Xltatifordgepottrt Towandty Thurs!lay,'Dec. 3, 1874. LOCAL AM) OEIVERAI. . cerr. liimqvu.LE bas erected .a tow er on, 'arid othe;,ifire 'l' mproved, his residence n Third street. ' ,THE Orpbani ;Court sale of the Dicnisr. estate, bas tieen atljoutnecl until the 22(1 inst. TUE ladies oi Leona recently pre ,..tlted their pang - toes a, - tfe, airs. Wiu.ints,-trith a hartdsome set of dishes. - T ll'as:erly :Advocate is posv Iq catcd in pleasant. convenient and commodious quarters, .over the Poet• Office. M. M. • SPALDLNG, oh= the firm of T4yLon Co, is now :in NpW York OiTarchasing goods for-the holidapi. • Cor:7nz convtnes on Monday nest. AiY i of our and patrOn3 who may be in town, are cordially invited 'to give ns a call. ON WioNrsoAi- and - Thursday of DE it :wee4; - the New Xork State Dair)men'irAs sociation and Board 'of Trade, meet's ttt Bing- f.ra toa. 0:7 STRICKLAND, a native .of Can tun, and art extenaivei cattle dealer in Texas, was drowned in the Rin Grande . river, 'on the ith of June last: He teas 53 years old. THE MeESyB. BEAbDSLET; of Wair42lll l :18..it week sold ten ent,ughtered hogs. the aggre gite weight of which tJC•af4 'about 4,0 pcinnds. Utro of them weigho.2 200. 4 - . H. L. RuGG, an employe' in. the Enrcta abope, met with quite an accident on 3.1 , ,m1ay, while ,emplb3ed with eome portion of the machinery. His fobt was quite badly bruised. . Out poprilEir jeweler,: V. A. CH.1.11- _.Bziluzi, will present env of his numerous cus tomers who mat, call , upon him, with an Elgin tiimarise;a very truniiing as well as interesting work. FIRE 'DEPARTMENT. The annual clecuort of Chief E.lgiover and Assistant, of Towanda Fire Department, will take place Monday crethnizi_ D:-centber 21, ly_tween the Ifoors of G and .9 o'cli)ck. -4 • • - ,.T1.1E Canton Sentimi says ::" Aftet "suffering several rilsun., Mr. Jots SPALI)- " iNo is Once more' con.Kalescent.' JonN has tu‘nyfriendsitt the `county who will be glad to Lear or his restoration to health. ' ' c. GOOD resolutioue have been liken ed to.tho first we of the Reason, which looka streairi and yet can .:lerß sustai .D even its Own Th6y are Cagily formed, but oh, how extremely brittle they turn - out to be. • TARSIERS VIU observe that the an cual tueetiog Dradford Couuty Agricul tural Society, fpr the election of cdtkerA, comes (len Monday etening nest. Let there by a fait i'Lltentlance. • ' • 3.IANY people; Nvito ,tall: most about -- m - Lat (tail call thew rights, li - fluid, as a general thing, be the most ,unhappy iu the num- Munity, if they only ohtained them, h cOrding tie Opkuion of their neighbor;. A FAT:artas Cl.ib has beeu org,au i_ce I in Troy, with the folliiwing : P -- L. J'rt.siden:-21. C. 31eliEAN. . Si - ft/a/1.-1 A Piece . - iIS r— M.; CoI:NELL. • TUE Salt Late Daily Tribune,imb lirlieB an interesting and coite I.•ngttiy accoutot .cr the tir,q .tkain - icracher 'ever cst. tjl t. city. i Oar old [new] and fun:. r ty , .usrilac), J. M. PARLIsp, 1a one"or . t.he pro, r,f the new crS'ablibt.nielit. . sus. Eloi.LoN & FLEauNu, our „ eoterprisingbuildoa, iirff , ented each or ter ernployca with a turkey oa Thanksgiving. We are always grantiel o i t..)hr.ar of ,such - or gdoci reeling anil naiitual interests. betwo_ 'employer slid .empl,lyes. • . , TriE .Na.iadsi aie preparin't; for 171.•,,ant time on Yvar'e. The: siNat.nnt•er 6(.1.1.,;tra w:11 furn:E l b iNatucts has e rn ILEAr proraptner - .s and efli : ..y -in be.'4llll,.;Ahe e:ement, rich• lr e:.r:led the nppt , .bltil,:t - ant substanTial en nunt :4(11r cit!.zrrr...., Ir ybr want t , ) snbacnbe for Ilai v . r'.; 1!"t. ;, 13,1: 7 , 1 r. 4.'1;1 at this tr at 11i Prat 01112 e. 1.7, furninb rut tt.,l. se ;14)1;,..11:1.,c, u: our sub :ro..,t.re fur three'dollar, in additiou to the Ellb p'..lo:l price of the Itt - r,:r.rf.r.. free cr C.' C. Mow :;!epped nut of the (2 , (1. cf lf I FID1111Q; (t, i;r.,lgc 4i- f . lll d 11,r, sre It i•N Ftreet. t tit as brre 'A% ere ht, fell to ti a! gtpuntl, a of Fc t-:,•• het. It ped 11:t: i'rjurlia are not re:nly.net.t. .2 - _ ; - _ • Cil k11.1.1:.i DAY, of Iti.R.tis; writes us that tll.l - ii- i; uth Oil, reit.rt last ref t Lis ledge cr'.' a murder committed same time sil.6e. W e the it. 41 fr..r.a wh t w.. gitppoiel to awl dicerfaily giro Mr. D:•. ;Li Ert . ,s - on Towdnda. Grad ed Sell,' 1, or 6t 6ttilelit+ with p , :rtuct,, record In attrndgn, r , 11 , -T , rtEn , ut and studies; for= the wp.-k N..v. 27: AltDtk 3.1 , A114.. Tho fullowinz, Dam , B , g,r t • , i f Wce.t: ' WILLIE Bktil:4):.:, ‘VAI, 1' • ...s, Errv.-..lrAng.. twiuty-two teachers i at - • • tL , •:(.I/rithjat_ba in tilft, p!aer-, the ethcr (Lx, ot,Ly f correcti; and ascend r., f..iNt - -,1 on e'to..'er and tcri- Mrs. Jostim ti)i.4 plftee, who :, :! reach , ..'r,)l3,l tbe , b. st reeor , l iu orthog• =I • liE - PrclN'teritins held their rogu i.,.!,- 3lde S. cu tyiree sting at th; , . pleasant and eurr,modi o re; Ortntoi;, u)1 jveiiing ttendance era, .•:• r : . l.udy 140 , 4 -natured, and the Tiles (pita . rr.d.:lllt:tqt la the aggregi - te to ore: . 11. e t.:13;.; ou Dc:. t„ at the Parir)nage. r. Slif:El' N.lf-LED Dl D0G4..:,:-bn Sun _ ,(I.)gs entered filo elit . eptold of Wtodu - r, nee.r and tnede ead to Lts Wit, 1,i11i0,4 ux, rr.o:.diog two, lons » rui.ilug. As EOOl3 as diseureied, Mr. Vir.rittr zostaOteot !earcti f.r the cautoei guilty tots tre,psss up lu Lug prom its. HUI trouble fives rewarded Py finding the -clop and hach g . t , em .hot, an 1 82curing oomoeusetton from the 01:vipers %the dogB Cr the .beep • • Tse olddr studeata of the Graded school,. male, and ferda.:Te,Liave orcluiz-d a ithrary society, which is in a' tlmiialiiing‘ con , - The rneellii4s are held in they Direct ors' R00m.," Whieb ha 4 been handromely car peted aud UR; walk cleeor4t,4l.. C 1.1.1 , Tus is Pre-ideut, and m:08 .Icu.A 3 u . svEzt„ tic ereta ry, of the SUCtirtF. It hi bigbiy gcatifi ig. to see the EC I / 9 a r., m arlirt:Oing 81 much Ibtelefit, res' uf due benefiis to be de- , rued I :!.iiii:vi4•llB... organ zstion, the good re sult. ot aLicii ‘c , •111 be experienced by many iD after TearE. • 1115 Os WsesEl3l2AY evening hst, the Episcopal Mite SoCiety met at the liictory, and the parishioners of the popular Rector were out in force, besides *goodly number of Mem bers et other congregations. Many people have an idea that these weekly gatherings are Very dull, but we are sure that nn one who had the pleasure or meeting the Rector and his wife on the occasion, went away with any but the ph aaanteat recollections. The collection was a good one, =Tinting to *Oat twenty dol lars. The Satiety meets again this (Wednes daV) evening, at the house of T. C. DaLaito. The invitation'is general. Something new will be introduced. I Nursery - for December, the most charming of monthly magazines for youngest readers, is ready and, proMptly on timn,,with its freight for the little people, that 6riugs out the happiest of feelings. Where there are children, this magazine is ae useful and More valuable, than any toy, and its ree 'omrnendatiims are patent on every lest and Page.i .It i 3 published by Joni.; L. Sumac, at 39 Broointleld street, Boston, at only $1.65, (poStge prepaid,) a year. It is worth that amount about three times over for the good .-Mct it is sure to produce in the family. We will furnish the ...Vorsery to any of our suhscribers for $1..15 in addition to the sub scription price of the REPORTER. NARROW EttiCaPE.--ELATTLF. ROBINSON, a little colored girl, aged about se en years, living at W". B. Down's. tell into a weil which r. D. is having du in his woodshed, on Fri day last, and strange to say, escaped uninjar ed. I.. : Tbe will is twenty-seven feet deep, and tberiwas obont two.feet of water in it at the timci. There was also a large bucket, with an irontide, it-the bottom of the well.. When diecOvered by 3liss NELLIE. DODGE, the child waafstanding up and - crying for help. J. N. Cazirr and E. C. DEMERS were near by, and on being called went to the rescue. Mr. DEws.os desc'ended into, the well, and fitted a ropo around the cbittrs waist, by *Licit she was drawn op. She will undoubtedly be more care ful in looking shout hereafter.' JOY riVITATION of: Superintendent we. attended the examination of teach ers at the Graded School-House,, in this bor ough, on Saturday last, There were some thing over twenty teachers present, mostly la dies. The examinations were conducted in a very thorough manner, and most of the appli catita for certificates . were richly entitled to them. All the teachers in the borough school passed exceptionally good examinations, and no patron of the.school need feel aiiy misgiv ing as to their gnaliflcations, so far as an un derstanding of - the branches tanght is concern ed. Mr. KEENEY pco—sesses remarkable tact and slid/ in dischargingthe onerous duties of his utlice,—his ru;thod is such as to mete aim p.e justice'to all, and no teacher can cora. nu .ier Lis instruction without being improved. • A MYSTERIOUS disappearance cans ed excitement in onr town last . week. CII.IIILES CLaaa, who has been a resident n Granville for the part fifteen •years, c.kme to :own on Alrinday, sold has lint ter to MIMING , TON & LLONAIID, received q Chi.