Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 11, 1875, Image 2
112713 Fallt AIL _NATIONS. —Brigham. Thant's favorite wife— —Hanging i 3 brisk bat with a id g'tcrlcitucy. —A Clev/land 6tiggist ie named 1.3 Dorn. Nobody ktows. —Flfteert States and Territoriiia ye er,10n,.:.1 the CettermiaL ' —Ninety-gLglit persons were killed tl.e E:10 lat-t"!izr. . , --L.The present will be Ristorrs last '9:B On in —ln regard to the tax. on whiskey, - —llBw rap: i dly the coal , in the bin LI F t e cub.: that bath been. —Japan blis appropriated $200,- n* . l ited. at the. Centennial. —"What cant be cured must be hut iLec bay in rzyri:f.pol:s. - statistiesn estimates that three tons of coat etch., _—Efteen linudred coal miners of cL;strxt, 1:22., are on a f • —Snow fell at • Washington, on arc_. lo the dey•th e about !our ineheF. ----GeL“al Frank Bliiir is Slowly item arc ao hopes of Liz recovery The deaf mutes of Tro;, - and 1.. The; a debat.r.g acc.tty lEZ • —Tarkey is rifbont an, Americnr, r. r, 1..7.1%;;1e 61..trge•:,,h 11319 young man who bonsted he Ve 011.1 :loiLe in: the wr-T:d, Utate a tc•r_a ha-h Lll3l. ___Writi . r.-, poetry for the newspa ..l.:..,i,ii., i.,_, pcll.l:ng one's tlicolghta :r.:O , : ~.• 1..::t Lars. , T--S -uator Jones,- of ,Nevada, has 1:, , . ,rd, o: :,...., 1....a13n.%1 and fifty IL:Q:11+,1:J tucrabars have been chur4:l , .. Wicouinc_ 4 . ,` __fan 1)(3 made from ycar, 105,-; r , :ai:,.,1-2 frc,r,i :C'e, i.a9,.,_ -2-There am ears to be a hill in tbe, .t: jU't yet tbi•l p..:: -It is ratlic,r prov6king in thif:' t.) tLat Atl.Llit.l tkt,,,tl - valuation of real findl Gm!: 4,7dr.ty, , —A fellow. fi-r)rn , Ilenovo, with • -;;; put,r.fl , , scull a Ill:CFC CF;i NN etk. ME tile public SCLOOis 11 1 to &tudy out —The, lirenian (if •i the Citleinnati: O re , r 2.1111111:/, WhICI J( scl: - ;o1 Loy f.pdled "sob," and ";,: r.a-aL4 itEelf." ME —lt <i used Cal railroads signifies --\ :t ha. 3 brc•kell r-t,rint niGn, t =I INBEI Icck out, haA AC'r . '• • Lt.; t,‘... , ,rk 11 11 , , prr - I • • t-1:0 burning of the Cospat!- ,• -; r.;:ht trOti;l , :s, twf aLLI tev-ra! c•JuziL,A IS of tho put..)l:-rt,4 card; 0.4.- .A.titaL.ey . . 7-- 1 ;:t. ine,e miuLtter at easy . • the b.rth !.111 of Jspancsc ',arc af> : • ._•• . Couiluitte - e of _ , f I:,:ki tl) •L'• • Dy:+.l)LK , ,veu t_Lit . .. , -., Tiic.'l, il l to lonn the destitott ' - , r7.i r.., - .:,--. ( I , : n ft ttt •tx \ r Lrp. .r. rth- =II OM • while being (Amin "Witr . - Pflll. I !ilk of it! In California at tr,o- seen m the Im;ri •. t: • their g(Liet-1 frd.; the :Ina buck saw: , , i• r:::: , fire'or the lid .c 4' • , 1.,r NO . thao - ,; c. th,,r of the ll'a - hinf.rtc::n , , r.nt sad to ti• • upon my P•rchfad IMO -A rah:t.illop Mtttniza7 has rereiv n:-:•,:; .111 P.iPt. to C4lre t .cd MEM :-tr.r! I. ----Ti.e Khedive has tieterinitietlni . • ". !Allrii,tr:. l of CI : 2: _ ;•.; nif Ur ,uei,er!i at the Pcn.r;sylva -• 2. t vlght 1 r, Irizakl;• thUrt• 111‘1( just pasiqcl a lAA' .I):r.k.rda 'al et with the• ar t I' r. 11. G. Ilrnce, fc,rn4i4ly of "df-o , .1 1 4. t.1 - I , i, Ith tir , • 1.. •- - ••; --Prtl=klL:lt; ‘Varrcn, of Bost6D eporic - r and ear, n: .n a ~ P 3- t jt- - ctiy.t.: t ,3 tmstiwrti,V." Tiol , ert Everett. of Steubeu, . v.! :4 tetim.‘ran i re ro:m T:V ks.!;:l.; A1); , 11tIort k.! •:..; N or S 4. - - John C. Litirell, of by 10.: rxtend.e4' re:ationsliir e • 111,e! e Tt nnes - ..:ee Ytfb.4 obtain Ni the :"f:t.ti...r 7 ib-laNy of the State." The r";-. • ,ry the cent troller :tn.:lll'2 Ti . ea.F , ll - ,r Lis . son-in-11W, —finri;er's ircci:*iy pays a hand :, !0 ;Hui ih),:,/ts, the mlrktr l pf e thst "be be.s had many •2 • .a . l..l..tnit.:tyr, bv.t. botivr.h3." Trl , t a6t: sald of that Johtt Vat MEE 1 —z f a.. pith:l,ller in Payton; 011iO; rir.t4-r!'L , bo , k , "Oldl ;rcet ivf-d s,. note : r I yi :I have old wells duz Cat I I lunhir,,z to. Selld --t:tl to .17 La Boi! ntrto, Ford: - • IMEMEI EEO Pas§mote, a well-known Vn.i•ter, Chester contd,y, died Tag..11;,-u,ned CS. lie pe-rved a :! as a Lep- CLe,:der connly tw;:ee Sedge of the.conrts of the ~„ 0,-i.nried a position on thn -I':-tors in New' York seem to f re,-ign4tiou. ! Dr. Adarrk.i Lisa ! vrt -1:,.:!;r4; 4. ...pd 4:!nt. , •lr t 44 It :.t•ettn... It 16 ako ;,or 44=.41 44: t!, , , • T V. I, P.' Tr ` - r.f)!..Vl‘ f.r n. Dr r.,!•! nr,t be..Lt,4 fvr 4. =II (!oramit. tee ,on tLe v.* ‘,t 4j:1;,,,r17%f:TA. rrt,;zst =1 =I - • too. • 4,4 1 , r,,,r Padfortigepottrt -- - - Icwanda, Thirsaay, March 11,1375. EDITORS': • ,• • 1 paonaten. B. R. ALVOEID TIM LEGISLITER The Free Pipe Bill has been 4- feated in the House by a decisive vote. In file House the bill to repeal tax On bituminous coal Was violet . ' (limn by a large majority. ,The bill fur kr oration of new counties ,passed stc and in,ft,e House last ueel - 0 Its provisions' are substantially: as first presented and published in Stile lIEPOivrEa, -except that . 30,000 inhabi tant i are required to ortianize a nt:% - couniy and a majority only of ,the voters in the territory to be erected into a new county are required. On :n.;otion of Mr. Afocatp, of this copra ) ty, provision that in case the 'peo ple vote against a new county no .other petition fur the' same muuty Jean be made again within five years. .i;4 lOcal•option repeal bill biis not _yet been acted npou in the-Sen ate, and it is hoped that bztdy will permit th'e law to remain on the statute books until the end of the three year Sat least, so_ that it may have a fair trial. It; remembered that Sena tor eAmviios was appointed Secretary. of War under LiNcoLN, and that he differed very widely in his vies from the : President and the other members of the Cabinet, in regard to Con due- tiny the war. This fact together with the clesire.of certain New York spec ; thafg)rs to control contracts, aroused is cl'amor against Mr. CAIIERC , N, which culMinated in a vote of censure by the! House Oftlllepresentatives,'not ithstanding the. fact that the:Pres- Moil sent a message to the House flss'naing the responsibility of the "-'irtegularitics " charged agilinst his fa l ithfrd Secretary. General CAMERON retina from the Cabinet, and, has since been honored with the eMidi.atic endorsement Of his:State. ale resolUtion, however, has rernaind in }he records of the House, Mr. C. being-content to bide the time when the great injustice done him should be acitmowleclged., Just before the tertn:naf 7 en the' hlte seS - -..ien -of ..COi,gress, the following resolution, raalzing amends for, the great. wrong it.iltcted upon his character thirteen. years 'since, was floptc:il nnaniti:ous- . , Iy.; passage was advocated alike by. Democrats and Republicans. When titre take, lice account.the bit ter-- partizan spirit which has pre . veiled during the. last Congress,, the ac‘iion ow the Don;ocrats in NcitiEg . to expunge the vote of censure is doubly gratifying to General C AI EII.CYN and his nut Brous, friends,' and is the strongest evidence of the - injustice of the vote of CODSUre : MEE DEE lEforise of Ecrreqehtatireq, on the L;;Ott, Apni. Irv?` ado; tF•d a r e volution censtiring Lin cajo.ruo , 71; I.,rtan irrewilar pro- Sl:cit.:l:y of War, in , the tuatter of pur ,ll,,ng ;11:!1!r-ry et;;Tlits at the oufzre:ll of I 1,c1;Itoll ;-•rot • Of the ensuing month. yrei,hient of the Ututc4l Abraham, aFi fr.C14121. , •••-a.. , D ClohtTeti, 61;6:Toed corltlio Ex: of the 66v...rut:tent . 