Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 24, 1874, Image 3

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Towanda, Tharsday, Dec. 24, 1874.
, -THE Presbyterian Mite Society will
ineet"on Monday ereilirtit neat in the Lecture Boom
of title Church. ;.
THE next meeting of the . Episeopa
Mite Society trill be - held on Monday night, a
the residence or Judge MEacca..
Tu Rector of . Christ Church will
:be happy to 6E1;1 not: only the schofare connect
ed with his .scbocd, but their parent's and
friends at the Chtieitmaai eve ]ea rcises of the
THE holid©y Cana - Hon of the Cap
g;at,..histitute, till expire January 4, 1875, the
first lionday after New Year's, at which time
•tidrk will again - be resumed without further in
terrnption by vacations -until the eose of the
cebool year. ' -
. January nucuber of the Nur
,: ia already-on our table.'and is •a fresh and
pure as ever. No more appropriate ;Christmas
pres..nt tor a child 'ponld be thonbt ot. We
till fUttllat it in coi.necticn with the ntrOSTEIt'
to: sr 15.
PErir will deliver a
seri,:s of bmperancv tectores in tnts county c ,, tat.
nacneing at Wyalcslat:; Jan 2nd. Wu have not: room
for the balance of the appointments, .but we cm ,
dially recommend 11Si.s P to the people of the coon
! ty as an earnest eh.ratdoll of the good cease.
PETERSON . S Jimrnal for January is
received. This second unnab,r fully . sustains
the p.putation of its predecessor. It is full to
the brirerof dOightiUl, entertaining , and chaste
reading matter. 411 articles are complete.
We will furnigi it to:any of our - subscribers at
12.30 per yearit
A 1
NAMF.Fi (/' pupils at the IVyalasing
Orad(A Scholl Fert,et records for wee k
Dec. :Lu IA 57..t1 rota), K CLAP
PER, tftli .vlvrr,&. I V IRGISi t WELLT-P, Eitur
KEr.t.r 3.112:2:1A FIVIES, FRANI:
iIE CATHOLIC fair witilie opened
Mer.-ur'a Bid - on Monday. rec. :S. and c i j utture
until the e next; WedUst.fay evening. A splendid
;:olcyAratt • vechte.e.'m.y . t;e seen at Wat
store, and oat beautiful picture of the
Iminsculate Concepti-n," ohnh may be 6,- en in
the outdo's* of the Catholic book picot., on Midge
sty, et, will be disposed of during ithe Fair, Many
other fancy and useful 'articles too ndinethr.s t.
mention will adorn the tildes. •
. .
3. Tuns of our qitia-us atiao jailed to
attend the en'.'tiiuntetit at the Prcr,tivtertan
Church on Weilneelay evening fast, 1 ,et a risk
treat. Prot. 13ana.o i 4 one of the' very be,t
elocutionists we Lava ever had the.pleatire f
ilisteniog to, and'his selections could not !lave
;been bettered. lie was richly entitled. t, a
rt..tuctbY larger audience than he' saw before Lim
4n the octis.siou. aol we know that were he to
repeat his entertaionautii* rnarLit.vx be s, re 1.4-
. sent-Jast week,"‘Vonla bot ihatu atiosv the op
, prxtunlty to pass uninaproVed.
IioLL-or It{ Nutt at the Towanda
Gnu!, d School. or VIIPIPS of F udeu to uitti ver-
fret rrcurrl to attend.voe, ortment, and
studi , for the' cliding Deo. : EmAI
Jr,Trt. WA! r.'ll:N. BELF.N
. NIINNIE NFI.i 1E florqA,lli)
NADA!' 131:Z NET, II Aftl:Y
(14,L -Eli. IDA
(4.1;r: • 11yQ.: 3 • WI! Lle L k'SF, MAY
3.1 •,111A. LAr. L All:, I: 1: El I:s 7
1: ;LIIS.
• m=:s
tts (111 Ts ~lure Rev. G
a.... Cnr m wai a 1r,rtt,,.1 t‘t speak
ti - .l:liitra:xe at WeLibor°, During the
ti 111(1 ' ,•1 , 1.,•:;,+ , tL ttins
M:. C0c4,1 II in a!lunro..::: to ti
does rt .
j. etnr , tix
of tu:`.'..4l.r.1 , 42.
of tip tear down: I tx;. - iall ti. , 11.! its
oper.4t.oni in tnigtit
to Liini-tp.ll-.-
SWIE O:VS sihee, the boarders at
EIJU,7; .+1111;r1. , 0 1 the pr j net rc , .7. C.
prc Frilt;!iF h:rn , atth a bt.utlit!ul
artio:e 1%11,1;t1
k tlt) h
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—f-nec f Mr
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: fr—tn :l:t• late
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!,;,r f ..!!: -e mi.! ili,eer.,:o.tto In:pro:L.l :q. , :li of
, i,
Vii.;.lL L .. .1` , :. 1 01, :!.',.•1 , ..' a 5..,../ It1;-,„:(0.-:, 1.1:.:1 o.ll(Aigh 010 cohntr. ;
, il S iflrt 1: Ii ,; tl, 2‘,;.r 1E 71
t e tn
.o. , .g, (etrr, ttir nty en:• El7r..pmv. E , 4. ( , tLe ifdel.:L4 .r tt
.y,lteutdl,l::, an , l ,•;,
p• ~ • 1; i. .....iii S
\Vi/.t I !., r.:. 1p i',o:,-, r..
ii -1
::r 6r: a.r •, t' hlo rf c'~
Coio.lej o'e:4% . : t
and it and tter:. , tvk
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..11Kttetin to :Um t ;1• et's
/ I 'xif'g 1 . 13'.!" wf- leo eacrop., ns ttirtstz•R '771 . ••r1 thu.
FL - idsy- I tr. tni,,,ttat.t ,3"„ , •
L ..L Nu
--- W. II ``.!.11:/
, J 'B. .2113.11-
A. C.
1 1 , 4-
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3.1,:q. •"/"Til•
Mre. L. J. kita.vra.
Wa Lr.,,taa that on the let of Jann
ary, the connection of Bev. S. 3.'Lusg with the
Baptist church ceases. ' Mr. Lusit came here
nearly siz years ago, and has labored with
great zeal to advance the interests of his
church. It is but simple truth to say that he
has won the regard and respect of all b 1 his
warm piety, kind spirit, and unwearied dere
_tion to the cause of his Master. He has been a
clear and earnest preacher of the grand truths
of the gospel; the trumpet In his mouth gives
no uncertain sound. He has been a friend to
the poor and sorrowing; as a pastor be has
uroved himself indeed a minister of grace and
peace. Though a sincere Baptist and loyal to
the doctrines of that church, ho has been so
courteous, chant*blo and fratern4 towards
other denominations, that his removal is re
garded in all our churches as kgreat loss to
the felloisbip and efficiency of the household
of faith. We are sorry to say '•good-bye" to
so good a man and'so devoted a minister. But
w e fervently hope that the lines sill,fall to him
In pleasant places, and that be will receive all.
the love ■nd prosperity in his labors that his
life and character deserve.
AT A meeting of Franklia Steam
Engibe Co., No. I, held in their hall on Satur
day evening last, the following minutia on the
death of E. J. CLarsots. was ordered to be pub
lished and placednpon the records of the com
Wammts : We have learned with sincere
sQrrow of rho death of Hr. E. J. Ciantionone
or the trtutPes of this company; ihereforn..
Ree-o7r , d, That in his death this company
has heat a valuable and efficient member, a
faithful and no right nicer; community an ex
mrriplarv, usernt and Ft no-spirited citizen; awl
ma family a devoted husband and affectumete
'xi.t tier.
Ite;otred, That we tender to the bereaved
f.tno ~ur h . eartfelt condolence in the severe
..fd Ilion through which they are called to pats,
and for consolation we direct them to who
veptwvi'h the borrowing friends pf Bethany,
the Friend of the widow and the fatherless.
Re.Folreti, That the highest eulogy we ran
'All'ow upon the dee , •abed, is a determinahou
etunl.te his virtues.
solrrd 'That this hall be drapAd in in yir n
ng , fur thirty days.
Tuc following revolutions of re
t•tect and condolence we..e pn..ed at a me( Veg .
of St'ysaukiug Grange. No. 53, 1:) , c 13. 1.571 :
Wtigi:FAß A' early dawn this day, it pleased
ths All • hor of .11 good to call from this lite our
esteemed friend and brot tier. E. J. Clausen; and
116 Was a 'vrnrthy and c-nststeut
- member 01 our order. a true friend and briltha-r
to all, and, in a giPasure, a public benetactor
as I educator;.theref4e, be it
Re..59fr01, That wepit•eply lament l iF. death
bud uniat. elitlgly tender our 83 nip.ittly to the
bereaved, r aitres and friends , and the several
Grdere otJ) thethourl of which ho was an hon
ored mail -, truKtim; that from the deep
t.',EV, In- will awaken to j nye unsiitalinb:t; in
the I...ntirni Be3Ond.
IftsliPed, Ttpd We will ever elleti,ll hun in
kiiiillyrt-ru,tnbrance, and in testimony of our
iron that our charter be ciraied to mourning
tlitt,. days.
. . .
