Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 01, 1875, Image 3
Vradfora Ppotter, Town:* Pa, Thursday, April 1, 1875. , LOCAL i AND GENERAL. REMEMBEit Dr. CATTELV ' S lecture next Tuesday night. !, THE Sprink term of the, public school will commence on Monday next: xnE cOmpelfCtl, for want of room, , to petit several advertisements and obitu ary notices, Which will appear next,week. THE PreSl) . Yteriap Church - sociable will be at the hone of . J.tlits MACFARLANE on this [Wednesday] evening, Mardi 31st. ATTrNTIOS is directed to the advertise ment of assignee's sale of I harness, etc. The sale will afford 'an excellent opportu 'nity for'the linreliase of such gS,O(IS cheap. THE N. 7111.10 will:be gratified to learn that D. A. OvEni.o.ii, Esq., contemplates - resuming , the practice of. the law again'. There is always 'a demand for the legal services of sueh men. .DON'isFAIL to be present at the enter tainment for ;the I)c>pefit of th'e Susque hanna -Collegtate Institute, in Mereur's Hall, on Friday Eyening. April 2. We know that a hell musical treat is in store for those who may he so fortunate as to - . attend, ,AT THE annual election for Vestrymen of Christ Church, held on Monday last, flit following gentlemen were chosen for the current yOr ( 7- Mi C. 31Euct . n. E. T. Fox, 3. F. )hiANs.:l - , - , W. HALE. MC CABE, 0. I). 8.1.11 . 11,ETT. W. (L TRACY, and R. T. : • INsTiTcrEl.l-3..TVRECOUIt,E.—the next lecture in the 'course hwilllK delivered by Bev. W. C. D.. President of Lafayette r*.lh*e,.,(uiTuesAlay. April 6th. The lecture is bighly Spoken of. and th'ose, -who have heard the, I),oetor speak need no second invitation.; We 11,,i,e to see the Louse tilled on this i,)ceashm, THE :it lA'e.4l Franklin: under the supervishinl..4rf I : ti.i.EY. dosed on the 17th. with alt Exhibition. that was well attended. i The, Itoll of hithitn'idt ring the tl'111) fu iws ; . 4.)[ T LILLIE FI I I).\ SMILEY. iIENNUE WALTER. 1.1)..91 SNII7II. CAM: IF: .1 EN JS;l.ti' PLiTT. 1.44 WHAT DoEs frr MEAN ?-31r. S. AVICK HAS4.• lOn r townitip. brought t4l this office on Tn i esday last.•a 'quantity of live griNshoiperr. which he iniorined IR. had taketir fo;;n4is wheat field. The ohlest . inhalPitanf doe: not remember hay in seeu insect.; alive and active at Ilds . ::•e:ison of thi, yea . r. and -the (Ines-thin nowis. what (1,, (1 .; it iti6ll? 1031 A Tisi•Ft• - icirmi situ 1(..f money having • :1 • - tt Avarrinu the committee. \ a inlietiug to or the Voiltig. Men's, Christ ian A ssoeia t ion, all I, . • pt s Noll , & siring to nielllllt2l.'s. or ,i • • .1..0' tite finielttl‘in (ic . s i atell a ......,•;, e 4;ty. are requested to I, iul the Lecture 'tooth of the M. E. t'llnrch, t,n Friday evening, April t?. at 71 o'eloek. • I:vrr.Nl our libtirtfelt condolence 1.1 Mr. of ~ ..thesheq u i, Ivitot hat, been . called ttpott dar ing the . pat taco Week; father, nii)ther. Wife. sisters. all tif 'whom ,lied at. hi. house. Twf) older s'sters were lying at the poitit.. „. 4 . tleath at last ae ,oant.,: Siurly. "hi life we are in the midst of death. — . . _ F.NE RA I INSV•R_VNC'E AGENCY M 0 24- - lf OMEN ATT4 , IINIIY .1T LAW. il\tilMl:•SluX ER. • . STuire, Jan. 1, FrIlE TE(T AND 1'.1 . 11.,DER. 111,110, 10 10f0:113 11, ,ilj2en: nT ToNsan43 NI - 11111y. 11.11 h., wit give partivill:lr atfr.titi"it drawitqz Iii:11:11-r 103 st-N o.k prinAN 31Erri ;S. LL: l:tie flat:: far - direvtion of 111, 1.( 11 ,!2•111.t:ilaVe : been ti olerably well trutieti: The met tile.; vas addressed ;t titttnbri• i speake:r:s who tlisettsed tit ;,..lvititt:ft:v.,,e total abstinence, the n—•fulitt , ,, and nt-ed of lodge. au , l the aavantages Hand (lii.advantageiito !,•Taper,me, .;f 'the late legislation. _:%feet inr:2.- inite to be held _until after .it ,c itt .1 tale. -t:veyy, atturtio,ot at -1;.;i,3 leettiremnittpf Chtireit. N.; w Em . A 11%—A. little a:tug-liter elf \ N , ttrrit aged only six years. vlin.hedo pat the wheel of a heavy wagon hl front of her father's house. nuday last. unnoticed by theAriver, I-. who started his train. throw the child to the ground, the heavy pa, , ing over her' neck - and breaNt. ‘.l t Was sllllllnolled at ollee,...titd a cariltil cxauiina Unt. decided that •criousinjury had itten indicted. The child NV:I , ir:04 , 11 able to .it up. to the, great of her parents. who look ni)on her es 'ea If , from ileatii as I:ittle'y,tliatt a ulici -kb 1.,11,,,, v i ng carer; were ehoto.ell 1 I,ailic,'3iite Society Of Christ Church. ol 'their Itwioting • Pit •itl: D. 13.%itTl.ETT 31Encrit 7.• T. JUNE. T„ r—MiSS IJEssrE . PHINNY. •itfFr fJ • • •• . e , G, TRAcy, Ti l 1E PIOLLET. MER . E. )1. GEO. -.Mrs. 1)r. JoliNsozkz. Miss cAmtri: Fr- ('. MEncun, E \\- Al--% It `1.1:v! , Ls at Christ' Church. oil Easier, l'y erestißg'. The thlraliteeora- wcre arran:red' with artistic taste. -;••;11,1 tin% niusie was exieeptionally got . O. of two excellent bass voices. ')1 „+., 1111-.. v an&,. aas n , 'lireal•le' by the Whole congregation. Aft••r• an al.ipropriate nii4l eloquent dis -1,10,V by the Itect,,r . , 'Rev. E. 3 1c4- t" hi the i i Irnitig the conununititi Av.:- ccleliratell. evening anotlipr sermon on the subjtiet of the rest; : n•.•th was ilelivert.A. • '. The offering at the, itiorning service - Amounted to $1.27. rts: follows : foreign domestic missions, (includ ing for the Indian rnisiiion. anti *l5 for 1-Inn to colored iieople) $3O:, ' ; . • • I] rector suggestett ilutt Inentlx•N of. the coogyegation - should ,enclave the i.f his or Ler offering in ail •. it shouldye ap . - plielr The idea waSI a Iwise one, and givt. , . r evident - T' that - I . llr. .31c11.- I'AiNE is a practical Clittreh as well as an elnquent and sdccetisftd preach ,. • er of_the WOrd. Orri Towle—lxis REsouncEs—Solcz op .ITS BusiNEss ESTABLISHMENTS.--It baa been 'Written that villages, cities and na flank like individuals, are born, grow and die, and in the records of history wn flub this thought verified. Our own borough will not, can not' prove an exception. Born in 1812, we have had our puling, feebleiinfalcy, but strong with hope even. in.our,tender years; ive have, by nature's law, appropriated and assimilated; until now iu 1875, we number thousands, where thirty or forty, years ago we num bered tenf;. We are growing, and our growth. like that of all things, is deter mine by our natural and artificial ad vantages. The river, as a channel for trade, was eclipsed liy the canal; and the canal; 'in turn, bir the .railrmuls. These roads put us in easy communication with the -commercial centres of the, East and South, and the grain depots of the West. Added to ouP vast agricultural surround ings, imn, - coal and timber, of fine quali ty, are conveniently pear for 'our use in manufactures. Business men' recognize . these advanta ges:and know that 'as -we are put in right relations with these rich es of nature, we. must grow. And the (lay is not far distant, -when our present thriving town of 3,000 inhabitants will, through. the introdUction of manufac tories. become a prosperous city. Our.. natural advantages invite capital, andite, only needs proper encouragement on the part ocour real estate owners to convert the banks of the Susquehanna fur milks . into a manufacturing city. Prominent among. the many maamfao teries and workshops which have . of late been springing up in our midst, the TOWANDA EURERA . 