Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 03, 1874, Image 2

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—The California barley crop is en
o. [nous
—England will„ abnlish hf:4
turnpikerstes. ,
—Germany and Mexico have con
cluded a commercial treaty., _
- _--Californians have $60,000,000 in
fiarmg a banks. "
• .—Thomas "atiOij, Editor, of the
L. , .,431:;11- run, is dead, _ :
—Miss Clishman is better and is
is Cbici,qo
Las been arresteda l
r.s‘hurEt; tiew Brtitirvick. -
—Kink Kalakula, of the Sandwich
1,-1..1,1 , , 'is at San FranciKn.
- =Tlie 'Satre Tunnel in Nevada,
r?ached a length of over a mile, and a hail
—But one death bas occurred in
(,i.zarl College, P h iladelphia, dnriag the year..
—The Chicago Tribune urges the.
tof po!itieal - ,r,c3nonly in the common
E eE001:.;
• —11:t-cerit reports from India
clephtit,'.alte the W. aIP, 13 (lying
• —Boston clams to have more stu
Lts f ten?lejthan any other city in ..taier
-fThe damage by, the hurricane at.
E . :?..t v ,:f.l.;,:ramac2...was about tsventYllonsand
—New York .reports more activity
hi ,f, n I,eitcr fecEn , i; in nearly all commercial
—Th© subscriptions in - aid'of the
Medical school land amount already
.7'r $10,003. •
The ft , ppropriatiQns7of the Meth
-13h4r,1 a Missions amo u nt to :706,833
:952,793 het year.. c
—Word comes from Chicago of a
`colt( r" there, the price of corn having,
g012i6 UP greatly. '
--The Shah frightens bis wives
FT.l,:miAAion by wearing a European ping
tbreatyninglv over his right eye.
fir Ply frog in the interior of turnip, ig The latest product of Joni:-
ihtA , gsity at Salt. Lake City. _
Hirrisbnrg Telegraph grave
rts that citizen of that place I found
2.700 and returned the money to Its owner.
—From seventy-Ave to one hun.dred
a of mall etoclie of liquor - 1110 been
de in Boston.
—Thd brig "Anna lifaria 7 :
Al I at Boston, from Malaga, with a', Cargo
• ra:s - .em f.)r Chicago.
.11 - .L-Gernand, ex-Mayor of
died ,r1:1 , : lenly iii that city cm Sunday,
,-Dr. R ,E. Tallinn, formerly
:...-1 - 4{3ent-or the ruiversity of Chicago,
st. labt week.
-. : -ProresPar . • Patton, has ,been
IA 6 be the most popular clergpitan iu
t a charity lifr la that city.
Ite`vi John S,carboronah of
Pa„ ties accepted the It?elacipric,oi
dritteB:i or New Jerecy. • - )
—Th. •
ere is
m feeling in all tlie
graiktitailias, with morelniy
i)ll(it(grai)hs sent
frffin C for identaled3lon are not
Ic•sns is proud of Dr. PetPr
Heventy-six. who has taken to
elU4einrive wiy4;s and given 'pater
,o ility-four children.
Tliowns Scott "says neither lie
u. Pennsylvania 14oali, held, or mean
Forney's Press, or an)
and Warheld, who . mur
a month ago on French
limiht, Neb.; base been
—Willi - am P. Lynde, Congressman
r, 1 Mr. Itltlitterep are to hat
it we the's 'Wow! snits lbeMiltrao
-':n application for the pardon of
;rooka, thp Ei r'ree , iclent of tht
• ; Nn.temsl Bank oft PeteroAr,r. ho
- a JL.I - IT. Mir!, ing!6u.
riajtcd Stiltes • Deputy Marshal
has arroateil the ?hour and' twelvi
ed.z,ns oC Ecifaula, Ala., for v,ola-
J:,... tie!. -
tbo State Geologist
, .aria, mhde aecent of 'Mount sh.o.
1.1,c in c.r Th4.4.3r - af; later in the
• - it h , 4tlCSfr. been made bergre..
•-1 . , is sa:d that carved wooden
. ar • t tAct:ii•e PI-420 uine glaligeS for
Lt,r; Idr to drink it on'
S'.ln 'Francisco Las two hundred
rdna,:in :-110114:, which aro described
• iii.. , oegruous tide of "Celes-
e fur tlivr reports of The recent
iu Jantau.s. sh thtt the desolation
t • I an,l n_44 terribhl and that starvation
1! , irrolo(2. ,
—Honey _being sent froth an
to tiw ;atlantic by the car load, some
already been shipped East by
.I' dlri)+d,thiqTall Ica n.
;Jaen .Lave been
ult • !ti the, re);,t Congre!ca, aIL new men.
Tut-- from,Stiuth Caroltni, one from North
enr or.e . from Locieana. i'
• .
1-17:rvard 1 , College has:. 1,196
rgladnates reliool4 anti depart
nr-: . 4, '1 . 1:0 largeo ot the crows il2l',
,Se . is the tisphomtite elm!,
• I
banks of the Susglipbartna
t:teen Eis-en and Wilii.mspott
havc , b(i , u clewed of 1,0M,0,C10 ff;t of I,gs
lodged there Fi cc the spring floods.
, •
Reading; man has an oyster
.1: n -, ltzbs trinity-cuo pounds.. It is two
cleet r,n , ! c•iglit inches in Length snit twentv-one
in.l , r2aJtll, !It e&rao tram the SouiliSes
• --C,)lnplete official returns of the
':,• that the Congressional
consist of 11 Democrats, 7 Be
-7 ut , ; • fti = and .3 Independent 'a—a, Retrablican
,f i Cineresamen.
• —Siipt;.rcising r Architect Musllett .
