` g-- 1 . jr*:;16:01 Reparhnefd Orchard and Nursery. 1 , Care and attention are ..constantly required. The; careless leaving of a gate open or )a fence down may result in great da, mage to the yoUng trees from the depredations of -cattle. While shuttini, out the stock of others, properly shut in your own. Mice and rabbits need to be look ed-to after light snows. Tramp dOwn the snow-around the trees, to head off the Mice. and sprinkle blood uPon the trtmksto. keektlie rabbits away. If pr ming is to be - done, attend to it - before the buds Swell in the least: . Never cutout a branch with out having'-a rCason \for doing it, and also strive,4o give the trees a openltead to enable\ thein better` to Withstand the Strong\W4kds, to shade the itrunks, and : to allOss„ the sun r !md air to reach idl parts of the tree. When the orchard is cultivated,iAhe heads will have to be /kept to ialtow the teams to piss under them. Suckers' should be; cut lA', and as, soon as the weather /will allow,- the mound . directly arptuid the trees, should be._ broken up, and the Moss and dead hark removed lw soft soap. - wash. i Manure- may be carted to the . orchard at thi's season and spread Or placed in -heaps, It can be hauled at, this season of the 3 - Car on sleds. Labels Will be heeded, for newly set:trees, - and 'should be prepared be-- foiehand. Large nursery labels are best made outl of r ed ; cedar; iflthisl wood not couvienient, pine or. - chestnut will last a few years, but cedar is the cheapest in the end. 1 Show the bhys how to make a coni _rect. plan of thC orchards and inirSer3l -on this should he indicated fthe reet,position find name of every true; this will he fond .the only way td presexve - the tunes where an orchard is plitfitel _Vtli several varlties,H. :;gricult+ircili t.' -•-?• . • ,„: 1171.1 EN To pakaar. dun Cows.j---In ' answer t i q this question, we have 'OnW - time now to•obsen-e (as we inter l to, discuss it mO i re, fully hereafter,) pat' ~ fall calves are usually more mai.. able ,than those dropped` in spiing. The old notion that the cow shOuiti • l eome in on grass originated When it • ,rl3vas the pmetice to. keep cattle; the i: year around oil grass and hay alOne:1; and as g.,rtu.Ti was \ more nutritionS . than_ hay, and especially better: for . the calf. the pratlice prevailed of heedingfdrispring, calves. Butdt ih nbw well- •IMderslot d that the etyti', • fresh in Milk! eau 'pc. profitably I fed • finial, or grain., and that to prevenit • ~,. the running) down that always: rt.- ,suits. especipy _w th good Milier4., such fled ought to be given. 'And the same, is ,t'rue- whit regard to the calf. As soon as it is old enough ti) , ~ , _. eat„-snoris or meal nd bnin slit:m.l] be given, and will le far better fair ' the yonng c:jlf that , grass. 13nti t.le great point r,S. tha a calf dromil say in Octol er. ~s otoa e r or Deeetn• - • her, wilFbe Ad etitglt to , Wean Oti, fres& grass_ in ft .. Spring, and Vo have the till beneht of the next Stint iner's grazil g, wit, eli will make I t fully equal - 43- wiirler to a June tn.. .1 uly i•:d.f ape ,prnions year. I 1 li! , . sides, as good farMers now so 4Yett- I -, orally stable their stock in winter, the feeding Of the Cows and calVes is: olno invottenietti;e. Fanners inet ,, ing upon.these SuggestionS willi see '- that 4ow is the `time . to• pureha'se ._' your bull's.- 1 The Common tuition 0* waiting till Spring ',:is the wrong _ . notion. They can he had eliett4r - , .' how. and. ad•ting upon the aboveistrg -1 gestion, yon will want- them for use ()tiring the winter.—Lire ;Owl' . l air r•. ' ' 13F 4T FIEI.II merica '',/rtral Home says !that m Western .Ne l 'Av "I.Tork the Mediuni and Marrow arcl most planted fink the 'Mite .K jitney and Early Pea !tcii, a ext(,Tt. :The Medium islcOn , ;•idered the most reliable, as, from its ripening it is less affected by - the eissitudes - oithe season. It 'sells for _less, howevtir than the other varieties namel). The Marrow is' quite a rl4- filar variety!, and on a strong very produdtive. It is quoted Ttivc - cats la bushel higher than ~[cdinni iii the Rochester niarl:74t, and th l e same as Wiley. '..The • ; -Kidney has larger stalk, re oires a longer se:ison to be matitro in, and is ni,ore liable - -to be spoiled ripening. !When everything, ever, isfavrialkle itswill produce large crops., Lt 7111, of course, make h clif t'ernice in A9tat way the beausi „planted as to the quality of seed .re quired. but farmers generally rise about - a bushel of. the Marrows! and Mediums td the acre, -rather more of the Kidneys, and shout half as nnti..ll - of the Pea bean. _ ; TILE II) SIT FOWLES-1119, ' reared tow . %; of all sorts for inure than forty cears; and have always found that it is the better 'w:t• 'to have a .small apartment in 'oMe building appropriated to hens, ducks, tur'keYs where they may nut jbe m(4ested di?ring incubation, When a female bird is liable to be diiven froth her nest by other fowls that are seeking a place to, lay, many of t'he .eggs are liable to be broken during the 'fiquolthle, As soon as a fdwl is rea - 1 . 440:410 , 1 to incubate, al nice nest Vs: - *l4 - for her in a half-har:rel tub, or soap box, the eggs .marked witka placed in the nest;, and hen or duck isAttien gently. pution the prepared nest find the tutyciuried, into the sitting bli partment. Water and Some, feed are kept in thi.:4: apartment. so that a bird may not be required to leave hernest for a kOr time in Search of food; ,T ,„ _ FINE AND 1. 