Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 17, 1874, Image 3

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7 — ( 1
Towanda, Thursday, Sept 17, 1874.
Am, OW to see " mine hest "
Tax* of 'Mei *gird House, who has been
quito ill, out again . . - _ •
Tnt. Winon'' 2d Nine play the
Winona let Nine od rridaj, I $
of the renters anll !Shoemakers on Battirlay;
Games:will commenoe at 3 o'clock.
' •
NOV I et' —* next Sociable of .the
l'resbyte ' Hsu Chtikdb, in Monroetou, will be
held st the bottsei 13f_ liir,,Aoas DUETS!, on
Tbursdaytevenin iiCloteibb2l.
au cke ... .• ot g i i4meo-one . vortantuuciutt
of limiters! fildiriftnal intarest. and notices of ME
g 'ages andloasiths,!EicesdiEg !Milner, EFS • •• -
wax awns Der liner i
I OB: PIIINTING,of eve" kind, in Plibt end .•
colors; dons with tiestnedis=ll. : ••. .1
Blanks, Cards, PanOblets. Ststements. & •
of every variety and style, minted st the ...
notice: The Bars. Moe is well stepplisa ml
Power Prespeks assortment o `new type, an
i re
I RoLL or Ho On at Towanda Grad
e 1 Sch(x)l, l or nam;ii of pupils with.perfect reo•
Ord in 1 Wendeportment and studies,
for weekending t. il : Mimi CAMP, DOVE
NOlLacmaelt, FANNIE TOED. , I
I . ' I
As 7s go to O t ress quite an eicits
meat is, manifeatM m town over a reported or
ant:posed murder Wit - night. Au sorts of, ru
mors ire afloat, I;4lwe do not believe any mur
der has taken place 4
• Picesonu.,--,1,31. YOUNG and wife,
formerly of South Creek, but now living is Emmen%
are netting friends in tkis county. kfr.-I. brought
from the west a Wilde, but the diet of Peuurrylvs•
zdadidno appear tO, agree wit h it , ale it sickened
and v died. ! I '
Itzuna, - a warier the steam mill at Barclay. met
with a most dG trchtlag accident on Friday Leal,
which resulted in hill death in a kew hours. He ama
making an examination of the saw, and putting it s
hand upon it , in ioixie unaccountable way his
clothes were csught,l which brough t his bodyrin
contact with the teeth of the law, snd before' the
engine could be stopped he was mangled in a horri
ble manner. He retained his col:attenuant, haw
ever, and gave directions about extricating himselL
He was removed to his residence, but lived only
few hours, Mr. K. Was a vary exemriary young
man, and onetwhose Judaea ce al. good was felt
throughout the entire community. He leaves a wife
and one child to mourn his untimely end. His age
was 23 years.
i _
- GRA:set Pic:Nief have hec,tinie
qnite popular and we believe socially very snicess
ful in' this vicinity.l On Wednesday last Central
'Gfange lof Shesheqiin enjoyed an . afternoon in a
pleasant grove near the mill Many members of
neighboring granguland Wends who are not mem
bers of the order, participated with them. An en
tertainment each only,tgrangers' . wives and
daughteis kuoi howto prepare, was spread on ek
, tensive tibia, and t which most imbstantisljustice
e l
was done by the h,rg company present.
After dinner spe es were made by Joss= H.
Prormrr Esq., Hon. e. LArorrs. Hon. E. E. Krim,
Gen. Hanna., Capt. Nun= and James .FolTrs.
The remarks were mostly confined to agricultural
matters, and were well received by the audience.
The officers and members of Central Grange were
highly congrattdated'orrAheir efficiency and success
in pushing forward the ortler. We believe it is uni-
Versally admitted that they have one of the best or
ganizations in the,countiT. . f
r A late meeting , of Wyalnaing,
Lodge,' No. 503;2.0. O. F., the following reso-
.lutions:were allopted :; .Bro. E. B..Gregory ' , late member
of - Wyaluslng Lodge, N0. , 503, 1.0. 0. F., hay
.:•l ing lost his life by attempting to jump from
one car to another, • near the city of_ Lancaster,
Pa, on the 19th of Ang. 1874; therfore.
Resolved, That this L odge has loaf a worthy
membeejlie community a good citizen, and
his relatives an affectionate. friend.
Resolved, That while the members of this
Lodge deeply sympathize with the, afflicted'
relatives of the deceased, they bow in humble
submission io the Divine will, trusting that
their loss is his gain, and that th..y shall meet
him in that Grand,Lodge above, whose Master
Is God Eternal. •
Resolved. That the - members of this Lodge,
in,takeri of respect, to the deceased, wear the
usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
G.E. AM:OWD; )
L. B. CANP„‘• Corn.
L. M. )
- WYLLIS BRONSON, Esq., who is well
known in this Community - , is canvassing Towanda
and vitini s ty for **most useful and invaluable wort.
Lyman's Historical Chart " should be in every
honiehold and every office in the land; and the
price at whiitiit is offered places it within the reach
of aIL The following testimonial from competent
judges, will.corroborate 7 what we have said: .
• . WAVZ3LI6 N. F., Sept, 14.'74.
• Lyman's Historical Chart" supplies $ desidera
lust long felt by the strident of history, and one
mere valuable, if postdble, to the common reader.
The diffictil.y of getting a satisfactory knotiledge of
' the comparative relation of cotemporarreous na
tions, has long been fnittlessly struggled with by
most readers; but hear, one can learn at a glance
what in;vain he tea 'striven to learn from books.
The ,chart seems to me to well deserve a place in
elert library and to every Intelligent household.
W. H. BATES, Pastor Pres. Church.
- TowAtml,l3ept. 14, 14.
I Lilly concur in this opinion. 1
-- •
OUR esteemed and venerable towns
man narrowly escaped_ dr , wiling on TWesday after
noon last. In company with pa, Moituars he
was ant gunning. Some where near Bald Bogle Is
land lie abot a bird which fell to the grcaind on a
small island. and in order to get to it, it was neces
sary to drive into the water; which Mr. 0. did,
thinking tt not deep; but it appean the team flound
ered in the mod and.fittally got into deep water,
i when the carriage was upset, and both tbo horses
[drowned. Mr. OVICEITON was carried into the wider
by the hbrrn, tit Mr, ISIONTANTE Managed to bold
lonito the carriage, and when the old gentleman rose
to the surface t Caught hold of him and held his
_''head out of Water until assistance reached them.'
GEO. , BLICSSLAN, hearing the cries, too small
. t a sma
boat and hastened to their relief, and was just in
time. A few minutes later Mr. 0. must hate sunk
to rise no more.
Mr. G. L. Pria..xs, who happened to be at the
ferry,'ltook Mr. OTEZITOII in hls carriage an/ brought
him to hie home in this place, when Dr. Jomises
was pummbned and it was discovered nisi he had
received a painful wound cn the scalp, a slight cut
_ under the eye, betides quite a severe bruise on the
arm. The Doctor carefully and skillfully dressed
-the wounds, and we are happy to announce the
patient is as comfortable as could be expected to.
day,.with every prospect,of a speedy recovery.
One of the horeeKdrowned was a favorite animal,
owned by Col. OvEirroN, prized on account of army
, se aoclation a.
game L ss a ll;ese elubm was played on the
grontidp, on Tnemday, before s la , ge
a .; vutbusiaatic audience.
Mr. M. 111. SPALDINO WBB selected Urepire,
end wive entire satisfaction. Game was called
at x., the Winona' at the bat. From
the commencement' until the end of the Bth
inning the Witionita led. At the end of the
gth inning the Allalet;ca - were "gbead ono run.
In the 10th inning, by an over•pitch of SCUD.
Deter, the Winonee made two rune, (oneconi
lug in previotksly) and won the game.
The Winonaa found it vary difficult to hit
Scrensa's pitching, while the Athletics were
nnable to bat Surrmee without knocking fly
balls. .
PUELIN, STINE, and Fox, distinguished
themselves by their ficetlielding,—Puxus Re
sisting-in three -doUbli-plays. Ossoas,s, CAR.
.11 IN,and Dramow rash the beet batting.
The Athletics, without-any exception, played
a most splendid game, Iraking hatrlew error!.
The game was the beat one' ever placed here.
The following was the
wrsons. 0
Fox, lb .. - - 3
Bartlett, c f 4
Phelan, 2b ..... . ...4
Tracy, r
Oshornef, r ere 2 2
Sutton, p. 2
Carman, 3b........1 3
Stine, I ..,4f , 0
Disbrow; a e -2 2
TotaL ...... ...30 11
7nitings...l 2 3 , 1 1 fi! G 7 8 9 10—Total
Winonas..2 - 3 1, I.ei 3 0 0 0 . 3-13
Athleties..o 0 it 0 4 1 2 . 1 1 3 0-11
nopire—Mr. X. 31. IPALDIN , i,
,eurer. ,. —C. 11. WiLsos and W. 15..ViricExt,
TO,/ , Gun , —2 !plats and 10 minntes..
--The game betwebn the Shoemakers and .
Prints son Saturday fternoon last, was on
by the former. The a ore by innings was as
1 23Print ' 5 lC 789 10
8 5 5 2 0 G 17 3 4-50
Shoemakcia 4. 2 5 9 4 11 13 14 2 4-68
Umpire, k;.' F. Bliith.