1:4-i foil r 4 4 f tin cor,pilined .L''...,.13:11 , 44that eqUany Ili , .. ea:A in j•lntio, if in .1,,, , a!,1 I 1,11.11, V:a . luFive!y or ~.bien7 on Mr. I .inp.r.iu, and adding, it DLSt Cant i.rcin to tidy that tkithOittli he fully approiy,-.1 of an ,r2 tint P.4....vta ur suiweited by LW:, and fin. 3" thP Li•ad.9 nf -c'partmcnts were at feast equaiiy ri,poocible with Lon for nhatever ..rzior, wrr , ng of taiCt in the tiriiinn ; Thai this Hoc; , .. an an act of pervora; t Mr. catni.r. and •as a correctitin cif its records, hereby direct that raid r,•Folntion hr it, and that the rec:Pion be entered on the - .:llr,:in,i)f the j , . 1; real, %Lem Eaid rfAcibiti9n - is re ecrd,d. A. correspondent uf the Philadel phia Press, a p2pr2r Ns-Lich Las per ii.denity opposed General, writ - eq;under (lute cf Ilarch 5, as fol lows in regard to the resolution of censpse it will be thirteen years on the loth ;lay of April (.lilt. since the Horse of Represerdakives adopted a rei , intiono l ameron, then -`nretary of War in the Calaibet of President Lin ri.mi that ocoaslon as on many others, the perhAs baenly, and without Leine in '-oott fact necessary to form an int. I lelrtaid and correct jaditnent. Ilten after Prest; Liteoln, in a el ecid message to the itomse, Cl' onsrated Cameron front all Maine, and a•i -eiinn..l the rrepoti.iiiility r•t the a 'l.on of the Secre , tary of War Oneernirnt rin.gAaint was made, Hoisy totter: ore...fossil to rremiehter its resell:- Thromili all thf Fe years the resolntion has almained nn the •,•iitt;:t.! ni.tlie House, and General made no e ;';',-;t to have n reseitlde.l. Ia the meantime. historyi-the history "of the war— h!o was owe of the few b.:l"l'jYr.pii , 11, the correct prop lrtions of rohellioe. lie treat re. - iogn,7ol the Int (I:at n(ltt e n,nr mon nor lithety days would ti••• of the Govern- Canioron to, vie Seerstary of War he nr rd :Ilion Mr. L.:.coln : Vie necessity of Il9 , hittht far a lon.s. eanina:im. Inst , ad of calling nil File I,unfirtd thr::4ana, tin t.r01, , ,(t1 to put a 1t4ii.." , 11 rum arm , Snignine o.eti Mr. Seivant nib predicted the close of the war in slaty days. of-c§nrse sidle:ow...el the viewsscif iiino.ron. Mr. :Lincolnbimself was dean led iota, :he h. be; that im a few month. the.r..-I,ls aeoatd lay enwn their arias end Flit , tor peice, , General Cato- Was the c.:ll'or b.e Ciblret t a.lvocate, ti neruplo3 rtnntLihl s lug of colored Wien as before General Eutier . had :elven to illy country his. theory of the ofreeilmen," Gerferal efannton advised the President to i.sne an emancli nri , ''.itiatien. an to aim the colored coon In this he was not Fl:.tair , 4 , l 6t, thr,"rob'rr members th- Cabinet. I remember a scene whiclroccOrred rorney's r00tt. , ...0n Capitol iu the part of 1;3;32, whereio Cies-oral Cameron. Caleb' •Smith. of Indiana. then Si criitary of the Interior. (her. PI eiidam Col. Forney. and Oilier, gentlemen Were ietors. At that meeting Gen; cal Cameron Strerinolisiv advnested the erih.titig of colored men. d rain at that early day his opinions were shared hr General Shot:Oar. Mr. Smith, of 'lndiana, de nim:teed General C.lnier,m moat outraiieausly, and the affair conic war ending in a nersenal en.tonn t r. General Cameron displayed the same foresight with reeard to Ip:dip:CET and 4111y1Yi.n2 t, e army. contracts His contemtdated a war of two or three: years itiAtcal of a shirmish of sixty or ninety days. Ile belie; NI in mir.difSing ultile the ;market was aiognp.ratively r .-0110ht - a. llr hought gone for fifteen rdot tare which the Government wag afterwards ,l.entielled to pay thirty dobars. Ile pnrehased lead it three cer.ta per r.oand which in less than six ' !Tonne cost ten oent. per pon-pd. He seenri:d guar. terznasters' stores, itichnlinu horses end miles, for one-half the amount suln , eonentlyipaid 'for them by the Government. The men enlisted 'no General Cameron's adiuMistration coat nothlint, bat their support and pay : afterwargs th , , Government was kia I to tart them b y paying five hr,adred to one Itionsatil dollars hontity. It must he adfadted that nearly all the If allhg men of the eon try, the meaihers of the Thirty-sevettli CMillress. had , no t-rop.r c.mitireliersinn of the ,lua i teituds of the tontest which began•in THE Republican State Central Com inittee met in Harrisburg on. Thnrs day last. Lancaster was selected as the place and Wednesday, :May 26 as the time, for holding the State Convention. The mcst encouraging •e"piorts from \ all parts of the. State w' ere made: ' • READ the glorious news from New Ilauipsitire in another column. The 'Republicans had an elei:;ion there "TiIE pro , iriPets are that .ithe extra =.ion r.f tit! S. hate 'be pro ;!•,n,,• .1 fr; , - Wit) ' A. f *Lir 'his; ;fa Erlo. guit:ly it) 'l4.ltl'lo • 11111 NE 1 3 . ~. tb, MEI MiiM 112=IETS 411111.0- •-- 1:1=1111111 BRING ON YOUR TIDAL WAVES! NEW pamPsunitE IIEARD. FRO3I. • The OA - Unite State Beard From—The in.- . mocraey on the Ragged Edge—Cheney. Rep, Governor—llepubliean Congres sional Delegation—The Legislature Overwhelmingly Itepubliean..ltepub- Ileantsed; to the ' -Air—Let the People Rule. • ' CussoßD, Nil, March 9—Evening. ---Sulicierit returns have Mrcad3 eurue is to ensura beyond a tioabt. a SWEEPIN P O iICTORY FM HE REPcBLIOA.NS, During the ccßning the teveral newspaper eftic!-s find Rtpublican headkinal,iers Lace been,, croWded with ileopl> seaing inforruat'.on. - All the news obtaired was of the same general character, showilg victories fvr the Republicans and. losses for the Democrats. TELE 13 ILL GETS LmiGER • COSCOFP, March.9.-10,r. hundred add thirty" towns' give Cabe: ney, Republican, 21.928 ; Roberts. Deinoora - t, 19.783 ; White, temper ante and, scrttering, 360. . These to..‘ns last - year f:;avA McCncthins, Rt.p., 18.91.7; Wei,ton, Dem, 18,-112; Blackinatic - 1,207; which is a gain for Cheney of 2,517. THE BUSINESS OUT-LOOK The New 'York Com Merc4/ and l'inani•ial Chronicle of last week has an article which we deem worthy of placing before our readers,. as Ain telligently analyzes the.finanCial and r , enerai business situation, 'We quote the essential parts of it : "Congress having now completed its work for this session our bankers and commercial men are able to look forward with more certainty to the future. With both- -these classes, *the question' is, whether the rates Of interest aro likely to rise and whether l the. existing monetary quietude -protais.es_to 'continue. This_ impor tant inquiry and the hopes it embodies depend upon a number of conditions, some of which are beyond cur foreight, while others can more easily be submitted to examination, "Among the latter class a promi: nent place is claimed by the preseni state of business credits. We are continuing our investigations of some of the important facts bearing on mercantile credit throughout the cr.untrv, and the result of our inqut T . ril though 'in some respects less favorable than we had hoped, is on the whole encouraging. Not only are the failures which have recentlS occured confined to firms known as doubtful, but there disasters are fewer than