sii i ver-Plated Castors for ta, at Ca" Knit* and Forks, warranted Aeel, only 73 et' set, at4llll, MAE'S. You SALO on Baper.- - The Brick Yard, tornierlyi owned by . C. MEECCR. For terms apply to Jos. Powict.t. and N.V. Montag. ••• - ' • ; ar Glassware of the newest patterns, at aiLava.a. gar Fu*.n!— Any one buyini $l.OO or more worth of geode at M E 130saariaLtva Cloth ing Store, will melee free one elegant Alpaca Cap, or Straw Hat, both of the latel styles. , . • Qom" G Ea AwAv !--Every purcliaser of goods amounting to 01.00 or more, will receive FREE, one striped Alpaca Cap. or Straw Rat, at IL E. ItottiCsallemrs Clothing Store. . .. rir The' Singer is the onl y Sewing Ma ebine, with one exception, that increasell ita sakes for the yeati ISTI. •, ' ;, ' 4 - - - - .fair![. II l ENDELICSN thq largest and, beat stock of &pea' and gentlemens', gold and silver watches ever brought to Towanda. lar Look at the New Goods at TAYLOR & COs.. • , VO" YOu can j make it to your advin tige, If you iwast to buy a sewing machine. to colt at BLACiri Agency find get figures. • i • , ...,. , , Or Ladies' Linen Suits; Just opened at - • 1 TAYLOR 4 we, , jar Grenadine's, in great variety, at , TAvLon k Cr/ • - • rffir ni..6o.FonTEs GIIE&T REDUC-. 1107 g IN Pianos.—First-clasis cargo Rise. square grand, ni octave Pianofortes: fOr Ma. Organs In proportion ;lac HOLIUSS k PASSAGE, TVIIVIUIdIt, Par t $2O ,i r j e er ' n f a i t .; i dr v ,. a Co., rottland, Maine. ' Cluti:7/011. $5 0. 0711'80: Sir Never buy a Cook, Stove until yon have called at Jtrant's and examined tile . 4 1'04 Traplie,' , a strrre_vvidett has never disappoint d. fie expecta nt:l'oot the mast fastidlotts hociseiritp. air It Is sot generall knowit that H. C.AViarra- REM, at the Book Bindery over . the titronll3l odlee, makri; Blank Books In any style cleating and binding dendml, you want a DIM PAW, ddar- Dal or Docket, give him a call. • tar"oAncry COMMISSIONER.--I !hereby asuriunce myeeU sea elintll43tie nn. CoOnty iconunissunieroubject to the deelskes of the Re ipabuesn Coply courputtou. N. GILBERT. Feankitn6k, Mey 19, 075. Fo • ,Uul Olt RT.--P 3-story Brick Sto4 on Unlit Sheet. Tairatida, Pa Fitted 6p, for a Orrery and Bakerp. For terms. Mat" JOBN•W. tx. Towanda, Pa. •• . rial-trace. torgar.A.T BARearsts.- r oll and after thte dateo will sell my surplus STOCK OP TLOWIKS at sedum] prices, at my fireeM 'ham% oti Afain attaet, north of Episcopal dainty JAMC.IaPlxti. intotpx 'OM:MT Yon oALE.--Dulf Cochlns and Whits !,egtiorns ; also Partridge. Cochin* and Light Drablos Cockerels. Apply to C. D. CAM". ; Tgr. Bpcxxxx Mowv.u.—R. E. e. Mirka has peen appointed General tgent in Last- Ott Brildtdid: lot Meer celebrate:a Bireite,re:Moweri call on hintlat Myerslarg, and examine the ma- Oine bettor' purebsairgy, licritti :Certainly pleiNO iil•Ltvg Y Von BALM.—We hare a Livery fa 4lght b9Nelandigood: cilPisgeas hack, ,Otp.,:rallso, woofer tor Bale Cheap and on reasonable terms. *ignite of our agent at, the stables, !or -at our ldnale Storej • lioLxlr.s. dr ) ,Empt,talt. ' sir 3tn. Bostivica. tate 0ti,.8. Amair ock. aka hurdler hothead at J. o.lllLoar itScare, ink litaln linnet, where he will be happy te eeo an of ids mini+ Mena. And say In mei/adj . /nit. off fq,Ukt the lbw ot Voftentekhig,' it/ *ad the belie peas. beet anentamt, and loneli *tees, Othefkr lOW of airy ram** llie:'etiontly. ?di_ and etselforytealel4 cr Al' i lto7llS4-%4N1 Sat- Rams Opel nits,T, therm' grand ealibration vorisi• illabgasbed inks blow M 4 tar tie Mott at Rolla QUO. is arstrattla. • . trl4,9lohr_ /kw M l l l 4***4 lotot isiblasilas aping awl saistbbstirs OA 'sad Ica cot ba; clod*, fora miglibliatitkiiiikt . Vallialki: i ' loathe the stack of lommoi Solc,Rsa vir A grawk - iod,uppookand alai* Basket Ple4fie, will be bad at Mitt Ranee; is C. Mom:4 Grovicji** perlbOdf belted, sod seletebkOaf 000 Fr TeloPlarl!' ciao Oland "mon en iftudidt ;°, 110 ,..9 ° F4- 1 '""- Pt peat it; Helfidllt Ofiatit dsit bet.. ir*. KIATiEt of Roost; Caps. forAwvit.t.w., of Towanda, and *thee speaker. winkle tber% Aiso, Big. B. BzxsoN; will be ca band with about 23 of ids best soup. art 4 your baiiketi fawl a pled , time "u ay be extent ; ed. By order of Comulttee. • i [c 1875. "SPRING-AND $1301E,14. CORSER i ft , • C 0 ON Ore now ready to se to t_ttl public with' Cho !mesa and bestititOrtifiii • LI lion*, SUM, THLTNXI3 AN4 TIII4.IIIgLINq 13100 Aver brongtit to Ttnaandst; litres to volt the. quiet ! 