Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 25, 1875, Image 3
of fact on the part of the State Trea surer. The House has been extre mely lavish in p:roposect approz priations; the TrdastaTer exbei3dingly frank in his statement of . the ability of the treasury—what he ban do under certain eiriumatences,and what he cannot do if shorn of his power or his resources are cat 'short. Bnt the House seems deter Mined to go to the goats' pen fo : F 'wool—to gather figs fiem thistlesL - 4tnd to make political capital by indulging in .a series of mons;:roaitieii t 6 delude the ignorant. In this state of affairs the -t,of the'Republioan members Of repor the Senate Finance Cpmmittee,which your readers hava alieady sear, cuts to the centre of this` whole bn-iness, and places it faiily to the view of the people. If t 4 State Treasury is to be deprived of kevenues, or of the legitimate use of the leash On hand, the appropriation's wrist be cut down, and a' large number of deserving institutionirdeperlder4 on State aid for existence must close their opera tions, or be so restricted as to be rendered useless. I Th:ere is no other escape from this - dilemma, and what ' ever injury results to Charity, or out rage to the beneQ,olent, sentiment of the State, must be justly chargeable to The mad party iwhich, has reigned the House - from. , the' } hour of its organisation. i From appearances to-day there is every. reason to ifear:, that a large number of important 'will fall for lack of time and 'disposition to _pass them . ftually. i The fact is, there were too many bills read in place in I).,th honses this 13,ession, too much legislation of a covert t character in favor of-corporations attempted, by ;which what is reallyrecinired : to put the new constitution:" into effect in `statute laws has been 'so rntich frus trated as to render the work of the in many respects a total fail ure.. Though not: generally, known, and, indeed, not Sven; partially un, derstood, it is nevrtlaeless a fact that Ihe Democracy of the- House have been endeavoring so tb shape results as to force thZe Governor to call an `extra session of the Legislature: But tht-ir machinations iii [this erection will' all prove faiiiires,l as under no state Of 'affairs which; can possibly out of the pti:asiort and blunders of these damagogues Will' the Gov err call a,n extra session of the Legislature. For the evils w_hich sprithg from that! which closes tit nicrrow the D' e nioeracy, are re sponsible,and on that iisue they ntitist before the people this year at the ktliot bax. 1 PA XTON. FROM Ii,E74DA. March 21, '7-1, En. liEroirrrn : I Emil snu r. scrap I.•,<u tiie Virgil:jct. i Citroait-le which. v:i,ll you would, publish, and if I la ~vrito anything worth a place :LI your paper you are i at liberty to it. Heti have been rushing here from evs-rywhere, almost:Lr weeks, look ' `or work and wishing themselves home. I gai - e poor fellow -Ikes•Barile ibits breakfast one hi..-riiing;.he said had money he g.) right hahk; i bat he had -• oven to boy 4 breakfast. Hun , is arelstor.ding haT corners, about 111::;es, and porticiolarly about 'the I.:oath of the sh tft., watching a chalice t•• ask the foreman ; forl a job. One r. fellow was in the :Consolidated " , ,';i:ginia Works thiS morning at half i.a' four.. O:chick., Watching for the man ; had no Pionev, nothing to . and nowhere . to bloep. Very are in the same predicament all through the farm of the: "great which is;owUed- by' a few iu h•••idtials, coLpr t ratiely,— is as nl!!e l :i. private property Irs a' 111:10's or horse, -_anti ±i poor mau Las a.) chance to get anY of lit except his it:I:: wages, if he !sit:mild be et:7:11410o te in plOytuen LinLi i s sur e ly carried . 'llere on tr large sitl!, ; ; a great druciuiitEof bullion is Sliiflped weekly, yttl it is not for, the (51 - , u l imirs; 'Truly, Men made money` irl the recent .qock • i•; . !; , , toit it was mostly' those who . r.= already iv , ••iltl, - ,L--lneli as know i to boy and- Men, tO sell. Yaps ice, n mode their lipti.dreds of thou 's :This, ar:11 a few eiven !millions; as • aml,sin4a others in the 1..0t as eiceryhoiV, knows (or know . ), thoso did Lot c..!or'l ht:' of bilt out of the t• •elit who.had but lit -. •ti . all the bi i . etiness'dono, I ...II re eXce•it 'what gro,ws mit of it. ..I. , reuirore is' nut thool ,, bt• of, and -er: i,a CsAiforniais at - tend-A te. Wag-s are and t'i'les are dull ;tilere, :Ind all the .11.^n zrho iv:int to aird eln get . Wi(ges; colert here t. higtesi: wage!s, tab ma! ter if .1 ti:; 1.- do have to, ps_.• it all for board,' following is the artiele.referr -1 tr, by Our eprrespotadcut.! - • • Gua'AT BaNANzA rhos r:::•:aeie of Any plet t e.,t.hing.:„ man or i. ha , .; (Ifett the tifft.'t6'ri of crewtitv. - notiriAy than ; v•oluines cf 1- • - t . , ra*e deseriptions.;o simrl' bonanza,"ai - Tlied to the :e 71' ni;nerul development in:the G d Ut -,, rna and Consolii4l;Ati - d Virginia ;' s, th 4• COnastoek lode • rilmtuitiofii and it is in months 1 4 bundrpdS . .i.d thousands viho neve.r bet - tre heard of_ city amt probabl.y scould never have beard it, were it not t l l.t' the ter t th has een' universally tylopt€ d, In. the Easteru-;States there are bonanza hats, 'bonanza eolrars. ,hone nza jewehry, anil - ;e7en romantic mothers are `narainv.; their . (.Ittm.Otters bonanzi: The fame of the kinanzlAtas ven . crossed the ,Onblie , press both F,t; ; _ , ,ien , i end on the Continent renders of the wonderful ' recently v.•;iteh pit in 1o : C diTorni:r.„ and declare is with el bilittb:S of gold in of silver. 1 •• ' .- • ! Anorr •.sinvnit MINES. , idea bf spvenm l ine enter . in a7ricalture and - marinfac - iurir,, toimininities lin this country is selroe!v Icss riclienlOps. A letter . .rrdi received froiln an'old resident • Vilrginia, bat nowiliVitig in hta.'es. that be was nnahle to interest one in the sui - silver min until the gre l at:ltipnanza -was s . triick. The acconnUri of nienlinal:iing buieWeds. of thdusaluds and millions of 4,,11ars in a few.thOs set the country a. ;4 6 witle excitewent,l i and a number oryoung men are' preparing to emi ' gmle to the 1 - k.nd f Ipromise when opens: _Most arO of the opin - th'at the Conistooi.ia• in 'Califor • 1. where wiNter never tomes ; that the litres:lns in its Vicinity are lined lincuriant forests ;_that the hills coved •with witvinC fields; wild ciover and wild . oati3, .a.nd that the silver is washed outiwitit cradles and %10n,..; toms. Other think bonanza ar,t LeIDA upon tho 4 54r4face of the ground and that till that will be nec ...e.iry for: them lo 0.0 rgc.n their er• rival will be to chop off solid metal' as is the case in some- of , the copper mines of Lake Superior. The o=pened and uncertainty of; silver mining; that not one mine out; of a thousand proves to be of value, that it is nee; essary to sink Binds hundreds and thousands of feet beneath the. sur face, that the cost of machinery is enormous, that the ore must i?