Ifota *porta Towanda, Pa.,, Tina%fiv, April 8, -1875. LOCAL AND CENERAL. THE first Chapter of Early Aevertising in Bradferd County will appear next week. • A talltGE circle of -friends will learn with deep sorrow of the serious illness of Mrs. JAS WUoß`of this place. C. H. STRTTON, of Monroe township, has just been granted a patent for'an im proved-side-hill plow: DECISION in the case of ALBERT BROWN will ,not be announced by the Supreme Court until the May session. BERHANS & MCDONALD have moved their Tobacce Store to the south hide of 3lercur-s BlOck. CONSTABLE' ROI7BE has moved into the large house just: north of the 31. E. 'Church, on Main Nhvet. • F THE crowded statti of our columns again compel us to Omit for this week several communications and the court proceedings. IT Is said there will be sei-enteen'appli cations for lieensc in the First Ward, prolAded the new license law is signed by, the'Governorj .3lits. L. A.!.CLAnK has been appointed managing agent for the Centennial Jour -nal, quid desires to, procure intelligent and reliable persons to act as assistants. • Residence NO. '7O Second street- Post 011ice Box 35b, To;ivanda, Pa. Tut following officers were installed by D. D. N. Pl. i4LACKIIAN, over Brad fordl.(xlgey I 0. of 0. F.., on Monilay evening last; for the current term-: N. G.—G.ti p - ..EVAN. V. G.-S. W. AIXORD.: SecreforyF. E: JAYNF Pnov. uenvered his lecture c'm Jerusalem,' in the Presbyterhm church,- on Tuesday evening last. The attendance was good. and, this9ighly intellectuak,att -; (hence w ere eliarniedwith the interesting and instructive addreSs. It is due to Dr. CATTELL to say that lie :.r.lve the lecture without charge to.the Institute. I t' • THE 31 ANY friends of our venerable and esteemed toe - Mini:M. Deacon JA:ut:.s ELLI OTT, will be pleased to learn that he is recovering froM a severe and dangerous illn4ss. ,Uhotgh the Deacon has outlived his thred score kind - ten years; we hope his life' may still be spared for many inure yea'rs, as he is in the enjoyment of vigor ouS mental facilities: T R UE - entertainment given; by the stu dentsof the Institute, in Mercur's on Friday evening ;last, was a success in every particular. The rain storm whieh ' prevailed during the entire day atul itn..7. it was feared; sl - oulri keep people aWay fronr ,, ,the „perfermance, but the boilse was well, filled; and the perform ance highlY satisfactory. To Mrs. BALD-' WIN beliMgs much Of the credit due for arr:' tnging and carrying out the gramme rN TIFE hug; of making' up our forths last week. several ' egregious i.blunders occurred. thrbuoli the . eareleSkiiess a- a •. - I proof correcteti we were made to say d'art. BuITANT''s building is 26.x10 feet, I when, as. the ,late • 11. GREELEY Would have said. pvel'S• fool in the country ought tt; iw' it lis 26x1111. In the 'Same arti cle: and through the same blundei; PILREY :BROTHEMS TitAcVs was decribed - ail 'a, story building with •mansardvnoof:"we-wrote four-storied. AT THE recent etection of officers in the PhiloinaVtian f•R'siety--one of the literary societiesconnected with the Susqtiehanna Collegiate Instituted the follow=ing °fit cers-were• elected : _ • Preßident—itrrnVß HEAD. Vire' Priside4t—S. Seerftary—FßED S. -Sr_UOING. Treasnrcr-IfirtAikt E. Bum.. , SOME weeks since we received from a gentlennin in Huntingdon, a letter mak ing inquiries in regard to a Mrs: Dr. TEII nv, who Was then lying sick in that place, and who statect that 'shewas a native of this county. Cfaisiderable inquiry l on our part did not result in, giving-us any infor mation in: regard to the - lady's relatives. In a recent namber- of the Local .:.Vetcs, pablisheti in Huntingdon, we find the fol lowing account Of ; the Woman, and her -- r' :, death : : M „- "DEATH OF its. MAMA TERRY.— lIISTOItICAII*ANTS.—Editor Reporter : On Tuesday morning last, at about 4:20 Having been kindly furnished With copies o'clock. a lady known) to her few acquain .of Aerating Minutes after 18:30, I still tances in this borough 'as Mrs. Maria lack all he:6o;y 1805 ;any' having them will Terry. died at her residence No. 325 Al legheney•street. This lady came to Hunt-_ plea 43 let me know ,by a postal card. L about ay world also like to ;know the' time and 1874, mgdon rented a room or the loth day . of January, two, and boarded place of death. and age atdeath, of EirENE- ; herself. "About the first of NoVember /.ER T urEsToN kind of c nAp j .} .-, P INNE , s% : last, she moved to, her late residence. of h both During all the time that she resided here, wOm left Wyornin , r ('Doily many ' she was very reticent'and became known yeat-s ago. All) tleirefl. additiowii to the to lint few of our people. On last Friday history of (thy Of the Baptist churches of representations were made to the Ladies' Bradford CountY, p i ist. or present. Please 'Belief Society that . Mrs. Terry was sick a and in want, when two ladies residing in lldress me‘at .New Milford. Susqueliami a theneighborhood immediately called ap t:minty. Po.. as soon as practicable. on her, and finding her in the last stages O. N. 'WnunEa. of - consuinption. they provided - for her wants, and .i , tecured l attendants for her. nit. lit:RT 'o.i WIILDER. ,Dean of the .-Sht - left it child, a girl, -about a year old, .Se lent itie Ci )11 ri;e• ofCornell u n i m . s i ty. ; the charge of which she .committed to a• ..,_l will delivr the fiftb and last lecture inady of the neighborhood. , -3lrs. Terry, whose maiden name. is , „. .the Institute t i gettife Course. in thetPr*--:=-- - ; - a id t o have been DePuY, was a native of I.yterian ciporch;' on Wediteroll Bradford: county. Pa., and moved from next, April it. Coannencing at 8 o'clock. there to Bloomfield, Perry county, about Picket;: at Kin iITIS Drug - . Store. tux years.ag,o, and practiced as a physi cian. She lived there or near there nnttl Or. \Vri.DEtils 4etureS have always . she came-to Huntington. She has rela been very popular.- 1 both in 'New York tires in -Bradford comity, Pa., and .in • 1 Imra. To these friends letters were writ and Boston. - and, in fact wherever he has ten at her request during the, last limns lectured.- In additiOn to being one of the 1 rof her Illness, but they , could : not midi first scientist's of the country, he is ii very • their destination before her death. She ~ tine and entertaininglspeaker. llii sub- . was buried in our cemetery at 3 o'clock iect *ill be "Spiders - and' GeOmetry." . P ' "M" yesterday." - . All who attend 'Nvill be amply repaid." It ' _.,„,,,,..._______ • is not often ouriprivilege to hear a speak- .AT TILE late meeting of Bradford Conn er a, finely qualified to instruct and en- cil P. of IL, held. in this place, the follow tertain anatlience.i 1 • -ing officers were elected for the ensusing 6.---.... Librarian-6EO II: JONES Coiinnitiee—Ei.i.Eity P. Ixo 11.1m. !11. PITINSYS,. Eomit ,13, .3IcKEL . ... . . A ''.s; EER'ENTEitPtisE.—We are . pleased term ; to learn that a .fewi of our enter Master,, 11. B. 'Morgan, Wysox; Secre prising t ar y, P, ,11. Buck, 'Bradford; Treasurer, citizens haVe. organized a new manufac- E. IL Delon;;, Oscaluwa; Overseer, C. B. luring company; While the title'lif the i Taylor, Minnequa; Lecturer, C. D. Ross, West Glanville; Steward, MI E. Reed, new or;ranizatiOn is the ".New York 3lereur; Ass% Steward, Timothy Gustin, Fanning Mill COmpany."_ the: headquar- Aspinwall; Chaplain, G. L. Williams, tcrs will be lierel.and the work will all be Cascade; Gate-keeper, S. 0. Allen, Rome; 1 this manufaCtured a ni place. Ceres,- Mrs. 11. B. Morgan, Wysox; Po mona, Mrs. S. C. Naglee, Monroe; Flora, 'Fite followingwell-knoivn gentlemen . Mrs. Lucy 3L Adams, Oscaluwa; Execu are f wilicers Of the ctimpany : - tive Committee,. B.' Laporte; ,Asylum; J. Pre.ifleht-llon. C. F. Ntenot t s, E. *Piollet, Wysauking; A. D. 'Munn,' • ._, .5, , ,...r,..tqry aut.? T4yasurer—., T P . N- . A. - • Iliglilandil. A. Park, South Hill; J. R. Watkins, Columbia. FLEET . . 1 . ' . C. E. - GL ADDING, State Purchasing Capt. 31ANTII.i. i'.. cl: W. Nicttots, and L.. Agent, was present, and made an inter- B. Ilijix;Eits are4lso stockholder& .1 esting and highly satisfactory report in AGREEABLY With previous notice, a regard. to the management of his depart- . inectingto organize a Young Men's Chris- ; meta. With his charaCteristic energy Ilan Association convened in the 3L E. ! and practical good sense,, he has in the Church on Molidayieveninglast. S. W. shOrt space of a few weeks perfected ar- Poirot : At. , was called to the chair, and 0. rangements to furnish Patrons with goods 131.AcK chosen iiecretarY. After a full at wholesale prices. He- first forwarded , disc:u.ssion of the question it was resolved to each grange in the State a blank order, to organize the! Association, and the fol- with directions to the Master to ascertain lowing officers were - Chosen : the probable quantity' . of the various President—N.lN. ;BETTS, Jr. items and articles enumerated, his grange': Vice-President---OEo. II; Wow.% • - would want, and return! the blank at an .. - ztseretary--94cr.• H. ESTELLE, Jr. early day'.- 1 . Mr. G. reported at the meet . 'Tepisurer—S.lNV.4t.vorio. ing that up to that date he had received . Excelltiec ALAI:MD, the foUOvring - orders '.from -162 granges, Itookirnt. trA. OvEr.ws, Gro. j only about one-half the whole number in 11. Woor). the State : 1,253 barrels of sugar, 7,936• Com:hit - he on AA - STILT, pounds of tea, 34,903 pounds of Coffee,. 0. A. , ll.stnwis,i C. 2,510 sacks of salt, 725 barrels of fish,- ' The meeting adjourned to meek next Mon- . 1,100 bushels grass seeds, 725 tons of day evening in the 'Lecture ROOM of the t" plaster, 225 sewing machinei, 6 organs, 7 Presbyterian Chnrcb, I Pialids, 44 ..wnpns, 206 plow*. 111 litirsi I i , PEII6)3AL.-A. B. ihtztrox, the gen tlenutely and courteous " Superintendent Pennsylvania Agencies" . Connecticut laitt tual Life Insurance Co., paid us a pleas ant visit on Friday last. He was the guest daring his stay in town of his rela tive, Ex-Sheriff V&XFLZET. 