Tica e! gram, four hours awl 25 nalau to.
' .
WY4i l : l Blk* Mgr!' go! 43 4 20 k"Malgail
--This sandal' gathering 'mailer its
meeting Meshoppen Pa., Wednesday even•
ng, keg. 26, 1874. BOT. L Prat, Presiding(
Elder had charge ot,,the meeting , for the
fourth *le, and with more than usual ability
and efficiency, led on the host* of Cod to
,graiderilrioniphs thin at l aw former 011014
. The a (endues was hilly as large atl at any
prirriouiryear, although we had neither Bish
ops nor Doctors of Divinity to draw *
Our own preachers were all present, except
one. Tireinty-nine traveling and Are local
preachers put in an appearance daring the
meeting!, This include. Be,. G. B. Tamer,
•e Central M. Y. Conference, and Ber.
Crrax Einerov, of the PreebyterianiChnrch 11
Meshoppen. Sister Baum, from ion'i
land, Beath Oarolini,-4 teacher among the
freedmo,—was also Present,,and- gave an ac
count of her work 014 took I collection.
The order of the meeting was committed to
Capt. IiOntATICKE and a corps of police, and
was all that could be desired. .
The weather WAS splendid. Not a: drop of
rain felliduring the entire meeting. The only
unplessiint thing was ' too great a quantity of
the emblem of our common origin and end. ,
The fOlowing brethren'preiched in the or•
der of their names: L. - Peck, P. E., H. G.
Harnedi G. 8. Trans:re, D. 0. Barnes, G. T.
Price, (1!)o. Greenfield, S. P.-Brown, P. R. Tow
er, A. di.' Arnold; W. L. Thorpe, J. K. Peck,
.- : Weston, G. C. Lyman, J. B. Bevis, 13. El.
well, G.IO. Beers, Wm., Shelp, .1 4 13. Sumner,
E. W. Breckenridge, B. Wes e and J. 8.
The preaching was good and the exhorta
tions pewerful. .It is impossible to report the
number of conversions; but they will doubtless •
reach flay, or over.
Avery interesting Sunday-school was held
SraidaymoAdng in the big tent,—Bro. !torten,
of lornbrook, Superintendent.
The closing exercises were. held Thursday
morning; Sept. 3. Bro. Bieckenridge dismiss
ed us With the benediction. " Good bye" was
said, and we were "homeward bound."
J. B. So= En;43oe
Dams left for record in the office
or reeiiiting deeds, week ending Sept. 12:
F C Baker, adm'r, to T A Andrews, Aug. 8,
1871, COrimbla; J. Rupp to E Wolcott, May 28,
74, Canton borough; John D Barber:to E W.
Wolcott; May 28, 1874, Canton Bore; Z W Wol
cott to E Dunham, Aug. 21, 74; E. W Wolcott
to E. Dpnham, Aug 27, '74, Canton Boro; Thos
O'Leary to Patrick O'Leary, May 25, '71,. Ath
ens; 0 F Jackson to J M Welles, Nov .14,'65,
Terry; i 1 W Part to David Rhineliard, March
-27,. '7l, Merrick; Wm L Pendleton to C T Abel,
Jan 27, 1 74, Warren; Chester Monroe to Charles
Monroe', May 4, '74, Grenville; Charles Monroe
to Jaceb Wilcox, Aug 8, 74, Granville; Eliza
beth Welles to S F FellOWs, May 18, '74, Athens
boro; Oj E Cbimborlain SO Jacob M , Aber, Mar
16, '74„ !Beath Creek; Martha J Long' to Patrick
Nicholion, , July 1, 74, Athens boro; Volney
Taylor to Horace H Heald, May 26,`'-74, Gran
ville; Alien Crandall to J W Warren, Jan 29,
74, Canton; C Wright tc0:1 B Crandall, April
-21, ,Canto:; J Salsbury to Olive Brooks,
May 21,ft869, Springfield; Hannah Williams to
Sarah. Howe, Sept 12, . 1868, Troy; &Um Haven
to I S A t ppinwall, Aug, 5i -1871, Columbia; H N
Brooks Ito BC Ely, Feb, 9, .1874, Springfield;
...Samnel;H Smith to F Walker ; Dec 1, '7l; South
Creek; 13 Vina Dyke to D W CamplApiil 10; '74,
Albany;!l3 A Hickok to P Hageman, ' 7 r-4 ":,
1874, Springfield; Dr J L Corbin to Hester A
Lawhe4l, March 16, 74, Athena borough; Ss.
rah Welles to Henry 8 Welles Aug 15, 1874,
Athensliloro; Michael Walsh to 'Mary EI-Lee,
Sept 7, iF74, Litchfield; SamuelVLee to Michael
Viralsh, ,Sept 7, '74, Litchfield; Oliver Warner to
J D OWen, Sept 5, '74, Tuscarora; Wm I? Bra&
to Lucas - Guthrie, Dec,22, '73, Springfield; Jas
Mason to Chas. Barrett,' Jane 6;' '74, Spring
field;, Henry It Htimphrey. to Cyr us Cook, trus
tee, Sett 5, '74, Orwell; Mary 'Donohue to D - M
Lamphre, Sept 16, '73, Wysox; Calvin P Hall
to Phet;e Stevens, May 15, 1873, Ridgbury; Geo
Sandi 40 Clinton Johnson, July 6 ; 14, Wind
ham; Jib Schoonover to Stephen G Titus, Jane
29, 74, Towanda Boro; Orlando Benjamin to C.
B Tyrrell, Sept 9,74, Towanda . twp; Sylvester
W Hal4to Frank 12 Allen, Fab 11, '73, South
Creek; Patrick liii:osman et al to John Broz
man; Jniy 23, 74 'later; C P Forest to Wm
IlubbarA, Jan 31, 187 4, Smithfield; G H Brant
et al to Asa E, Hancock, Sept 9, '74. Smithfield;
S F Riggs to Lathan Andrus, April 16,, '7O,
Granville and Lelloy; - 12 D Ormsby and wife to
D D O'kelieby, April 2, '74, Albany: Eliza
Ormsby' ; uardian, to D Bl„prtnsby, Sept 10,
74, Ailbny; J P Van Fleet, Sheriff: ie G L Eas
tabrookZ; Dec 11, '72, Athens BorD; Johnson
Brewer'Z heirs to N W Garris . on, April 2, 1870;
Wm Co f yrll to H H Brown, Aug 17, '74, Bar
lington;J B Coolbaugh to Augustus
July 5,.11'73; Athens; John Moe to James H i
Hawes, March 17, ' 74, Monroeton ; Edwin Ford
to WintieiLS Ford, June 5, 187IiPike.
En. - „ mr. n_trn OF STORIES TIIAT ' MARE MEN
"BALANft OF rowzn."—A few Sundays sgb we
.had 4e i)lea . snr,:. of listening to a stranger . who
. occupied a pulpit in this town. His sermon
was rOm .. ewhat .emotional, and wan illustrated
and aartm ll
ed by frequent and Interesting aneo
dotes; a i nd in making use of one of them we
trust noltechnical saint or sinner will insinuate
-.that we night have been. better occupied in
churelt - ime .
The niirrative that particuls.rly arrested our
a' toutiee, was that of a couple who lived
New York town, not a thousand miles front
_Their mutual relations were supposed to
be agreVible,until, all on a sudden, the hus-
band took it upon himself- to abscond.
As night naturally be supposed, the necessi
ty of supporting-the family devolved upon_ the
wife, to which duty she devoted her sorrowing
days, and a good portion of her nights. The
unusual thing in the affair was, that she held
her tongue,—,-a fact that established this' feat
to be of possible attainment to the sex. It was
stated furthermore, that she prayed, but
whether this was known and admired at the
time, and whether the 'men of her generation
'wept over her suffering .and deprivations, is
noi , mede known.. In the meanwhile the nice
man Was haiing a splendid time on the Pacific
coast. He dissipated, and enjoyed himself
generally, until be found himself literally need
up, and good for nothing in the line of enjoy
ment, ornament, utility, or injthing elm un
less it were as the medium of a little farther
extended and mere specific discipline for the
women in the New York town. Well, after he
had reached thisistate of affairs, he began with
trnii manly wisdom, to think of home, and
thitherward he bent his steps.
