Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 29, 1875, Image 3

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patibta Ppotta
Towards, Pa., Tharsiay, April 29, 1875.
7‘itt - . last auction sale at Boto3t6i's will
take place on Friday.,, - :
ONE of our marblC cutting s establish
piinits Nis closed its-doors, ror gone
• "
wiso to the inclement state of the
weather. both the Band - concerts were
omitted last week. - 4, •
. .
-.; i r
- .N.TTA late r
tle of inOney of the' Athens
Loan Association, sevent e en shares sold
at 'a premium.of $9O. i _
. Warm= & SnAt T are to remove to
the elegant new store lon the west side of
Main-st., now being fitted up by llr. Fox,
smstee of the ADAMS estate.
IVI .ARE under oblig,atiOns to. D. W.
- SmlTil r ftifirkerly of this pla'ce, for copies
f Oreiinn..papers. It l aff ord's us pleasure
to learn that Mr. S. irf:his
• ;
far-off western home. •
PnoF. TEL.%sco's lentCrtainments in
this plke, on ,Thursdayand Friday even
gr-:ive general satisfaction. 1 1
is exceedingly clever in the perforniance
tricks, and performed 61113eadvertised.
\Vi;. RAVE reueived from the p9pular
music dealer, Liß. &!‘i - ELL, of Scranton,
qi . y" of the new Stinday-school music
." Brightest and 'Best:: The book
onOit to find a , readyi. sale. For copies
api,ly to Mr. PowELL.I.
[ ROCKWELL Co., are building
fifteen horse-shoe nail inaehines for a gen
, 11( roan in Binghamton: 'Dr.' lbw, who
has. been in this place [icost of the time
[l.lrlthe past three year 4, is the inventor of
the inaehine.
N EFFORT is being niatle to sec ure the
e,tUbli,loent of a ut, post-otliee, near,
Mills, in Athns e township. • It
. •
chihned that over Oul hundred fa'hillieg.
‘v!1! turtvhave to tiareli from two to four
miles for, their mail. ti ?uld be aeeommo
dot'eil by the office. -
S. read a 11104
, interesting essay before the
:suallay-school Alliance, , ,on Monday even
-3lrs. It. is 0t . 4 our most ear
aud efficient SundaY-school teachers,
l an(1 1 1:er views are justly] entitled to great
RI LEY SIi'KLER. who ! Iliad been a (ni
-1 . •
c.frA an
.just ice for solite . days, was 'pap
11-t [ell near Harvey's Lake, Luzern° Coun
ty. it Saturday last,) .by Policeman
11: 1 s. Ile had a hearing before Justice
and was held to! bail in the slain'
! - •
. •
#-411 -- . 11. 1). t;nEF:s, of Burlington, keeps
supply of dry gods and g,roivies,
1i sells at granger prieeS. His ex-.
are comparatii;elY light. while his
for purchasing jare eqUal to the
t,tablishinents. lOur readers in
6m will "do welEto patronize him.
bee' gotten up by the stn-
I,i,fi4s 4.c the Institute lon Friday last;
F)i:!jie r A ; Ex-\_l DER Sl'Ew A RT, son of
.1. S. STEv. - AnTWearue off champion,
!Ip.i it:tying miss - ed one of the fire hundred
protiounced. the 'sixty
of thy claNsi were " spe.lled
31cCoia.t. - 1,- of the. Troy
4.1,1ei1 School, is strongly urgedby the
r, Tier Gilzette and a large num
,er itt directors, fur the office of - County
- np,,Tintendent., FrOrn Our knowledge of
l'rofessor, we take pliNtsure in stating
liaol4. is every way tittt,cl for the posi-
it licsn. the new clothing man. and
•ur popular boot and shoe merchant, S.
ViHoyottn, of Bridge street.- have given
illustration of their ; business enter
wise in erecting a mammoth bill-board
war the railroad crossing. 4ni the opposite
ide(Ft : -; the river, on which to advertise
iwirg,,ods to the people from the eastern :
'art of the county
1,; ,pf a call issued by the
Ladies' National Tentpeinnee Associn
tiou. sett ingi apairt Friday next as a day
.ti-ting and player, in behalf of the
. ! •
••mperance cau , e; a ladles' prayer meet
-11•_t will lie held i» the 4eeture Room of
11Y - Poi•-I)ytelian Church kit' this place, at
e10c.;.• in the afternoliin of that. day.
.111.1,lics interested in the good cause are
ri% iied to lie present. .
‘X II I 1.1: the r:lllger,S Or North 'rowan
-1.1 cnjiiying their feast on Friday
vcniog ‘• middle-man,•' driving
the :drt4t. ran into :a wap on. upsct
anti-zranger awl his-iv - ire. awl
the stzimpetk;,(4 . Intrst!, and a
tin iks.vned by A. C.- SMiTII. Both wag-
N‘Pr,.. badly broken. ibut no damage
horses. 3rr. te1:111.
fmnitl in HOBERT I KEENE . 6 liarn-
- and
ill IVashington, paying vh,it
i)o,ther, \V. 1: SHAW. 1: is
;Ted the mild -climate; of the Calall
cc ppfre henefirial to 3lrs:
E. 0. Goonitlejt is tittitk Etat
11,.•1-....idenct. of Rev. 1 1 1 7 m. llAnnts. in
Princeton. \..1.
John A Codling to Chas M Hall, Nov.
17, '7l. Towanda Boro - ; Isaac S Post to
Chas M. Ilall, April 1, '75, Towanda
Boni; James M. Gillilan et al to G F Ma
l"- v " E .'
"" erns ' lle April 3,'"5 Albany and Wilmot;
- -, r ...on, I . ,
.ii,- , t 112: c large , tote-hotise on Ilner-st.,
erre Collins to Cornelius Collins May
,-•' di kill add c 'wily tii their facilities
:so, '7l, Rulgbury; J A Pendleton et al to
I I . 1, pq•n , .. The bitihlMg will be 32100.
C W Arnold, April 0, '75, Warren; Jo
. o• 11, on I:ic, r .treet Ind the milload.
seph Coleman to Herbert Beecher, Sept.
id 1 •-o .urant.;ed that heaNy goods can i ...,
1 6. '74, Pike; 'J M Smith, Sheriff, to Geo.
, , ,i, 'll ONi - cried fit - nu the cars to thc .,
Stevens and M. J. Long, Sept. 10, '74,
.. ho•si. ‘Nlt,le alioktuttg apparatus will 4! T owan d a 8 010 % John Espy etTtl to Peter
i • ',.' :I,» to (1( Nate giaiu to the upper
Landmes.ser, April 8, '75, Standing Stone,
1 I'llir •toie v.lll be three stories and N. P. Bosworth et al rto P3V Bostwick,
' , 3larch 30, '75, Pike; Geo O'Leary to Geo.
Ml% , it-
- -7- O'Leary, jr . ., April 8, '75, Ridgbury; J. •>
It - uiLit in lirlingt, _ !the other even- .
Elsbree to James Collins, 2d, Feb 17, '75,
v,. •• took dinned' . at the Royse Smithfield; E L Walker to Chltrles For
''l''''''. 11 '" . , k , el4 I 'Y W ' !I.' D. (I " } : EN ' °I. est, Sept. 15,'74, ' Ulster; Jonathan Van
-. 1: ~, :: : _is: t nat. gentleman mformeu us. by dyke to
.Zadoc P . C omon, S e pt 27, 1,17,
r 1?-.- I ;RE !:N. The -en tiertainment was
Albany; II C Ward et al to Zadoc P. Cor
prtpa re(l in a remarkably short space of . son, Dec 19; - '7O, Albany';'Andrevr Zeller
tinie . . but consisted of a 'great variety of . to W. M. Chapman; Nor. 5, 1 '74, Athens;
-ri , tantial edibles and tempting viands..
Myron Luther to II Ir Luther, Aug 26,
1: \ elything was the vet best of the kind,. ,
'474, , BurlingtOn; D H Powers to J Howard
.47,71 w , eh,erfully bear testimony to the
Hawes. Feb: 9, '59, Monroe; John S.
1 - .1,1 that the' manager T knows • how
1 • to i Westbrook it; Henry Westbrook„ Jan 22,
1,1, a hotel. -
- ..1,. '73, Asylum; : S C . Gaylord to Israel C.
. .
• Fuller, -March 5, '7s,AV3;il.lus_Ty!.._. , .....,.
Tin: fiqlowing are the appointments • Elmer et,..-- - tnWniel Vangorder, March
1. "1 - "11'yalusing District M. E. Church, for I 2'),. '75; Sayre; P. M.- ..1 - 1 and
Ow pt cSent year : t-
W T Gruit,• AMil 16, '75, Pike; C C
I v.), A 1.7'.1'' DIsTEICT—r/.T. WALKER, P.E. Stewart to W. A. Wetmore; March 30,
Tanklianmwk, .1. K. ileek; Wyalusing, I '72: HerriA; Win Schoonover 'to Geo W
.1. 11. sunnier; Henick4 J. L. Williams; ' Brink, Nov. 5, '74, Pike; M C Mercur to
iloine, Wm. featly; Orwell, R. S. Rose; D M Turner et al, Nov 9, '72, Towanda
I.ellaysville, P. HolbroOk MontrOse, W: i Born; Wm S'lVincent to D M- Turner,
IL. Thorp ; Brooklyn, IJ. H. Weston.; ! Jan 27, '75, Towanda Born; Besse 15psiat.
Springville; .11. G. INrned ; Nicilolso.p, - ; ing to John ANKIOIon,. : April =A-, 71,M .:
(,;I , irwcxxl and South 011:rani, J. L. Hatk , ; 1 Athens.