0 ItAY.— , 11- .cers are sometimes' "puzzled to know . Wity city buyers generally -ask I for coarse well'-Jannureil hay in prefer ence.to. the morn tender and 411 re . ----- 41V.:_ more nutritious kinds. 1 t' l l' he Lire St4l..lartrizal, thus enlightens kh'eny: City.. men • feed bay for ;dif . terent purpose than the farmeri , The farmer feeds it for its nutriment and - • as a principal food. whild the eity IQs luau- regards grain the cheapest fOod and only gives Sufficient hay to make bulk in ti;e' c stomach and for the Intr -3 pose of Health. Coarse well matured :i. timothy serves the purpose better than the early-cut- and fine gras'Ses. They do not 'desire such bay as will tempt the berse to - eat too much of it. 'ftraw Woulti_.:unewer this', Oir -- le.) -:e if out and 1~ ; 'with the gmin ahotit_a'e" ' IVA ~ a -ci , • - , ? i •;.--- -, . Wirix o i t pi e of young folks , N.) get that they .a.'...* to NV:titZ all the•time4t a ball :wit haler ni"+ (ittaelrilleti that , :: a !t!'.ol tit 111e;,4114, 4 7, IL . , cr g.wirtg tc, 1 . - 14)1 , : i tiO/ EOWS k , fUri/iii4e attars is made happy. Tim man - who tried to enforce conj gal • - obedience srlth a cowhide, sttbsegtie by rtmarketi, at he put afresh piece oft:Cart , phster ea his nose, that he had eOpifs .•,- wh9ltatadal hi beit ulywhoss. : MN fincalional Reparhneni COMMITTEE OF . ASSOCIATE. EDITORS E. E. QUINLAN, W. H. tnompsoN, J. C. CRAWFORD, E. L. Haus, A. A. KEENEY. , 'E ALt. communications intended to be inserted in this tierwriment. should be sent to the chalnnee of the toutrolttee. F. E. GWist.tot. at 'rewinds. tad will be forwarded by him to Use Editor in charge for the ensuing week). OMIT? As the triennial contention of school directors is but a few weeks distant, we give a list of the candidates for county swerintendent thus far announ'eed, with a brief statement of their qualifications for the_oftice. In the present status of affairs it is hard to tell 'who has the "in side track" for an election, but it is grat ifying to know that so many eminently qualified teachers offer their': services. Wetrust there will be no logrolling or un due measures taken to• secure a result. Directors ought notlo pledge themselves beforehand on account of friendship ter particular parties merely, but Meet unin cumbered and make the best possible choice for the interests of common school education. This office ought to be eman 7 r cipated from all sorts' of trickery; and we hope Mel, directors Will vote against any candidate , who considers his 'flarniand rep ntation jun insufficient recommendation, without a personal canvass on his part, begging for votes. The candidates thus far named are as follows: A. A. Keeney, the present itreumbent; with reference to whose fitness for the of fice we need say aothing,.ati he has served • sm. years. G. W. Ryan,' formerly rico principal of the Waverly - academy, .subsequentlt' associate prindipal of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, and at present super intendent. of the graded school at Tia• wauda. J. C. Crawford, a graduate of Lafayette collect , and for several years occupying high positions in the graded schools of this and other counties in the !State; at present principal. of the graded school of Athens. E. L. Hillis, alsq a graduate of Lafay ette college, subsequently a proffessor in the Chumbershurg College, and at present Professor of ?Mathematics and Languages at the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute. . . . P. L. Cluispell, a . gentleman who has taught the public, schools of Rome for the last six years, with signal ability and suc cess, and is the authoeof some-Valuable . works on education, among Which are his " English Orammar Wilds." . t o ng H .T.E. .1.. & le, a graduatesk • f Lafayette 1 cOlege, a at present principal of the school of Canton. A gentleman ;,;railed'. _ of energy, success and ability: li • .I. T. McCollum, a graduate of Cornell rniversity, and at present principal of the Troy graded school.; - ~ W. IL Thompson, a gradnate of Prince ton college, a teacher of fourteen years experience in the schoolS 4 Bradford County. At present principal of the Wy . alusing, academy. . H. E. Pitcher, a teacher of thirty years' experience in Bradford county and Tioga Co., \, Y. A ripe scholar and "born" instructor. It is natural for him to "teach the young ideas bow to t . ,h00t.; . " , W. F.: Horton, an old soldier inc work. One can form a 'fair idea of his ability and qualifications by knowing that he has taught a qmitter of a century on a territory less than two miles square. No one who knows him would !fear to trust I him with all the square milesin Bradford l'e,,itnty. -- * ' Rev. David Craft, a gr.l4 irate , '' ette •college, formerly prinelp . Susqneltatma:Collegiate Institute; the au thor of a Valuable work on the early his tory- of Wyalusing, also the appointee of the Bradford County Historical Society, for the work of writing a history of Brad ford county. .Mr. C. is at present pastor of the Presbyterian:church at Wyalusing. - From among 'all -these one man is-to be selected, and we trust every director in the county . will be out, inform himself thoroughly on the subject, and do the best he can for his county. [For the Ettheattonal Department.) 