.ilfs,lre , l, Tint theft , re, ,, ltthoris be (IA( red
~ r, It, 1ni,..nt(•,. , or the Grahge; that a e,py of
t:,ie same be ,eht t , , the fano!) , of tiio decta,cd,
9:id th3. , ..•.h...y. be p.lLl::lied to the rthrauffl ra
i,r.,. W: H. Comars,-
.I. B fltNrrs,
4 . , E. B. Iti-nor,
• J. E P1 , L1.1..T,
• E. ili Ov : EN,
(.=tn.luil((t v.
tsan,gel:cal Alliance , Lase I,suel a brief
an..tri-ss to the Chrioians of- Ainerl.23, urging
tt, ni.t.t, of ttp• b-, , gtutuu,; watt the
tir'tt 3londay In January as a tea:.4):,
pratr. The t.ires suggested as ,u;tab.e for
it.tcraisiuu a:id exhortati.,n
are as follow •
.Niocalay, Jan irpl. Con:l6-
n. .1:r tit the fart
Ur rnr morc:,—; urnt:lnt:,n, tor pt rnorftl and
ti&tiP,l)4l tit o.; praer 6,d' lu the
1 tii 5.-INattur.r.l W0j.....!tA for Pray
. 7 , — F or g atid..i! to rit!,;!...,r,:;
:or !tie 11„•t Cane ;.ur,tit•nti
of politic opitiviu, and toe spread
,Nu. ti —",ale I ILj, cta rt:r Pray
e-r.-1,4•r partn H and Ch;4l:(.lk,' trxct.clr avd
_nardiat tor s,2tiofdr; and el4,t•geo. 1.7 Sta.
1141L1, , IN; tor ming lut.o Crd - :etlan
c::0/..1.s and
Tour-day. Jan r; Ir.- g
ollt the tv,r,d; thy in e%aie:Dcy of pyae t , ara,nlg
t:rtthql-; th,• ot unity atuuzlg
~f 1.,!.,1,; intrrn,luuni
r.tpwal and re:-
ni.!<•Ati ..t ChrlSl'm
Yxti. , t.r.r3 01:j. oir
r the
Ic•1 n n-Lt.:*+ , .l fr , ni i. 11;,.
* it o "et Ilrito • ti.r011:9.;4,11: the ‘‘or.i!,
tLelr sHrinimilty and dt•-,
v , .!,11m s'; ut:(I t , r t
Ji!i. 10
TUSC ORA.— tnovt, along
r n ft:Ter tn, zorl ‘11 , .. ali
in' Ii It
1:11r3i;.; the Ltvt.
"T'a e::,1 4,f TI TI,T t
v 2.1.
t ^1 V. I .
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r 4 it4 , the D,iry, a,tAlai,.
I ry. tuer !tn,t vree,ri4 a
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Aib.ogi' F. Y,.
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. 1 " ' It
MIL EDITuR : ' I 114 W in the last REPOITEIe
statement rignuil "G. B. "that 95 per
cent. of the canes 1 of typhoid ftver !could be
'broken u sod of tonne in efftct cared, in
side of one weak, by simple means within tho
roach of every. family:" This. knowledge was
obtained, it seems, by the wayside—oft of the
common course of things —a sort of miracle
far-fetched and beyond 'The rchich of, common
Well, now, I know not' who "G B. :!.." map
be, but it is plaid:that he has yet to learn what
typhoid really is°-. T he must have some•
thing else in mind, ur bel would not make the
ivisertion ho does. Typhoid fever is, as is *ell
known, a milder form of typhus. Oid. as "G.
B. A." might td, iinOw, means in medical par
lance; likeness: or similarity—hence, typhoid
lever denotes a l . fever like or similar to he ty •
phus. Well, how does this fever come f,u ? and
what are its priiminent characteristics ?
our books inform and observation condruni
-the fact- we have extreme nervous depi•eselon,
a sensation as if all the powers of life were giv
ing I
way. ;
This state of thing., may come on suddenly,
or more frequently it several days, perhaps
two weeks, before the system gives way and
yields Ao the depressing tufhee..ce brought to
bear upon it. At last the patient takes Ins bed
aril sends for the physician: Now, how is Dr.
G. B. A., or anybody', else, with simples "glean
ed by the wayside," able to restore all the
wasted energies , ' of _the sick man in one short
neck? Talk is cheap, but to perform is quite
another matter.'
1, toO, cbtun 'to know something about ty
phuid fever. It is an old acquaintance, but in
all my "gleanings" by the waptilde, I have,
never vet found a remedy that would 'break
up" the typhoid; fever when it had once got
firm hold of the system; neither has anybolly
else. I bare aeon several who, like Or. G. B
A , said It could be tlt ; ,•nt, but I have never seteu
them do
Any man who can and will do it, so; that all
, ay Bee, will soon make hi. 3 fortnne, beBiiles
me a I);.uf.fri'etni: the human meg. Come,
D. G. D. A., nntgld3 l onr wonderful sqret, and
lit stinit tin tot, w' biitd yea d tabnr-
DEEDS left for record in tii4 office
for recording deed, , , , week eirlin;;P-c. 12 :
11eLr9 Wald to John B:aningliata;! Nor. 28
74, Towanda Duro; 34bn A. Woodworth to Geo
IV Miller, Marelo6, '74, Athens; Furinan
son to Sainnel McKee et al , Mar,:ft 16, 71,
Itidgbury ; John W Win J Wigstem,
Feb 4, '74, 'Spriugtiuld; 0t Btdighttql to Isa-
Lent, C: t„ r 19.'71, 4 e rtrglii.9l; At4 l t:l Fuller
to Alan` Par neuter, Ilarch 3), '7l, ti , utti
Creeh; Geo 1; Neal to T. W Neal, D,e 7, 71, To
wanda Bord; 0 Guoditdlio Caroline A Monti ] ,
Oct 29, '74, Wiudbant; Ira. Murphy to Set to
Bailey, Apr 7,. 71, tibtaalwilult,; Bailey
to Selina Bai ey, Feb 8/72, Shcattegniii; James
Sibley to A D Munn, Sept 23, , '73, Litchfield,
tirdlith to P L Ward, 02t-19 74. lowanda .
p ; Huuanl F11141.1•ili to Da 11-Arch
19, 71., Salitlitiepi; 'lll Ii Parker to ri.iati e;.
Union Chin cu, itept 17, '6 I, Ifuni:-; Sltu
uel Decker Jpla tutra 17„ 72, To
lc-11141a Lure; A Itreriato I) II Burulitin, JAIL'
29, 71, 11.440ur); A,-17.t1:ylluwa to Z P Fetlows,
Nov 26, '74, Alba B 4-, iI W Pan ick to B M •
l'eck,.llec 8, 71, Towiruda . horn; Wol 11 Cbase
Pairtek Nagle, Julyl7, Springtidd; Allred
Eira:e h. ratrjcli Nagle, Nov. 11, 61,
E P Parkti4rat to Patrick Nagle, Stp: is,
'63, I.4pringlitl.lC:Cliailo Stockwell to Heur)
Morgan, Canton; 11 ,, nry Iliirgan to
Jal-Witlker, Nov 11, •71, Ettitii;' J 11 lagers:Al
t t al t , ,L,J.i.enes 31eC.Jrniiicii, J.lll 27, '63,,5iq111;.:-
field; Euciu , French tJ Jes McCormick. Nos' 11,
65, :7,plinetield; \Vin Wat'.i: l4 to A 14
Apr. 27,'t.7, Athens twp., W W ....,hepard et nl
to Piimeas April 17, '74, Athelit,
410:p ; I' I Frrguson t, , Artniusi.; c:arey, No; 2,
71, Atbetc, tap ; 11.1; A:•TtE 10/ C
71, Ch,a ENIThle t PC Heath,
'7l, Atlien, Bon , : J •scpti J .ralomuu to
Ii l'ic;:er ,, y, No: 2.1, 71, Fro) I:tc , ; 11 1:
ai to 11 Potaenty, e t ditto 17, '7l, Tr 6:1,
lie re; 11:tlus E Nov 16,
71, I‘l.ria.l; Dirk Rata, L
Nov 71, L Ovem•hire to
here 11 Aiuttu, J.tra 17, Alher;,; Jacob tier
z Itk t
,11(-1 j lirrr,ck , Mt) 1, 71, Ai) Iwo.; War
r: E fiulrit L, F A 91141', t t 61, Die lit, 71,
;p1:1,; Ge/ '(..; ' At to ,401.4 01.1
Jul, 8,'71, lit ri Pat lerteto to N 1 Its
J 12; 71, S!., Win J
11 1' L. Atttillatit Patti. rson, Lhc 11 ; '71,
IoiLr•Sht 01:1/1.11.`0v/ 1,0 11.110:11:
4, 71 11V-Cll/1 , r.i.
C u.-rd., %%ti•k
:.‘; CI: )::101.1 1, li,
.1 L n r ; t J.,lda 1:-
;. 2, 1&';1. 'At ;wits J M
t ) M. 7, Is7l „Iluigtair;
J 1%.1) 1 , 1 0 /% 01 ;
t. , 11K h
L J‘tri .21, :71, 0.
11Ho aw, • t al
• " n I. : 4 : )1: :;ti i A J
TL,- 1.. r,
u •.~ ... i,:a
11- .0 1 1 .; Caul ,n
11. \V Lit e,tH A A Ii 1 :•••:, , y, L) c. 14,
1-71 f••••-111.1 to liot,r
t, P cdP:7.l Ter ;11 \V Te..: : ',or t , )
12; '7l,
1111.0,1 11, 0r,?,..c. G ,ril,JtJ, y;
If , my (.14y1 , 1rd tG Saml C Ga lord, Oct M. '7l;
(11: L W,druAL!.. - .rgor t , )
18,11t.71. Eqiliti B;00,,u
IS7I, Afl:2linv
V;:p.l;li'in, 1.) It i 1 M Dt.e '7:l, 1:
AiitirCir ../ ,1.1•I.:4
1- 1.•1' I
of [rola
S)eie!) - held i's
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• v,
-. 1.1 T."
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~t E :r;is Wt•r,,, I`..
Ltt tr. - 0 11. 11m
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rit.i.; Br alt 11l !10., 4,1; s•
~ .1:11 etA C.9pOA
,-,'1,1;t:.4 , v 40.. • 1;r i a. , 0,.!1 tol .111.11
tiv• SU.