We are not informed which side of the river
his domicil was located upon, but ho did not
enter it rashly. He hung around, and Impair.'
ed, and peeked at the windows, and finally got
a friend to support him through the doorway
ho had so shabbily deserted.,
The good woman, notwithstanding the bur
den of all those sorrow-freighted, humiliating
years, met him with a cordial, loringunreprov
ing smile of recognition, the description of
which almost distanced the welcome of the
Now this was Just beautiful. We admire it
in her. We wish there were more women that
would wash, andiron, and pray, until the chil
dren were all grown up,, and fed and clothed,
and disposed of, cad then take hoini.the old
male absconder, and nurse him down the de
clining.years. Bat ire did U't cry, because we
were so taken up with the furtive outdrawing
of masculine handkerchiefs in our vicinity. It is
unusual for men to weep, but they can do it
with telling effusion, it seems, on a suitable
and worthy occasioti:
erns tric3. 0 R
Smith, c ...... ...1 1
Wells 2b 1
Scudder, p .5 1
'Andy, s 5 3 1
Richardson, 1b...5 1
Morrison, c f 4 1
Rathbam r .1
Stoddiitt, I 1
Worrall, 3b ' 2 1
Dandas, f 1 2
This species of 'inaction contains withal a
promise of better adjusted relations between
the sexes. Inagranch as womankind is devel
oping an, undue desire to push the limits of
what has heretofore been ascribed her as her
proper sphere, almost to the extent of en
croachment upon the rights of men, why may
they not as a sex assume the large privile:
"and acknowledged power of tears? For every
inch of territory they invade hereafter, as mail
ed Amazons, doing battle for rights withheld,
dear btntbren, do you betake yourself' to hys
terical exlaition and lachrymal appeal. In as
far as they appropriate • masculine vigor, and
grasp at masculine opportunity, do yon bedeck
yourself with the most coveted charms of frail
and guabing femininity, and we guarantee a
. and unexampled approach to " the
balance of power " in the future Intercourse of
the sexes. If they are left' the fall impetus
that the spirit of the P:ceen't age yields them,
there is no height, or , depth, or , length, or
breadth of doidnion, that they will not explore
and incorporate into their domain of privilege.
TbSte hem Wits a tibia wlien mankindAeeds
a stArper oitloorilengibeiltatie,
of manly prerogative. They have the idinhi,
UP of numbers and , resource, and a subtle in
genuity that is quite ..abile to hold its own
against the iron fibre of opposing masculinity;
We know more than one woman in this talky:
embosomed, rivermsehal town, who, had she,
but the fieldef royalty for her theatre, might
checkmate and hold in leash princes and hies
retch', with*, steadier hand, and more impos
tog front, than Outwards no litrozci brought
to the wilco of her ambition, in her day and
age. We are not going into the subject so se•
riously for the , mere purpose of frightening our
brethren. We simplywish to signify that there
is one among them who Is capable of discern
lag the tendency of the times, and is:willing to
lend assistance, either in the way oranges
tion and advice, or In the more effective one
adopted by X= TWAIN, when he proposed
sacrificing his blood relations to a cause almost
as dear to his heart, as this is to ours. -
—Bingham Post G. A. 8., of Wellsburg. invited
their comrades of -other ports to unite, with
them ins Enact celebration on Friday last.
Extensive preparations were made, and several
tLonsand people assembled in the:lUge and
spacious grove fitted up for the occasion. The
following fall account of the proceedings we
borrow from 'the Elmira Advertiser. In this
con notion we tender our thanks to Capt. Do.
Kau, of that paper, and Commander Barra, of
Bingham Post, for polite attention's racelved'al
their hands
Yesterday was a great day for Wellsburg.
and one that will long be remembered in that
vicinity and the Post, in whose *them word
the festivities of the day, has done Itself Infinite
credit in their cocception and execution. •1"19r
young-Pall,ithi an etteedirigly lively One,
and it starts off in its career with an event that
demonstrates-the certainty of its future pros.
Perk. •
About one hundred comrades of Posts Bald
win and Hathaway; with their lady friends, left
this city yesterday morning at - 9:10 on the
Monitor train for Wellsburg. They were met
at thedepot on their arrival by the comrades
of Post Bingham, No. 77, and headed by Stod.
dard's Cornet Band, marched to a' beautiful
grove in the southwest part of the village,
where the celebration was to take pled& Here
lalle stand for the speetttors and seats for
the accomniodolion of a large crowd, had beet
erected. A largo dining hall had also been
erected, and several smaller buildidgs wore
scattered about for the sale of refreshments.
A large platform for dancing purposes occupi
ed a corner of_ the grove, and in a prominent
place, overlooking the beautifhl valley below,
a tall flag-staff had been' erected, from which
floated the Stars and Stripes. But the great
feature of the occasion, and one which attract
ed the most attention, was the roasting of the
two .year old' ox, 'he-operation had never
been witnessed by many of the large crowd
present. and hence the eagerness with which
it was viewed, An iron rod was run length.:
wise through !the ox and placed- upon' bearers
seised as a striggot and those who were at
'tending to roasting his ouhlp, bad a slow fire_
placed near him, and turning the ep iggot _ or
rod, managed to have ail parte of, him Alq)'
roasted with the ease and nicety of* turkey t
Christmas time. A shoit distance eut of the
grove isaix-pounder bad been placed in a cont.'
mending position, and at stated times through.
out the day, made the valley_ reverberate with
its deafening volleys. The speakers' statd -was
handsomely trimmed with evergreens, and in
a prominent place to the reef-Wit was a large
photograph - likeness of Sergeant .qeorge G.
Bingham, of Company C.,- 161st Regiment, who
was killed at Port Hudson, and after whom
the Post at Wellsburg is named.
There were large delegations of comradel
present from the surrounding country, the
most prominent being from Smithfield and
.Thereksrarcalto delegations from
Breesport, Owego, Towanda, Athena, 'cud-Uls
ter, Pa. The delegation from Smithfield, Pa.,
consisted of comrades from Philips Post, No.
120, W. Scrvenke commander. - and were.head
ed by Campbell's Cornet Band of that village.
Perkins Post No. 202, of Athens, 4Pa., 0. T.
Hull, Commander, was out in large -numbers,
and their neat, tidy uniforms received many
commendations daring the day. The delega
tion from Babcock Post, No. 59, of Owego, was
under the command of Capt. E. B. Core.
were opened by Stoddard's Cornet Band play
ing a favorite air in good style, .when Com
mander L. G. Smith, of Bingham Post, nomi
nated David Docker, of Elmira, as chairman of
the meeting, which was carried by acclama.,
Lion. Mr. Decker, on taking the chair, made.
La few appropriate remarks, when „Isaac nap
nee, of Wellsburg, James H. Griswold, of Ash
land, and J. N. Humphrey, of Breesport, were
chosen Vico Presidents, and G. W. Thorniley.
of Elmira, elected Secretary. After singing the
0. A. It. doxology, "Marching . through 'Geor
gic)," led by Conirade H. H. Rockwell, the com
rades all joining in the chorus, 80. Mr.. Hunt,
of Wellsburg, offered is feeling and impreisive
prayer. After more music from Stoddard's
Band, Hon. Seymour Dexter, of Elmira, was
introduced to the audience, and received_ ,with
applause. He made one of his characteristic
speeches, full of patriotism, and mingled with
it much' humor and pathos.. Ile bad many
reminiscences to relate, and prophesied much
for the future of the G. A. R. He was atten
tively listened to and often interrupted with
loud applause. He was followed by music from
the Smithfield band.
Some lines of greeting by 31iss Pedrick, of
IWohsburg, were then read by Commander A.
S. Fitch. They were apt to the occasion, and
• very musical.
'Comrade H. H. Rockwell, of this city, was
then introduced, and was received' with many
manifestations of pleasure. His speech was
worthy of him, and created much laughter
and good feeling. When he had finished, din
ner was announced, and a great rush was 'made
for the• tables. These were most excellently
well arranged, and not only provisioned with
great bountifulness, as far as the eatables were
concerned, but were handsomely decorated
with flowers. -The ladies of Wellsburg volun
teered td act as waiters, and their sertices were
fully spot-toasted by the many who fared so
well at 'their hands. •
.After dinner there was much hand-shaking
and story telling, and bunting up of old com
rades and friends. Many posts were well rep
resented. Pennsylvania sent some froth poet
119 or Philadelphia, Phelps Post 115 of Smith
field, and Post 202 of Athens. From New York,
Posts Nos. 6, 56, 59, 70, 77, 89 and 23 were rep
resented. It was the largest gathering. of G-
A. R.:boys ever held in•Chemung county.
Ono of the moat interesting events of the
day, walk the speech made by the venerable
Jas. 11. Grawold, ono of the Vice 'Presidents,
who took the chair at 3r, et. He referred to
the origin of the war, and the position taken
by the leading men of the South in bringing
about secession. Spoke of the great services
of the boys in blue. May God Almighty bless
the Grand Army of the Republic. They pour
ed nut their blood for the salvatilii of the na
tion, and we owed them a great debt of grati
tude. Ile Will eighty years of age, but ho was
in favor of receiving the rebels as brethren and
treating them as such, but if they rebelled he
was in favor of taking them by the throat and
punishing them severely. -
After dinner, there was displayed on the
stand a very handsome frame, capable of hold
ing thirty-ono photographs, with two large
ones in the centre. It was made by L. S. Bmtb,
Commander of Post 77, and with a Jack-knife.
It contains ten thousand pieces dove-tailed to
gother..i, There was a proposition to dispose of
it at fifty: cents a ticket, the proceeds to bo
given to the charity fund of Post 77. . •
At tile afternoon meeting letters were read
from Lieutenant 'Governor Robinson, General
Jardine, and others, giving reasons why it was
impossible for them to bo present tol the pleas
ant occasion. And then, Captain E. B. Gere,
of the Owego Post, being milled upon, deliver
ed a speech which excited much attention and
interest. Ile was followed by Col. Overton, of
Towanda, who made ono of the most interest
ing addresses of the day. Rev. W. H. Bnufsey,
Chaplain of Gilmour .Post,' Ulster. Pa., was
next heard with mach pleasure.
