Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 08, 1875, Image 1

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Pidessianal aai 13='iilets Ca U.
N1:1 AT L.A.AIc.--opife, corner trf Vain and
'lnc S.Eopposite Di:. Porters Drug Store.
• .NY:1( AT :LAW ,'.Trq. P.a. Collections
inane and promptly I-et:1114ot. tiebts-03tr:
11 w. PATR WK . : 4 ATr (Ito: EY. AT
Law. OM , P*Merel/T'p lidoek, 'next door
to Express Ottlee, TOtratOb,
J lyl7-73.
DR. S.. M. ,WOODBI.7IIN, - Physi
cian and Snrr,Ornt. i Office over 0. A. Black's
Cr , o•kery store. I
• , .
Towanda, May 1. 1821 y% •
• 1.
- 1 0". WOOD. rilia_r27 l J.NO. F. SA Nl)EitsoN.
A.: ' 'Ex AT LAW, TtiNVANDA, PA. .Will give
reelnpt al*Attlell to' all that errs entrusted to their
eharge. Couil loP•iness a specialty.
YLE, Etnay:tipi• I. ,lic•l'llElZSOti.
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valrant new moat , 011 21111 floor or 'Pr. PYTIWN 11111"
\eta, eNI ?`t:III . Street. ittL , ines.t . 4 dltitd. ,
sept. a-7 itf. .
.B. I•:ELLIT.. DeArtsT.l.--1' Office
T y . over .M. F. Itae.en - Tield's. Tiwanda: Pa_
!teeth ittherted nu l;n1d; slb...r.' 1:111 , 1...r. and Al
uranium ham!. Teeth extracted withent tale. .
I .I.t at-72. .
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P. , rti.r. ' 1, • . fitovo-7i.
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With bine. cold hands and stockingless feet,
'Wandered a child In the 'cheerless street ;
• ciblictren were many, who,housed and fed,
I.ocingt4 nestled. dreaming In bed,—
Carrolled their joy in a land of bliss,
IVlthout a Cain or thought of this;
'They were warm tri'huntantty's fold, •
BUt albs little child was ottt In Alta cold?—
: Out In the cold. '
wartvii' ,
Otti l ln the coil on the ,
Thetaintill face of a mother '
A Aster ilressed on her brow a lifss
Led her 'tithl scenes of heavenly
anger,; gathered into. their told •
That ' night the little one ont of the cold—
out of the cold,
A little headstrong piece, a pretty
littleiheadstrong piece, every old wo
man in the neighborhood called Bes
sie Allan ; and when she and Georgie
Knight, her mate in , most of her
frolics anti . adventures, were t o!ret her,
any . thing, the same authOrities de
clared, might be expected. Never
theless, all the - neighborhood were
Bessie Allan's friends; they all loved
the little bright head, the dimpled
mischief of the rosy face, the glis
tenin7 ofthe , brown eyes, with their
long, bright, half-curled lashes that
knew so well the demure trick of
veiling the lustre underneath them
at the an4icions moment, and mak
ing the face too tempting for any
thing but foqriveness and kisses.
he was seventeen, and though all
the neighborhood. might'in some way
be called her lover, yet she had never
had that single and individual loser
who belongs to young girls' dreams;
for with all her -gay spirits there was
a certain . shyness—almost 'like that
OfAhe little wild-wood animals, which
allures you and then escapes you—
and no . admirer had ever approached
the lovely, frolicsome, piquant thing
near egottph to become a lover. That
is to say., until this present epoch, of
which we are about to speak ; and
then one (lily the new.minister—yes,
the new min ister. young. heart-whOle,
handsome. mill believed by some of
the old women , of whom mention has
been math.. and some of the young
ones i - oo,tO be nothing .less than an
angel id.dis!mise, for it' such things
had' happened once, they reasoned,
then they:might happen again —just
as he roselin the pulpit, saw Mistress
Bessie 'come walking into church,
and it wai all over with Mtn.-
l'ray (het think ill of the young
thinner. ' It was no earthly love of
which he. was Conscious during the
brief hour of the pulpit. Only to
him, Shat early summer day, thesky
was Moor, the. rose was rosier, the
Sunshine seemed more than ever to
be flowing out of heaven itself, like
the shimmer ofthe river.of life. lie
was not "exactlyaware that he had
ever sc.en Bessie, Allan ;- all that lie
was entirely . conscious of was that
:tuldenly, at; if he were in'nhi ceStacy,
the whole worhl had brightened and
lifted ifself.•and he prayed and read
and preaChed after ft manner that
made the congregation talk, during
all the intermission, of Tobit and
the angel ; and - then he went home to
dine with Mr. Allan.
As for Bessie. shc,,sat very still be
tween her father imd mother in
•Ittlrelt, and forgot all about , her
roguish plances hither' and yon, all
alaint this body's ribbons and that
body's hat. and beard the preaching
lint the - praying with anew light in
her eves and a new comprehension in
her mind ; joithol in the 'Singing- of
the hymn with her whole soid, and a
voice like a bird's; and perfectly
agreed Tor, the time being with the
old women ( and ''the. young women
that thiS was' nocotamon minister,
hut morakely tO be a spirit in mot--
taViguise than' any mere graduate of
th&orry •
„yet Mr: beck - with was not of such
imamterial form' as • might lead to
sujli opinion. . He was a deep-chest
ed, broad-stOtildered • fellow, with
short brown curls 'clustering in thick
rings upon a head of antique outline,
with a steely glance in a pair of
great blue, eves, andwas byno means ;
any mote ethereal in , apperance than
a man of proper proportions and
natural emotions should be, except
in such moments *as those when
excited asPirations lent a singularly
pure and-holy expression to the face
that was usually rather' 'severe than
otherwise: .
But if this young gentleman had
not 'been :self-conscious of Oessie's
presence iii church, he beeanie - very
,it in-her father's house.
Not imnrliately. to be sure, for the
awe in whielt she had been spell-bound
did not.wear off at once, But 'when
she found' that the minister liked
plenty of gravy, when she had helped
him twiee,. to dumplings, when she
had discovered :that he had a good
hearty heathen appetite, then - the her began to get the up
per. hand, and' almost before she knew
what she Twas about, the eyelashes
.Were doing. their wonted .execution.
