Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 19, 1874, Image 3

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- X1r44104 - fttiotto
Tlinrsday, NO. 10, 1874.
THANIEGIVriiGCeB will be held
in the Episcopal tliarels. at the usual hour on
Throaday morning next: - • .
Ws oau. special attention to the
new lanaMeaa locil of ALIL SoLvato:c, in an
other co amn.
R1ME3133 1 En the meeting of thO T -
wands Building 4aseciailon, on Monday even
ing nail, for the payment of _dues.:
Sous of the Catholic journals of
New York, talk of the probability of Father
TosEn-being made a Fishop.
Oz a former townsman, T. B. ,CAMP,
i 3 at present engaged in nuking a map of this
pace, for the 'convenience of insurance comps
!nos. B•
TffE next !Presbyterian Sociable
Rill bo held at the b.oriee of L B. Hurirmaar,
EEq., on Ifondayevenlng, November 23, if the
weather will permit< Let everybody come.
Esq., of Albany township, now in his 85th year,
reined the past season nine pounds of potatoes
of the Peerless, variety, from ode eye plant ed.
Can any of our toting man beat it?
REV. Dr. Cem•rox,- of Philadelphia,
delivered two eicglent discourses in the Epis
copal ChUrch, ouiliunday bait. Although well
advanced_iu-years, the Doctor's natural force
• is not abafed. , .
Tan Episcopal Mite' Society meets
this Wednesday 'evening it the residence of
Mrs. Brisros.Ki4osnow4 on Third 0M44,
Those who have enjoYed the hospitality of Mri.
K., need no speci!a invitation to be present on
this occasion.
IhFYli3feTlo\ `is wanted as to-the
whereabouts, if liyink,-of the following persona,
formerly aindenti at the Cazenovia Seminary :
W.ll. P. KEELED; Mu:au= KEELER, C., jE.
BVSNtLL, JAB= D. Gronrwas, Drwrrr C. GM
lagON CHUSBECEC; EDwt L. Fnttzn, H. Z,
-THE Baptiat, liefLodist and .Pres
br.teri;ti Churc4s, will unite in a ThanL•sgiv
ing service on Thursday. next. We have not
learned where the sermon is tc, ,be preached
,or who is to deliver it. 'The custom of the dif
ferent congregahoni uniting cn such occasions
is one which should be encouraged, as it tends
towards creating a feeliog of unity and humo
ny among Christians. • • : •
TUE next regular 'meeting of the
Towanda SandaY-School Alliance, will be held
next Monday evening, Nov. 28, 1874, .at the
Presbyterian Church, commencing at 7 o'clock.
The programme for the evening will be the
next regular lessol, "The Betrayal," and will
be led by the lilethodi it minister, Rev. Mr.
• •
MR. T. C . -SpAl f lnlio, of Rockford,
!Illinois, has been spending a few days with
Pica:l3in this *co. Mr. S. has for the past
three years been Pitcher of the Boston Base
IBtell Club, durin:t7 which time they hare held
lthe championship of the United States. 110 is
probably gip most se entitle player in the coun
try, is a gentlem an of edueltion, and has done
towards pUpubtrizing our natienal ganr.
MITE SOCIETIES.;— . r- - The .ibpiscopAl
Mlte Society met at the louse of Joits J. Gnu%
;runs, on Wednesday eveuing last. A large
t icompany were pFesent, and the receipts were
ii - ery Creditable, pearly seventeen dollars.
datt.3 Socicty]for the benefit of the Dttlies'
• Mczevoleut A.sdeiation, itras held - at the resi
dence of Mrs. G H. WATICINF, on Friday even
-I Mg, The receipts amounted to fifty dollars
tiI:DGE V. M. LONG Ihas uartgaiC la
theidttiog-room of the Trtly House au inter. 4 :
log rditt of feirtriz,r days, in the tavern sit;•. ~1
hia lather, Major Ezaa LONG, who kept open
htMse for the traveler in the good Md daps,
near LONG . te nard.. The sign is a wooden one,
weather-beaten ! and dingy, bear:oz the ba a c
emblems of the;'sgnare and compass, the stile
IFII2, abd the name of the proprietor, E.::..
LONG. —_l;draterit lira' Gazelle.
Finc.—Ationt si3vo'clock oti Sitar
;day !twit :jog last, the dwelling hunse of H.
YAW, silutted i 0 Wysex, just arras the river'
from this; place; trait discovered to be on fire.
The fire comptif ea were unable to render any
and the building with a portion of
t;:e' tornitoie• Was goqn 'to ashes. We learn tht r xplqsipn or a kerosene lamp cansed
the. fire. Mr. i us that his 'IOS3 is
aiAPit 51',7(20, upon %, Lich there was an men
rarl••.: of $.1,500:
:WE WERE aware until the re,
nript of the, following, that , onr Itsverentl
fric:•.,l, C. L. F. Iliftvz, had rOmoved from this
crock. We aril pit-a:sod to know the MiPM/Tr..13.
is P • highly priied by the ;nod man and hie
fanu :
NELF ,, N, 311.1 h .on Cu.. N. Y., Nov. 9, 71
-* Avid now away ce . l.l,Fre,
frti )11e* Want of 'your ter.). excellent paper
more tlihn alWaym appreciated
yolirkincluess in sendintvit to me; and now-I
ai:d my wire think•• that we' cannot do
witio - aat it. • l•
Youre, fraternally,
f. C.'• L. F. H.
PEr..s . ox.i.L.' 7 -11 . 1:s. J. E. GOODT3I9EI is
sisiting her (11.4gliter, Mrs. Cans. I.lEtcen, in
. this place. . •
—Mrs. S. an , lMrs. Judge
LiN4l, of Troy, List week visithigLfriends
Li 11,:3 rlaee• I
' 7-ILnru. Sqicrqsa,,the prated "pitcher"
of the Boston e' has i cen the guest pf" M. M.
Scti.pißct for a , few days.
—Dr. M. M. DaoWN, of Ithaca, paid us a visit
.oln Monday.-- -
Jars" i . .Tnrt.Tr.s. is in town on a visit.
Arqus boasts that our ii-aod
• A. G. Ckasistah,nf Monroe, bait !•• •at
that c face 'a Cabbage head weighing
,15 Ilas ,
sh challenge may ohe - to heat it. We can do
it Mr ti.t - ru#N NORTHRUP, who nu been a
-tcrrnr t) rattlesuakes and wild beasts in the
of Isio - ilir4 Hollow for the past fifty or
yc tr., is quite as iinccessfal in the peace
' fill pursuits cd ; agriculture; at least we judge so
from the enidenc`e'Aistfore us. Last week he
forw,irded to this office a mammoth cabbage,
welq'aing 18:1. Frian.l Caa.Natkr. will hove
to ti y Alain
e !,,,1 the 'first :lumbar Of Pelerson'sllournal,
a 1 . 144; navgazi4e just started by the popular
11.1 Pernasus & 'Co., Philadelphts.
Tile aztcles atio all interesting and complete in
Fah 11:1Mber.I., The mechanical getting up of
the ruAgaz.;uejilanexcetltionable; the paper be
icg excellent, and the . cover , decidedly hand
some and in appeErance. Terms: $3.00
a year in advance. Au Extra copy will be sup
plied free forone Fear to any person rending a
club of five snbscriberv, 'at 400 each. The
postage Will be prepaid by_ the publishers, with
out extra charyge, accordance with the new
le.w. Rpeciiien cnpies, 25 cents. H.Pnreasos
Co:, 920 Walnut street, Philadelphia..
The D.strictConveatiOn I. 0. 00. T., of Brad
ford and Sullivan counties, will meet at Boron
'on the fourth Wednesday atd Thursday of No
vem er, IS 1, at 104 iielock A. at. Now let us
All, who'iniy be elected delegates, those Who ,
Vr.“he cause of temperance at - heart and
those of ns who •re entitled to eta in the
Cinvention,'reako it a point to ga to Rome on
I the 23th an:l 2:;'h* or November. Ye?, we s4y.
—go up to Itotne and help the "ItOrnate eat the
"tattedtnrh'py," it nothing more, bat we, much
rather yon Would go for the good of the tem
perance cattle. Ltwis Linz, W. 0. T. •
Wet. T. Lir ItEIeCC,
A 1.4 is
I TEO annual ball of B. •0. S. 0.,
'came of at Mereell Hall, on Friday evening
:last. The attendant's, we learn, was good, and
everything passed off quietly and pleasantly.
The supper was provided b./ Mr. Vacs of the
Ward House. and gave complete satisfaction to
the Society end invited guests. The arrange
ment of the tables reflected credit upon the
good taste and neatness of the Ward House
girls, whlie the abundant provision made for
the wants of the inner man, was good evidence
that the proprietor is not wanting In general
ity and genuine hospitillq.
THE Knights of Pythias, Of - this
place, were honored on Tuesday evening last
by a visit from brothers of Ithaca, Elmira.
Barclay and Canton. At the close of the see
sioi, the Eniglits to the number of about Bev
-enty-live, repaired to the Means House, where
mine host .7011 DAN had prepared a most sump
tuous repeat, to which ample justice was done
by the "brethren.' But few i'desertions" were
noticeable. The supper was flrst•class in every
particular, and the visiting brothers will not
be likely to - forget the Means Hon se, when vis
iting this place again. ,
Er. J. S. SrzwAnr's temperance
lecture at the Presbyterian Church, on Wed
nesday. evening last, was well attended and at
tenvively listened to. -The lecturer expressed
the belief that'the temperance cause bad met
pith a temporary reverse, in the, recent oleo
done, but predicted ultimate good to the cause,
if its friends anted with wisdom and prudence.
He believed the drinker" of the vile fluid should
be pinished ae well as the dispenser,—men who
have as uncontrollable appetite,shonld be con
fined in the insane asylum, and those who fol
low strong drink wilfully and stagger through
the street, should 'be made to ; feel that the
road they are traveling leads directly , to the
jail. The leetUre was replete with practical
thought, and will be felt for good in this com
• Lear Sunday morning Rev.- S. L.
