E n . _ laws Fox Agi s NATIONS. _ —l`bo trouble between liferli:io .._, aria ons!entela hf.to be anileabls settled. - . —AbOilt__6,ooo - peruaimi. sttencleti the Sing Bing camp meeting - Banday. , —Leteliuyler l Oolfat - is - visiting . f.': - °bride SprisTf• -- .. f, ' - " - Washburne ran over to London from rule 1 few &o no tar sib* --••• • , -,-Bancroft- Da* tio-pew Unite!' States:Minister to the German l fe . bas arrived at &Mu. - • \. . } —11 r: by . has passed `13.,41 Lniidon Tor Vienna, ,to resume his • • es as liiiiirtre at that court. , --The Rev. Leighteii Toledo, hit declined the preeighteey • University at Bethlem, State.. BarceroftDavue, :V/ imeriCan minister to Berlin has'arrived I elfy. • —Five men were hung in' 0 iana on Priday.for thitmurder of it . ;• • t cominittee in April last. • ' —Plymerith Church stilt. -., ost m profound . confidence in its t Bev. Ilem7;Ward Beecher. ~ —The -government cm ": shipped $20,000,000 of the hew • to the Seligmensynthesis.- secraikalnitrit from New York 1, city for.Enropean ' y took out el large number ot skein, • , I —Albert Havemeyer, a Brother 4 theldafor, died in New York citymi Saturday. Fie traq.a sr gar refiner, and 60 yeark obi • —Frarik Wood and Tanner Dv nun in the 238 and 2.27 races at Lee Park, wakes Barre. , I —The New York Deteocratio Stab) C.mrentionlrill meet in Syncline on the 16th i -or September. t, - • D a kota - • Anti - M onopoly. and Liemperatie'Territorial and Congressional Con yen tio9B have failed to, effect ft =lop. I - i —Colomil William A. Philips Iris been nominated by the Be&bllcane of the Fret Congressional distriet-ot Kansas by-accla mation. —The military display at Hart -1(M, Cnnn., in honor ofte return of ex-Got. '-ernor Jewell was fine, an the weleonie by the c izens cordial, , dvices from Mexico represent ihat the recent railroad policy by xhlcb Ameri can enterprise is eseluded is already produeth% oaf_ unfortunate results. —Vice President Wilson does not believe in the thira term business, and predicts its tednrel, ' —The-Harrisburg Patriot ,(Dem) - deOlarea that ex-Governor Curtin openly pro,- : claims his preference for the Democratic part!. --;The West Chester Republican calls the late temperance convention at liarria pqrk; "au assemblage of idiole." I _,. - S enator Hamlin, of Maine, is a candiaale-for re-election, with at fair prospect ~f success. ' —The Democratic State conven= t , ,,u a-sembled at Pittsburg. on Tuesday' WI, ~.\1141.4 . , . =Tbe hitrons of Hui banal) , clairo •,, have in the Unite 4 States 1,000,000 members rbi,::r• I Were. —The legislature of Tennessee itj elected being Democratic, U.S. Sena 4 t , tr iruwnlfW Will be displaced. —The Philadelphia Press strongly: recommends the re-election of John Scott as I": S. Senator from this state. _ - - —Fpniteen , women attended a •log "fight in Detroit the other day with their' hablog. —lt has just been dii3covered that lit;o,00t) were paid for work_ at the Eittsbnri reservoir which was not done. • ...:.: - - - .1.-4 -,,-, • .. .. or. Clarion, • Venango _-.., • t , -, 4 'mot. • ' •-• ' `: '3. Do not leave implements scat tiered over the larra,exposed to snow ? ' • rain, and heat. . . • 1. Repair tools and buildings at 4 \ proper time, and do not suffer suli,- sebsequentAlitee-fold expenditure of. time and--money. . 1 --..., Use money judiciously, -and do not attend auction sales to purchase all kinds of .--frumpery because it iS 'f- cheap. - (- . _,. I q. See that feuces are well repair 7 I ed; llnd cattle are not grazing in the ' - lit. tt 'dows-, - org,rain fields, or orchardS. "'- 7.- Do not refuse to ake correct ~ • exiiriiments,,in a small M way,, , of many • new this:- - . . : 4 , Plant fruit' trees well, care for ._ '' them, and of-course get good cropS. -. . L : 9. Practice . economy _by- giving 1'..;(-- - '.; Y i apit6l.: during the winter, also - C 1 rood , •1--,. taking out. all 'that is _ nil- .' . - . ' • , ,tratail, half rotten, or .motildy. .1 • ['Pt. Da hot keep' tribes - of cats and ' inaLling dogs around the prerniSeS,- vilio - eat more in a monthl, than they . 1 at -< worth in -m life-time{--MorniitE•/ ,c . i.7 , 7. ,• -. i • ' -, - ; Management of Cows 1. rid,e _-',(l'vct.ary of the Chaqtaua .`Dairyman's - AsseCiation,l , New York, iu his report-Or the last year, lass . ' 'low a the follolwieg axioms for butter arc all very well, with • the excepti.':l, perhaps,!of the reeeraL, i-aendation of timothy hay, Which we e alway. found the ycry worst hay . - cows : - I.ClelDlinc;' , -; is 01 the first impor t tflll 7 Ct:', iii every depatnient of dairy' ' - lug. . 1 1 i. 1 2. The bettcrlhe treatment, of Tour . clod - :, the better the . profit. ) 1 ' I :',. Breed - ouly.from the best. - .1 , 1 I. Never drive a thilcb___cci t \v faster liiati a slow walk. '! i]lave pure spring W' . .xtet t , ari- - .eon', i: r.i,:nt to your• .eows, (amtalso the kLiry room,) as you. can get 't. i l i;. ' Teed corn meal judiciously, but .. 4lake . earlysut timothy the 'bases of • .o...eit. .. - 7. txpeCt the largest returts.frora l ! tie test eaters. - , H S. Consult the ? comfort of your cows - by providinevarni, clean stab" leb.--41', - a , lical Farmer.. 1 - 1 -• 411.1" - ÷ - " --- . . , . 1 u r,vi 3:011 STOCK. -Mr. Et ' corresponding secretary of the Guilford, N. Y., Farmers' Club, icports.a itcent discussion by that intelligent bodyon the value of pa tatoes as,feeil for stock--,a question . Which is just now.considered as 61 special consequence, -for the reason that potatoes are plenty, and hay in Many places not,taore than two thirds of an average in 'quantity. o•Nir. George Bradbury said they were forth 50 cents =per bushel to feed almost any kind of farm animals, but i:hould not be fed alone; prefers one,'- - -half corn meal, or some other grain and thinks this mixture better for 'sleek than either one alone; thinks farmers should not .draw potatoeS fq7 t:.c. farm tO' the Market for,. cents per bushel at ?" i • • 11 th is ,:sp'ec'iallyis ye t ,- Art laetuore ivol;tlJ =atoms and z: •%, e and - pArted are moss gaga bY i t o - g licer n at a thin -- ,S; were - daring ate correapotalit ot rg ) last year, • --The United Stateh , Circuit Court tle,ucled in favor of the eettlerS, tattle °sip ceded hada case, which corers the -tide bo ilearlyi one million • agres of land. This land claimed ny Kansae,..Texas,ltuumtri and other —at Parker's LandinCOu. Friday. night ttutk,contelniuit 7,000 burets otell %track by ligtrg thd the oil. with taideleg -pr --hi*ed. _414 - lightning ttru twit; Wh.ltr,WP • t te r t iVt it illOV l Willr 145' • SEEM ItairailtpMet Towamls,Vbaralay, kg: 2!,1174. EDITO*II I e. 111. GOODRICH. S. W. &public= Mate Wit t ARTHUR G. OLMSTED . POW AVIATOR OMEIAII, _ .T VFW SEORET4irs 4r =maw arms, ROBERT R BEAT. roa .itzGv. or SVPIMII comer, EDWARD M. PAXSON. -..g, ;:f new in that /WEN tinsa Pursuant ti) call tie zneibers of the Bepublieanpouuty Ckeninittee of the county of Bridford, .met ai - the Grand Jury Boom, in the Bore of . the to,' , the Toviinda,- id, 2 o'clock, P. Xi.' on Tuesday the 18th day of Aug., 1 . 