Orii•..•-. - • 1
. - 1
____---- - , - .
Pactorrpi, P. It I over; Meshoppegy
J. S. Lewis; Skinner' Eddy, Geo. Green
field; Mehoopany, G. 0. Lyman; Auburn,
Silas BarnertFairdale, J. D. Woixhitir;
Gibsoc, D. 0. Barnes; Newton, I. Austin;
Northrnoreland, Win. Shelp; Iluali, IP.; A.
Doney; Weft Niche n, E. W. Breeken.
ridge; Jenningsville; .0. Beers; Horn
brook, J. B. Davis --
S. W. LITTLE, Esq., delivered a very
interesting and able lecture at the Sunday
afternoon temperance' meeting in the M.
E. - Church, On Sunday last.
. —We omitted ton :le otice in our last
week's issue; the tern ranee address de
livered by air. GAIIDiEII, Sunday before
last, in the M. E. Church. AU who had
the pleasure of hearing it, pronounced it
one Of the best ever given in Towanda.
Mr. G. has a fine preence, and a voice
rich and musical, showing superior elocu
tionary culture, which imparts a rare
charm to his delivery. i He is an earnest
advocate of the good cause, and we hope'
he may be induced to l address our citizens
- FRom the following notice clipped from
the Louisiact State ,Register, published
at New Orleans, it would seem that Sun
day is observed more is a day of secular
amusement than for religions worship.
Mr, .SEGAII, who is mentioned, is a grad
uate of this otllee, andlhas many relatives
and friends living in this county : -
"Last Sunday night the Carrollton
Amateurs gave a theatrical exhibition at
Concordia Hill, that' was a very, decided
success. The hall was crowded with , an
audience that fully appreciated the per
forManees. The most interesting part of
he peyformance was an original farce,
- written by L. W. Segar,• who has been the
foreman in this office for the last two or
three years, In which !some very -promi
nent politicians were soniewhat.ludicrous
ly handled."
. Tnn BRADFORD REFORTER is as bright
I 'as a new trade dollar, d• is one of, the
very ablest papers in t e country.—,Pitts-
I ton Gazette; • ; k .
j I , RMI is publish
ed at Towanda, Pa. It! is edited by S. W.
Alvord.. Esq.; P. 31., and E. 0. Goodrich,
Esq.,. P. C.. (which is private citizen). It
!is in its 36th year. I contains 36 col
umns "chuck full" f able editorials,
spicy loCals, and nevi's] from everywhere
and all o'er. boiled down into the brief=
est, jniciest kernels. Strange as it may
appear, away up in ilmilienighted region
is published this par which is widely
read and widely quilt d throughout the
State, and recognized the truest and
bestexponent. of Repu lican principles in
Northern Pennsylvania. It has just don
ned a new spring suit, Ln the lateSt style,
and looks as bright and smiling as the
.genial and good-natured, Alvord. More
pOwer to ye, boy,s.—Dorer (N. J.) Mail.
'A New Jert‘iey editorl calling -Bradford
a benighted region, is good.
ED: REPODTER : Sin t examining the
records relative to the last six years of
the SuperinteMlency,l , have been decided
ly Opposed to a third term. .
Notwithstanding ent delusive rc;lex
planations. the Reports show over 90 per
cent.'of school visitati n throughout the
State during the past fve years, and less
than 56 per cent. in ot!r. county; surely,
but few days or weeks t most could have
been useclon account o bereavement,
I would, on ',such a record alone, oppOse .
a' brother seeking re-election to third term,.
unless 'directors would require every
school visited at least once Annually,. un
der -penalty of forfeiture . pro -rata for
schools not ViSited;-, •
• Preferring my present situation, I have
firmly -refused to be a candidate, and only
allowed'my name to be mentioned when
assured by directors of the constant, if
not "intentional," disparagement of
others, whether candidates or-not.
I have no desire to engage in a canvass
fir an office, in which partial service
seems with to be better appreciat
ed than faithfUlness and energy, and from
which strife many excellent men have
shrunk of withdrawn, rather than "man
fully" (?),whine about every director in
the secure the office. -
Yours. ,in favor of hard work, or no
, . G. W. RYAN.
WrAt : l7sixo--..11r.-Editor Our little
town remain in a very quiet state. NO
thing has happened of late to cause any
excitement worthy of note, except an oc
casional' horse:trade, a calf suit, or the
spoutings of some Journet correspondent s
which, by the by, causes some inquiry as
to whom it Some say it sounds like
PORTED, others say Am.'s. We think
the Squire's time. is far too precious to be
occupied in so tritling a manner, and. the
Doctor's ought to be. '
S. - 1 4 . GAYLORD is traveling for one of
the Most reliable insurance eompluaies. as
general agent: , ,
Rev. D. Cnii-r is still occupied in writ-'
ing his history ; of Bradford county.
The proprietor' of our hotel, Mr.
Bitow. has. returned from his western
trip. We can say conscientiously that
Mr. B. keeps the most orderly house, and.
with the least intemperance, of any hotel
in Bradford county.
We have three new millinery- salts in
town. Opposition is the life of business.
There is no need of going without a new
hat or bonnet, if you have the stamps.
One of our druggists is in a very critical
stale of health, Ile has a patient on the
corner which calls for his undivided at
tention, and perhaps late hours and close
npplication to business, are the,. probable
Vatises of his illness.
Rev: Su'rxEß has returned to us age►in
as our pastor. His smiling face always
finds a lita - rtVl welcome in the liearts of
bb 111:111V friends
- - April •27, 1875
DEED:: left for record in thepffice for
recording deeds, etc., week ending' April
24: . .
RD. EZINDMIII I 'submit the kiltrirMg
ipreetieniloi daterumion in the
el Department : ,
L the inettidio dependent% baying
the County SulwirintlexkoV Idth
and Won to Dinetete, pit the men SOT
the °Moe 4
2d. If the people went°. intrust their
directors to the Iday Coirrentkm, l how
would the vote' stand on the third term
May not directed' wisely Osumi
those pledges wrung ftorn them, -, it in
their after judgment they find said pledg
es (for re-election) not in the best inter•
oats of the cause of education? •
TENNIAL.—W. H. DODGE; of the First
National Bank, • has been appointed
Agent in this place for the Centennial
kedals, issued in plummy of an act of
Congress, in order to give all the people
an opportunity to possess an evidence of
their snmpathy with- the celebration of
the hundxvith birthday of our nation.
They have been prepared in diffeient
styles, and at prices which bring them
within the reach Of all. Every , patriotic
citizen should have one.
These " Memorial Medals" are of four
'descriptions, to bring them within the
,and means of ! all, viz t In large
Bronze at $2 ; large Gilt, at $5 ; small'
Silver, at $8; and small Gilt, at $l. In
addition, the four Medals can be had
neatly arranged in one case, price $ll.
Call on Mr. DODGE, at the NatiOnal Bank,
and examine them.
'Pm Rev. E. P. HAMMOND has been so
grossly misrepresented by a portion of
the -California press, , that
. the folloiving
notice will be read with- pleasure by the
many friends of Wit .gentleman in this..
place :. _
"The Paeifie (Congregational), of Ban-
Francisco, ,represents 'the labors ,of the
Rev. E. P. Hammond, in that city; as'be
ing very satisfactory' to the pastors and
churches. There has been -a strog dis
position towards union manife st e d , as
Mr. Hammond's meetings have proceed
ed. All the Methodist, Baptist, Congre
gational and Presbyterian churches and
their pastors,, with scarcely an exception,
and many meMbers of the Protestant
Episcopal churches, I met, sang, prayed,
and labored together. A spirit of - frater
nal confidence charact4ized from first to
last this intercourse and co-operation.
The, pastors of the city have issued a cir
cular, -in which they say that the state
ment that Mr. Hammond makes excited
appeaLs to children, is a mistake. His
children's meetings are, in their judg
ment, unexceptionable and productive of
good. In The Parifie; of March 25, .ap
pears a call for a "Fellowship Meeting"
of Xll Christians in Union Hall. The call
is sif,, , ned by the Rev. Dr. Stone .(Congre
gatienal), the Rev. Dr.:Patterson (Pres
byterian) and the Itev. I)r. Jewell (Meth
ED. REPORTED : I am glad to see an
interest taken in the subject of the Coun
ty Superintendency.' It is of vastly more
importance who is our next Superintend
ent, than who Sheriff, or Treasurer.
As we write in the interest-of. - fin ono . of
the candidates, itMay lie proper to state
what are-some of 'the qualifications we
desire in' the coming Superintendent.•
Along with the "scientific And literary"
qualifications, which we concede to all
the - candidates named, there should be
good common. aernie. Then "experience in •
teaching," and a qtiickness of perception
to see when all the educational maeliinery
of the county is in good running order.
Then there must be energetic 'effort, and a
love of the work. 1 ,
There are also certain negative quali
ties which belong to 'a good Superintend
ent. (1). lk should not dabble in poli
tics, forming combinations, or "I help
you, and you help me socicties,!' all over
the county . . (a). Ile should nut devote
all his I,cst cnergie l t to securing pledges
from directors for his re-election. (3).