Comm, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church,
preached his second anniversary sermon from
Ezehiel =hi: 7-9. In a summary of the two
years' work he stated that ho had prepared
and preached 198 sermons; bad received forty
eight persons into the church, thirty-seven of
them on professlon s of their faith; had baptised
thirty-six adults an& children ; married nine
couples; attended eleven funerals; and had
made over 23.9 pastoral calls. Daring the past
two years the Church and Sunday-School have
contributed over $9OO to the Boards of the
Church and for other benevolent Objects —,
Xorillern Tier Gaulle.
.Drabs left for record in the office
for recording deeds,' etc., week ending Nov.
14 r :
Joseph Ball to trustees 31 E' Church, East
Tray, Nor 7, 1874,i Troy; We e n al
to Adolph ,Huguenin, Oct 22, 1873, Wysox;
Adolph Huguenin to Helen J Wheatley, Sept
28, '74, Wysox; Nathan EHingsland to Milford'
rawer, July 29, '74, South Creek; D F Hil
dreth to , 51ilford 31 Dewey, July 20, '74, South,
Creek; E T Fox . to Prary Vannest and Folly
Hickock, Nov 10, '74, Franklin; Wm H Mat
thewson, executor etc., to Edward Herrick,
Oct 27, '74, Athens Boro; James Foster to John
N bandy, Nov 11, 1874, Towanda Boro; Lucre
tia Crandall to E Al Reeser, Oct 8, '74, Spring
field; John A Stewart, trustee, to Matthew
Bartlett,.et al., trustees of bondholders of Sul
livan & Erie Coal & Railroad Co., Nov. 10,1871,
Bradford and Sullivan; Hurty McAsey et al, to
Thos Donohue, April 1, 1872, Rid; bury; L
stevens to Hollis T Darling. Nov 12,'74, Orwell;
Ralph R Sibley to Am A Sibley, Oct 10, '74,
Windliamrßeni Moody to John A Moody, Sept.
20,'71, Boa: 7 '. •
District Conference met in Troy,-Pa ,on Mon
day evening, Nov. 9, 1974. Ilcv. 8,
G: liar~r
{dUl3, of 171ster, preached the Opiining ser
mon Tuesday morning: Conference opened in
duo form. after which Rex. E. J. HEIMANH, P.
E., cr, Troy District, delivered the cpening ad
dress of the Conference proper. This address
was liiitened to with marked attention. The
thoughts presented were of a high order. As : ,
sluing us that the greatest qualification we
needed fur our ministerial work, was deep and
ardent l icty, which would lead ns to feel that
we had but one work to do, and that is, to lead.
men to Christ. Then ut it to piety is knOwl
edge,—a know ledge of God's. Word especially,
with a knowledge of the ltieraturo of the world.
I cahnot give an outline of the address that
would do it jus'ict-, but ',chine to sty, it was
The District Conrexcnce was )u every respit
a pleasant and 'profitable one:: The esaaya
whieli were read were or a high order. With.
out speaking d eyaragingi of Whera, I men.
(lon the very able paper read by A. S. HoDsEn,
editor of-:he Xurtltcru Tier Gam tee, published
In Troy, P "
Pa., on the Relation or the Church
'and Clergy to Jen:flan - sm."' I will not attedint
to give an ciatlin3 of this able paper, for I
tdiotild fail altogether to . dalt jaatice. I will
say, however ; that by a tasoln , ton passed by
Conference ho was earnestly re
gne'Stid to publish it in in part in his
own paper, and in one of the official church
One thing more I wish to emak of; and that
is, that the District Conference decided to hold
during this conference . year. about the first of
June next, at pane central place, a District
Sunday-School Convention, edelducted by some
Sunday-schoal worker. This convea
tion Kill be cum to all Sunday-school workers,
wreipertive of denomination; and here at this
ta:!y ur, 1 want to call attention to it,.that
all ruteresti , d in tha improvement of Sunday
schtmis, afay know that in the early part of
next Summer they will have a rare opportunity.
That the Sunday-echools are doing much in
13 3ing the fi , untlit'ion of true Christian charac
ter, none will doubt, but may there not be
more dons? There are improved methods and
apt:dim:iv:a to be need, and mare i parnestnees
of spirit to be awakened iu many in this work.
When we see ho ever-active and unceasing
in his efforts is the Lamy of all good, tolead
estray the youth of our land, wo feel it is high
ly important that we 'should make, every effort
Ind use every means within oar reach, to in
cnidate in the maids of our children right prin
that will alike the enemy's attempts un
successful in decoying them into sin. This wo
can do iu the Snpday-school. Therefore, let
us embed all the churches to rally with renew
ed earnestness to.this Sunday-school work. •
Our District Conference was a pleasant and
profitable one. May the Lord give us many
more sr ch.
Burling ton, Nov; 12, 1874.
of Highland, ued 81 Years, was - announced in your
paper of lut week. It may not be generally known
that for many years be was an editor and printer .
His friends think that at his death he was perhaps
the oldest editor in the State.* He commenced the
publication of the Elklop Press, ,Maryland, about
the Set of July 3823. continuing its publication
sheet four years. Ho then sold out and removed to
_Harrisburg, where in 1828 he started the Staferman,
and continued its publication until about 1835. He
then mold out to Timor/sot : Ims ,Tiss, who changed
the name of the paper to Harriabarg Telegraph, un
der which name it is still published.
Several pears ago lin. Mcgonn told the writer .Of
this notice, that while he was editor, he was re
quested to take . charge of a Baltimore paper. He
went on to Baltimore, and all the preliminary ar—
rangements wtra completed saUzfactorily, when he
was told there was one more question, viz: Will
you " Being opposed to duelling, he failed
to become editor of a Baltimore paper. •
1111 n litile r lds- Mc,Como removed to Bradford Co.,
where he resided notil his death. He was in many
respects a remarkable man. • Of EicOtelazish Pres
byterian =east*, be lived a long life"of unimpeach
able integrity and morality. • In him there was no
guile. He was, in every sense of the word. a gni•
tleman, and capable - of moving in the highest cir
cles. mind seemed an inethsttatible • Store
house of knowledge, which he could impart in such
a manner as to charm his companions. He retained
his mental faculties to the day of his death, and
k. t np his Interest in our notional and county at-
Lac to the last. IQo one, who had even s limited
ac.ausintance with him, will fall to wry, "a great and
good an is Wien." His and was peace. When
his worklra' finished, without uttering, he - calmly
tell asleep. He did not have
,what would be caied
I strong physical constitution, and reached the age
of tour score and. four yeais only by dint of his
regular and temperate habits. With blm, whhky
and tobacco were alike an abomination. -To this be
was doubtless largely iddebted for long life. with
Intellect , ntclonded to the tact moment. His work
on earth is finished, and era this he has heard the;
welcom, " Well done. good'and faithful eervant.
['This la Incorrect. The venerable runs Brix
war, of Monroe Tap., is 113. XcOoan's senior, and
edited a piperearlier than the letnno•-11:04
ED. &tiaras : o iti East ••Tioy has
beer= a steam, (an'errangement that Is ex
ceeding?, sathithotory to all of tre), the brothers
and sisters of the M. EXiturch; to the number
of 45, assembled at the neat, cosy Parsonage,
—formerly occupied by Mr. J. Dur.--011 , the
27th of October, and tome hones previous to
the expected arrival of our; Rotor. Bee. 8. A.
Mumma. They then pl,.cM in his cellar,
pantry barn, a great misty of useful
cies, and then directed their attention to the
pastor. A table was set the. entire length of
the roam, upon which was placed ibountifal,
and I may add tastefully, .arranged, repeat.
When the pastor and his 'family arrived, they
seemed fully to appreciate the linden of their
friends, and expressed their gratitude in a fit
ting manner. Pleasure beamed in every coon.
tenanee, and we are sure all who participated
in the happy occasion, will remember it for
awry a year.
. ,
. How often does it happen, that a person re
lying wholly upon others, fails of success, but
when that reliance is withdrawn and he is left
to his own resources, the individual develops
latint and' hidden powers, which make; him
prosperous. The same principle will apply to
churches as well ailudividuali,ind we indulge
a reasonable hope that the effortsl we aro mak
ing to uptroild our church and advaacel the
spititiiil interests of the community, wilt be
rewarded With success. That tie may his in
futurn an earnest, united, working band of
Christians, is the sincere prayer of the writer.
O Jesus, may we follow Thee
Closer than ever heretofore,
Oh, may our constant purpose be
To glorify Theo evermore.
Help ni to labor with success,
Clothe us with deep humility;
In helplessness our snit we press,
Help us rem Thine immensity.
- Oh, we will trust oar au with Thee I
Guide us unto she journey's end;
Then may it be our joy to see
Our ever-blessed Saviour Mend.
8. H. -
East-Troy, Nov. 9, 1874.
TEM RAG CARPET.—Some women
much prefer to use a_ bit of rag carpet in place
of a regular-made mat at their doors. It's a
good idea, a contemporary thinks. If there's
anything.better calculated to -attract a man's
attention than a rag carpet at a deor a we don't
know of it: It causes Moro bard feeling, and
is productive of more 'hard and. unforgiving
words, than any other article about the house,
excepting always the family hat:rimer.' Three
pieces of 'rag carpet thus situated will bank
rupt an upright man inside of
_a fortnight, and
turn a happy home into an uproarious find out
rageous Bedlint. Not a man in a hundred can
go through a door thus protected without
catching his foot in that carpet to the gieat
danger of •llinging himself violently to the
Boor and flattening his nose. And it not only
twists his legs, but it deign over the sill, : and
catches; the door as he shuts it, and starts his
temper afresh. It being too degrading and
unmanly to stoop down and remove the obsta
cle with his hand, be gives it a kick, and is ear
prised to see how easy It is to miss it. He
makes another vicious kick at it, and succeeds
in removing about an inch of it. Then he
swings the door to, and setting his
. teeth to-
gether, attempts to shut it over the obrtacle.