874 ; the"'following being present, viz.: H. 14 Scorr, Ozo. W. Buds, A. O. Emus, B. S. Duerr, D._ L. &Lars, ho. W. Mu, FL Howita l l: Brun Torso, L. V 4 Tower Moos Saxe- ABD, W. P. Lim, J. O. Roarsiosi and Joint MAnoUve Upon being called to order by the Chairman, Upon mo tion it was ordered that the _Republi can , County Convention he held at the Court Home, in the Bore' of To wands; on the afternoon of rTuesday the 29th day of Sept. nest; to ',be called to order at 2 o'clock, and that the delegate electkna in the town ships be -celled by the respective committe ea of 'vigilance on Saturday the 26th day of Sept. neit, to be opened at 3 o'clock, P. M. and kept open continuously until 5 o'clock, P. 11.1;, and that the 'delegate elections in the Boroughs be 'called ae above and held, commencing at 6 'o'elock, P. M., fend kept open coldinuously until 8 o'clock, of the same day aforesaid. Upon motion it was also ordered that the delegate elec tions be conducted by ballot. It is urgently reqUestet by the committee that the Republican electors of the several districta take an interest in the primary elections and he in at tendance thereat, where a fair oppor tunity will be given for an 'expression of their preference among the several candidates whose names Will be pre sented to the County Convention for nomination, in the choice of such delegates as best repretent, their views. • • The officers to be nominated and elected are Chie member of Congress. One Senator. • Three Representatives. One Ccitm# Commissioner 1 year. -I• A md- • • In either town or county d 3 well to call on . L. J. Rutz & CO.. Beal Estate and Loin Agents. OniCo Italia street, opposite Court House, To. wands, Pa. • liar 17, '74-tt. B AKERY AND DINING ROO3l. First block worth of Ward House. ' BREAD, PEES, C kiCR,CRACKERS, BAKED DAIL f. And Bold at .Witoleude and Retail. art,„ In our DMING ItOOMS we will accomniodata the public with either a lunch - or a good meal at ail times of the day and evening. - • , . , OYSTIFBE AND ICE CREAM ON . HAN" DIMING TWICE SEASON. • dlso a floe atisortment of Grocerles,Coniectlonery , Fruits, lints, &o. tf_ TURNER tt — & - AU)ON, r/,riorra BLoci;. PEE NEW IN PROVED REMING TON SEWING 1(4 CH • veld AWARDED :Lim• MEDAL FOR P - a mys +T. VintreA. I' 0 that of - . over it. He THE HIGIIM Cr= j a h e a to be par*lned t*lSTWaild this was betty * off d than be will probe,' bye in ..put that he is at all datimons isimnqd, and heneelhe wonder why should be - nny excitement over his escape. dthenS l a- In vlrfeMi v l i ttt 0,341131 in. the ca4didatashava not the prided= of the pairoarra to sak faints of. the public. To ease our frieull's mind we impala day that the Ilatroarn holds all 'the candidates in the highest re gari, and will cheerfully 'support the eacOissful ones, wheeler 'fly may ht. I Neither do 'we loofa, the tact V.Lft there are India el tiCO fite geSPOW - 1 IMMO rtuli rlk I.IP k 011 D. W. SCOTT & CO TOWIN D A,' PA, I Vi'ROLESALE AND MT AU DRUGGISTS, 1 . Ravin l g extensively repaired tikeir' store L at the old stand, hate opened with a large, new, and well se lected stock, consisting of . • - ACIDS, EXTRACTS, fad:stns. SERBS,'EUGAB• COATED PILL?, TOWDETW, ODUS, SYRUPS, ATKCITTRES, RUES, &C., ill OM And' all YEEPAEITIO S DYE STUFFS, MACHINE, OILS EXTRA. REFRIED KEROSENE, ALCOHOL PURE WINES,AND INUORS For Medicinal Purposes. TOBACCO, 'S:3IIFF, AND CIGARS, H All the POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES And a Fine deimtment of TOILET , AND FANCY 900DS More thin the =nal care and-attention given to th Com of Prescriptions. Open thudays, from 9 o'cion.,tol. pan. h from 5 p.re. to 7 p.m. Or, Manuy an be consulted at the wtore on $W ardny_of each week, as heretofore. - - D. B..TITENZE. , W. 0.. , 00111)014. Towands, May 7, 1872. sus aniViOntdr an* 'skim. ' Ns* * alikeb*44 -- -spiii los - ekb ~ • : . t_ - 7,-,- ' • 4 . • 'lt COOPII" ' ' )11 - 's ~ • iieir order of thinp,lhe number 4 delegates was largely inermed, and it was feared by some much conk don would be experienoid ; but such zahltilikpt were gr.mindless, as the proceedings -were characterized by more than ordinary decorum. Some of the very best, ablest, and -puesat—icew - In — ihe7Statp ' Weisl presentee daegateb, and everTtlizill' tt, With but few eseeptions, ,was done " deo - satly and in oiler." The mi- ' nor_ L ty being'satisfied that 'airman' and justice were *wind, gracefully yielded to the will of the majority, and when the labors closed everybody , MIS satisfied with the,resalt. • The, nominee, - for Supreme Judge, Hon. E. M. PAisow, is an able lawyer, and has - forieverat years been one . of the brightest ornaments of the Phil adelphis Bench, and it is no disPar agement of the eminent ability of Judge BUTLIE that Mr. PAXSON was the successful map. He has the en dorsement of the entire:party in the city, and stands high wherever he is well known; - s 1 fudge Orairm' Hro, the nominee for Lieutenant -Governor, is too well known thoughout the StOte, f ind es pecially the northwest, to need any introduction to the people. just in the prime of life he hen filled many positions of honor and trust, and his public :record and private life are above suspicion. Hia most bitter political opponents never Idared ' charge him with a dishonorable act. His nomination adds' both dignity and strength - to the ticket.. General HARRISON . AL A was re nominated for Auditor General. The excellent manner in whiCiz he - has', conducted the affairs of the office daring the put two years is the best guarantee for the future ; and his almost unanimous endorsement at the hands of the Convention is the highest encomium that could have been pronounced upon him. For Sex:retail , of 'lnternal Affitlrs, Gen. R. B. BEATS was nominated, not only without opposition but with the greatest unanimity and heartil ness,i—augaries in - themselves of complete success in November. Gen. BEATH is one of those rare ,characters ' who wins the esteem, confidence, and impport of all who knowbim, andUt the same time sustains in untar nished social and political record. His moral character and 'official acts are always open to the great eye of the State, .and no stain has ever , been detected in them. Such a life is a crown of glory toy party. The phstkom wilt commend itself to every one interested - in the pros perity of our Commonwealth. We commend the resolutions to the care-, perusal of our readers. The feel :lo'k.exhibited allover the State at the 'Will ' r of the Convention is the her. ' volvia tig ghr tz a glorione result in Novem . shadows a repetition of the conna elleed • eh have crowned the ef- Large weed have been midi- Republican party ever Stria. - The Greet N most disheartening, with the natural e. brcraght into public • hing, defeat of the whose names are In whose lives every one is clam. Great battles have _ • tint sieges zaillas in e 4 . a 'IN impregnable IretegneTterve:_iing only "at& enemy can now to sass their place in pen In preparing the present editiM P oar pol! ., I bas accordingly been the aim of the editors down the information to the latest - and to furnish an accue account ( sow cent discoveries in scie rat nce, of every b e elm tion in literature, and of the newest the arfwelirg Tr upon orirecordgin Geproge taticalif rbe work has been begun after lon elee" cos for preliminary labor, and with the e mesh's, an d carrying it cis to fmccsstal Vane of the original Stereetfre V a il of the used, but every page has been pen . forming in fact a new CyloPledie , ihis pow plan and compass as its predecessor, create: pecuniary erpanditare, and im and provernents in its composition uha The _ gestedlglonge t r i eve= ande e lutro llAdOWy first time in the present edition. timoscholy not for the sake of pictorial effect.. , =ter . ludici s ty ri r fale b to the eal amp. natual n aporyand depict th e WA' game is saarkable featu res of scenery, arch as well as the micas processes are only manufactures. Although intend. rather then embellishment, no spared to insure their artistic in of their execution is onormotw -7 they will find a welcome recePS feature of the cyclopedia, "The This work is sold to Bubscrft in thegood delivery of each volume. It sixteen large octavo volumes. igence of the wordParogrW, ad re w h Carolina if Lithographic Maps. he impudent Ml= AND smar t . -elaira moth. pa Voh. ) 103/23 by berg e In Library WWI', ple:niatir , to their /fag Turkey row, l ln n MU Snide Mc . extra M ii a i lt ly do so In Tau Iforamo, antique '7 In Fnu Beesik Per r el. i all of the Con- Three voltunes now rot meal ec Completion ag , will be e .him as mint to Specimen pes of showing type. illastratMLLlOTT. the col on application. has been es. FrarrAzass CANT Address the