Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 10, 1874, Image 1

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TEI - temp= Emus= is published men
'Thursday Morning by & W. £i eons at Tun Dollies
per en to advises.
sap Adeerusindin au ogee eenellisive tailbserip
ion to the peper.
Inserted at TERI= =raw
[us for ant insertian. and Fir* ours per Una for
uriment INOTICIE nsert:lam • •
. isniestile weeding testier,
m. 10, 1••• core ttas:
— ll win be ingested seconding to
AD • 4: 1_1.4 14,
• .1 t • .
1w I lOw
ach I $1.50 118.00 I 6.001 1.001 104 I I
2 inches' i 2.001 s p o q -SAX $lO.OOl 16.001110.00
Indies 2.691 ;in 0.00 I =COI 20.00 180.00
1 lnche s, 1 5.001 &50 14.001 1545 1 25.00 1 &SAO
g col= 1 5.001 14.00 1 15.00 22.00 1 50.00 1 45.00
column { 10.00 20.00 110.00) 66.00 175.00180.00
1 column 20.00 f 10,001 00.00 f 80.00111001 $l5O
Administrator's end Rzecutar's Bottom, $1; Mal
t or's Notices. $2 50 ; Business Cards, Ave Bask Cm
3' ear) $5, Idditionallinei $1 each.
Pearlyadrertisers are entitlolto quarterlychanges.
Transientadrertisenientenstfatbesaid for is - advance.
All Resolutions of ASsoclathans ; Communications
• o f limited or Mditap-al Interest, and notices of Kar
r ages and Deaths, al:ceding Avenues, . are charged
TEN cern Der line. I • '
JOB PROITCSO of overy Una, In Plain and Fancy
colors, done with neatness anddbills
itc.h. Han,
Blanks, Cards , Paraptilete, Bißhes Statemants, &c.
of , MPery :variety and Style, printed at the shortest
notice. The Ram= Office" ts well supplied with
Power Peewee, a good assortment of new type, and
everything in the Printing line csn be esecated in
the most artiado manner and at the lowest rates.
MOBBOIMON, PM Partially latent/6m to
roning Buggies, Wagons. Sleighs, kc. Tire set and
repairing done on short notice. Work and charges
guaranteed satlatactory. . ' 12,15,69.
again established himself In the mu:6mm
'UST:NESS. Shop over Rockwell's Store. Work of
.vet y description "done In the latest, styles.
Towanda, April 21, fB7o.—tf '
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id TECT AND DIIILDEB, wishes to inform the
citizens of Towanda and vicinity. that he will give
particalar-attention to drawing plans,) designs . and
a porificaticins for .all [manner of buildings.. private
and 'MUM - Superintendence given for reasonable
compensation. Office' at residence N.E. center of
Second.and Elizabth I streets.
k i . •
J. E. FLEMMING, ___,-
' Box 511, Towanda, Pa.
• f °
• i
... Office, cctrrier of Main and State Street
March:l3, 1972.
- - .
lam prepared to.furnish Kiln-dried Do I ra, Sass
arid Blinds of any style, size, or thickness, on short
-- notice. Hand in 'yotir !orders ten you
want to use the articles, and be sure that ytu will
~ ;e1 doors that will.not slaiink or swell. Tertas cash
oh 'delivery.
Towanda, July .19,1571. GEO. P. ASH
INSURANCE.—The following. reli
able,`"and E,-..
'F.IR - g, TRIED 1 1
, :apanies n r.e
-c LANCAiHIRE. 1 ' • i,.,
110111 , ..,
I . .
1 tz. l'i:v. HE 4 1
ijg • .
Has estatilished his blisiness. of . .anufactnt,g and
Repsicing, all kinds of
He also makes the beist STRAW Cu i-i.ER now in
use. All orders filled promptly, at 1.,
Jan 11,'74-3m. - i
!kflr la '7l-t!
. -
TO 'OUR 11.A.TROS. ; ,
GEO. 11.'11VOOD &CO.,
Grateful for the generous patronage of the
pant year, would inform ',all wanting Pictures
thaj b we aro arestill adVng, to our establishment
. I 'r
And adopting tried and approved modes of
'printing and retouching in order to securO
slide [iut ido of tile cities, and that we make
it a specialty to en IF-1- all kinds of Pictures to •
an size desired, an anish in Water Colors,
India Ink, or in •.he . • I
I •
IN . ) ‘'ili - LY LOW rnibEs..
.T% - e also endeavor : sake all the time p
the in making:chil4rens pictures, so as t.
cure the best results.
' We are constantly adding, to our stock o
All nee pattnms and tasteful styles, ausl
wish them at a small advance from cost
.114:: 14, 1573. - I
i • di
. . ,
, . .
The 'Fall term *of dile twentieth year of thit
talon will open AtTIUST 21, 1574, with the!
.ng Int of instruCtorsr• , -
EEWIN F., QUINLAN, Prasetra , ‘,l
1n..-icut. Languages and Normal Ilranchl
• 1
F. L.sinuas. /La
e.. :,:n... rvial, Mathematical and Scientille. lira
Cnnn,criial and Mathematical Branu,m
. ,
Ml.zs MARY E. 31E1:BILL. Pace
•• Common ab,d Higher English.
Mademoletcllo J. LL - QUIN, .
Fr , nch LangusgC, Drawing, and Patin
. `"peal Music.
laitramental Music
Class 4 ill be ciganizeil at coral
Jo • ..1 ti.o term. The Principal condlwt the
.--ce I:4 this clase chiefly, and aid all tea 'l-Prts
s , ;'- prove th , :mselvee worthy and competent 'Se
curing positions. Effart will be made by deNotaig,
more time and using the increased facilifiet; of ap
pakatus, to make the instruction , in this Clare more
profitable than ever before. ,
•At a considerable additional explnse, InstrucUon
in Drawing and Vocal MuSic has hien made free to
memb !I's of the school. These two studies,l it paid
for as extras, as is usually the case, woulitnearly
coca the Cost of tuition.. ProrisiOn is als4 made
for individual instruction in vocal music, Mrs.'s Ability to 'teach vocal music is tOo well
known to need comMent.
A new laboratory is being fitted up and the Collec
tion of PhilosophiCal apparatus enlarged. The
grounds are being graded, fine croquet grounds are
prepared and effort jmade to meet the physical as
well as the intellectual wants of ,the students.
Tuition from' $4 to $lO per term. Board; Includ
ing furnished jroami lights, washing, /cc., j $4 per,
week. Rxpenses per year in a English studies, $192
classical; $204.
For circular or further Information, address the
Principal, E. E. QUINLAN', Towanda, Pa.
jPreet Board Trustees.
5141:1 STREET,
.r.,•- April 3, 11•77!..