Them:tore the obstruction resists him, the more
_desperately he ppsnez. This is on the general.
Iy received and very agreeable theory that in
anitnate things ate human in so far as it is ha
man to be' vicigus and obstinate. It • is the
principle which induces a boy to pound a stick
of wood which flies up and hits him. Having
convinced himself that the building will not
suMcieatly give to permit of shutting the door
without removing the carpet, the carpet is
kicked away. It is,never laid away. And it is
either kicked the whole length of - the hall, or
tumbled M a heap just outside the sill, where
the next person apparing catches both feet in
it, and shoots into the room with hair erect,
eyeballs protruding; and feet madly and pas
sionatz-ly endeavoring to recover their balance.
Fir:z ron 1575. 7 -The Couidry Gentleman is
publitled WZEHLY on the following terms,
when paid strictly in advance : One copy, one
Sear, ,f2.V3; four copies, $lO, end an additional
oopY for the year free to the sender of the eel);
ten copies, $2O; and an additional copy for the
year free to the sender (lib° club.
The:Gountru Gentleman posserar.a an tm
eqnaled corps of corresportdentt, regular and
occ:taional, among the best farmers in all parts
of the country, and constantly reflects the prim.
Coal condition and progress' ot 'the husbandry
of every eection of the United States and civi
li'zed world.
The Coign fry qerittes.ifta Rites in its Horti
cultural Department p continuous variety of
infcrmaticm and suggestions. equal or superior
in the aggregate to what. Is obtained in tho
monthly numbc-ra of most mt.„ ezines devoted
to Hortic Itura. -
The Cowdry Gentlebru has probably done
as much as all otAr journals combined, to in
troduce and diastrainate Improved Stock of
every kind through the country; and com
mando, to a greater degree than any contem
porary, the confidence and support of breedo re
aad purchasero. •
The Country Gentleman contains unusually
fall and trtistworthy Market. Reports, and de
iotes special attention to them and to the
prospects of the crops, as throwing light upon
one of the most important of all questions,—
When to and When to Sell.
' 27 . ie Country Gout lemon - embraces numerous
minor departments of a practical character,
such as the Diiry, the Poultry Yard, : the Apia.
ry, the Vineyard, etc., and weekly presents 's
column or two for the housewife and an inter
estug variety of Fireside Beading. It contains
a well edited review of current events, and its
advertising pages Tarnish a directory of all the
principal agricultural and horticultural estab
lishments of the country.
:Ipecimericopios tree. Address. I.
• _ Albany,' Y. Y.
Jonrxos ABOUT TOWN, lilt A S0J01:111X
SEON ow, rauncuLE—AND A BIT Or
8/TXTI:IIY . Auvicr,—lt is very, - e ery haughty,
talent. Cam.= sets it so far down to the
scale of ramifies, that hellvonld advise all
growing boys and sweet reaching toward
loveliness, to steer quite clear of it. Don't be
like VoLvaras. boss, for you can never goto
heaven with CARLTLE, if you do, and a small
section of the universe will betelt you for base
ball operations; in case your limitations are be
yowl - bin tranecendental All.
You 'tie not to go wading along the shallows
of ridicule, my braves l Your way hem out in
the broad ocean of reverence, up whose East
rises, and down whose West rides, nasjeetically,
the great light giver, and the grand revealer
of all mystery and all truth.
So much - -lcir the impiratßin of CADLYLE. If
you are at all inclined to gratify a relish for the
ridiculous, read his Essay on VOLTAIRE. - We
had It read to nuin our infancy; and it so help.
''tid us in„training and regulating our propeqsl.
ties, that we have been enabled to direct our
steps wisely and safely thriangh temptations of
no common order, in this direction.
It is very, eery nosafe,little Miss, to handle
these weapons, if yon are anxious to go along
wish leading strings is your hands. Doer/nick
stroke al your saucy tongue cuts tite reins
quicker than a schneter edge„ You must walk
so softly over the foibles of your fellows, that
they can c - eep back to their shelter and wait
,for the snre-comiag Pruner, _whose work will
be done by defter bands.
0. S. Triaserr
Never call names. It is n't polite, and what
is politeness but ono of the dress !suits of
llCistian charity ?
- ever show np the mistakes and exaggera
tions of yotir companions, or even of your ene
mies, attar the fashion of modern illumination,
that takes to itself the ugly proportion of cull
catore. hest, who is an acknowledged
master in this art, uttered , a single sentence,
under whose lisping, lightly aecented.phrase,
ran;; low undertone, the burden of which
might serve i v , a::warning : "I hoped in my
boyhood to becoMe a groat historical painter."
"Itoped," it said, with a backward smile that
was sadder than tears.. " I am," hung on his
wordless lip. many another unuttered
story, "a caribaturist." And w, good boys and
beautiful givli you' will not fail to'read our ES
sayist on Ridicule, and listen to. ono trhii is
amply competent to advise.
You mist filially, adore your papa, if he
smokes your weak-eyed lover off tbe r prewdies
with cheap tobacco, and admire your mamma
if she wipes her matronly nose on her almost
inaccessible petticoat. You must cuddle baby
Juan affectionately, if he tears the loot kink' or
the last hair, even, out of your despairing curls.
You must reverence your grandfather, if be
spits in a snokitsile over Ow best room Ono,
and mop out tuft, orystantatibpittuit.
its,; thelollies cd a »olden youth and an
mini:thirsted manhood. You must look spolo
sptheslly upon the poor dears who have n't the
resolution or the shoes to follow firemen's pa
rse* through the rata, and whore unworthy
spinal sbriak from a bare-back trip to the
Bove your minister. if he be orthodox, and
doss n't meddle with polities; and be attentive
to ;our Babbath4chool teacher, if her bonnet
is n't out of style, but above all things heathy
well-timed praise upon the sucoeutni candi
date of the last aleetion v and balance yourself
carefilly in the soaleaf eplaion, with regard to
forthcoming developments of a governmental
attars; and then, my darlinp,' , you may.per-
UP% be known and read by all good men ovo
men and old* en, in the pages of an approved
and instinctive enaday.sehool book.
Naw Devon—The Pennsylva
nia! sad New York Railroad Company, will to.
67 wavy the new depot. Th rough the kind
noits of Rears. Rorzois & Fraanzo, the build
orti, we were shown through the . Wilding the
other day. The basement .is divided into two
largo airy rooms, with pentad Boors. Hare
are found two largo heaters, , with which the
whole' building is warmed': The first door con'
taros two sitting rooms, WM 'feast each, with •
convenient and roomy ticket office, so arranged
u: to accommodate both. These rooms are
Stashed In oak and blackwainut, with seats
made of the same material. The rooms are
well-lighted and ventilated. r On the south side
are the baggage rooms and hall leading to the
second story.
The !send story contains a large telegraph
office, Tarnished with beautiful and modern fix
tares, The tables, desks, etc., were mostly
manufactured by Boum & Attu*, and are
inievery particular equal to city • work. The
Superintendent's Office fronts to the east, and
communicates With a private office, bath room,
closets, Me, The clerks' room Is on the west
eide, and lifeboat 18x36 feet, with • closet and
wash-romattached. All these rooms are fin
ished in oak and walnut, and the windows tor
tilla:4l with inside blinds. The whole building
is:fainished with water and gas, and .reflects
credit upon the taste and liberalityof the com
pany, as-well as the skill of the builders and
workmen. The stories are respectively 12 and
0 feet in height. The plat tering was execut
ed by Messrs. LEHM3II & finnan, of this place,
Who enjoy the reputation
.of being the very
best workmen in their line to be found any-
Where, and the walls of the depot will not deor
tract from their good name. The painting and
graining was done by D. L. Oncwrr, of this
place, and Mi. Moaaarw, of Waverly. It is a
source of satisfaction to know that such work
men are to be found in the country. This
portion of the work is not a whit behind the
other departments, and reflects great credit
upon the taste and artistic skill of the wo
The exterior does not strike us at all in keep
ing with the interior, but the same careful at
tention has been bestowed upon the work. The
walls are of common brick, with " black tuck
ing." A sride awning, supported by neat and
Substantial iron brackets, surrounds the build
ing dud affords protection from the beat of the
sun and storms, to plumage:a while getting in
to and out of the care.
• We heartily congratalats the officers and
imployes of the company on their good fortune
in securing such commodious and luxurious
quarters, and hope they may all 'live long and
prosper.' Much credit is dile Mr. GOODXAN,
Assistant Superintendent, for his practical sug
gestions and assis tame in arranging the details
of the brdldlng. •
The following is the roll of officers and em-
Ployes in the depot :
Superintesident-11. A. Pacaca.
Assistant Superintendent and Chief Clerk—B.
Train Master-41AVID Eirm.ocn.
Telegraph Operators—T. H. MAlnzwe, It. M•
EaDaan, EL H. illim.ron, E. W. ViziAras.
Clerks—J. W. Enuop, H. E. BABCOCK, F. J.
gitou, 6. B. SDERNOOD.
! Ticket Agents—F. R. BuaBANK, 11. Ahosecis.
Baggage Matter-1101M3 CONDON.
Car Inspectors Joan 11Ambilauer. Joan
Porter—Eu . 3l'ex Mollut.
Coeur:l'lmmEaties.—For the week
commencing Monday, Nov. 9: Hon. H. P.
Boss, of Montgomery county, presiding, and
Asaociato Judges HAIIKNEBII and Busszu, on
the bench.
On, *notion, Court admit John A. Bittser,
Esq.; a'ntember of the-bar of Wyoming Co., to
practice ,in the several-courts of Bradford Co.
damsel Wheaton va..Wm. D. Chaffee—lssue.
Watkiris & Little for plaintiff ; Overton & Els
bree fcir defendant. Verdict for defendant.
B. N. Blood vs. John N. Murray—Assumpsit.
)3. Vf) Patrick and I. .N.• Evaur, Hogs., for
plaft3tiff. H, B. McKean, Esq., and Watkins &
Little for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff, the
sum of four thousand fire hundred and twenty
four dollars and sixty cents.
