II 11 II L Ariat-iktralVtrarhitmt U The,Lawn of the Farmer.. There is Q isight more Charthing in the country to 'a cultivated ,eye than a - tastiefidly planted 'and kept - lawn.l But even one of the plain est kind greatly relives the roughest sortTof dwelling of much that IS nu cquth or howler, and adds tOVie beat 5 4 of the surrounding landsciape. -• We will eave the more • elabeitate and costly kind of lawn to pr6ar , eft and lilanted _by the professional dandkape gardner, and considernow only such as any ,farnier ean :Make for himself at little Cost,. and it' a simple ! CasY.manner. . , If the ground set 'limit fori the lawn be mot already -yell tUrfeil,'as soon as thei.froStis-out — ffO - over the sarfaee . witka sharp harrow andltear it 1811..t0 - flia , eS then sow the, graSs recimred, give it . s dressilg of I finely rotted - Manure or, compost,. if = )It•cessarv.i :Intl , roll down ' smooth. Du!! the . better.way generally td pre _ pare for a durable lawn. would Ito plough tile• ground in the si ring. t;tin,oilin , - at the same time to d pen the tilth,. 7 ,ntanure well if reel ired, and then plant with potatoes or eon', keeping ; the crop perfectlyi elear of o• weeds during the growin season. Earl Y the next spring plough again, harrow Ihfely, and sow grass seed extra this, following with the roller, u 1 the_planlc-smoother. which it still - better to crush and pulverize the • - The . seOsinen, for the sake of fltney. ItANIc! A mixture of-half a dozen sort: or more of grass seed. prepared .f , ,z• the gentleman's lawn ; -.tit; the i7elle-ipest. aril after all the best,! kind for t be-Th tinier .to sow. is pure otiehard •rruss. without any admixtnre. Avlitit lever, as itl ilfIS at least four subrrior 1 i re. ! tiisis mei. all other eult Vateil . grass. First. it (-pines forlva id:ear liest of all in the spring. Seeon`d, its growth isl the most abundant and ra pid duriug the season. ; Third, it 'hest resists a drought. Fouoll,. it 1 remains f'esli ant green lates' ito a u tunra a al winter. ~ • Now :I I to planting the fa Tiler's luwu.. Tale any of the native trees and shrul,:ps you plea:so which, grow wild abundantly around usi. ag there is nothing superior, on the ]whole, for this 1 tirpose. But from a strintly utilitarian paint of view. I Would prefer frUit to -forest trees . ; as there • :ire eertaiin kinds of the pearl pltim iirtl' eheilry: airl. to enlat4e ::the variety. Lan oceasional: splits and' peavh whit h :Ire us on tine' tal in 1 , trnuk, littili and foli;Te aS _ th finest '. of forest trees. Then, what i • more fragraUt land - beautiful 'that their ~1,1;,,:50 i n, : l in the spring, to Arliieli we have the laided luxury of a succes sion of dnlieious and healthti fruits, fr o m June to oveniber ..! , 1 ' .I'othiq• ihing ; the si.e. Of fruit t cees makes, them more aPfirt l hriate to alawu than forestietrees. in; the -, :: ,:lt 1 .I f lnlit.r ge aq•,y . 4 lo‘gtoo lard 4 rot• this purl 9 , .e. :nal are leper Isniti74l for the wider domain of tine pArk. - - 1 - • CFI Fri —I . IIITO is itothin,i more n-,erut khan reietyl. The outsides'; will serves a, thti - ormg-lbr soup, an , 1 1 the hearts - cooked -for the fat le. or to be, eaten with itleese. First it - all. remove the .6ntsitle le.n_ ;fn'ses from tin:-hearts awl ttLim the roo:tsit cut them otr. two largi: pans (if Ivater, one,7, of lwarm, t'!e . other of, eo:d watt r ; vast .outside teiti of the -,,le rs jpj . Warm it,hrit-h. and - throw; it into ;the cold iWailt.r. also the heats,. and alt !rravt 1. itisects and dirt will tall .From the celery at 0nt7e..1 T:ike all the outlide pieces and jare' l away ever . V faidt.3 and discolored I pit; ; then ca , it mere in tivo. or three, o r and tut it crosswaYs very sin:lll_las. and put it into i a leaks of celerv• mnst ire laid - • a'side and when In head or fitt , re -is Nvanted it esu, be 6iken Fl - 0111 \‘"at . o". :111(1 ellt in proper shape to lie swit - rii v at befOe ' ll, is put into the hist water any Iliq.blored hit fe4.be l encTrorn the • small e:le - ry. 'Of sthe pie-di Six add one or two lar , re turnips pared thing then-cut llONynwa , falslfront .tlie head to, the . ioot in a dozen cuts. but notlseparift iigr the iurnip; then turn the turnip .r.itind iii the hand and ent it: the Vit her Ny:i'V ill a 11111111,er of cuts ; hOld cut it Micros'. The furn;p will fall intiOnany square 1 : :1 carrot inay lie cut in the s.one way. This ture , Nvill last foc , a week, to put into Cold coup. .;,; oo k orlbroth, and well Iboijed. 'to give flav;or to, it. Thus thore h; thrift ofihne'and thrift of veget'ables. I.for : it takes•kflo longi-r to prepare this noe the cOnsirn!qion of a Nrcek than it . d oe , c.ir one day. Moreover,. eefery . thus preparcai will keep good, crispiiiid. well flavored for a fort night—often for'a longer !low MAKE A V ALUABLB E (•I P E very tonsekeeper should have her Yiiry i own recipe • itook—a{book of her own 1 creation, '.l - adttal growth and proVed ai we 'promise to Show our ]aly-1 eat cgs hoir to make one. • in the first place buy a biank-book and write your name and the date on' the first leaf. pivide the book into as many different di'!Partments as 'you wish, heading, each page with tinflepartment to Whieh iti belong; ReciPes forjeleaning, rcci - pes for soaps, recipes for soups. recipes for cookingi meatS, recipes for eake.'and So on thrbugh , family cooking. Then comes .eofiking for the sick %e iare of the sick, and all the various things that are a Ipart ota woman's duty. and for which, tinfor tunately. there is no school )bu t experiemy. Number your; page 4 if '. they are not numbered in the begiu iiing. itMl 'Make an index, leaving sNces•in the index tf) corres ,pond With blank pages;' between r Ayltich you . (.10 . . not. ex.