II El = &Tkadtarai.- II 11 FALL SEEDZG di , Msenows .—The - practice of seeding down meadows in conection with some kind - of grain, is less common among our best fu lmars than formerly. Many of them have learned from expenenee that the various speeies of our e - alli*ated grasses actudlyt succeed better 'When alone than with rye, wheat,andsown similar coaise growing kinds of grain, which'are likely to smother and retard the growth of the more delicate " grasses sown therewith. But when grass seed is sown in spring, and upqn rich soils,the coarse growing weeds are likely to be more injurious than ordhiary kinds.of grain, whereas, if sown in fall, early enough to insure a good start before cold weather,' the weed nuisance will be almost, if not entirely, obviated. Wheat, rye, and oat stubble. may •be turned ander immediately after harveSt, and allowed to remain for few weeks, or until the first fall rains;'then harrowed i and the grass seed i sown. If rye or wheat should appear from the scattered grain left at harvest time, or the land ia not in - first-rate filth, cross plowing may be necessary before sowing. . There is nothing gained by sowing the graiii seed too early, but if heavy 'showers should come in August, w e - prefer this month to Septumber_in the more Northern , States. 'Usually the first week in September is a safe time to *escape severe droughts, and insure a fall growth and_a fair crop . of ' hay the ensuing season. ,If it is desir able to add clover lo timothy, the seed may Ye sown early the following ' spring. If any of our readers expect to-seed , down any land next spring _with the hardy perennial grasses, we would suggest that they try fall seed . ing to a limited extent, , and see which of the two systems, is the best. We hate practised both, and are decidedly in favor of .sowing grass 1 seed alone, and in the fall, instead 1 qf-with grain and in the sprincr b _ • Ta C4s FRCIT.-A correspondent' of the .gti ral _Yorker furnishes' some ecpllent ideas about canning! fruit. She says: Use onlyfresh a l nd that' which is perfectly ripe, notJ too scft, but just right to eat well; Fill your cans full cf fruit, put thd can in a kettle of cold water; put a; -few iron rings in the bottom ,of the 1, t to preTent the cans froin break; ing: then pu'i over a slow'fire at first; 'waking it hotter after the can' has become hot. Too•- great a heat at first will crack the cans, at the bottom! Meanwhile, r make - a nice syrup of white sugar, 'and when your fruit ii • half done cooking pour year - syrup over the friait in the cans, and con tinue boiling until done; remove from the fire ancr's - eal. Some peg; pie cook their fruit befoTe putting it in cans, but it does net .preserve its natural flavor as well, neither will the syrup be as clear.. Looking the ....fruit in the cans is the Proper way of canning , fruit; lin my: estimation. I ase half . - a pound .of Sugar to quart jar of fruit; "cherries, peach .es, pears,and raspberries will do with . si:; ounces.- Cook quart jars twenty to *. thirty• minutes, - accordin•T io I.c.eep watch ° of yolir calm ~chile Boiling, and as . fast :is • the *fruit in the can lowers, fill np " . with well•riPened fruit; neat morn ing test your jars; and if they do not 11-00,- boil them. over again. In tO Macs from time ofcanning, test.your . ..fruit again, and •if the cover hops the.n.4 4r it will stand for years, as 11 have Soraii now nearly four years olfl 'l3y testing ten days after canning, .you will never 'be awakened in the night by a load report as'--Of a gib - -going - off, as I have heard people tell about, and breaking some half-dozen - .cail l 'nearest to,it. *Keep your cabs in ?epool but not a damp place. , _ • . . • H APPLES fOIt HT:14 . 