Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 10, 1874, Image 3

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Towanda, Thirsday, Sept 10, 1874.
is teaching
PROF. Prrcn
_school in Ulster.
- ,
THE Typos and Crispins p la
Lull on Saturday af • oon next.
Tiiir Lin-tas aye accepted
tatiot ti visit Ithaca rn t h e 30th tnet
THE annual parade ot' thrr.
Inv Department will' come off on Wedne
the 10th inst. '
DESIREtfa return our
acknowTodi T , Ai% X.lll
very interr
ender the?..n. .gems_ _. Brae and
asaiistants. We all have reason to feel pal:it
high character of theinstltutlon.
_ _
Lred ' Z. DiVI;
•on Tuesday night
I,Of now boots, beside,
shop, on Park etree
carried of. four pairs
Ling other ontragee.
ATISS : OWES will org
clan in instrument magic at the Last!
Monday. ) Miss U. an accompliahed
- -
North Towanda, has shown us se petalstsl
taken Man; -his neldj Measuring 14 feit i
each. Next
- Coincil No. 6, S I
will meet thia (Thnraday) evening, in
over the Rtrommw Office, at 8 o'clgel
Important bnaines4 will be tratineteci
Di;Bois an family, wild have
been spending the tn i amnuir in this placei r 'departed
for their home in Fairvanii,ldinn., yeste ay morn
-in, We wish them sate journey, an. hope they
may again visit us..
Presbytery oof Lack
will meet in Mcmprial. Church. *lli
on Monday, gel'
p , itiners to the •cure
reduced r*:.
-- PROF.E. J.. bb a
- ate for docinty luperintendect of
:ichoola. He is no r President
_9f U r
Teachers'Aisociati l pii, cnd regard
of the most STICC eichers in th 4
.Irry at
proves a great conruience to peop ?
from and going to !-Liiesbcquin. Th
tors, Messrs. Curs:t: Bt.teitatiti,tl
and attentive ; so gist no delay is °co
- -
Tile new
ge:s iuTite everybody to participate 'frith 'them
in a grand llarveat Home Fratival,iii WaLLEs'
I Grove, Wyalgaing, On the afternoon of §atnr
--day, Sept. 19. CoriaFetentnrakers will be in
1 --'
I -"."."--
You ni Men's.DemOcratic
Lai been organized in this place. Pae " Ma
terrified " may findlench an organization very
Pleasant while local option is. enforced. Se far
as'any results are doncerned it will b" a 'very .
afhir. •
, THE '"breaker " of . the Sullii•aa
Aneur acite Coal C 9 1., at Birch Creek, was:des
t royed by tire on F ielny Inorninz last. Ijresi-
.lent SANDE-IS:1N sa 's he " pnaL things '
t,tl the damage i. repaired. The loss is aLon
$56,000, I . ' I
TIIE K. of.Ws have-remodeled and
aewlc rcriaished he , hall over MosTaNyg.'s
store, and now ha v i e one of the best Arranged
and neatest lodge Irina in town. The order
embraces a large number of our most respect
ed-citizens, and is in a ilourishii g condition.
I from Lis Wist . ern tookit4 Lei •• y
and happy as even( We regret. to [learn t
Lis father did not receive as much benefit from
the journe'ya.vvas !Aped. 1
I , •
Dariug the absenc'.zotSuperintenc,ent PACK
ER, the duties of lACl ., Lface were carefully and
ratisfacforlll ,- .. di,charged by Chief Clerk, R. F.
Gc4.d...sraN, E. !.
- I ,
THE finest team of hoisesAve . have
- , 9 for many a
la dafr, are the elegant Hambel
liinian bays owne 'by Ita tint xno BEAUSLEE,
of Wart - cram:a T ey ar s e gagi attiipers, 16 1 2
hands high, and very symmetrical [ formed.
i y
— not krion - tat Mr. B wisllcs to. ose
of W them,but have Il
no donbt..
tfiat ir rthe disp New
York or Phil ideiptlia market thoy wlnald
LksT week a' Popgh
keeptic Eureka NJ: t Co. vie.ited this place to
make n;lesamination of the towaitla estab- -
151imqt, with !t vt; consolidatiqg the two
cono,cimi, And trau aetitig all the busincss
We tru4 inch a d Lantages may be I offered as
willindoce them t carry out the p{oposed ar
rnugenyt:t. Este Sire marmacforiles are just
wltrit we nei - -t1 now to keep up orir rapid growth.
TUE Wyoming College Gafctte pays
"Ilr friend, 'nu:au STALFOrD' I the' following'
~ r y flattering but richly merited compliment
"F. H. • Stafford, formerly of Wyilnaing,
Pa., who has been: occupying the "position of
teacher in this College since he graduated, has
_accepted the principalship of the CorpmerCial
College at East Greenwich, llhoOe i t• Island.
Prof. Stafford has evinced marked ability as a
teacher, and will carry into his now, sphere of
labor an amount of energy and capacity that
wilbnot tail to "ire' the institution a]high repu
lation4tie a ammercial College. He is not
•only - a 7 stwerior,inatrnetor, but an stlicient pen
as well. Although regretting the loss to
- C. - ,llege, we wish him the greatest success
!TIlli;a new position:" I
TILE ladies of "Osca luwa i
7,:tre another evidence of their ho
I.'neaday evening last. The fortrth
on that evening conicrred" on ser i
date?, by Wort , ". '‘ln, , tet L Drbos , ;,
peinhere • • I ,dge an,l other
‘'. t •.; tiri
n, to the nilier or
i a• - •• and tirty, tot driwn t o the
rep ever :read : The
thoroughly discusse•l and relished
ent. The company egainrepaired
r;ioin, where interesting; addrease
by T. C 'Co wt's and Gen. MADILL..
hail tilts brautiloUy de,X•rated, die
11611 and handiwork of the
Mist Bar. 4. —The third
the seric a, between the Winona, o
and the Athletics, of tlntira, take.
Tuesday afternoon, on 'the gron ,
firmlr eub. Seats hate been er g
other improvements made for 'the
dation or the sp'ectato l i ft: No dorl
e umber of plraon's mill 7itness v the
prtemsca \ to be- one o - the most
ever place:'. here, , Thei game will
at J sharp.
EVlDAor.DEctity.—Qn Satarcia
iu the Printers' Ten, or.this pla
a game with the Crispin Ten. Th
elfin] a large amount of apart fur I
att,nti, 9 the piayers will be pgrell
„ The game will be called at 2
..11. - y.:13 del:tics? preeinge the possi
• wiling it on Satni , day afternoon, M i l
portion will be Played on some fut.
' price of f driaission will be cha
• "
.G. HaIGIIT, of Mount
paid us a visitilast'week for the put
flexing his suhscrintion to the ItEst
informed us that' he had taken they
its commencement. Althottitt app
over eixty years or age,
i ltr. H. is
and has been a eittizm of illurlingtp
bout-fifty years: He ,sent five Be i
ttroy, and two more were their
ront," - st hen news oflier's sarren
their iervices - ur?licr . i.tasary. It dcli
to meet the old patriarchs, who
th. !_:enutry i st. , l 1.110- ilM i "
ruetuetve a with all that pertains'
interests of our prosperOUS conitt ,
to kayo ninny 342ra I.te.te from
PiSoNAL.--W/r. t3oorr, who has
been iiing in Wel!Antra' toi the pist
is abonq Miming to this place to engage in
businceS. , :tie are always glad to chronicle ihn.
return_ of good men to our midst. . • - •
, Mrs. E. 0. GOODIUM will next
meek atart on a trip to Cal.fornia, mid 'will be
&tient several weeks.
rus, New York corrals:indent of the
Boston Post, and a nephew of J. A. RECORD,
of this !piste, made na a pleasant call last
• Base-
—Ur. Ind lire. Wx. fu hire returned from their
pleetrare 'trip. math invigorated and refreshed.
n Ifni-
--M: W. Swam who was compelled some
months :eines to relinquish a clerkship in the
First Ns.tiazial Bank, on account of ill-health,
we are pleased to notice is back again very
much hiproyed.i We hope the duties may not
prose too onerois far him.
day next,
DEEns left for record in the office
for recording deed& &c., week ending Sept. 6th.