Mr. Beckwith saw the rosy roguish,
fade before'him' on the darkness 'as
he Walked "tome that night; it made
a picture in the sunrise clouds when
Ire :woke in the morning ;. and after
hi - had know n her a fortnight,. there
Mal I.
N. N. SETT, Ju.
S. W: ALVORD O Publisher.
Selech:d &Or.
11lent blew the w(nd through the cheerless
Dashing along through the nierelless
AU fuired and shawied, luau. woman and child,
liurriett . along, far: ate etonu grew wild;
They could not bear the r iclete's
Winter so tittle Willi* pathway cast;
AlasPxonc pltled 7 no one consoled
The ',bee little wanderei out In the cold—
' Out In the cold.
She had no father, she had no mothei,
Slster6 time. and never a biothert
They had pascPd on to the star-worid above—
sne rent:thya here, with nothing to love.
Nothing, to love.,"—Oh! men do not know .
What wealth of joy tlnkt child could bestow;
So they Went by and worshipped their gold,
Leaving the little one out In the cold—
Out In the cold,
vdrandert‘d ,he on tal the shades or night, •
Yelled the shivering form from sight;
Thet t icL.h cold hands over her breast,
SIP' prayed to her Fathor- in Heaven for rest.
When hours hail 'neath the world's dart:
Hungered and chilled. she laid herself down;
Lay ,I,Av4 to rest while the Wealthy rolled
earrla;;es past her oot In the cold—
Out to the cold,
Out In the coil—to: an angel feror
itrotight her white rubes that were rich and
was not a day or an hour in which
that face did not. seem to. be lurking
somewhere about him—on his sermon
paper, between the leaves of his com
mentary, in the very sunshine that
fell across him. Mr. Beckwith was
not the man to consider this a•mawk
sentiinentality, or a thing to be
checked by ilagellations and mortift
(Title-us of flesh and spirit. He knew,
in fact, that his hour had come. He
sat down acid reasoned the matter
out himself. A child, indeed, she
was, he. confesSed, but then an utterly
lovely one. • Not precisely the mate
rial for a- minister's wife, according
to old-fashioned- theories, but then
he.had abandoned old-fashioned the
ories in that respect. His wife was.
to belong to hiin, not to the parish,
and in time she would be every thing
the fondest parish could wish. And.
as for any thing more that could be
urged,. theie was but one, answer—he
loved. her. A mouth 'ago he had
never seen her, yet he was sure 'he
had only beenjouineying toward her,
and he was as determined to make
her his own, and as confident that
he should 'do so, as if he had seen it
written in the book of fate. When
Mr. Beckwith determined on a thing,
lie was . iii the habit 'of accomplishing
But still fir. Beckwith had perhaps
had different subjects to • deal with
hitherto ; as well Calculate on a will
o'-the-wisp, he presently &find, as on
Bessie Allan:, TO 7 day she_ was all
melting smila and glances, to-mor
roWshe was remote as a star; to-day
she was like a bird on which he was
just about to put his hand, to-morrow
she was singing and soaring far be
yond his reach. After he had met
.her in sonic of his' walks, and had
spent . an hour beside her, sometimes
strolling, sometimes sitting 'on a
mossy stone, and had been amazed. at
her acquaintance with , the things of
nature, at the insight into: spiritual
things Which tier young mind in this
(quiet moment showed, tits sympathy
;with all sweet and innocent influences,
its reddy acceptance of the great
truths to the statement of Which his
words were apt to tend—after all
this, he would be just as likely as not
to catch his next glimpse of her,
down in' the meadow, in company
with Georgie Knight, Making cheeses
with her skirts, us if she were ten
years old, or racing.. like a madcap
through the.tstraight lines of lie or-
chard; stopping only for, whirls , and
twirls "and swift waltz steps as she
went along, like .one of the old pica
tures.of the sylphides; or else call
ing the filly to the bars, and catching
her by the forelock, and gallopping
away down the, paSture . Without sad
dle or bridle, hair blowing in the
Wind, as Wild as !MadgeWildfire her
self. lllr. Beckwith was not sure
that there was not something unre
generate in his heart still, for,. if he
acknowledged the truth to himself,
he.loved the little baggage at such
times more than ever.
-It actuallyseemed to all the neigh
bood, at about that time, as though
BesSie Allan were beside herself with
exuberance and the mere delight of
youth and health , and sunshine. The
sewing circles and the prayer-meet
ings were only so many places for
wiles and witcheries—possessed with
glee at the one, a c6quettish little
Puritan .at - the other under all her'
glances—always contriving to go
hoine. with some other gallant than
the minister. The Bible class was
the'only place that_ttuned her much,
and there' she grew more and more
silent ; her veil gradually lowered
and lowered till it shielded her face ;
and as long as her unaccountable
tears could lwitely,..and only
blister the leaves: of her Testament
unperceiVed,' she Staid ; and when a
hysterical burst became inevitable,
without a word of warning she
would rush away, 'as if in danger of
her life. Nobody else dreamed what
it meant. Mr. Beekwith thought he
kneW.' Poor little Bessie! If ever
a young falcon out of the forest ob
jected to the' clipping of her wings,.
she was one, for she
: felt the band
tightening around . her. Evidently
she wns in the mood of .those who
mean to have their fling out because
they know an end is coming.
And yet if you could have seen"
Bessie's face sometimes as she at in
the twilight,lhere was such a serene
content in its half-hidden smile, you
would have said to yourself that here,
if any where, was supreme happi
nes. But the child did not know
herself, for. close upon any such
brief experience - of content, there
would foliow such a restive rebellion
against all chains that even Mr.
Beckwith was startled, if he happened
to be in the house on some. Parochial
errand, and saw her dancing down
the stairs and through the halls,
vouchsafing him neither word nor
look, answering neither father nor
mother, flinging down her hat if any
body called to her to put it on, whis
tling to her dogs; and making off for .
a tramp that was to tire out with its
fatigue / some of the refactory spirit:
Mp4t men would have hesitated a
while after one or two such scenes;
would have foreseen the plucking of
a/little termagant from this nettle;
Would have anticipated trouble in
the flesh after the battle was won,
Not so Mr, Beckwith;-' If so good a
Man could be piqued, he wit perhapS
piqued into the resolve for conquest;
he was determined to teach the tan 4
talizing thing that it was 'happinesi
she was flying from, and not torment,
as she seemed to believe; ; he *as all
the more.fixed in his intention to win
her,- . -to win her and to, tame her.