rubushe enhk g his People ' s 549 k 551 Broadws of the degradation s brought _upon the .nt,lnd in deman-ding -orm." paper remarks in reference ntforrn sdopted:,by the Be ,t State Convention in this It takes strong ground against • toposed reciprocity treaty with Lida, and favors protection to nfaotnring interests. It is loud Ascondemnation of the Democratic party, and holds it responsible for the inauguration of a war of races at the South, and declares that the Re publican- party alone can Or will se cure equal . rights to all. Thns the campaign is fairly opened in Penn sylvania, and if fought out on theline indicat4 ilia hoped the victory will be s decisive one." • Amon Polar Expedition,. under the auspices of Ilusam, - this time, is to be sent ont,.vrith the view of rea -1 cuing an Austrian party that ailed the Tegethoff, two years ago. It is feared . that; notwithstanding the ves sel was thoroughly fitted - for her iej ege, she was lost as she was last seen in a violent gale off Nova Zambia. Thus it goes, fme vessel is Bea to ex plore, and another follows to rescue. Certainly oar knowledge of the Antic regions is obtained at heavy:coat, Gar registered beforti , the 43 of lOW* , Reptiftatitattgenvention. - ~...- ;:i —:',....,, , . • ftilargilffieJl4oh;: , [ • .._ i lion State Podrentkia . in the Grand .„,.. k , • . 014 III:PI 11l W , lralffi 0112* on Wed *Waif AngliiiiiVito'clock. A a delegation , from ever, y district was present. iiiieliininary caucus witcouvenedat 9:110in the moninim at which Hon. B. B. Strang, of Tio ga, presided, and the usual commit tees were appointed. On the imam bliurg:tha, Ootertmtion, Hon. limbed *reit tooli the chair and called the _............_,.._ meeting to order. Hon—George - Lear, of Bricks, and Gen. Lilley, of Oulx•n. Were nomi nated .for temporary chairman. On proceeding to a ballot, Mr. Lear had 188 voirtiand`Gen. Lilley 107. Mr. Leu was conducted to thjcbair liy Gen. Ling', • Itudge Lear, inounting the plattbnp, addressed the conven tion its follows: • . Gat=nu OF THE Coavezrrios permit me to thank you for the hon or you have conferred upon me by calling mop preside over the tem porary organization of this conven tion. And possibly I cannot better evince my appreciation of this favor than by curtailing wLat I havoto say to you, as we have-much to do. The new galvanization of the State, while increasing the number of delegates to our Side Convention. to double the former represention, - not Only in-. creases the number of candidates to be selected by you; bat devolves up on you the performance of new and extraordinary duties. We have a Judge, of the Supreme Court of the State Of Pennsylvania' to appoint ; we have a Lieutenant Governor, ,Audi tor-General, and Secretary of nter nal Affairs to nominate. I use those terms advisedly. The duties we have to perform here, I repeat, are new and onerous. We have a Supreme Judge to appoint, and, fortunately for us and for those whom we repre sent under this new organization of our State affairs, the Republican par ty has presented no man who will not do credit to that position. We cannot mistake so far as that is con cerned. [Thunders of applause]. Then for the other 'offices I have named we have candidates to nomi ma; and these are to compete before the peo ple with thole who will be set up ag ainst them by some opposing organization, though shot jhe name of that organization this year we are unable to 134.7 It will be the scattered fragments of some of the organizations under different names and conflicting . principles; and some without principles, which, for the last few years, have led the opposi tion to the Republican organization of Pennsylvania and of the nation. [Rimewed enthusiasm]. I say we are , unable to predict what the name of that organization will be. We have scattered the broken battalions of the Liberal Republican party and of what is called the Democratic par ty, and in what questionable shape the opposition will present themselves this year we are unable to tell. They are now abroad in this State, as they have been for years, coursing up and down the field of politiCal adventure, 1 seeking comfort and - finding none. To ass the language of a gentliman who, within a few weksi - has come prominently, before the people of this country, they are " dwelling upon the sharp and ragged edge of anxie ty, remorse and. despair . "[Great merriment and applause.] We know.' not to what desperate straits they may be reduced in order to break down the party of the , people, the party which during the past .fourteen years has seta the country through the pertla of war " and back again to the -Id.-. • ings of peace, the party "-Ass' represent to_day—the r rnich we ciple and progress. T huark,' °E m a hi s - kw , t their machi- E le nati ",:i e . .1 overthrown, I ask the A. , r": " .' ifre to act with modern= 0 .f.ion and discretion. Let not their personal affinities for particular can didates stand in the way 'of making a good ticket, composed of worthy men, and placing it upon a platform which shall receive the sanction of the people of this State. And now I request that for the short time I may occupy the chair in the organization, of this convention I shall receive your kind indulgence in my efforts to administer the position with jus tice and equity as between, all the in terests represented in this conven tion. " The temporary organization" was here perfected by the selection of the following as Secretaries : Edward ff!cuil, of Somerset; Lucius 'Rogers, of McKean; R. L. Snodgrass, of Al leglieny;. Henry L. Taggart, of Phil adelphia; Cyrus T. Fox, of Barks, snd John A.. Swartz, of Cumberland.- In accordance witbi the understand ing in caucus, the usual committee!" were constituted as follows: o 1 BIZOLUTIONEL Russel Errett, Chairman ; Wan.. E. Littleton, H. H. Bingham, I. T. Dar lington, 0. J. , Dickey, Edgar Pinchot, George V. Lawrence, B. W. Alvord, and John M. Thompson.• 0.1 CBEDANTLAIJi. _ • Wm. H. Koontz, Chairman ; Wm. Coates, M. B. Wells, A. P. Heich hold, C. Contler, A. Whitmer, - IL F. Beardsley, Charles N. Mann; and Samuel Daniels. Also a, committee of fifty on Per manent Organization, of which W. T. Davies was a member. A recess was -then taken until 3 o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION Upon reassembling, Colonel Mann, Chairman of _committee on Perma nent Organization, repOrted. i .tha, fol lowing as the officers , of the convert. President James S. &dab, o Beaver. • Secretaries—Lucius Rogers; W. C. Arnold, Edward Scull, L Snod grass, H. L. Taggart, C. T. Fox, and S. L. Stennis. , Doorkeepers—B. Frank Major, Jas. Kern, H. 0. Mentshouser, Sullivan S. Child, George Carney ; and B. S. Burroughs. A largesnumber of Tice-Presidents were also elected, Eon. ;Min Pass- More representing this district. • Some objection was manifested to the report by a few delegates, but it was adopted almost unanimously. Upon reaching the platform, Mr. Bntan said: du:mum: I thank you for the honor conferred,larid shall endeavor to merit your confidence and satisfy you thl - I tali be fair to all parties. As the our is somewhat late and the ertfik US W, to }laud apse_ OEM dithimdy, I have comsluded- to rider, the area lintaidett kt mike, and am pow rei*lipr Amplo4di of, bneimmia . 6 1,1 Ofi: mibtionifinOliVied 4 0 0 6 1' ceed - tdr "the nontinatiair id 'midi: date for Supreme Judge. The fol lowing gentlemen were then placed in nomination: It. M. Hendersop,. of Cambekland. 'E. M. Paso% of Plitladiaphia. M. Russel Thayer. of Philadelphia. J., A. Loitle i , of Westreopelma • Hall; of Bedford.' B. F. Mcdunkin...of Peery. - Wm. Butler, of Chester. No speeches were made in advoct ay of the candidates, and the con vention immediately proceeded ,to take a ballot: Beforb the ballot was half completed it was evident that PaMon would be nominated. The solid Philadelphia delegation, with the exception of a single member named 'Donohue, voted for Paxson. Mr. Donohue voted for M. Russell Thayer. The ballot resulted as,fol lows: . 