eporter Tovanda, Thursday, Oct. 8, 1874. 002 . 1L,A.N.1Y . G - EIVERA,L. _ME M.' 4 Conference is in session at Ithaca. Rev. Mr. DWI.; Li in attendance. JAS. W. Mirecue has "passed the ex amination, and entered the FriTibmen class at Harvard. A SEVERE rain storm prevails as we go to press, which . Most materially interferes with the flamers of the county fair. THE Synod of Philadelphia meets at Reading next rek. Rev. J. S. , Sztvatix awl N. N. 13erre, Jr., 'will attend. As :sx.m.s are row received here from New and Yhiladelphia on' the night train, the Post Office will be kept open on San• days from to 9.i. at. , , TUE Towanda Total Abstinence Association, will meet at the Methodist charcli on Wednesday evening, Oct. 14. Friends of eriperance are invited to be presen t. WE ARE pleased to,notice that our. enterprising young towiasthan, ALEX: Botosto.N, who has been residing in Buffalo for the past year, is home again, and will r emain here'dn ring the coming winter, in order to Sire per sonal' attention t„o his numorens customers. St , e his notice in _another column, RSV. C. 41 , .I.7•AFtIYSIDR, Of ChealAng, had his watch stolen a few weds knee, and lastweek he was invited to preach at Croon Creek olio' evening. At the close of the dis. course, DAVID GAIIDNEB, on behalf of the peo ple:of that place, presented him with a beanti fal now watch. RISE, BALL.-The Coliet B. B. C., oi Tovganda, hereby challdago the 2d Ten of the Winona. B t B. C.,to play a match game of ball Thursday,od. LI, nn the ~ gEcnr.(ls- o f the Winoba B. C., for, a prizb orfrecrk-d: Snyder !' 1 —ThoToi - cst City Cub bf Ithaca, lin' play the return game cilt . ii , the il'inonae on 3lor.day or Tuesday of neat wcek. , ! 3LIYSTREL ENTERTAI t nIENT.—D CPREZ Orleans Arinstrels will per form at Mercur Hall, on Tuesday evening, Oct., 13. With such popular and artistic Ethiopian stars . as Law BENEDier and a re6:ment of others, the entertainment cannot fail to be ono of the rarest 'merit. It is'Anoverbial lbat-Du rarz lIENEoier rcver fail to draw 'crowded .houses. . They'introance a new &ye:'am Or selling Se _cored Seats. Their populai prices of adthis &on are 50 and 35 cents. No extra charge for Reeerved Seats, if bought before the day the 'Cincert is to take place. Leserved Seat Tick ets sold ten days in advance at 51 1 cents eicb, at Etan•fe Drug Store.' 1 0nthe day and even ing of the Frittrtainmetit Rcserced Scat Tick er will be 25 cents etr:t. 8:•caro your res“.v c.i'Scat Tickets and avold Lho extra charge: WE WERE unable to attend the Etre- DIC . L . r3 parade in Ithaca last week, And as we f died • to employ a special rilporter 'for the occa sion, we are compelled to bprrow an account of tiio int - cresting affair, which we do from the Waverly Adroccee : "The parade of the Fire, department, e:.me off on Wednesday 12i - c - And 'as is custom ary upon such occasions, it was rainy.. There ,astre a number of companies from Drain, 'Binghamton. Owego, -Towanda, ' and Troy, v. hi*. with the L department of Ithaca, made of the finest displays it ilias Lcen our pleas. ute to witness. "'We have i:!ot the space to give. the'particulero, but will' say that the finest compcny,taking Everything into consideration, was the Lin-ta No. 3, of Towanda.' --They vier° the finest lot of men we ircr sw togetCer, and numbered 71 strong. Thera vvere bet: of•incidents ct,unecled with the day's pro c..6::•dings that wo would likd tal speal: ot, and thire rs. One in, particular tliat ec cannot pass e-,er. As the train was abilut to leave Ithaca, its return homeward. .tho report came in • that Parsons .of the Bra , lfiwi/ Argus, who is :.fso one_of.slia-da., -, es at ine Bradford Count • Fiat Mules, was in the !canal. All the i - planation that is given is; that Le used to i. mar a canal, and it avas his favor;te place ',oiling, and it haVing lice!) some vine since hel r thought he would irnp:ove the op i , ,rttinity and take one fond embrac.: of his oio 31.ac1: Turner says it is SO, for he Was 0 1 - r.• DF•rn left for rGeord ira the office 1 . .. r recording deed., welk ending Oct. 3 : • Abram Fnlle. to Emeline! floe, Oct. 14, 150, Wells: Allen Shepard et al .to James E Brasted, M..rch 21 1874r.Vel1s; E Bras: l ed to Jal. E Bra-tad, 31irch 21, Is7l, We'll,: A 1 J Silvara to. the Pr...grivo Temperance Deform Associa tion, April G, Tuscarora:. A 1J t•zilvara to, Ci . E Cogswell, .rtini. , 4,lB7}, ; J J _C b'in to Be: Singer.-Sept. 9, Ih7l, Tuscarora; Jerome T Wright to Edward 11...rt0u, Dec. 5, P )1: Tuivnt.r to Chas Forbes, &es% 2, 1671, Itonie; Daniel Crandall to Chas. Crandall, Dec 11, -1533, Arnie.:ia; Ilackec Craig t ! , Cll , b Aug 1:2, 1574, Ittigbory; .T M SliN . ifF, to Robert Bhiley, Sept in, 1571, Cyruts id 21, 1574, South A rhfitirs E l't Maroh 25, ;I'l7l, Belt to Mary , E ul,y 31, .71,- T;:,carerr; NV 11-1.4 - Tgau ct tl tol.l J is l,t is, 1574, Wyio.yx; E Merritt to Beech Rose .l.ll:,e 5, Tuscarora; S 4; ...-3arah fl,wett to Jnh:: S Fib 11,''i4 ilerriek: Mrs: t al. to Clari,e... Mono, Aug. 22, 71, Llt...,litit•kf:.ii t..) Eli N 4, 1574, ktliu . L., Bet-u; riteuma r , 31 Baker to . jslai 1 euder, Aptil PERSoNAL —Mrs. G. P. LONG, of rev, is viAititig 11. - q• 7'6:rids!iii this place. -.-!)1 1 1...$. Tiros. LILLY, of -Sin Jude, California; lids bden spend:rig several weeks in this conn y..-114r. linsban.l- a'brothr 'Eon. D. LILLY, C ,::1:111/;2., and 3lfg. S flf this tooii'lo hi 4 Gthfurnia 3r.: t. ECS -JusurA Jouss..l&•, ;rho formerly resided in wys , ..x, and ministered to thaleJlored church, r a ;his place, is paying a visit to his friends in tpis vicinity. He will be remembered as having 1 estiblish6d a "nnl7oate " f in this village near ,ly twenty-fly- ego. Although well ad . ya•tc( l lie Is r.rparently hale and 1- -.ld in the possessidn of vigorous n ,He has lived a usefurlife, .3 t s good example to his race. • —WC received s. ple4 , stil visit on Monday inorning from Hob. G. A. Gnow, Oho is always welcome to our auCtnm , as indeed he to all the people of ale old WI nor district, so long and ably "repre ented by him in the >,:ational Legislature. . Although practically re tired from politietl fife, hg still maintains a lively interest in the affairs; of the .nation, and k:gpecially of his pr . esent 'abode, Texas. We . t. , ita crc long to see him . again in the halls of Ct,ogreer. —. l .llrs. Dr. str_rumN.4 hag retUrned from a to her 13rxter home in Massachusetts. TOW+NDA FIRE , PEPARTIIENT.—The parail„, of the Towanda Firo Depart cff cn Tue, , fiay last. The rain ~ ,, mewh.l.-interferel with th. , :d pl , a-nre of the bizt the dtrplap iras altogether the we hay: er,rwitnessel oa suili an o.lea , pros. scion was formpa at,:2l- o'clock; in f(;l l .owing 9rder : 1. Naiad Band. 2. Naiad Co. No. 2. Linta Band. Linta Hose C.), with 'lose Cp.:. 