After thespeeches, the company enjoyed
themselves with various sports, dsocing being
the chieramnitement. For this - -the arrarige
merits were good. the platform affording room
for eight quadrilles at one time. Indeed all of
the arrangements two to be commended,—the
booths for the sale'of ice cream, beer and ci
gars, the large platform, built as of to stay,
and the seats, from which could be seen the
speaker's stand. The ladies for tho assistance
they have rendered, the Post, deserve some
thing more than compliment or a vote of
At half-put five the camp fires were lit, the
camp-kettles strung -on their poles and the
beans cooked in regulation manner. The cant
was on a hill routh-east of the village, and
when in full blast presented a very attractive
spectacle. The usual services followed, stories,
songs '
speeches and great fan, mingled with
'much destruction of the rations provided.
Among those present in the evening, were
Corn. G. L. Smith and J. S. Ware, of this city,
and Adjutant Geo. Stratton, and S. V. C. Gor
don Pendleton, of Owego.
The receipts of the day were estimaetd at
something In the- neighborhood of eight hun
dred dollars.
At twelve o'clock the gathering broke up,
making a km honriestive occaidon, which those
who partook et. it wit never forget.
Great credit is due tor the success of the af
fair to Commander L. S. Smith, and S. V. C.
J. H. Wood. They and the remainder of the
committee displayed ranch energy and tact in
the management - of the festivities of the day.
Post 77, G. A. IL, can go up head.
afteinoon, Sept. O.
In the matter of the incorporation of the
Tuscarora Mutual Fire Ingram° Co., of Tu
mors, On motion of Foyle A McPherson, the
court make the usual decree of incorporation.
M L Moon cs Maria Moon. On motion Court
appoirit W C Bogart, Esq., a commissioner to
bike depositions in this cue.
Mary A Ketchum vs James Ketchum. On
motion court appoint E 13 Crandall, Esq., a
commissioner to take depositions in this case.
Emma Williams vs Charles Williams. On
notion court appoint A 13 Hooker, Esq., s com
missioner to take depositions in this case.
In the matter of the adoption of Itmiliniteh 4
nook as child and Mr of B P Warner. Ozi
reading petition, and on motion of Watkins /0
Little, oonrt dime that Lonis Sitnhoook am;
mime the name of Louis Warner, and hare alb
the rights of a &rid and heir of 8. P. Wilmer.
It is ordered UM the term at Troy begin od
the !Mirth Monday of October, and ocean:mei
one "el • „... .1
Coin vs A.l Johnsen: &Buis Wittc4 itithiAtt
license. On motion court dinar a notte! prose
qui to be entered in this ditto upon payMent of
oats. I.;ii - - ~,, '
Coin Bait Donovan . Tile defendant api
peering In open cionri, and It appearing that
he wait an insolvent, tree dilly diseharipuL
00113 I TS pullet Drown. Belling. liquor, trith4
oat Winn. Belling Airier on election day and
seMnilicjinit to Minors._ Each of the above
"cases and continued to the' October tires st y
Troy. I• • •-' .- 1
The blind Amy- aspoki - oi, the f;aiiiii,
meg : , - - , -_:: ,I
. revs : r • d ' '
COM.vs George Metter-Eielling:llqtterwithd
out lierse. ,
Com,vs George Metier-liellingliqu'o'r to, mi.
nom and drunkards. • •
Oom:vs Lewis Targnsmi-Larceny.,
Oemi vs David Maceneber-Onttink timber
trees. • "4r
Com vs Elijah Pelten-43elling liquOinittiont
ikon ' 1 i
Corii vs Elijah Polton-13elling liquor iiiia Bee-
Coin vs Win ' Melvin-Selling liquor trithent
licen i tT k
Co vs Wm Melvin-Selling liquor without
' Com vs Catharine Melvin-46111ns' Wicker
without license. ,
Com vs Catharine Melvin -Soiling f liquor
without license: 1 1 ;
Sontirs (kuseiEletoher—Attsmpt t0 , ,.,0mmq
F a P e ' I 1 11 I
Cosivs David Waters—Obtaining goods nn
'der-falie pretences. County for oosta.l
Comivs Moselle Comstock—Assault SOd bat:
tery. County for coats. • •i j '
Cont!ss L W Depew and DiaiDepew—Nab
Banco. • This cue was continued dui4ng ihe
day AO submitted to the jury this geeing.
Thursday, Sept. 10. !
COM Ve P Rogers —fielling bluer Ivnthout
license: Continued to December termi
Calvin Dodge vs Edwin McClelland. I pn me ,
lien Cqurt appoint Johia W Mu.
ter in Chancery in this cue. .
Com vs George Metter—Selling lignors to
minors and dnuikarda. District Att'ylleeves
and MIN Williams, ER:, for Commonwealth;
Delos EockweU and J W Stone, Eeqs f ;! for de;
fenduit. This cue was submitted tO thk.jury,
this morning. They came in this , afiernoon,
and find the defendant guilty of selling liquor
,to drunkards.
Corsi vs L W Deinnv and Diana . Depsir—Ncii
linei.ll The jury after being out alf night,
came f i ll this morning. They .find' the; defend.
ants g ilty. ! 1
The: * rand Jury disposed:. ortbii !Mowing g 3
', ! lf
. . :
cases: ,-.
I' ... ....
Corti 'vs Gen P Tracy—Selling liquor rithout
license. .1
Cna'vs same—Selling liquor to minors.
Coin vs same—Selling liquor on election day.
Coni,vsJ T Brewster, — Sellin g liquor t witbout
. 4
Com,73 , sszis4Ekilling liquor to minors.
- • COTm l ys saniiLSelling liquor on Sunday.
!' • no': Tnni smt.t. ,1
• I , • " ~
Com, vs Austin Oliver, Frank Vose, John 'Voss
and Athur Voss—Robbery.
Com Ns Geo P Tracy—Selling liquor on Surk:..
day. !I , !
Coutil vh Thomas Roberts—Larceny. Db3t.
Att'y Reeves for Com.; I N Evans, Esq.!, for der
fendant. The jary'lind the defendant kuilty of
recall:lug stolen goo4e.
In the matter of the petition of A AI Wattles.
for militia land to be annexed to Role Boro'
for sc*ol purpose.. The report of the com
missioners finally Confirmed by the court.
In the matter of the widening of Citrsontst.
in Canton Boro': The court appoint I the 'fol
lowing,lnamed 4iewers : J S Mix , 0 4 Brown,
G W Griffin, J W Bailey, 0 L Farnsworth, John
VanDYke and Jacob Martrarift. r
In the matter of the application for a'county
bridge' the township of Warren. The Grand
Jury 4 tars that the county should' not bnild
the bilge.
Co vs Wm - Brown and. Orsentes Brown—
Larceny. On motion court direct none prose
qui to we entered upon payment of boats.
Corri l lvs George Moiler- Selling ligitor with
outliCense. On motion court dtrectl a noile
proeli to be entered upon payment! ot cysts.
Friday, Sept. 11. ~, ,
.1 ,
In the matter of the adoption of Hattie E
Whitney as child and hair of Georp E and
Anna Fitterron. On reading depositions, and
on motlon'of H N Williams, Esq., it it ordered
and decreed that Hattie E Whitneylbe and be
come the
a dopted child of G E andi Anna Pat.:
tersoti,: and assume and take the camp of Hat
tie E Fatterson, and have all the rights, of a
child and heir.l i
Com ;vs Thos Roberts—Larceny. -Dist. Att'y
Reevee!for Com.; L N. Evans, Esq., for defend
ant. The jury find him guilty.
Cold "vs Cease Fletcher —Attempt to commit
a. rape! Diet. Att'y Beeves and Delos Rockwell,
Esq., ?or Com.; Elhanati Smith and W H Car-,
nochat, Esqs., for defendant. The Jury find
him not guilty, but guilty of an assault and
batter.. ,
The' raed Jury disposed of the follewing
cases : ~ .
Corn re Michael MorrisOn--BeUitig liquor
without license.
Corn vs same—Selling 'liquor to persons of
known intemperate habits.
Com vs James Nestor- 7 1301111.g liquor without
Coin vs W W Atha—Soiling liquor t i rabout li
cense. Two indictments.
Com vs A Loder--Selling liquor Without U
cense.' Two indictments.
Coin vs Austin Oliver, Frank Vose, John
Vose, and Arthur Vose—Aggravated assault
and battery. '
Com vs John Hale, Jamea Hale and H. Chub
bnek-Lnesisting an officer;
Com vs Diniel Woodruff—Assault and bat
Com vs Adam Stembarg Selling liquor
without license. Two indictments.
COM Ye Leonard Whitney—Larceny.
Com vs J 14 Cowell—Assault and battery
Vincent Marcy for costa. •
Com vs Vincent Marcy—Assault and battery.
Com j in some—Aggravated assault and bat
tery. II Cowell tot coats in each cue.
Com . ve David Campbell and Elinor Camp
bell--Assanit and battery. Charlotte Roger.
for costa
Com vs Daniel Woodruff—Assault and bat
tery.' Dist. Att'y Beeves and Foyle & McPher
son for Com.; Elhanan Smith, Esq., for de
fendant. The jury find him not guilty, bit
that he and tho prosecutor, Isaac Woodruff,
each pay half the costs.
Com vs Lawrence IfcCormick—Aasault and
battery, Oa motion court direct a !koUe prose
qui to be entered upon payment of costs.