3IOWERCOM . PANY stands at the front l Among the later corners in our midst, it shown itself a ' sturdy and promising child. Three years old this month,- and yet with all the pre cocity of American products, 1138 courted and consummated its - first marriage; having since the last harvest united with the original WlLnuft's Eureka Mower Manufacturing Company of Poughkeep sie, N. Y. In this consolidation the old firm name,lToiranda Eureka Mower Co., is retained. This cOmitination brings the whole business of manufacturing the di-„ rect draft Eureka Mower to Towanda. The Company are now become full own ers• and proprietors of the patents and territory of the United States, for the manufacture of Eureka Mowers. This Mtitver deserves more than a passing no tice. It has been in use about ten years, and when first put in the markets of the States, was.a lone child, to be mocked and laughed at. To seem, rather. than to be, is the prevailing - study - of mankind. and so outward appearances and looks, 1 or any strangeness, make the farmer very ! PowELL, A; Co. shy at first. What ! draw a mowing ma- The senior member Of the firm, Hon• chine direct, instead of at arm's length ? do-Ern, PtiwEr.i., while quite a 3;'.oung ' Have the knives in front of the machine; 1 Man. in 1852 struck . out from the' old —not off en one side ? Have one horse beaten isttlt . of business in those days, , ,actually walk in thk grass before it is anti s toek a •.new departure". He purchas- cut ?• Nonsense ! And off "walked the ed gOodSfor cash and sold them so much Man that always plowed, planted and liar- lower than other ..dealers, that notwith- vested the satire kind of crop from the ' standing the fact that 'he kept mi books, same field mai in the same manner that lie soon: took the lead in -the mercantile his lather did. He would lose one guar business; and .in 1857 found that the ter of his hay crop by exposure, becattSe . !tinkling occupied on the north-east.cor- his father did, by always stirring his hay tier - of Main and Pine streets, was too with a fork, putting it in cock, and then contracted and be erected a large store. 'opening anti stirring it again; -- instead of ; Oil the eppOsite side of the street. ; A fel%; testing the.. merits of the Direct,Draft .years later, he was compelled to again Eureka .dower, cutting five feet with ! enlarge- by the purchase of the corner same power and time that he could ent,i store . frt; - in F. T. Fox. At_ this tine his four feet with a side-draft mower, and trade had become so large that he admits- l eav i ng the grass in the best possible po- ted T. C. DELallo as a partner in the sition to cure, without the use of a "ted totsiness. In .February, z. 1870, the store er." saving. expenSe of Stirring the hay; was destroyed by fire, but the firm made the machine-mowing back and forth. on no delay in securing the l a r g i a new build- tite side of, the grass-plot, avoiding the ! ing width they now: occupy,, and in a - Very net...essiry of mowing up and down hill:1 short time Opened a larger ;and more at- This mower conforms to the surface in an tractive stock of goods than ever. Suffice admirable manner; has special advantages !, it to say their bitsiness lias . i:ontinued to on stony, stumpy ground, and low, wet increase _each y ear. until no w th e i r sales bottom lands. In fit, is every way a reach aliOns:f $300,000; ammally.! The first-elass mower.- As a direct-draft j basemenytory is oceupieff by the grocery mower, it became at once a common ewe- ; department; the Main floor by .the; fancy my fitr the-makers of - Side-cut Machine's, goOds and - (notions, cloths, ,dress goods If the principle of "direct-draft" is right, and common dry goods department;: The and.most feasible, then the side-draught second floor contains. th e car p e t s , boots and side-cut principle is wrong and ms and- shoeS. .and hats! and caps. Three tenable But like the staunch oak; stand years :• since, E. Thomas Nom.E. was ad- ~, ing exposed to the fierce storms, and !: mittemt as a member of the firm, and ilk!' 'striking deeper root because of the blast: whole business management is entrusted s o has the direct-draft Eureka Mower, in , to the two . ,junior members. The store is spite hf opposition, taken firmer hold in the favorite resort of town and country th e judgiTit of the farinar; and to-day ' people, and stands at the head of the thousands are owning and using them ' mercantile - establishments in Northern giving cumulagve testimony of its great Pennsylvania. practical henetit\in saving time and nui- Near by, is another large establishment, ; ney, At the trial eld by the Verintint which confines itself strictly' to the dry Stite, Agricultninl St iety, in 1 . 872. the ! goods trade. We - refer to the well-know Grand Gold 3ledal was . warded. the En:. and .successful' firm of reka. In this trial twenty-Mree - side-cut .T.m.on & Co. • machines were in competiOak. In the 1 'Twelve or fifteen years since two of the , State trial: held by the Agriculth -it Soci most truSted and popular salesmen at sty of St. Joseph, Mo..:in 1572, th first i Pow Em.'s Were ~JAmEs W. TAyr,oß and i premium *-Silver Medal—was awn led M. M. SP A I.DIN e. After becoming tho- , the Eureka. There were' no -State triaa,L kind, ; and now after a period of nearly mighty acquainted 'With the business, , in 1874. yet.the Eureka won and receiree"k wt i' t Y Y ears ' is toiug a r large business, they determined to embark in tntde on mane preaniumS in the'honest coavictions 1 elf.'o"YmAr from fortYto seventy-five Men. aorwert-, from Mr.ll. is known far and- wide for the isn their own account. Mr. Tavton opened of the people. and many astore here: and Mr. SP:II,DING became 1 the ranks of its enemies. To-day the fat_ perior character of his work. ! partner in a house in Athens. In 1807. - tory is like a busy hive of bees. Fifteen , In connection we take pleasuni in this ; , r attention to the rV they form rs formed a-copartnehip., and erected - full car-loads of material were reeeivedat ! calling .: " cart( ' t'aeto • the store which they now occupy. The , the works during the .hoist week. Aof new : . .s building is three-sboried, with a basement, : iron frame mower, cutting 4 feet :flitches - , ,every niche and corner of which is filled : is one of the latest articles of manufac with goods peculiar to their line. It has -, titre. This mower was well - tried in-the beeinne a matter of eomment, that Tax- last. harvest, and will commend itself to Dot A; C 0.,, always have the best goo