5. Lints Steamer, drawn bifonq black horses Franklin No. 1, v;itli Musa Cart. 7. Franklin Steamer, draWn by iptir horses. • The line_ of =arch wse dowit Main-st to (r:2,4!; up - Grant ti Second; tip Second to Lam sr i; clown Lainliald up Main and I r: 4 Avenue t Locust AI - Jenne; down Locust to.Hsin; down 11.ain t , Conrt House t us.ie, where the companies were dispereed. 'rho. binds played exceptionally well, while thilir,inen, without exception, eon luotri rartar.er 'to elicit the :t praEse. Car , t very at; isf!cally tri4wecl with ergreens wit; flowcrs. , Perch iu frbr.t frp, wa4 a Stnfl-cd tiger, which looked natural enough , to be roaming in the wilderness. hursin Dust and Bumf Ext. moss. two beantifrd little girls, elegantly dress. . ed and bedecked with golden stare, also rode upon the carriage, adding very much to the effect of the exhibition. Seated beside the driver on the Liti.ta Steamer, was Mr. S. 0. Amato, attired in the costume of a Modoc. Bo performed his role well, and created no little amusement for the audience.' The Franklin Rose Cart was also tastefully trimmed with evergreen wreaths and the Stars and Stripes. Perched on the very highest point was Master Swim . ; with a fell fire man's uniform, and looking b, ii ct happy and un concerned as old Neptune "4,n elf. The Naiads did-not decorate their cut, and we doubt very much if any t hing they could ave done would' have improved its Aippeara an ' e. It is a very handsome carriage, and we dtilon't blame the boys for feeling proud of it. AN MODE= As the process'.on was preeeed;ng along &T -oni itreet, in a position whiCh displayed their bright uniforms, beautiful caps, 'and elegant steamers, to the very best advantage, a long train cif new freight cars passed slowly up on the opiiesito aide of the river_ as it to remind the wzoys" that they were not attracting aU the attention. Thequets of flowers were thrown to tho fire men at different points along the route, by the ladies, who gamed as mach' interested in the display as the members of the companies themselves. . Chief Perm and his assistant, Camas, are entitled to the highest commendation for the manner in which the parade vas - plumed and executed. LACKAWLISTA PRESBYTERY.—The Fall meeting of this Presbytery !was held in the Memorial Church in Wilkes-liarro. The house of worship was (unclad by ,C..Wanussrs, Esq.. of that city, as a memorial to his three deceas ed children, , and by him rresented to the church. The building is .of yellow Enadst zne the wood-work solid oakv i the l windows stained glass,—the memorial windoW being especially beautiful. - The church is easily seen by all passing through Wilkes•Bar,re, on & hill on the west side of the city, and by Many supposed to be an Episcopal Church, because of its Gothic architecture. • 'The Presbytery was opened Monday evening, Sept. 21, by a sermon from ,Hebrews, 2i "Lot us consider cne another to prat oke unto love, or unto good works," by Rev. S. F. COLT, of Laporte, the retiring Moderator. • Alter the sermon, the Presbytery was organized (after making out the roll) by the election of the Rev. W. P. GinsoN, of Kingston, as Moderator, and also two ;clerks, and then adjourned for the day. • Tuesday, after a,lialf hour I spent in prayer, the Presbytery proceeded to business. The minutes of last regular, and succeeding special meeting, were read ar.d approved. ne'ir. A. D. MITCIItLL, Presbytery of Claster, Bevy C. L. MrrcucLL, of Western New York Association, Rev. AnnanAu LEVI, of Miami Association, and Rev. LOWING Bnot.tsott, of Wyoming Confer ence, were elected Corresponding Members. The report of the Committee who organized the Second or Memorial Church of Scranton was adopted, and the church received. Also that a church of fifteen members had been c;rganized at Mill Hollow, to be called the Ben net Church. The report was adopted, and the church received. The IndepeMdent Church of Sylvania, having adopted-the confession of faith and 14irei of government ,of the Presbyterian church, was received into the uare of the Pres bytery, and placed upon the roll, as was also the Ararat Church, Congregational. Also that a church td 10 members had been organized at Fr. e; The report was adopted and the church received. In the afterMion, Mr. of LaFayette CJllege,avas examined and 1 - cceived into the care cif the Prubytery as a candidate for the minitry. The remainder of the afternoon was Occupied by a spirit.. I discussiaa of the Over tare of the General Assembly If any particular, church, by a vote of mem bers in full communion, shall prefer to elect ruling elders for a limited - time in the exercise of their functions, this may he 'done : provided, 'the full time be not lesii than three years, and the session be made to donslstof three classes, one of which only Shall be elected every year; and provided that ciders, once ordained, shall not be divested of the office, when they are not re-elected, brit shall be entitled to represent that particular clinrch in the higher judicato ries when app.mil ,, d by the session, or tire Preobvtervi,”. The NV yiTil a discussion of the , -I;d3 r, it -t ,t. ,1 Sunday-school and the Church" The disc 15 J !..V...1 wag opened j 1:ov. J. S. STEW vvr, of Towanda, , oho clean ed t.-1t the relation es,etdial right, S.•nte dccu,ted CrE:i? a hun-ery, and th,re fore idlep....ident of ;h_ as ou:',y rreyar atoQ ; but it is an es:env:al part —kdepartmunt of thr ehurch,—as muoti a of the church Ai tto I..ra}er meeting oi . S.,bbath services. The Sunday-szhr-1 am,t tb,.:sc!orn he under the being a part . of the .301 k. ct the- church shou:daay:::(l a dangt , rows internieddiing, but rather I 011'{:... , :a.t.ng distinction ba twecu the church and The Sunday : school. th;_i(.s)r..! .1.110 all the c..mgre'gation. When it-h,.+ been -t d , vel?pl_,l, the pastor i 3 engag4ll in the (teachink the teachers), and the church's be,: racnit, aad its elders teacher.. , Th‘; daty ,): a pants In to tolch, 113 t merely the I, It vcry (.1" :serni:i :5, Lint in other ways Nvli;ell may be of , !I \V.4 C to z Wt . h.ne. , „:,:tar ; ra3er•mc, uo the Pres- A. a converted tl:c .34. t iint•mghie own nation: -and Then farlx , ..r* cilicussed the.o t erture of the Gen eral A,, , .setahly rinri::;.; the rcluainder o: the day, and at I,,ngt 111.10(r we over un til the Spr.iig ziterAlog, whi-4 be held in Washh , Jr:;- 17. 1. Ch•trch, Scr:„Lt. t , , r.. Arrange meat-; tu . .4.:e for installation over the t,f flew. J. liell.stF.r.s, late o 1 tle rresh:.tttiry of Binghamton, on Oct. 2. det - oted to a tli.seussion bf• the n‘..eo , --Ity and myttryds of the We'rli of the holy ME Thati , l.ly, the Presbytery . aseesea with feW exceptions the fai for the support of the Pres byterial Missionary, and for contingent expelle es the same a 3 last year: ahe proposition from Vie Co! tral Presbytery of rhi!a:le.pl.l.l, to af.pc,:i:t a co l unaittee con sider the division of the krnolief Philadelphia, was . d•elinca, and farther, 'agitkdon of the sub ject was earnestly protested against. The new "Presbyterian Hymnal," was recom mended to the clicinhea,' both for the Bake of uniformity in warship, and becanse of its' own excellence. WilCr the trauss!ation of rime other hre:inc3., adjourned. • JOTTIN63 Ai3JUT Tows, BY A SW:NAN- Ell.