Fradfordlltporitt Ii Towanda, Thnrsday March 11, 1875. OCALtAII,9 G.,EIVEIAL. NEIGHBOR CARPENTER is rejoicing in the first edition of himself, ijust ifisped. Mas t culine gender. Rom. of Honor at Towanda Grad ed School: Aacatz dattlin,EtowAnDLrrzeimAN. FANNIZA.LVOBD. M. A. aerrs has Fnichase4 an in terest in the Wei:ibis - 0 clothing house of JEW ; ELL Pometior, Trov. , , . . EE'SIESIBEIt Professor- RICIIMIDSOII . B , - Ittlading, next Wednesday night, in the Pres byterian Chnrch. "It WU pay" those who go. MRS. BURTON KING:SI:IVRY, of this place, is paying a visit to 11( ,, r, eon. D. L. Maas= lairaT, Eeq., a member of the Kansas Legisla- tore EnwAari C. ROCKWELL, of Troj', has been appointed Steward of the Girls' Industrial School at 31.1ddletown,4;oun.i An excellent se- .'c awn. T'EasoNAL.—Mrs. J. 1.1 . .• READ, of Wysox, who has been spendifig the Winter in Colorado, for the benefit of 4er health, we are ;.[ease•l to learn is greatly improved. By AN error in copying the,narne . s of jarore for Troy Court,. thcite' drawn for the t week were printed under the head 'of sec , week,. and rice renra. They appear cor rectly in our columns today.; THE Presbyterians have resumed their' slciablea in the Thariday-Echr , ol rooms, One was held on Monday evening last, and an eller is to conic off on next ;Monday evening, ':Le public is invited to attend. ' Wor.Tuy-MastFx DEr;ONG, of Osca luNa Grange, is untiring in 1.1)s cif:iris to secure advantages to his members in bu3ing.suppliee. A saving of over .i7O was made on plaster pur chased by I'Atrons in North Towanda ibis sea- THERE will be another meeting this (Wednesday) owning, :of 'apse favorable tnts organization of a 17 , pang' Mn'na Christian The nu•eting wafeunVelle at Tem i•eraucWHall, and all ioterc•,ted in the move trint are invited to p.:rt:,:ipltb. 'WE HAVE been shows a new potato s,:veral nods of grown inCali f.,rnis this seav - iri:' The i:r.decces o f the .r..L:d climate or the G 'den Irere feut t , fortr. •r!r t this phlte; 3 resiklect SicTaaietlto, - to Hon. C. F. NicnoLs.• 1 • • WiLsON, who has been l mail I.t ell the S. ,ry E. 13. i 3 ror sot le time past, and the EbiliSt!.. Mr. W. id a young ma.o fully tnrupeteut to d:.- clihrgo the rlitcrc.u.A autiLs of host," and coattaeLd ;.... - itroziage or the =EI A PIIV:` , II7'.IAN, or nny rprsou holding resroJulable potitic.:2, had bjiter be an 'uut-ana ,-,.,:t arunkard than a moderate clriLher of infoxicat7 I: , tuerti People tuwardr• thudrunkard are alway,i on no• guard, ibut we take.the i tinder:lto drinker Our ,:ioFOßt'Co.tifithr.leo and cuirnst hfnuwith our ald dr,ari , st interest, andlall the while, tiro' .he is e6r.sorting w:th an •.t:ny tlot enters wl:en we op ,, n our dueri t) ....Xi- him, aid in some nuguarkd and Inc ment injurts as, aia it tility Ora M.T.k W. PA.I who ht 9 btett 15,7 the ars 'in the cxttu , ticr trhele,3hle drug h ):1,0 of Y•Jr;:, gra•Nat-.1 tv.tht leertortt week., from; tile rye of n.rmacr, !n ;ha! c:ty,, , Mr. I.';il;:oN,l.r.A many r: , hero who w:P. :11*,; . merited -.llth ideasure. We heartily congratu:utv Lis . ll tttering proipeqi. BY j:EQU'EST of the citizens, E. T. FY trill deliver I:cirlri;; entitkl Th in th M. El Churli, Le:II:y.3111k 1";* 4:::,, '47l`i; i l6 kr. .9 WE . TlVCible rvpiOzitioll; 11 , •11, reee pt u! .nlWff•rent pertsor e;.fliitr. , ;. wl: , . LO, rd hirn , "The Nttl.on : ," pro .. !n,ce the LIT :t worth- of LI ❑ EEC. • KILLED 1:Y THE (2:kr...1. P . A r 1 Er,' •N; a - :-3.1t31 , r (le:.tral ft. IL, hn.i a son !)f Rtyri.l:- , 1 ; - '1 r;:.- , ..5h,.11 Po.P.t --.1 Fricke 1.1.'.; He ten f, 11!,.•0ver , ..Ly. en cng:r.e. death: re:dains — werr I,!.t tA1“ , 11 ,, :-:!i€511e:Ii•11.:1, 8:1.1 2LI:lf cetWt-ry age - was 2.1 1111118 ii rAr. fll6 bea.riest sii-ow'stoim of ex;',er.i••Lic,..l os s lu ,l,y At EEO cnh• one inch iLI depth: Sdo ., at; illt vnr fot - .t, and 0 11 . 1:hrs-Llitrrtt t: tra!n I , Zs4Pel 10:211 Sundtty dirt t:r.! W- 10 4 'l%iirre n•it:l tt,t- rc xt tn , .! . hilt• the tntin dnel .frit at 3:2'1 M to not :tr. - iv , : it:ttil noon. • . 3 t.t the 15 : ;tri :NJ pth. lI LyDIA E. Bli)GwAi - , of Frank hand t•i .11r_ G. I,Fufur, of Chicag.i, Thur:-.Lt ,l‘ptrtnre IA be .tenou,- tht, .1.1, - Lere ~ , he bad b,autiful ar,l I W i . 1 , -'re Silt - , fV.......g. T0:i1 . 1 . 1% Lt . ii f.r „' ,'.. , :.1:.3 MA alhIll.” rirtile,:. Si:,. ,•arti,:, % , :th 11 , r.t.•11t.r L -;t. , : a :ar . g , ., elr, - .lc ~ , , f .5 ier.,:, MEM. THE nu on nicetiligs', at Canton, v. e. ctrutic.ra , •l,,i,tra , ten r;Lell- , , yezii Lioqr c.ruverty I, at: many tittarrrr.are re ic Rev. JL IlLyNnt.:,, I;inallatral•rt , , N. , has Lieu lebarin4 ti liL tiara .*. lle is a vr_ry ; aral th.• .77.1- ty dr,tTly 11,arerr , . Ttre :20 tr - , larn ttcr , it. ii!: d Jua fitrewell strr mut; CU Sunday ev'enmg:—X. Gar;:te. . AT • THE lAnnual rne6ttua of the n of the Eureka Mower h , :d of t t; e. J. W.I11:‘, J. .A .1. F. ll; :1 :it, V. E. J. S. WIN:;:, :11. ns‘v:..r.::. r. • ,At tin„ (.1 the !,I:ze..ior4 hdt.l F•nb=e ,,l-1, chosen I t. D. M.kpinx. ELLWTT ! . • • • /I left! —J. D. aut:ooli , ed, at the ~i , . ..o kliolderes. meet crtlt-r tar, j7l.:t bec. rtceivoli from 1:1:,4.1om of I'rrllZz'i.l,l". -, r a r:ar , .-la M .I)Rourti, OF 'LOCA': NEWS.- - -Local a..s so.iice this uoi>k, and • f par . agrali tr,,m- a. daily co:item -I. •ra'ry, t tU the "”,:nt : _ . • man ny.r,r edited a d‘partnieLt of a r, know's th,• rnet,flirig t d %void emergence. \Vheit eO ii larg hae to ne done, whether ;Foldhave got the. ma or tilt —who'n on are expected -to have WF. ['hero. a ar. - v or 3Lut.H7V11,.0. dot; is wit ti 111:1110 nosh „ :.;.: 1,01, Li: nearly Ilhe ipueeible, o-tv. the very otect; , r.frak n oo: ) . , e make hrehisstthirit I, .t ..• h...thout w,ter, e. vii alt 1•11 sou I )f?lige I to fed all D.1. , 1111a fill day. and, havie:l4 fut:nd nothitg, con hmet pd7.4.te that etheeiwit:y into %cry I prl.ll , rt aI! , ITV.L!.. it nt) to the. frit,. All 6 1.14 , 4. t, 1,1;• - v, 1. ..1 Id elliff--un.Nr ..zio tole:levo there ar • r , ..1(.3 ti,ngs a. gr. lire. cliff, r orl tins ro,ut. tic 1 / ,:: bawl Upon a ripw.raner:rou rn abet.l.;tt.l . ! 1 ..• • diir erNi'ro• ,: r°l 1,1 p, TRE LECTUItiI . CornaE— P Locum IticumumoW, Professor of Elocu tion in Syracuse University, wilt give a select Reading in the Presbyterian church, Wednes day evening,, March 17, ISM Judging the reading from the, fine reports given in the D - I.7mne, Ifor/CI, N. Y. .Erening Post, and other prominent city papir's, of 'his reading in Cooper Institute, and by the flattering testimo nials from the press in the other large cities where he has read, the lecture-going and fun- - loving people in Towanda have a rich treat in store for them. We trust the evening will be propitious and the audience large. Tickets at Ruse's Drug Store. Entertainment to coin- , moues one quartcr to eight. , DEEDS left for record in the office for recording 4eds, week ending March 6 : •J D Hill J wife to C F Nichols, March 1, '75, Towanda- Bin o,- Wm W Shepard to Alexander nttonske, Janll, South Waierly; George Covkendall et - al to W H William 3 June 30, '74,' Athens; H E Huff et al to John AEeen, Feb 27, '75, Standing Stone; J M Smith; Sheriff, to ,1.1 W Patrick and B . M Peck, Feb 10, 1 '75; Towanda Boro; Leiria Jenkins to . H and BeCjamin Every, July 2, 73, LeßiaV and Granville; B. S. Russell to W B Dodge, May 7, *7O, Tuwanda Boro; Seth eook to Harriet Arnold, Feb 2G, '75, Warret.; F S Whitman to Geq Dixon, Angi7, '69, Stand ing Stone; C H Turner to John Cliapel, March 6, '75, Asylum; John Chapel to C H Turner, March 6, '75, Asylum; Geo Coykendall et al tn Reginald Canning, June 30. '74, Athen§. • , •.,--- TuE Towanda Teachers' Institute held their semi. monthly meeting at the Graded School. Saturday, March Gth. It6porti were as ;follows : • Tutczl. Alhlerq. W. Ryan, 31isa F. C. M Ina. N. E. Howes., ;" Spat , hug, j 99 1561 78 Stella Pitcher, 60 90 :70 " Pennepacker, 55 193:1 sq `.