L Keeney to A A Keeney Aug 19 '74 Tuscarora;
Isaac Clinton Myer to P P Myer keg 17 '74 Towan
da Boro; A J Edna! to T V Brown Aug 13 '74 Al
bany; Joseph L Wooding to John Kelly 2d Nov 23
'6B Oranidlie; Henry Ward to Michael IltaanityJnly
13 14 ToWanda Boro; John Ettrirry to Charles Strevy
April 21 /4 Overton; Jacob Haverty to John Strevy
Oct 28 '74 Overton; DeWitt L Cole to Polly M Cole
Feb 20 .71. Windham; .1-M Smith Sheriff to James
McCabe at al Dec 4 13 North Towanda: Horace
Munn to Lydia J Evans Jane 16 '74 Litchfield; S &
- Lydia J Evans to Meryl' B Hicks Aug 27 '74 Litch
field; Virbael Ringrose to Joseph if Prince March
31 . 74 Litchfield; D J Foley Fir &c to Peter Brady
April 241'74 Bradford; W B Stevens et at to V B
Rose July . 4 1850 Pike & Herrick; Dail Pepper to
Bohan Titus May 12 11 Pike; John A Perry to Na.
than Biker Sept 1 '74 Whits; kin& L Scott to Jobn
W Griffin Aug 17 '74 canton; Joel L Wright to M T
Fitzwater April 6 'l4 Canton; Dennis S Oreppen to
B H Stevens April 16'74 Troy Boro; E T Dutcher to
Richard Buatin Jan 12 '74 Wysox; Martha J Long
to Chu ti Woods:Se pt 4 '74 Atheps Boro; John P
Eimaey t 0 Wm D Somers Dec 6'72 Warren. . -
, for the
• his ablo
nd of the
.1 Dl2O a
ute next
mica' in-
Ls, of
s of corn
8 Inches
of L i
the Hall
, sharp.
following persons convened at the hospitable
mansion of Josiro Tow'sEn, Esq., Hornbrook,
on Thusrday, Sept. 3, in honor of his venera
ble mother, Hrs. Esoon Towxaa, (of' Toper
Hill, Rome,) who has reached The ripe old age
of 83 yeitrs :
Col. FasKstnt Bt.scslrms, aged 87; Mr. Eu
emt BLIL I CKMAN, of - Pittston,- aged B 3; Mrs. Pa
rum HOuroN,, Hornbrook, aged 86; - Hr. JERE.
arum Kru.sionr,„ aged 79; Mrs. JEREMIIIi
MOUE; Mrs. BALLY 1311.4., ages 75 ; Mrs.
Birrsy PaainfioN, aged 62; Mr. H.utat SHAW,
ShesLeinin, aged 71; Mrs. H.tanr SHAW, aged
agetl . 66.! ' _
wan na,
ickok at
Many; others wero invited, but failed to
aftend..lThe way ip. Which Mr. TowsEtt'a large,
deliciontmusk and water-melons' and choice
grapes disappeared, evidenced that the comps
ny had not lost their taste for good things.
Their accoMplished daughter Ina presided at
the piano, enlivening the occasion with choice
music, while the flow of conversation*th omit
sional sallies of wit, contributed to tile pleasure
of all. Much credit is duo to Mrs; TOWN ER and
Mrs. G. iW:l3r-acaafax, for their 'taste and skill
in preparing the repast, which was so heartily
enjoyell by the guests. The company separat
ed early?, with grateful thanks to their kind en
tertainefrs. SC.TOCILNER.
lior Ibrook, Sept. 5, 1874. • - -
o County
ed as one
e coming
' proprie•
,re careful
It r>
EPOIITER : Permit me to lay
beford tour readers a few items of news-from
oar plac i o,-,.which has the honor of being in
chided t i n the grand old county of Bradford.
To all lovers of the Sunday-school cause, wo
would spy that ti.e people of thisi place are
alive tO!the work. Old and young alike take
hold cheerfully, and the cause moves forward.
All seem very muchinterested, and manifest- At
strong desire to gain more knowledge of the
Bible. iThe Berean lesson is used. We think
We can safely say, without boasting, that we
have tit l e" boss" Sunday-school oft the county.
The ai - erage attendance of our school since the
Ist of last April is 62, and before April next we
mean t 4 bring it up to 70. We anticipate'hold
ing a SUnday-School In3titute sins time in
Septemlaer. We haYe held several within the
paslAwn years; which have proven successful
and besiedcial to the 'cause.: We recommend
the holding of them ta. our Sunday-school
friends t.hranghout the county. '
Peace, and plenty prevail within our borders.
The harvesting is nearly Over, and is quite
bountiful. Our barn , are well filled; and wo
have enough to supply our wants and a little
to,siore. The weather is quite dry at present,
7 -streams and wells :bmoming low, and some
failing, but we hate faith that all will result
for the best.
We :lie told (hat Cuts. %TA N has tit. largest
-oats in the place. If , rue. he has some pretty
large (mei: I. L. Y4_,1.N.; hal.s rn whos e straw
will rcture live Pert
(Ulm , 1571
EO.lllErouren : In your paper of
the 1:1111 ult., I observe 'au articl6 lit which the
,writcrl_tleets severely on the SOldiers' Orphan
Sch . out :,`lsorfield,!Pa.. lam, no way con
nected with the F ehool,- at have observed its
workings carefully: and deem it but justice to
the managers of the school' to correct a false
'mitres:lon nrty arise front the aforesaid
article'. I
The writer of tice artiele evidently does not
nntlerst i r.nd tho facts in ;regard to the members
of the grphaUSzhool: Some of the pupils were
not admitted notiltwelve or fourteen years of
age, being at that time unable to read, write,
or per form the most simple arithmetical opera
hone, antrof course tho' work of the school
cannot he fairly judged from such pupils as
these, 1% ithont a full knowledge of the facts' in
the caa.c , .
TLe iii!tpils of la% Orphan School will cora
parefsvorably in scholarship with pupils of the
same age iii (toy o!? school, and not only aro
the beat methods of instruction used, bnt the
managfimcnt in other respects is oxcellent.
The officers of the school will cheerfnlly afford
all facilities to any peraons who wish to exam
ine its 7orkings4ind I suggest that gr. T. go
and seel i for himself whether the school is a
"[rand r or not. J. C. D.
Pe., Aug. 26, Ih7i.
• 1
O:i i
of the most delightful - drives
Liothis ricieity, is the
cool shady , road
.on the
ea-t side of the 'river leading' to I:Zest:ivy:tin.
Oa a pleasant morning recently, ticx)mpanied
by Mrs; A. and several later editions, we start
et out! with one of litNonettr & SoLostoN's
"rigs,ltti spend the day in recreation and
amttscLitl. We had scarcely- crossed the
river a ( i CriAlt & BLACKSLAN'S,ICIfy, belore WC
found urselves at the hospitable'aud cheerful
reside - n i ce 01 Mr. E. J. NEWELL, OLIO of the
thrifty and intelligent farmers Of Sheshegninj
and of i ciin-e we could n't .pasa by. Arks- a
rca. EC lablo' chat and an examination of the
cozy a d convenient premises, we Weresinvited
into trip !lining room by Mrs. 151 . ., where we
found a table bounteously spread with every
thing to 'tempt the appetite and I tickle the pal
ate of the most fastidiourepicure. Ladies like
.Z.lrs. NewEt.t, who know how to prepare', a sa
very meal, and at the same time maintain the
grace and dignity becoming they drawing rotan,
are rare; bat when her two interesting daugh
ters, vitro are just budding into womanhood,'
shall dltrry, two fortunate fellows will have
just such homes as these young ladies have
been educated in. Ur. N. has giredeonsider-t
aide at'tention to the culture of ,strawberrier,
not so much' for the .dollars they bring in; is
the pleasure tthei.Lafford to lits family, and
neighliers less fortnnite than herself. Spark._
lircg' vra*..4 is brought to his house' from a
never•faffing 'spring above 'the house, and
everything about the premises betokens thrift
and confort. It was a rich treat to ns to have
ithe privilege of enjoying the hospitality and
solid comfort of such a home, and we. left it,
inwardly resolving, that this, our first visit
' shouldinot be the last. -
From t Mr. Nrwriee, vie proceeded north.
ward until we reached the residence of our old
mightier and 'esteemed friend, W. H. 11. Hoax,
y.Lo has got just as 'comfortable a home as any
one could wish, in a neighborhood where him.
self and family have the advantage of the very
beat society and are , unrestrained by .the stiff
conventionalities of. "fashionable' -society."
Here Se seems to take real comfort,—and why
81161,1 he?—with one of the met amiable
an;l lo ely of women for a wife, andlwo bright
and interesting children. If any man wants
more than this to make him happy,' he most
wait uptil the "millennium."
!pitality on
flegrce was
viral candi
t ter which•
nenda and
about one
iost r rnp
.2" all tires
plhe lodge
' were made
laying the
game of
this place,
place next
I. de of the
ccted, and
I bt a large
gime, as it
e, will play
game will
I n who may
'clock, and
.ility of fin
e remaining
re day. The
in Lake,
.ose of re
nun, He
paper since
larently not
, renty-five,
.12 township
ns into the
way "to the
er rendered
lea one good
flee grown up
iFe• identified
to the beet
r. iTe hope
*r. Li and
Onlhe opposite tido of the street., in s large
neat 7hile house, with tastily - arranged
grounds, wo found our old friend, Nat. Staßan,
tsclinfug under his 1 ,'01f21 tips and' 9g tree . . '
VrAi oalipits the bout In which, his killtY
_-_, •---
bskfore him lived, although it has beesilemod
*CPA rthipcpred =somewhat.) "BO
ns the aiding and window-Undo were - 014
on when the blinding wu first erected in 1812.
more than fifty years ago. 8211ThEll Is a well•to•
do farmer, who doesnotthink the chief end of
men in his calling is to toil and . Slave for the
sake of accumulating more wealth, but rather
to make his home cheerful; he accordingly la•
lw' enOugb to maintain a good: appetite, and
is always ready to lend a helping hand to at
unfortunate neighbor, or enjoy a social visit.