31F-ssits. EtnTous:—A report of the de ,bate at the last meeting of 'the Associa ation, represents me as opposing the in crease of salary of County Superintend ent, on the grimnd that the pay is already large enough for the capital invested. As this statement is susceptible of miscon struction, plc ise give this explanation a place in your column. The argument ad vanced was substantially 'as folloWs: Money invested in an education should not in justice command a higherrate4er rent if interest or profit, than when in vested in land or in any legitimate' line of business." Nature ha given all men a certain amount of capital to start with, viz: their capacity to perforiu physical la bor; and by the necessary laws of Our ex istence. the cultivation of the soil is the basis upon, which rest all other forms a industry. Starting from these well estab lished facts, tuiti supposing that the aver age man can earn • , 324;) per annum, by physical labor, and that the. profits of a farm are six per cent. a year. skill, educa tion and culture ought not 'to receive, in additionto - this, more than the annual in terest on the amount which the individual has investett in that skill, education and culture. Applying this test to the slues thin of the superintendent's salary, the following we • believe to 'be a fair state , ment: CAPITAL lINVEsTE.D.! EQUIT4.IILE fisrAuT NattuaT eapltal..t.i,o66 4T . ' : mo 00 rrepantiory Diu. Low 00 - - . 60 00 College course... 2.00 0 0 0 120 00 6 yearn at cr.,) per annum 1.960 00 110ff.d• k buggy:.. 500 00 Wear and tear. 'That is to say the able-bodied man who has no more invested in an education than our firSt class college gradUates if elected superintendent should not complain if the dfrectors fixes his salary' 4'4:00 per an num. tl,OOO should'equitahly 6.11 for av erage physical health and mere than $l,- 100 invested in culture and skill. It seems to me the convention will think twice be fore voting once to increase n salary: al ready liberal. W. IL T. A good teacher will also perpetually study the mental habits of big'. pupils, and try to learn in' what things each is most deeply interested. Every opportunity to overhear the talk of children with one an other, and note their characteristic ways of " putting things,"'should be improved. If the teacher can learn what particular thing any child is deeply concerned in, and get him to talk to him odriaper about it, he may secure a genuine coMposition. AU instruction about writing Aould be a feeling after theSe topics of ;vital interest to the scholar, and the enaanragement of the - Most natural and characteristic way . of vetting f t ob his ideas and feelings about it. Errors in spelling and hatid writing of e'iilne should always be no ticed. The gtananatical correction is a matter or far greater iinportanee; for no are 'convinced that; in a majority of cases, - the naturalstyle of a child is destreyed ist the effort to reduce Ins plifoimance to a torirml grammatical propriaty..A. Commrrrtnitan m Satoot.--We, have the following good one from an au thentic Immo: A. snli4xameittee of a school board, not a thousand miles - tent the city of Lynn, were examiphig a 'class in a primary. schooL One of the commit; tee to sharpen oL l t their wits, piopounded the following o..ation: "If had a MI two-twelfths to Isaac, twatwelfl keep: half the there be left?" There was a pi scholars, but fin hand,as a signal sorer. EMI "Well, sir, w Speak up loud, z' the committee . The Plates," WEAT TO Ta -Rev.Charles Brooks, father of the State Normal" Schools in America, was itsken by a teacher this question: "What shall t teach my pupils?" lle answered 4--" Teach- them very thor oughly these fivr things: "1. To live t ligiously. • "2. To think l comprehensively. "3. To reckon mathematically. • , "4. To converse fluently. "5. To writelgrammatically. • "11 you successfully teach them these five things, youtivill nobly have done your duty to your pupils, to their parents, to your country, and to yourself. 7, "Amen I" said the preteptor. Pnoamots.—f 10 oxen can fetid on 4 acres of pasture for 6 weeks, aird.l4 oxen can feed on 6 acres for 9 weeks, luivr many weeks can 18 " l oxes feed on 8 =6'4 the grass growing uniformly during the time? A sells a horse, receiving therefor a note for $lOO, due in one year, interest at 6%; at the end of two months be sells the note to B for $9O, sh; providing the note is duly paid at maturity, what rate per cent. per annum does B make on his money? Answer in two weeks. , As an Must • tion of the wide-spread use of a certain popular title, it is related that a gentleman recently stepped into a saloon in Denver, and cried out in a loud, cheery tone, "a1:111o! come, professor, take a drink." Six! men sitting in the saloon, at once arose and came- forward, while a bootblack, whtise stand was just outside the door, and a passing corn-doctor, smil ingly accepted the invitation, and stepped The averago percentage of attendance fOr all the schtxAs ,of the county for the past year was O. 'Only four counties in the Slate make a better showing—Mifflin, 81: Mercer, 81; Crawford, 82; Erie,_ RS> while the percentage of Cambria and Carboit was only 65 each. The average percentage of the State was 75. Agassiz hating once spoken of fish be ing the right food for men who had brain work to • perfOrm,.a thick headed youth asked how much the professor thonght he ought to eat t 4 obtain the requisite brain food i' A,gas4z, looking quizzically at him said, "A ' 'nit two whales." Miss o P. Gamble, of Ilarford Susquehanna Co., has, been elected to a position in the Athens Graded School. Miss Gamble l i ras been connected with the Soldiers' Orphan Scluxeat Ilarford, for a number of yeitrs, and happening to know of her success there, we congratulate the people of Athens on their good fortune in securing her. A: L. 