31Eitcun arrived at his home on Satu'rday evening, and will be engaged 'for a few weeks in writing opinions to be delivered at the next session of the Su preme Court in Harrisburg, in May. —TnE American Numismatic and Arche ological Society, of New York, at a recent meeting elected li. A. MEnctra, Esq., of thisplaCe a correspomling, member of the society. --CII.9ILES H. nEICIIEBYER, of Over ton, this county, was ordained to the . Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church at the annual ordination of the Jeinit Col lege of ; Woodstock, Maryland, on the Ist inst. - .reSCARORA.—A month or so since, one of our industrious farmers, J. H. ATKINS, of East Spring Hill, hail what is called an apoplectic shock, since which time his mind seems: i cOmpletely destroyed, and 1 the doctors think he will never be a man I again. March 24, Mr. Tuos. SYLVARIA and wife, of EasttSpringHill, had a run a-way, and were thrown out with such j force that they were severely bruised. Mrs. 'S.' had her collar bone broken, and was , insensible fur a , day or two, but is now on the gain. - Mrs. NAPP — IN and sis ter were run away with and tipped from ; the cutter near same place on the 25t1n of. I March, and were. somewhat injured. Sleighing remained good'a few miles from the river, uil - to March 27. The next day bhie bird was here, followed by robin, Miss Phoebe and others. The • past few months there has been an unusual amount of sickness, and 'nearly every house has been a hospital. Mrs. ADELL& COGSWELL BROWNING died March 22, aged 24 years, ! after an -illness of a few hours. She was a cheerful, hopeful christian woman, and the wlle. community share the grief of the sorrow stricken family, who mourn her loss, ! She was a member of the 31. E. Church and . .of the Spring .Hill Choir. Mrs. Jon); M. XAYLOR•died March 29, af ter an illnesS - of 'few days. Her loss is deeply felt by- all, - the neighborhood, as one that could illy bespared. She was for more than 20 years a‘inember of ; the Baptist ' Church,: and an exemplary ivo man. Invalids are 'improving as spring; approaches. SoMEI3OO. April,;; 5; 1875. AT• A ) regular Meeting of , Central Grange, No. '194. (Slieshequin), the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were adopted-: ' Emus : An all-wise Providence has seen proper to romove from our- midst, and the - troubles of this worlk-our highly esteemed siSteriand member, Mrs. U. C. Shores; thus for the first time, sundering our fraternal circle. ,- • Witertf:As : By-this sad bereavement, an affectionate wife, a kind•and indulgent mother, an ca'rnest matron and.. an es teemed friend, has been called to her final reward; therefore, b - e - it • Reßolm!, That while we lament the loss we have sustained, a just apprecia tion of her many virtues require that we . express ainl record this testimonial of re- , spect to the memory of our deceased sis ter. Resnlreq; That we extend our earnest sympathies to the bereaved family and friends of the deceased in 'this hour of their severe affliction. • Re:wired. That we tender our thanks to Wysatiking.Grange for the active part they took in the initial ceremony of our beloved kister. • iicao/reit, That our . hall and charter be draped in mourning for the period of thitty days: and . that - our members wear the usual badge of mourning for the's:Arne length of :time,. Rewired. That a copy of these resolu-1 tions be seat to the family of the deceas ed; also to the Bunter's Friend, BRAD FORD liv:PonTEtt;'aial Tottanda Journal. OLIVE E. PATTERSON, • PATIENCE `S.IIITH, COM. • RACHEL FULLER. hay zakes, in mowingsmehines, lOnwip• ens 74 reapers and . mowers combined. These articles are wantedfor tuie and consumption during the ensuing four mouths, and if purchased at the present retail prices, will cost about $14.5,000. It should be remembered that but 162 granges have reported; tlu4 'we have 500 organiiations in the State, and chat when all have sent in their onier e , in the same ratio, the amount will .be swelled to the enormous sum of s43s,ooo—almost half a million of dollars. It should also be re membered that_ these calculations are based on the estimated wants of Pennsil iania Patrons for a period of four months only. ; • BOROUGH Gounv. Ilnotmen SEsmok.—Wednesday evening, March 81, 1875, Members present : JAS. MecAnm, Bur gess; Councilmen, Wm. Drrinicn, E. T. Fox, T. R. JORDAN, T, M. WOODRUFF, JAS. BRYART, J. M. WARD, and .D. B. PRATT. The following bills, were examined and approved by the Finance Committee, and the Secretary was directed by the Coun cil to draw orders for the payment of the same, viz : )pram Chllson, hauling 19 loads stone $l4 00 P Wellesa. for 19 loads stone. 14 00 H C Whitaker, making 1 dozen duplicate blank books 320 Morgan Scott, for rent of room for 3d Ivan!, election, Feb. 16, 13 - bOO Gas and Water Co. bIU as follows, to-wit : • • Repairing-and painting street lamps-. # 6 14 " -station " 410 Gm for street lamps (Feb. tarn 63 00 " Lints Rooms • 900 •"'.. Franklin and-Nalad ^. 0 30 Police Station - , 223 Total - 1 .01 M Discount 42.94: balance allowed... la 27 E G Kromer, 1 day on election board, First Ward 2 00 H Eaton, 1 day on election board, .Third , Waal C T Kirby 2 1 4 gallons lard oil, Fieblieissrt went, 41.50 per gal. 44'13 Aaron Ott, repairing hose for Fire Depart ment Geo Moody, 2S days cutting ice for Fire Department, 41.50 per d 53", Geo Moody, 1 day working on street, 41.50 per day Patrick Kennedy, 3 dayil, on street, 41.50 per day Patrick Kennedv , S day ; cutting ice for Fire Departme nt. 41.50 per day Win Fitzgerald, 314 days cutting Ice for Fire Department, 41.50 per day Samuel Kingston, 314 days cutting ice .for Fire Department, 41.50 per day Dennis Lynch, 3H daya cutting lee for the.. Fire Department, 41.50 per day Watts, CM days, Street Commissioner, 42.50 per day Whitcomb & Stiant,'l bottle muciLige ct.s.„': 1 rule 25 cts.; 2 quires paper, 25 eta per , quire Do., 7 ps. wail paper, 40 cts. each; gold paper, *1,15; Franklin Engine House E T Fox, for money paid Cooper & Vander- , pool, streets ti A Burns, 33 days police duty at 42.50 82 14 Do. 3 meals for prisoners, 2.5 eta each •75 Total . 0 D Bartlett, 500 feet plank and scantling for crixisings, 11 cents, nails 40 cents 5 00 Do. 1 day's work on crossings • 2 50 ' Total ' - 2376 42 The bills of the Borough Auditors,' amounting to $122.25,. was, int motion of Councilman Jordan, tefened,back to said Auditors for correction and amend-bunt, the Borough not being liable for the claims made for auditing the accounts of the School Board and. Overseers of the Poor. . - . The Burgess made .- the following apr pointmeuts to the several, committees for the current year : • Finance Committee—To act with the Burgess—the law makiiig him 'one of said committee—ames M. *Ward, T. Fox. Committee on Gas arid Street Lights— I). S. Pratt; James Bryant- Itim r tl Ditj trick. : • Committee on Streetat—Thos. R. &Wait, Ist Ward, D. S.- Pratt, 2d Ward;.- E. T. Fox, 3d Ward. • Sanitary Cominitlee—D. S. Pratt; Wm. Dittrich, Thomas M. Woodruff'. . Proposals were received from all'the publishers of - the borough • pipers, in re spoasetó the resolution of Feb. 24, 1875. S. W.trAlvord being the lowest bidder, the printing, was awarded. to him. , Ordinance relatiire to hawkers; peddlers, and sale of articles by means of gifts or prizes: . BE it ordained, and it is hereby ordain ed by . the Burgess and . Town couticil of Towanda, that hereafter it shall be un lawful for any person to. will goods as street : hawkers, peddlers, or otherwise on the public streets, grounds. or (thorough fares in said borough, without la license, first obtained from the Burgess under a penalty of not less ' than five nor more than ten dollars, and in default of pay ment of same; to be imprisoned. That, on application, the Burgess may, 'if lie deem it proper, issue a license for any of the purposes aforesaid, upon the payment of not less than $3, nor more than $lO, that he may fix 'as the price of said li cense. And be it further enacted, that the sale of any goods or, artUiles by means of gifts or prizes, or any chance or pretense of prizes, whether-of money, or other articles, within said borough is hereby prohibited, and any person so do-. ing shall be liable to a penalty, of not leis than five, nor more than twenty-five dol lars, and in default of payment to be im- prisoned therefor, and 'the stock of goods exposed for such sale shall be forfeited. -Amendment to Section 1 of the Ordi nance relating to Disorderly Conduct l: Be it further ordained, and it is hereby enacted by the authority 'of the same, that. Section 1 of the Borough Ordinance relating to disorderly conduct, be amend ed by adding "or Boiough Lock-up," after the word county jail, wherever the same occurs in said ordinance, so that the' same shall be as follows : It shall be duty 'of any constable who may witness, or be advised of, with out other warrant than the authority herein contained; to arrest and take into custody any person or' persons behaving in a riotous or disorderly manner, puha.