• Fill . V rt^ite• 1 tip
. • ,
I„ter,•.l to
with I:..,,,„•,.:„•;,
h • I.±T
VVvVis , ty , t) !p, , e , it 111 e.,ll..ctiti.;
t-t•t. parta tut , Ttte•f•
t t. Cry-- I an-i arrangcl Ir;
t 11,-s %,!:1 t.r tt,tay 1- -1 . ti-ti-•-•-c. 3
r, cAu ti.o t
4 (HY( od'u , .lott`tuatill.-ryfp's have Leen c (pit
r aut.(og which thy (adrrative of 11tH
g(;T. au (lerotrit. of the enpture of
th • Strop( and Vdtt.alhenlym; tallyho.; toe ac
e tLe 1, 4 t fie ecf and Cherry!.
why p.trt(cliT tte.l In it, and
doh.. (Fleotfy r, T(:.1(2.1 Alio( couut , ; pip”ri or
(uk(ut rt-1(01:(::, t to , Coyhe, tteut eidtut
and l(atth-of I%)ortoffz; of th ,, .tee.irtld
nt the r under the acts
i 171.7, 17i'9, aryl 1S11), as t. ev,n-late to
our toltut; iiftt4 or e.,tr y ii-ttlera Ia soriegtirld
ti,v , imoi; l '.%lit/e!i:.± of the Su.cptelt.una .
' ,, ry rant ; knd th.- hat ro,l iv t.'or liardlog
p'p T ., c a r,: it out, 30f) payed of
wr , tea tl cap,
rhumeo t. L 2 dune, thore has
1 ..e'l fne'le a C(..6.1 tat(qi:Y(lth.; to It. It irl hog
to rt-t^ark, that ev”rytael'ltyl..t. I en atl (ntot
ti , your omit - Y(l.4;e b L v - piritt.d with whom he
Lad been broth:lt? in rviutact. The pap ere of
V, Oa non. Charted Miller, t•r Jattze
t ! .dek. and thy c4luaL!l( c (11(..chon ut' the E.1 ,, n;. : .
:3•.• i;myr !pen freely and geher•l
!;$ tier. • "I'Le R.ottletunhjv eft.' Le or the'
ifi •- :•tf rl,l r..-111(..: for the•x,dt(i.;
le'n't. , , of the 1, rec' r i t ( (.1( tinr... t
(ty, chAn:y-1 tot(rit
no (la (.(r tt.t. h.:. of pt,pild,mh:l thee pr. o,e(i t.
no dpr(ci-a cdtat(. ltetore attempting t(
f 1,47 t rydtt , rod ut fbape; it is dedirdlVe. nay, abed.
- i'nle't heeessary; tv exanik,u l ,l the record,* of the
mate Biwa .oi tkurgavitansis thawing no
.... 11.4.2' 1.1
tlv.• .1 /:
• . LIN A.C..ltl.lNti tir•
‘‘cr.• :•••17•'‘
t :t :t ..1 Cr
Ap .. l
!li• .J:
F+ . lki •„ n••'.14,1-71
Hartford, where the material for I the earlier
chapters of our Water/ will be mainly gathered
and the vr. rk of compilation commenced.
Al.q eon•lderable material, consinting of
Joon:iris, Gen. Sullivan's order book, etc., re •
iaung to incidents connected with the Revolu-
tionary wu,•have been obtained. It is hoped,
lithe means are Arnishod, another quarter
will witness. more visible progress Ili the work
ib which we are engaged.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Hon. L. P. Bras - n) were appoi• t i od a cow
=tee to vale Dr. Caurr, and examine the
inaimPeript and materials he has egUeeted tor
the proposed bistorj of the county.
,EDITOR REPORTER :—Firati impres-
Ntim3 are deceptive oftentimes. This; the writer
foUnd to be true one scoot and Ant *telt to To.
wands; We of Southern and Central iNew York,
.ve been Wight, or at lout by SOCCIgi means ma -e
to behave th.t the people of your State .were lead.
Civilized; - pidlcularly there bordering on our
southern extrem ty, to %milli= Penneiltranis, and
that at or near your place -'as the great lumping
off piece." Tide tenet aIL it wan inui)ected..too,
that as a rule, your people w ere among the most 11-
literate. uneophiatic.ted the world ever law; rough
and utwouth and tutlettend aa the tidiest back-
woodsman lailways supposed to be. WO are happy
iu the thought and knowledge from perional ot•er
vation *no experience that this is not ths 'rule, if In.
deed It even be the exception. I Jun h ppily disap.
pointed In Towanda; both In its Ince firm and am
round lugs, as well as the beauty and eicel lence of
its public buildings and business plate' and Its
Litany large, commodious and elegant private real.
dews. ; . Situated as it is, on the mad , -ale Saluted
Lanus, Its surrounding boozier: of 1111114de. river
and.valley, and mountain top, must Mt the mast
lovely in the different seasons of the y'ar as they
pass There is an amount of business going In all
various branches cf trade in your town, [and au ap •
parent thrift and entorpelso that few places of its
size enjoy. I flud It to be up in enquirx largely en
gaged in manufacturing to several departments, and
being the county seat of A large and wealthy county.
who,e agricu'ttis al and dairy product' o r ,r,s show fa
vorably with neighboring counties' on either
hand, make'. It a c.nnerclal and nusu4s centre of
greeter importence than many of its ilvals, who
• lain superiority and yet not attained to. We no.
deed one thing commendable in Its citizens, and
that la their religious enterprises—for. we noticed
aeeeral respectable appearing church f , qIQC.II. out•
aide, seeing the interior of only two, therllet hornet
audPresbytertau, both neat and appropriate, the
outside of the former needing a little -brushing
eip." Wo are happy to be able t • B.l,llowever,
that this does cut hold good as to their T s arsunsge,
as hy . tho time th s mites your res6rii the last
touches will have been given it lu 114 dir,oion.
We are assured en all hauds thst such s'jelianee for
the better has seldom taten vise.... as In the parson-
s - F T of the SI E. Chun hin your place, and certain
ly the compliments paid their ce srutinted
tur. ises eminently deserted by that gentleman as
it is worthily hcebtrel; acd turther, be re-
(spror•ate.t as heartily by hire and his nail:tient fam
ily. It is nut net7entrry to Fay, espelally to thure
near you, of a bat the, o ituproverllenta,Coallit, yat
we may tay fur the Leattit of your read4s abroad,
that out only has tho parsonage been lhoronghly
repiri if and thi:deitile2,l throughout, bltt also
pored and ratr.l.4 inside end out, as Tell as re'
frauisted elegt,nily, from ce'lar to attle, so that it
would r car cely be rt•coolize'l b) o:lacq4itutaucis.
This has been done with a hearty. good rill by the
euhoprisis... birth es. at a colt of uot less thas
MU We emiglatulatO the society upon ,tht lc good
ta,t” and julgrui-ot in this sut,rprlse as Krell as the
appomtmant to this importlOt—atstmuluf su t4o.
qui•ut, ft-11.4411y and bight christian a igoutleman
ax the preFm7Clpfaumbent, Rev. OEO. W. (I nenaLrat.
The people of Towanda wmerally, without regard
to denominational preter , o3ce, ace to be cougrafti
latrd on fits appointment and residence among
Another " flrht Impression " has betin happily
di , oopited, and that fa tbo tli.agreoablinette of a
stage ride from Towanda or •more properly Oretn.
wood. to this boro up rowituda Cream.. The 6crne
ry through the entirn valley la COltatantli bat.glog,
vaned and beautiful. The roads were smooth and
in flood' repair, making trove ihng easy - land colla
r° Walt• in ye ~!den stile, in conunoairoua stage
fabliion. The - trip was not at an iedious, or
In any way .nr.plcaFaut, or ,f long duratk'n, thanks
to our ex.elltut driver, proprier to we ;believe, of
the route, whose name, nnfoitnnately, w 4 e dbd not
Wr e6rmot clom thia Eteti:y writtru arLie, with
out .a..10/ualidg;eg Eurrie o: the Courterfei extend, d
the Ner“rr. by yr IV dt:2CUS, durwg hut abort stay,
among at; to we might me; ticu yourithee, the
cddera of the .1 rrni Mr COI , OING, of C.!, R. &
Mr. 1:0; (.;• re. Mr Jul?n, Rev U W. 040:An w.d
tither% Is hove 1.:0L:.s do 110.1. urcll: to mud at Ws
comlnt; in:o r,wartia ss we dal over U. G. I. a:
A , S qtr, its iernoinus, Rbi ltinters•-ets
th- Lelth Valley road, thtice o'er road to
To - A.1,1,4 . - o could be none other than 14 sed with
tLe rapid and easy transit trt-ta thr, exr,tirue north
t., ife FOU tb aid m F . l w port a peri4 of tiin,
This is nasal...idly the most direct and e:aprditious
rwit,. 'row Gent,va, ithicenhd it tertuedl4to .
over as rauo , .tti a road bed, in as e'eguntiears with
a gedalnruanly conductors a on njcr, as can
be round, no matter Rhere or, trove Pardon
since rectipicd and belle. e we,
Resptctiu!ly-Yourd -
&lAA% Aso:T.
l'ccciulicr, 1,74
1 S—CuN I
;his matter of file adoptiuu ot Ei)licrit \V
11101c.g. as the eh:1: :191 Heir of .7 Wm K.•'1:1. pe . .it;on, an 1 n:i tri.,th;tl (dll 13 M
K, l , teak the ti:11k: !Lort..o of
3,1 14100.