Ile should not have so many: fruits in the
lire, as to cause neglect to the schools.
(4). So king as he tails to earn the salary
he already receiv'es, he should not inter
est himself in an inerease of salary.
'-.-Gentlemen Directors ! may you have
the wisdom to select the right man and
"go for him " the' first Tuesday in May
next. Pnn.o.
Eastern Bradford, April 23, 1875,.
Our limited space' for some weeks past,
has prevented us from completing our
notices of the various successful biaipess
houses of Towanda, and we resume the
subject again. The first establishment
north of Dr. Pouveles, is the elegant and
tastefully arningoil Jewelry Store of .!
Mr. 11. has been well and favorably
known .to the citizens of the eastern por
tion of the county for many years, and when,
some two years since, he concluded to lo
cate here, he already 11:10 large class of
profitable customers. List year lie fitted
up his present stint and keeps a !line of
goods excelled by no other establishment
of the kind in the country. His goods are
all first-class, and his' reputation for fair
dealing and candor is building a large
business; for him. -.
At the corner of Bridge and Main
I -
keeps a large assortment of silvei and
plated ware, jewelry, watchesF clocks,_
etc., and is doing a large business. lie
buys for cash, and is satisfied with rea
sonable pnifits.
having learned • the watch-making busi
ness several years since, commenced
In a small way' to repair watches and
clocks, gradually purchasing goods in his
line, until he now • carries a nice stock,
and is doing a prosperous business.
OnwELL..-31r. Editor: Thinking that
some of your readers might perhaps be
interested 'in the news trom this place, I
will give them a few items.
Orwell is not t entirely destitute
of the means of entertainment and
improvement. The enterprising people
of the village have formed a Lyceum, and
thus far it has been eminently a success:
Debates, - alternaling with literary exer
cises, have been held every Wedneaday
night for a part bf the winter, and many
questions of importance have been dis
cussed, in an earnest but friendly manner.
On Wednesday evening, April-14,
being a night regularly devoted to litera
ry exercises), -Mr. FL, T. GRIDLEY, of Or
well, was invited to deliver his lecture ?
entitled;„!‘ Our conntry its present pros
pects, and whither is it tending?" before
the Lyceum and "our , people generally.,
He did so, and it is not too much to. say,
that all were well pleased with the etfort,
both ns regards the delivery
.of it and its
leCtUrit i 8 well ealeulat-
- mteiest all those who may hear it—
its topics being those that apply fto the
present time as well as the fattire' --and
no one can hear it without being interest
ed and-amused, for it is interspersed with
rich jokes, which prevent its being mo
The lecture, we understand, is' to be
delivered - in Towanda during Court wools.
ThnoeePle, Qf thilltainege will de ;weatO
avaij , t4ewlvti of the eliPeitikilit-te'
listen to libb dolthent
311033mnam will give them ,:111?_ E
itia l linfoiOttaietslii ‘iitgr 'the , 1
tuMfteld,lo l l l .oAnthlLvintry, SOL
g n * 11 1 31 1 I ! i f 44 ' g- i - t I
.- the l b r"...t_ m ____
tug him:: ~,,,: ~ ,r , k, .- - ,A , 'Y Acerpoino
A 013 5? /-8741Vi`
il-iiiisiilketlikiAC 4 .!‘
Sisoiv tinei EQhtf se N. 4» ioiumisia,
4 "! eir g °l*B .,"" / " 4 Ihn r at alin44PlAlg.
Engraving date at Itiorat:LIILIVII illl/1417
Mori: - • " • ; •
eit!lllaideaosna and Minks! Cloaks, at Thin.
.6;0 Ilitmnaugazi (fail' greskirlictioti ta1,1411,.
ver-Psteol ' •
aiOrar an'tindA of 'goods fates jeweirs
call at M. lIIRSDLEMANI.
sir Now Dress diode, and Trimmings, at, .1
EVANS & Hi LeSirirli
Sir Lame stook of Mauna and Plante Via*
at Virgsrcoint & Baum% Mortar Mock. ' !
t New Dross Goods, call and saa
them .t Parr ik wATRour. a'
, air'Arrterteaa and Fronds peeks la great . 7irarie.
ty, at it:ery lew grim, it • 111nraztarkir,..1
air rims Tuned and Repaired. p era halt
left at)Danra Wig &ore. thioaan-D.
/3•••breie Table Damask!, Napkins and Tome
at Emiers h Hussars e. •
For the best Brost or Steak to to Itirts'A
ItuNDlita,"& - ' I
I.:iew.Embevitteries, White Geode aid Litics
at Eviate t Iltunizries.
lir Opera, Ileld, and Spy Glasses la a great T.
clety, at. iILNDICLYIAN.BI.
rir Ground dayuga Plaster at Myerir'
burg Wisest and Oats taken In exchange
for Matter: CAtollri
vir HODGE'S .celebrated Reveraille
Plows, ;Flat Land Plows, Excelsior Lawn iltrweni,
GLArn rowerg, tc. B. M. Wituas & t3oNJ.
IS.liew Clocks and Cagmlinev, at I
Sir It you want the best Cook Stove (Want, eaß'
at JUNl*.'il, In Meteors block. . . I
air Go to Wu mecum & SUA trrs,Mereura B
for your Books and Stationery.
I ,, per and Cattalos, elleaP at
COMB k Start . .. B.9 MerCUr Block. ,
N?,New cloths and cassiuieres,at KENT
Qar HOLMES & PASSAGE are general
agents for the celebrated Itathushek Pianos, and
.GEO. WOOD'S & Co.•s Organs—the best in this or
any (ahoy country. (Apritl
Elilirnicrao. , -,A Farm of about 4 50
with acres, wth time to pay.' Apply to
lA. J. Noble & Ca, Real-Estate Agents,
n',?dew Embroideries, just opened, bi
KZICT kwATsour t _
fair" TAKE Nonce.—All, those indebd
to me are requested to call and settle at once,
am closing up bnslness, and wish not to make any
cost or trouble to any one. ALEX SOLOMON
!fir The largest and best selection of Spriniand
Summer goods yet brought to this market, Mbeing
recelve4,dally, at 11. Jacons'.
Atood, Light Wagon, and Double liarneas;
fdr sale cheap. Will take Lumber for pay.
quirs at ?Bort. d SONS' Furniture Store. [inel4,
fall to' call at IHZNDaalasx•s, If '3lO
wish to flay anything In the line of Jewelry, , Slle r
and Silver-plated Ware.
Sa- Fon RENT.—Ten Dwelling Houses, In
wanda Borough. Terms reasonable. Apply to I,
Et.ennr,r, Treasurer's °Mee. .
sir 840tches made to order at Mrs. ..11E2rolF
KINGSIIrRY'S dose making moms, Arcade Block;
of cut MO and combings also. rdecl774t
Gtild, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, and kin
GLasses,in great variety, at lIENIDELMAWS deivel7
ry Store.! , ,
ire enOlet: POELTILY lon SALn.—Bnff Cocblni;
anti White Leghonis ; also Partridge Coehlus Ansi
Light Ilia/ilea Cockerels. Apply to C. eASII.
IlLaDatataar has the largest and bass
stock• of ladles• and gentlemnens• gold and silver
watches Over brought to Towanda.
- -
sir If You want to secure l good article, and 'get
the Worth of your money, the place logo Ls 31.112417
Or Rubber Paint, all colors, MiXOll
ready for use ; satisfaction s guaranteed.
-U. M. wsttss eg•so,s.l
Bolt Bm.r. 011 RExT.—Tho Brick Yard, formerly
owned by M. (..1 klkitcen. For terms apply to
TIOS: 13f PlANoB.—nrSt-eIaSS, largti size,
grand. 7,14 octave Plano.fortes, for 1283. Organs In
proportion; at Howar; & PASSAGE, Towanda, Pa.:
tar FREE I . Any ono buying $1.00; or
more worth of goods at M E ROSEZiFIELD'S
log t4tign, will receive free one elegant Alpaca Ca l l);
or htraw , Haf, both of the latest styles.
Utr" GIVEN AVM." !—Every' purchaser
or gooda`nmonntlng lo 01.00 or more, will recoil*,
FREE, tine striped - Alpaca Cap, or Straw IfaA MG
M. E. ROSENFIELD'S Clothing Store.
/4P lip Eon MOVING 1/SI - l—llaving pure : hued,
r another dray, I shall be prepared to attend' pier' nPt4
ly to all f l nYiers. Special attention will be .
Imoving household goods. Cahrgea reasonable.
March 16,75. It. S. TiimasEq.
tir Powell & Co. have just opened a
splendid' stock or. Hamburg Embroideries at very
low . priiies. ppraitt.
DY - T.Mixed Paints, ready for use, at H.
Hardware Store, In Morcurs Block.
to $
,Peertnr , D f ay at A h d o d m m e l
G. 5T " 1.40,7 & CO., Portland, Maine. L1an2.5.75y4
t 1 Never buy a Cook Stove until you have Milled
at Jcsr.'s and exateined the "New Emplie," i
stove .witieh has never disappointed the expeetaL
tionsof the most fastidious housewife.
Allitglss ELLA J. Pown.a. Is dow prepared to
' r -reeMvCbraers and make all klnaa of Halt* Wor
Switches, Braids, Puffs. Curls, and Frizzles.
air le Is not general' known that H. C.
