Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 29, 1875, Image 1

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sarAdveitlAng Ina]) vises exclusive of subscrip
tions to the paper.
SPECIAL NOTICES Inserted at Ft rare Ottesti
per line, for the first Insertion, and }Atilt CMW.I's
per Line for antilequent Insertions.
LACAL Not, ICES, same style as reading mat
AIWERTISE3IENTS will be Inserted according
to the following table of rates:
Time ..;I !w I_4v. I=B I 388 18m 1 Iyr..
1 inch .1.1.50 I 3.00 15.0016.00 1 10.00 1 15.00
2 inches.... 1 1 5.00 1 8.00 1 10.00 1 15.00 1 D 3.00
1 3.50 1 - 7.00 1 10.00 1 13.00 130.00 1 80.1i0
'ITO° 1
_8.50 1 14.00 1 18.21 1 21400 I .1.5.00
3 inches
4 luchei
column. II 6.00 I I:.00 116.00 I=-00:1 30.00 145.00
I i.OO !MOO"31 - TITCO 140.0015.5501 7a.00
—40.00 so.oo c 0.0050.00 i?o. oso.
I cniumq
ADMINIST ATOWS and Executor's - ?infirm
COO; Auditor'; Business eanla, five
lines. (per yerl i ti.s.oo, additional lines, 111.00 earth
YEARLY vertisements are entitled to quar
terly eitarmea. - 1
TItAIiSIENT advertisements must be paid for
ALL Desolations of A&eelatton, Comma!''ra
tions or litnitedior individual interest. and notleeti
of -3larriages nnii Deaths. exceeding tire lines, are
JOB PRINTING, of every kind. In plain and
fancy colors.: d .ne svlth neatness and dispatch.
Handbills. Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets Billheads,
Statements, &c. 4 of every variety-and style, printed
at the shortesq notice. TILE REPORTER ones is
well supplied; with power presses, a geod assort
ment of new type and everything in the Printing
line can be eaernted in the most artistic manner
and at the love. t rates.
Prefesilltra and Business Cird».
NEYs Al. 4,wo+'.--0113rAk;'1 ; nruCt" of Main and
rine St.. - oppc*lt • Dr. Porter] Drag Store.
iD 1.7E1 NT . LAW; Troy, Pa. Collections
made and protnrWly 'remitted. _ rfel,ls49tr.
W r
• LAW.. IlicT—rens Itloek, neat door
To 'Express Ofare Towanda, Pa. .
11)17:73. .., .
D R. S. M. WOODBITIIN, Phi si-
elan and Snrgeon. Office over 0.. A. Il3;e1ON
i:rockery store. 1
"ft)vrailda. ]lap }
y l, 18721 y".
AS. WOOD. !T.inrot`.7l 3NO. 5.3N114 , .1t50N,
McPIIERS(IN, A Troll.-
NIEVS LiAvy, ToWANDA. P. Will give
prompt ap.ention to all inatten. entruAell In their
;OrrliatCourt lo.P:lnes, sp-Halty.
W. FOY I.E. • rzny.K. - 2173) I. 31...1•11E1t50N.
OFFICE. Toti*,t t..t. PA.
• .; rjatils.7-1:, 11.
Physicians lanfl over Dr.
P.; & li . S. Dri%! 1-16 re.
ssON.IM. O. D. N. NEWTON. 3f. D.
janl-7:•of. .
.4 C. GRIDLEY. .
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elegant new'reoms),li '212.1 ily4-r er Pratt's new
elite,. VII State S:evet. :4.11 . f - it el.
.pt. 3-711 f.
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8. W. ALVORD, PUblisher.
- J. O. Pnat
t t i O. FROST .&
now receiv
ing their usual sLLpp
ply of (foods for the Sp
Trade. and hava an band, o
own make, a full line
the best furniture to
„ be found in
any .
From $28.00 to:p.;(11'1;10k
Large4t, and
IM" 1 . NDA. I'
..1(? y.
:ZZ125.0141 1
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thelic.! au: or
N. N. ISETT..Itt.
IV A T 1)
Sir no nem !Tr,
We have lii stock
While our assortment
Was net - tr btAtur
lak!ug. you will Ilud.the
0} AN T
we are rrllibg goods c
E is A CALL.
.1. 0.
loin Street
- *Med Deal.-
vohartivo,aLictill g0A4.014-4.,)
That advertising took the place a; Wild
'news to a great extent, is evident; since
in the first year of Mr. Simpson't paper,
1813, there were not half a dozen of there
bits of home news that make up to-diy
the -chief feature of the hOmo paper.
Then, gosal supplied the place of the
"local department," the gliding raft the
place of the railroad _ mail, the frequent
hunter of deer and bear the telegraph,
and 'the interest of the newspaper reader
was centred ou the doings of our armor,
and the British on land and sea; with oc
casional glimpses of Napoleon's wonder
ful deeds. True, under date of April 26,
181 : 1 1 , we have a marriage, headed in the
custom of the times, with a couplet :
" , O god of lore be true to my enamoured bread,
Be kind to the Dame, It dead to ell the rest.'
harried : At Burlington, by the Rev. hr.
Ripley, Mr. Jehiel Farres, age 75, to Miss
Elizabeth Prouty, age 19; after a court
ship of fifteen minutes." But this sud
den case of January and May was not
first rilirriage notice. published in Brat),
ford county. That honor is due to that
of " Thomas Overton, 'Esq., of Sheshi
quin, and • Miss Mary Tracy, of this
town," who were united by Burr Ridg
way, Esq., 'Monday, Sept. 13, 1813. The
first marriage notice was published Some
time before the first death notice, that . i;:)f
John Grant, 'of Orwell, who at the ripe
age of 79 years, died on the 23d of NO
vember, 1813, his obituary ~ appearing the
30th. The next, that of James Campbell,
Dec. 28, relates the fact that Mr. C. was
the father, grandfather and great-graral
father of 137 a children. Yerili, "the
Campbells - were coming," to do their
share in settling the country. The "ad
ministartors" of the said James Camp
bell's estate, as Cephas:, and William
Campbell announce themselves, afford
proof. that typographical, mistakes occur:
red even in those, unhurried days.