—A DISCOVERY THAT Ia MADE ssows AS OR IGINAL —COMMENTS —A pulliT SVGGESTION— AND A FEW WORDS ABOUT SCIOINETCS MONTHLY ran Ocrarza.—We have taken to studying our landlady of late, and we have Come to the con clusion that ahe has mental characteristics like Join REBKIx. The critics need not presuppose we are assuming to know tali:about Lim, nor need they object to the comparison as at all derogatiry to him, for the mail whose life task . is a *earth for the true and beantifat, would rejoico as much at finding them working oat their true mission in a daily batman life, as he would to dig them out in dead detail from the rubbi,h of centuries. . Russo . does n''t believe in lecturing knowl edge into lazy audiences. No, more does our landlady believe in dealing out, the results of her thoughtful, piinstaking life to the heedless keeping of the listless and inattentive. She does not sty, in set phrase—" God will ing, I will go on writing as suit as I can. There are three volumes published of my Oxford lec tures, in which every _sentence Is sot down as carefully as may be. If people want to learn from me; let them read them e or my monthly letter, For4Clarigora. If they don't care for these, I dOn't care to talk to them ";—lmt the steadfast tenor of her course, and the 'consci entious performance of her Most trivial duties, 'cai' i those who are sceldug ." to di ect their 5: i aright," to the higher piane of spiritual comprehension, as mornists.k...l4 as if she were not a foot-wesxy woman, Et) intent upon her loftier purpose that she bad no time to pau,c, and coax on the loitering multitude. . 9 llrsatx would keep out th 6 modera• shriek and clatter of raPtray travel, and railway trav elers, too, we'prestime, from his classical pre cincts. . Onr landlady irts is Holy (..t Holies, in her woman's heart, from t'h. vats back thos.c, highway invadera, who w n 1 rat:lack hart treasurea with irrevcr,mt hands, as firmly, and with Imoe of dtelamation perhaps, than ha. , RcFrm.wipes eft' the moll, ind brashes away the carrel* of a century, arid ilTelToti i sin gle "line of beauty." You ought to see our landlady set a sick boarder's room to rights! If FuntrAtor. Ntaur ntaarat had a reginterittef, women like her, she could reduce the maladies of the whole English speaking world into the compass of her blessed supervision. She takes her broom, that is well-kept rather than new, and brushes well away the wary spi der that lives on the life blood of silly a - d un heeding flies. The sick boarder, and little Boa who straggles in after his mother, have the benefit of the moral, and the flies do not gain on her at all because of the process. -Neither does the dust of the carpet get the better of her abort and well-directed broom strokei. "It takes a lady to sweep well," says good authori ty, and,we gradually take in the signlcance of the expression, as she goes over the room, and _carefully removes every offenairo shred, in an inimitable way, and attended by none of the tumalaccompitilments of rod face, and suffoca tion, which the boarder had biased himself for when the performance bogan. A few applica tions of the dust-cloth, a re- adjustment of the windoi-curtain, a bit of manipulation -among the stray books and pet nothings lying about the room, and the landlady goes out, leaving a breezy al.nosphera, as coolly tranqui 1, ,and fraught with suggestive prettiness, is if it had come in from the shadow of some old church cloister that had never been tonoluid by the heat and bustle of the traffic of life. Her hands may be soiled by the work they have perform ed, but they hare given sweet ministration, and brushed away the dinginess from many a subtly lingering "line of beauty," that leads, the Thought of the sick man wandering on into the opening vistas of the spirit thronging fu ture. , Ilussmi has his class of readers ,;and she has her circle of friends, and in them also we are able to trace the parallel of resemblances. They are not at all of the frisky' sort. They aro contentto leave Alio roomy halls, and bright window niciies of the sunny Lents, to the rest. less ones who stankon tip-too for the lighter ; , !easiares end sight-seeing of the present, and t-lio their places in the back-ground, where they may Lave quiet to gather the alow•ripec ed harvests of completed seasons. This woman,is a mother, aid her children are by no means of the best brand. They scold and pout, and do naughty thing 4 at improper times, with the keenest relish of total depravi ty; but mind you, when the fall` time for inter •position comes; the landladj takes hold of them. She never deals with this •little ones at arm's length„ or scolds them across, • dikanee too great for the t,och of the hive-clasp. The little nerve] that got all unstrunT, and the lit tle heads that aro worked out with play schem ing, and child worry, aad juvenile antagonism, are easily stroked oat, and calmed down by the mother who keeps the run of them as well as else does of her chickens. They come into her arms as readily as the birds cane into their nests at uightfall, and iher steadying hands and resolnte does'ilie rest. -Indeed, it is beautiful as art in its highest develcprucrit, to watch thtt ascot overcoming of a woman's loving influen:e on the little. re bellious thing she has taken, sitinsghog and defiant, to her bosom. She holds hint stilt, uu• til he feels all the modulated power .of the mother grasp. She lays her lips_ that are warm with coming kisses, against his Lot and irritat ed forehead, until it grows passive, under the gentle pressure, and he feels -the" great calm and trust of the brooding mother-lore above and all around him, 8113 can disengage a hand now, and smooth out the tumt;llLl:laiir, while Btrori biiegs a damp towel, aria the steam of the heated brain is wiped off, and the rigid limbs relsis,and the little face smooths out of the naughty wrinkles, and away goes lon into the sweet singing dream land. We are glad that there are Idre women in this l,eneratiou than there have been in preced ing Lee, ttlit, rOa:izo that it requires es exalt ed an order of intellect, and as enlarged ca pacity and comprehens:on, to bring about these primary educational results, as ,it does to dt men and n.i.:lncti for tispluring the more ambi tious fields of art and literature.) clergynial in this c•iu:m:iuity, wLv eug grAtcd to Lis cuog.