9.1 14 1 I TO Wi• _ . .. - . 1 CAIiAVAN,AND Ctneve.—Thle exhibition, 71/74 9 / 1 1 AV 111 9TAL llivrona which Is to pitch its MINIM& double separate pa. villas in Towanda, on Monday June ftl, Is, as Its tale Itnpitas, M thixOnghly English entirpelse, tracted to our hospitable shares by the situnlo4 evidences oramericin liberality to ill demon , iontaements. and the purpose of PaeluiPoliot the benefits of the forthcoming great Centennial Celebration. It Is dillienh fir even us, with large Weis of goihendativeness and disposition to take all the chanA4, to telly appreciate the enort moue outlay4miiine nerve, sad extraordinary risiX involved In such an undertaking as bringing an immense collection of wild animals, horses, people, 'and all the ponderous paraphernalia of a first-class tent exhibition, or Miler combination of extolbt; time—cover three thousand miles aeries the trench. emus ocean, and they alone furnish completely satisfactory evidence that superlative proportions and merit Wald atone Justify, admit of, or be Sub: jaded to, the prolonged ordeal of waves and Stennis. • n illesitnlght-forward manner in irtittiibisuri departure, front the Old World is adveraltd, will also attract attention sail conlideurc, In tnis era of the wildest exaggeration with reference to all that appertains to amusements. it does not pre tend to pelisses& other than en abundance of the very choicest animal and sterile features, 'the only ones, by the by, possible with any degree of antis. faction or honesty, to trisecting tent exhibitions. Of its specific rescaires . oar columns and the bills sufficiently tide* Mr readers, and in thkrespect we shall only direct particular local attention to the gigantic performing rhinoceros, "Illinalays," a• genuine “festare" , ef the oddest and most attract lee character. With no lact of, eminent indorsers,' there can be no tetestion that oqedininguished for eign visitor will obtain toil Credit from thousands in this • - I DIED. VOUGIIT.—Iu Ronie, ' April V, Polly, 'site of Joshau Vaught, aged 72 years. • armpit FORTH'S lINBPONDENT.—If YOU have been coughing all Winter and begin to despair of recovery, Os If you have taken a recent cold, go at once to the Drag Store of Torixan .k GORDON and get • bottle of Dr. lifostitts* Syrup of Tar, Wild Chem and Horehound. Tale it and be weff.l No other medicine acts so promptly and effectually in coughs, colds. and all diseases of the throat, Situp and Chest. leading to Consumption. Hun dreds who once thought they had that dread' di sease have ben restored to health by the use of this almost magic rtutedy. It is also the beat known specific for Croup, and never tails in Ifirheing Cough. :Trial size pa cents. rusoo. Wats& ,•.: I:TOTATIOYOF,WHITE,POW-. ELL & CO., Bankers ~at ,itroters, No. 42, South third Street, Phlludelphla,',ittne 14. 1875. BID. ASKED. .1251 i 126 .118% 118% .118'4 Its .171% 122 Y .12$ 124% .124% 125% .123:4 123% .119 119;4 .124% 12474 .116% J 118% 3 7 - , V. el. 1881, e 1 ' • IS-CO, e. M. and N ' 6.4 J. and .1 44 66 14 . 6 ; 66 44 16 44 10-40, coupon... ..... •" Pacific 6's, ey 'New a's, keg. 1681 c. 1851 Gold • Sliver Pennsylvania Reading • Philadelphia R Erie Lehigh 'Navigation' PA. I/1v... United 11. 