The first illustrated advertisement, was
Jacob I. Johnson's, who in advertising
his horse, April 26, 1814, - puts in a -srinto
cut of_an impossible steed, held by a very
improbable Tan iu black, a silhouett43
that must have much interested the rising
generation, as a triumph of art. If this
cut, an inch long by half that in width;
was an evidence of the progress of tho
fine arts, the next number of the papet .
bore testimony to the growth of wealth
and cultivation. • The Coinmissioners of
the "Silver Lake Bank," giVe notice"of
011 K !
the times when the books will,' i for
subscriptions to the stock, the 'shares bet
ing each, CI to be paid on: each share
at time of subscription, tlie notice bet
ing dated at Wysox, April 26:- Eliphalet
Mason and Samuel Crammer, give a "Li;
brary Notice," notifying all per Sons owni!
big shares in , the " Towanda Libmry,l
known as the Orient Library," to meet at
the house of Elisha Cole, and all pers4ni4
having books arc desired to return
on or before that day. We learn, the,
next week, -that James Cummings, *her
kept the house with the sign of the Lti
os, in Williamsport," was manager or
the •‘ mail !stage to Northumberland,";!
and that the fare on that then much tray-,' l ,
clod route was 42.2.1, and $1 'to Jersey
Shore from William Sport,, or at the rate
of seven cents a mile. '
We should judge that Thomas Simpson:
had found some difficulty about conducti
big a newspaper, notwithstanding his be;;
ing postmaster, for the last day of May,.
he gives a. "Last Notiee", to those indebt:t.
ed to Make payment by the 30th of June,'t
next, and with a t;itte ‘ which carries in
omen 'of jails and writs, says: " Thosei
neglecting to.comply with the above, may:
make their own inferences." This is as
word preliminary to the three-fourth cold
unm announcement, the next week, of'
one W. Brindle, who informis us that he
proposes after the Ist of Sept.,tO conduct
the Brattfoil 1 Gazette, as. fir. 1 Thomas
Simpson hai disposed of the establish-i
meat. This is the. same W. Brindle, who:
announces on the Bth of Februaiy, his in
tention to Terirra weekly journal called;
the Republienn' 4 Argus, in the town of;
Northumberland. Whether hisluame or-.
ig,nated the slang phrase, " Let him brin-'
dle !" or not, we are unable to say, nor
whether he achieved the design of- run
ning, the'Bradford 'Gazette, for the file we
have closes proiokingly with August 23,
1814. and when it recommences, April 12,
1815, Burr Ridgway is anneunoed as edi
June 9, W. Myers and Ashael Jarvis, of
Wysox, advertise a set of. carding ma
chines in operation; very :one
might suggest, to the "merino fever,"
which was raginr , at that
,time; even in
woody : Bradford: 2' l Advertisements thick
en of rafts and *her picked up in the
river, showing thii the lumber business
U sil,
was increasing.
And now, Julyl,l9, our fricnd,`.Editor
Simpson, announces that he will start the
broming Aitqrtiser, at WilliatrisPort, as
soon as (heed it, ye impecunious editors 1)
three hundred subscribers are procured.
Advertisememts appear during the sum-1
mer. that on the 28th day' of July, the
:17th Regiment will be paid, and earlier,
the 144th Regiment,—signs that the wars
which had changed from land to sea, was
not pressing the people at home. Infor
mation is desired of Jeremiah GaCh, one
I Under
of the missing; and Aiigust 2, $lO reward
is offered for Daniel Selloff,•, a deserter,
by George Reed, Rusign of 10th U. S.
Infantry. W. Allen, of *sox., adver
tises a "fulling mill,!' and solicits patron
age; and two weeks after, John Brindle,
of Pennshorough, ?dump to*nahlp, ad
vertises a printing office, with all the ap-
The war had closed Jan. 8, but the fall
lug off in the consumption of whisky had
not begun to affect the , market, we con
clude, for about April 'l3; we find S. T.
Barstow advertising "WHISKY !" at his
distillery ink Wysox. Temperance socie
ties had not 'mule it 'convenient to adver
tise it as "bitters" in those days.
IY. Keeler advertises " 831 . ) pairs of
ready-made Lorne-shoes," and David
ilidgway, "fancy 'Windsor chairs, great
and small spinning wheels," 'and other
furniture, at his shop in•Wysox. Thos.
IL Cary, of Covington, offers $5 reward
for a mare strayed or stolen; and Sterling
Holcomb, of Canton; Cautions - people from
buying a note of $177.50, given to Michael
4 ;rifiln. -This is May 23, 1815, and two
!reeks after, the stockholders of the Cay
uga and §twiehanus Turnpike Bead Co.,
arazotilied to iadatatc too' 4B•
ttiant. A avalrr% .14/40
No. 11.
big letters, "grass ;" Edward
Herrick, a Milithr electkm, and Jacob
St:rickbind the finding of "A ticket in the
new Baltimore Lottery," which he gOt
exonsly promises to restore to the owner,
"for a compensitkm, and pitying for this
STOLEN r in big letters,' is .the title
of a half /Onion, informing the public of
the lose by Samuel Griffin, of Canton, of
"A Red Moriocoo Pocket Book," con
taining alsige amcemt of notes, and the
reward of *BO is offered for the detection
of the thief. The frequent 'notices of the
settlement of estates, Sheriff's notices,
the partition of property, and the con
stantly recurring evidences of domestic
discord, as witnessed in the • applications
for divorce, or the notice of 'deesition, fin
up the advertising columns pretty well.
There oppears, just after the close of the
war, a great many evidences
that the
stringency and irregularity of t money
supply, did not trouble our fathers less
than their descendants after the Great
Rebellion. They were sharp after debt
ors, and the notices givenwen! pointed
and peremptory, as if the writers were
moved to utter their deep ;thongitts in
forcible, if not classic, English. 'We can
not but feel that the days imnlnxliately
succeeding the war were gloomy, days,
even though Hope hovered fwith bright
wing above the Pennsylvania woods. 1
Aug. 8, 1815, the Commissiont'lrs did a
notable thing, in ordering the publication
in the Gazette of the law for selling un
seated lands, the law oeenpying three
columns, and as the country Was Tod set- i
fling up with, emigrants from Massachu
setts, 'Vermont, and Conneeti9ut, this
law must have been read with general in- 1
terest. The conflicts of the Pennifylvania
claimants had resulted in violenceln some
cases, and there was a good deal of bitter
feeling among those who were ininred, or
thought they were injured, by the settle
.thent of claims. But gradually iwe see
improvement. New names of townships
appear. Murraystleld changes to Spring
field; Wells appears in the list; we see no
tires from the Tioga
.Gazetie, and in a
thousand little evidences, the pro*ress of
the country appear. Augustll6, Chas F
Welles, Prothonotary, gives notico that
owing to error, the jurors drawn for Sep
tember term are discharged, tutd ithe at
terulance of witnesses will noe l be necessa
17. "
At a communication of Lodg,e No. 'M.