Aaron Sheeler vs. J. A. Davis and J. D. Pngh
—Asumpsit. H. W. Patrick and LN. Evans,
Erqs.,"for plaintiff. W. T. Davies and W. H.
Carnochio, Esqs., for defendants. Verdict for
defendants. ,
Wm. A Mason vs, Sullivan & Erie Coal A D.
B. Co., Garnishees of J 8. Andrews. Foreign
Attachment. Smith A Montanye and DeWitt A
Maynard, for plaintiff. IL W. Patrick and E.
Overton, jr., Begs., for defendants. Verdict
for defendants.
C. B. Russell vs. dames Bryant, et al. The
Burg,eas and Connell of Towanda Borough..., It
is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the pre
liminary injunction awarded in this case be
and is hc•eby discharged.
Monday, November IC.
Hon. P. D. Morrow presiding, land Associate
Judges Hairiness and Hassell on the bench.,
Henry W. Hollis' use vs. Daniel Sweet—Ap
peal. W. T. Davies, Esq., for plaintiff; Smith
& Montanye for defendant.
Verdict for plaintiff, the stun of ninety-three
dollars and eleven cents. •
The indictments in the following cases hare
been quashel :
Com. ye. Dr. 11. C. Porter and lienr3t Cj Por
ter—Selling liquors without license.
Com. va. Clark B. Porter-Same.
Corn. as. D. El. Tnrner and W. o.`Gordon
The Court bee appointed U. W. Patrick and.
J. F. Sanderson, Esq 3., counsel, 'tor Albert
Browp, who was indicted for murder at Sep
tember term.
First National Bank of Washington ye. Harry
Ward. Debt. W. T. Davies, Esq.. forplaintiff,
Wm. Foyle, H. W. Eatriok and 0. D. Montanye
Verdict for plaintif, the sum of, thirteen
hundred and thirty-four dollars , and fifty-six
James Gibson vs. Jano Gibson atil Charles
lifdlorao, Trespass. 'Overton & Elebree for
plaintiff, Elbanan 8m Rh and W. Patrick for
defendants. On trial.
Boars FOR Caannwea —lf YOU want
a few roses to flower at or about Christmas or
New Year time, select now a fair of the tea, hy
brid, China and Bourbon varieties. Take, say
Agrippina, Louis Philippe, Mad. Malmquist,
Bougere, and Sombrenil. Obtain good plants,
if you can, grown in the open grodnd, .that
have not bloomed; pot them; cut them back, to
four Mame, let them stand in a cool place for
two' weeks, then bring them gradually to the
light, and give them, if you can, more heat at
the bottom of the pot than at the top. Do not
let them-have too strong sun at midday, unless
they are in fall leaf and moist of earth without
being wet. As they grow,
,when 'the short
steins are four inches long, pinch off the ends,
and continue this practice until they commence
to bloom.
iThilfiN INGRAM opened court at
Tunkbeizock on Monday last: cordWy welcomed
by all clams, On Monday evening he watierens
ded by the Tunkhanock Brass Band, and a large
concourse of citizens, fairly representing the good
men and true of Wyoming county, weitsilapon the
Judge. expressing their cordial congratulvtions
upon his election by 114 large a MOM, in both
counties, and their hearty velem" as presiding
judisi of the ilistict. Judge Isonar remanded in
a terse and grac dui address of spiiriadation. Af.
forward the Judge was escorted to the festival. being
had for the Triton Hose Co.. where he was male
Use recipient of an elegant boquet, from the ladles,
who were present in large numbers. A numbs' of
Scranton firemen participated in the feetinL One
hardly knows which moat to commend, the nal
. wart appenanim of the firemen on parade, the ar
gentite tuts end skill of the band, or the army of
11111191 1214 Witty of the ladles at the **Mil
B 08.12i71819 'LOCAL.
M` Go to Warrom & SUVA
liforeur's alock. for your Books and Stationery.
Fos Sam—W.-IL Boosysta, has
one of P. &Dunn= & Cb t e. 0. L Boise Pinter
Bay PUMA for isle. Tim beet there is.
June 1; 1674.
Ili., They' have a. choice line of
Foreign and DOlllatiO Dry Goods and Notions;
all new, at Emit WAuova', Towanda, Pa.
Oct 187 C
Von BALL--About 20 'ewes tend 12
backs. These are very line, long-wooted
costar Sheep.. Enquire of G. D. Bunn, Eli.
ter, Pa.
Nov. 4,1874-Bw.
Y . stir Why run the risk -of an [Wi
den!, when you can get; a ticket good for $B,-
000 in case of death, for 20 cents a day, by Call-.
Ing on PRAMS Bostuanr, at upper depot?
Eintovez.—W. Dirrazon, music
dealer, has changed his bue, and may ,here
alter be found at the corner of Main and Pine
atreeta, in lgonut's new block. ,
IW' WOAD" & EDWARDS are pre
pared to sell teas of every variety csftcaper than
any . of the leading houses In the city; which are
sending out their circulars broadcast over the'
country. Grangers will do'well to give diem a
call before buying eliewhere.
Amulet, 1874.—New Goods suita
ble for the season, now opening at BIONTAIIIIMI,
Fos BENT.—=Hone sitnateiToorner
of Locust and ebony streets. l
mmediate possession ginen. Ternis one-half the
usual rental until the Lt of April. Address,
Athens, Pa.
ft. Wass A. E. Pwrr, (formerly
over 11. E. Itositarnmree Clothing Store). has
removed to TRACT klifoones new block, where
she is prepared4to do all kinds of dress-makh3g
on reasonable 'terms. She is also agiont for
INS. C t . F. emu has jast received
a very, large Janda) of Books mutable for 8. 8..
Libraries, which he will furnish at a discount
'of 25 per cent. to schools. . •
girl' you don't want your wife
to buy the new patent Bad-Iron, keep her away
trdin Jouts. It is the beet and most conveni
ent invention for lessening the tedious work of
ironing ever presented to the public. No one
who sees it will ever go tome without it.,
CemprowN Woorzia
Lug, Spinning, and Weaving, also Nsnufsetur
tog, Oloth-Dressing, etc;, as lanai. Stocking
Yarn, Flannel and Cloths for sale. Machinery
tanning in good order, and" work ;warranted
and dono with dispatch. .
Daiss-Kumpa:—Birs. HimaT Kunio-
Bas; in the Arcade block, opposite the Episco
pal Chnreh,ts prepared to do dress-making in
the latest style and neatest manner on abort
notice and at reasonable prices. Fitting made
a specialty. Stamping done also.
To TUE Poe:rm.—Since Sept. 1,
1874, we are selling tickets to all points West
and South-West via Erie Railway and connect
ing lines,at reduced rates. Passengers porches
leg tickets through this agency insure good
connections and baggage. checked through.
Apply to either of the undersigned at Towan
da, Upper Depot. J. W. &Ila, •
itir-Frorn a plain Gold Ring to
'4,13e Gnat, diamond, go tollannatauns. '
tilir A large line of Parasols in all
the new shades, just received tor.
Evans & Hrannrrn.
INS.If you wish to see fine gold
JewOry, Whit azzatuaLues. ,
ips. A large stock of Ladies', Miss
es', and Gents' Underwear, at -
Several valuable . Farina and
Houses and Lots for sale by Barrurrrit TRACT:,
Ns. Wall Paper and Curtains
cheap at WUITOOND 1 SMUT'S.
?demur's Block.
Fou RENT.—A store building, with
coiibtera and eholves cnioplite, for rent at lay.
eralinrg. The location's gOod one for .ailing
all kinds of merrh•++aise. Inquire of E. E.
Oct. 26, 1874.
Foa St .-160 acres of land; in
Ulster, near tho Depot, by Iteon Tour, of Port
Deposit, Did. En faire of A. B. fhirrs, Ulster,
aw The beat place to buy Saab,
Doors and all kinds of Lumber, is at
FROST & SoNa. Factory on Charles street. O.
lice 107 it - street. They sell cheap for cash.
liew goods just resived at K
ter &11 kinds of black horn, rub
ber and real jet jewelry at very low prices, at
thowat-iaa's ' ' -
Serif you want the best Cook Stove
extant, call at Jim's, in Morour's Block.
as. For the best ,Itoset or Steak
go to Mum k Ittonott.t.'s. ,
l IMIT Reversible level land and side
bill Plows, Improved. Rubber Paint, all colors,
datable and cheap.
R. M. Watsass.,
Sept. 28—tr.
you want to buy Dry Goods,
examine Tenon k Co's now stook..
lig A fall line of Guipure Lace,
Yak Lace , and Pammentry Trimmings, joss re
ceived by Ev.tatq &Thu:lnm' ,
Vii" A complete assortment,of La
dies', Gents' and Children's Underwear, at
stir A: very laige stock of Melee,
Boys', Youths' and Children's Boots, just re
calved at 9ouszu it bowl's, opposite the Cent
Hollft9. ,
■g.'A. B. Cimvss, Wyalasiiii is
the agent for the New American flowing
'chine, which 4 taking the lead of all other..
ifir American and Swiss Watolies,
Jugest stook - ever brought to Ibis towel, st
itir Mrs. J.. I.S. Hu.r., has just re
turned from the city; with a tine assortment of
Fa and Winter Millinery. Store on BMW!
Jir Spectacles and ,eye
warranted equal to any in the tmuket, from
the cheapest to the beet, at MlNDEtalaell.