•egatiou Vatic 'reading the "Seven Lamps of Architectorel," as a frac!, word , ' understand, without all this talk, what we mcaa %lien we said our .andlady Las men tal characteristics liko JOON Ruaxew, if he knew her. In our humbhiestim .lion, .ifont/i -/J fur 0,rt.1.ar,, t 3 ii uo a illy geol. The single critical paper on Geonco Buor's ' novels, is worth fir mbre tha the yearly subscription pric'e to those of lir'admirera -rho wcuild see the amplest jestice dmim her rnisteily proagc tiunp. At the same time, ;me reels in erery line the pre•i•n:e or a i r stain g enough to lay lio:d of this grand woinat , , and bid her pauscia Lot eork,•i:.ut I she shall laive receiv ecr highest in -illation. The fine stroko that separatesthe spirit from the tendency of hor writings, is to us one of peciiiiar and wen d:recto:l shill. If aoybody has. n't read it, and (111.'t rare .4•;•iLncr.fur Oldober, we wish weted b t - row ours, told read this particu lar piper ot WiLmstoN's, as.a tract. "51r. BEECHER'S Cise,' in the Topics of the Times, is the best corrective for scandal we hare 3ut seen administered, or, we might as w 0 add, taken ourselves. "A "Elmo to Speak—a Time to : Keep Silence," in the same department, brought U., -upon a second reading, into a state of delightful grati tude that we posse ,, sr..il here in Towanda, reli gions teachers who, whether or net, they ac cept the writer's views on Bible inspiration, "comprehend the situation,' and ".:re ready with an answer when the time comes to speak.!' The teiew ANnuorS," added to the knowledge we already have of Ils.nrce.t HARD ING DAVI', as a writer of good•; fiction, deter mined us un becoming the p4seasor of the book, and not until we bad read the author's views of Ai:FA:MAC/ea late work; "Waldfried." did we get composed enough to acknowledge the difficulty wo had encountered, in attempt ing to get at the religious position of the book we had just lain aside. If there is ,a sweeter discerning spirit, or trustier guide abroad in the iolds 4f literat.ire to-die, than J. G. Horet LAND, we Wohld be glad to be shown that way. l The story readers find "concluded" at the end of A D.E.1:1 -- ."4 TrArroN's serial tale fur. the rear, and HARRIET PRIM:Mr SCOPTORD . S "Or dronnaux," takes ono back to Ler earlier sto ries, published in the Attaat Monthly, where one fin.lS' himself; alter a season of absorb ing and almost inconiprehensiOe enjoyment, standing apart in . a desert, With; shreds of - ar-, tistic beauty, in Us form of coll.>: for sound, or some other haunting ideality, dangling about his hunger and benumbed senses. Farthermoro we attempt not to say, having as usual begun at the end and read Scribner backwards.. BUSINES',S LOCAL Mr A specialty in Cloaks,' Shawls, Blankets and Felt Skirts, can be found at EVANB .t• HILDAE7IIB. i Large stock of Pictures and Picture Frames, at Warrcomn finatrr's, Iler cnr's Nock. 142" The largest assortment and latest styles of Millinery Goods can be found at Mrs. J. D. HILL's, Dridgo-st. tiir An immense stock. of Ladies!, Misses', Chi'dretes Etna cents' Ilcaiery and Gloves,..st ErL.n's 4t Hilmarra's. • - _ Skir.Go to Wnwcoutt & SIIAIIT'I3, 3terenr's Lslock, for your Books and Stationery. - Is. Trimming Velvet Velveteens and Children's Cloakings, may be found at EVANS & aIittBETIOS. • •• • . 366 The largest assortment of clocks at low prices at HurNDEL343.B. . • . le9, A large stook of Ladies', Miss et ', an d Gents' Underwear„ at Evans limautres. FOR SALE. —W. A. Rcicswrit. Lae ono of P. K. tozDE.NrAK a Co'.p O. Marie Power liar Presses ;fur'isalr. Tho hostithero hi. Juno 1,187 i., ! • -The cheapest place in town 31.11iiitry Dooilo, is nt3ir4. J. D. thi.t.'9, Bridge -9#. ift.'You can find the best o School Shoes very chbap, at COR,S I Ett 4 COOO. ter Spectacles and eye glasses, warranted equal to any in the market, from the cheapest to the best, at rtENDEIXAVI. 1 New Goods this week s at • Tema & vir Reversible level land and side- WI Plows, improved. Haber Paint, all colors; durable and cheap. • R. 1110/9"ruie. Sept. 28 7 4 t, • aril you want to buy Dry Goody, :examine 'nylon &. Cols now stock. IS. A fall line Of . Guipure Lien, Yak Lace, and Passmontry Trimmings, jut re• sewed by EVANS & Hamarrn. . tor A complete assortment of La dle?, Gents' sad Childron's Underway; at ' NE` A very largo stock of Men's, Boys', Youths' and Children's Boots, just re. calved at Column h Coon's, opposite the Court Homo. • ' , sm.. Wall Paper and Curtains cheap. at WIIITCOMB & Bilavea. Mercer's Block. ser If you want the latest styles of Clothing, at Granger prices. call at Jimtra WOLIVIL i Take AYEI63 Cherry Pectoral to stop your Colds, Coughs, and Bronchial Af fections, before they run ,into Consumption, that ycT , cannot stop, liel6 The best place to buy Sash, Blinds, .Doors and all kinds of Lumber, is at Fuca Bonk. Factory on Charles street:. Of fice 107 Main street. They sell cheap for cash. vier C. F. -DAYTON has removed his harness shop to the stoke lately oo:npled by Juirrs Wax?, where ho will .be plealed to see all in - want of good work. z New goods just revived RENDZLITAN'S. iiir.Tl you want the best Cook Stove extant, call at Rugs% in Merones Block. ie.. For the best Roast or Steak go to MT= &1117NDELL'S. • JED- If you want a neat, tasty suit very cheap, call at dtaiva iVoLrea. 104...4uirs WorsE has jaiit 'received h e largest assortment of Hata and Caps ever °fiend n this market. Ur JACOBS is already receiving his tail geode. ''The early bird catches the Trarm i ," and those who call early at Jaoons' Clothing Store will be enabled to secure the beat bar gaina ever offered. -ter All kinds of black born, rub ber and real Jot Jewelry at very low prices, at M. 11 VWDELMAN'S le— C. F. Coss has just recei v ed a very Jarge invoice of Books suitable for 8. 8. Libraries, which he will furnish at a discount of 25 per cent. to schools. te... A. B. CULVER, Wyalusingy is the agent for the New Americad Sewing Ma chin...,'which is taking the lead of all others. , • American and Swiss Watches, largest stook ever brought to MIS town, at I:FYNE F LOAN'S. • Fon' SALE.-150 acres of land 1 mill) from Motor (loot. MA3 saveral. eeco i nd• Land waginin. ‘l. B. B.urru. DB-Mrs. J. D. HILL has just re turned from the city:rwith a fine assortment of Fell cud Winter Millinery. Store on Bridgo street. Noricr----Tho next sociable of the Pre,bytertan church and congregation of lifon. roeton, will be. held at the house or Mr.:. B. Surrn, on Thursday, Oct. IL, afternoon and. evening. Aware invited. WANTED.—A. Miller: or wonld con- Eider a pf4oaltion to lease the mill to a aatis. factory applicant. G. H:lsram.na. Wyalwing, Pa., Oct. 8,.1874. FOUND.—On the road leading from this place to Mon!'Oeton, two cutter-bere t for miming machine. The owner can find them at this ofilne. is.. The best place to buy ready made clothing is at 2 doors west of COD- Drso, hussirs..t Co's. Hor-sE AND LOT FOR SALE OR RENT. , —Terms easy. Apply to Mrs. E. LIVoomitTFT, over M. J. Locos store. ite. A large line of Parasols in fall ho new shades, just received by I EVANS & ITILDIIET4. ton-If you wish to see fine gold Jewelry, call at HENDELISAN.B. tie . From a plain Gold Ring to he &ICA diamond, go to EbEiDELIIANg. sek.. It may be advantageous for the public t know that in this extreme dry weather the MYERSIIURd, MILLS arc suppli ed with an alin4danco of water, and doeS all custom work with dispatch. NV' Several valuable Farms and Houses and Lots for ealo by aurrrxrra; Muer. Tiu HOUSES TO RE KT.