. • • . , _ - I I 1612411111" L ' i - St riculhEral - • - .., ........-._ , pA. a N.Y. CANAII a R.B. co.— . THE GRANGERS.I , _L_____ ao. _• sasawaomer OP r azz TILTIOL - - The charge has been made that the ITo Ids olkell Js* IS. Ira. - .. - 1 C Tganization - dubs together to pro- ',lool,,Wanile 1 posponram. dire groceries = and - • till'iet t articles Na fict.l 110. No. , , aai ll; ft . ji4."'...""..k sa froin the city, and that therefore it 55 MILI 19 :j I. 0 9 11 9 9010 6 se. [ -_ is in direct oppsition to, our home in- PA , ;id. ado ot rN k I tislPgoo U. * ar Altlstries, &c. The following fromjan ; a I ; ;°ZMilint 11 9 . 01 . . j U II 00. , . exeldapge, we -are regnisted to lay tso 1,44 s . before our readers as affair exposetaf ;V go• • • •=O.-. 642 • I* Granthe .:, 909 93a9 11 90 .Zimko.. 309 12 9,1 1 910 93519 al 1 9 , trouoto s 4 26011 a a 99 I "It appears to be the prevailing s44}sisi 4 id dO .„.. 1 . 77 ,;._ 4 731 td a l ie oppinion among the merchants end 5 55; 1 II LS ../Adand , ' 606 U 9 410 IN t:a "esmen of towns and cities that :-. 3:4 5 I. :4 ::= 4 :: • Hi IV ' Vale is something inimi to their i ! . .' .. 1, 4 A I " „14 . Ir . a E l: 5 555 1 . interesca in the Grange In velment; --AA el tor. samo'riLo 10 1 1 1: Is SI i 0 on erooltra ,1 1. thatTutrons of Husbandry,. re some Is 13j 11112 Wrawool 9 sa g o hov, pledged to! a secret warfare 1 1-113 351 3001 ' 15 4 , 0 4 .2 1111, 220 9!a a 119 5 11 ars .... Ita.ts 92 o is ag li I:, st. them; and that it behooves :7..1541 il rrts.w„h„„i 921 4 U ' • them to stand reads to defeat? all -- • - 1 4 6 Z o t 1 1 / 'll4ooll°ro 3 1 CM tu:,..astires they ' may inaugurate, I . or ' iiiSes so l a ti 111" Isl 136 : • 8 Ira 'f -21 E a. their -basiness will be destro ed -i" 25 - 2 -- V I" • - I.l ' I U 950 - 12 3 01 30 4 1 .Lk 8J.12 30 745 3 6 U be'. re thEy are aware of it. New, 1237 80n 4u 1 .Poissoo. 13 111 1 211 620 ric:, do not know what-originated this cii,l s so p 1 2s7 iP s"a " . 12 is ; vs 2 , 2 an " i s 1 id' '..-, ,unless, possibly, it is t 122 work .23.2 -- 622 4 / Ir HagelX ii OS •Is 11 3Si of thosJ real estate - enemies - of all tt re N,.11,1':, ,P Bo Fos ual 11 Pe.tror.s-- -. The rnonopolists); but that 444 3 1 I 5 31 ; 5 413, 9/ 4 " . 9 la o - i 2 at 4 4 1 8 341 6 IS P Jude 8 ins tht-.re iever was one more false and s co•, • I soi 6 'Ol Botbloh od 8 1095'1!10 1 910 II IS 'Wound.; 8 1006}3.0 ridicul - ,us - that - gained credence :', 4 i !um 9 4 . . „.• 7 090 11 IS among respectable - men, we are pre- 905+ t,. m 9 9 0 1k 9 w Tor 2 I 1w 900 pared to; assert in the strongest pcs- " -- 1 j 6 4° 1 14114134 1 4. . - . 4dd t I LK 411C1 ' •PM LX •X sible terms. _ The -Patrons ° of Husbandry bp pose none but monopolists , and their enmity to this class is no secret, bat, ' on the contrary. has been constantly' - entlorinced in all their papers : and by all their public speakers' wherever and whenever occasions offered for doing so. The, Patrons-are in reality tie best friends of the honest trades - men, the merchant of integrity and the manufacturer, for they endeavor to, inculcate principles, which, if they none of 'these classes nuld ever Complain of haying Made lo'ssesprougla the instrumentality of • the farming classes. "the Grange teaches thrift and economy; it teaches honesty and fair dealing, • and it wars against the credit, system in all its ,bearing.! It does not inculcate the lesson to hay 'nothing at ail that' may be necessary for the wise cultivation of lands,lthe i.provernent of stock, and the com fort of families—but to pay cash,l, If the:fermer-tias not cast,sufficient to i'e:-tilize - ten acres, bat only five, f ,then Lc_.l.y fertilize five acres. If he cannot FrchaSe a ';blooded brill this year May the next, then let him wait Hit next.year before making the; in v,...tmerit, keeping his money pro ±l-..1111-_creployed in the meanwhile. 'lf Le cannot add another story to house, but can pay for the aadi aiCa another room, do that And - - n_niam oat of debt: "These are the lessons — taught in tic Grang e, - and we are sure that no ii.7 - , - chant, trader or manufacturer complain of them, der they mean - tlir- abolition of the long and danger reedits which have been Ithe wreck of so many g6od 'and active ruc in_all of these pursuits; and it ! s _-r yes, to throw a certainty of results lin their business which can never be ifound in any other system. - Of course, ineffecting this gieat Many old connections ;will e to be broken and fixed, habits ry,ted tip—possibly to the detriment. fliAividuals; but we venture tojsay eaautry will be all the hai)` the ; . people vastly more pzos t f.rou ,, , and trade a thousand 'lmes •, STocs.