WEE, it the Book Bindery over the ItZPORTEIt
office, litotes Blank Books In any style of ruling and
binding desired. If you want a new Ledger, Jour,-
nal or pocket, give hint a call.
'Atireaatrrown MILL.--Carding, Spin
ning and Weaving, also Manufacturing,
Dressipg, etc., as usnati Stocking Yarn, Flannel,
and Cloths for sale. Machinery running in, good
order,-and work warranted and done with dispatch.
Gam" Smith Bros. Milk Wagon which
makes lts daily - round and supplies two bnialrett
famillo with pure, fresh milk. Truly there is heti
esty even among milk -men, as their many easte
rners can testify.
tlir . FOß SALE OR RENT.A 3-StOr)r
Brick Store on Main Street, Towanda, Pa. Fitteft
op for a Grocery and Bakery. For term, addre -
JOHN W. Mix, Towanda, Pa. • Deild.tmo"
ii~Dnsss-MAKIN4 NINO 4.
DUICY, in the Arcade Block, opposite the Episcop4l
Church, is prepared to , do Dress-Making in tie
lastest style , and neatest manner, on short nott
and at reasonable prices. Fitting made a spcialtt.
Stamping done also.
; 1
sir 0,000 VEAL CALVES - IVAN'TED.--We waut
Five Thoasaud good. fat Veal Calves, to be deli*•
ered:etly time before the first of July next,lr
[ -Which - We will pay the highest cash price.
1 ' .te1,1045. ; . _ BIIAL7D, HILL k lIELLOCILI
I,:mitny FOR Sari.—We have
o a Livery 3
eight bOrscs and good carriages, lurk, ete., arid*
we carer for Sale Cheap aad on reasonabkttettnk
troraio of our agent at the 'stableii, or Or
Music Store,
Ire CAUTION !—Ail persons are hereb y
cautioned against purchasing a note dated auoqt
the 26th day of March, 1875, given to Yrtaminicier
Bowrojr, for seventy-six dollars, duo one ye r
&males 6 94. APPAPYGIWILIII-WAlgarikli
ainl4,otrit Y. MaiwOCICMI4I/161114161141ri11i
I=iiir she pick , lia4 shall per:r 4417 - *at*
by I~li
,11481411111 t. CgAristir.
Ar: 1144 1 1111$--81 M 114 / 1 " 1 P r Wee . '"
- omfistilialitriii,*l4' t+lt
Lod Ploy, eilip; Steel Pi,*eigth
£I, 5z
WU* ithot Oita* . .16€1thor&
'Mine, ibis Conform, yilir,‘ wle*
114$1**1 mad stWyabikii; - Mrdei mind
MiPicii° ooo4 •4 erumicwiteii essiudgi st_AM
P. 11. - OW 11011 aik—l4 T.
be preseDt and ,Ccatitut all the
"loft J. B. OVlrnal 141 " ,
_WO ;
reglibi — 'of
wahine Past, No. aft. A. 8., trill be IMAM that
HaUj ?Man .May Not loe t ,ereek. Aron,
attendance to mooted to tesksanmerenieete tar
deriving Deeeratkit Day. By order of the P.O.
I GAoAosyelltstro, oiutipt,
Mr Ma. Wit. Bosswinc. Wei of 7. S. ALLYN *
Co.. tan bereafter be fooled at O. Yuan it SOP*
atrYidn str,ast, where Wield be iteiVto nee' idi of
bti nanteions Miele.. And any -in need of. Sarni.
taws eranytidng fA Mr line of Undertaing t will
8 the best goods, beat assokinea. and lowest
pielle t at their. store, of any place In the estuary.
Call an foeyonnelf.'
I„ • 64 .- 1 -7= -
'875.- ; , • 1875
00:RSER do C,OONS'i
Are biro ready to serve the public with theletOsi
and best Stock of
Aver invited to Toiranda. Pried to suit the times,
Cal anti tieo 111. •
Pr Selling off gti per Ont. below cost.
to 'sere rimming My, stock of. ClOthing. Gents
Ifttrnbtldtig Gash, Bate sad Caps he, The entire
stock must be sold by May Ist, regardless of cost.
All wishing to secure Bargains will remember to
call int me; who will be Messed to open one
end all before leaving the old stand.
-Apr • - ALsx hot.ciatos, Malbetr. -
A CARD.—Millinery;! Graryi Open
tug May let, Fill. I will continue , to keep a large
and well4eJected stock of Millinery Goods, which
I Mier .to the public at lowest cash pricy% Booms
overlextp:T. I.a.orn & lit.ocflan's Store, Wyo.
lasing; Pa. Soliciting a continuance of past favors,
I remain, Yours truly,;
MRS. A. 0. (oviturisi.D) rzu.ows: •
Wyaiusing, Pa., Apr. 7,1976,
Wrrv.,WiLL You COOOO P—For the
past year we have sold immense tinantities of Dr.
Mounts' tiyrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and IIore:
hound; and have heard but one opinion concerning
It—"Tbat it is the best thing We have elver used."
It receives not only the endorsement of the people,
but numerous physicians, who are acquainted with
its noun esitiou, eve It their unqualified approval.
Try It for coughs, colds, erouP,brOrlehiliN asthma,
or any form of Throat or Lung distele. It contains
no oplum or other dangerous drug ? and is pleatiant
to talke. Please cell and inquire about It. Trial'
bottles,!lo cents.' We are soie agents for Towanda.
- •
-vox I Now selling out to the bighest bidder my
entire stock, conststlncot Men and Boys• Clothing
Goods, *urnishlng Goods, Hats,'Caps, ke., regard
less of 'Cost! I am.detennlned to Sell this exteastve
stock by May Ist. lea, 'fia I :Seth* then from busi
ness in :Towanda. This Is an OptiortrotitY rarely
offered to secure bargains and good goods.
Don't , fall to attend the sale which commences
on Saturday, April 21; 1875, at 10 o'clock a. In. -Pi
p.m„ and 7 p. in., and Continue daily Until May lot,
1875. Also, goods sold at private,' sale at auction
prices.- : Come one and all,-andsecure bargains at
the store of &Lax SoLosioBr, 123 Main Street, To'
wands, Pa.; ono door north of Tar.on & Co.
Ttiwanda — April 21, 1;375,
. . • DIED. I -
1 •
3IELVILLE.—At Broarlitawn., Pa. •1 .
March 2a, 1875,
of pneumonia, Theodore P. Melville, aged Si
years. . 1
The deceased was a good, honest, Christian man.
Ills early advantages Were quite, limited. but he
made good use of all the opportunities afforded him.
During the war he enlisted In Co. G., 57th ltegt.
Pa Pots., and at the ein t i' of six months was dis
charged on account of aWound received at the bat
tle of Filelfiaks, Va. lie afterwards went into Co.
A rt 161st - Ilegt..N. Y. Vol., and after serving his
country for twentpone mouths, received his final
discharge in Florida, at the close of the war.
While In thaartny be enlisted asl,a soldier of the
cross,, and on his return home united with the ii.
E. Clinton. Ile tilled various °tikes In the church,
with great acceptability—ln all of which be did the
very best lie could, being class-leader at the time
of his death.
lie died triumphant and 'peaceful lu the Christ
ian raid:. "Mark the perfect mad. and beheld the
uptight; for the end of that man Is imace."
Wyaluging, April 28, 1875
Corrected every Wednesday, by C. IL PATCH,
subject•to changes daily. -
wheat, Ti bush.. ' .. @ 1 30,
Rye, bush • • '
Buckwheat. bush
Corn, 'ft bush. •
Oats, "f bush
Beans, ?bush
Butter (rolls) ? tb
do (dairy.) "IA lb new
Eggs, It do:
Potatoes, bush, new 65
Flour, barrel l 575(4 8 00
WzionTs 60 ihs. ; Corn 56 lbs.;
Rye 56 lbs. ; Oats 32 71).5.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwheat
58 tbs.; Beans 62 lb.; Bran 20 - lbs.; Clover Seed 60
lbs.; Timothy Seed 41 lbs.; Dried Peaches 33 Lbs.;
Dried Apples 22 Flax Seed 50 lbs. _
QI.T r ?7 ,
a, lTlO n \ a ' n O ire F r, 1YA r0 T_E . ,P .r.. 0 ,... AV 4.
/11 , /
South Third Street, Philadelphia, *arch 29, 1875..
V. S. lA% e ' 1234 i 123 ‘ , 1
5.20, c. '92.. M. and S 119 . 119'
.. .. .s. .. • 44
64, 44
.1..120,% 121 is
44 44 '44 ..&,.. 44 ,•4 I 123 Pa
" '95,4. and .1 1 121 n, 12l:..• 117, " •.i 122% 1=
" 'GS, " " . •.1 122% 122%
10-40. coupon : 117 A, .:117.c,
" Mettle G's, cy ' 124,3, 120
New D's, Reg. 1831 -- • 1 115% 113%
c. 1881 ' 117 117%
Gold • 4..115% 115%
Silver ' , 107 109'
Pennsylvania • ' 55: 1 i .55S
'lteading i• • : 4 % • 33 Ys
Philadelphia a Erie I 2211
Lehigh Navigftion • 51i5 514
" Valley, Ex. Div 1 61% f ' 63%
Drifted R. R. of N. J 129% 130
011 Creek - •, , 9% ID
Northern Central '' 31% j 32
Central Transportation ; 44 i 44 , 4'
Nespuelioning 56 .: 56%
C. & A.'lliortgage 6's, 'B9 f ..104 . 10434
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in
ake Towanda Post oMce for week ending
A pril 1875 :
Bowman Jas
E Edwards twiner
Itrdwn Ifougklan Mrs Frank
Barnes Wm : 11 - 11111 Miss P
Boirman t 1- - Caning. B
Itatket L
Canton' Wei • Park C W = •
_Connolly Julia Bickerton James
Conklin Martha Stevehs Mrs (leo B
Dubois Ltute Sweet Mrs. M.
