Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 06, 1874, Image 3

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Toiranda,l Thursday; Aug. 6, 18i4.
LOCA.ti A.N.p
Tn Athens Building Association
money sold lait, week at a premium of 151 per
share. ;
• I i . .
'ILT ,
- COL. -- 4.1. 1I W. DAVIS, an old and
prominent oaken of Owego, died in that town
on Fridaylasi.
Josnus Pownsi, President of the
Lyanning Inetartunte 00.. tiled in Meng, on
Tuesday the tra:Ntit. I 1
AN ODD Fellowe pic-nic is in con
temptation mute time daring We prelim'
montlkat Mudammiock. ' I
Ca 223
Gronciz liananrz, a In:lea years Old
boy, has beenlapPoleted telegraph operatorin
the', Western titnion Moe "Va.
WII23I3TER, of the Oweio Times
office; hal ben employed it a Wary of $l,OOO
per annum to edit the Tiogs (ItO Ezprers; •
THE Co House greet!' has been
'materially improved in appearance, during the
put week by the nutting of the weeds and
'grass. Now,tiat the Park to well fenc6d, we
hope to seelykept looking more neatly than it
Lan for some time put. r •
Scasalroau.we made an ivasnecese
fel attempt t q indnge ley. J. 8. Svawmir to
cept a call to tsie of, die Presbyterian churches
-in that city. t fhe bond which binds Kr. 8. to
his large =II appreciative congregation Imre,
is ton strong to be - easily. sundered.
PArnEttliving 'within a' reasonable
distance fro the Institute, who have rooms to
rent to students desiring to hoard themselves;
alio parties wishing young men Ito work for
their board and to go to school, are requested
tikiond tbeii nsmes.atid plies. of ;residence to,
or call upon,- the Principal of the Institute.
CoL. J. ' . Masox has discovered a
-way of making the Indians pay their 'way. Da
ring the pastlyeat he has constructed a . dam
.across the3'eirdi river, and built three miles of
canal, emplo,yisig only red men in the work,
alid'eaving,t sit:wands of dollars to the Govern
SHIERWOOD, the music teacher,
in.B so tar recovered from her recent illness as
to be able to give lessons at. her own hoiuse.
Her pupils will cheerfully go there, until she is
fully recovered. 'Mrs S. is =S of the best in
atraetons In the eowitry, and we ire happy to
-irnow, is well patror,izad in this place.
P. L PAINTPIt, : OL 4 MIIitey,
- is the owner .f a small wooden, thank-shaped,
paper-a) • , box, that was brought from
- Germany, by' her great, great, great grand
father, over t,o hundred years ago. The box
is in good Atte of preservation, s ami is of,
course bight prised:
WM. V.4NDEMAIIK has displayed a
good deal oegenias and skill in dm ccinstruo
thin of several very handsome tustic flower
stands and hinginebaskets. They are quite
equal in styletand deSign to any we have ever
seen, and ladicis who take pride in such things
should encorirago the' young man by jiving
him orders.
TUE orgpmizs,tion of the Y. M. C.
A., of Trop.Jaas been completed by the election
of the foLlowitag officera:
President .R. Wttpourt.
Vice Presulett —WALT= GERN
Secrelary-111. B. Blrreurm.
71 - easurer--Honacs POMEROY. ;
With such fficers the Association should be
come a powe for good in the community.'
~ .
Tut. great, change in the appear-
attee of thegkounds concocted with the Episco
pal parsonag l , is noticed by all who pass t , le
premises. F m one o f . the most gloomy, no
inviting pla a in town, it has li6en' m, te
morphosed i to a most pleasant atni.deligh i ; 'll
'spelt: iducho l for the transformatimi
lady& the industrious and systematic rector and
his accomplished wife, both of whom are pat
terns of neatness and natural horticulturists.
ED. REPORTER : j saw in the ICK:3I
relumn of youepaper ,soinething relating to
441 corn, which had been raised in the limits
.of your tow i i. I think Stiesheqnin can beat
lit alittle. rim; Yirso, Using in this place,
I haa a piece o field earn, the stalks of which
will average eight feet iriheight. I measured
• one of the bet talks, and - found it to be nine
•Teet and fotn• itches high. I would like to see
: some of yi;ia 'owandisni beat thatif you can.
-I ,-
(iltrzet,'Shesniquin twp , Aug. 3.
littniicK l tovinihip is. famishing
her full quota of al:Anced echocil tfachers.
E. L. ANOLEIiS the Principal of the Canton
Graded Scholl, J.C. l Cuawraan fills ;the same
place in the Athens Graded Scholl,' ; W. N. Nts-
BIT has beenlmployed as Principal of the Le-
Repolile Ae demy, and J. F. Eworr bo,
charge of the l iWyalcising Academy. ! It is hat•d
ifteccssary o add that they are ; young men
thoroughly qualified lot:. the responsible duties
they have tteu ppon We have
no doubt theire are many others, both gentle
men and ladies of that township, who aro dis
tinguishing Themselves in "teaching the young
idea- heir to . boot." ! T" •
f Mu. AF 0 Mrs. ELIBEIA NEWELL, of
Sheshetpain,. celebrated ' -their China wedding on
the eveningf the 3d inst. Their friends and
neighbors, t 4the number, of nearly two hun
dred, aseemhled and spent the evening in a
very plaliant manner. Many beautiful and
costly presents attested the high esteem in
which the e l etimable couple ire hell:tin the
large circle of their relatives and friends: The
affair was a complete tintpriselo Sre. N., from
whom the ar!rangements and preparations were
kept a profoltnd secret, until after the arrival
of the guest - P , . i
We tr.: r e ty - may , live to celebrate their
ge , ':.. to.: 'amond wedding.. . i i ,
4 %tam th' &testa trim this place wart ".Ip.
uty U. 8..11 shal, E. It. and ••ife,
Ur. and Mr . W. K. Etna, L. J. CuLvEn- and
wife, and Ste. J. W. Goorms. 1 -
Boitev II FINANCEB.--Below will be
found the 'rc i port of Borough Trc4aurer Kraus-
BMW, showing the condition of the finances
on the 29th iday of July :
Balance ir cr i c to First National Bank
• totbe 't of Trealr,'Jan.,lB7l..s 703 93
Amount paid in since by i .,Oollecitar
r'mren• 21
Amount recd f rom Collector Myer.. 11,218 97
Am't from a 'bitions, peddlers, etc. 213 32
Total r ipts. .....
• To mr.a.d ancorr.
Orders and redeemed:..,_ 311,153 73
Pald balance of judgment of Field
& King, ototained mu order No. 1,-
256, Feb.tem, No. 025, 1871 in 04
-- J. J. Griffiths, check due Aug. 4, '74.114 50
t Bal. in let *{anon' Bank. Towanda. - 1,719 19
_ '
. ....... . ........$jE , 474 46
Joni% Eatommitv,. Treasurer.
We"oerti:jib/it we have carefully examined
the above statement, arid find it correct in eTe.
E. T.FrIC, Muni* Committee.
Tcnnuida, July 29, 1874. -,; •
A lasrr to the country f 4 this sea
, son,,,is alw pleasant, and the enjoyment is
enhaarragi ',rhea JOU hare congenial compan
ions. It mil our formula to be appointed one
of the connives on the part of the Republicans
of Bradford county, 'to arrange' the baals of
repreaenta4 , on, time and place of meeting, etc, ' ,
of the conference to select a Candidate for
State Sena* this fall. On entering the cars
at the depo on Friday kat. (the meeting hav
ing been pointed at Wyalakg), we met
throe of our collenes, Measrs. !Karr; !Lwow&
Sna 41 . Major , l Ganz was also present.
' After ecjoying in agreeable time i fOr about an
tcYcir , '"W7alrsable was called oat by the se
conlmodatinbrakeman, and one party disem
bathed, expecting to wind bur w 4 to the ho
tel; discuss political matters, trauseet.our best.
nese, andsoturn to our bonne. We were agree.
gbh' disappointed, however. The other mem.
iber of the conference, Judge Braman, was
Iformil waiting at the station with a comfortable
;carriage, and after seating ourselves we were
driven to the Judge's hospitible miansion„oxer.
looking the site of the old Moravian Mad Indian
village, where we met the conferees . from Wyo
ming county, Mews. BARDWELL and Jaw,
and Hon. F. C. Buiminm, who Were amusing
themselves at s game of croquet_ with ,two of
t'ae young ladles of the house:
A dinn; inch as only Hrs. 8. knows how to
prepare, u spr i ead, and if ever , ample justice
was Bono onon such an occasion—well, we have
nothing further to say, as the very thoughts of
the :Moue chicken and ,the tempting viands
set before us, ells us with a feeling "too full for
utterance." Having on a previous occasion en
joyed the hospitality of the family, we are in
duced to believe the Judge delights hi doing
good, and takes real pleasure in entertaining
his friends.