We doubt very much If the anxieties and per.
plalties incident to official life, will be relished
by him With as much real seat as ho now ex•
penances in looking after the < Alan of his
But we started out with the intention of
spending the afternoon with Major Goma • and
his family, and although the hours seemed to
Hy quickly, we felt on taking leave of our old
friend,-"as the• shadows began to lenghten,"
that there was-more real pleasure derived from
Bitch ailsit, Ili:an In the rounds of "fashionable
calls" for a whole year* ' and we returned to our
home with an Intense longing for a home in
the country, and among such, Mends as we
had just parted with.
WE find the following notice of
the death of Miss Ltzzrz Ircasizt In.the Duluth
Minntreffan : • fr,
"The sad duty of recounting the incidents attend
ing the demise of this gentle and amiable young
lady, is greatly softened by the timrscioneness that
the living (aid' which sbe posseseed until the last,
assured her , parents and relatives that It was tree
that her Christian soul could say :
.1 heard a voice from Heaven saying unto trie
writs, from-henceforth,bleitsed are the &Wish°
die in the Lord. !von so sate! - lbb - spirit; for they
rest!ro their labors.'
C And
wth wontan ibin binnsed hss passed and
n from innirtinli corru fnilA pti a on linz inre
on—from mortality into Immortality.
Mary Flizabeth was born in Towanda, Pa., Sep
tember le. 185 e. From ber eartiestlisping she had
lesruidl t 0 comprehend the serene and- loving in
fluence Of Christian teaching. and she had grown
into the bloom of womanhood with so gentle a na
ture, that her life was a •
"Swet ipring, full of sweet dayii and roses,
A btlz wherete compacted lie."
At school in her s tudies
studies she was a bright evample
-f cheerful industry b ud intuitive judgment, and
hore a high record for attentiveness, obedience and
serenity of - .lion, beloved by teachers and
companions. Among home associates she had the
merry ring o -' chaste heart, added to the simplicity
o posi
of perfect d ty, and was as charming in her do
meaticity is)i the society of friends. While at the
Parochial school last winter, at St. Mary'. Mall,
Feral:mit, Minn., she was attacked with pneumonia,
which'setUed permanently, and from which she de
clined in health, notwithstanding several flattering
periods of convalescence, until she was brought
home In June. She then rapidly sank, until death
relieved her from suffering. On Easter Sunday,
1879, she was confirmed by Bishop Whipple. and
received into full inemberanlp of the Episcopal
Chtirch eV, Faribault, and she has proven that she
was worthy of bearing the cross and reaping 'the
crown of righteousness; fully convinced in her lat
ter days that Heaven but tries our virtue by Milk
hen, and that I -
. ,
"The i path of serroVe; and that pith alone, ,
Leads to the land where sorrow is unknown."
1'• ' _ -
NEW flarnar CIIIMCII.—The corner steLe of the
new Diptist Church of East Smithfield, Ta.,"was laid
on Thursday of last week, al one !Alcoa, with ap
proppate services. I The singing was rendered by
the Suited choirs of the village ; reading of the
Scriptures by Rev. Mr. Rsteta; prayer by Rev. C. L.
F. Mown; address by Rev. C. C.. Corms. An historl.
cal sketch prepared by Dr. Ilur-r ocs. was read by
Rev. B. S. D zaw. Short addresses wcro given by
Revs. D. D. GUAY. of Laceiville, and S. J. LC6li. of
•Towanda. The casket containing the historical
sketch and other documents was duly deposited,
and the corner steno laid by BENJAMIN ScoTr and
wuj s n \coop, triter which .prayer was offered by
Bev. J. 11. NASON. the close of these services the
congregation repaired to the grounds of the Con.
gregatoinal Church, where a plentiful dinner had
been prepared by, the 'citizens of the township.-
This dinner was prepared by many willing hands'
and generous hearts, and Is a token of the interest
felt by all classes of the community in the success
of this ent•rprise. By unanimous cnusent all who
sat at the table paid for their dinner, and the snug
sum of $l4O was Fres trod toward furnishing the
The old church was built in 1820. It was a costly
work as the times then were: the country around a
howling wildernesi, nails, glass and 'church furnish.
tug at high prices; wheat al fifty cents a bushel;
butter at sir cents a pound, and no money In circa.
!talon. By diligenCe and self-denial the work was
done,- and the old , meethnbonse stood upward of
half a century as a plate for the assembling of oZd*s
This budding was occasionally used by other
churches before their houses of worship were built,
for which use nothing was ever asked or received.
The only bell Or the village the steeple of
the old church. The whole was destroyed by fire
on Sunday morning. February' 8, 1874. •
In view of the blessings conferred upon the com
munity by three Ireligtons society in sustaining
public worship for i over half a century and in freely
°Tering their former meeting house for purpose
and in view of their recent misfortune. In seeing it
so suddenly destrOyed by fire, It is fitting that the
people generally Should feel an interest in the
building of the new house. The Baptist people led
by their zealous pastor., Rev. F. S. Evanrrr, have
done nobly in i mbic:thing for .1 the proposed
church. 3lany other citizens have aided in the
work. The dinner of Thursday, prepared - so ern
taneously by the people with such results In money,
s a file will offeripg to this enterprise and grate
fully appreciated by the Baptist people. But the
woik of tmildin,is substantial and well furnished
editiec of brick wilt require more subscriptions than
have yet been received. All should continue their
offerings to this work until it is completed
_ -
rry.—ln these latter days, when party giving ,
and party going arein'v,igne, the question of
hospitality - is very naturally suggested. A fam
ily consultation takes ,place, in which all the
urgencies of the case are disci:lased, and the
result is, that asocial gathering that is to be
small and select, consisting only of persons
known to be entirely congenial to each other,
is dr termined upon. A little more mature con
sideration, and a suggestion of economy to the
effect that more can be accomplished by_a gen
eral massing of those to whoin one is indebted
for similar attentions, and those to whom one
desires to be indebted for similar attentions,
swells the list to the largest number that the
bathe is capable of entertaining comfortably,
or nn:ioni`ortably. Here ends the more -diffi
cult mental proeps,i of the affair, to one house
hold, but who shall measure the, great sea of
agitation set in motion by the scattered invita
tions ?
Our Sits.‘a is frit Sett, and all in .a Sutter
about the inevit i lble white.dress, and its cirl
eamscribeil de orations. I'ink ribbons aul
blue ribbons have been alternating, until she,
is heart-weary. We suggest a threading of
black, here and there, jest enough to shade off
the fleecy folds, with, an economical outcrop
ping of natural Mowers. We .dwell, upon the
graceful simplicity of a young girl's attire that
we Paw at the Linta Hall, and which she made
with ler 'own tali hands, atter, a similar idea,
but all to no stbiet. SVPAS is obstinately prac
tical, and the :e is no ale of attempting to drag
her along flie'regions of "high art." She does
- I
not seem lacking in her estimate of purity of
expression and Outline, bat she tlel:lart a that
it is bad encugh to dream of -being oat I.n pa
-rade, in the lim attire that these mad paint
ers drop amortise over their helpless angels,
without facing d , e sharp eyed critics of every
day life. "I. hite n't the desire, it I have the
coinage," she ezclaims petulantly, 1 " to- wrap
myself in a scat pattern of cloud," and the
dear child may iia in the rill of it, for in pral
portion to the plaiuness of fr dress, does she'
recede from her twelfth chance , of a beau at
the parti. It is taken for granted * that 'they
are "strangers in Jerusalem," who ..4o not
know thattdherel l are jut twelve girls to one
Po; in oar delectable town:. It has a most an
desirable effect upon the boys. They feel their
importance umiarrautably. They, snap their
fingers at the unfortunate eleven, and pick the
Miss that can afford to sweep the largest sur
faiie of ball-doom floor with her -raffled trail,
which fact is agreat affliction to poor and proud
;mammas. As aJ class, these discreet ones cling
tenaciously _ to tho chaste 'simplicities 'of the
jeminitio thilet, until an enlargeotparse pro
nounces its grand " eczema" to the art trots
area of their advancing and more cultivated
desires. '
Oar Sao is wiser'than we, -after all, in her
filea t i of a aultai;l ) e party out-fit . "High art
is best higher a , and the lasile that, does not
aspire - to a solitary hanging about the walls,
• i
must dress up and . daeb, or the lads , will none
of her; "and the, hospitality_ of -the hospitable
counts for littlal as a means olonterring pleas.
ere. 1 . - ' - •
Our observations in the domestic phases of
this subject arel, that it is einedingly.utifortti
nate for the husband of a modem housekeeper
to bo percniiially hospitable in his disposition.
,Even the remoto
. possibility .of " entertaining
angels unawares," neTer- tempts liar hostess
into any newisO linty on this point. The gen
tleman she cali f "iglu," ttith an irrepressible
emphasis of ownership, has times of coming
hone to dinner, in so bland a mopdi - 01 With
rift ti &Phil of amiable iserliith as to tni.
. ' •
vey a seggestion , hoveriiiiintent, to suscepi
tibilities less trained than those o hii wife.
On theimr =askew, she trinriablyls her Bpi
and falls into a reticence that for alions
co ic
s unimouniable to us. During o 1 weeks
for and on public days, r . any of
those occasions that draw people m a dist
tance, !these symptoms become c ale, and
our host's frantic carts to bring aut a. de,
gree of feminine phabilli7 In the. Pselil
are decidedly painful to whims: We Ini t eWb
bad his private ambitions to servo, but — ive
could to pro wire see how it failed .tO meet .Ng
wifeVAPPrird, who `iii of au * 61 4 tura beer
self, until the Democrat made the (discovery.