Demcmy B 41Tantsbr Jas
Ju „ lia.
Persons calling for any or the_ above letters will
please say "advertised," giving date of Hit. ,
S. W. ALFORD, I'. M.
F ,
OR SALE.-4 valuable farm in
Athens twp., laying 2ti miles from Athens
liom s • and k miles from Waverly, Centslns, MI
acres, of which In are In grass an in. A.,dah7
of :a cows has been kept on It, and there te,base
meet stabling for that number. It has a gentle In
clination to the south, and Is warm, strpng land.
It will be sold low and possession given immedi
ately. Address . ,
E. D. Eltt(ra,
D. F. FARE, Athens, Pa.
.1. DREW, on.thh farm.
FRIDAY EVENINO,•ApriI 30, 1875„
The Soshel and Lltarary boilety of Towandy will
give one of theta popnler entertanetuents none as
Speling Beast" •
The pubilek air ernestly tnirlted,tu bee preasant,
and ad to the Invyment of the oeashun. Ano and
Intermitting fetnre wit bee Introlused, In retch al
nu bee parthisipults. .1 s
Precesda (dr the bennatit of the Lady's Be
nevolent Aaos,Lastitui. .' ' - •
ADIIOIBHtiN - - - •, 20 Bence,
Istirs opus at 7:30 oleksek--to el:omens at 8.
G. W. BtEN, flkoolutaster...
The following prizes will be offered : ' •
ist-7Websters Uttaltzidp4 Die' flattery, or if the
winner prefers Its equivalent in money. • .
241,-Fire dollars in Cash.
sd—cholee ;of Harpers Weekly. or Monthly,
Scribner's or Atlantic.
HoixEs VASRAG E. 1
I. Webster Or Worcester will tie accepted as au
thority. 2. Words win be defined on request. 3.
Comtestaats may -hare but one trial. 4. Failure
will entail dismissal trout the clam. b. The Judges
will Immediately. *Mlle al; questions AM arts. I.
All missed worts to be dropped. „
All who arelithlng. to enter 'ail corftestenfil will
Plealle leo? !Games leap this Thursday
neely ti tifr, t aril; It., pler.
i tee ' INV' e Aci o Arria 1111 IN =bunt be.
A.; t( WittAlkili SOX.
• 21,52"
Nem Advertisements.
` AVerY 6llll O4 l k l . l % tegiß
Li)? LARGE Alrfillinufilltell • #
Located on iloultiKala Stnet s Tome s, Ta
Inoiltuest pertkelers =War due mailentive4.
f:=M - 17 ,
~;:,- . 7.:-1!!1:,',',.,'•' i';' ;::
Office on Park St., (near the Court Mese.)
11)11 AWAY.—Whereas, my' son,
_LC kIIGENE GILLIGAN, has run away from
me, this is to forbid all perions harboring or trust
ing lilm. The said Eugene Is II years old; had on
when he left • white hat, grey canalsd brown over
alls; his a scar over, the left eye, also one on left
cheek. Any person giving Information where the ,!
boy may be:found. or returning-him to me wjil be ;
suitably rely riled. HUGH GILLIGAN.
ppm*. ' Campbellsville, Bullltran Co., Pa.
Tpwanda, April gib, 1875.
- -Notice Is herebv Oren that all persons In
debted. to the estate of Henry Esseuwlne. latecoV
Ttrtianda brim., deed, must make Immediate Pay
merit to the undersigned, and all persons having
claims against said estate must present them, duly,
authenticated, for settlement.
April 22, 116. ‘. - - . Admlnhstratrix.
Notice is hereby given that all persmin In.
e ted to the- estate of (leo. A. Johnson, late of
Granville, dec'd, must make immediate payment to
the; undersigned, and all persons having claims
agAnst said estate must present them, - .duly anthem.
tled, for settlement. McGinnis may be presented
to }.'T. Fox, at Towluida, or W. E. Johnson, on the
late , farm of deceased. E. T. FOX,
. ,
. —Notice is hereby given that all persona *ln.
e , the estate of Elbert Lyrrel, late of War.
to Ammedliite payment to the
nn - Mao= having claims Met
mid estate mutt them dui!
twainthamtst. , . W. W
sprillire.. . ', 'r ,
.A*Distrouir. .
' - ,:1.'::::', 2 . , Z , :;, - '.•`,.l'-` - .i _ l .!-0.;k: ,,,, i
I \
TAYLOR & ( 10
. .
. . , ..
z ,
~-,,B ); , ,-, 1/
. „.
•••! • / •
I •
. .
• ••i / / •-
emens -ArTD . 64.4uagAßs.
stitas. . ,
- •
!/ ,"
ROOLAMATI.ON, 7 = Winaus,
tt o
Hon. Patri. D. NOithow, President' Judge of
nth Jtidlcial District, ermidstingorthe county
of Bradford; and. Hons. S. D. ' Hanicsizsvand C.
S. Roseau. :Asioncbte Judea._ in ;And for said
county of Bradford, pare leaned theirprecept, bear
ing date the Ist day ofE4 1" 1:875, to me directed,
for holding a Omit of mid Ternitner, General
Jell Dellveryer of the Poet. Com
mon Plias _ Cott
•the County 6fford, on-, •‘ ondayilaY 8, - 1876.:
to continue two weeks. , ,
Notice la therefore • given tethe Coroners.
and Justices of the P eof the County of Brad
ford, that they be .th and there in' their proper
person, at 10 o'clock Itt the forenoon of, said day,
with records,inquisithitie and other remembrances,
to do those things which to their °Mee apPertein
Lobe done; and • those ;who are. bound by'recogni
rice or otherwise to prosecute against "the prisoners '
who are or may be In the lad of said ri,tudY. or Sr ho
shall be bonsai toappear at the said Court, st be
then and there to prosecute against them shall
be just. Jurors are requested tcr/ba in
their attendance ; agreeably to their not ce
Dated at Towanda. the Ist day of A p in the
year of
_our Lord, one thousand eight hundred'
and sev e nty-tire, and of tne, Independence of t
/ e .
' States, the ninety.einttr. e -
J. MONROE 831 11, She
,7 1 .4
Term of Court,_ 1875 4 . i
, : /
:.. - - ' ortalsn aUstir 1 ;
- .'Albany, 8' W Cluipnim . A : 'Joh ' Chasm
/Burlington, west,Odorge Lud • m; Burlington born,
' Jam V Meet Canton twp,'llenry Marion, Canton
born, It J litralt; Leroy,. Jesse Robert; Monroe twp,
Ellsha Cox: Orwell, Samuel C Well/4;41°m0 bora,
Danford Chaffee; Roma -_ twp, Dardel Sullivan;
RldgburY. 3forris Cummings; South Creek,,3loses
Seeley; Meshequirt,JosephM Voughtt Tray' twp,
W A Thomas; Terry, Francis Viall: I:lister, James,
- Lenox; Wilmot, James Dark,Tfarry' Tracy, Thos.
E quick; Windham, Luelualifilly, Chas. A Shoe
maker; Warren , Charles Dimon ,! Harrington
Whaltirer. - : • ':1
. . - TRAVERS JOKY, 181 . WEEK,
Armenia, Perry ilrookv Asylum. WiLon Fp:Wh
ey; _Athens born, Dana? Park, Atiums twit,. WM
West-brookrAlbauy.italph Stevens;Durlingtonwest,
James DoWitt.Burtingtort trip,lacob fzr-Wrisley;Co
lumbia,Geo Rerriek; Canton twit, Arthur Z Mason;
Franklin. Ogden Varney; Granville—Seeley Rosier,
Jerome Packard;' Herrick, Ethel Fuller, William
Nesbit; Leroy, Wm Kelley; LeraysvUle, Welton
Paysmi; Pleurae twp, Wm Kellogg,'Wrna ,E Ptper,
Ortnal Kellogg; Orwell, John Eastntan; Pike, Ste.
phen Hotehinson; Rome twp. jWm R Rock - well;
Springfield, Lorenzo Allen, Irwin Burgasst Sliebbe
nub,. Joseph M Blackman. Warren E - Gillett;
stnitntield, James H Webb; Tilwanda born, Joe W
Bishop, E E Buttingteli, John.. Beeman, 'W It Coy
°Mete, Theci‘E ,Espy, J' .1 Helght - iir2Orge• ROSS
Seymour Stnitit, litmus Taylor, Clark Wilt,nn, Wm
. Young; Towanda twp :fames I . W. IlLUElll,
Towanda north, Gen li/1111;• Troyt wp, E B Sorb
,l A LindertnaitiTerry, AJaekson, Chester
Schoonover. Bluer. Terry; 'Ulster, "Ward Pasta
brooks; Wyatneing,
,Cornelius I Downfall; Wind.
ham. - Walter White. ••
Asylum. Jacob Emory, Myron Kellogg; Athens
twp, W X Green. C C Snell. Athens;!horo. Orrin
Jordon; Albany, AA Walt wan Jiarelay,laines It.b.
burn;Columbia,Charles Benson:Cantonlhoro,Denuis
Baken,Ephraim Case, Frank S Peek, .1 . 4 Spalding.
