Rural. : MEE= Da:vs A..N - D Ciamv. ItrvAr. FOECows,. L'3 Practical Fanner says:—lt is setAleki in the opinion of Allow dairymen that 1 . bran greatly r , mates the milk secretions in cows, 1 it is °led - almost tmiive.mallvt on t' -ognally . Mixed with' eorn meal - tte it,tsnal proportion. This Mix to promote both qtemtity ;It:alit:7 of, milk. t From several Fe hear that bnekwlio‘t tt a greater producer of milk. i-.. is- being _used considerably cr.."ir Chester. County dairy it.aeout the same proportion ~ .Cuer. Thomas Gtwthrop, Grr.,ve, Chester County, •-r 1.-c-a.ted trials with his 'own fully satisfied, himself that, ‘...s well with . corn and ;cob • bran ai with pore corn bran. - The amount of ; nn it in corn cobs is so vets' small Cois result, will have 'to be ex-. =i on the Suppnsiti.:,n, of ; the e -, lw acting to promote diges distending the stomach . 72:-.:• of balky materials hec:-Cessary to promote idis sion and fill up, the stomach of animals,' before digestion 71 be accomplished, is frequently -t ,of. HUngarian grass is fclind for milch cows' to be superior to the opdinary I ran of hay. The last year or 1 two 1 -7 ,7l.a, , i'irian grass has loom , l - up nderfully in the estimation of, ,our d farmers; ands very large f.? cope et will be' sowed with iti the c Season. It 'matures for cat : ti- in about ,silty days, and pro d -cc-s two, to four tons,per acre later, of course on good . sqis. ree-pecks to the Isere .is the c''-: Dance of seed...l_, - ME Lip /NorO 'tosuggest t i hat it might' he .t. , r for -some, , if not all, to use a I': le thought and attention in their ti- . .,J . r4tit of dumlyJanimals. One of n): neighbors has a 'splendid young 1, , rse which. cost him $350. He got in spring, arnihas used him in arly all shapes all summer, some-. drawibg, vOry..:-- heavy, loads. 7 until lone- clay this fail, --r,'Ten,-iri_..a.lernpting to draw a , heavy frcym the field,: the hork-e• would t I.lfter coaxing him awhile, man began to. whip and cot and tiotlly the horse threw .12im; the hired mall stood ready on-'the horse's head and ld Liui down, which he did while t 1 e 1. - .;u:ss laid on the tug, with a bea*y ~ ..keye on the eid of it for a snap-. r, until the horse, well ptimmeled, ridged, fairly' egged_ for mercy; wtis let up and again hitched wagon, wi,th.tne load. still On. drew ont.of 4he lot in not Linnor. v.-'o after, the horse .w4s n itriinn into the lot, and the \lda' pumpkins ; which again , t.t-fused to draw. ,e *hip was . ii sel up , him add toCI,. house for anothet, ,:•i i `c,ls used, as well' as the (f a board under thr iy. At I rew man j , l _ ;1. 11 1 3(.1E his bet',, and, (.4 • 10, ilia - 1; : • and othir over and pr'eu - iled 1,1 i• : .1) the \41,,i; , , 1 as 'it ' 1 4 41A.,:it A iioise brity.l especially 1 , (• Fp 1 Lim f4iriver. BIM • rne. I.:pw. a tL. wagon 131)011 his hr) was glad to go, aud t a lc the load out of ila ( 1 4. N _ 1111t3 ;laps . , a (lad str:ry,-.,s;tallar cccurupci,s I.cen P-rtrl of F ,iid tiriPs - before, 1 nt t,t i Ns'isit, to itt is 1.9 caliw, tLe man came to Li e foul out whist to horse , that he ;could got He knew he. was not balky, hal oritgroW - O his `collar; and, 51t !..