II II Paffetdileporter 11 II ' 'rowan;ls, IltOrs4i ) Nov. 5, 1874. AND GENERAL, r" LOC THE Wintei ,quarter of the GrtOed School, will open Monday, Nov. 9. WE Els= attention to the new business focal- of Axfl. 801.4:4163,i beado i d "Nlection tows." '" G. B.f DAvisON, of Troy;:recentl4 , sold eight! lainc44l barrels of apples in.ithe Shamokin oil region. L A wnExcz Sze a, a fortner employe of this offic l e, - has:otir thaas`for late copies of N' r x Orio .3 papers'. [ . , i ITi friends of las. J. P. VANFLEET 1 . will bo rejoiced to learn that she is :rapidly re covering frearter late dangerous illness. 1 1 ; . Rxv.- d. S. Fox, formerly pastor o the 31.. E. Chuich of this Otos, is no* t Presid ing Elder of a district in Michigan. • HALLOOS AILUSTBOICEI , Will preach at the Scoir School-Rouse, Toaranda tour E 6ip, on Sund4, Nor. 8, at 2 o'clock r. s. I . . A sisEr and pillow-case party was given by Mrs. M. M. SPALDIN6; on Tuesday younglaid. It wig, largely attended by the people of tbia place. , Ray• J. S. STIRAILT will address the Towanda, Total Abstinence Society in the M. E Church, on Wednesday evening pest. All are Invited to attend. :14 TEE Presbyterian Mite Society will meet at the house o! E. 0. Gemiltrett, en tea -day evenfing next, November 10. AU areeor dially invited to beiresbnt. REv. C. E. Illcir-v.trxr., Rector o Chrid,Chnrch, returned froin the General Con vention on Saturdayi last. The Thursday even ing - services will beti reanmed ibis week, com meni:lng et 74 o'clock. 1 . i - ' , 4 TUE generja ;agent of one of the Istge fire inimilineeiernpazifee,4nformed ne the other-day that hie ',company had paid out on leases in this conntofly thousand &Alin more than they had rece4Tcl in premiume. WE-OLLras, klcome to ,the *busi ness and social circles of the cmu'y, the Mes.srs. Snozalastt Brothers, who hare par- Classed the Masofi Bill property, near Monroe tan. Weicommenfl them to the patioriage of, the people of this ct , LIE pacers, teaclers and iclolars of tho Macedonia:: 13un2ay-achool, tender their, tratinert thanks to Profeasur WILEON and wife Protersor Va.l4Ess and daughter, for the cry excellent- entertait.ment given It Et week. -- • , I • ROLL' OF HONOR at the Towanda Graded School, or denies of stn , lentstrith per fect record in stieudance, deportment and studies, ter the creel: eadkry, Nor. 30 : BL2.1111F; GEOIIIIE LITTLE, LIE Fowits, FAANi_BIEL2B, PATTIE SztvE I NR, Efisra,lizuLics. 1 - THE : many friends of Mr. and Mrs. lif et N .. iTtosarb, Cr Concord, N. C., will ha pained to learn of their severe , affliction in the death of their eldest child, a beautiful and bright little girl. The sorroiriing parents veill receive the lieart felt: condolendo of a large circle of friends in Ih!i rilace. '-ii. i I .1 A 31 T uttai, Insnrance.Company has teen- organized in Tuscarora township. due provlsion of the By: I -Laws will protect the orga nitttion From. frnallt it that if build iggs own'ed by may wieinlie.• of the company who is in debt, are burned, the amount of his policy shalt be applied toward repairing or re building' the psropqrty destroyed. MR. AND -Uri. R R. DELoso . entt7- , !aimed iu a most hospitable manner, •st large nnall-erlof tliel.r Granger friends, on Tuesday eveninght had week. The evening was spent in a- very pleasant Manner, and the collation would have retielte - a credit on t a professional caterer.' The occasion will long be remember ed with Vlessare 11.7411 who participated., TUE lecture on temperance deliv ered by D. C. DeiVrx - r, *Esq., on Wednesday __aveniag last,. was listened to by a largel and delighted audience. It was pronounced one of the vc-rY - best arL.uments on the eriblect . !ever gifen an audience fa this place. We cordial ly , vtdc4nte Mr. D . to the noble barid of philan- IlinJpiste;.nho preceit and practice, are en deavoring to rid g..e tvorid of the greateit valise under thotran. Isioun obituary department we to- I • • day. 4:immune l ithe decease of two old arid respefted rest:lents or •Towands town ship. I On the I.lth GI August, tiaras Ibicawat.t. -Bow - is died, ind two months afterward, on the li;th of Oather; her aged hnsbau l d - follow; ed h4r. kr..alid Mrs. 130 - tvSIAN ' , ere ~inarried in 1S:16, and rii,!e. - 1 fur marl y Ilfiy-eiglit years on the fare; niiTowa., tawio, why.re they died. friends Trust that although they were 60..tr t tel fur a aliur: t ms herei they -are re-united in the better world to which they hay^ , one - 1 . -- • PEItSDNATit — Our able .and interest iing - Wishingtdn porrespondent, JoEsi :!..1111.y.11, accorapinied la his wee, his Inca spending in thi s count-. , VI —ll-i B 1 , 4E3 ' rare.3.l 31.;; c - ra Tn.srox, .is isiting 31. SPALDIN6, in this Owe. --Dr. A. SE.Saa and wife, of Texas; aro visit ing Mrs. s.'s n'arenta, Mr, and Mrs. M. S. Wag ing; or Milan ; and oilier Nen& in this comity. F R. Sum; is absen% as :a= visit lo her children, who ire at reliliol. '.--D. 0. iinta. ,, N .11:1 daughter, and N. B. OrEnArcx ?riend.9 in the city of New ICIE=II ED. REI9RTER : We notice in your pa•per of the42l mat., as avount of a " re markable feat "of sawing, at a mill at Ileattop- AX.4I, NT run" o! 18,328 feet teas made in 9 haurs and 45 Minutes. The mrinthly report of work of the Wolcott Hollow Mil,' in Athens township, thews that in 22 daYs, 301,041 feet were sailed; and on the 24th the large amount of 22,314 feat; of l+nards were cut with one circa. tar eaw in S hours atul,S minutes; without antr picking of Coke. )Ir. JO9lllll CAAP,DII.I., in the same c•nt do one day - 10,900 lath, with the help of a boy. The mill is ran .by Hr. Das T. Lreso. BIIADLE7 as head sawyer, who claim to be able to make the above figuree look Inuitl when beaten by any other mill. - • D. P. Pats. lAttaca-c, 6 --t fs9 • A. CLIF, Folt that TmEs.