Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 11, 1875, Image 1
TEAMS OF PIIBLICATIO11• THE Nitinrosh listrosima Is published may Thoreau Manaus by &W. ALTO= at Two Pairs per annum In *franc& • sr Advartiaing to rllCu ' seselnairaotsubsaetp tion to the piper. fiPECIAL NOTICES inserted at nrrxxis cnionspar H ns for first insertion, and Frill HUTS per fins for subsequent tusertknia. . LOCAL NOTICES, am estyle 'as resells g smatter, 'rwroisrr mums a tine) I I ADVERTZEIMENTS will beiasertedtceordtnSi• he following table of rates i Ftrvr'rmtririurmwm I Inch 1 SLSO 1 1.00 1 6.001 6.00110.00 1 $ 16 1 inches j 1.001 ILOO , COO I 10.00) 15.00 190.00 Inches I 240 I rt o 10.00 I 15-00 J 2 0 . 00 MOO .1 Inches I . 3.00 1 - R ' .so 14.00 1 18.23 125.00 135.00 column 1 3.011 I 1i260 1 13.00 I 22.00 1 SO.OO - 1 45.00 crlnmrt 110,00 120.00 160.00 I 40.00 I 66.001 15.00 sitie 1 .$l5O Administrator's and Exocraor's Notices, $2 ; Audi. tor's Notices, $2 lie ; Business Cards, five lines, (per year) $5, additionalllnes ;each. Yearly advertiert are entitled to On arterly Changed. T ran sten t advertisements =lst ha Paid for advance. 'All Resolutions of lasoeistlons ; Communications of limited or individual interest. and notices of Mar ales and Deaths, exceeding five' ines, are charged 7p.a errrs per line. ' 1 • • TOB PRrsTr 5 G of every kind, in Plain and Pitney colors, done with neatness and dispatch. s 14m:1411 , 11U. Blanks. Cards, Pamphlets. Pinheads. S'atements.kc. of every , Oriety and style , printed at the - shortest nntlee, • e Itirpowrwm Melee is well antrolied with rawer Prows, a Borst assortment of new type,. and ecerythin n in the Prin'ilias Ifne can be ereentbdin ' , Oa moat artiatie manner slid at the lowest rates. TERlf$l TN% TIT APT, rtrq. PP„OSISSTOITAL CAIMS. p 53,11111 k MONT4NYE, ATTO-k -'/XXV, AT LAW. OferP4—efirner of 5111112 and 1- 7 0. Streets. opposite Porter i a Drag Rtora. R. WO6DT§ITRN, Phvßieian f_and Roraeon. ()Eike over Wickham k Black's Crockery store. Tarsals. May 1, 1 . VfYLI fi MoPTIERSON. Arroit- TOR:111111S, Pa. Will ¢i re rTOITIrt ittPTtinnth RII matters entrriated to their char e. Orphans' enurt hnxinneaa oni.cialty. rocrn. fr0aV21 . 731 t. m'prtritsow. li. .1f oK E A. 14, ATTORNEY TT. A F'D COTrtillfiLl.:oll AT YAW. Towanda. Pa. Par.. ttentir attimeon paid ,to businees In the Orphans' ront.t. I - July 20. '6B. . PA.TINCIN, , ArITORNET-AT IT• Tcr • T. W. (Mrs.. 7.Terrnra flock, next door to 'o4":Tore.A Office, Towin Is,;Ps. • .Trilvl7.lg73. MTH. CARNOCIT ATTOR • AT Lkw!llliatrifri. Attorney fir Prad ford eon nty). Troy. Pa. :0011Klions Mute and prompt y WOO . l k SANDERSON, T7PI NE FF-.1 T- 41frq Irry l n. rnll,-;!..71 r WTi. TiF,ELY; nn('(? • nr•.. Wirthajm k TWarlep. TncrsTvia. Ps. Torth n.,1, 4 .4 nn riol.l. Sq !Thl4llor. nnil hso. "P‘,.th iittiont rain. nen.72 .NrADTT.T, (INLITT% ATIfORNETS ,_ AT-T.AW, Toucan di, Pa.• . 4 • • V. .1. V 3 .. !5 , f , TilottL flrgti?!oor ( - )*:th a First Natinnal Dank. np r• nys o , JoN A:, NFACTON. Dl.v , irinra en d Fr.r-e6ne, eriee over Dr. r. -ter k zoo's Prin.! Stpre, 11 "sr. P. ; iD. N.F.T. - roN. M. P. .Tan 1-7741 . -DR.• 0. M. STANLEY, SrTZGEO . ‘: SEA VriTlks‘trAt. b nve. 4 irtn rcv.. dental moron over rtfont:tr,vpq Ptorc. "train St . .r, - ,varii Pa. Teeth till.; in the mr - s • perfect trinn. rnr with nnre 11, 11 f.ll. AlitVn.lß of 1,1 , 1t.a nr3d( 4 st the t, - .Nveat rntric Iknd Irforrant,ll. Tl. O n - nr+ aave'rf-Ec ,- .1 FTY.SII POT.OTIFT) PTA TFS, a re, 1.1,1" o of aftificial t,?eth ttlit!P fn . r t' r. fow t!' if 'thorn • Towanda, Jan: 1-75. (11 7 1 7 :RTON & ELSBRETI, _ ,• V , T'A AT LAN?, Towanda, Pa.. havina .ntor.Nl ntr , roca-tnorshir, r,ff• - •ri the - !r iprofraafonal 14Prcie.r the roll0.:e. stt"fiti , in ctren to trnsin , ep r!n•lian'P and Reci!.tc!es;Courtq. ap114 , 70 X. !WI-A.7,C, ! C. 7.1.5111tr.V. O EN Mrt • ; •1 ; • `ATTORNEY AT LAI". ArP s cAc..—North S. i nare TONVAND.•., Pa. p 'ECK t STERETIER . . • L A Tr OFFICE. TRWANDA, PA T-.r lUMMI c. ATTORNET-5...T 7 LAW fs7l ATTORNEYS-AT- L+ p 1: 6: .U.A. ATTORNEYS-AT : • 4 -- 31- 1 - 1 c 11,'S .13LOCK, l' Nv H. Trin'ArPs oN, ATTORNEY • Al" T ,, w. Wyiilntina; Pa. Will attend t 1. - 11•IIE!UGFN Ptltrit,! 10 b'P Carr , in tri:ilf , nl. F . r. 0,1 Wyorn:rg EarviirP ,cr rtinr. 79.':4: A. QTTICK M D.. GRADUATE PC:vrr.srry of Bt'rFAl?), N, -I'qYSICI.A...7`; AND SURGEON . il;Floc at Stoe of lrch 26. 1a,74-3m*. .. , (111S6N DENTIST. Ate tin'antl L. .s. :', :•.*. 21. i ',I:, I,s' revin.l in th« 51. , ..1nt new ron'os c... 1 21 , 1 flotr.• ~ f Pr. Pratt's, r,,, , e r.Es,'. on 's , tatr.,,S;t:e t. 'l,titin. - 44 s 0,1::tc,'.. . .pt. n 74 -t!. , i • - - DR. A. Cr. Bt H, i • i - , cAllrr - r7" s, pilx,ror.b. cprs - ry, PA., . E ; Trrlt.: Chronic Pisrssr-;by: !:*.w msthols. :ITny I - . , ~!nl. s 'lny !.,' ' i rAtl2. 6.'74.- • 17; CARD:. ' BUS 111: T ()FIN - /j, LACKS:IIITH, oft 3 , TONltOrrfri, FA sys sth , ntioq to tp, rcvw , tC,47on kc. " Tire sct !...n.e on short ! tice; Wart and charges w . -7 • -1•t....l-F. 12.1:C.f.9 A:LE PANTON, .A.GENTS' FOR C ,. .INECTICCT Mt TV LIFE INSURANCE Griffith iirlitje Street e ; • S. R tr.s s t = =‘, r: JA -\ E AOEN . C 1' TOWAMA. PA • MEM '• I ; ;? •(: •••-•; 4 • El p . " ri • 17..`03Eii.::)1G-N ED AIICIII. .1`.•:1) 13CILDlitt,iwtwalt , s to Info'rui tt .f:T. , aand• and rlcinity, that he A - ill iziee al, ,t: :,in to •!11 Ara-a-447 plans. de•'CUP and cvmP for a:i mianuer lifidlnga. private for ron , c.l. 2 :bio r.,nilonce N. E`.--,, , rner of 1 a.nd freFt.P' &. E. FLEITIIING, ' Towanda, Pa IAT W. KINGSKTRY,• _ I • REAL ES FATE, LOT. FTRE, k ACCIDENT IVS URANC.E AGENCY 4ornc-: ci :114in intlStste!Strz•et;. METZ V. HEATH Mattifacturing amtl l'rirt;g .t.. 1 i ' 'rt01..5. NEIL!. MADE, ANI) DRESSED b,•gt Lfl ni K,,rulitly. ec •.1,;t..7 , ;.4. it , 'el.; W;Et.L • tt —.