-qrs in his eyes almost, said' he horse all the art - S , Tking in a collar illat for -him, as -lie . 1.11.1. d CkAl s'inee he gut him. enirti.g ,- -h:ent' of ' the collar no trouble with the , fluid How near that .o -a 4 Talaahle I.lcov many farm:l - s ;laud there who are : , ure tha't ,alkar, hut. wholi• fiLled? Did any t 1 tn a No. 11: c:4- _n .-- No. I i 4 17, L -3.t fits 4yott IE MEI I y-! C ; ( ST. , cK (11 Dixie _Vomit,. saps: m*giCe a rec , .bt occurauce or • n'as , dull , tril and cents in Renlncliy bt - 6.C - (13 - f-!,recentiv off , ,red li pr9positidn To a neighbor of • for e.ll the - calves on his 2.c.• 171-oniwennin:. - 7, to twenty months Ile declined the offer. Ou •tlng fare v.; coald hate t ca'. es of the same age at Leßa. He said he world t - 1.1'1713 them to liic-ntucky if - the)- , yr.i , gvoted to bin]. Why? The .• Ipr:34d:breed of calves could lie sue to. gross 1;700- pounds at three • ars,ol'il; the others, if ever, at five ,:r eii years; one cnnsutnirig, and requiring the same .; t..s the, other. Comment is tan- I sold. last fall, at the ir,at Ilnifreesbriro, a one-3-ear-old :*Ty for $lOO . greenbacks; Ehe.was a •i °rough, and-cost no more to raise to that age than a. mongrel or a L.-alt.—the only addltiqnal cost being 1! e first.produce. I refused $250 for 11,r second foal at, five months old. :=32.5 for another mare: sold I ,l r to = o years and one year ,:d Crites for 4500. I paid $1,1:25 sr a fine je4net,: in foal byj a fine and so Mat tr. - o and a half years i; ;he yell bred lean raise .are in dexuan - d at . n :1 , 5111us each, .51 from tATO fo three : 1 co,i - s old; All the improved vari- L:is of silE ep pay---their lambs eel. 1,-2, , 7. f• cm $lO to $25 CA weaning time. ti e ii .awedll breeds of poultry pay. ‘'‘,l", , it is it thatdon't pay, if best of il — kind, and well csred for? '1 hat mongrel stock does . pay. If n.. 131" I have to find it ont. All.iLicsN apples, says the London Gru. , :ce, are ri ,, tv- selling at moderate, in provincial 'towns, both in and Inland. The highly re 3 and w4:11 flavored Baldwin is , mmoLiest land as yet. As they come in barrels withont *.lnd packin,r4 materials, and rici a rc.!e, in excellent cor.di .. Tnat apples F.L.crild be Fern ini!tc, and theribe Inal IiEBI r. , ..t0.v;a11.y • _At this r2.'e t reZifinS 7-,, riii Eorim :;;th, Cue fine Lmitb at a that place tteta tvit in the Cif all classesr, pi;11•I t T. CANAL 18$ CO.- AB.P4.II2IIIIIIIXST OP PJLESKIMIS IMAM& To take WWI JUN! 11, Uzi • scrimiz. L imp .—"— No Ito.' 861.1.160. I la . . ifs. ger. 1.11 , lii9. .9. T. era810:1 5 11 l it 16 9. —.l -.- —•— l_ i 7 st.s is 7 , is I ifs ssi Pis sal 2eV 1 708' 3 CIS•Sfs Falls 130 ; 111 966 '2.4 17 40! 9 401-19P/falos !lIVS :90 F 11461- .:: 5 Sr, - I 9 20 1 4 is I . ASburii.l Cifi l • .. f.,9 ISA 744 42 04! ~Isaacs. , .Isaacs. 1 645 : i 7.111 - , it 41s 11229, I...throws.. I_ ' - 1 -I. 9 WI: 45:1351; 630; .22stlah.. 