--AVe clip the following. trona the Lyearning Gazette and Bulief in, and commend_the course of lir. Bin ' sac to other ealfitalmts throughout the country. By such means much 'of the wagering incident to the "hard times" could be alleviated: , "Thursday, Peter Herdic closed a contract With Meier*. Bnbrtgbt & Dorman, builders, to erect thirteen new brick residences in this city. These buildings are to be first-class in every 'Articular, and when finished will be an orna. ment and credit io.Williamsport. Work will be commended immediately, the ;dabs and speci fications hiving already been pf i wared. Mr. Rill have charge l ._ th C. A. Ruhright w at work, which is a gnarantee;that it will well well done. Arrangemeuts have also been concluded with David Steumpfle for doing the brick work on four additional buildings to be commenced at once alto. These seventeen reliidefices, with those already in process of construction by Mr. Herdic, make over Ittenty first-clue bnildings, which he is now putting up in this city.. He _has engaged in these enterprises with a view to giving work to as many as possible, of those who have been 'hrawn out of employment, and thuirsare them from sulforing. It is estimated that over two hundred tenons will be employ ed nponAhese structures during the greater part of tb - e - Winter, and the wolf. wilt be kept from many a door in consequence." Bnumum ran Itiol.—How many. housekeepers in this place. and vicinity, have! reinembered . Stitt UAW .BenevelenEAkettclaol ' non, as they have been putting away their: _stores foithe season 7- A can of fruit, a glass! of jelly or iireierred - fruit, a bushel of apples,} potatoes or turnips,—Mie or more of these:all-, dos could be spared from am; families, and! be scarcely missed. Yet they mould add great 4 ly to the enjoyineat and strength of the invalid ; a nd the aged poor. Few persons know ,howl necessary it is to have something to tempt she; appetite of the afflicted, and how mach they. think, when .eonvalesoing, about their food.' Let the good work begin now, and let such ar..! tieles be put aside for that purpose se -win', awaken the appetite of the' sufferers, and mg.: gest to them the pleasant thought that they: hare unknown friends, who 'are obeying the . command, "Love ye one another," by minister-: ing unto their necessities. DEED left for record in .the office for recording deede, week ending Oct. ql: A J Lloyd.to J. a Stnner, Feb2s, 1871, Wy: &lasing; Elmer J Stuart to John 11 Sumner, Oct 19,'71, Wyalusing; 11 Gaylord to Amelia A Porter, Oct - 16; '74, Viyalusing; Lucinda 0 Oar; ter. guardian, et al., to Ti. Sullivan, Sept 12; .74, Albany; T P Brown to Jame§ Sullivan, Aug 13, '74, Albany; Minerva P Haman to N Oase, Oct 23, 741. LeLaysville Boro'; Samuel Lyon to 13 Goodwin and 13 W Pitcher, Sept 2, 1 74, Pike; B H Beardsley to Caroline Beardsley,! Aug 19, '74, Lelliyaville; John Etberts to Mu the Taber, Oct 26,'7.1, Wells; Hiller Van Dozer et al. to Miles Coykendail, Oat 27, '74, Litch field; Daniel Bensley to James Wood, Oct. 27, 74, Liiheshequin; Harry Parks to 8 T Cass', Sept 16, '74, Wysox; A B Cass to B T Geis, Oct 20, 74, Wysox; J Wheelei to 0 L Wheeler, April 19, '7l, Troy; H liomeroi et al_to Lydia A Hull, Sept 21, it, Troy Boro; Win B Chase to Lyman Porter, Sept 21, '74, Springfield; Win B Chase to 11 CI Chase, Oct 9, 11, SpringileldCE P Rock• well to Elizabeth Lockwood, June 11,-.'65, Alba Boro; 04e Elliott to Win 11 Jones, 08t..27, '7l, Towanda Boro; W W Decker to Oliver M Brock Oct 21, '7l;' Monroe; John Utz to Benjamin Williams, Sept 14, 1872, Albany; John Utz to Win Brown, March 27, '74, Albany; Geo Ear- fort to John Utz, April 22, 1874, Wilmoti Wm Brown to John Utz, May 20, '7l, Albany. SEASONABLE HlNTS.—There are two matters which it becomes housekeepers just now to look after. The first is the comfort of their residences daring the change from Sum mer to Winter. There is no house which would nut be the better for tho heating of ono or more apartments,-especially at morning and in the, evening. In' residence( supplied. with grates, or with those taro but moat desriable conveniences, old-fashioned fire-ply aes, a great deal ofAltivering may be avoided by utilizing them. In any house a stove may be placed in some room and tend greatly noCinerely to the comfort but the health - of the family. A great deatis said of the "capricious" character of our climate. But the same is said of nearly every climate; and the difficuity is not in the weather, but in the little care that is taken to meet tit mospherie changes which regularly happen. - Childhood and age are peculiarly sensitive to cold and dampness; and in the Autumn month, are laid the foundations of coughs and lung diseases, which continue through the Winter at least, and perhaps permanently weaken the constitution. A little care and trouble xonid obviiite this evil. - Another precaution to; be taken is in the examination of flues, stove-Pipes and other heating apparatus. Many fires (more, indeed, that cause public alarm being fortu nately discovered in their beginning) are caus ed by defective heating apparatun. The disuse of these things lc the Summer season leaves them to decay or disarrangement. The great difficulty in the way of early houie-heating, is the goodly terror which the laiihea have of thee. 