14 Btoon.--Wi l th is the value of the apple,,' as' au ar ' Cele of . food, • is ~ far underrateld. Besides containing a large amount :of s:ugat, mucilage and othernutft tiv&matter, apples contain Vegeta ble acids, aromatic qualities,. etc., • hi-elfact powerfully in,the capacity of refrigerants, tonics . and ties; _and m . ilenArcely used at the season of mellow ripeness, they oe rent debility, and indigestion, and avert without doubt.ma.ny of the "ills that flesh is heir to." The.operaLdri of Cornwell; England, consider -rite ttpplcs nearly as nourishing •as bread, and far more's() than potatoes. the vear - 1801—Which was a yelar of nincll seareitv—apples,. instead of converted• into cider;-!....were sold to the poor, . and the labor 4 s 'asserted that they could "stand thOir -I ,Work' on 'baked apples withott '; t •5... a potato diet required c left whereP. pithter meat or some other substan tial- nutriment. :The French and dermang use apples extensively, do the inhabitants of all European nations. The laborers depend up n • tam as an article of -food, and f 4iriently make a dinner of Elie l d and-bread. There is no fruit c r acked in as many different, ,ways fin our country as apples; nor is there why fruit whose value as tin article o nutriment,-is as great, and so lit le appr&ciated.—lraler Citre:T,uurnol.l • 1, „ DAsmiENT WALL.—Hydraulic sometimes called ,w - ater-lime, is the stifeliind to use for walls 6n the ,ground and against banks, and even 'glen it is best to have a foot lof space between the cemented wall and the earth,{ and fill this Space with Fihi aIP dry - gtone —that is,i.stone tot Mortared, _but laid-dry 'and open, 'ao that the Water.that conics from' the tacli: t trill go down thrciugh these I)c.3E.e stones - to the bottom of the I all, and Then be carried oil by snit a le drains. , This is all necessary , i ,„ hero basement walls are built against banks that give out wa4r, whichivnl freeze into solid ice and throw the wall down, even when made' of the best of material. Banks Which are dry and never give out water do vet_ require such a safe giaari as this space ,filled with - rub 'e. '' , / . 1 1 WET PASTURES. —A writer in the London Field relates his .experiene ii{ reclaiming wet pastures. He has f l iu,l shallow draining : the most at;ivautageons, and that the tile mey be safely laid either near the snrfaee or further 'apart than in draining 111;.,ble land. Haying fried limo . alid barnyard maunre as top dressings after drainagevhe 'was led to subti tote bonedust, and found it much :a9re beneficial than either or both ' ,, f the former, On a thin, light soil, 1,11,10 pounds of bones produced la #11,., rich, thick herbage, in placeqf : ale caarse grasSea and Sedges that r,r( l v previous to the draining. Oh fielvic:r clay the quantity of boncis 'soi increased with good effect. Ap ~i nlay of $2O peearre in bones, 'e I.sund was retnrned in IL ' TOT AbO tr. t. period, 'while.. the lienefit was a ' 1 aPParent after the expiration of twenty :years. i • 1 I 9WR pa. a N.Y. CANAL & 11.8. • ;1 LIOIB.7OEXIXT 07 PABUSGER To take died :MS 11747 3 111. SOFZIEII'AID. 31022111WAll t D. iIiENCVAL: N - 0 !No.' No. ; NO. ! I No. No. ' Nl5. • No: : 149.! 9. !, 7. 1 . 49.4914m4.. 9 30. 51. , 4. • ... PALI' lyl ,P It ,rat,es r r 205 7-05; 8 05:Niro 74114.12 55 1 • 1 25 95r 950 ! 740 9SOX, -80ffa10..,12 25! 