114,t13 i...LtpyAl
ti drL (Ten court Ly tho 31.,tir0,n
Ci,arles J DocLer. a II
s Burt. 6 , ,1J Dec 11 ae the lit cis [: r C
~;:, C B pt.. 1...• of land ;111
acrt, . i t t . 't
I.)•t: 11 a,
,the z.• y oi I
itt ft h!i 111 Ct ,ti
: c. , l'll4o,;iUg .
.!1,2 t' Mt;l.
501. •
tact 14 C311:')11
f.l„r .! i DJ: 11, W
!: N `.:llN—one; coi.eilerettion il?.
Vi 1 1.12t1 iutuic.t to 4 p.k..2:2 of
IS'. I 1:. , vou amiog 10.1 c, r,
1),2 II 't:o• I
it . I, ':•_.11
DI I!!
ttvi., u . atLing 13 t S I/.;rttc
pr..l,!r" c't A It ; t,;(.1 1.250.
• Iu A J s is:ce? of lassl to reownfrla—
c a •, U••• 11, ~,111, ;tic W 31, -
tit; c.nield , rati.,ll 1,715.
'l'o Flnr.:c.• atyl 6 W P )tner ,, 7 - , a 1:tml
in Dee 11 As the prir,ftrty ut
J ati3 N V,,,1 Nina , :
T„ E
XV C ,, :w.11, a p'".2o or •afl.l Canton
1%. p , 11, 11,, pr, , p• rts of a W ra,t
to N V./LIN-Any% Consideralion
T., fi Jul I' , I,t;
au I tu,l'a•+t•,r, , so:1 Dec 11 t r.
erul N Va a \enb•; twusfl VA-
H Pele• - roy,
I),e 11 ad the Vrflrf rty or
.1 w a:4l'N ; C ,a5i,14,01,,i, 23
1%, AL' 1.! a piece'or land AthUllei
tVp C rutaiLling alert s, 15014 c 111 a. tlio
•14:11-.3 ;59.
••• .11It
P m., Pr„ v+ A J it, ~ :ro FI) C 1 -r. 0 i
nuotfat Court grant niTo to el.•.w rt. i i , " w 1.2: F
I) Ciihst.l.!l3li not ...t t•Ltl.rog , tte•l ti it , 11 - ,litt3
of the
•J 'A' alv.l v 1,.0 N':l
- +%.:(1 J A,AL
t,r t., ,I 1 Su• I IC, LI:,
A 3 v. (ioo
H , :ft .tt _!‘t r o..,,t:titltu m
C.w 1:,));r400 It):1-1)w an)l TI).)0.1),(41
).): • )(1,1 i)(t•(); U. 01 , ,t:o1) (1.0. t )
u t upon 11.) )0(()). of
rota 't)
F,b..)l»ty term.
C•tn ‘'S 51 w L rt. to 'de
(runt' an in3trance Company. 'at jury tied
the defend tut 0)o ;:tulty, and (hat th i r Fro-)teli
t4)::, A J Nub:u Vit.).oo(, pay the
(*Lyle , . 1
Un urgiuu Thu.+ Barney, IV Vv" Alas, and Mt
d',3el .rt,uti were, tltsellar:e(t I truul tLe
Couilty J.ll, WI/As to taki l the Line
tit of the ineolveut la
L. the mutter of the mcorporati."n of the
Pmt Weeleyln Caureh ott home. On
ea , ,tiun of LLlVitt. A: *Lye ,3 - 41, court utak., the
them! n$ mcorpf)ration. I•
COLII 6 , ert.te Wl.)t.-utit-r--Atieritix). - I) tt
Atey E-0%-eti and E.hinan Suiithi Eel, for
Cott?. W Ti) t.vtes anti E Os'erton,ljr., fur do.
161)Altn). The jury fled the deft.led Int not
gr.illy. . t
It lidOrdOr 01 h;.t
c the c..trt thatthq l
unraber of
ittront 1., nttrve ill the t t
Lt.:titi (.. 1 1' Enid.
for i e -1.1 ., :tv, •il , i.:r4 t'gle u.. nt +.,-1,;•; 1:, , .;bt
Lunr.,l and ti ty 1
. • I
0 Ert c:, L W Dever: .1/,1 Dana 1),1,.t..v. The
defendmda'reettglozince and that of their . b.hiP,
9 iVria: Grad for V5OO, fortoted. 1 .
I I i
. .
Coin vs George , Heiler. The defendant's reo
ognizance and that of his bail, Win Crook, for
$2OO, forfeited.
Coq v J P Bogerselling liquors without
license. On motion court direct a nolle prose
qui to be entered upon payment of costs. '
Corn vs David McCnriaber. Com vs Jamea
Burke. Court direct a bench warrant to-brine
in each case.
Com vs Adam Stemburg—Selling liquor with
out license. ,Com vs Joseph Baiter—Burning
a barn. Each case continued to Feb term.
Alex. Ennis vs "C McCracken. In the matter
of the lunacy of Francis Tyler. The Auditors
Reports in each case Wed and confirmed nisi.
James Falcon vs F D Chaser. Auditor's Ile-
Port flied and confirmed ni si. To which ex
ceptions are filed.
It. A. Mzuctiik, Sec'y
L B Rodgers &Co vs d W Onan. Deposi
tions filed, and on rzading the Barns court dis
charge the rule.
Phebo Shaw vii Thomas Shaw. Anna Whip
ple vs Daniel Whipple. Alsry A Sherwood vs
Edgar H Sherwobil. Oa motion court direct
the Sheriff to make the usual proclamation in'
•ach case.
L M Mundell vs Win Wise. Court direct that
depositions be taken on two days' notice' by
ei her party to the other.
John )3eidleman vs Johaathan Whipple. On
motion the rule to strike off the. judgment is
mule absolute.
II W Patrick va D L Landon. ,On motion
court grant a rule to show cause why the judg
ment should not be opened, and dere.idant let
into a defense.
G J Hurd va Samuel Hyatt.' Jacob DicNeal
vs Samuel Hyatt. On motion judgment in open
court granted,in each case,
A J Noble vs 1 P Kirby and D Bowinan,
terra tenants EJ.Tturent. W T Davies and
W H Carnockan, Eatpt., for plaintiff. Overton
Elsbtee for defendant. Verdict tor the plain
Corp'vs A Loder--Selling llqucir Wjthoht. li
cense. Three indiettnenta. Opinion of the
court filed, wherein the court directs, the very
diet of the jury to be 'entered in each case, that
the defe.ndant is gnilty.
- Burke, Thomas's Co. vs George Metier. Ou
motion. court grant a rule to shMv Cynic why
the attachment shall not ; ho dissolved.
Thos P Biggs vs Mary Biggs.' On reading
and filing depositions, and on motion of Il
McKean, El , court make th. usual decree, pl .
, Rozellie J Smit4 spy Daniel On motion
Court direct a subrceua iu iiisoree,to issue.
Iteksoe Alexander va Luther —Trea•
paoo. Wand Saullerbon for plaintiff ;Overton
Elabree fur defendant. Verdict for the plain,. the sum of 113 G 10.
earoline, Manley et al. rg Gore P Map
et al. lion B S Bentley and Ilou Ddloa Rock
weil'for plaintiff+. W T Davie% li N Wil
- a - n AV II - CArnoebap, E-qs., for (Mends:its.
Oa trial. - I.
ED. .REPOUTER thit Saturday last,
19th host, twu ladadiving on Minim flit),--Jena
MiNols, aged 15. son of Davin Blntooi, E•q .
of Monroe township, anti IIUsSELL FoWLEII,
were hunting in Mr; BanisEs' woods, in Asylum
township, when they shot and wounded an owl.
White looking at the wounded bird, and con-
Pidrring whether they "should shoot it again,
for some reason that neither of the boos can
ej,pfsio, lon:.!sts's gun was discharged, and
the contents iilssed archgh his right shoulder,
that is, Jin:Nies tdriulder; not the owl's.
What became of the owl, the writer Las not
found ow; perhaps it is still blinking there on
ono leg for sortie othc.r luckleas, fellow to try
his gun on. With considerable difti,ulty, and
aid of his comrade, Ju/INNIE Wei:et:dee in
whlLltig to , Mr. Bsuars' house, half a mile Ois
taut, wh , :n ho•was placed in a wagon and (*-
_home. Dr. Pit.trr, of Towanda, Ras
promptly eunt tut, and with his usual dispatch
hastened to the wounded lad. The 'wound was
a severe one, but wider 'the, skillful treatment,
ul the Doctor, it 13 Iri, , ed the young luau pill
soon be ft titdagain. is possible he ••till a-•t
eine to go bunting mom this Winter.
Putsosir..—Our popular liOg
the Ward Houle left on Friday last, fur a few,,
nr, t ,tia soj,urn in the E. - nnuy South, hopinz
tb,r,hy to find re,114, 'rune that pal tut
d6tak,e, the riteutuatteni. We h. pe bid triot.t
sauguinF, EXpecta.tioas mt. 7 be realized. •
ally hviraty yi2ara ago. Hut: tta‘cleci wi:l4
' Id:: own ...rinveyaw-e' L, 1L.0.%a,, wLere Le hits
re,d, d ever L. , .t.ce, WLU :Tend Cimeoraam with
Lis Mrs. W. 13. Aouue, iu thig'pLice.
FILED Wamar., our - obliging carrier
buy, wt.l prheilut the pi.troaA of the 111.1.44 . Ert
with a liahtliutue Act.lresa, Se'W Year's
miming. "We - Lope:our :rienda will fee Tar.p
liberally. HA:, ch toga ready,
lie"- Go to IVlllrcomit
Meriiii7 . /4 0 0. di, for your Biiolie and Stationery.