11. of N.. 1 011 Creek Northern Central Central Transportathm... Nespueboning C. & A. Iltortgage BY, CB9. Tow AND-A -MARKETS, - IF tea eve I V I ; I V IL Ic A rgy; P ITt:. E I. subject to changes dally, wheat, 'ft bush Bye, *.% bush BUckwheat, VI bush Cora, It bush Oats, Tek trash Beam *bush • ' I 304'200 'Better (rolls) it lb 20 22 'do (dairy,) 7 / 1 lb 24 ® Eggs, 17 • • • ' ki • • C.; • D 16 Potatoes, It bush, 35 /lour, barrel 000 ® 800 . Walulge or ORAlN.—Wheat 60 lbs. • Corn 56 W.: - Bye 6111)5. ;. Oats V. tbs.; Barley 46 Bs:: Buckwheat 58 lbs.; Bens 62 lb.; Bran 20 lbs.; Clover Seed 60 lbs.: Timothy Seed 44 RiS.; Dried Peaches 3a tbs.; Dried Apples= Iblat. Fat' Beet:Lao ibs. , • Ktacella:tecns Advertisements. LIST remaining' in the Towanda Pout °Mee for week ending June 141, UT& • Allen Will, . Allen A C,:; • Bennett Abner, - Dill Henry; Fitten 'nos, . , Keen ,Mollie, ..1' Mills Jane, ' Martin Maly', Maynard Andrew, Roach. M, Rockwell Sarah, Seeley Jidia; • Shock Kate, - ' ' Webb George, Stephens Elmira, Persons calling for any of the above letters will pleas say "octsertbsett,' -4 giNing date of list: S. ALVOIM, V. M. TEHIGII VALLEY ANWPA. & j N.Y. RAUL ROADS.—Arrangemeat. of kelt tenger Trains, to take effect May 20, 1872. TRiCTRWARD,. NORTtiwAno. PRINCIPAL Nol No t NOI STATIONS. I NOi No No 15 9 I 7 2 1 , 8 PM t • paz , AM 1.31 PR • Aa —--- 2 15 , 4 8 301—Nlagans Falls..: 1 146, 12 55 2 50 1 8 10 15' Buffalo • 12 43' 12 25 5 501 0 ... . . Auburn 9 45 , 970 7 1512 00 7 151 Ithaca " 7 31::, 6 56 8 6812 781 6 6 Owego '6 40 600 9 4012 55 8 30i Elmira 6 15, 9 I 0 '5 05 9 35,• 1 231 9 031 Waverly 5 458 2:1 455 944 t 33 9 12i. 1 8ayre....1..." 5 33 1 s 1 148 9 Sol 138 11 191 . • Athens. 5 8104 42 10 :5; :07 111 05 1 ..TOWANDA.. 500 6 40 7 35 4 10 I 11 =1 3 02,11 - 4, 02, 620 a 07 1 •j 162 32 . .....Meaboppen .. 6,00 12 15 It 51"..11 2—Tunkhannoek 3•=i 5,30 224 12 50 431 "31. B JanetlOn . 2'45 435 140 12 igj 442 1 30' . Pittston..... 2 3 ^. 4 •"" 132 •'" 1 ,505 2 006 W. Barre ...., 2 15, 4'oo 115 2 32, 6 =i 3 271.... W. 11aven••• - j 1 05 2 32 12 05 3 151 7 101 4 P. Haven —.112 101 115:111 25 3 41 7 25 4 35...manch Chnnk..lll 45 1 . i30 11 03 445 8 311 5 50. .. 'Alleptown•• • •110 47 12 6 ' 110 08 I • 4 48, 8 34 6 63 1 ..... E. P. Junction -1 612 1010 00 5 001 8 45 6 41....8eth1ehem.....;10 301:401 9 45 . 315, 0 151 6 a Easton 10 05 ' 11'40 915 64510 ao! *...Plilladeiphia...! 8'30! 9 4.51 800 8 32 ; 945 ' , raw York.... 1015 5 30 Ax IPMI rm AM AM IPM ADDITIONAL TRAINS No. 29 leaves Elmira at 945, p. m.; stopping at all stations, arriving at Waverly at 3 20, Towanda at 4 15, and Wilkes Bane at 8 05, p. m. aro. pa lama -witaae, lane 7r ping Ai an stations, arriving at Towanda at 10 33, Elmira at 12 30, and Ithaca at 3 00 p. m. No. 33 leaves Towanda at 7 10 a. m.l stopping at all stations, arriving at Waverly at 8 05 8 'and Eh* ra at 00 a. m. No. 31 leaves t Elmira at 530 p. stopping at all stations, ntrtifingat Waverly. st 6 15, and Towanda at I lo p. m, - Train 6 leaves Philadelphia at 10 p. in, New York 12 43, arriving at Tnnkhannock at 10 00 p. m. Train a leaves ;Taathannork at Zooa. nu,* ving at Philadelphia at 2 zi,'aptl New Port at II p. Trains 6 and 15 run daily with Pullman Sleeping Cara attached. Drawing Room Cars attached to Trains and 9 between Eliptra and Philadelphia: ' • • • R. A: PACKER, Superintendent. REMEMBETp 4 4 ( P / 0 F F I ,(1 A.l:'.;: - ,TZ AP, 4 ;.)t'i !''. i ,!-J 4:2 , TOIL , BEST :,1011 : PRINTIII44, f f . e> EStA,BI4IhUMEKT -; NPPfEJq . -LI ?) i - it. , ":,': - C;;) c;...._': !1; , ;: L.: .? its DcrirMitirLigialyr, IMO COME , AND SEE. I - • -911111607t.Piliit'et.'olast titttilut gam) MMV= 1875, 116 1 4 116 7 102 3011 ,116 3 5 f 107 S WYE Etil 13' CZ 14014 M5B 103% 35% 107 . 41:30.® 40 MO TIIST TILE IMIE ,* STOCKTON •. , 1101713k -. • T i ' l / 4 e . H eirrvior, VIEWOLIESTELD tier rekio JAILIe SW Nam• forimivempled ll* Ineivihet t 'oho ine "Zed- to si ti ll ail =must V al iiiiVi ?Oa NiCbtirs , OOL 4 r 6101)1/ 4 16; AT THE = WOOLEN OAMPTOW PE,NNA.