9 00-11; 9 45` 20 ► 11 f 9141rzt.•; 920 . 6 94. 440 .;1209 !...Itbacs. ; 6 4f. ' 744 $ 42 ;12 28• ..owego..• • DI 2 1.,12 55, s s 9547 .5.0 6 9lt , 00,14 00, 0 .... —. _—. 0 .....,,a ...J. 64 , 9 33 3 201 1 25, 9 0511(arcrly J. A. 20'11 45 53 , s. 25 Z sr_ 941 3 28: 133! 912 ...Bsyre..' 41211 533 ein 950 3 351 138 9 19!....ithenr• 405!11 ..8 to 1 ..... '3 45' • 9 30' . ltarn..! 111 II I 8 o.; 1. .. 3 55 1 , 9 gel: Ander.. , 111 0 5 ' j, 741 10 . 20 1 13 2 0640 00:1 1 / 4 nranas.1 3 3330 50 4'4' 735 .1.....4 'bsj 110 38:119ylekre; 4032 .1r.72 +•__ 447. 10 57:11zoisert.d , 1011. 1 , r (.3 •••.; 1 51 .10 50 , Irran'ht'n • 10 02 ! ' 653 I .1 13 11 13:Wriaday , - I 948, l 640 2 2 27 5 35 300 11 36.1 4 llerV 1 nt: 4 21. 9 22:1 00 619 ..'559.. i 11328.1511442.: 1926., .!. --5 48 11-82,13' Walnut 9 21' .1 Gll ./.... 600 11 45 Sleabopeze ' I 9 10' I' . 600 I- ,- 410 122 0 11'30'p'uyi ; 903 "I 5 33 2056 5 0 352 12 35Tunkbiek ' 1 36 .8 37'. 320 5,30 1 ... 20 ,1 W .1..1a11s .. ) !IS 11 ;, 500 12 . 50 750 435; 1'80;L& SI. 12 50, .7 45; 9 , is 433 1257 800. i 42; 142 ;pitman. 12 351, 733 ; i i 37' 4, ,, m 1.... 842 ' ; 200 prrsTlll,-. •7 2 4 !, 400 115 8 25 . 5 00; 3 27,1 r Barre.'l2 15 715 1,20 400 2 3 2 -.• J 6 32 , 4 15 W' lima II 05: AM 1 1;10 2 32 , 315,r It 710; 4 35,3" 1194914:19 25 - 112 20 150' 13 40, ! 7 30' 6 50,x1' Chun2jlo 05 , 1145, 130 'l4 45 831 553 Alleatomal 900 ' ,I 0 4.7,12 23 ' 448 8341 6 05 - E P lancl 855'. • 1 1 ,1219' 500 845; a 35;Bettaehtei 845. • 1035:1210 550 .., 915; 820'. Eastan..; 820 ' ,1003,11 40 645 '1030; 9 45" ..11511'5. .• 700:' I 430' 9 45 . 9 05' . . .r x I 540 ely York: 5 30 ' 9 00 - 9 00 1....,' 5 tei 7ash'ton.: !I • I tax imhor-11 •! P X •DD=LOSJLZUIB! No. 32 teams Tcrsanda 710 a. m.; stopping at all !stations,a wiring at iltaccrly at 8 05, and Elndra at 9 00 A. 54 , No. 31 lams Elmira 530 p. m 4 Stopping at a 1 ! Stations, arriving s l, Waverly 615. arid Towanda 710 P.Y. Train 6 leaves Philadelphia 2:10 P. Id., New York 22 M., sorbing at Tnnkbannock 1016 P. 3t. Train 3 leaves Tanktimmock at 7:00 £l!.. aris ing at Philadelphia 2:13 P. M. and New 'York 3:53 P. IL I • I • - 8 aml 15 r , dilly with PralmanSleeping Trains. ears attached. { Drawing Boom ears sitach td to Trail* 2 and 9 between Elmira andilltdadelphia. B. fl, PACKER. Superintendent. goes We offer D the. following Hemlock Flaming, White rate " Pitch se es tes: fl , hoicel•••• . . notice and by the bei4 machlm• (have on hand _ !. I , 10131311 CD FELT DRY fAllsloßll3l ire in the BEM Fond =BEE EIONDIMO AND FIFTY TROUSAIiD IT= OR L'elstßEEt • ' And are constantlylfaantschtring. Ai' Parties who can reach num foolish to go near the relined for Lumber, as under any drown aluzleca xim as A= IT USITAPER—aII least the cost of transportation from here to the railroads— say $2 to $3 per thousand. tl • U. B. INOILA3I, Fine 2G. .n. I cgpptowx;, PLilitsG, MA Doze at moiezt' ery 'now =aft We ONE FICNDEED TB Re ha NORTHERN CENTRALfRAIG WAY.—Direct route North and Soitth to Bal timore, Washington, Philadelphia and lall points South ; also to Buffalo. ,Nismirs Palls, Baspension Bridge, BoehetWEVrieue and all points East and West on the New Park Central Railroad. and the Canada'. its. pn and atter Sunday. Roe. 23. 1873, trains will lea 7 ELMIRA as follows : 0321CRL111). :I il - : ----------------4 10 20 put .1, 12 00 m . ',. 645 am Mail. arrive.. ...... Northern Expreist.