— ly using any indecent, profane or obkene Language, or indecently exposing his or her person; or making a. greatr unusual noise to the disturbance of th ble citizens. And if such arrest shall be made in the day-time s the said constable shall forthwith take such person, or per sons, before the_ Burgess or one of the' justices of said Borough. But if such ar rest be made in the night time, it shall be the' duty of the constable to take such person or persons ; to 'the county jail or borough lock-up,' for safe keeping until the succeeding morning, and .the keeper of said jail Yir lock-up is hereby required to keep,such person or persons until the next morning, and then re-deliver him, her, or them to said constable, who shall forthwith take him, her or them before the Burgess, or said Justice of the Peace for trial; and, if on trial such person, or persons, shall be convicted of either of the above offences, such person or persons shall be sentenced to pay a fine for the use of the Borough of not less than one, nor more than ten dollarti, and in case of neglect or refusal to pay such fine and costs, such person shall ;be committed to the jail or borough lock-up, for the space of twenty-four hours, for each dollar of said fine and costs, or until said fine, or the proportional residue thereof, shall be fully paid with'eosts; and, if any person so committed as` aforesaid, is, in the opinion of the Burgess and Constable, unable to ixty his boar 4 then the EkiVO' is to pay the same; prokided always, that a conviction shall not be necessary to jus tify such arrest and detention; and that public bathing in the day-time by naked bathers, in the pool or river, shall be deemed an indecent exposure. The vote on that section of the' ordi nance relating to hawkers and peddlers; was adopted by yeas 7, Counelinran Jor-. dan 'declining to' vote. The vote on the pas Sage of Section 1, in relation to disorderly conduct,. as amended, resulted as_ follows : Yeas-- Ward, Fox, Jonlan, Pratt, Woodruff, Dittrick, Bryant, McCabe, Burgess-8. The following resolution offered' by Councilman Pratt, was unanimously adopted • Readred, That the Borough dispense 'with the use of gas in the future, unless the Gas Company furnish the same to the Borough at the same • rate per thousand feet, receiving borough orders therefor, as it is furnished to private consumers for cash. On motion the treasurer tcis authoriz- ed and to pay interest on the or, held by Clark & Middaugh, from the tine they become due. On motion of Councilman Jordan, the services of Street Commissioner were dis pensed with for thelreeent, the office de clared vacant; the street ekensalttie ems` • ousting to time choice of the mouse* repaki fn thole respeethre wards, forth. The intition of eitieens residing on - and near Bridge street, anking tor =the `build ing of 'a 'sidewalk horn Fourth street to Mechanic street, was referred to the Street. Committee, with instructions to emunine and report to the conned at their 'next session. TOMS =PDX? 1" 011 TUX tIONTU ILVDIXO 11A11CU SI. ISTIL .• Arrested and beforoPoilee Jutlce Tidd. March 10, Dardel Devine, disorderly eldiddct• edd 0.00, fine S ll'pdd SIAM March le. James lion disorderly conduct; cart WOO, tine $1.00,; $3.00. Birch 35, John Reddy. disorderly nonducti cost Sion, Sue $l.OO. March 10, -G. B. Gailine, drunk enness, $3.00, due 11.00. 0. A. BURNS, r' Chlet tor Police. The minutes were read and approved, when on motion the Council adjorimed. damns MCdABE, Ihugess. J. Bmossonv, Secretary. IUBINEBS LOCAL. B7'Boye' linen colas at M. E. EOSZNYERLDIS. Neatly printe(k town orders for is)eat this ()Mee. Sir New goods realm* dolly at 11101DLXMLANVC. Sir Eng:living done at UsxDstagAws fiewelry Store. , air Masle-Boxes aid Musical Clocks, at Max DLY.74AN'S. as• HEN DI. 1131 AN offers $ great reduction In Sli ver-Plated-Ware. • 1 • • .4101-,New Table Damasks, Napkins and Towella at EVANS HILDRITICS. . Sir For the belt Boast - er Steak to to MYER SI7)7DILL'iL • ; sir New Embredderies, White Goods mad Lsoes a EYsies & Guantsm'a. IFir Opera, Field, ma Spy Masses in a great va riety, at nr.xDtilitAN'S. I Now Dress aooda, and Trimmings,* EVANS k ilittiakTfirs. ea.tiew Cloilui and Casalmers, at I EVANS a HlLDatTall. EE3 : Sirlt yon want the best Cook Store ektant, call at Jura; e; In Wrenn block. LEI airGO tOWHITCCMD arSuawr's,Merenea Bieck, for your Ilooins and Stationery. 4 U) ;IFir•Walfratier and Curtains, cheap at WHIT COMB R SUArT,P, Mecca? Block. , Sir For all kinds of goods In ;the 'enmity line, cid} at M. ItzmouttiAx's. 15 a **Lange !tack of Pleturesand Plante Frames, ap WilFrcoma Merear Mori. 1 00 1;ff" Now Dress Goods, call and see them at KENT at WATROUr. 9:)111" American and French Clocks in great varle iy, at very low prices, at • HEND,P4,3f,AX*S. - .19r Plans Tuned anßed. Orderi may be left at Eretw's Drug store. Gitoitoz D. Cour. :air.The Tompkins County -Idveritser.;fhily des e!ibing the new, improved belt-DtunplngTompkins County Wheel-flake, will be sent to all applicants. It. 3f. WaLLES! is SON. you SALIk—A few Cou4, Iforses and Sheep, on farro,, and desirable Houses and lots in.Towanda BorOugh. B. F. Bow - mitsr, Towanda: Yon SALE on RENT.—The Brick Yard, formerly owned try W. C. Meucci'. For terms apply to Jos.. POWELL And N. C.. ELEI3IIEE. ar Now cloths and cassimeyersat KENT Cg" WANTED.,A ram of about 50 acres, with time td pay. Apply tb A. J. Noble & Co., Real-Estate Agent& 'Mr'New Enibroideries, just opened, at KENT & WATROCr. :lir TAKE NoTtee..:-411 those indebted to' we are requested to call and settle at came, as I ant closing up business, and wish not to *lake any cost or trouble to any one.. ALZX SOLOMON. Ji Ns ELLA J. Porrin.L Is 'now prepared to ready° °niers and make all kinds of - hair 134itehes, Braids, Pies, Carla, and Frizzles. flfir Itosnxrigt.n; the fashionable clothier, with hia usual enterprise, haealready a large p r saortusent of Silk and Soft Hails of the Spring styles.l, air- STKAX ENGI';I.E. {WANTED.—Second hand, frgm 40 to 60 horse-power, cheap for taish. Ad drris, with full particular% Box 501, Towanda, Pa: it-Tite largest and best selection of Spring and Sommer goods ygit brined to this market; Is being received daily, at U. JACOW. • ' Oir A good, Light Wagon, and Double Dimness. for sale cheep. Will take Lumber for pay. En (Mira at FROST & SONS Furniture Store. (=MT. Sir Don't fall to call at HINDLZSANIB, If you wlph to buy anything la the line of Jewelry, Sliver and Silver-plated Ware. j• AT Fon RENT.—Ten Dwelling llama, In To Borough. Terms reasonable. Apply to H. EOllll7X.' Treasurers Oftlee. /Pr Switches made to order it Mrs.! Hzsruir 'lllNoserstr's dress making moms, Arcade Block, oCeet hair and combings also. rilecl7-7411 Gold, Silver, and Steel. Spectacles, land Eye Glasaea, in great variety, at lizxrinwaaN's Jewel ry Store. air CHOICE POVLTRY FOR. SALE.—anff Cocllns and White Leghams'; also Partridge Cochinard Light Brahma Coacetels. --Apply to C. D. l CASH. lfz:vnalatax bas thte largest and lest stork of ladles' and gentlemens' gold and sliver watches everbrougbt to Towanda. 4fir It you want to secure a good article; and get thi worth of your money, the place to go la 31.fiLN- DL.LXAN'S 1;;-; „, $9(l 1 1 6 T Day at home. t y ao k y Terms free. iAddms, G. I . STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine? tjardt7syl. Jfir Never buy a Cook Stove until you have called at %.Itra'z's and examined the "New Ethpire," a stove which has never disappointed the expects thins of the most Eastidious housewife. lam' 15,000 VE•AL CALVES WANTF.D.-- i We Want Five Thousand good, fat -Veal Calves, to be deliv ered any time before the first of July inezt, for which we will pay the highest rash price. feb10:75.. BQAUYD, RILL, a 3lvF.Loca.• LIVERY on SaLE.—We hive n : Litrery fr eight horses and good carriages, hack, etc.,l whlho we offer for Sale Cheap and on reasonableeernts. Enquire of our agent at the stables, or at our MOW note, iar it Is not general] known that If. C, at the Book Bindery over . the REPOUTZA office, makes Blank Books In any style of ruling and binding desired. If you want a new . Ledger, Jour! n$ or Docket, give him a call. 'Mr DREss-MAKENTe.—Mns. KING -' BURT, in the Amide Block, opposite the Episcopal Church,. prepared to do Dress-Making ;In the laitest Style and neatest manner, on short notice and at reasanable prices. Fitting made a spelalty. Stamping done also. Sr MO . FOR Morino PAY i— Haring purchased another dray. I shall be prepared to attend,prompt ly to aU orders. Special . attention will be given to noising household goods. esdirges reasonable. March 16,15. 8. 8. Triutinan. esmrrowN Woot.Es - MiLt..--Carding, Spin. ning and M'eavlng, also, Manufactinlng, Cloth- Droantng, etc., as 'gnat. Stocking Ya panne!, and Cloths for sale. Machinery renn in ln good order, and work warranted and done withAspatch. • air Ns. Wx. Boort/new. late of .1. 8. ALLYw • Cl'::$„ can hereafter be found at .1.0. F.11(18T k SONS, 013 Ifaln street, where ho will be yaipy l trit see all of hitt numerous friends. And any In need of runt. tore, or anything In the line of Undertakinc.will .find' the best goodie, best assort:neut.:and lowest itrices, at their store, of any place In the country. . Call and see for youraelf. ! • 1815. ! .. 1875. • SPgING AND SUMMER, CORSER & CO ' ONS' I - - , • . ..1 Ani now ready to serve the public with tie hugest and nest Stock of , -110978, 5110104, T 111.1261.8 AND Tneamuno BAGS • Aver brought to Towanda. Prkes to mit the thorn. Cull and see us. "lir T. E. Gruz4zr will give his great lecture oti " The liatioa,” at the Towage% Orr:ell, Wedriesdarevenlag. #pril 14. The committee of the Lyieum would say that the lecture will be tree to the public, ant- aA are lashed. It la mkt by thmi who have heard Ur. G., that it is owe of the au* aorta of his life' Let asp tuns out arid hive abeam hill weft of the subject eat= Oewalli atinti istvi • , EXMILNATIOIB of Teachers for the sum : mer term of schools, will be held as foil: lows: Canto; Saturday, April ,iO. Troy, Tuesday, April lie • Doty Hill, Thursday, April "5. j Towanda; Saturday, 'April 17. • • • E Rome, Thursday, April 22. Leßaysville; Saturday, April 24. Applicants will please come provide.", with' pim, ink, lead-pencil, foolseap, and Sixth Reader. Examination to begin at nine o'clock, a. m. - HOLMAN--SLYTER.—At Neath, Brad-' ,ford comity, Pa., March 17, 1873, by the Rev. S. A. WMiams, Mr. Oliver P. •-liolman, of Middletown, Susquehanna' Co., Pa., and Miss Elizabeth Slyter, of Neath, Pa. - HORTON4HORTON. —At the M. E. Parsonage in Hornbrook, April let, '75, by Rev. J B. Davis, Mr. Cevellon Hor • ton and Miss Edith L. Horton, all of Hornbrook, Pa. PEPPER—ELIOTT.—In Rome, March 31st, by Rev. P. T. Maryott, Mr. Jack , son Pepper, of Tioga County, N. Y., and Miss Ethelinda Ellott, of Rome, Pa. WELLS—WHITFORD,—At the pleasant home of the cousin of the bride, Mrs. Win. R., Walker, in Jessup, Susquehan na County, Pa., March 17, 1875, by Rev. B. W. Breekinldge, Henry W. Wells, of :Orwell, and Miss Della Whitford, of , Leßaysville, Bradford County, Pa. CORNWELL—SOUTHWELL—At Fair dale, March 20, by, Rev. E. W. Brack ' Midge, Dr. N. P. Cornwell, of Jessup, Susquehanna County, Pa., and Mrs. Henrietta A. Southwell, of Stevensville. "DORETY—SAITH.