Ssrititl4l=l. VIE BACK SIDES OF 1101Ist.S.—Take the prettiest and best kept pillage of ' New. England; and we doubt if a tenth part'of even the most preten tions mansions and. the most. ornate cottage will bear examination in the rear. - _lnstead of being nicelyfinish al in all their pretty 'domestic de :ails -and cenviences, and kept snug and trim, with trial .grass-plots, with all the subordinate' avenues and. gar den approached - well graveled, clean sweep and free of refuse and every ti,':; v..bolesOMe ftncl orderly, there :Lpt'tci be t a look generally an ti li.o as if all shoo residuals rub of year's had Been dumped there :Sot nnfreqviently a railrOat: t.',n~traks in' Such a manner as , expr,se the rearjof plenty of _ : ;I,c of tit._ tr:truir-r ovt.r sc-nse of- , Lea'.l...ess is offered rive Eilly-.r . t! rods of back-yards are , ;I•:,l)erect up with every conceivable of second-hfaid, damaged and invalided article - knon to domestic Loin a horse cart disabled by brach thills and - wrecked wheels, to the ghost of the baby carriage which survives i'wo generations-of children; interspersed with smashed crockery, fusty and condemned tinware, old .boots; sardine boxes,-, disabled junk bottles, hoop spirts which would have outlived all nsefalness if they bad ei-er had any, chiit, burdock, mullin, ashes, half-burned lumps of waslcd coal, el imaginable litter, tr!...01 debris and dirt. On the other hand, nothing is prettier than a 'cot tige which is thoroughly well kept .in "r - ar as at its more public Portion. It .e.l - 2i_e inevitably rendolent of a 'ur, sWeeter, happier_ domestic life than -one with.hcaps of festering rub biEl crowding hard uponit. GE. , ---53 ON RIM LAND.- Wm. V. S. Be ek Ellab is right in believing that hay or gags sown on liberally trlanur 7 cil.lan , l is more, nutritious than if -grown on poor soil. The difference noticed in hay; hut' every far -2-111,.-x mast ha - Ve seen that cattle And Lc.rses will eat nearly .bare the grass front manure parts of long cropped 'fields, while:Abe unmanured part trill 7 1- - 1 : 4C30,5t l? 0 untouched. Of conrse . the grash growing around fresh clopping is offensive, but -I referlo soil' made rich by continuous manur . Lag with compost. I have. seen the mime thing On undrained land, cat - tle_following, - in the line of the drain as aciUratelYi , as 'Could the man who -I . dug it. I , Where this - is;the case, some '. thing i 5 -doubtless due to the effects of sub3oiling, as 'a good drain should 1, , :t1:e dry- one: Or two rods wide on aJ t ,•ll ;AC of it, Top-dress one-half the p*.uxe _early iu Spring with guano, - superphosphate; or any ; fertilizer, and ! :FA will find that the cattle will. stay oil thr.t part of the field, most of the through*. It is evident that , -to SO:19 _extent the composition of - ,the,samc variety,of plants varies on. :.oils. An expert in tobacco is ill ,text whether. the „Geed been gr'oWn titi low ; Mucky cu.Vn dry' ancdL a healthy cow,Nwith clover-scented brCath, ought 'to have d6licate sense of taste than a of tobacco. The superiority of old pAsture:iia` -chicffy- because long soils are less fertile. Cat - tiio piCk the graSs out of the fences and have y=oung clover, till it acquires ' and solidity. Young,' newly ix.el.l grass - will not:. keep flows up to 'll(.ir milk, arid still less 'produce ::burl-litnco of-eream and butter with- Out iaeal, which-s=hould be f6d regu till -the 'first of June, or .longer • if +.l_ cows will cafit. The pay will m4ne. in a larger mass of richer milk all the seaton. It is impossible to grain' more proiltahly than in ifLOing it to good"cotes, which will • rutin it it to you. in the milk vastly improving the quality, if not increasing the quantity of milk. - • DISTEOII'Nt-i THE lEEE LOCSE. There are several, species of bark -11're, all more-Or lesSinjarious to the plaiits upon :which they live, and some aferathertdifilerilt to destroy. •.The particular' spetics.' infesting the lipple tree -(.l:v,tditits eonchifarini. can rsnallrbe destroyed. L by thor wasliing the bark with strong - , o - r with d. potash lye. • The! calt, bug" which infests the orange tree citri) is very similar in: its habits tO the apple bark lonse,but is more 'difficult to till. 