was-anticipated, and they are in most instances tracabho to thp miirclierous habit, new happily less, popular than it was, of withdrawing capittil from business and investing it in some outside speculation. The, moo who follow this exploded and perilous policy are coming to grief; but the areat majority of our men cantile and industrial firms are earn ing the reputation of keeping their money in their business and of avoid ing the allurements of speculations foreign to their_ proper calling. If , this conservative policy can be fixed and diffused among our industrial communityit will be a rich mine of wealth cheaply purchased by the con vrition of 'credit - and the loss of capi t4 incident to our last panic.". - Secondly, there is another cir cumstance favorable to the revival of our domestic industry in the Jowet price' of labor. labor is now eheapet in this country than for a number of years-past, an obstacle of great magnitude has been taked away from the path of industrial and financial recuperation. And this circumstance may be expected to' have the more force inasmuch as the use of machinery and of labor-saving inventions has reached among ns an extenr of development unsurpassed in almost any other country. "Thirdly. there •is also another suggestion which we must not omit to mention, namely, that every failure which takes place. among oar mercantile firms removes from the commercial-community a weak mern ber. -whose presence has for some months, perhaps for years, caused trouble in his immediate vicinity. Just as coarservative surgery empu tates a withered limb, and thus starts a new impulse of health and vitality throughout the most distant parts:of -the body, so in the industrial orgiin wh'en a mail: and wither :l mem: her is cut off, the -whole coiumnnity is the better for the loss. • "But there are other .hopeful fit tures of a . less • negative character A. the financial situation. There is;'for example, the familiar fact 'that der forty millions of population through out this continent are practising economies which have too long. been out of fashion among us. The say ,iegs 'banks 'of 'Massachusetts have jrist published, their annual reports and we find that notwithstanding the suffering a,pd disasteros . :the past year, the 1 - .0 savings bank of that state have increased their-deposits to i 7 '317,-1.5:?. 12Q, for -the year 1871 5, - aaainst $2(1'2.195,343 f.Jr the Year 118. 73-1, $184,797,314 for. ,the year 18- 72. 3, $163,701,077 for the year 18- and $112,110,116 for .the year 18704. In other words, the savings banks of Massiclibsetts have nearly 'doubled. their deposits dur ing the last five years, and last year their aggregate was greater than ever before. We might cite similar facts from other states, if they Were necessary. to illustrate the energy with which the spirit pf economy is at work -among our people. It is more to the purpose; however, to trace out the probable 'efficts of this frugality on general business .and on the money market. On the 'one -hand this- general economy 'helps to aCconnt for the falling -off in our importations of many costly arti'les of luxurious extravagance; and,, on the other hand, it 'tends -to increase that plethora of, unemployed capital. which is one of t-he most notable factS in the money market, Where if , has recently compelled those of our banks that pay interests to put down their rates on deposits to three per cent. "Without canvassing this question further, we may accept the principle .as proved that the most important prospects-of recuperation after our panic, rest on the economy Which, such a disaster seldom fails to deielop among an intelligent: thriving !peo ple, On,the whole, the anewer, that our industrial conditich would Seem to suggest to the infinity with which we set ont is that as the legitiMate demand for money can only increase with the intrease of business, and as this revival promises to be slow but j steady the rates of interest (hi not eeem likely .to be much enhanced ttniler the approaching, April pay ments. Except something unfore seen ' should occur to disturb . the tranquility of the financial more. I meats, the rates are not expected to - , rise quite to the level ef..Eeven ' per. cent. :Ls irs prorr-d by the favorable knee' on which some time luans . hai'e tiligvtiat46 in Wstli +£!t OUR PHILADELPRIA LETTER. - Pruiana.passOilarch 10.1875 Tlll3 CESTET6II4. •:, The Territory of Idaho his paid in ,full to Gov. Bigler, Financial Agent, ,the amount of tuoneY,to pay for the shares of Stock, assigned to her. The legislatures of Pennsylvania, New' Jersey and Indiana, -have • ap pointed Commissioners to see that the interest of "these States are prop erly represented at the G6at Exhibi tion. • - The Board of Trade of Wilmington have passed resolutions requesting the legislature of Delaware to ap propriats $lO,OOO, the city of Wil nritigton $5,000; and have, pledged that the remaining $17,000 of the $32,000 assigned to Delaware, shall be raised by personal efforts, The government of Japan has ap propriated. $200,000 in gold, for tire purpose• of having the industries of that nation fully exhibited, The Dominion of Canada has made an appropriation of $250,000 for aim , ilar purpose, and the ynited States bas made an appropnation of $5OO, 000, in greenbacks for the purpose of exhibiting the scientific rind politi ,cal progress the nation has made during the first One hundred years of its existence. Believing that the Philadelphia Exhibition should receive the support and encouragement of the whole people, the Board of Directors of the Cincinnati Industrial Exhibition have resolved that it is inadvisable to give the Cincinnati Exhibition anything of a 'Centennial characterin 1876. The President of the commission appointed by the Governor of t toria; Anstra!ia, in a letter to ale Centennial Commission; says. "It is proposed that the exhibits from all the British pOssessioas in these seas, shall be displayed nt Philadel phia in one count, to be ' called the "Australian Colint." The space re quired will be 22,000 square feet. In order to make selectio'ns of the ckoiest and most "suitable object an inter colonial preliminary exhibition, of a competitive character will be . held at Melbourne in August, 1875. The Committee central of 'the Ar gentine Confederation announce that a similar Exhibition will be held at Buenos Ayres during the coining summer, in order more fully to pre pare for the American Exhibition of ISM A. bill Las passed the Legislature of Arizonia, and received Governor SAfford's. approval, appropriating i;5,000 to make Follectivti exhibition of the prOducts Of that Territory at .the coming Centennial. A single day's mail brought to the Centennial iteonis twenty-two appli cations for space at the - Exhibition, from firms and individuals in Ohio. BAZAAR OF THE NATION'S I have heretoforeYin` , these letteis expressed wonder at the' amount of work done by John Wanamaker, in organizing local committees through out the country, charged "with raising funds for the Centennial. The re sponsibility of raising the millions of dollars to carry out the intentions of the Exhibition, was placed in his hands, and right nobly is he carrying on his. work. It is