Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 27, 1875, Image 3

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    Wifotti. gglottet
- Towanda, Pa., 120d0,1 gar VI, 1815.
TUE' weather for the past fw days has
been remarkably sultry.
- 1 (
BIPUOVF.3IiNTS arie making in front of
Mrs. Dr. 111. 4 52cair4 on Huston street.
The grounds are hang graded down to
the street - and covered with sod.,
THE scholars of the Graded School will
give an entertiainment, in Mercar's
on Friday evening, 44ne 4: Proceeds for
the' benefit of the school.. •
un6 PAliiiaNtc Y 1.4 the Argus, is re
painting and Otherwise improving his fine
residence on Yorl; avenue.. May he live
long and enjoy it.
OWING to the apsence of the Editor,
the REPORTEtt this week contains less
than its uspal variety of local and general
news. We will make up, however. for
this delleieuey; in Inttire';
PowKm, fik Co. are cottstantly receiving
fresh arrivals of giibtls, ithe arrangement
*of which has kept thmit , so bmiy that they
have not found...time to Prepare:their nev.
advertisement this week,
FZE'v.',T. M. A.USTIN. will preach iu, the
First UniversOittt i Church,
next Sabbath (;June', 30) at 2 o'ch4 and
11 o'clock r. U. All . are invited" to at-
Ctl local ofjhe '4seraiston Brim/id/ran,
hawing eriticisetl utifavably the lecture
"f3liss PUMA (!!ASE LA &kiln. that lady
-writes a. very pungent letter t. the Ik
-I,"ol,lira'», asking,} retraction. '
Miss 31. E. 31mtitim, Ibr ieveral years
past pre!!eptre;is at the Institute. has
been graftted a i,perm:utent eertifir4e by
State Superintem/ett , t . WicKEnsupt.! Miss
yL statUls high inher pri'jfession i :11(1 has
justly earned lice prinnot!ion. Z.
1111 V. P.ATUIIZ: Tn.Nrati will, &liver his
celebrated lecture, ; entitled DANilm
O'CoNNEm„ 10; Life and Thnevs;" in
Mercur's. Ball. uu Thursday evening,
Ma'y Pyoereds for the benefit
.SS. Peter and Panr:s Church; this
place. Tickets. 50 eents.i For sale at the
i'atholic Book . Store Oratritlge street.
" SVNDAY-Stillool, .I.7,cSTrITIK.—AII inter
esting Sunday-Selitsd Institute was held '
in the Baptist Claireb, Litchfield, on the i!
4th and sth of May, - It was conducted by „ . i
~ „, ~
FL 1). PINEY, of Owego. N. Y., knOwn : I! • LasT e l f rmern „ i s; 'Netts. concluded rem
far and neai: as a live Sunday-school ' last week : t . .. ~
worker. The exercises were commenced ' ;t. To JIl Kirby and John Ifolintes, fur
.fotir lotS iii the bortingh . of Tow:Ind:1,1 sold
on the evatilink-ortlio Ith. with_ a praise
tnt iall;
:ltd devotienal meeting led by the (1•911- :3I B- i, asthe !pr petty of W Bra
dilutor. Following this \\ : 11 , 4 :111 address %-onsidellation.,sM.B.
o f welcome, by Dr. lii;vi Moitsv„ . surte is To satire, f 4 three houses and lots in
of the Baptist Sunday-school. The point the Borotigh:,of Towanda, _sold May 11, as
of the address was. "the want of faitliftil, the pro /erty of •W Bramhall and ! IC P
a nd of rash; et issitleration $4;990.
efficient teachers in our schools.”
course a welcome to all_ interested in lielp- ;1 To same, for two lieuses and lots in the
. rug to qualify them. • Borough of Towanda, sold-May 8, a. the
After the addres:-, an. organization ssas PrOpertY of W Bilunliali and (I P (ash;
eirected liy the. eieetion of itev. .1. : .C. consideration $625.
HMI:: IN, of Cheinung, 'N. Y.. President, To A.l -Noble. John • Holmes :Intl A
and LEVI Mousy., Sve.y. Wiekhatm.for one lot in Franklin twp.,
.According to published prograiniue, ; and two lots in Wysox tsvp., sold .11. lay
Mr. PINNEY delivered an address on -"Our . i as the property of :1141 Goff; c o nsii.e-a-
Wurk." in wlii/.li'he proved by the iiiSto- ;. Linn $7511, •
ry of the clittreli at Jentsalein that all !, To Elf Foi s ; for a piece of - Land in 13ttr ,
ince. women and children: are preachers; linglon two., containing 52'aeres, and 153
not ordained, but what is better, corn- ; perches, sold April '29, as the propeatv of
inissioned by Christ to preach the Gospel. .1 II Wi;i;gins; consideration $5OO. 1 . •
After a aliseussiOn of the additesses by To E •i•' Fox, for a piece of land in Tir
lbws. (1 Eo. 11iamx,....0f Tioe.a Centre, llngton 1 townsliip, containing. 80 acres,
N. V- ;1;11.1 .1. 11. FItI..NCII, of the.l.iteli- sidd April 29, as the property of Ainos
lielcl Itaptist Chervil. the Institute ad- ' Bennett consideration, $1,115. I
Journed...:, -- ---!- To II IL Shutt, for: a lions° and lot in
Tile exercises N ; V••P • e , tintitetteetl on the boroltigh of Towanda, sold May 7 as.
Wedretsday morning. with :1 prayer ;01/1 the property of W 'Brainleall; consider,-
praise meeting. led by Ile v. R.'S. Sol-fil- Lion, $350. ,
, ,
woi:Tie., pastor o 1 the Litchfield M. 'E. !:• To II L, Scott. for a itouse and lot in
Chard!: Engaged' in by leader. PINN - F, the borough of Towanda, sold May '4 as
111,0N;F:v. IlliowN. P3IENCII, IC 3101111, ' the ; proPerty Of W., Bramhall and 11 F
and others. Rev. CriorofF. I3nowx them 31,yer,leIrTe tenant; consideration
. $2.2. .
delivered an address on "What do Chris- :I To M W Wheelock, for a piece of land,
thins of Litchfield need most?" in which . nit Litellield twp., containing 10 aeres i fil
lie said that the greatest need was a real- , S'! ; )1(1 Dec 3, as the-property of A P Iyol- ;
izing sense of-tIM adequacy of the means Cott ant E M Iladlocki: consideration, 1
they possessed for the advani.enient Of $.200. .
•. .
the cause of Christ; that every communi, !: To IV ill Morgaii, for an undivided one-!,
.. ty ..r eliiirell, however poor, had within: half interest in a piece ofland in Towfur-
iet/.11: all the elements necessary to sue- da, Towanda -twp., containing 5 acres,
.. • , .
Till: 13 ,,, 1 . 1
~i . 1 lir s
1 .
.„.. \\.,! hay( cuss. and tlkt the great necessity ,is to sold April. 29, as the property of I (1 . ,.
' •• - •- I - Goff; eonsideration.oBo. .
re/.4.iveill livl the last mail, copy of the
file conductor gave an in- '! To James 311ercur,! for a shop-and lo in
lint nu filher i of ;in illustrated public, , tion. !!!'`) "P er " l '''' i '! '
which is-Ift:ii; . , • issued by - Allen. Lane t.(:.- Acre /aing adllress ell lilt' "opening, eelv: : the borough of Towanda, sold April 29,
. , ;
.1:1.-tiag. and t'losing exervises of a :min- ! as the property of W Bramhall; consider-
Se, nt :old ,J 1 W 1.-mderbach. - N.. .s - ,13 s..
Fifth Stre.l Plliladeli,hia. nin
ady-,.014511. - Having hail an experience • ation 5.,,,,,.... 1
of many years as Superintendent of one ; !. To J 31 : Tillman, for a piece of land in
The !title, l.f the work is -A Centni'V
After.'!' andlits object :• t• • - •
is a lOn • • l
... iii all . ,
111:_thl! largest sell/1.4s in NeW York State,
.: Athens two.; sold April 29, as the proper
'his suggestions oil this point were of
. pe-_ t'y of ,T L Knight; consideration, $lOO.l
entert: tilliet , :110 .1//ree.ibl t 11 .111 ler .1 v
. . , , c 1. 1 . „ 1 .
eilliar value. ~ , ' To 3laliala, Irish, fora house and lot in
means of stiperb illuslrations, aided by
, . 1 Then followed an address by nee. J. C. ; the borough of Towanda,•' sold April ' l 9,
eleirming•7l piquent literary matter, an
131) , t-NEY. of Cheinung.._ on "Temperanc e,i tife property of 11 B 31eKtan; considep
idea of the: sonderful progress
~o f Phil a .
Sunday-Schools," 'Pyxis . was a very time ! $2,150,
dediftria l land !its :sister cities of the Stade i '.! • 1 •
presentment of- the importance Of I t To Lll DePew, for a piece of hind in
—-........-- --- -- • iil eiViliiiliiiilautal the attendant arts and 3ble
; giving prominence, to the temper:nice Statiding Stone two., containing 2i netrS,
r111;,"•11 the Pttlitellt's' l " "I . Th. ' h • F.- sciene l es. wh l ieh has 'narked the -rowth of
f ; ,, ..I , NI.VN. chief Clerk „f the Pa. a: N. Y. the ll:Wen in its first century of existence. , question in the teaching of the selio..l. i sold Sept 3, as the property of F II T;le
, .l.
I:. 11 : .„ we _were Vi!l'y 11111 ch lileii,etl re- 'What is ditlietilt -er impossible to secure Pew; consideration; $BO.
On elanciOe . over the pages we confess :
~...ently. by seeing in the private °thee of ~ by way of appeal to those interested in, i T ! , A irabani and Job 3lorley, fur
to a sense o r ( pleasurable ..s - tirprise at the
1 and:affected by. the whisky traffic. or by pie./*C Of land ill West Burlington tw , i.
1:. A. P.V1:1:1:, :t Vert In'etty an /I curious Leanly and artistie merit of the illustni
nmehine tarred theiTyne Iyritttr. 'rids is le;..Lislation. may he in time more surely ! sidd April 29, as the property of 31tilferi.
tile's which iilern. this ele •gi d eant an season- .
.1 111.1ehille.ilitetiiie,) to suPersede the pen :!..0 . ,e . ,. 1 . ,,,i „e.!. [ l nert. 11 that in it whirls will attaitied by faithful teachings in the. Spit- :nul Wni L Williams; consideration $lO5.
for vein:non writing. It is worked 1: Rh amply it‘pati the 1 iitle thh - oteil In all tl'i- ' da y 'sdl'H'ls" ~ 1 '•. To N P Hicks, for a house and lot in
ki.:,, ,iiiiilfir to piffle) keys. On thesC are am i llol i,,, l ,i f it , j! , ! . Thii j., 4l ! ~,,,,,,,.,,. ~,,,I The foreill , en s e ssion wa s c l o s e d Lyra !O w if,,,-,,' o f T o wanall, sold 3lity 7, as tit,
nlainly printed 1.11/e / alpliabm. puitetmstien ~, , ee .
././..a.,..,ll...; :. ;eNte . aulittire in....s , essary to the - drill lesson— :.• IlUth and Na/nni, •• —in I;ropertsi. of F 31. Hicks; consideration
mark-, nine digits,: dollar Mark. etc, etc. „ y01t , 1 ,e i1 . „4. :i . y. .„ rk „ f ; ;A iii ,f,. I „,, it , which itwas eviden, Mit, teachers, to he *3OO.
It I% t ei.,•es no oiling, or inking. It writes and ya 111,,. ihere is se 111 * that pox- : efficient. t•holfitl study their lessons 1111 , 1 e. To ..,/,.
on, any 'quality of paper. and on :I sheet of , session will ' no, tire 4—an inexhanstible The elo,ing session in the afternoon teas 11111 ill
Ally bligth•olWiillol - : It is always ready . fund of le ti' ll ;/1 Mijovinent. Freili . 1 hie , taken up by an able address by Bev. IVW, 411(1 Ma,
1 . 01 . IN'. I' nA rit i' , ";: I fl , , 111 • 1 , 11: • to twenty .e„...,... t „•,,,- te i 0,'!:,,,t,, i,, e,.. 1 .,, „ ire , l 11 ..,.. ~,,,,, ly.y.f. _ ; Pr:cs. el . , Windham. Subject : •• 'Who I,l e veily.
