Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 26, 1874, Image 4
sondkiml. , _ Preparing and' Packing Poultry. • Poultry should-be fat, and kept 24 hours from food before killing to haie the crop empty. Food in the crop 13011113, blackens the skin; injures the sale of poultry, and buyeis will not pay for this useless *eight. Opening the rein' in the neck or bleeding in the mouth is the proper mode of killing. - If bled inside the throat the bill should' be pried: open wpll a piece of a chili and the poul try to be hung np by the feet ; on a line. This makes bleeding free and prevents bruisho - • The bead and feet should be left ou and the inter nals in. ,The flesh should not be mutilated in any matter. Thrkeys S chickens• dry-picked keep "much 1613,ger and sell -much higher than se-111 d. If the picking is done by seabling, the water should be heated jast, to the. boiling point,- and the • poultry held by the .feet -dipped ,in rd out. of - the water four or five times, counting three each time in or. out. The work should be done neatly and thoroughly. After picking, bang up the poultry by the feet in a cool, dry place, - till nil animal heat is out and the poultry thoroughly cold- and dry. Avoid freezing, as poultry will not keep long after thawing. Wrap in thin, _ light, strong paper. Brown and dark, heavy paper, having too much acid in it, injures the poultry.., The • bend should be wrapped separately. Always pack head downward. This throws the soft entrails 'on the breast bone; the poultry keeping longer 'in this -position. - Pack in clean, dry, tight flOur barrels. Geesatin&ducks, • atter being killed should have all the feathers picked off, then rubbed all aver therqughly with fine resin, after which dip them in boiling hot water , in and out seven Or eightlimes, then rub off the, pin -feathers, after whicb . - wash oft the fowl - with warm' water, ' using soap _and a hand brush. Im mediately_ after, rinse them well in cold water, then hang; them-up .by the feet in a cool, dry place, till they are thoroughly dry, when they can be wrapped and packed as before suggested. Poultry thus dressed and packed,, will, in moderately cold weather, keep sweet and fresh for 15 or 20 days. and can. -be shipped from the extreme West with safety, by freight. .Never pack poultry in stratv,.as in damp or in warm weath- it. causes it to sweat or heat. Glme, deer, rabbits, ..coons,` opos sums and 'squirrels should 'be open (l, all the entrails taken out, leaving only the kidney fat ; then.tha inside should be wiped perfectly . dry -with a eleaneloth, after which.wrap the stein game - in paper; packing the back downward. Wild turkeys, Ilack: - ;, geese, grouse, pheasants, • (inail.-1, pigeons, and birds of - all kinds should 'always have the entralls•left in them. find the head and - feet left n.. They should never be,mutilated 311 any manner. Drawn birch sour in' a short time, and sell for leis than --the undrawn, even if sweet. :Wrap ti o "bead _separately in paper, then the body - . ; Pack head downward in _ light, clean barrels, the same al poul ?fy. Shipper: , should,rerdernber well i list L,ll game and poriltry should be thoroughly cold before being packed, !Ler‘xiFe it will' soon swet and heat. 1•1•Irreli4 are the best packa4s that •.i pi, 4. s ship' in.—Maryland PLoVER MODE OF FrEnTsG SonsFS • - the say a word or two in' re- feeding the hurse, ad bear ing upon the cotidition of the: foot., li:yery owner of a horSe must have ehserv . ed that the growthi, and strength and appearance of the :orse's foot is materially affected by 11:e condition of the horse himself. ri half starved horse may haVe a foot :injured by deficient untrition;• an ( , %-er-fed borse•may have a footjaeat ,l into tin intim - nation; and so do -I:::ad,rit is the foot upon - a 110.1 th y. 1•::ite of the animal economy, that for f,:ot alone, if nothing else, the ,-t ~ f the horse should be regulated i•li.the utmost regard to his health: .i , !.11...1 confident • that we give -our . Lfl - Sts too'liari;:b grain and too; i little ha:.. -especially horses under Leven }e :r1 f , f agr, . if;.111 ,will work with . .x:Lprt• t•:11 , -.Inc: and courage on.a _,O 1-,,r, , ,,, - of L. and a moderate !-.l!pp':, tf gra.:.u--of the latter say sit (ivarts_of oats ati.d 'pint of corn duly. ' 011.rhorses r quire and will ( I bear More grain—but .y.en they want rilf'rp hay than is usually given. I:=;ery horse phonld pass a few _Weeks 14 es. h yea:' without grain - --either the tict halt ,: the last half of the WfutEr, , W:nieli ever is ' the most; con v.nietit.- . And this mode of feeding (...In. 1)6- adopted withotYt risperidio the. animal's work.' I Lave one horse - fourteen Years cdil, which had this, regimen for four . -tnont i hs every years ofliis life (and I bredl.him,). and he ,smooth, vi,gorons and healthy as a c01t . ;7 -has a sonud smooth foot, was never lame 'and Las always been in good Order. Ho is a good specimen of what bolt brick - floor, tar ointment tur 7 4 nips and -hay will do for. horses towards preserving their health and streitth;and soundness andprOmot r ' inn Ploughmin. How TO MAKE GOOD BCCKWLIEAT CAKEE.