—At the Parsonage, 31onroeton; April 4th, by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. C. Dorety and Miss Cynthia E. Smith, both of Towanda. HILLIS—BILES.---,At the M. E. Parson ' age in Camptown, Pa., 'April let, by Rev. (leo. L. Williams, Mr. David A. Hillis and Miss Mary P. Biles, of Wya lusing, Pa. LYON—DUEL-1u Franklin, March 23d, by Elder Calvin Newell, Watson M. Lyon and Sarah Duel, both of Franklin. BAILEY.--In Burlington, March 26, '75, `?Eliner Bailey , aged 78 yearn. The deceased had been a citizen of Burlington township for the last for t y Mrs- • • AIREY.-1n - Wihnot,. Bradford county, • ;Pa., March 19, Margaret Airey, in the 83d year of her age. ; Sister Alum' will be greatly missed in her neighborhood. For many years her counsel, goodness, kindness, and gentr.il usefulness, made her essential to the com munity. :As evidence of the esteem in which site was 'held, a very large concourse' of friends followed her remains to the silent resting place.' The deceased had been an exemplary Christian for more than forty years. Ono feature in her religions life was her strong faith in God; her knowl edge of the.Seriptures, and rare Christian experience contributing toward this end. Her last sickness was light, and of short duration, only nine days; during which time her mind was tranquil, and her "peace as a river." The Saviour, who had always'sustained her in life, was em phatically. with her now. Her sun went down without the least shadow of a cloud. She leaves a larger family of children and grandchildren, to • mourn her loss, but they'have this source of rejoicing; that their loss is her such gain. "Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh." - B. J. DOWNS.—Henry Downs, son of Henry T. and Mary Ann Downs, of Cold Spring Fishery, Albany, Bradford Coun ty, Pa., was drowned in the Towanda Creek, near the Fishery, on Tuesday, March 16, 1875. He was born at Auckland, New Zealand, on the 16th day of June, A. D., 18113, and was eleven years and nine months old the y day of his death. lie was a bright, prom ising lad of good habits, and had thor- Oughly mastered the business• of "Fish Culture," in which he :,had bein fully in structed by his father. His afflicted pa rents desire .to return their heartfelt thanki to their neighbors whose kindness has been unwearied and unremitting since the accident. . ME YOUNG.—chi Friday , March 19, 1875, at • the house' of her son-in-Liw, Warren Bowen, Warren Centre, .Bradford coun t, Pa., Mrs. Lucy Young; , widow of Lider Nathan You ng; of Warrenhato, aged 80 years. MOLIIES a PAASAGE. -Mrs. YOUNG was a native of New Eng land. She was born in the. town of Iris burg, Verthont, in 1795. NATHAN Youro, her Itisband, was a few years older, and a native of New Hampshire. They were married in 1815. Soon after that, they left the scenes of home and of. youth, and struck out to 'do for themselves. They; came into the town of Warren, Bradford county, made a purchase in what was then a new Country, and settled down for life. Having both from early training, and by inheritance from the stock whence they had sprung, a good deal of Yankee grit, combined with Christian fortitude, they did battle successfully with the hard ships and inconveniences o a new settle ment in the'woods. 'Mrs. Youxo, in course of time; be came the mother of gin cluldren—three sans and' three daughters,—:all of whom . are still alive, in a prosperotis way in life, and headfi of families. We believe all are professed Christians—two of the sons be ing ruling elders in the Presbyterian church. . When ELDER Yoincret died, about four years ago, ho was 82 years of age, and Mrs. YOUNG was 80. They had Alma been spared to each other, adman and wife, for the long period of 55 years. In May, 1821, they both became members of the Presbyterian church of Warren and Orwell. And that from time till it pleased thp Great tread of the Church to take them to himself, they, by the grace of God, were enabled to witness a good pro feniion before many witnesses. ' :About eighteen years ago, Ms. repro Was laid Inostrate by a stroke of 'iparaly , sis. Ever since that, she had been dis abled and in feeble health. But, like may Moths= in i3liel of the same type, letkerCr had giett &light in the Pub: Gralmd Thrjuga Pleitar at Myer,. aurg mu* whoa asta oses again at wow. 63 'rbote• - - E.Ardwail ling . offl6 per test below' coot to rage nnennlai say stet* offttottilni, Oahe* runnalang fleas, lists alai GSM AG • Moe elittli stook mat be sold b 7 May istreeponles74l of eollC' :An 'Wait to seam ltsepilitn seallbAtler tq can on me, wbo will be pleased to wall Vat oar and all before keying the old /tent 4 , Apra. Azzx SoLoaro*rilil Ifatoot. tom' A Cum.;—Millinery ! Giailltelpetti; big may Ist, 1171. I trW extUnee to trey Ehuir4 and wetteeleeted stoelcot cicada, fritt4l I offer to the public at kraut amti Wen. Radar tim Aczz.z'r, ILt m h Blacken% Store, luting, Pa. Soliciting a eonthinukee Omit I remain, Yam truly, I I Mss. A; (GARTIALD) intoWs. Wreloalng. Pa. Apr. 7, 1873„ flirPrimm Vssui r,.—L. wm pink nation on his premises Ist 13* shop* on Thtuaday, Apell 15, all hls pencils! property, visfesto sorrel male, two threoleirooh!, colts, two twoyearsald eons, two yearling two sets-of harness, four cows. roar yearllnirsi one breeding low, OISO bog, GOO mowing rguietifro4 two wagons, and other fitrattog ntenstls too numetc. ous to mention. Terms, all suns under coati all sums over is, ten months' credit with approved oectuitY. B. BENSON. aprt. • Auctioneer. A. A. iiEEIMY, Co. Supt. Towanda, Mrai 80, 1875. MARRIED. DIED. - - - lb wrowthip ef 00,1Wisd. frainentlY with her *nit ides on foot to, "awl aneetingi ant when amebae longer' to.go out, she. enila delighted to, hive= oceadotud *orifice - of -the lima. The • BI- Ns, too, she had read: end studied tillhe last—P thing iti ai * DOI onto her 'feet and *':lamp into her path. Henee;, in meth*: the last enemy, she bad no rem Dulta g the past winter, the Wheals's of age increased upon }her,;, her appetite Adied eve, *Jr strength: gm out, and for wane wee k v paskthelwbeele of life have &opt altrlrlY lan* I On the atone= gm f the m a \ they titocei = 80. She had - maid the 4 ai.ai of life's journey. ;All was over . ?rte ime , er cord was loosed. The spirit set fie., \'ad gone to Join the spirits of the just node` Perfect. "And I heard a voles from ha\ aren I paying unto me t w r i te, id ese w / 10 the !dead which die deb the Lord from haM vfm,th; yea; faith th e Spirit, thakthey ky. test front their la. bong, and their worti do follow them ► Is Writ Adverthrrts. THE PANIC, ! artm in its . .DiSAORABLE CO;ISEQVENCyjk Is past. The costatzla nce. sigalis reilsaud tar Imo. AU vim, wont MADE CLOTHING. Of the latest styles awl mile plea p plea to Wow tiethat nee hest ewe • leer, win be sed • J. K. BUS # , expeMeneed deader, lues agleam!. ins Immense . stock at SPRING AND SU,KMEIt Gporps, • suitable for • , I DIM AND BOYS' 'NEAL . • MY wrocx or, SHIRTS, TIES, •1 OLOYES, • _ COLLARS , CUFFS, TRUNKS,! TRAVELING • . And in fact overythEng to the fornithlng line, Is unautpaerd by any s tore In _ , If you don't balm I out eeer joe better bar. pine than hare been Ow you heretofore, lust call • at tur store In - . GRIFFITHS k PATTO.MI 81 / OCK4IIITDGE St., and r wiu CERTAINLY CONVINCE YOU - • • Twig Isuu prepared to fulfill aU I stlyertlae, arA more. I DON'T FORGET TFrF. PLACE, Store recentlyoccupted by Xra. J. D. MIL J K. BUSH. aprs4s N EW •SPRIN'G GOODS j TAYLOR i C 0.% • I EMI ARE OPENING TW WEEK, C3l COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SPRIN _ l ,_ s _ WHICH WILL :BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE .PRICES. EMI CALL AND SEE THEM. TAYLOR & CO. , Towanda, April Oth, 1875. A lIDITOR'S NOTICE.-J. P. Kirby qrs. Henry Mann. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. Mk Sept. T.. 1873. = ; The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said. Court, to distribute the funds arising front the sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties i bf his appointment at his °Mai In Towanda Born., ' len FRIDAY, April 30, 1876, at 10 o' leek A. 31..' when and where an persons haring claims upon said fund, must present them, or be forever debarred from coming In upon the same. = 1: J. ANDREW WILT, Auditor. t aOsiMr. A lIDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the ;IX matter of the estate of Guy Ninny. deed, late of Sheshequin, , te. In the Orphans , Court of illradford Co. The undersigned. and Auditor appbluted to dis. tribute money in the hands of Executor will attend :to the duties of his appointment at% the °Mee of ;Smith ic Mostanye, in - Towanda born., on SATUR 41AY, the sth day of May. A. 1). 1875:5t 5 o'clock T. M., at which time and place all persona having 'claims against said estate are required to present ;the same. - G. D. lIONTANTE, *Paw& Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Oren that an persons Inr. ed to the estate of 'Josiah Nurse, late of Twee. =a, deed, must make immedhste payment, and all persons barbs , claims aphist mid estate must !mein them duly authenticated for settlement. O. W. STEVENS. ' I - 'March 113.'715. , TNSURANCE AGENCY. L The Mewing -RELIABLE AND FIRE TRIED Cowponies represented wircannue. _ FMB= • 110 1 1 a. i_'14101111484 STIERIFFSI: SALE&—ar . - iiirtu../ of mtal' - MTltil lashed mit el ' the attars: of COMM* r:Plints ef Brudfer4 CrAuity aq. 4 .& . dheeted, Mal be exposed toMrs on , D M A the 2MIII day M, APB= tiMit e4li n kil r /LA's fO r till ir""Thea__ Roitalth 929 M lota bud ressawnita gyrsgai , bounded' el follower S.Il as Be rth a lot Arthiagr, e= north OS digress welar'filrperches k 110 a pal south la, mess e 7 NOMoped, being the son east nst of tho If/4 - thenee seeds ello, east n per' la a Poston lloulb - 'o4fit coma of .a lot known as th . Wootton Sot: their,* north Ilia, east Tiller., to One of beginy.Mit voistelnlag if acres of "la more.or kis. a1.4,0$ 1S antes. Improved, with as old plank- home. -- tweed . barn and hit . hull trees ! thereon. 