'A vigor ous r.Serof soapsuds seem,s to be onlyi tranFient remedy. The applica,,,4 ! - ;ozi alcol:ol is also transiOt iu Lv.tvly this insect has made! •fts appctirm%::., orchards in Los l l4t. b ,.tos California,; ir..jurf,ag the ,quality of the fruit tel. extent, and thre , atening. to de, l 3-11 troy tile frets: Some of the leading' cniturlts in that locality ha v e: 1 ,- 64n experimenting on the- effects of various remedies that have been from time to time suggested, and, according to a card which they have] Published in the LoszAngelps :Herald, liavo , :,nc . ceca s eiiilinding a sure The principle ingredient in! rymeLly used is carbonic acid `gas and :tis applied by the use of ani :•)4liiiary portable 'lre entinguisher.'i Tl.e,strength of au ordinary charge .I:•siniply reduced, and it applied di \ rectly to the trees: The inventor! lays no' claim to tiny patent ;and Cali fornirls'ny 'that. any of the common .. , patent extinguishers can be -success. . fully Used. I L . L'Efousr. ron Five DoLLA.tIs.--- A-,c' , ,,::hbor of mine, says a corres ondtn... ba4. an .inclosure of- about 7:1 fl t t Fctrifire in the clear, and Si_. The walls are formed o efase . timbers thrown!lost-Iv. 4 .• gcflier, with uo regard to form or The roof is made Of, boards. The entire cost of tii.:;.l:ttilding:,-did not exceed five (.101 7 , practically consider, it is al sticec6s; not ambitious of containing, thirt7-ilve!loads ,61 ice, but simply • five.. loads. 'Ten years Ulla little . unprotentions house has been used'; . - - ice;and never -yet dishonered a di•aftmpon its Crystal deposit. About six inches of sawdust was spre4l abdut - upon the ground floor, and in; 'paeliin_f,* a space'of about nine inches; -was lelti between the ice and the waltg of'tht, building for sawdust,and about! riiro itches of sawdust was spread 111.'7i the top of the ice, And llet tats: fixed. The 'three main? . - ,bserved here will always! sin;isly of. ice,. viz:, good; :igo, and 1,1. - Aity cif sawdust.i aabered - ,to,a cornea old bc . c-thed prtivc• quite= 14,in laiseryin;f •ice. 1 of a'cres - inew Englandi 'l2ain , to waste, that might be ( - tavoteCt to the,pristnrng.e of sheep ifj wa.e not fur 'the the Coutetieut valky, thr!: fariners in it; ntimber of the towns :14:iNe given nri ;LOhaceo planting - gone - to rnising more useful crops. __ . ,:itwgzisilisow.i-_-,,.: ' "?' A . & N.Y. CANAL 8; R.R. CO.- . .. 1 411RANGEXCIST 07 PASSENGER : YRAM. • . To take efface ,TVliii 15,1874. 1110172531442D.1tra11rA1LD. I So MI=EeLL , NO 'No.; No.; No. No. Na No.I No. 13 ;29.1 9. 1 7. Mimosa 8 30. tsl. 4. ; ; P. 81.4 111 4. 141 P 21 - - 1 ir ' PY•PII I.IIIP 2 051 : 7 05' 8 05i2g's TAMA 55 i 1 16. 956. 2 50 7 40: 9 50...13affa10.. 1 12 251 9 00,11 45; 6 45' 1 9 20 1 4 at . Auburn. 9 201 I s 9 3:.; . -7 43; 12 001 Ithaca..„ 6 45i I 7 39; ' 849 X 122 81 :.Owego.. ; 9 00 , 245.12 551 8 30 , -Elmira.. 15 05 , 12 50; 616( 910 9 35,3 20 125 9os,Waverly J. 4 20111 4.5 1 5 4fl i 825 9 44;3 23 133 9 12' ...Sayre..l 412 11 35; 533; 816 ', 9 50.3 35 138 919 ..Athens-' 4 0111 29. 6 28; 810 ..1.:,3 45' 9so .. Milan.. 11 171 1800 , • ' 355! ' 9 4 ii.tilder.. 11 051 749 10 15 115', 206 10 flOrrowth•ta. 3 50,19 50L 45 8 735 ..;42e, . . .110.21Wysa'kUg, 10 321 - 798 ..... t 47' ' • ‘lO 37 IttraeriLdi •10 111 703 - 4,4 571 ;110 50, Pren'ht'nl 1002; 653 ~ 5 13.i1l 121Wfluttagi 9 481 640 1117 5 35 3 00,11 le Laceyvills l 224 929; 400 619 1. ,529 ; ,11 22 Vs kddy..l 9261 616 .. ... 5 45•:, ;1137.W Walnut; 921; 611 .. • .5 o , ', .11 45 fjoitiopenl 9 10;i 600 . . 110 '-- ' 1 ,12 30; whownyl .; 0 031 I 633 VI 61 ' 6 :;. , 0 3 '52,12 55 Tunklan'k 1 1 3GI 8 37; 3201 530 ..... ~7 20 1 1 20, _Palls ..1 8 11 1 1 5 00 12 50 7 50 4 35: 1 30 .Lt II : : , 12 50; 745, 245 i 436 14 57 800 442 ' . 1 491.piffston.;12 35 7331 2 37; 420 .4-- 812 F 2 fs'l.Pl'neville.i -1 7 24, .14 00 A 15 525 500. 3 271 W• Barre.ll2 15, • 7 151 2 201_4 00 , 2 312 -- 6 32; 4 /41/4” Haven, OS •as I 1 10; 232 ilsi w. 710' 435,P' Havea. l lo 25; 112 201 180 440 . 7 30: 5 60151' Chunk 10 051 111451 130 4 45. ; 6 54 1 5 531Allentown1 9 00' 110 17.12 23 4 48; , 8 341 5 051 E P June; 8 551 3. 12 19 .5 00, ; 8 451 6 35;sothTeh se 845 - 01361210 30 ! - 51 15 1 8 201. Easton.. 820 - 'lO 05'1140 045 ,10 30 9 46...Phi1'5.. '7 00 . 830 9 46 9 05 ; ;ral 6 40,New York 630 4 .700 900 .....i i 5 SO Wash'ton. sati 1.1.54 •511 .. .1:31 ..1.47/ Alt - . arinalowat Tian. • 1 No. 32 leaves Towanda 7 10 a. ra.; stopping at all stations, arriving at Waverly at 8 05, and Elmira at 1 900 L.w. INo. 31 leaves Emirs 530 p. m.: Stopping at all Stations, arriving at _lFaverly 6 15, and Towanda 7110 r.a.t. - ITrain 0 leaves Philadelphia 2:10 P.. M., New York 12 5f., arriving at Tankliannock 20:00 P. M. , Train 3 leaves Tunkhannock tt 1:00 A. M., seri% dog at Philadelphia 2:15.P. 31... and New York 3:53 P. If. ; Trains Ilkind 15 run (Idly .with Pullman Sleeping carkattached. • - 1 Drawing Room card Attached to Trains 2 and 9 between Elmira and Philadelphia. i IL A, PACKER, Sriperiztendent. TlOl7 IS THIS FOR LOW ! We offer DRESSED LUMBER at the following rates: . , tfemloek 'Flooring, (choice) ' -$lB per M. White Pine . . . 26 ~ ri Pitch ~ . 