MAKING 1.101.1 S No. 9 AItdXDE
, 1 •
. wirillii. 1),:. 17' 1k72. -
SALE.{-' A, Farm containing
1,4 r.. % 6 itlia}" id liar imp., P.ral G I , rd Co.,
1, acres nmier imp cement ; - frarn-,d
.11one, and
Barn, young rireLar of 1.7) tress, besides Cherries:
re‘ches,, Pears, aml ellofee Grapevines :)/ereon.
Unimproved land, tlmbered will! rine, 0::',4 Chest
nut and Tjemlek Tie
_ .tins $25 per acre. For further
. particnlara call on 4: ,
madames :.,
I 1 •1 - V. 0. WOOSTEr..
1.143.11ri;210, Jia tic' 2;,-2 la* -
• !‘ • I
sza I am I ism 1 nyr.
VV. AL.VORD, Publisher.
0,1111721 k BIONTANIT, • MOB
NJ NETS `AT Liz. COILOO-4=1B! of /WI and
Pine Streets, opposite Porter's Drag Store.'
St*GroN. Office over Dr. U. 0. Pimtes Bon
& Co.'s Drag Store.
1)R 0 . M. STANLEY, riirrisT, ,
guccpssor to Dr. Weston. Office
a l l. %ttan's
Block; up stairs. Mao 'Street. Tow= 4,.t Ps. Ali
kinds plate work a specialty. 16'711
and Surgeon, Office over Wickham
Crockery store. •
Towanda, May 1.1872..1y
rizsuliT-I,,tv, Towanda, Pi. Win gITO prompt
attention to all matters entrusted to their ottaz e.
Orpluirui',Oonrt Wainer:as ipecialty.
w. tons. 1=721'731 1. seruzatuiri.
11. AED Ootriaszums r T La*. Towanda, Pa. Par.
tientar attention paid to bulimia in the I Orphans'
Coart. AWL
ior Vi t:. PATRICK; Armllaczy-AT
• Taw. Office, •Mercur's Block, net- door to
he Express Office, Towanda, Pa.
t Jn1y174873.
C Y,
- • •
V 414117 AT LAW (District Attorney for Brad
ford County). Troy. Pa. Oollectlons made and prompt
ly remitted : . febll4'69—tf.
JAMES I'OOD. [may 27] mai F. SANDERSON.
lAT B. KELLY, DininErr.--' Office
v v • pver • Wickham & Mere, ToWanda, Pa.
Teeth !agreed on Gold, Silver, Rubber, and Alum
inum blunt. Teeth extracted without phi. 0c23.79
is-14 AV, 'Amanda, Pa.
Office in Wood's Block. first door south Of First
National Bank, up stairs. Jau.S.73-17
NEri AT Liw, Towanda, Pa., having entered
into copartnership, offer their professional services
to the public. Special attention given to business
In the Orphan's and Register's Courts. spll4'7o
E. ovsnroff, , x. c. =mom
4.7.712RNEY-AT-,L.A•W, TOWANDA. PA. •
Spec al ' attention given tc olsinis against Insur
ance Companies, Office, :Nor% Ewe of Publio
Square. fro IWIL
itirmD. •L. DODSON, OuneTivE
s AND MECHANICAL Darrrwr. North Maine-at,
opposite Episcopal Church, Towanda. Pa. All den
tal operations a speciality, Jan 14.
NV. A. pros. (Jan. 15149 H. STILEETER
ate of the College of 4, PhysicianAnd Surgeons,"
New York city, Class 18134. gives exclusive attention
to the pra . ctice of his profession. Office and rerldence
on the eastern slope of Orwell Hill, adjoining Henry
How o's. jan H. '69.
DR'l3''D. SMITH, Dentist, has
purchaseda. H. Wood's property, between
Mercur's Hloch and the Elwell House, where he has
located his office. Teeth extracted without pain by
use of . cas.l Towanda, 20, 1870.—yr.
_ Livto
Apr y . Towanda.
0fi1ee'7 , .70. - fi Griffith S Patton's Block, Bridge Street,
March VI. 187 t.
P• ErstvEr.strz or Ift:Framo, N,
' ~;, - SUGAR RUN, PA.
Office at Store of J. STOWELL.
March ift, 1874-3m*-.
. L. •
Di -T ' II.NG : ROOM
Near the Court House.
We are prepared to feed the hungry at all tines of
the day and evening. Oysters and' Ica cream In
their seasons.
March tO, 1870, . D. W. SCOTT & CO.
Hiving loosed this House, is now ready to accommo
date the travelling public. No pains nor expense will
be spared to give satisfaction to those who mare's'.
him A call.
sir North side of, the public square, east of Mar.
cur's new block.
Having mu-chased and thoroughly refitted this old
and well-known stand, formerly kept by Sheriff Grif
fis, at the month of Rummerdeld Creek, Is ready to
give good accommodations and satisfactory treatment
to all whin may favor lII= with a call.
Dec. 23, 868—tr.
: se-
The Horses, Harness. , &c. of. all guests of this
house, insured against loss-by Fire, without any ex
tra charge,
A superior quality of 014 EagliSh Bass- Ale,' - just
received. ,4 T. it. JORDAN, •
Tosranai, Jan. 24.'71. Proprietor.
;" •
SN' attOWNING, • Puorazsroa.
This Honse is conducted In strictly Temperance
Pr:tic:plea,. Every , effort ;will be made to make
guests cowfortable: Good rooms and the table will
always bet uppLied with the best the market af
fords: ; ,
NoT.I. 1871..
I •
Rich in hl :cal interest, it is the only building in
the country except jndopenderice Hall, honored by
the sojourn within Its walls of Washington, LaFay
ette, Lee; :Gates and other patriots of. the revolu
tion. This popular hotel has decently changed
bands, been improved, entirely refurnished, and
the proprietor cordially invites his friends and trav
eling public to give him a call—no pains will be
spared to , render their stay comfortable. People
en route for Philadelphia will find it convenient to
tipend the night here, reaching the city about eight
to the morning. &sample room on first floor for
accommodati9n of commercial agents.
0. T. SMITH,
Sept 4, 1873. Proprietor.'
Having purchased the Mock and fixtures of H. A.
Cowles' Bakery, has refitted the establishment and
purehasOd an entirely
Suited to the trade, such as
Gitocmars, Teas, Corrzz, MIXED Farris, Cam=
Ferrrs, Caeoiuv, CONFTITIONZET, PAESI! Bunn,
&scrim; Timm, Routs, Ac., DAILY.
A nett and attractive
be opened in connection with the establish
:l., t, where ladles and gentlemen can always Ara
tb,, beet cream and other delicscle‘of the season.
Has' been refurnibbed, and will at all times be sup
plied wittl substantial eatables, which will be served
at reasonable rates. Farmers and other s -yisiting
town will find this a convenient place to - supply the
walita of the inner man.