1 / ~ •I A l4lO- 4At No: i, ban ate other lot Of hold sit.' bate In 7.4o.mida hona„ ' by on the - north I _ruPutr.leaebet, east by land of Henry Peet, south by ailla 01 .401111 V. Mama, and west by.land C. A. tidlw,silil; being lot N 0.65. ea map of Cash estate, edth.ch two story framed dwelling Mime ' _be f it/ Ilhotit 40 ft. on Poplar St. liy, about t VOi lir Te l l vc-aelt„ and now,oecapied by D. V. Stodge. ' ! ALSOLot No. 1, Mei one other lot of land. • situate in Towandabozo., bounded use the north by land of Mary S. Griswold, east by land tol George Mandl, eolith by _Midge or Spectra.; and went by lot deeded toJohn enamel, being about SO feet offliald street, by about 200 feet dee no Whiled& ALSO-.Lot Na' 4, beim one ot her lot of land Waste in Towanda bona, bounded on. the north by Mod of Wm S. Ortswohl. east by the first above desertbeo tot of W. Bramtma south, by Bridge or Sorties St.; and 'west by Mechanic's Sir., being •bout too rest op mid Bridge or Spruce street, by Mont tooireet on said Mechanic's street, with a cel lar and wall for a dwelling house thereon. ALSO-=Tot No. 5, being one other lot of land in Towanda limo, bounded on the north by State St., east by laid of .it. C. Stout, south by Poplar street, and west by land In possession of Daniel Walborn, being 50 feet front and ISO feet deep; being lot, Na 51, on Map of Cash estate. with a two story framed dwelling house. thereon, now In possemlon of Wm. H. Coverdale. - . 'i , ALSO--Lot Na 1. being one. other lot of land in Towanda bore., bounded an Hui-north by Poplar St.. east by land of D. V. Sledge, south -by - land of Joni". mesas, west y end of the county of Brad ford being about • Sh.leet front on said street by about 140 feet delete being lot No. 84, of the Cash estate, with a two story Trained dwelling house and a framed Mon partial finished thereon, and now In poeseadon .of C. A. Griswoid. Seism; and taken into 'monition at the suit of Mrs. H. A. Scott's use 'n. W. Bramhall, Geo. P. Cash, Sec. " ALSO-Otte other lot of land situate in Towanda borough, bounded' as follows: beginning at a point an the south side of the plank Toad; 46 540 feet easterly from the north east corner of the plaint mlll, thence along the 'south side of plant tuck smith 83 0 , Nutt 43 feet to the north•east toner o the blacksmith shop; thence Meng plank road south 8440, east is feet; thencebling Murray's Ilne south 23°. west 39 feet to the Meehan fine; thence along said fine north Me, west 104 feet; thence. along plahfing- mill lot north 70 0 , east 79 540 feet to the place of beginning. oti - which is erected a brick blacksmith shop. Seized, and taken into execution at the suit of James Mercer vs. W. Bnunhall. ALSO—thie other lot of land situate In Towanda hero., bounded on the earth my Bridge or spruce street. on the east, by Charles - street, on.the south by an alley and west by land new nectoiled by Hen ry Weston being 1118 foetal said Charles streeb and 98 . on said Bridge or Some street, the same being divided into' three aepariti lots of 48' feet Ernst ,each on said Bridge or Spruce street, ny„,uB feet deep, and reeerving the light to'sell eattilot Sepa rate, by tbe numbers I, 2 and 3 1. 0 1infilleitelng with the most east erly lot for No. I, and so on west In. • regular cede . ' • . , ALSO— Nal, eituale..tu. 'Towanda borough, bounded. on he north by Skew street, on the east by otluir lands of, W.. IlMteluill, south by an alley. and nest by* street not nemed.being the first street west of lllMrles stregt and running from Spruce street to ,E l tatteth , street; said lot being 48 feet fora on. kg i ',nice 'street. and 138 feet deep, !frith a .amatory flunielltwelling house thereon. Lot Na 34(Ime other piece of land situate In To- rounds bonlige, bounded as. follows: beginning on Spruee_ street 48 'feet east of a street not tunnel, bellig the Viret street west of Charles street, thence southrtfy and parallee,,with said unnamed street 138 feet re an alley. teenee easterly and parallel wills firwee street 48 feet, thence northerly and parallel With said unnamed street 138 feet to - Spmee street, 'thence westerly along Spruce street, 48 .feetto the place of beginning, with a two story framed dwell ing house thereon. • . Lot No., 44 Aso one other lot Of land In-Towanda borough, bounded as follows: beginning on Spruce street, 06 feet east of a street unnamed, being the first - street west of, Charles, street. thence southerly' at right angles with Spruce street 138 feet to an al ley, thence easterly along said alley 48 feet; thence "northerly and at right angles with sald.eite.s', 1M feet to Spruce street; thence westerly Ileng said • Spruce streer,4B feet to the place or inlnnlngorlth a two story framed dwelling 1104188 thereon. • Lot •N0.'84-One ,other let of land in Towanda borough bounded as followst beginning on Spruce street l 4& feet Ganef a street not named, being the first street west bf Charles street; thence southerly and at right. angles with Spruce street. 13S feet to an alley; thence easterly along said alley '4B feet;, thence motherly and et right angles with said alley 138 feet to Space street; thence westerly along said Spruce street 40 feet to the place of beginning. , Lot No. 84-bne other lot of land In Towanda borough, bounded as follOws: beginning on Spruce street lin feet east of a street mot named,' being the first street west of. Charles Street, thence southerly and at right Ongles with Spruce street 138 feet to an alley; thence; easterly along said alley. 48 feet to lands of George W. Motet; thence westerly at a right angle with said alley 138 feet to Spruce street; thence westerly along Spruce street 48 feet to the place of be - glutting; all of said lots situate on the south aide of Bridge or Spruce street. Seised and taken into execution at the suit of J. P. Kirby-vr, W.Drimball. IL ALSO—One other Int of land In Burlington' top., bounded as follows: beginning at the south east earner of a lot owned by C. F. NichoLs, thence berth 89 0 West .75 per, to a post; thence south 1 0 , west 87 9-10 peer., to a post, being the south-east cor , ner of said Nichols' lot; thence south 89°, east 75 per., to a post on the' south-west corner of a lot known as the Wooden lot; thence north 1,!k 0 , east 79„per., to the place of beginning; containing 37 ogres of asitd more or less, about 15 acres Improved, with avoid plank house, framed barn and few fruit tree ttezeon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Overton 41 Elebree vs. W. C. May. ALSO—One other lot of land In Towanda born., bounded as follows: beginning at the south-east corner of lot No. 27. conveyed by R. S. Russell and dale to John M. italim; thence along the south line sir said lot west 153 feet to sit alley 12 feet wide; !thence alongthe east side of said alley south 50 !feet to the north west corner of lot No. .5; thence along the north line of saidiot easterly 140 feet And 9 Inches to the west side, of Main street: thence along said Main street no rth 54i4 feet to the place of being; being lot N 0.% as shown by plan of lots laid out by B. S. Russell on land conveyed to him by Burton Kingsbury and - Wife. Seized anti taken Into execution at the salt Of N. C: Elsbree vs H. B. McKean. - , ALSO—One other lot of land situate In Canton borough, bounded . fiss the north by . land of Charles Stockwell; east Ply the Baptist church lot; South by Towanda street, and west by lands of Nedebiah Smith, confidant ,4." of an acre of land,- more or less, all - Unproved, with a framed house, . framed barn and .fee fruit trees thereon. . ALSO. One other lot of land In Canton township branded on the north by lands of Print Wright and aid Jamb Roberts; east by lands of Benson Wright and Yrs: Warren Wright; .sonth' by the Public highway; and west by land of Warren Pitawater; containing 40 alles.ot land, move or les; nearly all tmpvoved, with a framed dwelling house, framed barn, boric barn and few fruit trees thereon. ..Seised and taken Into execution at the Atilt of Ja" Cob Beardslee'e ate vs. Warren Si. Wright. ALSO—One Other let of land In Towamia twp.. bounded as followst beginning at a post corner of land of Samuel Dllnock and7Wells & Platt, therfre adjoining land of the said Ohnock north 38 0 west 33 55.100 per. to corner of said Dirnock and B. M. Welles' land; Thence along said Welles' land south 88° 55' east. 33 45400 per.: thence south 81 0 50", east 19 per., to a corner point of island; thence &MI6 19° WY, east 415-100 perches; thence to the place of beginning,. south 50°, west 41 60-100 per.. containing 5 acres and r. perches of land, more or less, all improved. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of L. P. 'Faiter's use vs. lAamn F. Cowles.. V G 0 O'D S, ALSO—One other lot of land in Towanda hero., bounded as 'follows: beginning on the north side of Pine street; at the south corner of the public school lot; thence northerly along said school lot 98 9-12 feet to a corner of W. A. Chamberlin; thence east erly along said Chamberlin's land 51 feet to a air- Der of a lot formerly belonging to H. L. Scott; now to Mrs. Keenm, thence southerly along line of same and terallelevith first described line 98 9-12 feet to Pine - street; thence along the north line of Pine street M feet to the place Of beginning: with a frUmed duelling house and a three story brick assn framed wagon and blacksmith shop thereon. Seized andluken into execution at the sutra The Mutual Building and Saving Fund Association of the Rota. of Toiranda VS. Henry Stulen.l - XISO—The undivided one-half Interest In the foliewing.described lot- of land in Towanda Tap.. being the said undivided- one-half interest In Lot Vs. 3, of G. N . . Mason's farm istip•dhision, contain lug, five acres of land more or less, all Improved. 'Seized and ttikett into execution at the suit of Wm. H. Morgan vs. H. G Goff. ALSO—The following described building: a frame kitchen of one story. 12-feet by 24 feet • in-- 1 size, the same being an addition to her dwelling house, which Is a frame building of two storiet. 18 by 26 feet in size, mut both the kitchen and the said dwelling house are situate upon a certain piece .of land in Aathens Borough, 06 feet front and 240 feet deep, bounded on the -north by lands of airs. Elizabeth Welles; east by lands of Margaret Bun nell and the Widow Merrill: sottth by Willow street and west by lands of Mary Doran, containing about 'a half acre of land. Salved and taken into execu , thus at the suit of A. - A.