` Mandie Clianiberlain, 51 i 73 31 " E. M. Nioscrip, 26' 89 311 Mr. E. I'. Seeley, 50• i 54 80 • Aftr,r the ueual• drill in Fpelnek by sound, each hap selected a certain rule ih arithmetic and ghee methods of teaching it. Mr. RYAS led an e•mereise in analyi4lii, eio,ing . •ivi 111 parsinr. Adjourned, to meet March 20th. '. N. E. Hefts, Sec;. How B. -Room laQuorts :.RE MADE. —There may beAcn daily, on Chestnut street, says the E;r?lithi, a man drusedi in faultlees apparel, with a sreat diamond Upon his breast, vairly endeavoring td o ut,ghtter the magnifi cent solitaire malls linger. Id a perman uni versity be learned ckentie.tM and not even Leibig knows it hot ter. Ms occupation is tin mixing and adulteration of liqmsrsi, .Give him a dozen caeks (,1 dcoderized tarot:4,l, and the next day each of them trill repro!,entt the name of a genuine wine or a rcpular spirit. . . le enters a tvh,lesale drag store, bearing a Large basket npaa his arm. Fi . se, ponnda :Jr iare first srt.rglied out io Girl. To raw !k i ln: this Mil arts a degree of I smoothuci:, and eleagin , n.msS that circa to imitation brandy the glihm.i.q of that which is moat turcid. An aitringent catcall], that would sirni the month stand. is next is c rdr.r. 1 yourle onnces (it vtryclitiini, st ejlfrd for, are ciniqLif er,riv,:3- erl to O:c cent pc-cki . d, and a r•ontitl ur whitp vitrio: ia af szl , :titly placed in the bAakel . •The (.1 . 1 tfie FullMuric acid, and o•h , r ar ticli a 41at . Aict, fire and body to tho sz,n, szc alwaisi:i . ,rn stare. The mixer these things in variuus iinartcrs,: They are:. staides'of th• • TuE United States 11 , ....eral :Cr t.- - nue spucial must bcpai3 :lay 1. are as fcitotrs : ...... .. Lica:ers, rut:it luptur ;; Dealer , whnlesith I:quor., .... ; . .7n.i (.0 It. , ,tors in tiTturs - stt :.err, ... . . 11 I al. is n, 1.-af tn I , It `'+;l der.1... , r , bI V.bacc 30,1 L'ti Ana uu ....LI., 4f; ovcr :if y . fur ry 6 , ss t0bacc0..... - . 5 10 .11,curt,_qc.rer".. o 1-LA :0: cacti sttl: rual,ufa, vi 4 twin mat,n'acitut.l T,,bacco ...... I.t) LU tr.litactui. L.,; Pc,hiluts of tobacc first-ela.Fs tni , ?re than t ( r ,;ther'2nim.ll,i). Pethlict s of tut - iu-co, bccutul.c!ass tt.;.t - o IturEeo r KE,ira of tub.l6'(),. lirca e not Aube t',. , 11 a v. C I • f barriL+ or ra,,:v Le , , , r,ivs of all (•xpire 31.1.7 1, and ;apt' re \c'4l ::n-t made bef,re otheriAise e ;13,n t lty : of I.le t.t:: mill i e aidlz:l';:.) the tax. EMI SAIr1:1:411: last At the Depvzn in this city, lied Cooper, in th , . f‘..rty.nrst ye - ..ta of-his age. Ile ids the: olOett•Fr.:l of . late Richaril.C , .cper, a brother.of s:Fet. virricre'Cooper, zutt)?r, b , rti at Co - pert:o'4n iu Otsego lie 1,-,1 f.i n, I,u,ilaPss of a brewer am.? atkmt ar.:o6,` liis early life in Up, Stag , of Mit:olA. e4:ning fro::: tt: re to Tyr:1,13..1 , a : acid from Tow,:at.ebt here. He has iivca insft;linira fk.r s t ven 'y'earNhein,2 engai;el wlibo To Itri';.:tl,ts 4: Co. He was', by taro , incimrd to-com.umption., 01 dlmease h • beri . vonfiu , sl to Lis room for the pagt three or fo;.r months, alth , mgh previ lie - to tt.ot Lmegivii.,z uo ei.deritie of the near ai , pro.tch 'et tluttortr. He 1A..31.)t at mitirg a7 , 4m4Ltani_e, or friends; there was but .littt , ) ontelfle ! ulth 14,m, and ha was therefore Litt to few -in city, hat those who did Imow Lint, k:toiv howlful: he was of good gllahtleg, aryl how sarel a man 11,- was to tie 9 . to as a Tt...cse will m 1,3 lilt. There wis a fre,lin , ss ant a tratAter, .b.)llt him that mao37ou arm .ahon't the heat,: for a low; time , Lff , r toet Litt, 'The gr,st worid on ant lout know that Le ha, ; brit th,rc- ba those w at. ESE re . r.t.ins an , : to be takru to Ccopt:tBtown to: burial sLvl t“ :J.) by tho tlfs z.Lornmg.- - Tar. Tr.iy e)rresponJont of the El- lurrAzLcs tl:at _pager ISltl iLttreEt it,j1,22,1 n".wP. •c ,, py tLe following from Tt ,I . .... I,l'e —Ca:.t W. H. ..' Lia gone to,1t.ipb i 1 to atten I tip Sa r pr , ,ua? Curt, where Le Ll:s a I FuO. L. ' Chil‘.-a was I;nrivtl. TLc liJclor nod was 'a tuacestliii practiti, was 1. , r great. elill be; cin t :is ‘ionity. He served as siir,re3u iu the old Panns'ylvania serve Corps, abil, et one time bid fair 4/ be or.e of :the best snr,:ei'ne . cf Af , ti , )ll. 111 fiirie• al wai, 'lle:t1 at his li.ther , e'residerxe, in Troy inn-nal:iv. —S.turday, the fr:ende of Itasc Cleve were called upon to p.r: , rm tho sad of bunal for his little daughter, and o.dy . elia 3. Sad, tutted. ITIIC s sae affected all NOIO knew the hr'ight little: child just bloonling.ito a flower of more than Ord i llialy be.ll:- ty and prom:-I. Laret.ts have'the ezympstliy of Drake. Eeq., has taken chlr , , , ,e of clam in compositon, rhetoric. ,te., at t i.,request of its members. Irp don't one L'etter till the pc,t than frf.r.k. lie 14,1,„1i. but f,u. can canal, and if , •blood wail tell." Leo3.loit to I.e. ab'.e to wr i.. llii father woe a " anon Of tint wean literary sill left at bl6 - 'l'ath poems ably written, which, but for his death, "Inight taco cen given • to the pubic: he also contributed much ta Lb. . press in his time. .1. Rodman! Drake, the ,poet. was a first cousin of his. „ OCR LITTLE GREAT ‘i , en, Mr. Editqr, men, t lib hahe lin the a week or two .i.iuce it ,e,11 1 4 ha; : the has hit .the in a vital part . ; and hence his rag.; and flurry i., tar Lit. Good graintut. critter tp.±. lam triad he te , AS it. Sillate en a man 'she ihh fir fame or rri!oritty in such - a i dirty pud die a- that of Aryitig to shield , oximsli or .pard ate the i.e.= of ,uch a relimulleili as ALLI::11T .I.Rtuvrs- Such a crisis its -. ..!;:d ad mits of wiexetisi2 and tuert • ri LO people who fonal 11;n1 mangled up (Ike railroad after tiv, I.urrid !Live ju,t . ii• I hi4a bk.: I I): arrt:nlßig LtLiL„: t•C T. j..;:„ ti.. had • I e nciar, , t llt h;t11 11,.t h'IN-A. 1:11 I. • 'of.' ut4121.. pcsitiTe cotumand, recsrdelin hii wi-rd 4 , 1 , 1 tet. , 41.0 ^C•~lr , arty) ^pplL n li Rh( MEM =I ;r, with they 110.2::teli es , isha'.l pa3s 7:1 tea nvither g.,ve, 3n tea 4• 71. e tion, , rs Fbe znoE.t did love; Ste kc,•n KLe sLould fled tnenl a 1 sgal n • In the fiel - glit of 110..1. above." I ebeddeth man's blood, by bean shall ps blood be shed." "Moreover, thou shalt take no sat isfaction for the life of tho murderer." Numb. nsay: ' • ' Here we have a positive command ip.refer once to the manner in whica we should deal by the man-slayer; this law has not been repealed, .no matter what our would-be=thought philan• throplstelthay say to the, contrary. Poor!foolish man has been trying in ages to-alter and improve upon the laws of the Al mighty; but what ralserable i work they have made of it. In - the days Rhea the laws of God wero aCknowletiked and obeyed, there was no man found prestimptuons enough to pick a Ilty in judicial proceedings, try to ,h i nd 41 hole by .tv,hich the murderer might crawl out and ce. - Coo his doom. All the judges of Israel want ed to know w2.8,---Has thc . :nan been guilty rf murder? If so, he was. Ant out to meet his doom. - But with our "rising '.yonng lawyer 'in fluid ford county, it seems that Fiat' jugitia rent enlui» —"let justice be done if the sky is no part of Mit creed whatever. He is after . notoriety, and his aspirations are: in a fair way to be gratifieb. Ho will be remembered, but to a way that no honest, right!thinkMg man should ever covet. Well, he wants to know my amino thinks lam becoming famous. lily name I am net ashamed of, at aty time, er in any place—bet to be known to the public I have no ambition. My , only object in the stric tures in I have imiulgeil on the proceed ings of Our young, ambitious lawyer, in the ca-e ofDaowN, the murderer, •is to give ex pression to public Eeutituent everyallere around me. - - The people ofßradford county regard it as an outrage, au infringement on their rights as freemen and citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Si & 93 Better +ill the young lawyer Ilud it is the end, if he had suppresi , ed hia riSing atubitiou, and left thetillaini BROWN, td die, as he richly deserves. . blAs. 8, 1873 111:v. J. S. STLWART celebrated his fifth anniversary as pastor of tho First Presby terian Chnrctl'in ttai place, on i Sunday evening laet. Special services were e.trauge,l for the occasion, and the Bite by the pastor was puenlie.rly mtereAting. Into'following Hymn compo,,a for Vie service, was sung by. the choir And cungregatiou "We have thought of t by-loving:kindness, 0 God, in the nit of thy XlviTh 9. For thy providence so good : That ha.; oiled uur mouttiA with food; That Las wade, the Star benign, We won:a pride tit«i, Lord Divine Nor ror thi: 51000, v,e r il iso • Hearts 61 gladnesg, SCH - Igg of praise; 'But for.:111 thy glare lias (Iota: , Throngh the changes or the ban. Fir thy light in iLirkest hour; F,r eecapi• 'rota :',.4.;:ttfr tr; Fyr thy rotnlorts In dit , tiew , ; For the grace•to bear and b!c For thn SpiFi.'d power to I , avi.