@ crushed and reduced in immense mills, that the • good mines , were all corralled years ago, that they , are in the bands of companies and rings which generally manipulate them as they 'please, and, above all, that Ne-, wide is by no means a new counta and that already probably $400,000,-, 000 have been expended in opening, the mines on' the Comstock are facts' which they do not comprehend andl ,cannot be made to comprehend until their arrival. THE COXING lIIILTITUDE. The influx,has already set in. Ful ly two hundred persons have arrived from Salt Lake City daring the - last three weeks. There is also a large immigration from Maine and Canada, and a great number of miners from Cornwall are on their way hither, all attracted by the fame :cf the great .bonanzo. The population of the city will be largely increased daring next Summer. Many of the new comers Will be Wok'lly disappointed, while others with ability and perseverance will in time accumulate fortunes. The demand for houses and lodging rooms has already commenced, and a large number of new dwellings will be required to accommodate the com ing multitude. THE NEWPOSTAL RATES The following is a copy of the offi cial letter of instruction 'sent from the Post Office Department to all Postmasters, in regard to the observ ance of the provisions of the lute act of Congress concerning the change in the postal rates on matter: of the third class :' PO4T CZ - TICE DEP ARTIZENT, Afro M-rstr.vr Arm's, WASBIAGION. areb_6, 1875. To Postmaster at Sra: -lon are hereby' instructed that, tinder the provisions of the act • approved March 3,1875, enti tled "An act making-appropristlon s for sundry civil experisea of the tibrerument for the fiscal year end ing Vine 1876, and for other pnrp'• ses," the post age to be hereafter charged on all mailable matter of the third clasi referred to in sectten 133 of the act entitled "An act to revise, consolidate and amend the statutes relating to the Post Office Department," approved June 8,1ti7;, shall be at the rate of one Cent for each ounce or fe.:etionthereof, instead of one - mut for each two ounces or fractioh thereof, as heretofore priividcd by law. MARSHALL, First A esigtant Postmaster General The following articles are included tho third class : _ SEC. IsB. That mailable matter of the third data shall en/brace all parophlets.occasional publications, trans - wilt newspapers,maguines, handl:Adis. pott ers, no&a:ed circulars, prospectuses, books, nook want/scripts; proof sheets maps, prititsr-timirav ingQ, blanks, flextb:e patterns, son plcl of fwrehan di, not exceeding twelve ounces in-weight, sample cards, phou-s„traphic paper . , letter envelops, postal' envelops and wrappers, cards, pliMa and ornamen t/1 p+per, photographic representations of different types, seeds, cuttings, bnlbs, roots. sclons, and all othermal - ter which may be drelsied mailable by law, and all other articles nut above the weight prescribed by law; which are nut from their form or natort‘,lii bie to dentroy, &face, or otherwise injure - the -con t..nts of the mailbag cr 'the person of any one en 'gaged in the , postal service. All liquids, poisons, slays, explosive materials, and obscene books shall be excluded from the mails. IN TILE old times it ivas usual to decimate a conquered army that had fought against its own flag by shoot ing every tenth man. ,To-day we dec fmate the vanquished Confederate hosts - by sending every tenth general officer to the . Senate of the country' he fought to destroy. DEMOCRACY is showing the cloven hoof in . New York - . The Secretary of the Mayor is an ex-rebel officer, and the Commissioner• of Public Works (TwEED's lucrative position) is Yrrz-Joir.s.Poirres, an es-officer of our array, cashiered for Misbehavior in front - of the enemy. ==il 711.tsqAcuussrxs, perhaps, has men of purer character and loftier aims than General Batler, but a great many people ss'ould rather like to see him move into Mr. Buflington's dis trict and go to Congress. He ciottld be a very lively minority member in the next Democratic House. New Advertisements. N 0 TICE U. S. I STERNA L REVENUE s T X E S'! NT:ty 1:1•71.1;) - .Arr1l 3f), 15713 11 - tilted Nalra , S. :z1:1,, 11,1 - 1t39. 11luire v‘ery perz4kit In :my elnitloylllV4lt. r,11,1 , r, Lint 11:11,1e ,t,. T . F.CIA TAN. TO 1)110a7IIE :ix D PLACE 01V...1'1(1'01'S - I.Y IN 111 ,:"ETABLISTIMENT OR 'VI. ACE OF Br: 4 lN kSS. A -.TANI!' noting til , • paynnuit of Kai , ll.;•Prel At. T X-. tor 111.• 'fax hvginning 51:ty 1, 1-71. Lids r,• ,onimencing or, continuing 1nt.11:, ,, flvr April 30. 1 , 575.: Tli T.\ X F:l 4 EMIlitA(l-1) 'WITHIN THE FRO- , or TM.: LAW A ItoVF tlUirr ED ARE THE' 1 , 4 )11. VIZ: Ifeet 1 t-alors. retail !Vigor Ifoafer, vitt lt•=ale Jftritioc 1, in ni.ilt figwort, wholesale sealers in malt 1111001,. retail Dealer, fit loaf tobacco - lfetall floater , In 'war tobacco lilt sale: of„,over .1;1,000, fifty cents for tarry 'Pillar exec's of '1,060. Ifea,lers in manufa!lnrod tolmern . -- )tanufation•r....r nl ills - - - Aivl for ,-;1..h still manufacture;l •for cads worm manufactured .11.mufa,mrvr,•,,r - - lta , infact flyers lit I igar3 - - - of t.,1,3cr0, first ejater (more than • VW,. or Other . - - Pralaner , of toll:teen. seettni class (two horses nr oth..r 7 7 - peddi..rr •tf thinl rlass (one horse or ni hor :m1131411 - - - - - Ped.ll-r- of t..1 , a , <• - o, f.ttrth etas (nn foot or pnhlir ,onveyal“.•• - - Brewcr , f d Ir. I hate barri-ls 11rt,‘, of :WO I , :trrel• or more, Any semon, so ;table, cvlio"-Miall tall to comply with thr foregni 11,7, repticontent: sclll ho suoject to Per , on , or firm, Millie to to par ally of the Special Tax., named nuts apply to 1:19 VELA \t oNTANy C011, , ,•t0r of :Internal 'Bev nue at Tx .. 'Penna., and pay for and procure the i , *clal-T-,vx Stamp or Stator - A, they need, prior to May 1. 1,75, and,WITIIOUT Frit.THE NOTICE. W. DOUGLASS, rontinl,,loner of Internal Revenue. OFFICror INTERNAT...REVENCT., AAIIINGTON, D. C.. Feilillari I, 1975, ••, • . w FIRM P• I E. MC E . 13, It A 12 . N Having bought the business ot a kr. P. Powell, wotl resp,effully eall the nftentlOn of the people of Towanda and S icinity, tei their place of h0510., , 5. Wlier , be P , llllll at all tithes 3 lash '311.1 lull stork of . • Nrrs,i TODACi CICA):?•N &IS. • \V pn,1,0-4 , to desple our whole time to our busi ness, and 114rpt , nwrit a Aare of virrouage. , Please glye lig.a call.. E. B. PIERCE. 'r. It. BRAUN D. Man fit. , tWI , dour', : , outh or Powell at Co March . - C4I7T I 0 N.—Whereas, my wife, Frances Powoll. has left my bed and bccml trithout just cause (Jr provocation, this is•to caution and -forbid, an lemons from .harboring or trusting her on - my:account, as I Will pay no debts contrac ted by her after tills date. Cl 7 ARLES POWELL ?itarch 187.541 V. GEORGE W. BRINE, JUSTICE or TILE PILACELIO commancer; Alalansiiirance Agaat, ießartrCl. , Pc. MikTMl3 IVff. - • lot , a Tharadaj," March 25, 1875: LOCAL AND -4Eki.RAL. Cirqmp,, Mcqui4 leOup , iti ‘ the MA. Chareb; nail • TEE Repataicatt Stailingßonußit tee of this county, will _mocit on Monday, May M.: F. Vaux-rri will deliver a lec. tnie in BlerCtir's Hall, April,4, 1875. Subject "Cronin and Clmaier." Manta has a bonded debt of 1281,810, and a floating debt of $29 . ,290.74; aa . a. result of Democratic Misrule. Now is 'a good tine to 841)13Cribe or the Next week we altll present t to oar readers in an entire new dress. port SonthAri tourists, .