,ZsaY - A. lot Cif imported earia
rccLvid at 0. A.'b.
ice''rbo -st, stylcs solid gOlnd
seA:a:fs at
iterT6ys ! ToSti Fur ale rich
a:ld pcnl , , at 0. A. 131.10E.5.
, For the best Roast or . Steak
gn 11CIL nr!;M:I.T
- tts. Sleeve luitunr3, and Stul - =, in
great Tanety, at HYNlg.r.mAN's.
Birgqins in Black Silks ~cup
1,1111,1 at KENT A:
Y.vand.., 1),...2 1, .11-.7h- •
tt.l4- The cht.,upost Place in town
1 , , bfly ry C. J. V. ILL'e,
You can 1111 d t 1 e best; of
Shn'•et very Olt.11), rt. (7 , 11 , EN, N
- /14r E , pPcial att , •ntion is asked to
my stock of Si've-r-Plau..l Ware. 0. A.
toa. Sots and Br.act-pinEl INolid
12,61,1) fnmi iLe cL•cii est to flu beet, at low pricks.
ut tiENDLEMiIen.
-• rdv — llltuninatell Tests iu kvast'va
rkly at C Ilurrinakn hAndearce Chlik t
mas r repents., .1
A large lino of Pataßols iu all
the ❑OW id try
• • ErANts
you are thinking of - sE•leet-
I LL , g s mclLmg aurokrizte to give purr litely bar.
r:ed child. go to Cross % aud.ex..mino bie large and
beret: nt z,,a,rtmeta at 1:,1/es.
te,.. irnmeDst3 Aoc;k of . fit e Si!
rIC a Ht
(&••What is ripyropriat( for
a lart.ttuag pre , ,ett t anT oct. tLtn a toad 13,04.
Tou can buy atii book ) , n1 ‘lant 'cry ct.cap at'
t*" Solid sterlmg silver arid fine
clrctroplate %rare, eul6bin lor CLriNtrus4 preemta,
ce-C, F. CROSS liiis 010 best as'-
sonoltot. of fin- Stationery We Lir e beer seen.
t HENDELM t:ff-rs a great re
act:lion in Silver-Rat.•d W:tilL
ges'lf you want to purebltsii
LAND, rea,l m-tat in riL 7
(Mt r..,:.culuftli.
kr• The ]digest ar3sortineut and
let -st .tylre of Mithrwry Goo li CArille ronnaat
Mr 4. J. D. HILT Bridge. t. •
feY'Snata) rri,gna 0v4 , ,r a
great v:alety of article 4 nt the, thinali all of
ter Stints Clans :will load rip from
.the gnat emit at pussies. ' .
Monday, Dec. 21
Judge lic:sTL: Y 1n i.i teitsYl at zeL ding Cut t.
-I)ANILL Ln0...c.%h ,, left lair; home in Siptivue,
i. A Itirge stook of Ladies', Miss
424 Oeuts'yuderwear, at • ,
• '
i Headquarters for Holiday
Goods in the line of. Jewelry, ate. a •
tom' Magic- boxes and Wain
Clocks, at Ilratnt.ittAteg.
MI6 Castors, warranted triple
plated on White Metal, for $3 50 at
Trimming Velvets, Velveteens
and Cloldren'e Cloakings, may, be feand at
• Evora - sic Iluxurrn'e.
lief New good's .receiyed daily a
ms. American and French Clocks
In gicat varlet,, at very low - p
Woe, at lIENoLanAN'e,
, •.
tp call at IIzsDEL
NAN% if you wish to btly anything in tho lino
of Jewelry, Silver find Silver-Pia — led Ware.
std` Au imo4enso stock of
, Ladies',
Misses'. Children's and Gents' Hosiery and
Moves, at EVAN'S fr. HILDILETEed.
se- Opera, Field, and Spy Gimes
In a grelltyartety, at BENDIMILtIed.
Wall Paper and Curtains
dim at Warretarn & SIIAUT'd.
Mercar's Block.
I =ll
IND.. Gold, Silver, and Stekl Spec
titaes. and Eye Glaseer , In groat variety, at
fie~uscztl:eB J'eNyelry Store. .
Or Large stock of Pictures and
Picture Primes, ttt. Werrcoun SEIA UT'S. Mer
cer's Mock.
ge. Now stock of Ladies' Ties,
ust received by ( • KENT & WATI:OCB.
Tox . anda, Dec. 4, ,
yon want the bed Cook Stove
xtant, call at Jitt%Vii, iu !tlerciii.'s Blnc,ll.
See I.IIISDELILV. , 7B . Bev,: adver
wen uc ia - )t. her
sire - " Oh! FO many nice things,
I dou't know whiclt to select; come and help me."
rai4 one after welting for a ftw• moment,' among
the great, arlt.ty at Q. A. I.ILALL's. '
tek.:The Largest and Finest stook
Li(uFs. anti Clentleawel Watch Chains, at HE NT
Stir Engravipgetion HENDEL
aiAN'tf.J%:welry Store.
10— All are invited to. participate
in the Christmas tree a: the M. E. Church,
Wyalualng; also to-exgrnine the large ethei: of
presents diepiaye,l at li, J. c 4 ..; Jeaciry
store. 4 .
Fe... The 8r4(.1 ord-Count, Couticil
of P. t,t H., will utt•trt at tilt, CQurt tioa-e,• in
Towanda, on the taat - Thursday to Dect•mber.
D. LILLE:r, Masi*. r.
The beSt place to buy Sash,
Bitola, Doors and all kinds of Lumber, is at
FL:OST ,'c Su,Ns Factory ou Charles street. Of.
tice.lo7 Main street. The sell cheap for cash.
ttir I will wake sp . ttcial rates 'for
Church or Sabbath School Christmas Trees. I have
stock whi:h meet suit )011. Doift forget t c
0. A. Iltack.
vcit-Switches made at Mrs. HENRY
dreHi making rooinP, 13l uck, of
cut h,tr unit Cutiabillpi
tlBl. Another arrival of . Black
caetaltrr..:E—v,ry han , !rume.—at
t.N A. v.rituus'.
ToNanda, DE.4.1. 1,1571-3 N.
JUST RECEIVED. —A large stock of
True:. , , Travat , g Rages, abti Shaw! Straps. for
tti.. tradt•, at CoiNzn.A: oppotite
tttr Covt
==l you golog to have a•tree
oc Ctinstrus.? TQu can fled ornimento,,eaLdlea,
;:c., at Dt.,cE.*”.
IECABE EDwAaba are pre
io tens of . eiiery vanity cheaper than
auv of the lending houses in the city, winch are
stiii,dinWout their circulars broadcast over the
c , ,ilniry. Grangers will do wt II to give them a
call br , nirti buying elsewhere.
For all kinds of goods in the
1 ant fir. !tri, cell at M. 111 NDKLMAN.x.
DONAFION.—The friends ..of Rev.
D.II:WIN 1:1 '11(.01 , r n It3fiatton at the
Pnr,• ,, ,i,.4.7u - Dee.. 25, 1S 1. A;1 aro
invite/1 to attiml.
'Ve• If you. wapt, to sccr:to a•good
au.l get the ..vortit of yoar 1119:1‘..):, the
plAce to go is M. Fli.stwr.m
('tll.'l)\VS WoOLLEN 3111,r..—Cara
tag, tvmr,:ipz,-ar,,l Wyd‘lng, 'Al.aalfrtetnr
hvg, C.:,,•ll,Dre:,:lii.r, etc., ad U• Uhl.. Stoelitug
und CI, 111, for
to good miler, stll k warrsLted
an .; •A,!11
Br la, Ili it: o Irealit: block, oppe,de the Epi,e. - .)-
CLureh is prepared : Li du Cr,ss-niolinii.: in
the Litert Style and neo.tebt silf)rt
pr:e.•s. tin; made
e,;( r. Stainp;m; dun a:, .
l'Corlcn—Tne 'annual meeting of
theet)9l:h , Uers (it roc: Tuwaula Ilcidgo Co.,
for the e!,2etiozi of a Pre-Idenr; Tre•smirer and
tos :11:to.wei s, %vat be he at [lir National
Bank of To..,l,anda, un •Wednesdny, January 6,
15:75, from 1 :1 t;el r 6 r
N. N. lil t rr , j:.,
Ike 1,193. '
ItgA.HAaltts, at the Bas Hite S-tare;
hag the gayant looking show' nindow in town,
and his ougtomois bay hu han the bent and
cheapest .aPsortnr.nt of fancy and millinery
go , d, evOr (.11-red. to Il!q ,torn ie
a fnvorite'reßort for the who aro noted
for g,od j itdgrd6u L in the pur , drine of go , d , .
A word to the nt, is e•tlllieti•tit.
E. 116 4 rsilEtr. Itmo.3t• reee' veil a new Drroico
of ta Ady-macle ebthin4 , for men end end
by,4•,•• ar•toe'.i of (.1 - ,:iLits or es er3 dycriptioP,
Arli.eb I ti •r to r,!:1 r,wirtlb;o4. n, pri.•t., to ...qt.
, ent ire k .t.“.k . ( t . Kral
furronlitug F mild rou,,t be ; , ,01,1 witLoo 1;0 race;
the-run:re, I will trll t , PI-111t rat+ and nib
otii• h!! to M. E. ll,),!•Nru.i.D'e:
C 01.17, LET'S SINO !—A Musical Con
veLL.,,, wit& held in the Gheut Chi reh, tilt( ..
eletpun, nuder the direct:on of C. WiLtioN and
e . )mtiteuctug on Mottlay evenitrz Dec
21, and eto,ing on Frtaay 25,
with a t!,iteert.
it.t.114.1; w 1 hold unotinc:
o.c-tt t.: tho M Ciinrct); c!tcu
roent•ing on Nlutillay evenirr.:, Dee. 29, at elaA•
g with a conceit on Sew Yoir R eve. me
route~ to attend.
et' T. C. COWEN, of Tuwapda, has
Plst received thu !arc. s stood of China. White
Granite, Iron-stone Colo; ant French, tehztan
and 'American Gia•otwarc, ever brought to thee
Insritet. Aral the best of all it., he li.te procur-,
ed them in such a way that hn is FLWI2,;
full 25 pet' ccut. cheap:J . 0;11 the e“.re
before sold iu Towanda.