Cora vs G P Trscy—Selling liquor without
license to minors, and on election day. Each
of tho above cases continued to! December
Qom vs L W Depow and Diana DepOw. Con
victed of maintaining a Nuisance. Motion made
for anew
Saturday, Sept. 12.
The Grand Jury disposed of the following
Corn vs C T Kirby—Selling liquar without
Corn ve Martin Mack—Assault and battery.
Cent vs M W Ferguson—Selling liquor with
out license.
Cdm vs dames H Tanner—False Pretences.,
'Coni vs Wm L Robinson—Betting fire to de
faud Insurance
Com vs Frank Ganley—Besisting officer.
Corn vs Wm McMinn and Mrs. Wrn McMinn
—§eiling liquor without Some.
zoom vs Bickford Yoso--Assault with Intent
to kill.
Cam ce Blotrison—Bolling liquor ba Sunday.
COM vs Jame Bryant, Burgess;! James Mc-
Cabe, Thomas it Woodruff, rhos In Jordan,
D 8 Pratt, Jots M Ward; E T Fox and John D
Montanyo, Councilmen of Towanda Boro—Nal•
Cam sa Jas Nestor—Selling liquotl on Sanday.
0 A, Black for_costa. _
Cora vs Mathew Manyx--Serting gaor with
out license. County for costs.
The Grand Jury waif discharged this
ing. I i
Cout vs David kfcComber—Cattlng timber
trees.' Dist. At,t4 `Beeves and W T Daviesti
Esq., for Corot DeWitt and Xsynardfor defend:
ant. This ease Was submitted to the jury thig
!aflame% After remaining,out all night, they.
tnmein Sunday maiming. They find tile de4
fondant guilty
,of cutting hard timber.
In the matter of the petition for a .county
bridge over Batterleo Creek. On reading petli
Von. and_ on .motion of DeWitt it Xaynardi
Court appoint the following named • personii,
viewers. Horace Williston, Dana F Park; Ai
eunder Elsbree, listo Kirby, John Mills, and
John M Pike.
(The balance of the proceedings will be pub.!
lined next wen.]
By iniitstion' - 'of Worthy Master
Non Sr. of Hlfighlantijirange," Litehtledd, ire at,
tended a grand plembith4er auspices of that grange
on Thursday last.. On - Striving on the grounds we
were greatly surprised at the multitude we law bei
fore us. The numbeicOuld not have been less than
1500 to 2000 of the molt thrifty. orderly and inte 4 l(..
gent appearing people we Dave seen bongregated.
No one looking upon this assemblage ot. ladles and
gentleman would be athaztuut to confess that he
was a •.Granger." The lergO attendance had bee s
"antlelpsted by the managers.' for after, feeding
bountifully all present, more than twelve• baskets
toll were gathered up. ' ' ' •
Speeches were made by Hon. B. Lironn, Oeorgel -
Ilesesze, Egg., Capt. liA fuss, Hon. E. B. Wm;
and Pluto. longs" lecturer of the. Grange. It
would be use* for cut ,to attempt even a synopsis
of the remarks, but the faritflatAkey were attest;
Rely listoned to oven until the sun began to descend
in the west, is good evidence that what wag said
suited the people. Excellent musk) was furnished
by the Athens Brass Band and a choral association:
The wagoning one which will long be romans!
bered by all who par ti c i p ated. It afforded us an op•
portal:iffy of seeing and
. visiting with many of our
friends and patrons, and looking upon some of the
best and most productive soil in Northern Pennsyl
vania. The farms and buildings betoken thrift, in•
dependence, intelligestre and more than ordidary
culture on tke part of the sturdy yeomanry of the
township. We regret that we are not better sc.,
'quainted that we might mention the rime.' of the
Olsten of the elegant lobking estates Palled on out'
way from Athens to the Centre, but seitldgwas our
first visit tothe Igirpaldp. we are itl)mpelltdrlo brnit
what would Mud Usptnchplusuib
One of the most conspicuous . farms, with;
antly located, tidy appesring buildings, weWere in
formed was the hone of our old . friend, Beaux
Mortar, who through years of hard toil and intelli•
gent, economical management, has cleared. up the ,
forests and accumulated handsome comPkency
for his declining years. What is of far more value,
'he possesses the confidence and highest esteem et
all his neighbors, and -may beitruthfully called one
Of the leading men of the county:
One other oplintation" which no beheld afar off
with pleasure, was the brciad, smooth. fields, vim.
mediae ;dwelling and thrifty looking orchard of
artor i Larroa. Everybody knows and admires
Anis; aid we felt Pleased totn4 him the fortunate
owner of a place which miglit well case many a so.
called happy city or-town man terviolate the tenth
Mrs. Jos. PADS, Um. LAYTON', MTS. Skim and
other ladles whose names we .did not learn,,volun7
teered to wait upon the tables, *and . wo thought ex.
hibited a good deal of womanly dignity and honest
pride as they presented the tempting viands to the
hungry multitado. Ono of the great benefits of the
grange oiganization•is the bringing ladicii from the
rural districts into more notice,and In a cemparisou
between themselves and the petted, spoiled: butter
flies of fashion, 'who hivtf.tieen wont to,leek
noon the °country cousin," the farmerilwives and
daughters, need have no fears. We do not wish to
be understood as cl &Bain all the ladles rho reside
iln towns and cities as °fashionable," and looking
with contempt upon their sisters in Ole country.
Indeed; we think by far the larger number of wives
:And daughtevs of our professional and buldnessmen
i rlth•r envy the position of their more fortunate
°fanners' women folks.'!
The Bradford Comatiteichera' Aerociation met in
the Preabyteriaro.Sh i mch, Canton, A. u., Friday.
Sept. 11. 1874, President E. J. Angle In tho chair.
Devotional exerciie condncted by Rev. J. V.
Minutes Of last Ina ng read, and approved.
On motion W. H. Thompson, Austin Leonard and
A. A. Keeney were apPointed a committe l e on rose
letions. They reported as follows:
Resolved, That the 'tate appropriation should be
so increased as to provide for the live =atilt'
•school required by tali.
Resolved That pupils should be exeneed from
participating in derotianal exercises when it is re
questes by parental.
Res - Mad, That we recommend the establishment
of District Institutes whereever practicable.
Resolved. Chat we recommend teacher's through
out the county to give the Wood Method'ef teaching
primary reading a trial-
Resolved, That the
. teacher who does not nee the
apparatus provided is unworthy of patronage.
,Resolved, That a teacher should be held, strictly
accountable for damage done to the ehool house
or premises while under his charge..
Pirat resolution discussed by Thompslo. Keeney,
Brigham, Loviell, • j.eonard. Discussion arrested
by adjourniztera.
arrzuwoos sEssimr.
Music. ,• •
First resolutiOn 'cited upon and carried.
Fourth resolution discussed by Keen l ey. Thomp•
son. Leonard, Parsons and Brigham. :23y request
Leonard pie an hateteirting blackbowid exercise,
illustrating the Wood Method ,of bumping primat7
reading, followed by remarks by 0. W. White, Mrs.
G. W. White and J. W. Parsons. Carried.
Second resolution discussed by Neeniay, Leonard
and Brigham. eOn moth* further discussion was
By request Mrs. Prudle E. Cole recited "Curfew
shall not sing to.nlght." Adjourned. •
mum NO Mszo7
Midi. Declamation by W. L. Davidson: Eu 27
by Miss Barab E. Ballard; aubject—' , Water." Duett
by Misses Mer?itt and Dart. Becitatlica by !lira.
0011,: — Mi. O. P. Witco:Ms then delivered a vary
intereating lecture ; ilbject—t. Propos Hamm!'
'Music: Recitation by Mrs. Cole. Diamimed with
benediction by Hey. B. P. Gates:
Devotional exercises conducted by IProf. E. E.
Quinlan. aluilc. Eauy by Miss Julia Spalding . ;
subject—' , Music." , Recitation by lirsi Cole. •
On motion Troy was fixed upon as Cie next place
of . meeting, and the following appointments were
made: Lecturer. Rev; Dr.l Shepard ; Pipers, 3. T
M'Cillum, G. W. Ryan and E. E. Emmy.
late. Laura IR:Cid/and arid Mary Spanlding ; De.
cleaners. -; Readers, W. 11. Thompson, Sarah
E. Ballard; Bielnes Committee, W. IT. , Carnochan,
Delos Rockwell, John Grant, Annie! Mama and.
Rory Moore: -
et It was moved and s.conded that the 'Secretary ex
amino the constitution, and advertise accordingly
Loat. .
It was moved and seconded that a 'committee of
Ave be appointed to revise the constitution of this'
Aesociatien, and report at next meeting. Discussed
by Keeney, 2d'Oolinm and Angle. Carried, 21DOo1-
Icon, Ryan, Keeney, Warren and Thd , mpson were
appointed said committee.
The following rosobatlon was then offered for dial
content • I
Resolrid, That, wherever practicable, a onis year's
course in the Classics and Higher Mathematics be
provided at the public expense. .
Discussed by Thompson, Quinlan,ll'Collum, Mc
Intosh. Laid on the table. I t
Oh motion the thanks of . the Association .were
tendered to "Rev,. U. Pv Watrous for ! hie address,
and a copy soliciteitfor pubEcallom i •
After the mud v!oto of ,thanks and singing. the
Doxology. Association adjourned,to m4tin Troy the
second Friday in November. ; •
, 1
A. A. EEINT.r. Elee'r.
E. J. ANGLE, President.
Ur Largo stock of Pictures and
Picture Frames, it WIITrCOMu & °CAI= ,
8, =or
cur's Block.