14 ° r`',,gnerir and Lai resignation 'has been a0rep"..,.1
rep"..,.1 ! Secretary of the Treksury. His
snccez E snot yet been- announced. • •
ex.caehier of the
. . , :_r4at,;til: ( 3 Burk, recently Oncieted of f1:13-
bas been sentenced tofive ears'
isy iueat, and in pay the cost of prose-
New Orleans gentleman
:runt San Franciaco apelike oLthat city as:
co- - ilia and bookerprra ont of etti -4 , ,
T.:. , -.l4:,:it;alihongh mechanics of various aorta;
col:i s m:mil fair wages. - •
—About half the laborers on the
2.,w tunnel or thi Deleware...Laekawsios arni
"tre:tcrn railroad, at Beige. 3, who otruck against:
r t .inction of wages last'-seek, resumed work
cL Tnni , dar, raider protection of the police.
—The brush on the Blne Ridge
fald Sort ti Monnt sin m Ytrginia is on fire, and
,:yoke ti,mg therefrom has formed a dens*
roihM itbont eht:,-five mks side and
as tl,t - ::oe can reach, vrhlch floats and .drifts
etrning travelers over the!.
Itoolrozci report the pitting° of
:'(.O-111e boat hwai :i forty roil s' ea.} of
Thl.rtr. pith It large varabtr of captured po-:
't Ile Si. ux .are trootinp, lmfiale the :
1 . ;,:.: 7 , Ull niter regica. •
residetic - a .of Hermann .
Ft i'eiman; at Detroit, w visited by burglarS
the family was, in the parlors on Thanks.;
girit,g evening; and * diamonds and jewelry to
the value of$1,00) were carried off..
—The Occidental and Orient;
Nk.,r,pi,ip con:maps. of Ssn Francisco. nave
tied 311 svt of incorporation. 'The directors .
.an L•l,nd Stanford. Charles Crocker. David D.;
12' ,,, It(.3:1..1(iy&Trria and llark Hopkins. nil
c'spitsl h 510,000,000 izi 100.000 shares of
:5100 cash. .Tbb to cciopeto with the
—General Sbaltr bas maae hie fi rs i
rtpr.rt to the Chlc34.) rclice Marc!. It coo=
Tao.. fif . 4l JD sets cl reorcluura4tiono, .c4sll4Di
nyi increase in the tire :.leliiirtmerit forte, -
paw pnrebi p el hnir. new (..'rialoo• cf.ctig
trlct, 'arid other radical charges The rep:4'
traF: c.).¢:•rred in at once.
Towanda. Thursday, Do:. 3, 1874,
E. P. IMODRICR. S. W; 4'LltaßP
FACTS TO Its nenEmuzittenf.
The result of the election this year
has so elated the Isem, cr.. •y that
they are already felici 4 -I•'n•g - hem-
Selves on the gord thu s h y Fire to
'experience when the uxecutive branch
Of the gover-tacut falls into their
. 11 in IR Trtup.l%rry and unexpected
tie.cess has_ craze'l them, and they
!forget the 1.)14ck rEc)rd of their par
;ty during and eine;. , , the war, for
which it has never given any evi
Bence of'repentance. That party,
'smith, rebelled agains , . the Govern
;meet and the northern wing enconr
'aed them, by opposiog the war
measures, and by declaring through
its convention in 1864 that the war
was a failure. It opposad the eman
cipation of thp slaves, lthe -enfran
chisement of the freedmen ; it op
posed the adoption of the Thir-
leentb, , Fourteenth anal Fifteenth
amendments to the constitution, and
all the reconstruction measures. It
oppooted all legislation Providing for
'he honorable redemption 'of the na
tional debt, and to raise revenues
for the payment of. pensions to aol-
diets and to meet other just obliga
tions— There is scarcely a law on
. -
the statute books, enacted during the
— past ten years, .but was placed there
in the face of opposition from the
Democratic party. To assume that
the country has now endorsed the
"principles of the Democratic party,"
is to assume that the people-have re
pented of the patriotism and dew
lion that carried the war for the pres
ervation of the UniOn t 3 a successful
dose . ; that they regret the abolition
of human alaTery ; that they are in
;favor of repealing the amendments
to the- federal constitution placing
ill,clasSes of citizens upon a politi
cal and civil equality; It is to as
stime that the country is ready to re ,
.the progressive steps cf the
past twelviyears, to undo the work
iof a decade. More than that, it
;would be to assume that the nation
is.prepared to violate its pleged faith
with its creditors ; to renounce the
,obligations sacredly; entered into
;with the people of this and other na
tions to disgrace the national
;them by inscribing npon it the lads
n‘ous motto, .R.pudiation. If the re
eult of the late elections be accepted
as an `endorsement of the principles
iaf the Democratic party, then the
people of Pennsylvania have declar
edp favbr 'of Free Trade, for that
iloEtrine Otands at the very head of
the De..ocratic creed.'
The policy of Congress and the
Administration may not be altogeth
er acceptable to the people, bat they
are not rpa , ly to endorse the wicked
ness of the Democratic party, and
the next election will dispel the delu
sion fre'm the minds of the blinded
fenders who are anticipating a return
to the good old times of, ante bellum
flays, with the four millions of freed
men reduced to a condition as gall
ing as slavery.; No, the people - hare
not turned their backs Upon what
they have for more than a decade of
fears so heartily approved and so
'epeateily ratified by their votes.
The Democratic party will be hurled
from the power they have just attain
ed the- moment they attempt to lay
gioleat hands upon the work accom
plished by the Republican party.
Wrin the corrected returns we
Can readily see that the election of
United States Senator in this State
bids fair to be as close a matter as in
.the celebrated period when Bucs.A
r.w Was confirmed at pistol's mouth.
It may seem,odd that the represen
tatives of the Democracy should have
'required such -persuasives to stand
• •
,up to their; duty, but= such was the
The mandate went: forth, "If
;any man fails to vote for BucsArzw,
shoot him on the spot;" and the As
sembly Chamber was a pandemonium
of heated passion daring the election.