But not one chance for his winning
and: aming did he get, that is to say,
not one chance after the abrupt end
of the single opportunity he had .eun-,
trive4 to seize and lose. . -
. Ile bad been called that
most three months since' he first saW,
Bessie—to visit a dying person across
the hills ;- for ninny of those who did
not exactly belong to 'Mr. Beckwith's
parish used to bor'' for his Ministra
tions ; and in the little time. of hiS
residence' among them,, more than
one soul had. seemed to wing away
the easier](in their eternal path for
the rapt prayers with which his presH
once had upbuoyed their flight.
The roads being roundabout, and
thc bridle-path direct, he had bor
rowed a saddle-horse—a.valuable one,,
as it chanced-- returning,
now in the twilighte loot in thought,.
and coming slowly, his horse's feet
falling so softly on the turfy 'ay
that one could hardly hear thcza,
when a sudden scared cry; as Ifie
turned a curve of the winding lane,
told him who was, wondering there
before him, with her light garments
fluttering in the wind, at sight! of
which his horse had reared rind
swerved aside; and he cast himself
from the saddle and caught Befisie
Allan's hand, begging her not to be
".But I have been!" cried 'Bessie.
I was thinking,"; said Mr. Beck
with, i " and ! had forgotten myself.
Ad when I saw your white dres4, it
seemed like a continutttion of My
Were you thinking of my white
dress, then ?" asked Bessie, aptly.f
. iu No, of another; a whiter dress,"
said Mr. Beckwith, gravely—" of a
white dress that I saw a soul put on
to-day, winging its heavenly Way.l
A little overawed, Bessie was silent.
have just come from a death
bed,Bessie, said Mr, Beckwith, tak
ing advantage 'of the mood. '
peaceful and beautiful it Was that it
makes the things of this life seem too
pdot• and small for thought beside
that everlasting one." - • I
" Is Miss Barton dead, then ?" she
asked, though no one knows how she
had learned where the minister bad
been. :" Yes, she was a saint. i I
wouldn't like tobe so good." .
0 Bessie!"
.1! mean it would- be so stupid,!"
"But at the last ?" he queried,
"I—l don't like to hear about
death," said Bessie, with half a - pqut,
half a !ling.
0 Few of us do when we are •youn
said the minister. "Yet we are all
drifting on the tide that takes lus
there." • •' I
"Don't !" she cried,
"Ah, I have felt it . myself," said
the: minister. '"Youth is so. of
vitality that l it is antipathetic to
death: There are only two things
that reconcile us with the inevitable
fact—one, weariness of life, and the
other, that exceeding love • which
makes the liOurs seem long. I hope
thetirst will never come to you, my,--"
"No indeed," cried Bessie. "How
could I be weary of life—how emild
any one be ?"
4 If such an hour as this were per
petual," said the minister; taking off
his hat, better to enjoy the perfuMed
breeze upon his brow and in his hair
—"this purple air, with the scent of
the, hay fields :floating through jit ;
this tender sky,. that trembling star,
and the young, strong health find
heart. 01 no, if such an hour were
perpetual 1"
"It is!" said Bessie. "It comes
day after day, summer after summer.
It always will come•to me as long as
I liVe. No, I never shall be willing
to (lie and leave it; never shall . be
Willing to lie in my grave, and know
other girls are walking in the lane
these summer nights, with the sweet
wind blowing over them, and the—
• Bessie stopped in confusion. What
was it 7 she had been about to say ?'
Perhaps` the young minister was
not aware that ,he still held Bessie's
hand ; but Bessie was. She essayed
to Withdraw it, and then the grasp
tightened, She. blushed red and red
der; she felt an arm stealing roUnd
her; and then, looking defiantly tip,
there was the minister's face bending
before her.' She knewwhat 'he *as
abOut to say. She didn't want to
hear it; not yet, at any rate, did she
want to hear it. Butt she (lid hear, it.
Thht arm held her Close, close to a
plunging heart; thal voice way
inuring in her ear; those lips, they
sought her own ; and her own—yes,
indeed, -Mistress Bessie—half eager,
half unwilling, were; answering them
—were answering them ! And shd
denly, almost ,as if she did not know
what she did,'she had lifted her hand,
with the willow switch in it -with
which she had been playing, and had
dealt the horsebeside.them a' swift
little' blow that startled him into, a
rear and a Bound, 1 - tore the - bribe
frotu other hand,
wheeled Ml'. Beckwith shortly atiut,
and sent the horse; off at a pithy.
There was' nothingfor Mr. 13eckw,ith
to do but to hasten after the horsiH
so:valuable a creature, and not his
own—and - then there was nothing
for the wayward, wicked Bessie, toldo
lint to sit down on' a stone and cry,
and go "home at last all dew-bedrtg.
gled, and dash past the family room
like a wraith, til) the stairs to her
own nook, bolting the 'door with a
resounding ,echo that might have
dispelled any fear of the supernatural.
She sat down in her dark room then
alOne, dazed, but safe. She loved him
—7-iyes, she loved him, she was afraid;
but he was a minister, and she.didn't
want to love a minister. She was half
promised to him, but in ber thongtits
there in the dark room she defied
him to exact the proMise.
4 ‘ What in the world is the matter
with the girl said her mother.. •
'But the father ilnly nodded ids
wise head, and bade the mother 'to
leave her alone. He looked at the
absurd little portrait of his short
whisted Aunt 'Dorothy, of whom
BeSsie Was the image and superscrip.-
tion, and remembred the storyiof
her courtship as he had heard her tell
it; it will all come right, mother,"
he said. -
"It's all wrong now," said the
mother. " And thee tantrums will
he; the death of me if they clop%
come to an end soon."
,Perhaps Mr. Beck With thought they
would be the death of him. If he
did, he could devise no way to over
come thern. Half promised as she
was by those melting'lips of hers, he
could not arrive within sufficient dis
tance.of the rebellions little maiden
to exact the rest of the promiSe.