'wis and Miss Bell Lyon of the bit. class :of gratluates:it Mansfield,- have just el m.l a very succemftill term of school at Orw6ll. , . The school, l directors of. Athens town ship have recently erected a very tine school house at Sayre, at a cost of about . powE BOOS Having gi Burz.vc OUR EN SUPERI 117 60 30 00 42' 40 e7OO 00 PART 1 GENTL Made exp Al LADIES, I BOYS A. REA EVE We con lion to thi, . t AP., 3 1 114- pie, and should give John s _ two-twelfths to Harry, and would ie myself; what would i. found aftdy among the i y one lad held up his that be was ready to an- t would there he ref!? that all can hear," said shouted, : -the hopeful fel- Powell & Co. IL L sz CO'. e Just receivefl their ING STOCK BE AND SHOES,. l i en particular attention to this rtment of our business. , . GOODS Is RVEY INSTANCS FROM MANUF477I74'S, Dmzer' And having a THE HEAP' OF THE, EPARTMENT, feel confident 'that. no R STOCK OF GOODS exhibetect in any market. We would call ITLAR ATTENTION to our stock of MBNi' FINE SHOES y for our sales and jtust opened. to our Superior Stock of MISSES, AND RENS SHOES. 'D YOUTHS' SHOES IN ER VARIETY THAN t BEFORE• SHOWN. enny intik your alien• stock. ' - iftainis.maLlwr!lnsma WOE. SALE-CHEAP AND'ON CQNVEZIJOrT rEladß.: A blacksmith sad warn shop, with a twenty feet water power atteebed. a. 'Very tlestrable balks The'A an large And conYenieni, with neces sary matht cry tor= on an extensive best- MSS. A small oar d hew and one acre of Land attached. 41f.110-oite other - water power on the same stream. with a twenty-OW feet wheel, with saw and lath . wUI. all In good Winning 'older. This property- will be sold together' with air scree of land on which the mill stands. Jr - ALSO—A BOTEL PROPERTY, with a large two and onedian story house. With back buildings. Main building 60.110. feet. with Au and content ent ban. This property will 61 nom with one or more acres Qf land. to snit pareasser. ALSO—A FARM eontainint about 140 acres of land. all - improved except is scram two dereulag houses, two orchards, large MOM harm horse barn; wagon house and sheds thefts. This property 13 Ina high state of coittratan.and the quality of the land unsuSpaased In the county. , , The above described pibiertj is all desirably in. rated and contenlent wishful! Valley Bail Bond. /fir ic . or terms of tale ipply to the subscriber. at .11yersburg. Bradford canny, Pa. - apri4s. • REED MYER. ;, - gIITSOTEHAXNA COLLEGIATE ► IfISTITUTE. TYie Spring Term or this Institution anti commence April 6, 1875, with the pliowthif corps of evert- - tn%lxA teaches: EDWIN S. QUINLAN; PRINCIPAL. Ancient Language*, ; Nalkanigtice and 15 nglish Brainekes: , , E. L. niLLis, A. 8., Ancient Language*, Commercial and Scientific Branthen. - . MISS MARY E. MERRILY.; rnscErrazga, Cantons and Higliet Engtiek. MISS MARY I. 'MASON: • , Common and ,Eligher Engltak. . MLLE. J. Lr.QUIN. PrrnO,Drateing and Painting. MRS. O..A.IIALDWTN.'. Vocal Xu.ile and Nice Culture. MISS MINNIE C;MOWES„ Ins ruutental 41(tuie. The customary chtssideatimeof students will take place and classes be organised to such of the higher and common branches as the needs of the students may demand.' Especial attention given. to those desiring to prepare for business: college, or for teaching. Regular Instruction In Drawing anti Vocal Musie, free of charge.: Excellent advanta ges la bustramental MUS and Voice Culture. Expenses per term I for hand, tuition, fuel, lights, and washing. from 144 to poi Rooms for dormito ries recently newly carpeted, rprovided with new heating apparatus and arranged in sults, with bed rooms adjacent to sitting rooms, far surpassing any previous accommodations. pinion for day stu dents from .1 to 110 per term. , For further particulars address or call upon the principal, E. E. griataa, 'Towanda, Pa. Ifil.t.xn Fox, Pres. licarefrustees. Capri-75: THE REMI;C`GTO.:NIN The REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE has sprung rapidly intiy-faror as posiessing the best combination of good qizalltics, namhly Light run ning, smooth, noiseless, Tapia, durable, with Lock Stitch. .It is a Shuttle Machine, With Automatic Drop Feed. - • REMINGTON NQ.-• I - A Machine for family use., In the ;third year of its existence, has met with a More rppld tartrate at ratio of sales than any machine on the market,. • RE3IINGTON N. Is Machine for manufactiming nil fatally nve, (ready for delivery only since June. l 871.) for range, perfection, and , variety of, work. la :without a rival lit family or Workshop. ‘ ...,k.reo. GOOD AGEICTS WANTED! Send fin' clrulas to REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, ILION;: NEW YORK. BRANCH OFFICES 'pF nEiIINGTON CO3IPANIES. , . „ ... . BA G lEMINTON* SONS, = . REMINGTON SEWING3I. CO:, REMINGTON AG,,-00 3 .. i - , 241 ts 283 Breadway N.,Y.,"Artns. Madison Square, N. Y., Sewing Machines. ' , Chicago, «17 State St., S. Machines and.Arnis. -Balton, 332 Washington St., Seising Machipes, Chicinatti, 181 West 4th St., Sewing Machines. 