Canton twp; Ward Warren; lierriek,'John Wood
burn: 'LBO-field, Henry Hays;Mourne twp, Jut,-
.son Mackin:in, Freenian.Sweet: Rome' twp, Simon
Bunsen, E 31Towner, Thomas Vocigit4 Springfield.
VpmansalerGates, John Illggluit, Wm Westbrook;
Standing Stone, E M Heed; ToWanda ludo, Judson
Mallory,T M Woodruff, Towanda ts-p, Oro it Fox;
TrOy, twp, Abram Jeroloman, Troy both. Win B Or
wan; Windham, Carlton Boardman: - Wens. F P
Bowman, Harrison . Carr:Wynhising,: Jonathan
Unmet; Charles 'Sumner; C A Ston - ell, J
A Wilson.
J. M. r.SMIT Slierier.
sizio'no wrrt:J . '
Llwari Overtgerva Erie R R t 0 • c ter
.t it
..1 - 01 . 1 S lei j aernan ,S E Smith ''. :.... 1 , ' debt
Ira. Thetg:t et aI vs Aurelia We4brOolt et a1.,.....:.eject
JohrOlolnies vs Jsitnes Metier 4 n.:,:ntup
John Connelly vs Win It Storrs et at ' ' " trespa:ss
Norris Fargo - vit Levi Well:. . lippeal
Fanny Fare:;s Use vs Levi W i ells I : appeal
Jannso Frost vs Chas-D, Cash l , tresmos
Jay Green vs German Insurance Co •i debt
Dr E L Gardner vs John Clapper ' , warp
31echanies Nat Bank, Chicago vs(' I' Wells's
Abram Waltman vs It'm & Toter Batwing r ...trt 4 lrtgf . ,
Chloe 0 Clark's trmitee vs J' W. Parks • covenant
P Brady . vs Jane Gibson 1
~; appeal
Betsey Jane Bogen vs Bleed ,t . Co ' ' • del,t
piwips,.Dolge 1 Co vs_ltaroja :k_llot-ford..: .. -.---r - ...l.7=ib.dit'
JII Black . TO Iti A Black' ' 4 • ' eject
Vol Smith's exrs vs Contiactital Littlnst.b......assump
A 'l:McKean vs Win Bags , ject
Abram Brant admr is Rodger Ititigi-oge 1 ' •
Fitzger,dd, Flagg /: Co vs Dunbar .1.: Den ei .o. u nip
Andrew Bailey vii Michael Lynch , •ippeal
Gm It Small vs It W Nobles- ..... . ' ... . app4.,al
B F Ball vs Barney Kane , , appeal
Alex Ennis vs J II Smith, et al ' appeal
Jaa,Fo'ter rt.' , ,.si..nee v dip. 0 Mint thye....,, ......... ls,ne
Cornelius linnsim.ter vod-S Willi :4.4a d-lit
Lewis Haven's vs C L Ward's . :tiliii'r,:Le - deli
Eleazer Pomeroy vs CC li CClenat 1 , 1 ' iQslie
Catherine Wheeler vs Mutt d: StallOrd ejectment
F II Person vs John"Wolte appeal
Pat Stowell vs J It AVelr'..t C.c - dcl.t
A C Moore vs John Cummings . ' issue
I' $ Wi litoxm vs E Smith
..... . ' • .-.1.....
._ __ • •-.-
. .
'P M Stowell, trustee vs .1: It Weir . I,`o .....41 debt
Gz_Nz Kinsman vs Hiram Kinsman, et-al ejectment
Wm Braille vs Wm It Foliar ' debt
Wm R Foster vs Wm Braine case
C B Underntan Co vs .1 F Means ,:t Son , debt
Pittaton&Elmim C Co vu S :8 Plo'el et al aaase
Fox,'Stevens, Mereur .t Co A's S ARC A Ad: .....for att
S.l Delass vs Mark Tyler I Heal
S.l Delass v; J C Tyler._' : upp,al
8.1 Sweet vs 8 & IfC Altlt Co -Ss. ~• - ' • • tor att
B F Myer' . tbl do -- i do
C3l _Myer . do ' do 1 to
Juba blastin, et al vs John Hewitt ! appeal
A F Comstoek vs E B Willi.lllls ' " ,10,(
John C Hannan is Martin V ItogerA et-at ' - tr,spa.3s
iinbpoenat returnable 31ay 10, IS7r,, at
It. BL PtCii. Prothonotary'.
lice. is hereby t;ivett Mat there have 1.1. , •en
tiled lii the ortfre of Beal ster of I\\' hit atid.for
the county' of Bradford, meottuts of administration
upon the following estateß., viz: I '
Foal account of Itbedlah Gore„{ acting -atiorr of.
the estate of George .C, Gore, Late of t7.:lteshectuin,
dee*dr, „
Final acc't of Geo. W. Brink, miner-cif the estate
of Cephos Millman, late of Ler-a:m - 1116 horo,„(lec'.l.
Final acct Of E. B. Powell, gaticntlian of Ida I).
Sihmeer, (now Chaffee);,tninor chfhtof T. 11. Spen
cer. ilee'd.
Partial acct of Ira L. Browttand E. W. Decker,
exr's of the estate of Jilllll P. Brown. late of Wil
mot, decd. !
Fitints -'t of D. S. V' e. ex,"r of the estate of
_ ne.FF. ex,l• ~,e e! ,
L W. Vanness. late of Standing Stone, deed,
_ _
Partial acet of-C. E. IN hire anal Litnlng. NV hlppliN
adrift's' of the] estate of . enathao Whipple. late Of
Asylum. decd. -
„ flikat fleet of E. M. B shop, minCr of the estate
of J. Bishop, late of sylum..deeti.7
Final account - of S. S. Dartt, es,'r of the estate of
Aaron N. Spaulding, late of 'Canton tarsi,. • deed.
Final acet of Silas P. Shinerodiu'r of the estate
of Stephen Shiner. late of Towanda, deed,
Final acct of C, G. Orkney-matter of the estate
of Jacob Over, late of Orwell, deed.
Final acct 16. Sterigere and Daniel : Bahr,
exr's of the estate of Wm. Zaner. late of. Alba
ny, deed,
Final acct of Martin Tompkins, adm'r of the es
ate of the estate of Burton Conrad, tate of Sheshe.
quirt, dced.
Partial account of N. N. Iletts, Jr., e:Cr and trus
tee of. the estate of 11. Charlotte Ward; late of To
wanda laim, dec'd. 1.
. .
Final accounts of 3fattlits Porter, guardian of
Hattie and - Wellington Putnam, minor chlldrith of
J. W. Putnam, der'd.
Final account of adm'r of Ott es
tate of 'Bowen Merrill, late of Athens. deed. •
Final acetrof of P. It. Blauvelt, guardian of Min
.I'. Beeman, minor child of J. A. Beeman.
Final account of lime(' and Sarah 'E. Barnes-
adm'r of the estate of Albert Barnes, late of Gran.
Tine; deed. - .; ! ,
Final acct of Harrison Black, ,Guardian of Coh
L. Buck. minor child of Hiram Buck, Tate of Wy- '
Musing. deed. • '' . I ,
Partial account of Benjamin Ackley', and .1. F.
Cluunberlaln. exrs of theestate , of Hiram Beck,'
late of Wyalusing; deed.
Supplemental final account of, S. Eitffiy. ex'r of
the estate of J. Doan, late of Windham, decd.
Also the appraisement of property_ set off by ex-.
ecutors.or administrators. to widows or ,children of
thefolltju In deeedentx, via: , ,
.Estate of Andrew Dewing.,.• 1 i
' - " Lewis Wheat. ! .
•• •• Larrlson Lefler. ' '
- "G. A. French.
•• " -WON* Case. .
" " Jacob Wilcox.
- " - Josiah Nurse.' . .
And the same be presented to the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County; Thor:sday. May RBI, at *4
o'clock' v. M., for ronlirio4tioo and aliotranee.
Register. •
'GLNTLEMEN:—In. pursuance 'of the 434 section,
of the art of the Bth of :63%1854, you' are hereby
notified to meet In Conventlon - fir tii t'quad House
In Towanda.Boroukdi, on the first, Tue:hlay.luf 3tay,
A. D. 187 being the: 4th- day a the menth. at I
o'clock in the aftermKin, and Sehtet, efl'a race, by a
majority of the whole numberof Dlrecjors present,
one person of literary anti scientific acquirements,
and of skill and expeilence In the art of teaching.
as County Superintendent for the three Succeeding
years: determine the • alitount of compensation for
the same, and certify the resultdo the State' Soper-
InteuLletit Harrisbnig: as required, by the lath
and 40th sections of said art. A. A. jT. F.I X EY.
co. Supt. of Brad ford Co.