•4 • .v . --""- N53121.1.1NCE.. , — Uie folLr,viug reli -3 le an F - I It F.; It' I ED .... , CLII:6 .;f~~l' BM 311 k: Wit-% IPulbl3isher. VOLUME XXV. SPECTACLES! SPECTACT:FSI • These Lenses have the power of Protecting the Eye from IRRITATION' arising front Light. Ac companied by Heat. Under Wilson's American and English lettyrs patent. ARUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES SHOULD BE PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS They have the power of !Arresting the -Ifeat-Bayll of Solar or Artificial Lightlbefore entering the Eye. They are Violet Tinted, !yet so constructed that when applied to the Eye app(ar colorless. . the high and low numbers are the same, lint TOWANTA, PA., - AMER ICAN & SWISS WATCHES STERLING SILVER .SPOONS AND F , KS, . op ROGERS BROS. CELEBRATED SILVER WARE, BERME FINE GOLD JEWELRY, &c., &c., EMZEIBI Nov. 12. '74 CI tT,T, AND 'SEE THE NATIONAL, A LARGE, lIE.A.V Y COAL COORING STOVE. STOVES, IRON, I • STEEL, PATENT ITIIEEL E!IMIRS2 KEROSENE LAMPS, Nickel Plated STUPENT 'LAMPS-, U. 57,!) - F.77,11' REVOLVERS apd AMUNITION, IMMEMEI FANNING MILLS, Ps. CEMENT, =MEM NO TICK' HERE! - , , Dm the very beet goods nt 111-itintte kept, by any ffr_se-clazagrocer, and sold Down, Down,pown, TEAS, SPICES, SYRUPS, Roreive3 Daily, Fresh from the New York Market, and bought at the very lowest cash prices. 'Hai ieg beCn enznoa for the laat threa years with x l'irot-cliss Wholo,ale grocer in New York. I have ) , ,Facilitiva for bu yam my, geode co That I cat; mess IT AI: CLJECT 1 , 011 ALL CASU LiCYERS 11/CALL AND SEE MY ,STOCK AND PRICES will pay CASE' for Produce `: M. B. OWEN, • WIIITT.AND BLUE STORE. DRIDGE-Sr A ir k ,vss HOUSE, TOWAND4A, EMS :o •••• :".•; The Itoreee, Hirnesa. kc. of all guests of this bOEIN.. Insured agstnet,lose by Fire, without any ex tra, charge. . L., A superior quality of Old English Base . Alt., past rec , .ti ved. - A T. 11. JORDAN, Towanda. 24.'71.Proprietor.. , puwELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, 1.4 PA. this House, is now ready to accoiumo dst.) thb trarelling public. "No,paltis nor orponso will ipared to 6;ive satu3fActiott to those who may give him a hall. • 4'ir North Ride of the public square, east of lifer cur's ties' blee-.k.- MEI B ETHLEHEM, " OLD MORA.V.IN SUN INN," • . • 3 Rich in historical interest. it is the only bnilding in the country except Independence Bill. honored by the sojourn Within Its walls of Washington, LsFay ette. Lee. Gates and other patriots of the revolt:, non. This popn'ar hotel has recently changed hands, been improved. entirely refurniehed, and the proprietor cordia'lv Invites his friends andtrav ellim public to give him a call—no pains will be spared to renter their stay comfortable. People en route for Philadelphia will find it _convenient to spend the - night here. reaehing the city about eight in the morning.. A sample room on 'first floor for accommodation of corr.nirrcial agents, Sept 4. 1873 DINING 13,00 MS We are prepared to :NA the hurigig.l times of the dtkr axid everting. ()paean saip1111" Cream :i•their 60.11101:1AS 941• Peal .14(1, 1 WTI) PRICES DOWN, SELLING OFF TOWANDA, undereigued wail eell off the ba/stico WINT MILL N} STOCE, At CO3T. FOE Pr,vlrltors to filing utl Sor ale . I 111 R , MAAI7II all !!!'.la, Et,.:77,t.4.7! Miscellaneous. ARUNDEL TINTED RHASORS WHY THE Wm. A. CHAM3ERLni JEWELER, - I= OPPOSITE OCUET HOUSE- W. A. CHAMBERLIN No, stove was 6Ter . cffered so cheap Also, a great satiety of RANGES, HEATERS, PARLOR- HEATERS, FIRE PROOF CHIMNEYS, SHOT GUNS, FEED CUTTERS, SASH, DOORS. • RUSSELI,BI CO STRICTLY FOR C&SII: The choicest MOLASSES, • SUGARS, COFFEES, &c., I.tfoie el*eci here COL MAIN BRIDGE &SLEETS; JOITN C. WILSON MEM! n CONNECTION WITH THE HATERS' Near the Court nous*. =I AT COST =9 ISEI ONLY SPar. 4 ;G TELDP: uwl4, L,ISILL, =I . , "LET ME DOWN TO SLEEP." . i -, G o lden head's() t trip bending, Little feet no w itn and bare, • Dewy- epee, ball' s nt, bait open, • , Lisping out her evening prayer. "Now I lay" , -repeat it, darling— ',Lai me," lipped the tiny-Bps Of my darling, kneeling, bending O'er the faleed I:lngests tips. "'Down to steep"—"To sleep," the mar [lnured, And the, curly head bent low.; I pray the Dortl"—l gently added, "Yon can say it all I know." 'Tray the Lc:le-4110 sound . came faintly, Fainter ntil!--"my aetil to keep ;" Then the tired head fairly nodded, And thOchild teas fast asleep. But the dewy eyes half opened, • When I clasped her to my breast, And the dear roire softly whispered, "Mamma, Clod knows ill the rest." 0, the rapture ! , sweet unbroken Of the soul sito wrote that prayer Children's myriad voices floating • Up to heaven, record it there. If, of all that has been written, . I could choose what might be mine, It should he that child's petition, Raising to the throne divine. AGENT ZEE SMITH, THE INDIAN SLAYER; Or, Life Among the Early Settlers of Pennsylvania. DY 2f.. 11. B. M. D., ITHACA, D. Y. CIIADTED XE.' "I am sorry that such is the turn of strain, Mr. Peterson. I lied hop ed that you could believe me to be more of a man 'than this all comes to, but I see I am much mistaken, so I will tell yon why I have called on yon to day. I have loved your daugh ter, Emma, from the time I first saw her, and I had hoped that yon would give me her hand in marriage, but I cannot hope to, receive you;, consent, biased as you are toward me through my. enemies. I will try and banish the love of her, whom I idolize and worship, from my mind, bat I hardly think it can be t unless it is in death. Oh, why . was I born ? I know I shall go distracted. , Adieu, dear Emma. You will soon learn of my death. Yon will know why I died " And out ordpors he ran,. never looking back, and was soon lost to view in the dense forest. Charley Doane's conduct was so strange that F,inma and Mary were very much moved, and when he was they boc'h cried a little, and then carne close to their father, and wondered if 'lel was not mad. Mr. Peterson had lapsed into a thoughtful mood, and did not an swer for some little time. He then said : "My daughters, that man Means much mischief: I am too well acquainted with human nature to be deceived. ••Mt. Doane will try and try again, till' he accomplishes his desire. and that is, your ruination. I believe he intends to kidnap you, and shall boot' the lookout for him." "Father, I think thee is needlessly alarmed," said both daughters at once. "We -are ,not going to' make ourselves miserable on Charley Doane's account; so let ns all cheer up, for, you know, day-after-to-mot row, Mr. Brown is to take Miss Em ma Harding to wife, and we must at tend the wedding, which will be so nice and pleasant for us all." • The father Was not so easily turn ed from his impressions, and said, in a sad way, that ho • could not throw off the idea that something awful would bapperi to his daughters. flap, rap, came. at the door. Mary opened it, andj Uncle Zeke stepped in. , "How du You du to-day, all on ye. I hey cane to tell yers all about Daniel Brown, who is to be married tn Miss Harris day-after-to-morrer eveniu'. I spOse yu air all goin', ain't ye ? Bill s'ez they spect dbig time, and I'mlnYitationed tn, ha, ha. I've jest dropped in to see if you and the' gals ain't i , oin'; that is, if you was, Uncle 7, ke would try and civil along and see !the gals safe to wed din' eny wa." 