He is se bitter ,on what he calls; 19
lx ..di....
that be feels authorised to Isbu4;ev n ques:
tionable lowa', to bring about an oocuskussi 61
After's dinner, eaten amfdeouditi.ct rectum
we him beetileeertbing, the. kodd .113330 gave
the elipiel for leaving the teble,st limomP al.
vied her spouse to the doer. The, I window of
the De=rat's min was - orerheed. and is
drew in thither. noiseleeely,
s hot With .vielble
• I
"Do lon see dila," exclaimed t..
honseilte, falling Into an impressia;
and pointing across the The' I
looked Into and aronud, the nbig , • •
lees, as , directed. There were a con
steads leaning against-the idds of ,;
undergoing a vigorous assault of ki
and soap suds, Ind some bedding ly
in tho sun.
- " wou” he said, quietly, what is
aro housa-oloaning, I suppose."
" Yea - , Iny dear," was the snap
Lay are houso•cirNu;dl4. Thal(
and hone° Moan, prordisettously ,
;fable vilitr id
amiable, igreeable, polite, ant. .remittingly
hospitable people: Their doors aro always
open, and their friends descend upon them in
cold weather and in hot weather,in wet weath
er and in dry iveafher,—al morning, noon; and
night, year in and year out; and the only nota
ble consequences'of ail this hospitality, as far
as I have been able to discover, is it frequent
and flourishing harvest of bed . bugs.h
If the gifted husband of our clot
era had ever indulged in the vision!
pective constituency, built in a met
the merits of her savory broiling Le
and bakin g,that vision was dispell
dews of the morning. He went
street, with a straight-ahead, crest
and aho.returned to the bosom of hi
It is } needless to describe the sr]
face of the Deinoerat; to whom we
ed for this bit of domestic enlightec
will in due time, according to the "I
pensation," rectiVe a suitable rower
Itthowtv's.—A very pleasant facet'
_place on .Thursday last, at
near Monreeton. It was not a g
an elegant 13210810111. but the. g,
gether of a large family of child
Wale the birthday of • a dear ml
house was the same (but little
that mother was brought to, a I
than forty years ago, and where a.
'ever since. Many Scenes of joy an'
the dear old house witnessed, but
merry, than the one of which we
children have been born, and - gro
hood and womanhood, sheltered
roof. • Two of them; ust at the
life. went over the titer. The eld
died at nineteen. The other child, l
the same age—went to war for th •
.his country and never cane bade
father, too, has pine home. Ton
his Master Called him. Not forget
row of that day, but feeling mini
happier re-union when life and i.
over,--the gayest, merriest part
been oar fortune to see, gatbere.
honor the dear mother's sixty-thIA birthday.
Children, grandchildren, and two - great-grand
s it
children, (more .than thirty pei one in all)
spent, the whole day in one long ene o; plea
sure. ',The table was loaded with very Iliatiry,
and ase bowed our heads in Prayer, lam
sari) every heart went upward to )21od, for His
great goodness and loving liindneiss to ins all.
The preheats were ..nmerous I nd elegant,
si :l
including gold glasses for the de r eyes that
had been dimmed by time, and many other
beztotital things,—proving that hough each'
had their own home and dear o es, yet the
dear old Male and the dear tnotLer still had a
warm place in csch heart. * 1
•-• The house was ornamented and festooned
with evergreens, to welcome the dear children
home again. Priends from a (lista/leo also
proved by their presence, their lote and rever
ence for one whose heart and 'home have al
wayibeen open. to receive and Welcome those
she loved. As.evening came on, and each ono
departe4 labia or her own-houte,l to again re
sume life's work, surely they most have felt
stronger and better by this family gathering.
And it will be a bright spot in e 24 lite %then it
is retailed. ONE or Toe Gums.
. .
WE FIND the, following
ILO death of Mrs. G. U. DRAKE, ii
rose Republican. he died on t.ho 9th ult.,
and was 61 years of age. Her nurnerouli warm
friends in this place, where she resided so
many. years, will mourn her loss end ympa
thize with her sorrowing husband: JJJI
"Her illness was brief—only two dajf —and
her death very unexpected. Generally the
mere mention of the death of an ,
as well if not better than further bitutry, but
in the subject of this memoir, wisdom and jes•
lice invite especial mention. Her conversion
i !,
to God, and her relationship the M. E.
Church, is dated at the age of ei hteou. Her
gamest, deveted, and exemplary Chrislan life
was observed and felt by all wit n the circle
of her acquaintance. , Her readiness to engage
in every work having' for its aim the elevation
and purity of society, and the morality and
godliness of the individual, evid' need Ito her
intimacy with Jesus, man's ympathizing
friend.. Her attachment to the sus° Of God
and her church was strong and unfeigned.
" Her interest in the recent temperance work
of our towallas net surpassed lby any, and
paralleled by few if any. An o aeization of
the women for more systematic and efficient
work.; had been completed only a feW, 'weeks
itrevions, and, ier interest and fficiency was
therein recognized;by being eh see its Presi
dent. Her last public prayer nil , wOrds of
counsel were uttered in the blinic Temperance
prayer meeting, only about fifty hours! before
she took her departure from her a rchly habi
tation. Its spirit and force will long *bid •
log in the memories of all presen,.
`ter last words, uttered wheel frien i
posed - hcir better; were, "Let 00 ideal
very tired.' A bereaved heart, tinder 'li
sitration of the utterance, a kW bean
her death, penned the followli linei
which I close this mention of th edeatl
whoss loss so very many keenly (feel'
"I must have rest"—
, Du weary of this strife;
The toils and ewe of life.;
The years with sorrow: rife
His way Is beet.•
"Now let me sleep,' 4
My work on earth is done,
The battle fought, the vie
And now I'm going hoine
- Why weep, why weep?
"Now let tuci . sleep,"--
Close by, close by I see
The gates ajar for me--
1 I evermore shall be
At Jeans' feet.
"Now let me sleep,
' I'm very tired," she said,
And bowed her weary hes(
Ah I can it be she's dead ,
'Only asleep."
veiled at this place on Monday
H0n.1 , . D, Monnow presiding
Judges HAMMES and Bussi i i.r.
The usual preliminary busuiesi
ed,"hearing motions, granting rr
Monday afternoon • the • 4011 t
wero i l
sworn in as Grand Jurors:
James McCabe, Forema6; John Bin
Horace Ballard, C. H. Cash, George 1
3. S. Diark, John Dobbins,_ G. East
Jared Hammond, Edmund Hor4 n, !Lai
ninge, Goorge Khmer, J. P. Lee, Ed
Blorran, Hiram, Meeks, John ickey:l
Shive, Ingham Stone, C. H. Up on, P,
Dyke, J. S. Wobd.
The constables returns were
r ade a
to. .1
' Coin. vs. David E. Campbell4-13nret
'wade. Continued to Deeemberl tette.'
Corn. vs. Joseph Vanderpool'-Laree
motion, Court permit a none pr9sequi
tared on payment of costs.
In the matter of the widening 0
street, in Canton borough. Tti 0 0 311 1
Court is Sind , wherein exceptio nsare so
and the retiort of viowert set ilitlP.
In the matteT of the applicati n for 1
Bridge, in the l township of W ren.
port of reviewers filed, reporti g In ,
said bridge,- .
, Daniel K. drowkys. Thos. . Lai
VpuidUlif ihe Court: Med & mirk
tin* sal lontliMatff thtlAtali i it ii
1 1 1
. 1, •
Armeabi Twp. Ink A. Dunham. The ophilmi
of the Court filed. The decree of the . Neater
directing the costs to be paid by A. Burnham;
it reven4and Armenlitownshlp is ordered to
pay the same. In all other respects the de.
tree' of the Vaster, so far as' It relates to the
rejected faders, Is confirmed.
Com. vs. Nathan Ednalnster —Desertion. El;
hanan Sthltb, Esq., for the Commonwealtis4
N. W..Patack and L. N. Evans, Biala, for
the defendant. This mint was commenced this
afternoon. •
"Tuesday, Sept. 8. - Son; P. D. Morrow pre,
aiding, and Assoc's . * Judges Harkness arid
Elwell on the ben* , •
On motion of Pop% I McPherson, Court sp% ,
prove of the appcdntsitetit of D. U. Montgoik
ery as Deputy ConssAbli of Wyatt:ming town;
ship. • .•
On motion 'Court 'approve of the appoint"
moat of H. V. Nichols u Deputy Constable of
Smithfield township:-; '
Andrew Boobleh vs:Hannah Seebicli. Piling
_find reading deposition'', on motion of Peck
a' Streeter, Court make fho usual decree of di
0 worthy
Coro. vs. liathantdrahnter—Desertion. The
Court orders the defendant to be - discharged;
and that he and Needs Edmineter pay thi,
costs jointly.
aid tiule,
0 0 4 imp
eg prem.
of bed-
Ibe' hciuse,
hen maid
jog around
Com. vi. L W. Depow and Diana Depeff--
Nuisance. 'Dist. Att'y 'Beeves and Elhanan
Smith, Esq., tor the Commonwealth. FoyloA,
McPherson for the defendants. This cue was
continued through tie afternoon ,and °Toning.