J New Goods.-this Week, at
TAYLOR it Co'..
i Fine Mink, Seal,, and 'Lynx
Thus; also the lower grades, of goods. Hand
some Misses' and Children's sets, at
Harr; & WATROVS:
Mr The Fall and Winter schools
throughout the county are about opening, and
purchasers of school books will bal Interested
in knowing that C. 'F. Coosa' store is head
quarters for all the different kinds of books
need in the schools of Bradford and adjoining
counties. and that. his facilities for purchasing
gives him the "inside track" In selling. Conn.
try merchants can get their supplies, of him
just as asap as they eau in tho city, Bine say.
tag height ,
Nitro ii Oxidir-ties success*
fully used for. iluo (41ssolSou of With, : 4 ~
Raid; bentritAt'jr
• 1 Towanda, Pa.
sir A specialty in ao, aka, Shawls,
Blankets and Felt Bides, Can be found at
EVANS & artrairries.
Jo" Large stock of Piottureo and
Picture Frames, *t Mimosa ♦t ElnAtre*, WN-
ilirA4 impiense4tock of_ Ladies',
Misses'. Children's and Gents' Hosiery and
Gloves, at EVAN'S & HILDIISIVII. •
IbT AU good" sold by us will be
gasrastood as Sepresszted. Our terms are
cosh, and ourprltes shall be low. ,
lei.. A fall line of Bleached and
Brown Table Linens, Napkins, Crashes, Towel
ing'', eta, al Haar WATENTe•
'l. la. Trimminit 'Velvets, Velveteens
Ind Cbildren'e Cloalrlnge, msy be found et
' EVANS & ,Humarrs's.
'ADM, - ATTENTION!-We have a .
large line of nedarwear le an grades, bough:
Cheap, sad will ba sold tole for cash. • ' -
1 . KiNT WAT 11.0176,
IWO The cheapest' place. in town
io tiny )ffillinery goodly* at Mild: D. Rave,
Bridge-st. - •
The largest assortment of
clocks at low prices at Itimmutues,, ,
Mr Plain White,- Red and Check
id Flannels, in all at /Omit iricei.
Tits lair wish
operations performed as the teeth, we .aqr go
to Dr. Dot:woe's new aloe on State-at., below
Hain, in Dr. Puarr's now cface building, see.
and S or. You may rely upon good work,
coreful treatment, and a pleasant Instead of a
disagreeable time in the operating'eliaitr
$5O BEIVUID I . Lost il4‘ Towanda
or Wysox, a Lady's Eeent-Wioding Hunting.
Cue Gold Watch; Few Niootrp, Maker. The
above reward Fla b@ paid to the person andlni
It; on its being Pelt at the Jewelry Store or Wu.
A. Quasinasun.
ifir Dr. KELLEY has secured the
right to use an, attachment for lowci, distal
plater, which Greatly meets. in holdinglt hem in
For difficult cases it prove indispen
eible. Office on Blain-at Towanda.
11111 Black Alpacas,
Pare Mohair.,
Black Cishmerie,
Nouriing Dross Goods,
Just opened, and will be sold for cash only, at
Towanda, Pa., Got. 28, 1874.
VS - T. C. COW N, •uf Towanda, bee
just received the largr st stock of Chine. White
Granite, Iron-stone China, and French, Belgian
and American Glassware, aver brought to this
market. "And the best of all is, he has procur
ed them in such a way that he Is selling them
full 25 per cent. cheaper than they were ever
before sold in Towanda.
am. Busy mothers'will be gratified
to learn that there is one establishment in To
wanda where they eau buy good, substantial
clothes for their boys cheaper than they can
get the material and have them made up.
Jinxes Wozjp. realizing the wants of comic
nity in this particular, has purcbased and is
selling very cheap boy's clothing of every de
F. It. BusztANg.
"My lady love has " mittened me • '
Through some coquettieh "miff";
I really cannot tell'why she
Went off in'auch a "tiff." -
Bat here's iCletter from her now,
What Its lines diaclose ?
"IT nererbe your idle, I row,
" Till you frear.Boszvalmas Clothes."
Gentlemen who Inuit their worldly suits to
prosper, had bettei get a suit of those splen
did clothes whi,:h only Ilositsnm.r) is now of
to this,community, at prices within the
teach of all. 'Young mon; go there and see for
SELL v SET T rinti.—ProbajAy the
worst sell in the world is a prison cell; and the
dealer who "sells" his customers, richly de
serves confinement in it. I sail at my store
nothing but goods of good quality, and repre
sent them as they are, and at such low prices
that every customer goes away satisfied. We
continue to sell the entire stock at such prices
as will induce everybody 'to buy. So call early
and secure your clothing at the popular One-
Price Clothing Store of ALEX. Sotosicor; 123
Hain street:
Nov. 18, 1874.
AS. Reqtembor that our stock
all nett and fresh. Everything in the line of
Dry Goods'will be found at our store. We do
not claim tlist we will Bell goods tower Mae all ,
others, bril: hiving just bought our entire'
stock sinc'h the recent decline in the New York:
markets, we feel warranted In saying that we
can offer item and desirable , goods at bottoni'
prices. We. shall sell strictly for cadi. We
invite all to come in and examine goods and
prices. We shall endeavor to merit's share of
your patronage. KIGICT & WATEOI7B.
Dias l Funs I Fuss !—We shall
ter to . the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, s
choice setectiun of Ladies', !aisles' and Chili
dren'ainre, in all grades, at Prices which l can
not bo offered no goods..boiaght a year ago;
Every set we offcr is new and Irat e direct
from the manufacturer. Every set we sell will
be guaranteed prime and r l rfect in all re
spects. We Invite' all to ozamine our stook
. I
and prices: Kwirr do Wsmous.
naordIITHING, GRAND. ll7luogr
signed calls attention to sev4rai new things in
dentistry,as follows
First: .A nets style of plate for inntrunsk.
Term, perfect in all respects. Ist. It hu the
CO;or of the mucous membrane, resembling
he lips and gums so &welt:. to defy deten
tion.' 2cl. It is absolutely p and wholesome.
, lid. It is very light Is well strong, so thit
the plates can be made thin; avoiding a month
inll of clumsiness. There is positive) no dis
count on this plate in any direction. Hundreds
of thenrare now inns° among the most relia
ble people of this town end pointy, and all call
them "Gu ."
Second : We have thoeans of attacking
seekers or suction cavitiesl m to lower meta of
teeth, which holds the plate firm on the jaw,
preventing any movement Of the 'plate In mils
ticatiug, or accumulating fl food under it. Dd
ilcuit eases completely
7/tird : The liquid n 'oxide gas—a new
form of anaesthetic, which is perfecuy safe and
reliable, in all respects. Renders tooth-extraet
ing n delight instead of a dreadful Operation.
'Fourth: All manner of dental operations
done in the most artistic manner, at 11. D.L.
Dotson's dental rooms, in Pratt ' s new
building; State street, be 7 Main, Towanda.
Nov. 17-4 w.
HOGABOOM—OARIIIBO*.-At the reddeace
of Kri. O. Garrison, N0N.14, /874, by Benr.'W.
8. ikuusey, Mr. Iloyd fleirabocak of Moe.
son d, Pa.
fiel Pa., and KW Mary Garrison, of Jack
,; _ -
.. . . . ;
PAGE.—Io Wilmot, Helot: ,-1874,41r5. Luce to.
ta, wits of FL Ham Pi , aged 19 yosis iind
9 ilsya,.
_. .
... . ;
111141/3.-44i this boroagb,lNor. 4, Um. Rachel
Hinds, aged 91 years arid 2 months. , ::
The deceased was llie mother of ts-Com
ndsponeroTenut U, Untne, and was
.a' most! 44.
emplary Christian Woman. o'.d k s , c, and its
attendant inarmitlea, bad confined her to the
bonze for some time previous to her diis.tb,
but she bore her &actions with Choistian pm
ilenceind forbearance. I For more than seven
t+ years she bad bcca ;member of the Baitist
Obtlreb. Ind now has gone to be witttber I:PeS 4
ea toialuia #l.Pfter.
; Now Adverthesumts.
• ••
-am is UMW_ titan that th an hays 'been SW ;In
the - calcs of isogisios of Wills In and for the County
of Itradllatth secoents of ahninishatloo upon the
following Waifs. tit: . • ,
Partial account D. Lewis, exeoutor.of the trill
of Cauxessifintlo, labs of Wells. m ot
Phut amount of James Smstutrillati Of Charles
E. Smith. name child of Joseph Smith. late of Wy.
Mai deceased.
Pallet scantat of Philionati Btone and Ancuslus
rots: executor' of the will of Rebecca I Perm, late
of deemed.
PinslJ oesph asoolustof Salm ID:by, executor of the trill
Dow" Isis of Windham, deeeued.
Mull account of itatetio Seeder. admlxdstrator r ed
the' estate of German Titus; late of Pike. dscethed.
Final account of J. I. Jones, administrator of the
estate of Wm. Johnson, late of Tony. decanted. ;
Final accountof M H. Lanier, alintobitestoe Of .
the WV* of J. Donna, Alen. late Of Wysoz. decd.
Mast ant of M. J. Eaton and IL L. Gook.
Well, executors of the will of Joseph Dolton, lite
of West Burlington
Final accocun ce SawaXcllinhsek and • Tin/a i ls
Waters, sdadnistrstaw of the estate of Charles J.
Saab. bits of Buffington. deceased. I
Partial account of K. W. DeWitt administrator, de
bouts no n of Jacob DeWitt, late of Towanda bop,
decease. - - •
Final account of George Gerd, guardian of ()rein
Smith. minor child of Jerre fladtti, late of Wysox,
&messed. ,
Final account a George Furman and S. D. hark
of ese Columbia. demand. , exthutors of the will of Peter MCClelland. late
Final account of A. 11. Spalding, surviving execu
tor of the will of George U. Welles, late, of, Athens.
daisies& •
Pulls! account ofJohn 0. Welles, sc log executor
of the bin will and iftWanient of C. P. Welles. late
'of Athens hero. deceased. . .
41so the apprehunnent of property set off by-ex
ecutors 0? adininistrators to widows Or Chfidtell of
the following decedents
Estate of Barton Conrad.
1 de
" Wm. Bri ob dfoul.
4, .• 0.17. Young.
. 1 " Ebbs Reeler.
U .1 Ilylnums Waltman. 1
;' " U John Gartland, Jr.