That his power was felt, and not only
felt now but recogniied, was evident
enough, or she would never , hive
tried to escape him so. In the mask
of . hoiden, or in the mask of, non
whichever way it was she iVas
equally inaccessible.
if there was to Lei a picnic nowlin
the . parish, an occasion where
were on a- level, this young woman
announced her intention of going,he
fore Mr. Beckwith had the chance Ito
invite her, in the company of anoth
et suitor, and nobody in that house
hid ever been • much 'J in the habit iof
gainsaying Bessie Allan. When even
ing meeting was over, she was not
the one to wait for the minister; she
caught her father's arm, and said,
" Quick I Don't let any body take
me " And after that mark of con
fidence, the proud and loyal hther,
happy slave of a spoiled mistress,
would not have surrendered her to
the minister himself, who was, it was
very likely,splodding on behind with
her mother and the lantern. When
the sewing circle closed its sessions,
Bessie said Yes to the first spruce
young Corydon that stepped forward.
and when three weeks had passed
after that twilight in the lane, Mr.
Be.ckwith had , not spoken one word
with her.
. But, tor all thatthere was a chan_ •
.Bessie. Nobody ever heard her
voice caroling out of the window
now; nobody heard her old sweet
laugh, • like the-lriusie•- • ._V a brook ;
there wlis a curious little frown be
tween her eyes when on her maddest
escapade. 3.1 r. Beckwith, looking at
her unperceived, with his' longing
pain, felt that he did not conquer
soon, it would be the worse for Bes
sie. He knew well enough now—af
terl the. innocent kiss whose remem
brance so thrilled. him—that she loved
him; he knew well enough that it
would bteak her , ' heart should he
abandon his "attempt; he.knew well
enough those . hidderi springs of reel-
Ingil which reacted so' upon the young,
4iatiire of which she was ttally ig
'*norant, and whose 'first sti iring so
di4urbed her; he knew well enough
that he. could make her so blissful
that she would . one day wonder at
and despise this time. of doubt and
,fear and this desire for longer liberty
'from the ,great thrall of rove. ~.But
not one chince was• he finding to.
make her learn these things.
It was just at this season, as it hap-*
pened, toward the close of the bright
September days, that flaming hand
bills were posted up at every corner
and, on every empty 'fence, proclaim
ing 'the approach of Eden's great
Scriptural Show arid Gymnastic Eno
tertainment, which the villagers were
'not, however, deluded into supposing
any thing other than a circus. Miss
BesMe, of conrae, read the handbills
in common with otheis, and straight
way, announced to her astounded fain-
ily that she was to be ii patroness of
the great Seriptural -Show to the ex
tent, of a single ticket.
is Go to the circus !" came the as
tonished chops of remonstrance.
"It isn't a circus;" said Bessie.,
"it's a Scriptural show. ; There are
texts froth the Bible on every cart."
" They take the.- livery of God to
serve the Devil in 1 . 7 exclaimed her
father. .
" I don't ;'sce any such necessity,"
she rejoined. "It's an opportunity
for studying- natural history such as
Mdom occurs, the hills say."
"Much natural history in those
dancing_womcn nmTh!iding men!"
r " Oh, as for that 'part, I shouldn't
think there could be :any thing more
'interesting than the sight of those
people springing through the air fiom
their trapeze," said the *ell nformed
young person,." arid 'showing what
fine bodies they can make for them
selves. Like pictures of the heathen
gods ! "
" Nonsense ! " said Mrs.. Allan;
" nonsense ! Your head's turned.
You!'a deacon's daughter I"
" Yes, my child;" said her father,
" I agree with your mother here.• I
have never denied you much, Bessie,
but I feel that I must deny you this.
You can't go to the circus," _
" You," said the mother," that the
minister has paid attention to !"
That settled it. Nothing but irons
could have kept Bessie front that cir
cus after those fatal words:- She con
fided to Georgia
. Knight once her
intention'of going to the circus; and
when. the mighty show came into
town, she watched her chance and
harnessed the Bliley herself into the
little open wagon, and set off with
Georgie Knight., unseen and untnissed
.for a time; to visit the beasts and the
gymnasts of the forbidden entertain
"What the - minister can see in that
girl," Said old Miss Sparks, looking
through the windoW as the wagon
whirled by, " I cant see. She'S - an
engaging rogue, that's true, but I
'shouldn't want to marry, her." _ Bet
as nobody wanted Miss Sparks to
marry her, it didn't so much signify.
Bessie was in great spirits. She
was disobeying; that in itself idways
kindled her merriment. Then she:
felt sure that Mr. Beckwith would
disapprove, and that was an
other excitement. She had a : fore
boding that the time was coming
presently when her free agency would
cease; till it did cease she_ was, defi
ant. And accordingly,.. well-pleased
with her success thus far, she and
Georgie sung and laughed till the.
road' rang with their overofiwinggay.
ety as they drove along and put the
filly through her paces.
It was onlya couple of miles be
fore • the road grew' dusty . _ and
thronged. . People were coming and
people were going, All sorts of ve
hicles jostled together. Far ciff they
could hear the strains of a band ris
ing and falling on the wind till they
were in an ecstasy of expectation, as
theY grew silent and listened. Booths
began to line the way, with lemonade
and mineral water and worse; and
presently the tents rose on their sight
like white clouds, the
.flag waving its
long folds ..over: them.- And • now
they were in the great space before
the tent, crowded with teams, with
foot-passengers, with men leading
pie-bald horses 'and Shetland ponies;
with boys crying their - wares, with
the voice of the Boanerges who pres
sed the claims of the fat woman and
the learned pig on the attention and
through it all came the ; burst of the
band again, in some tripping dance
Music, the roaring of the beasts and
screaming of monkeys and parrots ' •
and then the great tent seemed to
swell and soar, and a girl all gauze
and flowers, was running up the air
on.a 'rope stretched from pole to pole,
far overhead, dancing from sunbeam
. .to sunbeam as it seemed to the rapt
Bessie. What transportl she thought.;
and she sat with her head thrown
back,Jegardless of everything but
thisl flying wonder in the air, till sud
denly a shriek rose. from the „.great
tent.r.a shriek that was repeated In
the crowded stisre.the shriek of. s
- 1
tk . •
" Oh, you kiiOw it," she eried,•and
fainted on his shoulder, just as the
keepers sprang with their ropes upon
tie poor old, toothless lion, who loved
his frolic and enjoyed the scare,' and
of whom Mr. Beckwith,--a muscular
christian, with a pistol in his pocket,
having made.'his harmless acquain
tance, moreover, inside the tent—
had not felt it necessary to be much
thousand voieea—one awful cry of
fear and agony from 411 the people,
echoed again by all the beasts within
—the lion had broken loose! .