503.12315 414 910 9 .75 4 .7 tii, 1 a! 9 CW Waverly tT, 4 29;11 411 641 123 9 ttls 21! 1 371 9 1.—.44.934..1 441;0 14 953 __, als 9 50'143 1 88.,11 It ..Athalts— 414 13 29i 1291 619 .....114s ,T 9 30.. Wan. I Ili 171 I so 4 .. :3 3s 111 41 0 —.1 1 10w. , :: 11 03i 1 749 1020; 415': 2Of :10 110 Tosmiros . I S 30.14 50i 4 U 733 r .... 14 25 00 Zessysslir• ; to mi t .f 7 29 .....1 4 , 110 3718310'711 d ! 10 lii i 7 03 — l t 57' ' .10 60, Fretehril X" in , 6 ss. 1 ..1,6 is! 111 12' Wrlns-ni: .14 4,41 i s all -,1 171433. 800 I. 10,Lsospillti 2 21 929" lel 619 .... :3 49, til 27-4 's kit,. #326; 614 ....•,5 16; .In rya' Walsall 4 211 -1 411 ...:•:10':: 11 43; I.l4abspen IV 10, 1 600 ~It le its wart o'o'n, I r . 9 uSi : 605 12.°5 ' S 541 332 ' 72 6.7cr453 0 0•3 1 130 i ;it 071 320, 533 :720. I 1 so.. .rava ..1 ! 4 ii', 1 600 12507 sot sem 140. t& 24.11260 , 4 4A, 245; 456 19 57 ROW 442; 1 43 , . Pitlrcon. ;12 36177 35 , 2S. 420 :912i ', 'I 00' Prawns' 1724' 1400 135.4231 600 1 Saw . Bares.f 12 131 , .7.15; 290 . 400 232 ..,I 632 1, 4 10: w' Havenlll Or r i4 21 ; 1 10 232 3 14 . 9 111 719; 435_p' niarra 1 14 25.. . 1.123 u! 164 3 441 , I T 3or 6 su)g. 0b., 1 ,6 , 4 419 : - I 8 ill 6 6eklleuttor6 i 48 , 18 SP 6.6 11 6 P Juno' ,44; it i►ll kinds,. all: bought direct: from -- the Manifaetnrers„and hand . made, 14 goods warranted.. A • TOLL mocros /MITI= AND FINDMIS . ; Thankfirfor past favors, i solicit a continuance of the same. . Toikeds, Itiy. 1. 11172. ,;>,,,) isTmv oARELwI'?Aown7; OPPosite the ;ear • TO,7I,ANDA, , HENRY EMMEN • • , . • - • . , ! his ennon:ince to his friends and pOstatii, built a . , NEW BBICE CAIUMMIE !FACTO BY, where he arild cvnetantly keep on hand a fall &nann . meat of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND . ,OP&N BIICI-GD43, PLATFORM WAGONS, TBOTILNG MI MS, AND LEILEIXTONS, • Made of the beat material and finished in the best eity style. tang tapertianor In city Calvin* Factories gives him a decided advantage over others the Finish, Style and 'Durability of his Wagons. All they uka is an ISSPEOTION OF ,HIS WORK previous to pluchiaing almahen. ALL WORE WARRANTED TO: WIT Fulmar EATISFACTIOIf. Thankful Earths liberal patronage fornissly as, tended and reapectfully ask a continnanoe at the wine. • 7 REPAIRLIO PROMPTLY ATTLNDED TO redne.3d prices =I FOUNDERY & 11ACHINE SkioP The undersigned having prod:mewl the Fcriumdry sad alsehim Whop lately' owned by Jobb Harman. 'are prepared to do oil Linda of wort aw.UlWro , i to their bileineas. with proetiptaese arid dispatch. • • - MILL GEARI-NGS, I CIRCULAR SAW-.MILLS, MANDRILLS, And all kinds of .IRONS MADE TO ORDER. ENGINES REPAIRED, Ant all work warm:3W to Ova - aatlitacttOn. M :tip . 1 1 I . 1 T Mate '.7l Of tio; latest and most tmprotixi kinds msonfaCta.re43 and kept censtantly on hand ready for nee. PLOUGHS, ' SIDE,SILL. IRON AND WOODEN REALMS Of all kinds. 