144 Ilendersos. 62 KoJuallit.. 21 Mar: ..... . 13 Bnuer.._ resn-. •The nomination 'was then: made unanimous. The convention then proceedfxl to, nominate a, Candidate for Lieutenant Governoi: The followisg gentlemen; were nominated, each with a brief auditory spOech M. Hall Stanton, of Philadelphia ; James L. Graham, of Allegheny ; Jas. M. Purviance, of Butler; Samu el Knorr, of Columbia; Henry M. Hoyt, ,of Luzern° t • J. M. Campbell, of 'Cambria ; A. G. Olmsted, of PO ter; John O. Flenniken ' of Grow), and James Sill, of Erie, but a letter was read from . Mr. Sill declining to be a candidate: The ballot was then taken,, as fol lows: Pint. Second. Third. . 67 102 163 .47 99 29 .42 .30 21 . 'D 27 . 24 33 38 . 17 • .. Olmsted' Stanton ... Oampbetl ...... Flandken ant= 60 After the announcement of - the first ballot the names of the Hob. John M. Parviance and of Henry M. Hoyt were withdrawn. The second ballot was then proceeded with. At its conclusion an effort was made to adjourn the convention, bat it failed. A motion by 'Mr. Dickey,, of Lancaster, that the lowest candi date be ,dropped, was adopted, and Colonel Samuel Knorr, of Columbia, was acokr"dingly stricken from the lie The name of the Hon. John B. Flenniken was also withdrawn, after which the convention iproceeded to take a third ballot. In the mean time about one-fourth of the delegates had quitted the hall. When the Strength- of Olmsted was apparent many delegates changed their votes in favor of him.' The result of he ballot wad be was nominated nnani mously. A motion wail then made to nomi nate Gen. Harrison Allen for Audi tor General by acclamation, but ob- . jections being raised a ballot was or dered, and Messrs. Allen, Shoffer of Allegheny, and Jones of Susquehan na, were named. The room: - of Messrs. Jones and _ : D o ffer _A:Donor were sub sequently co..'" - %4Adidrawn, and Mr. Allen "__,,, 1 Pas , nominated unanimously. Gen. R. B. BeSth, the present able and incorruptible Surveyor General, was nominated i y acclamation for Secretary of Internal Affairs. Mr. Allisonj of Mifflin, offered a resolution, which he moved should be referred to thelCommittee on Res• olations. It was to the effect that if General Grant be a candidate for a third term .the Republican party of Pennsylvania would support .him. The resolution was voted down by the voice of the convention. Mr. Errett, from the Committee on Resolutions, then made the following report, which was read by General H. H. Bingham: • First. That the steady and large redaction of the State and national debts since the Republicans have had control of . the State and National GOvernments, and , the equally steady reduction in taxation, as well as the high character for integrity and.efff ciency of the State and National ad *ministrations-, are the best t possible evidences that the COmmonwealth and the country have been well goV erned, and that the people have eve rything to hope and nothing to fear from the continuance of the Repub lican party in power. The Demo cratic party, as it exists today, is the same party in aim, in principle, and in purpose that it has alWays been. It has never retracted any part of the bid record it made, both before and during the war; and it has never recanted any of, the multitude of er rors it has committed. It is, the same party to-flay that it was' when it plunged this State almost hopeless. ly into debt, . , and bbrdened it with a heavy load of taxation, and the peo ple, having driven it from power on account of its transgressions and shortcomings, to restore it with its numberless sins nnrepented of, and unatoned for, would be an endorse ment of that which the people have so often. and so thoroughly con demned. Second. The Republicans of Penn sylvania having , been the first to de mand' a change in the constitution that would abolish special legislation and all its attendant evils, and the necessary legislation for the call of a Constitutional Convention for that purpose having emanated from them, _we are juslified in rejoicing to-day over the accomplishment of that great reform, and over the delivery of the State from the evil cense quences of the old system. I Third. The movement for the -for mation of the new constitution having been made and carried to completion under its auspices, the task of pot tut; into operation the machinery of the new fundamental law belcngs to it Of right, and the dnt it involves will be, as it has been, faithfully per formed in it. , - Fourth. Inasmuch as great sigma have grown up in this State under onr present system el fees es a corn= pensation for count officers, we „de mand such legislation as will substi tute adequate suari7 for fees, and such as will allow o more than a fair and just compensation for ter vices rendered. "Mk We took iri h MI Mi. ideation. ism's . ottieiwno*,echom System irylekb. U. ,powii-Ililp !tinder AO . Wwzog care oi the "thafe, and 118- IP* nuil ll ** faidowed by °144113324)::*12 th e ts; - the new, con stitution, the Stateos r ibmwd to see that all her children'aredulteducat ed wider it in the duties of .7tisen ship, 'that lbw - may thereby . - , '.me better able to enjoy and perpetiate 1 . Our pendia institaitiona Sixth. lye recognize that aa ,the Arne, policy of government, which shall, latmoniza all the diversified interests end pursuits 14cessarity ez- Wing in i country of' such vast ex . - tent as mire, and as this can ber done only_ by direoting leghdigion so* to swum ti iced Protection and reward to every . bran& of industry, we are in favor of iviug preseilence 'to those measures. Which shall recognizesgri cultural, mining, manufacturing, and mechanical pursuits, as entitled to the amplest protection 4nd fulled de velopment iof putting a stop to large grants of the public doniain tOI fail' road corpiirations, an reserving it for settlement and criltiratinn ; of improving 1 the navigation of our great inland rivers ; 1 of• securing cheap traneportation and profitable markets for the prOducts of agricult ural and mannbetuzing labor; of en couregingStich manufactures 58 Shall bring,the producer and cOnsureer in the neigb.bOrhood of each other, and thus to establish mutual relations be tween, them and. thc'sq "INA iii commerce and the transportation - of ' propertyotdjusting the rellatiOne be tween 04441 and labor in Order that they may 'receive a' just t'and equitable share of the irofits, end of holding those in the `Oossessuw of corporate wealth lind {privileges in strict conformity to the,; law, so that, through the combined influences,- people of the varied pursuits may be united together in the common) pur pose of 'preserving phehonor o the nation* and developing the iense au: resources of every section of the Union, and of advanding th so cial and mutual prosperfty of all its industrial and laboruicelasses. Beventli. The parables ,which has fallen upon the . manufacturing in dustry of this country within thelpast year is a fresh evidence pf the neces sity of that protection to our reftiltl. lecturing interests for which th; Re publicans of Pennsylvania her ' al ways fought. The reduction of the tardf, accompanied as it was by e -I y-increased importations, not only helped to bring on the panic, but has rendered the recovery fro it more difficult as well a !amen ably sloe. ' Eighth. The attemp made just prior to the adjournment of n 'gress to establish free trade thr ugh the agency "of a reciprocitytereaty with Canada demands the j severest condemnaticin. It was i nn effort to accomplish, through the{ treaty-mak ing power alone, that which belong properly, and by right, to the .propi c S ) lar branch of the ,Government, an to put redress out of the peo le reach for tw ntytone years to m The 'co over the subject o ni do revenue was phred by it Constitution