'Zeke said all his say, and talked So fast that no one else could get a word in till he had 'concluded; when Mr. Peterson asked him to take a seat. .The trapper sat down, and the family related' to him bow Charley Doane had conducted himself, Mr. Peterson telling all his fear. Zeko gave it as his opinion that mischief might be done, but thought. not very soori; and finally persuaded the family to ; shut up their house .auci go to the 'wedding. He remained a ,few hours, and amused the ladies with his yarns about his experience with • tho red skins, aatheti went home as chirp as a lark, little dreaming of the sor row awaiting the family ,he so much loved. The wedding night had come, and evrybodyl . seemed cheerful, and all were going to witness the union of the happyl couple, except one. Poor Branner had been invited, but refused to see the idol of his heart wedded to another. He , was pining .away; and many who knew him-de clared that he was either love sick or, else he was losing his senses. Mr. 1-111 acted as pastor on the oeedsiou, and after the twain were made one flesh, the blessing of God was asked upon their union, and then all sat down to a rudely con ,stracte'd table, and partook, of the refreshments provided for the occa sion by the father and mother of the bride, and then followed the jollifiea tion, ; which was kept up until after mfiluight, all the visitors going honie well satisfied with the entire affair.. 0- T. Proprietor . When Mr. ranner , parents and brothers and sisters - - reached home, they expected to find the white-hair ed-member of: the family in bed and asleep, but they were horrified:, to find him dead, hanging by the neck, ho haying huniz himself to one of the using,a buckskin rope for the purpys - e. neighbOrs were noti• tied at once, and the sympathy of All WilG -freely given •to the mourning, household. . UnclA fo, notify IN. O. Pett•rs:)u pexf; inoriikg of what had Wippened, anti wlaeu he kuoeli4 atsttle'cloor 40 Ong, oatue to opou it, tinsl rul voicc jaAl4 hiB4 • wiilk in, . Lje . elertt icretig. celimtous. =I !clocked. again, but all was silent as death. wander what's the matter here. Can't be anybody's bung here tn," soliloquized our hero. "Tarnalation, I forgoethey were up most all night ta the weddiu ; guess they 'hain't woke np yit;" said Zeke, Otto voice. `He then took hold the latch - string and pulled, and open flew the door, and no one was to be seen, and eve rything-was upside down, the bench es turned over, and the bad-clothes strewn all about the house. • Zeke'ran up into the loft , where 'the boys were accustomed to sleep, and there he found both of the Pe terson boys.bound and gegged,.and althost dead from suffocation, their mouths being stuffed full of old rags and a band tied tightly around their mou tbs. When they were released from their uncomfortable situation, they could not speak for several moments. As ` soon as they could whisper, they told the sad news that ,several dis gnitied ruffians had concealed them selves in the house while they were at the wedding, and when they -re turned they bound every one .of the men folks, and took the, girls anti fled. Zeke inquired for their'father, but they could not toll what had become of him. Zeke then went down stairs and told the boys to get down. as soon as they could. He looked in every place in -doors, but could not find Mr. Peterson. Ho then went oOtand looked all around the house, and was just giving up in despair, when he heard a half-stilled groan. He ;stopped and listened, and the groan was repeated. The trapper then went where he thought the soned caste from, and ho found no one: He stood still and listened again. He heard the noise still plainer,'.J)* concluded it met be outside, the enclosure. He walked aroUnd' to the main entrance, and from thence outside the barricade to the 'place where he heard the groan ing..` Here he found the Gbject of his search, bound hand and foot, and gagged in the same manner as the boys, and almost dead, having receiv ed several ugly wounds about the head and face, from which the blood wasstill oozing. It was a long time after Mr.. Pe tersbn was released before ho could speak-. When be did, ho had no more information to communicate than the trapper had-already learned of the boys. Mr. Peterson knew, thotic-h; which way the party had r one, they 0 - having taken the'path to- wards the river. They all surmised vho were the members of the party, `dud' they were not incorrect, for harley Doane had heard of the weeding coming off, and for this‘rea son:had hit upon this easy plan of carrying out his nefarious intention. Before noon the greatest excite ment prevailed all up and down the valley. The Smith family swore they would not rest till they took the life of every one of the wretches who robbed their community of two of their angels of mercy, and Uncle Zuke should be their leader. The doable tragedy almost de throned the reason of some of the most excitable, bat pioneers were ac customed to tionble and trying scenes, and before night a pursuing -party was formed, and every man arnied to the teeth. When the men departed, everybody prayed that God would give them success, and they were soon on the river's bank and looking after fheir canoes, but . no. canoes were to be found. The Doanes ILO ctit them all Loose and sent them adrift. This was a dampener to the pursuing party,• and for a few mo menta no one seemed to know how to proceed. Zeke finally came to the rescue and ordered the men to re turn to the settlereent at once and see:how many canoes could be mug teritd that had been taken thither to be kept ; only to be used on occasion§ of emergency. The men were brit a few moments in walking to Mr. Pe terson's, and on inquiry they fonnd that. Mr. Harris had two large ones, and they were hidden in the woods about one fourth of a mile-from his residence, on a direct line towards the river. The reader can readily . see how much time must necessarily be - Consumed before Zeke and his fol-. loweta could get the, canoes into the: Susquehanup., acid make good the other shorei This delay filled the minds of all: with great fear lest the 'Donnes should get so mach the start of the pursuers that the ladies