1 CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS P 1:0 UGH POINT S : Of all kinds, and the latest improvement. kept • constantly on hand. CHURN POWERS, 1H LARGE AND SMALL SIZE: 121 S-TOVE CASTI-N S CELLAR 'GRATES, SLED ? AND SLEIGH SHOES; LARGE IRON NETTLES And all kinds, of cutliage tarnished to March an. 1170. BLOOD & CO., Still eantiane o mentihwtzLre their ealsbrsied M r . " end will men a bettor 'titechlne. for lose money than cm be had elaewbere to the world. We elate for oar =aloft that they Will do u much. or moo. thin erg other-eat are came durably ban 1 We personelly superintend ant work and it, that It hi well Own. We will Geld CATAWGUEL - of am analibiaa, on applleaUon. P Ji n&ad (.); 13 One* Two Holm rII72ESHER' &VERA TOPA THEIS:HER and CLEANERS. FANNING MILL'B,I CINCIIMI2 AND =AO lAN NNW, SAW AND 031ST RILL work donito order. Wye no a cell before pnrebesiog elsewhere. Ira "oo atioaavua. bemaativ . "op a06 , 1a Mtg. S. IIEY ' THE BEST PRAIRIE pi lOWA AND NEBRASKA, Tor asie by . THE, BURLINGTON & attSiOURI RIFER E. R. Co On'lo years' credit at 6 per oent. intereat.! One mftlion acres in Tows and Southern Nanette. The antes coantey in the world to comb ne farm ing end 'tuck raising. The mod is rich end slily mutilated; elimate warm ;.enuons lona: bane low and education free. No payment, required On prin.: Opal tin II th year, md then only ontrearenth each year until' Wd 1.4.141 IMPLORING* TICKETS • mid at Intoortant stations on the Chicago, Burling. so n and Quin.7 hail Road. and cost of same re tnaded land Is bciaStit. Half tare to families of purchasers, and low freights on household goods-end farm Mace. Twenty per cent premium for , Lame discounts for cash within one, two and three years. Products will pay for land laiprorements long be fore the pri.elpid becomes due. "•The ecHisned destitimion in Nebraska Iles In the fee_ireefreu region, beyond the lands of the B. • NI ft B. ee." Nor circulars that will describe hilly these lands. and tha term. of sale. apply to LAND 0011 MIS. sioN ER BurWigton. lowa. for lowa Lands. or Lin. coin, Neb., for Nebraska Lands. or *Dolt to A.. J. NOBLE a co.; Towanda, Pa. D.c. 22-7Vm. pIIECUTOWS NOTlCE.—Nintice Li,. hereby irtren that all Onions Indebted to estate of theed.ty Hall I.te of liscarora, dee'd, are requested to,inalte trumediate manta. rod alt persona having chitin' against said estate, must present it= duly authenticated for settle ment. . kIC it HALL Tanimis 4 HILL. Bram= 1% ICA", =3 12;1; Eff29 OBOCIIIRV 'ASV 1011;40/8103 Mia INSIMEMI MeOA3ll;4 FD-WARDI3, =ME PAMLLY GE'BOQERIES 11118017111 TOiLIiDA. ra. • - Wodo .et ikon It itiklo .saes.• iii ditaisterikilso in bop. threamartmai FIRST , GLABS GOODS, i, ass paid for Panneni Produce. ' • JAMB licatEX, WM. gDWARDII. Ihrdts WM NEW STEAM FLOURING MIL, . , . . • . The inst desire. La giro notici, th at Ids pm/ U now In satoonlal operatics. and that ho firm' patod to do all work In kis Las oa short notloo. =nom aparmala DONS warn SAME ihtlr , . . , r. Wheat. Buckwheat and Bye Flour,Corn Mewl. Feed. Bran, &ix., always on hand ard for sale at t . 