in the hands of II immediate Representatives of ti people, and we protest 'against an scheme to take it out of ' their h i by means of a treaty winch the ei ple‘eannot abrogate or repeal. Ninth. The' frantic 'efforts nc making by the DemoTitic p y bring on a war of races Ft . the 8 ul with the design of depriving a 1 tion of its citizens ol the ri which, tri2uPs2. ft', o r .t,12, ...tt a a 7 i t the mission gi 'die Reptlican pit, has not ended, and th at its further continuance is necessary to se e the rights which belong, to all. Tenth. Emancipationend en n chisement having been I *tire by the adoption of the thirteenth and fifteenth amendments to; the Co sti• tution of the United States, an b the necessary legislation for the' e) forcemept : and the equality of ii rights having been guaranteed b t: fourteenth amendment„ it is the ii perative duty of Congress to see h; such guarantee is enforecid by ap ri priate statutes. Eleventh. The establishment of th national bank system having sec re to the people of the entire natio tt best system of bank carreney 11 before offered to them, the privil gc 1 of that system should be no lo ge confined to a privileged class, be should be free to , all under g re and eqnal laws, fiche aggregate vol lime of the currency to be regal to by the' necessities of the people al the recognized laws of trade. Tweyth. We reaffirm She deo] ra• tion of the National Republican on vention of 1872, in favor Of a re urn to specie payments at the ear jest practicable day. Thirteenth. That the Repub can ie k ty continue to remember ith titude the soldiers sett sailo of t e Republic for the patriotism, ur age, and self-sacrifice with w 'eh they gave themselves to the pre or vation of the country &ling the to civil war. Fourteenth. That, entertaining thi fullest confidence in the high per on W integrity, ability, and{ state an ship of Governor John F} Ha ft we' unhesitatingly present him t our Republican friends throeou the Union as a candidate for no i , nation to the Presidency in' . 1 76. ar i n His blameless and exalted oh ter as a man, his extraordinasy'sbifity as an administrative officer, the p ty of his private and public life, nd his splendid record l as a soldier, all commend him to an enthusiastic d hearty snp p brt for a position w ich he is so well qualified to adorn. ficsaccd, That the candiaates thls day no ted, in conjunction with the president of this a tion, be authorized to appoint the chairman is the state Consmittee, use that the committee of two from each emstorisl district to Phil his and Allegheny county, two each prom s. lionigulner7. Darks, Lancaster, Dauphin. L e, and Saha= counties, and one ll= each of the other countless , . , Rewind. That the eerier') GOVertiMelitt bllring determined that the ono hundredth passim:at of Ansmican Dsdependenos shall be celebrated the metropolis utPennsslrsnlL\ li b ooo tood the of our representative. in Gangreee and the to ere their earnest support to smelt m as iffil tend to the IMOCOMI of that greeLevent, we call upon the people of the Commonwealth to len. .late each other in displaying the products oftheir industry and the resources of our 5$ e.- • The reading of the resointions aced considerable applause—that re ferring to - Governor . Hartranft e cok ing a perfec t s t or m . ' After remarke . . by some gentlemen the, resolutions . were adopted amid greet 'applanse. The convention then adj 'urned, at i ten minutes of seven o'c ock, with cheers for the ticket. The best:of feeling prevailed, Lind I 4 the Members of the (convention , re-1 i turned home confident that the **le, ticket' will be elected by an amigo majority pf twenty thousand. i The State Central Comtnittee be announced himeafter. ' E 11 11 ..~.~ • A 112/BligaUltG rai n was ex tie in MI tut wait, AJor ES MDI/41 VAX . - - - The Cis sigil l ehoptirrj - the; Kansas Jigsaw Wesumouss k Atte no—nibllo*. ing telegram hasbeen teeeivedlrOM Governor Osburn, of Kansas', "I have information, through Indian agent Stubbs and, other sour ces/that the Osage tribe have at la general council declared war against thin 'State: DeptedittiOnt already been committed by them on our southern border. The, State his but few arms, and the United States troops heietofore guarding the line being now in the Indian Teritory, at a great , distance from the Osage reservation; exposes the; frontier settlers of this State to grelt, danger. 'With arms we can defend our bor ders. Can you furnish Fe 2,000 carbines and acconntremt?nts 100,000 cartridges on, account of the - - State of Kansas." The telegram has been r i eferred to the War Department. , Omens, Neb., Aug. 23.HBishop Hare .telegraphs General Ord that after prolonged exploration', the com mission have fixed upon the Month of the Big White Clay river as the location of the Spotted Tai Agency. It is twenty miles from dui present site. The commanding officer at Spotted Tail thinks the troops can he hutted 'before, winter. If this can be ac • leomplished the agency will be re , moved instantly. It is not believed here that Spot ted-Tail will more unless forced by a large body of troops. Asithis new agency is outside of this department it is not yet known what will be done. • To the Republican Electors of Brad-1 . lord County . We, the undersigned Republican voters of the township of Tuscarora; . &mite to state that the name of H. B. Ackley, of , said township, will be presented to the Republican County Convention as candidate for Repre sentative. Since the organization of the party Tuscarora has been relied on for a Republican majority of over one hundred each year, yet, when the places of trust and profit are to be filled we have uniformly been counted out. Believing that oar claims to your suffiages cannot be denied, even by the other aspirants for the office, and that in H I B. Ack ley we have .6 man in - every respect worthy of your support, we, respect fully ask that our claims be recog nized by the coming Convention. Very Respectfully,l A. B. SusEmon, J. H BLAOR, D. D. BLACK, WILMOT 10,0111.37 N, J. J. LEWIS, - BmrarrT, A. J. LYON, J. A.:-'WOOD, STEPHEN LYON, LEVI. CILLIDIEELIN, H. 31. LYON, B. K. BOSWORTH, T. B. LYON, C. W. BnowNna., WM. SMINWAV, E. P. BROWNING, ',TAMES CLINK, M. 5. BROWNING. Tim riot at Austin, Mississippi, is ended. It arose, simply, from a per. tonal contest between a white and colored man, in which the wlite man, ie in attempting to shoot the other, ac le Mentally killed a negro child. Oat of IdsY this the riot came. Had the white 3) . man-been held in prison, to await the , result of his trial, all would have been. ow quiet; but his removal led the negroes , ,1 1 ° to think that they were, being trifled " with, and hence the uprising. It in dtts no way indicates a war of races. ;hat A - Now Advertisemenb!. ISHOPTHORPE, an incorpora; B ted Church School for Girls, Bethlehem, Pa.; The ran term commences on WEDNEdDAY, Sept. 1,11,104. Tho number of scholars Molted. Ad dress 1111se FANNY L WALSH, Principal. • 1 . I E. SPALDING, J " a . COUNTY SURVEYOR OF BRADFORD COUNTY. I Vil Odic. at Itoglater and Recorder's Mice, Towanda,. l an Pa., where he may be forum' when notprofemdonaßy engaged. , • Aug TT, 14.3 m. 113- t A PMENISTRATOR'S I,Notice is hereby given Metall persona Indebted " to the estate of John Gartland, late of , Wyalusing, deceased. are requested to mate immediate and all persons baying claims against d estate , „ must present them duly authenticate& for settle.; d tent. ANDREW ma Administrator ale bon is non with will annexed. e Ang 27, '74. . .8 N OTICE is hereby given that the, Towanda Eureka Mower Company intend to. r apply fogs charter of incorporathin neder the above t = f i l t b 7 the pi owing li zt .p a cte esp or in casiz on the manufac-' 1 general jobbing businela g . in mac n l.7l B l;e7;li a o; in a g nit f t lTi rt tla?iwducta. incl k u ir dlni! abuiess connected profitable