never could be recaptured. It was quite sunset when Undo Zeke and his men reached the enemy's side of the river; and no time was lost in secreting the canoes and getting tinder way. T r tAiArTFIL .11X. • - The Doane bOthers received Char ley, the spy, with open arms on, his arrival from Mr. Peterson's, and made hurried preparations to carry out their hellish designs, and on the night of Brown's wedding, as has al rtiady been mentioned, they went to Mr. Peterson's residence and secret ed' themselves, some within doors under the beds, and some of them without, so that at a given signal the twO parties could work to advantage and secure the Peterson family, with out one esaaping to gis'e information till they bad made good their escape with the two girls. •Moses Doane was the oldest of the brothers, and .had been one 'of the. most inhuman creatures from his youth up, having committed a score of 'cold-blooded murders, and on this oceasion coald hardly be restrained , frOm taking the lives of all the fami ly save the two whom they designed tolake into captivity. • . A single spark of humanity was left in the breasts of all the Doanes save Moses, and the earnest pleading: and weeping of the young ladies that their father and mother and brothers might be left unharmed, were heed ? ed and none of them so injured but that they soon recovered after being unbound:.? Mr. Peterson struggled intensely while ho was keing bonna ail gagged, that ha received several wounds which the reader has a en ruade acquainted with. Mrs. Peterson was so much fright ened that she swooned entirely away, and the kidnappers tied a bandage 'et4tutcl her mouth- and left bet in r aZGAIIDI2II3 Olt -aziarficakTioi TROY AT QtrABIIZ TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., iiARCII 1i,1875. bed. Mr. Peterson„got ont 'of the ,house and ran towards the gate' in the enclosure and 'called loudly for help, but was pursued by the party outside and soon overtaken and se cured and lett on the ground, where he was found by Uncle ,Zeke, the particulars of which have already been related. The ladies wore threat ened with death if they made an alarm. Thus the party of despera• does carried out their treacherous design withont , molestation. As soon as ' ,, the Doanes reached home with their prisoners the . ) , con fined theni in a small room or closet, and all sat down around a blazing fire built of dry logs in an old-fash ioned fireplace, and held a consulta tion concerning what should be done with the ladies. . While they were thus conversing they passed around a bottle of whisky, of which they all drank freely, and ere long most of them became considerably intoxicat ed.. The, drunker they became, the more animated became their conver sation, and finally Moses , drew his hunting knife and said he was boss in this house, and any man who dis- Putsd his right to rule, he would let oat his life-blood in a minute. Charley being more sober than the rest, stood - upon his feet and ad dressed his brothers in a very impas sioned manner, stating to them the necessity of unity of action and har mony of feeling, giving it as his opin ion that they would soon be pursued, and something must be done to se crete the prisoners for 'a few weeks at least, else they would be wrested from them. Charles also gave it as his opinion that they had, better' remove. the la dies to their mountain retreat, and, in fact, •he thunght they all had bet ter take up their abode there for a season, and then they who came in pursuit would not be likely to find their whereabouts, and thus they would run no risk of losing their game or their own lives. All agreed that they would do as Charley had advised, and inless than an hour they were ou their way to the mountain. The ladies were given some coarse food and some hot whis ky sling, but refused the latter, eat ing very sparingly indeed of the cold boiled venison and corn bread, of which their lunch consisted. They were weary and heart-broken, think ing that they were forever doomed to a life of shame and misery, having been convinced of the treatment in store for thorn by overhearing the remarks that their merciless captors had made while quarreling about them. They marched several miles, into the dense wilderness, -and finalfy ar rived atr their place of destination. Charley Doane said to the captives. "You are now standing beside your future home and our mountain re treat. We trust that you will submit quietly to this your n - Jw life,. and if you do, wo will make you qUeens of our establishment and bestow upon you our 'combined affection. If you will not peacefully submit to onr de sires, and obey us to the letter, we shall be under the necessity of com pelling you 'to serve our purpose housewives, and thus you will forfeit that loveand esteem which we can only grant to willing and .obedient serve nts." Emma was somewhat emboldened on hearing the wretch's insulting ha rangue, and replied, : "Mr. Doane, thou knowest that we aro in thy power, and can do with us as thou, pleasest, but. we have made up our minds never to yield willingly td'any of your desires. We can only trnst in our Heavenly Fath er to protect us and comfort us with His spiritual presentee, while- we aro compelled to live such lives of aban donment as seemeth to be in store for us." "Do as you choose," said Charley, turnints , away from them with a hell ish smile of triumph, "you make your lives the more bitteeby your obstina dear ! Oh, dear!" Mary said. "Why, oh, w'ay has our God forsaken us ! Shall we ever be rescued from these demons' clutches?' "I trust so," said Emma, "but I have but little hope of our ever see ing home and friends ftgain‘.", The Doines' mountain home was bnilt of solid rock, and was more a cave than a house.