0 . ....... .1- ag 8. Biding ; •• . 715 to 25 •• Pickets from $2 to $4 per hundred. - 1 PLUTLNCI, MATOTEMG, RE•SAWNG, &e., 1 .. - bone at a moment's notice and by the beat machin ery now made. We have on hand ; 1 ONE 3 / 1 7NDREDTT11017,SAND PEET DRY UMBER We have in the ISM Pond ' • I , THREE HUNDRED AND PEFTY THOUSAND -1 FEET OF LIMBER . - 1 , And are constantly Manufacturing. 1 Ara-Parties who can reach tus are foolish to go Inear the railroad for Lumber, Is under any circum -1 stances we can SELL IT ORTEAPER-at least the cost of transportation from hereto the rallrcals- , 1 8 3 7 $2 to $3 per thousand. H. B. INGRAM. , ; . lone 26. '73. - _ Oamptown. 1 . . . 1 VORTHERN,. CENTRAL RAIL. . -AA WAY.-Direct route North and South to Bal timore, Washington, Philadelphia and all points South"; also to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Rochester, Syracuse And all points Eut ' and West on the New York Central Railroad. and the Canada*. divt.. On and after Sunday. Nov. 23. 1873, trains will leave Frlsllnr as follows : . worcrurs.o. Mail. arrive.... . ............. i .......... 10 20 pm Northern Express 12 00 ra °thing Accommodation. " 6 45 am , .. Evening do 655 poi sot..,...ivrAnD. - . - Southern Express 2 08 pm Mail ; , 645 am In.. Northern ' Express north and Southern Ex . prees, south, are through trains between Rochester - and Baltimore ; the Morning and Evening 'Ancona ; modation north connect at Canandaigua with trains . for Rochester and the rang. G. CLINTON GARDNER, Goal Supt. ' ' ED. S. YOUNG, Gen'l Pus. Ag't, BaltimOre, Md. :IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SFT:ri • HOUSES, FARMS, LOTS OR MILL PROPEUTT, or if yon wish to lend or borrow money on Real Estate or other security for a short term or a term-of years, or if you wish • RENTS - OF HOUSES Or miter property collected and paid, we offer su perior facilities for the prompt transaction of such business. • We have now a fLe list of property for sale, and thoee seeking REAL -- ESTATE INVESTMENTS In either town or county, will do well to call on us. NOBLE b CO.. Real Estate snd Loan Agents. Office Main street, opposite Court House, To wanda, .Pa. Mar 19, '.74-tf. S;EP CLOTHING VERY CHEAP! In order to ntakoro?ro for &he LABGEST and BEST stock of FALL CrIJOTHING Ertl - opened in this market-I will for the SIXTY DAYS OFFER. MY sL'3lllElt, cLoinnia REGARDLE-SS OF COST It ie tinnt , ccavry for Me to say that my goods are STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. are only. niTet ed at greatly reduced prlceA rath er thavi carry them over to next seseoll. . - Towanda, July HAND - BOOK OF POLITICQ, ron 1874, POLITICS BY nox. EDWARD Ict'IIERSON, cLETIS or IlOrsE or ria , ECM= ATITF-EI This ACitiourr. and mreatrriat Volume gives the rru, ntronri on the Increase of Salary Act " and its repeal, on Transportation, Civil Rights, and Fi nancial Questions, including the act of 18G2 creating Legal Tenders " and coin interest on Bonds, and the various Expanding and COntracting acts since. President Grant's Messages acid Memorandum, In.t terviews, Letters, Proclamations, and Action In 'Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tease r Supreme Court Decisions. Illinois and Wisconsin Railroad Lairs. • Constitutional Amendments, made and pending; in States, and Nation. Back-pay" Statia. tics, Tables of Appropriations, Debt, Elections, Cur rency Distribution by States and sections, ko. valuable for muiupaign. Cloth, $2.50, post-paid. Address . GEO. FRS. DAWSON, P. O. Box 134, Washington, D. C. Touands, Aug. 19,187 a. NE DOLLAR will pay one years' O .subscription for the TOWANDA JOURNAL.: The Joraw.ta, glace its enlargement, contain u much reading matter as any other paper in the county, including a hall and carefully prepared rec. ord of, all the county news. It contains the 'Court Proceedings, Jury and Trial Lists, Wcekiy report of the Markets, Abstract of illseriff Sales and the cur rent news of the day. Try it. fiend for • sample copyirwhiet t will be eent free on application. July 23-4 w OP AL The subscriber having the agency of the Hatchl _son Colliery at Kingston, Pa., is prepared to furnish dealers with all aims of Anthracite Coal, prepared in the best manner, from the celebrated Cooper Vela. A full supply of this Coal' may be wen by calling on W. H. Humfitton, at the Nov Coal Yard, on Pine, one bicek south of Math street, Where all: are invited to call. Fall weight and good quality inenred. L. S. CASE. ToWanda. Feb. 3. 1874, WEST STREET HOTEL, • v Nos. 4 1 , 42. 43A 14 wrs - T Frt.. liEw Toki TEIfrERANCE 1101'8E. , ON TII - 1: EUROPEAN lEEE 11.00M$ 50 And 13 awls por Day. CMWEB very MODERATE; TRO beet meats and vegetables in the =get. BIM rthe in the City. Mt 11. 