—Buckwheat flour when,bak -ed into cakes , as is usual, is apt to heavy on the stomach;", the fact has given rise to the remark.; To obviate this and improve otherwise, ix- Grahm flour with the buckwheat —a little more than two-thirds WO wl,Yeat with one-third Graham o a r un bolted wheat flont. This may be mixed in - large qutita - tity, and kspt st 'And ready for use. The Graham will roDke it light, aid.digestion,and make it palatable and wholesome. It can be inied , and baked ;at short notice, by making — a - batter With sonr milk fr'oni the churn, and raised with 7 1 - ola, or what is more generally ac ceptable, mix and. set by the stove Over night. If the first morning it is not snfficiently it will he the nest and tiler( fore if not kept too warn). It may be mixed, with water or milk--milk is best,i and in either ease a little soda, shduld be added just before baking, more where sour milk iS used. • Give it a fair ' test. That 'accompaniment sausage gravy, iiirtliCsolutely necessary as a dreSs ii tr Wenlways prefer good bntter At 7it eputs per pound. , . ET. MOVE ' WAITS FE( n p 3- nse n dime's worth of spirits of orn bathe the wttr:s, or, if very it OLIF, that portion of the hand the. warts are ,with a small lurti-.n of the spirits of 'hartslicirn, ,each Light and morning, for andut three wceks, not washing the hands irr.mediately afttr. The use of it will n•Jt einse any pain milcss is it comes in contact with a cnt lnuise. A. care is usually effected in about three weet&— • Maolama. pa„ a N.Y. CANAL & - 101 CO.- -- . LIIIMi111:12a 07 PISSIMOZII TRAIN& 'To take effect JV 15,41174. notruiWilo. L . • 3023211W•50,, I; 1111.1° . NT °. P s i r u s; r x s. I V . la. Ha Ha na -- --J— -=- P.M. 9ita w PW . i Pm . wat wat sm 2051 4) 705 805 e• 12 It •se 2 , 740 950 ..Buffalo. 12 900 11 5 45; 920 • at. Auburn. 9 033 740 12 0111. . -Ithaca. 6 • 731 8 49; ' 12 28 ...Owego.. • • 9 001 4512 55 830 -Elmira.. 5 0312 513 910 9 35 , 3 20 125 9 Waverly : 4 11 54'. 925 `9443 28 133 9 ...wayre.. 41 11 633 916 9 50385 188 - 919 ..Athenw• . 405 11 98 598 810 ....',3 45- [ , 9 :. Milan.. 11 17 300 .. -13 551 ; 9 01,1:Meter.. 1103 749 1020,115 1 2 011 , ,10 00,'Towan•a.. '330 10 458 735 ~ ... ;4 26 ;10 28 . wyaa'We L . 10 32 729 .....'.4 47; - 1 10 37111nWriLd 1 lO ll . _' ' 703 14 57; 'llO P i Pten'hrn , 1002 • 553. - •',5 13t ;11 13, Writ:wing 948 640 1 1715 35; '3 00111 1131Laceyvillt. 124 929 4 619 ..;539;111 22;5.'4 kd4y.l 926 616 ..'....5 48! 11 37111' Wilnin • 921 611 ...6 OW 111 4511desEbpin. 9 1 , 600 , .. ~610'. 11290, 1 1, 'bo'p'n)! 903 513 12 . 056 50' 3 52,12 55Tunictingi 136 637 320 530 .. .. 7 201 1 20 1 ...Ya1ts .. 511 500 42 . 50 7 50 1 4 351 30;.L k NJ. 12 50 847 243 435 12 57;8 00 442 142 .Pittaton. 1285 735 137 . 4 20 .. 'Bl2 12 00 1 P1'nsvithe . 724 400 115; . 525, 600 3 211 SY' 44" Barre. ! l2 15 '7 15 220 400 2 32' ... I 6 32; 111 Havenill 051 ADi 110 232 3 15' 5 1111 710, 485,5' Revell ;10 25: • 12 20 160 °3 40 ' 7So 56631' Chunk 10 051 1145 1 130 445 831 553 Allenteme 9 00 , 10 47 , 12 23 448' 831 605 Bp. Juno' 855' 12 19 5 00, 845 655 Beibleb ro 8 65; 10 35 12 10 5 30. 915 320 . Easton.. 820 • 1005 11, 40 6 45 1 - ( 1030 piS -Phil's.. 700 830 085 9 05! r x 540 Few York 630 700 900 ...;. i 1 510 Waahlon. ~. •x/ ci•lw •X PX •111•31 ADDI:I7O34L MUM. No. 3k leaves Towards 7 10 a: ni.; stopping at all Matins, arriving at Waverly at 805. and Elmira at 9 00 4. vs. Yto.Wi leaves Elmira 530 p. 02.: Stopping at ail Stations. arriving at Waverly 6 15, and Towanda 710 P.M. Z_ - Train 6 leaves Philadelphia ' 2:10 P. M., Wow York 12 M.. arriving at Tunkhannock 10110 P.M. Train 3 leaves Tunhbannock at 1:00 A. M., arrtv. log at Pldladelybis 2:11P. M.. and Nay York 3:55 T ttac ra inshed a and 15 rii daily With Pullman Sleeping - cars a. Drawing B oom cars attached in Trains 2 and , 9 between Eindri and Philadelphia. It A, PACT Es, Superintendent T. C. COWEN Is now prepared to supply country merchants with CROCKERY WARE of all kinds, CEIMNA AIM GLABSWABE'OF ALL KINDS Also the largest assortment of FANCY CHINA, BOHEMIAN, ETRUSCAN, ALA-- BASTER, and LAVA VASES, MINTLE,.CENTER TABLE AND BRACKET ORNAMENTS, MOTTOE MUGS AND CUPS AND SAUCERS, DOLL HEADS. SMOKING sErs JEWELRY FOXE% And Athol:181nd other varieties of Holiday Goods, at froin 10 to;20 per cent less than they can order either from New York or of any agent that travels for orders, hesides an endless variety of TO:KEE NOTIONS, BEADY 3IADE CLOTHDIG SHIRTS AND DRAV7EIIB, nosrEsty OF ALL KINDS. LOOKING GLASSES, PAPEIMID ENVELOPES, And a large stock of beat American Table and Pocket Cutlery, !beautiful , Tea Trays and Salters; with a store ft 4 of other, goods all new and desira ble, and cheat,ei than ever wu known in this any other market. To sire money now is — tho time. and T. C. COWES'S is the place to makes little mime? se4 • tag pita [Oct./9, '74. tf, SPECTACLESI 'SPECTACLES!! ALUNDEL TINTED These Lenses byre the power .of - Protecting the Eye from IRRITATION arising from Light, ac companied by Heat., Under Wilson's American and English letters patent. , REISOICS WHY THE MatOZO 0 DI 6 0 04 1 0 Di 113 U3911 1 / 1 001 Dil SHOULD BE MEFERBEI) TO ALL OTHERS They hire the power of Arresting the Heat•Baya of Solar or artificial Light before entering the Eye., They are Violet Tinted, yet eo contracted that when applied to.the Eye anger colorleea. • The high and low ntonbers are the same tint. Wm. A. CEIVATBE4LIN JEWELER, TOWA.tiD.k, =1 AMERICAN & SWISS WATCHES; STERELCO SILVER SPOONS AND ROO ERS BROS. -CBCEBRATED SILVER WARE, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, itc., &c., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE- W. A. CIIAEBEBLIN. Noi'. 