Governor CURTIN now to be honored
with' a Democratic nomination for
Governor, it is said, refused, to dis
perse the gang of roughs that invad-'
ed the halls of the Legislature, and
so the election of BCCiALEW was
accomplished. Now the Democracy
see the chances hecoming fearfally
closC. The change of about three
votes would fix the afrair,and it is an
open question how riotous , the pre
sent brood of Democratic law-makers
will be. We really hope their _ vir
tnes-will not be tried, and from all
we heai, there Aill be =no effort to
prevent those having the legitimate
majority on joint ballot from con
trolling the election. Bat we are
prone to remember other. days. in
View of the strange similarity of
CutcAoo still , has grounds for
encouragement. Only thirty-six
years ago the exports of grain from
ChiCago were seventy eight bushels
of - wheat. This' year tie . value of the
exports of the cereals, lumber, 513ann
facturers, etc., from the same city,
amount to about two hundred mil
lions of dollars..-, The price of wheat,
since• Judy, has been much lower than
ler the year previous, , bat - the better
figures realized on corn and oats and
Borne other articles of provisions will
make the value of her exports east
ward fully einal to what they were
for the year 1873.
Tris King of the' Sandwich Islands
arrived 'in San Francisco on Sunday
last en Tide to Washington. •.
Tuz Prey contradicts the report
ed sale of an interest in that paper
go Cola lii'CLuar.
rx-Chief Justice Jona M. READ of
this State. died in Philadelphitron
Sunday last, at the ripe age of seventy
eight. Mr. Bun filled many prom-,
inert positions during his long and
useful life, in all of which be WWI
distinction. He had just pa.t.ed bis
-m*jority when he was :appoinied
Solicitor of the Philadelphia Bank.
When twenty-fire years !of age hi
was elected to the Asseinbly, and
there were giants in thosedays. He
served two terms, and daring hi.
last he had for his colleagues the late
Justices Kama . and STROUD and Nm
ArriTYPITb, the great man whose
loss, jest after-he had rendered hi.
beloved Commonwealth the best
services of his life, is still
fresh cause of moUrning.! He was
elected City Solicitor, and after
wards a member of Councils. There
were no jobs, nor Bin*, nor rich
contracts forty years ag6; l and HORACI.
Bonin, whose lengthened life is
subject for constant congratulation
held a scat in the same body, if not
at precisely the same tame, at least
contemporaneously. Mr. READ was
United States Districk w Attorney for
the Eastern district of Pentutylvania
He was nominated in 1845 as ajudgi
of the Supreme Court of the United
States; be wad Attorney 'General of
Pennsylvania, and lastly; for fifteen
years judge of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania, and for three years of
;his time Chief Justice. •
Ja dge BEAL* was a man of deeper
thought than of learning—he estab
lished -precedents as often as he
quoted thep. Bat ho was tindeui
ably a gretit
Judge-ilais a Republican, but
an Abolitionist before be "UP
a Republican. In the Denaocrafic
tarty he was _among the first to op
pose the extension Of the slaver}
pestilence. In 184, when its baleful
shadow was spreading over the free
sail of the virgin Territories, in th«
. convention of hill party he labored
and successfully, too, in favor of a
deeberation confining it to the States
where it had taken root, and whers
its baleful influence is still felt.
Daring the war he iVai loyal in
thought, speech, and deed to the
cause of the Union-- r a time when
had he been otherwise Peunsylvanit,
might have been recreant, at least as
far as her highest tribunal WiCsi con
Judge BEAD was attacked as a
partisan during his life,, lint his
abilities and - virties were never
denied. He always believed he was
right, and he acted accntdingly. A
conservative man would . have, been
more popular, but not as pure. Now
that - in the ripenesi of age and the
fulness of honor he sleeps, the whop
people of the State will unite to do
honor to his memory.
The Presbyteriatt Banner has an
other severe comnaeut Drincrtzri.
'Referring to a sermon recently
preached by him, it says: This i'
precisely the theory, of Sir JOHN
LrEnocx, and one step farther would
be just as far as amwis ever went;
it is a complete repudiation of the
whole Scriptural ac9oant of the
creati"n and fall of mart. According
to Mr. Iltf.cuka, miiir did not ffill at
all, as we 1 1 , are taught' in the Bible,
but the course of the race has been
progressive from the very loves
possible form - of human existence
until it has reached its present highly
advanced condition. Bat this is not
all; the denial of the fall of man
necessarily compels the rejection of
the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour
of the human family. If the race
did not fall in the manner - taught in
Genesis, there is no place for, such a
Saviour as the one whose history is
given in the four Gospels. If the
first Amu.' is to be discarded, the
second must also be rejected.
WE do not suppdse that many
wounded soldiers voted the Lemo
cratic ticket,. this year; but it ani l of
them did we commend to their
serious attention the following from
the New York World :
"The very fact of an able-bodied
man claiming support from the State ,
or the Federal Government for the
reason that be helped. to save hit•
own country proves hit a mercenary
and fraud rather than a brave man
and a patriot. We shall now hope
that the country has heard the las ,
of these office-seekers who "went at
their kentry's call,' and who for the
last ten years have bored their way
into country treasuries with the
persistence of the single fanged hag
flab, and hung on to their country
men's pockets with all the tenacity
of the sucking lamphrey." ,
There is just one thing wanting to
the completeness of ,this fling, and
that is a suggestion that, - when the
Union soldiers are cat off from
Government relief, Confederate
soldiers should be put in their place.
Bat that suggestion will come, all in
good time.
Tats is what the Democracy of the
south think of the Democratic victo
ry in the north. The Albany Even :
pig Journal aye :
." The Democrats of the south have
been especiallyexultant over the re
cent Democratic victories. In com
memoration of these triumphs they
have held 'jubilees' at various points.
Among - Other places -Richmond was
the scene of such a Democratic eel
ebration. At this meeting an inci
dent occurred which we have not,
seen' reported in the papers, bat
which is worthy of note. Of its per
fect- authenticity there can be no
question, for it was personally wit
nessed by Mr. JOHN MORGAN, of this
city, who, being then in Richmond,
was present as a spectator at the
gathering. One of the orators at
this meeting. in the course ,of his
speech of congratulation upon the
Democratic = victories, produced a
Confederate' flag, and, waving it be
fore the andience, declared that ho
expected to live under that banner!"
HeNTORY AAD i,oLnitgAns.
An opinion prevails in a large de
gree in this country that -all
'sinus, 1. e., all men ws take an nc part irt politics. or hold office.
ate venal and corrupt, and many sigb
for 11.3 gn, d old times of the earl)
Jaya of the RepOblit.. The followiug
scrap of history which we dip from
theAltootia Tribune, will satisfy some.