d;i, - ; the farmer cutting few acres of grass, or and sell at the lowest figures. The pro- having hilly, stony, or stumpy ground. Prietors anti clerks are a obliging, and , The company is making, a tine assortment seem to haie the faculty of Pleasing all. of plows, among which 'appear the ism- The establishment is an ornament to-the, . beams—" Eagle," "Champion," anti "Pa- Proles: 4 °n il - na "tie of the institutions of- tron;" the celebrated shifting-beam Plank the town. : ,-, Plow, so extensively used in the Cumber . Just across the way we enter the mans. ' land Valley; (the company receiving an -:, moth hard Ware store of , order for 100 of the lattert ploWs. from ~ - - Coormsn, lirssem, & Co. • t; one grange, a few days ago); the wooden The senior members of the firm bought ! beams, Blatchley N 0.., 1, and Blatchley out D. C. Ifat.t. about 1860, and at once ':-No. 2: the No. 1 Green, famous in East- , eemmenc e d to enlarge theirborders. They lent New York, etc. It does a large job were doing is prosperous business., when, 1 bing business,—always holding itself in in iStiti their establishment was destroyed ! readiness to and accommodate the by tire. They then erected a temporary farmer. . - letilditet on l'ilie street,. where they re- I Near the works of the Eureka Compa niained until the oompletion the next l ny, on the opposite Ade? of the street, year of one of the most substantial and ,'stands a handsome story building, with i ornamental buildings in the StatL It is mansard roof and basement. This really 100 by 4.2 feet, with - entire solid iron I model structure is the , front. The, other walls are brick and fire ss ! : .L.,00T AND SHOE MANCFACTORY OF HUM proof, and the entire cost wilt . s3o,ooo. ; I'HHEY BROTHERS &- TRACV. ' They usually carry a - - stock of $40,000, i 1 It is situated on the corner of Main and and do alwavy wholes le and retail laisis ! , Elizabeth -streets.- Is five stories high, mess in every department of hardware, , ; anti fronts Ai. Main-st. Its dhnensions employing allarge capital and 15 to 2 .-° i are 40 by SO feet. The first door is (welt employes in manufacturing, selling, etc. pied by the oat ee and sales-room; the see- The establishment has no equal in North- I old floor by upper-leather 'stock room, ern Penitsyl6nia, or indeed -anywhere • cutting room;: fitting room 'anti crimping outside the large cities. The present firm room; the. third floor by bottoming (le is coMpoStia 1 ; d• the following named gen- 1 partment and inspecting room; the fourth Heinen : CoL J. A. Ciinnoics, lion. C. S. i floor, by bottom:finishing and • treeing 11u55,41.1. J.r.t. 11. Conumo, and • C. 3 I 1 ' roonis; also roost for storing boots after I - 1 I laa.. t II• T JITNE ' ! they are ready' fur Tihipment; the base -, • . ! meat is occupied one-half for sole-leather also owns and controls the H Store ardware ! cutting room; and: storing the leather, founded ley ,Msiat-suatt.. BROTHERS, in ! • and the other half for . storing shoes and Mercur's Block. Mr. J. is one of those i • , prudent, ca re ful men who always succeed. • - I rubbers. An elevator, in centre of build- By ' ' close attention to business he knows ! in "g ' runs from basement to top floor. - . always'; In July, 1871, Ina B. Ilustcuntsv and just what his'customers want, and , etas. D. liestennEv commenced bttsi . keeps a "in. piily-of the very best goals in 1 n '--i-ness anti manufactured on a somewhat Ids line. which lie is enabled to seThat very ! limited scala; until Jan., 1871, when C. L. low rates, owing .to the fact that his ex- , TRACY was admitted as a partner, and penses are small.• His customers number , k %. t , 'some of the best and closest buyers in ;the new firm porch sod the present bnild- • I in and greatly increased their facilitieS. this community, which is pretty good cvi- . '• • deuce that he can make it to their interest. Their sales now amount to about $300,009 For years past old fogies have been i . i I a year. The pay-roll for labor averages - 000 ' prophesying that business would soon 41 be I , a. week, which is distributed overdone, and; that too many stores were I among about 75 employes. 'they turn . , being establighed in' our midst ' Every ' i 0 out about 100 cases per week of all grades m reverse new corner prOves the to be true, i gls . fiv t-ed boots, from a fine French calf ;In the spring` of 1871 two young men i n Ito heavy kip and mining boots. They search of a good location to embark in I make nothhing but first-class work, and • the mercantile; business, were directed to I use none but the best of material. Their this place. They came, they saw , an d goods are all - band-made, no machines be were pleased, % The, result was .i ing employed in pegging or sewing. The EVANS &" ITILDRETH 1 reputation which the "Towanda Boots" . Soon atmounced to the p u bli c th at th ey i have attained, bears witness to the care cycle prepared .to sell dry goods at their with which the material is selected, and new store on Bridge St. The firm took a , ;the goods manufactured. - - strong hold on public confidence from the i . The different members of the Mu have first, and to-data more prosperous is not 1 each their particular . branch of the busi to be found auywhete,in the State. By l o tte.r.s. to which they defote their whole at personal attention tolusiness , aud a care-. 1 tention. I. B. IlcurirnEr bilis all. the ful regard to the wants and interests of 1 Stock and looks after its manufacture, t- their -customers, they always find plenty ' C. L. TRACT has charge of the office, the to do, and those who pfirchase goods of '-books, and: the finances. C. D. Hux4 them are sure to refura. - . " *zinc cbivatei big time to "rololikoAry" .Our educational facilities are not ex celled by any town of the sameisize in the ciintr;i, while the six Out:Qs indicate tlitt the moral and: reliOous training of our people not neglected. Among 'the many buAness establish , which have contributed to our present: prosperous condition, none are more' noticeable than the Large l geneMl store of. TOW A NI) 1, PA In the Jewelry line, - W. A. CHAMBERLIN was the pioneer, and still continues to lead the trade, although the rapid growth of our town has made room for several other „establishments in the same line.