Judge EITAIZORD occupies the farm on which
his father settled many years ago. Judging
from the appearrnce of things; he knows how
to *induct his tam' His fences aro neat and
tidy; his buildings large and - menfortaile, and'
the grounds about his dwelling give ample evi•
dales of rare culture and refinement on the
part of his good wife and estimable daughters.
If all farmers would take as much pains as the
Judge does to make b i ome pleasant we opine
there would be fewer farmers' boys seeking cc
cupitiou in other callings. • The Misses t3Tu.•
nun exhibit all the refinement , and grace of
the town or city belle, with the added charms
of ring health and unaffected, genPfne good
sense in conversation and manners. With such
a family and - such siirroundino, we do not
wonder that the Judge is always happy.
DEEDS left for record i n the office
or recording deeds, etc., week ',ending Appel
.1874: ' I
Dennis r
James McDonald to m Bustin, July, '74,
Sheehequin. Abram Iltuardnger to Sarah K .
Barris, July 20,1874 , Athens. Jesse S. Barber
to BenJ. Vandyke, June 27, Albany. D. 11.
BroWn to Ira Brown, March 25; 1873, Wyalu
tdng. Flavin& Washburn 'to 1:1; S. Boarditan,
May 20, 1878, Rome. D. S. Boardman fo Chas.
J Eistabroks, July 4,1874; Romili James Bry
ant to James Mclntyre, Jan. 3 1 ,1874, Towanda
Boro. Miranda Allen tcqdrs Lydia 31 Jones,
Dec: 8, 1873, Troy. -D M Allen to Mrs Lydia M
i it
,Tones, March 10, 1874, Troy. antral Decker
et al: to Chas McDaffee, July 3, 1874, Athens.
Rockwell & Davison, assignees to E C Say
motir, Jane 24, 1874, Troy Bort S 31 Bacon to
Warren Page, Oct 3, 1860, Wi ot. Arthur T
Merrill to - T L Mernll, July 29, 1874, Warren.
Albert Preston to Chas P Rockwell, April 14,
1871, West Burlington. . Henry Ward to Mar
garet Brophy, March 11, 1879, Towanda Boro.
Isaac Myers, executor, to Elizabeth York, et al.
Apil 10,1871, Towanda Boro. il,l E Bullock to
BSI Wright, April 15, 1874, Canton Boro. $ W
Colwell to James Kenny, May- 30, 1874, Canton
• Boro. D - L F Clark to Theadoro Williams,
Jane 23,1874, Athens. Ralph lore to Louisa
E Arnold, Feb. 26,1874, Sheshequin.
PERSONAL—We en j oye d a pleasant
t from Capt. Huairr, on Saturday hat. The
Captain_ is looking remarkably well. He says
his experience with Mr. Lo has not induced
him to pat much faith in the Quaker policy.
-+Fnasw H. Sr.uxono, of 7iryalusing, ban
been electod Professor of the Commercial De
partment of the Greenwich Academy,. At East
Greenwich, B. L He was last y ar engaged In
the' amnia capacity in the King ton Seminary.
He is spending his vacation in very sensible
manner, aiding his father, Jndge STALrono, in
seonring.his cropi.
-'1.33. SMITII, of Ulster, has just returned
froin a tour' through several of the Western
Stitesand Territorios. Ho exitresser himself
well pleased with the .00nditio l n. of things in
that section.
-L-Bishop LEE, of Delaware. who has' been
spending several weeks in this place' with ids
son-in-law, Rev. Case. E. Herr.v.itztE, returned
to'his home on Tuesday. His discourse& here
we're listened t? with, the most marked atten
tion, and will hive a lasting impression on all
who heard them. His sermon on §anday even
ing on the subject of,"Contentnient," is worthy
of a high place among the literary gems,of the
nineteenth century.
LBlrs. T. B. ! MCCHESNEY, and daughter,
of Syracuse, N. 1., are spending a few weeks
with their friends in Orwell and vicinity.
LBlre. W. L Posy, of Washin g ton, is visiting
hei brother, J. 111. WARD, Esq., !in this place.
Miss ELLA 3.IscrAuLANE ana l Bliss Clumr.
BAUsiniv are at Avon Springs„d
7 Gen. L. B. PIERCE, the gthed.natured and
efficient General Agen of the Phenix Life In
suiince Co., is in this county i slaiting friends
and looking after the interests of the company.
4-Lieut. J. 31:CALryr, U. 5. A., ic'apeuding
It week with his parents in Smithfield.
- i -The Auburn Mornidg:Neirs i o f July 20, con
tains an extended notice of a Grand Compli
mentary Concert, held in the Opera House the
pr ceding evening, under direction of Prof. L.
P. Sa.}IAGUE, assisted by the or i chestra of the
49kRegiment. Among the performers we ob
serve the name of Miss AzeteA Ham, formerly
of ibis place. , The News says 'qlse fine execu
tion of the Piano Solo, by Hiss HALL, was de
seving of the applause,"—an opinion in j which
her friends here will readily con .
4-S. S. nutter, wife and dang ter, and Mrs.
MOD.GAN, are visiting frie ds inl Indiana
and'lllinois. • -
PECE and wiro are at
.4-0. J. Connatcs. and wife,
and wife, ALIMIT LONG and vrtt
yolng lady friends; visited Wal
'IHON. THOS. E. CociinAs
ectllon. E. IL llx - sit ii.few week
ea !tile York - True Democrat wit .1
hie trip from York county, ben).
following interesting description
t' Bradford is, I think, returned in the census
aslthe largest butter-producing county of Penn
sylvania. It is not difficult to b elieve , for its
natural soil yields generously the succulent
griusses,and timothy is 'native and to the manor
born.' Probably, the method f agriculture
would not exactly suit our fee dions German
turners. There are almost many weeds
and brushes in the fence-rows; tit land is not
sd fully occupied, nor are rednced to
such small dimensions as .for e most part
thhy aro in our lumber valleys. The country
is 'S liniestone region, and tho gh the white
pine, which never sprouts ag . on the land
which it occupied, has all been cut down,
ifid - -tillage now takes the place of timber, yet
it bas not been there as here. the first object of
consideration for nearly or more than a centu
ry ry, I was there in the midst of harvest—usual
lyla week or ten days later th with us—and
their crops were very good. Hal was making
a large yield—wheat produced liberally—oats
were finer than here, and the morn seemed to
na to have a greate• depth of living green Ulan
our own, flourishing as it now aPpears. As for
petatoes, they beat us far away. I It is the very
place for a "native Irishman:* end the " mar
pheys't would make his heart leap for joy. The
lind Is fertile. To be sure, the farms away
from the streams are set very Much on edge;
but I was assured that their sloping hills to
the very summits produced the bestril, and
wp saw them cultivated to the top.
Bradford's county seat, is beautifully =
on the.west bank of the Susquehanna. Along
its first level runs its principal street for !bust-
nem, and rising on the slope as in ternoM, are
many large, commodious, beautiful dwelling
hems, the abodes of intelligenbe and comfort
—in many cases, of, hand elegance.
Two railroads come in' at this t from the
Barclay and Sullivan . " while the
Pennsylvania Canal it B. B. 004 which has ta
ken the place, and whose track :t cmi many_places
the very bed of the North Branch
( I rsZndlt by.the State, whose I are rotting e ,
at its side, and whose cost even yet forms part
of the public debt, makes an avenue through ,
it for trade and travel to and fro between the
lakes and all Western New York and the
marts of keels' commerce. TM town, ,
fore, grows and improves; and tp a'Rep u blica,
is It not enough to say, that it Wes the hie of
David Wilmot, and the Tay . heart and centre
of the fame- - - ' •dr led the
vim in tht r freedom
and foe thi and sonl-
Oinking ji
.:...$13,474 4B
Joinvst Saloum.
zr hostess'
, /mpg and
Mont, and stocked with
fishionabk. i flrst time
you see her as possess.