4t least that our titaei are ab. at a.
4 00 a as any period F in our previous
•listory. The preinOice against th,
:lass referred to is often, and we be
ieve - generally, begotten by thof-e
who have beeu disappointed ip Fe
~urieg such - a' degree of rec- g-
oition• es ih©y Conceived them
selves . worthy of. We do rot
wish to be understood as claiming
that all office holders aro pure me►',
—nohaman organiT.ation is Ferfrc',
and unworthy men sometimes go
in o the church, and - even into the
4acred ministry ; but we do asFert
%nd defy successful contradiction that
the politicians of the present day, as
4 class, are no worse than the bt-s.
.)f their predecessors., The Tribune
"To attain anything like promi
nence or popularity,as a public man.
especially as a politician, and per
consequence an office holder—is to
become the target for every sptci6,
qf unstinted abuse from the oppose
tion, to which all the praises and
honors lavished upon him by Ills
friends is bat a very meagre and
doubtful congratulatory.offset. The
more experience we gain, the in me
simple and transparent seems the
folly of bein4 so thoroughly wedded
o party as to be unwilling,. to recog
size merit in aught sate our own
party and candidates and to take
for granted that every man who dtf
fern from Us is either a fool or a knave.
some thirty years ago we had, like
most young men, apolitical idol ;
and had we sat' at the feet,of Game
liel himself and learned political les-
Arms at variance with his own, we
should still have , honored Henri
Clay as oue of the noblest Ameri
cans that God Almighty tad ever
fashioned after,hie own image. With
this exalted idea, we of course re
szarded the great Petnocrats of tht
day, such as Jackson, Van Bilree
irml others as' the very embodiment
of diaboligna and error.
"In those days, not even except-
ing Jackson and Clay, the " hes
abused man" in the United Stptes
was Amos Kendall, then Postruas , er
Genera; in Gen. Jackson's coterie.
I.ccording to the general belief among
Whigs, he was' the "head devil" of
Democracy, wild contrived the mis ;
chief imputed to the administration
by the opposition, and was in point
Hof shrewdness, falseness, subtlety and
eatdignity, little better than the Fa
ther of lies himself. I His reputation
among the Whigs was, in short, in
bad, and he , was personally
odious in. a degree that can hardly
be conceived of nom. Theevil re
pute was'almost entirely the creation
of the Wbig newspapers, for Kendall
himself took very little part in public
denionstrt4ioes, being of
such delicate health' /that he was
obliged, to live in unusual seclusion.
In spite of Sickne'ss, however,
bred to a great age, and died at
Washington only some fivWyears ago.
ilia biography was , published some
tiro years since, and in looking over
-owe old papers we found, in the
Daston Daily Adverlr,six, iu the early
days of party a Whig journal of high
standing, -the expression of surprise
at finding that Allios Kendall was
really a very dlffereut man from what
he was supposed to be by his old op
ponents. It remark's that his por
trait indicates an elevated, genial.
and kindly intelligence, and that his
life affords abundant evidence of a
corresponding cliaricter. And it
Asks, in the name of many an old
Whig, "Is this one Of the men whom
we used to revile so ? Was it Amos
Kendall, such a God! fearing and just
man from his youth up ; such a
sternly honest official, such a clear
thinker and fair debater, tact we
used to reckon one of the worst men
of the wora'set that ever tried to
pervert our Union to party and per
lonal purpose?"
" There is no clonq that Amos Ken
dall was grossly abuSed by the oppo
sition newspapers at, the time tie was
in office, and that, his reputation,
...ince so bad, now atandsivery high
among our public ;men of the last
-generation. May net his life teach a
lesson in this respeCt / not unworthy
of attention to-day ? It will do no
harm, certainly, just to hint that it
m possible the men against whore
the - political newspapers are now so
fiercely clamoring way not, atter all,
im such monsters as they are delve , -
ed; that Gen. Grant t::4 not be al
together selfish or Istupal, or indif
ferent to everythiug but horses or
cigars, or tent on rivaling Nero in
tyranny, and Napoleon iu usurps
don ; that he is not even a Caesar in
ambition, ";loth !mot bestride the
narrow world like la Colossus," with
'tin eye sternly fixed upon a third
term, in the Presidential chair; even
the few journals which, take alarm at
Brutus e. honest but spacious argn
trient, " 'Tis a common proof that
lowliness is young ambition's ladder
whereinto the climber upward turns
his face; but when he once attains
the npfaost rounii, be then unto the
ladder turns his back, looks into the
clouds, scorning_the base degrees • by
which he did ascend," or with the
envious Cassius ask, " upon what
meat does this our Cesar feed, that
he is grown so great:?"—all these
may, in time, regard oar President
as no worse, no better, than other
men, and actuated only by the com
mon instincts of humanity, after all."
THE following short telegiani to
the Associated PrFs, is, another indi
cation of the good(?) eft;tcts of a
democratic victory. The democracy
of the south dcn't believe in obeying
a radical 'President even when he
recommends them to observe a day
of 'thanksgiving :
NEw ORLEANS, Nov. 2g.—Thanks
giving services were held here in qve
eharch only, to•day. Very few peo
ple observed the day,'as requested
by the ptoelatnati. n.
On Democratic exchanges are ex
alting over the fact that Gen. WHITE
and J. F. WHITE, 'both of whom were
metnbers.of the Constitutional Con
vention and coted to - strike out .the
word " white" frOm that instruti.ent,
are among the defeated Republican
'candidates for Congress this fall.
How these Democrats do love the
lit A B tD; WAY.
The New York Diibune, now that
it has beCome a sttictly Democratic
paper, finds that it is nut tio plesituit
ater all to belong to that polities),
denomination. The Tramne has
talien special delight in charging that
" Fat y-grabbing "1 was ono of , the
greaten s far whicl the.people con
demned the Republican party at the
Lite elLctioes, and it has evetiplainly
alleged that for that reason, if there
were no others, it could not support
he Republican party. Now the Tri
bune finds that it has jumped , out of
the frying-pan into the ire. Some
Democratic organ suggests Hon. Fen
NAND') 'WOOD for Speaker of the next
Congress. " Tha; will tievei do,"
exchirns the Tiibu i ne ; " why, WOOD
voted three times fin the salary-grab.
thou took the money and kept it."