Blercur's Aslock, for your Books and Stationery.
is.. The largest assortment o
clocks at low prices at ElmumustAA's. I
Fon SALE.—W: A. Roc kwELL has
one of P. IC.DEDENIA & OeB. O. X. Rorie Powr
Hay Presses for Bale. • The best there ii.
Jana 1, 1874. • '
Mir Spectadles and: ei
warranted equal to any in the
-the cheapeekto the . beet, at Hmin
Well -Paper . and
cheap at § • Wurrdoun
' Mcrcur's Block.
sir you want the — la
of Clothing, at Granger prices. c
j®,. The best place to
Blinds, Doors and all kinds of LI
Faorr k Som. Factory on Chill
flco 107 Main Arcot. They sell el
ler C. F. D.rros has r:
harness shop to the atom lately
Ruud Worm s where he will be
all In want of good work.
INAer 4 iC I •Tiarg A ZID9.; ;Y lll - A la -
4rees the piiiia teßayiville,
, r
x on Monday, Sept. 21, 104; Babjeek!
The duty of the Citizen." 3 /. general Lovita-t
on is extended to tapreeinit.
11§.. It is the universal ' testimony;
f n
acquainted with the uelnets, that O. V.
9110Eilhas got the beat arranged !kook liltore in
cointry, and city desleis tell us Cassias is
ilne of the closest bu7ers. Thati his taste in'
•leotiog gocids is, excellent, all who visit his
11$ teStitY• . -
stir If you want the International
femme . . and Bunchw.#4hool piper, give Your'
li F der to 0. F. Cams, AG,. can fnmish them to
ou on 'better terms than you car get them in
a city. , . 1„
e . '
SEED WHE&T.—The sub
re to the public four varieties
shoat—Dieill, Miebigaa White,
caster Ite . d. ' L... 11,
11 Augnq 1,1874. '
ser if you 'wait i ioar wife
to buy tbb now patent Sad-Iron, ifeep her away
from JuWes. It is the beet and moat conveni
ent invention for lessquing tho t e dious work At
Yronlngirrer pieinintpa to lho No 'ono
Who seeett will over go horn° wit out it. '
.-L 4 . '
ser.New goods knit recived at M.'
yon want the best gook Stover
Oitilikvall at Zmss'a, l 4t Nitrates Mck.,
48.. For the best 'Roast or Steak
Mir If you want a' neat, taBty it
ery cheap, call ai diuts
_ _
star See4er . :A,tt,achmeet to the,
orapkini ed. - flak for . 'so - wink all kinds of
rain, Grass Seed, and Plaster;, also the best
tlasi Presses for eats aolow pies', •
tr. li. 3i. WiLai.
astanrors attending Court will
And firdt-class board s$ El per day, at "E:
'osfe, No. 32 Second-at. _
; SS.JOLILIS WOLFF, has just received
k i lt° largest assortment of lists and Ceps crer . offered.
n this moisket. I
I Stir JACODS is, already receiving his
tall plods. "The early bird catches the worm,l'
Storethose who _early at Jeeens' Clothing
Store rill be enabled $ Bemire, ttter , beat: bar
gains ever offered •
ter gill. -kinds of black born, rub
X,er and real jet, jewdlry at very low prices, at
IS. C.V. Cnoss has jtiSt received
very largo invoice of Books suitable for S. S.
ibraricsi which ho will furnish at a. discount.
1'25 per cent. to schools.
M. A. B. CuLvEnV Wyalusing, is
he, agent for the New Aiscrican Sewing Ma.
! hint., which is taking the 'lead of all others. •
Stir American soil Swiss Wittelabs,
largest stock ever brought to this town; at
Fon SALE. —l5O acres of land, 1
mile from Ulster dept. Also several second
, and wagons. A. B. S'iirru.
I FOI.7ICD.—On the road leading from
this place to Monroctoni two' critter bare for
mowing machine. The tlwu,:x can find them at
this office. ''
tom. Thabest placo to bay ready
tpado clothing is at So. 4, 2 illors wrest of COD.
,4.1N0, RUSSELL & Co's. •
110CSL A:41:0140ir ron SALE OR rtiaTr.
Terms easy. Apply to Mrs. E L Wooraturr,
die 31. J. Loso's store.
A large line of Parasols in all
ho new shades, just received by.
se. .If you wish to see fine 'gold
oweiry, call at iiENDEL.II.VeS.
r 'WY - From a plain Gold Ring to
4o finest diamond, go 'to lignintatam. may. be advantageous for
too public to know that in this extreme dry
Weather the 31YERSBIIIIG 'RILLS aro supplt.
led with an abundance of water, ,and does ill
tzslom work with dispatch.
t. Pimen & Nlcums are selling
,a3l varieties of Coal very cheap. They are sole
igonts for the , celebrated Barclay Coal. Coal
by car load at a discount. Orders left at F. J.
6LECIN'S Store, X. J. LONG'S Store, • and at
iIGr.TV:i . B Store will receive prompt attention.
ttir Several valuable Farina.' and
ontres and Lots foilialo by Runirrid-.TnAcs.
sir The North Branch Associa
tion of Universalists will hold its annual meet
ing at Sylvania, Bradford Co; Pa.; on the
fourth Wednesday and the following Thursday,
the 23d and 2tth of September, 1874. A cor
dial invitation is extendad to all.
C. li. BALLARD, Clerk.
Sylvania, Aug. 23, 1874. •
IllitEE HOUSES TO RENT.-0110 111
First Ward, near upper depot, and two in Sec
ond Ward. Inquire at office or OVERTON &
. Fon Rthr.—Dwelling containing
14 rooms—suitable for a boarding, house or a
large family. Moo, one small three-story house
n centre of town.
No. 32, Second- t.
see It is not generally known that
H. C. Wurragnui at the Book Bindery over-the
linrowran office, makes Blank Books ,in 'any
style of ruling and binding desired. If- you
want, a new Ledger, Journal or Docket, give
him a call. '
z Why run the risk of an.; acci
dent, when you can get s ticket good for $3,
000 in case otdoath, for 20 cents a day, by call
ink on FIUNK 13171111A1E, at upper depot ?
dealer, has changed his base, and may here
after be form:Tat the corner of Main and Pino
streets, in Norax's now block.
Viiir„ ARCADE & EDWARDS are pre
pared to soli teas'of every variety cheaper than
any of the leading bonne in the city, which are
Sending out their circulars broadcast over the
country., Grangers will do well to give them
call before buying elsewhere. •
ice-Ladies! If you wish to. know
what to wear, and how to wear it, call at E. J.
Moons'. She has all the novelties of the sea
ire.. miss A. E: • Puri, (fdrmerly
over 31. E. Roscirnmo's Clothing Stbri), has
removed to MACY Mooned new block, where
she is prepared to do all kinds of dreo-ntaking
on reasonable terms. She is also igent for
lintterickli patterns.
arket, fro
' HOUSE 808, S r ALS-011 Second-st.,
between Pine and ;Bridge —eut side. Twelve
rooms; Gas, Water, Heater, Range, etc. One
of the most convenient houses to ho found.
Terms easy. Enquire orLtho promises.
test style:
11 at Jciar
ing, Spinning, and Weaving, also Mannfactur-
Cinth-Dressing, etc., as usual. Stocking
: Yarn, Flannel and Clutha for, sale. 31r.ehinery
running in good order, and work v:.rrittited
and done with dispatch.
buy Sash,
Amber, is s ,
Its street. Of
- in the Arcade blceli, epp2site. the EI
pal prepared to do dreas-mairlug lu
the latest atylo arid neatest manner on short
notice and at reasonable prices. Fitting wade
a specialty. Stamping done also.
moved hi:
oenipied ti
lensed to af:
,22311 E
I - ,
11lir We ' are Plealed te _snug ~ t ,
the our friend, Ault, BoLol 2, 4 will ' turn .
homo 4 tho 28th of t li ia mouth, to rem • . (tit
ring Wand winter campaign.. Bo 'now
vial ' all the tirineipat markets of New', ork,
Bosto , Philadelphia. Bocheater and BUffalo.
and purchased ono of the Cltoiceit s' ks
ever spowit in tiorthern . Pp ilva-
Ms, ch ho will sell at eitromelplow , P eels.
Wo a receiving gouda daily, and wo d .r be
pleas :d to have yoticall and ace us befoF l pal--
chief . g elsewhere. Yon can save D 3013 and
time y dellineat the one-prists C. 0, D.l ' . tore
of AL . SoLoston, 1Z) 'Main sirect. I !
T i •County Tekleriltastita!
the pi cunt school pis:, will bo hO ' ld u
A au ion of a:week at Alba,,boginnfrigil
U; a :cesfonpra wad at Ailionr, beg 11
Sept. 1; it sessioh of a week at Wyalusin
ginni.g Oct. 5.- Tho session at each pl
open , o,3lotelay; at 2 o'clock r.
on the ensuing Friday.