• ,Nature had "done most of, the work, and what little re mained to be accomplished by man was at the main entrance. The door way was covered by a• massive stone which could only be removedty two strong men. When the party arrived at the dcor, the latter wasremoved, and they all passed through it dark, damp entry, and finally came to an inner door which opened into a large apartment occupied by rude furniture, consist ing of a rough table which stood in the centre of the room, and three rough benches, ono of them sitting before a huge fire-place. Some broken bottles and iron dish es lay in the corner, and on the table sat an old stone jug. The room was very dimly lighted, and a sickening air filled the terrible place. The la dies were ordered to sit down, and in a little-while the men built a' blazing fire, and the bad air was soon dis plece'd, and the room became_' much more'cornfortable. Though. thq fire blazed brightly and cheerfully, it was not noticed by the captives,_ they were so deeply absorbed their hopeless situation. Supper was soon prepared, and the party all gathered about the table and soon gorged themselves, paying no attention to the ladies till they had finished their meal. Charley then . prepared some food for them and invited them to sit by and eat. At first thought Emma had decided to decline eating, but she knew that if they did not take nourishment they would be unable, to endure the hardships incident to an escap3 (which they had but little hope of), so she and her sister sat down and ate some jerked venison and a little coarse ecru-bread. The men sit around the fire and smoked and told yarns for an hour or so, and then Charley turned to the ladies and asked them if they desired to retire. Emma said yes, and they were shown into a little room adjoin ing the one into which they were tint introsinee4. There wee no lock on the door, and no bed in the room, and np furniture,' save a little bench on which they apt their light, which was an old rusty lamp filled with melted lard and a rag answering as a wick. where they were to rest was nothing bat a pile of hem lock boughs and a lot of dried leaves, and there was no knowing how long these had lain in the room, and no knowing how many ruffians had slept there. The men began, their drinking and carousing as nsnal, and high words were distinctly heard by the lonely captives, and every now and then their own names were pronounced in connection with language that made their blood rah cold. Ethma said to Mary, "We will es cape from this horrid place this very night, if God will only lend a helping band." It is utterly impossible," said Mary. with a despairing sigh. "Those ugly men will watch us so, closely that we can not get out of this terri ble place, and if we should get ont bow could we find our way to the river?" •"It does seem almost impossible, dear sister," said Earia, " brit, we had better perish in the wild woods than remain hero and become the servants and mistresses of these in human wretches." " How shall we procedd ?" said Mary. " My plan is , this : We will remain awake till all the miserable creatures become drunken, and then we will take onr lamp and quietly pass out, and I think we can travel as far as the river before daylight, and then we may be fortunate enough to meet some of our friends in pursuit of us, and thus return once mote to our home." "Talk is easy, brit wlwn we attempt what you have planned; I am afra;d wA shall utterly fail," said Mary ; "butt we can but die in trying."l Late in the evening the men bo. came quiet, and one by one they fell asleep, and the loud snoring led Em ma to open the door a little, and she - saw them all lying about the floor apparently sound, asleep. The Doanes had left but one sentinel outside, and they hardly thought that necessary, their retreat was so little likely to be discovered, and this was the only thing that made the captives' escape doubtful. The stone at the doorway had not been placed over the mouth of the cave, which was fortunate for the ladies. The captors had not a thought that the girls would attempt to escape in the night-time, at least, and thus were wholly unprepared for such an event. The man at the door being tired and half drunk did not keep a careful watch, and thus the coast was dear. Emma said to her sister, " Now is our time. 0 - God! help us in our affliction." With great cantion they opened the bedroom door and stepped oat. They had to be very cautious lest they should hit the men with their feet as they paszied through the large room, they lay so closely to gether' right in front of the door. They soon reached the mouth of the cave and passed out into the dark• Less. There came up a little gust of wind and eitinguishi their light, which left them to grope their way as be , t they could in total darkness. For a moment they were so confused by the loss of their burning, taper ,that 'they stood still., and 'hardly knew what to do. They finally - became a little more accustomed to the dark ness, and commenced their perilOu7 and awful journey. They took a southerly direction, stumbling along over sticks, rocks and underbrush, tearing their clothing, and scratching their faces and hands in a shocking manner. They did .not murmur, though, as onward they marched. The direction:they were pursuing would. take them directly to the verge of an awful precipice, some 309 feet high, overlooking , a narrow valley about three miles above where now stands the city of Pittston. They were not more than a half mile from this towering mans of red rocks, when they heard a noise not far from them. They paned to. listen, dud to their horror they rdeognized the ..!,Iru::ken murderers iu hot pursuit. How Lirimomselly WAS DiscovraEn. —After the first triumphant perform ance of Mozart's Opera " Don Juan," at' Munich, the theatre - was deserted by all except one man. Alois Senne-• felder had much to du. After seeing carefully around the stage, that no sparks bad ignited about the theatre, he retired to. his little room to stamp the theatre tickets for the following day. As he entered the room he had .three things in his hand—a polished whetstone-for . raiors, whiCh he bad purchased, a ticket stamp moistened with a printer's ink, and a check on the theatre treasury for Ibis weekly pay., lie placed the check on a table, when a gust of wind took it, swept it high up in his room for a minute, and then deposited it in a basin filled with. water. Sennefelder took the wet paper, dried it as well as he could, and then, to make sure of it, weight. ed it down with the whetstone, on ivhich he had before carelessly placed the printing stamp. Returning to bi: , roofu on the following morning, he was surprise& to see the letters of the stamp printed with remarkable ac curacy upon the damp paper.. -He gazed long at the check ; a sudden thought flashed through his brain ; be wondered if by some such means ho could not 'save hirnself the weary trouble he continually had .copying the songs of the chorus. That very morning he went out and purchased a larger stone - and commenced to make experiments, and, as we all know, tinally succeeded in discover ing the art of printing from stone— lithography. A. wAri says he: attended a fair in an adjoining connil a few weeks ago, 'and the show consisted of a c l ic, a goose and a--intriirikin, and that it rained so hard thi • first night that the goose swAin r•fi; the calf broke 1000 and ato up . ; the runpltin • and o thief 0010 the calf, ana that, ended thy fair. 1 is LII. (TO BE CONTINUED) NOTES ON THE. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS. MAROS 11, 1875. Joantra; 21-27—GOLDEN Tarr, Gal: iii : 28 No. XI It is necessary to study the entire twenty-second chapter in order to a proper understanding of the lesson. It may be subdivided thus : (1). Joshua's farewell discourse to the two and a half tribes; verses 1-8; (2) Return of these tribes to their home, and the erection of an altar on the Jordan; verses 9, 10; (3). Embassy from. Israel concerning this altar; verses 11-20; (4). The apology of the Trans-Jordanie tribes; versos 21- - 31;• .(5).. Return of the embassy ; verses 32-34. ,Joshua's farewell discourse. In the closing-verses of the preceding chapter, we find that the entire land of Canaan was in possession of Israel, as God had, promised their fatherii. It is true that. many of the Canaan ites remained-in the land, and some of them in defiant strongholds; but their number was comparatively small, and their continuance was dne to the negleet of Israel, and not to any lack of faithfulness on God's part. God's word had been unques tionably fulfilled; (xxi: 45). It was now time to dismiss • the two tribes and a half who had m'arched over Jordan before their brethren.. Numb. xxxii: 20-22 ; Dent. iii: 18-20; Josh. 12-15. So Joshua summoned them [before the ark and the con gregation at,i Shiloh]; and acknowl edged their obedience tor-Moses and to his commands, and their faithful ness to their brethren and to the Lord. - This / commendation was de served. For, seven years they had been absent from their homes and families, assisting in the. con qn.est of the territory belonging to the other tribes They had discharg ed every obligation, and kept every commandment of the 'Lord. They had fairly weirs. the rest of victory, as well as ' their ' brethren. Their tents awaited them is probable they.. adhered largely to the nomadic tent life) in the !land of Gilead. Still, they needed /to be exhorted to do the commandent (the special orders / communicated through Moses. and Joshua) and ;the law,- (the written law); that is, to love the Lord, etc.; verse 51 God required of them no formal service, but the love of'the heart and the obedience of the life. And a special injunction was given"; verse S. They must divide the's - poi' With their brethren who= remained at home to guard the women and children and cattle; probably about 70.000 armed Warriors. Having thus charged them, and invoking God's blessing; upon them, he sent them away from the Sanctuary at. Shiloh. (2). The return of the tribes toil their homes. • Nothing is said. abut the jenrney. : Britun incident is re lated in thii connection of great in - teresl; verse, 19. Where was this great altar built!? Onr decision is in favor of the western - side of Jor dan. This is the opinion of most of the recent writers upon, the Subject. We can only 'give •in our limited' space one or two reason's for this opinion. ( - 1.). It seems to be the clear teachii,g of Scripture. The al tar was bnilt i in the borders of 'Jor dan,: that areiin the land of Canaan. Thhi always;designates the.conntry west of tiie Jordan., From this we might reasonably infer that the great loOking altar was built upon the west bank of the Jordan, on the very 'con fines of Canaan. And is confirm; ed by e passage Which seems accord irig to our version to he a discrepan cy.; In verse 11 it is said that the altar was "over against the larid.of Canaan ;" but this should. be trans— lated "in front of the land of narin;" .: on . its extreme -edge. (Crosby). ).toreover, - we find the, antithesis .plainly marked between Canaan (the land on the west side of Jordan) and, Gilead (the -country on the ,east side); verse 9. Gilead is used as a general term for the pos sessions of the two tribes and a half; including both Gilead and Bashrin, the kingdoms •of Sihon and Og. Hence, if the altar, was btiiit in the land of Canaan, it could not, accord ' ingfto the usage of this Book. of Joshua, -he ,within - the country of Gilead. ' And (2) we should expect the altar to be on the:west side. of the Jordan. What was the object sought in its erection . ? To testify to their interest in the Lord and- his people. It was a sign of unity; of their right tow 4 ., ship at the one sacrificial altar of, Je hovah. They bad selfishly chosen an "unclean .land;" not the, land of. promise (Canaan) ; where •Jehovah had his abode, but a land inhabited by heathen and polluted by idolatry. Still they claimed a share, an in terest, a portion, in the 'proMised land, and were determined that their children should not ba denied •the benefit of, this claim. And it is sig, 7 niticant that, this, claim was allowed by the embassy; verse 19. NOw, if they_deEiired to give visible expres sitaa to this Claim by rearing, an altar of witness, where should we expect them to locate the - altar? Surely, not iu the unclean land, but in the laud •of Jehovah's presence and promise—to! 'stand. there upon the bank of Jordan as a, sign that they had a right to sacrifice and eat 'at the one altar of Divine worship. , But, it is . objected that if built on the west side of Jordau,'the remaining tribes would have, prevented .its erection., This does nut follow. It is not to be supposed that their brethren fellow ed them on tbeir. march. The, altar may have b,een reared in an nnfre-, oriented phiee, and its existence b3en unknown by the West-Joidanic tribes for some time: This seetns al most certain from the record. - they is there any•foree in the objec tion that if built on, the. w.,St bank, the other tribis could have deStroy ed it and removed the difficulty with out any fear of ,war. _The existence of tho altarkvas nut the only or oven the main thing. It meant idolatry, o h o rest cf the tribes supposed; it was an net Of rebellion against Jebo-. to he avenged, not by destroy ing zho altar, but by- destroying, the 1 Nbellioua tribes, ' We space to ikwgt upon the rfultatiing topicti.ol th **ton • MI ll= OU per :Annum in A.dvanee Before dashing into - a war of purifi cation-, an embas,sy was sent t 9 the Eastern