Towan,la, April ter, '74.1.1.
1 1 0 R SALE OR RENT.—A desira
ble House and Lot; on Fourth stroet, fifth
horse north of 0. D. Bartlett's, convenkait to Butt
into or Graded School. Enquire on premises.
- Town da,Warchl2,
. i .
ATTORNEIi-4T-LAW, TcrwAN - riL re
Apiil 1,1873
L rm.*: 1758
Scatter the gems of the beautiful!
By the wayside let them fall.
That tho rose may opring by the cottage gate
And the vine on the garden Wall;
Cover the rough and rude of earth
With a veil of leaves and flowers, -
And mark with the opening bud and cup,
The march of Summer hours..
• SlClall
& Black's
Scatter the gems of the beautiful
In the holy shrine of home I
Let the puke, the fair, and the gracious there
In the loveliest lustre come;
Leave riot a trace of deformity
In the temple of the heart,
But gathei about the earth its gems
Of nature and of ark
Scatter the gems of the beautiful '
In the temple of per God,—
Tlif God who starred the uplifted sky, •
And flowered thi trampled sod;
When He bait a temple.for Sunsell,
And a home for His priestly race,
He raised each' rm in symmetry, * - -
And curved each line in grace.
Scatter the getUs o the beautiful
In the depths of ho human soul;
They bud and blossom, and bear the fruit,
While the endlesa ages roll :
Plant with the Bow l ers of charity
The portals of &lie tomb,
And the fair and pure about His path
In Paradise shall bloom.
[For the REP 011766
"As one who travelieg far, oft turns asido
To view some rugged rock, or monld'ring
'tower, I ..
Which seen, delighs him not: then coming
Decribes and print it, that tho world may
How far he went for what was nothing worth—.
Judge me apt thus. * * • • * * * •
—A truce to censure r ! Roving as I rove,
Where shall 1 find an end—or, how proceed?'
1 —Cownn.
In the early morning, as I passed
along the beach at Margate, my at
tention was attracted' by a number of
queer-looking carts ranged along the
sands. On each psir of wheels stood
a little house of a single room, some
what similar to the contrivanc,es cal
culated alikcifor travel and encamp
ment, which I had before seen in use
among the Gipsies of England The
purpose 'of these carts at the sea
shore was, however, sufficiently evi
dent, so that I ldid not hesitate to
charter one of, them, upon the spur
of the occasion, for a brief marine
excursion. A pony was soon attach
ed,. and I was conveyed in my "draw
ing room car'l some -twenty rode
through the briny waves, before 'a
suitable depth (Say of- four feet six)
was reached ; whereupon a halt was
called, and driver and pony returned
to shore: while I proceeded through
the seaward docir of my apartment,
to take a salt water bath;—also took
a cold,—as the morning air was brac
ing, even to chill ness. All of-which
being acconiplised, my attire was
soon resumed; a f t the opening of the
landward door as a signal, man and
horse came to the rescue, and myself
and the cart were safely restored to '
terra firma: Saph is the usual style
of sea-bathing at Margate,—save and
except, as. I bei3evolently hope, the
cold- The most that can be said of
it is that upon the whole it may be
considered an'improvement upon the
plan of the Thren Wise Men of Go
tham, who went to sea in a tub.
From the land surface of the chalk
bluffs in the immediate vicinity of
Margate, one =may descend by a
stairway into a suite of strange sub
terranean apartments, apparently ex
cavated frotn thn rock. Thomas of
these rooms, to the extent of more
than 1809 square feet, are covered
with curious and fanciful' deiices,
wrought in shell's from the sea-shore.
The father of the present occupant,
as the latter informed me,. with a
solemn "assertion of veracity, discov.
ered these apartments seam thirty
years since—by falling through into
them, or other accidental, means,—
just how, I I do not now remember.
They were then considerably 'filled
np with an acctinanlation of rubbish
and debris, on the removal Of which,
and the cleaning of the walls, the
latter presented] the same fincifttl
ornamentation as now; nothing -be
ing previously known, even by tradi
tion, of their existence or origin'.
I The rooma certainly afford a very
cosy habitation, being free from any
appearance of dampness, cool in
Summer and warm in -Winter,---al
though of coarse somewhat obscure:
to say nothing of the supposed mys
tery and antiqttity of their . origin,
they. present beyond question a curi
ous and intereating appearance to
the visitor. If of an imaginative turn
of mind, he might] indeed fancy them
to have constitat i ed, at a remote peri
od of higher sea level, the submarine
palace of some tasteful Triton or
Naiad. ,
Towanda, Pa
The summer resorts and watering
places of the British-Isles; stseni . al
most without cumber; and are often,'
like Margate, thronged to, overflow
ing; for in England, all' classes,
(down to those actually without
means),— must have their annu
al "outing," as it is termed, of
months or weeki diving the season.
The coasts of France,. the spas of
Germany, and the lakes of Switzer
land, furnish many more places of
summer residence and recreation, all
mainly supported by English people;
and from the same source is derived,
for by far its greater portion, the im
mense tide Of travel throughout Eu
rope and the East. - If any nation of
the world, for any': great portion of
the year, can be withpropriety re
ported as not at home - '
that nation, is
certainly the English: And *ere an
International Vagrant Act to' be
adopted throughotit the Eaatern con
tinent, the English race, by about
five to one, would probably furnish
subjebtaor its provisions and.periata
Vt. Yet what people prides itself
mot), strange to' say, than does the
Anglo-Saxon, upon its strong attach-.
went to the scenes, the institntion%
and the associations of Home? The
French are alike pitied - and re
proached, for having no such term as
the Saxon. word Home . in their luo
gauge: and it isl•probably forttulate
teletteb tatirg.
thit Ilmunts.
for the fame of the man who com
posed "Home, Sweet Home," that
he was not born a Frenchmm Yet
even these, their volatile Continental
neighbors, display far more attach=
mot to domestic( life than clo the
English, in that they . have less dispo
sition to seek for enjoyment abroad.
Were we to refer to the great mass of
the French-speaking communities of.
Europe, we should find a superior
and conclusive reason for home at
tachment in the fact that their honies
are their own; while in England, Ire
land and Sco tland, the actual °wads
of lands and domiciles are few in
number; the class •of small proprie
tors, so extensive upon the continent,
being in the former countries almost
unknown. The world at larks, how
ever; will certainly not be disposed
to find fault with this propensity to
travel,- among those who are able to
pay their way. Swiss, Ck4mans,
Munch and Italians, ministering in
various capacities to the real or fan
cied Wanta.of their foreign visitors,
find their account in it to such a de
gree, that were the ebb and flow of
this living current suddenly to cease,
a financial panic would soon ensue
among the shop-keepers and hotel
keepers, rai e lways and diligences,
guides, couriers, and mule-drivers of
the continent.