12. '74 CALL AND SEE THE NATIONAL, A LARGE, HEAVY COAL COOKING STOVE No prove was ever offered co cheap Also, a great variety of STOVES, RANGES, BEATERS, PARLOR HEATERS, IRON,, STFFT,, PATENT WHEELS. KEROSENE LAMPS, Nickel Plated SMUT LAMPS, FIRE PROOF CHIMNEYS, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS and .MUNITION, FANNING MILLS, FEED CUTTERS, LIME,T CEMENT, SASH, .0017 , Dyt. i314:8,1II.I. &PO. Oct 12, Tuhi: TOWIM)A MARBLE `WOBE a., " .4.0 r fir .••• 7 • • - AMU. It. :CD AL. A Eno ozbfbitod to Ude notion, to 'taw thy - twits the Memnon ot the riblio. They keep on hand or furnish to order TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &e., Flob hi a :4 f,sl , 3s!:iiiii VA :ral Pancras In want of anything in oar Una ate r. apeettully incited to calland minim our stock. McCABE & SON. iorands, Nay 1. 1871. D . W. SCOTT & CO., • BAKERS AND GROCERS, ._ . . First block Forth of Ward House. , . we have added - materially to our stock, and now offer a full assortment of • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. We keep no.booka. add no percentage for bad debts ; therefore we can and wi ll give you th e low est rates. All are invited to call and be convinced. . DINING ROOMS ; In connection ,wlth the above, and' meals at all hours of the day ' D. W. SCOTT & CO. Towanda, Feb. 10,1814. • A PPLETONS' AMERICAN CY CLOPEDIA. • NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers - on every salient: Printed from new type. ,and illustrated with Several Thousand engravings and Maps. MATCH SAFES, • The work originidly tmblished nnderlhe tills of THE Saw CICL •Fam• was completed in 1863, since which time the wide circulation which it has attained in all parts of this. II lined. States, and the avail developments which have taken place in every branch of science, literature and art, have In duced the editors and rmblishera to submit It to an exact sod thorough revision, and to tune a new edition entitled THE Exzermerrerczorzirma. • Within the last ten years the progress of discovery in every department of knowledge, has made a now work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political affairs bu kept pace with the atscoveries of 'deuce. end their fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life. Greet wars and consequent revolutions have occurred. in volving national changes of peculiar moment. Ihe cfytt ....v which was at tie blight when the last volunfe of.'s. the old work ap. peamd. has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial sad industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our geographical Imowladge have been made by the indefatigable exp l orers of Africa. The greet political revolutions of *the lasit decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public view • multitude of new man, whose sines are In every one's mouth,. and of whose lives every one Is carious to know toe Mars. Great battles have b.en fought and = taut sieges maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only t n the newspapers or In the transient publications of thieday, but which ought now to take theli place in Ornament and authentic history. In preparing the present edition for the 'preen, ft has according.; been the , aim of the editors to bring down the information to the latest possible dates, and to furnish an accurate account of the 'most re. cent discoveries in science, of every "fresh produc tion in 'Moratoria. and of the newest inventions in the practical arta, u well as to gives succinct and Original record of the progress of political and his torical events. Ibe work has been iegin after long and careful preliminary ishor, and with the most ample meow ces for carrying ft on to a successful termination- None of •be original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has been printed on new tyre, forming in fact a new Cylopedia, with the same plan and compass es its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such im provements .0 its composition as have beon sus gested b longer experience and enlarged knowledge. The illustrations which are introduced for the first time in the present edition, have bees 'added. not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to • give greater ludicity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace, ell branches of .scienca and of natural history, smidepict the most fatuous and re. markableleatorerrof scenery, architecture and art, as well as the various processes of mechanics and manufactures. Although intended for instruction rather than embellishment, no pains have bean spared to inure their artistic excellence ; the cost of their • execution is enormous, and It M believed they will and a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the C ;eloped* and worthy of Its high character. This work is sold to Subscribers only, payab e oa delivery of each volume. It will be completed In sixteen largo octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, folly illoat.rsted with several thomaad Wood Engravings, land with numerous colored Lithographic ]flaps. AGK'ST PM= AND ITTLZ 01 In:MEM In extra Cloth. per vOl. $ 5.00 In Library Leather, per