--:-Is it necessary to s4l: cattle and horses..on , pastures ? .)')serve many people throw down (in•i ; ntities of salt to cattle and hcirses: Cn their pasture griss during j the sin.iraerseason in this country - I have ::Ever , seen -such a practice in Great Britin, rinleeti sometimes upon hy: in buildings, or when storing, it, away in having time. Also, it is •f; ;:inertly used in cooked food - 1 for . and horses. I ask . , is there ces'aity or benefit derived from! use on pastures during the klfll - If a necessity, hoW do wild animals get salt on their grass: - VV. C. - -Salt is admitted by ill' , violorrists to be necessary in a .Thy,ht degree to the health. or thrift 1; all domestic_animals. England is io.and, surrounded by salt water, stock does not seem to desire it Ircalities near the seacoast. 7 1 Bnt ~r6uithe coast all animals crave in a greater or 'less degree; and ~ l-,_rocliinL; and dairying would 1 - I.i .. piolitable if ' the • sheep: and not get salt regularly frequently: This . is absolntely salt ht.int.: a necessity summer ter„lr.';ritc IDeer and other wild :I , ;artis get salt from the nUrtirotts `l,raci;=h springs called ‘licks;! auti ' hii!.t(q-; hav,- ;ilways taken advantage of the desit wildnniw,ale_fo; salt. I,v I}ing in wait at these lick, to 'Lot the 'game freipenting jsuci pla , .es. It is not necessarY. to throw the Salt upon the pasture-- 1 -this be t •im. , !-• done usually .for convenience. give salt usually evert day :liking time.. • S2ale deep salt. in — .tr , :urrlis under convenient sheds, to Nvillch. the - stock' has access at all tiLe3 • FOR WOISEN.-4 pays wi3ll to have good ntensds of.ani• kind, good too!s to work with. SometinieS the work cannot be done at- alFwitlont them. These facts apply as - well to - the, culinary as to the' mechanical ;arts. Take, for example. the; - gem 'Taus, as they are callled. j Per haps-11e gems (batter biscuit) have been preScribed by the physician for some inember of the family out of health, or the decision hasbeen Made • `that it is desirable for allto - nse them; • the powers that ba in the kitchen, have , l'emied how to make them; thejloar has been obtained, and everything is right but'the pans. They say,,how ' aver,_that this doe's not make much diL,rence; they will try them 'with out, and if they likp them then they sill get the pans. They fail, -of ctiurse, for the small puns Oe indis pef.sable to Emcee:is. Let any one thtt the leathery, siiipeless mass that results from 'dropping the batter .-11p;)n list tins;,imd imagine, if-he can. that they bear more than the re motest resemblance tothe tender tooth. Fnlile biscuit just bnriting open with the lightness and swec : tness they can nip` contain,en l which are the reintlt of taie;:pr• the - properlpmacie batter in s Xll r i.6ns in a hot oven. -.—Sciitince(jf '.; B9on. The following is . 6e_ an excellent receipt for :KGbre, which' everybody knows to al",mination. The remedy is uppecially for t2e benefit' of the Firmer, but may be tried by any one: I ,V4.ku the. boots are taken off, fill frsite fall withdry oats. :This st,:r.:l-1 Las almwt fotidaess,, and ativirb the - 110.4 'Vestige of it t.l O ,- we. With*: wjlthe,tat harden :•••7.'.• it: _OA•*halo out 4 • ` , " 4 : 4 ' *IA t ad , l4 r.fts ttor fr 4;„ r_:. -47 f - m .44 4 Pt 4. 4 . alri4 ' 11; 45. "* 44t ilr 4 ', ttzo4-4 recr44 . #4.-.ABt =I 270. IX lama Towaad• 710 a. at. stopping at ta ttsdaas. arriving at Waverly at 105. lad , LW= at 9 00 a Y. No. 31 leaves Clain S 30 p. Stopping at ell itatiora. arriving at Waverly' a Li. and Tawaada 7 10 pm. 'Prato 6 lama Philadelphia 2:10 P. M.. Sirs Tait 12 M.. antirtag at Tunttaturwit 10.16 P. IL , Train 3 !arras Tankhaaracir as 7:00 IL. artiv lag alltdladelphia 2:11P. IL. and New York 345 P. Trains s sad 15 ran dilly with Path= Blespiag cars attached. Drawing !learn ears attached to Trains 2 end between Elates and Ploledelptds. . B. A. PACKER. AtsPeltatendsat.; 'p C. COWER • Is now pre-Ara:lp supply coaster Intrchaata with CROCKERY *ARE of all kinds, CRISP. A.ICD GLASSWARE OP ALL EINDS. Alio the largest assortment of FANCY CHLNA, I BOHEMIAN, ETRUSCAN, ALA- BASTER and LAVA VASES, 51 - 4LNTLE, CENTER TABLE AND BRACKET ORNAMENTS, idOTTOZ MUGS A:CD CGII AND/ DOLL HEADS. BiOKISCOU:11L• JEWI:qL I / 7 MIZS, And a thousand other,varteties of Holiday Goods, at from 10 to 20 per ceit less thin they can order either from New York or of any agent that trare:s for orders, besides Itt i Al2diedi reriety.of YLSKEE Nprl 01C8, HEADY idADE CiATIMG SHIRTS AND 11;1111.WEBB HOSIERII OF filia imam, toogING GLASSES. PAPER AND MiVE;APER, And a large stock: at beat American Table and Pos - kq Cutlery, beautiful Tel Trays and Salvers, with o store full of other goods all new and desira ble, and cheaper thin ever walk known in tide or any other market. To save money now is the and Z. r. doWLietil is the placisto makes little money get a big Oct. 49,'74.1!. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES 1 ! ' LE.L4. DEL TINTED . _ C , These Lenses here the power of Protecting the Eye from IRRITATION' arising tram', Light, as by Beat. under %llama's, American and English letters patent• REASONS WHY THE ARUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES anouLD pE PnErERRED TO ALL OTHERS They have the potter of Arresting the Heataays of Solar or - ArtificialiLight before entering tee Eye.. They are Violet Tinted. yet so constricted the wheromptled to tneiEye appear colt:elem. he high and low 4umbers are the name tint.