'They say thittit keeps the pists alive' to pro tract the warmth of 'Summer ; by artificial means. But it is scarcely worth while to sacri fice certainly the ce;mrert and probably the health of the whole family, merely to permit an atniclii)ie•e in which thee will become tar p:it A BEFOGGED CLEIIGT3IAN%--Tile Rev. Hon. Gnottas Larinox found himself literally iy a fog on Monday morning last,, under the fol lowing circumstances. It appears that he had been called to officiate at a funeral on Sunday, at Wyoming, and remained there over night. In the morning he was anxious to take an earb train for . Bradford county, and in order to ac complish thin, he resolved to cross to the east side of the river and take the cars at Port Blanchard. He was furnished with a Canoe, sud feeling configeut- that ho,nonld pull aver safely, ho pushed oat into tlie_ river. A dense fog hung over , the waters at thti and . when ho was a few rods from shore, he found himself' enveloped in its impenetrable veil and completely in the dark, in one sense. Still Le persevered in his tack of rowing, believing that he would find the oppoitte bank in time. 31an fully he worked away at the oars, castiug occa sional glances around tp see if he could And anything indicative of a landing place.' Nothing ryas observable, howe'ver, until he had pulled about foi over half an Lout, When the bailie'. tinct outlines of Lending trees and sloping meads revealed themselves in the distance. He now increased his efforts, and in a few mo menta landed barely upon the bank: Taking up his overcoat and satchel, he made haste to find !the depot. He plodded across several fields . and finally came in sight of a house. one orwhose inmates ho discoVe'red and inquired or him the way to the Lehigh Valley depot. The man laughed, and' informed him that it wa some i ,distanct over the river. L \NIA scratch ed Lis head, iisa . ,; ',lowly asked where he was. "Wyoming, to be :tire," replied :he sturdy yea s man. Tile grave and reicreml ea-Senator made no rsply, but continued „quietly on hie way to the lionse'of a friend, whereto tad hi story, enjoyed a hearty laugh, and managed to take the neat L14.:.t train far his home.—Pilts- . , fon Gazelle. /he Reverend gentleman has been, in a fog, politicall3, for same years past. THE C.ccroN BArnsT Clivacn.—The follerrirg eketeh of the Canton Baptiet, Chnreh, w7ll provo inteiresqo t s to members of that de riominatioh ' " Towanda 'Creek Cburoh, which originated as early as 1798 or 179:4 extended its labors to the-bead=waters at the creek. As early as 1810 an Albs Baptist Church was formed, located on and between the besd.witters of Sugar Creek and Towanda. That interest was in visible state shoat Piro; years, its Member's thee joining other churches, or remaining iso lated notit 1817418. when the first Canton Churcla was orgiiiiized, having Canton and Alba villages for its principal planes of worship. flourished until its diviaion (1828-301, when the acting majority seemto have become Disciples Campbellites, and retained the Church books._ The others were, however, recognized as the regular Canton Baptist Church by the old Chemung Asso dation, and reorganized tin der the game name., but 'having Alba as their principal rallying point.. It should also be slated that under the labors of Elder 3. R. Bur dick, about 1844, the Union Church arose al most wholly from the Canton Church. "Early in 1854. Elder Wm. H. H. Dwyer commenced preaching in Canton village, and ttei-few Baptiste there formed themselves into a conference. Nov. 1, 1851. a oonneil,.compos et of messengers .from Alba , (then Canton). Union, Springfield, and Towanda churches, wet in the Disciples' house and: recognized eighteen baptized - balieners as the Baptist Church of Canton village. The constituent members numbered eighteen, viz: Wm. H. H. DevereAbrabam Randall, James D. Hill, knaprin, Goodwin Faller, George Mean. Jamas C. Parsons, E. Q. Greenleaf. and Sisters Anita Parsons, Mary A. Rundall, E. A. Homo, J. Dwyer, Knappin, Miller, Lucy Hill, Anna Griffin and Lydia Rundall..by letters prom sister churchee, and Sarah B: Parsons by experience. Of these all have died or been die missed. excepting Brothers Rmodall, Hill and Fuller, "Elder I/nails labors ceased May 3, 1856. About that time, Elder 'Ebenezer Looniis be came 'pastor, and remained such for many yams. There was little advanne—the number ship - being reduced to thirteen —until the spring of 1860, when George T. McNair, then a Licentiate from Lewisburg, aided lb a series of meetings which resulted in an addition of elgti teen members to the little band. In 1864, Vld. Edwin A. Francis aided a pedl effort - When eight were baphzed in April 19, a 1865, Eg , giestori Barrows was ordained lb the ministry while a member at Canton. Elder Loomis re siir,ed hie pastorate it. 1846, and James McDon ald, (iicentiste.) supplied the pu.pit fora time. Oct.. 25, 1867. J: L. Watson was ordained so the nth:list" and pastorate of the church. In the Ander of 1871-2. without any bniside help, the ft:arch was cheered by an addition of twelve by baptism. He resigned dept.l, 1873, and on the first of January, 1874, George P. Watts= commenced his pastoral care. 4 ',Ah ahem Randall, James McDonald, and James D. Hill have served as Datums. and James C. Parsons,- Wm. W. iipauldusjc. T. O. Hollis, W. V. Bleen, and James 0. Whitman, as Clerks. "The. - ehtr . oh at first aided a Uniun Sunday. school, but in 18G7 commenced a aspirate school, of orbieti Jas. Ifebonald, Judson Dann, and J. B. Shaiapeare, bare been returned u Superintendents. - 'Thertgtyetrinitnmoese&sregtafter lie , onnnicatarmiand an early effort , was made to :build a hnelte of W 01; gni= .thaiihaillitektred its theta; trite and the hall in which they had worshippedWei 001;1101214 by Are, end, for a Uwe, they had the , use of the Discs*si niestinpholue. There is' no record in the church book, but it is stated' that the Baptist 1100e,orinrahl, p was dedicat ed Oot. 9. 1861.• Alba I "In 1860 ; the church at Albs having chaug ed their name from 'Clinton' to "AlliS ° the: church at the village dropped "Mime brim their lupe, .alul has am been known ae the - Canton Church. The two chnrciies have gen-. erally co-operated in maintaining a pastor. "Towaras the house of worship, at Canton.: Elder E. Locale :eiwitribulear shoot $6OO, ands his devoted labors - to Oankin and Alba are fondly remembered. • " There have been 114 member! _of gm church durbajgbitteto yeall Of Wilmee ile an independent body- Of these, eighteen were constituent members. thirty-nine (two a year) have been added by baptism, twentiosight by , experience and former baptism, and fifer-nine by letters from other churches, showing that its principal increase has been along with the growth of the village. From those, thirty-usren• have been dismissed by letter, seven removed by death, and a few by erunritind exchision.