ItS— Busy Imo: hcrs ni 1 , be gratifieil
learn that is ono c t.tbaa u nt•l:t Li To
waolA litifrethey r t t bap ; qt.
clothts4 r•or them h 0:„ . ,. chewer, then they c I , !
awl hat() til '
JULIUS SVuuF, t eaLziog titu a l auts Or COn!mu
nity ILL this proctoar, has. purchased and is
telhug very clirap Ocq'ti clutting, of every dc
Loirr.'—' On Thanksgiving. evening,
Bracelet. The finder will be hberally reward
ed by leaving it at this office.
go. Nitrous Okide Gas sucoess
'fully used for the extraction of teeth. •
. W. B. Hams, Dentist,
Towanda, Pa."
A specialty in Cloaks, Shawls,
Blankets and Felt Skirts, can be round at •
A full line of Gaiimre Lace,
Yak Ica, and Paismentry Trimmings, just re.
calved by EvaNß & RILDIIKTII,
NELSON will sell for the neit thirty days his en
tire stock Of Azle Gold and Plated Jewelry,
Watches, etc., etc., at, cost.
,Dec. 3-3 w. -, •
sell rio, for 50 cents, a - Winter Cap" that will
cover you from , top to bottoni, and everything
else in proportion.
le` Keep yow feet warm by bay=
ing those wool-lined boats, Areties, and, warm
tames, at Cousen & Coosa', opposite the Court
House : -
Stir A. very hogs stock of .Men's,
Boys', Y,uttis and Children's Bouta, ju : 4t re
ceived at CORBER & COON'S, opposite the. Court
Eon ie:
ter Why ru!.i'ple risk. ()Lan acci
dent, when you can get a ticket good for $O,-
000 in,case of death, for 20 cents a day, lit•call
ing on FRANK BVIGBANK, at upper depot
045" Yon wife, hubbsuil, dang4ter
or eon, sort perhaps that "other feller," uollie
expecting a pair of efippers ahout •-the , e.t•layv,
and the place; to Writ' them hi at Consmi ,
COmis, rppoptti the Court House. . •
Rte' Dr.:IKELLES has seem:e4, the
right In unt au atchirrlnt ts , r lov,F detalt I
plate', which greatly iiritiels huidii.g,ilatil hi
phice. Fur iliffizult cases
to SSallbtit,
AuTvmts, Ooods bui ta
,,eaSOil, now
• • Foil KENT.—House FituatA comer
of '1, , T11:,t tad Cher.y slcutt:+,,:
medtate p T4J1.113 0111e-hit,f tilt;
usual rent!wail the 1,3 t of April. Addro , y,
• W. P.ttlacK,
fitlieus, Pd.
C. If. CROSS has just received
a very large invoice of Books suitable fur S. ts.
Libraries, nimbi be win farms, at a discount
of 2 . 5 per Cent. to-ScLool.s.
ego— New Goods for the 'Holidays
aßi Netived -,ttfklu,sr SoN7.
fee J. 0. FROST SONS, ,in order
t 3 their Factory going (luring the Winter,
will Bell [bur enter btock of go *, ide, very, low kr
CStli. Nor i 3 yolr time t ) our.
• kir It is not generally known that
H. C. WIIITAKEII, at the Book Bindery over the
ftErowren olice, makes_ Blank Books 'in any
style of- ruling and binding desired. If you
want a new Ledger, Journal or DUcktit, give
him a call.
Mt" W will offer from now anti!
the tirst of ,P.inutry next, Sufe Boards very
cheap. FRU:a A".. Sore.
te. Never' buy a Codk Stove anti'
yon have called at TeNE.'s and txammed the
"New Eaupiro," a stove ti.hieh has nevo
dimapp9inted the expectntlonl fl the"fae•
/W A. splendid asortraent df
goods for the Holiday at Fitosr & SoNs.
'ter Warrcumu :u,kt-r are daily
receivi;. g large inyoicee, nr hbhday ai which
hey off,l-very'etwei,
f--The atapnal tlechoa for Director's of this
&sok; will be bold at the °dice of the- Bauk, , On
Tuelday, Jantvery I`2, 1975, between the boart±
of 1 and 3r. 31. N. N. I.lEirs. jr.. •
Towinada, Pa , Dc. 7, 1971.
Fort ' RENT.— -Tilt, First Ward Ba
kery, Lim occupieil 3lrd. liancluois..
T:ire of B. wrLrrr.o Tn+cr
M' TAYLOR k Co. nye just iTeu
ei,l a lar g e -a isQrtrn,ut of Go.ds Lc'
ti' A large stock of Ladies' ei d
ChilOren'o Fars at reduced pricmß, a' • ,
-- TAI toil L. C.." 8".:
S3trfs, Nabh.t.34*`.4.ggins,-Ho
eiery and (}lover, at
_ THE IiENDEZVoUs."—To nit who wish
op,..rata; - a. ',La - formed ou the t,elh, N%e elay gi
to Dr. Dor),;(:s's DPW (Itii;'n+ on Sta , C-e".., beti'Jw
, Pr. I"....arT's e. eLec
owl it or. You may rely upon' g - 10(1 work,
core t.r f at:neut, ap.l pk..i.=.lLt. ef a
dotau rteable time iu, tho opera! ing
• va... Knit Jackets for Ladies, Miss
es ani C6iitircn; at • TAYL//1:
. /S: Cu:s e ,
Stir Gill ht M. HENDELMAN'S and
raew h:s rricee,
etl.l trc (hit 111. store 1.1 the
plo.c • to tmr.
• WI- All kiudi .of filndkerelaiefs,
Tie; at.dFdie; Goo,l , at A: Co',
le" If you want beautiful
Will7C. .3111 CI'S __They lizoe
th. tineet selection-in toxn, wh , cl2, they arc ut
tering nry
lite' A. large assortmeilt of Paisley
,k 2 woultro.-310 . ivis “ptqiett ,r,yk by
TAYLoit ,\". Co.
1 - I,:ts Ctn.,' Caps for Men and
Be: t.: TAY AN:
Ves Great, variety of Yak Laces,
awl Bugle Trtukuntr, at
. EffaT•Xl. .Ht\Dt:L\C • .S has just
filmed Croat the city 'cwt.' a beautiful
_meat ut tl.t• very best g in tu j try
he is etLrlitt.:it t tutn.prate 3..
.11e,i. 4. 1). HILL 11.16
fr;elty, w.'ii .1 ltiv..Lt of
rall.-41t I. W10:01' 0:J i:;14(2
'lite' M. Ht:Nli-EL. , p.N
and b,r ,
and cc,,
• : •
Ckirlho Fall and I , 'lnter schools
tliww:ilout lhu C.• 11J:2. 414 . :.I,t.git and
pnrchasprs t•t ttelitlO trlVll4,l bo
. irttercsted
iu lit,o‘siVg that C. r (L ‘ ,: hind
t.1..:1 in tho
CoUULICr, atl.l that r.l4.l!ier, for p::retta-tlig
gicee Lint tha " tract: :a seiking.
try meyehtlifts t:.111 get their .npplied td tan
Just•r+ ris they can i,, th , • city, th•: ,
NoTtce.- l)c duly
in Ito mnc.
chrbt:rw, tret,
Pppropri.ol,(XtTC*Cll. All
fr ,, ett the ,ttrritnn , iing - rpgirnls_arp t o
111:1 ,, unh tt!,. t!!' . I.rept , nts npon
. .
Livu 1%:41 SILL—LAN - 0 Iltto Liv-
car:iaguz, back,
etc., which we uff r for sa:e cheap aud oh rea
rouhhie terhui. Eaquiro of our agent at the
.atab;ea t or at (air 3.111110 bture: •
• -- -
- To THE PUbLlO.—Si ,ce Sept. 1,
1674, we are selling ticket! t. 'all points
. {fret
and South-Weat'elo Erio Rail ay and connect 7
lug linea,at reduced rates. Pa4engera purehas.
ii.g tickets through. due agency goon
connections and baggage checked through.
Apply to either of the tinders gneAl at Tow:ln
ds, Upper Depot. . .. ;W. Dian....r,
tgi... - Wil4,Lam Drum l en will sell
from this date to: the flre. c i f January, 1875,
Organs, Melodeons, Pianos, and all othCr 5111-
sleallaqtruments that helps t to the tinsicaf
trade, at grange prices. I ill, sell the very
pest organ now made—the l3mittr AmOlean,
Basing becei sops and two
$115; tight atops and two au
reeds, for 11'25 cub; or if pn
will add ten per -rent. The
Pisacia will sell at greatly
Now, Grangers, is your very
when such bargains are of t
corner Main and'Pirte streets,
Nev. 26, 1871—#
signed calls sittlition to sever
dentistry, assfollosts
First: A new style of plale l for mairu.t.i . 4
TEI..TII. perfect ia all respocii4.l the
color -or the mncons membr
the' lips and gums so closelV ae
Linn; 2d. It is absolutely pure
3d. It is very light to wall as
the plates can Its made tbil
furl of clumsiness. • - There is
count oti this plat. , it/any dire
of them are now in use amangi
hie people of thtelbwa end co/
them •-onatcn.'"'
Second: We have the Met, 4 of atti , ,thing
snekers or suctmn eartiMa t lower 'Ytta (.1
teeth, which hold. the plate Arui on the jaw,
preventing any movement of tr.,e Mate io imN4 .