-Judges Monnow and litreszu, and wives, and Miss' Tn.acy, are en:leetad bona this evening. • • A LODGE of L 0. of 0. :F., organized in Brirtiagtoo; on Friday afternoon, commencing at 1 r. its. District Dep. ate BLacrairas.wikt;cossduct theAccernonies. THE recent ibaireabet made a total wreak of it.Ltrrucals aawmill. His flouring -1 mill was onlpjared, hOwever, and customers' are served promptly. as usual. Onn young friends, E. B. PIERCE, and T. R. RUAVND, have purchased the tininess and stock of P. Powela., Eeq. We trishthan abun- dant success. They *repel, the kind of young men who always do succeed. kir Sealed proposals for the eree. tion of a frame i chtreh at potterville, will be received up to - April 11. Plana an speCtiflcst tient may be aeon at the house of A. G. litaiii- EWs, Esq., any time before the time of letting. THE city of . Elmira employs 82 teachers in the public schools, at an annual cost of 146,50623. The whole estimated - ex passe of maintaining the schools for tho cur rent year, is $95,783.78, They ought to hare good schools. Tug HistOrical Society bold a spo. Mal meeting in HEMMGT4;?.eB beautiful Operallouse, Troy, on Monday evening last. Editor Hooxtrt of the Gazette read a very letereettng and entertaining paper on the early local history of the county, as c:untianed in the adveatiaemesti of the drat paper ever printed in the county. We shall Publish it soon. THE Dickens Club were elegantly entertained at the ?cadence of Mr. Jos. Vowid.L. on Tuesday evening last.. When the meeting r djeurned subject to the call of the committee, it was unani mously agreed that the' pleasant gatherings of the Club during the past winter, were appropriately closed by this, the last one of the season. Ate very early hoar in the morning the happy partielpanti sought their respeetive homes. PERSONAL. —:- Mrs. KINGSBURY has returned from her visit to Kansas. LtNxto'.nd daughter,3lre,Thenop, returned from t hfoHot Springs of Arkanpas, on Similay evening 'art. WO regret to Itaru that Mr. L did not find hie health materially bene fitted by the trip. 'Two Postmasters, says the Elmira Advertiser, have recently been appointed in Bradford comity, P. JAW MATEIF.II at Us ter, and George L 7. P 1111.1.11.3 at Sheshequin. The appointees are both wide-awake -Republi cans. Mr.'l'llll.lll'3 has been especially active in promoting\the cause, by aiding in -the circu lation of reliable Republican papers, and by al ways talking for the party of liberty and prog- rrm TILE trains on the Lehigh Valley llaiiroad are again running 'through. Ttke first train came up Yeiterday morning. Super- Mtendeut PACKCIL 1188 shown a remarkable de greeref energv in getting the track clear from t,the-ice. Ile' had t , hree hundred men at work 'on the job betwoon Ransom and Pittston, be i himself overiecing and - managing the work. The lith water hal pnahed the ice np on the trtick,; and receding loft it there. It varied from eight feet to thirteen in thickness. FL) r thrce miles through this mass gap work was I t done, in a measure building the road anew.— ,EZzit;'m .Acirertirr.- SUSQUEHANNA. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. 7 -The Spring, terre of this institution will open 3louday, April 5. This is one of the moat pleas wit and profitable terms in the year to at tend school. The days are long and pleasant, and the student is obliged to tax thii, eyes in stud3ing by lamp-light less than any other iart . of the year. . The custnmsry new i..4asses will be organized. Flue opportnnit:es in' either the ancient lan guages; sciences, mathematics, or common r.n,triish studies. Tuition from $4 to $lO per term. Board and tuition with furnished rooms, lights, washing, etc., from $44 to per sea tiion. T;n current number of Pick's Fib- }hi Gaide,.coutains aotre valuable information relative to "plant enemies, . which we repro., duce for the benefit of those of our readers in terested in plant eultare. The Guide says : "Foremost among the enemies of house plants I would place dust. It sups the pores of the leaves throngh which they all breathe. It!smothers them as effectually am though buri al a toot deep in the earth. Smooth, glossy litaved pia like the ivy ;or wax-plant, should be wailied as 'often as once a, week with a sponge or cloth dipped in avatar; others, like the ornaniental-fnw oled begonias, primfoces,. nd cyclamens, should be treated with a Nat'l droter or Ppouge, as they are very impAtient . if moisture over-bead. Gerauinma„roses, etc., shoull be showered frequently with a small 4ytinge or. a .whisk-broom dipped in warm water, ..The aphis or green-fig t - oning upon the tJuder, aneculentshocita, sucking the vital= fry aml materially injuring the plant, can be le,.troyed by inverting the - plant in-a solution if tobacco-water, _whale-oil_ soap,: or even in common soar', made warm. Toey" ehonid be rimed after the operation. The red spider, white worms, brown scale and mealy bug can be di,posed of In the same way." - - 1611 Oti -1 (M) - 211 VI - 5011 611 - 3 00 - ) DECISIONS in thn folloiing Brad ford . county ctr:es, wen; renderedby the Su tirenie Court on Monday last : - :.0 CO - 20 ( I - 10 09 10 00 Heverly vs. Merctir. Judgment affirmed. Chase vs. the Comnionwelth. Judgment affirmed. This was the:caso in which an at tempt was made to a ct aside Verdict of jury, bn the ground that there had been, informality and.negligenee in keeping the jury wheel. j The case of the Central It, of New Jersey vs... Cook, carried up trout Lozano county, was also dezided ii favor of the netenlaut in error. Tji:a was a cause br,m4lot in the c:unmon pleas o' D1Z311119 county, by Clara COOK', Esq., -of Or wet'. thiccanuty, t.) reo over damages fur a serious injary 'received in en accident on the New Jersey Central oilford, Some time since. The company took the case "to the Supreme Cotirt; on th 6 ground that the atatutb limited the amount Of damages in such eases to £3,000. The Supreme Court- pronounced the act of the Llgislaturo uncomititutintal, and afflitied the verdict of thejury. Mr: Colk. _Sustained inju ries which will afffict him so long as he live., acid the damage received is but small comport fiatlon. We congratulate him that' in his case law and equity go together. 