—One in First Ward, near upper dePot, and two in Bee ond Ward. Inquire at office of ()narrow a ELSUCEE. Fon Riarr—Dwolling containing 14 rooms—suitable for s boarding house or a large family. -. 4150, ono small three-story hotOe in centre of town. No. 32, Second•st. ter-It is not generally knoivn that B. C. Warrsanu t at the Book Binderioverl the RErouvsn office, maker Blank Books in any stylo of ruling and binding desired. If •on Want a new Ledger, Journal or Docket, give himacall. i • i& Why ran the risk of an aoci dent, when yen can get a ticket good for 1 , 3, 000 in cafe of death, for 20 conta a day,by, call ing on FlLANS.Bruaemc, at upper depot? REMOVAL.—W. Dxrruxcu, music dealer, has changed his base, and may hine after be found at the corner of Main and rum streets, in-NOnLE's.new tar AlceknE & EDWARDS are Pre pared to sell toss of every variety cheaper than any of the leading houses in the city, which are sending out their circulars broadcast over the country. Grangers will do well to give them a -call before buying elsewhere. , - ire -Ladies! If you wish-to know what to wear, and how to wear it, call at L J. MtNaos'. Sho has all the novelties of thesea- SOD. Blies A. E. herr, (forin4ly over IL E. Itoswitimots Clothing Store); has removed to tnacr k Itoonz's new block, where she is prepared to do all kinds of dress-making on reasonable terms. She je also agent for Snitetick's patterns.c ‘r * L: INDUCFSIniT . S.—Asy„ enure stool; of goods must bo sold by Janiary let, regardless of cost, as I contemplate making a change in my business. 110330 call and examinol my stock before . purchasing. You will find if for your interest, I shall be pleased to receive a call front one and all, and assure you that i you will save litnettni money by dealiui wit'a ARA. SoLomos, 123 Main-st. Oat, 5, 1871, us. It is the universal testimony of allicguainted with the bzwin6s, that 0. P. Moss bas got thebest arranged Book Store in the country, Lind city dealers tell IlliOneszirr is one of the closest buyer,. Thai hla taste in selecting goods is excellent, all who visit his store testily. I is wanted by the undersigned, l Mat ho may re ply to a letter received from 'putted, rein-eat ing Mr. CUM= or &mm I IitIIINDEEN who died in this country iinnewhere about 1798 to 1802. MoiLPERZ Haulm, • Bootor of Trinit7 Church. Athens, Bradford Co.. pa. i f , , stir If you want the International Lessons and Sunday Ektmol papers, give your order to O. F. Oaou, who eau furnish them to you on better terms than you can get them In the city. SEED Wrizer.---Tbe subscriber of ten to the publio touryuieties of • choice seed wheat—Diehl, Michigan White, Weeks, Lan cutcr Bed. L. P. thazzonn.' August 1, 1874. TATZ.OB & •J leir If yon don't want your wife to buy the new patent Bad-Iron, keep her away from Juices. It is the beat and most ent invention for lessening the tedious work of ironing ever presented to the public. No one who sees it will ever go home witlorat it, . CAmprowN WoomitiLL.—Clard ing, Spinning, and Weaving, Alen Manufactur ing, Oloth-Dressing, etc., as usuil., Stocking Yarn, Flannel and Cloths for Bale. Machinery running it good order, and work warranted arid done With dispatch. . - DuEssaLuxa.4lrs. HENRY KINGS soar, in the Arcade block, oplioslte the EpisCo pal Church, is prepared to do dress-making in the latcst'atylo and neatest manner on'.abort notico and at reasonable prices. Fitting made a spocialti. Stamping done also. 'To THE PEBLIC.—SiIICH &pi.' 1, 874,` we are Boning tickets to all points West and liouth-West via Erie Railway and.conneet lug lines,at reduced rides. Passengers purchas ing tickets through this Sgettcy insure good connections and baggage check 3d through. Apply to either of the Undersigned at Towan• da, Upper Depot. 1 1 W. BISHOP, QUARTERLY MEETING. The first Quarterly Meeting of the Bridgwater Associa tion, wilrbe held (God willing) with the Wya lusing Baptist Clitu'r.h at Camptown, commenc iDg on Friday evening, Oct. 16, and bedding over Sunday. Revs. W. d TtLowl and H. H. GUN, preachers for Om occasion. A cordial invitation is extended to all. NOTICE.--The North Branch Asso ciation of Universalist', will hold a conference . at Springfield, on the 21st and 22d of O4ober, 1871. A general invitation Ls - extended to all. . ' fl. W. 'Casa . :Standing Clerk. AUTUM; 1874.—N0w Goods suita ble forth° season. now opening at Morrmints. rer We .frequently bear that Grangers and others form clubs and send to Elmira and the larger cities for groceries. Such a coursois not only unwise, for home.en terprise should always be encouraged, lint it results in positive loss to the purchasers. Alc- CADE ct EDWARDS sell everything in the grocery line at prices as low as any establishment in the city, and purchasers will find it to their at. vantage to give them i call. se- The Fall and Winter schools throughout the county are about opening, and purchasers of school hooks will be interested in knowing that C. F. Caries' store is head quarters for all the different kinds of books used in the schools of Bradford and tidjoining countior, and that his facilities for poirchasing gibes hid) the "inside track "in selling. Coun try merchants 'can get their supplies of him just as cheap am they can in the city, thus sav ing freight. tE±)... A granger informs, as that he has a new. variety of potatoes which. he has christened "Chinese," because they have al., mond eyes, flat nose, and pointed teeth. Such' an imitation in the vegetable kingdom of 'the "human face divine." is no more remarkable than the fact that Jumvs Wor..yr is now selling clothing for both men and !nye, - at lower prices than the same quality of goods have ever been offered for in this market before. M. Busy mothers will be gratified to learn that there is one establishment in To tvwla where they can buy good, substantial ;othes for their boys cheaper than - they can et the material • and have them made up. ours WOLFF, realizing the wants of commu. nity in this iiarticnetir, has littrahased and is selling very cheap boy's clothing of every de . . &cription Sir' When the times aro dull, pra lent dealers take advantage of the Market and lay in their stock. Sueb has been the case with .t.CCABE k EnwAnns. During the past few months, manufacturers and jobbers have been o anxious to sell that they have been willing o trade on a very small margin, and McCain . Enwanns know that a "nimble sixpence is /. tter than a slow shilling," 'consequently they o ee greater inducements to cash . buyers for everything to the grocery line than any' other establishment in tho county. They deal in the very best brands of family groceries and flour. VW' I. K. HAmus, at the new Mil.; finery Store, next door to Cumin:mimes, has