-4..;:... Morning Accommochiticin. Evening - SOUTHWARD. Senate - rn ,Ezpress. Mall nOrthern Eapress north and Southern Ex. press south, are through trains between' Rochester and Baltimore ; the Morning and Evening me am 'modation north connect at Canandaigua with trains for Rochester and the Falls. !I - G. CLETTON GARDNER, Genl Supt. YOUNG, (itiel Pass. Ag't, Baltimore, Md. 011 WI 14 TO BUY OR SELL 101 11, HOUSES, ' 'ARMS, LOTS OR ,-, _1 MILL, Pr.OPEIITY, of if yon wish to lend or borrow money on Real Estate or other securttyl for a short term or a term of year, or if you wish,) , • .ir EICTS I collected and pal4we offer.;m -: the prompt trinsupon of such F. ne hit of property for ule; and •Cr property facilities fo • EE have now a s El Ea 1 .. nty. will do well lo call on ;as. A. J. NOBLT,Itz CO.. • Beal Estate and Leen Agents. t, opposite Court! House. To _ EMI es town or C 6 lilign'etrel Pa. 19. . '.' lIMM EP CE BEI ~i 52iN FALL opened in th 'NEXT OFF#3I M GA RD .s ruan9ces3aryl Y FIRST-CLW STEICTL And are only offei e, an earn , them! Emu AND - B BY BON JW4lll:lligttBON.- fr.36l4vES l nd inpurria. coiame gives the he " _lncrease of Salary Lei " and in a dng n t h C a v ct B o i fl h B t 6 s 2 , sting land coin interest on Bonds, and tiding and Contracting sets since. Messages and 'Memorandum, In. IProclimations, aid • Action in iLonlidana and Yes" Srippane MOE OF rf Or. This ACCVSJITE al Ft'LL . *ZOO= 011 tt its repeal, on Train natelsa Questions, 1 " Legal Tenders the warious Ervin President IlnuiVa 3 terviews, Letters Alabama, Arkansail, Court Decisions. Laws. Conetitutil pending, In States, J tics, Tables of App; rency Distribution valuable for camp' . Address Znois and Wiseinatia Ha:Skold mill Amendments, node and *el Nation. 0 Baale.pay" Stang priations, Debt, El ens, Cur by States and aikettotue, kc. In. 8 11 . Stiskpost-paid. OEO. FRS.DAWtR)N,_ O. Box 434, Wasidogi, D. C. 9,1874. Tdwzada, Aug. NE DOLLAR will pay •-.lne years' O ,mbscrlption For the I. TOVANDA J017.4;CA'L,.. ; • r The Jor . pcAL, enlargement , ca ntatas as .., .......146 c‘...—_ much reading nutter" as any ether [ paper ht the county, including a full and carefully Prepared reo ord of all the county news. It Contain the Court Jury and Trial Lista; Weekly report of the Abstract of Sheriff Bales and the cur. rent news of the dty. , 1 1 Try,llt. Bend for a sample copy, whicci 1 will be sent from on application. 'I D. ii.,71710E1t, Editor add Prop'?. 231 w July C°AL'' :1 ' • . , 1 ;1 ! - • ,The subscriber having the agency Of the Hutch!. eon Colliery at Kingston, Pa" is prepared to famish dealers with all street:of Anthradte=prepared in , best truziner.the eele Vein the . ~/1 full eundy of f thin Coll my be e=j: calling ,on W. H. E=lston, at the New Coal Yard, on Pine, one block south of - Main street, where all are Invited to call. Full weight and 'good quality insured. • 1... .Toll'Fvfla. Feb. 311871. 8. CAM. . ir I WEST ST -- --- k 1.19 7 TORZ IMEMIKIM A TESIPER ,:NCE 'cents per Day. CRARGIta vary meets acid vegetables is the to Uts Qty. .1.. issairrr, "eceiturtar, DOOM 54 eta 7 MODEM. The °agnate. MI 4 1 x •II 'FOB LOW - 1.1IM:IkR at • 0 3 X• Sii tql2s •• • • GM Pm lj ‘, 2 OS pm .1. 546 am MEM OF HOSES TE INVES',7ENI,6 THING Y C • HE,AP! - • room for the L&B,GEST and CLOTHING market, I will for the SIXTY DAYS EIiIdMER CLOTI;11i0 ,ESS 0k1e0877 . . for roe to say that tap goods are • at greatly reduced prices nth Over, to neat gamin. M. E. EOff l ENFIELD MI 1 OK - OF POIOICS you 1874■ EET HOTEL, 01 - SE, ON Tile' EUROPEAN PLAN inlea3lloollll. TOWANDA: St ABB? . =3 K ME DI . :t 1 Ever exhibited Ix this r tirrite the attrrtfr, They keep on 14. MONUM.ENTi, fr i OM 'MBA El zw0n51:2,931 Of overyAtylk llNibv:l4,:svaDc'obvpiaittil Persons In want of anything In ours Um aro ts. spoctttilly liptta2 to all and =Woo oug do*. McCABE &SON Tvw1214:11" *7 1.1171. D W. SCOTT & CO., _ • . . 