-t -Also nosattostotivad stoat dingssiniosttold to on shod notice.' it axe already sasklog ‘, from taro nowsills_sod are plowed to do wort tastesl!"l"/* Campton*. Joao tiers. t • SEEDS,. 114tp, MIN 111 _sTocps. OF FLOWER' AND VEGETABI; SUDS, • (Fredeq ftd True to Nante,) th4tAME?4,IALSHRUIBEIikAI46H SLIMMER FLOWERING BULB; Ls fall and complete; Ilia', the largeso attl l t at tl , greatest variety 1 1 , GREEN must AND tEcopitil • HPLILIVII3 .., . . . h " • ' ' to be Mind in Santbent New Yotk. ' yoirbag , - 1 na tifi in over naaned va rieties, SO cents per iloien an •.. - akar plants In proportion. : f , CUT "LOWERS , always on , hand; .r= . . CROSSES, WREATHS, CROWN'S. HARPS, k BROKEN. COLUMNS; BASKETS, - - - • 1 BOQUETS . S and other destvoi for Fuserata, Wediltoirs. au , Parties, tarnished on andrt nottiv, by !ele gr4ll or matt. - - - • • or Send ONE:1101mm of Seeds also of Pbsnts for clots and dealers. ' , air Coale and see 'me. Crake btreqt ear, Wes end of - Depot.) ' • D. C . fiIaORAW. Riverside 'Carden*, stagnarneton, 1122 - 4- JUNE .BTH, 1875. , • NEW - ; S U, M ' ;3l Li d O 11$ lIMI OPENED T s J I CV 1 AT 1 T A Y L 6 it c o's- I 1 t I I PRICER LOWER•TRAILEVER. .. ; . SPECIAL'I3ARGAIN"S IN EVERY DEPARNMEN ; r. ;rP • • i . ~~.+~.`. I .0 , fli t ,)KAag:o4 Atiq,EXAmkNiz. . TAYLIOR & - Tuweala. June 3.187 d. - V INGSFORVS Oanregli Pare and . IX, sirrertiloss Starch teethe Linndry. Mane factored by T. KlNGsilonis & Son, the ben starch - F ORREST HOUSE. In the world. Gives a beautiful Seidl to the lined; . , and the difference In mat between It end common ' : - ' 4. - ULSTER, PA starch Is scarcely half a cent for en ordinary wash- " - - . . • ng. Ask your Wore, fork. , .• ~, , ' , , .:ettronrth r lif e q iste yßece r. i iLlo o n a j . . , Itys t owcintrs . , yiimst iou 4 , ' OSWEGO r CORN ' 'STARCH; ' .., , - . FillitAT EVENING J , . outing and lad } are cordial ~_ .--,,,-.„- _, For Padding's, Dlnue !klange; ice Cream, he., is I 3MuBlC.—Flrst Violin. D. Mell! the original—Establisbed its Ufa Anti preserres qlris,; Cornet, N. Mcauftle. Ware Its reputation • as pater; stronger and inure 'delicate 1 Vio lin, 8; Contain, Le Raysville i than any other article of the kind offend, either of illlnist. tileter,,Da. Bill 0.50. the some name or,with other titles. _ r , . ' I. B. VANWIN Stevenson • Mactdato,i!Pb. D.,: ate, the 'highest 1 - '." ' -' ' ' - . 1 A Orsini Be -tridon of the n. chemical authority of. Europe, carefully analysed 1 • will take place at Diner, PS ! , this Coro Starch; Ind Says it is a most eteetient ait‘ tide of diet and In chemical and feeding properties } : .=.— ...: Is fully equal totbe beet arrow Via.' 1 1 A 3uFiRIvAN WAS. Directions for making ruddlnila• Cualltd,a, etem .11•11,, Tor Lanni" and ilivaseti aetnalPanr eat% allaiellindisZlnier 4 tared st s tha American Mama War sale LI all Virlitflaaa Greeds . ..' ' 1 allaY"1 1 4 ant. 1.1. 7. - Our Wash Blue it al .., niaji,t, rledoes wit strealt, - contains n ADMINISTR4TOBS' N O TIC or to and Is used by 1 —Notice Is iteriby_given, that all persons IR; dries on account of its pingo °Wed to the estate of Win. W. 'Wilkinson, bite of . :UM. Superior for whitewandu Sallahrlinhl. deed; Min make Immediate paDit.nti :sees convenient for family til tO tbe undersigned, and alt persons havingnalinaYeach.. Ver sale, by . meets, or wand rad Sena thealtothe Admill'Am for th e AM IN DDIDAN ,I 'matrix,' at of Win. Snyder Dm,„ In 'wailed Cheapostimal heat.; , i 41rig 1141 8 0 1r; ' • ', , ' 4)131,11.1CMT lII.TDAXAD ' law" r **MOO i 1 Saar -eage.lawano Mil •, • I 1 t1LL'it...1!. 31(11 7- 4111 , H.; c. POTV AT ;y y~~.:.s • CA /a -, re ' if • Caine* Malitaiht YL ...o!o4lol4,lkdow*lst tWttOlak!An4 ' DIVETA'S. ..;--A4(311D05* PERrUMEIMMII437I) 13PONGES, BRUSH b, . 