- Wx. A. CSiSBEBIIti - JEWELER; TOWANDA; PA ISLALTII IN AILEHICAN SWISS WATCHES, STERLING avirs SPOONS AND FOWLS. ROGERS BROS. CELEBRATED SILVER W AGE. FINE GOLD' EWELRY, &c:, &c., OPP,:)Sr# COUEiT itOUSE-, Boy. 12, '7i- • I W. A. caewszaus. THE NATIONAL, C ALL 41) 6 A LIM% HEM COAL COOKING STOW. No stove w*t ever offered so cheap grest Tuley of STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS; PARLOR HEATERS, IRON, STFYIrs, PATENT WHEELS, - KEROSMIE Nickel Plate STUDENT LAMPS, FIRE PROOF CHIMNEYS, I • SHO GUNS, REVOLVERS and AMUNITION, FA:ill - DIG MILLS, FEED CUTTER LIME, ' • MUM, 1 ASH, 4 0 11.411.4 4, WAWA, GO, , 9.4 56,144i* , Willa TYWANDA MARBLE WORKS. tiFA. MoOLBB a! • v!io AMF.II; _h. AND - At. A-. MARBLE' rat =Mesa Os Ca Ude stotici at Us paa. 110 blii. We 11 my lades Weal= Dog long on bawl: bird& to areas TOMB STONES, IMIIUB, &5, , • • AT THE pOWEST Pumas in want of soyihtog to oar It ors so. opoettolly lavitod to mil and ositalao oar stmt. ' McCABE & SO;f. Talmud.% Nay 1.-In. D . W. SCOTT st-co., B 4 FERS AND GROCERS, Plot block Forth of Ward House. We have added materially to our stock. and soy offer a full assortment of • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . We keep no books. add so percentage for bad debts ; therefore we nu and will .gtve you the low. sat rates. All are Invited to call and be convinced. DINING ROOMS . In connection with the above, and meals at all hours of the day. D. W. scorr & CO. ' T. wands. Fob. 10, 1874. C A PPLETONS' AMERICAN CT CLnP.EDII. MATCH HAZES NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every sabiect. Printed from new type, and illustrated with Several Thousand engravings az.d Maps. The work originally published under the title of Tits Niw attreic•x elm rant• was completed in 1863, since which time the wide circulation which it has attained to all pare, of the United States. and . the signal developments Which bays taken place In every branch of science, literature and mt, have in duced the editors end tribliabere to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a now edition entitled Ter karr.elcss CTCLOPIXDIA. Within the IM ten years the magma of discovery in every department of kROIO. hu made • new work of reference an thiperstive want. The movement of political affairs has kept pece With the Gums...ries of science, and Weis fruitful appitestion to the Warfarin and useful arts snd the convenience and refinement of social life. (treat wars and consequent resolutions haws occurred, In.' solving national chattel of-liar moment.- he civil war of our own whicb was at li. geed what Atm- amt-Atainmwar_ the old work ago. pared. has happily been ended, and a new mares of commercial and ladustilid activity Liss been comm.-need. Largo accessions to our ceograplial knowladis ban, been aside by the indatatigable explorers of ktrtca. The great political revolutions of the lest decade, with the natural revolt of the lapse of time have brought into public vier a multitude of hew men. whose osmes are In *inn one's- mouth, and of whose lives every one is carious to Imo* toe partio• niers. Chat battle* have trim fought and Impor tant sieges maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only 1 n the_ newspapers or to the transient publications of the day. but which ought now to take that: place In permanent and =Meade history. In preparing the prom: edition for the pram it has accordtuity been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to the latest , possible dates, and to furnish an accurate account of tee'. . most re. cent discoveries in scion* of WOO fr esh proanc. tics' to +Westin% and of the newest inventions in the practical arts, as wegAD give • succinct and original record of the p oi political and his tot ical events. • , I' be work hat been begun after long and careful preliminary tahor, and with the most ample resour ces for carrying it on to • successful termination. None of •ee original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has seen printed on now tyre, forming in tact a new Cylopiedia. with the same plan and compass es its prederremor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such im provements :n•its composition u hale beon lug Bested b, longer experience and enlarged kno Coders. The illsistratloss which are introduced for the first time in the present adlilon, have• been adeled. not for the sake of pictorial Whet, but to give greater tonicity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches of soletiOP and of natunl history. and depict the most faamoue and re marksble features of scenery. architecture an/ art, as well as, the various processes of mechanics and manutactures. Although intended for instruction rather than embellistusent, no pains have been spared to insure their artistic excellence•; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it be believed they will find a welcome reception as as admirable feature of the ( yclopeedia„ and worthy of its high Character. This work is sold to Subscriber, City. payab • on delivery of each volume It will be___,couspieled in sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about SW puree. fully illustrated with sevatsi thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous • colored Lithographic Yam tGMT PK= AND STYLI OM' NINDIVAL _ In extra Cloth. per •oL, . ..... 