The Springfield 'Republican says :
' Give ns Gen. BA.ES, the - friend of
HORACE Gar.m.xv,; for Speakerl"
4. What! BANKi I exclaims the Di.
buns why, ills last act in the 424
Congress was to draw the extra five
thonsand•dollarsalary-grab." A mod
est Democratic organ from Penpsyl
vinia says "We nominate pen.
&mute J. RAND ALL for Speaker."
"R‘NDALL RANDALL 1" hosidelhe Tri
; "aro , yon crazy? Why, .he
voted for, took, and kept the salary.
The Trib)cizelookB in vain in the
Democratic' )arty for virtues which
it was unable to find in the Republi
can organization : '
Under the above caption the
Wilkes-134m Record if the 2" imes
gives the following short btu pointed
temperance lecture:
The disaiitrons fire at Parsons
Tuesday, Nev. 17,11, with its attend
ant horror of loss of life, is traceable
to the influeice of bad liquor and a
spree after {Pay day. The fire oc
curred after midnight, and at' two
4 Mock was under full head. It most
have been sudden and rapid, as the
boarder whit) was burned to death
was tanoth• -4 ee'bo riept in his Led.
The yonng qtagan 'or Garragiain who
escaped death by jumping through
the window, l blistered, cut and bruis
ad, says that hie companion , was
asleep and he was nearly smothered
before be,fetind the ,window. The
lather was uP until nearly two o'clock
and could tell how the disaster oc
curred. The report that the father
and son upset the lamp in a fight
cannot be true if the son isvorrect in
his story.
Here is a fearful, result of local op
tion. Two fern lies deprived of all
.heir property, even of the clothes
they wore, and thrown on, charity at
the openlng l of a dreary winter thrli
the use of strong drink. How eaus
laboring men expect sympathy when
they c)rnplain of insufficient Wages
while so many of them waste what
they receive in this reckless manner.
Should not every s teady miner make
it his•duty to oppose the free use of
bbnor, andiby his'extin3ple, as well
as precept, inculcate temperance and
an nnprovetnnnt home comforts?
When such scenes occur as that at
Parsons, It giros 'the advocates of
temperance an opportunity of inter,
faring with indiviaaj, rights, and
furnishes the strongest
favor of prohibitory laws.
The Father Matthew Societies are
doing a good work, but can they not
brake it more thorough among their
countrymen. The one life los=, a fine,
sober, industrious young man, was
worth a devil rum-soaked idlers,
and yet lie suffered through their in
But lectures do no good.
Tut one great duty to be urged on
the next session of Congress is that
of economizing. The panic, and the
enforced economy which followed,
were the real trouble's at the , elec
tions'; and the financial policy of
Congress will be watched more close
ly than anything else. Its atten
tion will be directed to the appropri
ations made and the policy developed
with reference to the currency. Thi3
heads of departments should know
that their estimates will be scrutin
ized by the people with a rigid close
ness that has in it no reverence what
ever for honorable Secretaries. In
this country, thisy have no more
hesitancy in knocking over, or re
tiring a Senator - tit. even an august
Cabinet officer, than would a sports
wan in picking off valuable- game.
We find the following emphatic
words on this subject in a Republi
can paper at the West, and it only
'reflects the average.sentimeut: "The
Republicans have but one duty to
perform, and that is to retrench. It
should have done so years ago. All
useless officials shduld be dismissed,
all useless expenditure cut off, and
that retrenchment introduced into
national affairs that has beau enforced
- upon all private 'corporations and
individuals." This should be cle rly
understood. There is no good reason
wby Government expenditures
should be generally larger now than
they were in 1.968,—yet they are, by
How the Demucrats punish the
salary-grabbers is illustrated by the
discussion of the 'next Speakership
in the House. '- There were seven
test votes on tho salary-grab bill.
Every time N. P BANKs, of Massa
chusetts, voted for the bill. Four,
times, DAN VOOREIEES, of Indiana,
voted for the hilt; the other three
times he did not Vote at all. Three
times FERNANDO WOOD, of New York,
voted for the bill, the remaining
four times he dodged. Salt RAN
DALL voted for it 'every time. These
are the men who are mentioned in
connection with the Speakership by
the Democracy. 1 What a blessed
change this DeMocratic victory is
going to be! I
Tna jurisdiction of the court which
sentenced Twat)ls to lbo argued to
day in New York and the probabili
tis are that the Bass will soon be set
at liberty. He has rendered the De
mocracy too touch service to •be al;
lowed to remain in " ; durance vile '
while they have the pOwer to release
The Centennial managers appear ,
to entertain the belief that the most
effecaual way to reach the public eye,
and to carry popular conviction, is
by circulars, pamphlets, pictures and
photographs. They may be entirely
right, and I may be wholly wrong in
the opinion, that one hundred dollars
judiciotutly expended in newspaper
ladvertising will accomplish more
than a thousand dollars *ended in
circulars and the postage required to
mail them.
The newspapers in this city have
had scarcely any advertising from
the Managera -of the Centennial ;
from patriotic motives each journal
ist . in Philadelphia has done his ut
most to farther the interests of the
Exhibition, and the result is 95 per
cent. of the subscriptions to the Cen
tennial 'stock has been received from
Philadelphia ; and this in face of the
fact that thousands of dollars have
been expended in picture books, em
bellished circulars and other costly
printed matter, ought to cause ,the
Managers to consider if such a sett
tern of- advertising is wisest,. before
other thousands of dollars are- ex
pended in the same direction.
To publish a column appied Mx.
Childs' Public Ledger would not cost
a greater sum- :tau $9O, and the ap
peal would reach 90;000 subscribers. ,
To publish the same address in cir
e.ular form, and mail it to that num
her of people would cost no less than
$1.500. The newspaper appeal wonld
reach the reader with a respectable
sponsor, While the circular would en
ter the house as a sort of " bastard "
' i hat but fevi would respect, even
• though it wore the . gapdiest dress in
which the 'maces art could'decorate
. it.