-Prince vs. Matilda Snell. . ALSO—One other lot of land in Asylum town ship, bounded on the north by land of Hannah Cole, cra the east by land of J. L. Jennings, south by • lands of Win. F. Cole, Ineea WeStbroot and John Westbrook, and west - by land of Jeremiah Vanden mark, containing 8 acres of land more 'br less, About 28 acres improved, with an orchard thereon. 'Seized and taken into execution at the suit of John W. McCracken vs. Isaac Drew and Charles Harris. ALSO-4)ne other lot of land in Litchfield tn.., bounded on the north by land of John Rogers, Jr., and J.H. Rogers; east by land belonging to the estate of Edward Bartow and:James Campbell; south by lands of A.' J. Dayton; and John Catulaiell; and west by lands of S. a. Barnum and James Drake; containing 160 acres of land more or less, about 140 acres improved, with' a framed house, framed barn.' and two orchards of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution ct the suit of - M.' W.' Wheelock vs 8. B. Canner. , - ALSO-4Mo other lot of land In Ulster township, bounded on the north by land of, Susan :Anthony; east by the public highway leading from. Towanda • to Athens; south by lands of B. (,olden; and west by lands of Patrick and Harris, formerly of C. F. Welles, tten , d; containing :!.4 °Van acre of land .;more or leas, all Improved, with a framed dwelling ;louse and few fruit trees thereon.. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Yawger, Fitch A Co. Ts. A. B. Lincoln. ALSO—One other lot of Lind In Burlington bora, bounded on ,the north by Trey street; east bythe Berwick tumpildi road; south by laud of S. E. Boss; and west by land of S. M. Dlekertaan; con tainbig ; 1 4,' of an acre of Land mom or kiss, all ku proved, with' a framed house, known as the oil moyse House and framed barn thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Isaac Ogden vs, (yaw C. 111.1 L ; ALSO—One other-lot of land In-Armenia town ship, bounded on the north by laud. of Nancy Bul lard; on the east by land of Manson Smith and Lucy Cleayeland; south by land of Alaimo,* 'Smith and Stephen and and nest by lands of Cyrus Comfort and others containing 50 acres of land, more or less, 'about 2 0 acres improved. no Ina Ming& Seized and taken into execution at the suit of 'Ross &Williams in O. Bollard, Welter Bullard; Terry Tabor. ALSO—One otherlot' or land in Albany Wan ship, bounded on the north, east, smith and west, by lands of E. Overton, Jr., containing two and one half acres of land, more or less. all improved. with framed Weise, Wart stabil!, grist mill and.tew trait treektheressf. Seized and taken into exerutiati at the suit of 0:W. Eves & Co. vs. A. B. Bulger. I ALSO—Onevither lot of land Ip Armenia twit.. bounded ea the north, by band ' of Lucien Shattuck; on the east by the piano highway; south by land of U. Smith and west by lanC bt Sudinel Tinkhaull pravernentscontaining 25 acres of land more or leTs,no . Seized and taken to execution the suit of John IL Struble e. in o. Bailey. at • ALSII—One other. lot dt land In Asylumtown. Ship, bounded on the north and east by lands ot the estate pi 0, Au Iliddendee'd, on the south by the pubilegbwity InktUng up Holden's creek and by land felidarlyi ot the Sarah Morrison Du now wooled by Henry Bepjanaln. ece4lnhig sates arar sm ot ag lesbibon 15 Urea YtkjaVottL • bow liio uror mu bites AdadalAtrator. Zeta EIE thereon. Bolted and taken into execution at the inn of J. P. Ktrbra ode vs. ILIW. Constr.; • ALSO—One other blot land Monroe borough bounded .on the north by Made of A. Boise; mitts Ws of J. L. Roeltirellt month by .land of W. A,' Rock Well, and West by Male street, containing ir, acre of land, mote or !leaklntl shammed. with* Minted distilling Mod, slab abed. and few 'fruit trees thereon. - seised and taken _Lao execution at the suit of I. H. Schrader a Warm Emanuel thee, ALSO.-One other' lot of lend in Akiany town. eb/p, bounded as follow.: . Beglisulng at spart,lhe corner of lands contracted to :James sad Robert, 'Belch, thence south 5834 0 ,-Oist 167 perc h es, to a , corner; thence south 32 0 , weld 30 peret, tea bens. lock; thencelsorth Spa., west trio perches. to a• Emmert . thence SlX°' west to a corner of , land contracted to Charles Ohlhon; thence north' MN*, west- 134 perches, to a corner, thence by line run by 11. H. Mcßett, to the place 'of begin.. nine; eonadning .72 acres of land. more or. leery about is acres Improved, with slog house and few: fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken Into exems. tbm ater the snit of J. DeWittO 'adm'r vs. Ebenesee; l Warn. - i ; ; • . ALSO—One. other lot ; of_ land In Towanda hero., bounded on the north to" the oldplank road, east by 'fourth street, Youth .by an alley, and west by.land of David Penderi containing of an here of lafid More or less, all iimprovell,. with a framed house, framed hots Mid few fruit trees thereon.: Seize d taken ki th execution at the ! suit of P. L. Ward vs. James LoOkabee. Almost the sett of - Joh*Loelt., _abet va. JAMS* Locke* a baths Lockabee. ALSO—One other lot of land In West Burlington ' bounded on the north by lands of Amos Barrow; east by lands of A. aJ, Morley, aotith by iambi of Abilati Part and Gordon Salient, and west by land of Bingham Rockwell, contain; 25 acres' of land, more or leak no improvements. : Seized and taken Intoexecution at the snit of R. W. Bale and N.M. Betts, Jr. vs. Belford Williams,lmm. - L. Williams. ALSO-4)ne other lot of land 'ln Pike township, - bounded on the north by iand'Of Ruben PattoMon the east by lands of Ruben Patton and i'ertnella ' Potter, on the south by lands lot': Mary , E. thindati, and Oil the west by Land otiAtabella .dloties, con-, tabling 52 acres of land, more Inr leas, with two framed' diVelling how*, old "efied and few fruit trees thereon.. Seised and taken Into execution at the snit of Mary E.',Crendall vS. John Patton. Also at the salt of A. P. SteuldnekVS. John Patton. ALSO—One other lot Of land In 'Albany. township, described es follows, hewit: Wing all- tharpart of the.. Frederick Carlton tract of land situate in said township of Albany and, rosi4eyesi Elysses 3fer- 1 cur and )fason hit lhHarkness !Treasurer of Bradford 'eminty, by deed :dated June Is. A. D.. 1504, containing fa acres of land more or less. ALSO..OIIe other lot of land In Albany township, ounadesi iisleillarst Beginning on the east bank of the Creek opposite the Jam of. Beverly and Craw running horth east;; along the roll nod line 43 rods and 3 links, to a post corner on the bank of the railroad;' thence north '6O O , west SI psis to the'Eluruplke, thence on: 26 r e ds to a post coiner: .thCsice north 7H rods to a post corner; thence north 60°. west 219 rods to a hendoekl corner on A. Bev erly's back nisei thence south '3O O , we.) 50.11 rods: thence smith 60 0 ,.estst 228 roll., to the dace of be .ginning, containing 100 acres of /and, ore or less. about 60 acres improved, with!three framed dwell ing houses, one framed barn with sheds attached, saw mill and fruit trees thereonh_Seized and taken Ito exeentkin it the suit' of N'efson Gilbert vs. Or lando Beverly and E. C. Kellogg. - ALSO—One other lot of land In Pike township, bounded as follows: Beginning at the south-east corner or Alonzo Lewis , Lard, in the Bradford and Susquehanna county line_ mIIE - tanning along the month line of 83111 Lewis' land to the highway-lead ing from Vangilder's to Letaysvill; thence west along lands of E. C. Abbott to a corner; thenie south along lauds of said Abbott and Abner Wood, to the highway that runs through the said A. Wood's farm; thence In p north-easterly direction along the highway as It used to'rini before ta a corner; thence south along lands of A. Wood, to a corner; thence south along lands of said A.'Wood to a corner. thence east along land of said A. Wood to a corner in a line of S. W: Wtxst'l land, and also the south east corner of said A. Wood's hula; thence east along lands of S. W.!Wood to the waoh-west corner of the Knapp Burch ori Laura Burch farih; thence east along lambs of Laura- Bunn to the Bradford and Susquehanna county line; thenee north along said county line. to the place of begin .nlng; containing 147 acres °nand, more or less, about 100 acres improved, with; a two story stone dwelling ! imuse frame barn, horse ' , barn and orehaal . thereon. , • ALSO—One other lot of In. Pike towwildii, described as follows: 'Being a: triangular piece or land on the north-east corner of Abner ' Wollrs farui,aou t h of the old runt OM - ill:lug ::'4" of an acre of laud more• or leo; bounded• as follows: on the north by the old roadt on tile- *ninth by, the new road which is OM ititablisbeti line betWeeti the said Ab ner' Wood and David C. Scott. all big:roved. Selze4 and thken-Idtb etecution :at the suit of A. S. Ba!_ dwln vs. DM. Scutt. •I, . I ALSO—One other lot of land I t Asylum township, bounded - on the-north by land of Richard Bennett. on the east by bud o(samuel Madding on the south by the public highway ltinilug from Asykin: to Towanda. and MI the west bY land of said Bich aril Bennett, containing : acres, of laud; inure Or less. all Imp_roved, with a , fratrOyd !Muse, a,framed barn. and efew fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot of: landisltuate In said Asy lum township, and bounded on the north by laud of E. M. Bishop, on the •east: by land of W. S. Grace. on the south by laud of tsantu4l (padding. and 4th the West, by the public high Way,• containin'g 101 l acres of land, more or leas. alt improved.