1 SOMA COUBS,,POIC vErtn, BKAN, AND ii ' rop POiIICET.BOONS MACASOY . ' FORMIC AND DM BABOSA iI,ELD .. PLOWER, SEEDS, rare,,,lnes and LIM" r. .-11MaParr,esi , *A*C., t ECLZeric , vp, ,10311EPAT1110 us i 4 _.. ___ISCIFEB, n u ;-', • ' AND ALL ozmurim I.4I4EDICINES, SaPporrers. s Breast Pampa, ' BIBPIN.S;NIETLE S LLB, is WIELD* NURSING- "SCOTLES , . I EETMNG niNtis, _ _ _ __ B,ydnges, Bed hilly U riArrtc nob, • •KEROIif.NE ;iyiess, .cuuniEY: oriAnd, LAB% TANNZUV, ANIS A,p6olloi • PAINT, YAM NTSII, lIORB giNE, SHOE, scittrim'. "and all other kind WINDOW 'AND P 1 ' ME 'rpm: Ll,Ns.e.n.o.m.p YARNI T.., • ,READY EASE • - OF ANY DEMI • • I THE POUND, rI. ' GROUND IN OIL 1 'iti6 DRY COLORS ALL. ARTICLES Presertpilotio , co l of day and night. Open Bn4o frotn A to 10, 12 tot am Dr. Porter can be eonsultei ,:once.• !, T N M AN LINE. I '• EUROPE AND • Steamers Hai painfiveveiff.Tp . TICKED!, TO A. CLTFENSTOWI4, GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY. LIVERI O (;AR - Atli, CONTI NEN li *IICrr DlttErettit`i'i, For Further Iniortnation, NOBLE Agents. Ma : T 0 iV-A-N 0 A. Main MiCet, opposite lb FIRE AND MARINE COUSfEIICIALVNION, Of Eng Quirms-, • [ t;., CONTINENTAI.,,of New York, tiEnuanA,• ;- il :. VA lt s111 1- 171. 3 4 "1CA'", of 41RrIfor4., • ORIENT:" WTOMINd, of 'Scllkeliarre, E .t; K LIFE & ACCIDENT . . *ATIONAL LIVE, of r. 5.:1. ritAvr.Laus, of Ilartford, RAILWAY PASSIT.S, 'Art:, of Noli-Ttirk 101 STFW,ENS & LONG, W i HOLES,ALE CHOICE FAMILY GI TT -7f OE 81 1 4 Sta., Towanda, Pa. • alter of a Ceaturthj pager.ll4, , C I:X 'ALSi Xt FANCY GOODS, ;RACKS dr. TEUSSEK, _ tr,IZS, HAIR 618 PILEPABATIONik IiCZKNIVEo, POT-3103TIGAIE, vecu fiNtrirr, CIGARS; Thermometers, *c. • COAL OIL, i :EL= A BEATS FOOT. I. 1 . . ou., • NG, HAIR, TOOTH, i of 'brivshee. ,. JTURE CLAIM, re. 1 • • LINT:}, A , PUTTY, ND ,11. 1 , • , : 3 PAINTe • , , lif coLon, • T OH GALLON, It VAHNItIII, F ALL HUES. !ARRANTED. itipounited at all' hours for Prescriptions A.ltoG, P. N. , as heretofore iu the , , cinayi37s. of all id IEAMSIIII, ROY-Af, 3LAIL 8 fittwee AMERICA. FEEST lEEE 6DAY & SATURDAY. -DAY k TUCUSDAY. .NESDAY &FRIDA Y. I) It'ROM 110 L. •at Britain, Ireland for sale. 1,1? - to INCENT. or the Com'pany. n St" Toiramda P. apramo3.; - --- • AGENC Low.* adj it,ted and Auld at,t lt 'N, 013 LE: 1 apa.l4stt. Dealers In COUNTRY PR I mci GRAIN,CL liar lug.* large awl . enabled to carry a hea all times. CASH PAID FOR G11.1.N" AND rno . • Or taken. in exchange for goods, 'ova. Oar experience In gives ns peculiar advantages in wave not ambitions to make ter ourselves that we •r'e r. r GREATER ISCOUCEr. Buyers than any other eStabli ;•• PennAylrapta. STEVEN = miyia. • -r .1 1: 1'". "' ; ' i • +I MEE It . It I FS f - e 14 - ,3 of atuntry -init. , of the &o of Common: Teas of Bradford Cocustyi - add to ma direeted,'.lllll be exposed tio peddle ale at **door' 'of th e thitirtnostso on SATURDAY, thel leth dsy of JUL l Yfist•Ola o'clock P. )f. the follehleg sefillattpnymn.t i t t : _One building sitnittißiAthene hero; .said build , lug lila klithettOf One ! story. 12 leitiby ;4 [feet itte;llW , sanielhelng an. addition tO_ direnintboaeradatielos asme butuag e % stories, x2 o .fseg slseidnd botlttheld and :the said dweilft. - 11Miner. are vlnlide opena aer tata ,pied! 9; lend - tai'Atil ~bcroilßl canals aa. feet 1100 anditefeet deep, _bounded. Olathe north - [lands or-igrOltiliabsta - irettetosail by brads of , Margret.liunnelitand the widow pnikby' Willow s treet and::west: by lands Of 31.10 Doran. . containing about - ttml.fre ot land . • Seized and taken Into.execatioa as sax of A,..A.Tlinee vs. 3fatildi Snell. "-• ' " AIJON.