-; For dt•!iveranee front tho gran;. For the uid to iorwnlioo, Snail our sorts this arise. 11tpprts were made of he difre' fent of churelt worts, 7Lo report of the Sttn•.lar ecbool rfas 1.119.(10 by D'A.Elays : Number of oltie rs,_teacheni and *265; amoulas contributed iinee Mae. $2.0. TW.i lUrgt•ly lue to the fac't th.,l git'l:: ;tii (.Leburageil, 5,3 much fu: 0: soma . f mynoy, us be,tttihg E. mi.-Isimr:Lry am :ng the Achnlaro. The rz,p,rt of tt,•t firy S-co - sty wi6 re,v3. by N. N. BL-rr. , , jr. Society nt.mb , rs 77 itp,lnt):::n , , and ineht Ice t bande;, , r:n_•l of the t!lt . rt.e !A Mrs. Dr: Af, - e 1, nu of ou.l MEI er:Lar.lJ(vc• f.Jr sr.p -vlrt P a 61:11:1 3;1'5. ntir• e ), he fl,nd v.:ts 'Tno I'n:33llo.l'S rcpt rea.2 by A. Wica 111"..1. ehtirell for th., pear entlin - 4. March 1, '75, v. - cro :3,114, Abtatt ;191 a:hhtion4l wbie iu congregation for • refilling. the 13uoday- . berierrt•ut cif:reit r,,,. ; : . 2. S:9, ENE =I MD The of tl,u thilridi the Ilse more (nTi inraginiz titatt ioly prirV:ol34 11:m p.lptciratc. netiw et ,ii 3.) ere h eon g tte_i r. d'fle hits Luc.% re; ived, arid gives )14.ifului:;:). "rot• done thing, (Jrwhi reof :,1) h , 1, , , . . a:1.- w me a little space in year 6ntergriell.g for Itt , Iffitl".e" of lightenimz that 'hand s ome you n•; Ulan." t tka a sit.ll a hind itder,. et In the briny /LW', Ile , very cureeni he le; what an ereptirb : ;4 mint Ire hap, 1 nod fadlt al:at tetiileT Alitinghtfulnera for the (air Ones and-the it atfaira; why, in, actnaby wants to know what "it' ls, haw made and of crh.t Air my Carr ,yOtri,t fries', if I only pzsteda pd the girt of I lima pe:at in eloiuetit w?rds the beauty, mefaln,s. an a l Jur:ltd.:lly of the arti cle in qmati , n; hit weed; w , tiled fail if I dared a'. 1 , tempt a diserildion; but for hie comfort abet cae of, mind I will tell him that he can see the.tireet almost f any,day if he noes bin t yee well Wt.y. L:eeo the, man, do's, he magi nu that time fandiLe 1 sprc a I,la a dear every wnmau'd heart at In. any other antler than knowing j , itt her to wear • it"? And then the making of this i tit) 'ter arram:erzcz.t; could die only e.'e- the t lati/y Lear the atilt 111 , 16 busy tongue. r, and more th en all, see the woad cr ful ttrileltire he weal !-1a wet 'I-- v.dl really kdon't kr.o v j ..oat he would do, for evidettily he to a timid youpk 111111 i, if he is handsome, et . ' (.1,4 he ' , email tot Lace I ae..lieited one of hire friends to make the - Ir thrctrJi the inedium of the puha. •i What no ?.' Sure enough. what ii it.'? Wouldn't lie like to know; ant wr.l/ 411,'t I :;lx t 7 + tilt him, tar Le is to el:cr. upon the Ent yon,. ilia' ..hamisonie . yorrigmati" ;11 particular:ole :tit to speed u.tieli tineatmlthrtuJit in one celliny Inutty problems, and tuts one re plires such an amonut of bra'n power. Wby, Mr. Editar l do be abbe to gem, picto our of tht ea arti - cles aeioniehed even the fair one herzell; it 1:a a gratif3cmt sight to her yap. Tie. ;11;e23 - of ride' oversllreridin4 lie; c ncelts.nance, as etc bolitl It 'up to the 441:ni:i11:-: gaze et the (din r Blilstlitre, in truly refreshing to . behold; she turns it uptije down; w oni side oi.t, ,for 3oa must know that it Is capable of heir g, I ut in aril 1., finiel.c.l work', and Wrieit'fuLy assured tht Las Lein undone, that thei garment is all that such a o.ment ought to be, i..ho folds it—no, she dark not either, th i e hangs it up, teen thy ie,o:ving to go:the neat dal ainl cal. on one of her dear five hundred, who, of eeurre. hat 'not one of the dertra- Ides, hoping to evite ,Le. envy, le cauve of ter graceful and appnrauce, ulgab to toy eye reremblei more closely a ran tad gun than any. thing I can think a•f. I 'snot der ;1 that v e raeiom; 'young man cam realiz,l the it v.11C111:11.):0 1" is to (ht. town in yet sing epring trade in a 'disk and lively thaumr Why the mike or trio s teat "Ten" two cots Oil EN . ..ill' kle, to say notliii g of elastic, tape atd--i—thz nlh. r thiCzt. I hope I have made my ~i .credien sulhcientlY,intel:igible to the ~ • lianelsetue• y.ting man," so that when he ices IMMI "it — he can rtilogniz r e it immed alely, %tole I 'ant dilating np n this aul 1 e to thank, to the tame of the Easy I:milers,. thnse two young iritn i t4 oh:, Fn cm , ciderar furnished the patterns to make ••;t." If they ca detect thOr own invent ive genius among any of the Unstlers, they will no doubt feel amply repaid for their labor. And now lat 4 but nut feast, let me thank uur hostesses for their elegant entertainments; the iclearigood scale wed know bow to revive the drooping Flirts et the Bustlers, and most truly can the lair sist , :4lw,Ml c T..- c l,,dra with the p " hew doth the Busu"-Ilnstler Bees, “Poprove each Shit,ing hour,'! Buetimii T.tez. TIIE .AN CC - L . 1111cl: or FLWN zue.--Nottito;; is so ;.:..::A2 it and encouragitig as Fue,! , -4,1, and Ill) tqlCet'Si Tilt? ae Lica:a:se in the culture of ii ;were. It is a pkae- Ire vial/ no couipt;laSaliug —cup.awlii..lla pu mice while it peas-a. We geze upon the beau tiful plautA and J.,nlliant tlowere, With a dcli ciunA cornmiugling a'iroiration and lave. v thp, our Ipr, - ,tliought, larite a:..1 cal (. tu:,stu hiue, ...*. ) ;;; —I t t l , e sta::.,...lU,tr-o; I, ,a. s'.; ,, rt , 'ke eL;; , , the Lie nr.% t . - ;,; artll:. I. W.: 1,1%e ;.•; tu:s I V., ,• ;-;; ~ a .:;,1 IL O 11,:1 . . :LA ALI .1 , -. :., 1.•11 1.41(-tt..•r in all the earth, race that rwf.c.terst an nohle:tt irto' nt rt-rd YEAII IIYMN Now on 1;11 cur,lo.arts 1.)...“t0w (aire..7n rervo where ,;u: Sanctity this ehurat to then thy hanh:l.n.s) lioilorea Le! Sitr) God —I he, Fa thirr, Son. And ,114,i!, S• e irit : Thr,ti in Oue— Shall our praisk-s,"without end, In Eternity alzend! I=M There may be hard-hearted, selfish people; ' Who lOve flowers', we suppose; for. there were; bad angels la heaven, and very unreliable pee-! pie in the first and best of all gardens; but it: has never been our ill-fortnno to meet with ono! such, and if by accident we should filisrover.-1 4 , monstrostty• of this we would ho frightfieed than we were a long time ago at: what - We thought a ghost sitting on a cemetery! , To love flowers, however, - because of their ! svmetness and beauty and companionship, and at the wonderful work &lila father's loving hue,' is hat we mean when we speak of the love of; flowers, Many cultivate !lowers from a desire! to (3'061 their neighbors, or as as evidence of; their Vitt:dement and culture, who know notli idg of the absorbing love that causes a man al must involuntarily to raise the hat and how, the', head lu the presence of so Juliet heaven-lent; loveliness. This love of delvers is confined t 0 " .,, no ago or station; we see it iu the prince and, peasant; it is shown by the aged father totter ing near UM grave, who seems almost to adore the fragrant flower in Lis buttonhole, and hyl the little ones, she, with childish glee, search the meadows for the dandelions of early spring.! The foie of dowers, we fancy;: is the meet pure: and absorbing with the young. The innocent and pure can "'ove the pure flowers, we think, with an earnestness and devotion unknown to . some et us"tliat aro older. A beautiful sight 'greeted us not long sincei, which we will en-i dearer to portray %kith pencil - and graver, but; perhaps without much success, as the spirit of such scones is not easily copied., A plant stot.d' . on the' ! sill of the window, which attracted more.