.;opies :it the ',line! film!! ;111.1 • i s m ll e i l ' ard the opinion that tin ' : future mothers should be in Sunday-school, and win ?-, To .Jo
mom rapid than tilt pone -. : ; • will be eage . -• lookt.d foi .• in iiiis ,„ l ., of followed 1... P.): children's meeting, with kit in AI
•By flepret , sing any hey. the c ,,rr e sp. eat_ blackboard ' exercises by- Conductor ; so Id Ma
Publination,landtliat. when completed. it
Mg letter is primed lectlic. paper, anti the • will be not only a reniarkalae book, ,but a / "Tmichers' 11 - Ork," by. Conductor; (Ines- Ileverly,
ction: is I'lllly :U.!. rapid, !:11 . 2/1 11(11.-11 easi- 1 e , e % i. tool Drawer, - answered by same; All sub- ITo E,M Sr Ctirf`ni, or the i-,,t,nimial of ;
,!1.. than that of thl• eialeh It will thus Anierieall Independence. s leets opened were freely, dismissed by pieee'of
I- s.•,•11 that any dcsired .letter or (:liatne- :d1 1 e o : : re : g tml contrilmOogs .bc ri a e l e c.
present. - The exertiseS were in- 02 acres,
e. . mart -
''';'•l• is "i'lPlelelYltrtimteribed iii the same - , "-Mi/i.:111. l sill. Shull. Ilainilt..n. We, sl- ! tel with sour-stirring ninsie, from Orlando
lime, and-by tll6 tine; motion that is re- „...„.4 . an d ~tle.r will-known artists. will ' -IVllillowed llyinns;" _Miss 1it71.1/All CAII- t- TO Lti
, i1111 , .4(I to Lying the; pen into thefixt losi- consist of eitaraCter sketches :Ind pietur- Mlilt presiding at the i - ,q,ein. Mr. PlNNti.v j in the B.
/len. its rapidity 'is therefore manifest. t,,,1„t, view. 'of' ~q, !wry. ( m e e t, of it „,,„„_ proved himself - not only an efficient con- the proil
TI ; 1 , .•./nl2.- el the . re , elt.: producetl• is its ditetor, but' e/nreineed everybody that the thin $l,
viat/10 with national ifitcrest.) - taken from
i": 1!".1 1. ..1 - t ihi i il Y. -N- - ( -I ya" I , 0"f" i' is rats in' l'ililadelidthi and e i c hlite a nd . Stilid;ty-selend Work and the salvation of ;' - 'fu I) Y. - Stedge, for a house and. lotlh
~ nal], and itne •iti enalkleti to set: • how • thimigliont the: St:tte. The whole Wqrk.. iiOll.lS. he very near Ids heart.. It was an the 13o7nigh of Towanda, sold May l'ial
his ill- eights will le, 4:- •• in print '; `before • //erasion of great interest mid profit to all. the property of W Bramhall ;and GI T .
as announced by the publishei.s..i., inten
11,ey are printed. It is besides quite or- ded to be a inentiniettr: . of American art. Cash; consideration $53. - r." ! ; 1
Irene.); al. and tiii.r. is •not more centiast. l
.; To W T Davies and B 31 Peck,• for a
'skill and thoroughness. Mn. En; Ton :—tine week ago last Saib
-1,/ te. eel! rifling ainl I...iiitg'ilf..;.t. than house .and lot lii the Bore of Towanda,
It is excellently printed on. a totted . ia- bails as We Were standing between the
; t1,••!/. i, betwet•ii Ming the 111 :whine :nal l•er of superfine totality. the size ef th e . a l .r e dryg store and the post. °thee. at Leroy, sold Mal; 8. as the property of W Brain
y,: " nth 1 ,,.. 11 - 1 -hd ink. ; being_ *.tbont*'- x l2 inche'• • ' , mil will be i i i itt - b_ mfr. hair. suddenly stood; on end. BUt h'ili ami, Cr'P „Cash; consideration, $1,0:!10.
!:••- -' _ . - lishol ill fifteen seini-monthly 'mils. a t - why? By exPerimental knowledge - alone -,lTo JII Phinney, for a lot in the Boto'
. .... . / _ i t. ,i. ~‘ 1, ,.t . .1f ~N.. CHIN. fifty "'la S (.:;(It. :111(1S"1 1. 1 - t i . • egil ; understand it. On that lovely of Towanda. sold 3L1 . 2,- 8, as the property
/ on 2, o sit "sell,- -.- yo u i
4 --,4- %• -• T: ( ling . ,' Maill1:11111 (11OW a liefilget• e vi , , :. l' IV B 1
, . . . ! . Sfibliath morning Tlfy, 111:1`011TER . had r:11 0 rainliall; conshleration. 50 its_,. .••
~.. ~, , ~,11- ; : ef I.] , 14,10 ieal ,', / plitions 111 chi- . ..
len into the liana of one of-the lady :1 • , I. ; ----..---, '
''.! .. • .10( :ii lown!yleaCillay front Pit is- r : , , ; friends of the 1101 A's distributing monoys - s- •
iw52.1.,.. , , i..!i. for record for week etellne May st.
t• • 111 KII - "' -
1 :\o - . ft t.1:1-i . .I's f•...--. 1 recent e,itt. ..i 1 Ile Edniond,R. 1q to ram e ey, Apr?! I.i.Lertoy,
1. , h. ii.• ;... (-,-,retted with tile 11,4 , 4,11 l - "
• '-* lists, and loud peals of . laughter weye tlrnry•O, aenningf; to T ]st Jennings. April 28, Ceti
-1 II ! I 1! listtof 'miles //f Pen
f,.....11111 Ili:re:ie. aff4l v. - as !in Pittston to "" ruilT " ' ! !" I - ' a: noes • , in • Andrew c Ayres, rt al. to Ti IV Jennings, Nov
crossine. the street with Tilt . REPORTFR t!'
.4 - i .4: Canton; A tiomispeed to A T Donlear. APril
...oilers ef. `the tnitell States in Bradford * ' - . '
till lii , hist apiCoint Mein of the s - eason. Ile • 1 • I 1 l i e l if ?Allen Cran T datt , to
t .. I tu Dit t at4r, n ,:
.} 4 ,
a-flying. We barely escaped annihilation..
cennt y—moit of _ them surviving soldiers I
. 1- frer on lit , Way to Canada to spend the lisr7 ji ° . .ifiZti t :Dec T l - 74, 47 W Barre; . .E4ra l.
. of the Revolittion —about 18-40, I have But what was in the' * wind that ,middle - . 'II; a
--1/01111er. lle.lias been ytl'y successful 111 - - Th '''''''' al 4 wife to ll_yron tinthrie..3tch 13 75,
l i . the ;et:le:vitt:4 livid in all the large cities in before inc a lAA of Pensioners in the man should be thus -frightened? • e b`pringtlelo; Horace W ftrnes and mite to Lucy A.
, the Stares. and earned . for himself a good State of pennsylvania, issued by i news was going, in haste—that's all. Bitt .Eis,: i lu i lmii i t , Prl i l 1 : 1 7a, 0r7 , e11; Dlivid Haled' and wife
~c ._ ,'- '• ; what was the news? All 'we heard was: Vi - a ° Ml i gito rr to r 'san u rDa l ;as t o'n, Lay y t ; '7s e , ° SteTtz
- nit , '.a... a 11-citlliiting :I;vakcr, a witty ! TrcKil'i a Pl : msion agent at Wasunigton : „ ~.`i t!
lee: 111 er.and ~li n e.f, orfttor. lie enileaN ors City, in. 1854. It ineludes, in Bradford. ri 're's the darndest piece. in the IlEro_ n- Ititiehurs,:i AVM AinAey to 8 S Strait, Sept 4 74,
Canton hero: G II Owens to 11 S Owens. Joky 1 74,
, ~- H • - „ , i • TEII this week that you ever saw, and it's
I• , l'..revet the piany wrong impressions ; comity, some of those in the list tilready' . , . ! ntitgbury;lmr n nom et al to S S cowen, AuLti
signed 3liddlernan.' '' You ought to 74, Smlthoeidi Otis kbertlne et at to Jacob E r.
published in your paper,
. plcvakint in tlii. country With regard to 1
'Aini!ng their appear the names
and alsc) --- mans ' have heard the jingle' and seen the spas- I sTe e ;l, llc lier ' 3 7j i; % ,.lril o m “ ot gt i t'iT; rtr?Bliirra
hi. hation, which hate 111..01 the principal , others. ton Porter, Sept 23 '7O, Granville; teak- Terrpt
medic that followed. Before the
, ( ,,... e of national prejudic;e . . Ile will re- :of some )spon to have been dead many
setting of the sun of that Sabbath day ,'i 4 /. " " j EITI t T h: Er geh li4c 49 s . ;Pin= .11'. allit;r ve tOr4 .
it:aili with ti"; several - days:land on Friday years before '1854. I suppose, therefore, : eye a:Smith; let ti .
.1 '6 . 3 74 A p l i nflha s m . ; trif d Letifitt td X'
" bod • in the 'town had either read
I'S Ciliii•:, of this week.! he Will deliver his it may be more perfectly styled a list Of • every
Y •- ' • . f.l• b ittler , Itl e ay - 1 1 1r Shea
ke it In- C a II rtla i :or G C,
,' 1 . ' the "clarndest pew," or had tiled to bor- L- Fuller,
~ Dec'4 "1 8 ri ' Id. WF PI
_ , EllstiaJ Tour ,, , 4 , p ngfe ,tr..
...111:y111: lecture of the "liciitticu Chinee" those. wheat : the claim agent suppoed 'o w Tun P 'read •
-..EPORTLI7. to it. -conies- Gelid to Edwin Uenderman, Iday 20 It Canton
,t' 314eur'. Hall. In order 'that every , were 4;1,014(1.'! to- p ensions , but of whose • • ~...I ' •• __, 11T '2
4, „ ; bolo; Ira Wolcott to T S Wolcott, Apr :113, AO
, .. I Lon is god f or th e soul. -is e want, 40 eat' ,SD Coale al to J D Monty, Jan.: 74. Spring may be able to attend this, useful death or removal he .was not informed. f • ! b w
.d ':
data ,It' Troy; P a Woodward tot?, D Cobb
con ess. e sai d in oar last that to the
tuti:rtailltnent, (for there are other attr 46 such it may he well worth its rotim in Jan: 13. Troy and SprlngOe ;Wm Wciodwardlto
Granger there was no need of any one tO i S D Coon: .IlPl' la 13. 'Z'r_t GLW:lKotrat to
ji l:
tions besidets the lecture), I be has placed ' your colunan4 : •,_ c COIN Jan 4 13. - Troy: Cowin g' Mossy Ate 8 D
. . • make a prescription, to compound inculi;3, . nisty. Metill3 '23. Troy; A Stotio:aett wife toll•
the price of admission at ..'i I:ent-s, being . 1:..:% 4 41,tni P..;••Ent. • • eine, to send news or distress; to prepare I " a "' ma ' 13 15' Athena hero; Sall Wri g Ut I"
Lardy su.eiciat to pay cost of - hall, etc. ;Maki prOwstqr, Joseph - Elliott, Val- . . . EgraW Bpdyko, Feb .3 '74. Wells; .7110 110mA et
i ter Minthort4 Epbraku li Ilarab, Thrarias extra nourishment,. ike. o Ind wo were rail sl:to L n giatto. Tn. Columbia; Sr C EWee
See adVertiVelatritia anbllie'r dalitana.'• ;Parks: (). - etu ott oecoamath yto rtai wtnitibutoieutria
hr.- taken, - fdr Mast S. B. gititii - hit' litiVa riosiia et ii to Ben r W'atiff3(4o - "MWells'
2 . 2.
e‘cEirr.—lf tlie Weather is favorable.
wst : 4 3timlay May the Lin
'fa Bawl will rive a ctineert *from the
m ,i, 4111.1(1 .1 14i the ihuhlir sib are. The
seletiiiie, Will be lierformed :
1. 11.4 (sfiio-comic fantasia).