°, ED. REPORTER One of the most pleasant affairs of the Season, csme a at the residence °I'M.. /111 AC Wimp!, in Highland; on Wednesday evening last. It was a donatiOn party given for the Windt of BeT. Elikr*s Aattamooso, of Monroeton, who is highly es teamed as a moat worthy Christian I gentlenien The evening was plumed very Pleasantly, MI& _variety of games and entertainments, until a 'late hour, when It was crowned with a delicious oyster supper. In - this connection, we should not fail to speak in praise of the graceful man ner hi, which the; daughter of the host, the beautiful . end - accsoropiished Hiss W., received the guests and conducted the ceremonies j of the evening. The receipts for the - paster were quite large, though we did not-learn the exact amount. A faztvithri•Wr.l WAIIRM 111118.--As there' been much Said in your paper about whit lies transpired in our town, I will give you 4 few iteme to lot people is adjoining towns knew what is golngjon here, The weather has been very : pleasant all the Fall.' Last night, however,. we had a little snow "squall," reminding us that Winter islet hand. " * The crops are nearly gathered. Apples are Plenty:and eider•making la . In fall blast. The barns are well filled, and we . don't oare how soon Winter puts In an appearance. In answer to the strUclein our paper, bead ed "Brutal Assault," I wish to is; that I knew it to be false, and feel very indignant to think that there should have been be anything of the kind published, as we know AttNOLD to be a man of good moral character; and has been an 'acceptable member, of the M. E. Church for many years, and bag been connected with the same. ARNOLD says (and his atate naent is borne oat by aye good witnesses); that he merely went into the field where WHEAT was at work, to ask him for .pay for mast `Srld potatoes, which he had owed 'him for oeirty two yeays, and WUaAT rehired •to pip; after which they bad some words, and Ansou, start ed to leave.: WHEAT followed bim, for some fifteen rods, with his hoe in band, threatening, swearing, and ordering him off his plemiies. When they came to the bow, Aswan stopped and said :- "Pay me, and I will leave; where upon WHEAT made an assault upon him with his hoe. ARNOLD they pulled out some lof WnIT'S whiskers. If any people in tbe.neigh hark od are indignant, (save one, A. J. Naw aux;the malo-driver,) they are . indignant too canoe Ansoix did n't punish him more, severe. lv. But A. T. WHEAT is tco well known to re. quirt) any eulogy at oar bands. Seiko to say, be has moved away from Warren, and peace and quiet reign throughouliatio** - Warren Centre, Nov. 2, 0174.• Irmts from the Northern Tier Ga t zdte : HonAc BALLLUD, of Columbia tetra ship, met with a very distressing accidedi, on Monday afternoon.' Re had• moonily pnrebas ed ono of PHILLIPS' patent corn huskers, and after husking his own crop, had begun busking the crop of Pzuro FteErum, when along' ter ward evening, in working the machine, bia left band was drawn into it in someway and crush- ed between the rollere,' up to the wrist. Doe tors Truce and Aiitu. were called in to dress the band, but it is hardly probable that Wean be eased. --Judges Moimow, of Towanda, and BILVILEY and MAISABD. of Williamsport, and Lmat, of Bellefonte,' were present at the court this week, while candidates were so thick that the suer tion of one fell)w, that he threw a eione at a dog and hit five candidates; was taken 'al an unfortunate circumstance, and not as it joke. Maim. M. L, Scorr, 13. LAtor.rs, J. Powirm., J. N. OALirY, J, H. WEnw,.ll6anta SaaPmit?, A. Sulu., Dr. V G. Tascr, and a host of others supposed to be on the aisle, hay. suddenli ac quired en intensei interest in the Troy court. Glad to see them —Tho Methodist society of East Troy,lhare purchasedlhe house and lot of J. A. .11ti.c. for 11,000,`•tor a parsonage for their new, min'isler, S. A. CUUDIICCE. —A Mrs. CASIMAN, of Fox township, had her left leg above the knee broken by a runaSysy in (Anton, on Saturday last. • —By acarious coincidence, little Nanl Hoe tar's,dog was killed by is train et tlii; same place where the little bny receivedids injuries, a diy or so , after the boy's death. —B. F, DEEDS has been.using - hie brush in an artistic way of late, producing some fine pieces. One, fall of rich colOr and good work, entitled 'A Morning in the Tropics," has been purchas e" by a seutlenan in Canton. A little sketch in oil of the Troy Catholic church, hangs in the Post-OPacc. - _ --After Monday, Oot. 26, 1971, the following trains on the Elmira and Canandaigua Division wilt be antialled : Niagara Express north, be. twe.en Williamsport and Carivadaigua. Niagara Express south, between danandedgas and El. mire. • r ,TIIECOTISTRY UT.IMXIIAN—POSTACti Furs roa 1875.—Th0 Coimyry Genflman Is published wzievr on the following I terme, when paid strictly in adrinee-: One copy, one year, $2.50; four dopier, SID, and an additional copy for the'year free to the vendor of thoclnb; ton copies, R 2 p; and an additbnil copy for the year free tolhe sender of , the club. - The Counte'y Gentleman possesses, an nn egnaled-corps of corresPondente, regular, and occasfona', among the beet farmers In all parts of the country, and constantly reflects the prep- Coal condition and progress of the husbandry of every section of the United States and civi lized world. The 'Country Genaent'on gives in its HOrti cultural. Department a continuous Sitriety of information and suggestions, equal or superior in the aggregate to what is obtained in the monthly numbers of most msgasines devoted to Hortic.lture. rite Cour,lry Gentleman has - probably done as much as all other. journals combined, to in troduce and disseminate Improved Stock of every kind through the country; and Com mands, to a greater degree than any contem porary, the contldenco and supp-irt of breeders and purchasers. - Ttu , Country Gehtleinan contains ;unusually full and trustworthy Market Reports, and de- Votes special attention to them and to the prospects of the crops, u throwing light upon One of the mostiimportant of all unestions,-:- Man to Buy and When to &11. The Cbuntry Contleirtan embrices numerous minor departments of a practical- diameter, such as the Dairy, the Pon.try Yard, the Apia ry, the Vineyare, and'so en, and : weekly pre:. senttka column or two for the housewife and an interesting variety of Fireside • Reading. It contains a well editedrciicir of current eventa, and its advertising pages furnish a directory o all the principal agrictiltrital and bortionitur establishments of the country. Speoimen eeptes tree. Address Lrnnat Tranta k Box, Publisher,. A3bsay; N.Y. Tni Parrs or 'lnEwa:o.