Mg mach '
_Tms. The
mit time r you meet her, if ycla spend 'a few ,
moments in km presence, there comes over
you a pleasant sensation of soothing quiet, and
if you hear h:r voice in occasional replies, or
brief and almost involuntary , remark, you are
Won by a lurking sweetnts3 of 'undertone, that
cruses you to listen, almott to forgetfulness of
the flowing conversation of her loquacious
Nag Mother is oar hostes's' bosom friend,
J. F. Coma
, and several
ins, on Tacif-
who vibit
since, furnish
an actonut of
He gives the
of our county:
4 i•
and ere - beim' in the co:Adana of this worthy
iadtridual, are made the recipient of menit
trite and rah:able saying. ' .
"My daughter is not in the market befOre
her time„" she exclaims, calculatingly; "I don't
want. her to marry any of these boys." And
thereasue she doesn't mean to haie her mar
ry any of these boys Is, les:muse she knows
they won't keep well. "I intend," she adds
furthermore, "that my *daughter shall know
how to manage a household, but her services
are of enough value, that I want them for my
self until a service often itself, that I ite war
ranted is better than mine."
This girl has resources *enough within her
mit, that she is not compelled to go abroad for
entertainment. She site by the window, when
the housework is done, .and sews and sings,
and the younger children ;day about her like.
kittens following the sunshine. She wlll bloom
out into a splendidly developed woman some
day, aid the man who has the discernment to
.seek in the quiet home-inartuaing elements of
this noisy world' for his life-companion, will
find her, and bring her into an atmosphere
where she will brighten, end flourish and beau
tilt natal the world will wonder where be
found so perfected a type of womanhood.'
Mothers and boys, and girls, and society, all
act as if a woman's sum total of ezistence is to
shine, and marry, and go out before she
thirty; and it is quite refreshing to find a mod
ern mamma who is willing' that her children
shall vegetate naturally siting the thorough
fares and garden borders of the existence they
are not only to _adorn, but to tend, in turn,
with the cultivator's care. Men and women do
• of shine, after all that is said about brilliance
and style, until the luminous principle radiates
from-within. Life, at its vital ' centres mast
generate a warmth and light that is capable of
grinder and mere sustained Illuminati:a than
the few brief flashes that are necessary to
brighten the ballroom, and dazzle the eyes of
envious rivals. And our hostess' neighbor has
got the right of it, whether she acts conicien
dowdy or from a long-sighted policy, in push
ing her daughter's more responsible life as far,
as L justifiable into the future. "I am saving
her for her own benefit as well as mine,". she
often remarks, with her ugacioas smile,. "for
her life is best and fullest at forty." The young
people need not smile, for forty Is n't so far off:
We know
_a prig of a lad whose bent pf ambi
tion Is to carry his cuffs to town at the right
angle of adjustment, that will shake off the
faded woman on his arm, twenty years from
now, for a sweep down some salon with the
blooming matron who , is scarcely a " Orat-class
girl " in his estimation of to-day. ,
AA 1 well-a-day it is of little import how the
times go, only so they do not find us empty
handed when we begin to feel the need or those
possessions that will sustain tis "when we 'go
down the declining yeari.
Dzrra op Itzv. 'Noma SHICARDOWN
—Father ea&ammo's, for many years put the
pastor of the Troy Baptist Church, died In that
tillage on Thursday - evening. He WWI quite a
remarkable man, and possessed of morn than
ordinary ability. His "Life," which was pith
hshed some years since, had an
,eztonsive sale,
and brought him iramineatly before the public
in this section. Although he bad many times
been brought near to death's door, he preservo
ed his vigor and vitality to the last. A corres
pondent of the Elmira Adterliser gives the
following interesting_ sketch of „hie well spent
life, and it will be read with interest, especially
by those who knew the good man personally :
"He was one.of the landmarks, fora radius
of one hundred miles from Elmira. Wo do well
to pause a moment at his graye. He was born
Nov. 4, 1791, in the county of Lincoln, Eng
land. ilia father died when Thomas was eleven
years old. His mother lived till some time
after his arrival in Ametica. He was convert
ed and joined the Baptist Church at Dagger
Lane, in Hall, England. His baptism was in
1812, when be wu In his twenty-first year. His
first effort at preaching and conducting a reli
gions meeting was at the residence of William
Wilberforce, EM., in Shelby, England. He
first married in his native land, Miss Esther
Grassam. He continued evangelizing in an
itinerant or missionary manner in .rural places
about Hull. Then he and his wife - visited Hol
land and France for a time. Now they decided
to emigrate to America. They settled argil in
Covert, Seneza county, N. Y. This was in 1820.
Joined the Baptist Church there. Began again
to preach here and there about home. Goes
to Catlin, Chemung cqunty; Liceased and or
dained to preach. Begins ' his life proper by
purchasing a horse and going all through this
section, gathering and organizing churches.
Preached at Beading, Moreland, Big Flats,
Mead's Creek, Nash's Hill, Knowlton Settle
ment, 31111 port and Townsend settlement. In
1829, he began to make clerical excursions into.
Pennsylvania. We find him at Middleburg.
Then at Tio,ga. Revivals followed his path
everywhere. =.l:le met with many
battles. No* ho makes a tangent up Pine
Creek—then another-off in Sullivan township..
He was present and helped organize Bradford
Association of Baptist Churches. Then he left
this section for, a time' and organized the
church at Caton. N. Y.- Next he is padtor at
Reading. Now be labors in Watkins. Soon he
goes to liornellsville. Then to Southport.
Hero he loses his companion, and after a than
marries Mrs. Lorrin Alexander. Sue survives
him. Ia 1860 he became pastor of our Troy
Baptiej, Church. For 14 years he has labored,
ever growing more and more into the sympa
thies and affections of the whole community.
"We have only touched Points. The filling
tip is of tears and labors, and long, hard jour
neys, and - destitution, ad more or less of per
secution and contest. There were, too, joys
and grand victories, andrich fruit, and heaven
ly blessings.
"Ills last years have'been passed very peace
fully among a beloved and loving people. His
congregation had just fitted up for him a beau
tiful parsonage next the church; We had all
hoped for him' yet years of pastoral work in our
"Hr.'l3heardown, without ever compromising
his own denomination, had won the regard and
confidence of all our churches. We feel special
sympathy for his own church. He was able_to
preach to the very last. Theirs will be a sad
church , on the morrow.
"Oh, how grand to die as did this venerable
soldier of Christ I What an abundant entrance
he had into the heavenly land I Thousands,
saved through his labors, met and welcomed
He was well - until Tuesday noon. His sermon
on Sabbath morning is spoken of as peculiarly
Interesting. At Sabbath evening prayer meet
ing, be intimated, based on a seeming premo
nition,' thitt possibly it was the last be , should
attend. Tuesday morning_he was about town
feeling very cheerfdl, and as elastic as common
for him. At noon his disease,
abdominal pa
ralysis, set in without notice. He suffered be
yond measure till Wednesday morning about
1 o'clock. From then on till death, he was un
conscious and: gave utterance to no word. The
scene st his death bed will never be forgotten
by most devoted friends. Revs. Conde, Hop
kins, and Lemon were present. Just as he
died, we all joined in prayer, led by the Metho
dist pastor. Daring Isis dying moments passa
ges of Scripture appropriate to the scene, were
recited by different persona. Just at the last
Rev. Mr. Conde led fining—
" 'How blest the righteous when he dies !
When sinks a weary soul to rest !
How mildly beam the closing eyes!
Hdw gently heaves the expiring breast!'
"The last words of Bro. S., boforo bccomln
unconscious, were to Mrs. S.,—"Ma, i can
hold out long,'
"He then recited as best he could the first
verse of his favorite hymn—lestis, lover of my
soul,' etc. Two daughters And one son-in-law
wero present when he depaited.
"Ile leaves four sons and three daughters.
Ono.of the sons resides in Wisconsin and the
other three in Minntsota. The daughter Jane
is Mrs. W. K. Mitchell, living near 'Dogs, Pa.
Eliza, is Mrs. J. Milton, of 'Logs. Susan is
Mrs. O. H. Boyce,-of Hornellsville.