` than .ordinary admiration freni a i3ittlid whose:. parents were. probably the owners both house and - plant. Pleasure was : expressed, in every feature; and when we saw the gentle: -kiss imprinted on each flower and opening bud," : we curie nearer breaking that command which! forhidid coveting than we ever did before—and we didn't want the plant either. This little girl had bocn brought up in an atthosphero of, love and flowers and plants, and,yon think her; tastes Would have been different with less fa- . . vorablo surroundings. :Several years ago we happened to be hi one; of our Idurseries, when two little German girls,: coarsely dressed, and apparently sisters, enter-1 ed the grounds, ah;l when first attracting out! F spelt:tatter:tier, had 'made their way to the: ,green-hoese, and were .cmicavering to pur-; chase a pet-plant. When one wad' selected atell the price ascertained, each one brought a few; pennies from the &pais of her dress pocket,l anal art Ala sus canting commenced. Their! united purses`did tot seem enough, and riu-: ether seareaa' was made in the c 'niers of the pockettl, followed by a inerecarelnl connting;! and when tee sad truth heea'anl apparent that: their beaus eon , insufficient fur the purihase, we 'cached the serrowitil countenances, the si-! • lent tear—a beautiful sttrry far an att•st. the good gardener, with a ['mile of pleasure :the g:ow of a iiindlls-aet-d-delivtdkl tip, plant ti.) his allXiUtii Cmtu4:ve, taking their little all payment, their joy shed sunshine all around,' We Laic tried oar poneil ea this scone. Ills is the gennine live of flowers that we" wish to sec spread all over our land. We want to see Ii men , in the manshm, the cotisgo and :the knrret; in the soli,mi-rooms, the hospitals aul, the churches. Abdive all, ww wisu ,l the young to cultivate flowers. This is why we wriiu a. simple wiy ~f iiiwvcrs, and of pimple fluwerzi and e tve abut rire stall costly things to ethers. Thesi living preach-1 ers, th K e ugh I:ps, are cocain.; in tlti,ocefor goo] that few real'ue, and n9where greater' than in our now-b3.a Lind, America. It is a pleasure to feel that wo have Lien en :ailed in some mea , ire at t. ist t Ppl!'..l this! goo , iwSi , v.hi .11 br:nweretiL.m.nit an 1 f 1 of to fci tinny,. and sin ant sorr.ry to urine.. Pericr,4; {Ne toll 0.0.; bettor conefikle wii.a wed t tlrst only' for a hictr•ry rental ks, thus by c01y..1:.g. ;-sae lines of tioltAt4.. ! I TO Tun :" clt,;, terel flit-Z. hell that : 1 ibnctli, • tuiis LIS 11 . - r!1111 , th.• 1 , 4 S:Lbbltil ie We 1i?.11q, arid eTer siugetli A call I ...prnr.r. 7 , 1,;(f1ui3 Ili)+, 0 .Floci*:•rF, aro i i , lo pu!7,v, I% ao% t. 3, 1 1 . 1) teach.r., th:Lt y .=;l3, au.; b 1.1,62 , vith - m. a crime; 0, d2o - 1 - !F•l , :y.rn, snriiirn•lt.r Your I,re 'Lz t' Es% . urc.9, 1 C:,!!!f::{tivlu . • H•ro . ',l 111;1; 'Vire:, ~.. ii,ll r•!:•11111••••40-1 tlvq: traplrt-lt %..-.-,./ • . 10: lovf• t. :ill!" I - l'i,• , ::: Fi,r,r! r:.;•1, B USLYESA LOCAL. Boys' linen collars at M. E. Neittlyli printed town orders I,r +ale at this tilifit.:\ Another addition to the al ati!r".ll litirr of PiateLl Ware tt BtZ''.l)On't Lill to call at ITEsr)tr- . ou,wi›ll to Loy auy iNg w t tio 1:a/ .2, mat 1411%1.1-Plated , FoulincT.—Ten Dwelling 11u . Asds, Terto3 to H. Ef.i 7 1:217E, Trenw2.rtl'e 021,! vs)._ Thy, Lapsit p:ofitable liliffo yOu Pi Gooni ;rt SA I,k: LI! 1 :711, - 7fHt• I,ac. Ea•oiro 1 , 1;0-T ? 4, ;:5:-; Fara:tur,; rai tr., FOr all kinds of goods in the jcwfArytine,lcatt EN't rvbo v having chilqren•to • 1 Oould sf•nd fvr an d'oLitratul Cita. Seminary. •.1 i:4 011 e of 1.110 largc•-t and H&J'S 'IS t heht c, Ci tI y: Nod wApril 7. Addree..3 Rev. D. C.,.?r , E1. , ..N1), A. M., king , t(111 3 Pa. 7:lWiaer..l-:i 11Ville ILL Airs. HE.NRY inakin4t comp, Arcade of cut Irrir alao. Acv. 17-74 if. , di SEP . Ifl yOil NCS.rt t to' pu r ell as t-,'''' LIND, r. - . tti. I'll: . ., B. ‘'... :a. 11:iv• rtl . e.calcite in to:: utL.,:r colluii ' l. . Opera, Field, utc:l Spy Glasses _ is grit ..t II END1. . g. 0~ -- - i&" Wl . yoruirig SQrninary an. Cum tner,:4 t•gr; propare:i Wold ':1 fOr. t ,, rat 4p .:Titt 7, :A -n.l !or an tra r• k t ilu C••PEL Vsl), A. .711.,‘ - • =1:=1 • is not generally known that [I. C., at the 8,.c . .a Eindory tiro Itri..):.TEu rnahei In Li: style of ruling And' loured. If you scut ri ne,ri Ledger, 3ournzl or Docket, gives him TIP! Wyoming Seminary and C.)rnmerciai prepare.; young m,u for the ht!,:t i!o` i le;zee in the e uutrr. first terra open= 7. Scud 11.1 ilinitreu.l cat - logui) to 11ev. D. CorELAND, A. M., liiogston, Pa. ° ; FOR 14:NT.—Houso situated corner of L'aMst.iiml Cheri) . streets, Towanda. IM m«hato posaiort giuen. Terms one-half the usual r'entat nutti I=t of April. Adtlrcs.ii, Ins. if. W. Y.THZCI , Athens, =I .-'cry enterprising young lady an i ger,ll(.u:?ln ought tolv.ive a copy of tiro Icy r.rtc,l 6tal,)g9 of Wy.)tning 6eruinarY•and c6nrnsrcialUoll...o. • termop , ..ns April 7. A4-2r,:ps Itt.v. D. Carn-:4.t:No, A. Kingston, I= 1 srixtst, locating of . the Historical enunty, Hall, to Tu.y, 31-TA , !+ia , (4l ?..!, 11/5, e ii.rtt t::_:1 inter c -t; j: !!!-: 1, 1 1575 a z , etto, Troy .(itz;•l/0, Canton ,yo,ti TO; 7':..: ~:~.i.~ Atlieus ”r!. •4,11 118. Wall Papor .and Curtains cheap. at . Waireozo do SIIAIIT'L Zelercnr's Block. tom' Large stock of Pictures and Piotare Frames, at, Wurrcoma4r, Samar e, Her. cake Wok. s to $9(l Per Day a t, borne ad NJ lams frto. , Alpirosit, EIT/NkON k Gr.. Portland, Maine. Jan. 2.5-Iy. NoncE.-,-After the let of, February, 187.5, McCann A; EDWAItD3 closet their books and will do a cash business. star Go to NlTfirreoun & Suetrr's, liercur's f .slock, fur your Books, sudl3tatiou4y. 'lg . . For the best itort or Ste4li go to ilyint k rtimoct.ol. itie—Non eau find th i e best' of School Shoes very cheap, at Cori n Lg. 11NDELMAN offers A great re duction in Silver-Plata) Ware. vii' Music - boxeS and Musical Cloche, at HENDLE-MAN.O. Itte ROSENFIELD. the fashionable Clothisr, with hie op.'s! enterfiile.e, ham already opened a largs aesurtnieut of silk and soft hats - of the lipting st'ylcs. r , I STEAM ENGINE WANTED.—Second hand, from 40 to GO horsa-power, cheap for ca.,b. Address, with full particulare,tßox 501, Towanda, Pa. $5,000 VEAL CALVES WANTED.—We want Five Thousand good, fat Veal Calves, bo delivered any time before the first of July next; for which we .111 pay the highest cash price. • • Luausn, BILL Ac 7.duLLOCE, Towanda, Feb. 10, 1875. T4o{sl'. —On Monday last, on Main at:, a kit killr t gold a:Mu and a pearl acorn,a 'souvenir. The, Crider will ba rewarded. leasing. it at tlils °dice. aT. Engraving done• at HF.NDEL 31AN'd c;velry Store. ,l , r CR ICE POULTRY FOR ' SALE.—Buff Cociiitg and White LogLornr; a1..0 Partridge Coehnii, nod Light .I.3r.ilium Cock:eft:ls. Apply to C. D. CAUL •G M. HENDELMAN has the largest caa H ststoel: of latlit.s' and gentlemen's gold and sl i ver watcli6s , ever brought to Towanda. If you want to secure a good article, and get the worpi of your money, TIC to go Is M. llE'iUELMl'.ti'd. _ 1t4.. American and French' Clocks In great variety, at very low priceti, at Iliiimt.tur.v:a'e, -Zf yon wunt the best Cook Stove extent, rail a L Just.'s; in rikrezeii .J. Pc,w•Lr.r, is nOw prepared to receivo orders and truly) all kinds c,f flair• Swan Les,. Braids, l'utr,s, Curls, anil,flizettts. ,16'' Keep your feet warm by buy:- iu g .th, WOO 111-,ed bootF, Arctic,;, and warm hlag-ti, at Ci:t & Cuo uppoito 'UK C6urt MIEN 4 - • A ver'y large stock of - i ‘len's, P.oys',lYoutha' arid Cluhlrcu's root% just :4-e -ecive.ll at Cousttrs. CooN'e, urpoiito the Court •• s =I We shall be prepared - in a shun time t., Lahnur,lctnre I.. , inabcr and Shin gles. Drinf.l . yonr LCV.3 fllid It ul!8 to FROST Soya Fuflat'nre Factor•, Tovi.tucla, Pa. 1675-3tuo. , Your wiio, husbaud, daughter perhapi . that "other rd!er,"ll.ill be . itig a pair of slippers about thee days, lie place to boy them is at Consr.r. & opposito the Court Ifooso, MIII a • 1 t COtN I yING to tho extreinely inclement Jt the weather, ott Mg: - 14y last, tit , : t the Mtto Boctt-ty of the liptsc , ,r:ti until Afte r:100 u. 9, at 2 u'eloch, prouiptly, iu tho citurcLi. '. ( 3111q. J. M. WAnD,-Preß: ON -tate I= <,I ure . I MLR 4 1111 7 . You who aro house-keeping, u who ;,rc• iu to houff,-keening, want 1011a1p in the variety of articled vcu d it 0. A. that you must need. , yourdelt' ciih. and cd to kt can lii Sol lL If you arein want of rrook aN'i Ware, or Limps, p.m will find that 1.1,4.N.;11::16 can 1.02 had ,Lt 1111.tca's. 1 yuty guoa guo.L at-fridi price.A, or- refuse Necond-tdas4 elaciap2r than rthose pt ? .1.0 to crow.l th,.dr inn.:nur truck tnartet.. er G the I s , och, alt ITN WHITCOMB & SI.D.ZTT have, the F.Lia.t,z,t arnuttil.ut of elegant stA ti. t - (AT•re 1 tu mark, t. Their %.r.tor% everytiung in the lies, from emu eLmeleitl note. to Hie atitl rno.t • " i.uch as 15!.0t (iranitA, your purei.r.p_s mail! Ye t . x,tl;ll:•.eti !hear pt , ), k. OE OEM lEEE MEM CI ut I b_ 1,12, I.o'i ! M PTOWN OLLMILL.