aeaasary mld p e r i o n Ee p cn ti tion . d thereof. Said application will be a. tr.7,Li th icAtc:oor ‘pLeriltgrolhoPraCt entit tegidatlorrof certain corpoestiona." TP ag i o7ed a t i re Atli day of April, A. D., 1 9 1 i. SAMUEL D. MADDEN, 'rest. Board of Directors. Atig 27.3 w HAND - BOOK OF ,02,1814, • Br HON. NOWMID MailErt.SC!N. CLUE 07.110VdE Or PXPEZBEITATIVIrS V, This.acconare and nceurrux. Volume glees the irxx mann on the " Increase of Navy Act " and its repeal. on Transportation, Civil Bights, and Fi. nancial Questions. including the act of GM cresting "Legal Tender, " andtoin interest on Bonds, and the tartans and Contracting sate since. President Grant a Messages inn Mem:ndsin, In. terrier**, Letters, Proclamations: and Action in Alabama, Arkansas. Lothians and To Supreme Court Decisions. Illinois and Willem:18;n Railroad Laws. Constitutional Amendments, wide and tics, in States, and Nation. +.l3sek-per,' Stalls. tics, Ta les of Appropriations. Debt, Elections, Cur. .., rend Distribution 'by States and section*, go. In. valuable for campaign. Oloth. $l5O. post-paid. Address GEO. FES. DAWBON, 0 • P. O. Box 434, Washington, D % C. Towanda, Aug. 19,1874. , I fiNE DOLLAR will pay, on eubseription for the _ TOWANDA JOURNAL The ionnius., since its onlargeMent, contains as muds reading matter as any other paper in the county, including a foil and carefully prepared rec.' ord of all the county news, It contains the Court Proceeding*. ;tin' Ind Trial Lists, Weekly report of the Markets. Abstract of Sheri ff Sales and the cur rent news of the day. 'iry It. Bend fors sample copy, which will be sent free on application. JuIP23-tw 'Witty McKay.. Song and li • Chorus;.. Rays, SO 35 . Out In the Snow; or Drunkard's shild..Hays, 40 Sweet Little May. Song and Chorus ....Hays, 35 NEW SONGS. Where has Ida gone? Song and Chorns.Raya, 33 Don't forget me Nellie. Song and MO. alaye, 35 Nora, the Pride of Enke.. Song 3; Cho.lts,ys, CC BY THE AUTHOR OF i Follow up the Ploweltang and Chorus.Miya, 40 My Lott Louise.; Song and Chorna....llsysci I 35 Lennie Darling. Song lad Chorus Hap; 33 MOLLIE DARLING •• Old Caleb. Sang and Chorus Has, ' 35 Be MIX poor Heart. Song and Chorus—Hays, ;;5 Cat on ths Sas. Song and Morns ' Bays, 35 Maned. pcadilmfd. on receipt of the marked price, NI. L. PEUBS 599 Broadway, Neer York? , DBSOLUTIOI4.--The part n ership heretofore Edith* between the undmelmm under the Ana name of )fyer & bonds% ti Me del diseolYoi by tonttuil moment. Towandkquls 2.1874. CPPARTNPESHIP.—The uider *Mai hartni ftemed copertnershis= the firm llama of, =dell h Myer ' XIII coadttet the' Nadel Dualisms at the old stand at Myer k Bnadsll. arNorkthey Write the elastomers of the lass Arm sad the pnblte geamily to ea. \ N. D. NUSVELL, ONAS. MTN. Towanda, luty 10, 18", A DIALNISTRA WO NOME.- Ja:Notkals hereby/Oen Metall persons htdebted the est- te of Sherman Bradley, , late of Pik/4 / deed. mild uleke thumellate puniest. end' all per. roue having claim Nand ale estate no present them shthintlmisti for rants:mut. • ft, 1441 EL IL I\ DR. A. G. BUS* .., . , 1 - CA3WTOWN, iiittDkODD COUNTY, I'A., rata Chronic Diseases by new roethodn, 31sy, conaoltet by letter. - lAng. &It BRIDGE LETTING.--Seiled pro,- wisals will be 'received at the house of D. L le c . er B e 4n t n l M oc o ock a p r .a on or T I t I h IIISDAY , zeptting of the bridge across the Schrader Branch of Towanda at ehrit piaoe, Specifications for th e woo May Lek at' the, Nomailationere aloe and it the ortas of J. D. McOrdisey,Aqr olee Ile* ROOMS tO the letting miulißlit SEMPLE.% KINDZSDALL. t MAX BULL 'Com'a Mice, Jolt so. - Couusdotioners. pR SALE.,--A- "Addable Pair* - Faun I.Altotto , eniedp „ (known an the Lamb farm) on road leading from Outten to Tewanda,-. Wog only 7} ndlel from Minnequa Springs and S 3 firma earbOtr cad fsrds. Tbn farm contains about ° acres. bit sn abtuidanee of wood and itu .0% largo cirttiatd; rudid cider, mW, frame dwelling twine, barn% , . thereon. For"frott i r partieulue enquire on iepremisee of C. A. Be O of 04 L. Lam% Toronto: Pa. [lune giiUABLE FARM FORSALE! —I now died 000 of the finest farms far sale V ' Bradford County, 'Visaed two miles from Matti. Vpwards of 230 acres—lls acres traproved, good fruit of every description; s , due dwelling, barn sheds, and all necessary building th ereon, 'will be sold'for a ressanablel price, sad time given , to the purchaser. Sot further particulars enquire of lane 2. • 1 I. L. COBBIN. Athens, ROME ACADEMY. , , - no fall term of this institution will open AUGUST Vfe 187 e ., under the supervision of P. L. CUBLB Pg 1.1.,, assisted by , Miss L. A. lUDOWAT and E: paEigifoBl3 81.F.LY,- and continue twelve weeks! The instructors both in the comp:Kam:a bights: Sliglisb; and also the languages, are too well tannin to mittnit am comments. - , 1 11 ' trlvlen. Crantdon English , S 0 00 Maranon and one Higher English 6 00 Single recitationnin ..... 300 Ail sat, mut be Paid by aa Middle of" the lam) U is the aim of the Funny, in all derpartments. l to woke l oud stufirints; and Pverr effort: will he roads to render the term's woes thorough sad poi Stable. Special att•ntion 1011 IA girml eudenti •• to quallipt tv.; ••••••^! , ....WltnntAlwelt , pg. , lU M board cant* obtained On reasonable terms; bat students can lessen expenses by tenting rooms and boarding salves.ror farther information add dress -; " P. L. CHRISPELL, I Home, July 30, ! Pimcirat., BARGAINS • Dirgaius in !Dry Goods at the cid:titan(' of D. A - - Pettes S Co,, Main ;Street, otivisite Contt, Moose Towanda, Pa Mean. Draratiall 4 (MT have bought the 044 in the above store, and 'will open on Awl 'it'll St out at rrh;te that 'A" W. aEtonthill the us U. Oa money, Air A. CHAMBERLAIN, , DIAIIIO:N,DS - , ii 2 D. M. TURNER, Editor and prop'r G. D. MYER. E. D. BURRELL. IMI New Advertbommati. ~~ SATthiDAY, ACCirriir bib, Come cnie, cows) all, atid get a pile of Louds for 1.113.401111 ALL & GOFF. Lug. 6;71 DEALER 113 FINEVEIVELRY, WATCHES AND CL .0 CKS, Ju^e 2, 1871 DANIEL F. BEATTY or BEAM R IPIeXTDS CFTYRRATED GOLDEN TON , IDE PARLOR OR a&Ns Are -ranked by eminent musicians and ; distin guished men of honor in this country and in Eu rope,•as the leading parlor. organ now in use. We challenge any maker to equal Ahem! For Church, Sabbath Schools, Lodges, ac well as the parlor, they have no equal. Testimonial' and cards or honor are constantly. being received in their favor. An otler.- Where we have no agents we will allow any one wishing to purchase one of our organs, the agent's discount. Also to any responeible perty, wishing to purchose one of our organs from a die- Uwe, and preter to see and examine it before Pay. Mg for it, the same will be granted them by sending us- a recommendation .frem the cashier of your neatest bank, orsome prominent man in your vi cinity. and if the organ is not 'just as represented, you have the liberty to return the same at our ex pease, we paying the freight both ways._ It is with pleasure we, introduce the Goixor* - Tosenr.. know ing that it will give universal satisfaction. as, it pos segos; many advantages over all others: The ton excels to fullness, and the deep vibration - of sound. an evidence that it stands first Reba merits of a rwastcal instruments now in nee. We select a few abstracts' from letters and edit& Mats which we are constantly receiving In favor ol our organs, and wish you to read them : We cry "Eureka." for we found what wo wanted. J. P. WILBAB, Harrisburg, Pa. I I am pleased with the sweetness of its tone. PROF. N. P, VAN IHRANEE,VoIine, 111. Pure as gold —Defy Patriot. Our musical critics call to see lt. They are de4 lighted With tt. OEO. L. F4EET, Altoona, Pa. We would recommend this excellent Met:lament', to the mustail world, for Its flnenesa,of terstwirg (Indiana) Democrat. Combines sweetnesi and strength In Its tone Lewistown Gazette For quality, promptness auiticxquieito of tone they are unequalled. PROF. 80/YT. /IRNCE. I can with pleasure recommend it to any in want of a first-class parlor organ. PROF. 0. HUNGER, 1 1 Mahony I-aru well Owed with them. D. SECHRIRT. Hagerstown, tild.l 1 am pleased with the tone of the instrument. 