- pert to: till iminediately. „Write 1• tinder 11,1(,!` different heads even ` • recifsi - whielt you 'have actually . tried, r o thv results of which you'have seen Illuses of your friends, and enter tlu;,- page in the index. , • A . 'IIENTER, (-outlay thrniluf :. in 111'est eluester Republii•aa that - he Was on several occasion this wpm- iontud potaio bugs lying dor ! 'maw !tinier ground or benoth shcl tur. and Out( vn being 19r7nill :up thQ all T,igti.s of autiw!lift.. it . . war frent this . Ise a-re to attaek, of tie - enemy ttcxt • :one talOspeponful of flour.; t six of .sweet milk melt butter - in the Whilich - nt. turn the whole • - , a hot I:;.' ‘ ' , i l ,4;:r . • ' •- F•I mt)i Wht you know of hiui, would 11911 Iwlicv him ufider 'Oath?" 'Thai 'l{ tirctunutarietf. If Iv; 4.6 ttlach intrallcatcd that. utit wit he .ca ta.. , :ireir, I would . : If not, I - fihtealiatiallfta COMMITTEE Of' ASSOCIATE RDITORB E. E. QuiNr.ili, W. H. TuomPso; J. C. ClAwFoltD, I RILLIB,. -;_. A. KEENEY. • tALL•rteunautirationa intended tone Inserted In tas tl.partmeut.; .bond bet sent" xt the chairman of the comulltt.fty QVINLAY, at Tolima* and will be forwarded by him to Urn Editor in charge Tor Ho, tttstittyr Week].„ A DINT or PASSIM Au Irishman, whohad been accustomed from his youth up, to use a large stone for a pillow, was infOrmed that a pillow made of feathers was a much more corn fortable support for the head than a stone: Tu te4.the truth Of that statement, he concluded to make the-. aperiment of placing one feather under his head, upon the stone, to see. what the effect would be: His conclusion was that "there is nothing afternll, like a hare stone to hold a man's head-up when be ,slapeS." In like mad per, I fear that some of the good - people of our county have unwisely -concluded , that, Since no very striking results follow the inspection of the schools by the coun ty superintendent, once or twice a year; it is, therefore,useless to visit the schools. Judging from my own - experience. in teaching, I should say that there is noth ing which has a more salutary effect upon a seltool, than to haye it frequently Visit ed by the school effibers, the, parents of the children , and others . lt 'spin the ambition, and =encourages the e ff or i ts of both teachers and scholars. And if the import-ince of visiting, the stitooltqwere well understood, there certainly ought le be public spirit enough among the reSi dents of every school district in this eoun ty to see to it that.this work of visiting and insPeetingbe f aithfully done: leing themselves the petsoni who ought:to be chiefly concerned and . interested in the . sdioul, they should do' the work them selves, instead of letting It_ go undone, or helplessly looking to the; school officers to do i at the public expense. • I believe that' one of the most foisuida lde hinderancei to the progress :of educa tion in the 'rum' districts of Petmsylraiiii is this great fallacy which prevails in the min& of the pebple, namely, that the re-. sponsibility for the' cOndithin of the schools rests wholly upon theschoOl offi vers. that the school law ought to be all sufficient for all the purposes of Educa tion; that it should accomplish everything for the schools; and that if the Schools languish in the face of their indifference, and on account of it, they cannot be blamed. It seems to me that if the pro prietors of a school are n t very Poor in- deed, it is very discreditable to them, if the condition of their school is not much better than it could be made, if they_ themselves did not co-operate, actively, and in a . substantialway with_tbellirec tors and teacher in sustaining and im proiing it. - - The friends of edtimtion ouht to eliminate; first from their own minds, and then from the minds'of the people, the 'false ide.a;Vtat a school system is a piece of machinery, which, - if rightly construe- fed, eau be made to run, and to dO good work, by merely. turning on the water. We have ,a good school system, and it is indispensable, but: too 'much should not be expected from it. If it is to be corn pared at all to a machine, it should be compared to one that 'cannot be made to move very briskly. unless those who have an interest in the grist will take hold of the crank*and turn vigorously., • INFLIIMICE riilenfli and unseen, yet surely. there is an influence 'going out from every life, pursitipg invisibly its Way, entering -into everY)uvenue of society, Moulding char actera through words 'and deeds whose vibrations will go on and on forever, ex alting.to a purer life, or depressing noble impulsei. We cannot comprehend the far-reaching influence the lightest action of our lives may produce. Whatever can actuatethese , thinking, reasoning . powers which must live' ,forever, is certainly a power,tor good or eVil., • 'Powerful is it itt society': in :the forma tion of : character. Thti *rill atmosphere breathed in the home circle, given a color iiig to tlicychole l life. 