3.03 In Library Leather. per vol., . . • • 3.00 In Half Turkey M. vow. par vol.. . 1.00 In Hall Ramy extra gilt. per rOl.. . . 3-00 In MI Mormon, antique, It edges. per v0L,10.00 In rail Russia. per v 01... . . . . . 10.00 Thrisp volumes now road,. nuoosedine sebum; until oximpbstiou; will be tamed once in two months. Spicinterz paged of the ANZILICa. CICUPPAIILa. StiOW , l4l tips, illustretlone.-otc.., sill be sent grade on application. Preer-Cuas CAM/MG boars Werra). Address the Publisher; D. APPLITOIT it CO. 649 & 651 Broadway, X. Y., k 926 SIZISOCI „Airs. THE LONG KETABLISHEI) ,MISS GRIFFIN Has just been riplsaishad fa lad COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF To which the attention of enaottners Is wow daily co IM. Prica s aw . ail %we- B. 111. li Vranetantreil 14-tt Cow.. • Tbs subscriber hauls' tb. agency of We Ilutotd. sou Collterlst ILnerston. Pa.. ts papered to furcuaa dealers with all uses of Latbraolts C. parplwed In she best Manner. from tbs . ostrweemed Cooper V.D.i fall supply of tbla Cosa cue Os essag 011itos an W. L Haralebni. as lb. etr c oo ky a on Piro. rute block matt of Nam meat • • are lorded to call. Tall IWO, lad orood' ,B tams& • L Tniranda„ Fab. Z. 1074. WEST STREET EOM, I. V, 42.43 L 44 wire Ir., ire lam Tziezzalcrz mu PLANst o f-Ta t ZURC424III 10()11 10 red V 5 mar per Dry. CHUMMY very 210DZSAIL The too meats eel normalise is Or ird=2lll" GO TO JACOBS' TEMPLE OF FASHION' DOORS. SPIKER° AND SLIIIILS OLOTIIIII4, OMNI 181101/10 Mil ,losemilay EM:=l MONITMENT.B, Pram 400, ROHR E!::3 EIPEING AND GUNK/2 GOODS. • YAM STEIL% I ' 11011 LATZIIT STILES 1$ WAGONS! W 00181 WAOONB `ea band s lap samosbaaat of I _inizirs AND. LIOHI WAGONS winos I was, BELL CHEAPER Than any other establishment in the eountry. WAGONS M CABItLiGEB Of every desiiption miumfactared to order on short notice. JAMES BRYANT. !MI Tovisits. lisrats 11,11#. FROST A; SONS I' Weald tztSt the Public, to an sad ezetataa(Chelr lks*.11:1 *1 'KO 4M a 0 WO Ili; :I UREUP tam Bra ea kaad tko LANUS: LID =VT ASSORTMENT 01 GOOINI • • - WANDA. II Web r;.t. 3.12. :lotesals Floss. r.-xtol to do UNDERTAKING 1110 t..y in Brom and make to ardor SASE BLINDS, DOORS,, 31017LDING8, FLOORINGS, &s. Oat. 1, 1172. WE INSURE ALL 'HINDS OF PROPERTY MIAMI U 3 •s DAM ON ST FIRE AND LIGHTNING. w. maim! ow ?Mr =lons Old tWpLa and some Oompeadas: y LIFE INSURANCE a m am= AND WID.IIXT STOOK AND =VAL 0011PANIXI 7X TIl VIM= RUM • ACCIDENT INSURANCE prom ono day to Oa& T.Y. NOBLE is VINCENT. Psi IL tan QUPEBIOR AGBICULTURLL =GLIM. toe deb bp .1 B. it WELLES, Toyama. RA-. • It& II Nerauee rime. meth Aide eK Gaut Near alum WIDLINIALS AND ITIAIL DIAL= AND NANNFAINI7I2III ADM. Bowl2lllaeldase. Nona Pewees sad ruesabeee; wbeel fie, nista dowers, Oesta teeelets. Fhtl Taddano areentble sad SW Mows. 0 Hunkbyea, MD Um Nom Cover Nallereead 'swam KM. Lew wham. Tam asewase, min ammo SIR 411117101 PIM= 01 11111 menza, 0031 UMlllai ins sesziaarowast. Sc.. ea. ==sad dea m pteve. Inuaseed petaled etr tabed or netted tree to en spill seta.. ' tapeabile rfinsan elms Is Tarsals. ND sad sips sis. Weems it ' s. it wittat IiAYTOX k BROTHER, • - - f * Deists Is WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, CALF ain. nu. to., I Fa *Maw biped sigh pia Is gild st all Usass. 0110. is K. L agissidiurs am, 1w0..., op 6. samodi & a nom I, sectlrit TOWAIIiDA . Pa. } AN ITNDUMMCD FACT SWAT GOOD GOODS LU SOLD 011/APIII, ♦T CLAXIIIIIIO HOLM ZS YAWN= PIS TA! • Baying reorolly fitted trp Me bode mod isoonneet. ono store lately oosnYted by VOX b 11121KInt. to acunttakodate my ntddlytacteastag trete. 2 newt. tolif art ail Md osolooms. and Ste public ponb ty. to oil sad mottos 1117 shpt NEW STO Ana Wier thicipme;lves ass I pease dkdy comps- NEW DRY GOOD_ STOKE • IN TOWANDA! 31Essa9 Bas . aunu.& GMT • Rave removed their stock of Dry Goods from the old Mend of N. e , Pettis, opposite the Court prase TO TSB EAST STORE It SEIDLER/XS BLOC!, NEAR TEE BBIBOE. • And ais daily receiving,NEW GOODS FROM THE CITY In addition to the Jrankrupt Stock of B. A. Pettis , which ' hey are salin e for about half pries. COM; th bud fro for yourselves. It we don't save pm Sass money, don't boy. BRAWHALL k OOFF, Beldleman's Block. (lover the Radios) Bridge it , Towauda, Oct. I, um. CCE,ALI O.OAL OLD " TOWANDA COAL YARD! , PIERCE socar Take pleasure In announcing to, their friends and the public enerally, that they ere prepared to fur nish any of the tot owing named Coals in getanUnee to suit pu , chasera, thoroughly screened and slated, and at as low rates as at any yard In 1 owandia. keep the beet Coals from the Pittston and Wilke,- Barre mines. . ' SULLIVAN ANTHRACITE. COAL, AU sizes, from mines in Sullivan Comity. • BARCLAY (SMITH vsd STOVE: From tie old Barclay mines. We are Sole Agents. We keep-on hand the AuaarrowN LINE! Best quality: illo, COPLAY CEMENT • • • An Grams et Me stores of' Long Stevens, P J. Canals, Drag *Kin, or at our Coat rare eorsar at nanwamt Inftabstaes streets, will twelve prompt attention. Please gffle as 8 call. S. PIERCE. . . *sr. SCOTT Towanda, Pa.. September 9a, 387 d. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE DISTITCTE. She first tenth', term of this Institution will com mence MONDAY, November 2. 1871, with the fol lowing list of experienced teachers : EDWIN E QungLAs, Piltactesh, Ancient Languages, Math and English Branches EL. BILLIS„ B , Commercial, Mathematical and Scientific Branches. MISS MARY E. mramtx, Pascr.rszasa.- Commen and Higher Fegliah„ 111Sa MAY I MASON, Common and Higher Englith. MLLE oPt LzQI7IN, French, Drawing and Painting. , • MRS. 0. A. BALDWIN. :Vocal Music. MISS MINNIE C. HAWES„ Instrumental Music. • Owes will commence the study "! Philosophy and other Setencea. The customary reorganization of alassee win tate place, in order that new stu dents may be property classified. and such new rimers will be started as the wants of the students _may demand . Ppectal sitentton will be given to those students pertaining to a btainem euncation, that this de mand made upon the school by students from the country may be fully provided for. An additional advantage will be an access, free of charge, to stn dents of the school, to the evening school, which will probably commence with the opening of the terra: 44.'4 rezzonsbla %Irma. Special attention given to the preparation of boys for. College. Regular instruction In Drawing and Vocal Mu.ie free of charge. Excellent advantages in Instrumental Music and irOita manna. Tuition f ouj $4 To $lO er term. bard. facia& Ins furnished rooms, lights, washing, &0., $4O per term. For circular or further information. address or calf upon the Principal. E. E. QTENLA.N. at To. wands, Pa. Ittwot Fox. Prert. Board of Trustees. J. 0. now & SON. NEW ARRANGEMENT , AT THE FIRST WARD BAKER ' Y. MRS. MARY E.: - AIITTREDGK Having parchased the , stock and fixtures of R. A. Cowles' Bakery. his :tatted the establishment and. purchased an entirely • NEW STOCK OF GOODS, Batted to the Inds ' inch as Onomaxu. Tau, Co 'Fla. Dam num. Cumin Famrs, Oeunizr, Corszcrrowerrr, Fans amp, Bisams, Bum Emu, kc., Dan r. A neat and attractive ICE CREW, SALOON WM be opened in connection with the establish' ment, where ladles and gentlemen can always dhd the best cream and other delicacies of the season. THE DINING R.00,M Eas been refurnished. and will at all times be sup. plied ritd substantial eatables, which will be served st reasonable rates Farmers and others visiting town will And this a convenient place to supply the wants of the inner man. • MART E. EITTBEDOE. Towanda. April 25. 61441. roil SALE OR RENT.—A destra 1. .blio House and Lot rot) FOUrth street, horse north of a D Bartlett's. asoverimot bo isurti tote or Ortood.usbool. Yaqui:* co WM. 110.011Pe TcrwaMMUsegbllo76.M. MI Fl,l f tigSvin TUA3 ♦YT Old• OF SU IMEB CLOTHING, ;tnkrns wouor. Tovuida.ll* 4. ten TO OUR PATRONS. GEO. H. WOOD kOO., PHOTOGRAPHERS, TOWLICDA, P► Grateful for the generous parentage of the past year, would inform all wanting Pictures that vs are sun adding to our establistunant E,! And adapting tried and approved ,modes of printing and retouching in order to secure Vilna PHOTOORAPHSTRAN ILEBETOIPOSE clads outside of the cities, and that we make Its specialty to enlarge all klnds of Pictures to any alas desired, and Iniati in Water Colors, "tuna Ink, or in Oil, to •he affil rnruss mar Low PRIM& We also endeavor t• :Ake all the time pow. ble m making children. pictures, go es to as. cure the best results. • ' We are constantly adding to our stuck of -. • it A 81 8. 8 • LII new patterns and tasteful styles. and thr all& them at a small advance from cost peen. Way 14.1873. Ilawd. IM=MMINI S . WOODIPOBW AT NEW TORE BOOT AND SHOE STORE,. sa t. usox aasurnassumiamai a reesbring one of the largest and, -Ina ;took of BOOTS. SHOES ever l brought in Towaids, which he is offering at the very lowest vials for Oash; consisting of Osurs Oath, Hm STOCIA. and Oa" Balm, I Lim" Mum and Canissiaes Shoes of all kinds, all bought direct frOm the Hanged:ems, and hand made, all goods warranted. A rum arcs or Lairs; AND. Funincos: , . Thankful for past favors, I solid a continuance of the same. Toviads o Mg, 1,117 L NEW OAERIAqE FAOTORT I Opposite 9t• new Mt TOWANDA, FENILL - 77 • HENRY EITULFS Itonatot,hiny ammo* to hi. biaiads and vitro's, that h. ham bolls a WV DECK CAZBIAGE APAorozy. wimps he will wwwiaatly Mop es band a Nil awart. Ulla& of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM' WM:IONi, marraw strum. um mutrose. Mote at the beet materiel sod finished la the beet ,dty style. Hie' ex demo city Carriage Factorise Mini him e edisataire crrar others in the Finish, Style and Durability at Ids Wigan. LII thsy sakm Is aa INSPECTION OF HIS WORK priniacui 'to pure/Amiss abiewhae. ALL worm wasaaNrsß so 'GIVE PIULITO? aintrAcros. ' Thankth . 