more than realized tho e4peotations of our people. His stock of goods . yronld do credit to to a first-class city store, and his prices aro lower than most ordinary 'conhtry 'establish ments. The ladies ofTowanda, and in fact the whole county, will find it to their advantage to visit his store before purchasing. It affords us real pleasure to recommend such an establishthent to•our readers. F.. E. POST. PRICES REDUCED. Good • people, you who pay for what you -get, and are the merchants' supporters,. do you realize that if you buy at places whore general credit's ¥, It is you who really pay for all that the beats and people of poor pay consume ? It is added to the price of everything you get, and honest ly pay for, and for our part we propose that it shall no longer be so. From to-day we shut down on book accounts and long-winded Cred its, and sell Groceries for Cash or Prodnds, at Reduced Prices. Come and sae the proof of it. BILLIMALL dC HAICtIiT, Red, White do Blue Store. Aug..18r.4. Va. Autumn comes on apace. •- Al ready the more tender and sensitive leaves are patting off the, garb of green and arraying themselves in the gorgeous liveries of scarlet,' purple and gold. Before many days the hill sides will present a mass of gay coloring which will last until the keen winds of winter scatter the foliage and leave the branches bare and desolate; the year dies royally In bravo attire, as a monarch who decks himself and meets death with smiling face and richest drapery. It would bo pleasant indeed if 'me could confine ourselves b reflections like the -above, but stern : necessity calls upon us to prepare for the approach of cold weather; by providing our selves with comfortable - apparel,—a necessity which is not always easily met' by the poor and unfortunate. But we can scarcely picture a person so poor as to be unable to purchase a warm snit at the celebrated clothing establish ment of M. E. RESthlBl.l4 We notice that he has overcoats, from $1 upwards, and other gar ments proportionately low. Mr. 11.'s reputa tion as an bonoroblo dealer is a etiflicient guar intee that his goods are just what he repre sents them to he, - HOUSE. FOR SALE.--On between Pine W and Bridge —east side. Twelve rooms; Gas, Water, Heater, Rouge, etc. One of the moat convenient houses. to be found. Terms easy. Empire on the premises. NUMMI', MASON. Corrected every Weciuselay, by O. B.,PATCB subject to changes daily. Wheat, II bush Bye, It bush • , Buckwheat, t bush Oorn, p bush Oats, 1t bush;.. 1. Beans, bosh.... Butter (rolls) 11W1 do (dairy.), lb new Eggs IP dos Potatoes, bush.now• • • Flour barrel 850 ® 7 00 Onions 111 bush 2 00 Wzionws of Onenv.—Wheat 60 lb. ; Corn 56 lbs. ; Bye 66 lbs.: Oats 32 lbs.; Barley 40 lbs.; Buckwheat Id lbs. Beans 62 lbs.; Bran 20 lbs.; Clover Seed 60 lbs.; Timothy Seed 44 lbs; Dried Peaches 33 lba.; Dried Apples 'Albs.; ?lax geed 50, lbs. F. B. 13VIIBANB ntrOTATIONS OF WeITE,PI 74.1 p ELL & CO.. Borrras AND' BIIOZZIA, Smith Third Street, Philadelphia, Oct. 6, 1874 DID. 1113,; ,11234 115!,; 1163; 11,6;3; 1173; 1173; 1113; 117 3 ; 1123; 1123; 1103; 105 54,4 1%8. 188 c 20 c. 5. '62, M. and N ' E. Bunrunand, - Pastor at Cam pt.'s , / ). 44 14 /4 .65, ' ,65, J. and .7 14 . 44 44 .• • " 10-10, coupon, " • Pacific a's. cy .... New Si. Reg. 1891 c. 1881, Gold, kllver Pennsylvania, Reading ........... Philadelphia & Erie..... .. Lehigh Navigation. Valley United 11. R. of N. Oil Creek Northern Centra1.......... Central Traniportation,... Nestinehoning, C. & A. Mortgage Cl,' '80,.. 11141111 . CLINK—DEXTER.—At , Camptown, Sept. 21, by Bev. E. Burroughs, Sept. 27, Mr. James O. Clink, and Mks Poly p L Dexter, both of Auburn, Sessuehanna Co., OAMP—DEPEW.-4.n Montrose, Sept. ' 23, by Elder W. 0. Tilden, Mr. A. W. Camp, of Herrwn. ick, and Miss Monts Depow, of Camp. to TOWNER—WATT:CHM—In Waverly. N. Y., Sept. 18, by Hey. S. P. Brown. Mr.-Arthur H. Towner. of Rome, ; and Miss Emu. L. Wet , .khui, of Athens: SMITH—GIBBON—In Waverly, N. Y. Se pt. 17, 1874, in Game Church, by Bev— mr. Brown, Chu. A. Smith, of Huletein, and Cors C., second daughter of the late Der. 8. J. Gibson, of Bheshequin. • - HABBINGTON-811INEIL—At the home of the bride, in Greenwood, Oct. 4, by Hey. Hil lock Armstrong, Mr John Henry Harringtm of Barclay, and bliss Lucy Hite Shiner., NEWELL—PABBIIOIIE.—A t Wyse; on Sept. 24, 1874, by Rey. J. 8. Stewart, Dr. J. H Newell, of Wyalnaing, to Miss Adelaide Pass- Mori% of Wysox. D-1ED.,1 1 . • COBUIIN..=At Warren, Bradford county, Va.; Sept. 19, Betsey Coburn, in the 90th year of her ago. OHIGGS—At the home of his son-in-law, Wm. V. Stevens, near Monreton, on the 19th of September, Joseph Griggs, in the 91st year of his ago. Ho departed this life in full hope of a blessed . immortality. Ho was born in Ashtrd; Wind ham county, Conn., in tho year 1783, and wig almost 91 years old at the time of his death. Hecnniefo Montooton in 1830, where ,he - has resided over since. His wife died &bruit seven years tsefore him. A largo circle of relatives and friends mourn his loss. •Ho united with. the Pfeabyterian churolOn Monroetou in lAN,' and was a "living epistle, known and read of all men.",,'Beligion with him was an every day Matter, and his path was nut of the jest, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day., Daring his lsat sickness ho was a great sufferer, but he 'awaited his change with pa tience, reslgnition, confidence and joy. His end was peace. • TOWANDA MARKETS. wxrciuserz PRICES. New Advertisements. FOR RENT.-:-The store occupied by B. A. Pettey k ('o. Possession Riven Octo. ber Ist. Inquire of E. T. PDX.. Sept. 3-tf. VT D. L. DODSON DENTIST. • On and after Sept. 21, may be found In the alegant'new rooms on 2nd floor of Dr. Pratt's new office on State Street. Business solicited. Sept. 3 14-tf. DR A. G. BUSH, CAIIPTOWN, BRADFORD C0L". , , , 1T1, PA., Treats Chronic Diseases by now methods. Maybe consul el by letter. [Aug. 6.'74. MERCIIR'S HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 13th CIIAS. I. DLIPILFZ, Increased Talent and New Attraction, Annoancing,tho Unrivalled DIIPREZ k BENEDICT'S GIGANTG FAMOUS MINSTRELS, BIIRT,ESQUE °PENA TDOLTE AND BDA.SI BAND, ;Of twenty-three year's experience, Enlarged, remodelle'd and improved, Composed of 28 people, Most liucceisfril and powerful Troupe traveling, Introducing Concerts of Merit and Brißaney. Tickets at popular prices,• •• • .. ... 50 and 35 cents. A new system for selling Secured Seats, No extra charge for Reserved Seat Tickets, Sold ten,days in advance at 50 cents each at Eirby's Drug Store. 'On the day and evening of the Entertainment, Ito. *served Seat Tickets el 1 bo 25 cents extra. GRBAT BARGAINS in STOVES We offer at cost prices the follow ing eicellent Patterns of Stoves ~ ORIENTAL IM7iOVED, ILLUMINATOR, FAVORITE, BRILLIANT, RADIANT LIMIT, NOVELTY, LIGHTNING, SPEARS ANTI CLINKER BEACON LIGHT. Call and examine and save money/ CODDING, iIIISSELt4I & C'tt) Oct. 7, It 4w PUBLIC! SALE.