The Grand Jury disiosod of _the.- following
it? , They
tic reply,
eau I+7.lse
Ttie7 , are
'rain BILLS.'
Coln. vs. Lewis Jones—Bapo.
Corn. vs. Thomas Boberts—Larceny
Com. vs. Tho Mas Roberts—Larce n y.
Corn. vs. Albert Brown—Murder.
Com. vs. M. S. Warner—Amason and battery.
Corn. vs. deo. W. Decker- r Procuribg an abortion.
Com. vs. Frank's Hinman—Assault and batten/
The POsecutor Michael Naglee fo; costs.
CoM.':Tik Michael HanrahartMalleirma mischief.
and Cont. Ira. UMO—Assana end battery. Ou mo•
Lion Court direct a none proemial to bh entered in
each cue upon payment's)! coats.
ant host
of a
nre upon
d stewing,
led iiko the
down the
t-fallen air,
kr family.
le op ttio
re indobtL
moot: Ile
Wednesday. Sept. 9, Hon. D. D. 'ldomiow pre: idr
big, and Associate Judges lissiniftis and IlussiaA
01l tbeftienche • • i •
: •
• 0:931. Ye. Ellen Sloven —Assault and battery. ' OA
Motion Court direct a nolle proffequi to be entered
on payment of posts. '
Cruz. vs. David Watera-' -ObtaLuing property under
false pretences. Continued to December Term.'
In the matter of the application of Mary E. Bldg
way for the benefit - of litr separate earnings—On
reading petition and on motion of E. 11. McKean.
Esq.. the Court orders, and directs that the prayer
of the petitioner be. granted.
In the matter of the application of Elects Kellar
for - the bandit of her separate earnings—On reading
petition and on motion of I. N. Evans, Esq., the .
Court orders and directs that the prayer of the pe
titioner be granted.
I L ring
l ul
wir in
tid air
' Elizabeth Benjamin re.,13. B. Berdaniltt—On read
ing and filing depositions. and on motion of 11. B.
Mclfean,pq., Court make the usual ordek and
cree of (Moro%
I tLatin
en, t.
le has
M. P. Wasson vs. T. B. Wisson—On' reading and
Ming depositions. and on motion of I. N. Evans,
Eeq., Court make the usual order and decree of
w lme
dl its
a ' to
-.a son
defeitse of
Thei dear
years since
ing Ilia cor
ed of a far
turmoil is
or Large stock of Pictures and
Picture Frames, at WIIITCOMB 3: Sri Aces,
cur's Block. . ,
sir New goods just recivdd at M
i Spectacles and eye glasses,
warranted equal to any in the market, from
the cheapest to the best, at Hnnnet.max's.
it has over
together to
1 tie lf you w ant the best Cook Stove
ex4ut, call it JuNE.'d, iu Mercur's
eigl. For the best Roast or Steak
go to Mirga h RII2IDELI:S.
Moroi:tea .stock, for your Books and Stationery.
- NS. The largest assortment. o
clocks at low prices at HENDELMAN'Et.
one of P K. DEDENAK & Co's. 0. X. Horse Power
Hay Presses for sale. The best there ip.
June 1, 1871:
JAcon.4 is alrgady receiving his
fall goods. "The early bird catches the worm,"
and those who call early at bieoa.9 . Clothing
Store will be enabled to secure the hest har
zainit eve+ offerek ••' : ' •
for All kinds of black horn, rub
ber and real jet jewelry at very low prices, a
• is.. C. F. Cnoss .has inet received
a terk/arito invoipo of Ltooha siutOle for S.&
Libraries, which he will furnish at a discount
of Viper tent. to schools.
nvti e, '0)
FOUN. D. —On tint Fourth of July,
C. T. U. or A. badge. The loser can have it
by calling at tbia office.
A. B. CULVER, Wyalusing, is
the agent for tho Now American Sewing Ma.
chine, which iktaking the lead of all others.
SWAtherican and Swiss Watches,
'aged stock , ever brought to, thin town, at
, Fos , -SALE. -= l5O ttexe.ti ,of Jpoil, 1
mile from Ulster depst. Also several second
hand wagons. , A. B. iisirrn.
4p* ,
FOIJND.--On the road leading from
this place !Co flortroeton, two, - ,Ontter bars f.
mowing.inaehine. The owner Can Bnd the /at
this office.
in. The best pftice to buy ready
mado clothing la at No. 4. 2 doors we ( ' of Con.
da sup
ip, I'm
lib() itt•
0 after
I, with
of her
—Terms easy. Apply li) Mrs.
over M. J. LosWs store. :
f Parasols in all
: eived by
,wish to to see
.fine gold
kNDE6fASI 9 B. ' ' %
e k
R®°' A large line
the now elhades, just ref
ta.lf you
Jewelry, cell Itt,
vsr Fr)
the finest
It may bn advantageous for
the pr‘blic to know that is this ca'reme dry
we. {(her the MYER/011AG if tLI aro
e• with an iblindanco of water, and does ail
ostorn work with dispatch.
vie; If you want the International
Lessons and Sunday School_ papers, give your
order to C. F. Cuss, who can , !midi them to
'ou on better terms thati'yeti 'can"get them in
the city.
' ,
the 7
n the
lh ioit
SEED WHEAT.—The suhscriber, of
fers to, the public four varieties of "choice seed
wheat—Diehl, Michigan White, Weeks, Lan•
lea, ete.
caster Red.
Aug,pet 1, 1874.
Tritt, Jr,
I Chaffee,
kabrook i
on den•
you .don't wau your wife,
to bay - the new patent:Sad-Iron; 'keep her away:
ftoai Jwszte: : ' It le the bed and most cotivoill-,
ant invention for lessening the . :tedious work of ;
ironing ever presented to the public. No one
who sees It will ever go home without It.
and Mc-
C. Van-
d sworn
CIATION.—The next session of the Bradford CO .
Teachers' Alisociation, Will be held in Canton,
in the Preaiiyterian Church, beginning Fridays
Sept. p, 410 o'clock, and continuing in sea
son two dip.
The appointments are as follelys :. Lecturer,
ev. G. P. WAT 6 O7B; Ess a y is t s , lcus.fl?ApuiT,
1/01, SARNI V. DALLAnto; Declitimeni, W. S.
Davinson, B. It. CoLw:Lr.; Business CoMmit'r
tee, E. J, ANGLE, B. N. WILMA:I9, CUM'. WAni
nti, HE ES Bovnwux, 'll.ture Don, ,Cr.itmi
rata. ' " - , 1
of the
y. On
o be en•
of the
The re
tool. of
Papers onedneationtl topics will be read b
Professors RYA'S and Kennri. • •
b. The
E. J. ANuza.; Ftee.
Ells At A, MOLT, liirT!
V. ou IiENT.
L. Wu;marry,
a plain Gold Ring to
tamood, go to ilssoxtauss;
test 1 47
livelisiter /es
- a il tnag
iron 7' u -, _Hew =1
of Olothhig
teat &op b . ) buy Bashi"
.rs and illtindir Of . Lumber, Is &t
Ns Factory on Charles street. Of.
strooL They id cheap for cash.
Blhris, D.
Inorr & 13 ,
flee 107 Ms
I F.-DArrmiles removed hie
p to the store lately °envied by
i rr;where be will be zploaaed to see
I .t g* work.
4ar4eits eh.
Jam` Wp
-1.11 in.wlo
is the universal testimony
sel. It
of alllq'
the count
nue of tbe
.elccting g
tore testi?!
I • ted with tho butane, that O. F.
OS the best . arranged Book Store in
and city dealers tell no Cyan= Is
Iciest buyers. That his taste in
• ode ii - excellent," all who visit his
0 Bra4foid County . Conn-
H., will meet at Troy, in Long's
ursday, the 17th of September,
clock r. ffi. A general attendance
and other slumbers of the prdcr
as business of importance will
the Council. D. LILLE;
Seey. . .31astOr.
9il of P. of
Hall, on 1 1
874, at 2
of delegate ',
me bet°
P. H. B
you want a neat,,tasty snit
call at 3i,Lirs Wouee.
I sap I
iery cheap
eder Attachments to - the
Rake, for rowing all kinds of
Bawd; and ;Ilea eiv silae 'the best
s for sato at low pricer.
Bay Press•
iors"eforialiee' Cirt, 'O4ll
ee txntrO at $1 Ror thy, at. P. L
106. J
nd Brat•c)
'OS*, No
• L 1713 WOLFE has just received
(Irtiimit bf 'nits and Caps over offend
ilei•lT I
lie largest
this max
i IERCE & numLs are selling
!s of Coal very cheap. They arc sole
Fthe . celebrated Barclay Coal. Coal
at a discount... prdera.left :at
wore, M. J. L'oka'a StOri.,' and at
tore will receive prompt attention.
all vac - tell .1
agents for
by car los
ev'eral valuable Farms and
LAAS /Pr Bale by .O.4.IITI,ETTck T/LACt
ionscs a
ho North Branch Associa
sersalists will hold its annual meet
lIVAUIP, Bradford Co., Pa., on the
4nesday and the followtog Thursday,
I d 24th of StExterdber, 1871. • A' cor
, ion is extended-6 all.