—Card mediliractur. ic,:ll-L)1,28,11, g , etc., as usual. .titccli'dlg Fiannel r.nd Cloths for sale. Machiaer:. 1.7 In good order, and m,cti. warranted I )ne with di,yon.te!). tug, Yarn, EOM ME Never bu:- a Cook Stove WAD 'avo ealle.l aF Ji - NCi cx.tini'ne3 the Ne% Empire," a kthp. - 3 c,LirL Lae here! o,iht.‘ql the txpeetahortA of the nifist his A he,nst:wif,i. I.ll+ q tulle L c ry 0 VERY FOR SA I.E.—We have a Liv tight Ilormt.s nud gt.od carriages, hack. ~.hich tiro ufn , r ror sale cheap Rod on yea h: t , :uins. E;quiro of our ap:elit at. the OE , >Da' dtabl I==l=l j _ 1 1 01: SALT: 011, 111.. NT; ON naisoNAr.3.l: tirsthoive north of J. F. COcr- EICA ..4t , , re, Warren Centre, Pa. A. good loc.i,tket for nnhiner, 1,10)p. I`,,k;,i of M i .-kind in thi , ApplieftriquA #l.-tte , or n. ntten 'tion. - J. F. ,Coomr.. ft Lvery reader pf the 11Erizarrat Tree a colic of the best Agricultural and riunily New paper to thet coetntry, by ad• drn4inT Muore's Peiro? Nor 2 urker,7S Duane Ore; t, New York. Gold, Silver, qid Steel Spec azicl°Ppi Glas.-cs, in great variety, at /El 211\ ' ti JeWl-lry lac'., uTicz.—Thelclicg Committee ylunt i town,hip aro' now roatic to re - ci-ive (1 prof;ostdi to build a Town Hall, in raid ship. :rho plum and sreciac , itiona can en at . tli re-idence of Wnt. it. tirc.nitaoinp e finst clay of Mach nes.% at which 'time Mileit prelu.n:nd. f of toss z' s to tl HAltitlS, at the Bee Hive Store, he gayest loOLing, ehow N'OI3II , INV in town, Lis customer r e raF he has the be and est nssorimcnt of fancy and millinery s over offered in this market. His store is lorite re4rirt for the ladit.s, who are noted !ood judgment in the ptireh tau of goods. Ird to the wise ts:suflieient. ii Bh.,'•:l)EzVol.7B.—To ult WAG wish ttfoi!S imivrin6d cal the tcuh , \;ct nay go . Ponsitt:'s new office on Stw!e-5t., below r, in Dr. ue.v (rye boil ding, st near rt•ly upon riol work, ul trc4.tinebt, and a pleasant instead of a ,f,ue.atle inn , in too operating dttor, opt r to 1) MR!: COLD, 1114 ; , in the Ireado tb,) Epi•eo - PrVilartql to do thc.e.-:o., ttt tityle anti neatest manner tm tq:to - t. o and at r9hsovablo Fleet! ! Fitting made 411;.- I. I: I. 1,41 the noti ,r CV. , MI =I ETZZI Het iqr• k PAssAfir. CZ= geir Nevi goods roooired daily at ; stir The CtinimOrcint College con nected with the'Wyomlng detninary has no su perior. It seuds out scores of first-class bud. noes men and superior . $0P11 , 4940,' operators. Seed for an illostrate.d catalogue an the C4n mercial Journal, to Prof. L. L. letniAour, NOTICE TO CLOTIIINO BUYEEEL-31. E. Lonsiimo has just received a new invoice of 'Tidy-made clothing for men and boys, and a largo stock of overcoats of every description, which I offer to soil regardless of price, to snit purchasers. My entire stock of clothing and furnithing geotlic,mnst be sold' within 60 days; therefore, I will sell to suit each and all. Come one' anti all for bargains to M. E. Rostms.t.ife. gm— Tho Wyoming Sommoxy offers first-41a3 advantages in Musts, Painting, Fren4lt and German, as well as in. CommisS and Higher English studies. Next term opena April. 7. = Send for an illustrated Catalogit4 to Roy. D. COMLAND, Kingston, Pa. The Wyoming Seminary and Comiiereial.College prepares young mon for tin kinds of buoiness and fur telegraphic opera- BanLlng, Insurance, - Coal ; •Wholesale and:Retail Business, Telegraphy and Spencer- an Panmarivhip, taught in die Cofnmercial Col lege. Send for an illustrated eitalogne and the; Comniere;al Journal to Professor L. Z. ilr.e,auE; Kingston, Pa. Busy -mothers will be gratified to learn that there hi ono establishment in To wanda whitai they can buy good, substantial clothes for their boys cheaper than they can get the =material and have them niado , np. JULICB WOLVF, realizing the wants of comma nitY in this particular — has liarchiseir , and! is selling; very cheap boy's clothing of every de scription. - . SPDINGLESS IDUSSES AND SUPPOler gns.—Dr. G. W. !'orctrsts, of lljeltester, has finally consented, upon the moat earnest solici; tation of citizens of the county or Bradford, to make the following visitP; at places and ,d.t.tcs as Open below : Waverly, Courtney Honse, '3larch 11 and 12; Towanda, Watd House, , March I, 14, 15; Troy, Troy House., March It, 17; Wil.iamsport, City -Hal!, IS, 19 and 2d. Dr. H. tiaki - vis,ted these places professionally bef.ire, and is well and 'favorably known. Are Trustee tori:-:tipporters have given the very best FLtlslaction. The Trusios have tv; prings Or bard metallic aubstanci..; they oip be , wer4 night and day, and by do doing the rupture heals. Theft, aro aro p0r, , 0[1.9 w this county b::vo be'en healed under Dr. 'll.'s treat ment. Therefore, 411 Iterate efltictcd Nrith Hernia shr,lll.l avail th,:inelseC of "this oppor tunity on thtt tir.4 day he visits th , .. ct,eve nam ed place, and obtain one bi:thoD,etor's ;Alit Abdontillat Supporters. Dr. 11, comets only ',to gratify thee.° who have been inviting him 'nften to renew his visits to these places. Ir Is a iireat saerifiee for Liin to I,ava busii,t•is 1!t titer Cit..' Or 11 , x.tictstr, and ho Call, theiwfor-2, rer.rniiii (111:r ft'day or two at ouch Id.tce. So go iti the. morging• roan as he rmvuo, in wider to ho in time. Dr. flifrizuriN's Pust.-011lee I dr, si is Nu. 145 l'o*Qra Block, RochestLr. Staid stanii, fur circular Lind read anoniuls. =ICC! READY PAY—CIIAP. Xl.—Tice evil,: of heihg in debt, and t,ho benefit: , of adlicrnt•etc.'c!ly to ret.ty - pay;—the perph a:. ties, anuoyariecs; of prop , rty and rep nt‘ition rf tilt' ene, and I'm ity, ci•j !pent :Intl acres ae:lnir , ment •uf wealth of other, m,y be tatniliarly illustrated by a tr:le tray, nhi.h the ielat frirn his own :Tiny year:, ago, - re a . ecntiod ,,, ion tiorler the great HC:11 (II Lie, and • I: I Iv! tie!? of eert w‘i:s 0: ), o , lpi. t;•,1", itt tt;!(t, oily It liapp,qle.l in the cour=t;' of honlint evcnto that we went iu company ritth the plain tiff, being nr:fied with a writ 0r.11 ,, rt jaw,' as, to the duinu I 1 of a young ejuelo who Ua I been nrirred but a Ld,ort tine. in purch.w.i.g ii neeq,:,?.ry fi•r her ping Lour, d prep, rto It act - , UM- itttt/ t Is Lich int,h Ind gave a y',:;...m,nt ctrl lia.t been h...ffed. al:proactied the thous., the door ,!loiel with airing`, at trouill i t Vied_:.:sehed 'toed: est,',F at 't 1:r• .r. No 'r.n.Awer. W.. huo..lied age n I.,•id.r: It dr3 li Op, D. We. 101 , ,•lit.ti tv , ,ttl 1 1:11,1,!'t do . tt *hen lor face .anp,,,red at the vi in :ini c . ) thAt:n±.tly hoar her flue ircl!,lo vi.iee ~in;; CUT, cult herh. You 113.v ,- . ten 1,11.:itte..3.; to bask Tutu tile lieee 'when my Lum1.,ai,..1 is not l at home. - Pr i n 1. 1 t,,1 the nail hamm,r, nalls 014 the t• , .f...F.•ton the 5. , ,u hirliticati no, wuro golrig on in , :(dc, prtiet.r , !ol te. haot catnle ael cc tr..ifly lev:ed on 4:147, a pap and Pie retnrtn , ,l to the door and told the f ß ii: how?: keeper we must come in, the, Watt dili aht. teo'.: 1 , 11 of rh, when he .veiz the prllaii tho rilliitit 1:112 tenlpie. It ticl iii to 'ear cost 1;1 -w e went. The wi'e f,r the and lei' ding it very overly In thu e yrrc,et ye::- non "pr4,ro, to gi:rl '' tit rd, e „,v sword cx••rciee, ecraute I at the top cif Li r voice—"t.' tar out Goth e•ann:g Vie pau::f:l the prom:. , rt. Itt'Te W.l t l a 1:e:1 in ocri,iorn , r I.)t the r,an, by curt .17s; under t we It , :1 , 1 a terrilde and a f ov, r or pilyo - t•int picci of tho Fo:n alit calif • out fr unler the be.] on all fuuft, curers,] %!, 41 ,, vn and feathers coel aesrctly tell whether it will n feat r,beari:l; wore la -or •3. he Ig,-liog cr th e animal that ept:e 'for Mr. Bait[To - he continue.ll. Copp/so, Co. CHURCH, SOCIETY . AND OFFICIAL DI- ItECTOnT.Hrile 10110:Wing directory is publisheil,f6r. the triforna.tlon of the public., We will thank our frteutin for notifying ns of any errorl, they niiy covet" Barr CIII - HCM—hntin Street, heloar Washing. ton. Se, vfoes Sunday at 10.