31 ar ia Walt z:{ Storin-King Gallop:
I. De• - Mont ilktne Polka; 5. Grand
,National Melody . ', Potpourri. (introducing
Fla' national incl(idie:4 of all cfinntries).
- '
11011 W is to
he under .r tlii DrTVLEI3,
this ,VaSOll. :beet' comieeted
with the bruise the iht)' it NV;IS Open
ed. and tliOroughly compe
t..nt to superintetia tlti e;tabliAnitent. is
v popul'ar !_stests of the house.
II iN aliValaVlllellti. is
welt deser'riNl, and
x‘e doubt nit th'e 1.1 - esetit.tseason gill be a
ri , sperous at this pop
olar t Oring 4,111(..V.
-'--- -,,..
A Y. .1.. i 11:1. , ,q.:railize,l at
canton. - "111.2! i4p! pvrinits larlirs
;n b et .,, ltiq 'flu, following ;tre
Ihe officers
Prt , Trlc 1.;1• .4 01
r;ei' A;lciri-4—:":". { 'IL\ LI
f , 071 . -F ‘ 1 ; !: x.
T 1 . -11..61'1:Y Tlit
.1. .1 Nr.ll:, I).
\v. \Vim . r.''. M - 4 SNI WHIT-
//, "'Jr -IV. W. N\-111T
.1. •W. S.CAA NN EL. IV.
11 nrn 11Y1 I; & S • rhavi• relriwvit4l
1,4 , 1; ,t4 , ro from
to ,
1.10,k on Main street. Ilene they ihave
-eenred litre anti eOnitienlious rooms. and
ict\C largely adileil tei iheir stock, which
always youiporises ; the'-latest works or uttr
best authors. the deiUlitig , literary
rni all the, gii:at eity dailies. be-
lcs lit 11111.2:4 stationery lu
ot- I,Jund in market. \VIIITrO'I It
Su At .their short resitielwe
ui aid us; have, lky their 'courteous nian
ni•rs. and
t4•i won hi of friends. and built
up a Iloarishing trudo. .INlrh-li an,y tou'n
tui Lt 'cell primul.
Tur; `following order, relating to the
obserane of Decoration Day, in this
place, ,On I Saturday - nOxt,.has been issued
by Watkins Pod, No. 68, G. A. R.:
11AT.111SS POST, No. 68,, G. A. R. I
Towanda, May 26, 1871 .
GENEKAL 011 DEB, .No. 2.—ln pular
ance of General Order of the GranclEn
campineut G. A. R., U.S.: A., memorial
services N-01 be observed by this Post on
Saturday, May 29, 1875, and thefollow
ing will be the order of the day : •
The Ill.*, and all societies, will meet at
their respective -halls at 3:30 P. g.• the
procesSion will be formed in the P ublic'
Square minutes before 4 p.mid
will !novel at 4, Tiarp. The line of liarch
will bei: up Main to Canal street; down
Canal to William street; up William-st.
to the iiew.Cemete6, where a square will
be fortned, and the, following services ob
1. ilynin by the ChoraliAssociation.
2. Address by the Post - Commander.
3. Dirge by Band. ' •
4. Piayer by Chaplain. •
5., Ilynnt "Cover them' over with
beautiful flowers," by t'lioral Astawin-.
tion. •
6. DeCoration services. • ,
7. Dirge by Band. .. •
S. Decoration of soldier' graves.
9. Addrbss by . Rev. Charles E. Melt:
value. -, .
After which the column will re-form
and march back to the Public Square,
where theY will be dismissed with a bene
diction,. By order of
J.-.E. Ink:MING, Post Commander.
UFO. E.'311-F.ll, Adjutant.
THE .followin,tt poem. appropriate to
‘• Decoratiiin Day," was written several
o .
years a; , o for a school exhibition, by 'our
. (
young ffientl, F. .F. Dil.inE, of Troy, lint
r :
it has never been printed
Earth. yield thy choicest treasure''.
And thy
mantle spread.
• To ilei•Vtio;,, graves of tile fallen ',rave
Who lie irt thy bosom—dead. •
They strov.i with noble daring. '
Those-true and dauntless men.
l'or th e i r 4..1111al W.l.:NlA—but they i,:ei pin .lii-.1
Who fought forg,lory them. . • l i
I .
Their day tif strife I over—
' Theirtili of lite hils :WI:
alley . - laid away its the m o u ng
ld - li eiiis,
lint v ein memory yet.
• r.
And w _ le tlie,ittr.h. are piping
sweet strains inlhe leafy bower..
..nii the...Ai/ids of May o'er no. low 11101111.1, pigs.
We strewl their graves v I tit flower , . .
W ith Spring-tlitie's openitm 1.V.,....t00,
trotdownlin their youthful blomn;
.1 if,t as - Wat'rs red kntre. hi file prime of lire.
- 3rarked imin for the silent tooth.
And we tirlio i a tear Of sorrow.' ,
,As we strcw their green gracesWe:.
And nor voi c es rate in a song of Ileal , e—
We can infer them no - more.
Rut a day of glory. waits them— • - . . -
A display:, ..
And their crown% shall shine u it li tvglow dii Me
tin that Dreoration hay.'
we„nii'iny Tidier's. !•trivlitg
in a wort, of doubt and slit:
And all must fight in the cause or right
Al . loil he drown of glory win.
1 •
Then, strife and war. far ended..
" - c shall t iret lit realm; above.
Where oar .4ttis shall rest with thr Ira! awl blest
In a wo'rld Mikan and I,,ve. Mt to;iNs.
• :, ,
GIIENT.-If,'. Etliblr : On the evening
of the 11th L
tust.,- we had the pleasure of
listettin:2o4. a lecture by .Miss PETTY, on
temperat-e. It wits delivered in the M.
-1'... ClUireh. The hOuse was well tilled,
and the gre ttest interest was maintained
througnontlthe entire lecture. When it
was over-a l collection was taken for the
benefit Of the lecturer. Mr. Wu tn.: then
proceeded tit ecure a sufficient number of
11:1111e% to organize a Good T e mplars' so
clet Y.. butt it proved a failure.
On tits'..l 1 1 11 inst.. a terrible wind pass
.11tii -Place., uprOoting trees, and
seattering- 'he fences. Thk‘ roof of the
horse-It:int telong-in: , to G. W. IIonToN,
was b10Wn.,440. just as E. r040nt.N44. of
11ornhnok.lwas passing. striking alimit
20 feet in the rear of his wagon.
The Int A t t justi : in our Sunday-selntol is
still inerein'g. 11'e are confident we
hire the 641 school in the county. The
lust naMes. With an average.
1 abt at i'.7l scholars. - We an
ing a ts'iniday-school Institute
to June. Due notice will be
titil,at. bolt
wtmla In. glad In sec
Sunday-m-11,mA frit nils
11111 ,, ail in 11'
tinher 4 . 111 e riiii(ireit -in this
int:sent sick 'with the
it i.s, 1 11( Ted all will recover..
ga I , ase;-ball un it:v . :2:2d
111 or
Otr Valley flc.v . 4
qlll,tC .- 41 fn
pinve ae at
We hail a
iii t. The:
unitch game. The (
I'. 'ii pi a±
• mama acs or arntr 4 . 16, .1810. : : sick oiler sham his birthday party on the
Simon, or Simeon iialiatsyy ( 1 )... - eth, nit., when .libi-bohes were 60111161 0 4 /
' lINIMa SGT sunct 1818. . I that it ii‘iiii:ear, ~,to .huagine ttuiC luOntd
. chriStopher AverrL,:john Alford,'-Beni- : - ;i3-4,..~
'Bosworth; • Nathan Bostwick,: Ebenezer S t It4.Pks,e: Donee,'and
Beeman, Jabez Baldwin, Judah Be a- neeetunni tn.ealli on these siptts tAirelitilo
min, John Benson, Timothy Culver, Ebe-, him-1 ive ••6, - ,:tieseetsh.::hnsirOtef r igiese
nezer Corey, Isaac Castor, Tobias Cole, -4{oi* l' liii4 /I ilia‘ r i" - t a ik r a,:at- a ay
Henry Corneline, John 0: . Clark, Benja- t - ..;• ..;• •• .
min Clark ; 'Samuel Dunham, • Jonathan F. rat e . '',.1!*• 1 0 ,110031 -__
~ as once 94.Abeir_Plunge
Fowler, Daniel French, David : Forest, ~ is sick or in, upstarts a w holesale
&Then Flower, Isaac Ford, Alpheus Gil- : attsistanee. An old-fasidinied -"bee" was
Lett, Samuel D. Gott' ' Joseph Grover, m a de
for 3htster -3T SSE, on the 6th inst.,
Obadiah Gore, Jacob HOT, . :Alexander. : - • ' i
Howden, Samuel Kellogg, Amos Kent* •', so that he might still be master lof the
Bela Kent, Laban Landon, Caleb 3 ' !situation. • You ought to have . seepthe
Isaac Morley ; Peter - Miller, ,
Solomon 'Justice as he eyed th e . scents : the plow.
, .
Moss, ' Valentine Miller, 'Jared Phelps, : ma n nin - kin it urrown straight and smooth, .
Robert Potter, John Putnam, Zephaniah. —- .
- • • , ,-; • -
Rogers, : Benjamin Renels, Reuben: Row- ;the' laborers ' aistributing ` the fertilizer,
ley, Ezra. Rathbun, Samuel Severance, '.:repairing the fences, ike. Did he bring
James Satterlee, Job Stiles, Elisiii Sat- in "no' cause for action ? " ' No, he sim
terlee, John Spaldhig . John Sh r rader, ' ply droope d his head and sail Within,
Archelaus Temple, golOmon •Taladay, I:i ‘:- •
William Webber,__ N e h em i a h wag on , I!"that is truly old style." Do thi Gran,
Consider Wood, Silas Wolcott, (55). . lgers:realirmean to return tbthe shions
• [ Another list, under 'same heading, viz, ; !of their childhood? That's what I d like
1818, has these names :] . O liver l' know.'The one as of old wh . 'to il s
David S. Allen, Ozias Bingham, O
Brown, !Reuben Bumplis,, John Budd, •.: . r
riot neither does ho spin, must now per-
James Brewster, Joel Cook, doses Calk- 1
l'isli, for the post-rider has subsided, and
ins, David Campbell, Cromwell Child,' llthe peeple's thoughts are :carried by eith,
()User Canfield, Ebenezer Chubbuck„ 0 'Monop o lists• '
er of the, other as may be
Paul Dewitt, James Dickey, William El- 1 ,.
liott,' Thomas Fox, A muse ' p r,an kii th I ,convenlent, or, as per fashion:- • Sir eHAS . ..
William Finch, Oliver Gates, Samyeli!RoSs circ umnavigated the world and, made
Gore, Stephen Gregory, Willard - Greene, : inaily important discoveries, but Yeither
Joseph Hibbs, Willilun Iluyick, - Jacob 1 i
I lie nor any O bearing 'o ne the Same ahkella-
Headley, Asa !Lowe, Asa Hickok, :John i, .
Hill, Sartile Holden, John Harkness,. 'lion aced thin k that - we must all follim the
Bela Kent,
.Kneeland, John Knapp, Eze- s tyle or, a hundred years ago. It nay be
kiel Leonard, John Loomis, Benjam i.
in' 'Well enbugh for Grang;ers to - use the old
I n
Lewis, Alexander Lane, Samuel Lam- - 3
ocxler mou ld -boanl plow, and sharpen
plm, George Loomis, Amos • Mix, Thos.' i:i . ..
Merritt; Jared Norton: Amos Northrop, i , - heir sexth&ssiith a haminer.on an snvil,
John Parkhurst, John Pierce, Levi Preston i 'hut, really, wouldn't -it mien' rather odd
John Plum, Eli Parsons, Gamaliel :Bey- I in thisl age, when steam and . electricity
nolds, Jonathan Stevens. JoSlitin Spear, :i; • - become. . . _..
flave such powerful agents (mid-
Ebenezer Sergeant; William Salisbury,
Samuel -Starks, Jcisepb Smith,. William ; illemen) to assist the husbandman in his
Scott, Benjamin Terry, Elijah. Tosiner, 1 labors , both to make money' and gain'
Julius Tozer; Abraham Taylor, An th ony i tviowlei ge ? Perhaps there are too many
Vanderissil, John Van Dyke. Godfrey . . 1
No , h • wi lson, 1 ridolenten; to )c honest about i , th ere
l 't
Vought, John Wilbur,
Moses Woodburn. John Wood,' James are too many. But who feeds hem?