17tIea, 120 Genesee St., Sewing Machines. - Washington,D. C.,521 7th St-Sewing Machines. 1.4 ... t .,„ ita, Gs:, DeCilvea'Opera Mouse, Marietta St., Sewing Machines. J. A. DECKER.. G. 31. DECKER '\ . • NEW FIR\ • The uoderslgned having p rehaled the goods and leased the store lately occupledNhy Jilting Wolff, re epectfuhy Write the uttentlon °Utile public to their large stock of' N -, . READY MADE -CLOTHING suttabte tor Spring trade From. our experlunce fn . the. business we are con fident that we shall: be able to MeCt-tboyauts of our customers. Our assortment of BOYS CIOTIIING, cannot be equaled by any other establishment NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, And our prices for ALL 431c1:_,ODS Deft corOetlap ill - Remember, Ike keep everything In the line GENTS , ' ,FLTANISIIING GOOISS, FELT AM) EVE HATS. CAPS, GLOVES, CANES. MANY/KV:Ik:FS, &c Remember tfie place, the old stand of Vox k Met , ear, corner of p a and fine Streets. DECKER .BROTHERS. Towanda, March 17.15: A MISTAKE, «'e find very : ,many are of the opinion that , - we jhave gone out of business. If they will call on, ns one Door North Of ;McCabe's & Ed wards Grocery Stpre, they will find us on hand with large Stock, of MEN AND BOYS CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY All of whieh.we will sell at VERY LOW PRICES We say without fear of contradic tion, we have the hest stock of FINE SHIRTS NECKTIES, HATS AND CAPS, -/ Kept in Towanda Special Rates tip Country'lifereh ants Grangers, and . all others that .iniChtlyin quantities. • • .1. APfit 1/4111 ffill - ItirEANS HOUSE, TOWANDA: I JTJL. ; • • - CORXis Aim inn,4l! "Tani; • Irbil POW, if&4oeSio *44 Of an limit: - or, taw' home, main d whisk lola vf 1111% llama okr . . , ""P edcir Tr i 7' " VitM e itr ,s. Towanda, Jan. 13,14. : Zropkitor. ELWML HOUSE, TOWANDA, l'A., • • C. N. WILSON Having teased tbili WON IS wow ready is seem modaie the travelling public. No *tante expense win he spared to give witistaetion to those who mei give him a U. , slat, of Public Bquate. east of liefenes new Work. , BETHLEHEM, PA. LW such as HIRAM TAYLOR. - 11 ME *Ws sad Isitarsati, "OLD 3fORAVIAN RUN ',INN," BUILT 17g. Stiehl in historical interests, it la the hal l . building hi tbe comity except Independencehonored by the sojourn within its wells:of Washington. La' Payette. f.ee and other patriots of the Revolution. This popular hotel has recently changed hands. been improved, entirely refurnished, sad the pro prielor cordially Invites his friends , and traveling puoitc to give him a call—no pains will be spared to render their stay comfortable., People en roots for Philadelphia will find it convenient to spend the night here, reaching the city about eight in the morning. A sample room on-the Arst floor, for the accommodation of commercial agents. C. T. MOTH, Proprietor. Sept. 4,13. DINN ING ROOMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE BAKERY, • NEAR' THE COURT HOUSES We are prepared to feed the hungry at all times of the day andreolog. • Oysters ono Ice Cream In their tteattotta. - March 311,10. D. W. SCOTT k CO. NEW ARRANGEMENT A TIIE_FIRST WARD BAKERY. MILS: MIRY E. KITTREDGE purchased tqe stock and fixtures of D. A.= Cowles . ' llakery, has refitted the establishment and purchased an entirely • NEW STOCK ' OF GOODS, Suited to the trade, such as Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, Candies, Confec tionery', Fresh Bread, Biscuit, Rusk, RollEi, A neat and attractive • ICE CREAM. SALOON Will be opened In connection with the establise ment, where ladies and gentlemen can always and the nest cream and other delicacies of the season • THE DINING ROOM Has been refurnished, and will at all times be sup plied with substantial eatables, which will be served at reasonable ratee. ' Farmers and others whiting' town will and this a convenient, place to supply the wants of the Muer man. • MARY E. KITTREDGE. Towanda, mdil =,1441. • Grallo9 ad Provide= NO TICK HERE ! But the very best goods of all Mods kept by any nrst-class Epee*, and sold Down, Down. Down. STRICTLY FOR CASII The chohiest TEAS, APICES, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SUGARS, COFFEES, itc., Received Va fre'sh from'the New York Market, and bought at the very lowest cash prices. Haring been engaged for the Lsstthree years with a First-class Wholesale grocer 1b New York.; have Facilities for buying coy goods so that I can mate it an object for an CABII 1117YE8S call and SEE MY STOCK AND PRICES Beture purchasing elsewhere. I WILL,PAY-CASH FOR PRODUCE B. M. OWEN" - -• ' RED, WHITE AND BLTIESTORE, BRIDGE-fit GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. & EDWARDS, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL Dealers la FAMILY OADVtRiES, • • • - St E RCUIVS NEW BLOC] We do not deem It necessary to enumerate all th em e dllierent articles we keep. Our assertMent ALWAYS COMPLETE. We sellnottaug but FIRST CLASS GOODS. CASH PAID FOR FARMERS' PRODUCE. tnebl-70 C. B. PATCH, WHOLESALE AID RETAIL DIALER 13T GROCERIES AND PK VISIONS, 'fOWANDA, PA. The best brands of FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. The highest price paid for Ott kinds of COUNTRY' PRODUCE. PUTTER, POULTRY,_- GAME, ZaPoeta ] attention flakilte Linn esters. delimed f.ree of Oisme anywhere In -• 4the Iloneisa. • - ! Janll-7L THE PLACE 'l l O BUY YOUR AND HORSE FIXINGS GENERALLY Is al C. r. DATOWS La; the store lately occupied Julius Writhes a Clothing More. liartngremared my establishment to more thnimodlons and coma ntent quarters, E respectfully invite my old ehoM• ants, and all in want of anything in the line of HARNESS SADDLES , WHIPS, N 1 TS cofive e treater eattraect that ?roan the fa ell am I pewee tor putrbasing stork s I east do a better job, at a toter Wee than any ether abb. Ihounest In the toasty. s • • Lco'f 101 3 4 the Obi! , eta d9or 'I 9 18 4 , WAIFS, Sioaut, . . . 