9. T. DaTINEST, Proopeetor. - liiil l / 3 ,LE WORKS, g•v, vt. - !lA= t. /VW labitdted Is this metes. to vadat tbsi Invite tae Webb= at Ike NNW. 2247 keep •Os hand or 6in4sta to order TOMB STONES, MANTLES, & Persons In want of anyttdair ow itas inn ri srecttp,y jutted to call and 'mans our stook. W. SCOTT 4t . CO., bive added materially to ow dock, and sow offer a fall assortment of ;kg 'IIV We keep no books. add no percentage for bad debts ; therefore we an snd will give You the low est Mos.-411Am invited to call and be convinced. In ponneetloi - with the above, and meals at en holm of the day. TAptimds. Fab. 10,1874 PPLETONS' AMERICAN CY cLopzint. NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten 'by the ablest writers on even sablect. Printed from new type, and il/ustrsted with Several Thousand engravings aralLaps. The work originally pnbllshed under this tills of Tus lisw Anzarcia CYCL7PADIA. was completed in 1863, since which time the.wide circulation which it has attained in all parts of the United States, and the' signal developments which have taken place In every branch of science, literature and art. hive In duped the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and-to LIMO a new edition entitled Tun daintloan Ovecokammi.t. Within the last ten years the progress of discovery in every department of knowledge . his mid. a new work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political glair, has kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life. Great win and consequent revolutions have occurred, in volving national change. of Doollifor runnAnt. civil war of,otir own tarantry , which was at its height when last volume of the old work ap. prated. has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial and Industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to on geographical knowladge have been made by the Indefatigable exploren, of Atria. . The groat political revolutions of the taat decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time. have brought into public view a multitude of new whose names are In every one's month: and of whose lives every one is curie= to know the Outdo. Ware. Great battles have been fought and impor tant sieges maintained. of which the astaas are as yet preserved only I n the newspapers or In the transient publications of the day.—but which ought hake their place in permanent end authentic his , In,preparftig the present edition tor the press, It has accordtogiy been the aim of the editors to bring down the inforniation to the latest possible dates, and to thalami an accurate account of the most re. cent discoveries in science, of every fresh praduo• Lion In literature. and of the newest Inventions In the practical arts, its well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress of political and his torical events. rbe work has been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resour ces for carrying it on to a anocessful termination. • INone of the original stereotype plates- bSVe been used, but every page has been printed on new type, forming in fact a new Cykrprdia, with the same plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such im provements In its composition as have beon fug. Rested by longer experience and enlarged knowledge. The illustrations which are introduced for the first time in the present edition. have been added, not for the sae of pictorial effect. but to give greater indicity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all brsnehes of science and of natural histdry, and depict the most famous and re. market:de features of scenery, architecture and art, as well as the various processes of mechanics and manufactures. "Although intended for instruction rather than embellishment, no paitis have bean spared to metre their artistic excellence ; the coat of their execution Ls enormona. and it is believed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopiedia, and worthy of its high character. ' This work is 'alto Subscribers only, pantie on delivery of each volume. It will be completed to sixteen lug* octsvo - volumes, each containing about 800 pages, folly fllustrated with nevem thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored ;Stitographio Maps. • In Mitre Cloth, per vol., , $ 15.00 In Library bother, per vol. 6,00 In Half Turkey ;000, per .. . 7.00 In Salt Russia, extra 014 Per vol., ~ &M -in pall Morccco, antique, gilt edges, pervoL,lo.oo In Bull Easels. par vol.. . . . . . . 10.00 Three volume* now toady. Bacceoltng volumes.