held at their.. Lodge Room, jin Athens,
Bradford county, Pa., on Tuesday, 841 of
May. A. D., 1814; A. L., 5814 1 , Dri , David
Sherwood Rice, was expelled! said lodge
for crimes of the darkest hue.! Per{Orderi
Joseph , Ringsbery, W. M."! This is a
notice which recalls the later days of
Capt. Morgan, and the great Anti-kason
ic excitement. A • "fist" notice adds;
"Printers throughout the United States,
friendly to Itlasonry, are ,requested to in
sort the above." In those days;] when
secret societies were rare, and every little
village did not have two or three ;lodges
of the I. O. of what-d'ye-call-ems, uch a
notice as the above, doubtleSs created a
sensation, of which in these! latei days,
when the spirit of secret sacietir llas
been tremendously diluted, 'ale can form,
no adequate conception. We atit just
conceive of it, by supposing; fer instaor,
that one of the fashionalde ladies of the
country, and one of irrepreac i llable mor- ,
Ida, should be someday detected perform,
ing the heathenish rites of Voodooism,'
and ending the ceremony by • roastieg one ,
of her children and eating it: with wine
sauce. - 1
In that LW one man represen* 1 the '
counties of Bradford and Tioga;l now,
with greatly increased ratio of reput
ation, three . men represent: Bradford
alone. In 1815 several townships assem
bled at one place of voting, and the tick
ets of both parties are announced. I Sep.'
tember 5, "A Citizen of Hanover, iVa.,",
advertises,•that he has commenced the
writing of a "History of the War of
1812," and desires information to Ite fOr.
warded to him, and documents bearing
on the war. He promises a copy Of the
work to those newspapers that adiiertise
it. • The same number also contains an,
advertisement of the American Magazine,
signed by Horatio Gates Spofford. Again,
March. 11, 1816, we find a half-cOlumn
advertisement of. a History of thelWar,
by J.llussell,jr., with a notice that the
work is for sale at the office of the paper.
It is a curious fact that this, one the
first of subseription books, should have
been published at Hartford, Corm., a city
that has published more subscription
books, and more successful Ones, than
any other the United States.
William Allen " Wanted " " Two Jour
neymen Boot and Shoemakers," hi Wy
sox, Sept. 11, 1815, and S. T. Barstow, of
" Fencelar Castle," in the same town
ship, advertises "GOODS" quite largely,
as also 2,000 bushels of rye and corn;
Ezra Long, in the next number, offers for
sale "The Stand formerly occupied by
Jeremiah Decker, on Sugar Creek, ,; near
Rich's Mills, as a store." Wm. Reeler,
of Wysox, who advertised liberally, an
nounces with a full display, in the num
ber for Oct. 2, "a few doors below 'Fen- i
color Castle, and on the south side of
Pond Lane, and west side of Squabbles.
Bill street, (just received by the fast-sail
ing boat Rose-in-Bloom, Capt. Griffin, in
a short passage of seven days itom
Wilkes-Barre), a new and general assort
meat of goods, etc." Jacob Myer Jr.,
another Wysox man, announces Oct. 12
that he has "commenced making iXtrdr: 'ng
:machines at Factory Hill;" Joseph Bloom
advertises a saw-mill for sale on the sKom
Jack, a branch of Sugar - I
Creek, at Bur
lington. Aaron Chubbuck, of Orwell,
not to be outdone by Keeler, advertises
as "just received from old Corineetkart,
by the fast-running carriage (waggon),
: and for sale at my dwelling-honsein Or
well, about seven miles north of Squabble
street," cotton goods, spelling lob,
:rmulors, etc., and "first-rate
"'Anne roan
Powder." Joseph D. -.:Woodworth, of
`Athens, early in November, informs the
public that he "has commenced the; du
Xakieg Bissineu, at the shop occupied by
John Bed6gton, wberer people wishing,
411 be furnished with AXES, (vial if
not superior to any of the Hyde stamp."
John D. Saunders wants to hire "One or
Oro good Sawfurs," to murk by the year,
tout does not give his' place of" residence,
Which was probably Towanda. Although a county widely hi
1815, polled almost 900 votes, it was not
io bugs a place as to make it difficult to
Std a man, deee , fbur PVC bier, ibtle
7rl 'EV.= 4 1 46,..A.44114 1 t0t.
- :
• . •
• • .
Ms following is the list Of Gran — gesin
this. county, with the MOM of Master
and Seeretery and the night of nme4hig.
The - list is copied Dims the ,liihreier's
.01rioad, and should there be any error
it we will thank any member of the onitir
to notify us : - - • rt
' N0..80, Bradt*, Pike; Master, John
Leßayerille; . Secretary, 13j N.
DeWolf, Bushville. • • •
56. Wysaulting, Wysox;. Neater,
Owen,Mkt, •Wyson Secretary, * ft.
_Meet Saturday e ach
week, at o'c lock
No. 89, Tuscaro ra• Master,
A. P. Roman, Bait • hill;i‘eresinT,
J. H. Atkins, East 11. •
No. 63,. Columbia, bia; Master,
Finley - Funnat4 Aylvanist Post-Oince ;
Secretary__ Miss L. Florence Utley"
nia Post-OMee. Meet every Wednaday
evening at the rearklence of C. E. Glad
d lle. 95, Rome, Rome Mader; S. 0. Al
len, Rome ; !key, W. IL Shaw, Itome;_
No. 00, South 11111, 'Orwell; Mater,'
Capt. I. A. Park, South HMI Secretary,,
C. C. Stewart, South M eet Ist and
3d Wednesday evenings in each month. !.
No. 111 D B Manger, Athens; Master '
Wright . Dunham, Athens ; Secretary,
Clarence Watkins; Athens.
No. 124, Wytdusing,WyaluAni; Masta,
Edward . Vaughan, W7DlinitkO!'cretlin't
J. R. Taylor, WYalusing.
No. 137, AspinWall, Wells; Master;
Timothy. Dustin, Aspinwall; Seer, (lea.
W. Noble,. Wells.. ,
No. 1, • South . , Creek, .South Creei;
Master, Daniel Chase, South Creek; See 7,
retary, Robert Clark, South Creek. • 1
No. 142, Oscaluira,. North Towanda,'
Master,E. R.. DeLong,Towanda; Secre
fairy, A. C. Smith, North Towanda.
No. 145, Sheshequin, uin; Mu
ter, J. P. Rogers, Sheshequin; Swretary;'
E: T. Parks, fiheshequin,
No. 153, Open Hand, Leßoy; -Idaster,
S. B. Morse, Leßoy; Secretary, J. IL
Holcomb, Leßoy.: 'Meets every Tuesday.
evening in each month , from Oct. t tp
April 1 at 7 o'clock; froth April 1 to Oct.'
1 at 71 o'clock.
No. 134, Springfield,. Springfield; Mass
• ter, J. W. Huggins, Big Pond' Secretary,'
Z. Cornell, Columbia - X Roa ds. Meets
every Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock.