4. • - it:4, 9 oEgirs worm Xbe I Nyilielowbgrthe younti4 abalblebbie saw Moly wept by lobs Carstaa, =r ie s 4nbiesVitry=ptifirentill=4"l MILL GiEARINGS CIRCULAR SAW MILLS , MANDRILLS, 11141 rot Mill Irons madn'to order, ENGINES. REPAIRED.' And wart vsersated tOrlve satbfaction. ~ 1 I of the latest and moat Improved kinds numuthetr ed and kept couttandy rer Ipind and ready for use .4 SIDE4I4Ik, IRON ANLCWOODEN IMAMS of all Idixds. . • CULTIVATORS, II 'CORN PLOUGHS'YAND PLOT H POINTS ' ' 1, - - i I' 4 . :./t all ends. and the latest Improvement % l ei* ea ttarl. 1 11.14 Q 01) & C 0 - .1%1 P A N etta continue to manufacture their celebrilted HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, And will sells better, malllne for leas money than can be bad elsewhere In the world. We claim for our machines that they will do as much, or mote, than any ether, and more. durably built. We per sonally superintend our work and see that it Is well done. We will send • ' - DESCRIPTIVE;cATALOGVES of our Machine" on application. ONE & TWO HORSE POWERS, One and two • hong Threashera and . Separators, Thresher and !. Cleaners.. FANNING MILLS,'; , CIRCULAR AND ;DRAG SAW MILLS / Saw snd Grist *ill work done)to order. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 'Vd 4. 00 011103firtill "00 Aug.l,t9 • , • TOWAI.IDA, PA JAMES AteCARE, W.M. EDWARDS. Such as FM • C. B: PATCH. iiNDRY AHA'piE=SHOP. SHINGLE MACHINES PLOUGHS 't CHURN PpWERS, LAllde AND SIZE. Mil STOVE CASTLIOS CELLAR RRATES, BLED AND SLEIGH-SHOES,' LARGE KETTLES, And sll kinds of castings tarnished ist March MEANS k ROCKWEL NEW CARRIAPE FACTORY ! Opposite the _new Jail, TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRYi Reapectfully announces to7-tnalrlends and patrons, that he has 1 1 ' NEW BRICK CARRIAGE FACTORY 'Where he will coastal:all keep on hand a full assort meal of FAMILY GARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING MATS, AND SKELETONS Made of the best materfal 'andllanisbedin the best city style., Ills leng,expertenee In city Can stage Factories gives him a decided adrantage.orr others In the FINISH, STYLE ;AND DURABILITY Of wagons. All be asks is an INSPECTION OF , lIIS WORK Prerhxis to purehaslng elsewhere ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT BATISFATION. • Thankful for the libsral patronage_formerly. oz• tended and respectfully ask a continuance of the woe. IMI • •I C, REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDEMTO- - AT REDUCED PRIC E S HENRY STULEN Towanda, Jan. 8.784 WAGONS i t , WAGONS! WAG ON S.l I keep on hand a large assortine,t of WAGON =1 WIIIICU I 'WILL. SELL 'CHEAPER Than any other establishment in the country. IWAGONS ANDCARRIAGES Of every' , descrip t ion mannfaetn to order on short notice. JAMES - BRYANT. Timasub. 144' DOOK BTIST6BRY Respectftlly Warned that Bindery teen removed to the Baronsin Building, BOA story, where wuk be done • , BOOK,-BINDING to rtt Its news tztanehee, on terms as reasonable as tae ..and nines" will allow. The Bindery will be Slade: the charge of IL C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, ' anti all work will be promptly dame in a style and manner which cannot be- excelled. Music, Magazines, Newspapers. Old Books., Le, bound in erery style. ParticuLz lion will be paid to theMMlng and Binding of • • • BLANK BOORS, to anideslred pattern, which In qnatity and dom.*. blltty will be wirrauted: work will be rag ioriellieti when The et the ;abate ts,ealletted, ease per. he( litisteitteeet . _ - ••• $ TIT RITE R-ar . ,:a.OA - D•10* . . vuotaviiux AND avAn, DRU,GGISTOI rAiTQXII BLOCK, ToW,WDA, PE4Npi. ACIDS: EXTRACTS.gxErhuuAit rowaL GUMS, ornurs, TING. • _ TURES, . ' ' WINES, • 3 , . And tre: isration ot s of ',l DYE STUFFS, MACHINE OILS, KEROSENE, • - • &C., 'PURE WINES .AND for medielmil pitßoGes, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, be POPULAR PATENT - MEPICINFA and a fine assortment , of TOILET AND FANCY GOODS. More than UIII2AI Cite Ii given to the compound beg of prescriptlouv. Open on Sunday from 9A. M. tO IP. X" and from 6 r. m.• to 7 P. 31. • Dr. Nauru. tan be consulted at the store on Sat urday of each week, as heretofore. 'D. If: TtIIfWER, ' IV._D. GORDON. may 7-72. Hardware, Croc err, kc. BARGAINS IN STOVES ! r . TINWARE, HARDWARE,: IRON AND, PAINS, - _ CAR ; PENTE'R'S TOOLS, GLASS, I ' &C., --- kb.? *C.> GIVEN TO Am. PUltelLt§EttS FOR at - 11. T. JUNE'S HARDWARE STORE, TOWAN DA, PA. . deci743. ( a 7 A. BLACK, .. CROCKERY OF -,VARIOUS ANWAS LOW AS THE LOWEST GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY; SIEVER PLATED WARE;', WOOD WARE, STONE WARE, I would say to the public that on any goods kept In stock 1 will not be undersold. 7. • Febl9-74. lateellazteons Advertisements. !!!!!!MEIMI NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE; SPECIAL TA XE S May 1,1871, to Aprll . 