"The funeral services will be to-day (Satur
day) in our village, at the Baptist church. Rev.
A. C. Mallory, of Benton Centre, preaches the
discourse. The body will be buried &Ulla:vans,
N. Y., where lie the remains of a former wife
and of a soa. The arrangement that Mr. Mal
lory should officiate on this occasion was effect
ed years ago between the parties. The hymn
to be sung was also selected, and will be sung
this morning. It begins, 'There is a land mine
eye bath seen.'
"Our sympathies aro with the afflicted circle.
We trust that this provident, may be blessed
to all our community. Quartos."
Troy, Pa., July 30,1871.
—"The funeral services began at the Baptht
Church, in Troy, On Batuday, at 8:30 a. as. All
business places hi the village were closed from
Bto 11 o'clock. The pulpit background was
tastefully festooned In crape. In the centre
were the words, 'Asleep in :ens." The church
was mimed with people of all demoninatlons.
The following clergymen were present : A. 0.
Mallory, of Belden Centre; G. P. Watrous; of
Clinton; G. P. Hopkhis, IL L. Conde and 3. 11*
Limon of Troy. These represented the Baptist;
Episcopalian, Presbyterian and lethodist dos
nominations. They, with DBIOOII Burt, were
the beams. Mr. Mallory delivesed the dis•
course. His text , was 1 Oor. xv: 1244. He
gave exegesis of the words, and supplemented
hiss ermon with many interesting reminiscen
ces u to the deceased.. His discourse was pre•
ceded by brief remarks from each other pastor,
rommling In special his personal relations to
WMIIIIII9G or' CAM? YitifelNo.
—A general msethig is called for Ang. 19, at
9 'A. N.; to locate. arid prepare the camp.
ground at Keihoppin,,ps. On or before this
date, all those wishing to retain tent situ oc
cupied last year, must notify the conimittee on
Location of Tents—Bees. J. 8. a nd 3. N.
Wilma; after which ill tent sites umaining
uncalled for will be open 16 aver that may V
-3. B. Bureau, laoc'y.
Baszkin .tkiL.
• ~
Sir Large stock of Pictures and
Picture Frames, at Wurramen & Stares; Mer
men Block. , , -
Mr New goods just revived at
HuartauVo. -
Mr Spectacles and eye glasses;
warranted equal to any in the market, from
the eleaperito the bear, at Hunnatan'e.
MO you want the best Cook Stove
extant, call at Jo a% In Bercpea Block.
Wk. For the best Boast or Steak
go to Illiza a Iltrumu:s. -
Mir Go to Warrcomz & Saves,
Norm's block, for your Books and Stationery.
1016 . The laigest assortment of
clocks M low plow at lizazztagaa's.
346.. It you wish to see line 'gold
4wehT, rill at RE2IIDZLIWeL
-From a plain Gold Ring to
the finest dimmed, go to Ilmautuate.
Several valuable Farms and
Houma and Lots for sale by Bash arrb TRAM
--Terme easy. Apply to Mrs. E. L. WooDnuvv,
over M. J. Lorra's store.
NT A large line of Parasola in all
the new shades, just ma:tiredly
EVANS & Humana.
i American and Swiss Watches;
largest stock ever brought to this town at
Fos fisis.-150 acres of land, 1
mile from Ulster • depot. Also several second
hand wagon. A. B. Swim.
Tbe best and largest assort
triont4bf, ladies and gentlemen's gold chains
ever offered - us this market at 11. HErintratart'L
FOUSD.- 1 1 04 the road loading from
place to lifonroeton, two cutter bars for
mowing machine. The owner can find them at
Mb office. •
Lan, Prows.—l sold 75 in 1873, and every one
gave (sails/action, L tall stock on hand.
• i R. M. Wirws.
Towanda, Pa.
siir It will pay you to call and
look over our stock of Boots, - Shoes; Gaiters,
Trunks, Traveling Bags, etc.
Opposite the• Court House
lerLadies! If you wish to know
what to wear, kna how to wear it, call at L J.
Memos'. She has all tho novelties of the sea
son. -
opt: The beat place to bay Sash,
Blinds, Doors and all kinds of Lumber, is at
FILM & Bon. Factory on Charles street. Of
fice 107 Hain street. They sell cheap for cash.
• Ilir b. -F. DAYTON hes removed hie
harness shop to the, store lately ocmpied by
Juuus Worxr, whero he will bo pleased to see
all in want of good work.
, MI6 C. Caoss has just received
a very large invoice of Books suitable for S. 113. -
Libraries, which ho4kill furnish at a diseount
of 25 per cent. to schools.
ger You San buy everything in
the Grocery and Provision line a little cheaper
at Mcesnz t llow.tans than any other pLacci in
Ng. The best place to buy ready
mode clothing is at No. 4, 2 doors went of Cow-
THREE Hausa To BENT.—Ono in
Pint Ward, near upper depot, and two in Sec
ond Ward. Jnqulie fit office' of OvEIITON
Frames .
Yon BENT'—Dwelling containing
14 rooms—suitable for a boarding house or e
large family. Also, one small three-itory house
n centre of town.
No. 32, Second•et.
< FOUND.—On the Fourth of July, a
C. T. U. or A. badge. The loser can have it
by catling at this Oleo.
' terAll kinds of black horn, rub
ber and real jet jewelry at very low prices, at
iiirlf you want the International
Lessons and Sunday School papers, give your
order to C.F. Caosp, who can inndsh them to
yon on better terms than yon can get them in
the city.
MS. Take Area's Plus for all the
purposes of a purgative, for Constipation, Indi
gestion, Headache and Liver complaint. By
universal accord, they aro the best of all purga
tives for family use. . •
SEED WHEAT.—The subscriber of
fors to the public four varieties of choice seed
wheat—Diehl, Michigan White, Weeks, Lan-
caster lied.
August 1, 1874
GRAND Baia..—The public are in
vited to attend a Grand Ball, in Odd Fellows'
Ball, 31o:rodeo, Pa., on Friday evening, Au
gust 14, 1874. Good music will be provided.
Proceeds to be used to fit up the new Lodge
Boom. Bill t 2. By order of Committee.
mi.: The District Convention of
Bradford and Sullivan Counties, I. Q. pf G. T.,
will moot at North Towanda, on the third Wed
nesdiiy and Thursday, (19th 'and 20th of 'Au
gust, 1874, at 10i o'clock. It is hoped that all
the Lodges will elect delegates that will attend
the Convention, for by having a good attend
ance we are sure of having a good and profita
ble time—jut what we want at North Toirm
da. Wit. T. IakRIIIMOr, W. 8.
East Canton, Pa., Aug. 1, 1874.
ger The Bridgwater Baptist Aim..
ciation will bold its next annual meeting with
Vie Wyalasing Baptist Church at Camptown,
August 25, 28, and 27,—commencing T,uceday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. AB persons who intend
coming by rail to Burnmerfield, on this owl
don, will pleaso send their names to P.
SQUIRES, Bellamy; and those intending to
ot! at Wyalusing, to E. Bunaocons, Camptown,
at lout fifteen days before the commencement
of the meeting,that teams may be provided for
their conveyance. E. Busitorions, Pastor.
August 1,1874. .
Tan Nsw Earnis.—The universally
sAbialred New Empire dock Stove, is bound M
supersede ail competitors. It has received the
first premium at the New York State faits for
the past five years, midis the favorite with the
ladles. With illuminated front and Anti-Clink
er Orate, it is the most cheerful and beautiftd
Cook Stove ever pat upon the market. The
Rot Air Draft, produced by the AmiliarY Air
Chamber, is perfect, and by means of which we
gain*: e— Ca
lat. ilisaving of 50 per cent, in faoi.
2d. A fire may be maintained throughout the
entire year, (with either coal or wood) without
rekindling, and with the oven it en times in
Bd. Al perfect aonsOmpthat of gas Mid smoke,
so that the damper in the smoke-pipet, may be
kept doled hind of the Limo (thereby retaining
the hest in the stove), without any escape of
gas or smoke Into the room. •
The best baking stove in the world.
sth. The best heating stole in the world. _
6th. The most simple and easiest managed
stave in the world.
7th. The moat comfortable store. for gum
nor and winter ain the world.
• lot sale oolrt Towanda by H. T: AM;
Block. I Don't petrobuitany other tin
' Sahara examined the New Empire.