-One . other lot of land yawns In. - Leroy and Ortnivillelooniships, bounded as' follows: Be ginning ate poet oo . the east line of the .1. , 11; We .berton lot, thence along Ilse of same.. northeS 'east Si 1-10 per, to s poet'Corner; thence by Ist& of Sylvester Kendall smith MVP east li/per, ora post corner in brookt , thence down the same south , Wesel; MI 0-10. porches to another eorner;poid tor 1. nor in said brook; thence along said brook k to a hem loch stumpp, corner; Thence by lands of Ira Lind ley soothe - Su 9 west 156 per to the land , of begin ning, containing with Mini moms or lesa.tbont 4o acres . Improved; with' a trained' home, framed hantand few trait trees thereon.. Seized and taken Into execution st.the snit of E..ll. , craninces use vs. Truman Roby, Jonas Stoma T. T. • ALSO—Ono other lot of WA In Herrick twp.. bounded On the north by lauds of deo. C. Atwood and Henry Phelps; east by lands of henry Phelps and Dayton C. Barnes, South by lands of George Weever and west bylands of Charlet, Platt's estay.' and Saidliet..4 . Atwood , ccmtalningi lid acres dr land more or kW about 00 acres Implored with. two I framed houseaand abarnand few huittries there on. tithed and taken lute elocution Mine - suit of J. C. Platys use vs. A.. If. Stone and Betsey 1.. =I COUNITit, - - 0 . RPJLINS" COURT ' SA L E. . By virtue of ,ati order issued...oU; of the Or phans Court of Bradford COttnty, the undersigned Porter 11 . guardian of Leyte If. Cool laugh, nOttor child of said M. Coolbaugh, and :Ening A. Coolbangh, his late wife, now.deicased. will sell :it public sale on the prendses, In-Monroe township, Bradford County Pa., on SATURDAY. the 2eth day of Jime,lB73, -at 1 o'clock P., M4She following, described property, to-wit: Beginning at a stake m the public road, thence i north 23% . outfit; 540 - rods to a post; thence seethed* feast s . 3 1 1 1 tkrches tb a post; thence' south 44'74' 0 , west 58 ts Bto corner', therms north at% west 37 7,10 • to the place of beginning, containing 16 and 9 per thes.more or loss. ALSO—Beginning at a post, thence north .41111,c . • east 27 reds to a post; thence south 4810. east 51 6-10 rods to a post; tMnro south 4.1 0 , west .27 rods.to a past; thence north" . lB 0 ,, west 51 6-to - rods td the lace of ,beginnlng. containing 8 acres and 113 Per. Id two lots comprising and being "Lot'-No. T* Iu the partition of the real estate of George E. Ar- , net, late ot:sahl county, deceased. That said mi itor:has no other real estate, and has no other per sonal estate Whatever. ' I VIVI interest only of said Lewis St ...'oolbaugh - and of said Porter M. Ceolbaugh, tato be sold, and the purchaser will take said real estate subject hi the yearly payment of Mit° 3fartha C. Arcot dur ing her life and' at her death subject the pay- ; ment of q 240.0.5 to the children of Theodore, Arnot, deceased. and also subject to the payment to said Martha C. Arnot, of any interest money ; accrued tipon'a certain recognizance in her fivor, whlchls • a lien upon Nast property. • 'I7.X.MS.-;-One-sixth ot the price to be paid on • property being struck down, 'onelhalf of balance on - confirmation, and the remainder, with interest. in six months after confirmation, to be secured hy' lien upon tit property. ; • PORTER 3L COOL.I3AVGH, - - June 1 1 .5: , Gtiardlau. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtueOf an order lasilftl oat of the Court of Bradford County, the undersigned., Ad ministrator of the estate of Andrew Fraley, late a Rldgbury, decd. Will expose to public sale on the premises, on. FRIDAY, July 2, 1875, at 10 o'clock A. - 31., the following dqscribetll piece of I land situate in Itidgbury aforesaid, and• bounded as follows; On the north by lands of D. B. Burnham; east bydands of Harvey Fay and Daniel Sullivan- south try lands of 3Lichtte-leonkiln, aid west by lands of J. Da vidson and Harvey Fay, containing one hundred and two acres,•nearly all improved. -, with 'a :frame house, two frame barns and fruit trees thereon. TERMS-4100 on the property being Struck down. e-100 on Confirmation of sale, the baWace .in two - equal annual' payments, with interest; first pay ment to became4ine one year 'from final confirma tion: balance in one year thereafter. t• HIRA3IIV.:CARI'NTER, . May 20. "I' I Adm"rs AUDITOR'S NOTICE.,,-- E. IV. Hale vB . Bramitall and' Geo. P. Cash: la the Court of,Comumn Pleas of. BradfOrd County, No. S6O: Dec. Terra, 1873: Aim). .4: P. 