- nntil completion, will be homed once In two months. specimenTama of the Lvatercas Cra.orsora. *bowing type, Illustrations, etc., will be sent gratis On application. M. E. ILOSENETPr.r) FXDIZ•CLAS CANTIZEURG dozrrs WAirzze. - *eels the Publithe" ' D. APPLETON & CO.; 549 & 1551 Broadway. N. Y., & '525 Bingo= PhlTa. TWHEN YOU DESIRE D. M. TEENER. Editor and Prop'r THE LONGEE4 TAWAS kfED , Hag jot been repleninhe4 with a full and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF • , 'ANo whkh the attention of my customers la sips. daily called. rhea reasonable and Leads into& EL W. TOirands, April 23, 'a -U. XL 11 i o GEO. MoOLBE & AUER._ _AND ....AL-A_ MARBLE 1 1 MONUMENTS, Ofd dile. 1 T THE LOWEST TERM uinul d 4 iga ' i. u7i. McOABE & SON. 'BAKERS AND GROCERS, First block Forth of Ward Holum • DINING ROOMS D. W. 8001 T .11 00. TRICE LCD MU: 07 IaNDTXO. JOB PRINTING DT FIRST-CLASS STYLE, CALL AT THE "REPORTER " OFFICE. psisAelk,lA4'4ll(g):44 MISS G R I F' 1 1 I N SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, 1, WAGONS! WAGONS I . WAGONS on band a large assortment o ETim..v.r.m7nr, WAGONS WHICH I WILL SELL tREAPER Thin any other establishment, in the oountry. WAGONS AND CARNIMES Of 'every description manufactured to order on short'notioe. JAMES BRYANT. Tolima% Karch 11,1111. rosT & SONS Would invite the Pabllo to:oall and exemtnefthetr 10:471[341 110411:410P4OYMIJ: :}1 . i 1213137 y hire now on bgtd the MEG= AND BEST L TOWANDA, Ilbkb will be a le. 4% 1;1;olesala prices. pnvasod to do koRpt)DINII.I:4 meat maaonable term& lilro4lao keep la store sad nobs to order g &ASH, BLOM, DOORS, MOULDING % FLOORINGS, &© 'J. O. FROST & SONS Oct. 1,1873. WE INSURE ALL RINDS OF _ • PROPERTY A/MINOT LOEB DE DAMSON Dr FIRE AND LIGHTNING. We represent over ility Millions OsPita. Old English and Name Ocespenise, LIFE INSURANCE DI THE OLDEST AND ,LANDPAIT STOOK AND MUTUAL OONTANINB IN THE • IMAM STATES. ACCIDENT INSURANCE —r - Atom on dq to one mt. NOBLE dr, VINCENT. 19, QUPBRIOR AGRICULTURAL 31LACEIV1237, tor Bale b 7 IL WE4JLES, TOWANDA # TA., - Mee No. E blercer's Moab. north sae of Clentt House equare. WROLUIALZ AND SCUM DILA= AND : YANVIADTI7II3:2B Mouths Nome d_ _Tbreadrini. Wheel Inems, Plaster Bowen,011•111. Grel an n ender% Ha Udders. amersible and Steel flown. Cultivators, TtdD Mores Noes, Ckrrer BMWs mid Tannins KUL. nowarey wim mu m%, Wr Ramisio my arm rams nr mr3 'onto, cow mons= ros am ma rowluk ad.. am NW= dointlPt/ve. uhustnis4 printed W aders. idled or mailed free to all applicant.. 1.1 oost but , three Denbo to mend for Woolen 111 Postada Nmasen when In Towanda, all and see ma. 4m1121 72- n. it. airman,: DAYTON it BROTHER, Dealers in WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, CALF- was, FURS. *O., 1* %Ida 'the higlusat gab pito. Is paid at all times. Mesa N. i Bossofisidl more, LnArsox.l toarrea.'7o TOWANDi, PA. NbidbiMM ti • 8 • V • cA , • sPr,arAinms D BIYI 010 01Dj6f TAYLOR & CO:EL O . r CODDING, 7SSIKLL & CO., TOWANDA. PL. Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Howe Furnishing Goode, Lime, Cement, Lath, Tinware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures, Guns; Revolvers, Cartridges, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Patent Wheels, Hubs, qpokes, Farmers and Idechames Tools, Always at lowest cash prices. May 14, 1874. AN UNDISPUTED FACT ITIAT GOOD GOODS ABE BOLD CHELPEII JULIUS WOLFF'S THAN AK OMEN CLOTHING . HOME IX:NURTILERN P/2041 Battu roamUy Mod nit the Mtge tad eamaodt. otio dare lately wended to , 70X klatßollli. to accoamoodato m 7 mgalb--lacroaatag hide. I raisfort. tatty in my old amtomota lad the ptddlo geamol. 17. to cad and matomo my elapat NEW STOCK 014' SUMMER CLOTHING, And int/ify themselves tha t j prices de!y compe -1 tiUon. Towanda. Hit 1, 1871 . _ S 09 e / 7011Ds . 7 AT TEX NBW, YORK BOOT AND SHOE .. .1. , lc 's. t axon acnurransereocanames se .14i . ret;n -- vini one of the , lamest and best sf.ock of BOOTS'k; SHOES ever himght in Towanda, which he is °Along st the very lowest prices for Ciash,! consisting of Gun CAW, Kw Sra et i, Bolts eau Boors , LADIEI3, hiumais mid Oinuazres Shoes of all kinds, all bought direct from the *mufacturers, and hand made,' all goods warranted: A - Brom or AD O& 14.e.t*ca 1 1 / 2 1DIN Thankful for past favers,. I solicit a continuance of the same. . d rowszsa, nay. 1.1372. • . j NEW OLMMAGE,F4IMMSI annolizio to his frisiida and Patranas Il i Vre tftini hae built a • , KM; MUCH igazaWir wroat. ' I ',Lore oxadantlykeepata bud a 1141 *amt. cleat of FAMILY OARRIAGFS, TOP 'AND OPEN !BUOGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING BIILITEI, ARR RXELETO3B. Wade l ei the boat material and finished In the best citrayet=gimunozigdzmier ei atege irivereardiroothers In the Finish, Style and rability 0: h 1 l Wagena. All they ado le an rusrEcTioN OF ts WORK previouktO purchasing Camber* ALL IWaig WARRANTED TO GIVE PERTIOT aansrAcnoir. • _ Tbankful for the liberal patronage fortnerl7 ex tended and respectfilly ask a continuance of the REPAIRING raompmy grnjuramo TO reduced prices HENRY ITTOLZR. • • • Jan. 8..111111.