What a scene it was! What a
dreadful scene ? Men were yelling
as they ran, children were screaming,
women were fainting, horses ivere
rearing and snorting, the crowd was
surging and plunging this way and
that in a frantic effort to escape.
Bessie, suddenly called from her rapt
reveling with that spirit in the•air,
gave one look—one look of horror—
tried to pull therein, then, weak as a
Child, fell back upon the slat. The
filly turned her head, and then, with
starting and foaming nostkil, stood
upright one moment, - and the next
bolted away from the broken traces,
and left altstanding. Georgie Knight,
With a screech, flung herself from the
wagon, and was swallowed in the fly
ing multitude; but -Bessie sat stone
still, her heart beating- with great
knocks, as unable to move as one
What swift thoughts swept through
her mind ! This was. the 'end of all•
her wickedness.: This was what she
deserved for alit the pain she had
given - father and mother—she, 'their
only child, their hope,- who should
have been their joy!. This Was what.
She deserved, •it flashed across- her,
for making bleed the heart of the
Man that loved her. Deserv,ed ? Ah,
no one could quite deserve .to be torn
to pieces by the, teeth of a wild beast;
If, she had but' been true to herself,
to him, liked less to see her power,
feared ess for her liberty, what peage
and pleasure might have been 'hers
this instant! And now— She .re
membered. the Christian girls in the
ROman amphitheatre ; she was not
even a martyr. She had wanted to
study natural history; she had a fine
Chance. She could not stir: In anoth
er moment the brute would be done
his havoc there, and come leaping
through the canvas: Another'ehriek ;
great bursting wave of shrieks.
Ah, yes, there he • came, tail. in the air,
tawny mane bristling, eyes blazing—
coming in great bounds through the
already half-deserted - place, coming
straight for her ! She cowered an
instant, then sprang to her feet, and
glared full at the advancing monster.
was too much. With a wild cry
herself, she tiirned--but only to hide
her face in Mr. Beckwith's breast, as
he climbed into- the wagon behind
Thought is fleet : instantaneous
Was the rapture mingling with the
q'fl'ony, instantaneous the motion with
which she pushed him from her.
"Go! go!" she cried. "I can't
hav& my folly kill you too! Oh," as
he did not Move, "it you love - me,
g r c i
," it is because I love you that I
shall stayrinurmured Mr. Beckwith,
sWiftly, in her ear; "that I shalt
never go until I hear you say .as
It was Georgie Knight's seat that
Beckwith occupied that evening
as they drove slowly home, after the
recapture, of the filly and the mending
of the broken traces, Mr. Beckwith
htiving made the Most of the three
hours in which he had had Mistress
Bessie on his hands; and Bessie her
self, tired and weak, lying restfully,
i(you will believe it, within the arm
that enfolded her.
" Bessie," he was saying, "this is
Only the second lion in the way.
What wasllat first one which always
drove you from me so?"
'1" I—l was afraid," murmured Bes
Afraid of me !"
. 44 And then—and then you took it
So forgranted!"
" Oh, indeed," said the minister,
folding her eldserstill ; "and what if
li.ook it for granted that you were
going to the parsonage with me next
month ?"
Oh, I'm hot fit !" cried Bessie,,
with a start. • •
you make one objection," said
her lover, "I shall stop at Justice
'Pettigrew's on .our way. - and take
you home with me to-night !" And
there, with that _tender •arm about
her, that face beSide her own, all in
that soft September twilight and tin
der the lamp of the evening star,.
What could Bessie do but yield Y
don't know what father and
;•mirther will say," she whispered, as
nOast, having left. the wagon, they
- climg together one moment in the
'porch, and saw the father and mother
;hastening toward them - down . . the
long entry.
Father Allan," said the minister,
walking in, with his arm round their
nanghty darling, this is a kill-o'-the
that-Lhave eafttured, and that I
intrust for just - three weeks-longer to
your care. It has come from the
:circus, and it is bound for the par
sonage and there," said Mr. Beck
with, "it is going to turn into the
light of the house,' the spirit -of the
fireside, the sunshine of home!" --
/14rper's New .3ffmthly: •
ONLY ONE . DOOR.--It is said that
the ancient city of ,Troy had but one
entrance, and all who would enter the
city must enter by this gate. A man
might go round the walls as much as
he pleased, but he would find no
other entrance. '
It is just•so with that glorious and
beautiful city, the heavenly Jerusa
lem. Only:one way leads tolt, and
it can be entenled only by onedoor,and
that way, that door,
is the Lord Je-
BM!. (John x, 1-9). He alone is the
Way - (John.xiv, 6.) No one can enter
there, unless he goes by this way and
enters by this door.
Header, would You be a citizen of
the New Jerusalem? Then you
must enter by this way. You must
leave behind all that you. loved in!
your old paths, for "atraight the
gate and narrow is the Way that lead
eth unto life."—From the German:.
said a sorrowing wife, L4low
peaceful. the cat and dog are." " Yee,"
said ths raftlaat husUnd i 4 ! but jultila
this icfgai and aenhow
1 . • i ,
•' ) . - • -" '
c • .
, 1
r[tiplioilootilluipl: 1.114(01. I
Amon, f 1 11 , 11-410 LORN TEXT; Ia crl43.
- Swain QUART34I..
The book' of Judges is the second of the
historical books It is so called because
it is occupied with the , history of the Is
raelites during the period when they were
under the. general administration of
judge& These men must not be ear.
founded with the ordinary - judges. under
the Theocracy. Exodus chap. 18.) "The
office of these Judges (Shophetim)," says
Kurtz "was not of permanent character.
They were raised up by the Lord in cases
extraordinary affliction, for the purpose of
delivering the people,and spirally retained,
evenafter their task had been performed a
judicial and magistratic 'power as long as
they lived. Their position and duties
wore allied to thise of the prophets. They
were propluits in action."
The condition 'Of the nation during the
period • of the Judges will appear as we
study thelook. l It is generally described
as a non-regal state. " Ther6 was no
King in Israel?" (chap. 18: i; 1941)
There was no regularly orginized central
power in the nation. It was a condition
of pure "states' rights." The tribes act
ed in a great measure independently of
each other. ThiS condition was.not so fa,
vorahle to military development as the're
gal,(hence, afterivardi they determined to
have a King, so is to•be able 1:p 'vie with
surrounding nations), but it was far bet
ter adapted to their moral and religious
advancement. It taught them the neces
sity of depending upon Jehorah,and of so
living as to be worthy or his presence and
The chronology of thili period is dif
ferently calculated. Some make it 310
years, some 320, sotrie 315, sad some less
than 300. (Scel 1 Kings;6ll and Acts
13:20. Also consult commentaries and
works on biblical chronology.)"