- Mr. CHAMBERLIN embarked in business in 1840, and after thirty-five years of in dustrious attention' to business, finds him self comfortably well off, with a store and stock of goods, which are seldom equaled. His long, experience and honorable deal ing have'won for him the confidence of the entire community, and have done much toward giving our town the envia ble reputation which it everywhere enjoys of containing reliable, substantial busi ness men. • 'work among the customers, his 'time bes.: ing principally taken up in the( mining regions otthis State L. R HEW a ITT er 0. G. Fads are also engaged inlooking to the wants of customers in_ other fioe tions of the State. -,The shipping i depart ment is in charge of C. W. PAS. The foreman of the freely - is 440.' ii.,. SXrrit, who has held the positionl for the' last three years, and Irom his lon expo rienee in the manufacture :of bp , ots, is well qualified to fill the pIace..REDJ. 1 - I l' tnvaEurrouu has charge of the so e leath er department; JOSEFILt OCRS, of the fit- } _tang room; and W. H. KERSHNEI is su- . Tenntendent of the bottoming epart- nient, and inspector of the work. '• - Every part of the work is doll in the most systematic manner, each •rn has- ; ing his own particular part to dO, and as m i every department is under the Supervis ion of an experienced person, thelgoods, When .finished, will compare faVorably with any in the. market.' In connection With goOds4of their own nianufactUre, the firm also carry a full line of Ladies'l, Miss es', • and Children's fine. shoes aid also , rubbers. Everything needed in theline of lic•ots and shoes by-retail dealers may be f'ound in their stock. We must not neglect to notice tlie mord ridepf the 'employes of . this extensive es- : tablishment. The reproach and odium which has attached to the discipleslof St Crispin, is certainly undeserved by i Ilym- i ODIEY BiOTHERS ft. TRACY'S opartives. Nearly all of them are sober, indu strious intelligent men, who would honor any profession or any station in • life.l Such men -7 .38 ALGER, the Mow Ens,• fiiMITII, ITADLEY, IIErNGEItroIuNKERSRNER, LEY, MIDDLES', ALDRICRES, WI • BLODGET, KEILLLALEA, OCRS, and elevate the mechanic's calling to till itAfOuld always occupy. 1 : ; Teil years ago CflEsTEn WELL carrying on the cabinet-Making ba in the brick store fronting on Court His establishment was thought i 1 .. unite extensive for a town of this Mr. I ..CarNsos also carried on the business at the lower end of the The two establishments combined 142 y reached a business of $ 25 , 000 i, mini. In' January, 1865, J. 0. ruosT succeeded Mr. WELLs.'and at once f !itlfled largely to the stock; he ° at the 'mine time pnrchased the two buildings occupied by J. O. FunsT & Soss, 1 and gradually increased his stock nil .had one of the finest Surnitureempd in the. State.: The - same 'year he i small steam engine in the basement Court. street store, and commence 4 manufacture 4 bedsteads mid- table;: in a small way, for his own retail traria. - In January. 1831, he admitted his twoisons. EDWAqn and LESTER IL, as partners in the concern. The new thin at once let to work and erected a large brick. building on Charles street, and fitted it' up with mdeliinery for the 'manufacture of all kinds of. furniture. They now employ abOut sixty men; and it, is greatly to their credit that notwithstanding the " ! tight times," r they always pay off on the fist of theinontlf., The concern consumes near ly :,',.000,0(10-Ceet ,of lumber per annum, and the manufactured goods find a inar ietall through .Southern New York) and PennsylVania. They ' make large ship ments to l' i biladelphia, Scranton, Elton, llarrisburg, Baltimore, etc. They Make a specialty of extension tables and cottage chatuber -sets. Their jobbing , ,eflule amounts to nearly $1'.25.000 annually.i In addition to their wholesale latsitiess. they have a very large retail trade, Aviicli is constantly increasing. as they are en ableillo give their customers - better pri ces.':' There are several other ilxtensive Mall- Ufa&OrlieS,Willeh are entitled to credit for aiding in earning fur our town its preent enviable reputation. large plaiting• -mill and sash itud door. factory_of L. IL flonnEns, was one of the first establishments of the JAMES lIHVANT. This establishment was started nearly forty-five years ago by G. H. DHASE.,_ who continued to conduct the business until IW, when it passed into the hands of BitviT & STUI.F.N. After a year', or two' kr. 8 . . became sole proprietOr. • Shortly afterward the establishment was burned, when the enterprising proprietor immediately commenced arrangements for the erection of a building better snit .ed to the wants and requirements of his business. The building now occupied, is 1050 i, and three . stories high. Mr. !B. occupies the whole of it, and has none to o much room. He is a practical inechani and : superintends the factory in pers4ii which guarantees the best quality 14 work. After retiring from the firm of I3itv.t;4 Sirt / EN, Mr. llENitv ,STOLEN erects: a lai+ge building on Pine street. where has since carried on the same busineS Mr. 'S. is quite an artist, and the superi:4 finish of his work makes his establisl ment very is Tula r. We also have the large and prosperol foundry and machine shop of MEANS, RUCEWELi. & Coa. employing a large number of nnT, fine lind it necessary to continually crease their facilities in order toke( pace with the demands for their wo4. AMong the more recent industries Towanda, we opine that the TOWANDA Guam FAN . Co. is soon to occupy a prominent ix)sitioil The' establishment was organized tat fall, „and commenced buSiness in a careft l i way, but we learn that nearly three* hue diva of their mills have been built, arti thatithey find a ready sale among inte9 gent farmers. The company is compose of C. M. M.vsvu.r.E., E. E. Burrisorol and J. W. JoimgoN. The latter gentl man, is the patentee. and it. was a forte , nate day for- him_when he succeeded interesting ('apt. *S - vtLra: in his inveil tion. His capital, and practical busineS qualifications have ;11riatly made the no candidate for publidjavor a success. MONTANYES also continue •to carry o the dry goods had crockery business a the old stand, and do not seem to be at al affected by their young competitors. KENT & WATROUS. Although new-comers, having been amoni us - mily 'a few months, have establishl' a large and paying business. They keel noneibut the best quality of goods, tun their;store always seems neat and attract tive.: I In .ho clothing line. we have a titimbet of ;first class houses. Among thine J. K. BUSH is not the least if he is the last. Mr. B 1 has just established a store in the room rkerktly occupied by Mrs. J. It ibtx,auti is now displaying a stock of ready made clothing. of the very best quality and thel latest styles: There is always room fon just *rich enterprising, intelligent merJ i chants as Mr. Busu, whose excellent: so-. of goods clearly indicate that he "aadaditands ids budnesk." We venture • the prediction that ho will not only be. come'a pehnenant resident but one of the sterling business men of Towanda. 