1 1 WM. ROBERTS, Brooklyn, L L ' First among its advantagea is the great scope of its expression, being constructed to play the softest! music, and, when desired, to increase its power.' Can either gradually or suddenly produce more vol ume of tone than any other organ.of its class. This is accomplished byonr now Patent Double Forte Eire% so arranged that the sound is thrown out by a direct passage through the'case. . We desire that • every family throughout this country, as well as F,prope, may test Its wonderful; mutatesl producing qtalilles. Orders have been re ceived at such rapid rates that we have been Com. polled to enlarge the manufactory, and put on a still 'larger force of skillful media/Ace in order to supply the demands. We, however, now are happy to an nounce that we can fill orders promptly and with the utmost dippatch. We also call the attention to • our,world-renowned EUREKA. PIANO. • This Plano is tut gaining a reputation as the teed- Lug piano-forte now in use. Bead for illustrated price list and a list of testi monials, some of whom you may know . using our organs from tho past six months to seventeen yews. Address. DANIEL F. BEATTY A CO.. Waihington, Warren Co.. New Jersey, Aug. etr. A YEWS CATHARTIC PILLS, FOE .t . 1.1. THE rO/IF4ErB Or A: FAMILY PHYSIC Curing Costivenes Jaundice, DY l PePilia, indf gestion,,Dysetdcry, Foul Stomach and Breath. Ery sipelas, Headache, Piki,ltheumatlara, 'Eruptions and Elkin Disemies, Biliousness, Liver fbomplaint, Dropsy, Titters, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Wolms:1 Gout, Neuralgia, as,* *liner Inn, and Purifying Mel Blood,are the most ocnaganisl purgative yet Perfected. ' Their effects abundantly show how much they exce l all other PMs. They. aro safe and pleuent to take.j but powerful In cure. They purge out' the foul hml mon of the blood ; they stimulate the sluggish or, disordered organ into action; and they bnpert health and tone to the whole being. They cure not only • the every day camplathtarof every body, but formid. shied dangerous diseases. hlost skilful ybrild-! clans, most eminent clergymen, and our beat; eltl= l seas, send sertificates of cures performed and of great benefits they have derived from these Pills They are tlte - safest, and best physic for children, be cause mild RE well as effeilnal.. Being finger roated.l they are easy to take; cud being pure!,,y vegetablei they' are entirely harmless. siarnato , Ds, I. 0. * kO., LOWELL,iM 411 4 Practical and 'Analytical obemlete. raf t *keit' =lt Value Lt :' ' - • Legal. , 1 rusTEE's -MALE ' !- of Coal ali,iv Railroad property in the Cketzitee of ibilivan ' 4 . and litredford. State of Paillininnli. ' ' "_. By %li th e of s eertamitagtemp or Rim 0 l'snin . ' executed sud'delivered by the Itellhilli it Yds Coal and gagrCompetty, of the Mate of Pentisylva• ; ale. tattle undersigned 143Tritstak; dated the fleet 1 day oflievainber. 180, and rectified in the OW for rettordingdeede, go., in and for the ocauty eL Endind. ,l 4 old Stara. in Mortgage Book No. 10 f' Aces 30, 31 and 32, on the 224 'day of November - ', i Av. - D.. VW, end In the adios tot the recording o. ': deeds. pa.; kept fosepinveneogun. to Said State. in 21 °M.0 8 nooli No . Z. Pages 02 toed inclusive, on ~ the 612: day of Dhumetter. d. D-, th eft ' ' I, no tice ,e TthrtV_li_efi_otlissid, hereby , 'eta that I will. oft MR.B:lollY..the 14th ',l day of OUTOlnrig. 1674,i - sa c ak o'clock st norm ; of that day. at the !satinet a Biomes Raider 1 111 Broadway. in the City. ifid of Nen .! York. sell at eactkur to the igh h franchise s . tild Prop i ern. fights. privileges Aud conveyed or • intended.to be conveyed to me by said Rieringsor Deed of Trutt ; detitil having bests =ail the said Company in theism@tue s Oittotui of said Mortgage, and such default continued for 1 , • then:sot of Mat; dam and 1 being remitted Myra iseeto make , anth side by holders ,of at least one I tenth In ooh fettlebo a sectued by said Mort- I aTrust, gage or Deed Trust, i i iiiti making such ropiest due mitetatidlng. ' t Tim property eforesold In pwee ochne Bye thou. sand scree of land altneted in Cheri and *din townships, la Selina County, in State of-Penn-."; silents, being the following weed warrants and Parts of warmth. o wit ; John paler and Andrew Emile. and parts of Philip Stein,f George Roberts. i Joseph P. Nan* William Stein. 'Leonard Jacoby. 1 Philip Wager, Raney Exile, Pete , Relater. David i Zeigler,Sensual Carpenter._ Reber tame. Dudley I• Chase. Ithpbalet Met., Thomas Odiort. Richard i Tomlinson. Jacob Bitaer. , :amply Tabun, Collins= l 'Reed. and Christian Getting and be. I ing all the s ot lands of-ties sait . Compan ,y• end the railroad of said Company, and aM th e bode of the said Company now occupied for the , erection of de: I pots, constructing sidings. he., and as the road-bed of said-railroad from their mines, la said county of .Sullivan. to the present northern terminus thereof. I at or near the Borough of Monroe,' in the County of ~ Bradford. State of Pennsylvania; and all the•wrrir: • • ate franchises of said Company. se secured by =e 3l i Charter. Together withall and alnenlar the With -Inge and improrements.rights. Itherties.PritiM4Ms. hereditament* and eppirtenances to the same ati- portal:ling, with reversions and remainders, rents. - Issues andProfita thereof. I I , For a more full and (template deecriptlon of the i property to he . sold. with its boundaries and loci- lions, reference may be had to the zed Mortgage. of Record as Moressid. f,.• , i 1 Terms of gala—Ten-;pee cent, of the purchase :' money is to be paid ashen hand on the day of sale, and the balance is to he paid Width thirty days thereafter, at Room Itzutther 4, in: Number 48 Wall Street. in the City of New York, State of New York; and upon payment of the said Wanes In fall, the' purchaser will receive a `:'deed to • the said property, conveying such title as le vested in ,me as .Trustee as aforesaid. Dated Marth 13th. int. _, V JOHN A.- EITEWATIT..d ._ Trustee for the bond holders of l the Sullivan d Erie Coal and Railroad Company. ' W. A. W. STEWART, Attorney for Trustee, 48 Wal I Street, New York City: ' March 26.'11-6m.. ' 7' ; ' • The above advertisement appears In the follOwina r.e•.aspapera published in the city of New York, to wit : "The Evening Post Weekly." "The New York Weekly Mall," ""New York bpecta for and Weekly Commercial Advertiser." . O.O3ISIONWEALTII- OF PE'NN-- SYLVANlA.—Basnronn Corrir, es.- 210 . 204 . September Term, 1874. • ' In the matter of fixing the ,Terine and tithes for •: holding the several courts for the 13th Judicial Die-. trict. filed May le, 1874. : • ; It is ordered that the regular terms of the several courts in and for said county, be held on the first ; • Mondays of September, December., Februaryl.and May In each year, end shall continue three weeks, 14 except the tern commencing on the p rat Monday of ;I May, which - 41:211' continue two 'weeks : and said ;, terms shall respectivelyhe known and designated as follows : September Term, December Term, Feb- ruary Term and May Term. In addition thereto, It 4 is ordered that two terms be - held at Troy, in said ';; county, commencing respictively ~ e n the fourth 4 Moridaya of October and March; end continue two weeks, for the trial of causes, /to. as required by 1, the act entitled "an act to authorize the courts of L "Bradford county to hold-additional sessions in the J: "borough of Troy in said county," approved Feb- 1 1 ruary 23,1870, and the supplements thereto, but no summons or executions Jr original of final process , shall - be made returnable to any of ' the terms to be ; held at Troy as aforesaid ; and this, order. in rat- 1, tionthereto, is not to be taken or tonatrned •give id courts any greater porter or jurisdiction than as provided in said act and the supplements thereto. The foregoing orders. are made by virtue Of the t,- 11th section an,act entitled; "an act designating . "the judicial dietricti,of the Commonwealth. and 1, "providing for the appointment and election ofjudr "es thereln,—for issuing to additions{ judges learned "In the law commiesions as president judges, and 1 ; "manner of fixing the terms of -court therein," an , proved April 1, 1874, which said erders and. all modifications and changes thereofl shall be pub lished ;1 in, not less thin : two newspapers in said 1' county at least thirty days before th time zed for , holding said courts. 