mMzzox A.z NATIOU. —The financial cris is in Canada ig ended —Mathieu., the great French as tronomer is slim& Cuba, .the insurgents 4iB enlisting the negroat. , Texas, is to have * "pas moidal" one rail ' . State Senator of ruxinia, has been sentenced to four 'moths' imprisonment for petit larceny., ;--51 - aa3fahon again talka at' re ai~niag the Presidency of the French Repub lic. - • • • —Advices from Asia Minor ip dimte that 20,000 people 'have died in that council fiom famine. --Mr. F. Alexander, President of tl.e Pacific Mall Steamßhip Company has re ergued that office., —Sir Arthur Helps;the well-knoin Dtgliph author died Sunday last in, Londou, a1;.,.e.14.i'S years. • —Mr. F. Thomas; the Pletiipoten-, tirry of the Unitett States to Pero, proposes 3o 164ve torthome iv thiOnonth. - 2 —The Luzerne court has decided that reprrvlatative Shonk can keep his teat; and that M'earty can't come into the house. los's*of Mr. Dubois, of Wily I:Lnisr.ort hi the burning of hts lumber is Set il-Jua e. SSO,OOO. 1 —Henry a well knoin Ed deeming citizen of Lock Raven, died-ju i,nt place last-week aged eiity-seven yeszi. —Four . hundred and eighty-seven u , vorces weie granted in Maine last year— aiwut ba:f of theru for desertions. —A $1,400,000 tract deed has just Egon rut-on record in Denver. Rich meal:ice to sttudc nrithmetic ont there fequireb $BO,OOO less this leer it Old last, to pay - the interests on the tste debt. ' Senator Morton of Indiana, who I:hs ber:u a cnpplo from paralysis for many parr, le now Cfpelted to get well. —Senator 'lsaac P. Christianey, ile.:,nov Sotaatpr frcim Ali,higai, studied law ,tli:.Eiward M. Stanton. —Tb'e attorneys of ex-Gov. Moses, flf . S .,, uth Car - dine, havn Sled hie .petition! in I .ta Lk; cy. Hia liabititio, amounts *92,451 511 -4 line of steamers has been (- to raulhetween Izabel and Beiizu. t,, eont.eet with 'the Royal Mail ateamer4 to Europe: —A 'motion' will be made in the ifon r :c of bnumorig, lir_hdoo, to adjourn drei for the Exeter holidays from March 22 to Aprii • ,--,Dispalches from Hicirtina an t. knne., t