—tr F aITNDERY & MACHINE SHOP. Th underehmed having purclnuied the Foundry and Machine Shop lately owned by John Chrman, are yliepared to do all kinds of work appertaining to their business, with promptness and dispatch. MILL GEAItINGS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MAN DltdlaLS, Ana saunas it • MILL IRONS BLOOD & CO., Ottll death= o maaulactare their celebrated RSE . POWERS & CLEANERS, wul son a better machine, for legs money than be bad elsewhere to the world. We claim for machinei that they will do 40 much, or more, • any other, and as sore durably built. We • nally superintend our work and see that it is down. We will send , DUKI:IEaPM7I OAThLOGUZS, • Too Horse THRESHER d BEPER.I TORZ • mamma dna chwiras. FANNING MILLS, W AIPD MUST MILL work done to order. cipre ni a call Wore purchasiag elsewhere: I r 4 "o 0 'mamma isNarszav • '•00 a/jO r la Avg. 9.1868. T HE NEW IMPROVED BENING TONSETY7NGMAOHINE AW I ARDED THE ' , MEDAL FOR PROORE811." AT VIENNA, 1873 manias= Ounto or. "iiLDLL" AwAnoso.Ar TES EZPOirtION. NO SEWING, MACHINE RECEIVED A MOM M=iI;MIZMI 2.—Make u perfect lock Alta, alike on both sides, on all kinds. of goods. Light, Smooth. Noiseless and Rapid— beat combination otqualtiee. 4.—Durable—runs for years without repairs. 6.—Will do air. varieties of work and Fancy Stitch. Mg in a superior manner. o.—ls Meet easily Managed by the operator. Length of stitch may bo altered while running. and the machine can be threaded without passing thread through holes. !.—Design simple, ingenious, elegant, forming the stitch without the use of cog wheel gears, rotary came or lever arms. Has the Automatic Drop poled, which insures uniform length of stitch at any speed. Has our • new Threadeontroller, which al ows easy movement of neetile,Lar .nd prevents in, j rry to thread . • &—Construetion most carotid and finished. It la manufactured by the -most skillful and experienced mechanics. at the celebrated REMINGTON AR MORY. MON, N. Y. PturtADELPHLVOIFECE, gig :I•: • T. JIIIIII7S WOLFF. ikki Nati' Oppodt• the new 1111. - TOW4TDA,'PENN'A. I:l*.ot44:iiiiii •*1 MADE TO ORDER. MINES REPAIRED, • an wokit i warranted to give sattgaction. SHINGLE MACHINES latest and snort Improsedldndsmal d kept constantly on band ready for use. rLo.u,Ggs, EICILL. IRON AND. WOODEN DEANS or iku TIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS AND, • • LOUGH POINTS kinds, and the latest band IstlOrcvsziwnts kaP ntly on . CHURN POWERS, AIIGE, AND 811 A -LL SIZE. OVE CASTINGS CELLAR, GRATES. 1 4 AND SLEIGH SHOES, LARGE MON KETTLES ' ilnds of cutlngs forstieus4l to 1410, 1870: MEARS & ROCKWELL. machlnes, on application. AND TWO HOBSEPOWEBS 17130131.A3 AND DBAG RAW WELLS, ♦ YEW GOOD DRASOIIII Growls ei itO*lo3ll I 1 1J 1 :Y AID: i'llAY - 16[4:111 - • STORE. HI MoO,A.BE AVEDIii'.A.RDS. , i t . 1 ' - • - . whotessusadzetiumeaunt, 1 .- •,' FAMILY GROOMBIES . . AXD ' ..• 1 ' . P B. o . v -I - s i p I.T s , ICEBOXIBI NEW BLOCK. TOWANDA, PA. • „: 1 We do not deer It asamtassy to , ontrottesto all the dliorent articles vs kr". Ourm i lit ' i ALWAYS COMP ssa __ ... Ws Nu nothing but FIRST CLASS ~ GOOD 4. Dish geld tor /timers Prodnoi 1 - ' ~ XoOABN.- March uxeso. Int: EDWARD& NEW STEAM FLOPButtgl3 ?Mils 1 , . _ - PE samaciatrar PA - ne,moleaft.ftiliesureo 'STEAM FLO Is now in cacceinlnl operatton, pared to do all work in Wm ll*e cenyrog cutixDrEro DONS OSIMIS S=l3 DAY THAT IT IS SSOSIMICD. Wheat. Buckwheat and Bre Flour, Corn Meal. reed. Bran. Sto.. ' always on hind and for . aale at T rata& PARTICULAR Nonais.—Personi Uvinge on the west aide of the river &Wring to patronise nay mill, will have their faw , paid both wire, when they briar twists of ton ftenele and itinarde. aaell P. 8 ATzßa. C o B. PATCH, WHOLESALE Aran DEALER 17:i GROCERIES 'AND PROVISION% Towelaxt, PA. The beat bran& of . FLOTJI . _ ALITAf t i ON RAND. The highest price paid for all iniula of • ; f C U N.T PRO DUC V, BUTTER, POULTRY AND GAME l e Bipedal attention paid Ailing onion, Goode delivered free of charge anyw . l am In the Borough. C. 8.1 PATCH. Towanda, Jan 16, 18741 BARGAINS IN groyEst TINW HABDW ' ' IRON AND GLAB . CARPENTERS TOOLS, &c., Sc.,r &c., Given to all purchase-s for Cash, at H. T. JTJNE'S HA.RDWAR STORE, I TOWANDA, Ps. Yee. 17. '7B. HEADQUARTE FOB WATCHES, jEWELRY E AND 1 • SILVERWARE! HP.I7DELNAN Has ope NEW JEWELNY STORE, 0 BRIDGE MEET In the building 'formerly pled .by Young Titus, with it large assortment of Gold and Silver American arid Sia' Waplies; Fine . Gold Jewelry Gold Sets, = . CHAINS AND RINGS, CHAIN BRA ELETS. BIITTONB, PINS , ce. &c. &o..ka A fall line of:aoLre airman a i d plated ware. SPECTACLES AND YE GLASSES Of all kinds— Gold, S er and Steel. -7 CLO lhom the cheapest to the best, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Ind to be seen by calling. - 31. HENDELMAN. N. B. Watches. Olocka in Jewelry, repaired by practical workmen. and • tad. Towanda, Nov, 10. 