Ward, Samuel Wwslruff, Caleb Williams, i i Tlic Satimer, to be sure. If he utiles a
(;O). ' less number all he has to do is.t stop
teeding them, lle is not obliged to lo so,
if I bu • :25 pounds of maple sega of a
Tarieei old take half of a coninum "'Jews
paper (del' from it before weighing, and
Throw if under the counter to be kut in
the rig bag, and then sell hint tea add : pa
:per at .l.:10 per pound, it is nobodyls bu
*bless. 1 He is not obliged to buy at gross
retail rates; let him buy at wholFsale;
butllion if he does that he cannot y,its,
Oteaplylas I can, ulitc he had Better stick
to his farming. "Let every man work at
his own trade," is the old adage: tress
I have, them, so I will remain a -
UNDER ACT v.»• 15. 182 S
llenjlarrin Clark, jAban Laulloll
Here are a hundred and thirty, whom
the industrious and interested
agent believed were entitled to pensions,
for services in some of the wars previotti,
to the Slaveholders' Rebellion. It might
be interesting for survivors to give the
years of service, time and place of tleatli,
and age at death. at least of every soldier
of the Revolittion, dining this year 18.,75.
0. N. IN
leNadder EngliSb, for a' piece! of
p•any twp., containing 78 acies
v 7, as the property of Orland•
1; consideration, sl:is. olinlleverly, for a saw-mill :mu
twp., containing 8 acies, la- For the.besi Itoa't (4' Steak to to Myra
7,y, the property of ~Orlandol
; consideration, $360.- •
'l' Park and Hiram Sweet, tie. a
' land in Albany' twp., containim .
;, sold May 7, - as the property] of
• I lererly; eonsidcrationlsl,27oi i
inise C Wood, for ° a house and lot
;oro' of Towanda; sohl May 7, 1 as
lierty of W Bramhall; considera
iienittett I t Wallin et at to inti lickastdek, Vai 1
1 75, Wei* W T Webb Wino MeCannek, Mal=
Wells; LIMA* T Sargent et al tO lif 8 Mar
Xell , 2 Wit BilinglieblLJJ__Monroe Smith Stin to
Ben`jewieri nab a '7k - .l2putet 51
to Warren X OUlett, Duo 11 '7l, Ulm It C
Lockwood et al to 8 B Brown, Jan x'7s, _ ;
Nark A Bulk at alto Edwin 2 BecinOla, eh il
214 , Plillip Crane et al to Orson Rickey,
ilic"; 03eP2 1111", '74, itsteri Vannellii 2U B ell :cow%
r bil
et= to Lamy °iamb, ian 27 MIR Leroy; WM
Smith afteriff USE W Colwyn Dee la '74, Canton;
Anan,Woodan Otis to Township of Granville, Sept
1111 '74, Gran vine Nelson Keeler et= to. Abraham
Mincer, Oct 'Ai '66, Smithfield; James If Irankirk
,2o Lev 8 Diekinson, Mch 23 '76, SpringlieltiLLevi
.21 , 2610 go Daniel 11 Barton, Stay 1 "73. Myren; 200
1-Wright etas toMeyrou Prince, Oct Vi '74 Wawa;
Jlt Hicks to Wm W WheelerApl 24 74,'Spring
‘ field; Stephen Easter etas I(l'l:knew Garrison,
Dpe Xi 75,, , Gmanillet Begins Stern= to A -
man et el, lan 5 73 4 .Taitear- OM J P Corrbis e alto
Thos 11111, Apl 23 '73, Borne?-Lyaran Spetuter to
Henry Spencer Apl 22 75, Burion; W A Bal
i lock to Isaae 7 Bullock. Feb 1 73„ Springtleid;
Calvin Hathaway to Jos Grover et Al, Meh 9 "76,
Wells and South Creek; Dyer Onnaley to El 8
.1 Gawky Sept 22 '75, Albany; John W 11111 (* Lei
tet HUI, Apl e 1 75, Orwel4.T r Espy et al to Pe
, ter Landmesser, Apt 27 Is, Standinis Stone; 310-
' ' thew Bartlett et al to State Line and Sul U it, Apl 5
VA, Bradt Sol Co; Jas P Foist al to Lydia Strtible,
July 17 71, Canton; Douglass Hatch to Rebecca
Hatch, Oct 6'5 2 2, Albany; A JEdnall to C A Plum
mer, Apl 20 '73, Albany; C A Plummer to 8 n
Sterigere, trustee, Apl 26 75, Albany; AMMO
Green et at to Elisabeth 111, Mch 27 75, Teny;
Curtis Tyrrell to Teed F Tyrrell, Apl6 75, Pike;
i Fred Wattles to C Delano and Jolla Cook, Apl 14
'in, Towanda born; Daniel Cook MI L Coolhaudh,
I Apll3 1 74 Asylum; B G'F 'Minn et al to Levi B
I Nunslnger, Apll9 '73, Towanda bcwo; N o Harm
to'park O'Connor, May 23 '74, Smithfield and
'Athens; Bft Manny to Tahltha Canada, Oct 16
76, North Towanda; Mlles Bennett to A L imd.l3 if
!Gilson, Jan 20 15, Pike; A C and 9 J Gilson to
Mary Bennett, Jan 20 16, Pike; C T Morse to .T F
IWOoster, Fob 6 '73, Leroy; W II Parks to Euphella
31 'Parks, Apt 13 '74, Wises; Betsey Williams'
(heirs to •Albert CoreU, Apt 29 '74 Springfield; 31 f)
Dickenaan, ppt 20 urdian, to Albert Core!), A 74
'Springfield; Stephen 8 Halsted to Albert Corell,
'Sept 8 14, Springfield; John Benson to C II Benson,
Aug 14 '72, Columbia and Rutland; II 1., 11011 an
lotus to L L Travis, Feb 21 It, Monroe; Cantu It
Barnes et al to Aurora A Barnes, Mch 24 75, Wit
Inlet; Ann A Barnes et al to 0 0 k C It Barnes,
Mch 21 '73, 'Wilmot; Alfred P Slade etas. to Mrs.
;Martha E Made, Apl 24 '75, Columbia; Henry II
,Cniumlnga to Morris Cummings, Apll3 15, Ithlt
bury; H L Scott to G W Ryan, Apt 30 15, Towanda;
1W T Post and ROM Tamer to Mary E Brown, May
'4 '75, Wells; J H Marsh et at ere td J C Platt, Nor
ot 74, Herrick; ltrannd a 11111 to 11 0 F Mashlnka;
iApl is 75, Towanda; R.O F Kabinka to Mrs Mart
V "b P API iliTfT:;B°ltte
-1 Cal or3il t, ti t..l.An
Whlte to Josialt , Merae, Apt 11 '7l, Tnscorora; H B
'lngham to Josiah Mem, itch 31 '6B, Tnscorora; (5
C Gridley to E F Tripp et al, Apl 8 71, Orwell;
1./ . 31 . Smith sheriff to Stephen D liarkneet, Feb 4
i'76, Springfield; R W Mollenback et tel to Geo
t ut:Mono, Apt 2 75, Burlington: N N Betts 'en=
to Jos D 31ontanye, Aug 19'50, Towanda; Ablate
Vargason to Ebeit Vargason, May 13 '75, Terry;
,Seeley Bower etux to Edward Ferguson ar, May 7
1 (75, Granville. .
paaos 51)CO1tb1D von way..l4 anDiNo. ]MAY 15.
11 Fraley to'Andrew Dubert. Apl 4 '74, iSpringi
field; same to to same. Apl4 . 74, Springfield; Jas
;'Wood to J A I)epcu . Dee 21, ' '74 Standing Stone;
iW W French to Juliette Dont!, May 6 '73, Frank.
lluil P S'Slauson to Win S Pitt, May 6 '75, South
TCreek; Thos Merritt to 0 F Itedlugton, May a 773;
roy; D RockwelLet al to Eli Parsons, Oct 11 '73;
Troy burp:. Sayre & Co to lraE Stephens, May 315;
iTowanda Lora; Sayre & , Co to Henry Snyder, May 3
15; Towanda 1340; Sayer & CO to-Jas Arnold, May
3 '73, Towanda horn; Sayer & Co to David 'talon;
Stay 3 15, Towanda bony; John C Wells to Mary
'Donovan, Apl 17 '75, Atli Ron; 11 8 Guthrie to Jos
Creedlford, July 2310 Springfield; 4' (1 Bennett to
Horace Brooks, Dec 18 '74, Springfield; John
Mittelman to Matthew noose, Apt 9 '75, Ulster;
1) N Allen to F E Ilishop, June Z:t '74, Troy; same
to same, Dec 17 14, Troy; same to same, AM 10 15,
Troyi D F Herrick to A •El Joraloman, Jan 28 '7l,
Troy; Geo 31 Peek to same, Apt :i '7O, Troy: C
Stockwell to Fred (Heckler, Apt 26 '75, Canton; Jas
C Turner to same. Aid 26 '75., ('anion; ti 31 John.
ton to A C Arnold, Mat 5 '75, Canton; F S Whit.
lima to Jos A Meant., May 12 '75, Towanda born;
Jos Fo e to A & J Morley, Feb 12 15, Burling.
ton:1 lie ry J (louse , to Chaft Green, Apl 2. '73,
Ornovil • Jos 11 Carlisle to: Daniel Donovan, Jan
4 '75, 1 'Rlitteld. - • '
imEns nit:CORDED i'01: WEEK VSDP.46 MaTTA, :
1 Michael Ilandralian to Robert Saxtori. Slay 15 '
Athens: Timothy llireen to Michael llandrahaM
May 15 '75, Athens; P. T Ferguson to Anna Paice,
Dee,l6 75, Athens; Geo Lenox to Fred Herrmann,:
Pet!:", '74, Albany: Jas Lee to ltieliard Lee, Feb 6
.73, I AJbany: Ja3 W Suffern to Chas T Suffern, Apl
27 '75 4 South ('reek; Theodore Lewis to Sar.dt'
s,,nourN, May 17 '73, Towanda - born; Win Watkins ,
to T 1 V Phillips et al, Steil II '75, Athens; D 1.)
Watkins to Mary Ann Ingalls, Apt o'6s, Columbia
Heirs of John Brown to John 6 Brown Apl 21 "75,:
Wilmot; Executors C F Welles to Eugene tinder
11111,rFeb 9 '74, Athens: executors same to St I'
Murray, 23 '75, Athens lloro; J St smith stiff to.
It .1 pleat, Sept 10 - 74, Tuscarora: Samar) N or
eonk to Christian Norcouk. Nov 2 '74, Wilinot; .
ByrOu Guthrie to T 1) Beardsley, Sidi 13 '75,
springfiald; 1, l.ewls to .1 JI Buckle et al, Apl lti•
'7 5 , Towanda limo; J J Iltekle et al to Moody &
Morgan, May 20 '75 Towandh born; John W Gray
to Vincent Jones, 75, Towanda
'75, Canton: DaVid Cullen.
to Jelin S McDonald, Jan 21 '74, Albany; John S
McDonald to This Mellonald, Dee 3 '73 Albany;
Editinnil Henry A 'toss, May 12. 13, Pike;
Ingham Stone to Henry A Ross, May 15 '73. Pike.
PERSON : Al.. Mr.: NO 4+ US, of Albany, - -
J. C. IltxurE has purchased the 1.; i
N. iy:, father of Mr. A P te
SOUS, of the on, . ,
reA Of T. 31(IN TYlit In Ids Carriage Paint Sln ),
died last week at his home in that city. Vaini ha, establiAled himself on Park street, a few
N. N. BETTS, sr., has been confined
-410 Ors east of the Itsrourrat ware, where he will
. 1 1 , . he 0ca,.. , 1 to ALT all In want of anything In his line.,
to ilis house by illness, for several days -,
pas. We h01m... to see, him 04 again'
HMiss 31,titY Beim who has been
lying dangerously ill for several Weeks
Past, is failing rapidly, and but slight
hopes are entertained of her reeoverY.