-with au old framed, house located thereon.i: „ ta ken into execution at the Cult ot Sainuel Kellum vS. Calvin Hewitt & Emma Jane Multi. now to u-e of Emma Jane Hewitt.. _ '1 ALSO—One other Int of land In Canton' , twp ; ,., bounded on the north by the pUblic highway. fr ail. , lug from Canton to Fall *wk . : and tint north bank Mill Creek, east, by land.of• .1. G. hockwell, on the South by land ef J. G. Rockwell; and on the west by land of. M. L. Rockwell, containing 10 acres of land, more or less, all tinprov:ed, with . a framed .dwelling house and few fruit tnlestilereon. ALSO—The defendant', undil;ided interist in one other lot of-land In Canton is p 4 bounded on tlte north by lands Of A. P. (79ns. on; the east by laud of Ed. Spencer, on the south the publie,hlgli. , way leading front Canton to Fall Arcs k, and' west by land of J. Mnuderville; containing. Clx acres of land. snore or less. : • • • I ALSO—One other lot of land in Canton Awp.. bounded, on the, north byj laud; or .1. Rockwell, 'east by the public highh - ey. south by Omer k tied. Rockwell. and west by Gen. ff. Foss; the sante being a private Lane or, alley at;Out 5) rods long and 104, feet wide, Seized - and taken Itita execution atjlic suit of M. 1.. Rockwell's use vs. Ell.ha Rockwell k . - . • ! ALSO—One other lot of , land jli Route township. bounded on the north by land of Illehanl east by laud of Lewis Lent, south by land of Marv- Cotter, and west by land of John ii,rowley, coutalit lug ¶i acres of bnd. more or less, about 70 *acres improved. with a framed house; framed bant and few fruit trees thereon. Seized 7alol taken into ex ecution at the suit of W. J. Young ivs, Thumaa Cot ter. John King. 3 ALSO—One other lot of land lit .thew edit other lot of land In ,t ...ens township, being a vacant lot In South WaverlY (so-called) and .is described on a plot and surveY, made byoltnichton Smith for,B.L.F. Snyder,as lot If 0.1117. and being S 0 feet trout on a new street between Fulton street aim Pennsylvania Avenue; anti extending south from said new street 123 '240 feet; No ;buildings. Seized dud taken Into execution at the suit of J. M, Tillman vt. J. E. Knight. ; s i I Artgli.—Clite other lot of latyl in Burlington twpj. bonhtled and described as follows:: Beginning at a corner In the line of lot .o. 41; of the Caton lands as surveyed by Z. Flowers; thence ;east 107 percheS to a corner; thence south .78540 perches to a cOrner of lot No. 57; thence by the same west 108 percheS, 10 a corner; thence north 78 540, perches, to the place of beginning: containing 5.; acres and 153= perches of land, more or lieu+, being a part'of a large tract in Warrant -No. 1483., P'.l patented to. Charles Carroll, excepting, therefrom ; acres oft the north-west corner of said lot.; sold to Mayliard; about 33 acres improved, with a hoard honse,frantell barn and few fruit tree thereon. , Seized and taken into execution at the suit of E. 2.!Fox in trust for L. I'. roster vs. Janies 11. Wiggins. ALSO—One other lot of laud in Ulster townshiti. bounded on the north by lands: of Norman Shan', Charles Holcomb, Henry Thomas. 'Edward AVaiket. and others, east by the Susquehanna river, south bY lands belonging to the estate or. Chancy Rockwell, deceased, and west by lands of Jamse Barber, Theo dore Rogers, Adeibert Shaw, and Ithe Newell lot, Containing 140 acres of land more or less, about 'l2O acres improved, with a framed dwelling house, tWo framed. barns with sheds attached. ether out build . loge and-orchard of fruit trees thereon. At so—one otherlot of 'land In Ulster tow - midi..., bounded on the north by ipublic highway leading front Ulster tolßulthfield, tin the east by other lands of dames McCarty, being dire above described lot, and Charles Holcomb, on the 'south by lands of Ed- Wind Lockwood; and west'oy land of John Elsbree, 'containing 25 acres of land:more 'or' less, about 29 acres Improved, no buildings. Scliedand taken to execution at the suit of M. W.lV,heelock.va; Jak 3feCarty. • ALSO—One . other lot of land in Troy Umuship, bounded ou the north by lauds of John Greeno, east by lauds of 'Leonard Bros.. south by other laturs of defendant, Thos. Merril, and west by the public highway leading from East Troy to qramille Centre, containing 60 acres of laid. more , or less, about .1 acres Improved with a trained house, framed barn, and fruit yees thereon.. i'eizetl and inked into exe cution at the 'suit of ALL Rettlpgtou vs. Thomas Merritt. ALSO—one other lot of Latsil in lßurllugton'tw74 . , bounded on the north by lauds of • Evan Lewis and the public highway,'east . lands of, Harfs'BrookS, soul Evan Lewis: south by and belonging to the es tate of Walter Pollock. deer and' 31yron Luther, and west by lands of P. IP. rtWent, containing $0 acres of laud more or less,.about 40 acres improved. with a framed house, fratned barn and few 'fruit trees thereon: S r elzed and taken intrxesecuttou tit the suit of L. P.: Fosters rise vs. Amos Bennett. ALSO.- , One other lot Of kW In Monroe bounded on the north, west and south byJarids tif J. H. Lewis, and on the east by land of D. It. Etna man, containing 30 acres of lanai more or lestsabont 5 acres improved, no buildings. Seized and taken hap execution a; the sult.Uf John IL. Summers vi. E. 11. Harris. : • . ALSO---One .other lot of land in Canton twp.. bounded on the north by land of Francis Italdwin, east by the public highway leading front Canton to Troy, south by land of FL S. gloat and west by) land of Erastus, Putnam. Containing one acre of land; more or less, all improved, with a frinueo . house, framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of A., L. Cmumer ac-Son's use pt, , 11 N. Scott. ALSO—one other lot land in Pike townshiti, bounded on the north by lands of Lacey Stevens and Clinton Hinny, east by lands of O. B. & S. W. Ste ven; south. by lands Of S.B. & S. W. Stevens; and George Bought, on the went by lands of l.acey Ste vens, Cyrus Stevens and George Rought,'Containing 9, acres of laid, more or less, about 40 acres int proved, with a framed image, board stable, framed shop and orchard of fruit trees • thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of T. Da vies vs. Ma J. Klnne. ALSO—One other lot of land in Litchfield twp.,, bounded on the north by land of Adelbert Rune, east by laud of Hiram Rogers. south by the nubile highway and west 'by lands In possession of Juba McKean, containing •;11 of jan,acre of landonore oc less, with a framed house, board tow stable , :uol fear fruit tree thereon. Seized andtaken Into exeentiou at the suit of Daniel Ream& vs. Ruston Munn, ,! ALSO—One other lot pf land Canton bora, and bounded on the north by, lands of Silas'lliddle, east by:Centre street, south by land of Harriet Bennett and west by the; Northern pentril Railway Co.; be ing 70 feet front on said street byls3 feet deepovith a framed dwelling house and few fruit trees there on. Seized and' taken lido:execution-at the son of T. G. Irwin vs. It. R. Denmark. - -ALSO--A building located on the north side-of Poplar Street, 011* lot described as follows: liegiti;. Mug at the south-s - est comer of a lot formerly own= ed by Mrs. 'F. E. Barber. now' the property of Wellington BranthaikAroplar, street in the lore: of Towanda, thence al Ithe Oorth, line of said Poplar street westerly on hundred feet, thine northerly 170 feet more or less, to the south line of State street, thence easterly along the south line of State street 100 feet to a lot now owned by Mrs, 14 'E. Barber, thence_ southerly siting the west line of Mrs. F. E.Barbers lot and; the he owned by Well-! higton Itramhall itsr feet, More or less,, to the plaCe d . of beginning, and Ise two !storied frame buifillitg with a tower of three stories; the main building dal about 40 feet fruit add abbot al feet' deep with al kitchen or sAiditiou about ';'.9152.1 feet.: Seized atoll taken into execution at the Mit of E. H. Jacoby vstli George (WI,. - • IH Uptt-75. • . r J. 31. SM S h eriff. - 1 -4 " • ADMINISTRA.TOIVS NOTICE -;;;sotice is hereby given that all persons InT, debted -to the estate rof We, . Zobnson, late of 0 ranSille, dee'd, must make imntediate payment to. the,.tinderslgned, ;and ail fmtecths lasing claims! against sali estate must present them, duly anthert-1 tbated4 for netalenient. Olt VA Sr • Akccrount6lh be presented to x, Fo At ITowah da, . ' basou, on HIS tato WM of dialeased. t' 'I% TUX, !Willi JOUSISON-, • 1411111 iwnwik MEI I) ROCLAMAVION, t: - • ••• Wili lon.*Ati.:l Bonner Preekkut IdZABI , 12th Judicial; DsOleticosdehst of Mt eeraty *of Bradford , and; ohs . S B.' tient/171114nd C. ! $. Wiest& %Ammeistit Judean' In: and - Mkt - 'sionnty of Bradford., bare fumed that' Plar bey' Ins date the Id day of Aprtl, 1811 4 to me reeted, 'for holding a Conrtof Oyer and Terminer, +general 'Jail Delivery, Quarterkesdocui of; the Potosi Con-,.:' Mon Mem and Brpinute Court, at TosraMts, for ; !the County of Bradford, on -Nonday, Bay la, Ilda. 'to continue two weeks. ;- .;" - ' `. i ,'-' 1 -Salm Is therefore herebyjihrmi to the rs 1 ( L td. and ditstices of the Peace. the County of B foot, that they be then; and there is IMO= I. perm,. at 10 o'clock la the forearnes of la itts records, loonisitionsidd Other retnerehnutces..l ; . todo those things Which to their teem **Mains , ;to be done; and those isbo'sre bound byrids.? ! anee or othersilea to prosecute against the soners i who are or may be in the jail of said omnty. fi er who i shall be botinettO appear at the mkt Court, nte to be then and then i to prosecute against them as stun loe just Jurors are rreeqquoeested to too. punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notler.4 Crated_ at Towanda, the ist day Of Aprt in the year of our Lord, one - theneend eight bandied ' and setentyalre, and of. tae Independence of the. i United States,.the ninety;eitith. - , • .J. mosnoz Mini, St\ irlff. •t _ . T ISti OP 'JITRIMLS4 FOR ' • . 1..4 Tem4 Of Court, 111711: ;' ' : ' - 3 -.- ~ • . ; - _ i - GBAND.IBBT. .. . • c.l " Albany. ';t3 W Chapmah; Athena, .John Chase; Darlington; vist,Gsorget Ludlam ; 01111 In horo,' John V Illee; " Canton . My. Henry *stem. tort` , l Writ; S J Strait; Leroy, Jesse Robert; , Me tarp, - Ellsha Cox: Orivell, Samuel C Wells; Kinn bore. I)anford Chaffee; .Roine 'Mk Daniel Sullivan; llidgbury. Mortis ;Ctunniingsl *math' Creek Moses:" Seeley: tolesheqnip,Joseph; M Ironed; „Troy twp, I AV A Thomas; Terry, Trowels Vial!: 171ster,Janses ; Lenox; Wilmot;Ames; littrk,Harry Barney"i Thos. - I 'Eli:tick; Windham,. Liwittalllxby, Chati Al - Shoes .hiaker:' Warren,; Charles . Dimon, Harrington -; Whaltkee.' : _ i , .. . TaAVIMIS JettY. I ST WEEK.. .. . , -Armenia. PerryDrooks; Asylnuy, Vl'ilSon ;lath. I ey: Allems bono. - ;Dana V Park, - Athens tw Wm . 