'l3 9,A1t1iE,,;-THE NEW TOWN OF NJ BAY= PAW. is situateddl on the Susquehanna River, between Waverly, N, V.. and Athens. Pa., 93 miles from the Anthracite, t miles from the Sulli van. and 95 miles from the Saml-Bitamincras Coal Mines of Pennsylvania. It is thel Southern terminus of the Southern Central also also of the Ithaca k Athens Railroad , and is ally the Northern terminus of the Lehigh Valle , and Pa. & N. Y. Nail. roads. It is mite and garter from the Erie Railway at Waverly. SATRE has already in MICC IS fril operation alarge . Car Wheel Foundry, a Yung are Factory, a Flour ing Mlli, a Woolen Ifni, and 4 Planing Mill. A vie mous growth is anticipated for 1874. Tn TOWN PLOT Is now may fir examiusticth. Lota for realdencea and business places for We On reasonable terms, Its favorable location make it a ptEcuunr. POINT FOR MANUFACTURE/18, and especial ti Iton:teats are offered. Apply at the First National I Bank. of Wararly. or at tha Mos In BaTte, Pa. ilk * HILDBETH I OrII Ns Otfkato on Ito* of . SPRING AND SUMMER I DRESS' GOODS, • WHITE GOODS, CIASSTAIERES, TABLE DAMASK,: , • j NAPkINS, H - • TOILET qururs, • • HOSIERY, I I GLOVES, • aotioe that him are 11131 L and }that be is pre. n short notice. RETAIL in tact overy department will be found n•ple Towanda, April 21, '74-U PRESENTS FOR ALL Is constantly receiving. in addition. to hLs stock of Jewelry, , PINS, AMIWCIAN and 5W15 GOLD AND , SILVER WATCHES, stun, PLATED wells OF ALL vaantires GOLD, MISER urn. STEEL SPECTAOLPS. O SILVER is PLATED BINGE amp CLOCKS • Of all descriptions at the lowest prices,. - WATCH. OLOM and JEWELRY repairing ( done in the beat manner, And warranted. Thanks for a liberal patronage and hope to merit s continnanoe of the same. W. A. ROOM" Towanda, Nov. 12, 13. CROCKERY OF VARIOUS P And u low u the lowest. eLASSWABE, I Would Ray to the public that on any Foods, kept • t in stool I will not be tpulepoto • OWARD VLICIZI TOwasida, Feb I. 10, 1874 ~{001~11~]le01~f: - *ll3 t 1011) at 014 WOOL' SHAWLS, PASELY SHAWLS, PRINTS, SHIRTING, NOTIONS, &O. We tre also agents for LESLIE!! CRT PAPER PATERNI3. EVANS & EULDRETTL. NEW JEWELRY SROR W.' A. ROCKWELL Fllik (tOLD ears, BANDS, RINGS. STUDS, CHARMS, NECKLAC A. BLACK M TERNS, 1- TABLE CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED W FOOD WARE? STONE WARE,. ; BIRD CAGES, BASKETS, G.TA SS SHADES, AIGORDON, Bettie extenstrely repel red l/41z 140111 4 the old stand, hive opened with a lerge,; new, and wall en. leohnl stock, corudeldne of ' • 1 I 1 -- , - i -- 4C1D13, EXTR&CTB, li'ilLilu3, 14:11B.9, PUG 1 i • ; ; GOATE9 - PIUS, POWDI3II3, 011itS, PYI/IP3, 1 23NOTInt*P. iftsta, PLO., . , i n a ~ti [ ' 1 1 DYE fTETFFS, MA.CHLNE OILS . , i I 1 Errn4 REPINED KEROSENE ALFOBO7, ° IIW .WINES ' ANDHLIQUORS I. . 1 I • For Medici:W.l7m I ' I I I ;TOBACCO, SKTFIANDtrIGARS - - 1 , an the I 1 i 1 - 1 't . 1 ---- POPPLAII PATENT MED7I:NES 1 ' " , i And &Pine Assortment of' • . ' j I TOILET AND FANCY ,GOODS. f , 1 . 1 More than the al care and attention l given Wth Oornpoanding of Prescriptions. Open Bund iys from 9 o'clock,aan.,to 1 p.m. k from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m Dr, Manna, can be consulted 4 the store on fi at tufty of each week, as lierstofore. 1 I il P. U. T 111477701. 1 . Towanda, May 7,1872., , W.G.G. I GORDON. • FIRST NATIONAL I BA NIE . 1 OP TOWANDA,. , 1 , CirrrAL 5125,000. Sunn i us FunDLL .10,000,.t This Bank offers 131.7,a1 FA for tht tramaction of a I ~ 9 :1 7 1211 VENT.:BAL BANKING Ii'USINESS. 1, , i DM:Rin i AID 'ON DEPOSITS ice,.orunno TO AGBEMENT. ' [ O Errotax. Cana latelter TO IM:e C , OI.I=TOTt Or Nan Ann = 1 I Parthix wishing td dui mom' to My part of the United Rate', England, Ireland, Scotland, or the prin. dpal cities end towns of Europe, can here procure dralti tor that purpose. I . 1 , - I PASSAGE TICKETS 1 . ' To as from the old Ins lines. alwa s on hand. country, by peat steamer o se! y I PA10:=11 =One= OP= Ai =Dom* nakiat. ' 1 ElViettPricepaidArr 0.3 Bonds, Gpld i and Reiss I , 1 JOB. BOWELL, President. N. IC I 8E778 Ja December 1, 1869. ' i Cashier. !THREE CHEERS ) I I 1 ., ) ~ 1 FOR THE i RED, WHIT St: BLUE: 1 , ' . i 1 1 , 1 [ I TRAMP, TR AIM, TRAMP I , 1 - ~ 'rho) .I.3rs are Marching, and the Girls and Men and Women, too' all rushing for their Groceries to the 1 i , ) RED, WHITE & BLUE STORE. 