—We hay' _ bad occasion to refer, ones before" to the elo quent and richly Imaginative dfseonrse on "Zr land's Poets and Poetry." . . se even by the Bey Easter Tows; of Towanda, Pa.,. At that ti. we raid. "it is but fair to mamas _thit c 'had o 'Amens known of the rich pticeet,um 'tree thus offered them, the lecture•roona 6)00- Institute, Urge as it is, would sparsely eon ons.half or those who anntd gladly , have . tended." Owing to the remarks of the visa this city, which gsre the most Praise ta k es Us; Father Tastils elfert, was tsulnoTd to give onr oltiaena tho oppor ty they longed for, and, on %Masada main .. bet. 21, the leot!ft* ,_ *lea b e ftwe a t!' dance Noah as hea not gatbm4l that half since the eloquent Madigan, rather Bow, drew **masses to bear "The History of Ire.; laud told in her Ruins.* Every no,' and cor. net of the Institute hail Will oomplvd, and when, owing to the density of the msemblageo as entrance wu no longer posiibla, a very tai; arable endive°. retired, &appointed, from the, hopeless task of.crushing in through the masa crowded doorway. Of the lecture' itself we need say nothing. Aulrish'endience," (*forte petriotio and eloquent priest, knows how to vs vent to its entl:Mstenni , _ =WON lather - Texas andatioi was not tis all °bay of their demonstretane is this respect. Tat lecture was, in eTery,respect,,a Intitiant nem—lrish kinerica'n: ' ; : • • ir usnas&''ziocto 4111 14 Tba- Novegiteritleaticm • an tikes Ineek in the low *no of gooddiit Mmes. 1081"Ek• to . WErroomo & Stun's, Dieraita /slack, for your Boots and Stationery. The wonder to purchasers is, ukoz eaa son tisnape so how ,0 1 / 1 " A specialty in Ckoaks ! fihawhy itlaatets and Felt Skirts, can be friend at Evans k Etmeaarres. /®r Large stock of Pictntes and Picture Frames, at Warrooste do Su t ures, Iter our's ; lock. The largest assortment styles of Mill inery Goode can tut found at D. Hun's, Bridge•at. latex Mrs. ser An immense stook of, Ladies', Hisser, Children's and Gents' Hosiery and Glov ,at EVAN'S & HLT,DIIBIII'B. All geode Bold by us will be teed as lepresented. Oar terms are and our prices shad be low. - KOXT & Wswoous. gna cash, My stock of Toys and Fancy la large. 0. A. Bunt. Good I . A. full lino of Bleached and Table Linens, Napkins, Crashes, Towel late , at ICZ3V t WATEOVIe. Brow Ingo, Trimming Velvets, Velveteens Cloakinge, way be found et EVANS i& HILDRETIeS. and . DIES !—That Silver-Plated Ware o going to get, either in spoons, Forks, :rs, Knives or Oaks Baskets, Buten is sell ! Ti low for cash. 79a Cu • tog v ArresTioxl—We have a largelline of nnderwear in all grades, bought cherti,, and will be sold low for cash. MINT & The largest assortment of g at low prices at Honnaatsw's. CM Plain White,. Red and Cheek artnels, In all grades, at lowed prime. • Em at WATROUIL rfE Yon can find the hest of ol Shoes very cheap, at Column Coos's. r- The cheapest place in town to b y Millinery Goods, is at Mrs. J. D. lizza.'s, !kid . e•st. - - _ Dna and Cloak Trimmings, ea' Ties, Kid Gloves, andis full sleek of notions, all new and °heap, et I /r 'saran.--L . Miller: or would con.' • a proposition to lease thti mitt to a Baca. or), applicant. G. H. W.m.i.Es yaltiting, Pa. ) Qct. 8,1874. _ Mir A large line of Parat,ols in all he new shades, jest received by 'EVANS & HILDIIETH. lie.l# you wish to see fine gold 3. efry, can at HENDELMAISI.O. 11 M.. A. large stock of Ladies', Mies. and Gents' Underwear, at EVANS & guzatrnee. Stir Several valuable Farms and uses sad Lots for isle by Bram= 41; TRACT. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis d • all affections of the Lungs, tako Anna erry Pectoral. Ile. Wall Paper and Curtains eap st Warreoun Busres. 1/Serew's Block. FOR REST..--A store building, with I waters and shelves complete,.for rent at My- I slnirg. The location a good one for selling kinds of merchandise. Inquire of E. B. rm.. Oct. 2G, - • Fon Sprit.-150 acres of land, in later, near tho Depot, by .TAcon TO3IE, of Port epoeit, 31d. Enquire of A. D. fhurn, Uhtter, is.. The best place to buy Sash, DoOrs and all kinds of Lumber, Is at nowr & Sons. Factory on Charles street. (H -ee 107 Main street. They sell cheap for cash. seirliew goods just revived at M. ENDEIXLVII. Mir All kinds of bbick born, rub -, r and real jet jewelry at very low prices, at HENDELMAN'II If you want the best Cook Stove Matt, call at J'vaa's, in Bermes Block. ' M. For the best Boast or Steak o to Mtn k litriguau.'s. gee. Reversible level land and side bill Plows, improved. Bobber Paint, all colors, durable and cheap Sept. 28—tf. you want to buy Dry Goods, examine TATLOIL 4t, Co's new stock. re►. A full line of Guipure Lace, ink Lice, and Paasmentry Trimmings, jut re.. ceived by EVANS & Hanizsru. Mr A complete assortment of La dies', Gents' and Children's Underwear, at Tartim S. Co's. ler A very large stock of Men's, Boys', Youths' and Children's Boots, Just re ceived at Come & Coax's, opposite the Court Rouse. SIS.. A. B. CULVEB, Wyalusing, is the agent for the New American Sewing Bra. chine, which is taking the leaf of all others. War American and Swiss Watches, largest stock ever brought to this town, st HIMDELNLIOII. . I irlifts J. I). Hua, has just re turned from the city. with a line of Fell•end Winter Millinery. Store on Bridge street. sir Spectacles and eye glasses, warranted equal to _say In the Market, from tha cheapest to the beet, at thanmaamale. tor New Goods this week, at - TAvcos cote Lawn is not generally knovot that Wurrastat, et the Boot Binderyiner the lizroirtsn' office, makes Blank Books in any style of tiling and bliolingjleelred. If you wants new WE; bozos' or Docket, give Wm a eats, - . Entholy -nii* Aka of Dit 110311 Jost os i rned by Stria k Waxon. and elle them it Na. 3, Tmtort & Moont's noq Towanda, ' I, Itygee';i Fon 0 one or P. R. Hay prey, Jane 1, 18 i ..Thy have a choice line of Foreigo and Domestic Dry Goods and Notions, all ndw, at liirxx. h W.172011:71e, Towiods, F. Oc 28, 18 4. Black Alpacas, Mohairs, and Cashmere,, • . 