vol. 6,00 In Ball Turkey kb roe; per . . T-00 In Hall Ensaia. extra gat,. per vol.. • . • /100 In Pull Norco*. antique, gilt edges, per v01..10.00 In Fall Russia, per v 01.,. . . . . . " 10.00 Three volumes now reedy.. finoceedlng volume , natil completion, will bebop:Led once to two months. Et pommies' pages of Abe alletratato OTCLOPADIA. libowwie type. illnetratioss, etc., sill be Bent - gratis on application. Prssr•CierS CANVASSING Aol=l Wes. Address the Publishers, . D. APPLETON & CO., 549 & 651, Broadway. N. Y., & 725 hansom di.. PhD's. THE LONG EETABLISHED MILLINER! ' STORE 07 MISS GRIFFIN nas just been replenished with a tall and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ORM ANTSBITKILLEI To which the attention of my customers Is sopa clay called. trio-a reasonable and all goods gnar. sunned. 11. GILEMS. Toirsode.fet;r . ll 23. '74-ti COAL. • The imbecriber haring the agency of the Hutobi. see cagey, et Latreton. Pa.. ls prepared to forelab dealers with all due of anthracite Og el ak ki prepireg In the best manner, from the oal Cooper Pain. a tall supply of MU Coal may be seen by calling on W. H. licunieton. at the Ile. Coal g er & on Pine. one block south of Wain street. where all are Invited to call.. Fall weight and good quality insured. L. 8. CASE Talipinds. Feb. 1.1174. , . _ WEST STREET HOTEL, - cos. 4 , , 42, t 3 & ü wiCs szw roar. TE3IPERANCH HOUS E.PL&N 03; TUE EIIItOPBAN RO 6 / 1 8 50 and 75 cents per Day. CIIkRGEB Tiny IrODElttatt. The beat meats and •egetablea in the market. BEET BEDS la the 41j .Tl 2 De • B. T. B •BISTTr. Prooprieter. OTO JACOBS' • G TEMPLE OF FASHION DOORS. SPRING VeD &TIMM CLOTHING. A 1001:11 lIMISIVICD .11TM D4t. Ara P. 1174 - ;7, I~IIIntB. E.4oa MARBLE MONUMENTS, Of ovary Ay% SILTS STREET, YOB LAMEST STYLES IS _ f W AGONSI WAGONS ! on hand a ism assortment of :AMBER AND LIGHI SELL CHEAPER Than any other-establishment in the WAGONS AND OAREILGEf3 } !_ Of every description mannfacturpd to order on short notice. Towanda. Math 21.1177. FROST SONS Wank! invite the Publioto:aU and esamlas:tbele NEW STYLES OF FURNITURE LLBOJZIT AND B 831" hicit prices. We din keep In dere and make to order SASH• BLINDS, • DOORS, Oct: 1, 1873. WE INSURE ALL KINDS OF o PROPERTY AGAINOT LOBO . OR DAXA.OIi BY EIRE AND LIGHTNING. we represent one 711ty lIIMIona Capital. ' Old English and Home Companies. LIFE mIMIANCIE m Tin ormsr Awn Lamar nom AID MUTUAL 0011,01111 IN TEE lIIIMWD /UM 400DKNT INSURANCE From am Li, to one par. NOBLE k VU CENT. Mira. UPERIOR AGRICULTURALS /14LCIINSNT. for data bT , R. M. WELLES, TOWANDA. PL. Mai No. S lienrces /nook. north skis of Coin lIHOLZSAt Noun aquae. AND NIITAIL DIA= AND KANTIPAOTIIPXIIB LOW. Wowing Waeldnedi, Bore, Powers and lb:ushers, Wheel Babas, Plaster Sowers,Mersin deader*. WRY Tedder% Reversible sad_ fits& Plows, 0 - hinters, Thill Bore. Etess. CReveranUers and Penning MU Lawn woenow.'warsa nasarzes, ern nedune.., - inn annuf yawns re TIM imam. eons Mum ton asno on roma. se.. se. 011alogues &Sul descriptive. Untested printed cir culars. furnished or =Lied free to all applicants. It will east but three cents to sand for aireulan Poldre• !beam when to Towanda, Gall and see an 40r1112 a. m. WELLI2. D4irT,3* ar BROTHER, Dolan in WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, CALF- Tor videk th• highest miltprice Is paid st umit. Oka la K. 113. ItormliKirs Star% Kiln-st.. 16 off aissama • • s. a Dana I Itoa.lloo - TOWA DA 1 TA. WGIS WAGONS WHICH I WILL mlt. - JAMES BRYANT. 111112171' i hate asw on band the ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IWANDA, to do UNDERTAKING rez.r.• stable terms. SIOULDINGS, FLOORINGS, &o. J. IX FROST & BONS* same T 1789, &e.. Mc*lsms& gN .PN1181.1:111ND PLOT THAT GOOD GOODS ARE SOLD CHEAP= AT JULIUS WOLFF'S TIIA_N ANY o.l'lila CLOTHING HOUSE IN UIITHEBN PENN4/1.1 Having recently tilted op me Large aad commodl one store lately oceopied by FOX k MEROUH. to accommodate my raptdly-lnetsaidng trade. I respect fully ask my old etudociers. and the public general ly. to ell and examine my elegant NEW STOCK -OP • . SIIMMEIi CLOTRII4G And 6atizty themselves Ms. • y prices defy comp. Litton. Towanda, May 4, 1.874 NEW DRY GOOD STORE IN TOWANDA ! lII' BRABMALL & Gorr `Have removed their stock of Dry Oooda from tho old stand of R. A, Patna, opposite Um Court Houle . e't TO THE EAST STORE IQ DEIDLEMAIVE3 BLOCS, NEAR THE liitHIGE, And are daily receiving NEW GOODS FROM THE CITY In addition to the Bankrupt Atoct.of B. A. Pettis, which *hey are selling for about NIL( pries. Come and see for yourselves. If we don't SATO you tome money, don't buy. BRAMUALL ar. ()OFF, - Beidleman's Block, (Near the Bridge.) Bridge atil'owauda, Oct. I, 1874. COAL! COAL. OLD TOWANDA COAL YARD PIEUCE k. SCOTT Take pleasure in announcing to their frie • nds and the public aenerally,lhat they are prepared to tar nish any of the fol owing named Coale in quantities to suit purchaser., thoroughly screened and elated, and at as low rates as at any yard in lowenda. We keep the best Coals from the Pittston and Wilkes- Barre mines. SULLIVAN ANTHRACITE COAL All ekes, from mines In Sullivan County BARCLAY (SMITH AND STOVE: From the old Barclay mines. We are Solo Agents We keep on hand the ALLENTOWN LIME! • Be'4qualfty. Aldo, • / COPLAY CEMENT ! VI orders left at the stor' of Long & Stevens. F J. Calkins, Eorton'a. Eirby's Drug Moro. or at Coal office corner of River and Elizabeth's streets, will fecelve prompt attention. Please give ua a call. S. PIERCE. i Toiranda. Pa., gd.tember 22,1874 SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE • INSTITUTE. The first Winter term of this Institution will com mence MONDAY, November 2, ISM, with the fol lowing list of experienced teachers : EDWIN E' QUINLAN, Pnracmlz, Ancient Languagt, Math and English Branches E. L. BILLIS, A. B , Commercial, Mathematical and Scientific Branches. M 133 VARY E. MERRILL, Pulierzinass, Common and Higher English. MISS MAY I MASON. Commort and Higher English. MILE J. LaQUIN, French, Drawing and Painting. • V.S.A 0. A. BALDWIN. I Vocal Music. ' MISS MINNIE C. HAWES, In.trumentll Music. Classes will commence the study of Philosophy and other Sciences. The customary reorganization of classes wilt take place, in order that new stu dents may be properly clasaftled, and such new classes will be started as the wants of the students may demand. Special attention Will be given to those students pertaining to a business etincation, = that this de mand made upon the school by students from the country may be fulty provided for. An additional advantage will be ad' access, free of charge, to 'Mi di:nig of the school, to the evening school, which will probably commence with the egtening of the - Special Attention given to the preparation of boys for • College.'; Regular instruction In Drawing and Foist Mu.ic free of charge. Excellent advantages. In Instrumental Knee and voice culture. Tuition foam $4 to $lO Ler term. Board. Induct. log furnished rooms, lights, washing: kc., .$4O per term. ' For circular or • further information, address or call upon the Principal, E. - E. QTIBLAN, at To wanda. Pa. • Fox. Prost. Board of Trustees. TO OUR PATRONS GEO. H. WOOD &CO. PHOTOGRARIXERS, TOWA2ZDA, Gitteful for tho .generous pitiotutgc of the put year. would Inform all wonting. Pictures that we are 8411 adding to our establishment NEW &ND IMPROVED INSTRUMENTS, And adopting, tried and approved modes of printing and retouching in order to secure 1 , 114. PHOTOGiAPIISTRAN EIEBETOEOBE . _ made outside of tho cities, and that we make it a specialty to enlarge 41 kinds of Picture* to any size desired, and finish in Water Colors, India Ink, or in Oil, to the BEST STYLES Al; U fl Rysow plum We also endeavor t• ,ate all the time possi ble In making childrens pictures, so so to- se cure the boat result& We are constantly adding to ottestock of 7E2,11E8 All new patterns and tasteful stiles. and fur. Man them at a small advance from cost prices. May 11. 1873. NEW ARRANGEMENT AT TIIE FLRST WARD BAKERY. MRS. MARY E. KITTREDGE • Elating purchased the stock and fixtures, of H. A. Cowlea'Rakeiy, has refitted the establishinent and purchased an entirely NEW STOCK OF GOADS, • • Salted to the trade, Ciaoczaurs, Tau, Corm Dal= Farm 4:IA3XCEI Funs, Cthnntr, Closiscriosaar, Faun Batton, - BRICUITP, RIME, 11()LLS, &C.. DAILY. A neat and attractive ICE CREAM SALOON NIA be opened In eonneztion with theestablish' merit. where ladles and gentlemen can always find the beat cream and etas: delicaclu of the season: THE. IDININ'G'•ROOiI KU been refurnished. and whist ■l! times be sup plied wlni substantial eatables, which will be served et reasonable rates Farmers end others visiting town will And this a convenfent place to supply the 'wants of the inner man. • MARY E. lIITTREDDE. • Ziwands, April Zi. putt SALE (IR KENT.—A desirw. Lie Rouse and Lnt on Fourth street, anti horse north of Bartlett's. convenient to Watt tate or GrarleitrichooL Enquire on premises. WM. 9, *comp.-- Tournmerren 12, Ict WOODFORD,' S TUB NEW. YOBS • BOOT AND ';i3HOB STORE, , No. a, ATNON a mom= 111,001.11111D011 Is receiving one of the , largest and best stock of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought in Towanda ; ?'which he is offering at the very lowest prices !for Oash„ consisting of Guns oAir, KIP STOGA, BOYS CALF BOOTS, LALI):IES, MISSES and Curthazies Shoes of ' all ,kinds, ,all bought direct from the Manufacturers, and hand made, goods warranted. A inr. maim , Lukruzu Aim FUMING& • ! Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same. Towanda, May, I, 1877. NEW ' CARRIAGE IPAOTORY OD rile the new TOWANDA, PENN'i _ ankus woixr. =Ty sanounos to his ,fshoida and ystross. s% built a • where he win constantlikeep cis hand • toll i sort. meat of TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, Made of the best material and finished In the beat city idyls. His long . experience In city Carriage Pictorial gives him a decided advantage over others In the • of his Wagons. All thoy asks is an INSFECtION *ORK previous to purchasing ALL WORK WARRANTED TO WU PERFZOT • Thankful for the liberal patronage format/ ex tended and rospeetfully ask a continnarm of the alum FOUNDERY At MACHINE I SHOP. The undersigned having purchased the Foundry and Machine Shop lately owned by lam °arum, are prepared to do all kinds of work appertaining to their badness, with promptness and dismitch MILL GEARINGS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS,. .lAN D'R ILL - S, Wm. SCOTT SHINGLE MACHINES Of the latest and moat improved kinds MAD • • • • and kept constantly on hand read for tuts. .CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOIJci-TIS Of all kinds, and the'latest improvements tap. - constantly on hand. STOVE ,CAYSTIN(S CELLAR GRATES, STYX)A.I.ND SLEIGH SHOES, 10PL0OD & 'CO., , T. continua o manufacture .their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will yell a better roa4dzie, for leas Mono/ than can be bad elnewhere - tn' the world. Re claim for our mantles" that they *lll do IS mneh, or more, than any Other, and are more durably built. We personally superintend our work and see that it La well down. Weiwill send of our machines, on applldition. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One of Two Hors; THRESHES SEPARATORS, THRESHER and CLE~NEI FANbliNd MOMI.B 4 AND =AO do IiCILA • SAW AND MUST , wOrk *am to order. , - CUTS = A call befOre pucchasicig elsetatsre. • "00 . alwaavua 1.00 2s , aoozir Aug. 2.1889. rfE,NE* Iv PROVED RE:MI:NG TON SE , IO . NO MACHINE , AW4RDED THE "IiEDLL FOB I'HOGREN." THE 1110Mnri,Ctanin Of "1121111" AWARDED As SEC • • NO SEWING MACHINE "RECEIVED A HIGHER PRIZE. not 000 p Masons: . Now Invention thoroughly Tested and so. cured by Letters Patent. 2. 1 111ak0 as perfect lock stitch, alike on !bOth sides, on all kinds or goods. _ 3 —Rune E1t00.413.1 Fehieless and Rapid— best combiustion . of gaieties. 4.—Durablo—runs for years without repairs.. 5 —Will do ALL 1111rietie4 of work and Fancy Enna , log in a superior Luanne?. Most easily kfanliphi by -the operator. Length of stitch may bo altered while running; and the machine can be threaded without painting thread through holes, . , 7.—Design-ingenious, 'elegant. forming the atateh without the use of,e,m wheel gears. rotary cams -or lever arms. Has the. Autom tie Drop Feed, which insures uniform irluph of stitch at any epeed. Ha.. our new .Thread Controller, which al. lows easy movement of needle-bar rid prevents Jury to thread. , e.`—Co Atruction moetcaieful and flarshed. It it maintsetured, by the most alcbiul and efearleneed mar-haulm. at the Celebrated hEMINGTOI4I AR— NOWPrIv DOR. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA,,_ Br'ld Noise; - . 1 i :lAZII34:iI ILO In* NEW BRICE CARRIAGE FACT9Ins FAMILY CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TICOTTESIO SITLEYS, AND EUEELEtOI4IB. Finish, Style and Durqbility, SATIRIPACTION. VUVIII 4 SZOPU:( I I 4B 4kih'itioVVAiiO: 4 .2 I OI reduced prices Tnwinds. Jan. R. 11319.—1 f And all kinds of MILL I . a 0 N S MADE TO ORDER. ENGINES REPAIRED, ind all work warranted to give safiahiction. PLOUGHS HIDE-HILL, IRON AND WOODEN MAMS Of all kinds. ' AND P,L CMG POINTS CHURN 1 rovEßs, LARGE All . D SMALL SIZE. LARGE ino's KETTLES dud AU kinds of castings furnisbal to Mara 30. um. IIEAICEI & ROCKWELL. CIATALOGIIPIL AT VIENNA, 1873 Orcial.“ sad Pro,* CI_BOORRIf AND, = PROVISION ‘X ; EITOTUD. , MoOABE & EDWARDS, FAMILY. GROCERIES MOWS NZW BIAXN. TOWANDA. PA, ' ' we do not dein It necessary to enumerate all the dlferent ertideeire keep. Our assortms* is ALWAYS COMPLETE. FIRST CLASS GOODS Oa& paid for Parmara Produaa. • JAKEB Weil% Matti 1. 1870. Wit. EDWARD& NEW STEAM FLOURING MILL .lli smantEgurpr, PA • Theimbecrib desires to give notice that his new • • STEAM' FLOTREN'G MILL is now in miccesidtcl operation. and ,that he Wire: pared to do all work in his line on Short notice." CUBTOM GRIND/MG DONE °NITRE SAME DAY THAT rr IS RECEIVED. • Whet, Buckwheat and Bye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed. Bran, to., always on hand and for sale at lowest rates. PARTICULAR NOTlCE.—Persons livings on the west side of the river desiring to patronise my mil, will have their ferriage paid both ways, when they bring grins 31ton bushels and upwards. ept.4•7l, - P. fi AYRRR. ' C .13/ATar, VOICT.V.SA.L.E AND RETAIL • DELLEit GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TOWANDA, PA. The best brands of. \ FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAM. The highest price paid for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCF, BUTTER, POULTRY as•D GAME Especial attention , paid to filling orders,. Goods dellitered free of charge anywhere In the Borough, C. B. PATCH: • Towanda, Jan 11, 18711 IiENEY BARGAINS IN STOVES! Scc., . Given to all purehiisers for Cash, at HARDWARE STORE, Finn 17.'7% HEADQUARTERS WATCHES; JEWELRY NEW JEWELRY STORE, ON . BRIDGE STREET In the building formerly occupied by Young St Titus, with a large assortment of Gold and Silver.. American and Szoiss IValches, Fino Gold JoNvelry, Gold Sets, BUTT N , PINS, &c. Ste. &c. ke: A full line of soup oohs and plated ware. SPECTACLES svp EYE GLASSES From the cheapest , to tho beat. and Many other lutcles too 01 1 / 1 11W0111 to mention, but to be se en braining. IL RENDELIKAN. •N. B. Witches. Clacks and Jewelry ropairsd by practical workmen. and warranted. • - Towanda. Not, 10. '73 • I NOIU :CENTRAL *RAIL WAY.—DIrect rout. North aid south to Bal. limn*. Washington. Philadelphia and all - points South ; also to Buffalo. Nlagar: Palls, Suspension Bridsre, Becbester, gyr.cnse and all points East sod West on the New York Central Railroad. 