'sweat Mill& . PARTUATLAII ROTlCE.....Pareene livings on the west aids of the deer dWonne to patronize my eta 10111 bays theft earryaen &d both urge, when they Mee setae 3r tos bnahels and upwards.' sea en YIP, II &TIROL B PATCH, GROCERIES AND PROVISIOIgq, HAY WIIILEN. COUNTRY PRO DUCK, BUTTER, POULTRY AND GAME, Irapecial attaztion paid to Wing-orders, Goods delivered free of charge anywhere In the liorcnagh, BARGAINS IN STOVES! all Given to all purchasers for Cash, at HARDWARE STORE, ItRANH a ROCKWELL. WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, STERLING} SILVER, SILVER: PLATED W26tE GOLD, SILVER. AND Rim, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES LANDS VORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL wAT.-.otrect routs north s id Routh to sm. Wears. Waatita.ton. Pnll4o4ola and in ;points Route ; also to Uuffalo. Maw . Palls. Ruspanalcrn endue. Roattastar. tjrr.ensa and all points East and Wad on the, now I York °antral android. and 1k! Causdu nS. On and altar Sunday. NOT. 23. •1373, MIMS will lease MID na au Wows : I , ''• ' • -‘ 3 STONVih, MS . MEM radisakiM area Dolmas LID 1 R I 9 1113,, 'ALWAYS - COMPLETE IMO We eta scpting bat `IN SHINERVENG PA V7.:TrW ?.' 77;‘ . 7WnMi TEAT IT 18 11BZMD. WHOLESALE RETAIL DEAL= Di ! TOWANDA, Pa The best brand, of FLOUR ALWAYS ON ILLND The big eat prica plld for . all kinds of C. B. PATCH Towanda. Jan la. 18741 TINWARE, HARDWARE, IRON AND NAILS, GLASS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, EMI H. T. JiJNE'S TOWANDA, PA row_ 17. •7A JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE 1 M. HENDLEMAN, Dealer In Mae American and Swiss FINE JEWELRY; AND CLOCKS, . THOM THE CHELPE3T TO THE BEST. ' • .1 One door North of Dr. H. o.,Por er & Son'e Drag Store, Mail/ Street Towanda, Jan. 6, 1875 o~ •t'f MO arrive Northern Express....; ... Accomraodatlon, do Dering .~ux wAzr I 1 t Vaal Sanihern Ezpreu , 1 2 48 pm • • 1 ; 11 46 am as. Northern Ewes, north and Boutbdra Li ma south. im throueh trams totoreen ttodbeiter 6. d Naltamore ; the Unsung anti Iteenlo4i locum. madmion north wawa akdatlandaliNis with bilidne far Manner *rot use Irene: . ' i G. 82.48 NT0N &lAD ili a n I iDr&TOMM44O4BBIB4, pas Edens 1 11 01 ALL . • ax . I .. . . .. . „ . b essullisatly rsabbig. Is addba to Ws; hew dock ativrabh ....., ', y; 4 :E: ff : ,'. sll'7, BANDS,_ anISICIN .211 SWIJI GOLD mu, SILVER WATCHES. 0) i - • ' • WITS& PIA= WAR!! Or ALL V g .t .: eon% ELM 12132 ined SPZCTACLEB: • 1 1 , ULYEE , it BINGO A...VD CLUILIti of all timicriptions et the lowest prices ' • - WILTON. CILOOII food JEWELRY repairing done 131' alio Opts maw. and 11arrilli- l'hanks far i lfberelpahrotow and hops to merit ixinpligo4 0:10.1a4114 tL Towanda, Nov: 12, '13.1 0, A. BLACK °ROOMY. OP VARIOUS PAT And at low u the lowest, GLASSWARE; TABLE CUTLERY, i • -- i 1 , I would say to the public that on any . goods kept , - stock tari'l not - a uti-deraold.2 Towanda- Feb. 19. We A.' CHAIfBERLAIN, I D I A 11.1 0 N D • .1 FINE .)EIVEI. ES IN WANDA, PA Ju^e 2. 