11.1$11 BALI, eItALII:NGE., We, the
teltlet. B. B. V., do.ln;reby challenge you,
the j2d Nine Winona, to play a match
ganie of ball, on your grounds, Saturday,
June 6, 1815, 1!. .:1J MADILL, Capt.
J D. Sti:omEn, see y.
Towanda - , May 26,•1871
1/4-Itoy• linen colars at M:'E.,..I:O„sENFIEt.D.F.:
IQ' Neatly printed town orders for Yale nt thhi
; air New goods received daily at titer cii,ENIA:Vs.
. .
Aar- Engraving done at Ili.N 0111,)1 .1. N . S. a WA' el ry
lltode-114xes• cad 31usleal Ciot•k , , at it I:ii-
Di.l3t AN's..
/lENDLEM N Offers a great reduction in
O For all kinds of goodl3 In the Jewelry Ile,
call at M. lIENDLEILLNIS. ,
M"' A handsdine lino of Ladies' „Kid
61or 2 eA, at KENT $t WATIMItt.':.
rr Go to KENT, 45Z iyAritous' for La
f!lesli hid GloveN.
KENT & WATROS ?I - arrant eivry
pair o f taillea'.Kl4 GRATA they :ten.
a I One dollar Loy a pair of
, , Kid c;loves ISrzT dC WATicol:s%
/04-New Embroideries, White Cixsts and Laces
at Ey.t,:s & lIII.DRETIt'S. '
, ----4.4.- 1, ---- -- -
' ! .11 - • Opera. Veld. and Spyi tilas,es in a great va-
C Oet.t . „ at ' i liiINDELMAN's.
1 , ,
1 4 14- Now Dress GINXiS, and 'Stimulilnv, at ,
F: V l]B & it 1 I,p,crirs.
t 1 .
-----..- 1 -7
' 1 Maws Trilled and 11'...rairril. (orders may be
left at I iit„firS Drug Store. GEoRGE D. rout:
_ _
I sar New Table Vaniasky, Napkins and TOWCPS
16 ityANS &
New Clocks and Cassfinerx, at
EV.i.NS SC Ii11.11:11:TWS
g /WI( you want the best piik Stf,Ve e:Claill, call
if at do xE's,' In Dlercur's block.
,6irGo tu WifITCCND & SlTAVl",s,3len . ltr's
fid: . iour.Books and Stationi.ry.
1 Wall Paper awl elteap . at Wittr
CoMU SIIAUT., Wren!' Block.
MOMIES & PASSAGE are general
aOnts for the celebrated 3latlinstiek and
Woon's & Co.'s Oro /is—the host In this or
any other country. tAprls.
Kir The largest and best selectionof Spring and
Simmer goods yet brought tip this market, Is behig
received daily, at 11. Jacon'.
good, Light Wagon, null Double Hamm.
sale cheap. Will take . l.urnber tat. pay. En
qttlis at FROST & SONS' F111:1111.1tri. SOM.. plielit7:
!fiZs• Don't fall to call at PESIMEM AN'S, if you
wish to tts' anything lit the iine of Jettotry, silver
anti ...iiiver-plated Warr.
.IW' For. Ite.,:r.—Ten I)nrelling III;u:eg, in Tn.
ar:arla Borough. Terms rellsonable. apply to 11.
Er.sur:Er., Treasurer's CdtleH.
,111%- Large stock of Plcturits and Picture Frambr.,
Itt VIIITCO.III3 & SuArT 4 s. 3tercur ►cock.
liar American and Frene6 . l Clocks In gnat
v4.,ry I , ne prices, at • Itt7DEL'AtAN'S.
. .
, .
Tto IN 14..tzos.—Virsi-c.1., Lute site, :“Inare
gran4, Vi octave Piano•fortei•, for, t 28.5. Organs In
pierbrtion; at BoLams .t P/ssacz, Towanda, Pa.
Ifk:Our friend G. T. of Sugar
Rnn; we understand, is dolngn lively spring . trade
14 General. Merchandise, and is now In the oily
buying new' r goods. He Is an'energetle fellow, and
we aviall blur success.
Sir Gold, 611rer, and Steel. Spectacle.% and Eye
Glaues, in great variety, at Ur.VDY.laLues
ry Store.
far A. J. Ftstren's Photograph Gallery
(mei; O. A. Btaics'is stare), Will be opened ESter
1' day, Iday wbere you will and tam
dit kidatet OM; tb a alto;
arulai natal i 4 Oars o pod uncle , and rt
the wattb[of totiimodeit thtyisee togo Is M. lizzr
or D. C. now cainVINI
Bradford county; tor the new Silver-type Plitt
They will copy awl enktrim a picture s no r
bow badly they may be (Weevil. Don't let him
Pam you by without looppg at Ma samples, ; '
Or The Improved self-dronping Tos
Mug Co. Wheel Itike, is the best. Send for de
sertpuveloper. • ./t; at, WiTIVI4 Eon:
Iron Beam Flat Land Plows, 10. Steel Iloree lloes,
9; Nirpf 'lltise Rakes, 'Feed Cutters,'
Rubber Paint, etc. IL U. wELLks & soxf.
,• . -
Or Wyalusittg District Meeting will
,IM held at' Camptowu, Juno ts. Preachers
.Dlattict Stewards who come by rail will find eon.
,cerattee at Wyalaalog Depot ready to take them to,
carapt9we at *1 O'clock a. M. , . ti. L•, WILLIAuB.
FOB SALE. on 11Exr..—Tho Brick Yard, formerly
,owued by 31. C. MEUCVU. For terms apply to J9O.
rowat.r. and N. C. E.l.suur:r..
; FitEs! Any' one - , b4ying . $l.OO oi
more-tt i orth of goods at M E Mohnxrizt.n's Cloth
ing Store, will receive free , one elegant . k .lpaea cap;
nr Straw list, both of the latest style.
AwAY !-Eery ktirclutscr
of goo d# amounting lo 11.00 or more, *lll reedit+
FREE, one striped Alpaca Cair, or Straw nor, at
31. E. ItONE\FIELD'S Clothing Store. .
Wit* (*nom% POULIRY gALE.—itita cactitua
and White Legborns ; alpo Partridgo Cochin and
Light Ilralona Coeketeh<.. Apply to C. P. CASH.,
Arit-31. 11.r.:vinELa1as' has the largest and best
stmts. of 'Ellen' and genticruena• go! and zltrer'
tratc`hi•s ever brought to Towanda.
rr UNDER:TT:UM TITIB. — . When yoti
are offered a salt of clothes for any given price, at
bantering store. the chances are ten to one that
you can purchase the prune article of M. E.t44)La
"atosSc SoN for [roan V. to less.
31ixed Paints, re..uly for tise, at.II.'s Itanhvare Store, In i 3toreur's Illnrk. .
Mr Pureaxxl eit White Leghorn
one dollar per setting of 13 eggs. Apple
trees, all grafted, 4.15 to VO per hundred. year
trees t3O to t 75 per ImedreAt. t; rape Vines, tkartng
lige. 50 cents esclt. D. 11.•J0*t . ...
Oiwell, liradfottl Co., Pa.
BeCKLYI: 3[ONti:ll.--.1?; E. C.
31 YEic bas been appointed tieneral Agent' "in East
ern ltradfdrd for ; the celebrated Buckeye Mower.
on lam at 3lyershurg, and CI:3111111C the ma
chine before 'purchasing. sidll certainly please
r....7i'Mr: L. B. PowELI., of Scrantori,
ra.,.C:111 now fill:orders for any ituaittiq of the new
and popular Sianday;Olool singing boolci ...Dna; fit
*ST .tan BEST." Price, in stiff corers, PAO per
dozen. .Single ropieti sent' postpaid on recalpt,of
3. rents. • ' May =r—Ziw.
ti, 1 9 Per Day at Wine,
,e i 5 $ .., ..,0 Terms tree. Address,
G. STIN so:: & CO., Portlatid, Maine. daft:ll4syl.
Alar Never buy a Cook 'Stove until you have railed
at Jt!N It's and examined the "Nets Empire,"
stove whirl' has never disappointed the expeela
thms of the must faltilletet housewife.
Ifir It i, not generall known, that 11. I:. WItirA
,WEI:, at the stook Itlndery over 1111 - • BEroWrzn
Anu •e, wakes Blank Books In any styloot idling and
. Ing.deslred. It you want a now Ledger. Jour
-IWal or. Docket, give blw a call. , . _...
/1/31“ 3111• TOWN Woedir.s
:ling. and Weaving, aL n.. 31anufactnring„ (loth-
Dressing,. etc., :1 , 4 nsnal. • Stocktug Yarn, Flannel,
and Cloths foe ;:ale. Machinery running in • gaol
order, and work warranted and done with ditquitch.
hereby announce myself as a candid:lit; for County
CoititnlN , lotier, subject to till' 11vehloti •of j
joif?lleail ( - utility Convention. N. 1: iLltr.ny.
rankiludale. May 19, 1R75.
NEw Ni w oops ! Low
riocEs :—Men's and Hoy'' Clothing. Ilats awl
CalW, Gentlemen's Fundshing Goods. at prices
that cannot be beat anyu here. No 0111 stock, but
everything new and fashionable and well made.
One price to all, and no deviation front the prices
marked on all gomls, Is the style of M. E. SOLOMON
& SON'S Clue Price Clothing Store, 23 Malu-st..
one door north of TAYLOR 4..; co's.
FOE SALE On RENT.—A 3-story
itrfek Store. tin Main Street, Towanda, ra. Fitted
up (or a Grocery and Bakery. For terms. address
.fod:s; W. Mt*, Towanda; Pa. (a'21,2m0.%
iker Li Vian" ro:on SALE.—We have a Livery fa
eight horsei and good carriages, hack, etc., whlbo
We offer for Sale Cheap and on reamutable terms.
Enquire of our agent at the stables, or at our
3110 c More.
tir• M it. AN" llosTW et: . late of J. S. ALLYN
Co., can hereafter he found at J.A. Ft:OsT k SONs.
omMain street, where he trill be happy to see nil of
his numerous friends. Anti any in need of Furni
ture, or anything In the line of Undertaking, will
find the best goons,- best assortment, and lowest
prices, at their store, of any place in the country.
Call and see for yourself.
Are'now rea,ly to Sense the public with the larg,eq
and Iwst Stock of
Aver brought. to ToNvantla. Prives to xult the times
Call ant see
M' The, chink; of the :sin g er sewin g
31:0111w gonli. ,vent tee Ir^ backed hy the Jt?.llow-
lug kiures
Misty . cr Mantlacturi!iy rolurftily
Whrelrfrk Wilson q 2,527
llnWe Sewing Machine Co. (estimated ..... 35,0h0
lino'ver R Baker
& Gibbs
% nu r Ica a
Flom nel
The Singer is represented by O. A. litacK, who
fa prepared to give to —cash" purchasers very Ilb
era) figures. For particulars, call at his agency.
GOODING—VMERY.—At the Parsonage, Item
lorilok, Pa., May ID, 14'5, by. Rey. .1. If, Davis,
Mr. George Gooding. of llornbrook. awl ltlls.s
Sasle'llutery. of Sheshwitiln,
TCHREI.I.—PETTIS—At Windham Centre, Pa.,
May 22. '7; hy ItPs'. Wm. C. Peek. Henry I. Tur
rep and Anna E. Pettem, troth of Warren, Pa.
colninbia X Roads. Fell.
'27, 1875, be S, It. erne.lntS P. Mitler
and Jirtepliine peats, both PC Springfield, Brad
ford count', Pa. • -
STAFFORD —PETTEM:II.I..—.%t C 01111043 X
Itoads..m (no 1t th lIIX Y.. by R. • l'rAne. Esq.,
Frpaktin Stafford and Mary Jane l'effenglll,lmdli
. 1% - idlq, Krad(ornkennnty.
have been coughing all winter and Itegin to despair
of recovery. or if you have taken a recent cold, go
at once to the Drug Store of TVIINES S GoUDON
and get a bottle of Dr. 3lonnts' Syrup of Tar,
Wild Cherry and llorchotouL Take It and be Kell.