11 the Court. Until oth•rwise ordered, it is ected that said orders be published in the BriAnro EzeOltilne and Bradford Argus, two newspapers publiabed at To- wanda, and in the Troy Gazelfr, pubßshed it j Troy, In said county. ' B. the Court. r IST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR • _a_i sErTEktitEll TEEM. /rt.; t 1 1 - OrAND .1L1101113.. Athens born, G 1., Eaatabrooke; (Athens twp, E Mclforau;• Darlington born, J S Clark: Canton twp, J Dnrritt Jr; , Columbia, n Ballard ; , I.ltoy , J Hickey; Monroe twn, J Blackman; Orwell, C H Upson' Pike, I Stone.. Jno 8 Wood; Borne twp.;B Barnet; 'filth-. bury, I Hammond; Sheshequin, - 3 C'aftee; To- „.. wanda :aoro, Jas McCabe, W Mix. Clr Caah ; Troy, J Dobbins; Terry, E Hor on; Wyaltasing, Jl' Lee. A Jennings; Wilmot, II Meeks; Wysor, 0 Kinney; Windham, P C Vandyke; Wells, C Shires. I THAVOIRIC J 11110129.-11365. I , Athens boro k T VicAvitY; Athens A Phelps, A . Hunaiker: Albany. J Warren, C Engliah; , Bur. liugton twp. J W Wrisley .4 Barclay; l W McCraney; Canton born, W(3 Newman; Colnaibia, C Moldier, ' C S McKean, A Budd; Franklin, W AndersonrGran- ' vilie, 6 T Burke, J L Ferguson; Litchfield. EMlled lock; Monroe twp, 3 Ennis, L Pratt; Orwell, .Conk. liv.S Sibley; Pike, J Baldwin; Sneshequin. I, Tow ner, A Bingham; Standing Stone, N Eitevens; Smith. Held, J Bird Jr; Sylvania, •C H Mosher; Springfield, 13. Cooley; Towanda bore,: D Sheridan. H Taylor, a H Eaton ; Tovr.oada twp, Jrio E For ; 'rl'os`,•E LOMA.; Terry. J W • Van,auken ; 'Glitter, BEd aster . J Mtn. ier: Warren,. T Able, 0 Sloper: Wilaiot. .1 Yeager, P Miller; Windham, A Wanzo; Wells, l IN W Garrison. TRAVELSE JrIIOIIS.- , SECOpr. lIVE.EIi. Athens bore. II Smith; Athens tyrp; H Huff. .1 Thurston. II Miller; Burlingtonl,B P Guatin; Barclay, I Dlrchhurn; Canton bora, W , Colwell; Canton twp.l3'lleynoldS, H Thrmas, i m Patrick,F Falwell, N McClelland. A T Owen; Columbia, F Bah lock; Franklin, W B Bock Well; Granyille, 4. L Bo vier, H Tinklepangb: Herrick, a 1 liankineop p Or well, IC r Case; Sheshequin„ F S Ayers. IU Tomp kins, R Sohnson; Smithfield, C BB ggs; Standing Stone, 31 i Kingsley; Towanda bozo, J W Melna, J Boggs; Malty' WII Jones, L Mundy, It Smlth;Troy twp. If Greeno, H Porter; Terry. Juos Mann; Ulster. W Hornet, G lingers: Weis. S 3 Aflrs. Warren. J Whalen: Wilmot. GE Ingham;,' F U Stalford ; Wysor, II J Coolbaugh. ' , re • -.. rnavrat,l; JrUODS::—T111:1113 E..E.g. ' Athens boro; FA Biistol; Athens tap, Win Webb, D Gardner,' I A Woodgworth; Alba ,1 S Reyerlds• Asylum, W J. Cole: Barclay. W Et Brown; Burling ton twit, B Kendall; Canton bore. ;Ci A Krise;; Can ton twp, I Williams, P Wordent Columota,dl Blood : Herrick. I "gewall; Leßoy, E Lilley; i Motircia Oaro. J Daughterly. A L Creamer; Monroe tap,', B K .Benedict, S Lyon; Horne. L W Towner. W B Packs; Smithfield, I Ballock,W Pierce; Standing Stone, G A Stevens; South Creek, .W C Cowell . ; Shesbequila, W French, II Osborne; Towandao, E Ashraun Parsons, L D Ilontanye, C Hovey.:l, L Moody; To b. wanda twp. G F Mason ; - Tuscarora, MantgometT; . Inciter,' S s Lo: - .kwood; Warren, C'V nertuan,M W Baker; 'W,'lnot. II Saclai, .1 . S Quick; Windham, I French; Wells, P R Knapp: Wpor, K B BishOp. J. U. svgs.; SherA s, I . TOWANDA, P. Towanda, Jilly 34). Ib7l A PPLICATION I IN D!yORCE.- ~..i. To Frank Moftitt.—No. 30. Feb. T.. 1874. You,are hereby notified that Rachel E. Moffitt. 44c.. your wife: has applied to the eon* of i:ommon pleas of Bradford Co.. for a divorce froinl the bonds of matrimony; and the said court has 'appointedekion day. the 7th day of Sept. 1874. for bearing the, said Racket E. in tho premises. at which' time and place you c.ri attend it you 'think proper.l Aug. a • • J. U.lB Tll, Sheriff. • A PPLICA.TION IN DIYORCE.,--- .11. To T. B. Wasson 'No. 420: Feb .T., 18711." You are hereby notified; that 3f. P. Wasson, de.- your Wife, has applied to life court of common pleas of Bradford Co., for a divorcefrom the ponds of mat rimony, and the said court has appeduted Monday. the 7th day of Bout, 1874, for nearing:the said M. Y. in the premises, at which limo and place you attend it you think proper. Aug. 3. -J. lit. S7,Ur . tiller - - 1 - - APPLI.oATION IN DIV I ORC4 To Josephine BOe.-740. 838. Sept. T. 1t7.;• Yon are 'hereby notified that Wm. T. ltoe, your bnaband, has applied to the court of common pleas of Bradford Co., for a divorce frOmpe bonds of matrimony, and the said court has appointed Mon day, the 7th day of Sept. 1874, for hearing the Said 'Om. P. in the premises, at which titne and place you can attend if you think propel'. ' ' I Aug 3. " • J. 31.8511T11, Sheriff, APPLICATION IN. DIVORCE.- To Hannah L. Seebich.—No. 364.1reb. Tl, 1971. You aro hereby notified that Andrew Beabich, you hnaband, baa applied to the tout of gointhon pleas of Bradford Co„ for a divorce from the bonds of mat rimony, and the said court has appointed - Monday. • the 7th day of Sep‘lB74,for bearing thp laid Andrew in the premises. at which time and place I you can attend if yoi th ink proper, I I Ang 3.. J. DI. SMITH, Sheriff._ INCORPORATION NOT In the matter of the incorporation lfentllill Cemetery AssoCiation.—No. 185, Sept. T., 1874.1 Notice fa hereby given that the above name( As sociation has presented to the Court of Collation Fleas of Bradford. CO. their articles of Association. asking for a deer - ea of Incorporation, and the ,said Court having eumined the same, and finding them correct, will decree that they be incorporated as prayed for. on Monday, the 7th day of §ept. 1874, at 2 o'clock, p: in., unless cause be shown to the contrary. B. !tt. PEON', 'Aug. 3. 1 . Ppthonotary. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCl—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of I, John P. Brown, I Iznik of Wilmot, dec'd, aro regnested to make Immediate payment and all persons having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for atile. !neut. , CL , IBA L Blit/WN. • ' EDWIN DEOSER: , I l• Executors. A *UDITQR'S - NOTICE. JOles Fox vs. Randall Manley. In tho Conti of Common Pleas of Bradford COU ty. No. :12.51-20C, )fay Term, 1874.- I Tim undersigned, an auditor appointed by the eoust to distribute money in the hands of the Sher iff arising froni sale of defendants reel estate, :will attend to the duties of the appointment on WED NESDAY, September 2. 1874, at 2 1 o'clOck, P. M r ; at his office in Troy borough; whennll isms inter ested are rcro Brad to attend. •W. li. C OCEILN,I Aug. 11. I auditor. I July 23. 1157, INCORPORATION NOTICE,- - In the matter of the rineorporatien of the par. tiler's Muting Fire Insurance Corapapy , of 'Ctrs rore.—No. 181. Sept. T., 1574. Noticitia hereby given that the abovis natnoa, c. sociation has piesanted to the Covell of Co naraou Fleas of Bradford Ca:their article 0,4 Aaseciation, asking fore decree of I n cirporstion, mad the paid Court Inning ezarained 6/1412e. and ors as will decree that hey be incomorated as prayed for, ont Monday, tho 7th day of September, WC at! 11 o'clock, r m • milers maple ehowei to the contras, . Avi, 251111111671 " 1 IN ft RI t ri