11110 BEI EMI In no rX) (X) - - 11.0 A GREAT deal has been said about the enortrras Income rcuived by the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry in Wash- . Mgt in, from subordinate granges in all parts of the country, and mach curiosity has been exorssed as to the disposition made of the land which accumulates fraur tho sale of " penes-bons" and the contribatiotri of dues, which it is estuntted, must reach several bun ched thousand dollars per year. A correspond cot, who is an 't,fricer ,of a grange in Tents, sends us information on this subject, which is explicit and interesting to those who possess ettricsity as to the doings of the Grangers . Our correspondent says that tho grange of whic'i he is a member sent the customary toe or in to the National Grange, and in return mottived onwltirr -be:Leith brass toolr and key; • Wank Itti6klerrtlift the 'll4teretary; thirteen-imbeds and tbirte n song books; thirteen copies of the Constittitien l e t listimial- range ; ate suit of regalia for and one for women members as pattern's, together with copies et the different blinks used in the Grange, all of which cost probably $6 or i 7, which would reduce the amount froin one inkbordinato grange in the hands of the National Grange to $8 'or $9, not counting the satinet dues. When the gra. aitardatineat* trealp Louisiana, the National Grange distrit $20,000 among the sufferinggratiger i s there, and ourrootrespitndent says that it has contributed large =MI for the relief of grang ere {rho hare suffered from the devastation caused by the grasthopperi tti Kailas . arid Nel. while th e - balanc e . os, its- receipts been:lny cited-it! Paltod Watts intirlitt•beFO, bonds, and held as.a fund from ai s hiat e . to dial! for saslstinino of 'distressed grangers in ciao of need; TreaAde That if nil the niozcy - sent 4 his gra nge' o the Nitional Gringo bid entirely diaappeared, he would have considered it as a good' inreetment, on account of the benefit which bend his associates hid 'derived trent the orginizatkih in -matij different ways,.—Er4. =Pie i Um following aketch_ of one Of the tithes ) otizans . of ihienentity, will be mit with inter : t hy many relatives and - friends of the SPAII INCI family. The.aecotint is from.a late num rof the Canton Sentinel : "reaI:LACE SPAULDING.—Mr. Editor: A brief sketch from the recollections cf an old and es. teemed citizen of Canton, may be of interest tq your readers. "Horace Spaulding, b0w.02 yearn of age, and in a comfortable state of health, came with his father's featly from Connecticut, (stopping two vears'in (Meg° county, N. Y., ) curie on to Col. John 'Spaulding, at Stieshequin. -. Leaving the family there, Horace Ind his father Ezrai with their axes,gnus, and budgets, came up the To. wands, creek Indian trail, and struck in• on the place now occupied by his son Itei*w, Bylvanus Modell with whom the old gentleman, now lives. In the Summer of 1796, he raised a lit tle grain and built a log hut, into which the follivrlng Winter the whole family was moved, wOrking and cutting their way..iip the creek— there being no roads at that time. Horace was at this time 13 years old, and entered at ones upon the rugged duties of frontier llfe. ••In 1799, his father Ezra was tried and con. victed fur settling and holding his lands under the Connecticut title, and sentenced to pay a fine of $2OO and ,imprisonment in the county jail foe 00 di*s. -Subsequently. on account , of the mime thing, the Sheriff of Lyeoming ty canto up' and levied on all their personal pro. perty Ind burned their house. At the sale, the property was bid tlf by a friend, and left for the use of the famihi. "While the Sherift was bnrning the ,honse, a i ballet'from some Delghbor'a rifle passed so comfortably near that he thonght best to make a rapid retreat to Williamsport. A cOmpromise on land title was soon made, which coded all difficulties In that direction, only it was carried into politics for some years l 'ltio interest of the Yankees was representi ed in the l e egislatnre by Col: Franklin for ser. eral years. Horace cast his first vote for him in 1804, the same year that Thomas Jefferson was elected to the second term of President of the United States, and also _voted for General Grant, at' his' second .electron, 1872. Having been a voter tor over seventy years, and seen big children's children'onto the third genera. _Cop, he has the satisfaction of knowing that they make good and respectabio citizous and WOrttlY members of society. More anon. • OLD CITIZEN. DEEDS left for record in the office for recording deeds, etc . , week ending Mardi Denpia Mc3lalion to Hiram Dunn, Nov. 284 74, Sheshequin; Hiram Dunn to Bartley Dunn, March 13, 1875, Sheshequiti; John C Iles tq F A Bishop, May 28, '7l, Athens; Chas Stock. welt to Michael Ryan, March 12, '75, Canton; Wm H Crane to Mary Crane, March 15, 15, SheshCquin; Geo W Shores to A J Shores, Sept 17; '7O, Shesheqnin; L B Slado to Lyman B Stuitti,Rent 8, 13, Columbia; Lyman Smith to. Robelt, Bothwell, Nov 21. '74, Columbia; A H. Winterrunte to Robort Bothwell, March 5, '75; Columbia, Julia A Moore to David Beckwith, Feb 25,'75, Well 1; Peter P French to Henry C French, Juno 20, '74, Webs; James Griffin to A. G Baxter, Sept 24, '74, Springfield; A G Baxter . to John Nolte:), et al., as'nt, March :47; - '1 4 4,A A Barstow to John A Coddiug, Feb 24, '75, 1 ° :/- wanda:Boro; V E A J E - Piollot to A B Feb.l3; '75, Wyßox; David C Bowen et al to , tt2l- ron Van Dyke, Feb 16, '75; E W Colwell t 0 ,4, Fauna, Dec 23, '73, Canton Born.; H Kilmerlo David Crowley, May 3, 'soi Moshe- . gum; J M Smith, Sheriff, to E T Fox; Sept IC, '74, Towanda Born; Moody it Morgan 'to Henry_ W Goff, Dec 10,13, W3'sox; J M i; to Philip H Yawger et al Feb a, "75, Athens; JoEepli Foulke to A P Rockwell, Feb 12, '75, IV Burlington; S M Bailey to Chas P Rockwell, Dec 12,'71, West Burlington; Burr Chanel to B Harris, March 17, '75, Towanda. HAEPER!S MAGAZINE FOR APRIL,' 1875. Harper 's Magazine 'for April, offers. fresh attractines to all classes of readers. It opens with a ueautifol, narrative by Miss CoN-i ErrliqCE F. WooLioN, amply and. finely illnitr ed, of a Bummer tour among the -mountains rif 'Western North Carolina.' Tho grand and pla t tiireinitio scenery on the French Broad River,. is here graphically portrayed by pea and pen cil, and there are numerous character sketches —always a pronaluentifeatura in Harper's de scriptive articles. Readers who have followed Miss TnacicrmAy s l chariniug serial, "Miss Angel," will turn with special interest to the article by E. "AfasoN on "Angelica Kauffman," illustrated by some of 'that artisia tiny etchings- 'The Stztli Paper of tne First Century Series, is eont i ributed by the Hon. DAvto A. WELL;., and id' an ab:e and comprehensive review of our pr egress during the ceutrwt to manufac . two. A new.add very important series of papers is commenced in this number, entitled 'The Stone A L Europe,' and prepared by an em inent irahicologist, Prot. CHARLES Rkti. The treatra.;nt 411 the subject is saieuthic and mod-—thei first installment ulatio4- to the Drift Period, and coo tatu mg accurate illastrations of the human implements and animal remains of that period. • Te most entertaining and novel feature of this number, is the Hon. S. S. CUX'd paper on American Humor, which is; characteristically illustrated. 31r. Cox makes his readers laugh, while bads telling them why they laugh. JastEsystrrox continues his series of papers on CsadaaturP, dealing this moadn with the "Caricatures of the Reformation." It is diffi cult to decide which is the more interesting, the writer's brtlhaut essay, or the,quaint and curious illustrations which ho-has carefully se lected trom so many Bowies. - • I • The celebration' this month cf the quarter centensry of Michael Angelo's birth, gitca pe collar intsrest t 0 ED , d".itiD Howt.vsn's paper on teat artliit, treating especially of his personal history, and giving prominence to his associa tion with Vittorifi Worms sod his beautiful sonnets: ' The two serists, of thg Gamp," and “Mies Angel," axo continued; and there are ilex three cajrrat aho'rt stems stories : "rhe Widow Use,' by Roo - . T: 0:ORE; Lion in the Way," by Lisicritur PuEecorr draiTortn; and "Shinne enek," by EIENLY Eciironpl. The poems of the numb are by It. H. STOD. DULA, Ti CORY, W. WALLACE ',ABNEY. And Louise CHANDLER MOULTON. The ".Essy Chair" recurs to the moral of JEF. YEados's "Sip Van Wltikle,' ; and chats in a characteristic vein about the ()ravine Memoirs, St. `dentine's Day, and the sincerity "of tru aoartesi. The ' Scientific Record' is-.very corn prehecofive in its summary of scientific prog ress. and the "Drawer" contains sonic hitherto unpublished anecdotes of President LINCOLN. I . SIIESHEQUIN.