No other medicine acts so promptly and effectually
In coughs, colds, and. all diseases of the throat,
Sungs and Chest, leading to Consumption. fun
dreds who once thought they had that dread di
sease hare been restated to health by the use of
this almost magic remedy. It is also the best known
epeejfic for.. Croup, and never falls in Whooping
Cough. Trial size ID cents. DuarM.
- Markets.
Cornicted every Wednesday, by C. B. PATCH,
subject to changes daily.
wheat, ? bush - ..
Ilye,i? bush
Busitwheat, 'f bush
Corn, ? bush
Oats, ?.. bush 6i
Mau.% * bush -- I 50 a, ":. 00 .
Butter (rolls) le lb . 2O c 0 22 , InisEend
do Mary.) It et :4 t 3 25 : of ?bats fa
Punik. 9 iless .
?Denims. Vl link new " 40 1 Kir , Ooine ,
need. 'it barrels 71Q ;00. I cud ol Dar si
liVacirte Or Guisr.Wheat 60 Zs.; C 011146 II:S.; .
Rye R ts. 1 Oats 32 Zs.: RaelaYAS as.; Unetiebent ; • ;• - ...... •, L
stl Ihii.t wmws (e• 104-Brun 0 lbs.:
. atz ea I Riiietillpill
teiXlSll:O9Ol7 flesi At 5... et , ,
pnr4.Bpplefiati. F . Seed 00 Yii= '.
• Odh •. 1 1
- 4 4411,—*saulatsfi
flitIITION: Wheiessi 'my wife
‘ 4 ,;/ liele*,,baa left nry bed aad. bawd, without
lust eanaCur promotion, all. persona' bo s on by
easzlonad:opbut bartordig or trustingry
account, as: I will pay no debts of bar ! etud:nrcting
'Mg," tbla date, nate* comps_
_lledlry_ is
. . 4,1 ingla. HANCOCK.
'Towanda, 741, 157 M ,
,' I
. .
BitTE !--,
•-• .Yor , Laundry and llointeliold inii lassafiti-'
;tilted at the 'Ameilean Illtransulne W orks, New.
ark, N. ti b Our Wash Blue is the best In the world.
It dose v streak ; ' contains' nothing I ltdiulotts to
health or rha and is need by all tb r eilargk Jaen
dries on account of its "tdesang elle - and cheap
pea. Superior for whiterwashing.• up In pack
ages convenient for family use. Price 10 cents
each. 'For, sale by grocers everywhere Always
ask- for the ANENICAN WASiI 11 1 :1.!. if you
- want the cheapest and best.
may 27 1 011 tee. 72 William Street. New York.
NFOS ORD'S Oswego.Fure-and
K Sliret
Gloss Starch kw the Lann thi r. Mawr
textured by, T. KlitallffOnto k Son, Wei starch
In the werid. Gives a beantifid finish the
and the difference In cost between Rand common
starch is seareely half a tent , for an ordinary wash
ng. Ask ' l ota Grocer for it.
I 3
For Puddbigs, Blanc Mange, ice .Creatu,ke.. ie
the sliessik—Estlibllshed'in/D l4B .__And - preserves
its reputation as uter, fitionger and nacre delicate
than any - other article of the kind offered, either of
the same W h ine or wittother titles. I '
Stevenson: Macadam, Ph. D., ace., the highest
eliemicsd intherity-of Europe s . carefully analyzed
this Corn Starch, and says it i a most excellent ar
title of diet lind in chemical and feeding properties
is ftdir cetnd to the best arrow root. -
Directions for making Puddings, Cadardig, etc.,
aceompanEach one pound package. •
for sale nil Ffxst-class gamer.. mara
Will give ohe of his amusing - and hest r I Cve lee.
tures on the ;"Indoor Life of the 'Chi ese, Their
Laws and religion, the . Doctrines of naps: ,
his famous Stories on Chinese Courtship and Mar
riage: Tti Wonderful Chinese Calculator , 75 times
faster Di n the European method, will be
ted, at . • . - • "
. . 1-
FRIDAY; EVENINC, May 20,1875.
wolia CHIN#OO has lectured :in motel the
large cities in the United States, to buniense audi
ences. •In tile Star Coarse, In • PhllwielPhla, last
Winter and spring, he so astonished kl&hearers by
his wit-and eloque nce that he was requ6led to rt ,
peat the.satue ou another. evening. Ile bone of.
the most able and eloquent lecturers of his race.
lime Philadelphia Prete of November Will, 1874,
saps:: " WbnE thinfoo: delighted and stirpriseda
large itudience last night In'tite Academy of Music.
His wit wad littmitabie." t• •
The Boston! (Robe mys of his lecture (ou Coati.
elm!) In that city: "Wong Chinfoo delivered one
of the best lectures that has been delivered here
for years." ,;
,Admission fee only 13 cente,
-Mors opeteat 7 o'clock, to, commence at a.. Ile.
served seats 10 cents extra.', • •
NOII3. • -t -w. a. vii.iczyr.
eO.II3LEI:cI4I, 1.7: 4 1 , ,N, of Engl',l, asls. 12,400,000
QrEEN. : " 11,000,900
CONTINENT AL, of Near York,, " 2,606,=
GracmAN A
3tANUArrA.s. - 1
14!(r.N1x, of lfarlford,
(.1 1 Rif:NT,
11"foxi t NC. 'of Wllkos-Baro
A.m ARON. of Ohio; ' -
riTrimNs'„ of Newark,
MiltwAy PAss•Rm
AV 11 O. 1
Or taken Lia
res. Our I
Ores us pec!
•we are not I
14 f, ";:,
20, IXI
20 000
Buyers than
I bare the I,
to be'fonnfl
in over GO n
20 @ 20
Maui sire.q,.riv.,lte the Court ifo‘tm:
IFI, of U. S. A.. a.vla t 3,560.22.5
of Ilart fon!, • - 3,1b8,240
tl, or Ness Volk
au•l pal.l;tt
Np 111.1.: k VV.:COT,
Getterai Agent.
ES A 14 E (V II E T
Ilt. ticrN Iti
111 log a
large and commodious stow., we are
bled toearry'a heavy stock at ,
all times.'
,iltA IN _VS()
.- .- - •
~..,,change for koode s an lowest flash pri
it.,s, cpertencc in the Grocery Trade
' liar' . vantages lit linvehashig, and a 3
titbit lous to make large profits,: we flat
r ourselves that we can offer.
ally "titer ...tablislittimt lu ltrtlicot
4.'1 , 1:N ER M. Si BRIM;
' mayl3.
, 611 and True Name
t i s
Sr M Nt
full and romiilti,.
argest stock' and g,reatefit carlt•ty of
I - -
s*ut hem :cm York. Verbenas
ned varieties, 50 cents per dozen, and,
titer !tarts In proportion.
WERS; alviay, on -hand.
*REA:TIIS, CROWN fi. I 1 A#1 , 13,
esignis for Funernl47.WC4dlngs and
furnished on short tnitke, by t le.
grapb urinal!.
, .
• .
Cautloffne of See& ; olio Ca'isicsim •
clubs atit dcalcrtg •, •
and 'other
and see (T4o 'Street car. IWO.
it.) •
cvaieN!lool4%"'* - 0' 01.
Li* ,
: : Wu of persons engaged 10 the ales of goods , wares and 'merchandise fp the county at Bradford
for the year 1875, !• • 1.; cLAIIB. ilmitatob"
Athens ',l• o 4o_pAnson Beldienian 14 ; • 07 00
' ,Townsend linowls.t. - 14. :7 00 .
• 'Fk-Weller ' ;
•. Wm Cory. , . • 'l4'. 7 00
' i 13 10 00.
• • 31 Beldleman & Co • 13 ' 10 00
,„.., W Lincoln : - . 14 r - 7.00
Athens Both-It B Lycra i. • . -13 'lO 00
. .Islab Potter: ; - 14 - 700
. . VT- rage . '
• ; 13 10 00
Jl4 Corbin • 1 • 10 •
°oh! 2 - 0 00'
14 7 7
II 41 utai • .14 - OO
J Carroll 14 7"00
Dr Par& ' 1 '.. - .10 . ' 20 00.
ThurstottiliCo . .14 •. • 700
.A A Xlmwr ; •-• • 70 00
' , 0 L Easterbtbok • 12 ; • 13 ,70
'''. •.- •N . P Chaffee t ! 14 • 700
Ilt r V 114411 ; ,• 11 700
' " • Ir Gibbs . L I 14 . •I 00
Mitchellßrothers c • - 11 . 13100
• ' Flteb dt Kinney -". 11 ; ' - ' 15.00
.1 8 Williston I • 14 700
Einittlik Ely_ 1 ' 14 •- 700
Albiny T - 1)013- liver :Allen ' 114
~ . 700
.: • . , V P Corcoran; • - ! 14 ' 700
-,'.. 18 D:Sterigere &Co .•. 12 12 30
- • .41 I'lleated• r • 14 - 700
• Mbahoro-C ix Weblk : 14 . 700
- '• - "`Lefflon'ltite 1 • 18 ' 10 00
•Asylnut Dnop-,•11 Moody ,4% Sou , 14 ' 100
Barclay Tw'ptllichman & Levy 12 12 50
Abbott Davis kCo '• 8 • 80 00.
W .1, ThoniplOn,_Agent • , 100.00
Burlington West -A 11 McKean ! ' 13. • 10 00
BurUngionT'srp-r3l Knapp. .', 14 1 700
Burlington boro-0 P Tracy , . 14 ; 700
. . Wll D•Oregn -13 • 10 00
. Canton T'o'p-II C Greene , ' 14 • '
' 7 00
- • 0 ' M Landon. 1 ' • 11 15 00
C 341011 BOrougit-11 W Clark ,-14 r 700
'Estelle & Spaulding • 13 10 00
JoSeph Goldstein : 13 :. • 10 00
Mr.& Whitinan , 13 10 00
: WrOwens& Son • , 12- 12 50
. I ' Jame, Khmer .14 , -
', 7 00
• • '.. A •%•''' Trout ' • II 700'
S 4 Hickok : : 14 700
. . ' C•Alirise ;- . PI . 700
Smith & White .10 ; 20 00.
IT $ partt , -, - , 11. ; 15 00
Pierce, Tripp to Picree ~11 . 13 00
-',- • . Burk. Tholnas &Co 1 8 .: . 30 00 1
31 31 Trout 1 .14 700
- • . A 0 Merritt 1 . ' 13 10 00
•, - Manly & Ifixter • 12 •12 50
A Doty; , • 13 -. 10 00
1 ' • W S Cramer; _ 14 .- -; - 7.00
D Parkhurst ' . . 14 : 7.00
" 1 - S S Strait . ' l4 700'
, Columbia' T'w'p-C G McClella n d i Ls to 00
1 : - . Geo 31cCarrik 1 14 ' • 700
~- - W 111 finedaker &Co ' 14 - . - 700 - 1
' ' - Goodrch & Ilibbard 11 .' ' 15 00
. 1111 Fergtisoni &Co ; 13 In 00
Edwin Billings ' . ,14 700
; • , L LlSlade ' - 14 . 700
llt nuktin 'l. - trp-,-.11. 31 Walter ' . 14 7 00,1
A Grace i , 13 10 00
'Granville Vorp-Taylot & Manly 13 ,10 00
i• •'" 3 7 Riggs i 14 .% 700
, ' • • • Porter Bros ; 14 700
I Herrick Tw'p-(:lddiugs & Audersonl4 7 00 1
I • Cliasltice. . - 14 700 1
John Champion . ~ 14 700
Litchfield Tw'p-W E Armstrong -14 - 700 I
_ . Demerest & Lance " 13 - 10 00
Leroy T'sVp-lingh ht llolcoinb , 14 .7 00 1
41. D ilolcoMb I - ' 11 ' 700
1 i - .11 Alloleomb I ' ... 13 - - 10 00
II 3 Team ' ' 14
7 700 I
,Leraysvllle .11oro-t L Bosthworlh 14 •700 1
W F Robbins : , 14 , 700
: 1
.1) G Bailey • . 13 10 00 1
I ' - JAI Bewley ; 12 12 50
Gray & Lyon I , 12 .12 50
Gorham & Coleman 12 12 50 I
Geo N Johnson ' 14 - 700
' ". 4 P Carl 1 • ' 14 7 00
. .