1 - 'I • I • , GROCERIES & PROVISIONS • Now eold cheaper iLan the cheapest, Everything the line of Groceries .k, Provisions, I I IFLOIIIR, FEED, ) . , AISD I FA. I. [ MLY O GR 'C ,I ERI ES _, ~ 1 Eep at the Bed, Mite A Blue Store- Cora* an got X pile of goods fora little money. I• , j THE lIIGIBST PEICE Plus) IN CASE TO . 1 , C . ?IINTRY P'RQDUC 1 At the Bed, White t Bine Sco, e of j _ ‘,' I • , I I BRAMHALL &) HAIGHT, t , t _ __ BRIDGE STBEF-T, TOWANDA. Towanda Jan 28 '74, , 1 1 I 1 I BOOK e iBENDRY.--THE PUBLIC is reap - tfullylnforzeedtbat the Book-Bindery hadj been removed to the inßeporter" Building, third story, where willbe done Ii H [ I I ' - B 0 o A. -B I Nj D I N G ! , I , ' • j , ' I In all its various branches; oriterens as reasonable as '"the times" will allow. The Bindery will be us derjthe charge of ‘ I ' . ) H. c.'wrrrriaEa. ) 1 ) 1 r ; 1 1 _ I I An C aperieriCe d Bin der ; and au work will be promptly &mein a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, Newspapers, Old kooks, 0., bound in every variety of style. I Particular attn. Lion will be paid , to tne Boling and Binding of I , i 1 - ' 8.14 NE BOONSis , I . I 1 , I , Ted any desired, pattern, v,hic ....i piality and dura bility will be warranted. [ All work will be ready for delivery when promised, The patronage of the public is Folica...d,, and per; feet satisfaction gnarranteed. ' Towanda, August. 2, 1866.—t i . • . . T 1 . • O I tiki CITIZENS OF P PENN SYLVANIA,—Iforir attention Is sPeciani In cited to the fact that the National Danks, are. now prepared to recaive inbscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial ,Board , of - Finance. 'The funds realized from this sconrce ere to be employed in the erection of the buildings few the Intenaational s fthibition, and _the eipenses, connected with the lame. ...t is confidently believed that the ,Eeystose Stet° will be represented by the name of every citi zen alive to patriotic commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. , The [ shares of atzk k are offered fir gill each ; and subscribers will re eive a handsomely steed engraved Cortiffcate of St , suitable for framing and preservation as a national memeriali ' interest at thereto of ilk per cent per annum o ill bti paid on all pwis ruts of Centennial Stock froth date of paym'ent to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not near a National Bank caiaremit a check ori post-office order to the under signed. V , 1 I FREON. FRALEY, Tres l =rer, . Sept 4, '7B. , , 904 W alnut s ti Phil•a. 1 PERCALS, SHEETING, IrlIE • PLACE TO° B EY OUR Y 1 . ,•1 1 ' 1 •11 ' • • • , 'HARNESS AND HORSE FIXINGS GMERALLY, • . I it i 1 1 1 Isiat C. F. DAYTON'S, In the store lately °erupt:xi by inUha Wolff as a -Clothing Store. /diving snored my establishment te, more comp.:K./ions and cOnventent quarters, I respectfully invite my old customers, and all in want Of anthing in the hnz. 'of 1 .i '. 1 , II RNESS, SADDLES, NETS: BLANKETS, WHIP . I A .: i , Ice., to - give me a call , feeling satisfied that front the fecilltiqs I possess for purchasing stock, I cal dO a better job,itt - a lower_price, }ban any other es. .talishrnent in the county. I 1 , DON'T FORGET VIE PLACE -ONE D 0 6 .11. .lilE,. LOW TILE FOX & ILF_IICLIt STORE. . • I May 2e. .. 1 i C. 'F. DAYTON. IDtA.R.ERY AND DININ' G ROOM. •,_..' •I' • 1 y First block nor th of ,wsrd Iloitse. !I I , BREAD, PIES, CASE'CRACKERS .1 BAILED - DAFT.. F. • I • 11 , . 11 And sold at 'Wholesale 1, and 'Retail. , _.z. i our DINING ROOKS we will accommodate the • pnblic with either a loncle - or l a good mead at ell titan of the day and evening. , . I•: - i OFEiTliatil AND ICE CREA3I Oli t HANIi .vanict 1 THEIR 8EABO;f1 1, ' , Also a tine assortment of Grocetes.Ctord l ectlonery, Fi - nits, Nuts. /cc._, I - V ttnaylir tf .. • D. W. SCOTT & CO. FOR , SALE.--. i I • 1 • i 1 ( THREE DESIR 1 1LE nwELLPSCIS, .... CENTRAL.LY LOCATED,• - , _._ EASY •• i . .. • ONE Y TEIiIIS I , • ~ tll 1 , 3touthly Payments tak l . rpOrtion of tho par c4sa money. ,- , - 1, Il• ' ' Jan 14.157.41. , • •'A . 4. NOBLE A co: G --- ' - • • 1 • 00D FAR FOR SALE Cheap, M. containing shout 73 acres, bout 51: 1 1 4an, deo , ,d acres nu proved, formerly owned by' J. )4. Bowl Leg house, good frame barri, - Imod water, youpg hearing fruit trei.g. and situate I nqAbylutultwp., tour nitlea from Towanda. Terits easy: Enquire of U. ci. GOFF, Towands,.or; 11 11 Pi A. coouquon_.,, I !Mar 19 ' . .' -1 Wlltea• : . Ils, 0. A. BLAO;M. Drop and Ihedatal PALTIOINS BLOM I TOWANDA, Pi% AL F' _ • , •1? - ii, XI GI S 1 6pazeinAnc•xs.!