" Oar American Cousin," display
ing, as he does, a full share (whether
onginal or inherited) of this tenden
cy to travel, is certainly in no situa
bon to criticize it unfavorably. For
him the English traveler may be said
in a measure to pave the - - way, af
fording him countenance and com
panionship, through an identity not
only of religion and language, bat to
a considerable extent-also, of general
usages and ideas. One institution
may here be mentioned, for which
English travelers and residents
abroad must have the chief credit,
and for which the AmeriCan will oft
en experience a feeling of gratitude;
it is that of regularly established re,
ligions i services in our common 'lan
guage, at most cities and , places of
resort along the line of European
The niipual bill . of "Foreign Ex
penditures," by English absentees,
would no doubt foot up in an im
mense sum, Which it may be said,
were better devoted to improving the
conditi?n of the lower classes and
suffering poor at home, whom they
have " always with them," and in
sufficient numbers. Yet ley this ex
penditure of time and money by her
citizens abroad, the moral influence
of the nation is greatly enhanced and
extended. The` traveler will not fail
to observe that the British sovereign,
Britishlexchange and letters of cred
it are received with especial favor by
continental banleers; while the En
glish language is everywhere grow
ing in use and favor, even more than
the French: and according to the
observations of Bayard Taylor and
other eminent travelers, it bids fair
to become in time, ',the language of
the world. In connection with which
idea, who:omen estimate the vast ad
vantages of ready communication
and a consequent "good understand
ing " bet Ween all the nations of the
earth through a common language?
Truly the Curse of Babel was a
heavy one, and its removal "were a
consummation most devoutly to be
wished for?"
Embarking upon a steamer at
Margate, on my return thence to
London, I was again ,forcibly im
pressed with the utter lack of the
superior style and- accommodation
that characterize our American
steam vessels• on similar routes. The
distance from Margate to London is
some seventy-five miles, for about
one-half of which we coasted along
the southern side of the bay, display
ing-the same white cliffs which mark
the Eastern shore. A conspicuous
landmark is afforded by the lofty
double towers of a church knowu as
the Two Sisters, deriving its name, as
I was informed, from its having been
erected by two maiden sisters, in
memory of an only brother, who re
turning home from a long-.absence,
lOst his life by a fall from the cliffs
in the vicinity:. Some grains of al
lowance are however due to the sto
ries which travelers hear,—as well as
to those they sometimes tell: and
while the magnificent edifice derived
its origin from the pious liberality of
the Two Sisters, the story, no doubt,
oft told in connection of the brother's
fate, is probably without foundation.
Beyond Horne Bay, upon an arm
of - the sea near the, mouth of the
Thames, 'stands the somewhat impor
tant city of Rochester, with • its fine
Cathedral, which has been much ad
mired as a work of architecture.
—Bearing more wealth upon its
bosom than any other river of the
world, the Thames, below tondon,
is perhaps as deioid of natural beau
ty as almost any- other,—it can, in
fact, claim but little superiority, in
this respect, to a Dutch canaL Its
turbid waters meander slowly !Imo'
a flat region, abounding in what are
called " levels " and "marshes," and
have a fall , of but 376 feet in an 'en
tire course of . 215 miles. What a
contrast to the descent of the Jordan,
which is said nearly 1,000 feet
in 60 miles ! There are bat few towns
along its margin; the most import
ant points being Gravesend, Tilbury
and its fort, where Queen rlizabeth
is said to have reviewed and address
ed her troops in the days of 1 the
Spanish Armada,—Wixdsvich, with
its immense naval depots, and Green
wich, famous for its hospital and ob
For miles along our course, as we
appriiiched Woolwich, a strange
odor was strongly perceptible in the
atmosphere: on enquiry into its ori
gin, I was told that it arose from ,the
discharge of the London sewers into .
the Thames, near this point. While
certainly not of the most agreeable
description, (if at all susceptible of
'description) it may at 'the same time
be said not to be as utterly offensive
as might be - sukiosed. A connois
seur in strange smells, might well
here congratulate himself on the dis
covery of a sensation in that line en
tirely new, and wholly different from
aught that bad ever before greeted
his nostrils--even had he been with
Coleridge at Cologne. Its wide dif
fusion* may be understood, when we
consider that the discharge from the
.161 1. 4
0( Al
fifty. miles 1 of; London sewerage,
amounts to no less than 9,000,000
cubic feet each day!
A company has, however, • been
formed, with a capital of millions, for
the purpose of diverting this dis
charge, and conveying it across Es
sex, for the fertilization of a large
area of territory to be reclaimed from
the German Ocean: and well might
the voyager urn the Mamas wish
to the enterprise that success which
it has probably already achieved.
Circling round the Me of Dop,ive
traversed Limehouse Beach, and far
ther on, what, is called' the Pool,
where the larger vessels which reach
London, suspend their progress, re
calving and discharging cargoes at
the Docks. Onr steamer, ' however,
continued to thread its 'way amid
barges, lighters, ands crowd of other
dark-looking craft, until a landing
was made at Waterloo Bridge, and
once more I found myself in the
streets of London,—not so much a
stranger here as on my first arrival,
although •my American, friends had
meanwhile departed homeward. In
stead of returning. 'to my former
quarters near St. Paul's, I took lodg
ings in Norfolk street, Strand,; near
Exeter Hall and Temple Bar; and,
,as I had anticipated from previous
observations, the 'wait) , proved
much more agreeable, as being more
central and within easy access of the
most interesting and attractive points
of the city,—although in fact out of
the "Oity".proper.
The Strand, in many of its fea
tures, reminds one of Broadway,
New York, although decidedly infe
rier to, the latter in elegance and ex
ten 4 its name was probably derived
froml c ts nearness to the shore of the
Thames. For the purpose of more
readily distinguishing their location,
the suffix 9f Strand is commonly ad
ded to the lesser streets 'leading into
it. Many o'k these, such as Norfolk,
Bedford, Ch dos and Essei, are
said to have derived their names from
those of the no'llemen whose court
residences were f rmerly here when
this was the aristo tic quarter and
absolutely the ', l We k End" of Lon
don. As relics of th times, just
without Temple Bar, e still stand
ing ancient edifices once upied by
Henry VIII. and his Pre ter Wol.-
sey : while , near by and still eontina
ing its former name and business, 'is
the Boar's. Head Tavern, mentioned
by Shakspeare as the favorite resort
of his hero, Falstaff. In the same
vicinity stood the theatre, wheXe
Shakspeare first appeared, it is said,',
as an actor.