The precise date of the composition of
the bOok cannot be determined,. It must
be assigned to- a time after thh eAtablisli
ment of the kingdom; (18:1: 19:1.) 'And
it must be asskgiied 'to the period before
David's conquest of Jerusalem,' (1:21; 2
Sant. 5:6-9.) JeWiEdi traditions state that
Samuel was theLauthor. It may -have
been written during his life, and under
his supervision. Whoever wrote it must
have availed himself of earlier written .
Our space will not permit us to give an
extended annlyisS of the contents of the
book. It is enough to say that there is a
two-fold introduction; the first extending
from chap. 1 through chap. 2:3; the, sec
ond from 2:6 to, 3:41.. The body of the
book, 'containing ' [ an account of the seven
servitudes and the Judges raised up for
he deliverance of the people, extends to
chap. 17. Then follows l a two-fold appen
dix, made up 'of events 'contemporaneous
with those recorded in the - body of the
Our lesson is apart of the second intro.
duction. We may analyze it into three
parts: (1) The sin of the, people, (11-13).
(2) The punishMent, (1445). (3) The
mode of deliverance, (16). •
1. The Sin. - 'The children of Israel
'did evil," or "did the evil," as it might
be rendered. The sin is then specified :
"They served Baalam," (1. e., Baal under
different forms and names: Baal:Nor,
Baal-Gad, Baal-Aaman, etc.) , They
followeg other gods, of the gods of the
people that were round about' them, and
awed themselves, unto thein." "They:
served Baal and Ashtareth." This means
in few words..that they adopted in heart,
and to a considerable extent in 'practice,
the Canaanitish worship of Nature. This
was essentially the deification of Nature. ,
The, Mosaic religion regarded the Deity
as entirely distinct' - from Nature—as the
the, Personal, supra -mundane Jehovah--
who yet used it as an instrument for the
accomplishment of his beneficent pirrpos-:
es; 'whereas the heathen nature-vrorship,
by which it was antagonized, regarded
the Deity astthe, 'same identically with the
hidden power of nature—the generating„
preserving and destroying power thereof.
In the Canaanite' worship of nature, Baal,
• (the Sun) represented the male, and Ash
toreth (plural; Ashtaroth), sometimes
called Baal-tis, and in Greek, - Astarte,
(the "Moon) represented . the ; female prin
ciple of the Deity; both 'cfnu worshipped
with rnani , impure and abominable rites.
The sin of Israel, therefore, was the de
desire after and ;adoption of nature
worship; the very "same sin into which
men are running headlong today. •
But this involved a its Condition the
rejection of Jehovah and hig warship. It
was apostasy froni revealed to natural re
ligion. ,Soit is said that they forsook the
Lord, etc.; verses 12, 13. Or. as it is ex
pressed in the 16th verse, they "knew not
the Lord;" f..e., they -ignored Jehovah.
They did not publicly renounce Iris serv
ice, as they had publicly adopted it a feiv
years before, at Shechem, but they ignor
ed him altogether," as go many men are
doing in Chriiitian lands now. Yet ho
-Was the Lord e., Jehovah, their na
tional God); be eras the God of their fa
therS, who had proved, his love for them
by delivering thCm from Egypt, (Josh.,
xxiv: 2-43) This was a heinous sin. •
2. The Punislmpnt.7"lir the—very_fl zt
steps of their apostasy they provoked
the' Lent to angere' verse 12. AB the
apostasy ,team o more flagrant, "the an
ger of 'Jehovah was hot (or burned)
against Israel; v 14. The. word "auger."
expresses the neeesgary . :iud ardent oppo
sition ' of God's nature to sin. In this.
sense it was a, judicial *anger. It also ex
presied the warm Indignation of his fa
therly heart, in view of 'their ungrateful,
disobedient conduct. In this / sense it was
a paternal aiger. The con Sequence
this anger is stated (1) negatively; v. 14.
He delivered them and sold them •by
withdrawing his favor and assistance.
(2). Positively; v. 15. He hoisted his
hand (or power) against them in all their
Undertakings,go that they constantly.
failed. Their enemies succeeded in all
their mok-ementS; they failed in all their'ti.
The inevitable remit was that "they were
greatly disttessed;" or reduced to ex
tremest straitS,l This was jii'st what GO
had threatened.l chap, xxvi.; Deut.
chap. xxviii. t .
3.' The Blode of Deliveranee. n " The
Lord raised up 'Judges, etc.;` v.'! 10. The
reeerd , of these I*3liveratices makes up the
body:-of.the book. There tiere seven v
itals of ifervitt*, and- from these they
ware delivered by thifillaktillfelk.,'• •
WS . IIIO Use this Ism, Att twit (i)
IN per Annuin In Advance.
that maxima. wors t * some superior ob
jeet, or objects. (2). Jehovakis a jealonS
God. (8). Ens favO . t to us is Conditionea
upod our following hint, (4). Without
his favor and-help we; can do ixothing.: .
(5). 'Even if we do sin and forsake him,
he will return and deliver us, $f we repent
and do works meet for repentance.' "lie
will not keep his oxigefAleiver." (6).
Our Judge ti. e., Delivered Christ Je
Brightly shone the !Alp on that
clear December 'afterntion, and the
air was mild and Pleasant as we drove
from the busy streeta - of 'Cairo on Our
way, to see the 'site of that famourS
city of the priests ; the acible city of
On,-;and to look'
,upon the Oldest obe,
disk' in Egypt, bearing date, it
said, about 2,000 years before Ottrist.
Our way lay along a pleasant road,
shaded with green trees, while around
RS stretched - fertile garde4s and
gated. flekia 'of rite and corn. Now
and then a little , donkey-boy passed
us singing his monotonous song.