'BAKERS AND - GROCERS, Find block Forth of Ward BOOm. . •- ; We a hn added rste c ially a, to our dock, and now offer. • GROCERIES AND. PROVISIONS. Ws keep no book& add no` • ..page for bad debts ; therefore we can and will give you the low est rate& all are Invited to call and be convinced. - DINING , R001"tIS In connection with the above, and meals at all hours of the day. D. W. socrir & 00. Tmranda, Yob. 10,1874. • A PPLETONS' AMERICAN CY CLOPEDIA. NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writerson every sublet:S. Printed from new -type. and ilinstratad with Several Thousand engravings aid laps. The work originally' published under the UUe of True Naar Atmatcan CYCLMEDIL. was completed In 1863, .In which time the wide circulation It has attained In all parts of the United States, and the ddgugnaall demlopments which here taken piece in every branch of science, Merstore and mt. hot in. duced the editors end publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough 'whim and to issue s new ediUmieutitled T>rs ILXIMICAS Crcumumu. Within the het ten years the resa of discovery, in every department of knowledge. bee made a new work of reference an imperative want. `1 The time:meat Of Politleal saki his ler= with the rue:ovaries or science. mad their application to the industrif/ and of awful arts and the convezdence and refinement social life. I Great wars and canseinent revolutions have maned. in. "dying national changes Or peculiar moment. rhe civil war of our own country. which ink at its height when the last ,chains at the old wain ap peared. has been ended. and a new course of wmmaWa— 1 =4 industrial activity hrit been conusienced. ' Large bye to oar geogrepkial fume been made by the indalialigable m= t rf Africa. The great political ambitions , of the last decade, with the natant result of the lapse of time, have brought injo public view a multitude of new men. whose manes are in every ones mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the = Wars. ant battles have been fought and tent dame maintained, of Which the details are as =awed only I n the newspapers or /ln the publicetions of the day, but which ought now to take their phob in permanent and authentic history; • prepartug the present edition for the press, it hes amrdth been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to the latest possible and to furnish an accurate account of the mort cent discoveries In science, of every fk t egl si Lion in literature, and of the newest =in the arts, as well air to give s succinct and record of the progress of gtoliticel and This. toiled events. - rbe work his been begun after long and careful preliminary labor. and with the most ample =sour as for carrying it on to a angianatel termination. None of the original sterestype plates have been used, but every page has been printed on new type. forming in fact a new Cylopiedia. with the - tame plan andcompass an its predecease?. but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such im provements in composition as hive pitted by longer its ambigua andgmlargedlip b aow an ledgm The illurtrations which are Introduced far the first time in th 6 present edition, have been added. not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater bididty and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace ell bandies of science and of natural history, and depict the mat famous and re remitabU features of scenery, firchitectare aid set, as wall u the. various MOWN' of mechanics; and manufactures. Although intended for instruction • • than embellishment, no pains has been spared to mare their artistic eseellenee ; the cost of their execution is enormous, and It Is believed they will And a welcome reception u an admirable tram of the Cyclopedia, and worthy of its high character. _ This work Le sold to Subscribers - 014, parib'e on delivery of each volume. It will be coarpleted in dikes large wive volumes, each containtog about KO - tally ilbutestel with menu thomeWit Wood Zofflolagg. sad with maw= colerel Lithoiistbie 1 - A 4.) icOed,ol In litre Cloth,-per vol., . . .. . . $ 5.00 In tansy Loather. per vol., . . . 6,00 In FUN Mute? Ws race, pa vol., , . . .7 In Half Bawds, extra 014 3.tar vol., ; In Pali Moines*. antique, gilt edges, ter v0L.10.00 In Pull Itueds.' per • 11).00 Three volumes now scaly. Btuteedlog volumes. anal temp win be fined outs in two mouths. Specimen oh= eta., wW be mad of the LIOMICAZ Crutorsom. pals on I. \ Trasr.CLus CANTABIEW kortrra Waimea. Address the Ptibllihers D. APPLITON k CO. k 661 Broadway. N. 1t.4 725 Bina= Bt.. Pin. WHEN YOU DESIRE JOB PRINTING IN FIRST-CLASS STILE, CALL AT THE " REPORTER " OFFI THE LONG KETABLIEHED muLtmti arroaz 'GRIFFIN _ Jtae Just twee replenlahel with 6 full and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT SPRING. AND suirmrs - GOODS, To which the• alhioillan of ray efsitomere &Ay ailed. Price. resemMe iffier wend fk 111.4* Tconladif, • WAGONS! WA ~. s . r.LI, 'CH !CAPE Than any other establiatunen WAGONS AND C Of every description man Tanadti ILuct2ll. UHL FIT & SONS Would Invite the Public to and e NEW STYLES OF FUR LABODi" AND BE3r . Which clq We also tesp_ln lion sod SASH. Oct. 1.1873. NIVE INK= ALL PROM= AGADDIT LOIS OE D FIRE AND LIG We represent overlltt7 llulfona Old ZoeI& and II • TILE OLDEST AUL LUKUNIT ITITUAL COXP to \ .s . 132M111D NTLTIIL ;• \ • AOCIDENT nom as do 01111 Pa. NOBLE • & r o b. 19. SUPERIOR Aomomintiti MIMI= for Ws by - I aIL WELLES, TO/Mk EL. \ Mee No. 3 Ifarcorl mock, north aM. of Clout Bonn *arc WHOM= MED EMIL AND aurazurrume act= mewing wmaines. norm Powers old Ttwoodmini, Whoa is" Pluto Sono. Groin Oloolorik Hq Tobias. lirrondblo ?Wm Cin,lttniess, =UM= Zoos. Cour . Itullorsandramoraillo. Lori worm, women szowirs. sioo owns name or Tws row, eon I MUM. POS LID 0.107ilka0:. &11 =nal nowelpthok Mobstot plaid iibr. Mod or woad tree tO 01l soolloonts. It will coot but throe onto to for ebonite. Pawn, Ifornoro wton m Towounio. 01114 no so. 'Aortal It E. WILL I: ATTON & BROTHER, D meg.ln WOOL, HIDES, PELT§, dALF -1181201, ;WM MI ' I Reit 'lda the bliilmma cub Was Is vala it all Masi. mice ta liamsehrs atom lU*4*.. it mom maim. I 50i.1410 TOWAVDA • PALI IM t.. W' • C fro WAGONS tirge assort uEB AND LIGH WAGONS WHICH I WILL counfry. to order on short no JAMBS BRY MEW, ham now on hind the, ABl3oBno= WANDA. ME ...) i . irvared to , d IMEI UNDEBT L..ost BLINDSa wow, MOULD MOO J. 0. Y LIFE IMILiN ont of in the S ~3 (ES IDIBITI I 0 vi: A El OF 000D$ CODDIN order $ En Farmeni Alwaya l GS, &e. May 14, 1 • ) lic 90118 OF AN UND ST NING THAT GOOD °ampules. sToca aim la MITRING Iti er,r7 . l Saving oas store lately axonatodais tally sok my old ly. to oil& sod NEW 8 itc4 stilio • • ' I rounds, EIMENIIII II II Il 1 II II II II 10101DIBI : B k CO.S. EE3 --, 5 co t. 14 • 4 ME & CO., WO Iron, Stoves, .chanics !Too* t 1( 1 'estcash prices. 