'ln the selmOl it is \in}t unimportant, as impression.4inade on the youthful Mind, leading•• it in the right path or the wrong'.- are lasting. Very cl.tscly connected is it With the raieeessful nranagenteut of,tortr schools. By it is the will contridled. the wind caused to aegi esce. Shall we gain 'this influence by eloquent 'wpribi. or rather by little acts of quiet kintineQs. thoughtful consideration. and sympathy—that attribute which .;has so powerful an influence on the - human mind ? Let but once a bond of sympathy exist between teadter and school, his wishetwill be regardeil,- while it remains. timpared. In such an atmosphere the mind will reach out ; and grasp truths more cagitly and easily, than jf chilled .by unpleasant surroundings. It is neees sary to retain this influence. Tr how easy, in some Misguided moment to lose that management, which hangs on so slender a thread, so that it cannot be fully taken up again; yet the . loss may be so slight, it is dimly seen by others, yet the loser very clearly understands his loss, and with care may be able so to take it up that it may terra a whole. • • . . The breeze nolmore surely pause's on, than does the influence- of our words'ind actions ; we can not stop it if, we would. • Our lives being communicative; how nec essary our hearts should be pure ; that in intercourse with . others, however Slight the tinge their lives mly reeeieve from ours, we may!not look on It. with re-. gret \ We. must. be ' l / 4 tirmed within," if' we would'be "armed 'without," for we atonot hide the soul, it Will find someway to come out and disclose - the true nature. tt'is said "a goOd titan's presence 4. fra grant with a holy influence, though he otter not a wind, nd a wicked man. a lneathes poison all font him, he lie ever' so gitiet... . . I There is that in the Conscientious life,. that clothes_ it with a moral dignity, such as no art can counterfeit—it - nerves the arm for all dutiful toil, girds the heart for patient endurance, it gives true inde dekndence and firmnek thereby exert ing a sal utarrinfluenee.. - Wdl may we remember with regret the many Mistakes we have made along the pathway' of life,,as . :we think of the "unctuling eaq of our words and acts, yet we may he . encouraged-if our hits have been actuated by true principles, and 'we eau feel (lot we -rhave - striven to do Let us, then, ''work„ wiltelti and wait," and i leave the result im who will guide tecif we but trust Him. - L. Benj. Singe:4y, of listrrisburg, offers 125 nil in gold to any one who 'wilt send to him. on or befole June Ist, 1875, the man uscript of a spelling book to mbith a pm fcrenee:shall be awarded by a Atimuilttow 3FliOd. to mate celcoot4o, fie sraltiP ta344 to to, after he .11144 islipto,4fiii. riOssa l lipkii Xr. Sthittk, We often iielfainasi spoko of aaiLa great man. Now the - questbm what does greatness ; Sigan has done s generous act for his wank, or fellow man, or otherwise distingniabed himself, by doing a good deed he b con sidered a great man. If. a man lights bravely for his annitry in time of its need he is caged great. If a, man uses his pen nobly anciprodnoes writings which shall be handed down to posterity, and thus do good, he is called a great man. • Now; there are others,-who live ynietly the time allotted, _ Who ever strive to do their duty, who work not for honor, not for a widespread reputation, but for a true, moral character; who work be cause God said: "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with 'thy might." There are those who go quietly - about their duties, whether they be. agreeable or disagreeable; ever striving to do them right. There are those who are ever striving ,to approach a little nearer perfection, and would rather lose all easithly honor, than commit one sin against their 'khans; who when, theitsammons conies tejoin the in numerableprong, yield willingly the life God has given them, beleiving they shall be amply rewarded in the great hereafter, for all their toil and self denial in this world. We believe that they who play their part in the great drama of life qui etly and do every thing as unto God, are the truly great . ones; and when we are all called to appear before the judgment seat of Christ, to be„judged by. Him who shall judge him who kills by inche i s,j: the one i who strikes life out by a • nte blow, which, think you, will be grater in the sight of God; he who has worked for,the vain honor and glory of this world, or be 'who forsook worldly pleasures and took' ,up his cross and followed Chrifit ? Greatness does not consist in being looked upon as one who has !dined with Princes, or% sat with Kings, but, in doing everything 'well. - \ • There is as good, a chance for the little child to be truly great, as there is for the ruler of the most powerful Kingdom on earth. Let us, as teachers, instil into the minds of our pupils the necessity not for earthly fatne, but for that 'higher aim, true greatness in the sight of God. A. L: Lzwxs. ORWELL, March 13, 1875. PRODLE_. , 3t.—From one solid p l tract one tiOlid inch. Solution.-1 solin.=l"'=-1-17 _444;- - -"Az---143. Ans.