3o, 1876. The • revised Statutes of the United States, Sec tions 323:, 3=7, =A, and 3".39, require every person engaged in any business; avocation, or employment which renders him liable to a , • , - PROCURE AND PLACE'' CONSPICUOUSLY IN 1118 ESTABLISHMENT OR A STAMP denoting the payment of said SPECIAL( TAX, for the Special Tax. year beginning May 1875, before commencing or. continuing Masiness after April W. 1575. • THE TAXES EMBRACED WITHIN THE PRO VISIONS OF THE LAW ABOVE QUOTED ARE THE -FOLLOWING, • VIZ: :Rectifiers x'oo 00 Dealers,' retail liquor '" Dealers, wholesale liquor - Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale Dealers in mitt liquors, retail Dealers in teat tobacco - - Retail dealers in leaf tobacco And 6n sales of over 41,000, fifty cents for every dollar In excess of 11,000, Dealers In manufactured tobacco Manufacturers of stills And for each still manufactured And for each worm manufactured Manufacturers of tobacco Mannfacturers of :cigars - - - - 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fled clan .(more than two horses or other animals) - 50 00 Peddlers of toleicetvseeoltd 0 00 1 OW4 horses or other anlma le • - . - Peddlersof(tkpone horse or Other animal) - - •- - 11 A Peddlers oftobacco, fourth - class-(on foot or public conveyance) - - 10 00 Diewers - Of less than "barrels - - 50 00 Bri___Lweriso _ re _or more - 100 00 --~~ Aer_r4rseik ,liable; who shall tall to cum ply h' the Riregoln ' ulsrments will be snoject to severe penalties. . O Persons or II liable to to pay any of the Specild ez req Taxes nem above,' must apply to GEO. DELI. MONTH E, Collector, of Internal Revenue at Penna.. And pay for and procure the 8 - Tax Stamp or Stamps they need, prior to _.. yI, ICS, and WITHOUT PIIRTRE NOTICE/ J. W. DOUGLASS, ! Commissioner of Internal Re'venne: OPTICS OP INTERNAL REVENUE. - - WASHINGTON, D. C, February I. ISM, . .31ch•=073. , FOILSALE. i. -_-- very desirable Rouse, Lot, Barn, &c., for sale. LOT LARGE AND BUILDINGS FIRST-CLAPS tocated, on South Main Shoat. Towanda, Pa. For further particulars enquire of the undersigned. apei-75„ HENRY MUMS. . _ CA IT T 10 N:--Wbereas, my. wife, Frit:ices.' Palma, has left my bed and board withoutjust cause or provocation, this Is tomintiou and forbid all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts contract ed hi her idler Ibis date. CHARLES POD{ EL L . - Towanda. Minh 23, 1875-w2o. • ER SALE. OR RENT,-4 house - , . spina on Second Street, Middle Ward: de location. Also a largo dwelling home to rent to one or more families. roomiest.: Waited and well eMint with water. Invite at eh Wee. --Stank MTh . . , mad ALCOHOL, All the OFFERS PATTERNS, DIRD CAGES, •' _ BASKETS, GLASS SHADES, 0. A. BLACK. SPECIAL TAX, TO PLACE OF BITkNES,S, ME IV . A. C A. "M . 13 ER LIN. Des in D• I A AI 0 N D - skid TWINE JEWELRY', and WATCHES AND CLOCKS ' TOWANDA, PA. .Junet.'l4. \ Ell WATCHES, JEWELRY, M. HEN.ISLEMAN, Dealer In FINt AMERICAS :AND SWISS GOLD AxD SILVERIVATC'HES, FINE 'JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER SILVER PLATED. WARE CLACKS, FROM TUE CiIEAPF,ST TO TUE BEST MD.SILVER STEEL ICLEK & EYE GLASSES SPECT 'orth of Dr. Porter & Son's Drug store Main Street, MMEE! TOWA.NDA,PA., ME iswNTS FOlt ALL , PR JEWELRY STORE NEW • :A. ROCKWELL' recclrlog in addition to bls large stock of jcirtlry, INE GOLD SE Thl, • ri=m2 I. PIN 5, Nlis, RINGS, STUDS, I= RICAN AND SWISS W.NTC DES. C AM AND SILVER WATCHES, GOLD SILVERI`LATEDWARE OF AL L , VARIETI ES G OLIN. Sliver AND STEEL SPECTACLES SILVER AND PLATED RINDS AND CILAR*S CLOCKS OF ALL VASIETIES at the lowest prices. Watehi Clock and .Jewelry repairing done in the best manner, and warranted.;. Thanes for a liberal patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the same. novl2-73 SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES AEEIiDEL TINTED TTIeSe Lenses have the power of Protecting the Eye from IRRITATION' arising from Light; aC7 Sompanied by Rear. Under Tillson's American and English letters patent. , • REASONS WITY TILE ARUNDEL TINTEDSPETACLES - 81101..T_LD BE PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS . . ~. `They havethe power of Arresting the heat-Itay of Solar and ArtlfiClitl 'Light before entering the Eye., . , They are Violet Tinted, yet so constrn . ctc4,l:4t4 when applfell to the Eye appear colorless. , ' The high and low numbers are the same tin W.V. A. CHAMBERLIN • OM 100 00 OLE E L E'R , 50 00 Z) 00 25 00 500 00 TOWANDA, P.A.. 300 30 00 - 5.1 XOO 10 00 yMERICAN & SWISS WATCHES 2300 STERLING smyER SPOONS AND FORKS ROGERS BROS.CELEBRATED RISER IVARE FINE GOLD JEWELRY, &C., &C OPPOSITE COVET 110LTSE, Nov. 12,14 4 NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL. WAY.—Dtreet route North and Routh tijo lialthnore, Wasidngton, Philadelphia and all points South; also to Butso, Niagara Falls. Suspension Hedge, Rochester, Syracuse, and all points East And West on the New York •Central Batirwd, and the Canadas. ' - itirOn Juni atter Janua4 1,1875, trains trill tear, and arrive at Elmira, as follows: AWE PROM Tna NORTIL , LEAVE EORTIIWAOD, ACCOM ' 10. W A.M. xortltern Ex.. 12,15 P.m. Southern Er.... 10.03 P.L. Aim" . • 7.15'A.1,i. Nrmsport aec., ISA P.xt Ace.... ' 0.60 P. sa AleE PROM TILE SOUTIL, , LEAVE sOUTICWARD..! IsonthenrEx:;lo.os P. M. N'thern 1':X..:12.15 P. 11. W'insport Ace 4.00 P. 34 . Elmira Ma11....10.15 P.M. Day Ex - 8.35 .a.3n, Ili" Northern Espress north and Southern Eir press south. are. through trains betwen Rochester and Baltimore. The Morning anti Evening Accom modation north connect at Canandaigua with for Roenesrer aptl the 'Fails. G. CLINTON GARDNER, GUM AP. ED. S. , YOUNG, Gen. ram Agt., Baltimore, MIL MRS. OLMSTEAD has renioVed to the rooms formerly occupied by Mrs; Fletcher, on the north side of Bridge street, whe nf she will 'be pleased" to see , all who are la waat o sewing of say description.' Kea sad boy's 00 facil, fa tie Dist assianett EMSNMNISMO SILVER WARE 'kc EMI Also Mil i.T THE CITARItig; NECKLACES, MEI 1. 