done "gratuitously, and now, in addition to the business cares that receive his attention—for he personally directs the machinery that moves the largest clothing es tablishment is America, and proba bly in the world—Mr. Wanamaker has determined that the Young Men's Christian Associction shall have, here in Philadelphia, a building grand in size and architectural beauty,in which Christians and non-believerS, the world over, shell be warmly welcomed with Christian hospitaliy. Such a building will 'cost several hundred thousand dollars to erect and furnish. It will bs raised, and the first step towards raising it has been taken by holding .a great and novel Entertainment, Exhibition and 'Sale, in this city, commencing March 2 tb, and continuing until the 24th A ril. This entertainment ,is ,'called "The Bazaar of the Nations,''imd the larg est Hall' in the city hag been engaged in which to hold it. A wide avenue will entend the en tire length of-the Hall, and on either side will be erected homes, accurately representing the following Nations: derruany, France, Italy, England; Scotland, Russia, Sweeden, Switzer land, 'Venice, Turkey, Syria, China, America, &c. These houses will be so substanti ally eonstrulted as to 'render them perfectly safe. They will be supple :tented with balconies, decorations, signs, banners,, and drapperies propriate to their respective national ties. In each house will be established a 'Store or Bazaar where ladies and their attendants, attired in the. na tional 'costuMP,.will offer for sEile,rare, fancv,and useful. articles, mainly the prodnctiOns of the countries they represent. Entertainments of various descrip tions will be given in day-time, and evening. Curiosities' from fvery quarter of the Globe will be exhitited. . Cafe will form one Of the attrac tions. Street scenes of remote lands will be introduced, and the langnagFs of the World maY beleard on the busy thorongbfare. Every effort is being put foith to make the Bazaar the most attractive, interesting and instructive "Affair" ever brought before - the people of Pennsylvania and adjacent States. lIIVENCE on - let:its CDNIING T 6 GSM. The Unitel States Court has been engaged for a couple of weeks trying Ex-Collectors, to recover alleged de ficiencies in their accounts. In the case of John H. Diehl the claim was for $19,000, and judgment for $9,000 was rendered in favor of the govern ment; In the case of Samuel Di. Zulick, the claim was for sloo,ooo,the amount of his bond, although the govern ment claimed a deficit of $222,000. The 'verdict of Uncle Samuel- was izl-1,248.70, which was 'Set aside by the Judge, and, a new trial ordered, that judgment for the lull amount may be obtained. The Collectors have been out of office, for six years, and as the bonds of the snroities were not entered no against them, it is mighty little diff erence whether the government gets lodgment for $lOO,OOO or one cent. If the first is obtained, not a cent will be paid, while if the lodgment was for the latter amnnnt, it is proba ble it would be handed over. I can regard the delay in no other light than six years' delay, in order to allow, the:-bondsmen of these Col lectors to het rid of their real estate. The judgment obtained against" Alexander Curominds, also an Ex- Collector, was $19,000, which will be paid by his secnrit if r ! , 3 nbont, Anno Duta 19,000. , EMEM Wp,liay . l3 bun singularly fortunate in 114(.4 ; in ' escaping, during the winter; late " , !e In !dant to great cities, but since my last let-. ter was written, we have had two very large fires; the first was the provision warehouse! of Butcher A Sons, entailizig_ a low of $BO,OOO, on the stock of meats i Aimed therein, and a loss of - $115,000 on theirs and the adjoining buildings. ,The other was the building occa pied by the , American Paper Box Company, and the loss by this fire is not less than $95,000. By it two hundred and fifty employes are thrown out of work, the greater num ber of whom are females. The most sacriligious attempt of pickpockets to ply their game was attempted here on-last Sunday even ing, at St. Mary's Catholic Church. This is one of the oldest and wealthi est Catholic organization in this city, and while Father Martin was preaCh. ing his Smiley evening sermon, the gas was turned off .at the meter. 'lt was the belief that' the cold weather bad frozen it, bat an immediate ex amination by the janitor. disclosed the fact of its being turned off. With in twenty minutes after; it was again turned off, but not until a nlimber of ladies ware; relieved Hof their pocket-books,; was ,the cause ascertained. The thieyes got off with a goodly pile of cash. The ice gorges in the Schuylkill river have caused serious apprehen hension in the minds of the Mayor, Col. Scoot, of the Pennsylvania Rail road, and brisinesi men along the river, generally. In order to save the magnificent , bridge, over the Schuylkill,,at Girard Avenue, recent ly erected tit a coat of $1,5000,000, and the Pennsylvania:railroadtridge, a number of attempts have been made to blow ,np the ice which has -idges. iges are `,h, and create, _mid be W. F. VA. P. }, H r kxprox; Va., 3.ltreu 8, 1875. ED. REPOIiTER : Just across a small creek or elbugh from the National Soldiera' Horue, is the National tary Cerrietery,-where 5,219 deceased soldiers nre nicrw buried. Of these, about 300 are Rebels,. and 475 un known. The Cemetery contains about twelve acres, and is nearly square. It is surrounded by a stone wall laid in mortar, and is five feet high ; inside of which an Osage orange hedge has been started, and is now nearly a complete fence by it self. The entrance is from the north west side. A short distance inside is a substantial stone house one story high, with mansard roof, which is equivalent to a second story, for the use of the Superintendent ; he has, also, a comfortable wooden hOuse in the rear of this for the comfort of his family. The Superintendent's name is James Browning, and be is a= native of Fort Milton, Pa. Farther in from the gate is an old dilapidated church, called the Cemetry Church. This is now used as a chapel by the students of the Hampton Normal School and Industrial Institute, which occupies the ground surround ing the cemetery. As you enter the - cemetery, a well graded road leads directly towards the centre, and in the rear of this is the Monument. D The, Union flag floats here continually daring the daytime, the same as at military posts. Two cannon of very large calibre are planted in the ground on either side of the road as you face the flagstaff. On the right hand , one is placed a limonze plate, on which is engraved: Bpluribla unum. The Aznerle'an Eagle. etc. ISII4. United States. .1865. NAT &L MILIT&ET CENIZTERIr. nalrrOlt. Est/WlWl:led March 14. 