1 3 FACT DS ARE, ROAD i CHEAPER' AT/ -11 , 1 1 ! I .1 art, US 'WOLFF'S AMY OMER' ,!I C;ZZEI fitted lip Us largo and ooismtodi• • • by vox k xisanne, to 'agidtristermidag trade. I raps& sad the imbue painii • Tr elepot : ml or VMMEIt (UMIUNG, -Ives W I y prices defy tempt Wien. • JULIVO WOLfl. IME µ~~ r MI • WOODIPOBD, O 41121 NEW I'OBB. BOOT AND STORE.' ]tat. MON ik CaCCM32IIIII • i reesiving of the beet stock of BOOTS 13=3 rah; in .Towanda, which at the eery brwest p Ossit, coning of essmal & STOGA, Ban CAW Boors, Mrs' and emumares Shoes kinds, all bought direct from Manufactuars, and hand made, goods marinated. A I= roc Lamm men FINDINGS. Thankful for put favors, I sc a continuance of the same. Tarsada, K 1, IBM IMJ NEW CABBLLGE -FA.. Opposite the new Ja il, TOWANDA. PENWL F:1510.1UOIS1 fi:kl I • =1:341 , f1 a i s mimesis his Muds mid NZIF, EMIL CtARIUM:II FACMO2I . here be Ida constantly keep ea bawl a full spent of .. FAMILY TOP AND OPEN . itITYGO I:P= PLATFORM WAGONS, TIMM, MEM MCI:11 it a. of the tmt =tow and si l f=best c= lstg=hci aoti i hi rt6 ohm • 'Finials, . Syle and Durabil . on a, Wagons. All tassa ids is in I INSP=ION OF HIS: s yerteas:to parMaalag dentam. ALL WO= wasisaßrsa an# P or SATISPAMOiI. Tbsakihf far the Ilbical mammal ti laded WI miyectrally ask a math maw. RRPALRINO PROMPTLY a i TTEMDED reduced pliTs Temiikaa. sae. $. 111711.-ff IEI2IIIY FOITNDF I SRY & MAO I HINE punhamed undegideed v holm by Z u o s re d o= to do sl9 l 2ldi r o zbel difork 4. .... g, Ow trliiness. i ttith promptneo l and •1r 717 - MIL GZARING OIRCIIAR SA7 - MI T ;f MAN DRILLS And ail Naas of MILL .IritpON= lIADE TO OWT/L. ENGINES REF I And all wort warranted to _ll. SHINGLE Ki t o :II • • Of the latest awl most hoprovoOklmh and kept constantly roodi for PLOUG S, . • I 111DE.1 IBM AND !X)1 . )Z61- 1 01 all I OULTIV I A.TOBS, COff PLO AID ' PLOUGH pOIN of a kinds. end the Wadi In, • ••• contently on • • • CHURN' PQ LAMOViAiD SM STOVE OAST.T.N MUM tnamme• SLED AND SLI7GH 8 : LAM IRON rECTEEI L Akd Nab of cuttngs Wank 30,, 111 M k BLOOD & 100., • bun continua o manteatscola HOME POWERS 6 ' • ufaelT and mill oell a been machLoo, far keg - . Oin be lied idaewheas In the *cold. We oaf inaeldasa UM dm wan 3 ;1 as ma. than any WM. and ars duzsbl7 . =Fantafntand oaf 7 and sae L Wo vfll send DISOBIPTIVI CIArXIIIEB. of sane wad no. an applandloa. 1 ONE AND TWO HOT= PO Otu 411 fte Horse UMW= &LP I 173*MIU1 old MICA/CERd, FANNING' FILL 011301M.1 &MID DLO SW 111=111, NM AND own ka.r. Irak a= to MIS to a coil before purobarg `Pd 'CD (DIODTITTI 's Ana 0 V C( I OO'III . . UM THE Iry mil' VED REMINO TON SE OMA C iZ AWARDED TUB g. MEDAL FOR • • c AT NTENNA, 1873 rairßranzes Owns or ;" Aw TEF RePorr , NO . 13EWING *ACUMEN A A A YEW GOOD • I,—A New Lnention cured by Letters Patent. 2.—Make as paled lock sides. on all Iftft of goods. 3.- 7 ltuns Light. Smooth. best combinational L—Durgiltus i C litil AwitLout 15.—Will do ALLVadOUCII of work and login a impostor manner . _ I 6.—ls Kist ossify 1 . by the Length of stitch be altered while - and the mold= Ms be threaded rout thread rlea NOW ih ditn amigo. inileidqus. elegant. onsdnit the stitch without the luso of cog wilted • rotary aims or laser arms. • Has the /Moms* Feed, which insures uniform of stitch at au Weed. Has our new Three Controller. 'bleb ■ • lows motement of n •Trir .nd •• -,,.