1271. SELLING OFF AT COST • 500 Men and Boys ' ..0 CAN-SECURE GREAT BARGAINS OVEROOA7S, CASSiiIERE & GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS . r JULIUS WOLF'S CLOTHING HOUSE, Cer.Mainand Pine Sti., :One door South of Dr. Por%ei'e Drug store;) It will pay ion to come 50 miles to bny a pupp l Y of Winter Clothing at the prices we plall offer it at. You Nub!, SAVE MONEY by examining our goods before pnr- chasing elsewhere. Towanda,Dec. lint sraikerNG DONE AT MRB. HENRY KINGSBURY'S, DRESS MAKING ROGMS, No. 2, ARCADE BLOCK. 1 . ir.....17„ 1,72 • • ' FOR SALE. • la 50 p m ' , !u • 45 am „ 515 pm fivers desirabl TIMM, LOT, BARN, dc., for LOT LOWE AND EVOILDINGR F4l3r-cr.tB9. Looted on South Malty tdroet..Towenio, Fa. For farther particulars enquire of the eudersion• d. - agsta ussar 4 • tenriniswikicemibeeltPriet44ll • - NZVUJIMELEY'SROkeI nol , owd% KINGS. F STUDS, MI -NECBLtI.G'EB, \. 0-LCI`C i i ,j ' N't:. 4: BOCXWELL. i TES SILVER PLATED WA • WOOD WARE, STONE WARE, BIRD CAGES, BASKETS, GLASS SHADES,.:. .6 - I • ' - b. A.:-BLACE. I DEALER IS H V WATGLIEB' AND CLOCKS, !IWAVEE SUITS; RC., &C: Towanda, Pa. q rarrois aux% • - , . . TOWAND A, WHOLNIALS A3Tr =WU fLII GI El Tl3l 9 =I MEI . •-- -• a , i 3 ,rsologoeontrali noftirod- *mi.* tactd. bovisopeors WP tb.* ass, MI 41.11 o ACIOOf Iff !i . I • ' ____ L ______' This Bank offers r.N. CHM.% PACTLIT: ' fo r t.%, tranwiliin of a r : 1 • GENERAL 13 kIrI.NO R47BIIVESS , . 64-rxErmr AID ' ON O.ITT.Off.= ACCORDTIiGi 1 . I ' Fikzetat.: C.A.r.z n orrint ro rice CwiLECTice3 or &y_i: atro 7- Cit. -1, ' I . 1 d • ' , . partaes sostanz to stern nowrs to any Fait eti tie Ogltret ittateek Eniztami. Ireland . Fleottand. or the prim - dins) •dttoi , ,, ina tO ISICI ' I of Europe. can here mitre drafts for t.l 4t norpoSe. : 1 • , ! . • 1 PASSAGE TICKETS ' 1 1 1 To or franc the old ocianiag, by best steamer l e l l .ta,t ' tag lines; altrayi on bead. ' I 1 . .1 : 1 towns smorGai crrine Le asincia awn. 1 1 Hittaat Price Pat! for U-4 Bonds, (4;4 tut 974 e 1 JOB. POWELL, President . ' Ai. A• BeSIIS i v . 7.: i • 11.,,, ,, nft., 1. !RSV.' , 1 -4,l,blirt Bo()11-BINDKY.—THE - ,se , espretttliiir Informed that the Boot-Bindery ee4 removed_ t• the "Reportg" Bail , tta7.l.Bttt ry.. where will be 4 0 120 • . • 11. i • • B IN. IN GI I [I • . . . , 1 In's.o Its varioas larsnela.•±3, on terns s r a reasO-dabli ¢3 'Abe. ;tint..." ar..14 allow . The Ettr..dry -A-41 be::a der U I . m charge of . * • l'• I ' 1 1 . • ,- ,1 i • , , , r . ' .... ~ ' I in e.apfii - i enced Bloc! i el'. kna ail work will be prooir.ill done al'...' rt. , . t. Ind ryn.,ei,- giblet; .woout b. exo,.,:ed. 11,Laur. 1 I .lllerariDello Newlipapors. 0141 Nook. It:r. , te,irr,,... ,IT ,-......ry viri..dp of style. Particular ii:er.• . •f1 , .1 . .. , - .,1 :3 tue I.:•.L , IiLg and B:ading c 1; I . ' I' • il MEI , • , I . " • To stqf '4 , N , , ired ...:.:11Pro, •••11',:•:1 lu'ality +Ltd .114:1.... bait; 4111 tli3 warro6tea. , • • _ 1 .1 . L I 'Ai; •.-,t•k, l id.i: bey ri...tat, :or'de:lscry lien prO ,I I t pr , p!ttroong...• oflttor pONie :a eollittd, DIU! , par-i 1 lect 1...t . ti0n gitilir-ealfw ; id. ; I 7,:nraitutz, 4 qu - 51.9 , 1. 1.....4; ,-t1 j MI DEEM It V E i . 