'mating, or aCuninenii,ting•of foArt under it. La. , .
ilitnif caner comol.feiY ntana~t 1:
7/4ird: The liquid ntiroue 0 rat , vas how'
form of anaesthetic, whi,h b itr't ~,•,
reliable. in all roam-iota. t
log a rit•hght, iiis , ead of e
Fourth': All manner • f
done in the moist iirtiiitic • mut!
Donau S ' s drutat roorni., in Dr:
buji.hrig, Stale,dtreel, M
Tho eub , •cnbcre,. after fifteen '3 a'
:felting roods ou credo hate bee
that the system is radleaily wr
solved on awl after January 1,
for ready pay oily.. Wo• lic - r!leve
rupel the paying customer to Vi
be( auFe °there Lay wAbirg.,
reth , ced priers tc) the scTy Iris
euOugtr to, Satl,ty •tho bent riffskli
most appiec . fatiso, ()ranger., . A nal
trio :nit; notice thqt co far in; we
erecht rSctcxn Is tr,C.“l. W.: 1.9 :
will veil for rash. • Ws Invite r,ur
t y this plan. If we 1.1i7
is %cry viten a weree dap_ than tL
And We can 'ditpthro
expebee iv book Iceper. dunning;
postnize. constsblen, Rho - ffj- lune]
ee you g.)-ib the PhilczrTher' , g is I
• I
Dcc. It:, 11571.
tarnish the. RETOV.TER au.l any
publications, outne folk. a fug ter
"REPORTER" with Elarper'e
nft , p-r's Weekly
liarpt•Ce Rata:,
. ,
Teleilo Illar.l
Popular Scleirce
Lltell's living Ai
" N. V. Weekly Tit 4
„ N. T. tv,,
~hly frig
31 1 4 , Ferro m
-Weekly Tie,
- --
'•..ea., Semi-Week - ly Tribut:et• , ,
N.): Erf leg. PO4 (tfeekfy), 1 ' 3 CO
N. V. E ‘
Post I ,, etr,ilweelii ., . - 1,,
- --•--1. 1 ,
h . notice S.. 1875 ! litFil furl er i we
will club the JfirliiNA I, with the olli.)wing pitbli....l
-1..) subseethers living lnitr. tltivictutity, 0.
raft t viven below. postve , nc1gt.141 . .. f I . ,
../, , CR.V.IL " with NV. WettlyiT r..cs ~..! :l,
'l itibscribur* opt t
a3l::ivnai Sir p u.rtst
snl,cr. Ft' . it's to P41:71
Ft Ir. fv.e chnrre .21 :40)11 .
D, al. a ;TH
err! int!, iht•, 11, Ih7-1 by D.
J :tint Mi i 4RI)
a:I t.f
KIN(; - coos • - u. i D
I'mtn3 Al C., (IL') v
Cot , k,E-ti , t.t
1474. at th- 1,-A•det.ce +± c.,- -wtt
Emma L
Stin,ii4 v. D , c tl, 1h7.1. I,v Elle
,Tared 3I en .t
loth ct Frzm
FEYI . 74
a to.. u .'f - r• e.
InsrEtt,, a 11.1,27 day+
_ •
• ,
E x T eur()lt.s :\:( yr '.L .=Lyric •
• ,
p,rft,a , izidcla, 1 tf
v•tut" of 11,. I! :1 1.i1t...•f I 1: ; .••11 , ; , r.,.
rtrt• 0, T. 1,1,1. 'l:llhuptlrre L2,1.1t; -
and al, 1.• r 1.1.1
11:11St aatly , t,p,,tc,l t-r
Luvrlt. %%.
['CS :s.:O ffc:E _N o t j e ,
ls that all tr!fl - 4,Te::l:c.
tLe estate of .f•fs.,l•lf ,Wi . :l , llaLta. ff,,,
go.aual, refittet.: , l 11.1.117, palluer. •
an . al! p. , ra!!!,i flillo4
Lena I,:usvfly theta ..at1,11.1, Act] tor'. ,
k ti Alt P. 1.4 filttE
virtue ' f :tu or-r INgIIV,I MI 11. the 1},1ii,a,,.,
Coal ~f Ltraifford eon ty. the no krstiitonl. ,tiiiiit
atrat,,r in tin-ill-tit, i.f setiri La 'r•,; a!,rA S rt Saw.l,.
frittl,d,c,f. Wilt exiiiii, tt. ihthlii:i ii•le on tho-Pri•lntit—
..ti SATURI,Ay, JA.1111.1 y lilt, lA , at, hi l it'elni-li, A
3.1 ie%iittnw thz dont, liii.t ineetil
or, par-i-1 nf 1..n.t"
8 , tUate itt, Stiernequ.n I , i-tit-toi l . loot-nth-it ' .1.9 In..
too : tiu the nortu hi the publ'a b4;hiviy. 1.i.1 If. eii.t. by the er,ch'e tf klalll , I' t- itey, ou t.nfitli Ly 1
Joi-Naft Horton mud on the ',test t 1 kilLt.. flurtan
t t
e.)nttnivg 2it , 1 acrr of taint more or Ititni !!
I:Ehillii—.f9; 27! on day if E...., Lsi.iniN un *confirm,
...._ E - i.i.l.'NF. 13 -11f.F.Y.
la• . 1
•' a , ' , 'MPLFTE P cr. nil AL
AYr.. •tt Co'
Ln tit
ar.• rrL ~, t iv and. con
mut:n I,Lt
;aid are pri•p3r4..l 1.. ~ IL:
clrcui.tton A.: l 7 ~'r 0 11 , 0 W.
:It a m:1[1.11 per. , us, dird it
!) :try" 0:
ski • D•Wel 111 11.,{Lf :1:11
uno UI plct.,,tr.t:
US area -uenta Ui Lu salaii :or,
It. Upon ex (Inn_
t4ol•• cartiolo4 help to DJ old tL
Coaltry.—r - Cl4' , :ty-ii. Con: nt. 0: 1 .2
Tin - CU:4 :
l'Ost frve to, an atile.critlere
I.l2,llqltia WEaKLY.,he }ea'
p 0 rrt
the putnt.her...:
to HA•per•tt• Y a!
8.12 hr. TO one ea.:II - v.O tor 61,
of Lterper'n p,rto t J w
ye ‘r. F 7 tO; po,taao tteo
" An extra. copy 61 f,tb,-r t}:€, wilt be sinp: ru gr,t,is:b
k h , cr. berc at . 4 ;4 00 aeb, in
c..3pn. ! .4 for 2,1 00, vutLout
!re H.
Itick rs rupplie
Thu nnuua~ voltilLort Ut 11 , 4 rip
' Cloth t)14 , 11. 1.1. 11d reLit by
ipou-e, or $7 t)J e. - 1.1. A c , .4,1
%ol.unt•S t.cut .11 roo-ipt •0
$5 25 rr 1:,10/r1r ut 'emp.o
.1 - t - Irsp, , r, 1..8 are
Addri . S. 11 %LP
November 19, lA7
1 1) I !.T NC4 rt 0
We Are prepared to teed the
the (114 and evening. Oyster"
their seasons.
111 PAY.
I me fohy oatialiedi
Ing,r and hare
876, to sell - gocdi r :
. be wrong Vi,
1.411e.r . f0r
o , there re
rat rate, and lox -
ILu3 ere, corn tine
we now glee our
:re coucortiel: the
for 6-.11 at i d we
old cu..toitere t
credit u . ay
le day; we twt4lh
ailh ter-y krali t
Licks, Psy
o ; Try it.
I:( - - 1 1.x.r..:4 Co.
N.Y. Weekly M I
N. V. Wa.kly
Phil:W( Wt:e
Toledb Wade.
Amen, ,n A4rioni I
Flarrev S] agbzul
Ilarprr'f! Weekly,
11arper'n Daz.r
^};.lt.uu a J.;;r
'..11 A It B I ,E 1)
1 1
:n.. tazzA,ter,
Nir. .111 in
J• 'I. a', t.
t. HALT,.
11 P. \ `ll=E
;ICY ti:
1 , .4r, ASDiNuST
IN rat: L':oD)\.'
E Y.
paw, nal
:Lry. !Its
rs !ti . .t!l
7 -L •
13311 a
f , ,rk
~t:ullfi rnd iQ+ :n nil
11 S. 1..,1t3.g0 I.y
TVEO.IN ay.4
g , zino, Wi c; , .
r. rry c.t hof fist
re2tr.:tince; or.
r xt-a cop); iy.r,tagt•
1 at any tipan.
•r'et lv,Ek.!3i 4 in nrltt
i..tpr, 4.. trer , of
cash Lit qv, rat. '9;
r• pur•lll,Fer.
I ^op , 0113-'
, f.H t ltiwr:oll Broluerm.
.., `Tliii
Near ihe Cintrti
, .
uugry at ail tinat , a
autl Ice Cream lie
. stow" a; co
B. Buni;ANlc
drie-half'set3 ut
had on :time I
tech ()Aber
11 -educed '1;7:4,,,es
'best boy,
'rted yon, : : .Store
Towanda, Pa.
The under
-1 new thirigicin
he t reaembliug
to defy detec
t and wholewnne.
bttnng,' No that
I. , voiding a'rnouth
cqiiticvlv no diio ,
,Itton'. flundrPds
the mosi rchn-;
tsuty, aul ail cp.ll
Our ar iortmo t of both Stapl
is novi'coniplete, and ha .