‘it a.m. and 7t_ Sunday :iely,ol at 12 .c'eloek'. 'Prayer Ileetlng Thurnday even:nz. Pa.tcr, Bay. S. J. I.x-x. Erncot. 1. CP FlriCfll—eor. Matn and Canal Strrata. Serviced Stind,y at A M. and 7 Ir.m. Sunday School at 12:15 P. Id. ' , roar 1.1,.etin7 ThnrEday at 7 p U. Rev. CilAni,r P. 11e1nt - At , r.,ll , a,tor. M.E. l'itrEcrt —Main .street, above State. Sunday : I , r,a , hing at 1U. 1 ,1 A. AL and 7 r. It. Sun day 14,•hord. r. i Prltyer Pico tins, r. t. Thntaday evening Prayer }ketlng, 7 r. M. YaFt,r, Prtvi,urtnni,N curneit—Court Street, near Court Servlorr Srtn.lay at 10 and Prayer Mettung Tbrrsdl7 evening.„ Srnaday School .12 •.,t. Pa..tor, Ile% J. .S. STEIvAlti. Pr.tEn AND PArL—Serviet . s every two weeks!. at 9 and 11 A.M. and 7 rM. Sn.l.ldAy So2:001 at 4 ra,tor, Rot. l'enticETO:tr..O. , A.NS-.17.. Cm - two—State Ktroet, Seeona.._ Prraehiv:= Fundlyt; at 10% A.Y. and 7;; Sun day Scl,o 2 .1 at IP. I. COMMA...NI:4MT. No. 10.— Ma,nie Hall, over Patch's titoro, at 7 P.M. J. C. E.C. . Lollar.. No. 101.—Once In two iataka at 7 C Tur.n.A. (.711.11 . ^F1t. No. 'CL—Once in two wee?. - s, at 7 1" . ..11. Co.o, F. Congo. H.P. T. 0. or 0. F.-I.lnAuronr. II)DO , N. 10. Fellows' Ratl, m'er Fro4t k Sonia' Fuiniturt‘ Rooms. 3le3ta every Monday vc..ning at. 7 o'clock/ Wm Jo?. gee. ERALWOILD -IL—Meets secOrrl and fototh Wednewla) er.nin,r; of each mouth. W.‘: SIN Y1,1'.11. C.P.,1‘.•..v.111:T; HILL, , JoNF.g, Scribe. E. OF P.—Ton ANDA L0n0E.10.290.-31".std1 every Tio-i , .ny even' 1161 in Tenzpurtinco' INTL o'clovh. J. W.O. - S P.S.C.—To:rtvna Lunar, No. 370.—)ToeTa sec ond:4nd. fouro.l Thursday of each month. Slirovr; 9.E. OFFICIAL DIRECTORS: PresilientJurfrp—riOn. IV, D. Monnnw, Towanda. A 4Folitl 14.11 A ga —llon.ll.b. Tiniumm9,Bprinwflold. Hcor. O. R. BT.N.C.RLL, Towanda; Di,teict Attorney—d. N. CAldlt, Towanda. rrth.n.lary and cl , rl: of Colirt—BENJ. aI. PECK. Reco•drr and ettrk of the Owens' enunaucic. Ito:if:or; SMITE. 6milni,sion.erk—rtioituie SLEEP/air , . WCI/a; EvYKE.NnAcr..Towanda; Alt - LIAM SELL Towanda, ry !‘r•lri ion rTS. —ls. RsArr, Colnaalnai C. E. Fr.z.. , l"soN, Ulster. Tterimr , r-I.llltAll EISTITtEr. Towanda. ' Au.litors-43. W. Rw.n.K. ORAN?, Sontli Creek; E. 11. HELoNo, North Towanda. c./ntet—Pna.l. DavrEa. I. Thy:frino—nr.l). S. ritArr St.ll , 9)r—G. V. MY - tr., Towanda. TO WA ND A - 110170V7:11 OFFLUER.S' Ittr. - .trr ottn‘hntii-J.INES BILYANT. SOHN n AtONTANY J. M. WARD, .1.5.31r8 MCCAIre. T. E. T. F*.x, 11. T. M. Wool - men'. •In! 7 r..a;z:r..r-f-To:1. Peacr-11 4 . 13.4:A7t - r. I';‘).7:j -7. A. tfo.:Po 7.: Cl' N. T!! ! Trt•astir. .7. !":ty!.*:.....1., ; \ 1 !. ! J, N. e 0::.; .1 Ot,r-, , mrs 0rt1c....r-Dr. J. W. Wm. Mr., /2 , Wr)re-=Wa. B. lirscryr, .1. A. tire.P.D.l4fl". 1 0 !1!!••! . - :tlnzt 13. g . • /7nginter—Cliief, Env , Ali> WUXI. R4Alsalstanti xD asses. - Up Steal /tire Engine Co , No. I.—Meets ,e4gesdafeveninir in Mist mouth, 1 4.8 0 rouldi no •lionve ' 7, I. 31.litnevkuunr," Provident, ; ett.mtelleAllPATEW, Bee'y. - • Naind Engine Ce., Ne..2. ,- -3feet lint Monday even ing in each moats; In Boieugb linginettintre. 81=.0.! President; 0. E. Piton, Beey. • Ltn-idt Meant Fire Engine' Co., No. 3.—Ntast first Tuesday even.tpp bv qteb month. in Lin•ta 'Engine Souse. - B, A, Mann 'Ptesident; B. A. Mzncun' Sea'y., ' . MAIL ARRA.NGEMEYTS. . ' TowaspA Posr•Orrthr...-31Alls Aug South dose at 9:30 A. st. Sud 9 l'. U.; going No ,at 10:15 A. 41. and 6 0 r. te h il, - Arrive from North t 10:30 A. Y. and 4:30 r. u.; south 4:15 P. M. ind 3140 A. VI, Barclay mall closes at 1 p.m.: arrive! at 8:2•0 PAIL 13. k E. elosei at 2:80 r.m.; arrive/ at . 10:30 Troy closes at 8 .4.11.; arrives at 1 P.M. Leltayavide closes at 1 P.. 11.• arrives at 12 Y. Nest/Era arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days at 12 U.: departs at 1 P.M. • Mehoopany arrives Itentlays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12 al.; departs at 1 P.II. Sheehequin arrives Tuesdays. Tbarsdsys, and Saturdays at ID A.M.; deplitta at 19 u. S. W. to..vona, D wive- 4SSOCI4TIONS. • • • Mutual Building and Sarong Fund Astociatien I Meets,in Grand inry.ttoom tor payment of ittsiall• melds, third 3fenday in the month, from sto 7 . N. N. Berry. Jr,,, President. TOwmula Building Arteciation.—Meets In Grand Jury . Room for payment - of installments, fourth Monday In eMh'etotith,froui 5 to . 7 P.Y. ;Joaren. Powum., President. C. Cowen, of Tovvanda, has Plst received the;targrot stock of China, White aranitc 7 Ai-on-stthie China,-and French, Belian and American Giassa•aro,_`over brought to this market. dtpd the best of flijs,lm has proCnr ed theM in such away that ho is Belting them full 2, per cent. cheaper than tlioy Fere ever sroirl Tntomuld. 'I',AITABBLED- DUPUI—RILGWAY.—March 4, 1875, at tho residexe or the bride's. lather, James l 0. Ridgway% E q., Greenwood,:' Pa., by Rev,' R. 'A. Lloyd, Mr. Georg(' G.. Dnpny, of Chicago, I . ll.Lnuct Miss Lydia E. Ridgway. of Green wood. • • . LACItY—DURAND,-:-At 'the residence of the . hrijo'd mother, March 3, by• Bev. Geo. L. Wilhana4, Mr. Ili\ W. Lacey, - of Ltceyville, Pa., and Miss Olivo V. Durand, of IlcrriCk; Pa.. WRITARER2—ROCKWELL—In Ronie, March 111.1; by'Alto Rev. lien. W. Stone, Mr. Salmon B. Whitaker and Miss Valaris Rockwell, Both of Lorne, • MEE -AtREGEII. ?;,tth, Brad fprd co n nt::, P 3., Fvb -9, 1375, El iz bet h, wi fo of J. if arvoy Ithzilr, of ITnntington cannty, N. J.,, m the 29 , h yef of her age. Airs...Rtorat was the daughter of Join S. and CIiIIArLINE DAVIS, Or :bath, Pa. BE)IVELL.—At Neath. Bradford connty, Pa.. F, b. '21,1475:Evan flownll, aged 73 yeare; 8 Arrviiti). , and 15 days. !Jr. 11 , ows,u, was one of the early eettlera of W , hti Fetliehifint at Nerit h, haring emi. grattql from Wale.s, and settiell at Ihe further pittee in the rear 1832, when that part of : the county.4ai cikmpariatively a `wilderuesa. ilowstr. waS one of a :farnily, of four brothera, tr. o pktera, an..l ftrter awl 'Mother, who set tled here at that time r and of whom there 18 now bit one, "Uncle IVILLIA3I llocct Lt " left. Thi t " d • pouegb" *re .fast divapperiring. T° WANDA MARKETS wHOLEsALE pracEs. Corrteteli every we.mescty, by C. B. FATCH ~nbject to changes wheat, r bur..h $1 23 1311 Rye, V. bush Duci.vber.t. bush (-'.orn, bush - !i0 data, 5 b - ashi c • sk, Bezus, 7.? 141 AI/ -. 150 (4. Butler cnllsi "j' 1 1.115 23 61 do tdai.:y.) 35 h re• • 25 FI 2+l cr , dos P , A.,tot-s, 35 bp•talovit Flour barrel .;5 i 3 a 803 Wr:brire nP (11:AIN.—Va•sla (10 li,. Corn 56 lbs. 10. e 513 lbs.: Oats 3'2 lbs.; Barley 41 lbs.; Buckwheat 54 lbs.; beans 1.',2 Vos.; Crau 20 lbs.; Clover Heed GO lbs.; Tunuthy Se. - q 1 4 t Ms; lfried Peaches 33 lba.; Dried A`pplet: 22 lbs.; Flax Heed 10 lbs. QUOTATIONS OF - WHITE:POW -' ELI, A: co., DErn.F.l:4 esr, fikuukras, So .12 ollth I'hil.A.delphia.ll.3.rcli, I. 1575. 4 11 , % •••••,e .• 5 :61, = '62.. •• " " ..• " '65. 16 • J. and J , I1S•,, " ". " 10-46, cw.:l) , :a.i 11l 1114 , ,, •• Fai•lile. t;'n, t•y ' 11V; 111 4 ' " s'ri, Iteix IR. I : 114 , .; . I11'„ . I , 7,isv •• i• 1831 114 e, i-111', (1011 ~ ill's /1:i , 41yer Pount , 3lvAtilit Rt. t ILr Lehigh Navig.ttien,. Nal!ev Unito , l of N. J Oil On. t-k Snrttnril Cvntral, - 31'„ ' 131 , ., Col.t rat Tray sportat fon • s • 41+; ! 45 NeFqxietwnilig ".4 ,, , ! 54 !.., ro. k. A. li. , rtea.2o li . y1.. , • 1 if- 101' ' 163,, W:11V You COUGH ?