1868.' Interments, 5,155. Known, 4,600 ; unknown, 475. Around each cannon is four piles of large balls of 'five each; also a graded walk. The flagstaff is 110 feet high. The monument is an belisk, 73 feet high. It is placed on a mound three feet high and surrounded by an iron fence, in thej form of a circle, with fourteen cannon for ppsts and 350: musket-barrels with bayonets fixed for pickets. The pedestal is abnnt twenty feet high; the die is abotit - ten feet square, and has insets about five feet square ion each of its four ;sides. Tnese insets are about one :foot deep, and are severally engraved: on the north east side two crossed 'cannon, inscribed " 1863;" on the south-west side two crussed sabres, 1861 ; " on the south-west side, "Eplurtbus umtrit, Eagle, etc. " 1864- 1865. In memory of Union Soldiers who died to maintain the law ;" on the north-west side two crossed mus kets, inscribed " 1863." The pedestal is formed of polished granite, bat the shaft is rough hewn. • Only one woman is buried here. I quote the inscri tion: . )Ai WAIVE B. ALEXANDER, • -A native of Switzerland, Died April 22, 1895, While a mime lu U. S 1 Urn. Hosp., Fort Menroe.Ve " Her work for the tick and wounded Union Sol. alma began with the Aral battle of Bull Bun', and heroically she carrieS it on till the week of her di:tab. She woe buri'ed nnder the old flag. among, the soldiers, as abs de'aired. A noble tribute to her fidelity were the word - of a sufferer of, her ward alien he beard she 'Fie desd—' The soldiers have lust's mother.' Many Bradford and Wyoming men are buried• here, two of whom are known to me; these are two brothers, J. R. and C. W. Hitchcock, of Co. B, 58th Pa. Vols. , J. R. died Sept. 29, 18(;1, and S. W. died Oct. 20 follow ing. They . are buried near each other in section 3of the cemetry. I also knew the 'name of W. Harding, Co. B, 58th Pa. Vols., doubtless known to many of your readers. Every grave is marked with a plain white head-board, with grave No., name; age, Co., Regt., and date of death plainly marked thereon in black letters. Many bear the simple inscription, "Unknown," while others bear simple initial letters, taken, per haps, from India ink marks about the arm or body, or even clothing marks—all that was known of them. Some few graves have marble tomb stones—erected by comrades, or, per • haps, a fond mother. The Quarter master General', expects to have every grave marked with a marble tomb stone before the Centennial Anni ,versary. The Rebe. are buried in a Section by themselves on the east side, and their graves receives the same care and attention as the rest. All we're decorated alike, and ex- Confederates joined in the ceremony, on last Decoration Day. The cemetery is kept in neat order by the Superintendent, and it is his duty to give all the information at his command to any one making in quiries forlriends buried here, with out charge. Books are kept in such an order that the grave of any one, known, can be found in a few minutes by their assistance. Yon walk away with the feeling that you have been treading on consecrated Ground,-- the last resting place of noble men who gave their lives for their coun try's honor. - Yours truly, JOHN R. HEWETT. GoLp closed in Now 'York yester• dsy st 11411 LAST EOM IN THE HOUSE. WitnnIZIOTOI, Muth 4. As the hour of noon approached in the House the scenes became almost in &amiable. Scores of resolutions and bills of a private character were , rushed through in a style ' and at a rate that baffled all efforts to get 'a connected idea of theni. The area in frcnt of the Speaker's chair was occupied by members, each having a proposition of some kind to get be fore the body, and the Speaker rec ognized them one after the other as fairly and rapidly as possible. For the last boar there was little done except the passage of a resolution making some special allowances to clerks and employes. In the midst of the turmoil Mr. Niblick, of Indi ana, offered a resolution of thanks to the clerk, sergeant-at-arms, postmas ter, and other subordinates for cour tesy, efficiency, and fidelity. This being agreed to, Sam Cox, of New York, amid great laughter, suggested that the chaplain should have been included. Only fifteen minutes now remained, and the presure of specta tors was so strong' that, on motion, the doors of the 'hall were thrown open to the ladies, and a large' num ber availed themselves of the privi lege. The galleries were' crowded to suffocation, and the doorways were blocked up _with those who could not force their way in. Even ia the diplo matic, gallery there was no: a vacant seat As the last minutes were wear ing away, the Speaker was engaged signing and the . Clerk in reading the titles of enrolled bills. Meanwhile members and others indhlged in rather loud conversation, and every thing betokened more than the usual bustle and confusion of an expiring Congress. One of the last acts of the Speaker was the signing of an enrolled bill affecting the District of Columbia, when suddenly the delegate from the District seized the precious document and rushed furiously towards the other end of the Capitol to get the President's signature to the bill be fore the fatal hour' ofnoon. His rapid transit through the hall, with his longtdonde beard floating meteor like behind him, created great merri iI - ment. Soon after another Mercury, bound on the like errand, rushed in the same direction with another sheet of parchment. At a minute before 12 Mr. Dawes, from the committee to wait on the President, reported that the committee had performed that duty, and that the President had no fcirther communication., to make to Congress. The last act enrolled and signed was one for the benefit of • William Green, and befcire the swift- - footed messenger bearing it to the President had got out of the hall the Speaker's gavel fell, and amid silence he took farewell of the House, and announced the dissolution of Con gress in the following address ; : GENTLEMEN : I close With this hour, a six years' service as Speaker of the House of Representatives—a period surpassed in length by bat two of my predecessors, and equalled by only two others. The rapid mutations of personal and political fortune in this country have limited the majority of those who have' occupied this chair to shoitsr terms of office. It would be the gravest insensibility to the honors and responsibilities of life not to be deeply touched by so signal a mark of public esteem as that which I have thrice received at the hands of my political associates. I desire in this last moment to renew to them, one and all, my thanks and my grat itude. To tho'se from whom I differ in my party relations—the minority in this House—l tender my acknowl edgments for the generons courtesy with which they have treated me. By one of those,sndden and decisive, changes which distinguish popular institutions, and which conspicuous ly mark a free people, 'that,' minority is transformed, in the 'ensuing Con gress to' the governing power of the House. However it might possibly have been under other circumstances, that event necessarily render these words my farewell to the chair. The Speakership of the American House of Representatives is a post of honor, of dignity, of power, of responsibih ly. Its duties are at .01106 complex and continuous; they are both oner ous and delicate; they are performed in the broad light of day, under the eye of the whole peonle, subject at all times to closest observation, and always attended with the sharpest criticism. I think no' other official is held to such instant and such rapid accountability. Parliamentary rul ings, in, their very nature, are per emptory—almost absolute in authori