!ion of U.
tug at 8
!oar th W
fLe 2ta
dial invitt
Ang. 25. 1871
•HOOSEB TO BENT.-0110 111
, near tipper &Rot, and Ca o io Sec•
:oquire at office of OrrivroN
First Ws
o l nd War,
RL - NT - -Dwelling containing
suitable for a boarding house or a
ly. Also, one small three•stery house
of town.
Second at.
4 rooms
argo fo 61
n centro
No. 32,
, ,
L is not gnus , t Iv l(tiown that
et the it,xs. Bindery over the
office, makes Blank Books in any
.ling and binding desired. If you
w Ledger, Jaffna! or Docket) give
4 12 r
ptylo of
want a IV
bim a ca
'by run the risk of an acei
n you can get a ticket good for $3,
e of death, for 20 cents a' day, by call
ANK 131:IIIIANK, at upper depot?
dnt, vsll
poo in en
ng on F
VAL.--W. DITTILICI.1 3 , Illusio
.ii . changed his base, and may here=
wand at the corner of Main ai,tl Pine
NOME'S now block. ,
i dealer, Li
aftet be
sell teas of every variety eleaper than
• e leading housee 'in the city, which are
1. lit their circulars broadcast over the
Grangers will do well to give them a
e buying elsewhere. ' .
prod to
l l llny of t.
! country.
call bero
Ladies If you wish• to know
car, and hOw to wear it, call at E. J.
She has all the nevelties of the sea-
what to
Miss A. E. Purr, (formerly
Itominni.b's Clothing Store), has
to TRACI' k Moonn's new block, sher
pared to do all kinds of dress-maki g
inable terms. She is also agmt for
's patterns.
over Ig.
remve al
she if •
ou ross.
Gentlemen, we youl, call
ution to our•uow• styles, of ,folloev for
.4 Slimmer wear. Prices bw.
Cons t &Coons.
to the Court House.
se. I
your att.
Spring ii!
Paper :nd ' Oulair's
' w 'WOMB iajiiiirea•
, ------
.:E. FOB SA —On Second-st.,
Pine 'and ridge —cash, side. Twelve
r as, Water Heater; Badge : , etc. One
, est con eeient . houses to be found.
sib . quire on the premises.
V ______L„,t. Pnrunda MASON.
•'r , ws Woci.u.s Mur..—Card
• , g, and Weaving, MS° Mannfactnr
i h-Droasing, etc:,, as nbnal. Stocking
annel and Clothe for sale.. Machinery
iia.good ordor, ands\work warranted
with t- W ' lapstch. ,
cheap a
I 's Block
Hot I :
rooms; t.
of the 1
Terms e.
Lug, SP;
ing, Cl.
ran. .g
ft do*
ASH Buyns.—My
be ready for inspectil
ontb, and , havink
in 'prepared to show
with a calk a finer. ani
of this •
"stook I
Men and Boys' Clot ng ever befoie,
n this market at prim that will please
not fail to call onus oforo you putu
I. you will find it for 3 .nr• interest to
o Ono-Price Clothier, . LEX. SOLON*,
merit of
call op
123 11 •
t 24, 1871.
County Toatur;iltistitute for
nt school year, will bo held as follows
rof week' at Alba; beginninf Bept.
don of n: week at. Athens, beginning
I; a session' of a week at Wyahasing, be-
Oct. 5. The session at each place will
Monday, at 2 o:elock r. 11G, and dose
netting Friday.
p L z
A mem
14; a ses
Sept: 21
open op
on tho
been sei
I:sistanco of competent instructors bak
wed.. - '/C.Km-zir,
I,da, Pa., Bept'.l, 1874
When the times are dull,
era take advantage of the market and
eir Mock. Such bas been'the case with
EDWAnne.. During the past' few
, manufacturers and jobbers have been
.us to sell that they hire - been willing
on a very small margin, and MeCeps
•s know 'that it - "nlxiblo sixpoßco is
han a slow shilling," consequently they
eater. inducements to .citsh beyers for
Lug in the grocerydine thin any other
ltment in the nerdy..
,They deal in the
, at brands of family srqeerl i es andfletir.
lay in
so anti
offer g
We take pleisafe ' clslling
area/ realer-0 to t6o adVertise i ment of
.arsrnaz In another column. Mr. It. has
arntxl the eniiablii repntatiori of 'being
our most reliable' bnairmaii : men, and
'experience in the; clothing business
him to inaku and'oirer Witter bargains
Dee who are engaged in dui briainees,
o have not stated thimiserves or the
ties tor purchasing Vrtilch he. posseas•
• era can rely implicitly on hie represent
and feel confident that'artieles purcbaa
, Is atom are . just wb'at he represents
" I •
bI E B B ,
ono o
hie lon
than t
hnt w
oppor i
ea. B
ad at;
11..,.HAaals, at
Unary Store, next door to C
more than realized the exit'
peopt:. Hie phA of goods el),
to a at-claaa
. city atom, ai l
tower than most ordinary c
Tb ladies ot.Towands,
eount flud 11 to their a.
ble sVpreberore pttrobasieg.
plciuu,to to socorameocl su
ots out itiithinii •
Mint In tho Arcade block, °pintail° tbeaplitee
pal Church, is prepared to do - dreturtiMking in
the latest style`and neatest manner on abort
notioe'and at reasonable prices. rittltg mode
a specialty. Stamping done alao. •
FOB SALE.—A good iloasp
Enquire Of Powzr.
TowsOa, Aug. 12,187L-3w. ,
Pines ItgnucED.--:- 0001:1 0 pple,
yott who pay for what you get, and sire the
merchants' supporters, do you realize that , if
you buy at places whero general credit/agiven,
it is you Who really pay 'for all 'that file beats
and people of poor pay consume ? It's added
to the Price of everything you get, and honestl
ly pay for, and for our part we propose ,that it
shall no longer be so. From to-day iwe stmt .
down on book acctiunta'and long-winded cred
its. and . scil Groceries for . Cash or Prckluce l , at
Reduced Prices.` Corneal:id sea the pri)of of it.
Red, White At, Illueiltor4 l .
Aug. 113—tf.
arcroar.—The following directory Is published for
the information of the public. We will thank our
friends for notifying us of any errors they may (na
celle/ • I i•
Barnsr Carmen—Main. Street, below Washing
ton. Services Sunday at 10% A.M. and 7% p.r.
Sunday School at 12 o'clock. Prayer Meeting
Thursday evening. 'Pastor, Rev. S. J. Luta. 'i•
Exist:oat+ Otrtutoif—Oor. Main and Caned Streets,
Services Sunday at 10% a.r. and ;t5 r.m.l Sunday
School at 2a. ar. Rev. Coanttr, E. Meli.vener. Pas
ILE. Cm:mutt—Main Street, abOve State, Services
Sunday, at 10% A.M.. and 7% P.M. Prayer ,Meeting
Thursday evening. Sunday School at, 12 o'clock.
Pastor, Rev. 31.0. Exam, , 1 .
PETABTTEIIIAN 0111=11 --Court Street, near CoUrt
House. Services Sunday at,10% A. M., and. 7r. W.
Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. .Bntidtty School
12 at. Pastor. Bey. J. 13.11Xlwaitz _I , 1 1
8.8. Ps= Ann Panz.—Services every two weeks'.
it 2 and 11 .a.rt. and 7% P.M. Sunday School at 4
r.m. Pastor, Rev. Parmucit Toxin.
A.M.E. altmot—State Street, above Second.
Preaching Sundays at 10% a.z. and 7% F.M. Sun
day School at 1 r.u. '
A.Y.M.-1 4 tournorm COatWnEttr, No.
Masonic Hall, over Patch's dart P.M J. C.
ISSIOM Lora*: lio.l.oB.—Ondo in ttr wceks at 7
" J. 0. Iltrllf 0, W.M.
Nt two wecks,
11.H.D.A. Clung's, No. 76L—Once m ...
at 7 Y.M. • CHAS. F. Cam, H.P. ' I
L - I
0. or G. F.—BaanYonn Loma, No. X 167. Odd
Fellows' Hall, over Frost & Sons Furniture Rooms.
]teats every Monday evenings: 7 o'cl9Ck. ,Wir•
IMADYOIID- ENDAZIPMEXE. No. 41.-31cets second
and fourth Wednesday evening of each • month.
Wsx.' Sstnen. C.F.:Wm:min Hist, WM. JonEs,
Scribe, I
K. Of P.-;-UWANDi LODGE, 1f0,291.-111Dets every
Tuesday evening in Temperance Hall, 7!; o'clock.
' Ii.O.S.C.—TONVANDA LODGE, No. 370,--51ects ROC
ond and fourth Thursdarol each month. J4s..vis
blnxmv, B.K.
Preeident Judge—lion. P. D. Monnow Tuviatia.
AsprialeJudva—lion. S.D. IleanNEm4,Sprinaneld.
lion. C. S. Eufmr.rtt., Towanda; .1 I
i'rothanolary and Cicrk of Court—BENl. M. rEet.
Register and Recorder and CKerk of 04 Olphats'
Court-0. J. CHITBDUCW. • .. , I
Sheriff—J. MONROE SMITH. 1 - I I
Jury • Comunianonert.-- , B; r. KNAPP.