The majoriey of Mr. Latta over Mr.
Ulm sted, for tieat. - Governor is 4,
G 79 : the vote for the:temperance
nominee being 4,628, gives Mr. Latta,
the Democratic candidate, a clear
majority of 51 votes.• Taking ad
vantage of the closeness of this 'vote;
the friends of Ex Gov. Curtin are
laboiing induitriously to: make that
genleman the . Democratic candidate
tor Governor in 1875. And I mast
uonfess there is a degree, of encour
agement given the movement that
leads the wore sanouine Of the Goir
ernor's friends to lope for success.
Many, of the leading Democrats 431
the State are desirous oCrecogniziog
Gov. Curtin's servicos jn the caw
paign of 1872. This they believe is
the opportunity for atich recognition;
no action looking to placing
Curtin at the head of the State ticket
one year hence will be formally taken
by the - party tuslema it has the appro
val of Senator Backelesv and Col.
-- - ,
Noyes—the two gentlemen most
prominently named in: connection
with the Governorebip.
The question of Governor Hart
ranit's successor is regarded by the
" Fathers" of the Democratic party
in this city as an insignificant one
compared with the eoniest.for Sena
tors in Pennsylvania, Nif %V York and
New Jersey, because of the bearings
those contests . will have upon `the
Presidential ncitniaation in 1876% -
It is conceded ? that the struggle
for-the Sta‘otorahip its this State will
be so bitterly hostile that life-long
friendships will be forever . severed,
and animosities engendered so,inten-
sate that Pennsylvania, findingit ut
terly impossible to concentrate her'
large delegation upon any one of her
eminent citizens, will _ present no
. eandidate for the Presidency in 1870.
' The strife between Governor Park ,
er and Randolph for the New Jersey
Senatorship, while less bitter in its
animosities than the contest in this
State, is regarded by the " Fathers "
as fatal to Parker's pro4ects for the
Presidency, because of , the dissen
sion precluding the passibility of his
carrying a solid delegation in il.B
Ia this connection it is proper to
observe that the "Fathers," in cast-
ing the political Vordscope for 1876,
are entirely .ndiffereiit as to the feel
ing the Senatorial' struggle in New
York may create—Now York being
practically oat of the contest; except
80 far as her delivitiOn may unite
upon any one- man—for the- reason
that New York having three timer,
within the past twelve years, been
honored with Presidential nomina
tions, and three times defeated, her
claims, if- again presented, will be
laid upon the table,
In the canvass to make Mr. Thom
as Speaker of the House in 1875, the
" Sires " believe that Maryland will
knock "higher, than a kite " her ;
chances of securing the coveted prize
for one of her distingniched sons, no
matter how loud her cry for a Whyte
man's government may be, nor how.
piteous _her appeal that Alarrland
'now for the first time in 'the history
of the ,country be giVen a President.
Virginia has no candidate to pre
sent, and. thus from New England,
down along the sea board to the
golf, the " Fathers" See but one
statesman, untrammeled by preju
dices and nnweighted by local ani
mosities, who is likely to be - prit for
ward in 1876, and as in the language
of the ablest of the "Sires" in Penn
sylvania, " that man is Senator B4y
ard, who heel no foes to' punish uor
debts to pay."
The receints of the Franklin In
stitute Exhibition recently' held in
this city were more than $91,000,
with expenses less than $35,000. But
few gentlemen connected with, the
Institute were willing to have th.e
Exhibition take place, -and the sane
tinretof the Board of Directors was
not ,liven natal John Baird, Esq.,
oue-of our most public spirited
zens, Succeeded in obtaining a guar
antee fund of $25,000 to secure the
Institute against loss.
The American Iron and Steel As
sociation of this city is:authority for
the statement that as compared with
the year 1873 the decrease.-in the
productuin of, pig iron in this coun
try is 30 percent, ; in rails, 50 per
cent.; in Bessemer steel, rails, 40 per
cent. ; and in other rolled iron 50
per cent.
The Superintendent !of Construc
tion of the new Post office building,'
in this city, states that it will be th 6
grandest building of the kind the,
government has yet erected. Li
Architectural beauty it will be far
ahead of the New York Post office.'
The cost of it'_
will doubtless' leach'
$6,000,000. • -
The Valuation of teal estate in this
city for taxation parpUses is .$565,-
819 995, an increase of $27,004,443,
ot•er last years assessment.. The tax
rate for 1875 has b- eh fixed, by the
Finance Committee- of Councils, at
2 15-100 per cent.
A special meting ;of the Union
Lcagne was held recently which Rai
.tttended by nearly all the ineirbers
of the Club, the object: being to)offic
ially declare that "the influence and
Ruppert of the League Will given
only to candidates of =exceptionable
charaCter and fitness for office " and
to urge upon all who desire the sue
cese.of Abe -Republican party to take
part' jin the delegate elections for
candidates to be (Voted for in Febru
ary next. ,
I „.
From an advanced copy of a
pamphlet on the_ "Revolutionary
Finauce" by Ph'. J. W. Schuckerir, it
iipPears that the Btlls of Credit'
authorized by. the Continental Con.
grass, from Jane 1771 to November
29th 1779, amounted to $241,552.780,
the coin ,value of which was only
$36,307,719. The depreciation did
not begin netil May 1777, and then
three " Continental Dollars" equaled
obe coin dollar. In November 1779
it required 381, dollars of 'Conch:Len
tialMoney ' buy one in silver.
1780 the depreciation was more
rapid. In February the. relative.
; value was 40 to 1, and in December,
'75 dollars in "shin plaster money,"
werci worth one Spanish silver dollar.