ty and instantaneous in effect. They -cannot always be enforced in such a 'way as to win applause or secure popularity; but I am sure that no man of any party, Who is worthy to fill this chair, will over see a dividing line between duty and policy. Thank ing you once more,. and thanking you most cordially, for the honorable testimonial you have placed on record to my credit, I perform my only re maining duty in declaring, that the Forty-third Congress has reaches its constitutional limit, and that the House of Representatives - stands ad journed without day. As the Speaker closed his address and walked down from the chair, an ' outburst of hand-clapping and cheers broke from ' the members, and wet . joined in' by the immense assembly on the floor and in the' galleries. Never before was witnessed such a sane at the close of Congress. • 31EASURES THAT FAILED TO PASS. Among the bills which remained on the Senate Calendar at the close of the session to day, and which therefore failed, are the following : House general amnesty; bill, which reached the ,Senate in' .December, 1873. The House bill for the protec tion of elections,&c.,known as the can ens force bill, which got no further in the Senate than its second reading. All the various postal telegraph bills, introduced in the Senate. [Others of character, originating in that house, failed in that body.] Senate bills for payment .01 the French spoliation claims; to protect the navigable waters of the Knifed States from injury and obstruction; declaring the tree intent and mean ing of Union Pacific liailroad acts; to pay the two per cent. claim of the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois; to establish a Bureau. of Internal Commerce; to make general provis ions in retard to cable telegraphic communication; to grant pensions for service in the war with Mexico; to amend the act granting pensions to survivors of the war of 1812; to regulate the counting of the electori al votes for President and Vice-Prasi dent; the bill of the joint committee appointed to frame a better govern ment for the 'District of Columbia, and many other Senate bills of minor importance: also, the House bill known as the McCrary bill to regu late commerce by railroad among the several States; the House bill to repeal the pre-emption lawa and ma rque bemetitends 14/1* settlers on the public domain, and the House steamboat bill;. among the other , prominent failures of the seSsion are the bills for the equalization of bonn ties; for the admission of New Mexi co, and the Texas and Pacific and Northern Pacific Railroad bills, and, all otherdand giant or subsidy bills,) ereept` , :a very few which proposed' grants merely of rights of way Aside from the regular appropriation bills, comparatively Ifew bills of general, interest have been enacted this see- i but they include the fallowing nieasnres of national importance: The finance bill, to provide for the resumption of specie payments, &c.; the little tariff bill, the tax and tariff bill,) the civil-rights bill, the bill sup-' plemental to the acts in relation to immigration, and the bill granting rights of way through the public lands on certain conditions for all railroads that may be incorporated under local laws of States and Terri tories. STATE TEMPERANCE !CONVENTION The State Temperance Convention met in the lecture room of the Young Men's Christian Association, in Har risburg, on Thursday morning last, at ten o'clock, Hon. ARCHIBALD AFALLIBTER, of Blair ; was chosen temporary president, and GEORGE F. M'FAmaxn and D. B. REAH secreta ries'. Remarks were made by a number of . gentlemen showing that crime had diminished tinder the operations of the local-option law. The committee bn credentials re ported twenty-three counties, repre sented by about 200 delegates. •, Rev. D. C. Bsucoca was elected permanent chairman, and GEORGE F. lirFiar..Ast, and L. ELLEN WEIGHT, the latter of Lancaster, secretaries. In the afternoon a long string of resolutions were adopted.. The first recites that the traffic in intoxicating drinks has always worked evil. Second. The people of two-thirds of the counties of the State have toted to suppress the evil. Third. Protests earnestly against the repeal of the law,. which it is claimed has been productive of very salutary results. ' Fourth. Provides for a thorough organization of the' State in the in terests of prohibition. Fifth. Declares that the only relb ance for entire protection and stabil ity in efforts to suppress the traffic consists in securing an amendment of the constitution prohibiting such traffic, and redommenth the friends of temperance to cast their ballots only for candidates for office who n pledge themselves for constitutional prohibition. Sixth. Instructing the president and committee on resolutions to pre sent to the Senate and to the Gover nor the action of the convention and take such other action as , may aid in the prevention of the• repeal of the lOcal.option law. Seventh. Protests against the _ac tion of the House in passing the re pealing bill, and reminds the mem bers who voted for it that a day of reckoning is coming. Eighth. Appeals to Senators to re fuse to repeal the la _ Ninth. Declares that the religions organizationß of the State are derelict in duty to the cause of temperance, especially those of- them that permit their members to engage in the man ufacture or sale of intoxicating liq uors, or who suffer their property and means to be used for these sinful purposes, and entreats them to purge themselves from this. stigma on their profession. Ninth. Declares any law protecting the rum traffic utterly wrong and im moral. Tenth. Insists that a law which at tempts to regulate the evil by a prom ise of license in order to deriv'e a revenue, becomes an accomplice in the vice and crinies resulting there• from, and is primarily responsible fOr 50,000 deaths annually. Eleventh. Condemns the practice of physicians administering liquors to patients. A. delegation from the Christian Women's Temperance Union of Pennsylvania, just organized in" Phil adelphia, was received. Mrs:. WHIT SENSIEYER, president of the Union, made an address, after which the convention adjourned, to the hall of the House. At half-past seven the convention met at the capitol, when. addresses were made by. C. C. BURLEIGH, of Massachusetts, Dr. HUNT, of Jeffer son county, Gen. Louis NV,AGNER, of Philadelphia, JAMES Bi..keri, of Lan canter, Mrs. WHITTENMETER and oth ers. The ball was crowded and many were unable to gain admission.