'• " -" John Crotsla.
_,- .
- I
And the same will be vaunted to the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County, TIICIRLIDAY. Demobs/
10th, 1874, at 2 o'clock, P. Id- for confinnsUon Ind
allcnisnos. , -- 0.1. causatros,;
por. 7
.'74.. . , ,
We are daily receiving ' additions to
Roving a buyer constantly itz New
York, we aro enabled at all times to
get the
In the market.
We call especial attention to our
stock of
c l)
0 k
We have last re c eived direet fOm
Importers, the best line of
Ever exhibite4-by-us.
Also the best assortment of
0 -
To be found in the market.
We also offer Great Bargains in
SUL°l6t. g3lilvis
POWELL' , & co.
Oct. 12, 1874.
of the property. corporate right",
legee. and frailcbtaee of the
At ilia ale madei by Jolla A. Stewart; Trask% on
the lath day of October, k. D. 1871.
Il hereby given that a meeting will be held' , at -the
at 12 o'clock; noon, of
A. D. 1874
Yor the Purpose of organizing s new corporation by
the purchasers of the property. tights, privileges,
and franchisee of the
which wore sold by John A. Stewart, - Trustee; on
the 14th day of October, A. D. 1874, under and by
virtue of the power of sale - vested in him by the
of a mortgage made by said Company to
C ri arTgurne. dated November lat; A. D; 1866, and
recorded in the office for the recording of Deeds
in and for the County of BradforP,State of Pennsyl.
vaunt in IS °doge Book No.. 10, page. 30, 31, and
32, on the 226 of Nikember. A. D. letS, sad in the
once for recording of Deed., &c., in and for Mi
lan County. in said State, in 11.rtgege Book No. 2,
pages 82 to 88 inclusive, on the 6th day cif Decem
ber, A. D. 1860
Raid meeting will be held for *impose of elect
leg a president and Ward of stx Directors, to con.
tone in office until the Ist Mondry in Nay nest:
also to adopt 1 corporate name and common seek
determine the' amount of the capital stocir‘ of the
new corporation, and to do such other sets as may
be necessary and Irgal for the purpose of organizing
said new corpoiation. ,
cum. ausavaN,
E. & WaELEN. •
Committee of Bondholders for themselves 6.4;1
sesortstes. purchasers at the isle shove mentioned.
Boston. Nov. 8. 1874. • • 211,2 -
El/LULL—Desiring to change 'my residellm. I
offer fo• sale my valuable new dwelling house, on
pecker *ream. Towanda Borough. The home is
furnished with all modem Improvement% and the
hit L large, with good out hulloing% well. cistern,
de. For further particulars enquire on the prem
ises.. ' Udfi. L. U. DESMOND. '
Towanda. Nov. IN, 181%
LeMint= F.
W. W. 1180 WRING., • - ' Pacitemos,
Tis Boos Is 'conducted In Elicit? Temperance
Principles . .Every effort will be made to make
guests =datable. Good rooms'and the table mita
etwegre be impel with the treelike esertet pi
radii• • _. 110,011011 t
SHERIFF'S - SAILt.IIy. virtue' of.
sanarrwrns umn4ll4.out of i the Court of Coin
mon Pleas of Bradford County; and to me directed,
will bo exposed to public Wed the? Gun House.
in Towanda borough, ,olt .THUBSDAY _December 3,
1871: al 1' o'clock, plm. . the' following described
piece or parcel of Mai sltitate in Wilmot township,
Wended as follows: a the north by land 01,11inixo
Meeks; east, by land :of Jacob Berge and' Widow
Cotter; south by land of Widow 'littman and the
public highway . and vest by lands of diet Sickles
and R. M. Abrams. Aentaluing 103 o res of land,
mon or lees. dealt 60scres improved with a plank
house, log' house. logi bare board dud and a few
; fruittrees thereon. - Seized and taken intoexecntion
at the suit of Welles k Ackley vs Davi Swank. Also
at the stet •of Mathias H.. Welles ' vs - David.
Swank and Daniel Edeleis. -i . '--'• - • - • , . • '
ALSO One ether let, pude or ps.rce of land Situ
&Win Canton twp., undid as. fop ,s: On -the
north by laude of Fre rieltilltillams a dA. T. Dun,
bar; east by the Hort ern Central Bail y Company;
ii,ff, e
south by the public Iddiwayi and west by land of
Frederick Williams, coataining 60 acreof land. more
t i
or led, about 30 scroll imPrened, wi a log. house,
• • • bent and few - fruit tie thereto ; levied noon
the property of Jacob Horning. ized :and ta
ken Into execution at the suit of - B. Biboin vi Jacob
Horning and Pates Rockwell. Also at thorait of
Mary Goodspeed use di Jacob Horning and Filo;
BockwelL • - - 1 . - • 1 ' •
• '47.10 , 4/110 other lot, pleoe or parcel of land ',Wa
ste in Athens township bounded as follows: On the
north by the publie hway; east by n ia d nd
Farliteswineh; south tylaud of Willis 'Phelps, and
weal by land of A. o.lLeiniard,. cents', ng 8(1 egret
of lend, more or less,Ationt 25 sereXiMproved, with
afriod - bend. fable learn: two board sbanties,a
steam saw mill, shingle mill and few fruit bees
thereon. ' Seized and taken Into 'exectillon at the sr-t 1
of A. C. Elabree use Vs James H. Rice
' ALSO—One other lot, piece or pane of land site- •
ate' In Monroe borne bounded as fol s; On the
north by lands of A .. Bois; east by land of J. L.
l ow
Bockirell • -south by land of W. -A. ocrveil, and
wed by Main street. containing 'one. elf of en acid
ii r
of lent more or lees ! all improved. .th a fratced
dwelling house; slib idled andlew fro t trees there- '
on. Seized and taken into execution et the -suit of
4.. Schrader use TS Emanuel Mile > (
- ALSO—One other lot, piece or mircei of -land CM
de to Gradate township, bounded as. iblenesi, On
the north and east be the public hiphenty leading
from Granville Centre - to Troy; south by land be
longing to the estate of Richard
,Hager, dee'd, and
mat by land .01 Pane TaYler, eo letting three :
fourths of an acre of land, more o . toes: all Mt
proved, with a .framed barn and f w fruit trees
ALSO—One other lot, piece oip tee le Isnd situ
ate itt Granville townirhip bounded a feeerval On
the north by land of Charles Kluyo : em t, by the
.Deciple Church lot; south ley the publ ic Kenn , . and
wealthy the palate highway leading pout Granville
Centre to Troy, coiteining one-tal i :id an acre of
land, more or less, al improved, With rame bonne
frame wagon shop and a few mitt trees thereon.
Seized and taken Mtn executitin at the suit of Wm. •
Hosilin's administrator vs J. M. Bea;ch.. '
ALSO-One other thteplece or parcel of lend situ
ate In Wrilusing township, bounded end described •
as i anomie Beginning at a corner a Post at the end
of a wale it being . ajcorner of land•re H. S. Camp
and Lathan Hewitt; thence on the lice of 11.8, Camp
on said wall south 753; degrees westre;perchesto
a corner of Major's lot; thence south 72% deg West
on said Major's lipoid and 4- 1 0 per t ,centreof road
(Mechanics street); th pre south 3, , ,e deg went in
centre of said street'i3 and sielo - per; theme north
813; deg east 60 and 8-10 per to a post on the line of
land of Lathan Hewitt; thence north 23 deg east on
said Hewitt'. line 123 e per to the place of begtheing,
containing 2 acres anti 78 perches of . anel, more or
less, all improved. With a framed d - ening house'
thereon, reserving the right for is lan said right of
way as now fenced to and froth H. . Camp's lot
Seized and taken into execution at to cult of_ 1.,-.51.
Hewitt vs Russell Gibbs.
ALSO--ehte other lot, piece or pa lof laud Batt.
ate in Wysox township, bounded as °Bows, to wit:
Beginning ate cornet of the lease 8 ith lot on the
line of the Joshua Shores farm; thence south 29 de
grees east about 200, I
,Perches toe corner of 'suds of
Richard Shores and arry Morgan ' s heirs; thence
along line of the ' e and landau, Wm. H. Morgan
and M. ,Latining ()nth. Cl deg west 27.5 per to a
s t
corner on east bank of Susquehanna River; thence
up said river the - Several courses and distances
thereof to the northwest corner of tb lands hereby
deicribed; - thence by lands of- the' enneylvavia &
New York Canal & Railroad ;Comp=, George Gard
and the Jesse Smith ',farm a:northeasterly direction
about 243 per to the elaceof beeinniug, containing
about 300 - acres of land, more or Ices, being lots
known ait Noe 124, 125 and.ll9 In the Claverack Pur
vey, about 190 acres improved, with'three dwelling
bonzes, three barns ., two granaries, ether outbuild
ings and orchards. thereon. Seized and taken into
execution at the atilt of rlye sea 'Menne vs IL C.
Mercer. ' I
ALSO-One other lot, piece or parcel of land titre
ate in Towanda bore, bounded as fellows to wit:
Beginning at the northeast eon= ;if Phillip tee
bleh's lot; thence westerly along line of Phillip See
bich about 140 feet; fo an- alley; ttithice northerly ,
along said alley 25 feet to a corner; , th ence easterly
• line parallel with first • mentioned hue about 140
feet to Slain street; teence along Main street 25 feet
to the place of beginning, with a three story brick
building thereon. Seized and taken ento execution
it the suit of J. A. Hornet vs H. A. Cowles. . , •
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land Eli:n
ate in Towanda bore, bounded as 'follows: Begin
ning at the northeast comer of Maiti and Park Ste;
thence north 4 degrees and 10 athletes east along
the east line of - Merest 142 feet to IJ:F. Bender , s
line; thence eolith 85 deg and 50 rain east by land of
said J. Fettender and other lands of, M. C. Mercer,
the defendant. l eo feet to an alley; thence slope Raid*
alley four deg and 10 min west 9 feeit to .Eleell and
Montapye.s line; thence by said last mentioned line.
north 85 deg and 50 min west' 144 feet; thence
south 4 deg and 10 Min west 48 feet; thence north
85 deg and 50min "teat by lards of Elwell and Mthi
taeye and D. D. Smith 39'; e et; thence by land of.