Remaining yet a fortnightan Lon
don before my departure to - the con
tinent, my way of life was sufficient
ly-quiet and retired; breakfast being
the only meal I took at my lodgings,
and this served' in my rdoms. I
" dined out," and saw but little of
mine host Dickens, or of his other
guests—there being no table note.
Still everything at No. 4 Norfolk
Street seemed comfortable and home
like, and at a moderate expense.
Convent Garden Market, with its
rich and varied display of the finest
fruits and flowers, was at just ,sufft
cient distance to afford a favoritii
arid frequent walk in the early firm
ing. .
—But there came4rmorning when
for a time, at least, I was to go thith
er no more. The deep and impress
ive bilence of the Great City, in the
gray dawn, seemed enhanced rather
than broken by the solitary echo ef,
our carriage wheels on the way to
London Bridge Station, for the early
train to the South Coast.
Arriving at Ne*haven, I bade fare
fell to England, and _embarked upon
the steamer for Dieppe, on the route
to Rouen and Paris. Thus termi
nates a sojourn of t*o months in the
British Isles.
—Years have passed, and with
them the freshness of description
that lends an interest to the narra-
tions of travel.- 'As regards further
experiences and observations, —in
France and Paris, daring the palmy
days of the Empire and the Great
Exposition, in Switzerland, along
the Rhine and - through Holland, be
neath the clear sky of a glorious
Autumn, it is not proposed to enter
upon them in the present form. And
for the , unforeseen extent of these
Records, with their inaccuracies and
irregularities, the writer must grate
fully acknowledge the forbearance,
(if he do not claim the forgiveness)
of both the reader and 'the publisher'
C. C. -P.
A PLEASANT PLACE.—A good story
is told at the expense of a somewhat
inexperienced housekeeper in this
city who found herielf one morning
without a servant to cook or wash.
A few hours' trial convinsed her that
she must have help, and she started
out in search of a girl. After calling_
at several places without success, she
was passing one of the best residen
ces in the city,,and observed a tidy
looking woman clearing the yard.
Halting, she inouired of the woman
whether she knew of a girl that
could be hired. The answer was in
the negative: The lady had by this
time become desperate, and resolved
.to hire the woman before her, al
though she knew it was wrong to
covet her neighbor's servant.. In a .
low tone of voice she began to relate
her trodbles, and wound up by tirg•
ing the woman to leave. Mrs.—and
come with her, offering her a dollar
a week more than she was receiving.
The woman answered that she liked
her place, and.could not be induced
to give it np. And.she added:
"Besides, I generally sleep with
Mr. M—, and T. don't think he would
allow me to go."
The lady departed, utterly aston
ished at What she heard. liar feel
ings may be imagined when'-she
afterwards binned that she had been
talking with the mistress of. the
mansion, and the Wife of ono of our
most esteemed eititene.—Phila. Ex.
Sun Lord John }Nasal to--Hnmis,
at a- social dinner, " What do you
consider the object of legislation?"
"The greatest good; to the. greatest
number." " What -do yon consider
the greatest number ?." continued
his lordship. " Number one, my
lord," was the commoner's 'prompt,
I/ 10 i 462 ,
About tyears ago I was em
ploed as n ight-watchman in a sugar
refinery in Greenock, a town where
there are probably more sugar-re=
fteries than' n any other place in
rifitin. That in which 1 - was en
gaged was; the burst in the place,
and on accbuit of its size there was
another TiVatehinan beside myself.
Ips' name wan -Blackwood; he was a
widower ; d his only son, a boy of
about twel e, used often to come and
sleep in' e little room where we
Dept watch. Blackwood bad prom
bed to take his son
.a sail, and asked
me one dby if I would accompany
toem. I did so; and we went to Lock , ' ,
mond and spent a very pleasant!
y, andreturned just in time to go
to the ang4-house. It was hot weath
er at the thee, and baring done with
out our usnal sleep, we felt very tired.
The heat of the sugar-house was not
calculated to refreskus, and we could
hardly kee p our eyes open. We tried
as tp
reading, usual, but it was useless.
Before to b"clock, Blackwood had
fzllen ties . I determined to keep
awake, and intended, after a couple of
-1 oars or ad, to :owe my companion
end take asleep; myself, for I , felt it
would beinipossible to - asp watch
all night . 1 I mast, however, have
f en asleep unconsciously, and have
r maimed, so for several hours. I
i i
amt tli t I was ill the cabin of the
s .
steamer ' which I had been that
y, and at it was full of smoke,
and that I bi link dad, id
..nat I W it as . being suitoca 4, ant.
cnuld not t out. I awoke' as if I
viere s ling for life, and found
the room lied with stifling vapor,
and felt a intense heat, and I heard
without th crackling of flames. The
il ei
sugar-hon was on fire. •
I Blackly° d was still asleep, and I
'knocked 'm up, and opened the
dpor of th room. A cargo of raw
sugar and molassess had jast been
taken in, nd this was piled up' on
each side f the vaulted passage that
led from he main door of the re
finery. I is , mass was on fire, and
was sending out dense volumes of ,
smoke; o' the other 'bide of us were
wooden s airs, which led to various
parts of the building, and these were.
also in flaines. The refinery had ev
idently ben on fire for a long time,
and 'we could hear the shouts of the
people without. We were
s surround
-11 by the flames, and the heat was
great that it was certain we could
ant survive long. Blackwood and I
irked at ' ach other in dismay. His
boy appe red to be calmer than ti
ter of u , and suddenly cried out,
' Father,, I the beer-cellar ! "
The me who '"worked in the. re-
Anryt on account of the great heat'
ti \,
hash hey were imbjected, had_a
ita'lY\allci ante of beer, which was
opt in, a stone cellar about twelve
or four n feet under ground. In
passing t e flames at the top of the
stairs,. my ce Was scorched and my
Bair Inge AThe door of the cellar
(leas ocke , brit with the strength of
sperati ni w dashed ourselves.
against it d burst it open. How
cool it fe t," after 'he fearful heat,of
the ferns e wee had\just left ! But
bow.long nultlit remain so, was the
question t t Blackwood and I con
indered in a feii, hurried\words. We,
i s
had har closed the dcili• d evhen we
heard' th frightful cr 'of ' the
falling ro fof ',the refinery, pieces
cif burnt wood came tasking and
crackling own; he stairs. We - rolled
two barrel's behind the door, which
we did not fear would catch, fire, .. ,
it was covered with iron, and the
- Wirwaited; while it began to grow
otter and hotter. It was quite dark
iiere alth ugh We. were close to the
right II es. I I could hear. Black
wood pra ing a he knelt on the
poor of the cellar. He was a good
man, I believe, and well prepared for
he death i that met him that night.