• ED. REP3ItTER: It is a time of con siderable fault-finding because of the position the FederalGovernmeut has taken towards certain turbulent parts of the South, where anarchy and con fusion prevail ; and, judging from the utterances of a certain class of men and newspapers, one would think the atithoritles at Washington are a class of tyrants, determined to establish a despotism over the South. Bat with the aid of clear judgment and correct information, this errone ous impression is at once done away ,with. The condition of affairs in some parts of the South is deplora ble indeed ; but' who is to blame ? Most assuredly the Federal Govern ment has not precipitated any disas ter upon Louisiana, or any other State ; bat their inhabitants, or at least a certain class of-them, are sole ly responsible for 'the evils which are bearing down upon them. The,U. S. Government did not compel the South to take up arms against the Union in order to'establish a govern ment of their own, with Slavery as the foundation stone ; neither did Federal authority issue a cfrimand ordering the es-Rebels to 4 6rganize themselves into Ku-Klux-Flans and. White Leagues, for the •express pur pose of intimidating, and murdering innocent Republicans and resisting the lawful authorities. These things have brought discomrorture upon the South, have laid waste her fields,'dis troyed her proiperity, and caused a reign of terror to spread over her,— and for • all these evils she bArself must answer.' They cfre self inllieted. Disloyalty and treason among her in habitants has been the cause of all her troubles.. Yet, Democratic dein agognes lay the blame upon the Re publican party, end teach the doc trine of State Sovereignty to - the people; but had it not been for the Republican party, for the loyal and, intelligent masses- who compose it, •whit would the Union linye Nen to day? Doubtless it, would cle, divided into half a dozen miserable little re publics, which, like the republics of South. America, would be con stantly at war with each other' or in an insurrectionary state. : The Re public which now has power and in fluence secured to no other govern ment on the face of the earth, would have become the ' subject of ridicule and contempt by all foreign powers. For if ten or twelve States were al lowed to withdraw from the Union at their pleasure and establish a,gov ernment of their own, other States would claim the _same privilege, and thus the example 'set by the South would have been followedltip by the other States of the Union, l until what is now the United States 'would have been reduced to a. number of petty jaring rePublics. :Without;the means. of protecting themselves they would be at the mercy of foreign powers, which, by the presence of a single man-of-war, could compel 'Any of the shameful little republics to-submit to their terms, whatevei they might be. Such would have been the result of Southern disloyalty had it not been for the Republican party. The Demo cra.tic party would do othing to 'prevent it. To-day the pelicy of the party in power is „just and right, and. on its being carried out depends the welfare of a newly-liberathd race - aid the honor and credit of the nation. T.catirrowN Feb.i 27, 1S" • DEMOCRATIC LITERATURE A PICTURE OF TILE - .1 1 910CRATIC PARTY DRAWN I3F ITRE4. , The Negro Cadets—More lifflecil Two white cadets at West Point and one at the Naval Academy have been dismissed 'recently; because of difficulties:. with . those < interesting specimens of " advanced Republican ism," colored cadets. West Point a colored cadet had stolen some things from two white qadets.The white cadets, finding their goods on. the person of the negro.,ione slapped his month and the other administer ed to him a kick or two. Fcr this they were dismissed, a 11q the thieving negro retained in the 'Academy. At the Naval Academy a ;white cadet was ordered to .fence With * negro cadet. lie.refuSed to . dO it, and for this he was dismissed.--Warliy/e untetr. 1 . . • '!:13 GRANT DECT,U;'ELi L The civil-rights bill, the, forcf., and the bill recognizing i the Admin istration of the -usurper and thi(.s, - Kaogg, of Lonisianad have passed both Houses of -Congre l ss ' been sign ed by the President, 4iad are •now laws.. Thi3 civil rights bill was shorn of several of .its most Obnoxious fea tures; among otlicir thugs, the see tiou compelling the .Schools to be thrown open tcoaegro:4ildren.. It is bad enough, however, aS it stands, God knows, ;for it giv'es. the 'negro 'privileges-that are •denied to white Dlctutor: The bill to _Make Grant President a third,,time, aril ew:hie him to sus pend the writ Of habe.aS corpus, pass ed the House on Saffirday at mid night. This makeS gib President a Dictator. The passed the Senate,an&now the black and the white -man, tiliJ the - and the lamb, can lie down togqth4r in "sweet Democrat. i,tel4lll4lt. A few short . days determine whether Govertor•Gaoand - will rule under the law in At:ki.risias, or Pro consul Sheridan dictate the will of an Imperator- at the point of, the sword. Again we advise our ~"latel to or , jaiii:e and arm, for nu LC19.11 I:noweth —the purpose or policy ofi . the ioehriate sphynx of the White Honse. It is now stated ficiin ";W - ashington 'that Grant frota • " the army" all otlicers who are found to ho "hostile to One Colonel was clistnis.sed on Tues day, Grant telling hini, when he de tnauded the teabon, 1" that he -,was hostile - to rho Administration." So " the army " is to be oiriicercA hy Rad ical and neg,roes—tools of Grjjnt and his plot to destroy f6e. 'government. Convene the Is,2tiiocratic Gover nors, and let the. - ppople rally, the citizen-soldier, -the White roan, the free man, the patriot = they can yet stand, as the father's " for fiod and Co inniontepaith, Phila. The Proud Cail Dorsey, the r.egrw l feast furnisher,. the great caterer, he 4vho spread the tables for the marriage or, or the ball, or the' ;-he who nice character to tlny, entertainment, and whose presence -k - r-as more essen tial than the , honored guests—is no more'•ainong - the plates and spoons, knives and forks, the oysters, terra pins, and -jellies, the hock, ,cham pagne, or sherry: Dorsey is dead. ,The Union Leagneri; ; the , loyalists, the shoddvites, the!contractors for army shoes, puts, straw, hay, wag ons, barness;blanketi3 and otfier mil itary stores,' are mute', in grief. "peep sorrow weeps, bnt sad - grief is dumb,"; and melancholy .anq mourning are general in the major part of the rank and ill() ,of .Philiidelphia society. I Well it is so. Ti4s negro was au ibiportant . man Ho bad the Away of an iin.%erial - When 13t.nocrat asked his mental service ha refitsd - because !" he could not wait on a payty-.of per Sons who were disloyal to the ObvernMent, and Lin coin," pointing to the picture in his reception-room, " was: the Govern ment.," , So, Philadelphia cif Modern times is in almn univerkft trrief at the death of the . negto Dorsey. He. should have thesatifaction to kno,v that his obsequies have unified the ` modern society " of the. Union Leagne.blessod City :of moit!eraith, Ph -r' COI SENATOR JOHNSbN or TENNESSEE, Y-04, Marchl.-E-The Tribilne Vaehingtou eorrespniadent sends,an! account of a lengthy interview - with i Senator Johnson, who 'said:. "I can. give no pledge of my fitnre course; I cannot ssy Ilia . " Will, act with. one party or with the Other: We have too much party, ar4l:, I propose to bind m3self, iu advance to no other party policy. I haknuver done so in the past, and I di" not intend to do so iu the future. .I shall support such measures as appear iu judgment best for the country, caring not 'whether . it! is • a ,democratic measure pr whether; it is supported by Itep4blicans. I will , never place`Myselfiaa position where I must do a thug Ibecluse it •is a party measure,. or 4)6pcmet .ft tiling at a party's diciatioui . I place the country abOve party;" Mr. Johnsen 'could not whether helliould,participlitti'in the debate, iu the I •Pinchhaek. 