Fie Fiber of
! choice seed'
Weeks, Lan-
assistance or dentin tent instruct°
scared. r A. A. Kw
- I ; d Co. •
ands, Pa., Sept. 1,1874.
kho times are dall,l1 1
f3slere take idfantage of the mark f!
their stock. Ih:whims been the cacti
BE k.
.puwarais. Darink Ulu p 4
T v t manufacturers and jobbers havf
ID at:minus fo s f u Wit they have boon
to traite on *Very entail margin, and
lay in
hnovt tlist a "nimble sixpt cc ie .
than al slnsi consequen they:
reatgr indtteernerls to cash buyls for
hing in the grocery' ling than any; 'other
:.hnient in the l connty. They dealuthe
skit brands of family grOe l ericsisnd our..
L Err
offer i
We. take pleasure in eallie
tentio of _our readers to the advertise
lil.E.liossirimp in another column. ?fr."
justly.]earned the enviable reputation of
ono dY our moat reliable business me',
his lo4Er experience. in the clothing bnk
enibl liini to :mate an/ offer better befr
than those who ; are engaged in the bn#
but wtio have not availed themselves 1
opportunities for purchasing which ho ;
es. Ilhers can rely iMplicitly:ol2'hls re pi!
ation4 and feel,couffilent that Wrtieleip4
oa at his store are; just what 'he reprk
. .
: T.11:711 Alimi . , - at the new t ilnl-
Store, licxt.thior to- Cuaatileituti'si haat:
than realized ; tho icxpecia:tiona u. our,
Hts stock of goods would do ere . it tci 1
Cat-class; city" atore, and Lia prim are,
than tivist orilin i ary Country, cetaialiall-!
. . 4 41 i
i ladled ofTowanda, nod in fact iticiltholo
-, trill find it to their advantago tolviait
ro totiiro purchasing: It , :afforda ha real
ro to i rcconamend lanch iut-catabliali''na wt.
readers.' . : 1' -' .! ' . I l ':
- . Li
to a
to on
to_ Gentlemen, wo would
your attention to our new styles of Shoo for
Sprin• j, and Snnimer Iwea l r. Prfdes low.
ConaEn k CO 8.
h Ouse t Opppeito tho,Couri
F --A. SALE. good House and !Pot.
Ewa' e of • ' rowo.a,
To • ands,Ang. 12, 1874.-3 w.
PRICES .I.iL.DT.7'.EI):--. Good pe'P f r ' 1
'F ef
.7012 who pay for what you get, and are the
merchants' supporterv,• do you realize Oat if
yen buy at places where igeneral credit Is given,
it is you who really pay for all ihal the ,heats
and people of poor pay consume ? It is 1 dded
to theprice of everything you get, and 'neat
ly pay for, and for onr part we propose at it
shall no longer be so. From to-day wqlshut
down on book:accounts and long-winded„ rtd
its;and sell groceries for Cash or Produ e, at
Reduced Frices Crime and soo the proof a it.
• . • I Red, Villite At Blue S!'' e.
Aug. 18—tt. i • 1 ~ • * 111
JEA BB lED. -11
MARTIN—MA=II3.—M Camptown, A
9, 1074,.. by Rev. E. Burroughs, /dr. Jani'
artln,'of Tuscarora, (Into of Wales;)
Miss Adelia Martin, of Tuscarora.
13, 1874, by Hov. r E. H. Cramer, Pdr.l l
- Pennell, orlffyaor, and Miss Eatior H
of Dar& - ,
AGNEW—CODDING.—At the residence,
bride's parents in Le%male, Sept. 1 3,, 1
by 'Hey. S. Elwell, Mr. James R. Asiac •
Pike, and Miss M.. Emile Calling,'
daughter of M. EL Coddles, Esq. 1
THOILPSON—LOWV ,—At- the redden.
Dr.'G. P. Tracey, in Burlington. Sept.'l.
by Bev. S. Transau, Mr. W. H. Thom'
Esv., of Herrick, and Miss Lillie H.
of Burlington.
OLIIIITELLX—In Ulster, -Sept. 4; 18744
Miry Ellen Olmstead, (consort of Ansel,
stead), aged 43 years, 9 months and V I df!
SistAn-Ou 6 ssrs was a woman 'of rare
lencel Her truedevcitlon Sad modest dealt
as a Wife, together tirith her maternal tea.
nese and ardor, as; a parent, renderel
hornd pleasant and sacred. a blending l i.
many virtues well tholove and lasting c i i
otall 'who knew her.' She was it, stem i,
the Bt. E. Church, and will be missed ire!
meank of grace. The record of her life asilt l
moth r, friend and Christian, is a Prtil
legac of sweet memories,• that is abli
price, to thoao she bas left to lament he
She departed as the earnest, trustful Ch
departs, comforted and sustained by thi) i
*pees of the Gospel. She leaves a d•r. l
husband, &loving daughter, and a largel
of relatives and friends to mourn heti
May God sustain them in this their dceiik
tion. • .W. 11. Rnank
Ulster, Sept. 14, 1971. • 11 : '
ELLIOTT.—In Wyalusing township, in ,l
. SO,
1974; Mrs. Katie 04 wife' of Hiram, D liott,
aged 38 years, 4 months and 3 days. I
At a regular meeting of the members ; Wy
alneing Lodge No. 503, I. 0. of 0. F., ; h dat
Camptown, Pa., SePt:l2, the following j eata
ble and,„resolutions were ulaanimously adi.tedk
Wlitaxas, In the manifold wisdom an prov
idence of our All-wise Creator,.. who don la all
things well, out dear, sister; Mrs. Katie
_C. El
liott, (of the . Rebekah Degree) has by,lHis Al
mighty Power, been removed from this 'grth,
thus bereaving tho domestic, circle and tlus as
(*elation.• 1 in
WHEREAS, Her life , presented an nn oken
line of exemplary conduct, and in this b' cave
ment her family and a large circle of ac uain
tances have lost a devoted relative and friend,
the sick and afflicted a ministering.angel; and
this Lodge a useful member. Thereforei be it
Resolced,. That while we mourn our less, we
rejoice that we are abler.° boar ovide.icel the
virtuous life of oar deceased sister. - 1 .
Resolved. That by being thus remin ed of
the uncertainty of this life, .we labor mo o ear
nestly in all our works, that like her, the may
be ready at any time to enter that higho4 life.
Resolced, That the regalia of • our slitter be
draped in =pinning, and placed in a co mien
ous place in , the lodge room for thirt 1 days;'
and to the bereaved husband, brother iram •
Elliott, who is one of our charter and '. ighl*
esteemed members, we extend our h rtfelt
sympathy, feeling that lie who has ;,all 4 4 her
to the enjoyment of everlasting life, l aid
and support him and his two daughters nring
their stay in this nursery land,. and when he
calls them to depart, will receive them to the
land of rest and bliss, with a joyous weltme.
Raz olred, That the foregoing preatnli e and
resolutions be entered 'at large on the mutes
of the Lodge; a copy sent to,the bereave tam-_
ily, and also td the county papers for P, bine-
E. S. Fur.mxn,;
L. 13. Com, )li
, .
tvnoLEsALE pp,lcrs.
F. E. roar
Corrected every Weanesday; by 0. B.
subject to changes daily.
Wheat, it bush
Bye, Vl' bash
Buckwheat, It bush
Corn, it bush
Oats, lit bush;
Beans, it bush... .
Butter (rolls)
do Idairy,r# lb new,
Eggs 14 dos
Potatoes, lit bush,now
Flour "0 60
Onions Vt bulb
WFIGEGIS OP GRAM—Wheat GO lb.'; Cern
Bye N lbs.: Oats 32 lbs.; Barley 4G lbs.; Da •
58 lbe.; Beans 62 lbs.; Bran 20 lbs.; Cloyer
lbs.; Timothy Seed -14 lbs; Dried Peaebe -
Dried Apples 22 lbs.; Flax Bead 60 lbs.
•I , '
Pmewrras MASON
"FOR RENT.—The More cicei
by B. A. Pottes roc:mama giv
bor let. Inquiro of E.
, Sept. 3-tf. •
n o e n w a na t. & t a t e o r n SZ I. ! r ug te r. fo
rt I
°Mee on State Street. Baamess solicited. I
Sept. 3'74•1f. `
Treats Chronic INSeases by new methents::,
couvaltel by setter. • , [ Au'
. Now ealvottlsemo*.
o for
DI ( 1 :10 :41
R '
&c., will do'
'I and a
a. STOV74
ii and
I,' been
at- 1
at of
') and
I nest!
f the
' O
We have a number of p
' tO.N at re;lamd p
11. 1 sTailS, Glass,
bootls and a fi
L .
Trimmings, 13,
Gans, Repeatl
CartridgEa, Po
Parchisers 9( PM.
try Hall, Bailey lE
!excelled by Jeiretbs or iu3y , othor.
I .
le. 8.
I ,rley '
If tho
-.. of
I only
t o f
Y !!
!f eo
-e of
l i e all
11. tine
IntooslB and
cl 301
Cider M
0 33
Shellers, F
Pocket Cat
7 00
Bird Cages
.6 lbs.