—The Orwell Edu- A. national damodatkon will afar for sale on the grandees, to the highest bidder, on MONDAY, No. reinter 10th, 1874, at 1 o'clock, P. IL, their three story school building and lot, containing one acre of land, and situated upon Orwell M. Possession given, April 641876, Terms Zola known on day of isle. I B. A. 13110103(21„ I , A. PLATT, ry G. 0. 1,111.811111, Trustees. , E. C. BULL. _ ' L. PILNDLNPON Orwell. Ps., Oct. 3, '74., A FARM FOR , SALE.—The sub ./ca. scriber's health having failed, te wishes to' sell& farm. situated in Orwell township. There is one hundred acres, sixty or more improved, the balance heavy Umbered.with hemlock. beech, birch maple, some ash, black cherry, about a dozen pine trees Of good quality, a sugarbush of 140 or 13e trees, s good runnitg saw mill within 10 rods of the farm, another shout lan • mile off ; good frame house 26z32, with en L 13:50. with kitchen, wood house &c.: a barn with wagon house and threshing floor; the whole 36170, with basement .under the whole. a wagon hovel carpenter shop, ay.; Ilvin t ; 'weter, an old orchard, a young orchard, graperiaer, era; meadows made smooths for mowing, good temps, under o good state of mdtivattom "Wirt° he examined to know conveniences. Terms made easy. L. 11. STEVENS. South Hill, Bradford 00., Pa. Now Advertisements.. ,EV#NB & HILDBETH CAA attention to their °potting new roll shO Win• ter Cloodi, Which is thwjergest e and most complete they hive ever eraldhited, and at prices which cannot ihn to please. In their stock may be found • • , BLACK HENBETTAS; BLACK TABID3E, BLACK B BLACIK MOIMIW, BLACK ALPAO BLACHTMPRESS, BLACK 'TALL% 11308150 1 50 @ 2 00 #4 3 0 30 4) 32 1 W. No 42 AlFe all the new eh mere; 'Camera' Hair; pr ifs Clothe, 'satins, Cotton ,and Wool So Poplins, Alpacas, Rep -60'; 126 8'; .4 53 , . • 112 o a large stock of Cloaks, Is, Blankets, Waterproofs, Cas- Sha 102% ea, Flannels, Felt Skirts, Prints, DM Ginghilms, Shirtings, Tickings, Den- ims, Cottons,. &c., T cnrauda, ra.. pct. '74-11 VAN WET Y GOODS NEW FALL GOODS. are economically inclined are II d to call and:ex OE of Goods. We Stoc 'vs assortment Mil CZ t 14-tf , TANTEENS, BLACK C TONS, CABHMERS, BLAMI BLACK CR MO BLACK CR, 'APE CLOTH BLACK DR PET ades in Cash- Merino 3, l'wool Serges ges, Empress &c., &c. EVANS & HILDRETH ■ NM -Aza e our New ter a very at- -LT W PRICES INGLY L MI Give us a TAYLOR k CO. Now Adi4rtllens, BUYERS OF H BTOVEII, &C., will do. w 11 to call their & and 0: chasing, ciimgriaing TING FIT COOKENO EiTQVES, rAlch gre Among yr) TRIBUNE, TRIBUNAL, ILLY A.ISIERICA.N, PRESIDENT, =I Ii BEE 4.TER, I 1 S ' ' MA S 4 MERRY CHRIS BEY 'OLDS L' LATER, ROYAL ARCL= EC 11)33 UAGIC SHIEL NTOi BO tterne of We liar . o z li . amber of p offer at c. =1:1 , LEAD C.Ii3T E 3 LEON at rctiue.l ,prieca MEI Nails,. Glass, .Li tack o .Do - ors and a tine ch Lo Trimmings,: Bree R!f}2R, Gnus, *peatipg rand Carfrictfl.s, Puw] ,na Oils Purchasers dt Paints CM try gall, Itraaley k Co.'s! excel!ed by Jewetts an other. ORNXUENTAL GLASS VARNIiFtES, 31A.0 TUNE - o SEE LEATHER BEL w 001) PUMPS; SAWS, FTLFS, BABBITT, NG, RUBBER PACK LA HAY ROPE, FTIII lEEE SOAPSTONE PA LS, spßEs*s; PATENT WHEE ~I pES, j SPOKES; HUBS, ..FELL' PAIRBANK'S P AND LANTERNS, 'KEROSENE LAMP; It POTS, I' FLOW BRASS AND CO hanic's Tools AU kinds MeG WASH TV BS, PAILS, Pr11:1 :4 BASKETS, xorsncEs, BROOMS and cel Prices? At Red e eed. Critters, Corn Cider Mills, . eissorsj Razors and Shellers, Fite_ S rass and Iron -Wire, Pocket Catleiy, Bird Cages, Tin Fitting and Pln .tice by compete , t, worl prices for rash. the 'public respeCtfally CODAIRG, Sept. !!!!3 TO TtiE PUBLI C . nearly'afteen years experience la boringronadl Pump loge; i offer my services to the pular. Work ' attended to in any part of the cottV to obortroeter and ratlafadion guarantee& CALM ALLM ZZ'w Albany. March 254 f. 911RPSTEE'S, .1. lurebigiven ilia all pasona Itidebted to the, 'estate of pinto Horton, of Wilmot twp., re• quested to snake Immediate; payment, and ill pet. ; • sons having claims against said eatato will morel them duly authenticated for settlement. Sept. 15. • _ W. T. lIOIITON, Tinatee. TAASSOLUTION.—,-, The partnerehip heretofore existing between the htmdereigried under, the firm name of Myer & nriztell, la this dal dnisolved mutual consent' Towznda; July 2,18?4, ARE ‘ TRON t Coddlng, before rar. •OPPARTNERSHIP.'--The under+ aigned. having formed a c,Opartnerehip, under . the ftrm nahao of Burden dyer. will hereafter condact flip Marla; bualnesi at the . Old statd of la, blyer it Randall, where they invite the enamors of the late fine and the public generally to call. . , .E. DAIIINDELL Towanda: July 10,•1874. chug. surrat. • ,OVES. TDROOLAMATION.--WHEREAS; —L . Ron. PAUL D. MORROW. Prciident Judge of the 13th Judicial District, consisting' of the 'county . of Bradford, and Rona. 0. 8. Ryas= and B. D. IfAr.s.wEss, Asaociatedudges in. and for said county of Bradford, haying famed their precept bearing . data the 2dlday of September,lB74,to me direr:led for. holding a Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sea- • alone; at Ti oy , for the County of Bradford. on Mon., day the 2d day of OCTOBER, to continue one week. • " J. M. SPRITS, Sheriff. AU GUS, ARGAND, AUDI T OR'S NOTICE. — . ln the natter of the the of Ferdinand Gable. late 'of Rano, decd. La the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. I ' The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the court to dispose of exceptions to the Strad account of Mizabetli B. and ITenry Gable, Administratcirs of the estate of Ferdinand Gable, late of Bonn', deed, will attend to the duties of hie appointment at hie oil ce in Tbwanda Borougb, Pa., on TrfirfallitS. tbe sth dinnof NeYBUBER, 1874,''t le o'clock, A. 11 . ., when all perfons interested must be present and make ,known their "claims, or be forever 'de barred front the same. JOI3X-W. AIM • Octlwi. I I . . Auditor. AI.INATORi . • A ITDITON . J as.. Foe ter yr: Jay Chaaprd. In the Court of Cobamon Floss Of Bradford Csanty, No. 130 ' , ed. Term. 1872.. Also J. P. Eirby vs. ;ay Chaapel. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Connty- No. 627, Feb. Term. • The undersigned, :an Auditor appointed by the - Court:to distribute money in the hands of the Slier. iff,:arisin,g from sale; f defendant's real estate, will attend to tile duties of his appointment on Friday. the 231 day of October, ft, D. -- 1874,, at one o'clock P. IC., at the office of:Peet & Davies; in the Born' of Towanda, at which time and place all wale= con corned aro Fequesled to be present, and they stall be heard. • B. A. 