tribes; embracing Phitichas, the son of the high 'priest, ttictd- ten tribal heads. A conference was held in the land of Gilead, probably with arepresentative assembly at Ramotb- Gilead. The charge of rebellion *as mode, and a full, frank explanation given. - The altar was net intended as a sacrificial altar, but as an altar of witness to the part of themselves ail(' their children in the Lord: It Was not a sign of rebellion against God, but of devotion to him not of soparstiop from his people, but of vital unity and, closest ; sympathy. hence in rem 34 we are - told that the children of Reuben and the chil dren of God called the altar, "This is i a witness between us that Jehovah isl God." , explanation was satisfactory to their brethren (verse 3(i), _and frbm this proof jof their loyalty to Vhovab, he draws the inference that Jehovah is among them—ndt alien aced by sin, as they bad feared, and ctimpelled to punish, his people; as in Numbers xxv: 1-9. AMONG THE POTTERS. ]By invitation of Mr. Julia Moses, • president of the Glasgoni Pottery Cqmpany, a representative Of this Association visited Trenton On the 30th ultimo, in - company with Mr. Herat() J. Smith and Mr. Cyrus, Chambers, for the purpoie ,of in specting the manufacture of crockery. There are no less than sixteen es-tab lishmentiat this point, and the Man ufacture of ware from, clay •is there fore a prominent, industry of the: capital of New Jersey. Of these the largest works are those controlled by the Glasgow Pottery Company, They are situated near the railroad and • the canal, having thus every facility foe receiving raw material' tied -ship ping finished' goods. The buildings , cover.fcur acres of ground, knd com prise several distinct structures,• all', r. built of brick and from two to four.: stories in . height. Under the gUidante of Mr. James Moses, the e'filicient se4etary and treasurer 'of lie; pany, the visitors saw the Various prOceSses employed. le , thce cellar were tinge,bins of, white clay, iibecee as j white as snow. Tins play, the fiii,est material to be frirni, is', bro't from varinns States, New Jersey fur- niShing the_coarsest . qualitytitier Va riches coming from Pennsylvania, , Missouri, and South Caroine.,,.and thti best from Illinois. ft costs 'from' $24 to $lO-per ton, delivered. IThEr.- were also flint from Maryland, feld spar from Maine, _and zinc:, from Pennsylvania. Other: materials are used in the manufacture of pottery, thciugh in much less qoantitiei than thOte mentioned. Oxid of lead, plus teriof Paris, and cobalt, the substances necessary 'to :the "coin plet:ion of the wares, the cobalt be iug' snp, - ,lied by the nickel works of M. Joseph :Wharton at Camden, N J. , The clay, having - been carefully washed at the bank, is . thoroug'uly - miXed with water .until redneed to the consistency of cream, in !which. condition it is called " 'lt is run through a lawn sieve, so-that ev ery foreign substance shell bel puniped into it . series of bags, and subjected to hy:lranlic pressure. The water thus forced out, the clay is ready for the "thrower" and the " moulder." 'The "throwing" process is i'done upon a rPvolving: circular slab, having its flat surface horizon- tali - Beside the alab• sits the work men,-who shapes the plastic clay, es . it ;revolves upon r the slab4with big hands. The vessels made neon such a lathe : are perfectly round. Ovals - anil irregular shapeS are Made 'with . plaster of Paris monads into which the clay is forced. .The "green" yes set's are taken' from . the " thrOwers " and " naoulders " and deposited on shOves in heated rooms, where they rapidly dry. All the rooms are heat ed' by steam froma boiler, .WhiCh also .furnishes steam to the 40 horSe pow er iengine used in propelling the ma chinery-of the estalishment:. .s rapidly as they are .Irie..'d the "peen " vessels are taken to the " bisenit " kilns to pass through their first burning. They are' carefully packed in coarse eiirthen vessels to e4lude smoke and air, and these capes, called " saggers," are piled, in the kilns. There are six kilns in this e4ablisliment, three " biscuit?' and I three " gloss" kilns. Each )iilu •i` briilt of brick and soaped liken pear, being , perhaps eighteen feet in diam eter and fifteen. feet in height. clamped: oil the _outside with heavy ir4n rods, foF additional security. Lehigh c3alis• then burned in the tire: plaCesl at the : base of the kiln, which has been' tightly closed at the entraiice,but..has: apertures in the apex to draw 'the: heat through the whole interior. ter burning for two days the•lkiln is opened and the contents are suffered' . tci cool. The vessels are,,thin per fectly white, bnpao porous that they would- readily absorb liquids. i After cdoling they, are dipped in 'a Solution! mode of various minerals and chemi-1 ruts, which is their last. .stage but one. The coated vessels are again: enclosed in " saggers," pat in 'tbe. "glaze kilns, again subjected i to: in tease heat, the coating iitriqs, and the ware, after cooling, is .ready for use. - 'The completed ware is then taken' the store-rooms to await) order's. fdr shipment, when it is puled in ; Crates with oat-straw and :sent .011`. The ware made by the- Glasgow Pot tery Company goes all over the Unit-i ed States, a late order having re- Outly been filled for' San Francisco,: proceeding there by Iway of Cape; Horn. They cannot ship to ',foreign: countries because of the cheaper ar-; titles niade in England which are: Ohl in those marketa. The present tariff of 40 per'eent:' on white_ ands "glazed ware is ,barely'snfliCient to' . protect onr home manufacturers .of "Wintery. Half the crockery Used in! this country iwntill of foreign niake, and a greater ratio than thiS would be cf forei g n make had it not: been: for the high prices during the war and the premium on 'gold, which op erated in favor ofAinerican potterk Nun', however, they seriouslylfeel thd coropeteion of their fellow-erfiftmen 'apron the water, and aro :ealopellod tt otraiu very-wevo thelroxio I a mar ket which should be indispute r bly their own. - Their proximinitv to their customers, their familiarity with' American habits,; their appreciatiop of American necessities, and their ability to - ,promptly supply I orderk are their principal advantageki#i the cont;est. l The articles 'they make are better than similar grades timid: b 7 foreign makers, and deierve " eneral nee, while he facts should b widery published that they are who y made of American materials.; ., I These works employ about two hundred hands, to whom arejmnuq ly paid from $O,OOO to $7 000 in wages. The wages range weekly from $2 - 59 to $BO. The esgblish 'ment can turn out $250,000 wo rth Of pottery in, a yeir. The C moat* uses 150 tons 'of .pat-straw annually for packing orates', and then pay men, who c are constantly emPloyed i at thig work in the wonds,"s2 per,crate fot waking them oat of nn;derbrniti and' . refaSe 'timber. 