•k=fur af.X.tit i7OO, got it cashed, forgot to pay $24 that he pad promised Onnn Fct.t.rn, left his team wi der:M.le shed uncared for, paid a bill of VS at the Enterprise Company's store, called at this and advertised a note, and took the aft4,.tecion` isittn to Canton. He said nothteg to theiinen who came with him, and it was feared he pad,beur forilly.dealt with, as ho 'Cibibited OA! money to several porsuns. It has since a ecertained that he left Canton the same night, remarking that he 'was going down to Wot•acesport "on a tear." Ho leit,e, wife and IWO ch . /Wren in Granvn! Ttrr GIL? ate. 1- PERSONAL.— -HOU. GEORGE W. WAR LEN, of - RostBl , ., is st opping at the Werd lluuse , —Rdson ' 3 ol.coin, E-q , 1 . .. 3' Washing ton L.:l Tuct , lay morning fast. —CCEUMlrbintlir SNELL and f.nily atre visit iii frlor.tis in Sew York. —Mrs. PEortar, TuAcr, of lifousocton,' will apend tne'prt-aclt.lll7inter in I'hiladelpina and Washington. Macs potseiNs, fonecrly or , Troy, and.now a popular coodueler to the Oil Creek 11,ilroad, -life partner, ;or wlioM the Dally Derrick . s.Ta s he `• oue or the sweet so "0; Oa City, mid Icsh, , , a 1m obi?: of the choir of " Christ Church." —(ol.MAboz; h.,st it tarne,l fnutt:.a•tr:p to Colur. do, looking hale acid Leorty. BIG INvENTI9s., , Lthyo, the famous map man, who m+.ll+, all the tuapa Cur G,heral GaAs" and the am y, certilleatta wniai he i:culished, hue jri,+t inveuiol a way at getting a relief pate from ttlel SO ae to print Lt.trilis Anierican C attitelp . : 7 frotn ocean ,to ncean—o9 en. 2 ot b.inkhute paper, - -I!ixc+i) i ? ,7l++ larg , , en .‘ Egntning pre:4;l:llnd Inetiltd for 'ten cents, plain or colored, slzed and vari,id„,l La- the mall tu. ztand kr 25 Ceuta. Ibis map tliowd :Lc lintr ed St,tcs'and Ti:rrltirli:s in a group, from Bur. vt)a to 1874, With a ruill+on 'theca on it, elicit res tt,1nt12.., cities, villages, mountains, lakes, riv es-7,+-, stream+, ndne.,+, railway 'ktat etc. This nn•p:i•L'ould be in every Louie. Seed 25 ettite to t he Lloyd 31 +i) nd 3in mill t a cuTy by return malt. • TIIEItE is more if - nth than poetry, well as a ncL veal of )12 The f“llonzvg Meth ,, d pro', r , ,q- , d 41'.:r: T. DEwlrr Tu• ke._,lt.g up," Lard Luc- , 4 : "L.:t ertryb ; r ; ! y dei irben any • o.• iyun m Lus)uet.s, put it al in the psp,rs L.tri,Usti,t ss7n.a be.-p up a- - -perptdual corn s:Kit. Le: un Lave t. , cc..lol,aledirordos oi,ol ii. t ai.A .rwitu.aq: .e.ret - chrs 01,41,e tid• clat.s:,. Let tianlicht3 r. phe "s bard truer —s very bard . "mier-- u s...tul food udder:' Let us all talk &Iva' tv.testi ot.hp. Let us tyke ni, ac,:onut of the set. that titur is cheap and tut ball'.-et IF Urge, aid that GA le g, , ork Wv shall in this to usLe: tagg 4 4l.4rouf'il,r msh's hearth boyar, a bother pane ui ;Ices out or tits voudlivr, surf- 45ticer the ruauti .se,nrer Irma etiipio7.itig bdzi. " All toge_her,:wm, mititsterß, editors, and lobort ra 4.4 us a loo+g, d•-ep vrosv, and kriep it Izotria.till. peat spring, sad times will be as bard rt , eafrreatenably- be ex peett.d.", _ TaANtiso,lirrNc3 —Our national holi day !Nag geuera,iy bbserved in a becoming manner to this place. Ali buaineoe places were cio-e 1, and a goody namber attended church. Tile union se vice at the M. E. thnrcb, Wa,.• Con by M.:vs. J. S. hinkvar.., S. J. Lukg, G. W. CIIIiNDLrE," atld a ammger. The dia• ee by t i bc past cr of the 31. E. Cburch, Itee. CIPCSDLL, from the ttit, fie !rata not "dcad 5) with any nanon.'i was able and Inter esting. .Th:> various causes ler Thanksgiving vete referred to in appropriate" language, and the people incited to greater watehlutnesa and diligence inL di-charging the, duties and meeting the responsihilities entrusted to them by a ta;iintiful Creator, A collection amounting to $3.1 Rai talterihnp LA- 0 , 2 Eletics - o!eut Asioctati.m, of filig borough. At the E.piFeopal Church, the Rector, Rev. C/lADLES E. MoILrAINE, read the aerrlce and deltvrro . 3 an exct-lient d!.zour.ie. A collection Was t.kLu tip for St-. Lake's . Hospital, ttethle bem. . TIIANXi-CiltViNtli AT TRUY.---The 1013 T Proteosut churches of our village -.Prebytert. an, Epuimpalian, Baptist and Slethodist —gath ered to the hnnae of the latter. A more than andte..ce greeml the speaker 3. It mast bo pleai,inir to bar fathers to eee a peo ple vt.liintt:rily celebrating, a second Sa6 - bah iu one week. (Jr the year. The audicuce, compos ed as it was, largely o? bnrictess mem mechan ics and farmera, proved that tuts lay is gain• lag hold in bur Tillage on the public mind. itositatSil and work. paused fur; the entire day. Toe•rtii , conrie was preached by the Bev. Dr rector of our Episcopal Church. it r ~ well re'reired, as it des , rvd , l to be, since it was SO happily conceived trid SO becoming the day. Alta the discourse a caw:Ale:l tree taken up tor the Lsdies'Aid Society at Wichita, Kansas. Thos aroouwed in routed nurabers to ninety dollars. • The day F.:s fitly ettszrecsl ale-, at the Cath olic Church. Pitt r bt'stt preached a die• coe - 131 , a titer! Fe Losri.rai.. e i trgwy. lite pe o _ ph , turaed eta itl Titre tau. ourn , ,ors. c.v. nu.. 2 our ::ex O_:e•ra lied was crctw.led witit as hudieueo e .gor to lost. the Coucet C,_,rreslowleitt ra AdrertiAr. - "TELL rr Ain.."—One of the most interesting and entertaining productions of , the Preis the preeent>esson, Una T. 13. 1:1 enuf Jamul; new boot, entitled "Tell it All." An exchsoge-says i'lt is with great pleastire that we hail this remsrkable .iyork—the Rennin. history of • real Moreau woman. Tait years ago the Au thor published a little pamphlet on Polygamy, which attracted considerable attention. and created quite a *wasting among the Saints. The Mormnn pavers' took 'up the subject and alluding derisively to the delicate reticence, so natural - to a sensitive woman. displayed by the, Author, apitefully invited her to 'Veil it all. Men and women of position, in all parts of the country, who bad visited_her in.Balt Lake City, Urged her to, siege the ooportuntly. write a book, and lay the whole truth before the world. Mrs. Has Beecher Stowe, whose earnest in trotinctinn.to this volume is a guarantee of the, delicacy as veep as the parity of the work, ad ded her persuasions. Mrs. Stephens° ttlti-, mated, - consented. and choiLefor the title of her, new volume, the words of , dension need by het illormen.opponents—' l Dll it All." In this way thti singular work was intro= &Iced to the world. It is a boa utterly unlike any otheri , ork on the subject ever peened be. fare. And although we would not spoil oar readefs' pleasure by tolling Mrs. Srenhouse's ,fascinating story, second-hand, we will ssate that it hilted what it professes to be —the his tory of a life in Mormonism, erritten,by a lady of edudition and refinement, who, through the influence of religious sympathy; misdirected. became the victim and slave rif one of , the most extraordinary snperstithiris which the world has ever seen. In her slap fascinainglityle she tells all that ca be told oftbat strange'system, not as a visitor to Utah might relate it. but with the tending eloquence and pathos of one whose whole lt.e has . : sheen darietrid by its deadly shadow. Real men and women—the story of teal lives--the sayings, the events of to.day, among a class' of ear own conutrymen and eremite, much talked of, but little known, are painted baler° as by this talented woman; with tonchiug fidelity ; and when the reader lays down the volume, his only regret is that he his arrived at the last page. The book pos sesses all , the vivacity sod thrilling Interest of the finest works at fiction. Infpoint of me chtuocal-skill, it could not o earpassed. The binding is elegant and substantial ;'the Olga.; nations, on wood steel,are costly, and fine ly executed ; and altogether it is one of those .nbscriptiou hooks. winch one so rarely-meets, * which gives the purchaser full value for his money. - - - Ties will be sold,Lonly to those svho.order of the agent, who ant - lino:3 introduce it to our catzt-us. We hes iesk for it a moat Cordial re ception—for It is worthy of ii " For. E. Baonos,- of blonroeton, has been appoiuted