-143 ...: ; . , . Teachers should not fail to ,keeptheir reports in accordance with 'the new form of meport book s, the necessary !exptana tions having been given some time since, by the County Superintendent. IThe new form is not only correct, but it gives a better percentage than the 'old. The - directors of Herrick contemplate the erection of a new school house :at Herrickville. The idea is to, build :a house containing two .appartinents, the number of pupils to be accommodated being from 75 to 100. Judge Pearson has decided that the only office in the State incompatible with that of director, is county cOmmis- MEM DEX powELL & CO; SPRING STOCK BOOTS .AND liasJug given 'articular attention' to depart snout of our litigious:R. mixt; OUR GOUDS IX E VEt 1.5 DIRECT FRO)! MA AI7F-4 Tun MAN A•4l. THE HEW :pi , THE HEPARTMEN. We feel evall.leut Ittat,uo ~.31IPERIOit STOCK OF eau be exhlbeted lu any market PARTICULAR ATTEN GENTLEMENS' FINE S Made expressly for our sales and Just Also, to our Superior Stock LADIES, MISSES, AND BOV&AND YOUTHS' Sil t GREATER VARIETY yvER BEFORE SHOI JF confidently invite yor at ten. lion to this dock. • . April 1,74. T ---- FOR SALE--CHEAP /ND ON CONVENIENT TEMMS. , A btacksrulth and wagon shop;'. with twenty feet . water power attached. A:•Yery' desi lite location for business. • . : :. The shop.; are large and: convenient with neces sary' machinery (or carrying on an es moire limi ness. A small new dwelling boupe.and one acre of land attached. . . I ALSO—line other water power 'inn the name stream., with a twenty-dye feet whce, r,..with saw and bnih mid. all In good running `order. This properly will be Fold together with dve acres of land on which the tow stands. ALSOA ROTEL PROPERTY, ith a large two and one-half story keine, with t k buildings. Main building 601.= feet. with large d erereni rot barn. This property will le• add with one or 'mime acres of land. to snit purchaser. - ALSO—A FARM containing about 140 acrei of laroi, all tumor/ed. exeeptga screw; two dwelling houses, two orchsrlarge - rattlis barti, horse Ism, wogon house sod -,, a thereon. This pfoperty is In a high state oft 1/4 111 :11ar. and tio quality of the land httsttlpiesed In county. r , The above is allkdestrahly ro t attttstsat • ,•,etbedto ll34ltattrais •ileitti l " l adr e 'ibl evi; lllllldri 4 1 es , I- - - - t • 'that, . :.. _,... i•i'.-.: . .- ::....; ', A . . , me sub- 63 sol.ft sol. in. sol. in. Powell k Co. Mace Just received their - g 7.4:Vt. lilifratit 1111 'OODS We would cull I to Our stock of HOES opened. CIIIL- PRENS SHOES. S ES . IN lIAN ri • TOVirANilk- ME f :AUSNQY, Sabi ¬, mmiIUNF the Cou*Hosue. 11Ri AND MAR/Ni COMPANIEL cmonscus, tlx - ros, Qt Irtgt , d, mete. fe.,400,001P QVIZIt, " 1,0011,11111 CorrogrartAL. of Net York, " MMUS OEI4I.INIA, - ' . Larr.isas Optlwt AXIMICAN, " ' " 3X1,110 attNiaArr,tx, , raeralic, at Hartford, ONIZST, " MCIMICAN, at PL W dladft, roxrao, at Wilke* Aliiiox. at Hikk, Crrizsme, at Newark,' • FIRE A ACCIDENT COMPANIES. NATIIINAZLII% of U. snots . f 411,1410,. TRATILLICRIS, of Huitord, - " 3,10440 fICAILWAT ; 650,000 iueses adJitibul and Paid at Mb Moe. spM•titf. THE PANIS Ith an its DISAOREABL. CONBICQUENCTS, is past. The ecotatit e tairshi, restored to coo. • RILADY MAIM CLOTHING, Of the latest styles and made up In the best man . arr., win be pawed to learn that ' J. K.• tB IT S H, An eiterieneed deafer, has opened an Immense .. stock of SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS, MEN AND NOYS' WEAL MY STOCK OF SHIRTS, - ; TIES, CUFFS; TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &C., Awl In 'fact everythleg to the furulahlog Itne,ls unsurpassed by any ettle le the country. ' r It you 'On% tvellere I tan over you better bar gains than have been given yon heretofore, Jett call at ply store in_ GRIFFITHS k PATTON'S BLOCK, BRIDGE St *CERTAINLY!. CONVINCE YOU':? Thit I mu prepared to fulfill all I advertise, and DON'T FORGET TIIE PLACE, Store recently ocenpled by )Ire. J.l). 11111 CCM SUSQUEHAYNACOLLEIIIATE • vorriTuTE. We Spring Term of this,lnstitution will - commence April 5, WM, with the following corps of export. rieneed teachers: • . EDWIN E. QtrINLAN, PRINCIPAL. Ancient Langegagefatigniaatici; and English Branches. E. L. JIILLIS, A. U., Ancient Langnages;Rommercial and Reieuttlic Eranciiis. MISS MART E. MEEEI EL. TRECEP7RX4, Common aml d Higher English. , MISS M ART I. MASON, ' . • Comman and Higher English. MLLE LiQuxN, • Franek,lDraMing and Painting. MRS. O.`A. BALDWIN. Vocal Mustafanif Volet Culture. ' MISS MIN NIT: C. HOWES, • • instrtonental music. - , - The cust omary classification of - students will lake place and classes be organised In such of the higher and common brancheCas the needsof the students may demand. Especial- attention given to those desiring to prepare for business, college, or for teaching. Regula r tastruction4n Drawing and Vocal Music, free or eharge. Excellent advanta ges in Instrumental Music and Voice Culthre. Espeu.scs per term for board, tuition, bid. lights and washing, front pl4' to quo. Rooms for dormito ries recently newly Carpeted, provided With new heating apparatus and arranged in suits , with bed rooms adJacent to sitting rooms, far surpassing any previous accommodations. Tuition for day stu dents from 1.1 to 610 per term. Por further particulars ,address or call upon the principal, ' E. E. QUINLAN, Towanda. Pa. MI Lunt Fox, Pres,-Board,Tru.stees. caprl-73. EU JEWETT & SON'S PERFECTLY PORE WHIM LAD. THIS I r r S 0 VALITY OF WHITE • EAH THAT AVE HAVE MADE FOR • . " I I THE LAST SIXTEEN !