7 ' In addition to the establishment refer red to above, 31. E. ROSENFIELD gas for several yearn taken the lead in the clothing business, and "holds his own" against all competitOrs. Ms establishment is too well known to require more than a mere mention. The old-established house of A. Sountos hi 4 for more than a score of years been tlaresOrt of close buyers of ready-made . His large store is alwaysL sup plied with a large stock.. DEcKEnlinos., . • • successors to Junius WOLFF, will not be ifogtten .120,those in• search of stylish, as !well as durable, goods. Both young men have served a thorough apprenticeshiP at the business, and what they, don't- imoiv about buying and selling ready-made - Clothing, is not worth knowing. Mr. LEWIS and 11. JACOBS are both well-known to ready-mule clothing buy ers, and always command" a fair share of patronage. HinAm TAYLOR • Makes a specialty of gentlemens' furnish ing goods,'but always keeps a large stock Of clothing manufactured especially for MEI .1. L. 31c3LtuoN keeps a full line, of ctidhs and trimmings, and makes ;.tari . nents to order on the shortest notice. Lie is an experienced workman, and ,never fails to suit custom- onicceeded A. Hart in the candy. and:confec- Honery busihess, and in the few yearS he has conducted the establishment has earned for himself a most 'enviable repu tation, as, a sagacious, honorablk useful, Man. , His goods are always fresh and new and command a 'ready sale. His ice cream especially has a wide reputation._ and is pronounced by the' best judges as plus ultra. It :Mulls us much pleas urs' to call attention to his establishment. LBF:11, there, plane s was =1 ftreet. o be ME/ EMI tuna. Jrt rim- taco years since WHITCOMB •t SU CT rE:m purchased the Book Store. and News Boom of F. J. ('Aid ENS. "rhey I%e - re both strangers but their cotirteous man ners, intellig4,,.nre and :sterling busins qualities soon won them not only a 'IRO of friends but a large class of .eits toMers. They keep everything in the liiie cif hooks, stationery, wall paper, pic tures and franO. and have the pleasant est way iu the-world of waiting upon ens tOmees. They are entitled to the'eoiiti deuce and patronage of all who desire to purelmse goods in-their line. 1.. K. 11Altuis, next door to W. A. ('n.\Mntetu.tx, has a large and elegant assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, and. we are glad to know is doing a successful business. I [is customers are 'Mine - ions, and his Manner of doing business seems to suit the people. COuntry merchants will find it to their interest tit call and examine his stock. TIM c l roekery business as a distinct tratle, was first engaged in by WiII:RAM . & BLACK, and about a year since MIS it= ' ut a If the 4 the 0. A. . . purchased the interest of Mr. W, lie ha:• . ; one of the largest and most cimven iently arranged store in Northern Penn kiyhfania. It was fitted up especially for hisibusines, and is ornanicntal as well as coayenient. Mr. IL keep&i the lar4st and best assortment of crockery, cutlery and plated be fimnd in any estab‘ lislitnent in the cenntry. .11e is also gen eral agent for the Singer Sewing Machine and diies something the insurance husi ncsS. Ile is a capital business man, and has the unliounded confidence of tlni-en are: community. Ilis business is rapidly Increasing 1 1 ,w I years silty% & pnrehased the Old IlumminEy Boot and Shoe Store; just north of .the Nathymil Bank. 'llse establishment had limg been eery popular, lint it ha. lost WM!' its prertige tinder the immageinent of the present iina. p6)prieters are both well pia ted in 11w busino:s, keep a full stm,k, sell cheap. and are strictly just and 'minor:dile withal. They arc. an 14411110 r to our town. and a credit to the mercantile profession. For want of space we are compelled to forego mentioning many other establish ments. !nit will continue Our notices in another issue. S'cwiety held a special mecjing in the Opera house, at Troy, 61 Montray. I'dareli 22, C01..1011s F. MEANS in the:chair. Numennts donations _were annOtincell. , • Ibm. llENnii W. Wt.l.l,lA.Ms, of Tioga county, was honorary' member. Hon. S. I). ILtItKNE;:sI. Hon. V. W. T. DAviEs, , Esq., .T. MA DILL; Em., B. PECK"; ELHANAN Esq., A. C. IFANN 'NO. Esq., LLEWELLYN Et.snum-:, D. U. TURNER, Ann_ M SELL, G. B. DAvtosoN, IL F. Itimt.NoTos and A. S. HooKEn, Were elected members. The Secretary read the ; following letter tiorn our former president TOWANDA, Pa., March 22. ISIS. To the, Officers and Members-of the Brad ford County Historir4tl —Gcii tlewen thmen As I am deprived of the-pleasure I bad anticipated of meeting with you, which I nnich regret, allow me to offer my assur e ance of best wishes and friendship. The appointment of a meeting of the. society • in the western metropolis of the county, • was a. happy theught. NMI we had prom : iSed ourselves. the real pleasure of a friendly interchange and renewal of pleas ' • ;nit associations and reeollectiOns of for mer times. We now hope and trustlhat the good men and true of Troy , -and the western portion of the county, will. give to the Society their names, : influence and sympathy.!, and assist .those who have un dertaken' to preserve treasures of local history. The Society is yoUng but vigor oils; its members are some of • bur most 'Worthy, and intelligent citizens. The right hand of- fellowship . Is extended to you, our western friendS, in a spirit of Most sincere cordiality and fraternal af fection. A local history of our county is being written under the fosterling care of this society, which will tnmsmit to posterity the history of pioneers and early settlers who lived and toiled and died undervery different circumstances from what, we see to-day. And when a true history of those early times shall' be written, your oWn borough of "Troy and surrounding country, whose heroes subdued the dark forests and changed the wilderness to this wealthy business centre, shalt occupy some of its brightest pages. The work of the Society will soon be handed over to our children—to those who come after us. While it is in our' hands, let us make such a record that our sons will not blush to read it. Let us not leave our work for history, like tracks made in the sand, but lilt& characters chiseled in granite or marble, to endure for ages to come: Trusting that this meeting may he pro ductive of many and lasting benefits to the kOciety, and of pleasure to its mem , bers, and that you limy Ike to enjoy ninny social re-unions; and, that. we may alt live to see a well-written local history of our county; and that the Society may be strengthened by the addition of Scores of good members; 'and that it mat hdve alimidant success in every laudable enter prise;' and fully meet and secure the great object of its organization. For the fur therance of these objects,' you: have my bestyishes and co-operation. - I • I am, with respect, Very truly your friend, .To A. Ciesiam. C. S. FITCH Tbe - committee to visit Wenn;t6ibrary, by Mr. S. W. ALVORD presented their report. On motion, the ,repcirts from each of the above c,omTittees were ac cepted, and the committees discharged. R. A. MEncint, 5 W. ALVORD and EDWARD lir.unicirx i sq., were appointed a committee to7lect a design for the seal of the &clay. • Rev. DAVID CRAFT, Chairman of the Committee / ‘n the History of the County, submittedan interesting verbal report : Mr. S. S. HOOKER read an article on the 41istory of Advertising." On motion, the thanks of the Society were tendered to Mr. lloonEn, for his interesting ad dress. _ ' A. B..lloogyat, R. F; REOLKOTON, Hon. DELOS ROCKWELL and C.. C. PAIN; .were appointed; a committee to assiit Mr. CILVT in obtaining the history. of the . western portion of the county. • After Ternaries by W. H. CAnsocuAN, Esq., Col. J. F. INIEANs and H. N. WIT,- LtAms, Esq., the &kiety adjourned. r! R. A. MERCUR, see'y. CHAPLAIN WCAIIIE addressed a'crowded audience at the . 