D. D. Smith south 4 deg and le minwest 85 feet to
Park - at; thenco along th e north line of Park-at north
Wl' west 96 feet to e place of be
-85 deg and-50
t. L
ginning, with a large three, story b 'ck block - . and
, a
other oath:millings thereon erected and said blocs
known as Mercer's Block.: Seized an taken into ei
ecution at the emit of The Penn Mutual Life theur
ance Company assignee of Clarmec M. Sandereon
vs Mahlon C. Memo.. I '
ALSO—oite other, lot. piece or p 1 of land situ
ate in Towenda bore, bounded as Hews: On the
north by lands of Mary 8. Griswold (formerly' Mary
R. Cash); east by land- of W. Br hall; south by
Bridge or Spruce street, and yeesti t3 by Mechanics
street.wet: 100 tee e ew said Bridge r Spruce street
and about 200 feet on van areCua4.l.ll etreee win
a reline - and lone dation for a , ' - ellieg house there
on. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of
Wiliam S. Pierce ve Philip W. Cowell and Brzleigh
Myer. ' '
ALSO—One otheriot, piece or par !clot land !ten
ets in Burlington twee bounded as talons: On the
north by lands of Peter Brady; east ey laud of Bur
ton Gustin; south by land of Jame Wiggins; and
west by lands of James Risley, containing 'SO-acres
of land,. more or leg e, about 35 acres improved, with
a log house, framed barn, log barn and few fruit
trees thereon. Belied and taken into execution at
the suit of- Henry Kendall and P. Burns vs Lo- ,
renzo Burton tindell and Daries . nnett,
- ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel otiand situ-
ate in Columbia township. bounded as follows; On
the north and east by lands' of A. B. AMAMI; south
by land of. Levi Coenell, and west lie , _land of Jake'
Benedict, containing 25 acres of land, more or less,
no improvements. ,
A.Lfee—One other lot, piece or parlcel of landsitu
ate iritolumbie township e lioundel as follows: On
the north by land of P.- C. Morgan; east by -land of
-M. S. Morgan; south by land of 4... Slade,. and
west by P, C. Morgan. containing 7e; acres of land,
more or less. about 6 acres improved, no bialdinge-
Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Pom
eroy Brea. naves John Morgan.
t ALSO—One otber lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate In Smithfieldtownehip, bouneed as femme ; On
the north and east by land of Dorville Ford; south
by land of 'Jacob 'Wristee, and wet by Mrs- Mary
C. Dibble, containing 7e acres of la nd, more or less,
about 20 acres improved, with a lo - house and few
fruit trees thereon{ Seized and tak' n into execution
at the stilt of Peter Brady vs M.' S. Dibble. e
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel' of teed lian
a° in Wilmoteownship, boundedjas follows: on
,the north and - Weet by lands of G M, Bixby; east'
by land of MarttniSax, and south by land of John
Sae, containing Sieeicree of land, mere or lees. abogy
64/Acres improved; with a framed born , plankhouire,
log barn and few fruit trees therijon. Seized and
taken into execution at the suit of John Holmes vs
Seth Abrams; • ! -
ALBO—ores other lot, pkezeor parcel of land situ
ate In Litchfield lownehip, bounded as follows: On
the north by land{ of tebie - Wolcott sod Mrs. W. D..'
Huns; east by land of Itenjami Parks; south by,
land of Samuel Wolcott, and west y land of Chester
McKinney, containing - 70 acres of land. more or less.'
about, 50 acres improved, with framed house.
framed barn with sheds attached a d orchird there
on. -Seized and taken into execut on at the suit of
H. W, Wheelock es A. P. Wolcott and E. St Had.
lock.. • 1 :::'"
p .
ALSO—One other lot, piece or cel of land situ•
ate in Armenia township. bonade as follOws: On
the north by land of - Helen Ilvddi east, by Obadiah
Howell; south byXharles Crandall, end ues! by Jo.
seph Ballard,. containing 17 acres of land, more in
less e about 8 acres improved, with a framed house;
framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into execution at the suit of Clark Thalia=
vs Hiram Batton.; _ . ' -
ALSO—One ether, let, piece or piircel of land situ:.
ate is Franklin fOwhilhiPi barmaid as eellows: On
the north and - west by land of I, t hey Smith; :. east
by the public highway, and so th by land of H.,
I lk
Cole, -containing iota -hall an act of land, more or
less, all improved ,, with a framed • hone and black.
smith shop thereon. Seized and en - in o execu
tion at the snit oil G. W. Ingham e s Ezra O. Smith
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land site.
ate in Troy townthip, boundedfollows: On the
north by lands ofi Bigelow Finto ; east by lima of
'Leonard Vanlione; south by tb public, highway.
and weed by . Thomas Dunbar, containing 2 acres of
lan& more 'or less; all • improved; with a -framed
house and few Dent trees thereon. Seized and taken
into execution at, the stet of John A. Parsons vs
Pins Dunbar-and S. N. Spalding.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land eau.
ate in .Centon township. botuade;as follows: On
the north bet land of John Purbe ; east by public
highway leading i from Canton to- , James Spalding's;
south by land of John B. Jones,a a west by land of
James Spalding. Containing 38 s, more or less,
about 34 scion improved , with a f o house, frame
S m
beret and few fruit trees thereon: Seized and taken
into' execution at the - suit of E Newman vs Asel
ALSO—One other lot, piece or unreel of land sitte
ate in Franklin tt i wtistkip, lymnd as follows: On
the north by Bet y Allen and Mi lton 8: Allen; east
by John H. Maso n ; south by la ds of the Barclay
Co., and west by lands of David, miley, containing
100 acres, more tar lease in two I is. about 25 acres
improved, and sold as the pro rty of Milton S.
l e
Allen. Seized mid taken into ex utfon at the suit
Of N. Gilbert ws li. S. Allen ' nd aeon Allen. .
ALSO—One other lot, piece or I of laud situ
ate In Orwell township, bound ' s and described as
follows: Begiti g 4og at s stake In stones on Barnes'
line an south aof creek, the . ortheastcorner of
L. Alibe mill lot; thence eolith 8 degiees emit 10 Ze
5-10 perches by land of Barnes to stake ' and.stones;
thence south 1.3 i; deg .west 8 per,: thenco south Bs'
deg west 55 par, to stake and Mtn; thence south .
64 deg east 5 per to corner of L . ll' Allis' let; thence.
south 15j; deg west by lands of' . Allis 216 per to'
the centre of 'Bowles' lot; then north )38,t; deg -
west IC per to a owner .of ward J. dills' lot;
- th ence north 163' deg east 230 perly E. J. It L.
&Ills' lots. to Sate of begiun . containing 100'
E tl
• acres of land, more or less, abou t
6( , ) acres improved j
with a framed house , framed b with, shed, and:.
orchard thereon. Seized and into execution
at the suit of J.ll. Marsh va L. IL Stevens.. '
Auto—one other lot, piece *reared of land site.
ate belCanton thernabie, bounded as followee. Begin.
ring in the , south line of lands f IchabOci Ballard
where it crasseet the railroad; th a ce southerly along •
the west line of mid railroad .to the üblio highway
l e
leading fromlbe Lycoming .C(' k read to Th .
Flats:. thence Meng : the said p b lip road and . the/
road leading • from Canton do . Lycemitig Creek
westerly to the south line of said Ichsbod Sellard's
lands; thence e,asterly,alongd . Rellard's south
line:to the place of beginning. c ;staining 5 acres of
land, more or led, all teepee ed, with o framed
dwelling house, steam sawlli with engine boiler,
machinery, tools an , attach e is • belonging to the
same and alevr - fruit trees ibereen. Seized aro. ta
ken into melon at the suit ol iz ferastus U. Weaver
use vs P. S. 11l or and E. L. k; also at snit of
ErldllS U. Weaver use vs E. L l Clarit k. P. 8. Miller.
Nov.s 1874.1 : - ' .. _ J. . BMlTECSheriff,
. i •
E .
STRAIt ICOTICi.—Came into
the enclomtre of the ettberiber, in Smithfield,
on Thursday I Oct. T 3, 1874, a two year old bull, of
a brown polo'. The owner is requested to prove
, kleolle;tyt per ' charges and telohlin away. .
s 1.,
Ilan. PAI7II D. xianzeow, 'Preibletnt Judge ;j
to the 12th Judicial Dititriet, consisting* of the 1",
counties of Bradford and Susquehanna, sad 1 1
/ions. C., d. Ilt'ssru. and S. D. llancess
Amsociate Judgesi in and for said:tenuity og
Bmdford, have issued their preeepti hearing
dda the let day of November,-1813, tp me (IP ii
rented for holding a Court of Oyer and Termr,i.
nor, General Qttarter, Sessions- of thp Peace;
Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towsua- IL
dt, for the County of Bradford, 'on gond34
December 7, 1874, to continue er k three n.
- Notice is therefore hereby given to the Core r
tiers, and JUstices °film Peace, of life county I ^ ,,
of Bradford, that - they .he then and ithere
their proper perion at 10 o'clock Pin lthe torsi.
noon of said day, with records, inquisitions and
other remembrances,: to do those things which
to their office appertains tobederte; "pi Ettosio
who are bound by receignizanee or othervrige 167
prosecute against the prisoners whb are cr
may be in the jail of said county, or vibe-
he bound to appear at the said court are to ho 11[
then and thezo to prosecute against, them so
shall be just. Amen are requestkl .to be I;
punctual in their attendance,
Dated at Towanda, the let day of Noviraber. is 1,
, the year of our LOrd, one thoustiald eight
hundred and seventy-roar, and of the lade?
psmience of the United States, th ninety ;';
eighth. - •
Y. 31ONBOB saurft, Lergi. .
. . ,
Notice is hereby; given thst Fred A. Cash, 1,4
the Borough , or Towanda. Young/Yards, //la nadir fb
an atehpitnent to me, "wrier the inseiveht Laws, qf
sit Me property, for the benefit or his icreditera.