agent for the work in this section.. Persons deeiring tho book will address him. Sr. tiicUol tB. There are some thirty articles upon as many different topics, given 19 the boys and girls iu St. Nicholatt* month. The foist is a capital description by EL z. GIIE...TOMEI—and well illustrated—of the Garden of the Gods in Colorado; and among other instructive papers are some by Mantra! OuVaTaomar., kith a pict,pre of lin African dandy iu full costume) EMMA D. SOLlra wicx, and,Hrs:S..B. C. S;*.tuct.L.s, who supplies some instruction for making a. card-board city, which will afford amusemei:t tiering Winter days:. The strange advehtnres of - "fehunapin" are concluded, sod there are some lively ajoriis by U. C. Wear, ]Anus Pnas.cozr, Datil C. W SAMUEL CozeNs, and others, besides' a tr:ins scion !nzi the Strede , h by that Llridttnti ga,,le translator of S4iitlinavian literature, Set.att Boao. Mrs. GODOE, S. G. Waist.fl, and A. M 3licrian contribute some veracb , :md A. H. MAXIM has a short piece of poetry' on dogs, ail the illustrations of Which, we should say, were hot drawn from Saturn. " The Jeweled Tree," by A. M. MACMAIL'• is a tuneful plece with an excellent moral. We must mention, however, that the January number of the mtg. azine is to be the bolid4 number, and for it great attractions are prOmised: We lurnisla the St. .Mcholas in connection with the Iterouran fir $2 25. DEEDS left for record in the office for recording deeds, etc., week ending Nur. 28: D Q flail to Thes Muir and T Meredith, No . v ., , Is . '74, Towanda; Henry Ward to Miles Mack, N. v. 23,'71, Towanda Itoro; 3111 es to Mrs Elh-n Ward Miller, Yuri 2,3, '74, Towandießoro; G H Vand:,Lia to Jactb Tome, Nor, 11. "74, 1.714 , r; James D Barbour to Alex Barbour, Nov 4, 71, Clider; 44.-,tigla.s. Davidson to James D Barbour, August 10, 71 Ckter; Elecabeth Bar 'oc,ir et al. to James I) Barbour, Aug 10, c 71, Coiter; Hugh Barbour et al., to James D Bar bour, Jolly 14, '7l, 1.74,r; J.lln C'Tompkin§ to Geo D l ouriie, Oct 26 '7l, Durlington;.Franeis Ealutt ,o Pautly 73 j D , .%vc - nfrort, Oct . 21, '7l, Canton, Bea Fairchild to John A. Fairchild, Jane 27. '74, Windhuni;D L.F Clark' to Achlie Oet‘7,- '74,, C Crofutt e'er eie:, to Xiatialr Crotutl, Jan 18,'72, Leßoy;J D McSee, guardian, to M L Wooster, Sept 30, - 74, Loltoy; Henry Wall.e4 to A Itec,;rd, Oct JO, .71, I.7ibta; Henry Waia !o Ellen Ward Miller, Nov. 27 74, Towanda! Boro; 0 D 'Bartlett to Samuel Il.ple, Nov 27,1'74, Towanda Boro; P C 312rgan to .I.3rtztll Teoer,,A , lg 27, 71, CAtini- - 1,:;;; A C Lining et alto Geo M Lewis, Nov 4, '.72, Wilmot; Jas D Cummings to Iloranxia A M .e. No. 2q, '74. 31o!hoe. _ Tw.civErt's AFti , :;)ci.vrios AT 'racy. 'll ,, Bradford County Trcielives I.?,ociation ra ,, t .td Troy, •n the PreAiyterian Churct;;Tri (l..y A. U„ 17L. Devotional exercises ‘rt_ re et oduetecil ; y 114 s. S. L. Conde. Minutes of laiit tucetimgA - cadi and spr ; rova. o.i mo tion, A. A. Kteuey, J. T. ILctollorn,.and W. 11. TL , ,oirson were aucliottd ttcommittce on tos - repoitcd ttllows : —Res°lett!, That teat boots for usn in the schools should consist or tint two ellen, on the subjects of ari , hmeqc and geography, and of but one on gratumer.i . I:tsolced, That drauibg should be taught in ~u r.cumm.en rehoole. Rcso/red, fbat thr•rb are ulna/Anna! aclvan- D.get.hil.,rde-d in our aounti 03 a par with chum, of our N,Trioll Resulted, That corporal punishment is pro -dncto e'yt emir° evil as a means of behOUI dim- Clritle, than good.. 1 Resotred, That-no Moro money should be sp it-opt wee ‘ tor maps snd chart . .., to any seociol Ciotti the school buil4,nog is provided with at lea=t tqnare feet 01 hitcLbbaYd IbCC. 'T:isolcid, That the; written method of teach iug t.pealog. is tp the oral. Fin.t re,ohlf:ori Irks clisPubFee by J. T. 31c- Co!lorn, A. A. H-erti;:.i and.W. H. Thompebn. AFTEHNOuti SEssioN. diaemin,u 16, resolutbal Continued by J. A. 31outgomery, E. E. Q nulat, 6;W. It an, s aid W. 11. Thumps* Parried. Second rcsolutica i adopted ihtiletit diEctia ME] - • Fi tix reacdution diacnased by J. T. McCollom, A. A. literey, G. 11 . .43: - rarz. Carried, Third. resolution ri,h , eut.sed by E E Qoielan, A. A. lieci.ey, J. A. Mentgorurry, W. H. Thomp son, G W. Ryan. A S. Wok( r, Dant _Rock 8. L. Conde, J. T. McCalorn, and J. S. 'A committee of five on the nomination of of. ficritt for the ersuilig year. RIM appointed, as I , ,t'f•ws : W. H. Theo - von, J T.liteCaern E. E. Qoinlan, A. it.ilieetiey..L., W. Parsons. LVE7INO FESPIO:v. ; DeciTirn<•ti..n 1y Frcil .1 5 ;erce; Prof. 31eCollom then read a paper entitled "DISCI-, pline." Music; pr. Silas Sheppard then de livered .the lecture. Id the evening, Pu - ject. "The iffil , lonce of the study or. the Sciences on thz , Eluinah Mind." ==! . . - Devotional exercis i es, conducted by Prof. G. Sc: Ryan. Towanda was fixed upon as the of-It pi , e of meeting. Committee on nominttiona reported for Secretary and Treasurer, Mies Mary Lubara ; Vice•Preeidenta•: G. W: Than. J. C. Crawford, P. Cbrippell, and iboy were duly elected. On motion E. J. Angle was elec. fed Pre.ident for t r e et sninz year. The aernout of the Treasurer basing been dilly audited, there appeared to be. t 27.00 in the frearSry. Disay by Sfi.ts Lsma laud. Prof. Bran read a paper on the iubject of '• Natural Seiene l e." Discussion of fifth es• olution continued by J. S. Lemon, W. Thompson, I T. 14.-Collorn. O. W. P.yan, S. L ronde, A. S. Hooker. E. E. Quintet], J. A. 31.intgomery, and E. J. Angle. Carried. On motion a vote or thanks was tereiered to Dr. 41irpli4rd, for ins entertaining and instruc tive lecture. The followirg are the appointments for next meeting: Lectnrer, 'Rev. G. W. Chandler; Paper', E. E. Q.linlan. G. W. Bran, J C. c raw . ford, E. L Hillis; Evaavtate, Milts F. C. Mills, Miss Mary Merritt ; Dectaimerp, Chas.- toton trm. Gee. Partiomi ;I Bneineett CfIMCIIMPP, E . E Qninlart, G. W. Mtt). A A. Keeney, I. McPher son, J. N. Califf 0 J. Chabbnck. After alining thedoxologv. and a benediction by Rev. 3. R. Lemon, the Aimoehttioo adj•nirri ett,"to meet in Towanda . on the secot.d Friday in Feb , ISt. E. J. ANGLE, Pres. M. M. REENtr, SceY. ROLL 0F Holion of the Blooroeton • &tool, for term ending Ni , v,l9 : L.tva C111713111:Cg, Awe: 31.4ncy, MART Mn,. LEE, EUGENIE TRACT, Dr.1.13A CAMP, Liu Omni : MART MARCY and NV:LLIE l'Ang, set. precept carry day. L•CRA earrunrct to uk t o llrdt prize, $1.011; HArrlx. MIND m, second prize, 414 1 0; 4VOILRLF. User, fht,nl priz,ll.oo', B USINE&s LOCAL. i. Mir Go to Worzskoss & 1 &stria; Mercer astock, fur yoar Books sod Btatioaeryi 1 i Fos SALS.- 7 -W—A. llocstrELL has one of P. E. Dm:suss & Co's. 0.1. liorso Power Hay Presses for sale. The best theie G. June 1, 1874. •11. They have a choice line of Foreign and Domastio Dry Goode and Notions, all new, at KENT & WATII,OI7e. Tewanda, Pa. Oot. 28, Why run the risk of sn fie& dent, when you out get a ticket good for *- KO in cute of death, for 20 cents a day, by ha//- tug on FUNNY 8117 , 118AN11, at upper depot? mgt. You can find the beat of School Shoes very cheap, at Coasts & Coos's: , iil The largest assortment and latest styles of Millinery Goods tan be found at Mrs ; 3. D. HILL'!, Bridge-at. . ti' McCABE & EDWARDS &TO pre,'- pared to sell teas of every variety c 4 eaper than any of the leading houses in the city, which are seeding out their circulars broadcast . over the country. Grangers will do well to give them :a call before buying elsewhere. Auxin's, 1874.—New Goods euitil ble for the season, now opening at Monmusk FOB RENT.—House situabid . CorMitt of . Loenst and Cherry streets, Towanda. mediate possession Olen, Terms one-half t4e usual rental until the lit of APril. Address, Mts. H. W. PATICII, Athens, Pa. IS. C. F. Caoss has: just received s very largo invoice of Books suitable for 8.8. Libraries, which he will furnish at a discount of 25 per cent. to schools. kir If you don't want your wife to buy the new patent Bad-Iron, keep her &wit) , from Jose's. It is the best and roost conveni ent invention for lessening the tedious work of ironing ever presented to the public. No one who sees it will ever go borne without it. CAMPSOWN WOOLLEN MlLL—Card ing, Spinning, and Weaving, also Manufactnr ing, Cloth-Dressing, etc., as nrnal. Stocking Yarn, Flannel and Clothe for sale. Machinery running _in good order, and work warranted and dune with dispatch. DHESS-MAKING.—Mrs. HENRY KINGS- Mr, in the Arcade block, opposite tbe Episco pal Church is prepared to do dress•making in the latest style and neatest manner on short notice and at reasonable prices. Pitting made a specialty. Stamping done also. To TUE PIIDLIC.