E. FEIICII:SON, Ulster'. ' _ Columbia;
Treasurer—MerUsElv 3lssisass.l.; Deputy. Mails
gx.sznzr,Towanda. . 11 I I
Auditors.— A. B. BaowN, Herrick; Ina Cuass,
South Creek; E. B. DuLoso, North Towands 1
Counsel—Prar & DAVIES.
. , Phyt iriany-Dn.D. 8. Pawn* ' I
11.urrse—Yssai.s BRYANT. - I
J. MI Rano, JAMES MCCABE. T. B. Joistmu,' lE. T.
Fa, D. 6,,,PiWr, T. 31. Woomirrt, ~ ,I
.SetyWhd Treasurer—Josr.rn Encosr.ceic.
JlLltiCtil of Peace—W. C. BOGART, N. TODD.
Constabtadoniiox Wm.s.s, L. T. Reiss..
Policemen—O. 8. Bowls. Jesus C. lIMNG, I '
Schootpirectors—J. A. Comnso,President of Board ;
N. TODD, Treasurer; J. I': VA:inner, Bec'y; l B. W.
MES. 1. , 1
Overseers of Poor—Dr. J. W. LYMAN, NIBS. Mu.
Auditors- TAE: Bleeper:Li ,J. A. /I bun, a .
Bleawar. _
Ataussor—imUslLlTrlnqi, • 1
}- • '
• Esginerr—Chief, It. H. Pare's; Assistant AutoN
Franklin Steam Fire Engine Co. No 1.-- 7 Meets
first Wednesday evening in each month in Borough
Engine House. I. B. HUMPHREY. resident; 3..
Waanrds, Jr., Seep i s ,1. !• ,
/ .1 ,
Naiad Engine Co., No. 2.—Meet 3 - t Monday even.
Ins in each month, in Borough Enno 'ruse, E. D.
Sxnez. President; G. E. non*, ey. I - I
L-ta Strain Fire Engine C „ So. 3.—Meet first
Tuesday evening in each .mon ; in Lin-ts Engine
House. B. A, PACKER 2'X tent; E. A. Maxus".
'ke, • I I
. Mantua hook and Lade Co., So. 4.— Sleets Ant
Wednesday evening in ach month, in Borough
Engine House. Jassra . NEvise, President; E. C.
IRVINE. Sec 7. - - - . l '
1 1 •
TOWANDA Purr° cm—Mails going southclose at
9:30 .1.11; going north, at 10;15 a. mand 4:90 r. as.
arrive from no at 10:90 A. if. and 4:30 P. re.;
south 5 as n po. -• ; I , I ,
Barclay doses at 1 P.M.; arrives at 0:30 p.n.
.8. & Eioses at 2:30 zit.; arrives it 10:NO A.M. •
Troy ci aat S A.M.; arrives at l's.m. 1
Lehay e closes at 1 P.M.; arrives at - ' li 9r..'
' New Mini Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Battu ,
i s
days& 12 W.; departs at 1 Y..*
hie °open). arrives Mondays, Wednesoays, an&
Fri ya at 12 m.• departs at 1 I' ' ,
_ 1) eshequin a • rrivai Tuesdays, Thursdays, , and
:tock of Fall
n oit \ thb 27th
chased`a large
hose that. will
better, assort•
Co. Sup
eta tions of our,
i odhl do arcAlit to
ia, his prier', are
loot ry cistablielp
iu fact the \allele
4111:411go•. to , visit
It iiirOtaC no real
in diloVl4tueut
, days at 10 A. 11.; departs At 12 sr.i
ALionn, ,
Mutual Building and Sating Fund Acme logien.—
Meets in Grand JPri BOOM ,tor payment of install
ments, third Monday in, tho month, from sto 7
r. 1. N. N. Brrrs. sr.: President. 1 - I
Towanda Building Azsociation.—Meats In' Grand
Tory Boom star payment of installnionts, fourth
Monday in each month, from oto 7 p,sl. .foszra
Pownta. President. , j- ,
ADAMS,—TIIOHAS. --At the church in Ste
vensville, Aug. 31,..1by Bev. T. Thomas, Ar
thur H. Adaut,,Bl. D., of Clevelsnd,, Ohio,
to Sarah C. Thomas, (daughter of the offi
ciating clergyman), of Stevensville.
The young couple 'orpoot soon to sail for
Japan, under the patronage of the , Ameriean
Board of Itifisshins.
LINDEIEAN,In Troy, Pa.,',Arigu§t 27, -1874,
Eugene Lindeman, in the '2Bth year of his
!gel -
Ife was the son of Jacatittsnmt tv. of Troy
- 411.114;411
• young widow and little daughter are left to
mourn his early death. He was highly respect
ed, and many persons spoke soirowfully of his
death on the day of his funeral. The funeral
services Were conducted by Dr. S. E En uann,
of Troy borough and t he audience was very
large. A long prdcession followed his remains
from his late residence to the Church, and
thence to the ceinetery. Bettie time before his
death, ho became resigned and an lone to de•
depart. He will be remembered long and af
fectionately by his n=erotui friends. •
CLIFFORD.—In Foxburg, Pa., at the home of
'her only survivicg daughter. Mrs. Lydia,
Wife of Wm. 11. Carrie, Mrs. , Lydia, Clifford,
aged 76 years, 10 months, 3 dayi.'
The' deceased was the mother: Hof tho lato
Mrs, M' Camptown, • Bradford ,Co.,
lived for several years; and
where' icted-and boloved u an ex
cellent /Marl. . . I I
The ( lan Church of Wyalasing is
thus ei so the heavenly glory, numer
ous and shining r resentatives ; i Since hit
December, thorn hav passed a l ay, besides
Mrs. CLIFTOUD,—ELLTA CAMP, W 7. C. 611", Br.,
and Jurrrs Lnivis,— four all, whose, aggre
gate ages amount to 311 ye rs. Who shall till
their places? They were wel 'XioWn fur their
deeds of charity. Their praise 's' in all! I this
region. • • D. Coox.
Corrected every weanesday,
subject to changes daily, - •
Wheat,* bush.
Rye, "fl brush
Buckwheat, gi bush _
Corn. 1 11 bush
Oats, *bush; rr .
Mins, bush... .
Butter rolls ) WO •
do ( ,) q 1 lb new
Eggs Vi - dos
Potatoes, burh,new
Flour barrel 4
'Onions 31 bush - • "
WEIGHTS 07 GllAlll.—Whbat Go lb. ;
Rye 5G lbs: Oats 32 lbs.; Barley 46.1 b;
58 lbs.; Beans G 2 lbs.; Bran 20 'lbs.; C
lbs.; ThnOthy Seed 41 114: - Dried Pi
Dried Apples 22 lbs.; flax Seed 50 113!
IST OF LE TTERS rem:tin:l'g in
the Postoflice, Towanda, Pa., Sept. 9,11871.
' Brewster Irving; ChlNon Samuel:. Oharninan Nor
man; Cclwell E W; Costello miss Ella; Fltrgeraid
Isabella; Gallagher Edward; Hornet G; Hoagland
Frank 2; Hurd Reuben 4 ;Ile% ay Hugh; Moore J C.
Held for postage, d hn Maggot, Shesheguin, Pa.
Bereons calling forabovo letters will say adver
tised, giving .130 of list. I
. .114101.Notice is hereby given that all persons / indebted
to tho estate of John Gartland. Jr., late of Ilryalut.
tug, deceased, . are ireunested to make immediate
payment, aml ail persens halving elahns against,
said estate must_ present them dui* authenticated
ter settlement. AND 'FEE. •
Eept 10 4 j AdnAMistrator.
• I
aviio had
1. nearly lateen years eigorloriceln boringround
pump loge. I offer my tstryteefrAs the public. Work
attended to in any part or Meese .mgin abort meter'
and saddler.= guaranteed. CALVIN ALLEN,
Veer Albany. Much 254 f.
jilOR SALE OR RENT.;--A dQsirst
ble House suct Lot en Fourth street, fifth
bolus north of O. D. Bartlett's, overrentelli to Wail .
Alto or arsdsd Retool. Esquire CM Prtsiblec
V►H..E, M Air.
Tu:lttoo,tot7t , it,
• •
-; 'I• I
~ 1 1
d Lot.
tt co.
to., will
mill Ir. Co,
cho,Jeg. Ilemptieb
coognio sro ",
74Ve have
• I 'CU .HES
IR I sereduce
Doors and
Gans, Rep
Purcbaters o
lig Sall, Brad
by de
011 N /61 Elij'A
B. vl
it 3,1
1 51) g 2 00
27 (.4 27
31 0 32
8800 3 ant
8 :SO* 7 - 00
HI ,200
Corn 561 b.. ;
)?t.; Dickwheat
Clove!- Seed CO
'eaches 33 lbs.;
01 i i .
She Hers,
Pocket C
Bird Co
Fitting and P
tine by 'nompe
prices for cash
tbe public res.
ErFt. 10,'
:' HA
o well to call at Codding, Ras,
tr Mock before
are the
I •
,t), •
CARS L-A.ll;ltr
- •
, .
0 1
. 1 .
T/,Z.: Hr 7
~ :II V, .TER.' '
. ', ". . il
tents of etiovorl
st pritas.
I offer ai
e, 4 Cetnent,
Ock of Lockg aw
fine s
h TJoidiog Sh 4
Rifles, Revplveis,
r and Shot
nd Oils: are requefdp
Pure Lead; which
: or art
Ls, srlinta,
1 '
`lt POTS,.