3rethodist Church on Monday evening Although laboring under the disadvantages of a severe old, and excessive fatigue, having spolOn four times the previous day, he was liStened to with the 'most intense and enthusiastic at tention. The fact of having participated in, and been witness to the horrors of that shameful reproach to modern civilization, Libby Prison, gave peculiar interest to his narrative: The fine art of the speaker was' evinced l' in the power with which -his iniinical'de , i lineations of its "Bright Side," brought :out every shadow of its darkest sUlfering and privation. 1 - the unutterable, pathos underlying the : . !tietails of merriment, was freigheed and 'surcharged with the con age and heroism of suchmartyrs- as only a grandLeause, ,lud lofty principle inspires, and th . hear .e r while he laughed, went bae -, awe struck, and reverent, into the presence of 'plieirivito could sun ile, while they gazed oVer the barriers of suffering anti death, into ; the regions of n nation's coming deliver ance. There was an inspiration in the pictured enduranee of the loyal prisoners of the . South. that rose to a strange pitch. when the speaker. as if borne up on the courage of a kindred faith; proi_daimed that —their„; hretheren lived Vi-day." It is ‘cell for Our hurrying generation, that there are men who are keeping fresh. the 'memory Of its martyrs and its faith to-day. and nobody does it better •than Chaplain 31% eanE. The way, in which " Father Abraham's gheptering arms of power were made visa hle again—the swift survey of (Itta.NT's career—the brief. but just allusiOns to stern adherence to justice: and the noble spirit that sustained his princi ples in Libby Prison struck us as opportune and eorrectily of the relaxing sophistries tif the hour. Over the amusements of the prisoners. Pertaiated•with fun and replete with in genuity, from the getting up of a conun drum, to the construction of a '• shirt tjag." one laughed until the tears came, ;Pl tutu unconsciously laid hold of the line philosophic, thought that ran like frame- Work through the whole structure of the 'Moral heri)isms that gave to these suffering soldier prisoners their strength, and forti tude for maluranee; at a crisis as vital. aUil fruitful, as were the tefit horrors of a pligan worhl to a Christian Church. As the speaki;ic•totiched lightly upon Bits of individual . history snatches of 6 - imance, flashes of thunder news from V:irksburg and Getysburg, his own terri ble illness, and recovery under the !Mrs ing of a mere-boy, who stood out front the canvass a‘ veritable boy hero, one felt that he was retraciUg a pathway through a: glorious past. Then came the return home, and its many lined parallels of va cant ranked returnings, that soldiers wives and . niother's listened to, weeping. !There are nice people who don't like clweribg in a Om reit. or laughter fronting a:pulpit. but they were not hurt in any permanent degree or incurable place, Mon day evening. We are inclined to thilik if their mental digestion'is . healthY.that it will be helped by the mirthful suggestive ness of Chaplain MccAnE. 'l'refaciiig his lecture with the vibrating " Amen Of DF.1,11)1: PIiAWTOICS '` Lost Chord," and closing Wahl.he tildis- Cljtlably sweet music "If Iwere a Voice," crowned with the final benediction Of the Pm* ,Lt Mete Doxology, we think the large loisemblv went out of the church with en larged proportions and onTesponding falth in principles that had sustained the noblest spirits of their generation. COUNTY 'SUI•kRINTENDENT. -TO . THE SCILOOL DIRE O CT6B (H' RADFORD OWN- Ti : The time to elect our next County Superintemleht is &timing nigh. and as yen are the persons in whose power it is to say whom we shall.have, do not pass it by as of no importance, as I am •afraid 'Many of you may do. Try and inform yourselves of the duties of the office; what its needs are; and also what has been done in past years; and then every one turn out to the election. Po not suf fer even one of your number to stay at home;'_thereby allowing a few to have their undisputed "say." We need some one who will give his whole mind and time to the work; some one who will raise the standard of educa tion in our county, and give it life and vigor; some one that will carefully look after the teachers,- encourage them, and help them by showing 0101111°w to teach; which might be done by visiting the schools. and at the yearly 'lnstitutes. • - We need some one that will work with and'for the teachers l as a teaches should for his scholars. Thefe are plenty of such mot in the county; he sure and have one of them for our next Superintendent. As one of the teachers . of Bradford county, I I feel that there is yet chance for great improvement 'in the Superintendent's work. And lam confident that I feel just as a great many other teachers do. Mime. March 2:1 PFinsotiL.--Idiss IT. Evx Tito paying a visit to her many friends in this place. McCABE • was present at the M, E. Sociable at the church parlors Tuesday evening last. • C. I CowAN, the genial, good na tured auctioneer, we regret to learn is about to return to Elmira. Ile has Made many- friends during his sojourn among us; . . notice Messrs. IEATJ, Conniso, KEENEY and IstEn , Tos, of i.aFayette Col le and .1.A.:11Ei4 R. MAcFinLANE, of Princeton, at home. . - - - i —Miss NELLIE CoLLIM is spending a-I : shprt. vacatiqn,witli her'parents. : BARTLE-7 & T.R.VrY have (Li:Joh : NI co the iusurrinee busincSa Mr. BARTZ:FITT Will continue Lusiuess. , FOYLE (k . 3lcPtiEnsoN, Attorneys, have (*solved copartnership. • 31r."FO1LE will soon cuter into business with H. W. PAT 7 nicEy ' ESQ. . . . . CM sir Go to for China. WOO to B Si- Boys. linen cola ii at 31. E. liostzwir.LD's Office. Air New Engrav I Store. Sir Milslc-B,es awl 31uslea1 Clocks, at: lltl; PLEmAN.'s.. • • Q lizNpLp virtaitatecl Wa -Yew Tab e Damasks, Napkins ,and Towel a EVA:4EI & 114tbarrit's: ' 'sip For the' hest Iloast nr Steak to ,to MYER*/ nirSDELL'S. ~ 1 i I 447 "i ' vw Etat rohlerter4 'White (' roods atorLacts at Eviis & iil bt[ETWB.• • fray- opera. }4l,i, and Spy Giasse's In a great va:': rlety,'nt I I iiENDELMAN*S. Sr Now Dre;,sl fr9....Nev . w (:Io Oar 1 you Vai at .1 t• xn's, we -4i oto wit; for 3fiiiir Books A .IArYaB l'apq and Curtaßis, cheap .-ht 'Wm . ! com 4 fill -11" T.. Mereur Block. ~ • . M . -For ki ids of goods I)o.lleJuNyelry fine call At I. 111 .N DI liMAN'S. ar3-I.Arg+stoCkot.l lOures ind Picture Fraines.4 at WHITCOMB ItCSIIACT . Ii, 31eicur Muck. -6 •.