—For the pact N ear we have auld trunienae quantities of Dr. : ; :fenia.:! of. Tar, Wild Cherry and Hereil , “tad, an.: have heard hat one optnien it—" That. it is the boat thing we hay,' ever a:q not rally the en dor-ement 0! the peor!e, but numerous pin Hi alio are argaaiMetlwitliit... composition, air. it tlt-ir nninalfEct! approval. Try it fe.r tv.mghs, !:1 , !! orce!!!, brunrbitio, asthma, or auy form of Threat er Lung' disease. It con lains•uo op!ant or ether dangerous drmr, is pleasant to take. Please call and inquire alma: it. TriAl bottles 10 cents. We are stile ageahl for Tawai:da. Ne . : Ara)) artisements. ISI. OF LETTERS remaining in ILA tht, Postotlke, Towanda, pa:, March 10• ;0: I:rnec•, .11,o+ Nettio Gornan, Juan (1) Hort •n,,Frannis 13 I(9rrt,on, Sarah )IrEldee, Anna Pool,Lvvi stii;iv4u, Nora • • Snli.hury, U N (2) • Tlorpo, W Vikuatl, J, Pc.r:cang calling for Any o: the above letttrs cviil say •adverti ,, en' and give date of S. W. ALVOILD, P. M W A. NTED! .A.aTIVE . AND', RESPONSIBLE AGENTS' r tqj CANVASS BRADFORD -COUNTY, NVEUL HORSE. HAY RAKE • .V.,1r0:-;§ C. U. TARIIELL. Ms';!. 1 1-75 ••x2, . Toyrantla,Pa... VGds .POll From tlnc folo%tiLg N!irioics of PURE BRED IMYLS, !I'W:0 DOLLARS PER DOZEN Dark avid Mtit Ih-ati ; tuff and fartrldg,. (:c....nina ; iirown and - Whit4 LeBliorni; llont.lanK. a , ...1 Silver Grey lioiitingft. • . - I warrant one half et eaell dczen Ego to ITAtch. If they d u not I will replaeo thou at So cente Per . . fond Stamp for circular. 1 , , Addrcris. .. I SAAC LYSDE, - - Marlbbrp, Stark County. Ohio. poll SALE CHEAP AND MN Tzamt;.—A tarn i,t b 5 acrea, about batty tbnber: new bou.,e, ono auks frGiu router of Tow3nils Born. Ala.. 2 Aral clams r0,.1,1,..ncer in the moat de . larable n, phrtlo of Ttoro: A feu cheap bon es and, and a larL:o number of vacant lots chcip, and ,na2,tuento on Inu2 Eheiniro orw !I, 'MORGAN ,k CO , Fel.. 2547, Over Pqe - °llion. VOll S.iLE.—Ti.esubScriber offers for pa!( . .. hiA in-the Lictrougliof rin c , Ot 21rl li. rd. It ie located in tlin Lent lll , nlLleal; pert jif tho town. A. free. coruniodioun, end nuisiva buihling, now occupied by'i - iriy Lynn nit a dry goodfi i torn. g,rr term/L.of t•aln apply to G. W. Dalai's, Dig., Le- Del . aripe, or to the subamtber M Warren, Bradford Ea., Pa. J.151E.4 W, JUNES. Fob. 21-15.3tv. - - lECUTO-'S E 13. cotic e in hereby given that all permana indebtol tr) , . Clit . 2:!a of j'llillB SVoIT, late of Towaut}a, are'requestodto =kb ituniediate payrOect awl ail pert•olos having • etaims ag ' Alitt estate. nontt presont thent to hint duly Wort:A...A -t-ed. for settlotreult.- ' wl l .-wefyr. Slash 4-75. . • • -.1 - EssoLuTR)N OF PA 81.11v.—Xotov in hereby icon tlett the co. E4attbest.l.ll, I.n.tt6.etts. ,117.:ij owar ,1 ..Inl Nt. D. Itidr, of Icyrdirring Da.; too:er tho firut lIVCI,I of Itowerd 'Oll4 !tideway, waw on t ::tdh day of latotary, utulual coneent. Alf tlobtso‘viog to the said pat tnerehtp. Areito be re. colved by M. 1.. nil I, I' abb.:l , l.lp ere to LE, rre,tiit.oo. to .I ,°B. HOtcxr . j f, j r pa:.1112C.r., Iv)ahl! : It::, JAIL ;;11, . sinf.,,,t y w::!!‘• 1.1 , 7 , 1 tin:; the , ter their vitro:l4T rittriilsi. kit) past, would goltel m coutirr ,, allzo .f, 4 ; 11. 111,!Tati,i.,. !!=t . , FIRE COMPANIES. DIED .u.K.EL , • 119 1 9 0, 111 117', , 117, 1111 4 , 1 11:1', 1.0" '5 .rfi ,- ,; 57 ; 20 , , -123'4' 11,, Trlninn Gnnnw: For the sale of the best World J . a EnWARD. y, 1). I:II,6WAY J. O. Frost & &me. SPRING OP 1875.. . • . .; e f . lo.- FROST & 134:8 ' Aro now retell' ? r • Ing their mina sup- , ply Of Gouda for the Bpring Trsdo, and have on hand, of their . •oNn wake, o' full lino of . the beet fonitursto be found in • 1 1107 151,111110 ET IN TEE .WO/11i1) I ■ Wo have j in stock OVER TWO HUNDRED CHAMBER SUITS? l• ••, .• ', 1 , row $28.00 to f 300,00. waking the I!irgest t I ? 1045 T ASSORTMENT OF ANY HOUSE OUTSIDE OF NEW - YORK 1 i • White our ismortmout of CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS,' STANDS, • A LOUNGES, &C., Was never better. i A IC:OIEPLETE ASSORTMENT OF I'ABL,OI2 5L717,';9, 'y TEEtRY, PLUSH, • VELVET, ' AND ALWAYS IN STOOK, OR FORK ISIIT.O ON SKORT NOTICE. 1 It ou are' in need of anything in the line of CIL, dertaking, you wi.l flna the BEST ASSORTMENT, BEST GC)ODS, AND [WEST PRI/ES, of any House in,thle county • / • / . . , . • • . . / _____ , / . . . . , . . . . • , Belua9mber, wo aro selling gouda Bear, for OM GIVE' 118 A,CALI J. O. FROST' SONS, • Alain Straet ~~ch j,1~.~,+d~ pRO I CLASATIO.I4.-MIZREAS, Boa. PAUL 11. MORflOttl, President Judge to the 12th Judicial Distridt, consisting jof the • countieS of Bradford and Susquehanna, and Hons. V. S. IttptSELL and B. D. Mittman .1 Associate Judges, in and for 'said county of .itratlford, have issued -their precept bearing date the Ist day of Febreary. try, tome l di- 1 . , rented for bolding a Court Oyer and Termi. I tier, GeOral Quarter' Sessions ,of the lPeace; Oonarnott Pleas and Orphan's Cote., at Troy, for the COunty of .Bradford; 'on Monday, t March 02, 1875, to continue two weeks. • Noticd is therefore herebygiven•to t Coro. nem and Justices of the peace,lot the bounty of Bradford, that they • bel. then; and "there in their proper person, at o'clock in the fore. noon orisaid day, eih records; Monislthins and I other rOnembrancdf, td db those things which tb their Office appertains to be done; and those I Who arciliound by recognitincepr othertrise to ?. Itrosectile against the priSonerst.who itre or may be in the jail of said county, : pt. whit -shall be bound to appear at the - Said Gout a to be. then and there to prosecrito against them as shall bejust. Jurors •are rcquestedito be i pUoctual n their , attendante,agreeably to their DafPd at Towanda, the let day of Febrlsry, in tho year of our Lord, One thousand eight 1. hundred and seventy-eve, and. of • thci . hide. pendence of the United jiStatet;, the ninety- 4 uintb.g iIfONROE S MITE, Sher= I= AM Y '' MN =1 - LIST of Jurors diawn for gTroy Cot# MarcliTerm, 1 2 75, 5 It John ' - A thenail sm. Gay M Tozer, Jobri W TSMay; ' Asy Inn:, Jacipi Remick; AltianY;John 'ht Wilcoy.; Bar- i' clay. Charles Green; Burlington Weal, W D thtma ge, "ii Nile Foulke; Canton twp, David Bartel. dri : Jacob I Bear-614 ;Columbia.llenry de, rrstt ;Granvlllepilwam 4 T Shoe.maker; Leroy, John trltiegs; Orwell, Samuel i N Bronson. Ale Friable; Pike. II A Rou, C tt Crap- "? d.sit ; Ridgbury.. Bennis -Sweeney; Rome, Ortmdo.. 4 11, Silencer i'Fitnitheeld„ Lee Thotuas,LockWood amp. ettn, Walter Scott; Standing Stone, John Dui* James Jtyartnest; ,Towanda Gore; Geo LMI dingh. 1 Jim:ph Pounniske!, Isadore Rolm:non:Michael Can. I:fey; twp, P L Ward; Troy :born,' Frederick Hoff. i men. Otis Adams; twp, Mitten 0 Lootnis,lEdwin lilickwell; Under. i Edward 'P Lemoz; Windham, 1 moton „St -JohuPon; WarreY, Stephen, 0 Cha ff ee, I Was; David McLane. - - i t 1 , .; . • • I szcOND YLs , . Atmenie. CoralWenler; Albans', Uri Lee; A eyk - ..Jobt. - "hp-- -- - ri .kylutti, ;John Chilson; Athena 'boro - , Geo y ilteed twp, Crane Canton b6ro; Abner Dot e David B Russell, James, Finnell; twp, Hiram Gar:. Co- Intobia, Joel R Watkins; Fracklin,tico B Park, Geo Perry, DaVid Sinliey: GradvlPe, i Frank :frpnyan; Renick, Willi:tin Taylor; Litchfield, CharlealCainP* Jobb F Struble, Wortby! , , Brink, John RitlifileY . : Pike, JaMea Goodell; Roma'. boro, Bthalf. Adams. Oscar El,Young: Hiddibury. , 4ames ritirton Booth ()reek, 'Park, Donning, •Geo • Ameigh: !Raiding W Stevens; Towando bore.' Welsh; tup. Fred ;Si FitheN Terry, J H Adhoono. ver; Wyfiluaing, Birtm Detrick:. Warrami Jacob t Rogers; ;Wyse:. Edwin C Owens; Wells, litrAlay Witcher, Geo Noble:, Wilmot; John P Ely; ,George Eberlith • i r, I= INepRPORA.TION. Non - cp. + Noti!ie le hereby gicen ; lhat Hoge end 1 steam Five Engine ! Companyof Towanda. f 4., hats prevented to the Court of Coinmon Pleas o Brad. ,ford Coubly.- a petition praying that Artiell, of their conetitution by insertin2 the wordp P01:10 Hundred; and fifty." in place or s one bunged, in• creaoing the number of actle members. The said, court bavjiij; examined the eacce, and findin it con. rect, clea'.,ree that the CoMititution be ao,azuendeit as prayed for; on Monday, the sth day of Apiii,lB.7s. a. ru., unleas auto be ihoatil to the contrary: B. 3f.TECK. IM EMLIIIME= f ir HILL LlST.—March Terri at Tr4 7 :1577, .1 Pomeroylto. C. C. 3riaMelland .maisFue Peritopol Wolf appedi a C Moo're Va John Cann:Lan .. • • I.l7Jpe R Footer.. :Vu; 6 FiAt. , :r Vel Wra Brace 8 .7 belata vs Mark. do. 1 J C Tyler i'• . • .. t . t,• . 