No. 155; West Burlington; Master;
L. Rockwell, West , Burlington; 'lWy, J
C. Rockwell, West Burlington. _
No. 160, Burlington, Burlington; Mas
ter, J. D. Soper, - Burlington; Secretary,
J. A. Morley, Burlington. • • • •
No. 169, Cascade; Wyalusing; Master,
0.W. 1 Stevens, Camptown; Sec'y, Cyrus
Avery, .Caraptown.
No. 170, Herrick,tHerriek; Master, IT.
S. Camp, Herrick; Secretary, J. L. Camp,
No. 173, Ulster, Ulster; Master, 0. ;A.
Vincent; Ulster; Secretary, Jas. Mather,
• No. 174, Ondawa, Springfield; Master,
Alfred H. Havens, Big Pond; Secretary,
S. S. Huggins, Big. Pond. Meet every
Wednesday evening:
No. 178, Springhill, Tuscarora; Master;
Wm. Shumway, Springhill; Sec'y, G.' S.
Ackley, Springhill.
No. 181, Potterville, Orwell; Master, i ii.
G. Friable, Potterville; Sec'y, W. L. Fria
ble, Potterville. Meet first Saturday
evening of each month. •'
No. 182, Troy,- Troy; Master, L. G.
Vanhorn, '
Troy. ' Seely B. F. Newberry,
Troy. .
Mo. 188, Wapsening. Wiradharir; Mas
ter, Jacob E eller. 'Windham Summit;
Sec'y, R. W. Darling, Nichols, Tioga
county, N. Y. Mocts Ist and 3d Wednes
day in each month.
No. 193, Highland, Litchfield; Master,
A. D. Munn, Tiogal valley; Sec'y, A. J.
Laytiin, Litchfield.
No. 194, Central, Sheshequin; Master,
W. M. Shores, ToWanda; Sec'y, L. E.
Poet, Hornbrook; Meet every WednesditY
evening in Smith's Hall, Sheshoquin.
- No. 200, Toivanda, Towanda; Master,
H. b. Scott, Towanda; Sec'y; James M.
Platt, Towanda..
No. 204, Towanda Valley, West Frank
lin; Master, E. H. Crayton, West Frank
lin; Sec'y, J. Spalding, Franklindale;
No. 205, New Albany, Albany twfs.;
Master, Amasa Heirerly, New Albany;
Secretary, F. N. Wilcox, New Albany.;
No. 208, North Orwell. Orwell twit.;
Master, Wm. A. Sibley, West Windham;
Sec'y, H. E. Dimnrick, North Orwell.
Meet first_and third Saturdays of each
month at 7 o'clock p.
No. 211, Asylum, ', Asylum ; Master, B.
Laporte, Asylum; tileey, Dwight Kellum,:
No. 213, Washington, Athens; Master,
O. 11. Sible, Orcutt Creek; See'y, George
Rightmire, Orcutt Creek.
No. 214, Smithfield, Smithfield; Master ,
A. 0. Tracy, East Smithfield; Sec'y, E.
P. Tracy, East Smithfield.
No. 222, Minnequa, Canton twp.;
ter, C. B. Taylor. litinnequa; Sec'y, W.
Ketcham, Miunequa.i Meet every Satur
day at 31innequa House.
No. 231, Monroe, Monroe twp.; Master,
J. B. M. Hinman, Menroeton; Secretary,
A. G. Cranmer, Moiroeton.
No. 237, Lincoln, Ridgbury; Master, V.
S. Vincent, Ridgbury; Secretary, 11. S.
Owens, Ridgbury. Meets 2d and 4th
Tuesday in each mouth at 7 o'clock r.
No. 23$ Towanda Glen, Towand4 ;
Master, E N Decker, Highland; Secretit
ry, Francis Gregg, Towanda.
No. 245, Macro-, Sta Ming Stone
Master, 11. Wood, Mercur; Secretary, H.
C.'Stephens, Mercur.
• I
No. 257, West Granville, West Gran
ville; Master, V. S. Landon, East Canton;
Secretary, M. T. Shoemaker, Granville
No: 287, Evergreen, Terry twp, Master,
John E. Dodge, - Terrytown; Secretary, J.
H. Schoonover, Terrytcrwri. •
No. 298, West Warren, Warren twii.;
Master, ,J. S. Rodgers, West Warren;
Secretary, H. E. Brainard, West Warren.
No. 309, Granville Centre; Granville
twp., Master, a Taylor, Granville Centre;
Secretary, S. A. Rockwell, Granville
Centre. Meet every Wednesday even
ing_ at Granville Centre.
No. 336, Beech Flats, Canton; Master,
I. B. Wright, Canton; Secretary, F. W.
Hickok, Canton. • "
No. '
Wilmot, Wilmot; Master_, Mar
tin Saar, Wilipot; Secre4ry, 13. Ryder,
Wilmot. I •
DEEDS left for recOrd the office fot
recording deeds, week ending April 10 :
Gordon' F Mason to Thomas D Crane,
March 28, '6B, Towanda; -W S Ford to
Edwin Ford, Jan 30, '75, Pike; W A KO
logg, et al., to James April 10, '72,
Asylum; W A Kellogg to James Welbi,
Sept 80, '74, Monroe and Asylum; Lyman
Mollon to Edward E Mingos, April 18,
'74, Monroe Born'; F X Hornet to Burton
R Ross, Feb 19, 1868, AsyluM; W
Tubbs to H J Madiß,lJan 14, '75, Towan
da Boro";11 J Madill asn't, to L B Rodg
ers, March 26, 1875; Towanda Boro; E
Walker to Edmund Lockwood, Oct 26;
; .14, Ulster; Betsey Ni IfeCrery. et al to J
E. Higgins, Apr 3, '75, Warren; A C Rig::
!gins, to John Phillips, April 5, .'73,
;well; same to same, April 5, '73, Orwell;
HiMcy Allen to George Allen, March 20,
jora, - Herrick; Morris, Run Cm! Co., to
Patrick Lynch, March 15, '75, Bradford .
!county; 13 A Mills to Martha Hawkins;
March 15; '73, Bradford ainnty; : Levi
Stall to Mary Awe Smith, Jan 30, '7si.