—Mr. Editor : Bright days and warm breezes assure ns that another oavage Winter has, paased. The drumming of the harbinger of Spring upon tho dry tree, never deceives us. And alittle ripple of news is wafted to us up on a zephyr, that we hi:e a new Postmaster. We think the appOintment will give general satisfaction. And what is very pleasant to re flect upon, is, that the former incumbent trover hx)ked Upon the office as his wen, be only a trust in 'behalf of our pimple:mid 'right well has ho borne the honors of the position; and most satisfactorily and honestly have the du= het beeh performed by him for many years past. Rnlike many, he will retire thankful that the governnient reposed such Confidence in him for so long a time. Tile incoming citlcer, G. W. : 7PlEtt.t.irs, Esq., will have things tired up in a sfri‘and tasteful manner, and while receiv. Mg our Mail will get a cheering_ smile gratis. Pew teen in our vicinity.have done se much to spread Republican doctrines as Mr.'s, few i years sics, When the N.' Y. Tribune was a Republican paper, he got up for it - a club of 180 subscribers in this town. The 71 : ibune hay ing,gerin over to the COpperheads, body and sOut, —withoutso much as eh apology for its former abase of the rum-drinking Democracy 11,1fok the l'lmAr in hand, and raised dish of nearly a bundled, Thit Wiest Althea. 'he decided to encourage home enteipriie and inatuary. He has decided not only to raise an evert hundred for the linewran.l.whksh lir r pret ! ty iieuirdone- T bnt to follow it :np with a handsoipo ilbUoi the *overly Adobe afe. mini° WhY? He says their•past history proves theti‘to be of the true metal; no Sommer lie publioaniam abort either, but reliable, enter- PiltiArtg knurl*. -,lio'bits'a way of doing r all he (?) should be thanked for giving nes live P. ' ' • • 'Oomiideiable eioknes' L prevailing jilit sow in various losalities.lOur resident physician. Dr. Co, has an extensive rids and a success ftil practice. Re keeps himself so 'thoroughly ,posted in the various diseases and thtir chang es,. that he probes himself entirely competent tu.Mi- nage the moat insidious .. and coroplioaktd. _ . cases. The Chen:mug Bridge, which Is located npon the bead of Flab Island, since the breaking up of the ice a few weeks ago, has been under the Manipulations, it is salt, of the Utter "Alger. The trade have dirapptared. Hitless •th• 'venturesome parties can show pretty good authiiiity, they may end bolts and bars not so easiii, drawn. Hastily, COMldgif+. • Tni readings and recitations of Prof. ./i.tnnaltriSell, on: Wednesday, evening of last week, seemed to give groat satisfaction to the audience. He has many strong points as a reader, that whose bath eyes to see can see, or ears to bear can hear. His appearance is con ciliating, to begin with. He bar a pleasant, friendly face, looking like a gentleman, as he really) is. There is no swagger or conceit in his manner-no assumption of airs or display of professional tricks. He engages In his work with all .seriousness and earnestness, feeling tnat the business of rendering . the places se lected is an educational and elevating ono,-and bighls respecting his art. His voice is sweet and clear—an organ of varied expulsion, dab oratelY trained and under complete mastery. His adtiag is life-like and full ot . feeling :ho seemi to lose his own Identity for the tune in the characters he represents. In the Famine, from iHiawatha, and in Ihe selections from Dicasiss, he showed his fine elocutionary cul- ture and histrionic talent to great advantage. In many respects his recitation from Hiawatha was exquisite.. There was a strong flavor of the Indian spirit in it; the only exception to be taken inn the score of congruity being the vio lent sobbing and weeping of Hiawatha. We do not believe that LDNOFELLOW meant so to project him. Itather,,we see the true warrior these verses : "t 6 both bands his lime he covered, Seven long days and nights he eat there, As it in a•esrnon he pat there, SmcAles& molioniegs, unconscious Of the daylight or th. darkness." • The reader of the poem wilt see that there is nothing in the previous lines inconsistent with this outward stolidity. His prayer to OrrcricK Manrfo, and his cry of anguish when he found Miwnirtana dead, by nn means imply sobs and tears. On the other hand, they are the wild ontbreak of a strong, tearless soul; of a heart that can burataannder but never break. As to his reordering, Dotheboy'd Ball , it was terribly powerful. ' _The horrid scenes Cl that school - bon's hell lived before no. Rome of ns smelt the battle ear oft, like Jon s War horsc,a and answered aiml to the trumpets. Wouldn't it have been good (gallantry or no gallantry) if NicaotAs had swung .round the circle and given the estimable Mrs. A , QuEtirts a taste Of the cowhide? Let the ladtes.testrain, their indignation! We do not believe in corpo real penishments. We once went to school do an edition of SQUZERB In'"hlne and gold." But Mrs. 89ITEER5! We liked rrOi. RICUARD'3OI , I'II. gcriliture read lt May bo too dramatic for ordinary put pit reading; but it was effective and interpre tive to;it high degree. Nra were less delighted with the humorous selections; but such as they were, they were undoubtedly well rendered. I • BCpusoros. Hr. Editor : Bur ' lingtori is up here yet, safely nestled behind a large bilEl that breaks the north and west winds„ a0:1 near the confluence of Tom Jack and 8u y creeks. We bre very Much elated at one time with th / respect of a railroad. People's ideas, and , ; 11 l eidate, shot upward like a rocket for a few days. But only to come tumblittfi back to the original standard when it was realized that the prospects of a road had departed with the engineer and his corps. The truth, upon Killer reflectiim, seems to be that we are so sand wich 4 between, and surrounded by, railroads, on the Borth, south, east and west, that here we willhavo to stay. But as we . have a daily mail andplenty of wood,. we can sit by the lire and read what is going on in the outer world, and :taro our money (if we have any), and rep utation', by staying at home. • Public impiOve went seeming to be denied to, does not take from utt the privilege of borne pleasures and home enterprise. We base a, flourishing Sun day-school, that has entered upon its tenth year, with unabated interest, under the contin ued enierint,:ndence of Mr. DaNvans Bonnie. Organizstion, order and good muic,l'are the seeming foundation ripen which rests the suc cess of this institution. The music is greatly enhauced by Miss ()MELIA &WILMS, who pre sides at, the instrument with dignity and grace. But