Seed 60
33 lbs.;
Fitting an
tice by. co
prices for
, a Oct*.
the public
II In thn
C 8 WAN'
,Sept. 10,'71-I
May b
. ,
1 '
'.-' 7., 1 :,•'.l' Vl' t.1.r , : -. .:k.1, - Zl. '.7..7,`;t".A-,:::A,.:.,.17"
, ,
' I
Wean at
.. ding, Bus.
before psm
I. • •
L aro the
I ,
i 1 '
• '
l fER, .
1 I
' ffM
, I
ttorrui of to
prfco p,
. Ylg
• nd 'BAR
t, Sash;
;e, Cerel
I '
took of i
ocke and
n Shot
.bh Load
solvers, .
'ng Rifles,
I 1
wder and Sli
to and Qila any,
1 1 requested to
(which is not El
Pero' i,ea4
1 , :
Vi r l 004
, .
I . •
0 pLar.Fonm
[ ,
cL Biechnic's Toq
ED cAstous
%A Reduced Prices
tters, Co
Razors an(
:ne Scissors,
Iron Wire,
ery, Brass an
eaters, Gas
Tin Iyurk i
Plumbing ni
shore: no
men, nt ;low
potent Ivor
The pli
tronago , o
espeetiplly e i licited.
prigs ,ant - Iltetbrines , _ .. ;
'IEL F • BE4TT 24 co or'
.. ._
,; , , 1 -. , i ~,'1 ... I_l, .;• 4p - ; ,, .. ''-: i'- 4.
CIRWraIIATLD OOLPSS:loi4ttidgilt/Pri PR.
1 t ' Chtii& -. : 1 .,.-; 3 1- ,;;;-
Are ranked by ; eminent muslaisils arid distitv.'
guLthed men of hOttar in this lionntrfand In BeL J
rope as the leading pallor organinow In use.- Wo
thalfeage any maker to oval them!' For Cilnarstr;
Sabbath Schools. Lodges, titieell el the parlor, they.
have, no equal, Testimonials and =Ts of Ratter'
are constantly behag received in! their favor:- Air
offer. Where we have do agents we trill allow any
one wishing to melds one of, our organs, the
'genre discount.- ; Also to any responsible piety ,
wishing to purchase one of our organs front it dis
tend, mid prefer to see and examine, it before pay.
Ingfor ?Co sand will be ;;•-genaletthetilby sanding
us s r onamendation from the !cagtiler .of your
neared k, or 10Z118 prom tnenrmsn in your 14 , -
4:101, led tf the organ is not jest as represented, •
;you have; the liberty to return the lime et ;our ex
pense, ent paying the freight both waym- It is with '
pleseurZ y i latroduce.the GoirMr- 'I - Orkin% know.
big that t will givUunivedsl satisfaction, me It Pos;
seed . advantages over Clothed. - The, tone
excels'in tallness, and the deep vibration of witunis ,
Imelda e ;that it stands first as to merits, of all
mtud:al. mit* now in use, I , 1
We select s few ; abstracts from tettereand edito,- '-
Title wh cit we am, constantly recoving in favor of
our or _ ; and wish you, to read them :
•We , •41‘nreks," for we round 'what we wan:oil.
, '. Id: P. WIL/Id.R. - •
a t
I lunlilessed with the swcetiessl of its tolle. ' .'
*ROE. 14, P, VAR LIIItANPX,IfoIine, /IL
pure s t a gold.—Datly.Pattiot,l ; .• ; ,
' Dar smaslcal critics c all to, milt. They amde
lighted with it. 1 0E0.,L, rIfF4I, Rltoona, Pa.
• We weal() recommend this excellosit insictimpul :_
to the musical werld, tor its fineness of tone.--;Po.,
teraburg (Indianat r Democrat. 1
tomb nes awslt c tiess
.itild eireriltii In its' . tone.—
Lewistown Genet . • ..1 -- ;.; ;.; I.
For quality, promptness andesqulaito of , tone
they are unequall . 1 PROP. DORT. ITRNCE. 1
I can with plea nee recommemett to any in want
off Arai -class for organ. PROF. 0. HU.SER, ,
, *stony City.
lam Tell . plem . s‘,l with. lbem .**l. l D. SECT KIST. , I
, Deseret:On, NAL 1 ,
'ham pleiuscl with the; tone of lite instr u ment.
1 , ' WM. I:ol3EitTfl,prookJytf. 1.• /.
Pleat mono ,its' , advantages le the great *cope of
its', beirageonstrueted to play the softest
music. nd. when Increase ill -Paver.
Can either gradually' or suddenly produce more vol.
tune of tone than any; other °mina its clad. This •
is accompliehed by oar new Pshint _Don* Forte -
Swell, so arrange 4 that the sound'is thrown out by
a directe through the came.; 1;
We'd late that every family :throughout this 1
country as well se Europe, may test Its wemderfal
musical reducing ;qualities. Orders have been
ceived at such rapid rate* that we have been COM •
gelled tet enlarge the anarrpfactory; mad put on satin •
larger farce of iddll.fal meelmnies .41:t. order to supply
the demands. We, how e er, now are happy to an.
Pounce that wo du 'fill edits promptly.and Mitt;
the ;utmost dispatch.' ir "also cal l , tllO attention to
Our "or /renowned ; - i •
, .
This Plano la fart Rattail a reputation as t4o 10,...,1-
ing piano -lotto n o w in tut • f - 1 i
Send lor illustrated pce:, list ind a list of teeth
monists some of I whom lyon mak know using our
organs from the pa st Mx months tb sevent4Ktt y - ea..e. .
*.tress, DANIEL; F. Bit RATTY fAi.,
ngton, Warren go.. Sew JersitY, , •
2. /871
11 j ER'Si
, ,
runt • s, or 4 P:LNELLT FIIISIC,
l'eners. Jacmtlice' l - Dyspepsia; Datil '
tern I" Stomach and Breath, Ery
eho, l/ P' s, IthetiMatistri, , ErnPiios's
rises, B rourrness,' Liver Complaint,
F. Tune a and Balt Illiemik, Worms.,
a, as a inner Pill, and Purifying.tho
host con I '
genial imigative yet perfected.
bundantlY shokv how much they ex ,
They re
a l
safe and pleasant to take, '
ncure. They -purge out the foul hu ,
ood ;th stimulate the slugg,ish or
an into ton; and they ;raPart,/ ,0 4 1 th
e whale being. They cure. not only
comp. 'es of every body, but torn:Lid. -
..crone eases. 3lost 'skilful Ipleysi:
ti .
vent lergymen, and otir be t au
'; cate of cures performed 'and of
they ha 0 derived from these Pills'
h i
1 est an best , hysic for children, be
well as ffectuaL Being sugar coated.
to take: and. being pure!y vegetable
Av ss. '1 , '
Cllipg COSI,
BiPelap. Ikeda!
and latza. Disc
prepay, Tette
Gout, Nenralgl
at* effects a
tin other
ant powerful
more of Ule bb•
Alsorered org
and one to th ,
the every day
able and den.
clans, moat cr
tens, send ec
&peat benefits
TheY are tke E
cause mild as
they are easy
then aro entire]
cal and Analytical Chemists.
1, niggle and Dealers in Medicine
D'2, J. 0
SD 1 by el
gnat 28_
B rgalna in
tDry 6
'Ott s & Cu.,
on* iada, Pa
0, Love do
it 0,
0 MO:loy
itV McKa
Chorus '
i nt in the Snow; or Drunkard's ohilil..liarg, Littk l
'Slay. Sing and Claorus.. l .,llays,
W cite has X i da l gone. Song and Chorus.flays,
D n't forget me Ye Ile. Song and cho..liasa,'
N ra, the Pride.of ee. Song & Ch?.Hays,
Flow up the Plow, Song and Chortui..llays, ~
i n
Lost Louise,
and Chorus....lla7s, ?3
nie Darling. E ng and Chorus }lays,
_ NOL p A RUNG. . ~ ,
Old Caleb. , Song and Chorus... Ilaye; 35
B . sun, poor Hearn Song and Oborna..llays, , '33 i
Ot on the Sea.' Song and Chorus Hays, ; : t3
iailed:Post-paid, on receipt of the marked price,
-ByJ. L. PETBRB, 599 Broadway, Sew York. .
• —I now offer mi of the finest farms for gale 1
la Bradford Conn , situated two miles 111sier..
L' wards o f 200 - res.l7,? - scree improved. abox;
T 87
WI every de iptton. a fine dwelling, baru.i.'
eds. and fill neee :sary building ,thereon, vill bo:
d for a rsasonsb e . price. and time 1
given to , tho ,
lli r
t i
rchaser. ' Or farther tarticulars enquire of ,
nue 2. - .1. L. COlllllll. Athena, ra,
Notice: to here
t _the ertxdo 01 Jo
arued, ari rev 1
d all persona h ,
last pce,Aent 01
Ana 27, !it.
J 1 r
0 .N
ItY, ,
(,'LCIG,' c
Nig At tho old staiii of B. A
treat, opposite Court Horse,
Goff have bought the'etock in
111 opon ou
•:e that will ;:iiitiwihili tho ui
anal 0; a pile of &0,.1$ kir a
.' , . l
A. 50n.. 0 and ; :•
nays, $0
y' given that all persons indebted
r n (iartland, late of Wyalusing,
stud to make Sinn Palate paTraini,
sing claims against mid eitato
l.• duly authenticated
ANDREW 1111 Z,
with will annexed.
J ) 1
-1 ,
1 '. 1
aiJ '
is j