'all qtutlitiet, c h eap, at KENT & WATEOUB'. Fos • —About 20 ewes and 12 . hada. Thee are very fine, long-wooled Lei cent4 Sheep.' Enquireof G. D. BARBER, LT/11. tor, Ps. NO. 4, 1871 stir W#y run the risk of an scot dentf when yhti can get a ticket 'good for 13,- 000 in case of death, for 20 cents a day by call ing On FIIAN Boanann, at upper depot? Drrrnics, music dealer, has o.langed his. bue, and may here snit be found at the corner of Main and Pine etre le, in N new block. , • iar-BICUABB it EDWARDS are pre pared to sell teas of every variety cheaper than any of the le Wing housee in the city, which are sending out heir circulars broadcast over the country. Grangers will do well to give them a call before bnylng elsewhere. Arrtnlyi, 1874.-=-New Goods snits ble for tho sksott, now opening at NO:STAMM. WANT • lies to itdop quire tame Oet. Fox R of Locuat a ' mediate po: usual ratite On and - after Thursday, Oct. 15, Mrs. Moos s cltsplay 'the gaest assort ment of rescly-trlrrune&Flata awl 'Bonnets, for the Fall anll Winter trade, ever on exhibtiion io Towandi. Also Ladies' Furnishing Goods In'erary vaiiety. - • Oct. 15— Fort S China Pigs Back. En, Oct. r , over M. E. removed t• . she Is pre $ on' reason a !cry baru Libraries, 'of 25 per OP I you don't want your wife to:buy tb new patent Ssd-Irou r keep her away tram JuN 'a. It is the beet and moat conveni ent invent on for lessening the tedious work of irening ev•r presented to the public. tiq one' v:ho sees t will ever go home without it. Kvcr h WATAOI74,°. CA ing, Spin ins, Clot Yarn, Fl. running i and done COST : sox end with "Jo Standing Novembe rember 6 PRES Bun; in • pal Chttr. tho latest notice an , a specialt 1574, we and Son ing lines,at reduced rates. Passengers porches ibg tickets through this agency insure good connectiods and baggage checked through. Apply to either of the Undersigned at Towan da, 17ppe Depot. J. W. Bum); • ser rom a plain - Gold Ring to he fines duunond, go to Hiatontarstre. Font assortme those of vantages parches filled sto even equ ket, art!: goods bed Come at the 04 mos, 123 ford Co et Troy, Nov. 13, Theo r rointments are as follows : Lecture!. Roy. D Sanwa); Papers, J. T. McCou.trat, G. W l4 a ll : wt, and E. E. Qui...max; Esoansta, Lamm McCLELLAND and Mawr SPeruncri 1 Dac • era, ; Readers, W, 14: Tao:imam?, SWAMI . BALLALD; Business . Committee, S. 11. Tuoursox, DELOS ItotawELL, Jonx enawf, ANNIE ADAMS and Bost BIOOR.T. I M. H. Ezmisr, Sec',..) E. J. ANOLB, rt6l3. , ,- R. M. WELLED ice' I. K. liguns, at Ow new hp linery ,itore, next door . to ,CLIAMBEILIXN'd, has more than realized the expectations. of Our peopl 1 His stock of goods would do credit to to a st-class city store, and his prices are lower ban most ordinary country establish. merit The adios of Towanda, and in fact the slole county, withal:id It to their advantage to visit his stOre before purchasing. It affords us real pleas4e to recommend such an establishment readers.' I , 0 Ott IN QM MI ago 01 l the independent thinkers of this vim ty are under no obligations to those pla'ccil be. fore he people by tither political party ; 1 hereb respectfully_ ask . their' support, and 3 plea myself, if elected, to any out the vrish els o f y constituents, to tho beat of my ability. e SAMUEL HAWKINS. issoLunoN.—,The firm of H. S. Ho s iTh Co ., business o this th dissolved e fim s i o a l t red r bm by .m u t ual Cone will be cond led by 8.8. Hou.os. debts due the late Lira' will be collected by e subscriber, and• all demands against the e will be settled by, him. H. S. Ac 29, 18741 ; bout the ()aunty are about openingiMnd mamma of school books will be crated in kowlng that O. F. Coosa' store'is bead. qos term for all the different kinds of, , books d in the schools of Bradford and adjoining ' , mi.,. and that his facilities for purchasing s him the "inside trtek 'in selling, Conn. 'merchants can got Wet supplies of 'hint as cheap u they tan in the city, thus saw. Ight - . Oet 28. Aside • Gas suecose the extraction of teeth. W. B. KILL; Dentist, Towandit, Pa. 1 1 —W. A. Rooswzrz has 1 zDENAKA c 0... o. X. HMO Poser ,Or sale, The best there ie. BM ~--Some respectablo . fami children, agod 4to 12 years. En lately of Towanda Township. ' .—House situated corner ,d Cherry streets, Towanda.. Itn session gluon: Tering one-balLttie until the Ist of April. Address, Dana. 11. W. PATutca, Athens, Pa. Thursday, ' ‘`.l gar -LE.,—A Churn Dog, Poland a Durham Bull, and a Cotawold rime of B. F. Bow - maN, Towanda. 1 4 w isa A. E. Purr, (formerly liosrNrino's Clothing Store), line TnacYl4 /Joplin's new bionic, litter° ed kid° all kind/ O(4Am-tasking ble tonne. She le also agint for patterns. F. Cuoss has just r ec e ived e invoice of rooks suitable for S. S. hich he will furnish at a discount nt. to schools. E=EI I OWN WOOLLEN MlLL.—Caid= . • and Weaving, 'also lidatanfactur- I -Dressiug,•etc., ae u.nal.. Stocking , nel and Cloths for sale. Blachitiery good order, and. work warranted ith dispatch. . LET'S SLNG !—Prof. C. WlL dy, and Mr. VANNEea • and daught e r, , „ will hold a Musical Convention in .tone, commencing Monday evening, 2d, and closing Fridafe:ening, No b. with a Concert. • • JIMMY KENOS he Arcade block, opposite the Episco . ,is prepared to do dress-making In [style and neatest manner on short at reasonable pricer. Fitting made Stamping done also. E, ' PIIBLIC.