- • JOHN JEWETT 4t'SONS, 182, Fro4,§t.,lto York. 1 ; PACKAG i ES, . ~..... WOOD ,PAILS; 42:i. Zi and Ail lbs. each. KE6O, ;54' 50 and 100 ltka.alticl.. C.OKS; alma' 200,:200 and '5OO IL*. each. 25 ?.. - Tha Palllt, .!.. per lb , Igher than Inwood FOR: BALE Da. H C. PORT . , , Also,. at tile ( low l PURE LtNS. TURPENTINE A COLORED PAINT • (Dry or mixed in oil dr rantlah), itiIUSHES, OF EVERY DESBIFTION. WINDOW ' St PICTURE fIkASS Of all sizs. Da. 11. C. POETiR. COINZII MAIM AN6PINIZATB.,fOWANDA, PA. I April 12, 1875-Sm. EAL g$ 1'4.,T E I A. J. NOBLE 1 4r. CO:, - • 310tre1 set, • 2 11 0 IVANkiA, 1111.4.5., VILLAGE LOTS, r - 11101.1SES, BUSINESS SITES IN ALWAYS ON nAND BARtiAINI. • • JUNO brgt; tracts of land In lOWA, NEBRASKA long tint of Bait Itoads. hx Eintrati PROPERTY FOR RE!4T. A 7 . 411) BESI2,4ESS P Renfk eutlecl4l Ault riitultled 1 allonay Loaned a Loa • • Parties teLsAlni; to pu.racts otrrour 4 , , Cirpragss. 7011.1015 " 3, 15 4303 LAMM 1104=1,1111 SMI 3113,136 NOBLE t VINCENT, General Agents. Ail who want suitable for GLOVES, COLLARS, liiiil I will more J. K. BUSH. -- Y E AftS It ec SON. est price, .1' ED OIL, VARNISH, HENRY rORTIER. CM Sz KANSAS, Vetrdeatratth 'Of DWELLINGS n reasnnabie terunt. Negotiated. tea/ chitreU to Zook 4git ENE ME 13110 M t -TOWANDA, CORM MAW MID MOS 'MEM Tifillatiti-kze of an rds Steles bonus, btairpdAPOSlS.,lo34 rt" Valet Wr : - At`siperitiecialty et F;lit SNOW' rot ree. 4l T 4 ' ; ' itlainaPANs: ?MN* .PripOptor.: MEM 1r441.‘ HOUSE; TOICANRA, E_r C.Y. rirzusos leslied is how, ready to semis madam ;he travelthmMMUe. Mcipobiewerespenes will be mated to give mils:adios to those who tog give him a call, Mip.Nesthslde at PCle Square, east of Meteor% - I new block. • 1 BETIO•EHEBrit. "OLD, SORATIAN SUN INN," IIIIILT•17311. ,•• Bich In historical interests. It Is the 04 _ 1 7. = In the malty except Independence Han. 1 1 41 U ardoms within Its smile of Washington:Lir; thrtLeo and other patrtots -at flee Revolution; popabir. hotel has meetly_ changed Ihilads, been improved. entirely' refurnished, and the pro , Mien" cordially Invites Is Mends and traverses pagtie to glee him a call—no pains will Itei spired tO render their stay comfortable. People en route far Philadelphia will and ;It convenient to spud *ld night Imre, teaching the city about eight- la the morning. A sample atm on the dist door. for tho accomnsslMlon of cocrerdsl sputa. . 1 C. 'Z. 8311Til. Propriatar. Sept. 4,1. ROOMS • I NN I -N JJ • ". WITH THE BAKERY, IN CO3INECTIO. COURT HOUSE._ NEAR TH eed the hungry at all Omen' Oysters aW lee Cressifk We are prepared to of the day sod event • their seasons;. March 10,10. RANGEMENT NEW A AT THE lones MRS. MARY WARD BAKER*. E. KITTREDGE MI stock and dxtttres of H. A. tied the establishment and Having paitlased tqa Cowles' Bakery, has • purchased an rutin)), NEW STOFS. OF GOODS, .• - I hutted to the trade, such as Grace rii , ta , Teas t l coffece, Dried Fruit, Canned Fruit*, Candies, - Confic t ionery j , Fnisti Bread, Biscuit, . 1 Rusk, R lis, ke.,Daily. t . .. .. I A neat nd attractive I /OE CREAM SALOON • . 1 • I kt, Will bo opened In cormecUon with the establlse went, where ladles and gentlemen can always find the nest cream and other delicacies of .the season [ '; " THE DINING 10.031 ' 1. Has been refurnlsited; l and Willat ail times be sup plied with substantial 'eatables, which will be send at mountable rates. !antlers and others 'visiting town will find this a convenient place to supply the wantsof the inner man. , . MARY E. KITTREDGE. Towanda, April .M..,744f. Oraertea~'aad~ N"CK Hkut But the gory best goons of all kliula kept by any lurst-cais grocer, and solittlown, Down, Down, STRICTLY FOR CASH ! The enoicest TEAS; SPIOES, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SUGARS, COTES, L; • I Received Rally, fresh ' from the New York Market, and bought at t tery lowest cash prices. il . , Having been engaged for the last three years with a Virst•clus Wholesade grocer in New York, I - hate Facilities ,for buying my gouda so 'that I can make it an °Wort for an Cill BUYERS call and 1 • . 1 .1 SEE 111 Y ST O CK END PRICES .1 . t • • Before parlfwlng elsewhere. 1 WILL PAY atilt FOR PRODUCE. / M. OWEN, , RED, WMTE AND BLUE STORE, BtelptiE* C. B . PA IRO WHOLESALE AND icErA.O4 Al f . Ell l!,f ,L 0 OROC I 't 1---- . , r The best brands of -' i ! • / ' PLO'' 11 A9AYS ' ON 1114 ND: • I , . ; • Thialghest prke paid tur all kludet of - I • ' 1 • COUNTRY PRODUCE. El t uch as BUTTER, PGULTRY, GAME, &c. MI • • F.speetal 'attention pa l iti to thing orders. Goods delivered free of charge anywhere In • • I tar Borough. • '~ ~ anii-Tii. lihnllansons AdvatisanntL A MISTAKE, We find very many .are of 'the opinion that we have gone out of businesi. If -thpy will call on us One DoOr North of. McCabe's & Ed. wards Grocery Store, they will find us on hind with a large Stock of MEN-AND. BOYS CLOTHING; AND FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY; All of which we will sell /it =I ' - . VERY WW PRICES 1 We say, i without fear of contradic tion, we have the best stook of I i EINE SHIRTS, NECK TIES, HATS AND CAPS, Kept: in Towanda , Speciai Rates; to Country Mereb l-ants; Grangers, ;and all - others that will buy in quantities. 1111 W! TAYLOR. i=za NEW FIRM. PIERCE!