;made imp!irtant
' reductions
• ' •
.cr, at 1)
Tratt'o new (•tlieci ,
0 U R
—WEi will
f !the P.P..lol7ling
- 6!
gr'zite, 4 :CO
4 50
I 150
LO. . 4 70
4 70
; 12 55
3 50
9 2
ic.c.v, I
I 4 tt)
4 00
I 2 33
; 3 :,0
I_ . 2QO
I • '1 :3 .(1
2 7,0
'2., I'.l ;
• - •ri Litt'X o . 43_ll'llth. % 011111./.)
.f 7 , vember !Amber, with broader plate and latytr
tut -rprite than c , er beloi l e, and with the anttqn. -
!t ha!, =LH:nine t fren, thr tret, tn . deret•hßtraQL, it• •
tel . to be the briiMett. the Ftrongest. the utri,t
t ,autiful. and in slcr) We,'" the moat popular tdr.c! . -
.I;t,he in the wurlll Inning the yen - tt v.:lt pmt's 1:t"
g , ch mancee tilu.tratlire engra7tmta as no
tnAgaz,r e lever teen ab'e to publledi ..tts •
Nrritera will be. ae i they have been. Elie :choice,
I.ote, literary tusto and u4ru.n 4t :America. Aniling
tr.e attrretne fi.t.t.tirts of the year will he a 1.1,, , F..
by J. G. Holland. ae.-44 o: papere from val:lpths
pr TIR on - .I,IIEIrICAN LIFE and tiCENERY.'"!;n-
paperii pa Ariaerlan cities. !a ;11
~re , n to January, /t - 'l,th a nitirative of , •Western
try ant A,reuture, I>t7l.‘lajor
,rout of the C-torn to is one of the flaunt
/ ur l
4 23
4 .5
AL •zt.
ex•iloit4 of Western trace . ] This s'erit4.!abi ft •
••,. Great Sonth paptilra in. tie magitificenci! . 4 - 1
its 1N15tr6:65 , 1;8:1 , 10124 IdW , eoarvlg greater varf, ty
and whier tote est also another .110ritratfd
alx articles rcoontit4;:g_ the experi+nce of a * , •1":
known Arneri an itarrnee i and engthePr. (Co]. W
of 0!.:(!en Farm, Ne.a . Vort R. 1,,) ddrii.g a 1•::
through some of the leits,lreonenied parts of
of n EurOy..e. in ttici; Autnipti of 11470. serie4.,:r
pipers of great int'f• . .on .• Frani iteratizte:"l'3'n . d.
b'.: riniati Life," 14 Albert titt odes , th triustnattr::,
I , v French Artist.; Jwill api,ear dnrint: the . year.-.; •
o FRE atl3rEtt. , :loll l S IiLIVN D." 3
,tr • T'fillo6rn Itobinmin t7rn4oe,r Jutea•N erp , ,
Izteat ste.ry, all -eonjititled, with
is story, by §ame,Hblit
_ .
11,.r.34:11i urld
P. 4.
e. 0.1 0 ,,
Ca',l NO:
" 11)U.riNIALINE. '
b'e.tins in vovember. awl till run for three or 1,1:r
r:ontbe. There will (lige,' be t"theri no.elettes ; a7,l
14.0rter atories teadtvg amerit auti Ep4l:a.h
, tu writers. Thd Slas.taline ontinhe
pre-eminence iit thharegarilThe es.sys;
,:,•901. and pa per 4. will. Astherefofere,,e7,f
pl,y the ablest pee to b,. h Eurcyile and Acre: 7.1.
11,_ene and Seeeyivi alneW'haek,i2revvn in tivoran...l
in ea , .lletice from the firiF,t will be mv - e morn t•
traotive, unefel, and vilutl.hie In its lnllurnr_. eta I'.
:11t! and culture of tin Poziel tem people. The Et •`.,
b , gs will' he Mill. fartbeil'impreved.. and th..,r011,il
h.: greater variety in Chia klepartineat:
sCRII3N MIA by the vettlic...•l:
tip nelisia and the Attiri'ricatt pet 17
all the Sionthiiea
• -
- 1' 1, t. , Z
3 , , '
rh.. e' it boon.Ceolunies of s..rroler cont,fit,•.i. •
irs 11.11 , 1irltei nk more Allan 000
tbey more tn:;o a a ,
Serial gtories, nearly ()col huuirri•d shorter
• than a thithaanct iseparate
, elitoriale , land 4-ylews, rtnbellishei
nearly two thon‘ina. llVl•awstionS. We /11'4 i, -
pi-lute:l at, great' I%*periFfi the earl-er volumet4 ROI
,t r-a ' tottler at reduced rates tz
!Leonid] w anletsriptio N. No otb , r oppin - fiyha
I probably ever pe iivrn to get 'compleie t:
I:iet uori‘aled Monthly. 11.1 , 2 rishentte. or reptiht
sthail, e.titione bianiz so great. as to be prohil far: -
01. - 11*EC,rAL OFFFILY _
w e , q d— r lie hound ju cloth, a nil
sill:eta In t tie! t bittia St ites. ehait. a pata3y,
year', sobAcriPtion. for $2 , 0 ; tt e . aame i char..ilru
e i paid. no, el Jit o's, In :extra litir
marbie and; marble eitgesi and
, if aeht, Charges het j• - .:'t.
- the tio,tage Ott ail nee, szitts-wipt - tans will bjr....-
;,; a by 'h.+. Tbei enn...iripoon price of &WU&
`! rithly IS .-7t SiTibner'r )ronPaIS acid
;' I
• • SCRIII.NpIia:
I .1 No. 651..0a1way.,N0: I
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:•12, , ::! - :14.6 , I
• FIR.-atorri‘.
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1 r,,,, 1; ,:....., itt tidtted:,te:tl.l a corltributic,ll 4 , i.,,, t
..1 t ,lea: tuut. ,e,i guiddm lizia in any jo:artaft :Awl
~ ) areal 11.,.,1 is the [tir;Au of V`v great. svcrltl ,-
;:: ,, 11.— ,f; ,- , - :. tt
. Trar , /.' ;:
tr io- i;,/,.. , e,,futau til ltoelf to . Vtry Eletlab - Cr i
T -
.e the Watlilma by its. drab
ratty turew. 2) ypung tady by its fioitil ;:/-
.1 , ;(C24 112Sti 'isri,tyl to bei provid.rt lifitrou
patt,rus for tho children's flotbes to fia:.;-
•71.1::1 . -.3 by it+ tistefoi Ide.dgrs for erabroid,7,l
. o i l ers Lind lit:Lir - Sou:4 'dressing- owns. tht - .
t , t the , itt;Ar k uniformly of 7Fl'"`7.i
Nc. The i.ircr h'is'ai'qulred s wide poriu - 2. -
.. t,r tt:tl tre,": , ll ti.C)tuent_ tt affords.— '-
e i. -,.rvitNis :', 1 .. .
..,:tr...,, fr., to all sn.i issril.ent in the Thalte..l Sta , _s,
II Ail r !IT:6 13.'4kit. one year...: ~. ..... t. .$ 4 Cp
ft. On inclinloa, prep • piyruiat of V. E...t05t,;i , 1„-i
... puntnaler.i i 0 I .
...itihseript'enti to Miller's Magazine, Weellf ti.:l3
'..rir. to,' one a d dress _ r.r one year) $lO (.0; or, two
, Harper'' , feri,ilV.ltillt4.; te . One a._ 4, ets for et e,T,... , ,,_...
~."; PO; tiiiataac free. i -l:•- • . .f .
‘n eattla cupy, of caller the Megi zinc. Cre ,, k",:." .1"
I.,zir *ill he I-mi11i...3 itratis for 4e, y 'club q• eye .
,h...illirtit r.',. $1 Oe each. in oneltemittance; or,
..ic cop lea fp.: 'ilk, t..i *about cztta cotty;:pqatsgc.
. . 4
Hack nuivl ers:con b 4 supplied at i
ny tnne. ;.,
• The e.'v.n vointnAe lot liarper'al Bazar,' fsr Co
^3i'l iSCS . 9.'±O. '714'711. '73, '74; ' o
elegantly lion :1.1 ••
n green morood cl, tb, will .bo pent by eitroi 1,
freight prepaid, for j' , ' 'titi fiailli. • I -
', eirspaper3 are net t.., copy air adivrttrententi tei•l,-;
i,!. L'ie, repress orders off 13A/init. k iSbatiitltd. 3.:i . .'
A ati reps I.l.atiAER 4, - . altOTEEltS.l.liese , lirc:::.
eeveruher 10. Irt74: i 1
r-. '—. l P' . I
NOTICE.; ' 1
; . . .•
.1 '
-. . , ' ;.
' TOire..NDI, 10. iSII.
, ‘Ett.r.r..ts, At n 114stii-g,rlii tito'foard of Ditec:;:r
•ii the ronantla Extrilka Mower • Corepan . kola at
tae office of the company Decentber'3. 18 1,1:a rest,-
lutiOit wee poilied titCAII - I. meeting of the stoA ,
holders, confortn.bly to law, to lucre/we his:capital
-tack of said Cempany, ttutreforti..'lletice terberehiy
;urn; tbyt the Ngtoeti;oltiers ~ot the Towitnili Vote
-a Mower Corn6an,y are lacreby notiite4to tie prcs
-lit ate uceetio# t , lni • la.-1.1 at Old work* ort6ocom
-1,-inY: FEIfR II IHY 11' 1575. at 21 o'clock' P 441.. for
the purpose about iitt- ittietivit to wit : the incr.ia:.:.
lug of the capital stock of sad cOmoaity.' ''.
. i • i ' , B.D, 31ADDIN«Pres..- .
Attest: W. O. wg.tCY, See. ' r . pi"low,
N. ! -Athiecusentents.
--• • - --
lug , _
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1. • •" r
tid,:nt that Ste cap
We (.el ra
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TO out; GUsTOME3:;•
give EIS a call.
S. 1874 '
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