'Canton; Robert Watts to .1 W Griffin;
March 19, '75, Canton; Peter Brady 40
4ustin Morley, Aiwa 3, '75, Athens; Perry
Ono et al to Warren; Ayres, April 1, '73,
Albany; Amon B Randall to J C Kirby;
*mg 4, '74 Albany; J 'l' Van Fleet, Sheri
* to Fti Bennett, et al Dec 7, 18714
'Ulster; F (3 Bennett it. al,, E
, isksiZrk
Chamberlain et al, &driers, to P S Brews
ter, May 4, '67, Wyalushig;P S Brewster
to R B Park, Mail% 18, '75, Wyalnshig;
J & E Joluison to M Henan, July 18, '7O,
Terry; hales Foster to Cyrus II Webbl,
May 29, '72, North Towanda; Cyrus II
Webb, sant% to L 8 Shearer, March 18,
'74, North Towanda; .Chas S Cow, ex'r,
to Reuben Hickok, 2d, June 16,'78, War
ren; Burtoti Kingsbury to Thorne* Cur
ran, April 10, '67, Towanda BOro'vj F
Means to Charles R 'Smith,' April 8, '73,
Thom Crefty to James W Suffern, Apr
7, '75, South Creek; Edward Welts to
Susan Baldwin, April 7, '75, Athens; W
H Phillips to Leman Parkhurst, Dec 7, .
'66, 'Granville; J H Smith, Sheriff, to Jos.
Powell and N C Elsbree, truste4n;Feb 10,
'73, 'Towanda Boro'; I J eirigiths to E T
Fos, March 29, , '75, Towanda Boro'; 8 C
Means et al to Brand I 11111, Sept 25,
'7ll, Towanda; Edward Overton to Chu.
L Brown, April 7, '74, West Erirlingtorq
E 13 Moore to John Brosnan, April 8, '65,
Ulster; Isaac Powell to Michael, Pander,
FeblB, '75, Wilmot. 1 •
DEEDS left for record in the office for
recording deeds, weekending April 17
Elias Harris to E W Warren, April
1875, Towanda Boro; Charles Lambe° to
Jane Ladd, April 6, '75, AlbanyVlE D
Miider to Charles Chaffee, April 8,'75,
Shesheguin; Delos Varguson to Edward
McCormick, March 18, '74, Wysox; I P
Van Fleet, Sheriff, to belllll3 H Crinvi
,Feb 14, '72, Terry; Elizabeth
Welles et al, erers, to same, March 25,
'7 5 1 Terry;lJ D Montanye to John 1'
Means, •April 1, '75; Towanda Boro'; E T
Elliott-to John F Means, April 12, '75,
Towanda Boro'; Elijah H . Lligtori to Isaac
Vosburg, April 3, '75, Tow'ruida - Boro';
P C Morgan to (leo Billings, June 15, '7l,
Columbia; Jas A Rogers to John G Ma
son, March 15, '75, Canton; A P Dunbar,
to Alvin T Dunbar, March 16, '74, Can
ton; A T Dunbar to JOllll L Ferguson,
Dec 8, '74, Canton; Marcus P Ayres to
John L Ferguson, April 8; '75, C ..n
and Granville; I 11 Marsh to W M Platt,
April 6, '75, Pike; J. W Comstock to H
Williston,' March 17, , '75, Pike; W D
Munn et al-to H A Miller, March 10, '75,
Litchfield; C Stockwell to • Mary Ryan
March 31, '7si Canton; Edward Overton,.
jr., to S D Sterigere, April 7, '75, Albany) ,
George Gordon to Patrick O'Brien, Nov.!
1, '55; Dwell; Theodore F Espy to Fred
Waffles, Jan 4, '75, Towanda litorofti W
Burdick to C Robinson, Oct 1, '74, Alba
ny; Amos York to Jas H Cron, Oct 3, '74,
Wysox; J M Wattles to same, Oct 3, '74,
Wysox; H 8 Parks to Harry L Parks, Jan
17, '63, Orwell: Jacob Reel to Margaret.
Carmody, March 2, '74, Athens; Harriet
E Oyer to Jervis S Chaffee, Oct 13, '74,
Orwell; Howard Elmer et al to John
Steele, March 22, '75, Sayre;,Geo G MiUg
ps to Horace - Heath, Sept 1,.
too; Tioga Point Cemetery to John
Dec 3, '7O, Athens; same to Tritia Case,
May 1, '74, Athens; Wm Patton to Oliver
L Vincent, Dec 17, '74, Towanda; Oliver
L Vincent, as'nt, to R Bennett, April 17,
'75, Towanda; Samuel Smith to E G
Fitch, Feb 23, '75, Athens Boro'; Cynthia
C Palmer to 0 B Pennell, March 22; '75,
South Waverly; J L McMahon to Rnth E
Olmtded, April 10, '75, Towanda Born';
E J Young to Charles Studer, Nov 12, '74,
Springfield; Moses Ellenberger tq Isaac
Coon, Aug 12, '74, Asylum; C White
et adm'rs, to same, April, 15, '75, Asy
luni; C Man* to Sallie W Rice, Feb
26, '75, Alba Boro; N N Gambl4 to H
S Dodd, Nov 31, '74, Wilmot; Wm Grace
to 1) Ross, Jan 28, '74, Springfield.
A legend of ancient times, handed
down from generation to generation,
through century upon century, still
obtains in almost every household to
the effect that if one eats just before
going to bed one will surely see one's
grandmother. Now there seems to
be something terrible about the ap
pearance of this nocturnal grand
motlibr, but as we never conversed
with any one who had been subjected
to one of her phantomic h we are
disposed incredulous, and flout
the legend in the face of the bearer.
However hungry one may be at bed
time, the temptation to satisfy the
cravings of the appetite is always
met by this "-old wives' fable," and
it always serves to her the pantry
door against an evening intrusion.
There's no telling how much suffering
has been brought about by this idea,
and now we believe the time: has
come when hungry men, be it at bed
time or meal time, ought to burst the
legendary, bonds which have thus
far bound them, and eat when they
are hungry. Apropos to this subject
we find a most sensible article in
Scribner's Monthly for March, 'and
we copy it for the benefit 'of these
who have less fear - of the fabled
grandmother and the horrors of a 1
gnawing stomach. As somebody ,
says, "we'd rather have a good coat
to our stomach than a good coat to
our back," and if this gnawing goes
on much longer, we'll have .no coat
on the foimer and a wooden one on
the latter. But here is what Scrib
ner's says on "Easy'Sleep ":
" To take a hearty meal'` just before
retiring is, of course, very injuriouk
because it is very likely to disturb
one's rest and produce nightmare.
However, a little food at this time,
if 'one is hungry, is decidedly bene
ficial., it prevents the gnawing of an
empty stomach, with its attendant
restlessness and unpleasant dreams,
to say nothing of the probable head
ache, or of nervous and other de
rangements, the next morning. . One
should no more lie down at night
hungry than he should lie down after
a full dinner, the consequence of
either being disturbing and harmftil.
A cracker or two, a bit of bread and
butter, cake, a little fruit—something
to relieve the sense of vacuity, and
so restore the tone of the system—ie
all dud. is necessary.