'The tea-ea 's and saucers nsed at the various , enten; 'Dial tea-parties atTPhiladrlph a, Cia), r cinnati, Washingt o n , Trenton and a ' large number of i:;•ther, placep, were made by the GlEittow Potted , Cow' ; pany. .::a I 1 The first attemp t to iritrodupe Hut mannfacture of pottery in Americs -wa s wade by Mr. Tucker, at Ttentonj abont fifty years ago ; }bat as he ea sayed to make porcelain ware his, eft forts Were PacrOWned with s cceasi In 18'52 Messrs. :Taylor & , „ It embarked in the Ibuiines of aki n white Ware, 'and s eceded in buildl ing, , . rip a permanent brisinePs, whit 1 ' is now eontiolled by Mr. Isaac Davis , Other manufacturers engaged in ti) same ; line from: time to timr, the Messrs. Moses making I a begnning! only ten - years 8,20; until now therel are stxteen establishments : at ITren-i ton, having . ' a capital of $1,250,000,1 employing 2,000 Men. women an children in various capacities.. A' , I , i !-- . 1 : large number of vOorlc., , perhaps sev-t, ent;-five in all, have sprung Up in'' other places and some Of them make, the finest porcelain, equal toFcench.l The followink figtules show t he pot-1 teryeapacify of tht country, as indi-I cate(l by the numb r of.' kilns: Tren;l- 7 ..- I , • ton, 5 , ‘ kilns i ; tEas Li v erpool, Ohio,l 10; Cincinnati) 12 i FlUsting, N'. ,Y.,1 8,. and Pittsbruigh, 8. The effect ofi se DIM - 1y potteries !upon the f4eigtit tn.di-t. s shown by the followingistate-1 ment of the, decre'ase in the numberi of packages'imporeed in fo this corm-, try in ihe last l four years,: 1871 103,- 825 packages ; 18;12, 200,744 ; 1873, i l 80,277, and 1. 71,1,0,982.—8 ute'r'i' American. irwz, ncliSteel Assoc at ion. 1 I 1 .›,,. ME NUMBER 40. THE lIIIWRI :TTEN SIDE Or G: EAT We ,l ,always think of great Men as in the lact of ,perforkning!deeds!which give them rit,Ovrti,ior eiso in stately reposi , , grand,. silent - and marstie, Ana this is hardly fair, beicanso the tan=t gr.') eons i and I magninceut harnan lkngs i have- to liother. themselves with the little things of life whic l .2 engage the attention Of us sradde"• people.doubt Moses snar!ecl and got angry when he hada severe; cold in his liead, l and i , a fly bit 1114 leg - Ails hewas in the esert why should We' supposel he df‘d not jump !around -and use Iviolen lan ,,na,:-, ~and rub the ore glace? And C'“..,er—Hisn't; it tolerable cart in-bensfid to become faricns when h went np wairs lo 'wit hia: slippers i the d , ..rk, and found that Calphurna had shoved theni t underthe bed, s that he bad to sweep arlOnncl.them vildl:y ':e:th a brodm handle. 1 And Iwhen Solomon c= l aClied hiS cram bony, is it - . unresSonable' to suPpose that he,ran T , around the rf.;on? and felt as-if i theiwant 7 ed to cry ? Imagine GCorge Wash fug:on Sitting 0111111 edge of the bed putting on a- 1 6:mi shirt and growling 1 at 111,rtha because the -buttonWerel off. Or StrAtigustine with an apronl arouhd his neck, i having, tg his hair crik . ,, or, Joan. of Arc, holdin her Iron hair in her, Month, as 1 wom n do wh , le; she tlxed np her bull hair Napoleon, jumping out }of be in frohzy to chase a :mosquito voile rile room with a pillow ,' or )lartin,l . Luther, in a night Shirt, trying to pal k the baby to sleep ri. two O'ctoc in,th c morning; or Alexanderl the ,, with hiccough4; or Thomas ilTeffer son, gctting l suldefily - Over aifiince to avoid' a dogro the Duke of telling ton, With them mpp; or Daniel Web r i s!er,, abusing is Wife because sh h'idn't tucked he corers at till) foo of the bf1; 1 o Benjamin Fr nklin paring his i cons 'with a ra r; o t Jon:at:llan Ethlarcla at ! the dinner, taille, l wantrnr , to ine6ie justi as he got his nioni'W full of hot beef; o 4 Noah, standing 'lat his window a night; throwing' bricksi at a cat.—l I.las l. , 4clelet. ,', r . .--'-- Of, the Many *ors, whic their inventors have fondly believe I were i to supercede. steal* the later is the ... discovery of a Mr;{ John W. Keeley', It is a method Whereby wiiter i transformed by a Mechanical procesir to va:por; without the 'applictition o hear - ,; and yet the tra-nsforraaion xi sults. in the production of 'a mbtor 1 hir More powerful 'than steam After many experimentS Mr. Keel yen ceedd in making an engine ,I whosl power was J compressed air - 9it on side and tr:, vacuum on the other l , : whieli was the ‘ agent for holding tlas vaeutun in suspension. ' This' was in hut Opinion a'va'st improvement on • the E.teaui engine ;1 butt the, iiaventor saw '.by the working :of hislmedll where he could better it. by in simplif3 l - in..' it. This he dl, and, ho noW has 'a motor Which - is . merely a cold vapor produced ,- froth water by mechanical means, yet s i p, 1 1 powerful that Wean pri?ducei - pres sure of ten iliousand , pdund.4 I to, t* square inch: In fact, the treadendcais • results of this proCesa quite a!stound-' ed its discoverer. FI • I ! ' ' „ I It is also a.peculiarity of tta s vap9r l_ that it can be used - at any rate /f pressure desired, from ten ponds tp thousrnds Of pounds to the squat) i inch ;it can also Ye enera ed anti er preserved in reservin Vessel for tya• indefinite ileugth'; of e itime Iwithont . losina its force Mr. Keeley ' h4s pro‘ed this , by repeated 'experiments, sometimes ',keeping . the vapdr for 4 fortnight without ;appieciahl .loss ff power. 1 i . • i This proceis - is simple and inex pensive, and its working models ale • so marvellous in their operations that not' only many sdenists buticapital-, ists also become c',Driverts to the xi+ motive porker. Already stock com panies have been formed which haie purchased 'the right to use tills neW 1 and 'strange motor in'Yarious state h, an entire tu revolution iti stef.: ships, railway engines, 'horse•carr, and in fad, in 'Oen , depart i ment of mechanical operations; is p edicted. I 4 1 A RIVAL TO STEAM POW ' . i- Ali " old citizen' vishes t infolni t.. 1 the public that 'lithere 'I; no use tr,s ingi to break thoge irou coal. plc °qv era 'by sitting clown,Ou 'Jo ."c U,o 1