. Miniature specimens of
,ithe rising
Egyptian generation occasionally
plored us for Yonder,
like a phantom _procession, passed it
16fi g i stiring of camels with silent.
tread. Hero a pertly Turk, balancing
himself with difficulty On a very
small donkey, ambled along.
times' a carriage rolled , . by,
Within:which women With veiled faCeS
looked curiously at, us from their
dark, languid eyes. ,
ire first stopped to examine the
famous sycamore under whose braneli
es it is said the Holy Family : rested
in their flight into Egypt..: We drank
twin the waters of the well li
tradition says wereelichiged from bit
ter to sweet by the tOiich Of the Vi
gin Mary's lips. , Then we sat down
eneath the old tree; while thought
erosided upon thought 'as we leaned'
against its sides and looked up at the
blue,sky through its ffreen. foliage,
It might not, indeed, l 'be the same
tree which shaded the face Of the in
, fant ' Redeemer, tholigh theSe trees
live tcl ft great age, and it, is not roi
-1 possible that, this -niay have lived
through all these years guarded by
so zephyrs and smiled upon b
ever: sunny skies. Precise spots are,
after all, of . little meMent; or surely
we should not. meet, as We do, with
the believer of Scriptitre On these and
,- kindred matters, about which solna 14-
4,-not angels—have desired to leek
into? Yet'it seemed tOlbring the
Saviour nearer our hearts to think
that he, a little child, looked op
these very scenes; for it IsS-as in this
-part of Egypt . that long after the
.Christian 'era, a.colOny of Jews •rii,
sided, and very likely it Was the diS
triet where Joseph and Mart would
have sought refuge from the blood
thirsty Herod; '
! After remaining a While; and pluck
inma leaf or floWer here land, there,
to aild• to our box
. of `'treasurers,
we Went on to' Heliopolia, of which
now'little•renfains but a i:vast - aeen.
'inflation of 'debris, reaching
farge, area, the -long lineS of unburnt
earth marking clearly the,site of this
r '
Once celebrated' - seat of ~ learnincr.H:
And here, among the rUlthish pf '
once grand city stands :•the single
Obelisk, covered with hiCrogl3plueis
Still 'sharp and clear, though it was it
diundreil - years old When Abraham
. Caine into Egypt,' and, mayhap, stood
in its shadow even as we were stand
nifi• them' It is of red nite, about
sixty-two feet - in height, and six feet
ip .diameter. at the ' ; base; weighing
more than taco hundred tons, and
;Mist have been hewn froin the quar
ries' Rt Assotian, eight hundred miles
away.. . We looked Up at' the l• silent
atone, and thought Wird scenes it
had gazed upon through all :these
Here,, it is. claimed, Joseph stood
,bride, Asenath ; "here Plato
s'ndPythagoras "studied ; here Moses
learned the wisdom . Of the-Egyptians,
and here,' tells us; Jeremiah
wrote' the Book of; LaMentations';
and bere stands in lonely grandeur
twin coMpanion - gone (obelisks
always stood in Pairs.)—is ifdefying .
Time and Fate—Tointingi to the im
perishable, unchanging lit*eni3L--the,
•obelisks of On, fit monument for the
dead city and its vanished glory.. It
is not wonderful that the city of Oil
lies in ruins, for in the lapse of time
all things must die, and 'nearly"- 4,000
years have passeA since this city was
in the height of its glory), It' is only
wonderful that anythimi fashioned
by..4mman hands, like this obelisk,
has lived' through the ageS of change
and death; has stood thrOugh Storm
and sunshine inimoVable, unchangea
ble, while empires . have risen and
fallen bekide it. •
- WARNEEs-A- ) Stery is;' a
told of
little child who; having, slipped
the' sidewalk one frosty; morning;
stood' and kept over the 'spot, warn.'
ing all passers-by ;of
.411 e danger
and I doubt much if there were any'
Who did not;need his advice,
And yet there are thousands of
good men standing by every danger
ous spot in the pathway,of life; warn
the - inexperienced . of ' l ithe dang 7
cis of. the way, and many are they
who,. with a Sell: conceit jthnost un
iniaginable, Pass Q n with 'a scornful;
laugh, and repent toq
Or perhaps, although the danger of
the' plade be great, they may not fall;
they Tags on to where another good
Samaritan is, waiting to advise thetn;
having gathered bravado,'!theY Vasa
'on with a sneer as Much to say,
‘ l ' Oh I 'hoW Weak are they who have
fallen! 'Ara strong, .1 can keep my
balance," but sooner or later they will
fall. It is inevitable ; arid:the longer
they .continue their course the greater
will be.the shock and the more com
plete his destruction. , - •
The little boy. had, his reward in
seeing people act upon his -advice ;!
; but those . whole-sonled, generous men.
- who are laboring for the gaud of un-I
appreciating fellow] beings, Seldom'
have this. satisfaction. • -
Yet let thempreSs on their work]
patietittir and well, for theyshall
their reward in the great hereafter as
- surely as those :who heed !'them not
shall be punished. I •
"Julius, why didn't ,youlen your
stay at the Springs?" "Kase ! , Mr. Snow,
- deraharge totgaueh_ ,
_."' "Hew au, 'alkali"
241:4a bafflxd ohargad die! oolorod yid OWN, 4, avow • 1.
Jane - Only- Bwisebelm writes tPe
fejloWink to thet-l' Tacittnt. Can. I.
dal, rhick'xontalift V
Much - W 1
vice and words ofif.:st r atilt to - laktenlis:.
Bafore, this Hattnlet, horror pusits
out of the public kind, penalt ine , to
call attention to the, lesson it One*"
on the common" habit 'of leav: g,
children to the care of Servants &
a t
Othei irresponsible persons.' it -*
possible that OrtWein 'told the ' truth
in hiS last - confeSsion, and - that ' e
had Simply , been Waiting an otporth;
nitrwhich would 4ertainly Itave come
sooner or later, but the` - probabilitSs
,are,"tha i t he lied .tO the last, and only
meowed that punt of, .his crile
which his 'shrewdness told him it_ Was
,useleS to deny; bat, however . thls
may be, the parents who Went, out for-
a soelal visit, and left two little girls,
from 'dark until bedtime and 'late !n
the night, wholly - in the isoweriof sin
apprentice boy and tramp, eannot-,he
held. innocent 4 the catastrole
which followed. •Toor Mr. and M .
llarrinet paid a 'sad, penalty for
Want of prudence I . but while We re
gard them as victims,.public safetly
requires that their neglect of duty
should not , go_ unnotieed. 1 ,
It is the more important that at
tention be called to this _view of the
case, since their delinquincy was a.
a kind so common in all classes irf
society. There ate perhaps few-
rents who do not, Sometimes, go Tr+
home and lease their children with
persons to whose care they would,*
entrust fifty dollars in cash., True,
few 6f the little ones are murder4(l.