'and the Canada*. sa.. On and alter Einrllq. NOV. 23. .18111. trains will leave zatrnA a. : , Ilicatxxxwmui. • 31111 arrive.. . .. ..... ........10 30 pm Northern Ex press 13 00 in Morning Accommodation •• 41'43 am Evotitug do fin pm L. Southern Pr p. 2 08 pm Mail 6 43 am ea. Northern Erpress north and Southern Es. press wrath. are through trains between 7 RoChester and Baltimore: the Morning and Evening &acorn. I:iodation north connect at Canandaigua with trains for &dustier and the Pall*. • G. CLINTON GADDIDIII, OVA Rapt. ED: S. Y0DED1424111411.118t .4% NiNianft INGIL • - • • ~. _ PR I Si 0 N 8, sell nothing but TINWARE, HARbWARE, IRON AND NAILS, GT, A SS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, H. T. JUNE'S TOWANDA, PA FOR i &ND SIL E "WTA ElEa Dl. HENDELUAN flu opened a 4 011AINS AND RINGS, CHAIN BRACELETS. O 1 all kinds—Gold. Silver and Steel r 7 i - *lsmDamns. przsions FOR ALL. AT TUX NEW JEWELRY SROBE I if', A. ROOYWBLTL 111 Condu ewtlals7 iy receiilaz, !a addition to hi lug. saxk 4J , • I • . . • Yak aOLD WIS, PINS, BANDg, =4OS. ; STUDS; CHARMS, AMEBIC/at and SWI9 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, . &ME ru:rin) WARE or &LL venzsms GOLD. SILVER AND STOL SPECTACLE% SILVER AND PLAITED CLOCKS Of 111 deectiptlons it the lowest prieel • WATCH. CLOCK and SWUM repairing dewed In the best =tutor, and trlirrauted. Thanks for a liberal' patronage and hOpci to merit • oonnunince of the rime. 1 _ Towanda,,Nov,A 0, A. BLACK p.i CROCKERY OF VARIOUS PAT- - Th4NS, And an low u tlio!lowest GLASSWARE, TABLE' CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED WOOD WARE, , STONE WA R E, 1 BIRD CA:GS; GLASS SHADES, I would say to the Public that •on any goals kept in iitockri will not be nr.dersold.s 0. A. BLACK. Towanda. Feb. 12, 1874. NXT A. CHAMBERLAIN, v r • . I PEALEII IN D, I IL JAI 0 Isl D FINE"JEWELitY WA Tellt'S la.° 2, 1574. . . DANIEL F. SEA .TTY it,.. CO., o r 1 . - . - ! • BEATTY ikiPLATT'S i CELEBRATED GOLDEN" TONnUE. PARLOR 'OR . ', i, CANS. Are ranked' by eininent musicians and tl stitr gutatzed men of "honor in this country an )!i Eu rope, as the leading ) parlor organ now in use. We challenge any meter to equal them ! For Church, Sabbath Schools. Ledges.. as well as the parlor,Lthey have no rival. •Teidlinonitte and .:weds of honor are constantly being resolved ,in their favor.' An offer. Where we have no agents we will allow') any one wishing to put) hose one of our orwans, the agent's discount. Also to any ieeponsiiile party 'wishing to rarebit - is/tam of our organs tram a dis tance, and prefer o f see and examine. it lactore . pay-- trig for it, tire same will be granted them by sending) Us a recommendation from the cashier - of !your nearest bank; or soixes prominent man iu. your VI. cinity. and it - the nritsirle not Prat as' represepted, you have the libtirtvito rent. n thS emu.. at our ex pense, we paying the freight both w 0 ft, It is with pleasure se introduce the GOLDEN Tina ce„ snow ing that it will give eniversel sativfaction. Si Ipow. seses many advantages over all others. -IMO tone exorla in fullness; and the chirp tibrotton . Of se ands it an evidence that it tdamis tine as to merits f all musical inst)rumentS now to nee. )We select a tew atuitracis from letters and dite riots which we are tinia-tantly iciAting in favor of our organs,"and snail you to read them We cry “Enrcka iil for 'we found what we Isolated. J ll'. wILBa 11..ttarrishurg. pa. I' am pleased with the sweetness of its tone. I PROF. N. P VAN LOBANEE, Iluline,lll. • • Pure as golit—Da ly Patriot. ! 1 . • 1 , 'Our muscat critics call to li-e, it. They are de lighted with it. OEO. L, FREET, Altoona, IPa.- We woadd - recominend th s oicellent instrument to the musical world, for its 'fineness of tone.—Pe tetsburg (Indiana) Demo rat. - I Combines sweetness and strength , in its tone.— Lewistown Claartto.) For quality. promptness and exquisite of tone they are unequalled. PROP. RtmT. H7Nce. . I can with pleaenre recom , nend it to any in' want Jfa drat-class parlor organ. PROF. O. HUNGER, • Idahony: City lam well pleased with them. 3. B. SECHRIST. • Hagerstown, Md. lam pleased with - the tone of the instrument. WM. BoBERTs, Brooklyn, D I First among Bel advantages is the gi.rat scope of its expression. being constructed to play the softest movie. and. when desired, to increase its power. Alan either gradually or auddenly . produte more vol ume of tone than any other organ of its elem. I This is accomplished by ,bur .new ' Patent Double Forte tt^ ell, so arranged t i t t toe summits thrown out by a direct passage On-Womb the case. ' We dews that every family throughout this i.onntry, as well as Europe may test Its wonderful, musical producing qualities. Orders-have ben re- , o cved at such' rapid : rates that we hive'. been cow pelt. d to enlarge the inannfactory, and pot on a still larger fort* of akillfial mechanics iu order to supply the demands. We, however, now are- h , ppy 4o an nounce that we can; fill orders promptly and I with tne Utmost dlepatili. We - also call the attentlion to fur world-renowned' EUREKA PIANO: •-,• nut Piano is fast 'gaining a reputation as the 'lead ing pitno•forie now in uae. • send feilltustrateri price lilt and tY Let of Usti tuoniate, some of whom you may know neap our organ. from the put .is months teeetint-en yea:s. Address, - DANIEL F. BEAT Washington, Warren Co.. New Jersey, Aug. 6tf. - • STAULING DONE AT ,S. HENRY KirSBIT.Ety'S 'DRESS MAKING ROpkg - ,-140. 2, ARCADE BLOCK. : 0 11URNER ,/tc GORDON, - 1 J., , • , . - PATXOIII. BLOC. I I • • ••.