the head and the life is thosuperintendeot, who, for•nins long years has scarcely missed a Sabbath, but has been on band to strengthen the erganization, preserve order, help the mu sic, and give life to the whole through his earn est praYers and his zealous and feeling ad dresses 'to the school. Rev. G. 8: Titssiire, our sojourner of, the itinerancy, is a healthy Christian, and an excel lent preacher of the Gospel. The cornets of his 'znith have`an upward tendency, and his manner, is so winning that his enemies are necessarily tint -few. Although on his second year here, hie last sermon seems always the best. ministrations, the itillue.lce of such men, mail their ministrations, WO owe largely our escape from this cells of the stone jail. Dr. 0; P. Taaol l has completed an elegant new drrig store on the site at the one formerly buried," which ho now ocjnpies with his goods. The sigh is of black letters embellished with different colors—the Doctor's own handiwork, and as an artistic effort is thought to be tin stirpi.4l by anything iu the line outside the city of Philadelphia. • ' Last Pall. W. B. KLINE and Jourt TOXPEIN• SON, t of our working, enterprising chin nt, formed a co-partnership with a view to testitg for lima the capacity of a certain gray lime ruck, just outside the Borough limits. on the place flauterly . known .as' Judge. 3.lclizaN'is. They a capacious and permanent kiln, with a commddions lime house. attached, ex• tending! from the kiLi to the road. They fin ished it; with the rigors of Winter upon them. Undaticted by the intense cold which follqwed, and in spite of the stout resistance of the rock, which has so successfully bid .deflance to the molestation of man, all the past ages, they per veveredlin blasting, filaug and buruing the Bret kiln, end a good finality of lime is tbe resn't, and tee' company are satisfied that the enter , prise is, a complete success. This being the case, add the resources inexhaustible, why are they not benefactors, and justly deserving the conaruiMiation of every son of agriculture, es pecially; those whose lands are near the kiln. It is thought that 'every acre of laud sufficient ly coated with this limo. may be made to double its capacity. for the production of the. cereals.! The grata Winship on our north, through this enterprise, may find means of a speedy deliverance from the everlasting pan. cake, mad a glorious tiansitsoo to plenty of hot blecnital and toothsome wheat bread. There wan some damage done, when Sugar Creek Murat its ice-locka. B. ,Lurnatt'a saw mill had a. corner 'post and bull-wheel taken Out, L aiiii ono cad of the darn a.irept arty. The grist-mill was not injured, and the. Co:onel soon bad the water under his control again, and the grist mill running as though nothing had happened. A frnitful revival• is now in progreSs at Luther' School.flouse, under the supervisor of G. S4uxtcsuz; assisted .337 A. L %NE. March ,1875. BUSINESb LOCAL. Boys' lin©n collars at M. E ltosrAr cuis. . Neatly printed town orders fur sale at this office. . lier; Don't fail to call at -HENDI6. - - 21.4101, it' Son wish to buy anything in the line of Jewelry, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware. FOtt RBNT.:--Ten Dwelling Houses, In Towanda. Born. Terms reasonable. Apply to 11. E011214 - Tiensttrer's Office, Go to Buries foVroitieery. Wallaud Vartabig caii •wi WeITCOXII fr. SHAWN. cheap at Fetcrues Blopk. Sr Go to. BLACK 8 for . China. -,llolfr Large stock of Pictures and Plot= Frames. at Wzmioine Atitaater's. Mor , ear's Block. . may, Go to, )3494't3, for, il.v,er-Plated • 'ss to S2A. Per,Paj , at home leimsfrae. kkiisar. lirmon & CO., Portland. Milne. Jan. 25-17. . air BLACK • keepa. , good •an asaortmont of Halves,:rork Carvers, Dutch erSteela, and sells low enough to mike it an object for yon to ca. Norce.—After the Ist of February, 1875, Bi i ceaur. Jr. EDWARDS ;lose their Wail ark! will dos quilt bileinees. , • A GOOD HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP.— jail, Limber for p ay. Enquire - ' at FROST Jc §Olfstilarqipve _ troar3 fig. The best thing in the market for • nice Knife Is • the. Boll& Steel Knife, Silver Plated, which BLACK is selling co wonderfully low, ifir . For all kinds of goods in the lewillry line, Failat •Thr.spc9itan.'s..... When you make your purcha ses for the fitting of I'..e house, fall not to pays visit to the Crockprrittore at Q. 5,8 1 (4 4 F , Dir New goods received daily at ITENDELMAN'S: pir"Switthas mace at Mrs. HENRY Erm(l9l3tilfeB dress making rooms, Arcade Block, of emit hair and combings also. . . Dec. ger Tamiso Cloth, Black Alapacas, Brilliantine', Pure Mohair", Black Cashmeres, kc., at Karr & WAlllO[lB% March 17 3w. t®' Pianos Tuned and Repaired Orders may bo loft at limit's Drug Store. GEOEGE D. COLE. • Kir Go to :WHITCOMB & SEletreti, Iforcur's .slock, fur your Books and Stationary. .$OO,-; For the best Roast or Steak gotolvicn k 1117NpF.13,14. HENDELMAN offers a great re dri9tion in Silvor•Piated Ware. ter Music - boxes and Musical VIM O% at UrSDl.latAteg. ROSENFIELD, the fashionable Clothier, with his usual enterprise, has already opened a large assortment of silk and soft bath a of the Spring styles. STEAM ENGINE WANTED.—Second hand,. from 1 40 to GO horse=power, cheap for cub. Address, with full policulare, t Box 501, Towanda, Pa. $5,000 VEAL CALVES WANTED.—WE want Five Thousand good, fat Veal Calves, to bo deliTered any time before tbefiret of July rtexr for which we will silty the highest eash'prite. . L'aikUND. Stu. & Zartrzczc. Towanda, Feb. 10,1875. Mir The largest and best selection of Spring and Sminmer goods yet brought to this' market, is being received daily, at 11. Jecons'. ma. A. good, Light Wagon, and Double Harness, for sato cheap. Will take Lumber for pay. Empire at nos!' & Boss Furniture Store. kir If you want to purchase LAND, read tho D. A. H. advertisement in an other column. Iteir NEW Prints just opened at KENT & WArnors'. Mardi 17.3 w. ter. Opera, Field, and Spy Glasses 11 a great variety, at HENDELMAN.B. GOODS.—KENT & WATROICS have just received their first Invoice of Spring Dress Goods. no and see them: March 17-75-w3. Gold, Silver, and Steel Spec,- . tacks, and Eyo Glasseg, in great variety, at Eir.Noacarsx'a Jewelry Store. CtIOICE POULTRY FOR SALE.—Buff Ccictans and White Leghorns; also Partridge Cochips and Light Brahma Cockerels. Apply to C. D. Casa. SW . M. HENDELSIAN has the largest. and beet stock of ladies' and gentlemen's gold and silver watches' ever brought to Towanda. . par If you want to secure a good artietO, and got the-worth of your money, tho place to go is M. H ENnEL4IN'd. in, American. and French Clocks 11 great variety, at very low p Hoes, at HENDLII3IAIIe(3, writ yot want the best Cook Stove extant, call at JuNE's, in Merenes Block. Miss ELLA J: . Pownni—is now prepared to receive orders and make all kinds, or halt Work, Switches, Braids , Puffs; Curls, and Frizettes. tar Keep your feet warm by bay ing those woo-lined boats, Areties, and warm shoes, at COn2/.11 & COONS:, oilman the Court le - A. very large stock of Men's, Boy?, Youths' and Children's Boots, just re ceived at Conran & Coos's, opposite the Court Hide. Da.. We shall be prepared abort time to intim:tractor° Dimbcr 'and Shin gles. Bring your Loge and Bolts to Fuosz Sosts' Furniture Factory, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 19, 1573--.3m0. j Your wife, husband, daughter pr sup, and perhaps that "other roller," will be expecting a pair of alippnrs - about - these days, and the place to buy then" is at Cousru .L• COONS, opposite the Court House. Ho FOE Lamm DAY ! Having prire6sed another Way; I shall be prepared to attend promptly to all orders. Special atten tion will be given to moving household gooda. Cuarges reasonable. . Tt. S. Tuunt•.en itilnrch 16, 1875. aturrowx WooLLEs MILL.