All persons indebted to him are requested to Mae
immediate payment, and all persons hair clainig
mast present them, duly authenticated, or settlt.
meet. • IL L. scorr, 41E3%7-CC,
Nov. 19, 1873
. .
LE.-- vat ' able arm . i '
F °AlltheA A.
Athens tarp ., lying 2 1 .. mtic U s froth A ems Boil - 1 1 ,1
and 3 miles from Waverly.' Contains IGael,. of,
which 125 sro la, gra/a-and grain. A fry of -254
co.irs has been kept on it, and- therro basement
, i,
i t
stabling for that number. —lt his a - gem la lading- $
tiart to the south. and is nom. strong la cl. It ill
be sold low ar.d, pm..melon given Immediately,
Address , E. D. DREW. %M. N. fr
1 .1). F. PARK. A a, P. 1 1,
3. DREW, oa thelaxm.
Athens. Nor. 16, "3.1 ' 25-tf. i r:
• •
Jr-ordtice is here
by that all persolasindobto
to the estate of Martin T. Vangdrder,{ LW ;
of Monroe Township., deceased, are Ice
mate immediate payMent, and all persons having
claims against said estate must .prekent tb-Ina:
duly authenticated for settlement. . 'i ! I
' STEPHEN A. VAICGOILDEH,I ExeCti t °r4 ' '.
4. ,
(IRPHANS' 60IIRT Ate E. j . -'
N.., • virtue of an ordcirdsimed out of the OrplianlY"!F
Court of Bradford County, •he nnderalmied i aim
. .3.4'1
tstrator of the estate' . of George Dil • s, hue of .
Smithfield. deceased. Willerpoae - to pri lie awe ni, ,
the premises on TH.l7ltallAY. Nose:alba ,'26,.18'14 at!,
10 o'clktr. A. EL; the following described piece or:
parcel of land situate ;in Bidgbury. Smithheld a 4
Bpringueldttownsblpisi bernitlded as folloWs : On .toe
north by lands of Thomas Sullivan, Thtrnas Hot sr',
and Calvin Chamberlain; east and south art by la a
of Calvin Chamberlain a ,, d the highwaY; south
land of J. W. &oaten. and west by land of 3. ,'.
Szonten. Mrs. Hester Moore and I. B.gro , n, 6 . Pi:
poe d • tci-contain one hundred andthirty ac ...e
mostly improved. with frame liouszt, rine ba le,l'
and fruit trees thereon. - '
TESMS —sloo on 1 the property bring etc c - 4
down,g 400 on coniirreation,of sale, anitlao bala ccl
in yearly payments of SSOO each, wit intercr a
each,ryment on all unpaid; first payment to 1)1:
come due in'one year from conftrrat2 "
. 1,. ' - , JA.II;Ei H. WEDS.
A niatrat,
O „t. 29.
virtue of an orditr is out the Oridia
Court.of Bradford county, the undersigned; Ado
strat the of Perry Burt, late of iltdi;bl
dece:ssed, wilt eipose to public Isle on the prem
on SATO/WAY, November 23. 157&. at 40 o'clock
M., the following described piece or parcel of I
situate in Ridebalry township..boanded as folios
On .the north by lands of J. C. - .Burt' and Dal
Chambers; east by lands of John ,Berbban; ac
by lands of Johnlifearley's estate andiof Tiufc
Desmond, and west by landkof J. C.. Bart. and F
posed to contain one hnridreVacres, - With a fr
..Ouse and barn, two log barns and fruit t
TEB.MS.--$5O on tlierproperty being etrltckd
Sic° ,ria. confirmation of sale, the balance wit
tercet in two equal yearlyTpaymeiati, the first
ment to fill due in one year from confirmation.
matter of Frannie; Tyler, late of Athens.
the Orphans' Court ler Bradford Cotkety, N
eopt. Term, •
The urudersigned, lacing been nppotiote3 au
tot b- said Court to distribute money-Oc the lo
of 11. L. Scott; Administrator, paudenre lite, of
estate, litreby glv6 untice tbat ho Will itier
t to dunce ot his appointment on the 2iid
Y./VI:ABER, 1841. at the °Moe of Edward Her
Sr., M. the borough of Athens, at 9 ti!dork,. A
of said day, at Which time xnd 11 prti
t,,rcsted ate nctified t. be ,present and be hear
, -
Ott. 19, I$ t. ."; Audit
E' - •
A EDITOR'S ~ N0T1CE.,47;• In t li,
matter,. of •the estate of John Minaos, la e 'ilf
Monroe township. deeeastd. In the Orphans' ..:4rt
of Stallard notinty.'
The analber :Ippon:dal by t'ta' d
Court to dispose of exceptions to the:,ftnal Acympat .
of khilo Mingoe and A. 1... Crantiter, Atlministrld - s"
of the estate of John llinr.oa, .ate ofd the towr.tli!P
of Montoe dee'.l, will attend to the duties of It 'I ap
pointment at the Office of umiak ;calm'. 1. the
Don, or-I,w mtrt., vs.. ,SIONDAY, the 30th d3y 0 :la.
vembor, at 10 o'elmk,! A. X. where; and wh 2ti"ell
- interested must be present , atnd they shall
be heard. . • . .J. Ni CALM. l
• Nov. 3. .. 1
. Auditor
. .
' ~
Is heteby given that all perm). s fa
the estate ,ot r Erans
ceased, avi 'requested - to make irameillata
and alliscrions haring claims sgannit ea
mast prevent them dials , authenticated
ment. • - DAVID 1011,1
Nov. 5, Is7l
To Mary Big:;.—No. 824.. May Tel
You aro hereby nothled that Thos; P. "
husband, has applied to the court of @or
' 1
In the matter of the incorpomtio
of The church
of God, near Orover.—No. 880. De T.,1874.
,Diotice i s hereby given that the ab ye Mimed 'As-'
sociation has presented to .thotCortrt of Cocoroon
Pleas of Bradford Co. their article ,of Aromation.
asking fora decree of Incorporatiot, and tho said
Coart'hacing examined the same,and thadin • tlient
correct, will decree that they be facorpor tea as'
prayed for, on Monday, the Tap, day of D cuter, ••
1874, at t o'clock, p, 131., lawless rinse be 'eh la to
the contrary. . 11.1 M. PE E,
Oct 22. • Drothon tory.
Oct 22.
To Charles Williams.—No. 143 Dec. T. 1874.
Von are hereby notified that . ma` WAliams
yary wife; has applied to the paint qt ..oramT,lca.
el' Bradford Co., foriadisorce front the b nda of
matrimony, and the said court has ( appointed !let.
day, the 7th day of Dec. 1874, for bearing eq, said
Emma in the premises, at which I time a•d place
you can attend it you 'think proper. 3, - '
Oct. 22, J. 31. 8311T1L - a ieriff. •
FloVee is bereby given that all persons
t^ tbo est , to of ifilton Philiips,,Late of tidies
deed. mast make immediate payment, And
sons having claims against said eatsto must
theta dui entliontlested for settlement. 1
Nov. s*. ' • Aliehintnis.
is hereby glien that all persons indebtid to
.tho estate of Scotland' Pitcher late of Farrell,
dec'd, aro requested to make 14ediate s.l*ent,
and all persona having claims &widest sal estate,
must present them duly authentimded for' settle
ment. EDWARD . PITC it ,
pet 29 "74.' cuter •
I ' -
. -
Notice ishcteby given that el personslindebted
to the estate of tiathewlifarthall, late 'of Tr:plain.
iec'd, {Wrist make immediate payment r and all
persona, having claims against 'said estate,: mo't
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct 21 1 Aclminletratrix.
LI-otice liemby 'given that all persons
to the estate of , Dantel A. Carey!. late
deceased; 6._ are Jreghested to intake
payment, and all persons having dal
said, estate .mnst pretent them duly ant
ter settlement. j SOVN 8.0
Oct 9p 441 min
NQTICE.—Notice is hereb,
—.—No ice 18 1
_ arc.,._ gi.
that an" application Ti ll be made under rthe act of
assembly of the Cornmonwealth of Pesylrtnia,
entitled Nin Act to 'provide for the In cor poration •
and Regulation Of certain Corporations," approved
-A, pr i 1 29, 1874, for the Charter oF an intended cor•
'poratiqn to be called "The Stsupiebannt pine Stone
Company; . the Character and object of whiCh is t• 1
mine, hiannhicture paid 'deal in all lindelof bite •
atone, , and for thesetpurposca t have a d'ipossess
and enjoy all the rights, bonen: s and p rivileges of
act o ramembly ;1
Nov'' f 5
"14-Bw. , ' ' TER LIVE,Iii r ..
1' I ,
otice is hereby given that verso a Indebte
to the estate Of john Into of, lingtou.•
tamest:4l,er° resinestedto make tepymeLt;
to John )V. MU, at his Mace tti Towszula Borongh
N., !it'd all pbrsons having claims against Patti
estate toast pre/mut ttiem in bbu dilly, anther ii::1
ted, for 'settlement+ • - 111c0Oftril, -
I • I W.
TOws t ads Pc, ;toil 17, 1674
~01$17, 1574.
CAUTION.:= -I her . by .ca',
Twists 4mb:tat javelins a a note
dred and' five ($lO5 00) &nit , Mem 1
vor Phtion ;Zicerseken, an dated
Arisslst 3d. 1874, as au& note as otos
and payment Wlu not be may unless it
Jaw. •
r 4,
at 01 .1 / 0 $ 11111, Nov. 10, h IN
, •
i n.
I tlxy
Vo, -.;z.
!it Ins)
I trator
. ireu
all hcin
by mo trvi&-
04 or about
nod by frood
vipolled by