1 • der to snzk teck of I ES +`ALTa 1 =1:1 ~' NEXT 0111.4: 11. - SUSIXER dLOTHING j ARDL.ES ,OF C a s .S . t I ; • It is Illrinecti;3.r for aay that ms 6 . a an ' ' I • FEE 1 1 , SiTtIaTLY .F.XIt4T-C 1 L . ..t80) ; . - 111 4 And only offaiod at greatly reduaad pries" rats r that; carry therti over to teat season. 1- • IN Tonaida, luly 1574. • Tu. PLACE • TO, BUY I l''OtTE • 1 7. . • i• . ' i i: • - . , I ,'i • HARNESS . AND 'HORSE' PIX.INGS triNALIS • ' 1 i , ... . Is at d, P. D%174:5 VS. tti4be Wm . , latilv *apied by, Jatbasi Wolff as a Clothing 'scam!' Berms re . mn•ect my esteettehment to wore emmtnolitras sal . , couvriß Pot quarter, .1 ,reste•cenity hivle4 iily ,old :customers, and 41 in santif atlytoLujOa the tbi, of . ~. •• i Et 4 .11 W itIL'%'ESS. SADDLES. ItLrb. ILAN - SETS. EIP ~ . &c., &i., to gtve me . a call , feeling asttatted that from the fredities I p 05.... for prrrhawini4 store, 1 Cat 'dos borer J. , b, ate lower pricy, than any ottlev et t4l4ll4ment to the emmty, ; ._.: DoN'T E'ORGItT TDE PLACE .ONE DOOR BSC— .I,OtV THE FOX k liklikll7n B rons, * .2.:',, " : !r 4 DATTe,s. . I rT I 1 1 i '0,13 WISH,TO BUI ORE.L.L . . , • j •• HOUSES, .DilOl.S; LOTS ' , OR • 0 • - . 1 . • Stria. PROPEFITi,, or ti yc,u with to l , to a cUiroirei motley'_ott Beal Eitate Or other **curtly for ai *hod unit cir i teAt - o : of we.'or a you visa i• RENTS OF HO,U}sgs . . Orbiter property collected 'and paid, we cifier us r..-ior picilmtiv for tit. prumpt transacnon of inch butlneta. , _ ' . 1 1 . We. laava now a ' pm list of property for Lae, and Mum 1 elnrig ' i : - ' 1 ; • - 11 ; ' t , . RE AL ESTATE ESTVESTMESTS I I i 1 In or 'county, .will Al well to mall= toL ! • "a. J..rrosur. a owl •:_ r • _ _.: ! B a y Bow, %so 'Uwe Atpulti. ' • t ~ 01 81"4/ MVO War% %mantle Oman likowiW. To, *sank Ps . • .-. I 1 '-. *- efiw.ta ne n I '' : , . I • - i AGENTS 18ANTEDI ' ' - , '', . •I i At theists this work is now senior, t wiltatts..n s - I - • ll' . , ONFI . HUNDRED TfIOUSANP 1 , , .. cnidribef ,, re thei, movies is am Vets. PrrsbY , .. - . r , su r ,e ll.lsteri without chars. or it) ,se in ,illllo ,l th ' 166 l i - ti to ;ossiti 11, by open so' azemiseiq acacia • er4„ atnaruts,layia• u, iii others wbo demi* t" o b ' tsto 1 I.,.t.tve • tnoto)m”at, in 11 most re.prettll'e ° c „' I . ro enpatt ,ta a solteib A to *opt , for 14.. agtoiertt" ''" . I've . Hl. , ortl or Tired Psirs.aNriv•lss du ... 11 11%orortorr Tas . 0,0 34, 14 " L - ~ A 14-414n1 large &ray:), v..lo2:fin. tilitatrattil vri. , IN-in Yikti W,lo4.ftueraTitige.llll , ollo , 4oy #:,:to•tit , '! an , • r , .. lol.)Ltetll m=at to pours. Amp seaCona p.r eX, cittootra ta.fitory. etc., attoti.d be made At ooce Add • es.CDA.VI / IT 41. LENT ii Ou., jiis Broome 4 " Rely Itink. .1 pin. li4J. ', • - i .1 t: .1 , =i=IIIWEI ° c suits,' ' ninni, '4 , I"FM. i pidaU ,Ditrzoss. l .- 31"A.0111Ni - fZi All the H. C . wurr4 "'am L ' • I !; _ N6' OTHING, , APIi I 1 li I CHE 1 Ii Y 1 t' . 1 • I ' 1 ' r 1 1 1 , e tom for the LIFIGEST std i • c 1 1 P ; tf, OLOTHIN ii . ! market, I wil,f:Tr the ' 1 ! I t SIXTY DAYS.' '! i ~ MI , RosmtrirLD.. i 1 i N I 1 II