I soon felt the choking stench of
burnt sugar, and on putting my hand,
o the 8001 was burnt severely. The
incited anan ge r and scalding molasses
were flowi g down the stairs and fill
ing the p ace where we were. The
ficor slo considerably, and. I re
treated to t he end farthest from the
door.Tli heat was growing intense,
pi l l
and the ,vapo r was stifling. I be
ame unc onscious, and how long I
remained tio I cannot tell. When I
recovered my senses, the heat had
not gone and there was about sit
inches of ,water iii the place where L
was lying. This had come from the
fire -engines, and was lukewarm... I
could not feel this with my lands,
as they sad my face- were fearfully
scorched, but l i did so with my
tongue. I had called on Blackwoo4
but there' was no anower'; and
Wriggling over with great pain for , a
few y I found both'him and his
ion dead. The scalding sugar had
reached t a place where they were,
and, had pareatly stopped Alen.
I could 1 the hardened cake'under
the water.' I conjectured that they,
like mysey, had beconie unconscious,
and had been burnt to death by the
boiling sugar. In the agony I was
enduring 4 I envied them. 1 Death
had no,rms for me then.
Theti e during which I remained
in this p e seemed like weeks. I
had' no h pe of escape,. as I knell ,
al c
that abo e there ' must be an im
pense niaas, formed by the parts of
I the building which had fallen. Mad
not strength even to reach the door ,
'Lt last, nmy pain had decreased
lii, little, ' fell asleep , or fainted, I
w p l
Cannot to which; but when I awoke
I felt som what relieved, and a long.
ing forl . ti. ' I also tor the first time
'felt hungry. I managed to get some
leer, whiCh revived me considerably.
I tried open the door, but was
innahle. e silence which pervaded
the plies and the consciousness Of
;the prose ce of the two dead bodies;
shad th effect on my weak state,,
'and I ew I was becoming-deli*
OUR. I ember I laughed hysterid
,tally, an begin - to shout. When I
;stopped, heard a faint sound far
'shove m ; this made 'me perfectly
wild. , T re wits a hammer, which
.. Imy . him , had accidentally coma
I agai n st , d I took it and began
beating empty, barrel in frenzy.
Then I I eard a shout,; ;from above,
but I'w read now ; and I remem
ber, as if t were yesterday, that I at
tempted strike my head with the
hammer. 'nd then I Wet altrecollee
tion. Wh ' I regained my oehielotta•
ness, I In the Infirm:lazy. They
I, ' '
•I , - • ,\ '. \ ,
L --
1 1 .
.. _ \ L ,
told me when - the i'tien were Aping
'away the rubbish they heard a sound,
and remembering the cellar had dug
down to it. They thought at first
that we were all dead ; and it', was
not till a medical man had seen; the
bodies that it Was discomed , ithat.
there was still some life left in cee. '
I lay there' for; months,; and .was
not expected 1 , - to recover yonng
end *our constitution, however,
- served me m good stead ; 'and I was
at lakt able- to fill a Ivry goOd Anal.
tion, *bleb the owners of the re
taery hindly pro Cured for me in En
gland. Ten years have passed since
then, and I am glad to say very few
elects have remained of that-terrible
experiencai 7 elbandmre' Journal.
`A15[ 1 01.3) Imam. ear y
t.. ' Exit . Cipa. N' 1
XV Tears ago itileatitiful child was
stolen in England, and the robbers
notified the father. that' his child
could be 'ransomed for the sum of
five thousand pounds. The father re
plied; through ,the directed channel
that ;he was a ',poor Man, and Could
not raise five ' hundred' pounds
(400). . Thereupon the robbers re
plied that they , knew he was a poor
man, abut they. - kilso kneti that he had
rich relatives aid friends from whom
he could born,* the' amount, and , if,
be did not send it by a certain dal
the child would/ be killed for self
"protection. In the meantime/the
affair had got into the papers,, and
all England wasaroused at / the au
dacity, of
_the scoundrels.. / Large re
wards were offered; ministers preach
ed fi'em the pulpit about it. Great
: t
sympathy was felt. fo i l , / th arents,
the money ' was raised' the child
covered, but all b' / iseau 'fel curls,
bad been cut el e off. he liolice .
and defectives were tot s ly unable
to make any discoveries a to who
were the enthininals. 3I y arrests
were made, but with no re alt. .
' One of/the gentlemen bo contri
buted to the fund for the ansom of
the child, knowing. that th Bank of
England never reissues its notes,
went to the bank and got its officers
tb mark and register the bills he was
going to give the father to obtain the
releaie of his child, and requested
the bank officers to notify him when
the bills should be returned to the
bank.l He did this, in the hope of
getting some trace of the scoundrels.'
Several months elapsed,when one day
he was notified that the bills had
been returned 'to the bank. Upon
inquiry he found that they had come
from a bank in the. North of Eng,land.
Thereupon he 'posted north and
found that 'the bills had been depos
ited by a person who opened' an se-, '
count with them. The gentleman
and hank clerk returned to London,
when, upon rival at his house, a
detective was -!lent - for, and at the
same time the. father of the stolen
i -
child was requ e st ed to meet them in
order to inform him of- their', discov
ery. Immediately upon the father
coming into the room the bank ;clerk
said:- • Why, this is the gentleman
who ', deposited the hills with' us."
And so it proved, In order to raise
money he had abducted his own child.
He was arrested for conspiracy to
defraud, tried, convicted and senr
tenced to penal servitude. So ended
the - kidnapping case, and people who
had little ones slept easier. •; .
Tim following "Answers to Corres
pondents" may contain valuable in
"Orandfather" —We can Isyrnil
Pathize with you. We know! how
hard it is to sit down on.a mei and
pA be able to boot-jack the boy that
it -a it tb( but they^ thF - - will
pro '
70) ty.
in i t JYO
yon him
ole r
man from early twilightitill now the
next day if sbe wants to, and then,
offer to pay the. lover' s hack
Harry says Ogle as at a ball
and asked a young lady to dance
with' him, whereupon her ibeau
knocked him do*n. He wants to
know what we'd- ' do about it. We'd
get up.
Kentucky,Home says his wife hat
left him - and applied for a divorce,
just because he threw the coffee-pot
at the cat and hit-his dear partner
on the head. Let her go.. A Woman
as sensitive as . that would object to
hoeing corn, splitting. Wood, build
ing fires and foddering the cattle,.
and if you get ler back you'd always
have trouble with her.
Inquirer wants to know the best
way to estimate the weight of a saw
loge Lift it.
Unbeliever desires to know if Iblack
eyes are always the sign of a' high
temper. Not always; they are some
times the sign that'yon told a fellow
he lied.
, J
I.r is said that the young ladies of
'Jacksonville, Tam., have a fashion of
tying up their taper fingers IWhen
young .gentlemen are expected to
call and when the latter Very natur
ally ask the cause, they blushingly
reglp, l .l burned them broilirig the
steak thiii in ,rning!!. The result; as
chronicled by the local paper, is that
several young gentlemen have burned
their finpra .by believing the story.