'Kirby vs. 'lt., Bramhall and Geo. P. Cash. No. ' 25, Feb. Term. • hill. Also, Mr 4. H. A. Scott's use vs: W. Brandtalt and Geo P. Cash. No. 115, Feb; Term, 11t74.'AL50..1. P. Hirby vs. W. Brauthall. No. 80:k Fels. Term. 1874. ' 'rite undersigned. an Auditor appniated by the court to distribute moue} in the Lauda Of the Sher- Dr - arising from sale of defendants' real estate, will attend to the:duties of his appointment on HON._ DAY the lath day of JULY A. D., 187a.',‘ ten; o'clock„1. N.. at the office o f Overton & Meteor . Su the Boris' of Towanda, when and wliereall par- ; tics are req4dred to make" their, claims, or -he de. .1 barred front coming In upon said .• It..A..mEncurt, . June 9. 15774-w4. Auditor. . • AUDITOR'S NOTICP. J. P. Kirby: vs. H. IV. Canter. In the Court of Common pleas of Bradford County. No. 501; May Term. 1571, • , . , The underalgu 41, an Auditor appointed by the toilet to distribute Money in the handle of the Sher iff arising.from sale of defendant's real estate, will ' attend to the duties of his appointment 'on ,TUES- • DAY the 20th day of JULY. A. D. 1875, at' ten o'clock, A. 51,4 at the office of Overton k Mercer f In the Bor o Towan4, when and where all par-. Des ore - required to, make their claims, or be de barred from coming o upon said fund.,: l. If. A. MERCUR, Auditor LONDON; BUJSTOL, ' 1 'HAVRE AL PORTS. W. A. VINCENT S 1 11A\ 'omit Htns,e ONIPANIES. a.t.'4. 02,500.000 11,000,000 2,606,233 •• :1,537,539 1,824,410 - 709,885 • ••,; 1.852,303 410,34- , • • -=1.931 935,591 •• 393,139 nue, 9, 1675,,5 OMPANIES. AtPITOR'S ' the • utittet; (if time estate of LarrlsOn Letler.dec7(l.' In the Orphaus , Court of . Bradford' County. No. 26, Feb. T., tan. The undetslgned,.an auditor appointed by the Court on exceptions filed to the appraisment to the . • widow ln'tho estate of Larrison Lefler. deed, late of Illighrtry, will attend to the duties ;of JO ap- poLotraent at the office or Overton & 4ereur, ,In Towanda bore., en Tuerday; the day of August.. I). 1875,-at - 2' o'clock p. in., at which] tin:Lean(' , plactnull lwrsons interested are requested ', to attend. ' P. 'A:OVERTON, Auditor. • E ITT OR'S NOTICE.— AA Notice is hereby given that all perstina intlebt-i ed to the estate of George Fox, late of Wysor, deceased. are requested to 'boke linmeitlate pay- Ineut,.and all persons having claims agains said . estate must present them duly authenticated. for set merit. ORSON RICKEY,_ mayl3w6„... Executor. • . 1.....42:tx 0,180,225 3,188,240 " , 640, 013 0 71,3.10,070 MIMI MIR VINCENT, General Agents AA DMINISTRA.TIOES 1 NOTICE.; . .--Strilee Is hereby given that all Persons In debted to the estate of Freeman Bennet., late of Albhny deck!, must make immediate pay ment to the undersigned, and all persona having claims against sald'estate mast presentthem, duly authenticated. for settlement.. , POLLY' IVEXNETT. 11;31. Administrators: RETAIL jun la% 6, • DINI.INISTRATOB, , S NOTICE. A. Notice Ishereby given that all persons in debted to the estate of Martha Miller, late It Mon roeton, deed, must mate Immediate payment,tnd all persons having claims against said estate mnt present them duly authenticated tor settlement; .. W. d. MASON. Administrator. OCERIES, juuetcra• A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that all persons in itled to the 'estate of Seth Doan, late of Wind ham, der'd, must make Immediate payment to the ,underilgned, and all, persons having claims against Said estate must present them. Mary authenticated for settlemput, • . PRICE DOAN, . . • Administrator. WM IMI MI _ - pROPOSALS, for the furnishing • all material and erection of a School House at • , t e Fall Factory, in -North Towanda, will be re ceived on Saturday, July - 10, 1875, on the ground, at o'cloelt P. It. The propasals will be open, and the contract awarded. to , the lowest and best bidder... Plans and specifications may ho seen on tho day of . letting. ISAAC ,YOSBURGB. , June 14, 1875, , • iSeCretarir. _ NOT CE TO TAX PAYERS.