—Since Sept. 1, 1874, we are selling tickets to all points West and S tuth-West E-ie Railway and connect ing linea,at reduced rates. Pitisengers pure/ma ]t% tickets through thut agency insure ghod connections and baggage checked throtigh. Apply to either of the undersigned at Touren di, Upper Depot. ter From a plain Gold Ring to the finest diamond, go to flanDEzatane. `sec- A large line of Parasols inrall be now shades, just received by EP/001 & ULLDIIE#I. se%. If you wish to see fine gold !Jewelry, call at HAIDELMAN . I3. • A large stock of Ladies', Miss aud Gents' Underwear, µt Evat:s IlmnnualL. Several -valuable -Farms and houses and Lots for sale by BARTLETT &TuAcr. tig. Wall . Paper and Curtains cheap at Wiarrceain & gmatrVa. Wrenn) Bloc k.l Fon RENT.—A store building, with counters and shelves c ,, mplete, for rtMt at; My ervburg. The location a good one fur Wham all kinds ' I merchandise. Inquire of R. R. MYER. Oct. 2G, 1874. , Aaisuen The annual mr•eti..g of tho TOWANDA, IRON 3SAND,FAC TURING COMPANY, tor the elewion of oil. core, will be bold at the Grind Jury Dobai in the Court House, in Towanda Dom', on 'race day, December li, at 2 o'clock r. m. H. L Soon., Sec'y. vs. The best place to buy Sash, Blinds, Doors and all hinds of Lnmher, is at FROST & Sotis Factory on Charles street. Of dee 107 Main street. They sell cheap for cash. ter New goods just recited at M. iNDELMAN'S. ter All - kinds of black horn, rub ber and real jet jewelry at very low prices, at HENDELIL.V.WS Well you want the best Cook Stove extant, call at JUNF:d, in Mercur's Block. Mk. For the best Roast or Steak go to Mrsit.& llnrcnrta: r. ierlf you want to bay Dry Goods, examine 'AVAIL ct Co's new stock. Re- A. full line of Guipure Lace, Yak Lace, and rassruentry Trenatinge. jest re eeived by EVANS A: EI/LDRETiI. lllir A complete assortment of LaR dies', Gents' and Children's Underwear; at . TAILOR ,11 CO's. stir A very large .atock 6f Men's, Boys', Yauths and CuildAiis Boots, Jost te r eeived at COIISER & Comes, opposite the Coot House i American and Swiss Watches, Ist 7 ;est. stock ever brought to this town, n i t FlL.NuramAzes. ler Mrs. J. D. HILL has re r turned from the city, with a flee assortment cif Fall and Muter Millinery. Store on Bridio street. kir Spectacles and eyo g,lasse warranted equal to any in the market, fro the cheapest to tho boat, at Eir.rtnumues. OR" New Goods this week,, at TATLO.II CCAI see- Fine Mink, Seal, and Lynx FurA; also the lower grades of goods. Han.. some Misses' and entldren'a sett, al EL NT & WATIVILY. lifir The Fall and Winter schoo l throughout the county are aboukopeniug, and purchasers of school books will be interested in knowing that C. F. Caoss' storti i is he-_ quarters for all the different lands lot bo wl s used in the schools of Bradford and !adjoining countier, and that his facilities for purchasi i .g gises him the "inside track "in selling. Co. try merchants can got their supplies of ti m just as cheap as they can In the city,! thus 1. v tug freight. as. Remember that our stook all new and fresh. Everything in the lin Dry Goods will be found at our store. Wed, not claim that we will sell goods lower than I others, bu: hating just bought our en stock since the recent decline in the New Y rl markets, we feel Warranted in saying that can offer new and desirable goods rat boll prices. We F ball sell strictly for ra l eh. We invite ill to come in and examiue goods an,' prices. We shall endeavor to merit a char iota patronage. Kral t WATIoni CEI ilqr A specialty in cloaks, Shawls, Blankets and Felt Skim, east be 'mad at Eiriss it linzinirria, SOP Large stock of Pictures and notice Frames, it Wifirdosa &Bowes, Her- - 116 T An immense stank of Ladies', Maim'. Children's and Gentle Hosieg and Glolea, at Evas's tt Iluttarra'a. tor AU goods sold by us will be gnasotoed u, represented. Our terms ,'are coal, and our prices shall be low. & WATBOUP. 1,16 A fell line of Bleached and Brown Table Linens, Napkins, Cradle's, Towel fogs etc., at Jim & WATIIOI34 as. Trimming Velvets, Velveteens and Children's Clogldnga, may bo found at Evora & HILDRETIN. • 0 1.111, ATTENTION I—We have a large hno of underwear in all grade', boughs cheap, and will ba tro)d tow for cash. • liErr WATEOI3B. ter. The cheapest place in town to biay (foods, is at ➢ire. J. D. aft. The largest assortmed clods at low prices st Bitruntstss'iL_ * Plain White, Rod and C4eck- S:lannels,,ht all 'grades, at loweit prices. KE.NT k WATLIOUS. T I REPARE FOR THE HOLIDATI3.—/L N. Nri r sox will sell for the next thirty days Ids en. two stock of line Gold and Plated Jewelry, Watches, etc., etc:, at cost. ' • Dec. 3-3 w. , •usr r , aCEIVE:p.--.A. large stoc k of Trunks, Traveling Bap, and Shawl Straps, for th ,1 Holiday trade, at Cowan S Coosa, opposite the Court Home. oncE. —Br, E. RoSENFIELD Will eel you, for 50cents', a Winter Cap that will corer yon from top to bottom, and everything olio in proportion; Dr Keep your feet warm by buy- o tboee wool-lined boats, Aretice, and warm b. s, et Conan .t Coots', opposite the Court .nee. . Tnz RENDEZVOUS. —Tohll who wish .perations performed on the teeth, we aay go ,F.h.. DODSON'S DOW,Offteo on State-at., below io, In Dr. Duerr's now ctldc6 building, sec dd fl or. You May rely tamn good work, °reml treatment, and I pleasant instead of a .1 o.sgreeable time in the operating chair, Pier Your wife, husband, daughter oi son, and perhaps that "other feller," will to expecting it pair of slippers about these days, 'and the place to buy them is at Coma A; C rts, opposite the . Coert Rouse. 3. W. 13teuur, F. A. ituaßAs*. Fon StILE.-150 acres of land, in Dieter, near the Depot, by Jews Tour, of Port uposit, Bid. Empire of A. B. Bunn, Dieter, Die- Dr. KELLEY has secared the r ig 4 t to set it. atchmeut for lower dental platee, which greatly ;mists inloiding them in glace. For difficult oases prove tudispeu-,, tale. Office on Main-at , Towanda. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—The annu mecting ofihe Bradford Connty.Agnenltural tioelety, for the election of oflicers for the en tling year, wid bO in the Curt Lions° on catchy evening next, Dec. 7. ' i E. W. Ez.wzr..r., SIGHT RESTOttED.—Mr. DIMOND, Of Onto Marron, Bradford cosnty, Pa., and J.. P. 40,SZR, Fog.. a gentleman eighty-threo years of age, of the same place:both entirely- blind from cataract, were operated' upon by Dr. Vie. IDEGRAFF, at the. Burgreal institute, thrio !seeks ago. To-day theyiboth , eturn to their omen, with their Orion restored, being able o read.—E/mi -a .I(llertiser. • ma. Black Alpacas, ' rare Itohairs, Nadi Cat,llmercs, Monruing Drerg Goods, Jnst, opened, and will Do sold for cult only, at KENT & WATROVS% Towanda, Pa., Oct. 23, 1874. *sir It ie riot generally known that EL C. Wrirrann, at the Book Bindery over the REPORTER °thee, makes Blank Books in any style of ruling and blndiog desired. If you want a new Ledger, Journal or Docket, give him a cult. REmorAL.—F. J. CaL4ors will re move Ins Grocery Store to Beidloman's Block, Main street, opposlte,lleaus Mum Deeeniber 1. He will have a fresh supply or Groceries of all kinds, and ;writes his former customers and the pnblio generally to give lam L . call at his new quarters. NOTICE TO CLOTHING BUYEIIB.-31. 7 E. ROSENFIELD has Jost rcce.ved a now pDVpico of ready-made clothing for men and boys, and" a large stock of overcoats of every description, which I offer to sell regardless of price, to !nit! purchasers. My entire stock of clothing and furnishing goods must be sold within GO days; therefore, I will sell to snit each and all. Coo* one and all for bargains to 11, E. RosiNsitues, ger T. C. Cowes„of Towanda, has pia received the largrst stock of China, White G'ranite, Iron-atone China, and trench, 13elgiati and American Glassware, „4er brought to market. And the best of all IN he has prom+ ed them in such a way that ho is Felling theta full 23 per cent. cheaper than they were-ever before sold in Toccatla. igN.Busy mothers will be gratified to learn that there is one establishment iu wands where they eats buy good, arlintantal clothes for their boys cheaper 'rflan they cap get the material and have them made up. Jouus WOt FY. realizing the wants of commu nity in this particular, hag purchased and ht selling very cheap boy'a clothing . of every de scription. WILLIAM DITTRICII Will Sell from this date to the first r..f January, 1875, Organs, Melodeons, Pianos, and all other Blci: sical Irotrntnenta that belong to the musical trade, at grange prices. I will sell the very beat' organ now made—the Smith America'n, having seven stops.aud two sets reeds,—ror S 115; eight stops and two and one-half sets'of reeds, for $125 cash; or if purchased on time I will 'add teu per mmt. The ;Steck and oth s er Piariosl Will sell at greatly reduced prieo, No 4, Grangers, is your very best-time to buy, when such bargains are offered , you. Store earner Slain and Pine streets, Towanda, Pa. Nov. 20, 1874-4 w. READ THIS !