1 for the liberal paitronsea sz. teed*" and rup•atully aak continuance at LW MIL rsomprth Amman TO reduced picas - Matßlr Taira' al,. Jan. M. icert—lkt FOUNDER* MACHINE SHOP The undersigned hevlng purchased the Foundry and Maim, Shop lately owned by ;ohs Cbrulan; are prepared' to do ail kindred work apparmitding to their busbase, with promptness and dispatch. MILL GEARINGS,, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MAN aRILLS, /MI all latele MILL IRONS MADE TO ORDER. ENGINES REPAIRED, Lad ail work warranted to dlri satteacsirl. SHINGLE MACHINES - Of the latest and most Improred kind' ma •' • . • • and kept ecnstantly on hand ready for am. PLOUGHS, WDZ-UILL, IRON AND WOOD= BEAM or all kind& CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOVIHS AiD PLOUGH POINTS of AIL kinds, mid the Wert - tonneyements kept constantly on hand. CHURN,. POWERS, LARGE AND SIZE. STOVE CASTINGS CIELLhiI GILATIM 4 SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, L.. LAWS IRON =ruts And all kinds of castings tumid:Led ta March 110. 1370. lIIIKANR t : • • BLOOD . & titill omitints co manufacture WA? 0111*i:rasa ! ; : 15'/x: 'lTsi vu~! 1 end Will sell a better machine for less money than oan be bad elsewhere' th the world. We darns for oar machines that they !rill do as muob. or more. thin anY other. and ere more durably barn. We personally superintend our work and See that it le well down. We will send IM!! of ear marlines. es andleation• ONE AND TWO HORSE POWIFBS, 6..4 T Horse THEFSHSR SEPERATORS. THEW= sad CLEANERS. - FANNING MILLS, =OVUM AND DLO LW KLUB. &LW AND OPJET =l f waft - .dcras to cadet.- Give as s call beim purohasing : elaewber•l cruodamia %mum _ `'OD aooria mtg.% isse. THE NEW IMPROVED REM DIG TONSIWING MACHINE AWARDED THE "MEDLL,FOR PROGEENV AT ITICHNA, ifl VIZ Won=t! Dams os I .l(gon.w Mumma ws to Mipoioxx. 1(0 szwuto NACMIIIII antrum_ ♦ MOB= PRIZE. • illrw soon iitamtleis" • I 1.-A ?few Invention thoroughly Tested Mut aM cured by Wane Patent. 1.-!labs u parted lock Mitch, alike as both side,. on.ell kinds of goods. 1-'Buns Light, amoi.th. Nolimlitee and itspid beet omatdostioa of gambol: 44-Inanwas-rum for year: without repairs. . -WW do am. varieties of work end Mum 11111di ing In • superior manner. -Is Meet easily Iteueged by the operator. Laughs of stitch may be altered while running, end the machine can be threaded with - out pumas thread through holm, 7.--Deeign tatidstid. the stitch without the nee of mg wheal gear*. rotary mom or lever arms. • Elm the Auto= tio Drop Feed. which imam uniform loroth of Mob at LOT =lie, our new • Thread Coutroller, Which id, l ow movement of neediehar ' ad prebuilt; la. jury to thread. ~ IL-Do Atruction most careful sad dubbed. It , manumMured by the, mod ak LIM anti a:renamed lowchaums. at the miebrsied tilittlNGTtilt AR iart 31111LADILPEU jar wmcwr AJp n“mikKni Noolll - E ai*DIVA:RDS,, FLifILY GROCERIES 101200111 Zar BLOC. TOWANDA. PA. To do not ilassa isamsis to sanisiesie in the &bruit articles we keg. 9ar limit:moat fa • L a _ FIRST CLASS GOODS ONO paid-far Paulen Priem,. • • Fame. F..l•!!mr-71 NEW SZE4 FLOITEING MILL n a submit) &dna to gin notice flat his now Is now taanooseetta operation. add that b. Is pre. pared to do WI work in !aline on short notice. =nom OBXIIIDING DONE 0311111$ EA= DAY Wheat. Encashed .nd' , By. Floor. Odin Neil. raid. Beath ke.. always on Mad end for Ws at towed runs. • PABTICIIILAB Ni3TIOZ4-4'eremie - !Mass ea the west side of the river degrins to patronize my Lill; will hare their tam paid both nem when they Man gnus tan and upwards.' aolle"r1 - • I P. II AIM& C B. PATCH, • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, CO lINT :. • . t.. • \ BUTTER, • POiILtRY haul • GAM IL It t optelal attentlon paid to !Bing ardor', 4:17 - Ocuir doliyarod fro* of chirp enywharo In the Borough. BARGAINS IN STOVES! . TINWARE, • HARDWARE, IRON aim NAILS, • , GLASS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, - • Ste., ' ke., &e., &c., Given to all purchasers for Cash,_ at H. T. JUNE'S HARDWARE STORE, TOWANDA, Ps. Let. Vt. MI. ; • HEADQUARTERS WATCHES, JEWELRY cuaLtootria, •A: ' • • . .4 0' ::in s . . 4,e In the building formerly °coupled by Young k Tine, with s large assortment of Gold and Weer Fine- Gold Jewelry, Gold Sete; Burr. N ke. • Prom the cheeped to the • beet. end rian7 other ertw.las too numerous to mention. but to be mum by calling. It. HE.NpIILIIA2I. ateluni: Clocks - B. Irand Jewelry repaired by ymcitbsel workmen, and warranted. Towanda. Nov. Id. 111- NORTHERN CENTRAL RAM WAT.