• L P Dlnekman , . 14 7 00
A S Ilaltiwht ' , 13 10 00
• - -6 W Bailey I ' , 13 lO 00
.Munroe Twp-11, 11011ou , 14 , 700
i • J 134. Irvine • ; ' 12 :12 50
i Monroe Soro-I)J Sweet 1 1 13 10 00
E G Yowler ", - • 14 .700
I i ; Rhlnevault &Co • 12 12 50
• . 311ngos & Blacknian 14 .. •7 00
.... Tracy & Blackman ' 14 -7 00
. - Jlt Sommers; 12 12 50
1' : -• 7 A L Cranmer &.Co 14 700
, Orwell Twp-Belot & Pendleton 14 ' 7 00
i". A. It Cass . 14 ' 700
Frisble & Coburn _ 13 • lO 00
r-. . W L Pendleton . 10 '• '2O 00
I . ' E W Bushnell . 13 10 00
I Overton Twp-F Osthaiss . 1 / 4 Co . 13 . 110 00
1 ' 'F llelelimer & 31osbacher13 ,1 10 00
Pike Twp-Morgan & Thomas ll 7 00
: I E J Easterbrook •14 ; 700
' .., Rest; & Stevens; • 13 10 00
I WC3/ A 11 Burrows 11 : 15 00
Itidgbtfry Twp-7 U Voorhis 'l3 • 10 00
1 .1 C Robinson ' , 11 ' • 15 00
; . ' . I II C EV.al94 ._ 13 -ill 00
- I II L 3feAfee .14 . 700
: liositc litwough.--M L Nlanard ' •- 14 700
' East•irlirwit & Brea Mug 12 12 50
E 31 Frost ' l4 700
Geo Nichols ' - 13 10 00
, .
, -1 W Kilmer ' • 1,3 10 00
! 4 Whitaker ' • ft .7 00
! Boole Twp-Eugene Leut • 11 700
I Springfield Twp-3lrsD C I.e , •narrl 14 7 00
i. N 5 Watson 14 ' 7 00
It It Burnham{ II 7 00
, . . Mrs 31 14 Smead . 11 700
11" T 13411 y .14 7 00
I, Smithfield Twp-4.1" II Webb k Son 13 10 00
Rector & Voorhis 12 12.50
C B Riggs • • • •' 13 ; 10 00
ESI I)urfee • - .; II • 700
E S Tracy & C 0 11 • 15 00
B Gerould " 13 10 00
Sy h a nla I.loro-4.1 31 Struble 11 . 700
•0 . 4.: Waldo . ' " 1i % ' . 700
Peter 3lonro. 14' . 7" 00
South ('reek Twp-1' Worstett•lke - 14 . 7OO
. I Turk & 4,3iase . - 13 30 0)
. I N E liingsland 13 10 00
Sliebe,ptit, Twp--Moses 'Watkins 12 i 2 50 ;
1 1 31 14.• Osborne Li ; JO 00
, , I J L Crawford ... I i 7co
. Standing' stone Twp-Morrow &•••
Whitaker , 1:; . 1.0 00
." T F 4:spy '" 12 ' 12 50
Alex Ennis , 11 - 7 1 , 0
• F E'Rnsb; 12 12 50
Tuscantra- Twp-A J sil v an, - 12 12 50
i II E Cogswell 13 1, 10 00
; Terry Twp.-Jones & Terry 'I i T . 700
S C Strung ' 11 . . 700
• - ' W&.l 11 Iturt•ll - 12 r' ... 12 50
T3l Bottles • - 1 t 700
, . Henry Zetter 14 , 700
East Troy-4 II Dexter ,44 . 700
11 .1 Shayier .- : " 14 700 ,
Troy Borough-Newberry,Peck & C't, 8 30 00:,
'1 A. Pierce . ; 'l3 . 10 oo'
; - II 11 Slfehell ,- 14 700 1
Ed E: Loomis ' : 8 30 00
' Morgan & Quaid . •10 20 00-
N WOll,l 'l4 ' 7-00
b W:Elglimy • 10 . r'.2o 00
. ' Hobart . & Porter .14 . 7WI
' Enterprise 31• Cg Co • 9 - 25 00
E C Oliver ; ,l4 7 00
' 4J II JarOlemon 14 700
• Davison & McCabe ; - - 14 700
Greene, Dewey, &Co •14 , . 700
. Whitaker, Long & Co 9 25 00
Grohi; te.Lee, 11 . .15 00
• - 4 H Grant . - I ,II 700
Jewell & Pomeroy 11 15 00
Redlegton & Leonani 4 • 80 00 .
. Dr Ali. &sten! / • 11 7 00 .
II F Rediugton 13. '. 10 00
Towanda Boro-4.1 B I'orter 12 ' 12 50
I) W Scott &CO 12 . ,12 50
• 3111 Scott ' 'l3 ' 10 10
Howe Sewing 31E111:0 - .13 -10 00 -
4l' Bender .; .1 i 400
0 I/- Wickham ! - ' 'l4 7.00
Whitcomb & Shout - 'l2 12 50
A S 31cDonald , 14 700
3lontanyes I ' .10 20 00
- • 4 0 Frost & Sons • 8 • 30.00
• 31 Handelman 'l3 _ - ' 1000
II C Porter 12 . • . 12 50
Decker Brothers - 13 10 00
Cl' Dayton - - 13 . 10 130
Mrs Jano Carter 14 7 00
31 E Rosenfield- -.11 ' 15 00
C S Eltch 1 'l3 10 00
M E Solomon & Son -12 • 12 50
Barron & Coburn 1-1 15 00
Pierce & Braund 14 . 700
Turner & Gordon 12 12 50
Mrs Amanda Horton 42 . 12 50
11 Jacobs'll 15 00
J K llusti, , :11 • .15 00
Samuel Woodford 12 • 12 50
• Rev Patrick 'roller 'l4 700
Geo rillialley 14 7 00
.1 :3 - Allyn & Co I I 15 00
31 11 Owen 12 12 50 .
c T Rirby -.13 10 00
. .1111..3be k Edwards '. -I 60 00
Davies Brothem - 13 10 00:
- • 'Drain Taylor " . '1:1 , 10'00
' fient:& Watron3 :hr 20 00
I C C Sudan, • 13 10 00
Ilulines & l'assage rs 30 00
TaylOr &Co ' . 5 60 00.
' TII Emmons - 'll 700
• Win A. Chamberlin 12 12 50
- 4'015.4t• & Coon .' 11 15 00
' Clark
_& Elmendurf it . 15 00
RM. Welles & Son II . 7 00
C B Patch 9 , '25 09.
4 L 31c3laholt , :11
11 • 700
. , II T June , " 9 '' 23,00
F, r noyle I ' • .it 700
- 111 Harris, Agent 14 •7 00
- J D 3lontanye Jr "13 , 10 00
0 A Black - • 11 15 00
31 Lewis I - 13 10 00
Stevens & I.oug 6 30 0')
Powell &CO . 3 100 00
Codding & Russell . ' 6 50 00
. - Mrs-lt E Rittridge 13 'lO 00
• 31orns Clair - -14. 700
, • S3l Brown 11 • 700
311cluiel Py•no I 14 , 7 00'
Thomas Muir & Co . 12 •'l2. 50
It Caren 14 700
, J H Phinney ' • 11 15 00
Pierce & Stott - -12 ' 12 50
Humphrey Bros & Tracy . 2 150 00
1. , .I Calkins ' . 'l3 - .10 00
Rockwell & Mils 7 'lO • 20 00
, W A Rockwell 14 , 7 00
- M 3' Larkin , 13 10 00
Evans & Mldreth 9 25 00
John Beldleman 14 - 7 00
Ilister Twp-Petersen & Buchanan - 14 7.00
James Slather ' 14 .. - 700
. .1 S Smith l.l - 7. 00
C B Ebtbree , CI 7 700
C E Fergumm , 12 • - 12 50
,• A Watkins ' " 12 • 12 50
Wills Twp-V Strome 14 • - 7 00
W. fi
.11 mrai an ' 14 • 7 to
'Wilmot Twp-41 T Ingham 13 10 00
' Horton & Tnrrell 12 12 54
. -. Stowell Bros & Co 147 00
NVlsr•x Twp-Mrs 31 B Allen 1 7
4 1 • oo'
; -
CeoSutilli 7 ' 10 00
• I Daniel 3teekan; 13 10 00
Wholhatn Twp-••••C E Osborne 14 . 7 00
' Wlf Russell I •• ' 14 700
• 31clican Brothers 13 10 00
Warren TWp--Sylvester lla,rsh 14 7 00
. .Philip.Ragers 1 .. 14 . 700
JI) Hinny I • it - , 15 00
. •
• .1 F Cooper I • • 12 10 00
. .• S W Talmadge ; 13, 10 00
• ' W (; Bostwick 1 it 7 00
WyalitsingTut.--,-Wtit Camp - 14 ' 700
Avery & nentluiont 13 . - 10 00
.., • •
CS Lafferty -12 • 12 50.
• '4'' Hemet -..1: 1.4 • 7 00
A Lewis & Cr, 11 15 00
..lolui Carroll I i 14 7 00
-Mrs 4',", I; Swart ' 1 14 .' 7 00
• 41 J Bullock • 1 14 100
, 11 S•Ackley 44 Bros 11 15'00
- •
. J II 31arsh • ' 14 700
i - Allis & Loyd 1 • 14 - 7;00
' •! ' Ackly. Loyd & Blocker 12 12 40'
Jll Hamad i 11 ' 15 00
Ii I' Bosthworth 'l3 • 10 00
Clark to Ifollenback 14 7 00
. .
Chamberlin & Wells . 13 ' 10 00
A List-and - cinssificatiOn of jttenicis engiged in
the sale of
_patent medicines, Nostrums' Sic., In iho
;minty pf '.Wadlord Itcthe rig *375. • ~
_ 1 C 1.155.. ircarist.
Athos Doso-d1 an & Ch..
41 .. 5 - 00
- 4
- If L Gibbs • 4 5 00
Ali Twt-sfa D fl enfant
1 5 00
Surlisigton - Borc•G 1 , Trsc' 500
t - - 1-W II D Greene .
4 . 500 ,
finifiliOn West.-A It Nowt' . 4 . 5
antod Towashir-41 Lawton, .w 1.4
. .5 0 0
Coition libro-11 , .W Clark ty 00
illix & Whim* . 4 • ..• 5.00
C r OIO3IIJUTIv).-L Ti stedo . 'ir - - 5115
I• • ' 1 :, ''' ~
1 439 637
, i
A 1 L
1 Lova.
i ,
Granville Twp--Cr , llolecttab'. 4 • 5.061
Leraysidlie Hero—,ltG Betisley • 4 $OO
• Monroe Borough—D t Sweet - • 4 '•5 0 0 1 1 1
Overton- Tw - p4s.lf Halehemer &Co 4 . -$ 00 1 1
BldgburyTwpss.l Cifobhdion - 4 500 ,
Rome boros.MlL Prost. y, •• 3 10 00
South Creek—P Worthenayke-• 4a 00 -
Towanda boros.o B Porter 4 -500 4
, • . 11 C Porter 1 • 4 00
Turner *Gorden - ; ,
• - - : 3 . Ite
Troy born-11 B Mite/tell I . .4 . •3;00 1
.• • Dr A K Antall , • 4 00,*
U fiedlngtort , 4 bOO •
iiryalusing Tirp-sV Hemet I . 4 " . 00
, &Tier' 4 '• 500
4 Bat of persons et:logged In running billiard ta--
Ides and bowling alleys In the, vaulty of Bradford
for the year 1875 • xd. TAMS,. MCC:ann.