—Since Sept. 1, re selling tickets to all points West -West ria Erie Railway and connect BALL.—The largest and best 1 tof goods in the country. None but xperience have any idea of the ad 13 1- cwe offer to — the whole Community to, from our groaning shelves and well-, e. Fall Goods, not to be excelled or lied by any ever odered in this mar-, h must be sold .to give plaoo to othert T ore I make the change in my flrm — .' 1 lyAnd get the worth of your money e-Price Clothing Store of Aux. Sono, Main-st. Delays are dangerous. !The next session of the Brad? sty Teachers` Association, will•be !tell beginning Friday, a. u., at 10i o'clock,' and continning two days: THE 'VOTERS OF BRADFORD COFlS berelty 'announce myself as ED LTDE- T CANDIDATE for the Legislature of Mania. Believing that a large percent• The Fall and WintAr schools 8116 The: 7'riager In malted l i re . 4 /stxpitte - e " pi war p1in: 1 4.44- 1 Agent. • BlackAlppok Pureittobaire, I Black Cashmeres,{ and Mourn:ln Dregs °coda, Tot opened, and will bo sold !or cult only; a ,HZ2tr WATIIOI7II% i Towanda, Pa., Oct. 28, 1874. " ••:•), •b T. Ser. 0. Gawk; of Towanda, hal Just received the largest stock of Chine, jWhite Gran% kon:Ntonetkinsi ith4Reticb, Belgian find American Glassware, over brought 'this market. And the best of all is, he has ;rocur 7 ed them in such s y way thakle is NUM them full 25 per cent. cheaper than they we e ever before sold in Towanda. , - IS, Busy niothere will be gr : tified to learn that there is ono establishment in To wanda where they can buy good, enbatantial Clothes for*eii boys, oh:a:weir 'Oast they can s, get the' tottekar aid have lhihri up. JuunaWusrp, realizing the wants of c nimu nity in i this particular, has purchased and is Ilq//4'ileYl cheap Akti)s cgot,bbag..o„4 ry de scription.'" to The etectipp ie over, an. the 'defeated candidates are busy e splainin : "how it all happened.* M. E. Rosmuu-DO takei pleasure in announcing to the nosudcessfql codhlttes . and pverybodr pitifi,- t Wit".iitccrais tiii tinatfotift the thiet of time," and idvti g them to call now at his store at.d supply the settee and boys with suitable and elegant oaring fpparel for .the cold west , ur ic , •, 0 - 1. J . ,. . , ., It • r — -.. 7 - -;',., i la • 119—Aelikember Abat ptir,stick all new and fresh. Eierything in the line of Dry Goodi will be found at oar store. We de not claim t h at We viii sell goods lower ban an others, bat bitilug 'just bought oar. entire stock since the reern.t decline in 'tie II; York markets, we feel warranted in laying , at we ciao offer "nem and deiirabte goods at bottom i?rices. We shall sell- strictly for Coq& We invite all to come in and examine goitds and prices. We shall endeavor to merit a 44:0 of your patronage. Kr= & Wrfitotrs. Mir 3tICCABE & EDWARDS, thP4 most enterprising grocery fi rm in Northern the vents, are rapidly increasing the . r business. Their store is centrally located for town cue- tom, and so large and commodious, that the farmers always find a ready sale a d good iii prices for everything they have to set . 'They. are agoats for the beat brands,of.Flcfat, Tea, Coffee, Tobacco find Cigars. They also Make a specialty of Canned FrnitS,.the very) best of Which are kept 'lc large quantities, wii l eit they buy at rates that permit' them to sell t exert fow,price to their customers. Their shelf stock is ilk) worthy of notice, embritring, a It does,' i everything known in the Lae of a No. l l Grcee ry, being kept neat as a pin and cm espond ingly attractive. They invite an-insp,ction of their stock, and feel satisfied that they} are able to supply anything in their line - at sabisfactory prices. . .1 / - _ ELEcrioN- NEws.—The only princi ple in 'just legislation is the greatos' good to the geotest number. Gentlemen, n seeking t; your patronage, lam no stranger a ong you, bat one that has teen well •tiied or many years, and has given complete satisfadtion. To those who have patroriiaed toe in tile .past, I ra return my sincere thanks, and %void ask, the public generally to call and exanina my itm, moue stack, which I am closing oat at lower prices than over , as I contemplate *Ling a change, iu my firm. Ho call early a d secure bargains. Undershirts and Drawers at 25 cents; each; All wool Deaver. Overcools a sll; . ,ali ',wool 13lock Overcoats at $9; good common Overcoats at $5; other goods accord ugly. All who coma to bay at my store wi:l b honestly :dealt with. Call on the ono-price Clotlitei for bargains, 123 thin-at., one door north of TAY, l aolt & Co's., , ALE:. S . Nov. 8, 18744 MARRIED . . 'PARES—DOUGHERTY.—At Rome, 29, 1871, by Rer. P. Holbrook, Mr. Parks, of Wysox, and Miss Stella arty, of Orwell. BRINE—POLLI.—At the re s siden. bride's parents, in Asylum,. Oct. J. J. Tattoo, Mr. J. W. Brink, o Pa , and Miss Emma R. Polli; of WHEA.TON—D e IINHAM.—Oct. 14, deuce of the bride's father, in War' ford Co., by the Rai. War: Ma Chas. E,dward Wheaton and Miss Datthara, eldest daughter of Mr. ham. PITCHER.-At Warren, Bradford Co., on the, 17th October, Susannah, wife of hlr. Gilbert' [ Pitcher, aged 59 years. • J 1 ALLYN.—At Warren, Bradford Co. 1 , Pa., Oct. 17, Sarah, wife of Mr. Caleb Allyn, aged years. . I CASE—SIRES.—At .the Methodist Parsonage, Troy, Pa. by .7. S. Lemon, Oct. 21, Chas. P Cu', of Ilorseheadr Id Miss V' Crib is, am .11 a A. Bikes, of Troy. BIXBY—DUNKLEY.—In Wyalnaing, Oct. 21 1874, by 11ev. D. Craft, Mr. G. M, Bixby 1 Miss Clara Brinkley, both of Wya I • BLOCti.II-41INE-3.—At the remideriee of th bride's parents, Oct. 22, ' 1874, y Bev. 4. Craft. Mr. Henry W. Skr3um, o Scranton', and Miss Frankie L., oldest dang ter of Thor' odOre Hines, Esq.- 1 F. R. BURBANK. • . ~ UcDONALD.