'AfERCITS, Auditor. Sept. 24, 1874. . N E-w: DRY • • ! IN T0W.A14D.A..! • • 3lts : sr.s BRAMIALL Gorr Have removed their Etock 14 Dry Goods from the 014 etend 4 P. A, POUF'. opimeitalhe &nut House HE TEA, TO THE E A ST STORE IN BEIDLEMAN'S BLOCH, NEAR THE BRIDGE, ■ And ar s e datly'rezeirino NEW GOODS FA03.1 THE CITY HEATER . . In 'addition i Co the Bankrupt Stock of B. A. Fetti4„ Nvl3.leli .I.ley tra selling for about:Cane half price. .Cte ar.l tce iorjyourfelves. If 'we i.'on't. rave yoti some =neap, ',fool !nip. ; : ' BItAIMALL c GOFF; ~ . I 1 i . Xtid. , erata's Block, (ticat the Ilrii'lgei Vri , l,;:e eta Towanda, Oct. I, 18'3. • ',- _____ stoves which WE rIPE, u ran A ll - 111 - t'S C THARTI.O PILLS, rr* , f ams• OP d TAUTLY rrrsr.,ir• MEM -,• • . . • Curing e r ostivenese. Jbundlc", DyspepaLs, Indf gest/ l on, Dyoenteri, Foul Stoznisch and- Breath, Ery , i eiPe.av, Efe4danlgi• llil,s, Lbeuroattina, Eruptione an,l :tin Lindner, Fallowness, Liver Coniplair.t, Dross y. ,:.y. 1'...-liers, Tumor. and Salt Illion:u7,' Worms. Cit9t, N.. - , art.gia, as a `Dinner Pill: ar.d Purifying the blitd.ar. tile =. nct co a genial • i l . ,u4igattve Tet perfect NI., Thclr effccti abundantly show bow much theyeitce - I nil ,1•1.1.er Pitts. Theylm'e ear- Mid pleasent to tzko, bat powornit ii, cure. :they I purgo out the foul ...it t...4:s Of the i ttil.P.,l ; t...S$ btinnulate the . sluggish Cr :34 cide'rcl i rgaa ir.to nation; aud tLey Impitrt he :.!th . ' and t•mri tope whololb.:lng. Thep cure nut old!' iLs every day ccrindnints of every body, but foradd. able and dittigcrous diEeasel.l rot skilful. pb:-pi clans racsi i.mlnent i olergynen; and our best vitt ., vcild i,certificatcs of cures fNerformed and of •.c..at. tMocidc thay bavo derived from-these 1'..11s .. .. 1 .1 , ara tit!! ..afost. and locst physic . ..Or children, be cauze mill 1..3 tvPli L3 i e nCttlai.' Being sugar cinled. they 11:4 e'nily to take t snd being pu:ely vegetable they are entirely harmless, .• ~ ". 1 PbXPA?EO n.s.' ' • • • • V,T P, .C. AYER .3-.P.0.: LONVEIt.i.., 'S L 1.5.1., .. Pr4ctlcal and Anslytic4lClHttdOs. -• Sol! 1-y r 1 Drucigista avid riera.ols in IT: el! . .lti^. I._ A n cult '..1.g. r ' I . . Lockii and ding _ Shot Rk:Colvers, OE re rcq'uezted to 1; whiLl.‘ la Lot IRON PUMPS, itty Son-7 and ! Chorus ' Out in the gilow; or prwaknrirs chilil—Hays, 40- Ssr,N:t I.,:tt:e.: May. Song and NEW SONGS: Where has Ada gone? Song and Chornq.Hays, 06 DOn't forget inQ Songland Cho).Eay!, 05 Nor 3, the rtide of E.:ikon. Song 4C BY THE AUTHOR OF GAS PIPE, Follow up the Now. pang and Chorus—EaYo, Ily Lost Lantos, Song and Chorns....asys, Lennle Darring.- Song and Chorus Hays, DRAIN TILE, 3.IOLLIV, DARLING. Old Caleb. 16ong and Cliorne Haye, 35 Bean 11; poor Heart. Song and Chorue..Haya, 35 Out on the Sea. .9C , TI and Chorna......Hay% 35 peat-paid, ,on receipt of the marked price, By d. L. PETEtS. 599 Hrondwai, New York. El VALUA_BLE FARM FOR SALE. —I no* offer one of tbd finest farms for sale in UradfordlConnty, Tit”ated two Miles from Ulster. Upwards 04 200 acres-175 acres improved, good fruit of every description. a! fine dwelling, barns, sheds, and all-necessary building thereon, will be sold for a reasonable price. aMY time -given to the purchaser. ',For further pahiculars enquire of June 2. ; J. L. IXIBBIN. Athens, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- .L.l.Notice la hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of. John Gartland',lr., late of Wyalus ing, deceased, aro ,relnestea to tattle immediate payment, and all persons harinFreclalma against said estate ;must present them duly authenticated for settlement.. ANDREW FEE! OAKUM, • I 7SA'AiIIcATIONS: of Teachers far .1-4 the Priblic Schools will be held as follows: . „ 0ct,19 Wilmot, Sugar Bun Sehool House , 20 Terri Terrytown School-House, 21 Asylum, Center School House - 22 Standing Stone, Stevens' School Hoose 23 Ilerrkk, Landon School House . 21 %placing, Camptown School How° 20 Pike, Leraysville Schaal Hotiso , . 27 Orwell, Orwell Hill School House 23 Warren, Bowen Hollow School House 29 Windham, Center School House 3) Lltoilfield, Center SchOol House Athens.ll Borough School nonce Nov 2 St:eel:u:tin, Center School House 3 Miter, Village School.'House 4 Burlington W..80r0 School lloace 5 Smithfleld, Dist Smithfield School House G Bidgeberry, Centerville S^hoed Rouse 7 South Creek, Gillett's School House - ! 9 Wellt, Rowley MB School Rouse -10 C,oldrabia, Au stinville School Hops° - 11 Sprit:v:l6d, Center School House . 12 Troy. Borough School Hou.Se 10 Canton. Borough Sch . ool House 1.17 Leßoy. Corners School House" • • IS Granville, Center Scheel Mouse 19 Franklin, Varney School House 20 Alonioe, Afonrocton 80001 House 21 Albany t Overton, Bahr School Honso , 23 Tacarom, Keeney School House 25 Rome, Horon i ih School House 20 Wysex. Ilyerchirg School House ' Tow4nds, Borough SChool House ApPlicantS plesse come provided with pee, ink, lead pencil, foolscap and sixth reader." Exam 'ination to fieginwt o'clock, A.. AL A A. KtlatEi, . County Supt. FORM SC. LES, PER KETTLES, I PLATED CASTORS TED BUTTER DISUTS - nts - ncEss EDUCATION.. -a—Ar! • ! :Young 6en desiring a thorough Imowledgo of Business, Commercial Law, the FeIeIICO of Acccna tits, shonhi take a course of study at , • I PiATED SPOON. lAL COLLEGE PLATED FORKS 1 - •QR SALE-CAURIAGE • AND 'SET OF SING= carriage is god permanent top, , itY made, for one or two horses! and cost qo. It has been newly painted, and is in eVery respect wrong and in trod order. 1t iitay aeon ror a short time at the carriage shop of air. sryt.EN, Thp harness is of enperlor mire, Eater -plated. and in p•rfectly good.condition: En. rinfro alley. CMS, E. 3141.1'..t1NE of E. T. FOXO Towaida, Oct. I, r74..tf. I . 'ork,, Beaters, Gas on short no. MI kinen, at low LE atronage of Belted. nIISSELL & CO ' i s lascellaneons. GOOD STORE Sept 10 1 . T(,,anda, l ra,, Sq). 2S, 1574. I • • rtatal , .7glca and CoIlc" ' o Journal.. ' Addrotis • I I L. L. SPRAGUE, ctl. Principal, Kingetori, Pa. JOTiCE.—Is heieby given',to all peisims, knowing themselves to , be Inifatted toi be subscriber, either - by judgment or nolo, to m ke immediate payment and all-indebted by book ac ' , punt are requested to cciine and settle the same, bT i noto or payment, at once. If this callistsjected it VI be my duty to proceed forthwith under the I.IW to conipel payment and settlement of accounts. Dent forget, bear in mind that costs will be made unless attention is paid to this call soon. ' 1! 1•. . ; ALLL - N IIcEF.A:S.:: Towanda,a Sop't 201974. I - . telt' Pl aning andl' Mill dluilding, .. a p'ur?fonfoi ifac fOrmerly in possesssion of T. L Lacy, Wyslusing, Ps. Also', a Portablo Steam SSW' Mill near tlifeehott- Vsn.WyOnaing county, Pa. For further particulars enquire al or address W. T. HOUTON, Terrl town, Bradford Col.Ta CARTlON.,—Whereas • smy -wife. has left my bed and board without any , 13 ary h r canto or provocatitin, these aro therefore to. ld aby one trusting or harboring her at'any iat my chlliAren that she Molt with her so I will MINI debts of their rontraelin L'',. • I . •1 TIIOIiA6ITULLIVAS, '! tillgetcrry Sep! Iv. rill, i G. B. 'MYER, ! E. D. ituspal.. MI Adtanistrafor.i