- r . 7 •‘:
NI. The New Amepean fiewii!g
Machine la certainly . the best. ' DMA fall to ex
amine it before purchasing a machine.
.Drrraica, muso
dealer,- has changed Ma base, and may he
be found at the corner of Main and
streets, in Nonz's new block. --- •
sei.A. B. CuzNzu, .Wyalusing,4B
the agent for the New Ameripan Sewing
chine, which is taking the lead of all others.
INS. Gentlemen, ,we would call
your attention to Our new styles !or •Bhoeo iv!
Spring and Summit wear. Prime; low.
Cosecs Coosa:
Opposiki the Cottrt Howse.
• BITEIDEB PAntf.—Warrupted to be
more durable and bettor for bonne or other
painting, than any other paint. Has always
given perfect satisfaction.
B. id. Wallis, Agent.
Mrs. WOODULIT having again
secured the services of Miss STmani, of New
York City, offers a iery . fine indeCtion of Hits
end Bonnets. Corner of Main and Bridge
Fon £ RocewaLLhae
one of P. H. DEDENAE 4 00. 0. X. Horse Poi!ei.
Hay Presses for sale. Thibesit there is. .
Jane 1,.187 4.
INS. PIERCE & NICHOLS are selling
all variance of Coal very cheap., They are Bole
agents for the celebrated , Barclay Coal; °Sal
by car load at a discount. Orders loft at F. J.
Cu anza's Store, M. J. Losa's Store, and 'at
Rawros"s Store will receive prompt attention.
i Wall Paper and ' Curtains
cheap at Wurrooma BnauT's.
Mercer's Block.
HOUSE YOU SALE.—On Second-at.,
between Pine and 'Bridge —east side. • Twelve
rooms; Gas, Water, Heater, Range, etc. One
of the moat conveulent >houses ;to be found.
Terms easv. Enquire on the premises.
Log, Spinning, and Woofing, also Manufactur
ing, Cloth-Drouing, etc., u amid. Stocking
Yarn, Flatinel and Minis for sale. Machinery
running in good order, and work warranted
and Mono with dispatch.i
sir. If yon don't want your wife
to buy the new patent Sad -Iron, keep her away
from Jima's: It is the best and most &NM*
cut invention'for leesening the tedious work of
ironing ever presented to the public. No one
who sees it will ever go home without it. •
nosy, in the Arcade block, oppoilte the Episco
pal Church, is prepared to do dreas-making in
the latest style and neatest manner on short
notice and at reasonable pricer. , Fitting made
a specialty. Stamping done also. -
Constm & CooNs.
NOTICE—Mies A. E. PLATT has phi
chased of Mrs. WOODRUFF' the entire agency of
E. Btrrrtaices patterns for Bradford Co.,
will keep constantly on band all the latest pat
terns, at her dresss-making rooms; over M. E.
ROSENFIELD'd Clothing Store, Main street, To
July 15-3 w.
in- It is the universal testis iony
of all acquainted with the business, that' C. P.
C,noss has got the best arranged. Book Store in
the conntry, and city dealers toll ns CIIABLET is
one of the closest buyers. That his taste in
selecting goods is excellent, all who lied his
store testify.
SW' It is not generally known that
H. C. Warraann, at the Book Bindery over the
Ilzrowran office, makes Blank Books in any
style of ruling and binding desired. If ion
want a new Ledger, Journal, or Docket, give
him a call.
ter Wily run Om risk of, an acci
dent, when you can gel a ticket good for $3,-
000 in cue of death, for 20 cents a day, by call•
ing on FRANK BunuANK, at upper depot?
16. Do you want Shoes for a La-,
di, Gent, Miss, Roy, Youth, Child, or Infant
Then go to ConsEn Zr Coows, whero you will
find a large stock to select from, and at exceed
ing low prices. Opposite the Court Mouse.
Par The New American Sewing
Machine Company wore never in a more flour- -
ishing condition than at present. The great
fang ott in all kinds of business lait year, pre
vented many sewing machine and other
anics from declaring dividends, but this nom--
pany paid the stockholders a semi-annual divi
dend of 6 Per cent.
F. E. Pon,
A' RAMC , Oriel:oz.—To make room
(or Fall and Winter Goods, I will cloiti out my
stock °Olen% youth's and Boys' Clothing at
cost, for the next thirty days. ' Now it your
chance for a goad bargain, as they mast be
sold. 001 early at the Ono-price C. 0. D.
Clothing Store to secure bargaiss.
123 Main street.
ciAL Cousas.—One of klie 'largest seh?ols of
the kind in the country. , Pre area students for
College, teaching, professional study and busi
ness. Ccimmercial College ono of tho best; in
existence. Bend for an illustrated catalogue
and commercial journal. Commercial students
address Prof. L. L. Srnaatrr.; all others, Bev.
D. Cormaxo, A. M.. Kingston, Luzerne Co.,
Pa. Fall term opens Sept. 2.
duly 15-6 w.
ter When, the tirues'are dull, pru
dent dealers take advantage of the market and
lay in their stock. Such has been the case with
liccant k &wpm. During Um; past few
months, manufacturers and jobbers have been
so anxions to sell that they have ffeen willing
to trade on a very small margin,! sold MCCABE
k EDWARDS know that , a "nimble sixpence is
bettor than a slow ehilling," consequently theY
offer greater inducements to cash buyerr for
everything in the.groccry lino than any ottbr
establishment in the county. They deal in the
very best brands of family groceries and form.
perWe take pleasure in calling
tention of our "eiders to the advertizemenk of
M.E.Rosesivrerm in another column- Mr. R. has
justly earned the enviable reputation of being
one of our most reliable business men, and
his long experience in the clothing business
enables him to make and offer better bargains
than those who are engaged in the Wiliness,
but who have not availed theniiselves of
opportunities for purthasing which he possess
es. Buyers can rely implicitly on his represent
ations, and feel confident that articles purchas
ed at his store are Just' what ho represents
Mame, at the "new Mil
linery Store ‘ , next door to CIIANDERLIWS, tae
more than realized the expectations of 'oar
keople. His stock of goods would do crodH to
km first-class city store, and his prices are
lower than most ordinary country establish.
The ladies of Towanda, and in fact the whole
county, will find it to their adv•Mtage to igtsit
his store before purchasing. It affords tut real
pleasure to recommend such an establishment
to our readers.
CAMPariTBo.—The Wyahu r ling
District, (Wyoming Conference), hu decided
to holds Oamp•meeting this year on theit old
grounds at Meiheppen, Ps., ann2oolloini Aug.
90. The followtng ars the Comthittes4 kph.
tars—L. Pict,-P. E.; LB. Lawn, Wisc Bunn:
Gm. Clasminin, I. B. Stamm and 1.1 E.
Laymen—L 0. lintur, W. B. Burma,
A. D. Warrcoarn Moony, . MD., and Ci ? .
E. Pte,
- I •
A meeting of the committee will be bell on
the camp-ground Wednesdayi July 15, at 11
o'clock, to look over.the ground and make ar.
rengements for board, tents, horse teed, ate.
i -
All persons interested aro invited to be present,
By order of omzimlitee. L B. Buspirs i ,,!
Sep y,
L. Pecs, P. E., Chairmen. - -, -
FLAWES.—Suddenly, at Newark, N. J., on Tues
day, Ana. 4, George, Hawes; sr., in the 75111!
yeAr of his age.
Funeral services were held; at Newark', on
Wednesday the sth inst., and the remains' -will
be interred in Tessa is,: this (thuredsy) after
noon at 5 o'dock.
ALEX. Set,oxox.
TO .' ►trA - At ' A BkriT S.
moat aumrse lverr dany ll . • !)3? 1L • - flpvlm
L q uat
.: lArsinteux maw i i r ~_
u5h b00h.......... ....... 1.... $1 40 • 1 110 t
auto, , ...
Cm* , es
OM% . sa
$144a4. 1 60 0$ 00
Buttot • , liii; 20 •
do I. al •ow 23 0 $3
.. . 0 •os 16
P • 11 Willowy ' 50
Plow . • '
barrel 8 50 0 10 50
thane Web- ,2 00
W . • at Osari.—Wileat 60 lb. • Corn 56 lb& ;
Sr 56 .. 1 oat. snme.; Darin/ 0 lba.; Beekerbeat
IS lbe. • ; • • 621ba.; Dran 20 lbs.: - Cloree Deed 60
lbs.; - •, . Seed 641 lbs Dried Peaches 53 lbs.;
Dried A• • . lbs.; Diaz Seed 110,1 be.