• . . . /YR- Anwrlcan'ainlFrench Clneks In gnat vatic. ty, at very low.prt i ces, at ' . LIESiDIMMAN.S. . -olio. • l - Manes. Tut! and Repaired. Orders may lit, let tat It tilliVA D i rag Stare. (;Eti,ittiii il; Cot.E. _ (rer New Prin(3 .tist or!iiP4i ai Tiedll. ii . ATH . ..... 31a 7 iett - I 41. t The TOMNi Wm County folly erlhlng the new, 114 proved Stdl-1/titoptitgyidopkt (.'otttity wilt bo sett to all aiiidleant,.. U. )1. AVitt.t.F.s.k. Sox., ' Yon SALE.--A ew Cow,, Itors - ,,, and kheep. on farm. and drdnL , 11.11., and tads to Towanda 11nrouglo. - It. P. 1-tht". Towaltda. Fon SALE prick Yard, t'tnitictly 00 . 10,1 'or tom., 31,03- to Ji ) s. and • Mrs. ark, tog jig . ..tit for Ito. f.C f lll , 7eni fi oi r 111. and 11 ,. .111”. to pr0,...x. intelltgetit "titttl,rollablc ror,tin. to art a 4 B, , ASIP.IIf Ite,l4ll!l!e , ' No. 70 51 . ..0111i (Mire .110Y - 35'2. TOt'On.LI, • 4 1 011 C - 1 to ‘49li Per DaY. 1 it PVP7 ;1.6.17 "r,r1.14 & )13ine. Cjay,3:.-7VI. Ar 4.• tit .171iiits Jirst roveixeil theirs fin , / invoke of Spring 11n.:,. thi - • • 17.17,-3w. Rs Niverhuy a Stove , until con have at •I 1 and .eti:uulu e d 11w New Empire. — :t me whieh has lie• er lii-tppAtitell the trileteta time; of the most fa , I.ll,u,ttolisewtfe. 1211 SPRING CUI.SER .01! Wm ready to , erye the paid! e with the iarge,t and Stovk of SHOE , , TR( i iN TR.a.Ar:Li. NG .B.A.fig AVer brought til Priel•S I.i Snit the tildes. Call awl see u.. Ciii" , ( 't t-ral:T X lt: ns i ll I A NOTICr.—The 1144er:sign e.I have . formed .lt,itartnership, with the firm tuittn. of It. M. .1.: •t... for the sale of Farm Mltelt'inery : :mil will , earry on their linsine.l. , . with their ellitat after Alitlfi lit . the Keystone Itfilliling, oil lately oeruplirtl he 'f.c.o Il oWEN. eXt south °II the Nttlional Ilatilit • . . 1 • I:. M. VE:.t.t:• e. Nfan-11 i 75.. EXAM ENATroNs of Teachers rot thc.siliii iner term of selitto4s l will be held as fol lows: Canton, Saturday, April 10., Troy, Tuesday.lApril 1:1. Doty Hill, Thitrsday. April 1:i. Towanda. Satutilay„ April 17. Some, Thursda.. APril SatUrday. April ..14. •• Applicants . vill Please come provided with pen. ink, load-pencil, toolscap. and Sixth 'Header. .4atnination to' begin at nine o'clock. a. IIT: A 1 • KEF.NEY; Snpt. • Towanda, March 30, 11.1;5, SHOOK, -•--.NEWMAN..,-- At the M. E. Parsonage. Melioopvniy. Wyoming; Co.. Mareh nth. iltev. Win. ?help, Mr. Christain Shook and Miss.:- Elizabeth Newman. all nfi Mourne.- Wyoming ('u. T o IV A r n'A 'M A4l K E,T witorEstAi.E POCES. • • Corrected every Wednesday, by C. B. PATCIf., subject to changes dally. wheat. V hush I . €4l 20 gi; 1- 3o lace. % buAi . !lucky:twat, 1 3 1/11S11 ./ - . Cont. ? 11.1101' . . _9O I 13t... 1 4 1.11,411 ' 1 : GO .. Beals,, V bush t ' 150 61, 200 Butter (rolls! 14 0) 2l (a: 22 do (dalry,) Vlb new , , 20 Eggs. V doz 24, Potatoes. 7 14 bush. new Flour. -e barrel i - .. 1 7) f.O ... 00 WEittlITF BitAtNi—Wheat*oo tree t , Corn 30 lbs.: Rye 50 lbs.; 1 lab 32 It.e ,, ir. Barley 40 Zs.: Buckwheat 5s tbs.• Beans 112 lb.: Bran 20 lbs.: Clover 00 Ite , .: ilmothy Seed 44 I tb..: Dried Peaches 33 Ibbs.: thleirApples 22 Is.: Flax Seed 50 lbs. . (41.70TAT1q n 0...F WHITErs and rOW- South Third Street, Phtlatit4jihta, 31arch 29, 1875. DID. Aslicp. 121't 1 121 , -:-. 117.), •114'„ 1 •• " •• • • Ilk'i - 1 1.`‘',i 121 P,, 121 '65..1. aud...l 119'i 119', 'il7, • •• • t 120'1 ' 120 N. " 120'i . 120':( 10-40. 44, 'OS, 111,40 m.. . 115 ~ 115', " racllle frs, cy I ll9lf, 1119 1 i New 9's, Reg. 18:41 J................. 115.-, :;.:115S •• •• c. 18S1 1 115 4 ,1 115•% Goldllo , i ' 116 7 t, Silver " 107 ! 109, ` ___ r. S. LCSL e I. b. C. be/ n.:attql N Pennsylvania.. 11 3 ,i ' WO, Reading 17 . 57 . Plilladelplila & Erie 'l, 19 1 , , Ifr,i Lehigh Naylgatfon... l , 14)ti .101" : , —VBII,v. Ex. Div ii:ni..: 62 'i United' I:. tt. of N. J III) . 1:II 4)11 l'reek !law y'," N,.rt ben Central TI - 33.4 l'ent nil Tmnsportaflop - 4-1 , ,,,: , 17, NevueliDilliig ' ' - ' • li' , ' :11 C. St A. Mortgage C.s., NI - 101 . ,103!2 New 'A4vertisements .. .. _. r , 6 4 SALE ( Q ( .lt RENT.—A house .1_ areLJot on Seeobel Street, Mtddle , Ward : de sirable toilkflOn. Als,,i a large ,hvellin house to rent to one Or more nilllineS, COllVellielltiV located and well supplied with water. Inquire at thls ',Mee. March 17,75. \ . i. \ ' r F O, il s \,., I, -F, . .-.. A very desdratdo lion. l.ot, Burn, &c.. for sate. LOT 1..ku01; A NI) lirl , DINGS FIRST-CLASS. Located ott'SoutltlN l l:tht'. treet, Touattda, Pa. For further partleularF emu' •of the understfpled. -- - :-1 . it xuv mmuirn, -',, TI FRI nprl-75. . . . . . CA TT TI 0 N.—, Whereat in 3; wife. Pranc,es Pore% has left my 44 , 1 and Waist u It hout just eallSe or cfrovocatlon, this is to cantliin and forbid all persons, trout harboring Xr fringing her on toy account, as L will pay no tlehtswontraCt ed by her after this da e. • . \ \ C IL% IMES rOWEII.I.. [ Towanda, March 23,11875-wV. •\ A . ~.„, :. SIG-NEE - 4 SALE at ATTCTIO.N -Ni Of IL large uujt Splendid ...took of NEIV - lIARNE44SES, I;LANKETB, lIALTEIZti, BRIDLES, &e:,- ESIEMEUE3MiI .TORE No. n. NElt TOW. 150 Sets of SINGLE 4VN i) /101. h Light and 'kat . AV..). TOM Mid - Stage iiTrtit:4l' 4 ISIntaNA T:lsli • 1• - ' GOLD AND, siLvER PLATE, hunt Rubber, Leathe Gowned aid Solid :Sickle, i manufactured from nre ftiak Tanned Leather, and by skilled werktnen, and win be war ranted as represented or money refunded. This is the largest and finest stock of the above . named goods ever .011eped .in this community. - All 1 in want of Harness slumid not !alto 'attend thissale.. V; W. RAA..vB.4i T. D. JELI.NO, ~ .. . All 4 i-. - - • ' Maws ./ .. , . INESS LOCAL. InCi's for Silver-Plated Goods.' .• I ted town orders for sale at till 3 received diqy at HENDLEMAii'O ==9 offers a great reduction hr , . - ;(.415, and Trimmings* at E.v.t Ns & 1 t1LD 6 1.711.8. 1 I 3 lind eamlinerm, at EVAN'S & the best Conk Stove extant, can ;rear's block CC Nlll & Stiwur's,3terciirs X Stationeiy. MEI AND SIMMER & COONS', - r MARRIED. 111.0(1:, P.lltli ST NliA,. PA.. . rour.s. vonsisting of . POUBLE Powell k pow ELL CO:. Have just reeelveo ttuAr 1 SPRINU STOCK. 11 800T5 . ,4.ND 'SHOES Having 4 - fien partleulaeattcutlon to this; department of our business.. • - • BUYING .OUR GOODY EVE Y INS TA SO DIRECT FROM ,M'ANCIVATURES r haviro , a • • I • MAN AT THE it A 1) or DEPARTMENT, ~ . I ' ' , . i .. IVe. tees cohtlailit that iI.I . . . . SIVERIott S'[(J('K OF GOOD:, II .; , Call !,e exlllbeted 10 anyottarket 1 . 1 i CM , • ,• • twukt-,..111. . . , , __ ,... ri RTICUL.),It ."I"I'I.:.S.TION to iii ~tw :.•f' GENTLEIIENS' FINE SIIOE,S. 314 , h, es pr..,My for our 'air: , ajol jn.f. ulM'ii to uur::-..uperiorsfurk LADIES, MISSES A!ND' . CHM- Dk KNS SIEOES. IBOYS AND YOUTHS' SHOES IN GREATER VA RIEIIY THAN EVER BEFORE SIIOWN. rmi/idell{lr/ jN -alhvl l .. (c, April 1.'7 Evans : Ilildrett. pring 1 )375.. E yEINS 11-1.1), Tll =I =I ItoUe ever one slht, !way 1:•:purtli; lau.l (al f PRY GOODs. SIM LOWEST PQSSIBLE. PRICE Tt call and eaan;Uut NEW :STOCK :STOOK MEI . , 1 SislN.Ak AND 61:31 . 