TocranQa,. April 7, 1875
A, UDITOR'S - NOTICE.—In - the
,ci. Matter of the estate of Guy ninny. decd.
late of Shesherinin, &e.. In the Orphans' Court of
Bradford co. • . : , I
1 , The undersigned; and Auditor appointed to'dis
tribute money in the hands of P./secutor, will attend
to the duties of his appointment - at the (ace of
Smith Sc 3lontanye, Towatuh horn., on SATUR
DAY. the Bth ;day of, May. A. D. IB7rs at 2 o'clock
P: , M., at which time; and (awl all persons having
-claiths against said estate..are required to (gestalt_
the same. .
'A. . - G. D.IMNA
: 1 - . Auditor.
X In the matter of the incerporation-of-thej.itch
geld Building Association. of Litchfield, Penna.
' The object of said associatioa is to purchase real
1 estate and to erect thereon a building containing
rooms to !sensed for mercantile purposes. - Also a
hall in which may be held public mectingsJecturcs,
&c., and other rooms hi which to transact township
and other piddle and private business. i
Noticeits hereby given that the Maw+ named As
'sociation intends to ntake, application io his Excel
ency, John T. Ilartrntifi, 60thitor of the Com-
Monwealth of Pennsylvania, for letters patent, in
corporating said association. under act of -April 29;
i 187.1. .. ~.=. ii,"M. CAMPBELL,
A. D. MUNN, ~ .
1• ' . BF-NW( ('OOP} R.
aprEiwa. : 'A. J. LAYTON.
Notice is hereby given that all persons In
dewed to the estate of Josfah'Nurse, late of Tusca
trim decd, must make immediate payment; and
all persons having* claims agatnSt said estate must
present them duly authenticated for settlement. .
Administrator. :
- LIXE(I. 7 .rO/1 1 S
12.kis hereby given that all persons Indebted to
the estate of Arabella:J. Well4,tate of Orwoi,deol,
tang make inituedlato payment to theamietsigned,
and alt persbnit• hating (lain's figaltett. said estate
lutist present them, duly authenticated, for !settle-
Went. 11F.NitY C.',\1.1.11\.
. • • - Exontor.
Notici, is hereby . even that ail persons lulled
to the estate bt py ettes Welt, tate of Towanda
detellasedAllee,:re.questell to -make inunedtate , .pay,
meat, an r-411 persons havtng :claims again& said
estate ent. must raved thetn dulyauttleutteate4, farad..
Mareb:4 i 7644,.
^/ -4 4 " •
. ,
„iy ; ';virtii / .
Cart of Cali" . /
to tatifibeeterly '
lIDAY.IIay 7 1 ,
In Towitnift#
. „4 ,:- „' • , - •, -, .
f IRA P. F r .. .._ ,
__...___.... by bk..lof Lipid' 41 , oa f ' •
_..,:s by i.qiiar ipet and west byte:ids of 31 -
CasKitatatain , of an 'Ore of fraud onore,br (ties
-, - -
all Ini nived.'w h two framed Manes rbereoll. ,
• 33 - 4,0 i , /, 1 C 0 ; •4 lw Sat& bora of 'Towanda; '
'4ided,orir north by state street; eait by Weer !
' avenue d west and south by lands am" to pee. - ;
,Oesslon of*. A. Cash, being 50 17 on raid ase.•
nue and.l9o feet on said, street, th a two story 7
eframe..idweliiiik house thereem., - •;?` - - • _ ,i
AL ,' Lot ' io, 2,, In - said ,boro of Towanda. and '
boon ed as4o ll ows: Ifeginiiing 'at 'the 'Sounteast . •
i‘ of J. - 0. 3 ;rust's lot, thence southerly enrol •
C ryes sheet 40 feet, thence westerly and-panne
w th sald Froars'lnutb. line 150 feet to lands of .3;
y. Sanderscm, thence riortherlit Sander g Wald
(rim's east line 40 feet' to told FrosEs line, Meilen ,
easterly thong sail Frost* flats ilgt feet toilet place _
or beglindogewitb a two story trained house therei
on, now Occupied by Trturian Mclntyre. ' 4 .
AL140.-Loi ikio. 4, -- iei. saki. tor s o of Tcrwanda. tiro}
hotandeilias INlows;/Begirining ou Charles street 7
40 feet south of .1. Q. 'Frost's south-east Cmner.4
Mono: westerly and parailid with said Frost's smith
bit I 50`fiet, :lids of J. , V. Sanderson , then southi
eriy slang la nd of J. F. S theme: anderson 40 feet, the
easterly and liel with said Frost's line iha feel .
to said Charles street, thence. northerly along aunt,
street 40 feettoplace of.,bilinnlng. with. - a two story'
framed, house therecoOlow °copied by James . Cur
ran. • ' ` ',„ i • •
, .. ,
__. . 4 .
monipt 0-
. Log
41m -r-
AT.SOLot:No. 5, In said, horn of Towanda, mitt
bounded :as follows: Beginning on the west side of,
Charles Street $0 feet: south of J. 0. Frost's smith-i
east corner, thence westerly arid parallel with said;(
Frost's line ISO. feet to lands of J. F. Sanderson.
thence Southerly *tong said Sanderson's line 40 feet,
thence ctrerly and parallel with said' Frost's Hoe
ISO fear t Charles street.' thence northerly' along
saki rite t 40 feet to .the „place of beginning; no
, .1
S-Lot Notomsitnate In sald tom of Tovranda.l
bounded as folknys: Beginning on the west sidenf
Charles iitreet 120 feet south of .1. 0. Frost's south:
ea:4' Mmes., thence Westerly and parallel sytth said
Frost's line 150 feet to lands of - J. F. Sanderson.';
thence sent herlyalong said Sanderson's line 40 feet ;
to the lands of John Liolines, thence, easterly along'
ahl.flolitie's line 150 feet to Charlealltreet, thence
nor' herly aiong - sald street 40 - feet. to the place of,
beginning. willt a two story , frame dweilltighoose
Motet:M . lnm In posseodon of Mahlon Wood. .
A LSO. !Lot No. 7tiltnate in said Bore of Towan
da:, Intl 'bounded on the north by lands of J. Lantz.
east byi lands ofd. F. Means, south by: !ands of
t)., S. Pratt, and west by 'Charles street. being 50
l ii i
f.!,,.t front on wild street arid 140 feet deep, all Itm
proved. Itti buildings. ,
.A.T.S(I-.4.0t No.. O—Ohe other lot of land In said
torte, of Towanda, bonded on the north by Poplar I
Street:44st by land- of C. A. Griswold, south by
hurls .L. F. 3feans
,and West by lands -of C. E:
ilaightj being lot No. et. On map of surrey of the
Cash eitele: all :int - proved. with :spring of water ,
thereon,' With lead pipe leading therefrom. •
A I.SIIH.Lot No. 9-0 no other Tot °f land In sail
bet, of Towanda. bounded: on the north by-Poplar
street.'mst by Land lately owned by Peter Jacobus,
now John ifoltnes, smith, by lands of .1.
Fo M•mosiand weed lit -land lately drimed by 3,0.,
Arroat amid conveyed Isg_him to Andw. Ilafimp!
er. all i
f,roved,'Lwith a framed dwelling house thereon%
Seiredohil taken Into execution at the suit of 3. P.-
Kirby vB,]l". litatultall . , et. al.' ' ,
Al:St:b-4nm other lot of land In Fraukiht. town
rbir. boimded on the north by of Win. Tioekwell a''l Wm. Tall,. east by land - sof Wm.
Ito - wkweli,' Will. Tall and land In pos4ession of J. IL
Irannent,v:Outh by the public 'debts-41y anti TO:retitle
- ?reek and west by Lands of WM:.A. Rockwell and
Iftitnies Noble, eontainityv mires of Imo! more
or ie.... !di improved. -
1,,S0 -One other lot of laud in
,wysox township
and bounded on the north it's, a street 50 feet wide.
eas b Wm. F. Shultz and cast Towanda: school
, by
ha:re-ltd. smith by land of John E. fidget, 'and
wet by-plot in the possession of John Shultz. ' -
ALSO—Two other lots of land, In Wysos
hieing iqt No. S of block No. I& and lot ' No. 5 of
Mork - No, 12, in 3terenr, Mot,..stan & 3torsly's subedl-.
vi.len East Towanda, 'each lot being 50. feet trout
by 150 ft et deep. Seized and taken tote execntlon
at the suit of Noide, Holmes & Wlckhanit, trustees
of it, Pettes•St Co. vs. Bramhall. hod fl, G.
Al„Sa--Orie other tot of land in Towanda lioro..
lionnileftren the north by lands of ((ten. P. Cash and
Mrs. 'E. :I.X.arber• east by - laid , of David Gordon
South 1w Poptar street. ant west by lot contracted,
to I'd being far feet more 'tar less en Polk
bar street marabout WO feet deep, with a lump two
story dwelling, house thereon. ' •
A'T.Stf,—d.ot No. taller lid of lam) In s a id
- T6S1:11111:t. hounded on the north .by land,. of
Mrs. F. F. Barber.-en,t brother lands of WA-Irani
south by Poplar street and west by lands of
P. , ('ash. being about '33 feet front on said
[.str ,- ,..t. To- about too feet deep., with a framed dweil-
Ing lidise thereon. .