'reSolution.- asked if he would hot iu his s new tiro have an opporthnity to pity ctl' set 4 old scores, and if, he did not DIEM .of !'date iagitintt 41ho • leaders of to-day, be sa',4d: "Whether I may have I do not say . , but I shall use nothing. My servzce in the See;. ate will not be Ei personal 'one. do not represent nlyself, but Tenneme. The country/ has nothing to do with my personal matters; and with _ what has passed, I have no enemies ' to punish or .friends to reward; I have buried resentments, and have forgotten the ill-treatment of vididuals. If can' .perform the duties that are now before me'as COU scientiously and clearly as I see them at this moment, - .I shallaccouiplish as mach as human yanity'may 'seek to obtain." New A vertiseitients. SCI(011401.ER PIA:NOS We were again I,iiws;rdecil the highest prerolturi. J 01,7,1144 L MAILERS. at the life • EXHIBITION, ; • , , i and aie the only riret-claaa Ine'runienta that can be obtained at Xannfacttirera' coat Prleea,, $300.00 FOR AN ELEGANT . F!; OCT, ROSEWOOD t'l4;o The following are fi few of the Prilicipti Kedah!, received FIRST PRIZE MEDAL, i (Franklin Irientute,) In7l (3rand Pisno,) • 1818 PlliLE , !' tliyetal Palace World Fair • ' [1853' otiV* , LT) " Ainerican Institute.:l 4 l."Y. 1848 " PRIZE ' Staryland• Baltimore 1,801 0 rauklln Phila.- 18* • " Pianos ordered by moil are selected, and remittance fa not required, until the instrument has been received and :approved. All our stylesfand classes, are built of ttie rune excellent material and wbrkinanshlp. livery distrurixent is' fully guailan „ 4 - 0-Write or Send for Illustrated eatalogue;and price Ilit, des-ription of styles, prices, etc. scuolt.kClZEß PIANO StrO CO., Wrrorootas 1103, Chestnut St.,, - Feb. 23-7 D 3m. THE TINIE, A FIRST;CLASS NE.`ii'SPAPill. -? 1 : , i DAL L`,,17 A'SD ISEEKI.Y. INDE?E'SLE:N.r Ir EVERYTEIING.'S'EUTRAL Lti I :5 OTHitiCi OPPOSED 1•0: ALL COI:RUPT RINGS IN srustc- IPAL, STAT 4 NATIONAI.! AFFAIRS., The Daily Tiine4 wil, be icsled (th'S..aturdat, the r.ltt. of Uarch ne4t. and every thereaft,r, Sandi.Ye eireptc!, under the editorial‘ direction of A. K. McC(.l.7llE.printed compactlY from clear, new type, on a Large !Tina shee', 'containing all th r/ , '":46 of the day. 4161.0:jig the Associated Preen Tele graini , Siteciad Te.:legrarna and 6rrespondencefrem ail fiats of iittee et, and fariona . e.Clitoral discus of ail current topics: pif.tcE. , rwzi ctsTg 3fail sd,h•tri2f:ons, D?liarg per s.4.y.:zzata advanoe. Ilffcsen, - tQ . elety and 4irty cents per IIDO; acieording topositioTt; TITE WEEKLY TriTRQ, Will ho istweil. oa Eatut•ilay, ;Larch .2tAb. weekly tli..rettct, contalnipg all limiortant the an 4 eilrap!ete kirket aid; Financial ne MEI pc,4 , ..1ge fret., at the fallew rates: ONE. TEN CO P I TWENTY ADVERTistMI*IS tweD!y•fivo'ciths per-lite P.en:Azatties 'pbould be ii%de by Pr* is O . : Post 3<'.lreEs Office ordt:i I N. It. South ' :Seventh Stieet• Philadclrbia. • 1 H9L'fiEp SiLE , • .• . .i A lions•-e! and lot in To . tv 14ada iloro, 1 situtte nu Stabt street. Ifnuse 1N by tO, with Nilng 1 1t by'2 , ): all twb stones high 'ilii feet post Lot j about 39 bv,lod ice'... Good peel iiiad cLstern; A .. . ..: 'no Hohse aticl.Lot Oil Poplar St. .g. , :, cccupit..l by 4 - Zeo..P. ensh. Thai }louse }louse im 40 by 40 feet, wah :ca tart :it) by i . e.: ti'. T r ot la by 172 F-I Hung. has filtecn larze rooms. three halls. and nine i cloFetA, pantryi 4,:e. Well In the lapuse. Fifty hogs'. -. :i '' .. . Lend ,istert - . 1 . Ruin 1, in A.sylunci, containinr , one hundred a 6,1 three apl a-hale acres', at,opt 85 acres improve. with. framed house anl barn, and over.ono hnndted apple twee thereon. , • "Parni:Nc`). 2, in ..ksylntri, containing,-.. . . c9=, acres, at*int : Aacies improved, . with new frlttti!..i ilOlOl-, Vlei-con. The lot entailing pna of: •,i ifireil springs c . •l . water in; the county,• ' •T• . of' ; ----- , i . ;. •-. L, •... Farm \o;'3, in itvh;;rn' ~containing 103 acres,: ab:rat '..q) acres iralfrOvEa. Balance in 1 , tinber, w1..0 . 9aar , bver, fi Ad. No bnildinga, • . - Farn :No. 4, in 'Asy titu. containind ~,, ~ . .? . .,e,,,,,,; , '• . wbkch bag been PolcKi 'litre :re tip 1: - rings of , water cipon this; • , , ra:A. i.:i. 5, in Asylnm, containingl acres. Leif irrer tats. A eoqd framed 4 1 kellin4 Loup.e aLdj;% nSg,-stoua ripary thereoa. Fer further partimlars apply to Geo. P. Cash, or E. .1.4 FSC3TT, Trustee. Towandp. dint'7s.3.iaj VOR j. - .54LE. • _L. i - , . •• Tht , 1_,,,t: fi l l,. in Albail'y To•Att.,),ip, Ilradferd Co. ":! rennoilv..intai. . : , . . .. FOR ''. .. SALE , • . . .:,,,-, ~.••• • . 1 , ,--, .. so eLeztp.;hai a bargaii lite it]'can not be found dsi 1 : :t the Flat'., 1, . . , g ~ , 2,15 ';ACRES AND OVER, s ' sZs of the 'very beA farm land: well adapted to grazut and aratti , ; at).)tit 170 acres improved; a Went:rut e. , 11.1t;y uf : pure water; good (IWeht;;;;.hum:e, barn.; 1-11 ed,, orchards, A'. All excellent locatio'n for ralst In and draltus; iu sto -k. ()11 th i n mate. mad trot* Towandato Dun:l , re, 11 utiles; south of T‘mar.;,l% - ; sm the 5M1 , c4 . 1.1 and St..te Luto 11,411reast; half a tnil4 from .tepet; a mite horn the valige of New Alb snyf Church an l: gehools eohrenfoi:t. Title perfectll pcusett , i , ii ;.;',;:en whenever a eairtd. : .F All will he sold for ss,ooo.' = , CODDING. Ft . U55E1.,L...4.C0 - . Tnsr•Nn4„ psi:, 7i, 19,74.. . 7 i I 7_•_:____ ' - ___:2,:.____:_ '- - . : . .: UR FSALE. --The übseriiyer ofti ferstorisale the h;flowing property ONE LOT of one acre of land, on, rvbieh ar . ,3 14rire ar convenient J3lacketuith Wacon Shop*. supplied with necessary mach:v.4r ery tor carrying on Au extensi‘!e,busitiees in rninui Cloturing: uagong and a gener*Vblacktruith but nevs. Th 6 nfachinery is driver( by water power. This propr:rty will be sold ,with *n addition ci eight fret to the present fall, nishipg s twer;,ty power of • ALSO -I -One other'; power. I on tligi stone st rell l / l i. %V I tha twenty•fivd feet' wheel, with rawl and Iste !Iptil attacked. all In good "runginif order... This propertl has tire scree or.isnd attitted. ] ALSO4-A farm ,property, with fi r two arid pna,tralf story hortsq-with back bud:din : 7.a etc. Main • :building (0132 pet. wall , large couveuieut blaru. together with from one, to treaty; Are acryKof land, to suit ppro,haser. The atative : :4escribedpro—erty: is all desirable and located oil m o thoroughfare; through Valley stud irithin ono and ono-half note of sacking deptit, on malt; tine of Lehigh Valley R. 11... i; For terms of sale apply to the subscriber at 31.5';', ersburg Wsdford Co., Pa. Jan. ,8-71-tf. Go To JACOBS' Tb.IPLE• OF • liAnt ST.IIETT „ • Fos LATI:sr sri-LEs IMM 12PRiSt3 AND 8(711111iii CLOTHI?3 • riOOW Tmcritivri) L ti6Y Tar Atve !If 104.7 • . . N.N' IT' i ll. Li 7.k.11E aNO.—The i::14: tillit-netling of the .i T‘i,-1•y,1!li Euryks 711,:!"!4, Co.. LT iho- rlection L:f offvoill. w!1!.. t'4' pis "' C I NILYNIINV, MAI:ell: 1 . :.: ',.! .!'... ii,k [. 111.,ist lb.: o:11,4 ~ bt the eculptvily,,-iu tVwau!,, 1fdr..1.igt.... 1 • ! 1 13y orrie 0: ttie:Titsidtut ~ • i :, 1 1, 9,1*.01CY. a.. •' ? '• Ell • • ; • : I • lr I REHM E. REED StMt