& BRAUND Darin` bringlit the ,Insiness of Mr. P. Powell, wallet reapeetfully esti the attention of the , people of Towanda and vieinity,in their piste of bodkins. when ran, be found at all times a forth sad fall stork of FIIVITfI, c4..."Dip4 .1 TOBACCO, I 1 , •• .. i , - CIGARS, *C. We propene to devote oar wbote Mae to ode Und oes..., and wipe to salary or:patronage. • /le* grso tesa;io,. • • 4 t 1146 giro. ONO VW 514 - "r 1 OP. iv.st*Y4lt4oluzis 8: . , . tedt.mia _ Z iNaglitlia lo Ito oillg i rrairt=t4 to ' Ira pervipt,eakied - _ — auLL'og.“oo4 cißcvn444- , BAW -MILLS, mA44DitILL,q, ENGINE -REPAIUE6. Of the latest and molt !formed Maas maukfactur, eel mud kept eonstiotly as bead awl may far use , PLOUGHS SIDE-DILL. LEON AND WOODEN BEAMS aillibt4s. CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS AND PLOUGH Of, all Wads, and the latest haproveatent / kept ea hand. - - • 1. D.M.I3OOTT & CO. / • / STOO, CASTINGS CELLAR GRATES. LED ANp SLEIGH SHOES, • [arch B LOOD& COMPANY Still continue to 'Manufacture their celebrated • HORSE POWERS & CLEANERSi And , will.seif a better machine for teas looney than can be had etwirhate In the world. We claim-foe our machines that they will do as much, or more, . than any other, and' more durably built. We per mutiny superintend our work and sec that it Is welt done. We will send • . DESCRIPTIVE VATALOGUES '• of oar Mile r blues on application. ONE & TWO HORSE POWERS, One and two ihorse Thieashers and CIRCULAR AND DRAG SAW Saw and GriSt Mill "work done to ' order. Give us a call-before prirchasing elsewhere. 'VA "03 01.103aillit'3li3ILLIT "oa aocaa Aug.l,*69 NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! Respectfully announces to his friends and patrens t that he y Ira built 3 ; NEW DRICS CARRIAGE FACTORY, El Where he will constantly keep On haad a full assort ' ; Meta of , • ) 1 . FAMILY CARRIAGES, , i TOP . ANA , OPEN BUGGIES, _rt,A.TPpRm WAGON,S TROTTING giTILKYN AND SKELETONS, . • •1 • • Made of the best Material and finished. in the best city style. Iftflong experience In ritv'ear- ' stage Factoiles gives him a decid4 • advantage over others in the . • • FINISH, STILE AND DURABILITY MO INSPECTION OF HIS WORE Thankful for the libaral patronage forinerly ex tended and respeetfutly ask a continuance of the same. ' . 111:DUCED PRICES► • HENRY STULEN; Towanda, Jan. 8.734 f. - IZIITA INTS - 1 7.- AV A G NiS V 1 1 C. B. PATCH. I keep on hand a large assortment of Elan Than any :rther establishment in the , • ; Of every_ description manufactured • to Ordet'on short notice.. - . . - 1.. ', • i ‘• • - i !'', i c .' 'JAMES BRYANT. '. •,',, : ‘. •' ,:. Tow** March 0, 1873. • i -- —ti *.---- ,- r —' ook it as —lNTlERY.,=Thepublie is Respectfully !Wormed that. the Book Bindery as been retsetrelli to the Rkrierza Bolldlug, third I,tery;where telll bit dryly ; • I ' BOOK—BINDING - . In all Its .iluions_ branches, on terms as reasonable as tbe "liirdilutesi will allort..; The Bindery 'will besindeethe chafe of I if* 1 1 C. AV H . ..K E R ••• •,1 .1 • . An expezieneeti Binder, tind r ,illl`' work will be premaptly done In &Wylie and matinee widen mutat* bb evened. Music, MPVINItIeN NeWsPar l ic 01 4 lint*A, he., bound 10 qtery style.] rartlenrsratten lion will be Odd to the Boling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, . to any desired pattern. libeh In quality and dura bility will be warranted. rinrAn work will be ready fur delivery when - SIII • LI scltititid, lig& pa. , • Asa ill itumb of Mill Iron's made to order, And wort warrinted to giro satbtaction. 'SHINGI* MACHI NES POINTS 'ERS, • LARGE /AND SMALL SIZE. LARGE KETTLES, And all kit* of castings furnished at, MEANS & ROCKWELL. Separators,Thresher and eaners. • FANNING 'MILLS, Oppin lite the new Jail, TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY STULEN Of waioPs. AU be asks Is an Previous 10 pureluslog elsewhere. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT RATISFATIGN. REPAIRING 7110iIPTLY ATTENDED TO WAGONS! WAGONS IMO wincu t WILL SELL CHEAPER .country. WAGON'S' AND CARRIAGES A. , - TURNER OiRDV N - • . _ ligtowAtz.unvicituza iI.G.-0 1'44 7 B'l' • rirrowsawc - X, TOWANDA, PENNA. 1 4, ,s. i AC IDS. - EXTRACTS, ELIXIRS; DEERS, T SWAM.' COATED PILL% - , . POWDERS, [SUN, ' • ', -" SYRUPS. TINC.. ' . - TITRES ... .. • '.. ' ' Vill(EK, ' Ake"- , - , r • ' Atul preparations of all kinds DYE'EaIt.FTI3, .kACMNE 01L5,.! KEROSENE, ; ALCOHOL, PURE WINES AND "LIQUORS, TOBACCO; SNUFF, CIGARS, &C: PI L PPITLAB PATENT MEDICINES, , iand a fine swicatment of ~, . TOILET AND FANCY GOODS. More thimknsual pus Is given to the compound Mg of prescriptkm Open on Sunday from 9A. is tot P. w., and from is P. x. to 7 L.. Dr. MADILL Call be. consultetrai the store on Sat lurdsy of 011193 week, as heretofore.. D. H. TURNER, W. G. GORDO:7. =w74:. • Zaplware, Crake4r, Ike. BARGAINS', IN' _STOVES! . - . , TINWARE, • , HARDWARE, . IRON AND PAINS, • r C RPENTER'S .- TOOLS, GLASS, &C., &C., &C., &C., . . GIVEN TO ALL PlittellASEßS FOR CA S H, . • i . H. T. JUNE'S •1 4 . • • - HAH )) M r. A.. 4% STORE, 'TOWAND:A, i PA . deck-73. A • / - F , O BLACK, CROCKERY OF , VAit.IOLTS . . 1 A N' D AS LOW AS TII E: LOW EST GLASSWA4E, TABLE OTLE RY7 SILVER PLATED WARE;; 1 , WOOD WARE; I would say to the public that oWany goods kept in 4 ' -- • - • stock I will not be undersold. ~ . • . F • i, Febl4-74. -s Nieon; -AdvortiplmentL c E. 4.1 • • L'. 