— Notieb Is hereby given that the School DU- ' plicate of Towanda' Borough oor 1875, haabeen left in my bands for the voluntary payment iof taxes. under the provisiens of the aet of Assenibly. I hereby • give notice that I will be atimy office wlery day during business hours prepared to receive and receipt for taxes. All taxes must be paid-on or before the expiration of 00 days Man tho date;Or the board will, proceed to collect the same with costa , • N. TIDD, TreaSumr. June - 15, 1875. ; 9 Mote, wo.ars stock at UTTEA, . VOR SALtI-CIIEAP AND ON CONNTNIENT TERMS. 1 'CC E. blacksmith and wagon shop, with a twenty feet water power attaebbd. A very destcable location for business,,' - ' . lowest cash p=t. e Groaery Trade ,arthaslng; and as. • • prOptll. we flat., . offer The shops are law and comentent, with neces sary machinery for carrying on an extettalsro bust --11OSS. A small new dwelling house and one acre of land attached. ALSO.;-On4 • other -Water power on , [ mho woe stream, with a twenty-live feet wbeei, with saw and lath mill, all in good running order. This property will be' Cold together with five acres of land on which the mill stands., ENTB TO ALSO—A. HOTEL PROPERTY, with a large two and one.half story house, with hack buildings Main building Sean feet, with large, and convent. : ent barn. This property will be sold with One or more acres of, land, to suit purchaser. IMI=IIMI meat in Northern ALSO- , 4 *ARM containing about. ISO acres of land, pll Improved except 5. acres; two' dwelling houses, two orchards, large cattle barn, horse barn, isogon house and sheds thereon. This property Is In a high state of cultivation, and the quality of tho land =surpassed in thq, county. The above described property Is all desirably la cated and convenient to Lehigh Valleyßall Road. Eft' Tor terms of sale apply to the subscriber, al Myersburg f Bradford County, Ya aprl-75. E..REED::MYER. - GE T S - WA,.N T . ED . . tONG. 'BIOME STS., OVYa 4DS, P/ At the rate Ills wort Is uow sent*, It wlll attain a sale of • 1 •, . ONE lIINDItED,TIICit T SA.ND COPIES - 4be even at', the Befere the maws is complete. Presbyterian min-. islets althont charge, or those in ill health who, wish to regain It by open air exercises,; teachers,' students, laymen, and others who desire to obtain' lucrative employment• in a respectable oceupation,, are.solicited to apply for an agency. to sell "Tug 'lf ISTOTLY OV TTIT PAISBY*EIII.VCCIIVTL-CTI. I 'V* 1875. Invited 4. Shesheqilln, ly, Y.• Second Pa.; Pao ; Viol, U. Preprletor s . of the county ISatuldsy. gr,u l Y. 3 A beautiful large octavo volatile, illostrated with Steel and Wood Engravings, whleit every Preshy terian family will want to, posess. Application for • conchtsive tetritom etc.; should irmade at once. • Address DEWITT C. LENT ' , 41-Co., 1 4113 Broom S New York. ' - Jan. 14,15.{ • BLITE!-- rte, minatae . • WOrka; New best in the world. F R SA LE. Inpatient; to 1 the b,rWt leen effect 11114 che*p. . Put up In pact . Pelee 10 cents re. idwayi = BUN ,Lt yon hTF. WOUND, Sorlrodi; , . • A very deiliiblelionse: Lot, Egort, se4 or sale. T.l.ol , l4llllpAliip, BUILDINGS. FII LASS ; . 1491 . 41,e4 OA With Iblitlireet, ?*or flintier partkilarseliquire Of the underilgOd. ap44o. UNN5444408. ''';''',f,..U4A, - :- - ,.:rc,.'; - .- -. 5...Li.),c1 - . ,) ,i -- I__- .4-i;. -, -, ..:..,,,,,1:17,,„:;,';!..,,,tnc€, J. 81. SMITH; sheriff'. TUROOGUOUT THE WOULD." i KM ' r, El