- - -Card- ing, spiuning, and Weaving. also Igannracirtr. ing, Cloth-Dreasing, etc., ae tpnal. Stocking -Yarn, Flannel and eloths for gale. )lachinery running in.good order, and work warranted and done with dispatch.. .. Never bny a Cook Stove until you have called at JoNes awl ea4minod the "Nciv;Ernpiro," a store which bag 'lover disalipoiuted the expectatiima of tho most fas tidious honitowifii. • LIVERY FOR SALF.- 1 -IVe have a Liv ery of eight horses and good carriages; hack, etc., which wo offer for sale cheap and on rea sonable terms. Dn . /hire of our agent at the stables, or at our Music Store. FOR SALE OR RENT, ON REASONABLE Tanta.-The Brat honie - Bonin or 3. F. Coor- ErCe new store, Warren Centre, F. .A good location - tor millinery glop. No establishment• or the kind In tbajoainship. Applicatkau by letter, or ln-persoM Fill twelve prompt. Mien= - 3. F. 000PRR: •Mr Engraving- done at Hrfam.- sltivrelry Store.% • -- . se' it is not generally known that 0. wits:mesa, at the Book Bindery over the Itaroirilii timoe, niihei Mink - Books -any style s of .. .ruling . aria binding desired., If you want s new Ledger. Journal or Docket, give Fos BINT.-41011110 situated corner of Locust - and Oben, streets, Towanda. Im medista possession Einem Terms on (Ai al I the usual rental until the Ist of April Address, • Mn.o It. W. PATRICK • NOTICE TO CLOTUVIO BUICEII9.-31. E. ROSENFIELD Las just received a new invoice of 'ready-made clothing for men and boys, and a large stock of overcoats of every description, which I offer to sell regardless of price, to snit purchasers:. My entire stook - of clothing and furnishing goods must be sold within 60 days; therefore, I will seU to Snit each and all: Caine one and all for bargains to M. E. !Walnut ice' Every realier - of. the .Rzroirrat will receive free a copy of the best Agricultural and Family Newepsper in this country, by ad !lnswing Moores Rural New Yorker, 78 Duane street, Now York. is.. Mr. Wz. BOSTWICK, late of J. B. Atzte & Co.. can hereafter be found at J. 0. FnoFT dk.t3oss, on gain street, where he will be happy to see all his numerous Mends.' . 1 And any in need of Forniture, or anything in the line of Undertaking, will find the beet geode, best assortment, and lowest prices, at their store, of any place it the country. al :and see-tor yourself. , NoncE.—The Buildibg Committee 'of Asylum lowruihip are , now ready 'to receive sealed proposali to Wild a. Town Hall, in said township. The, plans and specifications' can be seen at the residence of WM. A. Sronni, up to the first day of March next, 'at which time AllJbida mnat Ito-prearnteil. itg-Hanms, at the'Bee Hive St r ore, has tho gayesi looking show window in_tewn, and Ills customers say he has the hest: and &cake. assortment of-fancy and millinery goods ever offered in this market. Hii'store is 'a favorite resort for the ladies, who are - tinted for good judgment o in the pitrehase of goods. A word to the wisp is sufficient. THE RrshEzvous.—To all who wish optrations performed on the teeth, we say go toDr. DOUSO,WEI new office on State•st., below '!fain, in Dr.Pnarr's new office building , ate ond 11 ior. You may rely upon ood work, corelul treatment, and a ,pleasant instead of a disagreeable time in the operating chair, . DRESI3-ISIAKING.—Mrs. ti.KIRY liiNCiS IIIIRY, iu the Arcade block, opposite the EpMco pal Church. is prepared to do dress-making in tho latest style and neatest manner on short notice and at reasonable prices. • Fitting made a specialty. Stamping done also. . CO-PAUTNERBIIII' NOTICE.-7The en der3igned have formed a co-partnership, with the firm-name of R. M. WELLES it SoN, for the sale of Farm Machinery; and will carry on their business, with their office aftei. April Lin the Keystone Building, or store lately occupied by T. C. COWEN, next south of the National Bank. IL M. WELLES C. P. WELLES., Towanda, March 29,1875. z The Tompkins County. Adver tiser, Lilly, describing the 'new, hoproved Self- Dumping Tompkins Comity Wheel Lake,.,ll be sent to all applicants. Basy mothers will be gratified to learn that there i 3 one establishment iu To wanda where they eau buy good, substantial clothes for their boys cheaper than they can get the material and have them made up. Juraus Worse, realizing the wants of commu nity in this particular, has purchased and selling very cheap boy's clothing of every de scription. Sea' WHITCOMB 4 SHAUT have the largest and best assortment oPelegant station ary ever . offAred in this market. .Their stock comprises everytitiog in the line, • from com mon commercial note to the latest and most "flabby styles," such as Scotch Granite, Satiiii Rep, etc. - Don't make your purchases until yen have examined theft. stock. CASE—DURAND.—At the residence of the bride's moth r, in Herrick. Dee, 20, Lewis Case, of Orange C0.,.N. Y., and Lena J. Di rand. • . RUSSELL—PARRS.—In Rome, March. 24. by. Rev. P. Holbrook, lrr. G. W. Russell and Mica L•. A: ParEF, all of Rcime. GRACE—ROOF.—At the !Pareanage, Monroe ton, MarehlB , h, by ner. RAMA Arrnatrooe. Mr. GeortrGraca and Mei Stella Roof, both .of Vranktindate. DUP-AND.—At 1175rrielr, Feb. 17, 1875, Ida Flor ence, daughter or the late John Durand, aged 14 year, , , 1 months and 10 daya. TOWANDA MARKETS. - WHOLEs ALE PRICEE4- Corrected every weanesday, by C. B. PATOR subject to changes daily'. Wheat, 11 bush" ' Rye. 13 bush Buckwheat, 'B bush Corn, IS hush Oats. it brisl2; Beans, 11 bush Butter (rolls) do (dalry,) lts new., Eggs IA dos- Potatoes ' Flour harm' 575 B'oo Watomrs -or Gusrv.—Wheat 60 lb. ;Corn 56 lbs. ; Rye 56 lbs.: Oats :12 lbs.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwheat 58 lbs.; Beaus 62 lbs.; Bran 20- lbs.; Clover - Seed 60 lbs. •, Timothy Seed 44 Ibs; Dried Peaches 23 lbs.: Dried Apples T 4 lbs.: Flay Reed 50 lbs. 3 / T * ES *OLMSTEAD has removed 4.t0 the rooms r4therly o,,fipied Ly 3te, netowr. u u the north Ado of Midge st reef, where she wilt be rtea:e‘t to sett all wh , e tre In want or .eyin g Of ally deheription. Mell anti-hoy's cloth ing made In'the lie,t planner.. A L D o • N CE. - --Delos it,,,..k v en vs. Nlratn Rockwell and N. S. Den mark, No. VC, Tel). 1574. Delo: Roukwell N Irani Itockell and Win. 1.4.1;zer.. No. tiro, 1 , 01,. 14'1. .1. M. Rockwell vs. Niiani Rockwell, No. $1:1. Feb. T. Is7l. In the •court of roninion - ri e a, o r itrwlforel county: The under:Ogned, an Auditor appointed hy Court. to dist Wade money In Sheriff's hand. lug from sale of reai e-iato of Nlrain Rockwell. wllf attend to the duties of Ids appolnttnent al - the ofiloo at Delos Rockwell. In Troy Borough. Pa., ou t - E.”;E9nA - r. APHT :D. at lo n'elOck A. it.. Whirl tit p,mqv; having claims upon fund. must present that, or i.e debarred from-com ing In upon the same.