-At no previous time have I been able to get!tho prices down so low as under the present sytfern of close c•lenlat ing and selling for cab, with ,only one price. Desiring to reactva certain point in my Dec.9l 7 ber trade,l have marked my stock at sticb low flgetrea that people must wonder bow I can do it. The fact is, I am wilting when selling such large'qnantities to tsko quite a sm ill Prof it. A little mite on• everything counts up at the end of the, day. Another fact is, I am for• tunate in using cash for MY purchases. Be sides, I do not lose my money when I sell for cash. and my only one•prico plan makes it ne ct a.ary for me to undersell ever7body else. would be absurd for me to allow poor goods to go out army store, when I am aiming for a large Increase in my business, and guarantee to give ,satisfaction and fair dealing. I have bat ono was• to do Luellen with everybod) one prion 1n ogle and all. Now; when clothing Is so cheap it is dm taw to purchase; When you visit Towanda, oalt in and look at my emelt and get' my prices before yon pnrciisse. ALBS SoLOXON, One•Prico (lighter, 123 Magil -1 street, Towanda, • Dna 2,1871. Nitrous Oxide . Gas success 'used for the extraction of Init. W. B. Haar, Dentist, Towanda, Pa. Foes I Foust Ftries I—We abaft of. far tO the citizens of ToWantlla and vicinity ) a choi4e selection of f Laditi l oa'. liEssea' ehd Cliff. ;Iran's Furs, in all4iadelq at prices wbich:cao not be offered on . ipodi bought A year ago. Every set we offer ,is alt . and fresh. direet froth the ipannfsetrirer. every set Trfi 801 l will bo guaranteed prime • itEin perfect in: all re- spear. We Invite all to examine , our eloell and prlceL KENT VA:III9U9. gourmet() ISSABD. The pnaor- Signed calls attention , to lieveral new things in dentistry, as follows • • .Pirvf:.•A new styli of plate for ateriviciaL man, perfect in ea respects. hai the color of the mucous membrane, resembling the lips and gums so closely as fro defy detee %ion: 2d. It is shsoltitelY pure and wholesome. 3d. It is very light as well as strong, so that the - plates can be made thhi, avoiding a mouth full of clumsiness. There Is positively no dm waist on this plate In any direction. Hundreds 'of them are now in two among the most relia ble people of this town uhd county, and all call 'them -ottani.° . Second: Wo have thei Means of attaching sneherssuotiort Cavities to ldwer sets of teeth, whiCh bolds thb plate 'arm on the jaw, preventing any movement of the plate In mas ticating, or accumufahng or food under it. Dit. llenit cases completely-Managed. 1 third : The liquid ntqous oxide ! gas—a new forth or anaesthetic, which is perfectly safe and reliable, in all respects. Benders tioth-extrrult• ing a delight, instead or 'a dreadful operation. Fourth: All manner' of dedtal operations done in the most artiatie manner, at M. D. L. DelleoN . l dental rooms, hi Dr. Pratt's new oak° building, State street, below Main , Towanda. Nov. MARRIED. BLiCKLDODGE.=—At Tarrytown, by Rev. D. D. Gray, Nov. 25, 1874, Mr. John 11. Black, of Tuscarora, and &Jibs Marietta li. Dodge, of the former place. I DOBBINE3—HINDERT4Eit —At the residence of the bride's 'parents, Nov. 14, by the Rev. J; C Scofield, 8. 51.-DobbinY, and Ittit , a Emma WoderlitPr, both of Oil City, Pa, PHELPB—HOGABOO3I.—At tho reszdenco of Mr. Floyd Hogitioqua, in 'llan.vdeld, Pa., Nov. 25.187!. by Her. W. H. 11""ell. Henry A. Phelps, to Ilfas Lneulia Hoga boom, ail of Mansfield, Tina Co., Pa. • 1 D pD . 31ODOUGAL.—In Granville, Ya , Nov. 12„ of typhoid pneumonia, ;elm Mellongal, aged t 1 . years. KING.—In Springlieldj Pa., NOV. 14. of con sumption, Amanda E., NI au of ;cois King, • Sgeu 20 years. AUSTIN.—On Armsnia mountain, Nov. 10, 31r. Austin, aged about 40. year's. EVE —in Burlington; Bradford :county, Pa.; 21.1871. of comiumotion, Charlotte .11.; - wile of J. V. Rico, Esq., aged 45 years. Sister Bica's last days and weeks wore of in tense linffering, bat it4ikas patiently borne. Nut a-Hord of murmuring escaped her lips. Graeo triumphed. She found ()resin:Hence that "JesuS can malts a dying bed I Feel soft, as downyTillow a are." After the grass bas 'grown grcen over her grave, her godly exhertations cAI be ;real in nem memories, May they ncver be forgotten. The family weep. Their lours are lonely. But their loss is her eternal gam. She wag a faith ful witeszand.mothcr. 1 G. S. T. . I 'LEWI6I.--In Towanda, Nov. 2d, 1874, Sarah ' daughter or Lewis, aged 5 years, 7 ;monks, and 11 days'. MT funeral was attende3 at 13.ater.. She sleeps In Jssiis, in Our cemetery, beside her Mother. May all Iht in TO WAN VA:- - A RicLrT S WHOLRSALE PRICES. 'corrected every vieemeaday, bf O. B. PAWS' sitbject to changes dally. ' Wbast. P bath Bye, 0 holm , , Buckwheat, 0 bush • Oorti. '0 bush • Chits, "0 busty Beaus, P bush,. Butter trolls) 100)b do (dairy. )P tr. new Eggs P dos potatoes. P burh.ncw... Flour ? barrel S 30 4D 7 00 Armours 07 Grant.—lTheat GO lb. ; Co'n 56 lbs. ; Bye 66 Lbs.: Osta 32 MS.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwheat 88 Deans 62 lbs.; Drab 20 lbe.; Clover Seed GO lbs.; Timothy Seed it lbs; Dried Peaches 33 lbs.; pried /Lupien 22 lAA.; Flax 5t.(4 . 60 lbs. @• • .- UOTATION'S OF WHITE,P I •, , ELL & co. atNiESS AND Br.ONTatfil, .); uth Third Street, 114iladelphia. Nov. 24. 187 8.1881. c. aro 120'.; • " 8-20;c. '52. 31. 41,1 N ...liVi licv ~ 4 1 40 .65 .. i 44. 116". 1 1,5, J. and J ..118 , ;; , ... .. .. .67 . at i el I 19L1 ig • at •a V . si , aa , 1194- " 10.40. coupon, 1 114 " Paetfle ti's.. y. , 11614; " - 3's, 1448 z 1881 ' [ 113 ,New " c 18d1 1 113 'Auld ............ .......:.. .......112 :Silver ' .... ' .... , . x .. ...... 1 .0 4 . T . • • • 'Pennaylaania - !Reading . .. 54 !..i Pbllaileiphla .1: Eric.• .; 1 114 1 i Lelugh Navigation ...... 1...... .. ..... 47."•, 'Varna, 61'i ljnlted'll B. of N. J.; 129 1 .1 'oil creek 8.: Northern Central....; ' 2 l!..1 Central Transportation ~.42, ; Neaquehuning '47: Co. di A. Mortgage Ca' 'l9 99 , . Now Adverts T IST OF LEI - iElt tho rostoffice. Towanda. ri Hirhop,H W ; Bilae, flea ; W C ; aggleon, • E ; Oscar; Hart, Alice; - Jay, Nola: Morgan. A; Matlowt. St; M ler. Eliza; Rn-sell, George; 8 Mrs Jail.; smith, atria Eliza; , st,,,nue D , J g ; war4er, Delp Walker, Ansa M'arren, lira HELD YOB ros Shaw ft Co. Towanoa. Pa; king PCT . ; lira Amanda Brig -Persona calling for abovo I Used. giving dato of list. THE NEW AISIERII , bIACHISE to still ahead sone why it brats t'ni other o with them. Borne of them • j lor ; Is eaglet' threaded, liar J thread in the whole mai•bine, 1 airjusted that it vil i [ pew with a out changing the teuaion, au It is more durable: Any vlrsnct wielegg, pa , do well to try THE NEW Ai, before purchasing any other • '• A. B. *CuLTEn, Itr.,CuLvin alsrsys glad to any one, and Bella it on ea; Wyalnel og, Dec 3. 474. !,NO TICK :HERE !• But the v.ry best goods of all kinds kept by any frinst-cliss grozer, and sold Down, Down, Down„. STRIC TLY ran Casa! The choieest4. SPICES, TEAS, MOLASSES, SUGARS, COFFEES, &c., Received nallp, Fresh from the Now York M4rket, mind bought at the Sery . lo)vest cash price?. Having been engaged. for the last three years with Firstol , se Wholesale grocer In New York, I have Fact'idea for ht.ying my goods so that I ass testae is to OIIIICT ion!u.f.• QUM BUYELI 10 OA.L.L.LND TOOK AND PRICES SEE MY DUrchasing eltewhere CET for Prodnoe 2 will Day CAB OWEN, - 'D DLIIE . STOBE, BRIDGE-ST. RED, WRITE_ A ; 25 1 16% Towsnds, Nov POW ELL & co-.; We are daily receiving tidditions to our LARGE STOCK OF GOODS! Heiing a buyer constantly in New York, we are enabled at all times to get the In the market. We call especial atteptirn to our stock Of We have just receivei direct from ImpoitcrA,. th 3 hest lino of rair. Ever exhibited by ,Also thr :I,? , sor!rnent of ,17,1. Si 30 €) 1 GO G 5 1 50 a 2 00 (g 23 35 a 3, 37 said township of Canton, bounded as follows: our the north by Sacs or F 7, M 04 , tr. east 127 lot No. 13 . .kqitti by lands of Martin Lynch, and tr, s! by 1 , 11. d containing thr , a.acrea of laud. hiote o: proved. no buildings. ' AL5O flio south half of 10' :;0. 11 ea!,l'townplrip of Canton, aforesaid. hn: - lows: on the north 1:1e1 of li. ‘l. Wo also offer Great Bargains in _ lot No. Bon% by hint or t• Cobv To be found 0 w- No. 42 131Eva1s. ISlllmss I^l{=l Oct'. 