311 . !:B. coons, ktcli thvy a HOW OPRNING F'OR'D -skrriox H.SCrt .kkanitleit , will' all that k NEW :IVI)NO.VEL, - %., t‘t II a M . 1 ; i . ; \ . t ' ~ S - .1. A,P L E -(3 0 0 IS - , _ . , . h : 1 ~,.\, . ! . . . . \ . • ,'.. , WU WI! {VILA. RIX W. 1.) AT liFillt)F.t) • 1 15A.1:4.:A. '.:::::, LIY 1 . ' 1 , ~ . 1 1 . : ‘-\... ' . : , EL..LNS ITILDItv, Bridge Street. I t rJ11,74 r, rri AYLOR k CO., MI CRVICE .ASSOIt'rME • CLQTIIS AND ,VASSIMEII i I 1111 . II 1110 10111,. 1,73.: • . {i ik . 4 11 E II:F S' ;4.1 1,E.-L:By 1 3. OILi of tho ,'rourt. of C1.111111i)11 44 ltr o lt ,, r t cottoty. awl: to tie itirertet4l ,I;;.the I;releim.q. w y, A prif 121. 157:4 at 1 ,murk r. ' t h.• prop rty.touch: ee •lio colotithia totra , l4. lior!ltfLy 111'11/. ea c t i 111. 1., e.t F:,:a ...nth I.y Wirt of Sanity! ' 1.13.•1 1 1in: by 1'MA...4 Nelltan l'alturr at 11 -113113.31; -If) ;Len, or 1...•••••• ;it pont Ito aerrs iti.provell; with N. 11,e1 ,,, 5,' fr,ttie,l barites will. slo..ts ay- It, L 3 l, one harit an.i orchard of fritit In 's 3101 taicett :Into exeeottim alt e wit of 'Potorroy pro.. J. N. Vativalicoar. • J. M. ' •' I.llteritY. WM NOTICE. . • itEy Ina _P AIL • • T 4 Xlit: , , . .• ' 1 I ,•,• . ,', Toe rei i•e•li ,Statut4 of the United State!, Sey' , Iti , •:o :: - ..5., - 2. :r.:37.; :r.!:ei. aipl .122 i; require every VTto k. - eg ,,: ze ri in any intsliteryt, avocation, or entployinqtt l e - hi..h renden. , him liable to a 511 I .' '' •irECI sir, T X.N. 'TO I i . : I ' .IIOCUREiIAND PLACE i . 1 .: 1 • coNsmprorsty IN - ' , . . , 111. i. - ESTAI3I,ISII3IENT • O} , • ..-,; .. , . PLACE Or BUSINESS. . , 1 " ~ it :-T.'iMP denoting thii paymont of said SPr.CIAL ,r AN. for the Speenil Tax year beginning ltayo, / , ';'s, before .corontenelng or continuing blaillq s3 1 . after April no. Rs'is. R . TILE TA.N.F.S :ENS BIIA - lIED-WITIIIN Till:PIO ' 'VISIONS Op 'BITE LAW ABOVE ~ . , • I/U F O O T L ETri tc ArT o TI . E . k , VIZ: Iteetitiel, ,_ _ 1 _ ... 1 .. EZED3 - , . -4 Wo venters, rend! ti inon : - _ „.. -..... ~,.,, 00 Dellers. wholesale ligncir --- _ •_, : mi 00 Draters In malt.ll4 - mors.i . w hole ,:• ol ,,, - FA 00 lu.alers In malt liquor ,i i . retnii ___ - ..., iii 00, I)ealers In leaf tona , ~,,,i _ • - • - - " 00 lletall dealers In le At -11,1,,i,,,,,, 0 .. -'- . 00 ''' ' ‘ nd On sales nit ,iv O• 01.000, fifty cents for • . .every doll „•...,1 In'escess . df 11.000. )..alers in ni '-' . ..actneed tobacco '- - s$ 0 111nnoraetnre ~.., . 4 4, 111 , 4 _. ..- - .... - 000 And for c -"' ' .4...,1h 'Atli! manlifactured - - 7 4 "00 , ‘nd for •- , , .e.14c,.i. worm thanufacturcd- s , 29 00 76111 ; 1 1 ,3 ' , ,,,mt ers of fat4eo - ••• ..- •I- I 0 00 Mal l"! .14 .. ..11 re r , of clgal •--- --- - - 1, - • 10'00 Pede .A.r.„, of tnlmeen, first class (more than . 1 • . - tun In.rses•e-oehil6, annuals) •-: - 5 00 , P , ~!. rollers of, tonacro, secoeff riass•rtwo (tones i or otheeanimats) 14 00 i•Peilillers of totrarro, tlilril classV ( one borFe or i ”ther•animal) -:.•I •- - - - .1$•00 l`rddlers of tobacco, foitrth class (on foot or • ' Public convertnee);: - -- ,- - 10 00 ittreWers of less than 509 barrels . r - - 0 ° ;Brewers of 590 barrels Or more ' ••-1 - -. lOd 00 _163 - serson, so liablii. who shall ](ilm to co Iv Iwlth.the foregoing refitilremetits . 1411 be stioJec to s•eeere penalties. '' '•;.- • ' r 11=1 persons or firms flaldo;tata pay anyy of the Spe la! T.ixes named above, must apply 0 GEO. DMA MONTANYE, "Collect& of Internal Itevettuel at Towanda. I'eltpa., and', pay .for anid procure he Speelal-Tax Stamp for 'Stamps they—peed, prlo4 to :tray 1, 1t,7,5. and WITIVI7T 'FITT:THE NOV. R. .4. J.W. DOUGLASS. - . . Cornini.odialer of Internal Rerentt . OFFICE AF I Ncr FAIN AI. it FVENFF, .. W . Vil(I NGTC. , N, U. C4 : YeltruarY 1 0 8 7 5 . 31(qt-225474i • A tt DI TOR 'SiNOTICE—DeIps rt. 'Sire* Roekwell anti N. S. timid:. No. .1;4. Felt, T. 31974. :Ireton Rockwell `ts. Niram 114.d:well and Win. Geiger, No. 860, Feb.' T., 1 - • liprkwell vt4 Niram Rockwell, No. thil. Feb. T. 1874., In the Court oftConimon PleaA of pradford l'ounty. The' inoterslgnell. an Auditor- appotntett by wilt Cottrl'ott distribute nontity In itilierltN handy, ailx ing from sate of real 4tato Of will attend to the, tiuties . Fof his argtointtnent at the one," of I lidos • Rockwell;; lit Troy llonough, .•i APIIII, 1 1875 at 10 o'cloFic- ; ichere• all persons', haying riXlms npori &AK ' must pre:sent theni; or be debarred front co pt- • ing In ujKnt UV, ‘3l ,m arc h .2 . 1 g•T 7,, . .. I ';. lN 7 1.‘ A .A u l ( 1 1 X 1 turg A tie matter of the estate of Wm. Johnson, deeN, Tlut undersigned haying Nivel appointed auditor • by the orphans' t'ourt or Bradford county, to dlg. t ethnic fonds belonging to said' eidate In the hands if tltt admlnistrators,• mill attend. to his ditties s; ' - the oflice Prit , l & Ballet , . In the borough of To wanda, Mit, MON DAYa. ..arttlLT 19th, 1875. 201' o'idtick P. Id., at which Bole awl place all persoin having chtlms against trail) fund are required to plo- • scut the saute: or be fOrexer debarred from eamihg' Injupon said fund, IfESRY PEET. Marton - .Andltor.t ;• it UDITOII.7S: NOTICF,,— In tae in„,t,...r 4.i the estateC. ;1-. Bt•ote in tke - Or- 1 phatt's Court of . Bradforet.'ounty. ' • The under.igued, an auditor , appointed by the court-todistriburo futl.;tdrt the bandit of $14.11111114i. H Zr.iter Itt said estate wilNsttentl;to the dutl6l of his ' *, apty , lnlinent hi. otnee,ln Troy borough,ift, On BSDAY. the 11th day of April, 1875; at 10 et'clot* a.m., at, wide!' thne and place all persons having H•laints upon said fonds Must present them or 110 , forever tlebarrtul (rent et.ijihig , hi upon the game, • 't; iEt rifILSON. . March " ; • ..kutlitor. ji• INISTRAI7OR'S NOTICE. !•; hereby' gliitri that-ail iierainis tlettted to the estate of •tlodah Nnrse, late of Tusco. rota, Oct', nutct make litirnediate payment, until lt'per_,nshavtpg claims egaintt said estate i muit :I, , rewnt them tittly nuthentlentettta: vAtlement., I, O. W. !a'r E7ENS, • • ei, • I MMlSAStrithttr . ECV . TOI 'S.IIOTIDE-4- . tiettce Is hereby given thatall pratfall Welk eat: to the estate. Of dullas'iWelf, late et Trivrati4a derelict]. are reqtiested - fo make Inunedlate par. Men; 'and all persons t.,*rtng claims 'again,' mild eetatemiist presentAberatuvusbentioated: toroth. meat,. • •a : \ I • \ 'l'tby3or k Co. ; haver • 3 ; • 1! J 1.! 0 E N . " .E 4 - :t i • - • • ; I • I [ I . F 1 , ; ;;1 ;of ;; ; ; I , I • i for the. . - - • SP 1: ( Tlt A k F e . t =OM .~ ~ I~ ": ' • WILL OI'EN TIIIS WEEK, MEI =ll LA - It4E STOCK Mt II .1 1)1 C _CV 6:- WM *ill of dn. LATEST SPIZINO STYLES 4 • p, ea l, ME 314 1, 1+;7,5;t10 Aprii 1-.576 . . Starch =EMI El El II , I 1- ~ . El i I ' lIM 1.