:battle's Toole. •
. • I .
LATED pur rßu 0,1.4110
At Itc,
need rchiev
,eed Cutters, Corn
ori, Bazors and
' -
t nd Iron Wire,
\Hs\ ,
'Work,. eaters, Gas '
1 i r
mbing on horto2o.•
, .
:pt. workmen, t : tow .
,The'. patrouag 1 of
'tinily solicited. I
1 .
es, Tin
is asi:lfedlables.
ii - 4 0 4 iTeli .1
• .
CriadZIAMP 001.13M1 TOT4Imi pAgfalioa•
.11 0 4 1 nr• '
' 'ArO - rliked, Li **eta M=l .m• AI and distira•
rman of honoi r in, tW 1001101 add in Ed- ,
e the leading pa rlor orM now In use. We
GDP Maker, ' equal m I tor Cliniecb,
111604 ... 1 , ,s ord e o v i rellat e = o n a tteg
e ll
are , being recetved In 'theft favor:- An
offer Where we ha no ;smuts, we will allow soy
one top ono of our ammo, the •
010011 discount io PT raolo lll l l ble rely
gto grarchose Of our organs , from
- , and prefer to ' Mod ' earning it Were pai
ls/0 U, the same be granted them by sending'-
us:mamma:gat! from the ashler of _your,
WA t bank, or premise)* Wok he year vi-,
Medi . and if the fa not Just as ,"represented,
you re the liberty return the 15 at our ex
ports, we paying the V both wsJl It .is wilki
=e we Introd the Gowns T0N3174 know
it will rarest ffitlisilction. esH Doe-
Melt MIDI Via 0161 t all others. Oho lamer
excels in f ss, the deep vibration of eoundi
en evidence that It stands gest as to merits of all -
'musical LostriUnents how in use. .
We select a few abstracts from letters and &mo
rtals which we are Ely receiving in favor of
our organs, and wish on to read them
W err "E ee ireks. ,i
Ir or . _ wnatn. . we found asnis what w bunr e wa ,ra nte . d,
I plea ' with the sweetness of 'lntone.
.I ,
. I PROF. N. "FAN LIIIILNEE, Idolise, 111.
a as gold.— Patriot.
ti:tr musical cri call to : see It. 'they' are dc-
Ugh l:l s d with it.. Fi .L, FEZET•Alloons, Pa.
Ws would reccumn d this excelli instrument
to the musical world, for its Moen u of tone.—Fc
tereburg (in , piss)Deroent.
embines Freebie s And a Se th in its, tone.—
Lewistown 6 zette.l ,
For quallix, prow)
I are unconalledi
In with pleasure
art-cissa parlor
I ,I
m ie. .
Can e ither
um of •
Li CO/
Sq . e , i
a di cct ~._._ _
We Alealreithat
"marl , as W ell as
d dal prodhcing
at m=td
• ed to e th
irger force off skill!
thel demand'. We,'
nounce that we cat
th e ' utmost dispatch
.oul world--•renowuei
.4u, ~ dam • , • '.'
'Wsery family throughout this
1,,,1 .0X0P11.
may test Its wonderful
alltles. Were have been :o
rates that we have- been com
e manufactory, and ptitou a edit
NI Mechanics in order to supply
however, now are, happy to au •
II 1111 orders promptly snit with
4 We 'also call the attention 'to
s Piano LI fast
t. piano -forte no
tend for 'post:
.0 .ials. some of
•ans fromitho p
4 roes,
• ping' a reputation as the tend-
On use. • --i ,
,tad price Bat and a Bit of testi
om you may know using our
air. months to seventeen yea...;.,
ug. titt
Ju"e 2,
. sente '
titPCI,ES' OR A I'A.ILILI rart..w, -
ness. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Li T 1
7, Foul Stomach and Breath, Fry
el Piles, Rheumatikm. ErtiPiono
1 r ....w,ou .
.E 4; nsseas, Liver Complaint
more and Salt Rheum, Worm e r
a a Dinner Pill, and Purifying the
ercongenhdpurga, hie yet perfected'
trt l dantly show hole 'Much they urc a
They are safe and pleascnt to take
turo: Whey purge out the foul lul l
1 1,1 ; they Stimulate the sluggish' o
.4 to action; and they impart healill
P ole being. They , cure -not onl4
Anplaintii of every body, but forntiti l t
.Ageriaus diseases. Most skilful physit
t l eall; ll,to lergymen. and our best du l l
ice , 01, cures' performed and o
Sts they have derived from these Pill
he saf t and best phyla° for children, b
asu effectual. Being sugar coact:
my to o; and, being pure!) , vegetabl
airs' rui:
O. A h LO.. LOWELL, MASS., ,
'..~A sad Analytical Chemists. • .
' - ts ino Dealers in Medicine.
- • On,
a Skin
ttere, I
he mo
6 s ab
eir efr
o bl.organ
.o the
!. ors of th
nd tone
e every
e and
01111, yen
ey are
nee mil
ey are
es Are e
Sold by
,5 IN
~ I
I 1
M 3
tie mo
Aug. 6,
A. • .
F** 31 .—T
1 FOR SALEhe en
scriber's httalth hiving. failed, he wishes o
sell his fem . , situated in Orwell •township . There
Is one buudred 'acres, Slaty or more improved, tke.
balance beavy,brilbered with hemlock, beech, bi b
maple, me radii black cherry, about a dozen pi ,
trees of good quality, a , nagarbash bf 140 or 1
trees, a good running saw mill within 40 - rods o ft 6
farm, - auother ;about half a mile off ; good fr '-
house 26532, with an I. 16'50, with Woken, wo it
house k4.: - . a with wagon house a. , d threshi
floor, thelwhol ;fano, with basement under t 0
whole, al witgoti house carpenter shop; &c.; living
weter, an old co hilt], a young orcha, grapevines.
kc- ; mertdows i ado smoothe for mowing, got,cl
fences... nder • ood state of cultivation. wants g.,
be exam •ed to .ow cOnvonlences. Terms made
easy. t 1.0 - 3 t. STEVENS.
South MU. Bradford Co., Pi.l
NOTIC }a hereby given that ti e
Totwln Burets Mower Ciimpany intend to
apply for a cha rof incorporation nederthe abqr
name, for the p r pose of; caming on the manufac
ture of owQtg d Beeping Machines, and duslift a
general jobbingbusiness in machine atiep and
foundaylprodec ,-including all business connected
therewith n for the profitable prosecution
thereof. I Said pplication will be made in pur l
ance of the Act Assembly cif -Pennsylvania, ent
led “A e* Act to provide for the incorporation e ti
regulatien of ce ain corporations," approved t e
29th day of Aprl , A. D.:1 0 14.
Ang 27-3 w Brest. Board of Directors
V Aar ' r
—l,lnOw odes one of the finest farms for
in Bradford Colanty,.sitested two nines from 171st
Upwards of 2001 uses-173 acres initwored., g .
fruit of eivory OrKaiptiol3. a am dwei lag, ba
sheds. aiid alj necessary building, thereon, will
sold for wressoliable price. snd time given to
purchaift. B further pasttcOLtll of
Jane !. • 41: OCIRIMI.dri
ltD, II TlrORl3, NOTICE.
ellee is hereby von irmtall venous indeb
to the &stated '.lobn OartiandLlSto of W3slusi i
deceased, are requested to mOce bundles pans
and all persona haling - elstma against said es.
must present them duly authoM AN mated 'tor se
.. one. - , • • . DBEW NEE.
Administrator de bonil non with will mune,
A. g q 7, , 74.1 . ' 1 •
, ._.__-'
F S ' ibsoSiber
fo' - a inNorthG
Shesben. ~ 00 aelta.SC
under a : • •I. 'ood watti
ar n
orehd b
r . - nip
at 4 a n ew d -IL. .41 actor
stands, on the . t
li P 7
Mar Worms. • • sts
a l
varsi, Ifts c t• rk
. . ,
1 r ..,
fi tt TX! —The subseiiber• i3I -
his tarna for Sato, situated tnNorth Maur,
' , l trirmtdp, containing 100 acres. SO sere'
\ \
'l ti a rl e g c o t od c l t o i r n a t rie # ,. g°°4
I t e rs=
thug image, and a good milord Write
e. ' Terms nuesabist . `'fur
write.or apply te ' :i • ' ',' ' ill
, ... •
I/Am/Matto of time
Amend it to any in want
Pftgr. O. BUNGEE.
Mahon, City.
stem. - J. 8. tEEMBRIBT.
fßagerstenra, Sidi
me of the Instrument.
BIM Brooklyn, I.- 1.
Is fa• tbegreat scope of
meted to play the softest
.„ to Increase -its power.
idilenly produce, room Vol
' organ of its elms: Thin
w Patent; Double Poste
sound Is 'thrown out by
on, Wa.Kren Co.. New Jersey,
1 •
LALLR 12,4
ci x D s ,
- • tJ'A l'A
- •
I a, id the old eland of Li
eet, okpciotte Court Roos
I 1
hive bought the stock
open ou
Yi l AtititlST kith,
s that will astonish the n'
soil• • "-
,;.et a pitc (.1t ginnh
1 1121
! '&110Fr,