Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 13, 1874, Image 2

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4i g h note—One of a tlitousaud
dOlytri3. •
• f
Chester, Pa, fire zs nung dt
—A. Geor,ta 'paper wants Bob
'lPorab2 put Into his last tame.
—New York and Oswe Midland
bi,t3as aro down to 26.cetits.
e —Th D
ntch.- gap - is said to hare
i;t•ung a leak last Tuesday,
—4.6 S Ganges ord,anized in the
-.4a4 • 002. 61-. Pg ..;
.2 ow „40 ~..4
rt. —Maine - has 46 Granges; :ikirW
Ilampshire 39;..Vermrint 139: Maseletinsetie G 4:
Oid Connecticut 4.
—no Patrons' of-Van_Wert c )nt.t. y,
ha.Cll . IL picnic rev at .4,4,', c u 52
, rre ni a iino.. , • •
—'the State Grange of Loniiiara
ideet3 at Baton Itonge,the brat ThnrialeY
ttir.rd pay of De ember:
1 11 •
g • is-sald that Susan D. e9goP4f d
itte eau.° of Pilden,.,beesuse be Way a baci ,
;Or. •
t —To be mire she is a little - more,
taut Patti is reported to have a . way or looking
f iat eighteen., •
—Will the next DemockatiC Pre
-0(161:It be a baChelor ? Bnchan's eu i inple is
gainst-suers presumption. • ,
—The Reman.republic pitt bache
ors under a ban. They, were not ; eligible for
; 'reek"( Ws Goiernoral -
I —San Fra - i - ,cisco is , building the
'Priac hotel to eclipse the Graf d , Pacific and
Hotml Of
—Bismarck is an omnivertbas rea
-I(.V:r. Lt putties all the papers within his
trencll to Lind what they Bay anent him.
— . lhe Philadelphia and Reading
{railroad has commenced wling petroleum gas
on their cars.
is ieported . that the D. &H.
canal company - aro about to lease the MIAMI.
burg railroad foi• ninety-nine yam.
--- . Pnow - began falling at Erie, Pa.,
la 11 fi'cloCk on Friday night. Up to 9 a. tn.
`Satcrlay, , tereltre finches had fallen. .
i ,
I—Harrisburg, will spend over
i wt a million on its new Water Works., '
The bootblacks of Harrisbarg A
Chad a ball at National gall on "Friday evening ; ,
• , ; ' .
-,The , Westminister Presbyterian'
Church, of Hirrisbarg, was dedicated on Tues:,
evening, the 2Gth ult.
• _ :
I - —A,,new Lutheran Church nearly',
finished at Newport, is said to be. the baud-
lion:wet church edifice in Perry county.
i I
, —An African conundrum—Why`
k am intoxication like a waish be - wl? --'Case it P.M
debaski." , - r,
-- - -There is something noble about
a goai which all boarders might imitate. He ii
not partienlsr wbar he feeds upon.
• •
. Danbury ltie-darkey refused .
Ho g to church "kaso he didn't want to loot .
there, ',lke a, huckleberry in a pan of milk."
soon a man becomes suspi
eji)ll3 a his wired judgment, if the asks hint
bir a I•..dn money.
-What is the use of talking of
this sr, thra brightnes; and annahino to a man
that h ia tight baota?
—"Darwin's Darlings" itrthe sug
gcMire name of a newly organized negrotdrin
b t rel troupe at the West.
2 , '
—A Western paper 'Announces the
f death. , }fa lidy,celebrated Tor the "purity ot
hor character and
—Ella Burnt is getting better
of an iiineme, rthich at one time threatened to
put a f.:op to bis learning anymore languages;
-- ---;.Opera does not pay in Brooklyn;
trecan•o the people will not be fashionable and
at on their lx:sttlollies, when they-go tb it.
—.—Anna E. Dickinson is said to
hare rilorered strength so rapidly, that. she
lectured in Boston Vie other night on "Joan of
;•• •
--- / Tbe new postal card; will be
nearly white, printed with black ink, have •s;
t riarrnaer border end be.generally lunch neater
Sy fir.;,,-arsnee than the card now in nse. • ;
.r 7
lady in a menagerie - 13eing
she so 4loiely scanned the elephan i t
bl it 11 Ler opera glass, replied that she waw
looking for the keyhole or his trunk." '
v,—A ti
.n cm-Confederate, Gen. ONca
=erred nneler Stonewall Jackson, ia.shovel4
ng dirt on'theCtiinago,Burlington and Quinn'',
lialwac for n a day,
,trAn exchange refuses to publish
he poem commencing, breathe on the face
for a ratiden,"..antil, the editor knows what its
Twlthor drint s.
—Henry Goodnoie - 13ailey lis thei
'Hume of a buy in Springfield, 6. If we were;
'your patient, Henry Goodnose we'd knock,
your ridle name out of you.— ' Cin. Times. i
41611...--mett drift down'
i•treain, bpi it, takes a live man to pull np
,ngainst it.. That i 8 the time that tries a man's
soul—Auea the tide ig 'against hint.
—lf Ton wake up in the night
. ,
la an Italian hotsl and. shoot • burglar;
`lnd ar. that you can't SEC the landlord
next fn. - ming and that his wife is a, widow.
•-- 7 ". is I n6-er pay-my own debts'
I isn't :1(4 I Fliall pay here.' This is th e
yank ~- .y in wt... '. a Tccornal matt advertisei
is crrrnt wire. '
ki . 1 1
. i I
-I.a the,.ease of a Samna man
bein- .7.lack, by lightning. the coroner's jurf
tender a verdict: "Ho was tilled by the Lord,
:4)0 the Lord is all right." . .
Is that your offspring madam?"
a Missouri i k uvo or a Iroman *ballad
liuld .of a stub. nomad baud. No, sir,"
to. relihed, nomad tib
hisis my oldest boy.", ';
—Joaqum Miller is .said to hare
ruml3 snottier elop , aaent,tira9 this in Itslc. Hie
:Jew af!inity is blefEc4 with d sm•iit' tautly of
-- .--The ttonblo begint. tii!day —a
Lei:int:l4lg which everybody hopes will' haws i
rattAtetury conclusiou. We refer - eimpiy to
the Beecher shit. -
—The 'granite to commemorate
the,gbaie of Agsssiz tato lie brought from his
.owri r.eire filtritzerlarsl, at Arr, where he first
began tis studies of the Glacier. -•
—A. gentleman made a wager in
Paris that he world smoke twelve cigars in one
eceuieg. H 6 won the_bet, but he will trytt9ke
no mor:: :ere la Chaise claims his cold fo .
• -, 1 11r: Christian K. Ross, the fatet
i rt
of the lost -boy, has put the Oriels of his is=
rase and is slowly convalescing. Meanwhile
there is "no news."..-
—.liter the first of nest Jannaiy
the renosylvarda - Radrnad Company will not
allow any of its_officers or employees to be con- -
npeted with any other corporation. - i .
-- , Hon B. H. Brewster and Theo=
wore L. Cayler tiro distinguished lawyers of
Fhiladelphia were each tined one hundred
dollars for contempt of court last week. ;
• —A Cheiter-county , atictioneer-iti
describing a couple of cows he was trying to
sell remarked: gentlemen these cow's are.kind
and genteel, I talL persona Sly se/painted with
them. •
:---33,Aver girls won't marry in the
full of - _the - m••..., -believing that they would
bare ill4uck • rough life: but, a New Castle
girl %weal riot let forty fall moons atop her ten
enlar.(l3. —.Txurrenee &emrdian.
—T11 1 ,.1 Pennsylvania .Historical
Society h s received thronqh or.e of its mem
bers, Hon. Benjamin Rusk a very interest=
fog being ,the original baluster, newel.;
host, !rna the stairway of the house formerly
inhabited by John Milton, the poet.;
—The Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry,
Alive iEsned an invitation , to all Pennsylvania
,regiments, to meet in re-anion at Wilkes-Barre;
on June ti ? 1871 The object of thhi is to font
en organization of ail the regiments of this
State aho had enlitted in the late rebellion.-
—The other dt►y they tried two
men ire, Pittsbang. for shooting birds out Of
0 -P. 4 . -, 11, tile first case ever tried is that county
)111dir the Game laws: - defendants', were `die:
. waged with the prosecutor. We should say
this would be the last case of that kind in
—:-St. Joe a steall'oil town in
li.r county, Penn., .was destroyed by'fire Non: ,
day afternoon. , . Twenty-nee dwellings, taro
drug stores.~ and seTersl livery m a w * w i n ."
bur n ed. Tlie tirq originstcxl in a defective tlaa.
No estimate of the loss can be tonot4 ♦t pets
frit4fott . --. 4.0*.
Tbarsday. Nev. 12.,1374:.
zpaTaa as • .
\ •
ti. 4,;•l4)Lattsicts. .11 LAMM)
"SwEix are the us s of adversity."
If this be so, 'lit ttopublicia party
just-tor, has :tin-Ltd:lilt opportunity
is enjoy the fact to its fuilest extent.
rt years of taccess bare not, made
tx-rJ tt.dh:‘, ilourbons and Tendered
fh •Tinsusible fo the
!. g':. events,tbe lesson of
traf. I tie election will not be without
its go') I ;omit". 1 4 is hardly worth
'tvbife, when conics, to begfin
.:ompl lints and .• criminationg, - or to
make excuser, unit 'tell how .defeat
' , might have been tt7.3ided. - The plain
;fact is, that large nt:mbers' of nersab
leaDS staid at lit•Lue r whilst 'others
'voted the Democratic ticked. Why?
that's- the question ! and there are
about as many reasons given, is there.
:axe answers.
We shall not enter upon the wide
sphere of National affairs, to show
where discontent has been created
butcoming home t. copnly Affairs
and local politis, it would be easy to
point out the fretful miller and
indiscretions in the mair4.;;ement
which have lost us a part of our tick
et, whose election should have been
assured by a majority :of thousands.
We see no good restiltilo be attained
by denunciation of those who have
this yeaT;orgOkten their party alle
giance, n rby an indictment of those
whose bahounsels have brought dis
aster. Rather would we see a dispo
sition manifested to retrieve the er
rors of the past; and once, morn place
the Republican party of Bradford in
the -proud position it once occupied.
To do this.however, it will be neces
sary tc modify, somewhat the tactics
which t hrive controlled. our action.
Personal greed must give way -to a
desire for the -generargood. The
machinery of the gaily mast not be
used either for.the aggrandizement
of any man or set of men, nor for
the gratification of their prejudicei
or animosities. The people have
manifested. A disposition to regulate
these things and their voice should
be heard: - If the-late election teaches
aSpirants after office, that a nomina
tion is not all that is needed, it will
not be withoutits value. , Combina
tions and chicanery may suffice for
the control of a convention, but
the signs of the times indicate that
something more is needed, to fill the
public desire.
The great lack in our local politics
is organization and work. Pending
a''Connty Convention, there are al
ways some dozens of active patriots,
whose zeal and industry in button
holing the dear people is woderful.
And lately, the canvass for a nomi
nation, has been very much of the
nature of a Kilkenny cat fight. Bat
it was astonishing to see how the
activity of the candidates and their
friends subsided as soon as a decision
was reached in a County Convention.
No* we need all this,to be changed.
We want less work, before a Conven
tion, and more systematic labor after
the nominations. We want-less vita
peration of Republicans, and more
vigorous onslaught upon the Demo
cratic works. Forgetting the wiper'.
kers of the past, overlooking the de•
fections' of the present, and profiting
by the plain teachings of the reverse
we have met, let us once more close
up the ranks, and endeavor, by wise
and prudent action in the future,to re•
gain our old standing and our old ma
jority for the Republican ticket. i
IF " figures _won't lie," then the
table of official Votes we published
last week,does not make a discourag,-
ing exhibit for - the future of the Re
publican party in this county. The
most extraordinary exertions were
wade by the Democrats throughout
the county to get out their vote. That
it was nearliidl polled is universally
codceded, yet LrerrA their candidate
.for Lieutenant Governor, is 170 votes
short of BLTEALEW ' S vote in 1872. It
i. also-notorious that in the districts
where Mr. POWELL made his inroads,
he carried many votes for the Demo
cratic State Ticket which ought to
have been saved, if proper exertions
had been made. OratersAn, however;
falls short of Harraexpr's vcte, - 1,933
votes, showing that the Republican
voters staid at home, very severely.
Notwithstanding the stupendous
effort made for Mr. POWELL, and the
lavish expenditure of money, and the
liberal , flow of whisky, his vote is in
excess of ikeseuw's only 678. This
difierence L very nearly, is made in the
Towanda's, where he resides:
On the whole, the figures show that
the Democratic vote was nearly all
polled, that 2,000 Republicans staid
at home—and that several (more or
less) voted for the Democratic candi
dates for Congress, Senator, and Bsp=
resentatives.. That the Democracy
have gained ,any permanent acces
sions, we do not believe, for the Re
publican votes they secured were
given from local and personal rea
sons, and not from any intention to
contribute to the establishment of
Democratic doctrines.
Soles of our. exchanges, in their
tables of Congress Men elected, are
,classifying Mr. Pow= as an lade
pident. We don'tl know
hitt is meant by this term,but we do
know that it is no injustice to our Con
gressman elect, to say that he is a
Free Trade Democrat of the straight
est sect, and will be found, on all
occasions, voting with the ultra men
of his party. I The Bepublicins of
this country, who gave him compli
mentary votes, and elected him, will
not, feel highly gratified and com
plimented by the votes he will cast FATHER GEM:MUNN - has sailed to .
in Congress. If we are disappointed . Europe, a committee of his church
in this respect, we shall be re j oiced will settle his deficit an its account.
to do Mr. ow= justice. They amonnt to /but $45, 000.
The reverse which,the Republican
party has 'sustained in this county
is not ap excep'itmal ow, for
from almost 4 very quarter of the
State come the, dimgreeabln tidings
of P-ninenetig• viuif rvatifi.
LOt Chtiololl I. the u , • 1.01 1 •41 as
any indieteion Ibat thu peoplo of
Penusfaartia hare
• sturifl. d tLeni
selves by endorsive a - party -npot.
which they have annually placed the
seal :'of condemnation for the past
fourteen years, but it is rather charge
able to a general disconteat with the
times, which added to local difficul
ties and dissensions among , the Re
publicans, and contlecient inactivity
—(of, perhaps in most cases,All" the
strong counties, like Allegheny, Brad
ford, be., a feeling of security i en ac
count of th e strength of the party).
This theory seems the more plena
ible when it is known that several
counties heretofore strongly Demo
cratic have this year elected Repub
In this county our ticket was a
good one. In but one instance was
there any charge brought against
the peronal character of a candi
date, and we believe great injustice
was done him. The morale of our
nominees, generally, was better than
their opponents, and we believe but:
few Republicans either geared or ex
pected to defeat any one of them ;
and had such a result been anticipat
ed, two thousand more voters who
are strongly' attached to' the princi
ples of the party 'would pave left
their work on the farm and given
the day to the good cause.. The les
son they have learned will preVent a
repetition of the "stay-at-home!' poll
cy. Next fall, with a good ticket, no
apprehension need be felt as to thei
result. Bradford county has not
gone back on its past record, and 'if
Democrats are flattering themselves
that they have won a victory, they
are deceiving themselves, and after
another contest will discover their
error. The sins or the Democratic
_party are too great to be easily blot-
ted out, and we doubt not the appar
ent victory won this- year will only
cause the leaders of the party to ag
gravate their crimes and lead them
into deeper plot against the best
interests of the people. With kind
est—feelizi:gs of personal regard for
Mr. Pow= an d , Mr. ROCKWELL, we
shall be greatly disappointed if they
do not follow the leaders...of their
party ; and if they do not, bat cat
loose from the disloyal and corrupt
men who have controlled that - party
for the past twenty-five years, we
shall not be the last to award Amu
praise and commendation. In the
meantime, we suggest to the Repub
licans who voted for them the pro
priety of keeping 6. close watch over
their political acts.
• . MAN.
The Democrats of this.Connty seem
to be as much elated over the defeat
of Col. PIOLLET at the late election
as with the success of a portion of
their ticket. We are informed that the
campaign was conducted without
consultation with him: Indeed, the
impression was everyvvliere sought
to be created among Rapti))Beans
that the Colonel was supporting LA.-
roan, and we believe the letter, lost
many votes by that means.: Piou.zr's
Jones•like professions of, friendship
for farmers led many to think he
would, be true to his professions, bat
he never thought of supporting
LAPORTE or any - Other Ropublican.
He asserted in this borough daring
the capipaign that his only object in
" joining the Grange was to break up
the d—d Republican party." Con
scious of his unpopularity, he was
to allow the impression to ge
abroail that he was not hostile to LA
pours. Like his prototype he be
trayed him. with a kiss.
We are assuredby a reliable Dem
ocrat that the Colonel, on a recent
visit here, sat down and wept because
' his (political) friends were unkind
'and abused him. He saw the prize
he had so long coveted about to be
gained by another,. and be felt sad.
No wonder.
Th'is' same V. E. PIOLLET called at
one - of our wholesale establishments
not long since, and demanded that
the firm should 'Violate their rules
and sell him goods lower than others
could purchase under the same cir
cumstances ; and when his , insolent
request was politely declined he left
the establishment, vehemently threat
ening "to make it like Sunday all
the time with them.' Is it any-won
der that
.a party should rejoice p) get
rid of such an arrogant demagogue?
Even his domination over the col
umns of the 2r#us was interfered
with this fall, and papers containing
articles written by him were sup
pressed and not allowed' to reach the
public, by Mr. Poweztz'a friends.
"Os last Thursday Bishop -Wow, of
Philadelphia, received from Father
GEttimux, the =newsy German
Catholic priest, a letter stating:the
reasons for his secesaion from the
Catholic Church and his flight: ,Se
fond in it that he could not believe
in theinfallibility of the Pope; also,
that his debts overwhelmed him
The letter closed with the expression
that "by the time you read this you
will-know all about me, and there
_fore I have no need to make an
explanation." The - girl who accom
panied the "seceder" was a native of
Reading, a Protestant, by the name
of Mao= Winn . . There is no
denial of the report that Gratkraux
took away with him large sum of
,money, belonging to his parishioners,
who had deposited it with him for
safe keeping.
I bat the eleetioz.. - . a•e
and"lB3iing an =Dept o f stock'
der the election of 'Gila& State:,
tors coni es of. as an attendant,
of the late eoatest. !What btu
let is Ichas direction ? Aft 4
swat- h f ad ilitilirefraWay it wag
'hht •• <
Ite t .oblicarts of
*et,. ba4 save.: the le ; iA gore
jo r it, at_ d Consequeri
Le United States eta
small iu
heat in t
copied gm hal a centtuy by.
WEBSTER and CaAns*s Scsnak,
fined by a Ilqpubrean. 713
sylvania legi , lal ore Irs, bee 1
the Ilevitblie tb.', and w, , t..hy I here
fore lookf forivArd with greLt, ee tainty .
to see CiLtur.s It. BucK %AAA; Qi W3l.
st.i ,
it. W 1 ez, (t. HtFi l srEn -emir* oc
cupying the sent -uf Jolts ' ccrr.
lilichiga and Wisconsin hav e both
elected epublie.lni legi6laturde, but
it is ge erally beli4'ecl that Neither
vi ; i
Senator CHANDLER nor Clll,
will be returned. Brit their
.will be fled by _Republicans.
York select a i)atuocrat t o o take
the pia; of Sanatoi. FENTON, ibersl.
Mr. P rr of Injiana, Baowi i t.ow of
lenneslee, Mr. Bourautu of West
Virginia, Fssiallontnisss of New Jer
sey,; Re üblictins, Will be seem, fled
by D mocratic Ise,nators. I Cam,
Scuunz,lLiberal, will also be succeed=
by a Democrat. ' i In other stifes
. where t enators are to .be elected
there w l ill be no change politically.
- - -- -
In i 'E. impremi laA Week
Judge 46.04Ew affi: ate & l en.° of
ii ii
the co mon pleas court in th t e mat
ter of r fusing to giant au injunction
to rest ' Secretary of State QUAY
from is ring the election- preclama
tion. he bill was filed last winter.
Bleantiixie the proclamation was is
sued. tThe opinion .is as folloWs
Thechange made by the people in
the political institutions, by the_adop
tion of the proposed constitution,
since Ws decree forbids an injury
into Cie merits of this cast The
questi n is no longer judicia . But
in affiri ing the decree we nst not
seem sanction any doctrin ,in the
i'opinioti, dangerous to the ltb i t es of
the peiple.
The laim for absolute Bove eignity
in the Tinion, is of Einch ma magnitude
and ov rwhelming, importune to the
people Ithemselves,it cannot b passed
unnoticed. In defence of t eir just
rightsdwe are bonnd to 61 that it
is ass and and dangerous. Their
liabilit es would be sufpended by a
thread more slender ,than the hair
that b ld the sword over thehead of
Damo es, if they could not, while
yet t eir existing governnient re
amine unchanged, obtain from 'the .
courts protection.. against
_a usurpa
tion of power by their servan s iu the
conven ion. When they become com
plains is the convention must defend
ands ow their authority. L It was
conten ed in the case of Francis
Walls t al. vs. Jantes Bain et al., in:
volvin: the legality of an"- ordinance
of the 'onvention issued at Philadel
phial' December last, that the con-,
ventio s had the power to ordain or
dinette •s having the presentl force of
law ; :nd the instant power to pro
claim A constitution, binding without
ratification, irrespective of the man
ner adSlopted by the people, to exer
cise their right to alter or amend their
form of government. This inipoted
sovereignity in a convention called
and organized under a law las the
very means i adopted by the people to
exercise theirreserved right of emend
ment,lstwing to the briefnesS of the
time, - as not•discussed in that case
with tte fullness ,the importance of
the qu stion to the people dernanded.
It i simply evasive to [Aim that
the le4islature cannot limit the right
of the peopleto alter or reform their
government. Certainly it ;cannot.
The qUestion is not upon the power
of the 'legislature to restrain the peo
ple, b 'legislature
upon the right of the people,
by th instrumentality of t law, to
I ,
limit heir ,delegates. La I :iii the
higheAt formlif ii! people's will in a
state 4:?f peaceful government. When
a people act through a law, the act is
theirs; and the fact that they use tbe
legislature as their instrument to
confeti their powers makes there the
superiors, and not the legislature.
The idea which lies at the root of the
fallacy that a convention. cannot be
controlled by law,' is, that the Conven
tion and the people are / identical.
' But when the question to •be deter
, mined is between the people and the
' convention, the fallacy is Obvious.
Such a monotony may do for a flour
ish of rhetoric bat not for grave ar
gument. * * * *
In conclusion, we find nothing in,
the bill of rights, in the vote tinder
the acct of 1871,' or the authority con
ferred in the act of 1872, nothing in
the nature of delegated power, or in
the Constitution of the convention
itself;T:vhich can justify an assump
at a convention so called, con
stituted, organized and limited, can
take from. the • people their sovereign
right to ratify or reject aconbtitation
or ordinance framed by it,. or can in
fuse 'resent life and vigor into its
work before - ita adoption' by the
peopl . . _
Hon. E: M. BARBER, Third Assist-.
ant,l?ostmaster General, has com
pleted his annual repo* It shows,
among other things, that during the
last- fiscal year there wore issued to
postedasters for eale to the public
632,733,000 adhesive postage stamps,
of the F value of $17,275,242; of plain
stamped envelopes about 65,000,000,
valuell at $1,927,652; of stamped
envelopes bearing a return request,
52,009,000, valued at $1,733,738; of
news aper wrappers, some 19,000,
000, valued at $220,000; 10 of
post cards 91,000,000. I'lie in
crease in value of the ordinary issues
over I ,the preceding Year was-$1,668,
448, d lor over eight percent. These
fi,gnres represent the cost of manu
facture added to 4 ',Wage values.
Tat democrats I've already begun
to filltrits out the spoils—in fact . they
com enced on the night of - election.
Athb g the names prominentlk-men
tione for Speaker of the House are
Gov. 1 VALKEU, of Virginia, and , Gen.
BANK:. If it lies between these two
• vernor's chances are hy far the
the GI,
.11E3 General le one of COCIIII4I4e
es: The Waxes l e - seem to
e inane trackjust at present.
disci •
THE V. e. spsAirm
he is a regular straight, out,
The following ' is the list of - 13eastOri
and Members of the next Legiabiture
of- Pennsylvania:
1. J. 8. Altxandim.
2 D. 6. Eagle.
11. Jant Laystan.
I. ff. G. Joisee.
11'. /hies.
6. A. IC. Dunk/ •
7. 11. C. Rorke.
'8 Jacob Oman.
6. T. V Cower.
10. Barman Yeats.
11. D. Erroentront.
12. - IVni 4. reale. •
la. J. B. Worfet.
4. r J. 120 back.
16. A. J. Ilerr. -
16. E. Albright
17. .1 G.-11eilinan.
18.8. IL Slower.
.9 R. L. I•Clellsr,n
29. IV. Manton.
21. 11. R. rare.
11.11. Roorbuid.
28. Delve Rockwell.
21. T. Philfant.
2S. B. B Strang.
Itepriblesne to italicr.
big u
I I •t• ;he
( found
by a
Ily the
to oe-
'II be
.s: to
Adams—E. W. Stable, D. b. Go .
sehr,an, D. .
Allegheny—John Swan, D ; W.ll.
Graham, H. M: Long, B.; John
Irvin, D.; G. C. Shidte, D.; Peter
Zero, D.: S. F. Patterson, D'4
Hayes, D,; Joseph M. Carson,D.• J.
It. Thornton, D.• ' B. C. Christy,
S. P. Large, D.; A. B. Young, B.;
Andrew Large; D.: , • - •
Beaver—Joseph Graff, D,;
Wendt, R.
Bedford—G:. H. Sprang, D.; W.
Keyser, D. • -
Berks—Jaebh Miller, D.; A. B.
Wanner, D.; B. E. Dry,.D.; A. Smith,
D.; N. Andre, D.; D. L. Batdorf, D.
Bair—J. C. Everheart, D.; I. H.
Rawlins, B. .
Bradford —l7riah Terry, D.; Gep.
Moecrip, B.; E. G. Tracy, B.
Batter—os. S. Lusk, D.; A. L.
Campbell, R
Cambria—Johu Hannan D.;• John
Buck, D.
Cameron—J. W. Phelps, R.
Carbon—James Harvey, D.; A. J
Darling, D.
Centre—S. T. Shugert,'D.; S. S
Wolf, D.
Chester—E. Bailey, R.: P. G. Ca
rey, R.; Geo. F. Smith, R.; P. G.
Edge, R.
Clarion—Shaba Williams, D.; J.
H. Wilson, D. ,
Clearfield—W . R. Hartshorne, D.
Clinton—George A. Aehenbaeb, D.
Columbia—E. !J. WHenry, D.; S.
P. Ryan, D.
Crawford—W. C. Plummer, D.; R.
H. Sturtevant, D.; S. J. Logan; ;D. ;
S. H. Findlay, R. •
Cumberland—W. B. Butler, D • G.
W. ?dumper, D.
Dauphin—R. R. Chrisman, R.; • A.
Fortenbaugb, R.; Joseph H. Nisley,
Delaware—W. CI. Talley, D.; Wm.
Worrell, D.-
Elk—Sebastian Wimmer, D.
Erie—Wm. Henry, D.; W. , W.
Brown, R.; S. P. Chapin, ;0. Lo
gan, R
Fayette—James Darby, D.; T. R.
Deyarman, D.
Forest—J. B. Agnew, R. 'r
Franklin—M. A. Embick, -D.; Si
mon Lechrone, D.; H. Gehr,,R.
Fulton—H. S. Wishart, D.
Greene—Morgan R. Wise, D.
Huntingdon—W. P. D.;
H. H. Mateer; (Ind. and D.)
Indiana—A.. W. Kimmel', R.; 3.
K. Thompson, R. '
Jt fferson—B. B. Lrown,-D.
Juniata—Jerome Hetrick, D.
Lancaster—D. P. Bosenmiller, jr.,
R.;" A. Mylin,'R.•, W. M'Gowan R.;
G. H. Ettia, R; A. H. Samm y, R . ; J.
A. Stober, B.
Lawrence—E. S. M. Morgan, R.
J. Q. Stewart, R.
Lebanon—lsaac Hoffer, R.; W. if
Hostetter, R.
Lehigh—James Kimmet, D.; John
H. Fogle, II; George T. Gross, D. .
Luzerne—C. Miner,-R.; T: H.
B. Lewis, D.; J. J. Shank, R.; J. C:
Fincher, D.; James M'Asey, D.; T.
W. Gunster, D.; M. F. Lynott, D:;
C. R. Gorman, D.; T. W. Loftus, D.
Lycoming—O. H. Reighard,
John Gaffey, D.; George Steck, D. ,
bi.lonroe---W. Kistler, D.
Mercer--E. W. Jackson, R.; Hi S.
Blatt, R.; G. W. Reed, R.
M'Kean,—John C. Backus, D. .
Mifflin—J. W. Parker, D.
Montgomery—T. G. Rutter, D.; J.
B. Yerkea, D.; Francis I,l:linipe, D.
J.C. Richardson,- D.; C. W. Baxter,;
D. .
Montour—James Ornikehank, R.
Northampton—Andrew Snyder,D.;
A. J. Erwine, D.; John Stotzer, D.
Northumberland—W. P. Withink
ton, D.; J. J. John, R.
Perry—George N. gentler, D.
Philadelphia— William Douglas's,
R.; John Graham, R.; John E. Ken
nedy, D.; John Holland, D.; W. H.
Fagan, D.; James Monaghan, D.;
Emil J. Petrof, B.; Theo. F. Miller,
D.; William Patterson, R.; William
Bardsley, R.; James F. Larkins, R.• '
J. W. Spicer, D.; G. W. Hall, R.; A.
W. Crawford. D.; Charles R. Gent
ner, D.; D. W. H. Vodges,.B.; James
Deveraux, R.; Harry Humes. R.;
John E. Reybarn, R.; Edward Mont
gomery, R.; Martin Conrad, D.;
E. Famine, D.; W. J. Roney, R.; G.
Bakeoren, R. • William Ringgold,
B.; Thomas J. dillespie, Thomas, R.;
J. Rice, R.; John N. Wood, R.; Fran
cis W. Kirk. R.; Josephus Yealle,
James M. Hill, R.; Charles B. Salter,
R.; James Newell,R.; George Pallett,
D.; Harry O'Neill, R.; James R.
Sander, R.• ' John Leigh, R.; ]crank
Frederick, R.
Pike—E. B. Eldred, D.
Potter—C. Hollenbach, D.
Sebnylkill—J. W. Morgan, R.; C.
Londenslager, R.; J. Boyer, D.;
F. L. Foster, D.; S. A. Loseb, R.; W.
J. Lewis; R.
Snyder—W. H. D.
Somerset—W. i Endsley, R.; J. D.
Miller, R.
Stillivanr-B. Bedford D
Sasqnehanna—S. Falkenberg, R.;
W. W. Williams, R.
Tioge—J. I. Mitchell, R.; W. T.
Humphrey, R. •
Union=-C. S Wolfe, R.
Venni go—William Hasson, D.; J.
P. Park, D.; J. M. Diekoy, R.
Warren—G. W. Allen, R. '
Washington—W. G. Barnett, D.;
J. R. Billingsley, R.; John Ferrer, R.
Wayne-L-Thomas Y. Boyd, IL ; W.
W. Mumford, R.
Westmoreland—H. B. Piper, D.;
J. L.. Toner, D.; 'l'. M'Lean,
Wyoming—Giles Roberts, R.
York—A.. Stevens, D.; E. Myers,
D.; J. B. Gel:null% D. .
Sr. Love, Mo., Nov. 9.—Professor
A. B. Smith, Es-President of .Arkan
sas Valley Collegiate Institute, says
there are- fully 40,000 people in
Kansas and Nebraska who are either
now or shortly will be in absolute
want of the necessities of life.
He earnestly appeals not only to
the citizens of S. Lone, bat . to the
people of the whole country, to send
them aid in the shape of provisions
and clothing, and as speedilfts pos
GOLD' closed in New York yester•
day at 1101.
"Let sot your bean be troablee--Icara zty: l.
"what, the the Bela WWI
ale not lost • the esecinetierehle watt
and courses to =boas or *II"
When Herod sent forth and'elevi
all the babes iWßethleheth, be doubt
less thought .he bad performed a
brilliant act of statesmanship and rid
himself of, a dangerous rival, for his
throne;` but hi had merely commit
ted one of the most diabolical'mur
ders to be found in the tuinals of his
tory without, attaining the end he
had in view. There was mourning
in. Bethlehem, but , not_for the child
Jesus ; God , took care of His son.
When; thirty years after; Jeans, hay
log finished his ministry, the Jewish
priests, assisted by the Roman power,
were permitted to do the deed which
Herod bad attempted, of putting him
to death, they supposed that Chris
tianity would die, and the, great dan
ger which menaced Judaism be for
ever removed; but ihey had only ful
filled the purpose of God* revealed
in prophecy, and hastened the spread
of the religion they hatedand feared.
The disciples bad reason for despond
ency; but their faith did not fail.
They went forth and performed the
Work Which had been assigned them
by their Master, and sealed their tes
timony by their blood. '
Christianity, instead of being
crushed out by violence nd persecu
tion, has stood the tes t of' fire. and
the sword, has, gathered strength
with the ages, and its pciwet and in
fluence is now felt thrOughout the
*orld ; while the Jewish nation and
. the Roman Empire soon; fell to use
no more forever. 1 '
When Washington and his army
were driven thro,ngh NeW Jersey into
Pennsylvania, it 'tree the darkest hour
in American history. Our soldiers
unfed, unpaid, half clad, hungry;
ragged, shoeless—rleaving the blood
of their feet on- the frozen ground,—
followed by 'an ezbultMg foe, sur
rounded by tories, tempted to desert
by the - offer of British gold, they
nevertheless stood firm,stont-hearted,
and true to their country's cause in
the face of all hardships and die
- ,
The British supposed , the war was
ended, and made abundant sport of
[ Washington and his ragged army.
But the war was not ended. They
were obliged to meet these ragged
heroes again at Trenton, at Princeton,
Monmouth, at Brandy Wine, at Ger
mantown, and finally at, Yorktown,
where the finest looking army that
ever' landed in America was forced
to surrender to the powers, of the,
heroes they had despised' and ridi
culed. "Truth; triumphed in the end. +,'
An unwilling king had to acknowl-;
edge the independence of ihe colonies.
Why the suffering of an eight-year
war? Why did not Goa send victo
ry and independence sooner? It is,
probably, bepause a long war was
necessary to cement the thirteen - col
onies into one nation. To unite men]
there is nOthing equal to a common'
effort to avert a conamoh"danger, and
the longer the danger dontintles the
teroner their tinfoil will become.
Alien the Union ar my marched,
, down to Bull Run, in !GI, we confi-1
/dentlY expected It had been;
'organized and officered Under the
of Gen. Scott, one of the greatest
Generals of his time. • It , was of good
material, well armed, and outnum-'
bered the rebel army it went to at
tack. When it was burled back to ,
Washington defeated and disgraced,
every loyal man felt a sickening sen
sation at the heart ; and as disaster,
followed disaster we began to doubt
whether God was on our side, of
doubt his justice in alloWing the op.
pressor to triumph and our sons to
be slain. Thotigh we could not un l
derstand it Men; His purpose is now
revealed. He intended, by affliction;
to humble our pride until 'we were
willing to "proclaim liberty through.
octal! the land unto all the ,inhatii4
tants thereof," and askl the colored
men to assist ns 'in the war He
allowed ns to ,be smitten with the
sword, as Egypt was Smitten with
Plagues, until we were willing to "let
the people go." k Then came victory
npon victory—Gettysberg,Vicksburg,
Port Hudson, Peace and a restored
Union. '
The Republican Party has met an
unexpected and overwhelming defeat
at the polls. It is net our purpose
at this time to inquire into the causes
which produced it. It you ask one
Democrat, he will ' probably say
"Louisiana and niogers ;" Another,
" corruption- and salary-grab. " Ask
a Republican, and will tell yo 4
that l it was caused by, one of those
strange freaki3 of insanity which
sometimes obtain control Of men's
minds, like the belief in the Saida
witchcraft. A.nuther, With more rea
son, will say that the Money panic a
year ago, which caused the F ttsp en.
sion of so many banks' and business
houses ; the stoppage of so many
iron, works, manufacting establish
ments, and public improvements j;
and the general dulness , in business
which resulted therefrom, and still
continues, throwing thousands of la
boring men out of employMent, ox
only furnishing employment part of
the tithe, is the &Luse ;1 that the peo
ple were made to believe that a
change of administration would make
better times, and hence the result.
Whatever the cause may have been,
we feel certain that Providence is
educating the Republican party by
adversity to - enlarge its platform and
take higher' ground.
The Democratic party, has absorbed
all the strength of the liquor interest;
the 'Republican party might as well
have the Temperance element. To
obtain the services of the earnest, ac
tive tebiperanee men of the land,
with the moral power which the sup
port of the temperance cause will
bring, would be of more valite to our
party than the athistance of all the
rum holes in America. I
No government deserves the name
of Republican wherein one-half of
the andult citizens are not permitted
to vote or bold office. 1 , The Republi
can party has made all -men i equal be
fore the law ; let it now favor the
emancipation of Women:•Equal to
men in intelligence, superior in re
ligions zeal.: and moral worth, there
is no - good reason why they should
not have a voice in -the! , government.
Let the party take correct ground on
the subject ; and it.will - be worth more
to it in a few years' than a minima of
votes or the assistance of ten legions
of angels. •
It has always been a common error
to suppose that when a calamity
comes it is sent as a punishment for
sin. Job had not sinned, although
his friends thought he bad. 'Neither
bad the blind man or his parents
sinned that he was born blind. The
eighteen on whom the tower ' Si
loam fell were not sinners above all
men at Jerusalem.
There were Democratic victories at
the elections of 1862; peening at`the
time when people's minds were filled
TX W. W.Willsoo. '
IN. A. 11.
28. B. O. Ramey' -
2. O. P. Bec4tel.
30. J. P. CoMem
31. J. 8. Warms.
33. James Chesteo34..
33. C. 81:11bben.
r3i, W. A. Wallace. '
5. J. A Lemon.
38- Z. D reds,.
137. R. C. Windom. -
ja& D. Radar.
02. 3. 0. Clark.
140. W. IL Phyford.
'l. b. M. Jackson.
A 2. Heigh Al'NeB., •
13. G. 11. Anderion,
144. .i. C. IsTesenityer.
43. E. A. Wood.
1 40. J. N. Retax.
f . m2 m.m
`iniet .
43r. utii.
49. Geo. H. Cutler:
30. Geo. K. Andersen.
00131MGB 111 ADVIRM.
- With gloomy forebodings au . to the
result of the war. The y_tarlis4 the
States of New York, /OW igleteey,
Pennsylvania, ; Ohio, Indiana pad Il
linois; but they eanied theta on false
representations as to the object of
the war—its proper conduct paid the
draft arousing all the basest Passions
of the human mind. They could not
retain the States they bad ifled.
Sheridan's victories in the va ry bad
ctumged it all, showing they were
liars and false prophets; and Lincoln
was re-elected in-1864 by alarge ma-
jorißtrY• Brethren, . the
lesson of the ,teit is,
that those who trust in' God and the
.teeth of the principles they i,rofesg,
And have endeavored to perforni their
duties faithfully, need not he troubled
in their hearts by adaersitk.
"Let notlyour heart be troubled."
Yonnre defeated, 14 not disgraced:
Yon contended for correct principles,
and your labors will not 'be 'lost or
forgotten. ' •
"Brave men, who at froccdcra tell
Deride your canon, conquered not, Ile' Lisle,
There ha a victory* dying well„
And ye barn not Wed in vain."
Gov. lisivruslarr has backed _ his•
twoclamation appointing, the 26th
inst., as a day of thanksgis,ing,in ticcor
dance with thsTresident's proclama
tion. As being terse and to the point,
:we commend it to his sheeessors:
In the Name and by the Authority of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
A proclamation of the ' Pre ident of
the 'United States designates Tliurs
day the 26th of November as a day
IThanksgiving, and I recnininend
that the people of • Pennsylvania
reverently dedicate that day ,to mak
ing acknowledgment to Almighty
God for' the blessings vouchsafed to
' 'us during the past year.
Given under my hand and the Great
Seal of the State, at Harrisburg,
this seventh,' day of November, in
the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and seventy- i t four,and
• of the commonwealth the ninety
J F.
By the Governor
5L S Qi
Secretary of the Comatof
Depridations by Indians and Whites
on Peaceful Indians—Letter ofligent
• Stiles.
Indian Agent Miles writes to the
Commissioner of Indiana Affairs,
from the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
Agency, 29th of October, that on the
night of the 20th the nine Cheyennes
who stampeded from ;Whirlwind
Village, again returned to the vicinity, and succeeded iu se
curing each a 'good horse from the
herds of friendly Cheyennes. On
the night of, the 28th the Arapahoe
and Cheyenne herds Were again , visi
ted by thieves, supposed to be White
men, who succeeded in running off
Seventy-six pOnies. The' agent sent
out two Deputy Marshals, in com
pany with of frieirdty Arapa
hoes, on the trail. Gen. Miles also
sent his interpreter and scout, hoping.
to head the party off before they could
reach the settlements. These thefts
are very discouraging to the Indians,
who are well disposed. 'Gen. Sheri
dan when there said: 'These Indians
shall, be protected froth the horse
thieves and whisky traffic." ; The
Commisioner has, in view,' of 'these
depredatiens, addressed 'a ',letter to
Secretary Delano; saying this loss-by
theft is only one of a long series to
which these Indians have been sub
jected, and is especially aggravating,
because it falls upon those who have
been friendly in the late difficulties
in the Indian. Territory at no small
expense of tribal standing and prop
erty, and who,-by their loyal stand,
have been of great assistance to the
Government in quelling the rebellion.
These Arapahoes and Cheyennes are
not allowed to use the Indian method
of defense, which would be to make
indiscriminate war upon all white
intruders, and it will be pitiful and
shameful indeed, if it proves true,
that this people, confiding in the
power andcare of the, GpVernment,
cannot be protectedfrom White ma
rauders. The military have not been
able to afford this protection, owing
to the nature of the servic4, requited.
The thieves slip in during' the night
and are gone before they cap be over
taken, and for their disci:ivory and
arrest there is need of 'a detective as
well i es a military force. If, in addi
tion to the assistance so heartily
afforded by Gen. Sheridan, a suffi
cient nuer of Deputy - lifarshals
can be apjointed, with jurisdiction
both - in the Indian Territory and sur
rounding States, it is believed this
protection can; be afforded, to a large
extent, to these Indians. There
should be at least twenty men on this
duty, but even One-half of , this force
will be able to do mach in , putting .a
stop to this raiding. and I respect
fully recommend that , the matter be
referred to the Department of Jus
tice, with the request for such : assist
ance as they may be able to afford.
Some time ago the Siopx 'lndians
at the Red Cloud Agency were com
pelled to surrender horses they had
stolen from the whites,and this morn
ing information was received from
that agency that the whites had been
stealing liorses from the Sioux.
The Alin) , in Prime Condition. But so '
Limited.—Gen. Sheridan's Opinion of
Indian Affairs.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov.; 9. —Gen
eral Sherman's annual report to the
Secretary of War shows the total
number of enlisted men M I the army
on October 15th,to have been twenty.
six thousand four hundred'and forty
one (26,441.) It estimated that
this number would probably he` re
duced through natural causes by the
first of January 1875, to twenty-five
thousand (25,000,) allowed by law.
It deprecates the inadequacy of so
small an army for the demands of so
large an area of territory as it has to
be scattered over. - involving the
necessity of withdrawing troops-from
one department to meet the require
ments of some other a loiig distance
off. It compliments highly the
efficiency of General Sheridan and
his subordinate officers in Imaintain
ing comparative peace in the Indian
He adds that from the Ireports of
military officers tho small army of
the United States,called a peace estab
lishment, is the harden worked body
of men in this or any con U try. The
discipline and bchlvior of officers
and men 'hoe worthy of all
praise, and ,whether employed on the
extreme and distant frontier, or in
aiding civil officers • in the I execution
of civil process, have betiti, a model
for the *lunation of all goo 4 men.
. General Sheridan in his annual
report tenches sligiltly upon General
Caoter'S Black Hills expeditioe,whibh
he pronounces a successful recon-;
neissance. Of the Indian troubles,
Generaf Sheridan says: I respect
fully differ with Gen. Pope as to the
chief causes of these Indian troubles,
and attribute it to the immunity with
which the tribes have been treated.
In all their raida into 'Testuir- for the
past three pars, reservations
furnishd them'sapplies with which
to makf raids, and sheltered them
froth pnrauit when . they returned
with their scalps and plunder. No
man et plose observation, it seems, to
me, ca travel across the treat plains
of Nebraska and Wyoming to Texas
and see established ranches with
their nrdreds or thousands of beads
of cattl and sheep, and horses, to
gether with the families of the owners,
and rea sonably think that these peo
ple,. so) much , exposed and having
such valuable interests, - are desirous
of provoking Indian wars. T here
wag a time possibly,- when the popu
lation of .the Indian .`
.frontier may
have b en ; desirous of Indian troub
les, bit that has passed long ago.
of the
delega ,
tion I:
an, op
snit, t
as it
to tb ,
loud Complaints—the Ritualists be
catiaeilof the rejection of Professor.
Beym at., and the Evangelicals be
cause I of the non-concurrence of the
bishoPs in the canon to suppress
cruciffses, incense,' the adoration of
the sarament, etc.
De pate all this, however, the con
vention separates with a manifesta
tion of great good feeling towards
one another—members not perinit
ting differences of opinion on doc
trine and 'ritual to interft,re with the
amenities which should characterize
a.convocation of christian men, pro
Tessin' to speak and act for an Mu
entiali' and powerful religions organ
n weil tit
CirBLOTTE CUSIMAN pie her fare
well 1 I tp the New York stage on Sat
urdaY evening. The audience at
Boorit's was such an one as was never
before seen in the metropolis. Miss
CusnUsx was crowned with laurel,and
left the sta , va for her home in a blaze
1 '
of glory, as it were, or more properly
spealiin,g, - torehlig,hts. It was em
phatipally .one of the grandest
umpbs of her life, and a compliment
that cannot help but be a pleasing
and lasting remembrance to her in
,the years to come. And may we not
hope! that when she is called to leave
this world's stage by the Supreme
Mana l ger, she may be cast higher than
anyf the stars above, and her path
way 'thence be illurnecl by Eghts from
angel conntenanceß, whoze bright
ness p..hall far outshine any earthly
brillitincies? So mote it be.
INew Aayartizements.
CLIASE of the irraporty.. corporate rll4l , ts, privi-
1371 E
purpose of organizing a nor corporation by
rchzacrs of tb property, rights, prlvlio,ges;
' and franchises of the
For tilt,
the ivii
the 14
virtue !Of the power of sale vests.* in h m la the
provisfons of a mortgage made by said' Company to
hint aslTrustee, dated November Ist, A. D. 1855, and
recorded in the oflice for the recording or Deeds kc..,
in auditor the County of Bretiftird, State of Petinsyl
vanis.lin Mortgage Book No. 10. page 30, 31, and
32, on the 22d of November, A. D. l' CG and . a the
office for recording of Deeds, he., in bntlf• Sal-
Tao County : in said State, in Mertgage BOok No. 2,
pages 82 to $5 inclusive. oa the sth day of ,Dectra
her. At D. 1866
Said meeting wilt be held for the purpose of, elect
ing is. President sad Board Of Mr Directors, to cant
Bane 4n oelee not# the Ist Monday in May - next;
also to adopt a corporate name and common 'seal,
determine the amount of the capital Moot of the
t --new corporation, and to do such other acts as may
he necessarp and legal for the ptirtre of organizing
said ne w corporation.
Con mi.ttf o of
asso , qatee, pilreba ••
• ItoOon, Nov. O.
These Lenses hive the power of Protecting the
Eye. from IRRITATION arising from Light; ac
companied by Belt ; Under Wilson's American and
English letters patent. .
They have the power of Arreatinz the Eeat-Ttaya
Of Solar or Artificial 'eight before entering tbe Eye,
They are 'Violet Tintad yet so constructed - that
when arp'md to thg Eye app. ar coteries*: .
The; h!,,h and lovanumbers are the same tint.
. .
I •
OPrOSITI': ( COURT 101_73E-
Nay. It. '7l
NOTICE —La . order that every
customer shall 'have the full value of . -Ids
money. the nodersigned will . open lila, store on
MONDAY, the 19th Inat,, on the ready pay system,
Thankful for past pstrcusge, all are invited to call
and get the bottom - Prices of this long and contin
ued nnanctal trials, as my gouda will be retailed at
N'ew lfork wboles.le priers; and en persons tnorr
tag tiiemseives indebted, ale requesttil to call and
pay wlthout further notice.
' -
OnorlllesCentre, Oct. 13,'94.2m
cs'of the late 'Episcopal con
, the 'New York correspondent
edgei says:
a few of the clerical and lay
es to the EpisCopal conven
-4t for their respective homes
1 days since , in order to have
portanity to vote,.aud, as a re
in attendance at the final pro
s to day was not so numerous
'would otherwise.
_. have been.
hope was expressed that the
meetings of theconvention,
be. 'so timed as to,bring duty
church and duty to-the state
m harmony. 'N
,o the results of the convention
moderate churchmen on all
appear to be.well satisfied, not
with what has been done, but
nth what has been left undone.
,xtrenies, however, are making
lege.% and fraticbises of tlin
e made by dohs A. Kearart, Trtistee, on
the Mil day of Oztobor, A. D. 1.174%
y given. that a meetyig,-v. - ill t e Lela at the
nt 12R:c:iwk . , , noon, of
A. D. 1574
Were sold by John A. stewert, Trustdo.. os
• day of Octobor, 4. D. IB7f, under and by
letmhoidete for themeelves go , d.
re at the sale alwo mentioned.
874. - 24w3
Wn. cutssutrus
I Ltl,lll I
E vA,s,s„
Galt saes tort . to Me l
ter Ckle., which it
that him aver • 1.
apentnir saw liadand wm•
fin.larps tanaplide
asd, and at prima which amiss
Kr "Sock zasy be found
611 to yleiaa, In th
1 1 DLL 1
i MO
Alpo all t
mere, Cam
• ;
press Cloth
Cotton an
PopliLis, Al
Also a
Shawls, BI
simeres, Fl
phirtiv g a, Ticking, Den-
s, &C.
ims, Cotton
Towittsis, ri
Who arc
invited' to
all and examine our New
Stock of G
1 I
!I I
cx CRETcsIiS,
7 7 M 7 11
e new shades in Cesh-
Hair, . 3rerin.o3, Em-
, Satins, all o tvool Serges,
Wcx)l Se.rges, Empreer
acas, Reps, Via, &a.
up' stock of Cloiks,
kets, Waterproofs, Cas-
nnels, Felt Skirts, Prints,
at. 1, "14-11
- 7 --- -
--4 L
conomically. inclined \ aro
ods. We
,qfler a very at
, •
1 , I g
Giie us a .adl.