A LSO}-Lot No. tt--One tliletr lot of Land In sad '
hero of 'Towanda. at th-i Interseetlon of -State-,,St.
end' Western avenue, 11011:bled on the north. by said ,
Stui.• street and on the rat ,"hy sald'Aventte. and
soc , h- and 'west by Land In pre:session of F. A. Cash.
he;tx'3o feet front on 'aventrt. and 100 feet on',
gat i street'. wltlva two,storied frame dwelling
tlr•reori,! .; , .elzed and tal:en Into execution at tin, -
W..11a1.. vs. W. i Itnuthall, et al.
'...:1., , (1—pne other lot; of land In'Artnettla town , -
honi n p,l on tip:. 104 - th by lands or Alfred Mi.,
iltien,t be laud~ He'll* . Covert. on the.:orinclo
I l e !n?ul. of 1r.”...Za Scott. and other )ands of the de- .
ftclant. Y.lattgou Smith:and, on the' west by lain I
of Walter eullon. bettio.lot No. 290 on warrant,:
No. 9.".V3 and 993, cOntairtlng.loo acres of land more
or !;•, , S.: r
A4-SO—Oite other lot 'of: land in Armenia twp,
bounded on the north by lands 'ht Walter:Bullard
aml add lanson Smith: on the east by
land o'c Ifos..a Scott. MI flit Solltli by lands of :lames
FnimMos estate. now Minks of Crawford. and on t h e
laiols of Anson. Painter. containing 114
acres and lo perches of. land.nutre:or les, and being
104 ISO. :03. of warrants Mit and 9:4 of the ?:lugar
11 , 041 lands of H. Orinket, decd, as
by V MMet !Oral t Jr.. abotit 'l2O acres Improved no
ism It Of slid lots with 2 framed houses. 2 framed
I granary and orchard :thereon: Setred nod
taken into execution at- the suit Or 0. P. Danard. : ,
vs. Ailansou sMit h. ' •
!,?40--Cint , other lot of land in Towanda "tom..
hounded sill the north by E . Bralaeth enst by an
aliey. lands of 0, Burdett and west by
tails of Co,Ming, & and S. G. 'boner. about 21 feet front on .Elizaheth street.
and almtit , PM feet deep. with a tivo - sthry framed
dwelling house with basement -anti framed ham
lb , r on. ri:dred and taken into exeentlon at the
snit of 11: L. Senn vs. W. Bramhall -and It.
Al,so—fine other lot of land in South Towanda.
hmutiled on the east by Centre street, west by .
James ilrlsinon. north by F. F. Mason; and south
hy - Mason St.,..with a one and a half - stony house lilt
27 feet thereon. Seized and taken' IMO execution
at the stilt of Montanyes vs. F. M. It4ek t 4.
ALSO--rie other lot of land in Wet Burling
ton twp,„ bounded On the north by Land oil S. F.
nfllic.S.!eaSt by land of J. M. Thurston, south by
land of S.Sinith and west by land of con
taining 60 acres of ,land. more or less. about 15 acres
improved with a framed house, framed. barn null
few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken 'into ex
uem ion ai'the snit of Franklin. Bellows vs. Philip
ALSO—pm , other lot of land In Towanda boro..
bounded follows: Beginning, at the: north east
corner of;('. M. Halls' lot, thence northerly along
Third StriSet 43 feet to John iltaluns south-east eor
ner: thencetwesterly along said Rahms l south line
140 feet; thence sontherly along line of O. ttart
lett,4l fret to said Hall's north line, the - nee easterly .
along saidline 140 feet. to, the place of [beginning,
with a two story framed dwelling house thereon.
and taken itito'execution at the snit of 11, 1..
Scott vs: Nt'.. Brandiali.
LSO—One other Jot of , laud in Smithfield turn.. ,
hounded on the nortlV by lands of Mrs.' Harrlet.l..
Brigham and Merritt Wood: east by lands of .11 S.
iraniptwilt!ll. S. Kingsley and Thttrid' Gates; 'Reath
be lambi Of David Gates and lirael Phillips, dec l d,
and west by lands of Jameil Fletcher and Merritt
Wood, containing IS4 acres of Jand.•ttiore
75 acres Improved. with two fraMed
that framed barns with shed attached, two orch
ards'and other fruit trees thereon. Seized anti ta
ken inui execution at the, suit of 'F. DC: A. Rings .
Icy vs. O. P. Kingsley.
ALSO—One other lot of land hi TusCarora twp..
hounded on the north by lands of ,IT: T. Shaw and
D.Sturdevant. east by land of S.'A. Clink and A.
Silvara; south by the public high Way, leading
from Slivara's store to .Wilmot Coburn's and west
by landS of Wilmot Coburn and the State of 11. F.
Keeney, deed,•contaluing 70 acTes of land more or
less. about 40 acres.improved. witita framed honSe,
(rained barn and fruit tires thereon.: :Seized and
taken into execution at thl , , stilt of James Stevens
vs. .1. Atkin:4. -
I.Sg'.—sOne other lot of 'arid In Troy township, •
boontliNl on the north by Miler lands of Thomas
Merritt. east by land of Leonard llrothers. south
by land of Page 31 organ. and 'west by the imbue
highway leadinglrom lEast Troy to• Granville Col
in!, containing 50 acres of huid more or less, about
In acres Improved, with a framed i t on s e,lrann.,ll
t , artt muliorehartilWreon. Seized and taken Into
xecution at the suit OEIB., F„. Itedingtim vs. Thos.
• •
Merritt. •
A 1,94 1--One other lot of land in Monroe - Awp.,
bounded on the north, west and. south by hinds of
J. U. Lewis. and on the east by land ofi D. It. Black-
man. etintaftting 30 acres of: land, more or less,about'
3 acres Improved, no buildings. -
ALtittesthe defendamt. E. M. ilinis• undivided
one-half interest in one saiv-null In Monroe (WI.
•sitnated on bods of .1. A. Lewis. with the appurie"..
!lance's. privileges, at taelunents and fixttires belong
ing to - same. Seized and taken into execution at
the snit. of John It. StintmenpvB. E.H. Harris.
• ;T. M. S3IITIIO Sheriff. •
•A tnrralt , sNotr WE.—Delos
Rockwell vs. 3 . i Irani Rockiellind
mark, : No; 412. Felt. 'r. 1874. IJelos Rockwell vs
Nitaist Rockwell and 'WM. tielger, 860, Feb."T.
'157 I. Ir. M. Rockwell vs.iNirani Rockwell, N0. , 801..
Vol,. T. !t74. Itt 6mirt :of Cismnion Pleas of
The • undersigned. an Anditor appointed py said
court, In:distribute moicey in Sheriff's hands, arts-
ing from sale of real estate of Nirarn Itoekwell.
'will attend to the duties of his appointment at Um
office of Thebes Rockyell..;l4 Troy Borough, Pa.,on
IN'T.I)7 4 :F.SDAY, APRIL ; 1875. at 10 o'eork;.
A. m., , wliere all person having claims-upon 6:11,14
fund:twist present them.; nr be debarred from sour-i
hog tu - npon the samet
JOIIN )11X, .
-Auditor; j
3larch C.. 1:87&-w-t. • ,
`Kirby vs. Henry Hann. •In the Court oft
cominon Pleas of BradfOrd County, 'No. 163, Sept.
1873; •
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said
Court; to distribute the funds arising front the sale,
of, defendant's real estate, wilt attend do the duties,
of-his appointment at MA office :111 YonmoLl 80n , .,
on FRIDAY, April 30, ,1,173, at 10 o'clock .A. 81..1
when and where all persouslaving claims upon ;midi
fund. nuns prrscnt thetm'or be forever debarred;
from Coming In upoltheo.iinte. • .
aprg3w„ = I • Auditor.
-A trprrows NOTICE.-4n - ne t .
'natter of the estate! of Wtn..lolmsbn,
The undersigned laving been appointed-auditor
by the Orpiuis' Court of BradfOrd county, to disri
tribute rands belonging to salitestate In the handl
of the- administrators, will attend to his dutietqah
the °Mee of Peet
_Davies, In the borough of To-1
wandti Mit 31QNI/AY, APRIL 19th. 1873, a? II
o'clock 1!'. M., at -which tame mud
. I:dace all per:40110
having- elaims against said fund are required topreL,l
sent the or be forevCr thdetrred train ffitoing!
An upon said fund., HENRY"PEET, .
Marchl7,'73-Iw. ; 1 Auditor.
/IL 'TO Olivia li, 311Ckes.—No; 382, Dec. Teriml
1n74. Vim are to•relTy notllled that Lovell fl.Ntickleij
your liti khaud. has applied; to the Court of CormuoU
Pleas of Itrmitord Comity for-a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony. and `the said Court Las ap-1
poilitell kN I )..t Y,tho ad day of 'May liaatui hearing
the said t Loi;ell in ,the c immise.g, at which time.
mid place you can attehd I' you think pro r.
J. M.
A T o Pendleton floodfleb.—No: 606, Dec. i'erui
187.1.—Y0u are hereby notified that Ella Goodrich,
your .wife, has,applled to the Coen of Commm4
Mai Bradford County, for a diresce from tb
Ronda - of matrimony, - and Atm, said 'clatiit itia,ap4
pointed' MON DAY. the } Rd day of May; 1873,. to
hearing 'the said Ella: 111 Ahe premises, at vide
time and place you can attend if reethink tamper.
1 - . Obeliffd
, / R•
r -i.
....• , / 1,, -
' ...t
..., •. /
./ t