,As the question of inflation is
sericiusly entertained by a number . of
Western Congressmen I take_ occa
onto reproduce the following,' from
a Philadelphia merchant, in the
Penasyvania Packet 0f.1780. "I had
money enongh to buy a. hogshead of
sugar, I sold it'again and got a good
deaf more money than it cost me;
yet what sold it for, when I went
to market again, would not buy a
tierce. I sold that too for a great
deal of profit,'yet the whole of what
I sold it for would afterwards buy
but !ri barrel. I have now more mon
ey than I ever bad, and yet I am not
so rich as when I had less."
According to this pampblet,France
loaned the ContiCental Congress 38,-
000000 !lyres, on $7 037 037 in coin,
aboot one fifth of the whole amount
of coin loaned the government dur
ing. t he struggle for independence.
The Pig Iron manufacturers •of
Pennsylvania held a meeting diming
the'week, and resolved to lessen the
production of pig iron in order to
prevent ruin to the trade. A meet
ing of all the pig iron manufacturers
of the country Is to be held here on
' the' 10th day of December, 1874.
Twenty-six of the leading establish
meets of the state were represented."
The young lady who came froth
Neiv,York about two weeks ago to
visii her uncle, and w`eo„ neon in
quiring of a atranger, the address of
relatiVe, was taken to a house of
bad repute kept by Mrs:: Robinson,
110 had the satisfaction of securing
the, conviction of. Mrs. Robinson for
keSping a disorderly house and• of an,
indescent assault .and batterly, io
'aiding the man ,3 1 ! )linson, who took
the girl there. to force a compliance.
of :Li? evil design. The _miraculous
esOape- of the girl ought to be a
warning to unsuspecting strangers to
be 'careful of whom they seek infor
mation while visiting this city. The
sentence was $1 000 fine, and, two
years' imprisonniept at hard labor.
has just been ascertained here that
the new democratic code of Georgia,
as lately amended, contains, a pro
viSion designed to serve the same
purpose as a bill just passed by the
to,xas-legislature. This amendment
reads as follows:
'• In all cases where persons are
convicted of a misdemeanor and sen
termed to work in a chain-gang on
public works or public roads, or whim
such persons are confined 'in jail P)r
non payment of fines imposed fin.
such Misdemeanor, ordinary of the
county, then, where there is a Board
of Commissioners ' , of Roads. and
Revenues of the County, said Board
of Commissioners in thoie counties
where there is a county fudge where
such conviction was had or where
such convicts may be confined, may
place such convicts in the county or
elsewhere to work upon such public
works of the county in chain-gangs or
otherwise, or hire out such convicts
upon such terms and restrictions as
way sabserve the, ends of justice, and
place such convicts- under such
guards as may be necessary for their
'lt is claimed that under' Ibis law a
black man may be taken forcibly
frem the county of his residence and
sold into involuntary slavery,or hired
(which' is the same thing) in another
or remote comity of the state, and
`that the guards necessary for their
safe keeping will be masters to whom
they will be hired, and that the dura
tion of their servitude may be pro
longed indefinitely.
THE Alaska territory is furCishing
fresh satisfaction for the SEWARD pur
chase. A new ledge of gold bearing
rocks has been discovered near Saks,
six pounds of it holding over thirty
dollars worth of pate gold, a ton
yielding $11,220. The inference is
that the rock is very rich, being of
that porous nature, which furnishes
pockets for golden flakes or lumps,
from twenty-five cents npwards in,
value. Of , course the excitement
beats that ,abont the Black Hills.
And the Icelandic Commissioners
have found just the spot for a colony
of their countrymen. Kodiac Bland
is the place of their selevion. Its
-immense pasture lauds for their pony
herds and sheep, its mild atmosphere
and even temperature at once capti
vated the Conimissioners. Besides
are the additional advantages of bays
Swarming with codfish ; smalltlakes
and brooks abounding in trout and
salmon • game in such excess that
ducks and geese are, hunted 'with
clubs. Even Elk are plentiful. The
most valuable furs, such as the Akins
Of the bear, fox, otter and white er
mine, incite' a lucrative trade. The
celandic colony, now settled in Wis
cousin, will remove at once and take
Up their residence on the island. a
FREEMANSBIMG, PA., November 27.
7 —There was great excitement yester
day ovor the reported stealing of the
infant of Allen Goss trom its cradle)
during the night. The ninetaitted
search of many of the .citiz.ns and
authorities fesnited in finding the
body of the child in the Lehigh river,
which was recognized as the missing
,baby. The evidunce indicates that
the mother threw it in the river.
'ars. Goss was arrested and conveyed
Itn Easton jail this morning. There
is much feeling again the mother.
A Lat ot. ilumbdr of the prominent
citizens of New York have petitioned
the Police CStemissioners to enforce
the law prohibiting theatrical -,and
other exhibitions on Sundt v:
Mr Irszu, Post Master General,
proposes to conduct the 'affairs of his
department upon the same principles
that be has adhered to in bis private
business; and the beneficial results
of such an.administration mast be
apßarent. Mr. JEWELL, by wise in
dastry and eeonomical management,
has accumulated a fortune, and in
his dealings with the government
will not permit • waste or extrava•
gance. In his report he expresess
his views on the subject as follows :
"For the first time in ..the coarse
"of a life devoted 'activaly to basi
s' ness; I find myself in charge of an
"establishment, the expenditures of
" which largely exceed its receipts,. a
"state.of affairs which strikes with t
" great force a mind more or less dig
" ciplined by that close inspection of
"accounts enforced in mercantile
" pursuits. In ordinary business at
" fairs there is but one end to this
" condition of things —bankruptcy."
In concluding his report he prom
ises "to guard with strict vigilance the
expenditures of his d-partment,sane
tiolaing no outlay that can be avoid- .
ed without detriment to the iervice, -
and So to conduct its affairs gener
ally that the interests of the public
shall beyaramount to those of any
individual, corporation or party."
The. Postmaster General has then
set an example which other govern
ment offiCials will do well to follow.