1 ..• . t ,, %lin Gtotin f t t: i John iiewitt.....i 1 ' ; La f zytAti, Leonard i'a Fanoinn Cole'et al. .... ~..eject i Lew; 3 4: Cwo xs Peru 11 liardtng t a 1.... .. °..ezi la 5 -- 4 i I Fraukliti, is Per:moil is Rnh'r F Ilidington jruif,s Wit iatni ye C Itall'alty Co Ft-reoric.: 13 I. K . ,,icht Horace Damqr.ll. ... tb .ti. , 11411 vs Wilmot Sop4r Thos 11:ix .4 , 41 tt ai ys 0 13ullatd, corn • szt-oND I Zr - All s !Banns' . , . -- z W Ea:a's as-Unees-ss (lentaa In , surauce l'atrtA {.lif:i!V ...,:c."vs J IT kilel Diate r.rt) , :•lßr:. Moshier vw. IBighiNloF ' i.eaadm'r. .) , E B:111''N:t s Irwin ti Ciiealiou et al ‘l , , ,' ' - A W Tri ,, lllth . . 7 eXe6 et al 1.. .do .1:1L1 , 3 , 4 ins. vs ... do ii do ' ' ..... ... :do Itva•et cl. - I,Lpton V* L I) Drreiford et al I - apleal.l le'ill.€ol ig , , rry vs Ar..1T:rf., , 0 no ry's airr:'r...)Lssujup ' . .,T;;Al,y•k: Ja,eason vs B L 1intr4ht... , ,,,, , appeali 1.,t-r .i . c.aroc• N“aniesCusr,a.....- I aslurupalt ~ Mar,! , y ~ , v. Jac'.“,n VP 13 L Kilighte.'...' .... : .3pVeal ' i H Chic va Fred- A I..nnw.. -, , 1. .do ._ .. ...... ' . . j : ,...,H r.. , inti. vs Homy Miller— ... . . t. 1.) '1•,..71 E 'Flier vs John A Yin Wert ..iasemnp F H rt.r . .. 211S . s John Grist , • t i appeall • t Subp•smas for first week'returnable Mirch. 22, l ' , 1 ',75, st, 2 o'clact p. m. Sce T.MS WCPIi, Mardi 29. ..'. ' ;•;.; BEN'S M. PEPS. . ,r . Prottion(Aary. TABLES, pEPORT OF TI-tE . CONDITION i AA; , f tie ••Pllli , r NATIOAL . B.,....K.":OeT4IVIIIaa, i P:i.. i..: i-1,444, of busiunss. I: 4 4cetzlbe . r 31,1871' • RE;SOrIiIt!ES. , , ( . I . Loan= ;1141 di5c0unt5......4.... .', ... .. 830.493 110.4 Ovorl4 , 4ift. - , • f 1 ', ,:, 2.811 :47[1 T i .S. Bor.+ , to ;f. , :n.irr, circnktrozi...' • • 13 6 00 OD 1 n.. F. Spnria on nand '' 200 00 i : r • ____ __. ROCURS, Due f lin:retlescruinE: and rekervc a , ,enti.;.. 33,503 06 Ji;ti. 0951 - 33 3 - irm fr. , at:Stat., f,ank. and 1.721 - 0 G 1 E,itate, Furniture and fixture: 29.4113 9i Currel,i , l. - lx•u , ,,s and taxes paid,,. • :Li G 1 r t hii oth..r cash items.... 0 " 961 41 _ 41 “:". Rational Ou I rra, Cnrreuey t.'...224. 57 SP ,. i.'• (grinding gold Tretu.ry notes).. under note 17,125 tO IteL:eruOt!n fund with 11. S.::-Treasia;er (5. 1 I op otrgulatior .. 4 • 1.5,t1.40 00 , Dna :rani S Treantirer,:,xe.,,r than 5. rAYdeciption fund i 1.200 - CO ;; , _±..,_........-• , • • Ea.),791 EG:', LII r,a4KLES. -- } • - Capit:lstr.) , :k paid in :. J . , ._ -.,. ... .. .. $1 3 5.0 , 0 ' e ,f, Surpliisitiud .?. ...... ... .., Itoi)o nal, . other nti.jtvi&ei p' 06P4..:i .. -•• ` • 10.r91 17j National tank . 'ir' :4.14ti0u. oilt.itatitlirg . ... 1 0,q , 4:1 OW Piv,ipllft.4 Ilt,r,s , A..... ..... ~. • . .. 72 ~,,i linlivi.llial Del .n. i, -. .;, , L . , 2i4.254, 71 rillA' • - dtjnel 1-1 nt" 1., • , 110413.....'. ... : , 3t1"415 071 / .. 11 - 7:‘, t. , ',N4ti , . jr,ji Tla-al: ,f.' 113.1Wi 71 , Du e 1 ' ) § l4t°, bznl:r and laOkers ..., 1-- 173 IS . . [ ...i . 1 _ =z t e , . STATT "lel' Pe!.. - K,T - v.v.:11,1 f 3s. .. e': .ar.rv.,t Itragforci. ~ i I. N: ~\. *BETTS, Jr.. Cashier. of the First ,Nationall r• lnk C'ff Tor. amla, do Slemnly swear that the abov, "tat ,r.-ai=at is' trtte,':3 the. fist e-,t me knowleNte and! , l' ''l s.f.:i , N. 'AC. BETTS, Jr.. Collier. ,;:1 - .44..ri1;eil rtifa morn to: ben, re me, thhi Rth dal ' 1 'Attlich.. 1575. 'W. ELDOIDGE, Not..s..ry Tublic, C.r.:Juizr,',.—Attist ; ~, . I .1 . i .. . ; GEO. STEVENS, Dlrec ore. i i . : : T. 0 _FROST .} ' i lIM HAIR CIM'A., • (11RPRANS' COURT SA.LE. 1, i;mint to an order 'of the Orphan's Court oft l'lreiford 1 .0111)ty,.. Pa , will 'be sold at publit; sale. on tt..l nremierß, in Asylum tOwnship, in sabilcounty, TiatiRSDAY, the '2iithi day of IfARCI4. A. D.• 0 .t.1 o'clock p; m., the following described real est...te; property of, late Jeremiah dec'd.• b., wit Roundedthr:north J - v of W: hti) rrs; ob the east by W R. Storrs and !Reuben I si.,Prii.. ] on e south hr Renben Siekler, ana on the we..t. by Myron W: Eilnier; containing' , foxity-fourj (14) acres of land, more of has. The improvementsi are ono • 111 frame hops , . line (,) plank houre, andmi ..;,,ed barn. snxtn, with a"',"good chance for - ander.; round atabling. Said farm is sitnatbd infAsyluml' township, en the road l.adie from Tc.sfands to! Frenchl4an, is 4 - miles from Towandsian.l front Rtanding Stone depot: on the -Lehigliti l Valloyi R. P. handy to school and seetinzs, and is in a 9 tttite of otiltivstien. VrrilTS of ale: 11.(1011 the property being struck down,; . .s . ion on confirmation of sale.nnd bal. 'Lao.; in three equal annual payments. withlinterest 4 4 from confirmation. • ‘.; ?. 0.-W.•tinStri. • Feb. :t7.7.5. Adminis rater, !. _ COURT , SALT; —By irt.le of an oriler.iof e,,Orphine.Court of 1 ' e•riDlyint ilradferet7W6 - faministristorl of the 5t to ; of Andrew J. litolanson, dec'd, late of the itv",:shiti of Granville in siidrounty,will sell on the or , ,iroison of the leceased In said townshiP, on ATnIiDAY the si th day df March. 1175, at 1 o'clock' P. M. ; the followinr real estate viz: 'Bounded on the north by lands of tleor.., , ee fAreomb andiGeorgo on the east by lands of said aeor4e Joke. Ann: do the - south 'IT lands of John Vroman; and on the' west by lands of Henry Bailey and rAlaiond llaatet}; contaln in %one hundred and fifty4l*/ticrssi. With bonss. good 'barn ' anti other On; bnildfugs and' f nit tiers there -n, Tho above farm Is shots on a fmbiiclbighway, six miles from Troy, is,ncar school; honer. isnd churches, and la-well wyred In all re , , •prete: TErvats OP 84LE :—ssq, on property belnp struck lawn:: sl.eoo on confirmation of sale; $lOOO one I ear thereafter, and the balance/oniyear thbreattir, wltb. interest. ' / • I SCOUTEN. rtolinrsON, . -; • • AnmlnislVatrws. .11 G p ODS =I 11111 T 0 'WS' !sr . OTICE; John _ JTOVIICS vc. . S eth Atirains. In the Court of i t Common Pleas ofilmilfbrit County: - 15i0.,118. Sept.! ,T.. 1515: / • i t/ndel7faned. an auditor appointr6 by said i7nurt distribute the Money arisit gfrom the, o:f 'D/fendants, real estate. all! attend to -the i dutiel•of/his anpoiritment,;at hitt office' In Towandal. Born 0 'CPSDAY.tdarch6o.le7s,atlO,o'clo'bk a. .-lierv`ind where all persona having claims übou said! (duds Must present Mean or be forever debarred' fr6nti Coming itiMpou the game. • / •• .', H. STREETZR. _ = ATI A DITOR'S NOTICE. thel Mitter of the estate Of 0. W. ocott hit the Or-1 phan'aCourt of Bradforisdounty. The: nnderaigned, an auditor appointed by the; Court to distribute funds in • the handS of ad•l ruinistrator of said estate will attend t i to - the; duties' Of his appointment at hie ofllee' in Troy boromll,. Pa on TUESDAY, the - Bth day:4f April,' 1 , 75. all/ o'clock a. in., it which- time and place pOrl.ons having claims upon dish' funds, must present them or bi forever debsrr d from coming iii upon the same. CIa.SON. 3101,4.75-y4. A ditor. VXECUTOR ' S . XOTICE. —*Zotict+ 1 - ..t...4 le hereby given that mall personis Mai-shied to i the- estate of !Henry Gaylord, late of Wyaluslng,l ' .dee'd., ! _runst make immediate payment tol the un- i dei51.,.•041, sad all persons having 'claims against , ssid eet..te. must present them, duly authentleattd. Sur seith,rcent. - - HENRY 13. GATLqIII). i Jtal.'i 1 7 . ;.... - • .: - Extrotor. I A DIIIINISTRATPR'S NQT:Iz, , -- ttl .ri.N(•tico is hereby giveulthat all Perspna liulelitedj u the estate of Larrison I..tnee, late of 13,143),/ ceased, are requested to .niske immediate' ijapuent.'l 5t...1 all persons bating claims against Said cstatel lutist present them duly ituth.qaticat:q ft r settle I wild. c vrql , :ttlNl-3 1. , . L14.1' • ER. .1...15.7r. • :: •Aattlitiii: ri.triir . . 14 1 01 t. RENT FROM • F.FMT 01,1 -1-• I ARCH. —llalr the - %two 'story tlwt‘llittir oti Clattroh ittreet. Range ill tAtchen, abutitbume •of rottqf p rod st,sytive. CSiattort. Inquire of . 1,..,..1t. Id. 111 . i i QC!, 14151 ti /A 4:1 j .. : , • M 71885 WEE Jtriri DD II 1 II ii !Prothonitaiy. 11111 .R._'...CaYM ~. CH F/j ~.C~bp ..du I appeal .1 ,itie, ..(Belle anr.nll 1 o..debt cub 649,` .
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