'West-hrosk:Atfrany.ltalph Steveus;Burlingt. west. •:, James DeWltt,Burlingtontwp,Javob S Wrisl el;Co.- ; hunbia,floo Kerriek; Canton tem, Arthur Z Mason; Vranktin.Ogden VarneyttOranvllle. Seeley Porter, Jerome Packanl: l Iterrirk,..Etitel Puller, William 'Nesbit:. Leroy, Win Kelley: • Lerayaville,yenta% m • Payson; Monroe tap. Win Kellogg, W E Piper, ttrinal Kellogg; Orwell, John Kastmani . l l l e., Ste: .'. plum Ifutelsluson Rime twp, Win It If 'kwelli , -Springfield. Lore nto Allen. Irwin lugeis; t. betthe 'quim Joseph-IL ;Illackman..Warren li-faltllett; Smithfield: Jatnia If Webb; Towtuyis born; Joe W bishop, E E lieningtou:John Defrost', W 1 Car. . awhile, Theo 1 Espy, J d;. Haight • Llc urgeHoits- Eitymour :s:miti.i. Hiram Taylor, Clark :W Wm .1 Young; Towanda. twp, James W. M. Towanda north. Gee 11311115 Troll. wp. B .18tith en, J Lt Lindeman; Terry,A II .Jackson,it tester ticlotenover. - Miner -Terry; Ulster, War; Rastas brooks: Wyalusing, -Cornelius. lonovan;* Wind ham:Walter White.. • '. - • , -TnAVERS JCRY 213 WEEK. ,' : Asylum. Jacob Fmnrty. Myron, Kellogg; . then two. W K Green. C C Snell. :Athens bons. Orrin dordon:Albany,A A Waltmandlarelayaamea Ilteh burMrolambla,Charlea Benstat:Cauton hors ennis Il p i ak.m,Ephr.din Case. Frank 8 Peck , JJ 8 ding, Canton twp, Ward 'Warren; Iterrtelc, John Wood burn!, .I.lleh.tleid, Ilenry Hays* ' Monroe two, Jed., son 'Blackman.. Freeman Sweet ; Ronie twp, imou ltosssit, KllTowner, Thomas Vaught; Sptin eld. Vanrausalerllates,iJohn Higgins, Wm West monk; , Standing Stone, E3l Reed; Towanda bore, udson Mallory,T NI Woodruff, Tow - anti - 4 taw. Cleo I For; Troy, twit, Abram derolutuan, Troy born. W 11 Or wan; Wlndhain, Carlton Boardman; Wells If.-. l r Ilowomn, Harrison Carr.Wyainsing, do %than Unmet, Charles Somner; Wilmot : CA; 8 ell, .1 A Wilson. •• 1 - , 1 4. M.: SMITH, Sli ff. )[{EGISTER,'S NOTIOES. '; No tice is hereby given: tht there have been led in the office (if Register of Wills in d (of the county of Bradford, accounts of adminiSt atfoi upon the following estaP.ut. viz: t'ital account of Obedialt tio're aiting, ad: r of . - GM estate of George C. Gore: late .bf Sheslntiniter dec'4l. I . ... - _. . (Final ace't of Geo. W. Brink;adner cif the of C•lphus Rutintan; late of Lerayrillet•nro.: , ;Final aec't of E: D. Powell, ganruillau of I Spencer. (now Chaffee), minor child of W. it. ter, tt...ed. t, , ..Partial acct Of Iti L. BrOWn,and E. W. Do cite',, of the, estate of John l' Brown; late_ of not. deed. i - • :;Find acct of IL S. Vanness, err of the est I: W.Vanness..late;'tif Standing Stone, deed. partial neet of CJ E. White and Liming Wli miners of -the estate of Jonathan Whipple, 1.. Asylum. deed. I - ' • • 'Final :met of E.M.! Bishop, adm'r of the ism, 'tit 3. M. Bishop. I4te of AsYlattOeett. ' -' .Final account of D. S. Dartt, ei'r of the teSt...teof . Aaron .li. Spaubilt.gg.. late of. Canton bore.. dee 11.. iFfnal acct of Ss P. Shiner, atitiCr of the t state , of• Stephen Shiner. late of Towanda. deed. • • ;Final acct of C. ',G. Gridley: adm't of the, state ,Of .Jacob Ayer, late'of Orwell. deed.' - .. • ;Final aect 'of G. W. Sterigere =and Daniel :Mir; eit's of the.estate 'of Wsn.t,A: Zaner, late of Atha it e. d,seti. • Irinal :wet of Martin Tompkins. adm'r of t ate of tin; estate of Berton Conrad; tate of St{ (loin. dee - d.: • . 1 • Thrital account of N._N: Setts, jr.:, efr and tee of the - estate ofd IL ICharlotte Ward, laty - ti wand., born, deed. t - , - ' • • •. rmal accounts of Marcus A. Porter, guartlf ilattie and Wellington Patnaimminor citildl J.W.I Putmun. dec'd. ' ' t '•I : Final account orP.'d. Merrill. adm'r of t tale of iton:en Merrill, late of. Atheit's, deed.. : Float acct of of E. It. Blauvelt. o Atte. F. Beenian, minor child of d. A, He tier'..l. 1 -. • , . / . Ituel account - of liorace• and Sarah E.,11. atlnt'r of the estate of Albert Barnes. late' of,l vtlte. deed.; .: .. ' :Final ace'[ of Harrison Black, Guardian of 1.: Buck. Minor child of Hiram - 111teii.late oti ' I alitslag. dee'd. • . l'arttal necOunt of BenJamin Ackley' and Chamberlaina cans of the estate of itillant 1 late of Wyalusing. deed. i • , • Sl m ppleental Anal ,account odtc. Kirby. to the estate of J. Doan,' late of. Whitlb.mit. dec:d . ' ;siso the appruiscinent of property set off I' eentor4 ur administrators. to; Widows. or child [ld• following decedents, viz: . ~ E•aate or Andrew Dewing. . - . ' •-• Lewis Wheat. .' ' , .- - - , .n• • .I.arrlsou'Lefler. " . • ' - G. A. French. •": • 'lf enry'Ca.se. • ... Jacids•Wileoz. ' • - _ I - - .same Nurse. i Anti the same will be presented to the Orp tall,' Coittrt,of Bradf.ord county; Thursday, May tal, at LI o'clock r. z n., for continuation and allowance. , ' . 0. J . CIIIIIIDUC Begis . 4prs-i... ' er. - - - . 1C E N-S ES . —Notice Is he eliy ,i a- given that the following applications f< r'Ll ttens.,s for Taverns. Eating : houses and .3fer }mut Ibialers. - have been flied in this - office. and - ti t the' same will be presented : to the Court of qtmrte Stes slops, on MONDAY, May 3, 1875, for the ctini era { Galt of said Court. . - El MUM $. M. lirOwn, Towanda Boro. . E. A. Jennings, " ", Jos. P: Cummisky, - . ; ' .. J. C. Vance, , :] " r Charles M. "Wil - sein; " " ••" • 0. 11. P. Disbrow. , - " " Melvin Douglas, Ulster Township. ~.• EATING HOKKErS.. . : , Charles 11. Seeley, Towanda Boro. E. S 2 Smith, . • , - Michael Fyne. ; - ~ • ' . MERCHANT Dr4t.r.118.: ; . Henry W. Nobles, Towanda Boro. . . • . G. F. iiell,e, Tiny Borough. • ,- . .' • ~ BEN - J,: - M. PECIii, . ; - Prcitlr) . . 'rothonotory's 0111c4:Towanda.,',Apr11 8, 187.. SHERIFFS' SALE.--13y virt eof a writ issued but of the. Court of Common Incas of Bradford County, and to tne directed. I Will expose to public Sale • on AIM premisett. ou WEDNESDAY, April 24.1875, at 1 - o clock h. at.; the following described property . , • tiNE certain lot of land In Columbia tout ship, Isinutled on the •north by lands of Win. Sralt, east hp lands of Ezra Dann ; . south by . and of Satnuel Jacklin: and west lky lauds of Net an Paline/L'and Adelbert Ballard: contshiing 140 acres of 'land. more or, lefts,- about 110 acres improved; th 2 teamed, houses, 2 framed barnes with shet s at Mated, one; horse barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution t the Suit of Pomeroy Bros. vs. J. N. Vanvalknar. '• , . ' J. 31. SMITI .. • aprl-75. , -Sheriff. • VOR SALE.—A valuable &nu in . . Athens twp., rollev ' frotn Akhens 110,ro, and 3 miles from Waverly.' COMM s 150 acres, of which .125 are In grass and grain.. A la/ry of :25 cows has been kept on It, and there is bate-' uncut stabling forthat number. - It has a gen e . elihatlon to the south,-and is - warm. strong !amt. ; it 'will be sold low and possession given ini edi ately. Address 1 E. D. DREW, Elaktra, D. F. PARK:Athens, Pa J. DREW, on the farm. notle-74tf. ' trDITOR'S NOTICE. -D , Rockwell vs. Strain Rockwell and N. S.' A mark. No. 452, Feb. T. 1871. Delos Rockwe Niram Rockwell and Wm. Geiger, No. 8410, Fe 1874.. J. 31. Rockwell Vs. Sham Rockwell, Ni Feb. T. 1874. in the Court of- Conmion Fil Bradford County. ,----, The undersigned, an Auditor appointed b -said Court. to diStributo money in Shelling band arl: , - lug ~from sale of real estate of Strain Roc Well. will attend to the duties of his atrntruent t the office of Wins Rockwell.' in Troy rough, PO., on WEDNESDAY,. AFRIL 21, BM,' at 10 clock ";51' A..., persons where all perso having claims upon said fund, must present them, or be debarred from cons= litg lu upon The same. ~...___ JOHN W. MIS, 3larch 224)5n-wt. " , • Auditor.,— 4 linfrOß'S NOTICE.—In. the ntatter.of the estate itt aohnsou, ee`ti. The undersigned having been appointed a itor tythe Orphans' Court of Bracifont county, • t .-dis tribute funds belonging to said estate In the &tuts of the administrators, will :attend to his dutii.s at the oMee-01-,Peet & Davies., in the borough . or To wanda, on MONDAY, APRIL 19th, VIM,. at I o'clock I'. M.. at which time and place all pe .us hating claims against said land-arr required to pre.: sent the mine; orhe forever debarred from co Wog In upon Said fund. jIEN RY PEES ~ Ma ._17,75-4w. VPPLICATION IN Divoßcy,, A --,.. To Olivia B. Micklei.- 1 -No. &.411. Dee.. rm. ia74. You are hereby notified that Lovell (CM! kles your husband, has applied to the Court of Co mon Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce fro the' boil& of luattiolonY,Mul the sal& Court ha. ap pointed MON DAT, the ad day of May 1873f0r h . ring the said Lovell G. In the premises, at which time and place yo ‘ u can attend if you think proper.. -- - . • ;.) . ' :• . J. M. SMITH ~ *rani. 11 - ~ , .-- ' Sheriff.- _ A PItICATIO I ,sr IN, DIVORC.— ..71: To.Pendletou Goodrich.LNo:46ofi, Bee.ernt 1874.—Y0u are hereby notified that Ella Good eh. your wife, has appliell to the Court of Cm op ' Pkaft of Bradford Gounty, for a divorce front the bonds of matrimony, tied the- said court '&l+6 pointed MONDAY: the 3d - day of May, 1875, fur:, hearing the said Ella in the premises. at w ichi paw anti plai.v you can attend if you think pre •r.; i J. 3t. SMITH . , . - arrst.l. i ! She • . , APPLICATIO.N . INTDIVORC To Alphews 511:Allixtei..-310. -114: May T m., 1571. , -Yon are hereby noti fi ed that Mary E. 31,. ill ister, your wife, has applied to the timid of t um- --, Mon Pleas of , Bradford 'County. for a dlvorreArom the"hontis of matrimony, and the raid Court h sp. Hided MONDAT.the ad day of- May,1973,f0r Near; methe said Mary E. in the premises, at whteh time andplace you can attend If you think prUM. ' • . { J. M. 'Mull .. i apatd. ! - ..- vr ! - r!! suer . FtoiXIECIT TOWS: N °TIP 1 Notice is hereby giventhat all purlieus in ebt- dui estate of Jullas.Velf.' kite ' Of 110: deceased, are reqUested - _to mato Impiedlate T. Ment.; and all_ parkins basing: dalliWilialtlS_ icoldd attaiftlaX/Sire d ol l " 3 "Pi a M tileled • "% • set. ttt4anL. litter.4lls4w: CI H U El 4- , 2 II • - MEE tate a P. ,Imr, I Wil- to or e>- ealte- ' f an of Dit iof 131E1 Min- rne.- , r.tu: Cori r. , ? 1 -* 1 I BIM 10S uv , b. T. 561. as of =