1 W. A. ROCK ELL AGENT DEALER IN W, A. CHAMBERLI' I ; O OUR i'ATAO3Ic4 ' . , AEU:'(.lt: • CO., PROTO(iRAPHERS, • TOWANDA, - Grateful for tho generous patronage of the past year, would Inform' , all uranttng PicturrA :that we are still aiding CO our titabilstunent INPROV • And adapting tried , and app's-oiled modes pidritingi and retouching in order to secure _ FINER PHOTOGRAPS Tlif.AN . EVER. , . . . ti iB4o eutaThe of the cities,' and that we nlak4 His anerlany in enlarge all kinds of Pietnro& to any laze desired, and nnlsh In Water 'Color,. .4tdia Ink, or In 0141111 the -'; , 1 EST : sTYLES AND VEnri,ow rilificr.s, . 1 .. 'l,V'e also endeavor to take all. the tins ! possllo, tri making chlldrens pictures,: so as to scrum, the' teat reaults. Vi. li I We are constantly addimfro our stock of ' 1 I. ~ 1? BA. Ilf•E 13' - - 1 , 1 A , ll new patterns and tasteful stylei, and ter: Mat them at a small advance teem cost pricei, ,-, , I, IMay 14,13 • _ MOMSEMM • • t t IF YOU itIVISII.-Tf) BUY OR sell! Houses, Farms, Lots or 3111 l Property, or if you wio - to lend 9r borrow Money on "teal estate Of other security, forn short time, or a term of years, or if you wish ! rents of houses or other ProPerty collectc - 11 A and we offer; superior facilities • kir the_ prompt transietion of such business.. We liaVe now a fine list ' of property for sale, anch those seek- Kstate Investments in • either town or country, will do well tO call on us. -! • ! A. J. NO - 13LE Si CO., • Real Estate and Loan Agents t'ennce -on 31a1n Street, oppyilte eoors TOwaatia, Pi., utarld-74tf. 1 , INSURE A . 1. 1 ,1, KINDS OF • PROIERTY AGAINST LOSS 011 I/ ' l+3l - AGE; WI FIRE AND .IJ llTNI\(.; We represent tiver Fifty Millions Capital Old Eni/Ith acid Rome Curnraili. LIFE INS LTStINCE, ti THE OLDEST ASD L.,6,:EOEST STOrK AND MUTUAL coMPANIEs IN THE , , UNITED STATES, , t • • ACCIDENT INSKRACE, . 1 from one day M one year. ' • , I . -- NQ L BLE & LINCENT febli- - 3 A4veitisements: -! COAL ! COAL! Eiceellartecras , C0 7 1.L1 COA THE OLD TOWANDA. CO 1L ' 11'D • PIERCE & [s — C 0T V • . . ~ Take pleasure In aittiotineing, ito their, friend-rand !the -public generally; that they; are prepared 1. , (pr. iiish may of the following named Coat:: in ipiaiti:- ties .to suit purelia.;iet.t., Ihorriughly sereen.! and I islateiVanit at as low rates . aitlat any yard ii, T‘,. !wanda. We keep the best teals from, the i'11t , .,, , 1, ; ,and Wilks-Barre inluei.i. I! . , i • 1 1 ' SITLLIV _-IN ' AN:TIIRACITE - _ 1 • CO ; At; • . all slzes, from tnldes IU t.tilllvan County. SMITH AND! STOVE., COAL, Edam the" 014 !La - clay anes. Wear Sole . Agent 4. f " . • . • -• We keep on hatul the BEST ALLENTOWN l i t Ito - THE BEST COPLAY CEIIF,ST . , . , . . All orders left at the stores of Long & Steven.... F. J. eatkinß; Third Ward, Xliby's Drug Store, ~r at our Office, ,corner or River and Ellzatieth.,s„:"l,.. will redeye prompt atiention_ r - . . PLEASE OIVE 11.1 A CALL. • • 1 1 ''&. S. PIERCE. W3[. SCI.Err IME NE - IV FLOURIN-G MILL IN SIIESIIEQI3tN, Tina subscriberiives no4ce that his new , • • STEAM 1 . 14017g1G • . , A n ow In'sneecbsf:fol o peratio n .e and that Ile r .l , ‘ I.rc pared to do all work in his line , on silort. notice. , . • I ./ • CCUSTOMGI:END ING DONE ON THE I DAY THAT IT IS: ItECEICED El • • Wheat, rtuek - wheat 'and Rye 'Flour, Corn Med Feed. Bran, &C., alwap on hand and • i and hir sale at lowest rates. ~11;t warrieuLmt .NOTlCE;—Persons living nn the vest side of the river desiring to patronize lily mill, trill have their ferryage, paid both Wary When they hang gusts 01 ten bushels and upw4r.h.„ 104,4 W a9n 0 DD I AT TUE i NEW YORK BOOT AND SIME STORE, ?ill. 3 , PITTOF BLOCK.. ; • '• 1311DGE • ; IS -- iteivik* one 'Of the largest zini - . beSt•stoek of . 1 Ii • BOOTS ; S IT 0 E - Si Ever brought ;into' Towanda, Which is Offering at the very lowest, 'prices for CASH, consistin g of Gents Calf; Kip and Stog,a ] , Boys Calf. •BOOTS . , • ; . •LADES, , MISSES lAN D ,quILDREN'S SIOES Of.all.kincis, all bOiight direct frOu Manufaettireig; and 'hand Anade, all goods warranted. .1 A'. full .stock lof LEATHER'( ANP • ; • •Thanks for past ; favors; I continuance oil the swine. Towanda, -May 1,72 - - -.--- :NSW Fl M. PI t 'R. C I.l', & R4IIT X Ifavitig bought 'ale business et 3lr. P. ppi,.s l .. croak) respectfully call the attention of the p - 'll` l° of Towanda and vicinity, to theft place of busluee: vitrro can - be fotuul ac all times 3 tre,h and fun ' : ; Meet - et ' . IF itt.ilTS, ; I .1; :VT ez, 1 '• • , • ; I 'l C .l3;ltt Etl, • '' . -• . • .To Ii.A.CC O , i " . • 1 ' ' - CIGAII, ,ki.• We propose to tierote our wlede time to out bird. ness,Ml hope to merit a share of patrumig,v. - . %Elea.% give us a call.' -•- • • • • • ' ; '-•i E B. PIERCE. 1 '•T. R. lintili tr. 1 ... , Vain St., two doors South of rerv l l ,4 Fo.' itaTott 11.1 . 1 . 1 . F II U F. Y ER'4