12, 1874 vtatxSATUPDAT The Ltynto Aeg bas been published - for more than thirty years: with the warmest. support of the heat men of the• contitry. It ''as admittedly con monad t o stand •• a tooe he'd of its class," and Its 613C413811 IS now 'greater than-ever before. It has absorbed ita younger campettitor, EVairf BATITA DAr, and is without a rival in its special field. A •Liekly magazine of sixty lour pages, the UT , Ivo Age gives more than three and a quarter thane and double-column octavo pages of reading' mat ter yearly, forming four lore° volumes. It presents in au inexpens re form, Considering -its grad amount of treeing matter, with freshoes, owing tb itamscekly issue, and with a satisfactory coniplet • Hess attempted by no other, publicatirn, the best kesays. Reviews, Critictoonts, Tales Poetry; Eiden - - Biographical, Historical and F,':ooitCal info:Rita , tast, front the etttre body of Foreign Periodical Lterature. ,mentc. . remainiugm a., Noy. 23, 1874. "tutltig the coming•pear, the,gertil end ehert sto .riee of the .ohen, Raul ; Childs, k. Geo H ; Grover • ; McCormick. Kate; Hale. Michael; MU- Dford. It B; erretla Miss Qttitha; I Tanner. Battle; a; Woh, Mar CIISAC. . _ . will by given. together with an amount tinapproacb ed by any other pe , iodlcil to the world. of the best literary a d scientific matter of the de., from the pens of the above named. and many other foremost iving essayists, ecienti•ts. critics. discoverers and editors. representing every devartinent of knowl edge and progress. The importance of the Living Ago to every Amer ican reader as thl only satlVacturily fresh and e,m pieta compilation of an innispenasble current liter ature—lndispensable because it embraces the pro. auctions of AGE. W Lewla. Sf D. Wat t. ➢tlddktown, N Y. tera will say adver. In all branches of Literature, Science,' Art and Pol it.cs—ls sufficiently lisaicated uy the fo,lowlng re cent LLVORD. P.M IN SEWING There are many rea- " Benroduces the best thoughts of the "oest minds of the civilizsd world. anon all topics of Being In t-rest "—LPeiladelyhia lugnirre - In no ofher single publication can there be foundtm.mich of sterling literary eacellenco."— [N. Y. EVoLIIIIg Post.. The best of all our eclectic publications. Nation, N. Y. ,achines when en trial It Is li r diter ; g but ono plEco to be teeelone being so o. 10 Lo E 0 swlth And the ebeape•t: A monthly that comes every • SPIN k Advance. Chic go. "The ablest ess.ys.thernost entertaining rtotts and the filltSt poesy Or the Mnutieh iitottu.tle arc here'gsthered together . "—[lll State Journal. .th it alone a reader may rattly keep np 'with all that is humectant In the literati:we. history poki. Lice and g•ZitLICO of thoday "—[rho Idet,odlat, Now York. make a perfect stitch; azg ,, ERICAN A pure and perp e tual reservoir and 'fountain - of oUtertqurutnt and Instruction."--(4031. Robert, C. Winturop. I acidne '• Tho best' pertxUcal to Atuerlea."—[Rev. Dr. Caper , The best periodical In the word.'-'--(Alfred B. Street. It has no eqsal in any conutry." 7 -iPhiladelphia Press. neral Agent, ~ Pa. Its publication in weekly numPers gives to It a great advantage over its- monthly cotempoeartea in the spirit and ireehness of its couteuts."—[The Pire eine dan Francisco. -• The more noted new novels appear as aerials, and the most distingttlehsd tereirm •teukera in cra te-184 selevre..and art are represented in its paßes• It Is the only compilation that pros nta with a satis factory completenes. ass Trail as freshness. the host literature of the almost t"numerabie and genera ly inaccessible Bari:mean mlartealies, monthlies. and weekiies_a literature en oracins the productions of the shield and )post cilltured writers living. It is trieretore Indispensable to every one who desires a thorong compendium of all that is admirable and noteworthy in the literary world."-- - [Boston Post /47131.1Stign WEERLy at 88.00 p year, razz or rewrson. Volume begins January •1. New "sub , scrteere remitting now will receive the intervening 1' numbers grads. - • -- Acinreas 'LITTELL c GAY, Boston. to show his machine ,7 terms CLUB PRWEB FOR TUE BEI!' BONE AND FOR EIGN LITERATURE. p•Pcma-ased of the LrrzNo AGE »act ono or other f.f our elVaCi.lla• American monthlies, a eubscriber tindwtU himself in command of the whole aitua tien."—(Phla Bulletin 1 For $1; 50 t eovering prepayment of poitafta on both periodicals, instead of for 1111 00 with postage not prepaid, as heretofore.) in Liviun • Atilt aid either one of the American four dollar monthly Magazin.• (or Harper 's Weekly or 11.iar, or Apple ton'. fourrol. weegly,)_isill be sent tor aye r or, for $9.30, Tux Livri•ei son Dun, Sento:lees St Nich olaS. Addoesa al.a.ZoVe. SYRUPS, TfollowingNCE —Tto following --L. reli nble arias . Companies represented. LJONCAStilltr.,' • PHENIX— . Star Pi '74.tf DINING ROOMS . or CONNECTION WITH THE 'Luna. Near the Court House,. We are prepared to teed the hungry at all times of the day and evening. Oysters and Ice Cream in' their seasons. March SO. 1870, - D. W. SCOTT & CO. CAUTION. -4 hereby caution all pro aeainst purchasing a note Cm one - hutP &cc! and five WO OW MMus. given by naj 1u fa vor of Pbaloo McCracken mud dated on or 2100 august td, .1871, as such note WAR ob*alned by fraud and paym6nt mill not be male unless compelled by law. NARALt HOdEBOuSS. - Esat Perini/ Rlll. Wov. 10. IC SASH., DOORS, AND BLINDS. I am prepared to furnish Kiln-dried Doom/lase and dlinds of any style, size, or thickness, on short notice. iland in iyour orders ten days before you Wait to use the articles, and be sure that you will get Soon that will not shrink or swell. Termscasti on &livery. ; Towanda, July 141,1871. GO. P cesu. New .&dvertiseracts. NEWEST THINGS , t I c s') a 0 BLACK ALPACISI AND;17 41., r:' , :: Ll ' f ;I I 1 1 ;I. CD I. EV Illansmend in thti,rnarket POWELL & CO: Merged in LITTEL'S LIVING AGE. LEADING FORRION AUPHOR9 THE IBLEiT LIVING WRITERS OPINIONS. FIRE 17 , R D 311:11CHILNTS: O. S. BLACK Lpgal. SHERIFF S SALE`-By viit . o of salad?, mils Walet, oat of the Court or Com mon Pleas 01 Bradford County. and to ton chrrtted sold he esportel to pthHO said at the Court llonea, ~ to Towanda - Borouah, On PitlOsY. Drcernbar 11. 1814. it 1 o'clock, p to , the following de embed piece or parcel of land.'sittulfe th• Canton 13 rough. and hounded aa - follovial Bratunlng at th e 'roetn west cerner of thrz•grlst mill tot . fri the ct ter of the Pall Brook road, thetwe north 2 dtg, Pit Pt 240 to a hickory treo. (aohth side of roll - =MI. thence north 893 k deg.! weal It 1.10 per. to a part; thence north 119 deg, west 0 and 040 ptl, fo i n phst: thence north 80 'deg. West 10 3.10 ocr, to lin - froo wood tree; thence south 81 deg ; west 4 41 per. to a yellow birch, .corner off grist mill lot. on the north bank _of creek; thence by the nor th lank of said. creek, Its revere! 'coutrOd and distance , east ward about 33 per to the centre of the no. Brook road where the suns ' craters the creek; thence north 83 deg. east by the.rwutro of as d road 3 a 10 perches ,to the plea, °Meg:wring, containing me and • one halt acres of land more or lees' tin 'proved, with a steam awe gall with engine boiler and attachments bele:4;lDß to the same thereon. , ALSO---4the other lot piece or Dared of land, slt- • nate in the borongh.of Canton, count,' and ,Btato • stereo:rid, botinded end described as foil we. to wit: Beginning 15 feet.nOrth of the hocks/ II creek blrdg.e In centre of Trey street and Pall $r kroad, thence by the centre of said Fall Magi/ ro , south 83 deg. west 10 and 6 6 100 perches. %ens° orth 2 deg, west 9 and 2-10 perches to 4 bicker, dr ', south side of mill rare; Thence north C 954, dog, Fret 14 and 1.10 per, to a post and stones, ttuniee itOrth 59 l c deg, west 9 and 2.10 per, to a post; teziate Ostia f.. 3 deg, west 10 and 3 10 per, to au iron tiro ti 'tree; thence suntb,Bl- deg, west ' 4 and 4-10 per, o a yel low birch tree, east. of the dam (made Pi. :induct the wider t 4 the grist mill). thence so .th 2 eg, east 3 per. to the centre of the Fall Brook reed i t- theece by c-nfre of same. north 70 3 ; deg, west f land .?„::: ,per, to the east aide of tle turning - ahem dant, ence across the creek to the north bank- Of creek u td g ea-t aboDt -2 per. thence ?long n an cf creek and the 's line of the before Mentioned turning shop lot about 11 and 6.10, per, to the sea th east corner's/ said shop lot to a point ab .nt II feet north of the ga in the race that conduct. the Tatter to the grist 11; thews north by rue east Uwe ef. the turning attelklot to the south line of Ittnfl..of.