IT isJog matter of history that'Pres
ident WATsoN, late of the Erie, 'Visited
England to negotiate for S-46,00C1,000
wherewith to lay a double track of
steel rails, to narrow the gnage, fur
nish more roomy terminal
and equip the road with improved
rolling stock, His negotiations were
terminated; by internal dissensions
among London stockholders, and he
was compelled to return unsuccess
ful. When he retired from_the man
ageme4 another 'effort wan made in
the same direction. Arr. GRAY, one
of the Directors, was sent o t ter. But,
he arrived just as - Capt. tryLv.s and
the accountants were publishing their
reports. These reports had the ef
fect in . London to increase distrust,
and the press of that city dissauaded
_against further investments; and _ he
has been compelled -to ,return empty
handed. Still, under, its present
foresighted and able management, it
looks at if the Erie would make for
itself reputation after - a while that
will ba sound enough- for London
moneyed men. When negotiations
now going on shall be t ompteted, the
Erie will hold its bead good deal
higher than it has done.
Wituot F. EfAxtunEn, Mayor of
New York City, died-do his office in
the City Hall Monday!, from a stroke
of fipoplexy. He had previously
walked, against a strong wind, a dis
tance of two miles, which doubtless
. 1,115 tue .11.11 M ecitat e cause el — Ms sud
den taking off. In the Sdpreme Court,
before Judge WEeiTISIIO I 6. - ;, the libel
suit against the deceas4d Mayor by'
Jinni BELLY was iro4essing,when
he sad intelligence . vas received,
and the court was immediately ad
journed,. as were all the other courts
when apprised of his death.
WAS it prophecy ? In a Cooper
Institute speech, made July 23, 1872,
Hon. Roscoe Co.,:aras said : "You
need to stand guard against the
doctrine of State sa•vereignty which
u'hered in rebellion, • and which; if it
gain head, will Ethel; in the payment
of the rebel debt, the payment of
rebel pensions, the payment of losses
from the ravages of the war, and
a brood of dire heresies."
A GENERAL council of all the Pres
byicrian churches of the world is
being organized fur the purpose of
securing a coin Endo vnlerstatiding.
While meetings will be held• this
week in New York'by the, Committee
on Federation, a General Convention
will take place 'in London next year
to arrange the preliminary details of
A. NUMBEa of prominent inflation
ists met in ludiannapolis last we 4-1;
to organize a new . ratty.
They propose. to -do away with got 1
as a basis for currency.
GEORGE IstIIXIME, the lilouroe coun
ty attiteauarian, died at hilrebideLce
in Stroudbburgh on Saturday last,
aged 113 yeirs.
New Adv artisements.
500 Men and Boys
CASSlilf ERE tr;
d C., d.O
Cor. Main and Pit 4
(One tioor South of Dr. Porter's Drug Store
Towanda, Pa
n will pay you to come 50 miles
to buy a Puppis.' of Winter ClothiUg
at the prices we'shall offer it at.
by'exau?iniog our gOctli before liur
chasing elselwhere
Tomtit Dec. 5, 1871.
Call attention to the
Lee Goode. which tr
they hare ever estitb
Blacs E
mere, Camel'
press Clothe,
Cotton, and
Poplins, Alp*,
opening sisio round Win
,. largest and seat consplet•
:cad, and at f
which canno
stoatsnot be round
o please. In th
new shades in Cash-
Alaa all th
flair, Merinos, Em-
atlas, all wool Barges,
00l 5.3-ges, Emprtsi
as, Reps, &v.,
Also a lar l ,
ffe s+ock. of • Clotiks,
S6wls, Blan l i
t -
tis,Waterproors, Cas-
I • . 4
v i
els, Felt§kirts, ri4ts?
simeres, Flan!
Guyr ° hams, Sh'
rtinge, Tickng,e, Den-
like., tte.:
ins Cottons,
1, '74-tt
omically inclined are
Who' aro eco
and,: exatnin - e our New
•nrited to cal
I s. We Ofler•ti,very at-
Stock of Goo
motive assort
ice, us a cU
Oat—t, '
D LssTßuCTluri." •
B A Z Ajt
• - : ' • 'otice.s of the 'Press.
The Bunte is editcal with* ty hdributtort of tact
atm tikut that arie valdena fitid In .14 journal; sod
tine j- larval heel '• fa the organ of the great world of \
fashion.—"Bestim `Traveller. 1 • , • 4•
Toe Bazar 4a.nime, de Itself to 'every member of
.the household-4o the childreh by Its drull and
pretty tdettirea, to the 7,kt:ow is ay by its faablon.,
plate' , to en le . variety. to -he provideet matron ~
by its patteits or the children's clutheL topdtrr.
/anti/jot by Its ttatufnl deahtr• for embroidered
slipped's and 1 lotions &catalog gowns. But - the
re iditut•matter f the Bazar is uultennly,ol great
excellence. Th paper has acquired a wide vottular , "
ttv for the Great& enjoyment lt adords......V. I
Evening peat, " '
TERM'S • .
ll' . . .
Postaim free to 411 enbseribera in the United States.
HAapigg's tiftlll, one year.... . .. ... ~•84 00
Ea 00 !Brindle yrepayinint 01,V. 8, postao by
the poen/tilers. ;, I . . •
Subseripuona to Harper', Magazine, Weekly and
Bazar, to one ad dread for One yosr.'.B/0 00; i•r 40 -
of Elerper'ave odicale. to one ILdreas for oLe ;ear,
$1 00 postage . . • ' . • . . t
Cu extra cup .uf either the Idnitaitne. Wesley 'or ,
rt ree
Bazar will be e ' , plied gratis for uv'ti y club of; dye
4UblgeribtlE W $4 00 each. in one tem Mance: or. ;
six wpm. tor 21.1 00. witiluat extra copy; pottagfr
Back numb° a can bitsuprilled st.any time.
The Revels so , um-e or flurfor"o Nazar., fr!".he ."--.
leafs /8 68 ' O9. 170, '7l. '72; '73, '76. steguntly bound •
in wee]] !portion 0.4 b, ;,ti be sent by tip',, ID.
ir..ight oreoeid. for $' 00 twb.
rtespopert dre not Co, c0,03i, this adrrtivOtent will= .'
out the expr,til O rders of lisbrEst a risOrtir. S. ,;
Addrtwa hi a Me.Y..B 4 I)lloTlir.bi3, Nor York. .
lloYeallar ry, mt.
I ~
i ~
, ,