Two persotts, who have chosen each
other out of all the species, with the
design to be each. other's Mutual
comfort and entertainment, have in ,
that action bound themselves Ito be
good humored, affable, dirmet, for
giving, patient, and joy ful with re
aped to each other's frailties and im
perfections to the end of their livee,
—Addieen. -
' $2 per Annum in Advance:
.. "yam
Within the, ,
last few years Jhe
breaking of, water-spouts—if that is
4 proper, name for the phenomenon
—like that, which desolated a town
in Nevada " recently, has been fre
quently noticed. A few years ago a
water spout, or the bursting of a
cloud, caused ; very serions damage
near the bridge of the Chicago and
Northwestern railway across the
Rock River, three miles west of Dix
on; and ' ' a similar, disaster also befell
the same road a' few miles east of
Dixon. There is an abundance of
evidence in most parts of- - the coun
try that tbey have oceurred in all of
its past history. Especially is this
.tree along the lino of the Pacific
railway. Broad beds• Of streams per
fectly dry are Common in 'Black
Hills and Rocky Mouniaie d s ric ts,
which show plainly the actioll of ter
rible torrents not many years previ
ous. Eiiierienced railway-men haVe
given it as their Opinion that WI-
ctent; allowance is not made in the
construction of our roads.' to let tiff
the water in such cases. LA similar
disaster occurred in senthern Minne
sota. recently, Where , very considera
ble damage- was done, and a fe i cC
Years since the; president Of . the Mi
chigan Southern railway and many
passengers carne near losing their
lives, not far from 'Mishawaka,' from_
the same cause. Several persons in
the car next t p them were drowned.
• Some years i earlier, a portion Of
- the city of Denver, California., was
submerged in; the night" time by, a
flood coining; down . the valley of
Cherry creek, of which the inhabi
tants had had Ino previous warning. ;
- A cloud had burst on the side of 'the
mountain so far distant that no sign
of its existenpe could bediscerned,
and spilled itecontents into the np
ier valley of Cherry creek. This creek
been dry for many years—eo dry
thatits bed had been surveyed And
laid off in toWn lots and wilt uPon,
constituting, indeed, one of the most
thick-settled Parts of Deriver. The
flood s'rack the town shortly 4fter
midnight ; and; in an instant of
swept off every vestige Of human
habitation and handicraft in the Old
bed of the creek and'adjacent there
to, destroying i many lives and a large
amount of preperty,Whichwas hurled
into' the
,South Platte, which latter
stream was raised several feet in : ` 'a
few minutes.
' Probably nothing can e done tot
ward off the calamities that often re
sult from " cloud-bursts " or water
sponts,, but they are worthy of cere
al study. SOme rules may possibly
*be drawn from the appearanctef4
the, clouds, by which people whese
homes may be located in the ,valley
liable to inundation / may ; be Warned
in time 'to reach a place of safety.
The phenomenon of a ?loud-burst
consists 'of the sudden„rierhaps in
stantaneous, condensation; of a vast
quantity of warm moisture in the at
mosphere by , rming l in contact with
the cold side f a menntain, or with
a current of cold . air. It is not ire
probable that ,the awful 'disaster rat
Pittsburgh was identical in its nature
with the clotid-bnrsts of Colorado,
Arizona; and Nevadri.—Glactgo
A .v . I ,
.BACK--LThe L, Jose ph
(MisSouri) Ibinocrat sap!: We have
heard of many amusing scenes occa
sioned by the liqor crusade, but we,
- think that the case' of lawyer J. P.
E.—; 'at Centerville last Tuesday,
is entitled to tie "blue ribbOn."
Lawyer E. was drank The ladles
bad him arrested and brought befcirt
Esq. P. Lawyer IS. prosecute(
the case, and the followinlg evident
was given:
Lawyer you,re drunk ?
Lawyer E. Yes, ,1
S.—Where youget your liqw
E.—By Express. I ,
S.—Where Aid yowl drink it?
E.—At home--alone.
S.—l give evir ihewitiless. 1
Lawyer E. th i n arose and said he
would like to cross-examine the wit
ness.. The Ceiirt granted, and E.
began questioniag himself as follows:
Mr. E.--Yen admit being drunk?
- A.----Yes, sir. - ' , ,
Q.—Are-pm i the habi
L.—Yes, I soetimes to
Q.—You sa you drn
A.—Yes, sir.le drink, Q.—Do you often drink
A.—No, sir; not often.'
Q .—Whom 1 b ave you
\L—With Lawy er . ---
Q.—Where are you drank with
hu ,
, 7
A.-.ln Three Rivers, SLrgis,Cen
dentine, yhigeen, lldenion, Burr Oak
Nottawa, Qinrville, and other
places. 1
c e
. Q.:—How di.
, youlget your liquor
to-day? 1
A.—By express, C.O.D : , 1 .
Q.—Were any Iher parties connect
ed with you inhis purchase?
i n
A.—Yes; '§q ire P. promised to
take half, but
.1 ho couldn't raise the
cash, so I had t; take it all.
r ugh
. E.—l am th w ith , h. the witness.
. 1 __ _
ALLOW No nipioexafirroiAcy—trp on
- this theme i 3
,irley Dare, in one of
his excellent I "observations, says:
"There is one i. l rule, that settles a
thbuaard queries of the nature we are
considering. Vilate'vei is secret may
be safely left untonclied. `. The touch,
tho look, • the intimacy, the corres
pondence that eeedato by secret has
something wog about it If yOu
are, sure, there i s no evil in your mo
tives, for Heaven's sake come out and
avow your frlOdship,' your design,
whatever it may be. You make the
world parer, and set a precedent by
,your franknose that tears away a
thousand hyPeclisies. The world
has keen scent fox the really innocent;
and, if you caanot lace its first sneers
of eriticistsii yfD I hare reason to doubt
yourself.' -
A caosame-s\prrna was trying. to
get a gratuity ,from an excessively
dandified individual„ who, in resist
ing, urged that he had no change,
nothing but a §‘2.o bit!. I can get
it changed for ver," said 'the young
ster. On seeig the dandy hesitate,
as if from fear of tru,sting him with
the money, hol put it,ll, ye*
doubts my honor, field '
my breeze
• Ifi'llEG•
611 A• D itor Gob DABED-'
II: i. IL
,I .L .