9: INTERNAL REVENUE, 1 SPECIAL_ TAX-E S May 1,187:x, to April 30, 1870 The 'revised Statutei of the ITnited States, See. thmk.r.r., =7, 3235, and 3:::12, require every person engaged In any bustuess, avocation, or employment whieh renders him liable to a, • SPECIAL TAN, TO PROCURE AND PLACE_ CONBPICITOULY HIS ESTABLISHMENT OR A STAMP denoting the payment of amid SPECIAL TAE, for the Special Tax year beginning May 1, 1875, before commencing or continuing tetainess after April SO, 1875. THE_TAXE4 EMBRACED WITHIN THE P.llO. VISIONS OF THE LAW ABOVE . • QUOTED ADE THE FOLLOWING; 1,. VIZ: • Rectifiers- . - Deolers, - retall liquor Dealers; wholesale liquor . - - - ]OO.OO Dealers In malt liquors, wholetiala 50 00 Dealers In malt liquors, retell 20 00 Dealers In leaf tobacco - - 25 00 Retail' dealers In loaf tobacco, - • - 500 00 And on sales of over 11,000, fi fty cents for every dollar In excess of 11,000. Dealers in manufactured tobacco , - •7" SCO Manufacturers of stills - - - - 50 00 And for each still manufactured - - 20 00 And for each worpi manufactured - 20 00 Manufacturers of tabacco - - - 10 00 Maunfacturers of cigars - - 'lOOO _Peddlers of 'tobacco, first class (more than two horses or other enteral:4) - so 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two horses . other animals) Peddlers of tobacco, third class (ono horse or other animal) - - - - Peddlers of tobacco, fourth .class (on foot-or public conveyance) - - - - Brewers of less than 500 barrels - - Brewers of 500 barrels or more 1 - - • ' Any serson, so liable, who shall fail - to comply with the foregoing requirements ,islil be stiOJect to severe penalties. • ' Persons or firms liable to to pay any of the Special Taxes named above, must apply l GEO: DeLA MONTANYE, Collector of internal. Itevenue at Towanda, Penna., mid pay for and procure - the "imolai-Tax Stamp or Stamps they need, prior to May 1, 1875, and WITHOUT ITETHE NOTICE. . , ' . W. DOUGLASS, - !Commissioner of Intenial Revenue. Orr fCS. OF INTCm3AL aa ua R. v., Irebtuarit, 1875, lach4s-75. • . , THF • PLACE TO . ,r'EtY YOUR' / !, 14 • , if Aimtss ANI> HORSE ,- - OE NE RALL'i Ism C. V. DATONS in the 'store lately occupied Annus \V o 1& as a Clothing Store , . • Haring remosi‘d lay eittablishinent to mote comaitidlons and emit, Meat gunners, I respectfully Invite my old Onsto• tners, andall in want of anythiug Iu the Ilne of nARNE§S, SADDLgS, • • NETS, &C H • - , • tech.; me a call. feeling rethilletl that mole the ta. dimes' Y Assess for purchasing stock, I ran do a' better, Julkat a low" wive !num any other t;lstr. ! Iliterttnt In the Minty. ' alai • arterfrit' fa our its44ach - ref itirte beim till air. . . , - • • - • for medicinal rapers, AU the IMMO OFFERS STONE WARE,' DIItD CAGI:S, BArk!TS, GLASS SHADES, 0. A. BLACK. ~,i MEI PLACE OF BUSINESS, =3=212 A. CIIA.MBERLIN V. Deter in , I 0 K. D; JEWELRY GE eIIES AND eLftK.S EMI VOWANDA, June,. TCIIES, JEWEIf,RY; HE N D.l ,E II N' AMERICAN AND. SWISS EMI OLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY. ERLING -SILVER "ER PLATED WARE. S .1. L TILE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. FROM 'GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL I • TACLES g EV'E!GLASSES. F north of Dr. Porter & Son•d Drug store, Main street, One d TOWANDA. PAL. EFL; ESENTSTO-11 II "JEWELRY STORE FIE W. A. ROCKWELL H Is COll I tly'receiving in addition to his Large-stock of jewelry. EINE GOLD SETS, , PIN -- '1 ANM,i, RINGS, , • ['ERICA N AND r"Wit3S WJtTCUFM, AND SILVER-WATCHES GOL t PLATED WARE OF ALL yARIETIES SILVE X), Silver ANL' .).TEEL SPECTACLE'S, MI AND PLATED DINGS AND (MARAIS MAME 'KS OF ALL VASIETILS, ME at the lowest prices' loCk and Jewelry repairing done' In Illie best manner. and warranted.' • I • I or a Metal patronage and hope to Metit a continuance of the Same, • , . I .. • I . I 3 , : • W. A. lIOC.IItiWELL. A% web, I%wig, ME/ .TACLES ' ! SPECTACLES SPE I AR VSDEL TINTED. Leum...s have the power of Protecting the IItRITATION .arislug; from Light; lac- These Eye frn i companl English i dby Heat. Under 'Wilson's Amerlean,au =EMI ritEASONS WHY THE D'EL TINTED SPETACLE ARU suoi2L ISE PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS F~ ave the power of Arresting the Heat-Rays of Solar and Arlinelit Light before entering't They Violet Tinted, .yet bo constructed b alum ap pUed to the Eye.9pear.eolorless MEEMIMM!M I= NM. A. C,HA3IBERLIN 4200 00 2500 J E.W EL E , MEI NDA, PA yME ICA,N &S'WISSWAITHES .. . STERLING siLVER SPOONS AND FORE S , - , . , 2500 ,• • I IOCIERSBROS.CELEBRATED - sII.*ERWARE FINE GOLD JEWELRY, ttc., OPPOSITE COIIET HOUSE, • 15 00 10 00 50 00 100 00 NOV; 12,74 NORTHER'S CENTRAL RAIL - WAY.—Direct mute North and South to Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and all points South: also to. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspentalon Bridge. Rochester. Syracuse. and all points East and West on the New York, Central Railroad, and the Canadas. • - I ' i itilrOn and after Januaryl, 1875., trains will !g l ay and arflv at Elinir.s, as follows:: AWE PROIJI TILEH E NORT. -LEAVE litMrillWAlM). I ACCOM. ' 10.33 A.M. sorthern E2..12.15 P.M. Southern Ex..AMOS p.m. Acco ! 