" We hasianown persons, habitual
sufferers, from restlessness nt niFht,'
to experienee materita benefits, even
though they were not hungry, by a
very light luncheon before bed-time.
In place of tossing about for two or
three hours as formerly, they would
soon grow drowsy, fall asleep, and
not wake more than once or twice
until sunrise. This mode of treating
insomnia or sleeplessness„has recently
been recommended by several distill
" lied phy—sicians,
andbrand the prwrip
rni. liWili4A4
q le °tom.
- ROM 10011 011/1t 01Tht01111 -
Kind your own eeneerns, suy friend,
Year they ere yours eking • i " •
Da teat about your neiglkb7
rt ors fail Is,'
But, strive to mend your own,
Bowan he does not Stymie lead
.0t trail ploustlfo;
Whet matter' lir he sometimes frets. .
Or quests odtb his wife t •
Don't moddlo-4M Alm bow, my friend,
Your tottteensture spurns
To set the 'pi en Idle or Ids—.
Just Mind your own concerns.
Yes, mind your own concenis, my friend,
And nonently melt And,
Thstan rat time is occupied.
And pin*e got, enough to mind;
What need you care if Snook! or Spooks -
Should wed with nauy Jones?
What matter it your neighbor C.
A half a million owns I
The money Is not yours, my friend.-
Though golden stores he earns;
So dq not envy him his wealth,‘
But mind your own concerns:
Yes, mind Your Own concerns, my friend,
• It LI a better plan,
Than always to be spying out,
The deeds of brother man.
Remember that all persons have, •
Thosigbts hidden from your view,
Titan/Ma that to them of right belong,
And not at all to you;
And also bear In mind, my friend,
A generous nature worms
No secret from a neighbors breaSt.
8o mind your own concerns. •
L 8301113.
HAY:, 18736
xv1::541-4 . 3.OLDEN . TEXT; I'uoV.
The death.of Samson .implies his life.
Hence, chapters 1i46 must be .carefully
read. Samson was the son of Manoah, of
the tribe of Dan. He was born it Zorah,
which was situated on, a high, conical hill,
overlooking the plain of the Philistines,
near the western' border of. Judah.
The name Samson (Ileb., Shimshen) is
explained by some to mean "little sun;"
by others, "stroig;" by still others,
,"awe.'! He was indeed " the Sunny'`—
the most bright, beaming, frolicsome,
wayward‘ creature that the nation ever
produced. Not less characteristic was
his marvellous strength; while his whole
career formed a constant series of aston
ishments—an ahnost .unbroken period of ,
awe to his enemies. He was , from ;birth
a Nazarite—censeerated to this chaiticter
by his mother before his birth. The or-'
der of Nazarites had been for a long time ,
in existence; Numbers vi. It was the
nearest approach to a monastic institution
in the Jewish church. There seems to
have been an unusual tendency towards
this asceticism at this period. Although
Samson is the first recorded instance of a
NazitAte, he was soon joined by Sarnuel;
to whose mother, Hannah, the history of
Samson's exploits probably first suggest
ed the idea of dedicating her son to the
Naiareatc. ' The order, thus begun, was
probably continued to the last days of the
Old Dispens ation. Elijah, in outward
appearance,' was under the same rule ;
there seems to have been a flourishing in
stitution of Nazarites in the days of
Amos 11, t 2), although this may be
merely an allusion to Samson and Samuel;
and we find the habits and aspects- of
these ascetics reprodueed at the very
close of the Jewish church in John the
Baptist, and James, the Lord's brother.
The word Nazarite means irparation, i. e.,
from/the rest of the nation—a separation
marked by entire abstinence from intoxi
cating drinks, and by a 'shaggy, unton
suied head; the hair being gathered into
Seven sweeping locks„ connected together
and hanging over the shoulders. It is
clear from Samson's , case that celibacy
was no-part of his Nazarite obligations;
not even ordinary purity of life. -
Upon the strict observance of the rules
of the Naiareate, depended the continu
ance of his supernatural strength; and
this was bestowed by the Holy Spirit,
that he might begin to deliver Israel out
of the hand of the' Philistines; (xiii: 5).
These Philistines, who now present them
ielveil to our notice, for the firstlime, as
a powerful and hostile 'nation, came to
Canaan from Asia Minor and its adjacent
islands, probably from Crete. They seem
to• have been evenof a baser sort than the
rest of the inhabitants of Canaan. They
were chatacteiized by dullness and stu
pidity, so as to .make ' them a perpetual
butt for the grotesque humor of Samson.
Some of their families were of immense
site, the result probably of intermarriage
withtlie aborignal giants of the land; and
so of slowand sluggish movements. Com
pare Goliath's slow motions with the
agility and cunning of the diminutive
We cannot pause upon the strange in
cidents of Samson's judgeship. The
tame invasion in the south-west was
probably contemporaneous with the Ain
morite invasion in the north-east. Hence
Samson judged Israel in the West dor
dank country,, daring a part of the period
covered by. the -public services of deph
tludr, Ibsen, Elon and Abdan. Eli's
priesthood preceded the term of Samson's .
labors; Samuel'S judicial functions suc
ceeded them. Briefly we pass to consider
the death of Samswm.
1. His-Imprisonment. (a). His arrest;
zvi: 1-21. (b). The character of his ha
.prisonment. They put out (perhaps bored
out] his - eyes. This :was not 1111COM111011
in that any in the case of prisoners, and
is still practiced in, Asia. Then they put
him in fetters of brass (literally, iron) or
metaL Though hbr , •hair was gone, and
therefore his supernatural strength, still
he was a powerful and brave man, and
no doubt punished several of the Mi ie !
tines before they succeded in seizing him.
Hence the precaution of fetters. It was
quite wise to bind down those biawny
arms. ' Then they' made him grind the
grain in a houl-mill for the rest of the
primers in the prison.. That, is, they
made him the servant of the convicts—
the lowest of all slaves. It was, impossi
ble to heap insult on him 'beyond this.
Blind--fettent4;-41riven to' the must de
grading toil ! (c). The place Gaza
one of the five walled towns of the Philis
tines, which formed the Orighud federa
tion of the nation,. and the most sontherd
of all. The Valley of Sorek, in which lay
the residence of Delilah, was probably
nearer Gaza than any other of the chief
Philistine cities. - •
9. The - Festive. (a). - The occasion of
itjjy , Tot/ter skireat thanks.