, This is a. [mica of which I think
AOnerican women are Incomin' g:very
careless. They i tire"ffo: beautiful as a
rii,ce,lso accustomed to conquest, that
perhaps they ~axe - getting' to•believe
that Pope's line r - I . • - •
I''Look in leer face and. you forget ' .
them all," aPplies tonmusers;-but a -
b autiful woman wi
wi thout - good man- n
rs i . is a flower ` without fragrance. _
S e is worse ; lls miming on her
lxiauty and abnsing'
,one of God's •_
eat gi ft s. You must look ;, at her,
b t You look - to regret, to
being diseaprove; chained for life to
instead of
seet looks,married to graceful ac•
tion, you grow to diipise and hate
her. 1 In a country like ours we must
expect to find a frequent coupling of
ignorance with' wealth, of official
station with eckwardness, •of high
social' position, 'th bad -manners=
comliinatioae in re rarely remarked
inlthe older aid more settled States .
of Ithe world. Itifigs and , queens must .
decently well bred and well educat- -
ed. c annot well help knowing
They :
the, proper way to eat a dinner, they,
cannot helpobserving, the proprieties -
ofldryss and etiquette'. and the pee-
ple immediately aboist them must
follow tkeirexample. I No such nee
eseity exists here. Vira have a Gov- •
ernor or a , Mayor alio is entirely
untrammelled by the ,acvs of grain -
mar 'and of " spelling, who uses his ~,
; ;
ownsweet will in reg dio his knife
and fork and - who is till the proper
person to receive 'the representative
; • .
of foreign liower.
lln ,on* cities how . ckening it is to
see the potentiality of some vat= •
gar rich mail who ca buy the crowd '
in More isensee , th n one - . — how
mournful, to. nett t e absence of
,geoil l manners in ,so e of- _our pro
minent literary nnd rcligions 'celebri- •
tifis -- [ lmen whom you I hesitate to ask ;
, tol your house , althou h- their' talents r
;are exercising sO mu h influence on •
the World, and their names! aro on :
everybody's lips, The trouble lies iu '
al: 1
deficiency of wiped, a lack: of
~Itr4ining,•at'i alisetea-of something
JolloOk np to. ; .
The best [bred men i in. America ate
the officeraof the regular army and •
,riiiVy.-!-Tirey have been taught to
look up , to, I to revernce authority, /
and to • be respectful. It never leaves /
ilien4, they [become the most &gni • / 1
fled a nd . the most simple men in the/ -.
i /
Coinmunity i - ,
:When women reach alarger g/ sp,
Of the subject, and obServe this reat
rule, I "that, the possession ofrpower . •
is'better than the shbw of it'," they `
will have advanced far bey end, their
present status.--The l endand aim of
the weak and uneertain/i to appear --
strong and ;well tiossesed at whatever It his apparently struck some
Women in the' society of our nee*- ' • ,
country 1
which' tritest be a shifting
scale s that theya Y ppear to stand well ,
by' b e ing isagreeable--:that an 'air
of hrteur itld rudeness is beceming
and riStoeratic. 1 It 'is the mistake -,
of I ignorance, and,; 'would soon hs,
cntt'.l by'a carefnl study of the lids •
Models' in Europe. ;
, 1 , ; i. ; • 1
high mountain ;tops in Switzerland
andether parts Cif the globe are coy
eril with dry white 6110 W during the
entire year: Ijn im toi a certain point, ,
the heat of Isumer annually remoN es _
the i'vinter s snow, and thus the fall of
each winter melts away during the
slimmer, ,a nd i there ;is no aceumula
tiOn but up big , ler, in-colder regions, •
the gain of snow far 'exceeds the loss,
arid}atidalevery wiute adds a heavy - coat
' very , I
to those 9f previous minters.
Ti w, if this,
,action continued un
ehec -ed fo centuries, the pile Of
sa l e on our [ highest mountains
W9tl d exceed in depth the mass of _
the monntains 1 tl4mielves. -:, If a
layer of only three, feet a year had
•adcainulated through the brief peirod: •
1: „
of t l e Chritian era, it would add to -•
-,tilel, height,Jof Uont Blanca nearly
9,1)9 feet, and its summit, instead of -.
belt only abeut 1 1 5,Q00 feet above' V
evel, W i ould, be more than 20 ; 000
feet. If this process of snow adcumn- ,
latiO had' gone on iduring_the, con
-- . -1—
Luce of the geoloffie . ages, the
iof snr would rtow extend np .
ind the limits of the atmosphere.
our nionntaina do not- thus
Optibly grow', higher; what corm
,ting arts" 'comes in here to ar
the i creasing burden-of snow?
is the great, We JO t of the snow
, whir by ' pressing out the air
betty en ~the Custals; forces it
a co pact mass, and this, with
aid of partial thawing, followed
'iCezing, gradually, converts it
lee. The force of gravity sl°wly
g,ii thej whole., mass down into
valley between, the peaks„ ,thns
acing glaciers or, rivers of ice.
urna C7l.emisty.
t i pulp ile
I t 9
I .* 1
' I P
1 - Gnnto iBELI. I --W i e should ' never
got (1 bed . i ith a hoe L.:rrest, deep,
and. perfect repose until " all is
Sa y. Tle preliminaries for retire=
went are a 1 just as important as aro
those for t e day's duties. We-must
ot go' to bed, withl an overloaded
stomach, i , an,anzious or troubled
t of mind, with Coldextremities
or4' . , • ,
ithont anticipating and respond- ,
ing to the calls of nature in all re
spelt& Standing before a fire is not
the best'w ,ay to' get , warm from a
night's slep. We should take such
vigoOus e ercise asnwill give quick
ewe lation to the, blood, and not de
pen - .on tificial, but on natural
ilea Att
t ir
ntion to 11, these things
she id be ollowed I%y suchdevotion
al e ercises as ',will bring all the feel._
ings r emotions ,; and sentimentsinto
s e c rd with the divi e,will, subduingpas ion; ilemOvink-lhatred, malice,
I insY, ' venge, and opening 'the
p orals of heaven - to , all who seek
;es, peat and 'sweet repose.
l of dri
•-e a
nk alo
ank with
. .
- --- 1 1
I . Ticie;rliest dap of the human
roc; whe ' population was \more
Sparse the; it, ever has been since,
the lintrod ctions were also sneer,
witl r little, or none Of , form or cere
ictoJ ) cards"
l ir Lair. first
T o 7
to s llowing 1
alai' ,A: 4 1 . 1
I 0
11/11.414 air- 7 -(%),
lepposti na;these must have
ivn a good des! in thitt time."
dlady ot)iii3 as ithough she had
misunderstood! I _
i : Blu, - ia l - Auaial :ervant girl has
abaiuloned er pla4e ;because for aii
!whOle wee s she ever went to bat
tJarce circa s. fon prayer meetings
1 1
43even picnics aot o steamb*,ot
lail#4lll. z hi, sa ,s ; she itranU,_to
ha -e a lit le time td heiself: '
to, be ;