—In Concord, N.C., ot;Thnrsda' , membranous 29th ult., of e up. SalliO, daughter of John A. and A. F. McDonald, aged 2 years, 11 months, and 18 days. !I BOW31&&-,-In Towanda townshili,, Aug. 11, ' 1874, Sally Bowman, wife of Jacob Bowman, aged 83 j'eara, 6 mouths and 12 days. ! BOWMAN.—In Towanda townshi; l , Oct. 1 ,1874. jacob Bolman; aged 82 y ars and, 'months. • ril C. COWEN Is now prepared to supply country merchants w CROCKERY WARE of all kinds, CIDNA AND GLASSWARE OF ALL RINDS BOHEMIAN; ETRUSCAN, ALL. BASTEB and LAATA.V,SES, MANTLE, CENTER TATILE AND AtOTIOE MUGS AND CUPS AND SAUCERS, DOLL HEADS I And a thottrat4 other yaristlea /1 0 4daY Goods from 10 to'2o per cord-lees. than they ran/ either from New York or Or . any agent sb*l itilr for orders, besides in endless rarioty l mi • 2 a *TA,N . EIEC NO71600.; Dr/SADE CLOTHING.: _ 1 lig igly.g.9l, . - • .1.. And Luxe Ito& at best Ametiqn :TWA sad Pocke4 efitio:3 4 •PolutUOl Tea . ;wiri'4 3l 4 L l ifoheris. :with- !topical) fall of other goods all nay Gait dears. bh% and dumper than ever was knOwttiti this ot :ant To Wet money nha , la tltctrue, and I'. C. COWEAriI is • the place to tual3 l a money get it big ' Old. 20 1444 - ISII TO THE PUBLIO.-H!iving.had n lit c Anon yiesre ermine:olU bortOg round ono I utrer ml serftest th o e ipt w or k Mon to any poi a tap =at% rtmoiiir 11,41WIMINt CALVIN ALLEM . . DIED. Wascellanecce. Also the largest assottuaeut 191 FANCY CHINA, BRACKET ORNANTS, 131101E1 - NG SETS. JBWELUX BOXES, • I sums AD intswzas. . nosreuir OF ALL 14.‘1:0 i 1 3, . 0 - LOOSING GLASIG3j Cl?thed —140,4 New' 'Attellama% pow-.i•JL. &.Ico4 a z We are daily receiving additions to LARGE STOCK OF GOODS! Having a buyer constantly in New York, ive ar© enabled at all times to get the , NX4W - E,Sl' . 11":1TNPS In the market.- We eitoeelaV , attention to our stock of MOE II Ntre havo_jast =civil - direct, from Importers, the bestrline of BLACK ALPACAS ! ll= M CO 3E3_ X rt. ss Ivor', exhibited by us. Also the best assortment of „ f To be loud We also offer Great Bargains in -.l3lEtcals. Mil ! zrzE! Oct. 12,, Pa.. Oct. Oscar N. . Dough- CALL - A2!D Eriz THE NATIPNAL; , . • t - A LIEGE, HEAVY COAL coosma STOVE,. :e of the , by Bov. : Newton, 'ylum. No store was ever offered so cheap: the rest en, Brad bean. Mr. I Annie B: Levi Dan- Also, a great variety of STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, IRON, STEEL, PATENT WHEPT4S, 1 KEROSENE LAMPS, . Nickel Plated STUDENT LAMPS, FIRE PROOF CRII!JNEYS, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS and AM,UNITION, FANNING MILLS, LIME, CEMENT,' SASH, Oct. 22, 74-2 m. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. -By virtue of an order Burned out of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, *het undersigned, admin. Istrator of the estate of George Violins," late of Smithfield. deceased. will expose to public sale on the.Premilies on THURSDAY, November 20, 1874, at 10 o'clock. A. K. the following described piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgbury, Smithfield and' Springfield townships, bounded as follows •On the north by lands of Thome* Sullivan, Thomas' Butler and Calvin Chamberlain; east and southeast by land of Calvin Chamberlain a..d the hlghwsy; south by land of J. W. Sconten. and west by land of J.W. sconten, kfrs..fiester Koons and .T. B. Brosn, sop• pea d to contain one hundred and thirty acres, mosrly improved, with Audio house, frame : DM. and trutt trees thereon. ! • TERttiti —PIOO on' the property being - struck doirn,S 400 OA coafirmaticm of sale, and the balance in patty payments 01 0400 each, with Interest at each payment on all unpaid; first psymett to be come due In one year trom confirmation- . JAMF..I Administrator. O. R. 20 1 ORPHANS' .. COURT SALE. -By virtue of an order timed out oi the Orphans , Court of Bradford county, the undersigned, Admin. ' 'traitors ot the estate of Perry Burt, late of.Ridgbrim deceased, wilt esporo to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, November 28, 187 t, at 10 o'clock, A. : M., the following described piece or Parcel of lane situate in Bidgburytownshtp, bounded as follows On the north by lands of J. C.• Burt and Dude! Chambers; cut by lands of John' Herbban; eolith by.hide of John Hearley'd ©state snd‘bl, Timothy Desmond, and west by lands of J. O. Burt. and sup. posed to contain one hundred acres. with &Dame house and barn, two log barns and fruit trees 'thereon;, .. , nalillk—sso on tho pro i .-orty l being struck down, $lOO on confirmation of sale, the balance with in. Weft in two equal yearly payment!, the first pay. went to fall ace in one year . trom confirmation. ' JAMES if WEBB. Administrator. Oct. 29 P 11131,1 0 SA 'UR—The Qrwell Edn eatimml duodenal will Offer for sale on the preaelsoe. to like highest bidder, on '3 umnAv. vamber 1011W1H74. AS I o'clock* P. M.. their Mee 4 0 27 school banding and lot. containing one acre of land, and situated upon Orwell Bill. Possession given April b.187L Terms made known on day of salt. ' S. N. BRONSON. I A. PLATT. - 0- C. FBIBBIE.; • ' - E. C. BULL. J. I. prarDLErox j Orweit Pa.. Oct. 3. It. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-- !(odes is hereby even that:all pattern; Indebted to the estate of Daniel A. Carey, late of Warren. deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persona having claims" against aid cicala must present the May authenticated :. JOHN B. CAUL 0499 "id, • " 4oltrataktrittrr. =I Sill ..- hi„toil . K. .... , .._!, . . . o -. ....... I • ! • • - AND es • ind All IL I k! 1 ! 02: - ! in the market. P0wEi,11,',54 CO. ' , I El PARLOR HEATERS, FEED OVITEJIS, - DOORS: COpD6ZO. BUS3ELL ik•CO [Trustee e. e.~• :~~~: . SEEERIFFIS'iatifiBp'-irirtnet- 0 sundry emits Issued ono og -the. C at Cetn• id t mon Pleas of Bradford Candy; end to directed, will be expiated to publio ultet the C art Houle. in Towanda borough, on THURSDAY. eCember '3. 1874 e at 1 o'clock, p. 01. the felle larlaSdbed ; piece or parcel of land sit uate In Wilmoadownablp, bounded salchows: On the Mirth by land of Ifitam Ithseket -east by lands of Jacob Bernal and Widow