7.15 A.M. Vimsport. act.. 2.118 p.xt Ace ..:. ' 6.50 P. N. AIVX PE9M TILE 801.111. LEAVE SOVERWAUD. Southern Ex., .10.05 P. M. N'thern F.x...12.15 P; M. I W'msport Af cc 3.00 P. M. Elmira Mai1...10.1r. P.M. kilay F.‘,..!...1` 5.35 A.M. ' S Nenlient .Exprei , s north and olltliern ;Ex press south, are thrtnnth Mains betwen 'Rochester and Baltimore. The Morning and Evening Aceone• modatlon north connect at Canandalgaa with trains for Rochester and the. Valle CLINTON ti:ARDNE It. Gen, At. ED. - S: YOUNG, Gen. Pass. Apt., Baltimore, 1 111. ' "r• M RS. OLMSTEAD has, *removed to' the rooms formerly et:envied by Mrs. Fletcher, on the north aide at Bridge street, where aleter s isselt to Mt Ist eareigpwmg • vors SILVER WARE &C. Dealer lu MOE A Ino CLOCS.ti. AT TILE STUDS, CHARMS, NECKLACES, EMI AGEN I= W. A. eItAiIIIERLIN MEIMi • . ... 1 , To 4 , ,..p . tijt, pATRo NQ :.). . 7 1 0 E 0 . - II:, - 4-0 OLi & Co , .. • 1 i PHOTOGRAPHERS 1 i 1 TIAVAIIDA, PA... ' i Grateful for the generous patronage or th• !test year; would biotin tall wanting Plete,;: 'that, we are still adding to our establlahment NEW AND IMPROVED INSTRUMENI?4, And 'adopting tried lied mrorecl w 5 , 11,., [ ( printing and retouching In order to secure, - FINER I'IIOTOGIIAPS T i ELIS Eyr.le . 1 made outside of the eddies, turd that we i n *, It a,apecialty to enlarge till klr.ds of Pletuo-4 v., any size desired, , and !Shish in Water .e9k,r, India lair, or in Oil, ludhe i i BEST STYLES .AS,M,VEItY FO7 Phicy;:, i We also endeavor to ;take all the Itlilm iy.-.,‘ In making chibiren pletures, so as to , ?ceure ti, e best results. : /" i t We are constantly addlng-10 - oter liti,it r,r ,,, . \ 1 '- t ' . r u...t irE s ! ' All 1 at fe a rpa anl v i an ask ee lik i, l instycl,)e:,,i IpariL(iel.n. 5- - - 3Lay . i4,13..." .. 1 . 122=!ti Niscellsaggia COAL! ,C 0 , 44.1 COAL! COAL! OLD TOWANDA COAL YARD! • •‘ , PIELAC,T I & SCOITJ', _ I Take pleasure In announcing to their frien , 6 the public generally...that they are prepared to sash any of the.foilmring named Coals in (elata.t. ties to suit purchasers, thoroughly.Lacreenvtl ?-; Stated, and at ..as low! , rates as at any Tare itt wanda. We .keep the best Coals (rum the and Wilks•Batre . • • SULLIVAN. - . 7 COAL, ail size:4, from (uti: L tv. SMITH AND STOP ' }; COAL • , from the Old itarelay 3fines. a afi; : ; . " ' We keep fin hand fie , a l i' . BEST ALLPTTOW - LIME.- ; THE. BEST COPLAY. CEMENT: i DMZ i : . `to•••,. . t Y'S Dttg N,41,:: . d ElizalitzlVs !,t.., IM3 All orders left at. the . Mores F. J. Calkltia; Third Ward, Kir) fit our Office. corner of :Ricer a} will recleve prompt attentlou. PLEASE q.fVE LS .4 C. 11,/.. • •., • S. „S. , 1•11:10 E. bep23-74. EIIV I F LOUR irN-G .111, Ft I 1N 1%." tit:i....alEgt - ix l P. • • : 1 i'lic!tubscritmr g - fje~ w,Lke tha . t it i,-11 El STEAM , FLOTTRINGI MILL, • is now t suce*ssfut operation, asiel that b• pared to do all work in ids line,on shor not', 1= ,C117:,T031 GCISDINO DOSE 4_,N 1...131}.. TILIT IT IS ItEcEl V Eli? ;Wheat. Buckwheat and Ere' Flour. XJ•tr. M - a! Feed. Bran Bc., always ot lined and fur bale'at rate,. u 1 PARTICULAR NfITICE.—Ier.:O , D,. !the west side of the river desiring to patrolil. - nllll., will have their ferriage ;mid both ;they brifig gusts of ten bushels and upsylrds. I 4 • : , .; ESSE I .:, 31. t r c il.i tit. Jr. •A. DECKVA? TI \ FIRM. l , . The under.,igAteit lulling i;ur,..,11x.5.: , 1 'lv! f_ri, .1 , a:, , ! se lead the store ;Litely occul;leil h'e..lttliei W;hT......- sjw.Ttfully lavitel the at!eutiou of l ithe pr);lie t;; 0147 large stpek of ' ' ;,• ' ' i I , READY MADE CIM.TiiLNO quitubl2 fur Spring tyad. From out' exitertenevi tri the totsh...A is ar fident that we MIMI be able tt... meet the.+4.:at...l customer!. • It • Ourasortzucnt of I • • • POTS CLOTH IN GI I • • ,• cannot be r equated by othre NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA , 3 Mot our prit*s for AL'i, G,ouv Defy competition !: -Nre kk-ep eieritkiitg iii th of GENTS' EURN - ISMNG 0001), rain FELT iiND 14:11 HATS.. CAN.Ezi. HA. DKECHIEF?i. ai . , . Remember the place; the oh r.fand of kes A - 31 , r 'cur, corner of Main and Flue Streets. : 1 i c. 7. ' ,• DECKER BROTIIEtS.' .. Ttcauda, March 17,7.5 . T IIE RE 311 N T (1;N "\- The ItE3IO:6TON sEW.ING ,sprung . rapidly Ihto favor as 143,4:e5-10 . M , !;,- centbluatlon of good quallties. namely t I.llt ht ;nlng. smooth, nolteless. rapid. dttralde, L Stitch. It Is' a*.Stftittle: - Machine. with i 1 Rttlu.i. .Drop Feed. . . RiMIN.GTON O. 4 1 A Machine for family nse, in•ti«• '-rittstentie, bas met with a inort ral•ia :ratio tirsales than any' Machine on the ItEMINGTON, NO. :f .• I , , A I . fachine for, lopnufro•toring Not ...,..0r. , :. .(rewly,for ileliver only since 3114 , 0• 71 -0' . .r 2 verfection, awl variety of V% 01*, 1,..1 , ,1thi. ,, :z:‘- . • .- in famt),y,oi NN 4141011; MEN • GOoll AGENTS wASTEn! scud for:lr iii::rj ; SEW I Au N}. 4. 4:qt..1 1L10]., -- 14:w 1olli; BRANctr-OFilcils tIF • • :ComPANLEs. . ...; E. REIII.St:TON & 41 - tSS. , Co.. • ' • 12E511NC:1'0N (:0.. • I 281 & 283 nreatlytay V., ATM ..tfaullton Sqitatr, seatw - Chleagoi 237 State' L. S. Iltl',4 ll ilti''' . Beaton, 432 Wastilagtq.ll Wit.. elncirtattl. 181 West Ith 5t.,.5. ,, s t:tlea, 120 (tetti , , , ,et , St.. •;%.• , alf.v.: 31: , eD 1,6 " . Washington,D. U.. 521 7th St. ' s s,s‘ , Atlanta, On.; 112/034,51 - i , °rep Heuer. .31art. , t , flrl fcelcuir 1141. u,15, i. • =II