N . .vs /hOmmro74l'depresimki,
liritabl. state of mind; a weak, nervous, ex
hunt.. feeling; no energy or animation; con
tused It • , weak memory, often with debilitiit- ,
ing, In .Inntary discharges. The consequences
of (nee ~ mental overwork or indiscretions.
Theliznvotts.Danturr Ands a sovereign mire
No. 224:t tones up the system, arrests dls-
Obarg dispels the mental gloom and deepen.
deny,&rejuvenates the entire system. Wit
perfectly harmless and always efficient. Price
$5 for alpackage of five boxes and a large. $2
vial of, which is important in old, seri
ous ; ofisl per single box.. Sold by ALL
drn A set or sent by mail on receipt of price.
Cu= 8. - Ponran.
nth end Ward House, Towanda, Pa.
'IIIY, Morcur's .Block, Towanda, Pa
New Advertisements.
O ' LOST. - -- $5O REWARD.
• the grounds occoupied by the elms in
Tower borough . July 7. as envelope containing
Three undred Dollar in bills of the following de..
Doadipattous:. Three $5O ($150); balance in twin
tier. teins and AM. The Ander will receive the
above reward and no questions asked. on returning
the um 4 to the Poston:lee. or kir. Smith, on the
farm fOmerly owned .by Stephen Powell. in North
Tcrwandi , [July 13
D, EA .F. BEATTY iii; CO., or
-I-• ~,
1 1 aura.
Are • .by eminent musicians and distin
guished linen of honor in this country and in En
roPe, as i ;ho Wing parlor organ now in nee. We
&alien any maker to equal them t — ror Of hunk, ,
BabbathNchools, Lodges, as well as the parlor, they
have no equal. Testimonials and cards of honor
are constantly being received in their fever. An
offer. Where we have no agents we will allay any
one wishing to purchase one of our organs, the
agent's idiscount. Also to any responsible party
wishing Ito purchose one of our organ, from • die.
tance, aid prefer to see and examine it before pap
lug for 1 the , same will be granted them by sending
de a recommendation from the cashier of your
nearest bank, or some prominent man in your vi
cinity, and if the organ is not just as represented,
you have the liberty to return the same st our ex
pense, ra paying the freight both ways. It Is with
pi we introd universal= Toirauz, know
ing thatit will givesatisfaction, as it pos.
Pesos many advantages over all others. The tone
excels le fullness, and the deep vibration of sounds
an evidtince that It elands first as to merits of all
musiaa l instniments now in use.
We select a few abstracts from letters and edito
rials which we are constantly receiving in favor of
our organs, and wish you to read them :
We cry. "Eureka." for we found what we wanted.
J. P. WILBAR, Harrisburg, Pa.
I am Illeased with the sweetness of its tone.
Pure as gold —Dally.Patriot.
Our musical critics call to see it. They are de
lighted with it. GEO. L, ISP.ET, Altoona, Pa.
We would recommend this excellent instrument
to the usical world, for its fineness of tone.—Pe
tersb ( Indians ) Democrat.
Com es sweetness and strength in its tone.—
Lewisto n Gazette.
For _...
they art
_,, promptness andiexquteite of tone
unequalled. PROF. HODT. HENCE.
th pleasure recommend It - to any In want
-class parlor organ. PROF. 0. HUNGER,
Mshony City.
- ell plemed with them. J. B. SECRRIST.
Hagerstown, Md.
pleaied with the tone of the instrument.
WM. ROBERTS, Brooklyn, L. I.
First s ong its advantages is the great scope of
its expri salon, being constructed to play the softest
music, d, when desired, to Increase its power.
Can elthpr gradually or suddenly produce more vol.
CUM of tone than any other organ ofits claaa. This
is acerun o Pliabed by our new Patent Double Forte
Swell, arranged that tne sound is thrown out by
a direct e through the case.
We d sire that every family throughout this
country, as well as Europe, may test its wonderful
wettest rodncing qualities. Orders have been re
calved such rapid rates that we have been coin
pelled to, en large the mannfictory, and put on a Will
larger force of skillful mechanics in order to supply
the demß a ds. We, however , now are happy to an
nounce t we can fill orders promptly and with
tho utm t dispatch. We also call the attention to
our wort' -renowned
This Plano is at gaining a reputaticzt as the lead
ing plano.forte now in use.
Send for illustrated price list and a list of testi.
menial% some of whom you may know using our
organs from the past alz months to seventeen yews.
Address. I DANIEL F. BEATTY & CO.,
Washington,. Warren Co.. Ne*.Jersey,
of a nu
I am
I ant
• •
•In to mako room, for the LARGEST end
BEST k of
ed in this market. I will for Sha
fiver ope
It iii ti
rioornary for me to ny that my goods are
Azal aro
er than
nly offered at greatly reduced price l talks
them over to next season.
! , Jiii/ 29, 1874
-Greet Britain and liebuid to New York $lB 00
Frame mid Germany . 2/J 00
Great Britain and Ireland to Towanda.. • • • • 24 00
France and Germany " 26 00
New Y. k, . • •• i • • 600
to Great Britain and Ireland.:.. .. 92 00
Bruce and Germany 24 00
" Nebraska and Kama 15 00
Per .s or _from. Europe or the West
• Rebels of is at len rates than at any
other ce in the country.
Our comprise some cif' the largest and finest
• in the workl—iisiling.dired to and from
Bar • and 001MXIINTAL - PORTS.
Rem ber and give no a all before purchasing
eisewb . ' NOBLE k
Office opposite Court Rorie, Stain St.
To ads, Pa.. July 1,1874. •
DOLLAB•wiII pay one years'
beetipticm for the
[JOVICIAL. dm Itssalargement. entail's as
- • matter 'se ay. hew pest is th.
call• e thc and amenity severed rso•
the anutty news. It cantatas the Court
• • Miry and AIM Liss. Weekly report of
It end tar • Namlill!,=64/ wbklb will be
. I _
.25411 , ,
ZLVENT `NOTIOE.-'--Notice is
• Irma to my imalftent. that I ham
Coast of Bradfor d county for the hew
ront Lein of th e Commonweal* of
sad theta bowleg In the a
p se WI be
rta4 tri MONDAY, !NWT. 7, at o'cloak. .m.
• Jtuyi, 30, la. BA T DONOVAN.
-, . I
-, .
= baying recently leased for as
fOlll 6.11191. wand.' inurikpigtou
are dow prepared to carry on theblackizeith
ein all its Wenches! , and pledge than
to do fink work work as cheap and as well as any
07 shop in Bradford County. We study
I all who may time tie 1641 1 1 Ca-
%neon Boro', Jan. 28. It. ' ' •
term .
t e n e f y b ei ll
to 0
. i .
. .
. 1 . .
i .
. .
. .
.. . . . ..
4,, ~...... .......... ...4,....1 , ',.. , ..1,42.r.....1..., ,,, ... ~...1, 1 , , ,.. - ~ . .r ieiir, V .Sa•Warti.:.-Sattr...nrii' .
_,.., , .....-,.. ,
D a*. (f}.
,BUSH, _ ' ' ' . ' ~• .
. .
.. -- "° 1 0 Dilliisem M n n iiethodi , - M a y be
- • - . _ .
tAug...6,111. •
posits I pro
be received at the house of D. L
NoCuukey. inHorirtie twp.. on THVBSDAY, AUG.
13; 1874, until 3 o'clockfor the - repairing of
the bridge scrces the Scb pi
rader Branch of Towanda
Creek at that . Specifications for the same may .
be' Beau at t e Cammiasloner's office and at the
honor of J. D 31cOracie7; for one week previous to
Hui letting. . Mointill SHEPARD,
.1-1. Chorus
Out In the On •
Owieet Little
Where has , genet Bong and Chorus:Hays,. 85
Don't Angst ate Feats. Song and Otio..Heys, 35
Hors, the Pride of Illkes. Bong k Clio.Hays, - ; 4C
i 1
11 , '
Follow up the Plow.ltiong and ahem-Hays, 40
My Lost Lou!.., Sing and Chorus....Etays; 35.