- : March 22. 1 575-vv4 TAKE NOTIC' E. - -Wheierts, my. wife klargaret.b as tett roy 4 bed and boned Witbonk any catue or pratcksition thew are therefore to for all Revlon"' harboring or trbating her on my account. as I will pay no debts of her contracting after "las date. CURI DI R. DUNMORE., l.rarth 12. 1875-2 w. A lIDI TOMS NOTIOE;,-,-;ohli nohnes Seth Abrams: In the Court of Common Plea Of Brsdford 'County. N0.,178. Se - pt.- T.. 1875. •• The undersigned, an auditor appointed by said Court to •distribute the money arisimt from the sale of Dsfendanta, real estate, will attend to 'the duties of his appointment at his omee In Towanda Boro on TUItSDA Y.ltfarch LO.laitat 10.0'elock a. m., when and where alt persons having claims upon said funds, must prevent them, or be forever slebati•ed from co.olug lu upon the aahatt. Feb. 2346 Ex OIITO R 'S NOTICE:- Notice le hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of Julius Wolff. late of Towanda. dceaaed, are requested to make Immediate paytueLt and all 'persons,hawing claims against said estate pima preset them to him only authentica. led, for settlement. . W3l. Wor.sT, . March 4-7 S. . ' Executor. .. . IMPORTANT To DAIRYMEN. • Tho growing Imgortaticei of h airy farming. Icaun 'Dairymen to , iuquiro . fora moro ototo.mteal and labor-saving mig Of .4irTtfici 31LL itiati•that now in " THE ORANGE CCI. MILK PAN," So extensively used in'the New York Dairy County, la the most perfect arrangement for saving labor and getting all the crAsin outlined in milk during hot weather that is now before the public; can con. trol the tempetature of hie milk at will by our patent regulator, and save two thirds of the labor, Reddy competition, and guarantee to surpass-1e weight and durability any pan to the market. E.. tire estiatiction in every case, or the pans may tar returned, at our expense. alter 30 days' trial. Apply for circulars and information to IL L. DEABDSLED, Agent, Warretatamdtradtord Co., Da. HOUMA & PAPRAOE. I= it M. Watts .L• Sos HARRIED DIED New Aavaresementi.' 81 20 ijl 130 iliN W. 111 N, H. STRII:ETER. Auditor L O. Frost & Sono.; 1 J . O. FRONT & sONQ lug their usual Op ' %ply of Goods for the Spriott Trade, and bevel an blind. of 'th eir own make, fall line oc • the beat turnltureto be found in SOY MARKET IN WQRLp ! OVER TWO HVNDRED CHAMBER ISU,ITS! • • . • From $28.00 to $:04.401.). inaliing the largest __ BEST ASSORTMENT OF ANY OUTSIDE ):ORB CHALLIS, BEDSTEADS; A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT O.P 1 -1- 4 R L Si"ir 8, 1 SO @, 2 00 20 9 PLUSH, • VELVET, ALWAYS =STOCK, OE ETT.RNWIDED Coli[ STIOE:T • -, • If Son,are in need of anything in theline of dertaking, you in 1 flan tho' ' _ BEST ASSORTMENT, LOWEST' ! P tif auy Huuao ig Una ftereemt*r, we are selling GIVE USA CAL .2. r - 111{11tl 1411 : te8, r - . , • SPRITilt* OF, 1875. ■ Alta now: recefl+ Mil We have In deck and . HOUSE While etir assortment of I I I 1 i - - 4 BUREAUS, j STANDS, Il TABLES, , ROCKERS lil LOITN I GES, -- • •. Waa never butterl II , I 1 i ~ ~ I HAIR CLOTH, 1 1 ITERRY, ME AND' SILK GOODS BEST GOODS, - AND 1 ICES, :1121 goods•theay. J. 0. FROST & SONS, Main Street. AIM No* Ad. =1 IMII 'DOWELL & , 1 Ake now re:celvin THIS WEild. SPR NO C The largetstock 1 -~ ~ . .~i.t,~ NEW - FLOOR. OIL Mn hcautlful color atul desigtil I • ! • ! N VERY LARGE STOCK El WA LL P:A 1 1 E11, 1 j u,t o~~•~jed Tai all of which thcy 1 , 1. POWELL El lar.•h 23., 1..7:i J. ♦_ DECHER. , , ; NEW The nedersignal hiving pnrchasod the goods audl. leased the store lately: occupied by Julia. Wolff. re 4 spectrally invite the attention of the public to their 3 large - • stock of— f ic •-• ' , 1 • - 1 ,._ . , - I - Iri READY MADE • I CLAJTHI744.7G, '` .l I 1 ~.., suitable or sp4eg tr , ! de. 1 ; L 1 Ell • - - From: our experienee in the business we are row. (dent that we shall be able to meet the wants of our customers-' . • i Our assortment of BOYS CLOTHING , ' . . . , - i 1 . ... , 1 caanot be equaled ' by an, other establiehment 1 t 3.. 1 •,' i ' d • . • in .:• . 1 i _ NORTHERN I*NNSYLVAN.I4 • And our ;niece for _ ALL GIO 0.1) S defy cmpidition. /Fr Remember, we ieepi everything in the lino GENTS' FURNLSUING GOODS. Such As FELT AND FUR HATS, 6.'PS, GLOVES, D,ANEB,, BAXIDHERCOIEFf3, 4c. -. -- .7 pßeln be r the place, - the 011 'Unit of For & fief..' cnr, coiner of Math and Pitta Etreets. BROTHERS. DECKER . •,. . ,•. • • ; • ii ' Towanda, March 17, 11175.'4 „- I i A SSEGNEE'S SALE.—The utider 11 signed Assignee of the estate of • Einover A Beaver h'Bwarts, Bankrupt"; will expose at public vale at their late place :ef bOsiners. Wyantainh. Ps!, on "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 01er. 1875,-a large lot of reasoned Lumber suitable for ,wagon manufacture; including all%it 2,001) feet o$ prime Write Hickory,: also; I,lkes, hobs, ri s , paints , oils; yarn( hal. end a variety t material used in wagon mannitict gre. Al o, one Lumber Wagon, one Platform Wag on, one Democrat Wagon, O e, Buggy, and Bann mph' inter% at in one 81ei g 3 . and' Lumber 'Wagon:. TERIIB.—AII sums undiF ss.' gas ; all; aims over $5 and under $25, three mo the; &Ramis over $ O 5. six months, with note aligned approved •*7 Clarity. ;' . M. D. RIDGWAY, 81ar17.'15: Assignee !. I - - T A lIVITOR'S Nan' the .11 Matter of the estate ofliWm. Johnson, • he undersigned haring Seen appointed' auditor• by the Orphanti.' Court of Rtadford minty, to the'. tribute fut.& belonging to 'Mid estate to the tondo', e administrators, will Attend to his duties at the office of Peet & Davies,'ln the borough of To:, wands, on MONDAY, April ; 19, 1875, at 1 o'clock M., at which time and p'4•3 all persons Ironing claims against said fund are tiquired to present the Rams, or be forever _ debarred from coming in upon said fund. HENRY PEST. . March 17.75.4 w. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. 7 -7- In the matter ,of the estate of goon In the Ori pliati's Quirt of Bridfori County. - • I The undersigned, an auditor appointed, by the Court — to distribute !nude fin the hand& of al l minisirator .of, said estate will attend to the ditties of his ippointnient lit hic.ofilce in borough; Pa., on TUESDAY . ; the 6th day of 1}75, at HI o'clock a. zu., at if hich time and place all persona . having claim, upon said funds, must present them or be titterer debtrred:from i coming ite.nn same. . - on the WM: AL cif MOON. Itch .4.760,41 ' - Auditor. FOR-.SALR OR RENT.- houeei and lot on Second Street, Ward': &winks [ location. rM.o • large dwelling tioule to rent to one or more tsmtlleu, oonviontly,tocated and well slip. plita with tater. Inquire at this °thee. March 1745. . AA DMINISTRATOVS NOTICE =1 Notice is herebygiven that all pinsonsindebtimi t , the eist.te of Josiah Wm • late of Taseezonii; deed. mint make immediate meat. sad pet., smut having claims against estate must meth* them duly authenticated for isthement- i • Illan4 ISM d II M El El 1 12E21 Mi lEEE! I M2I CLO 111 1 =ll =1 AL, - CO.l • II IMI / 111111 0 G.M. DECK IR ",! 0.17 013111110, idieudsteati.