—Dired rout* North aid south to Sal- Maar°, Waahhurton. Philadelphia and all paints South ; also to ssuita/o. Mtwara Valle. Ruatonalon Bridge, Rochester. Syracuse and all points But and Wed on the New York Central Railroad, and the Canidas. g o On and attar Sunday. Now. SS. 1873, traltui will lease ELMIRA u billow& Nag arrive Northern Emmen Mornimg Accommodation. eventair ' do• Southern Express ball Northern Express north and Southern Rt. press smith. are through trains between Rochester mg) Baltimore ; the Ilterning end Iternium seem. rumistion north connect at thinandiggus with inane for Bocheitter and the' Palls. &TOM Vl[ Weals • Mod Did - as ft " • I • P 0 ISI 0. - N 13. issig ALWAYS COMPLETE. We sell =Wag bid 1111.1211R*131, pa. zoi3/11104r,Ouoczoolos THAT IT 18 :BECHIVID. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ps) . JIAA..•4:II ;01 1 1ANDA, The bast brands of FLOUR ALWAYS ON NAND The highest price paid r all kinds ol P RO DUCT, C. B. PATCH. Towanda, Zan 14, 18741 =I FOB AND BILVZRWARgI M. lILNDrEaus See opened a American and Swiss Watches, ' CHAINS AND RINGS, CHAIN BRACELETS. ♦ fen line of bum, art,tax, and plated wares'. MEI Of el kinds-4131 d. Silver lad OW& M r iORLIMLILD LAzgA . 2 GS pm 6 VS am _ •' 0. MINTON OMNI& Goal SAO. MIL MI% 0101Pwis. Ai% /Whom Md. purans FOR ALL AT MI mosbuilly rainlvta& fa . afintsik to bit Mak at Jong:7. PINS, BANDS, BIWA 'ANIMUS sad SW3Z GOLD AND 'SILVER WATCHES, stun pima wiz' OP ALL. vanlint BOLD, awns isti'enaL incrramaer lam LID man CI r eOCKEI Of all gascrift+aa at Oa Lurid pritaa. , . WATOIL CILOCk Uml JEWEL= ruublui lama to the but maaatk, ana warralual. • Tnanks for • literal patrons(' and bop' Is s•t*t • oontnnaaa of th• Sarno.. • W. L. ROO/MILT. Tomas, Nov. 13,11. 0, A. BLACK CBO=BY - OF VARIOUS PA • t lautas Low as el! lenTost7 GLASSWARE, I wcrald uy to the Onhlte that on any -geode In stock I not as ondenolci .3 Towanda. Feb. 19. Utli TNT A, CHAMBERLAIN, -vr• D 'I A 3i O N D 'S' .TEr.el, 1811. II DANIEL F. BEATTY k CO., . BEAM A: ;11.. CELEBRATED GOLD= TON 4 rE PARLOR GAN& Are rstii A i ed. by aUtinent musicians and d l l -Me grainedn of honor In this country an rope. se the leading 'parlor organ now in use.l challenge any maker, to equal them I For Chi Sabbath Schools, iLodges, a. well as the parlor.• hive no equal. .Teitimonials and cards of til are constantly 4404 eivetved in their favor. offer., Where we osve no agents-we will allow one wishing to purchase one of our man. agent's discount. Also to any teSporuntile P 1 1 " wishing to purchase' one of our (nine from twice, and peeler to ,see and examine it before pay ing for it, Vie same will be granted them by se ding us a recommendation from the cashier of our nearest bank, or sohni prominent man in your *1 cushy. and it the 'organ is not just as represented. you have' the libiutvjto retch ti the game at o ex pense, we paying the freight both ways. It is with pleasure we introduce the Ciothrit Ton rt. ow ing that it Will give r,iniversal liatirfaction, as f ;xis. raw many advantajfee over all others. The, tone Weis in fullness, and the deep iibration of *mind* an evidence that it stands first as to merits cif all mneical instrument" now iii use. We select a few "streets from letters and 4dlto. hale which we are Gonetantly receiving in fai'or of our ()Nana, and wish You to read theta : , I I I We cry ..Eureka it* we found what we wahted. 3 !P. VirI.LBAN. Harrisburg. a.- • I am pleased withthe sweetness Oita tone. , PROP.- N- Pi 'VAN LUBANEE. - 31oline, . :' Pima as gold —Drily Patriot. • Our murcal arnica .call to sits It. They are de lighted with it. ) Ottl.. L. MEET. Altocine.Ta ..- - We world recommend the excellent instrument to the musical world. for its tininess of tone.—Pe tersburg (Indiana! Democrat. - . i Combines iweetrirsi and strength in its tone.— Lewistown Gazette.) .i • For quality, proroptuen atalrexquiaito oft tone theyakronnequalledi PRO?. Emit Eittltee. I can with pleasure recommend it to any in!want Of a Unto'', parlor organ. PROF. O. BUBO: - •I • • , : Mahon, City lam well pleased with them. Z. B. SE . CEIRI I . • . Ragerstoini r bid. I am pleased 'nth the tone of the initrament. = wg. ROBERTS, Brooklyo, L I . .1 Sint among its advantages is the great:scope of its expression. being constructed to play the 'lifted music. and, when desired: to themes. its power. Can either gradually or suddenly produce more vol ume of tone WWI any other organ of Its claw& •:raas is accomplished by our new Patent Doable Forte 8..e11. so arranged ti t toe sound is thrown .init er a direct pastas e thrOugh the'esee: We dest-• that every family throughont -this country : as well ea Europe, may test Its wo nt oriel musical prodriclog towoltees. 'Orders here been re. (rived at such rep td rates that eie , ,hate been'com• 4 yelled to ealargeitta manufactory, ant pot On still fOrce of skillful mechanicaiti order to DPI the demanda. We, however, now are h.ppy ea nounoe that we caul fill orders 'promptly arid, With the utmost dispatch: We also call the ettenttoa to • our world•renoerred . _ . , EUREKA. PIANO. This Piano to fast kilning Ai reputatien as the lead - log pianoforte now in use. Bend for illUstrated price list and a list of testi monials. some of whom you may know ulas our mans from the past sir mouths to setast.rin yea's. Address.. PLYIIIIL F. BOAT 1 Y t CO, WasbiziOon. Warren Co.. .New Jersey. 