Leonia. Dating. Doug and Chorus Hay!, 35
.• :
Old Caleb. Song and Chorus.:.. Hays, 35
De'stW, Titeart; Bong and Chorus .. Hays, 35
Out on t he , Bong and Chorus:,-....Hays. -35
Mailed. • pald, ,on receipt bt the marked prise,
1 • B Y' T • L I P 7 4/ 8 . 598 Broadway , New York. ~
1 , , 1
0 CADEMY. • ' 1
Thrfall tern' of this institution will open AUGUST
17; 1874. under the supervision of P. L. CHRIS.
PELL. . by ; Was L. A. RIDG WAY and E.
PASSWORE Y. and continue twelve weeks.
The Ins ors, both In the common land higher
English. and the languages, areloo Well known
to minim an comments.
' • ittrITION.
Common OM ' •$3
Single red 00
Common ne Hither English
tao 6
ns in Languages. .. ...... 3 00
at t
All Bars t be Paid by the Middle of the term.
tlt Is the of the Frailty. In all departments,
-to makeilatudents; and every effort w il l be
made to ren the term's work thorough and pro.
Sheds. 13 attention win be given to students
wishing to q " for common schocd.tesching.
Good boar can be obtained on reasonable terms;
but students lessen expenses by renting rooms
and boarding themselves. For further information
address _ P. L. CHRISPELL,
Rome, Jo i 30, It:. - i :. Panictrit..
par, , ,alne I
Pettis k.Co
TowanF:a, Fa
!iftetsre. Br
the above ate
And sell it o
Como one,
little mnney
Aug. 6.'74.
o.aht , Fall
dation will
Jag list Of
A - • - ' CIMM velli be organized at commence
ment of the -' , The principal waif:ow:tact the
madam of • class chiefly, and aid all teachers
who provef a ttselves worthy and competent in m
ewing pail Effort will be made by denoting
more me -nal the Increased facilities of ap
parable, to ' the lion in this - clam more
profitable ever before.
At a le additional expense, Instruction
In Drawing d Vocal music has beemmade tree to
members of schooL These two stadles, If paid
for aa extra", as la I usua ll y the case, would nearly
corer the coat of tuition. Provialon is also made
for indirtiltal Mat:ruction in meal music. Ws.
Baldwitra aoillty to teach Vocal Music Is too well
'mown WWI:.
A raw la belug lltted up andthe collec
tion of . P apparatus enlarged. The
grounds are graded, line croquet grounds are
effort made to meet Me pWcal as
Or i the t l i tellechial wants of the student..
Tuition Is 4 to $lO per term. Board, Includ
ing hr. -- .1 rooth, lights, washing, Ac-, $4 per
i k eperyear in English studies, $192 ;
or father Inforuuttion, address the
E. QUINLAN, Towanda. Pa.
1 ' Prefetl3oard Trustees.
itek' circi
. elasalT
July 23.
4u.e 2, 1
POt ac
4& nava
trraIIPTOY •
nut and H.
In Badf
Mgt a eve
M. ar
a ndl
o ri
June 2.
n. 1 4 1'
T E PXll3l,l.o.—Having had
ear A ileen years experienciin boring mad
pump ,I offer w services to the public. Work
atts in toy part of the county in short meter
and ss on teed. CALVIN ALLEN ,
New Alb , y. ltsr l eh 254 f.
Ls hereby given that all persons indebted
to the of Samuel Arms , late of Granville, de
ceased, requested to make immediate payment,
and all perlont I hiving claims against said estate
must punt them duly. authenticated for settle
ment. f • , 1 3LtItCI7B AVM,'
- I .If. T. PORTE PORTER, i Admit
owanda, June 30.
E nnead"
In the matterlof the incorporation of the .Ifar;
mar's Mu hire Insurance Company, of Twee.
rors.—No. 134. Sept. T.,, 1371.
/lobos berebytiven that tho above mauled As
sochttion to the Court of Common
lieu of cad Co. their larticle 'of Ate:elation,
asking for ideate of Incorporation, and the said
Court having erunitned the arom, and finding them_
correct. will decree that they be incorporated ,de
prayed for, on It 'nay. the 7th day of September_
1874 at 3 eciocie„ m.. mama' cause be shcrwuje
'the contrary. ' " B; M. PECII.
Aug, 3." 1 Prothonotary,
I. be
11. TII/0112.
Minor !tad llop'r.
wee red
baldly a
d~itt et •
2)4 SO.
Kay. Song and
, - Rays, so'Bs'
;or 'Drunkard's 0bi1d..11871, 40
1. Bong and 401torno....Hays. 35
Dry Goods at Ito old ttar.d of B, A.
uppoftio, Court Hone,
tribal! fl Goff luxe bought the stock it
, andk.ll op4_l€ on
I t at prices 1L it *di ast at
owe all, and get a p.ll of Lo a&h aI)
of the twentieth year of this Inst
.. Alif i UST M
24, IS, 'with the follow
ctors :
QUINLAN. Pa,t-screst. •
ginges and Nortnal Branches.
B. L. BMW% A.B.
Ithatnatical and Scientific Bindles.
tai Old Mathemiticil Britches.
BY E.. 1ffE11311...L. Pwarnness
•• • • • • land Higher English:
• ••'• belle J. !sari:ff.
•• go, Drawing and Painting.
, Mrs. L. A. BALDWIN.
vocal mule.
InirieumeTZ ittude.
,~ ~
zALE. r --A Farm containing
- situate in Pike imp.. Bradfc id 00..
6. • imill'avement; Framed ammo and
orchard of„150 trees, besides Cherries
• and choice Grapevines thereon.
land, timbered with Pine, Oak, Chest
miock. Terms $23 per acre. For further
call on cjir address
:lls, June 30=2m•
now offer One of 'the finest farms for sale
(aff County; situated two miles from Odor.
.8 of 200' scree-175 scree improved, good
entzliesetiption, a fine dwelling , barns,
ud necessary building- thereon, will be
I \
. and time given to the T i r lable fotte ca particulars - enquire of
- ' I J. L. 0011 BIN. Athens, Pa.
1 4:1, NOTICE. - ` Notice is
I . siren thin there 1 , dime Vilna the en.
the, subscriber, , on Toni*, the 2181 day
i A, one Yoke at Oxen with Tote on: one
oron4t the other black. The owner te
h • . . to come fortrail. peon prer4,
sad 'Pike them
H *win or tif will be
. ••• , n : tOIRW. 1 • ' I
1 ;lon s. Jimisor.
POI ,Inly 80f 187 C
IgtE . . y VT Lae of
strthlty its tuned' out of the .Court of. com
mon Pleas of Bradford County. and to tea directed,
wilt be exposed to public{ sale at the court House In
the Bormigh o f Towanda, THIThaDAY, SEFTESI
BZR 3d , 1874 , it 1 o'clock, p. m.. the fotlowing de.
scribed lot, pleoe or parcel of land situate in Athens
bore., bounded aa folov*: Branded on the north
briandAllltift. , l tollte _estate of C. S Welles;
deo'd; east by land of Merrill k Bunnell; tooth by
Willow street, I and west by land of Edward 011er.
ron, being 98 to talgilkiar street by 150' feet back,
with a framed:dwelling house thereon. Seized and
taken into exeCution at the suit of E. A. Demerest
use vs. Isaac P. Snell and Matilda It. Snell. '
ALSO—One!other lot, piece or parcel of land anil
ine in Canton township, bounded as follows, to wit:
'On the north by lands belonging to the estate of J.
T. Newell; deed; east by the public highway lead
ing from Canton to Alba;; south by lands of Brutus
Putman. and west by Ludo of James Finnell stud,
Other., containing ICO acres of, land, more or less,
about 70 acres tmproved. l l with two franied dwelling
house/10nm large framedbarn, framed horse barn,
other outbuildings and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
, ALSO—One Other lot, glace or parcel of land situ
ate in Canton town s hip, ounded;as follows, town.:
On the north by land of Jacob 12.1Itockwell; east by
land of maid Jacob 0. Roakwell end Omer Bockwell;
south by land of D.R.-Elliott, and west bylanda of
A. l'i Axtell end Chula, Stockwell, containing 50'
acres of land, oro or leas, nearly all improved, no
buildings.. , - ;I
_ ALK)—One then lot, Piece or parcel of land site
-174111 Canton tawnaldn, bounded ss follows, to wit:
01 to north.lbr laztds ; formerly• owned by N. S.