-,-- Finuell. foruierly belonging to E. It. Cotwe , ther.y. byllietrontb the of same to the centre o 1 .1 tte Ar menia moontaiti`road thetteereasterly atom: the cen tre el said road te, the centre of Troy /44 thence southerly along c litre of Troy Street to the pian of beginning, co:Ad:ling three and noir half aetce efland, more or lees-improved , with Orateed home barn ` with shed .'attached, frausc.,‘ eteatu plat 'mill. with engine, hoc: r =f:3 alq 'f.!-+j tth merits belonging to same thereon. Ij 1 ALSO—One other-lot pierelr par,pl of '• dill;'' a; :fO , ate in the borough of 0e... , t , 'n. couley :. i I e+• to afore/MA, and bounded as follows, to,wa :or the north be Union-•t. teat by'! Tfoy4l,eouth by Lade of H. W, Wright and IL Wright anil west fby N. C. It'y'Co,cf.ntatning, three acres crlanll, more or lest, all improved: with a;,fr - ..rnel do ling; Itov_ae,. framed barn and fruit trees thereon. \ ALsO—One other lot, trici.. or i,arEr.l etqn:l3 . e;'... "ate In the bore of Conte . . county and .cite tilwc- Paid and bounded as •01l AT, to WI r : on o.,rkerth by l an d of Norman Rock Well, ea,a by N; C.1:11..Y ‘ C0,. south by lanai Of i limn wen t Eut , h:r and west by Troy-et. containing cue and out-lialf a.refi•of Well, 1 more or less all finpro. cd, with two frontid hou'ic,, one framer[ barn and few fruit tre.e; thereon'. I .. . • ALSO-Thre other lot' , in tik, t , ti 'a 1, P.:wi l d:4, la f ic , ( o , C . 3., or tratcolti of law., sdnat 0 towns iit o Can= ton.Tcoonty and 'state, :110f :sa::l,,bouuded a foll,ore, to.wi!: on tho north by r nclA of Aisson F tink, exit i by Troy at. south by Elral Widow Newell ' prid west by tot No, 9; contnninst ilire. , acres of lt.d.- more or less. all Improved, with a few frai` tree , thereon. Al,:if)—Lot 5 0..4. In said township (1 Canton, county and state aforesaid; bounded as Pillows; on. tha north by lot No. 5, (last by Troy FtrOt, south by lot No. 3. and west bylot No. 9 contyLing one acre of land, wore or 1 .ss. all impruced; u - itn a board house and fox fruit trees thereon. 1 . • ALFSU—Lot No. 5 in Said township o Canton,. and bounded as fullows .to-wit: on the north by I and of H. 55. Goff. ea.t.lby Tiny-at. son lr by lot No. 4, and west by t7iLli:ini Goa, cOrttliblDg one Acre of laud more or less i . all improved. , At.'4O—Lot. No. 6 and 7, the 'north p rt rf lot, No. 9. 10,11 ..ii ` V 2. situate to' the AM C O o , hip of I ,r, Canton, bounded as to_`., Wi. to wit; on 'tii. , , n. , :th I y lands of F. S: Elliott and lot No ,I, ea' , st by lobs No. 6 and 5. south by lots No 5..9, 10'11 and IZ and west by lot No. 13 conignitis: P11!1 tr . ues of :tad more or li-ss, all inion.vFd. with -a framed' house , tram-d hard and rft•V trait trees th,eretin. ALSO—Lot Na: S. situate in sold t‘. l , y tiship of Canton. arid bounded .iis Pdlows. tli.,,tit: on. the Loan by lands of v. B. Elliott. esad by Trey ; street., south by tot No 7. and treat by lot No: , c outa:Ll -izig on , . acre of hod, more et.' less, ail- ithorovod, wlth,a framed house, shed and f,,W rat trees t to.reon. . . . ALSII . --On ,, other lotitnntru E S the Gaff I , :t. situ ate,' n say' towns:an of canton bona led al: to,vit: on the north by Ep:,ratui CtPle. ,•a4t by lot No 14. tout', and w..At by put4i., higb,val; contain, 111Z7 en acres of land. more le•me. all! ilbproved, a travel boas'. and few fruit tre-eriv , :.:o:t. AL3o—Lot .O. 14, .ituate to colt TioY:=E!/ 1 1) Canton, hounded as fO3O , Ve. to. "o: j the north by land of rpnraina Casa. (quit 1.,t N. 13. e‘outlx by the pribli.; biulo 'way end we , t by:Cl:or.noo Goff, containing Ace acres of 1”.,(1, lucre or tC33, all in:- proved. .Al. 4 o—Lot No. 13. aituatl in said township of, Canton, ban - nil-a to•wtt: On wlirih by land of F. R. L'iliott capt tiy 1.4 4o• V. the hliztiwa3r and Martin Pt by lot No. 14, containing No iserca 0!: =Ore. cd• has, all Itoprovi,d. Lo nuillimia. • ALS I— . ha eolith half of lo' No.! situate i 'tin L 7. ncti. and weit bp, land nt 11:rtir/ 1 t No. 12 qootaignoit thre” arcs /..1 I. all'improved. ne beildlogg. lees, ronth Orlf of at Yet 1~ the rto , aoship of Cultel. afore ettl, followw: on thw north by lanai of If by lot No. 9, Booth bylE. R. ftrx:kwill Lit No 11, containing three acres of I less, all improved. no buildings. ALSO—Lot No. 9 a Mate. In the saldito - mship of Canton, botindsd on !the north by lands of ft. Xt. ~' £o,m, F.. 4, Ily talltis o 7 el, - s wunr, :Ne t',l ana Vus Nov. 1, 2. 3. and '4. aln It by land --,- ,r E. It Ito:ta n-TS, and westby lot;So 10, vit:tainftl , fire acreG of land, more or less, 'all improved, 'hit -a board house and framed biro tnoreon, all of said Into balm; more fully dean lbed In the Bailey and Van 1 `Lampe survey and plot of B.[ZIP. Sei ~t and taken Into mention at 111 , 1 snit of P mer IF Bros, v 4. John W. holey and . l.l,,ho;as Van San co. . ALSO—The umlivlSect one-twelfth interest in-t=ie fqllowing- cescrP•ed lot. pie .0 or pat'eel of - land, stoat' in the hop of She shevia hekn.led as tab. lows: en the north by Linde of Ethii-r. Gore and William Sejder, eash by laud of Denpmi•-_ - SMith, e.titu by finds belonging to the estat., of Vatentine Smith, dee .'Abby 151.'Klumy and Peter Wel e. and i taro the we,t. by tie Susquehanna r,s - Ar. containing one hundred acres of land 11.1.,TA nr eBB, abuit , 90 acres improved, ~ ;.ith afe mod barnthf reon. Seized :Ind take.' into execntic at c suit /f titO. Smith - LER:vs , . a..t• Kinney. , ..._ I ,, ALSO--One other lot. ii ieci: ur barest of I .I , na, en.- nate in Ath'-na boro; hounded as fotows: on the north by land now owned by F. A. lieu, east by land of Mrs a. L. j brake south 4y laid of It: cr , bite, and Wset by llaple-st, *sing ,lot 27, of Welle's Plot and slar , e), hasing a fro t on ' said St. of 75 feet and depth. of 217 feet v Ittt a: framed hou=e, framed Varnl and few fruit trees thereon. Selzt-d.a.nil taken into executton at fife suit of 9. L. East erupt nee vs. E.lfhlell. Ar,s,)._./n, e other lot pip-e or plred of land, a!t. uate In Monroe , two.. b bolded as f011ows: on the Loral, ea,t and south by tang Ili - 1.; ' . Re 1.0:::!, and on the . ..t ha land lately owned by,(}. F. 3,14,,nn, iottaining 20 acres - or laud. unl , Pe or levy about 45 acres improved!, with taco fratap.l - lai.tve9, a frame' barn. a saw 'nod and orchard of fruit trt ea e ibereon. Seized and taken into' elerlitiOU at the suit of E Overton. jr - vs Delansoh .ellogg . ALSO—Ono other lot pi ce or par...l of - land. sit uate In Towanda bore, hounded as !follows; ,pe.7,ln. fling at the annib writ corner of a lot owned by Pander Walleirn on the north side ..;if Poplar-st, iu sail born of Towanda, thence northerly along said Whlborn'.. treat line about 130 feet, tO the southlme. of Stat--at; tears we...tarty along said State-at CO feet to the past tine of a lot owned by S. W. Allen; thenc.• southerly alone said Allen'sj cast Iwo about 130 feet to the north lino of - Pi pl4r t.t; thence east. rrly along the north lino of said Pkilar at 50 feet, to the - Oa a of beginning, with the remains era burnt framed 'dwelling h nee and tint hOuse there on, and being the same Int as een)e)eti to the de. fandant. Con , datitine Sctiimmets. by W. toramb ill and woo. by deed nearing auto, Sept, 29. A. .12r. 1872. .. .. , and recottled iu the oth..e for tee( riling of coeds. .lc, in and for said county of B.,•dford, in deed. book No. W. on px.ic 442. kii. ti.r. , 4l , .anit taken into execution at tile suit ut J. 0. 'fruit . & sons v 8 ;• Oanatitatme Set/flume le ALSO-43 o other lot, piece or parer' of land sit nate in.Shesto.quin twe.. and boutuhil o.ii tollOws: on the, north- be andsof limits & Pugh, east by land of Samuel 'II Ise, south _by liind of ATll3with Sheeler and tioloniEllis, Mid west by land of Will iam fabeeien. cont4ining 33 acres Of land. more or leas, about Iff,acres improved..witLi a log house 1 tberas.n: 'sized and taken into xecntitin at the ant of Wm. ft C mubell vu . c• . .ALsO —One. other lot. piece or p reel of hind Sit uate in Litetill-ld ewp., hum ded as l f. 'Bows: Ou the north'hy lands of Eugene Underhill, east by- the public highway, and on the south•and west hyd ands I of said Eugene Underhill; c, ,, ntai tug 100 acres et land,-more or legal. about 74 acres knot oVed, with two trained houses , ono trained barn., and fruit trees the; eon Seized and taken into exe".:ution at ~, the suit of Adtm'Rifenburg vs. . B Randolph. Janina Rand•dpb, , Win . Harringte.