Athens Iswo— Jo rdon A Degroff 4 10 00
Buffington born—M B Calitths • • 1 •'3O 00
Columbia Twp—ll BWattlina I • WI 0 0 • •
Canton born -Wm CMoores , ,- . 0 4 0 - 00
W °Meitner • 2 OO
f; yarns born—W , I - 30 00
Towanda born-,d C 'ranee • 3--
10 60
00 00
S Smith - ,
3 3
Troy born-+d W Wolfe •. 1, - 5 O 5O 00
V 3.1 LongV , 2'. 40-00
A, list of the bankers and broker, in the-county
of Bradford for the Year 1873. ctArds. LICZNaI.
Troy_ Boro—Pomeroy tßrcrs 423 00
Canton burp--stralt, lark ' & Co -0. 23 00
• A list of persons engaged In disallerle, and brew •
eries_in the county of IBra4ford, for the year. 1875 ., •
• CLASS. blCzirsE.
Athens bore--37d ifnareaboro 2 630:0 7 • ,
Columbia Tut—Warren Smith 2 50 00 ,
7 :14 A. D. Mcs,;, :Mercantile Appraiser for 'the
_County of Bradford, do tuireby certify that the'
forego:II:a correct I list of .the appraistaent and
ton :for 1873, and that an appeal will be
jithi at Treasurera office in To' anda:On Sada- „.
dor, Mine 12, 1873. for the purpose of hearing Such
as feel themselves agtievetithy reason of said 9- A.D. MUNN,
1 ; 11 t 10 0. 1, May 17, 1875.. ',Mercantile Appraiser.
1 "
QIIERIFFS' gAr i ,ES---13y virtgr .
kJ of sundry writs [smarted of die:Court of 0)M, '
mon pleas of Bradford .County and to nan directed-
'wntlie exposed to plata lc Sale on SATITRDAVJuno
at X o'clock P. x, at the Cornt Ifouie in; Towanda.
-the following describOttproperty, to.witt.
One lot of land In Albany twp., bounded as fol
lows: Beginning at an Iron bar planted In the bed
of what is known as Ladd's creek,
r ,on.tbe lower side
of the bridge and running, thence northlo.o east
252 feet to a post; thence north 4 0 east 66 feet to n•
corder; thence south a° west 252 feet to a corner
on the Susquehanna. dr Mega Turnpike more cora
wordy known as thq Berwick turnpike; thence_
south 4 0 east 66 feet to the place of beginning. coo-
tationg 16633 sq. ft. of land more or leas. all -hol
proved, with a Initiad hails() and' few fruit trees •
thereon. Seized and taken Into -execution at the
suit of Lorniore Brotiers 3r, Co, re. Daniel :KU.
ALSO--One other lot of Lout in Albany twp..
bouudedon the north 'IV lands or codding, Russell
14 Cu., formerly. of Amass lieverly, on the east by
the Fowler branch of Towanda Creek, on the south
fby b inds formerly of W. Smith and Daniel Kellogg, •
and on the west by land of the Cool Co., containing
ri. acres of land more or less, about, 80 acrekhrt•
proved, with a framedthotise two ranted barns and.
few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Inteet
eentlon at the malt of U. if.. 31ace vs. Henry Vran,
ALSO—One other lot of, land in Towam—_
bounded on the north lby State St., east by Land . of =-
A..C. Stoat, south by Poplar St., and west by bud
11tpoSeession of Daniel Walborn. being 50 ft. - front
au ',130 feet deep, beinelot No. 51, on snap of Cask -
estate, with a two story. framed dwelling house
thereon, now in possession of ,Wm. IL Coverdale. ,
4-LSO—One other lot of land In Towanda bore..
bonded owthe north by Poplar St., east by land Of °
V. Stedge, south by lands •Of -.John F. Means.
west by land pf the county -of Bradford and about
50 ft. 'front on said stroet by. about 140 feet deep.
being Lot NO. 64 of the Cash estate, with a two
story framed dwelling; house and a -framed barn
Partly finished thereon; and now in possession of C.
A.' Griswold. Seized and taken into execution at
the wit of Mrs. IL A. cott's,use vs. W. BrainhOlt
and Geo. P. Cash, See.
unicla I
--!..;ottee Is herelpy given that all persons In
detded to the estate of Henry Exsenvrine, late of
Towanda bore.. decd, mnst Make finmedlate
meta to the undersigned, and all ;persons haying
cialrgsngalnst 4711 d. estate Must present them. duly',
autheutimted, for settlement: :
A dmlnistratris.:
—Notice Is hereby given thal all persons in-'
debtsd to the estate of y.lbert Lynel, late of 'War
ren, deed, must make liumedlate payment- to the
ntulerslgned, and all pejsons having. claims against
said estate must presilmt qbem. duly authenticatesl
. for settlement. :. , I - ' NV. 'W. BA-KEIL
a rtsvv6 i , Administrator. i''';'"
irl :Notice isjterchy Oven thaiperso: ns indebt
ed to the estate of George Fox; fate of, Wysox.
deceased. an; , requested to make Immediate pay
ment,' and all personX baring claims. agaius 'paid
estate must present thee{ duly authentlogell. for set,
room. 1 • ORSON RICKEY.
novEMO . • . • Executor.
i - iy_Notice le imtelty - given; that all persons', hi
de MAI to Om estate of Tut. W. Wilkinson, late Of
Silel - hi:quill , dec d. musts make Immediate, Fayment
to therundersig,ned. and tall persons having ci:dnis
agabod said estate will nresent them to the Adralit
lstrattlx. at the reshleut;e of Win. Snyder Esq.: in
rdicshcquin. MI N V.ItV A WILKINSON.
aprgO. Atlptirdstriltrix. '
rf i X7ECU'rall'SlNO,Tl.CE.—Notic'e
hereby giien Vint all persons Indebted to
the estate of Aral iella l'Wells,late of OrsVell,dee'dc
must Make immediate piyment to' the undersigned,
and atF persons 'haviitg claims against said estate
must present'them. duly' authenticated, for settle
111111;at. I . .I:Setater.
111 - tne of an orderissued, out of the Orphans'
CourtqA Bradford Comity: the undersigned. Ad
ministrator of the ostateiof Andrew Fraley, late of . ,
Itidgbnry, ilccfd, will expose :to public sale on the
premises. on TUESDAY?. June 1:5,1674,at TO o'clock
A. 31..ithe following des Abed piece of land-situate
In Utdgbnry aforesaid, aF bounded as follows; On
the north by hinds of D.. . Burnham; east by lands'
of Tfarvey Fay andAMni l Sullivan: south by lands
of Mlehael Conklin, ;Ind' west by lands of J. Da
vidsen and Harvey Fay, containing one hundrua
and two acres, nearly air improved. with a --- frame
house; two frame barns and fruit trees thereon. t,
TEH3LS-410(1 on the r 'operty being struck down:
itoo on eonfirtnation of sale, the halancAi -in two
equal' '
annual payments, with interest; first pay- .
ni ent to became due one. year trum Illia,leonfirnui
tkiliaLance in one year thereafter, - .
1111t.,01 W. CAUPENTER. ,
ny virtue of an order Issued out of thelOrphans7
Court 'of Bradford Contr. the undersigned, Jtd
ministrators of the estat of Geo. A. Johnson, late
of Granville, deed, will ;xpose to public sale on the
premises, in the townshi of Granyille on TITURS,-.
DAF,.. the 17th day of ; June. 1575, tho property
known as the 11031 E FAR3I, containing between
six and seven hundred atres. A map of said land
will Delon exhibition at the house of Mai. Johnson
on the premises, also at the office of E. T. Fox in
Towanda. on, and after Jilne Ist.
The 'above property 1111 be sold by the acre. in
lots to KIM purchasers.
..—Ten per cent; of purchase money to
be paid upon the property being struck down; fif
teen per cent. of the whole.s,purchase monet' tl)
paid upon confirmation;l and the •Daiatice - in tWO'
equal annual payments t i front confirmation, With
interest from that time. i
1 E. T. FOX,-
May 19. ISTS
df the Frst Nrtion. 1 Ralik at Towanda, In the
close of businesA, 'May 1, 875:, . .
• , ItESO nCES.
T.oana and discounts • • . A 345,1355 42
Overdrafts ' - r ' ' • 3.369 95
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation • 125,000 00
U. S. panda outland • 200 00
Due from approved resolve agents' I -03 , 969 60
Due from other National; Banks,...: •• • 7,420. Id
' Due from State hanks .......,683 • . 5,683 71'
neat eState. furniture and eatures.',.....; : 22,403 9$
eurrent expenses and macs paid , 3,006 r•ii
Checks and other Lash Ittus , ...... ..... 2.349 50
Him or otive! National Itil. - .14 ' - 1.091 0 4 )
Ficactioat currency °nein dlue -
itickelsl.. 1,765 10
s'peele (Including gold Treasury , notes)... 322 kl.
begalle oder, notes . 23.276 00
liedemptionlfund with U. S. Treasurer 1
1(5 r.eT COI% Or circulation? - ! 5.625 1..0 .
Duo from U. S. Treasurer, other than 3. '
pt.r cent. re.lempti.n fend . • 175 0"
...., LIAIniLITIEk. •
40,304 block paid In I
Surplus fund •
Other pudic/41A profits 1 .2 ' '
Nat tnual Hank notes outitanding....
Ilicideints unpaid ' • r -
Individual depotlits subjc!ct tq cbeck
Time certificates of depotdts
Due to utile! National D 1 nks:
.. . .
• Total - 099,54'2 19
state' of Pennsylvania, Cethity_ei Bradford, ss:
1.,. N. lIETTS,Jr., Cashier of the above named
bank, do Bolemniy swear:hat the ab.cwe statement
is of
trne to the best my knowledge and belief.
. Jr., Cashier.
'Subscribed and sly mi to before - .me this lath day
of 3fav, 157.5. W,. IL -DODGE, Notary Public.
' • .1014. POWELL.
ei S. utssELL,
V .
o l k SA - LEIEIi.P AND O\.
~ -
, .
A blacksmith and wagon shop, with a twenty feet
water power, attached. ft very desirable locatloe r
for business.. . 1
Theidmps are large ant convenient, with ueces-
sary machinery for - carryng on an extensive bust
ness, ~t. Small new dwell ng house and one aere, of
land attached.
.. ,
AL.Scl—One otherTr Power on the same, .
stream. , with a twenty- we feet wheel, with sap`
and lath mill. all In g 1 .running order. This
proper 4 util be sold together with tire acres of
land onwhiCh the mill stands. .
I- AT-SO —.AROTEL PROIFIERTY. with. a large •
'two and one-half story house 4 with back buildings.
Main building 60x32 feet, wh large and convent- -
eat barn. This property willi he .sold with one Or
more aOes of land, to suit purcha-xr. • •
ALSO—.I. TAR3I centalning about 150 acres of
laud, all Improved excegt 5 acres; two dwelling
houses,': two orchards, large cattle barn, horse barn,
wogon house} and sheds thereon: This property is
In a high state of cult' ilea; and the quality- Of' .
the land unsurpassed in t e county.
The above ; described v i opert'V Is all desirably In
. cated and convenient to 611101 1 :alley ,Rall Road.
AN" roc terms of sale apply to the subscriber ] , at
Sryersliurg, Bradford Comuyi Pa. r
apri-15. . 1,.• .E. REED 31YX 'r
The Political, PI
Of the •Unttid States-1 :to to qr4ct.te and halo
to proems th en. °pails Parsons...l,4,D.
Containing a commentary on the ederal and
State Constitutions, giving their histo and origin
and a fall explanation Of 71:412' Millet s,Paffeses
and provisions; the Powers and duties of Male
o,4coni ; the pleas of tbe people: and the oblige.
lions Incurred in every relation of lite ; Alta. pan
lumentet7 rules for deliberative hodles. and full
directions and legal forme for all tallness transac.
time, as raaking 7? ecd3. Mortgages, Leases,
Netts. Drafts, Contract?,{ eta VLityr Lib in a
singio,coinute. It nsPetlthe wants od all cLo,
and SOS to eit ••
tYyI2O4I -
ida lxyro.
4. 31. SMITH.
4 .p9,512 19
~.0254000 00
... 17,503 19
110,600 do
- 72 03
253.320 27
26,260 OS
... • 4,760 65
'TED TO SE - 14
rsonal. and rroperty