- - • \ r I .: .; 1 TOWLNDA, PA, . :.: • '`k 1 I ' I - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. I • , - Dfi UGGIST Eri -.' /. j . 'Win Ostensive/ rePs i red their stare at 'the °DS stand. have opened w tb a large, new. and,well ea, lected Meek, consisting of • ' , AC/Dl3 l .EITHAOTS, E ELMS, HERBS, IFTRIAR . 00A PILLS, POWDERS, (lUMS, /SYRUPS. _ TINCrITHES, HMIS, &04 --• : -- i 4 . I f, And en . / . PREPARATIONS. . • :: • . , DYE, STUFFS, MACHINE OILS . I, . . nEFrszco. xeßosizcs, ALCOHOL : , Plat WINES AND ' LIQIIOI4 (For Medicinal Purposes. 41L" F t TOBACCO;SNUFF AND CIGARS • • • AB be • . - POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, . . . • , . .., _,.. . ! . . And I Fine Assortment of '. ' ' i . TOILET , AND FANCY GOODS. More thin the usual care andettentlon given to th Compounding of -Prescriptions. Open thindays • from Stio'cleck,a.m.,to 1 p.m- R. from 6 pan. to? p.sse Dr, lkLeon.s, can be consulted at the store on fit urdny of each week, as heretofore. ' , I • D. IL 21311 NEIL . I• . • ' ' W. - G. GORDON. .i. ToWinda, 3lay 7 ' 1872. - . . -.,,..s FIRST:NATIONAL BANK OP TOWANDA.. CAPITAL '' 1 I $125,000: 4 • Sir Os FOND 7 40,000. This Bank offers =HIRAI FACILITIES for the, : cm of a _ ' • GE ERAL BA4RKLWG • 11USINESIS ~,• , Lt. AID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDING I.T + AOREIXEMT. ..,-.: . SPECIAL Oear. omits TO TBX couxcilov ine No= elm Ctizczia ' i ... • Part wishing to gerrn.morrirr to any part of the 17ritted tea. England. Ireland. Scotland, or the prin.- ciptlettiee and towns of Europe, can here ptecure, drafts for that purpose. . . - P. 48,1408 Imam ',- TOM* from the old country, by beat steamer or rat In Wail, always on band. _ 1 .tpararEa OVEIt AT BEDIICIEWRATTA. --r. • 1 . • Hig ) ett Price paid for U.S Bonds. Growl and Save I JOB. PGWELL„ ?resident. B. A. BelrB JR - Decal:ober 1. lege. ' ' • 9ashier: 806.11 -13',INDRY.— THE Pl;TBLAIO telreepecUnity informed that the Book-ttindegr' had been removed tv the "Reporter" • Buildtres.- thtid a cry, where will be done • T1..0 0 -B1 N LNG! , I •'. - , In all its various branches, on terms as reasonable as !•theltimes" will allow. The Bindery will be un dei the charge of .. . H. C. WHITAKEB, • I • ,- -- . An ei deuced Binder, ono all work will be promptV done a my le and manner which minuet be excelled. MUSIC. MagaZilltll. NOWlipipera. 014 roots, &c., bound n evo R ry variety of style. Particular 'oo te , n wil be paid to too Reding and Binding of . • 1 . BLANK .e.ooss, i • ' - TO any desired pattern,•which n loiiiit l y and dump bitty be warranted. . . . , AL w rk will be ready tar delis cry viten promired. The patronage of the public is solicited, and I. es feet ash nwnen guarrante.l. Tows ids, Atig"nsf 2. I ReA.-ti ~. SHEEP. CLOTHING; , - - , •i • •-. ' VERY CHEAP! . I .. . I ..........-- In order , to: make roam for the •LARGEST unit BEST stock of - • • : 1 - ll' lALLICLOTHING I._ , . Ever opt ezed.iu this n:arlet, I a:11 fed. the .• 1 .. . I NEXT Sik.. — TY DAYS . , . , . . • 1 OFELR 31Y Ed7.117)1 ER CLOTHLNG . J " ' -, I • I i l REGARDLE ~5' 8 U .'' (1 08' 1 ! .1. , i • 1 It is unocces,ary for ide-t., szy that tuY goods are I I - - STRICTLY FkIl4T-CLABB, I I ... And are only (Aimed:lit vreatly reduced prices ra _l. s or than carry them over to nest season, •\.. , . , 1 31. E. 11.0:;ENFIELD • ; • Towan la, July . ..e.),lf7t. • ' ' • • ; • • .; . • , THE PLACE , - TO . BUY "1:01 . 41• ..„. - . asiiNESs AND MORSE FIXINGS ENERALto t .'. ; I Is at C. F. DAYTON'S. in the store lately.occup od by Julius wolf/ as a Clothing ...Mere. Having te• nosed my 'establishmeut to more 'commodious tthd , :oriven , ent qu'artera. 1 respect'ially invite my o:d .zustomers, and all in Want of anything to the linel cf 17 I HARNESS, SALDLES;NETS. ILANEETS, WHI Z ' .. tc., &c., to give me a rell;feeling satisfied that frern the, femi(ties I possess. for perchasing stock. I eta Jo a better job, at a lower price, than any other, vs. tablishin'ent in the county. 1 • ; DO N'T FORGET THE PLACE -ONE DOOR *- LOW THE FOX St• .11ERUIJA 8 CO= flay 2•i. - O. V. DANTOIS r BAKERY AND DINING ROOM. First block north of it ad BOMA. 1 gp,r , xi), Pig; CARE,CRACKERS, • 1 . 81 1 AXED Di LY.- - I And so l d at Wholesale suit Retail. • I In onrIDOUNG ROOMS wa will accommodate the. ~ohlic with either a lunch er a good meal stall times of thi day and evening. oT..ST 8 AND ICE CREAM ON T I IAND Dunn 0 THEIR fiIfABON. Also a litteaseartment of Grocesien,Oceshmilener7. Fruits, Note, &e. • • maylttl tf . .. '. ,D. W. SCOTT & CO.! I• • I IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL 1 ' ' . . .I ' A RM S, -• HO SES, RMS, LOTS OR MILL P OPERTY„ or if you N 4 Isti to,lend or lborroW: It oney o Real Pvtate or o th er security for a ebert t. ranor A term of sears, or if you wish ''',,' I R I NTS-OF HO i USE'S • - 1.. 1 . tia °Hai property collected and pant, we offer s,l • p-•-ior f Rah= for the prompt traneactiou of Each balnesi, ' I ' We ha•So how a Una list of property for sale,' an , hose seeking .. 1 . 1 .1 I , ... . R.LAII ESTATE INVESTMENT In tithelirL town or county, sada well to call on ai A. J. NOBLE .t CO.; • ' 1 : Red Elden/ and 1...0an [ Agents. ' Officen street, Opposite Ceurt /M 0.% 2a w.tuda, N. • 1 . Mr ro, '7I-tf. i NECKLACES, BlNGS`aara CHAJI4II W. A. BOINEWNLI. BASKETS, NY,ktiDA, Pi .:Lmni t iiiii - iisitobisi: