11 &tku!timd• Eggs vs. Meat. Would it not be wise ti 3 laid* Lute inomeggs for meat in Our daily diet? Ab*: - .mt one-third of an egg i solid -nutriment.. This is ,More thin au* be field of meat. Thera ara no bones and tough pieces tha« have to. be laid aside. A good egg is made up of ten parts shell, sixty Darts -white and thirty parts yolk. - ;The white of an egg contains eighty-six per,. cent. water; the yolk , fifty-tiro p;.q. cent. The average weight of an egg is about two onnces. Practical ly an egg is animal feed, and; yet there -is none of the - disagreeable work of the butcher necessary to obtain it. The vegetarians of Eng land use eggs freely, and many of there men are eighty and ninety - years old, and have been remarkably f?ee from illness.. A, good egg lie alive. The shell is porous and the oxygen of the air goesi through the shell and keeps up a"lid iof respira tion-. An egg soon becomes stale ,in bad air, or -in dry air , charged with. carbonic acid Edge may ,bs drted and made to retain itheir (goodness for a long time, or the shell maibe varnished, which excludes the air, when, _if. - kept in-a moderate tem perature, they may be kept good for years. - The French' people produce more eggs than any other, and ship . millions of them to England ittr‘: nually. Eresh eggs are More traria parent_at the centre, ohl , ones on the 1 - top. Very old Ones are not trtMs parent, in either place. T.O water in whictrone-tenth of salt been dis solved gcod eggs sink and - indiffer ent-ones swim. Bad eggs floati in pure wafer. The best eggs are laid Ly ything healthy hens. If-they are properly fed the .eggs are better than if they , are allowed to eat all s o rts of fool- - Eggs are best when cooked • four minutes. This takes awa the animal taste that is offensive to some, bat does not harden the white! or yolk as - to make them hard t&digest. . An egg if cooked very hard is diffi cult of digestion, except lby 'these with-stout stomachs,snch eggs should be eaten with bread and masticated very finery. An ,excellent sandwich • can be made with eggs - land brown 12 read. An egg ,spread on toast is foOd fit fora king, if Engi deserve any_better food than anybody else, Which is -' doubtful .'- Fried eggs .are less wholesome than boiled ones. An egg, dropped into hot water isiiot only q. e.eat: and handbouie but , a Incrsel. Most people spoil :he taste of jtheir eggs .$* addingT epper and salt. A little street b!ater is the best dressing. Egg contain ranch 'phosphorus, which, is suplicised ta.be useful to those - who use their J)rains much.—Poultry Review, Eng. How tolratten Cattretl _ . • _ i The price of cattle fattened, for'EOar- I:et depends on symmetry of the • - anirnal r as well as the fat "style,"; as shipri...rs term it. I want here! to Etat° that - good_ blood is iMportaut, but -not absolutely necessary to make what is termed a good seller. Id order to fatten a steer to bring the highest market price, hakept in a growin4- condition from a caif,-iin I ;.in no case allowed to go linnerf. -It is the rstarvins• the first and second wintcri, Which wilts and shrifels up a steer, that Can'Ses him to basold at a 'reducep price. No amount';, of f -eding will make him a first-class seller, no difference what his color or blood: An animal well-fed-L=l care not what blood, Texas or not-s-from a. calf inntil the spring he is three 'years old, will ba smooth, with ,banes well covered, and Will sell at,La pro : . fit; while a half-starved animal ibe- Coll. 4).: crooked iti l the back, bone pro ..jecting,', and' shriveled up, takes'the 1.;L,,t part of the 'summer to ' - get4 iu condition to live, and willi not be in 4. condition for market until . Itte is tour years old, and then will,brmg a price which is unsatisfactory to the pro ducer, and to every one who handles - him, This is no theory, but!' fact deduced from close observation, as I iiiiv. tested the plan for seveniyeEtrs. 4-will and does pay to feed Cprn. to calves and Jo yearlings. They start Out or, grass. in the spring, ,trong and vigorous. Yon are then itble to nmrket your cat!le the spring they -e. are three years old, weighingy 1,400 • Feunds, Ninich is heavy enough l to 'oring the tirst:price.—The best steer I sold in 1573 was common native. He had all be could eat from a calf, and was: never hungry. 'He was a liandsorne animal, and was worth inore'per i•ound than any I shipped in 11572.—he weighed in Chicago, 1,- 359 pounds, calf three years. I now have a steer calf II months old, from a very ordinary cow.—The calf now weigis - gOod 660 pounds. '.-1 I think it will weigh when three years old, 1,- soq pounds.: Ido not wish it under stood that I am: not in favor of im proving:the blood as well as feed. I shipped two Texas steers this ' spring, which- were three yc ars old. They were-smooth and - nice, and I sold them with a' lot -of Durham?, four years old, at the same price, and they-were Worth as much a pound, and weighed better according to age. They were raised 'and fed by different parties.ammotli oi'er , grown steers have ha 4 d their day, and : 'we now come i ,db , irn t 4? the neat, CPIll• act . well-fattened animal, both: in ogs and cattle. T . accpmplish this in cattle, good feedink.from a calf is necessary..—Drovers Journal, ,I . ~• L __ h: , r . ,• Ceti..iNSE THE MAZiGrall.— Th e *ll g,ers of horses cows and oxeb, wl‘en supplied With cat fooder and meal, frequently -become offensively 5 . 111., . in consequence of the decomposition of the wet meal that _adheres to •the , comers of the • feed ,Doses .: Thiii is to .1), the ca - 2 (specially when animals do not lick ' the corners ntirely clean. If a small portio of feed is allowed to remain in the rU,an gels only a portion of a warm day it %chi 'become sour, :'_and the Oen : iiP3 effluvia will ta - nt the entire, manger; so that an animal will often refuse to eat his accustoined, allow acce, unless compelled by keen brin ger., ' The true' way to manage ie to scrape 'the corners clean at least twice a day, removing every particle of rejected food. Then, if the man ger hoes not smell as sweet as a but te:- hwl, lerthe corners be 'washed cc, t - ith hot witter,'wiped clean, and a 1 •indful of caustic slacked lime be I th'; ')wn in the manger. If mang4rs r4r;_ kept clean they- will seldom be come offensively soar. If the animal leaves a portion of his feed, a new mess should never be given on the rejected feed- 80u.5.--Or.e cnp of sweet JD:ilk, white of two eggs, two-thirds of 4 cop of butter, flour to make a thick tatter, one-half of a: cap of yeast, two tAtlor.afill3 of saran: Raise over ', L ight; alti LrAto.i 41i-1 Eggtiin 1 raoro.r.w, fir4r, 7 .- ~,ak;eg, a .1;r0.,,r, frovrs aft.f.r er -- ;:4 - bake pA. tip N.Y. - CANAL I RR CO.- AILEANGIXECT Ql RABOZOI2 Mt% To take eßeot JUSR U. IE4. No_ iNo. 10. IS 189.1 9. —,—,-- P.11., , t. tie& w 2 Os, 1 705; 2£o t 7 40, --- , _ 545 i 9 29.4. al I..tabolu 7 40' 112 al , ..libaci. 8 44: in Is' , -Owego. , 9 052 45:12 55f 5 -Eitatra..f 9 55;320L1 25'. 9 05 Wa2w27 4 9 44'3 IS; 1331 9 ..siefe.. sak.a. 9 5a:3 55, 1981 9 1 %Athens ,.•„..'s 45 , , 1 9 .. Min. • .: -1 56 . 1 9 4 ..I:ll4ter.: 10 . Z4 15 2x'loo o+ 1 ..... 1 26 10 Ifflilrysekril - 4 42 , tO 37 BuseuLd • '1 57' 1000 rrsoehru .:513 111 12 wtiosiniti i 11 .5 55: 309,11 1 9 .1agyrr 1 utl ..I 5 loy in 22;13.•4 WU,. ....-:5 48' " 11l 37:11* Walnut; . .. '5 O , . i ll 45;11ealicipeu i . .6 IC ' ;1230.;1('10'9'97 12 61 6 58 3 52,11 55,,Taaktnek -7:3: 1206.. .. 12507 50: 4 35t 30'.L k 11J.; 12 57 . 800; 442` 142; .91tgarton. I 912 2 00.1T9sPille.1 1 ' 15;825; 500;- 3 r.-ir Satre. i 2 32 321 415,E Elmo! 315 p x 10; 4 ssr HMI I Lo 7 Soi 5 501 M" Choral 4 151 • , 831, 5 541.LIketowal 448 ' • 834! 50.5!E P 5 00. 845, 835;1361111,-h n 3; 530 ' 915, II 201. Dixon.. 645, 'lO3O 9 45' ..Phtra. 9 05. ir x 5 425iew York ..... • 4 540' • • x .1311AAILI ADDIZZOSALLIISSI. So. 38 leaves Towanda 710 a. m.; stopping at all stations, arriving at Wareily at 805, and Dada at 0 00 d. Ho 31 Isms E:Ara S3O p. in.: Stop:Aug at all Stations, arriting at WaTerly 615. and Towanda 710 P.X. Train 6 leaves Philadelphia 2:10 P. X.. NOW !Oat 12 M.. arriving siltuithannock 1003 P. 11. Trail] 3 leaves Tunklaanziock at 7:00 A. It.. &mfr. MGMMOMCM Trains a and 15 ran daily with Plans= Sleeping cars ameba& prawiuse Room cars sttach ed to Trains 2 mad 9 between Danirs and Philadelphia., ° R. A. FACIE& Suparintendert. GO TO JACOBS' • TEMPLE OF FASHION. - min; STREET, Iva LATEST STILES IN • BMW CLOTHING. • . , • aoosa aseitrvico rams Dar. .. April 3. STAMPING DONE AT KM HENRY KINGSBURY'S DRESS MAKING ROGMS, No. 2, ARCADE BLOCK: _ _ • wands. Dee. IT. tart NORTHERN 'CENTRAL RAIL WAY.—Direct routs North sad South to Bal timore, Washlneten, Philadelphia and all points South ; also to Buffalo, Flaws Falls, Suspension Brides, Rochester, Syracuse and all points East and West on the New York Central Railroad, and the Quads& * ll l. On and alter Sunday, Nov. 23. 1873, trains will leave EI3IIIIA as follows : Iroxerswmu:4' Nail. arrive Northern Express. .. Morning Accommodation— Evening do • • • Southern Express Mail Northern Expreu north and Southern Ex- Press south, are through trains between Rochester and Baltimore • the Morning std Evening Ac corn modation north connect at Canandaigua with trains for Rochester and the Falls.• 0. MOTOR GARDNER; 41enlEupt ED. PL. YOUNG, Gea'l,l!ass. Agl, • Baltimore, Md. I • YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL _ • HOUSES, F.A RIM, LOTS OR • • MILL PROPERTY. or if yeenehth to lend or borrow money on Real Estate or other security for a short term or a term of leant, °tit y_on wish RENTS OF HOUSES `- . Ur other property, jeollected and paid, we offer su perior farillea for the prompt transactlon of inch Doziness. We have now a Rae list of property for sale, and Ihnee seektrg t , • • REAL; ESTATE INVESTMENTS In either town or county, will d 3 well to call on tuh A. J.NOBIX CO., • - Real Estate And Loan Agenu. Office Main street, oppoaite Court Rouse, To- wanda, Pa. Afar 19.' • SHEEP CLOTHING VERY' CHEAP! In order to make roma' for the LARGEST and BEST stock of FALL ,CLOTHING Ever opened in this market, I w:11 for tbo NEXT SIXTY DAYS OITF-H MY StIIMER CLOTILLNO IIEGARPLESS OF COST! It is utlnecessa.-7 fo - r the to say that ray ipods are STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, And are -only cfleted at greatly reduced prices nth er than carry theta over to next season. Towanda, July P s Iva THE REPUBLIC.—A -first-elass MORNING NEWSPAPER, Pnb:ieheil in the Bennett The Win. Nunn & ton Streets, New Terme, $8 per yea, by mail; 18 cents per week. by carter; 3 cents per copy. The Republic contains all the news of the day, be ing complete in all its departments. and furnishes prompt and ample report. of city intelligence, for eign and donstatio markets. and political and gen eral events in quarter-el through its special cor respondents, by telegniikt and ocean cable- Special care will be taken to render The Republic esting Bureausand thorougtily at Wambington kid Albenrcomplete. Inter- Financial news, such as the transactions of the Stock Exchange.. Money Market. Ranking. Insur ance and other interests that came under this im portant bead, will be made !till and complete, ~ Literary intelligence and reviews , critic:hunt on music the drama, painting. kn., will be regularly given, imPartihily prepared by practiced pens. . THE EDITORIAL DEPARTAIUT, while distinctly recognizing the political principles of and rendering an earnest and consistent support to the Republican party. 1,44 with competent as sistants and contributors, take the more general line of journialstieduty that belongs to a complete newspaper. Address THE REPUBLIC. - New York City. OAli. . . 1 . The sobscribeehsring the agency of the Hutchi son Colliery at lanpton. Ps.. ts prepared to tarnish desists with all sizes of Ant/mutts_ OW, mowed in the best manse, trent the esiemd Cooper Vein._ • trill'imudy ot this Mel may be seen by ogling on W. H. Hamiston, Maim New creg yw.4 on Pins. one Merl south at street. 'eters all are an r ed vited to mil. Fail "eight to L. good quality In. S. WY. ToWsods. rib. Z. iiill. w. STREET HOTEL, NOB. 4 1 . 42.013 k44TM IS NIA 20111 L A TIDEPNEWIC2 'torsi. ON THE EUNOPEAN , PLAN. EOM 30 assd ands per Day. CHANGER ray NOVEILLTZ. Ma best mew sad vegetables Let the r igH7 ": 91 1 . 1 1. 12 :4 4217. •• • Pin SALE..—The Lot; Planing porroi of ti., liacbtnitry. to, &.:1,1/ a f+ m of T. L pre7„tor Illfrauic A f r , Mao, • resrUtins Mews 1w MO Xlisabop liyesitag "mom pt. rcer f jeff.ittelars .•••" .5f •ip al4rtyps ' • W. T. 11011101 r, 1011411t4 C T4)w,m r... 10.1 24%. Ho. 80.x,4. 4. 116 4 / 5 14SiPIIIPS 986 2.31 9 00ill 9201 . 1. 9 t1 645/ 1.73111 ' 1 s j I 5 0512 . I 15, 910 sa l 410111 45, 54a 825 4 12111554 533 916 4 07011 VI 528 810 {ll 111 1 054 71 49 I SOO S 30118 80; 4 135 1052 t 7 Se 10 111 1 9 03 1002, ; 653 1 948 : 1 1140 22C 929 i 400% 619 9261 I 616 9 214 611 I i 10 4 I 600 . 4 03 , 15 33 138, 6 71 3204 630 1 8 114 1500 12 501 7 411 2 45, 435. 1233 135: 2111 420 I I 34; i a Do 12 151 7 1 2 2504 400 110$ Ia 34 1n: 252 1025, 1 i 1220150 10 05 1 I, 111 451 130 9 001 . 49 0 : 12 23 8 55, 1 ' ;1219 8 654. ,10 55112 111 1 a r..fl itooku to 1 7001 1 awl 9t5 1 530 11 i 7904 900 Bair 1 „.a. -tee •1.7 • •• !los arbibttod In ibis mediae. to vtdoo tt oy lzmito the otbottoo tbo public. • Thy keep ea heed cc Med& lo cede: TOMB, STONES, MANTLEt3, MMEM perms to want of anything la oar lias as nr spectrally invited to all sad austalae our stock. IIoCABE & SON. Tomas. limy 1. 11M. D V% SCOTT & CO., . BAKERS AND GROCERS, First block Forth of Ward house. . , We hare added materially to our stock, and now taller a full assortment of • • . • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. We keep no booka. add no percentage .for bid debts ; therefore we can and will give you the low est rates. All are Invited to call and be convinced. DINING ROCA'S In connection with the above, and meal at all boars of the day. D. W. BOOTT & CO. TAranda, Feb. 10. Mt. .. 10 20 pm .. 12 00 M .. 646 am SU pm 2 OS pm 5 45 am A PPLETONS' AMERICAN CY CLOP.EDIL, - NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on 'miry sablect. Printed from new type, and illustrated with &carat Thatutard carmine ar.d Mays. The work originally published under the title of Tat Nine AszsicAN Circimumze. was completed in 1863, since which time the wide circulation which it has attained in all parts" of the United States, and the signal developments which have taken place in every branch of science, literature and art, have in duced the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a new edition entitled Trix kimisices Cycz.oreumre. Within the sat ten years the progress of discovery in every department of knowledge. has made a new work of reference pa imperative want. The movement of political affairs has kept pace with the olaccorsries of science, and their fruitful application to the Industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life. Great wars and consequent revolutions have occurred, in volving national changes of peculiar moment. fhe - civil war of our own country, which was at Its height when the last volume of the old work ap peared. has happily been ended, end a new course of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to oar geographical knowledge have been made by the indefatigable explorers of Antics. • The great political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public view • multitude of new men„ whOse names are in every one's mouth, and of whOeslives every one is curious to know the partic lOUs Ores: battles have been fought and impor tant:eleges maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only 1 n the newspapers or in the transient publications of the day, but which ought ncwto take their place in permanent and authentic hasten. Inyrreparing the present edition for the press, it has aecordtery been the elm of the editors to bring down the infarmatioti to the West possible dates, and to furnish an accurate acrobat of the most re. cent discoveries in science, of every fresh prude°. bon in literature, and of the newest inventions In Use practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress of political and his. tonal events. rbe work has been began after long and Clirefhl preliminary labor. and with the most ample resew. tea for carrying It on to a successful termination. None of +be original stereotype plates bare been used, but every page has bean printed on new-type, forming in fact a new Cy-loped* with 'the same plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pea:utter, expenditure, and with each im provements n its composition as have beon sug gested by longer experience and enlarged knowledge. The illustrations which are introduced for the fret time in the present edition, have bees added. not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater indict, and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches of science and of natural bistoi7, and depict the most famous and re markable features af scenery, architecture and art, as wadi as the various processes of mechanics and manufactures.. Although intended for instruction rather than embellishment, no pains have been spared to insure their artistic excelJenee ; the cost of their execution is enormous, and ill, believed they will find a welcome 'reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopedia, and worthy of its high This work Is sold to Suisse:ibex' only, payab'e on delivery of each volume. It will be completed in sixteen lam octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully lEustrated with severat thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. Mute volumes now rosdy. Succeeding volumes, until completion. will be tuned once in two months. Specimen pages of the loonticas CYCLOPADIA. showing type, illuslzattous, etc., sill be sent gratis on application. IL. E. BOSMITELD dddreu the PrkbWien. D. APPLETON & 00. 649 & Broadway. N. Y., & 723 Sanaom St., Ain. WHEN YOU DESIRE THE - LOW; KETABLISHXD MISS GRIFFIN au jar! been repleal#M with a full and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF To Which the aticalimot say enamors* &spa 4iial talk& !nem; nessestAs sati all "vela gmr aginads ApPlf 23, 11.13. 81. - IL GRIM"' 3A - uumh' f MARBLE WORE 4 GEO. MoCABE k EOri- AMER.& _ AND MARBLE MONUMENTS, Of nary :Ails, ' AT THE LOWEST TERMS. • 1 PSI= LSD sr= 07 EMIVCCO. In extra Cloth, per vol., 5.00 In Library Leather, per vol. 6,00 In Half Turkey 111( ;coo, par In MU Run* extra gilt. per vol. . 5.00 In Full Morccco, antique, gilt edge . , per v0L,10.00 In Pull Win* par vOL, . . . . . . 10.00 Prsax-Cutas CISTLIZISO AGZ WASTZD JOB PRMTING DI FIRST-CLASS STYLE, CALL" AT THE " REPORTER " OFFICE. STORY SPEIZG WED Stint= GOODS. bosom WAGONS] i WAGON WAGONS on hand s-largo UMBER AND L WAGONS .mica I WILL • OHEA Than any other estab s ~ T country. WAGONS AND C Of 'every description to order on short PIAIsDiz Towanda. Nara IC 11111. rosT SONS Wotal the Public Weill' NEW. STYLES OF iziEry hare new on band EMI :11:0 LlEsr N ASSO2I,TI ilhkol UNDERTAKIN moat n!e.eq We also keep In store and inaka BLINDS, DOORS, MOULDIN 1 1 FLOOR 1.1818. INSURE ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY • MUD= LOW OE DAXLGZ BY RE AND LIGHTNING represent over; Piny OaplteL 014 limp& ma Name Campania& INMI,iNCE 0 • XPANIZEI rff TEM lIIIMCD /TAIT& SNT DiStrBANOE psas. ILE & vinerr. AGRICULTURAL s a l e l ' 7 WLLES, Atm PA.. , Molt. north Ids of Oust amp DIAL= AND ,W/M3llllOl AMT. Run Pores sad Thrashers. - 'aut ictir ral aradn ow ( " r m. all 'AU; Nino Noss. Claw Ifellsn andrunlng NOIS, awn nonuas, Irian saurus. ms 1111142110 WM OECTII INSIMS as an yaw" eau ass rans secauto mom, Aft., £43. and Amer fibtaniod plated eft sit nulled tree to all appllonts. II out but Wu ants to fund for Umbra culished tn pinup ' il sib= In Tams% all and no so. iff r ls. , I it U. MMUS: Dki r TON 1 & BROTHER, 1 Dolan Is W L, HIM, PELTS, CALF..r , simc,e. man. tge. ter Irtddit the bletail cut prism . 112511 AU thew ' Ms Is lf.. /L losseltolts Rare Yetu. MINIM 1 _ ' 5. 8. DAMPOW. 1 50r.14:50 'TOWANDA . PA. 1 17NDISPUTED FACT THAT GOOD GOODS ARE BOLD CRS eat of Man. CLOTHING HOUTZ IN ' Mt/IMMO P ER Having rectally fitted up rue large and ens store lately occupied by FOE* ItEB s accommodate my raphllpincreardng trade, I fully auk my old castomare, and the public ly. to call and examine ay elegant ent in the NEW. STOCK DM nfactured otice. And satisfy ilicmseices thoi y pricell Mon. =I NEW DRY. GOOD STO exasignepedr Rave removed their stock of Dry Goods old stand of B. A, Pettis, opposite the TO THE EAST STORE IN BEIDLEMANT SEAS THE MIME, N 1 TURF. And are daily receiving NEW GOODS FROM THE In addition to the Bankrupt Stock of B. wbich *ley are selling for about half prii and see for .y ourselves. If wb don't tare money, don't buy, CO ALI CO A OLD TOWANDA COAL Take pleasure in announcing to the rt ir .paz ds and the public generally , that they are p to fur nish any of the following named Coals In4Antities to suit purchasers, thoroughly screened slated, and at as low rates as at any yard in Towanda. • We keep the best Coals from the Pittsion and Wi/kes- Barre mines. SULLIVAN ANTHRACITE OF GOODS BARCLAY (SMITH AND ST From the olttßarcliy mines. We are Sol- \r \. . IWANDA COPLAY CpiMIT! I= A'l orders left at the stores of Long C.: 1. Oaths& Horton's, Kirby's Drug Store, Coal adieus corner of River and Elizabeth trill receive prompt attention. Please gi S. PIERCE. \ Wat -r4 to do SITSQUEHAN - NA COMM INSTITUTE. The first winter term of this Institution mence MONDAY, November 2,1037 t -wit! lowing list of experienced teachers : EDWIN E. QUINLAN, ParRCIPA.I Ancient Languages, Math and English E. L. HILLIS, A. B Commercial, Mathematical and Scientifie • MISS MARY E. MERRILL, Paitcnrn Common and Higher English. MISS nit I MASON, Common and Higher English. MLLEI. LLQUFfi, French, Drawing and Painting. MRS. 0. A. BALDWrn. Vocal Mask. ,MISS MIME C. HAWES, Instrumental Mamie. Classes will commence the etudy.rf PI and other Sciences. The customary reorg of classes will take place, in order that' new Stu , dents may be properly classified. and such new classes will be started as the wards of the students may demand. Special attention will be given to those students pertaining to a business education, that this de- mand made upon the school by students from the country may be fatly provided for. An dltional advantage will be an access, free of e, to stu dents of the school, to the evening whop], which will probably commence with the ope gof the terme r Special attention given to the preparati of boys for College. Regular Instruction' in Dra ng and Vocal Music free of charge. Excellent a vantages in Instrumental Mtnec and voice culture. Tuition Gom $4 to $lO rev term. Boar ing furnished rooms, lights, washing,"A,c. term. For circular or further information, ac call upon th e Principal, E. E. QTINLI wands, Pa. Manta Fox, Prest. Board of Trustees. =Me tams. to order GS, &o k BON& J. 0. F NEW ARaiI.NIGIFEHENT MRS. MARY FL ' I / Basing purchased the stock end fixtures I . Bowles' Bakery, has refitted the clash!! purchased an entirely NEW STOCK OF GOOD • Butted to the ttae, such as • OBOCIMELS. raw Cornj, Dv Figtzr% Far Ass, CADIDIZ!, CONTECIIONAMT, Fawn ICE CREAM SALOON =be - opened in connection with the =ant, where ladles and .genUemettfilan al the beat WPM and other delicacies of the THE DINING BO Sias been refnenithed, and will at all timer plied wild substantial eatables, which will 1 at reasonable ntes. Farmers sad others town will tad this a convenient place to =ate or the than nun. FUR SALE OR RENT. —A 4-esira bin Mine sad Lot on Fourth iftSt. anti horAe north of 0.1). Bartlett's, converestlt last' We or drademiltikbooL &noire ea AIL 4 . 1707C0R1Pi Towastd‘gatc)l3. "Mfr. JULIUS WOLFF'S THAN AKY OIHKR. OP A SUMMER CLOT Towanda, May a, 18711 IN TOWANDA 1 'MFRAR • Br IMITAT t, &Go BRAIONALL & Be(Memel:de Block. (Near the Bridge at Totrauda, Oct. 1, 1874. PIERCE & SCOTT AU sixes, from mines in Sullivan Cou We keep on band the ALLENTOWN LIME Beat qttallty. Alto. Tcrcrambt, Pa:„ September 2 9 , 1874. • i TO OUR PATROIcS. ,! -a- , 1 , ... :GEO. H. WOOD & 0.,; PHOTOGRAPHERS,. TOWANDA, PA. ' Grateful for the generous patronage f the. I put year, would inform all wanting P • i that we are still addhigto our establishment , NEW AND ,, IMPROVED II STII I t t r i t 3. I And adopting tried and approved mo es of printing and retouching in order to secure _ I , I FINER PROTOGRAPIL3 THAN HERETO to , 1 i , 1 made - outside of the cities, and that make' 1 111, a specialty to enlarge , all kinds of s to any vise desired, and 'rash in Water lore, India Ink, or in 011, In the I I REST STYLES AND VERY LOW PRI ' I We also endeavor tc h ake all ihe time pout , bls in making children! pictures. 50 ii tO se cure the beet reruns. I I We are constantly adding to our stock of .. ' , . FRAMES All new patterns and tasteful alyles, ar,d fur- nish them at a small advance from cost /rime. I May 14.1873. I • - AT THE FIRST 7FARD‘BASER Brscrus, Ursa, Boma, kc.. DAILY A test an 4 attractits KART E. it Towanda. A pril23, '7141. • WOODFOBD,' 0. As MI NEW TOBK BOOT AND SHOE STOBE,- lio. 8. Al7lOl G:S1111MtlrEl Is receiving one of the, largest and best stock of BOOTS tiri SHOES ever brought in Towanda, which he is offering at the very lowest prices for, Cash, consisting of '(3zins Ono, Kw STOGA, Bon Our Boars, lams, Maus and Caiman's . Shoes of all kinds, all bought direct froth the Ilanufacturen„ and hand made, ;all goods warranted. A rum erocx or Lawmen AND Fllia)Mii. • Thankful for past favors ? I solicit a continuance of the same. Towastda. IL% 1; 1872. • ; z ' R NEW . CABRIACM FACTORY I EU oompa. :mita w 23171 Beivectinti announce to Ids Mends - and pstrUa; that he has built a • NZW BRICK OANNIAGN norm. Wien h. will worwtantly kiWp as tufa a tall iiisorlo , wind of TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, •m the House I=l 2sol rnzo NUM. MID lIIELIZIOrg, Fide of the beet materiel tad finished is the beat oitY otrio. Eli long Merle= in my chlasse• rectories glees him a decided advantage o er Others to the • Finish, Sky/6 , csnd Durabilit Pettis. Come ',ott some FF. dge.) of his Wsgew. AU they Nei Is an INSPECTION OF HIS WORK prelious_to patthaslag elsOrhars. • ALL WORK yrAgiuxrso ro GIFIPZELPECT Thankful for the liberal patronage formaslY 02. tended and respectfully ask a continuum of the same. 1: 3 / 4 1 g.11:41jcPY:till 5 1wyk4riov4 , s,16)-4.71;11 OAI,, Towanda. Jan. , 8. BEI FOUND= & HAOHINE SHOP. The undersigned haling tiordineed the Tonnutry and Machin tiliaP Weir owned by John Oman. are prepared to do all bride of work a=iz4; to their buellienn.with promplimas and Agent,. 3IILL ,GEARINGS, CIRCULAR 'SAW MILLS, evens, F or at our s streets, , us a call. SCOTT ENGINES itEPAIRED, end ill work warranted to give attlifictlart. fl In coin the to' Of the latest and most Improved kinds mars • • and lurprecnstanlly on hand ready for use. IMCI .rancher EIEDE-HILL, IRON AND WOODEN BiLAND3 CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of all kinds, sad' tha latest larprevemeats kept constantly on hand. oitopby tion LARGE AliD SMALL SIZE STOVE CASTINGS , Wand. $lO per SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, And ill Idnds of cut Lugs furnished to , March 80.1570. , =ANS & 10X7IMIL. BLOOD & CO., • i ; stat oustinus o manufacture their oeletusted , 'HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS • and will sell a better machilio, for less money than can be bad elsewhere - In the world. Ws claim for cur machines that thiy will do es With, or more, than any other, and are acre durably bunt j We personally superintend our work and nes that it Is well down. We will send ! • DINIRIPZIVE CATALOGUES.' of sir machines, on sipliestion. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Our f Two Heise .rmutvine E ,upluwpas. mum= end CLEARIERX FANNING If - OUICIILLIS MCD nue saw ram^ • ; SAW AND GRIST KILL work done to order. Give use all beim" purchasing eliwaters; 'V& ''co craciaavia Vaxigiv "00 If aooas, .88.2.1869. THE NEW IMPROVED ~ L U . M aC . Il ad a . a g L M fa M CEI H. A. ant and AWARDED TEE "MEDAL FOB PEOGE • L TME Moans Oxon as liArzcar." Awassiro As sax Eirosmosr. • 10-etwaG mecimullutErnD A ffiCrEga PRIZE. • AMA 0000 MIMI I.—A New Invention thonighly !bitted sad' se. cured by - Letten Patent. - 9.—Yaks u perfect lock stitch. alike on both sides. on all kinds of goods. &—Bans Usk& Nat West lind Rapid— best cointdmMon ot 4.—Duzable—rots yetis without repairs 5.-11131 dortormenner su.mrieties ot work and Fancy 6. attic* impa —in Is Meet war sciaaged by the operator. Length of stitch may be altered addle runm and tbe machine can be threaded without pasdligerma billenham. elegant tormlng the stitch without the use at cog wheel pers, rotary cams or knit arms. UM the Antoci MB Drop Feed, Insures =Mx* length et Midi at way Nu oar now Thread Controller. 'blob, at. taws emy movement of needs bar ad prennits jury to thread. - 8.4-Cotuarucgon most ctkotal and finished. Ills nisautsciored By the mod *anal and expetimed mechanics, at the Celebrated aItitINOTON Nom vim N. Y. ptgpumpau, 810 CIINIMUTT 82'. \ , 6 Ir Mlr 0 if ba sop. • anted visiting pply the Notos =I NM = Opposite the new IMI TOWANDA, PENWA. 11:6*1:41:11isiiftDcUl F,M¢Y - 10ARItILGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, 414778FAM10X., 1".1M!,!rr.1 sxna sruum. MAN DRILLS, And all kW" of MILL• 'IR.ONS 31.1 DE ZIORDEIL 1`): • ode) A 4110 : • sZo stzi PLOUGHS, Of aU , ► CHURN POWERS, u:c,p,ts qaexra. LARGE IRON NE= AT 4IENN/L.1873 la ameba Ng ft /Ma" .• • •:[ EEO = • • ,• I - NoO_ABE /4E*WARDEI, WlEbisio 7ihis ti • FAMILY:LGAOCERIES 373 PRO ri • ! IA We do weans LI Marta Midas In keg. ALWAYS COMPLETE. w. sell,niddag bat ST CLASS GOOD A. / - doh pal for Pumas March k IEO. NEWSTFAM The imbierib deltas :00 Ati 4 Is now iri saccesshil opera pared to do Al work In Isis COBTOM OBERDING DO TEAT, IT tS: Iggsl PA/MOM= NOTI wed dile of the dyer • VIA Ws their bdwg grids dim - : 97 rE adwil C o B. PATCH, WHOLESALE iAND RETAIL D: nq • im35;im7311 TOWA The beet breads of gl2l The highest price Pak' COUNTR,Y, BUTTER, POUL EEi!HEr,i2 Towanda, Jan 14. 1674,1 BARGAINS IN STOVES! ARE, HABIYWARE,. DION a NAILS, • • CI ARPEN CM MI Given to all parch IL T. 3 HARDWA • TOW *n. 11. 'II. HMtDQI7AR CHES, SILVE DL ~ 1 liaa NEW JEWELRY STORE, Is the building loaner Tim, with a Inge moth American and Fine Gold Jewe Gold Sets, CHAINS e . . RINGS, CHAIN BR ; CELETS. BUTTONS,. PINS • &c. &c. &o. &c. \ - A Coll line Oscan, samze and plated ware. . SPECTACLES H, EYE SPEOTA GLASSES 01211 kinds—Gold; Oyer and Stoat. • . . nation, • • . • CLO . • t. i ram the dumped to th best, end away other evades too numerons to nation, bet to be seen by, g. . , N. RENDICLICAN. N. N. Watehas. GaAs :emery repaired by recital workmen. and 74E51 . Towanda. Non 10. IS ' - i . , - QATRE.—THE NEW TOWN or. kJ MM. PA.. Is innate& on the Einsquebraus Riven between Waverly. N, ethane. Pe. 13 mais from the Anthredni. 48 , miles from the turn !snood 88 mfles from the Neentalturulnous Cod Ithem of Penusitructs. It tbe Bcath of thelkeithein (hartnil almathe Ithaca Athens Italhoel. and II rhutallr the Swithern tersdnue of the Letdeh Valley and Pa. • N. T. Rill roads. It ts smW and quarter from the Ma Itail i mas wave. nee l tete dowdy In successful *radon slaw Ilbed Tomdm. • Foral live Foolery. a Flour ing NUL. Woolen ano a Planing 11111. A els mos growth Is estbalietkior 1874. TO MOT re now near for examinail . Lots ihr irablanCes sod bumble*, places for di on reasonable berms: Its favorable location main It e 1)28111411LiPOINT iturcrucTinum, and Induceinents . ctlerecl. at the Illret 1I lienh. of Wirnetr q ' or stamp in ages, hp 111441. 1/011aND 111 Xis ~B~tOIQ 111 MO ONS, TO/PANDA. PA; sesamosis sit ths ausststosit is Pridoos. WOE Nana WIL 11:DWARDIL lIRTZWItML 17E'. PA give notice that his new n I MM ;E=il OWE! SAXE DAT By* and Ir Tlcrora, C tor om salMeal,t he a Persons Maga on tha to patronise my mill. ways. when they . 8 ATZMIL *, PROVISIONS, 321 II It- EN ALWAYS ON HAND 'or all kinds of P RO DIJOF, RY AIM GAME, filling ordsn. Goods n►here In the Borough. C. B. PATCH. ' TOOLS, EM Ea -ors for Cash, at NE'S E STORE, A, PA: JEWELRY W A El EWAN ' ON BE/DOE ETREM 000ttpLed by Youg & • of Gold Ind Silver • miss Watches, PH )121 FOB ,tzgr, AT'TES .1 NEW JENFELICY 8110101 • V. A. SOMME& Is exodus* is addltten to bit lugs Ooet °Chula: . EIOLD ISms. PINS, BANDS, RINGS. STUDS, CHAII3I9, A.1022110A1t and 81918 ,T GOLD #111:0 SILVIO:. WATCHES,. U.VER PI.J77D WA.= I AiLL! V I. GOLD. SELVDD, *an !TM SPEOTACLIS. 13ELVER AID PLATED - 1113(311 41.1c0 ' ; ,I* aLOCKS Of Alf desciiptiozuk at the loirasi prices WATCH. CLOCK and MEW= 'repdring done - Is the best meaner. and warranted. , 'Manta fora li beral patronage and' bop* to merit a ecmthaztattee of tha same. o Towanda. 1c0i . . 1.2. '73 O, A. BLACK OITEBB T . CROCKERY OF VARIOUS PAT TERNS, And as low as the lowest 'GLASSWARE, TABLE Cu i'LEBY, 811 4 EA PLATED WARE, wboi? SPARE,' TONEE WARE, BIRD CAGES, GLASS SHADES, I wOuld say to the palate that. on any goods kAp in stock I wit' not .;:e andersold.! Towanda, Feb. 19, 1878 'TAT A: CHA.MBERLAIIs.i, f.. • • • DrAT•va FINE:JEWELRY, WATCIIES . AND CLOCKS, •C WA DA,' 1 t • Jn^e'2. 1874. DANIELF. BEATTY d: CO., or ISELTIT ;PLATT'S CELEBRATED GOLDEN TORQUE PARLOR OR GANS. Are -ranked hf - imilnent musicians and diatin guished men of horror in this country and in Eu rope, as the leading parlor organ now inmei. We Challenge any maker to equal therel For Church, .Sabbath Schools, Lodges, anwtell as the parlo'r, they have no equal. Testimonials and cards of honor are constantly being received in their favor. An offer. Where we have no agents we Will allow any one wishing to purchase one of our organs, the agent's discount ' Also to any responsible rim wishing to purchose one of our organs from a dis tines, and peeler to see and examine it before pay ing for it, the same will be granted them by sending ns a _recommerulattor ~ from the cashier of your nearest bat or some prominent man in your vi cinity, and the organ is not just as represented, you have the liberty to return the same at our ex pease, we paying the freight both Ways. It is with pleasure weintroduos the 001.0121 Tow 'us, know that it will me universal aatiallection. as it pos. 'sues many advantages over all others.. The tone excels in fullness, and the deep vibration of sounds an evidence that it stands first as to merits of all musical Instruments now in use. ' We select s few abstracts from letters and edito rials which we are constantly receiving in favor of our organs, and Irish you to read them : We cry ..Enzeka." for ire found what we wanted. I; P. WICALII, Harrisburg, Pa. I sm pleased with.the sweetness of its toile. PROF. N. P. VAX LI3II.L.NEE, Idolir.e, Pure u gold —Daily Patriot ' • Our intake canes call to see it. They are de lighted with it. ago. L, PBEET, Altoona, Pa. We would recommend this excellent instrument to the =sloe world, for its fineness of tone.—Pe, tersburg (Indium Democrat. ' Combines sweetness and strength in its tone.— Lewistown Gazette. For guality; . promptness andZempilsits of tone they areunegimiled. PROF. BORT. BRNO& I canlirith pleasure recommend it tp any In want of a drahclaas parlor organ. PROF. O. 111:7XGER, Midway City I sea wen pleased With them ."4. B. SECIEIBIST. • Hagerstown. Md. I inn - Pleased with the tone of the instruliesit. WM. ROBERTS, Brook L. L First among its advantages is the great scope of its expression; being constructed to play the softest music, and. when &teed, to increw, its power. Can either gradually or ituddealy produce more vol• ume of tone than any other organ of Its class. This is accomplished by our new Patent Double Forte tkrell, so arranged th■t the sound is thrown out by a direct rootage through the cue. We desire that" every family throughout this coruitry, as welt's Europe. may test Its wonderful musical product*/ qualities. Orders have been re. calved at Each rapid rates that we have been cora. felled to enlarge the mumfectory, and put on a still larger forte of skillful mechanics in order to supply the demands. We, however, now are happy to an. menu that we ean fill orders promptly and with the utmoit dlipateh. We also call . the attention to our world-renowned • EUREKA PUt247O. This Piano is fast gaining *mutation u the lead ing ptano•fortenaw to use: I - Saud for 'Unstated price Bit and salist of testi monials, some of, whom you may knew tudsg our organs front the gut six months toguenteen year. Address; DANIEL F. BEATTY It CO., Aug ._ 6tf. Washington, Warren Co.. New Jersey, . . • TN OR SALE.—The itundriber fera his farm for sale. situate:fin North Ghent, Sheshequin township, containing 106 acres. 80 acres Under a good state of cultivation, goodiratar, good or:chard, the barn good for a few years• now sheds and a new dwelling hoise,.and a good school house stands on the place. Terms 'reasonable. Yor fur this tnlormailon writeor apply to Wyk, .TORNsON, Stitch. Bradford Or, Seiwe . UG TS! gift* oxisaftvely ropslrsd tbkr , dor* Mud. luny Opened! wit h lap. new, and well ro weed • --got A am . . =mg, Fault, Ecoxis ammo_ • • -, TOWDEEO4, 0 - Ti4crstrzza, Inns. kCk, • ID DYES NECKLACES, FXTRA PURE TOBA -1 I POPII i I I TOILE Mare than from 9 o'cl Dr. M unlzty of • W.A. ROCKWELL. Towaads, CAprre t x, 41 , 0. J. Stralls Fur, ... ... / .. 40,000. ._ . —.... I 1 TM. offers UNWELL% FUJELIXIM fat the transact:ton t s GENE , L BANKING BUSINESS. .. ___- I 1 LI) INTEREST ON D.r.coualu ACCORDING TO AG/MEM:NZ err= no Tut 13i. Oorancstpu Of NFoie . 1. 1 . tatting to mom ultra= ! to any part of the A England. L - elaufl.ficotland, or the prin • Ina 14 'was of EarolA4 ran' procure tt purpose. ' i PASSIGE TlCrEra 1 -r— -. . .1. @vs ••I J ibes UnitedB • rival cities drafts tor • , cad courdr7, bpgt AeaM/{/ ost To on bond. : nortzars imema - mr OPER .11r RYA r=lll ZiA r SZI. ,_' I ffigtheit paid for U.B wends, Bold mood aunt 1 0& POVIV.LL, Trealrient. .1. D I ETTiI Js I December 1.18G9. • lisaralor. EM The ~ Girls an rushing BASKETS, RFD, aw 10:u . the lice a. F 0. A. BLACK. FAM Kept at ,the gat a pUe oi COU.NTRY PRODUC 12 the Had, jWhte.dc Eine ::o of i, ' BII3 I .IIHALL & HEIGHT, BUDGE STEEET TOWANDA Towanda ;an 28 1100111-BINDRY.—TIELE PUBLIC is respectildlyinforizeird that the Book•Bindary had been removed to the . ..Reporter" path:ling. tart! et•:ry, where witi be dOne • 7 ' _ • • . 0 -BINDTN d! • 1 Lu all its varor.s branches, on terms as "reasonable as •the times" will allow. The Bindery will be un der :he chair„a of ' 1 1 " l . , a. e. , wariArant I ... - r • , . .. , 1 , An ei.perieneed Binder, and all work will be promptly done in a style and manner which cannot be extolled. Music, Magazines, ...Newspapers,, Oid Rooks, dr. bound in every variety of style. Particular' /mit: t,on will be paid to'tias linli n g and Binding tf. 1 . I - 1 I i • ' • .. , BUNS iOOO, H . 1 . - •, 1 i i •I I -, s To any desired pattern, which z 11/311 workand dots bilitywill he warranted. I i All stili,te reedy for deliery . w nen promised, The patro age of the public is solicited, and per. feet Latta:lion guarrantem4 , • Towanda, August 2. 1866.-41 , r l. , • 1 • L 0 T IiBIE CITIZMLS OF FN EN SYMNIA,—Ytnir attention is y in cited to the tact that the National are now prepared U receive subscriptions to• the Capital Stock of the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from this scours. are to be employed m the erect! m of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expenses connected withtr lame. .t is confidently behooved that the Keysto • Juno will be represented by the .naniehof every dal 14M ten alive t patriotic commemoration of the e hundredth irth-day of the nation . The, shares of stock are red for Siff each.. and subscribers will receive a duo ar t y steel engraved Certificate cif Stock,• suitable fir framing and preservation as Si national memorial. I 1 Interest at theists of six per cent per antieru will be paid on all pliments of Centennial Stock freto date of pernent to January 1, line. 1 .., Sebscribers who are not near S a National Bank (=remit e'check or post-oSice order. to the unde i r. signed. • i - . FEEDS. FTIALEt, Treasurer, `Sept 1, '73. 904 Walnut St.. Phirs.l , i,. I THE PLACE TO I3UY YOUR -- - , HARNESS iND : HORSE FR ,u 8 ENY ' ALTS,,i, Is st C. F. HATTON'S. in the store lately. occupied by. Julia. ll'olff as a Clothing I fttors. Having re moved my estabilahment to mods conmacations sad convenient quarters. I reinjiacrally invita my old customers, and all in want of anything in th)litto of . . 1 - T 1 1 Ien_NESS,RADDLEII, NETS, ILLN/EILTP.WHIP I'i • , &c., &c.. to I give me a call. faeling satiated that from the facilities "possess for praising stock, I call dp a better db, at a lower prici,than any other es. tibliehmen in the county. p • t DON'T FORGET THE PLA'7I ZEE DOOR lg- LOW THE FOX & llEECtift s rpm. May Vt. . j O. F. DITTO)). BAkijiit Y AND DiyING ROOM. it block owe of R rd Hauge, - , PIES, cAir r rlcitAc i iik4;,' DIALED Di • sold ..at Wholesale BAWL In our D4LNO , WOKS welkin sooonainodste tbs public with either $ lunch or e good =teal at an times of tht day and i • i OTIMMJI 3RD ICY ica, bUT.I2iO BP.EADI dsdl • 'meta szOsot • • lidao a fasalsartmea t of Gkiaci i itekOaafratiaaezy, rimits, Nati. tc. • F 1 Inner tf FOR "ALE.— T. DESUILBLIE Dwzi.L.urOS. • • " CENTRALLY LOCATED, I ON EASY TERMS • . Vonthiy retments tai's I spOrtion of the per cbase money. • t! 'J3E114.1814. • A. J. 'oats & /4 0 0 13{ FARM FOR BA.L.E ,Oheap, contapilni about 73 acies,abont lineal ft • proved, formerly wawa by 4. It. Bowniwa. deed Log house. good trams barn, good water, young basting frni; two, and situate in Air= tarp, fair nide* from Towanda. Tema buy. Maguire of S. G. Tewavik or • M 14 1 1:0014.411:Gir een . Ei=r 29 ' 7 tf. WOXLIPSI • DrugglUt 3 bOkbml. - & GORDON, MVOS'S *LOQL IDWANDA, , FS, MACHINE OILS, Wt,C)iimE. ALaOrto-:, AND LIQUOI*I For ittiknlthwpmea. 0, mk.47 - uFir AND CIGARS t PATENT MEDICLNE I ' ' And &Pine Assolinneat of AND FANCY GOODS. . • tutualcare and attention giyan to th ik 0,f .m.,t01 p.m. k tiOnt S pen pazi,:to7daples can be consulted at the store OR Eat h week, as heretofore. D. H. TURNER. , . ' .17. G. 69111/011. May 7,1874: 1 NATIONAL BANK OF lOWA DA. '• = . $125,000, o3:mts FOR THS I I BED, wEITT & BLUE. I .MP, -TRAMP TRAMP ' Ts are Marching, and the d Men and Women, too, all I tor their Groceries to the ' 1 1 1 TRITE, BLUE STORE. & PROVISIONS r4RO eaper :Lan the cheapest. Elerythinic, I,:iverits t Prolisiops, .' 0 .0 ii, , .•E E D KNIR. LY GROCERIES • 'Red, White & Bing Storo-, !C.onas an goods fora little money. . HOT Pli nil) LN C3€ol FO THE HI D. W. 50027 it 00. MN BYEVPS. , 1