10 20 put • • • ~ 12'X) 1145 an Aug. ett STAMPING., DONE . 4T- - MRS. , 4 • pas. HENRY KINGSBURY'S DRESS -SLIKING ROGSIS, No. 2, ARC-iDE BLOCK. milk lin. 111 241 CW niVICUT SRO W. 'A; 1100111111 LL 71.1111ktiOliriurril. BTU )S, amunt NECbLA ROOS azo CILUIALL t:NrPEBB TERNS • TABLE CUTLERY, SILVER. PLATED W. WOOD 'WARE, STONE WARE, BIRD CAGES, .; BASKETii, .fILA SS- SHADEB, ■ DiLLER IN r FI.TE:..TENVELRY, WATCHES .4 ND CL 0 CES, WANDA, 1)A , . i • :Hoz.Estrx asp rucurx. , • • i ft tGG I 8 T,.Si 1 •• • • • , Hating ettentlirely ragotre'd . theft. store et the old atiOd.tiivf opened w gb • Lags. rale. and yell se. hooted etor#. cotteistlai of • 1 , I r, Kunz% aerie. oval,. 401DS. DYE nutirs, MACHINE MU annuto mumissi. Aux) ler.' Wl'lq TOi4 POP Mare Mini Com o' 0dt.0702..t0 1 pl.. At traa ep.m. tat laaa Dr. E t I. cat: b. coasaltad at the sum, ea - 114 to day of tias!„ aa baratofore. , D. B. TIMIIIII.. O.' 11011 DON. Tow= - Nay 7. ICI. FIR - T NATIONAL, BAWL' or TOWLIIDA. : I 45,000. Lrlla " Q. re F 1 $7 OOO. rhis offers USESL'AI TACELITLIN fee, UM tram:et. of a GENE 81 , 11=2. AND ' • •. 7.1 EEE To or twin the old country, by but Ins lines, :Always on turd. lizirs4 mote= crnot Az sm. ffifiestArice paid :for C.B Bonds, JOS. PORELL, Preaidant. Decembir 1, 1869 B 6°N is rtviectri2i I, informed that the had peenmoved tv the ”Repo • thud atcry; re where will be done _ 1 • '4OO 'I.4I3I I DING • tw all its various brawebes, 01 terms as ••the nixie*" will allow. The etude Tier Me charge of • -- • sipitriaiwal Binder, ana all wort,ll done Lia aat le awl =ewer which ean7. Mat:lanes. Newspapers. Clld bound . 113 'orrery variety of style. bonArip. tai paid to tua itultitg and Bat( • I BL/NE iioolls, To any deired pattern, which n will be warranted. , Al: work - be ready tor delivery w • The pa +nage or the public a sotto fat gape non custrantee, Towan • Auras! 2, 11641.--41 0. L. SHE In cider BEST. At. ESE: open BEG It is na And are o' er than c -I rch. they tmor An any ▪ the • uty ▪ die- ,Towzr. T" EIRIC IA at C. by Juba aloved . ConTion el c•.tstom: '1 Lo., &e., ta• feed do a bat: tablishm, DO NI LOW TEll MI BALMY A.ND • DINING RO O M. ma i 4 First block north st . ! , 41 ISsiss, • , Bp n, PEES, CAXI,CitiCKEII4. BAKED DA L'T. l . ' :ii ta ll at Wictissfe "ad . sta il . 13 oar MING VOWS we will masswassedses Ilia public lib dther • WIV • owl mid it W tZ i s hi ff .day NW esstizi, . .. .0 AID lON MINIM 01 RAID DVI.WO - 1 . Taxi miaow. I - Alio a ass sasalmaleit of eroomites,Clodedilaiasr. Fruits, Nate. N. • , aspl ti OU WISHITO BUY OR SELL Rai HO MILL P motley o i l term or MI Or other I pelor boairteaL, We ha those EMI town'or sonnti, sill cl 4 well b call on us. NOBLEco.. Best iwtsne gad Leg i an Agents. 4 laln stree; ontstte Court,,ltinale, MEI °moo wansa. 14x1 Alt GORDON, PITZ2II , I Rocs. Towpairk, PA, PILL!. FOWDZEIS. ICX3. ITSVOI. _ 21NOTIMER, w a ils. Lai of PIUIPARATEOri. MI WINES . AND LQIIOII,BI' Tar Me&lasi Purposes. • ,4ENVFF,LND 1:1101105 AU the PATENT =DIM= Plus Asmortniest at AND FANCY GOODB , • ea usual ears and &Unction givaa 1,31 Prescrtinnons. Ops ill!andfrs AL BANNING BUSINESS AID ON DZPONITS AGBIDUEINT. • error 10 mu Ccassomor lota . . , • • .. to 1111211) accnisr to say Net of ; Nut England. Ireland. flatland. 6r thi pets. 'and saris. at Europe. aga ' ball Fr•quie • t purpoaa. ' ; ; PASSAGE TICKETS OE E. C. 11!arT41111. CL9TEip,;G VERY CHEAP! FM to make tom to Of , • . i LL CLOTH cl in thill market, 'will for EXT'SEK DA B. MI St3IME MM 2711LES_ 011 I 1 MI MEM say thxt ICTLY PE BT-C F , ly offtted at :Teat ,rry thern over to n ly redu. frit seas° "AL E E 0 b a, July 29, 1874. PLACE TO BIT AID HOBSI don. Ltal7 onsiry4.; Wolff as a Clothing Morn. Ilarag• astabtiahment to more commodious sad t quattses, i reap•M'ally Waits my, 414. a. and all in rant of anytnine in the linn 1 - _ iS, SADDLER; NETS. lialirllTS, WM/ . I , to fits me a call. feeling aatiatsd that frost ties I possess far peed:mains stock. I seal' at job, at, a lovnor pros, than any other` sal int in the county. .1. I . FORGET THE PLACI -ore Dooi .14.- .E FORA 1111t.:17/11 § CORR. i l • , O. P. DAYTON. p. w. sown a co. SES, - TARMS, LOTS OR • I OPERTIL'or it you ulah to lend. or borrow Real haute or other ascurity-for a snort term of yearn. or If you wish • , • ' 4 NTS - OF HOSES property collected and paid, ere 05er In tea for the prompt transaction of such now a fine list..,_ of property for talc aid ESTATE = : INVESTMENTS •, I I OM IMM U EMI ST 'all I 1 SAUL (At Bas'es arts Ji .3.shist. !PPUBLIO'• • 4-eindaiv' ma:molls will to Ow b•• • llM ir s . root,. Alen.lar stir; tau of ; =l= :en promised, snd pia GEST ar. I BE ME COST.I my good. we ASS', pr.ces Mt FIELD. 0118 f.i ruiloq