• , O. L Laata. brooks and Wm. 9 Merrill ALSO—one other lot. piers or p reel of laud. sit nate it the Bora of Tawaniia, nth bounded as unit's: iosi beginning in the southerly hie of Spruce-at, at the north west corner. ()flan. heretofore con taaeted t • be, conveyed to (-• W. MIER by th' party fit the first part. thence westerly - along the line of i Spruce St., 4W ft , thouco at right angles with -the lite of Soreen St.. 134 ft., to sm_al ey. thence petal. Igl with the line of spruce at. east fly 48 feet to the south west commr of aaiit ki utiles lot, thence north e• le along the hue of said lot 133 ft , to the plasm of beginning 1- _ . ALSO Ono other lot, piece Or parcel of land. sit-. wife in To varda Iloro . and deseimed as follows: . beginning on the southerly tilde - ,1 Spruce at.. 240 14.,.alting the lino of said at.. trtitn the northwest et , rner of A. D. ftar .ing's lot. thrince north to deg. 70 min, east alon. , the line of - Said street 4ite:feet; a',levice south 23 deli 24. min, east 438 ft, to an 41111, /h 4 ,11,0 westerly along the ins of the alley. and par. alley with the street line iliP,i ft. bence northerly parallel with the east line .133 feat to the place of beginning. all being surface measnreinent; and !, having a framethereon; S eriff :s d - mune ill p w rai fy Lobos other improvements ff a y. Seized- and taken into exe.cati ti at the suit of A. S. Noble YEI. OM W. 110ffit. Nov. 10,1571. . J. 11. dMITU. Sheriff. • INCORPCYft XTION NOTICE.-' :Notice is hereby given that 9n application will be mad« nutter ths act • f As.embly of the Common, wealth of Pennstilvania, eatitted l'. An act Co pro- vide for the incorporation and re.tnittion of certain corporationa." atioroved April 18, .1473. for the Charter of an intended corporatfori to be caned the " PlAtaii"ilqiill and Susquebanite Pine ritone'Corik party." the ,hartCr End ot,j, , ct of which is to rope, Mannfaci aro, and deal in all kinds of blue atone, and for these puiposes to have a l ll possess 40 en.. joy all the rights, b • nefits, and privileyrs of said Act of Assembly,' • • 'dß, . liov. 13, 1874. I i VOTICR OF ' A SSINIIENT.- -.LI Notice is hereby given that t Genrgn p. Cash, of thePorottith of !To w anda, Penn /Waffle, has made an aaaignment t,o mo under ill insolvent lawit,„Of ail hie property, for the benefi of his creditors All persnns indebted to him are rrqnrsteil to make immediatel)ll3ll,6ot. and all.po one havitig.c-ahliti.- cac, , t present ttlero, duly wale) .ticated, for settle ment 1 i Ei. L. • CuTT, Assigne(., Nov. 19, Ig7l. vatic - It- OP ASS , GNIIIR.NT. , , _LI 1.z0t.A...0 Is i i lereby given tb t Cbarlea IL.CsEh, of tlie , ltoronglit'- of Towanda, Pennarlranis, bas made an a.nogrupeut t tan nude the inanlvont law', of all Us property, ft r the bnneOt of ,his ereditnro. 011 parson. indented -to hint are request"rd toil - lake ;critoraiato p•ayweot, and all peianna baying eb.ilas must meant them, duly autheittmated, for s-ttla• ment. . i ' H.L. :0017, antgat et ROCLAMATION, , WHIM: .a. Iron, • PALI, b. Stil4ltow, Pisaritient .to the 19th Judicial Ltiir.roit. consisting , counties of Bradford and Sustrieisatin Hons. O. A. ItussuLt. and . 8., D. ant AAscx...irite Judges; in and for said eon Bradford, flaw Issued their precepl bi date theist day id .Nosenzher, 1874, to r rested for holding a Cionxt of Oyer and I tier, Goiters' Quarter Nessions of the -: Oreumon Pleas and Orphan's Court, nVlow*Ari d t. ,for the County.ll of Bradford; on iallL. , yr* , I.) , c..nitier 7, 1E474. to C17131i ntle three wee s. •I Sotietris therefore liereliy given to thCoro- ocrs, and Justices of the Peace, of the ounty ot Bradford, that they he , then and th re, in their proper person at lt) o'cTeck in tl fore neon ( 4 sand day, - svth records, intriaitio 9 4n,) y . other remembrances; to do those thitig. i v:hie.h _ to their office appertains t. , ) be done; and these wile are hound by rceogni nee or othe :rise to i,ioocato against-Ihp pfLioriers - who ro or' *nay be in tiro, jail, of said - county, -, ,0r Inv 8 linrl - d bound to appear at the ;said court arh to ,;,, , e hen and there to prose- to against .E1f..r.1 'AA shall be Just. Juror/4 are requestedr, I,e pnnctual in their attendant;oxgrecatily t ./ 4 11,1,....r 27 r,,t14:4). ' , - 1 q L Dated at Towanda, the Ist,, day of,.`loven. h , .,r, in ... ,the veer of our Lord. ne ;thousand eig..,t i : lch uned and seventy-tear, 'and of the In Ic -1 pendence of the Ileite t i,' rqatfb, Ow ninety-. i7,titti. 2 . - ..— . ~ .111Cle EGLSTER'S NOTICE. --- Nntic , ... , , _1...p is heriby;..gissti ihot :Wire Ivve - been 4led .I/ !tie offi -.9 - of Itegibter of ;Villa fn and fm• the t:a f: 1 -7 .of Bradford'. accounts of admiuletration neon the . I. f• - •iloiribg estates, viz: .1 , ~ , . Partial sezonot at J. B. Lewis, dterlatr - of the will ' of Courson Lewis, Late of Wells, leceased. I • :Final account of J in/ a South.. uardian of Cliari.:a LI. S.nifit. minor child of loatph i.nltli, htl of Wy. i6x. deceased. . • - P , rusl account of Phil/lain S4ne awl Aitviviti:s. Lewis, ealcutors of The will of nebecca Henry, 1.1 . .i1. Of Wyalaaing. deceased.' i I . , Final oleount of gellat'Efriq, exeollB haring L'11.1.v..* &gait aa;tl ef..tate must rresitnt them duly] ti for settlement. JOTT:S' 1. eAItES, Ott `l9 Al Ininigtrate*. XECUTOR'S IS'OTIC r Eiir4 N'ottce is hereby given that all pc• mom. itidct6N.! to 'the estate of Joan McCord, late of Llurlinou, vlsieaaed.aru requested to Laske ttuturillate car:lll3A to ..robn xilx, at hia offno in Tostads Borurikli. aptl all iltr.olati - having claim?) agiinst 9tato nittAt prraent theha to Lim cmly autiv.r:ff i r tell, fur stAtleatent. " S. it. Mc 70ttn, • JOBN IT aux. Towanda r?.. N0c.17, ISTI • TN BANK RUPTCY. - -I JL tri - ct.eirmrt of the Uniteh States Disidet PPn4sj• rania, So. ISIM In the chatter orN, 3. fzNOVER au pankrupt. To wiloAr IT IIAY CONCERN' Th• nndoraigned hereby gives pointrnoat as szisigooo of ti, S. Sn Swart, ht, co.partners, doing host t/nir, minty of ctrai.ford and S t tatJ Ida, within sald District, who have biiikrows nprn dolt own p , tition, Ciititt of 64141 D strort. MAIM, \Via us i ng. N0v.23, 1971 o' l - •V ()TICE ; —ln Order that eviLry ..L.ll cl3Ntmer or4ll have the fr.l. vaino otr: 1-Li 'money. the rimletslttnr.l will opt. , 1 late stur4 m .‘ONDAY. ther.litith Mat,. on the react) pay a7a1 .,. .. ''rt , nkfal fur past patronage, all argil invited to!. rill and get the bo-tom perftws of this I. , i and con t.n. u•-(1 Iltianctal erlews, as my goods a- I'l4 retaitei at Yew York wholesale prices ; awl al persons kim.e. rft in, , ,.: themslvea indebted, are- retp.te r sii to call l and I pay without farther notice. .. L. D. TATL9II. Granville Centre, Ott. 13. '74-2mi 1 l-• c : VALUABLE DWELLING VOR SALE..—Deirleg to change niy rasidelacv.l , (Tor fo salo my valeal.o6 uow dic Hang bonio, c n Packer Avenue. tow.n . da Boromch The 1.1.41:)::.1,.. Nruisbca with all malaria ! improlemeats. and tte l it is large. with good onto ezo. Fur furthei_varticuLara engetra - en the i , ro::,- .S.IES. L. 21. DES3IOIS.D. To•mand4 r . Nor. 1.5.1971 ' /TANS HOUSE, TO IVANI) . -1, il'iL ' r..:1. I- • _ cow y.....tit AliD zr.Yr-3L ... zarit. :t . ! '11:o Eforgea, Ilarnoss. ke. of guests , if this house, insured against lo'Ss by rirl, withuutAiy ~ x -tra tra ellarg,o: .i. gurreitqr quality of Old Enultal:t Bass .Ale; Just reaMved., • , ' T. .4 JORDAN; . • .. Towanda. Jan. 24.' ^ .1. ' PropriihT. . . EL HOUSE L TOWANDA Pe., , • .1 • , SOWS C: W 1114014 ~ , Having leasedthis House: is now ready to aectn:.o dste the trwvellingyublic. No paini nor oxpet4',l will be Spared to Env° satiefSetion to those who tnny g.co him a call. • , . , , .11:6 - North eide 01 tha public sq'Altre, etst 11:r cur's new Mixt. ' • • BETHLEHEM, Pe. "OLD • MORAVIAN, Stitt INN," Rich inhlstorle.il interest. it is thia only building in the country except Independence; Hall..boniareil by the sojourn within its sails of iFashington, X.sFay rite, Lee. Bates end other patribta oLtle 4evein. don. This popular hotel his ; recently' abinoed hands, been iMproved, entirely refultut eh fl, and the proprietor cordiallybis friedrs Riad hit , . slim! public , to give lain a Ml4nci pains :Will be epareti to render their sew coinfortable. iiPeoP:o • .en rotas for PhiLidelphis will find it convenient to . . .anend the night here, reaching the city about ei ht inornitig.o A somple rani; on hrat Maar for accommodation of cornmercialaOnts. ;I - R. T. 133 q it Prnoi; t r. Sept 4.1873 W H. TIIOIIPSON ATTORNEY •&T LAW, W trasii„ ?..t. 4iiohd to 4 bug usaaa entinated to h a care. In Brad'ntd, tivan and Wyoming (Itnfottes,wittillaciatro Yvtpn . r MOT, Oi fits Lgal, J. MONROE S I TEC', Shenl.Y. e; ater. the - or tb.n Wc:ii,777a ILluxruptcit• • J, IL, s w, l str. i l l 1 L Ltiee C: hi' rt•T ver and 4 11. I CAS at of Penn4:l-1• been adj:lLl',tl by 111DGC.:34,i. Aqz " BM:LT.I7M II ii AA, Zuf • tho sid nty ol I•artrl~odrq. I 'h r Yli- I P4E,C,