• ,
' " e
82 per Annune In Advance.'
head, hteoli and arms Of it moo with the
theof a flab.. He Wee the ezehettillret
the idea of frultfulness•Hs very appreprt !
ate deity fors people dwelling by( the
sea, and whose main agricultural .w ,, iialth
ClOil3 splendid cornfields: His Mehl
temples were at qua aid Ashdod.. They
:merited their ( victt xs z4er 'Samson to his
aid; although of the foul means
by,Which they lad accomplished his iseiz 7
or& It ivas a gr_tiat feast. The rulers or
the five chief-cities were there, and alieut,
9,ooomen and women. L OY The-lure
of the festival. Ostensibly a relighmS
feast, but , redly a *lndian revel. - "Their
hearts were merry," It l Was their custem
at these religious festivals to have music
and dancing, andi as .1'; fit climax to' the
occasiori they summoned Samsoir, either
that he Might =Use them with the gro,.
tesdue dancing of a blind man in[ c•hatlos,
or - "that be might. exercise for the last
time the well-knoWn raillery of his char.
acur." When he became , weary, they
allowed him to rest by leaning against
the two main pillars (prolrably of stone)
that supported the chief Beams of ;the
vast building. The galleries /hip
ported the great mass of the' people, rats
around the sides l and Were fastened to'
theM. So' that the wearied jester: - or
clown was led tote central,point in!the
edifice, where all could See him and meek
him. ' =
- 3. His Death. 1A boy ; Ted him; per
haps an 4iaelite, to whom he; coinmtmi
cated hia designs, I and who eocip . eMted
with. them It is a plausible conjecture
that Samson gave' him time to escape,
and that we owe the story to him as; the
sole survivor.. Stanley sees in his Prayer
a stroke of that brixtd and savage hniner
that characterized him : "That I may'
be avenged of the Philistines (not lifor
both of my lost eyes, but) for one of I t iny
two eyes." By this time his hair firis
grown long again, 'rind his' . great strength
now returned. "laughter and shout ri,
drunken revel are 4 their highest, when
Samson hernia the pillars with great force: '
they break, the building falls---a terrible
crash, and the temple a vast sciadr
chit." So that the clead ;!which he siert , -
at his death were ri tore than they ; which'
he slew in his life. • •
• I
- • [i
. •
heard twole boys
.doWri a
the brook tc-dayf talking about theii
fathers' bouses4• and • boasting hone
grand they mefe. Jolinny said biS
house had a velitet ftrpet in the i.i t ar
lor, and lace curtains : at the windoivs:
Willie said his fk [ mse 1110 spleric' L lid .
glass chandeliers, that (sparkled like.
diamonds;; and th&walls were bean=[
tifully painted. I thought' I 'would
like to tell theinaboka house very,
much more wonderful, than those
they lived in, beCatise it is builded
by a small insect •
- This hense is .',made :by' a kind; of
spider that lives in California, and, is
called the:mansiOn-spidU r r. His house
is very marvelous for such a little
fellow to make all by himself, wiilrj,
out any himmer,! or saw, or tronel,l
or axe or nails, or plaster; or
. anyi
such things as men use, in building;
and yet his nuinsionis lit for a ,little!
queen;, for it is lined throughout!
with white silk ! !! :1! !
. ,
This -spider's house is nearlY A - S - 1
lsrge as a hen's egg, and is built of n 1
sort of red' clay, almost us handsoine
as the brown stone they Are so prod;
of in New York city. :ft, is eylin-1
drical in shape. 'pie. top opens with
a' little trap•door, which is fastened'
with a hinge, and shuts of itself.i The
diaot, and inside are lined with the
most delicate silk, finer than ,the -
Costliest dress'ever by a lady.
At.r. Spider builds his house lin'
some crevice, or bores a cylindrical
hole in the - elay, so that air is con
cealed from vieW except 'this tiny
trapdoor.' When he sees an enemy
'approaching, -he runs qUickly to ikis
silk-lined house, - Swingi open, the
little door, goes in, and, 4s ; the door
shuts tightly after him, holds it firm
ly by placing his claws in two open
ings in the .whitevsilk !Win& of the
door, just large enough to admit his
little hands or feet, 'Whichever you
choose to call them; and hire, nes
tled this luxurious retreat, he bids
defiance to all' intruders. i,
I heard all about this spider from
a gentleman who had been to:Sali
fornia' and had-brought home one of
these red-claY, silk-lined houses. lie
was showing it to some children as
tltCy were walking, near me. I wish
you'-all could have seen
When go to the country to visit
:,my relatives, writes Altf;, Quad, the
Ispare bed- rises up. before my imagi
nation days before - I start, and
shiver as I remember hew cold and
grave -like the sheets are:: I put off,
the visit as long 'as poSsible, solely;
'on aceount'of the spare bed. I don't',
like to tell . them that I had rath(r
sleep mu picket fence. than to. enter
that spare room and creep into thati
spare bed, and so they -know nothing
of my sufferingS. j I
The spare' bed is always as near a .
mile and a ,half trOm the ;rest of the
beds as it can be located.: It's either,
np stairs at ' the head. of. the hall, or ,
off the parlor. The parlor curtains'
have not been raised for Weeks ;
rything as print, as an 'old maid's',
bonnet, and the bed is sgitare andl
true as - if it had been • made up:to
carpenter's; rule.
• No matter if it be Semler orii/int .
ter, the . bed is like r ice, and it sinkU
down in a. way to make one shiver .
The sheets are slippery' clean, the
pillow ADO rustle like shrouds, and
one dare not streteh his leg down - for' ' ,
fear of kicking against a tombstone .
One - sinks down until . 16 is lost- ie l l r
the hollow,!and foot by feot the 'pritrt
bedposts vanish from . sight. He
worn out and sleepy, but -he knoWtt
that the rest.uf the•familk are so far'
away that no one Could hear 'him, if
he should shout for an ?lour, midi
this makes him nervous. 1 IloWonders
if anyone ever died in'; that room,
straightway he sees &Cm' of 'dead
persons, hears . strange ','noises, and;
presently. : feel& a Chill galloping
'and down hik back.
Did anyone ever, pass a
,comforta l
ble,pight in spare bed Y—no matter
how numquilts 4d spreads _
him he ceu4d. not ge4, warm, and
lion that a dead man was
nose. It will be: days and, he.:
fore be reenvers from the bnpression;„
and yet be must suffer :in ell nce, be-2
eause the spare'bed was , assigned him
in token of 'esteem and affection.
- The energy Which, some iiiildren
manifest in nuseblevous pratiks may
be titade to I subservir useful mid in
strnctivepurposes. Little Odds and
ends of employment may 14 given
i thent—end under Judicious direction
'and considerableetteorreagemes ttheir
little heads and hands can accomplish
much, and that gladly. Thel bright
little ones whtirould "help mam
ma should' repelled with harsh
words, but some simple task s,hiould be
devised foil, their occupation; and
some' xitling i thing-so great to then'
—should be the reward pf its per
fonnanee. ; I
As a genral rule,_ give yonr-thil
dren someth ing to do. A daffy em- •
ployment,ofj some. sort will exercise
their minds healthfully, and ; develop
elements of Uiefidness and
anee which may' prove inealeulablY
valuable to their manhood*aitd,vro 7
manhood. Miserable ie. . the] plea
urged by some that "they have not
the time " to look after their children! •
lco such pretext can divest-tliem of
the gave responsibilities whith the
having of children imposes. • laws.
of God and Of' humanity, de id of
parents the best' care and tridning
for their children ,they can brink into,
exercise. How many poor wrieteliesl
there are, taxing ,society with) their'
inaintenance, ;who owe their worth
lessness and sins to-the neglipince of
their parents ' in developing- and di- 1
reeling good ;natural endowment for t
lives of indusiry and independence!!
Large l lirmiless in a child is a; good
thing ; it contributes to steadiness ,
of thOught and deed. Lair) self-;
esteem is desirable, in that it cOnfers
the sense of perso;kal mirth 'ard dig
laity. Large approbativeness i 4 most)
Iserviceable 'in its restraining and',-
!stimulating ministration. Large de:'
structiveness is a gixid heritage; un- '
,der proper control it contributes to`
activity and achievement; large
conibativenesS is a good qualify. It
Contributes courage, boldnesS, and!
progression to -the character. large
acquisitiveness, rightly trained, sup- --.
plemerits industry with economy and
thrift. But such qualities in el4ldren,
.need the guidance ,of a discrtet pa- •
rent. Mismanagement, tieglect,;easily;
h.lad to their perversion and the ruin;
Of a life which! otherwise mighi, have'
'been a splendid success. $
1 -,--- . .2 .
I '.
1 :When' . a • wo man. enters, a botcher,
shop to .seled, a piece Of: merit for
dinner, she has her mind. madel u) to !
take mutton roast. Therefore 4 hen
the butcher rubs Ids hands Mid . _ . sksrl
What she Will have, she promptly re-
! p
'' I' . • ;Ls. 1 .: !
" I'll 'take so l me of that mut-4".
.11 She stops there. • Her eyes. have H
'',!ati:rtlit sight of a ham, and sh 4 stul,
ii:nlyidecitles fO take mm. : '
"Is that nieci ham?" she 'enquires. 1
Best hani I ever saw,
How muck?" i --: ' ': ;I:
:' • "Well;,yOu makgiVe me!thrci l :e,p 77 , i
Weill don't know, either.. ,:11) .4 , Ims
:band wtC,S; saying,be'd 'like soinO, salt
gaze..- Have on any real nice . anti-!
'sage ?"" :
Plenty:. Now, )
boW much do you want ?"
." It's pork sausage, is it ?". .• ~
ma'am." - •
Well, I suppose .a, pound ' . .oish.l
be;eaough for our small farnily but
but--. 21
" Shall I weigh a pound , madame:"
P‘Was jast! wondering if arreal..
Patine, wouldn't suit him beltter,"ri
she answered. "You have 'veal.- I.'
tniPpase?" . 'r
Oh -yes' inadanie. * Hero's) 'a:,
splebdid bit of, Veal—as good a piece
4;ever saw." 1 • • , , • !
Yes. that does' look -likei nice
Veal e ," she saYs,lifting, it - up.
ii And you'll take it,"
4t Let's see," , she muses.
guess übt. • I ; guess - I had better*
take pork'chop4." l '!
1N ice chops; how much ?'!,he t asks.-
' " One of thoSe slices will weigh a
0)410, I suppose ":-. ' • • s
' , About pound, inadante.m . -
" And it.was a young hog?",
is Quite young, madame," ; •
you'll..cut thetind off ?I'
Yes.madame."': - .
We 11,7 she SayS, heaving a deep
sigh. " I guess you may give me some
beefsteak - -some that's nice, and .be -
sure to but all the bone out •'
And she's only been half an ;hoar.
coming t( l s, the
. point.—DetroitlFree
IWIzil" r. • molFe. like, a load of i s hay'
Because th e
mt'll eat it. ,
.; 3tistny--haiiniacienir and
nothing . !,o light
wt o n , e7sl*- - a game of has e. ball
otjt l Wesi a ~twasStrtiek on the b:ick of
his head, 'the' bawl coming-out •of his
*nth. ' • - •. '
Win. is a stationer a very wicked *an?
Because ho maltift people steel penii and
then'sayia they do write. - • •
117.nAT did the sPider do when he - tame
out'Of the ark? lie took a fly and : ;.went
. .1
Wine. - • ; •
I . "THE Sweet Stunmdr Land of the Scutt,"
isithe title of .a song j"st published. Won
der if there are any mosquito bars to the
music. 1 ,
JA: no who will yell like a tartara if a
- .
drop of water gets on his shirt baild Then
li neck is being washed,. can crawl thro'
sewer after a ball, and think nothing of
*. •
,• • • '
A GREEN BAY couple walked four kailes 1.1
on snowshoes to get married, and it. proW
ably won't be over:a month before. hewn'
tell ber•to split her ownwood if she wants
/‘ IDIOT !" exclaimed alady coining out
of the theatre recently as a gentleman ac-" 1
citlentally: stepped" her • trailing.tkirt.
Which one of tts'?" blandly • r,esponded
the Man.".
GOOD rhinoseeros costs $.5;000, and
unless there's a great-decliiie in the 11'-•
ket !most of us mast -be satisfied , with
a five dollar parlor Otat having a 'cokired
tiger stamped on it.
. .
:Ai BoTros "anti4aarian says his vigh
teenryear-old wife is very affeetionat4 but
it puzzles hini to understand .wll she
thould insist daily on his' gettink hi. life . 11
iniured. : • -
• . ,
COST Great lifitaiti two thonliand
dollars to make.the hah wKnight of the ri
Garter, but forty cents Worth of London.
unule;biin so druidt that- he couldn't
stand. _
wEA.LTHY -Philadelphian -who. 'died
reeently, stipulated in his 'will that 'his'
nearest. relative shcnrkl assassinatnl the
ohitintry editor of the Tagil Ledger if he
read° any, poetical remarks on the sub4eet.
'1 • •
A l l ROY found- locket-book- andl re
tarried it to its owner, who. gave- his
five lent piece. The -boy looked at the
an instant, and then handing it-re
luctantly back, audibly Sighed; as he Said,
"I Can't change if."
• • . • .
THE Columbia ( reau.) Reread-and Wail •
li% of a negro man nat - thatlllaae*bo . .
.weighs 228 pool& aad
bOgan . .., If tha t :: tora oho* *Wain°.
.ta . taiga tcisivazrow. -.
IrAdi:AND rAdnzehi