• In. Junto it—Construction moat are I and finis , • It it manufactured by the most sklLMl and • meckankm. at the celehtsted aIMEN. LN. g.) .11g ia M PUTNLIIILL I =llg. I t INISIV I =W 11O0AB MN rn FAMIL is for Si as, ~i P 11 the all Or WO= RLOOK: TOWARD/. Ph: • V. do sot dna it diootory to easiostato ad tbo Mint stUdos ire Itow. Oat t t. ALWAYS COMPLETE. Et II FIRST , LASS GOODS. Ord pdd Pinson tram. mom Mead s Wm* L VAL XDRAZDEL E';g3 The subs lb Is sow In • • oliesUolle and that be Is pre. pored to do al/ irsdg Ia his Um on drri Datice. , I GUSTO* LIG DCW:I6 osgrassasszs DAY zs sommak, ' • Who; and Byre roar. 00/11 Lomat Mo. Teed. Barn, &a.. always an lAA am; for gals at M vta hive their Il Zfr il °I C. a P WHO GRO NEI The best b r 32 The highee co UNI L Et; BUT lEEE Towanda, J3" 3 GHEI r 8 I t! kePt &c., Given VEILS, I A iLL 81 H A R G S De.. 17. , OES, WAT E we It Is NEW i In the ding formerly occupied by Young lc Tin*, with huge essortnient at bold and Silver • Amoricari and Swiss TVatches,_ Fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Set TO2B. 0 a n• w N .hill I SPEOT =EI Iron the cheeped to the beet. and many other articled tOo numerous to mention.tat=en by ants& - M. N. B. Code and Jewelry repaired by D ractical Nor.loand warranted. - . i!!! SA ' —THE - NEW TOWN . OF • PA.. altuator on the thiscosianna Blue, • Waverly. N. Y.. and;Athens. Oa Mlles from _Anthracite. 48 Ma Months Bu rn . rani and Was tom this Ilemi-BlfaminOns Coal Nines _ .ot • . 0 It lathe &Nathan terminus of the dowthero Oentralltallroid. aim of the Ithaca • Mau sal in.tlrtasily the Northern torndnua °litho Pansy and Pa. 4 N. Y. Bail. roots; •It los mile and a quarts from the Me = ll o:slisidl In anceessful opera* davits WI WWI inenft, • Tungture .11 -AM," Flour. Intl= sliodan I= and a Planing Ntll, rig orous growth M anticipated for tat. . • - erwrawri PLOT Is now leafy for examination: LOU for residences and trnsinees places for sale on roasonablo terms, • . Its in • .la location mates it a- • • D POINT FOB 114111711ACTIIIIIMN ! said • Inducements an uttered . • , at~thoThatNational Bank of WarwrlT, or • IA game, Ps. • • . NOWAND it wao a bath riMPMTFI =I E!!! .;~.; i .HAA: EMINP4t STORM EDWARDS, led Idefl Doke hi GROCERIES VISIONS, • mil nothing but hi 'Ku 11(e).'; es A 811Z8EZMN. PA desires to giro notice that Ido new 4F,l)4A.;,(e)Alifil i (ii. • • Ting. On J • • • • VinKlai F. AMA ALE AND uNTAIL DEAIZR IN 1 AND PRO lONS, TOWANDA, PA. ads of F L R ALWAYS ON BAND pica paid for ilk kinds , of T Rig PRODIICP, POULTRY AND GAME .11 paid to filling order, Goods of charge anywhere tn, the Borough: C. B. PATCH. =WHIM S IN STOVES! TINWARE, IMMWABE, • X AND NAILS, !MASS, ' 'ENTERS' TOOLS, lan Ate., QM all purchasers 'or Cash, at H. T. jIINF:SI DWARESTORE, TOWANDA, Pp. < QUARTERS FOR HES, JEWELRY AND LVERWiRE! SI BV)Lamuuir, opened It non. ON BRIDGE Erriumr S AND RINGS, BRACELETS. Si? PINS, &e. &c. &c. deo= lemma and plated ware. • - CiES AND EYE GLASSES kinds--Gold. Sliver sztd.SteeL r aw k 0111 t od SPRING DRESS 000 iniv:lvioi FTT! GLOVES, Elfßig) ■ PT IM MI IMINI In fact every dep MEI LESLIEB Tovmds, April NEW IffilEßE Mill PINS, BANDS, tte., E AMERICAN and GOLD qxn GOLD, ELL SILVER um P r of all d WATCW. in the best EM ! /.4 Toirda. 101E3 O. !ffl = law 'sibs . ZW ABLE il SIL 'L~ say to t IMffMl ME , rsb. leti In ~.~, to et& zew stock at IMMI oorts, ABLE DAMASK, NAPKINS, ITOIL.ET QUILTS, L ' .1 • I HOSIERY, , I I )3ioeDi L SHAWLS, 1 . L.V WC): MP 191 I • PRINTS, PFMCA.LS, ME SUETIN?~ MEI NS, &O. -I 11 ifiuna at will be II 1 1 ' o agents IE9 Giiii 1 1 1 I EVANS 1 4 I '. A: 'HELD OR I I I.e.r ;Y SRO: ~ is w: ZEE MU 81 CE, EU Ir ,ECKLA „ ~. WATC ALL V .: PECTACUM. I n ,, c K .