,outright by theleguardifins, becauic
ihd number of absolute monsters of,
,human form is lifnited ; but' manyla
'child dies from unsuspected injnriks .
Ireceived at the hand of those, to
whoiie care itlhas bee n c onfided, while
, ,
Mather and mother took tea with la
neighbor., attended lecture, aco -
'theatre, ,
evening l
eert.'a a party or
prayer meeting. :Many a seed otdit3-
sown , is so , and many alesson . in
morality taught n ever dreamed of by
the confiding pare nts. Those parents
who, to enjoy any; pleasure Or memo
of improvementj leave their iittle
,ones to the care of .Biddy,picked ti;
:in an intelligence; office or , a tram
'called fromthe - roadside, are either
!groS. 7 'ly deficient in prudence - or in
Aatural affection 1- and ceitainly , ac
morally responsilde for the consi-
Auences of their 'neglect of duty. m
1 it seems bard" that a other shoul d
be ." tied at homei" but this 'is one
of the conditions of motherhood; and
'no Claim of ,society, no pretense dr
culture, no religious dutY, no mil -
sion ever can , 'release 'her . trim tl e
obliontion of personal care of NIA*
,childrca. . f i
i ' , • • •; I
Only when.sheos obliged to leave,!
theni - to earn thetr bread can she - be!
.niltleas,in forsfikinfr her post,lfor art
'hour, without prdriding a substitti .-
lon - whose sense o'f honor' and eft .-
4i(int'slie can rely g ; !.. ' . .
- This duty; of .eZconstant l personal
care! devolvea, principally, upon, _tile
mother, because it is.the father's.titk'
to 4.:i? •out•and ._„wi:jt their; bread ad&
whin she goes foOelaxation,it shoal'
be When he can sflppFy* her place 4t
houle. Society , "should not •Pepe t,
the ;father and mother of a family
gn Out , togetheo'or, evening amuse.
insinnts, except 'whim a g`rnildmothei.,,
or : Other relatio#, takes - . their . plad
at To m e. The birds Mighrteach lis
lessons on?, this .subject: bee
nest +bile the - other• - .
p:no.rds the
aniUif this terrible, tragedy teach
i s
onr'people. to thipk more of "the dan--
ger ;;;Of leaving chxklren' to, the care :
serVants it Will be something gaine
ince .ants,
Jverit to heaven I am
** than ever glad there are "mai4
maiiSions!' in that country, for if"e'tle
I rn s° fortimate as tUT..get there, iI
ani.Sure I shoul&not want him:in the
houSe with me. !I .;" ' :.. . • 1
. .
. KAPPPY l'lnitm--We. pity the Man
i 5
however proSperons his itectima
condition, or liett*er great his fain ,
whOhas not a ItaopY home. '
A happy home is the heaven of th Is
life. 1 Yet many pf Or most distlit 7 ;
guifilied men have not been fortunate
in this respect. tr - :- - !
•-..- They have beeli made to feet hol.
unsatisfactory wits the world's- at,
platiSe, or the pOssession of 'official
power, while all *as cold and, heart
less. or unsympatbizing in their . p9IL
rate homes. ' .
these I.intiappy--Matelies liar
;alWays, or generally ? been mule
from motives of ttmbition. They hae
seemingly . beenl the misfortune f
chnnce. But what a terrible misf H.
tune: L i All the t: distinction in t e
world affords nd compensation fin.
suet', deprivations There.di sotrip-*
.about many 'un
happy Matches. r 'A, young coupe
marry from actual preference ..f r
each other, and trim no motive h t
sineere affection ;1 hut . a Want of co -.
geniality is subsequently ' develo ,
and la wretched home for life "is, the
result. Blessed, indeed, and ind i st
highly favored„ are they whose homes
froM beginning to end . are "always
happy. .
• .!! FUN, PIOT .110ETTE..
" I At,Low that ,ob, was palm:it," re 7.
marked a farmer, !'but nevertstel ,
determined Shanghai hen sitting Oa nest
full Of boiled eggs.?
• .
1• , .
•.• I •
A MAN up the Hu son.,, who advertises
his country seat fcni sale, centimes it to
the '4dimple on beauty's -cheek' , Mote cheek than dimple, inobly.' 1 -'
"Oh I've loved before,", said a Dettioit
woman to her fohrtli haishand ? ae she took
a handful of hair from his head becanse .
he ebsectcd to hangout • the week's waiih
: 0 •
• .
‘P.ellow-citizenit; .
said a carpet- r.
addressing an audience of colored peo le
in gonth Carolina, ' Via) , skin! is whitey " it
is trtie, but my soul blacker thanyours.",
1 • .. t
DeAn . nr," mad good old lady, Ito
was Unable to keep hp with her work, I
shall:he glad when I get into Eternity so
as fp 4ave, 'plenty of time to do eve • ."
AFTER Waiting four years, a Mi • .
lover:Anally pepped the tjuestion, and
Ithi answered, 'Of course, I'll have yint.
Wlty;l you fool you, we-could hive beep
married three years ago."' • • -
a. *iayr.usa editor SllllllB,u the calaini-.
ties of 1874:--,
First that Beecher busiOss,'
the* the grasshoppers, then:the Dente
cratielviCtories, and now an increased iax
on-Whisky. What is this 'poor, country
coining to?"
"Where's themolaasee; Bill?" - sak a•
red-headed woman sharply to her min,'
who shad returned with an empty. Jim.,
"No* in the city,' mother: Everygnxtry
bas •al large board- outside, with hitters
chalked on it,: "N. 0: Molasses:"` • I
• X 31 : Ali out West who :martiedt,a widow
has invented a devim to cure her of "etkr
nally?.! praising her former husband.
Whenever she begins to descant on !Os
Tiobieipialities, this
No. 2 m y /re-'
ly says: "Poor, dear man! Now I sit
he liail . not died I"
" DIED very seddenlY," said 9ne
fenaale to another at the Post Office vtin..
dow in . Detroit. "and did tte bum ihis
life insured?" asked the other. " TOW""
three thousand dollars." , Ob, col, then
it tat so had, 'His vrifs cm bays &Aiwa
.set, !Nam *IOW - 6141 1 a- silk titian ) . 0.0
saw& tam*/ duff . to Ott tgs
wartik . - •