Di k, Hantry Morgan,Henry Spencer, Isaac
avant° and Aaron Co on; esat by land of Jacob
o...Wawa ; eolith by Lands of Charles Stockwell,
Lewis Williams and Andrew, Ayers, and west lay
land of said Charles Stockwell and Eewis Williams,
containing HO acres of jand, more or lees, about 15
acres improved, no buildings.
I ALSO—The defezelutt'a undivided one.ludf Part
of one other lot, piece or parcel of land agitate in
Canton. and Aromas townships, bounded as follows
to wit: On the lands of Charles Riff and
James Bothwell; eastby I lands of Israel Moore and
Horace Wlcotr i ; south billand of A. it". Axtell. and
'rest by bud. of John Wl of
and Ezekiel New
man. containing 170 acres of look more or less. no
improvements; "Seized aid taken into execution at
the snit of• o, W. Rockwell use vs. Raabe Rockwell.
ALSO—One Other lot, Piece or parcel of Land situ
ate in Stbithileid township, bounded as follows, to
wilt On the north and west by lands of A. az T. A.
Seward; east by the public highway leading from
Smiahtle'd Centre to Burlington, and on the south
by land of Dairid H. Forrest; containing 2 acres of
lank more oX lest, all' improved, With a framed
hdtute, actable and few fruit trees thereon. Seized
and taken inth execution at 'the suit of Mariab J.
Fries vs. Albert D. Forrebt. ,
ALSO—OneOther lot,. piece or parcel of land !lact
ate in Canton born; bounded u follows, to wit: On ,
the north by lands of George W. Arnold and North.
ern Central Railway Co. yeast by lands of Benjamin
Clark and Willi* Brooke ;sotith by Tio'a street and
John Winder!, and wee by the Northern Central
Railway Co.' eontal4lngi .; acre of lac d, more or
les,, within:reed bulTdint'kmoirn as Reyatahe
tel, framed barn itith.aheda attached, meat market
sad other ontballdinga thereon. Seized and taken
Into examtion,at the zealot' C._ E. Vinton . Co. ve.
F. D. Chase . . 'also at suit of Mugaret Dilili ya. 0.
B. Rowland. F, D. Chate!...stl Chu. Terry, Torre
Tenants. . I
ALSO—One tither lot. Wee or parcel of land Eltu
ate in Wells totem:kip; bounded as follows to wit :
Oh the north hy land of Noble; east by lands
of dames IL Blink; south by the public highway,
and west by land of Erre Updyke, containlog sixty
acres of land,' Morc or leis. about 50 acres improved.',
with a framed house; framed barn with shade at.;
lathed, friene horse barn 170 orcliaril of fruit;
trees thereon.
ALSO—One'other lot, piece cr pared 'if land titn-I
ito In Wells tedr, nahlr, Teunded follows , to wit •"
On the north by the public highway; east by land
of Alfred Feigusoia ; south by lands of Alfred rex.
I gu on, A. 47, B, Warner and, 'Widow floe, and west
land . of Errs Updyke, corittrining 70 acres of
&land, more or less, about 50 acres impfoTed, with a
framed housey granary and orchard of frbit trees
thereon. Seized and taken into execution, at the
..._ .. . . ._ . . . . . . . .., . ..
'snit of Jackson Beers usete} of IJohttllerkile vs D.
N. VlNlRettcs. 1 .
-ALSO—One othee lot. viece el parcel of land sill
'ate In SheallAnin township, bounded es followth
On the north by the public: highway; east be lands
of T. J. Horton; south by fltht of Elizabeth Horton,
'and , west by land of tho estate of 11}land Chaffee,
containing l:Li 4 acres of land, lucre or lees all tiro
proved, no buttdivee. Seized 04 taken into exec:a.
lion at the suit of 1. 3. Horton vs. Henry I). Littte.
ALSO—Ono'otherlot, Wick or parcel of land
ltradfor county , bound attn.
ate ined as follows, to wit:
On the north ythe State} line . l between Nev 1' ork
and kennsylv ia; east }iy. 4,4 as of ,Jrcob Wryer;
south by lands of Ifithway k Grifdmand west by
lands of Alpha. D. Griswold, being one fourth pet t
of a lot of land containing two hundred acres, con,
veyed by Hatliway & Griffin td John S. Cjtton, by
deed dated July 28, 1438.4 recorded in Bradford Co.
Deed Book N. 66. page 41, ke r , and subsequently
conveyed by A. IL Spalding, pheriff of said Brad
ford county, to Procaasett Bank by deed dated Dec.
5; 1861, recorded In Retard Bea 3, page 150, de„
and conveyed 1:7 riocassett Bank to Wm. Armstrong
by deed dated Nov. 17,1 1803, reoordel in Record
Book No. 69, page 63, do., andby Win. Armstrong
conveyed to Alpha Grfswe!d Ly deed dated Feb. 6):
1866, and recorded, and by said Alpha Griswold to
the said Arnold D. Lewis. b 7 deed dated Feb.
1860, recorded in •Deed' Book, No. 71, pav " 267;
Seized and taken into erecution at the suit 01 WoOtV.
man Demorest now to use or:Witham T. Post vs.
Robt. 'T. Turner and E Alvlra Carrier; Committee
of the portion and notate Uf nVe3 ., a 10-
natio; and Eugene. Carpenter.
ALSO—One ether lot. Niece or parcel of lan I aitiF ,
Me in Wlndlia township. botinded :a foliewh'. to
wit: On the north by the public highway, Lading
. .
from Beaver )louse insald township to Atietuts•, cast
by land of A. F. Alger: • south by, lind of Jvhn.L.
Howell, and west by the public highway lesding
froneleorth Orwell over ,Gleason Hill to Windham
Centre, • containing lu aiires of land. more' or less,
abet:l7.'2s scree improved, with a framed house,
framed barn, g iv ranary and few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and tar n into exeenticie at the suit of ',id
ham' Cook use a. E. A. Owen.
ALSO—One Other lot, piece of parcel of land situ
ate in Wysox township, bounded as follows. to wit:
On the north by roe I leading from "Ale Factory" to
the "Park Hot I ;" cast by land now or ferracr;y be
longing to ,T. B. Camp; south by bade: of- B. S.
Bentley, and west by the public highway leading
from the Wye x. road near E. B. coolbaugh's to
Bowman:a Eddy, beingdeo feet in front on said last
mentioned by 425 feet on saictftr , t mentioned - road,
with a - trained 4wellin g house, thereon. Seized and
taken Into execution at the suit of J. P. Eirby vs.
q.p. Wallis. i i .
ALSO—One ther lot, piece o, b
rpateel of ad situ
ate in. Granel a township, bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north and east by the public highway
leading from Granville Centre to Troy; south by
land belonging to the estate of Richard Hager. de
ceased, and weld by land of Pelly Taylor, containing
three-fourths of an acre of • land, more or less, all
improved, wit a framed barn and few fruit trees
ALSO—One ther lot, piece 'or-parcel of land situ
ate in Granville- township, bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by land of Merles Kinyon; east
by the Deciple Church Jot e south by the public
square, and weft by,.the public highway leading
from Granville Centre to Troy, containing one-half
of an acre of land, mere or lese. all: Unproved; with
• a framed house, framed wagon shop and -few.' fruit
trees thereon, I Seized and taken into execution at
the suit 01.1, 11. Beach vs. Fralnsina °remelt.
. ALSO—One ether lot, piece or parcel of land sib:L
ateen St , ndiag Stone township, bounded as follows,
to wit: On the north by land of Richard Hankinson ;
east by land ol m Williana Griffis; south by lands of
the estate of d es Espy, deed, and west by landi
of the estate' f Elias lellom 'dee'd, and Richard
Johnson, con g 15 acres of • land, more or less,
all improved, with a framed house, teamed barn
f i tnin
andtew fruit trees thereon. ;Weed and taken into
execution at thsuit of Alex. Ennis vs. C. McCracken.
ALSO—One ther lot, piece or parcel of - land inm
ate in Franlill toe - V=lllp, bounded milollowii; On
i ii
the north by' land of John Lantz; east by land of
Burton Brown; south by .land in possession of Je
R. Tannest, and west by lanes of .Elijah Blake and
William Rock Well, containing 50 acres of land.more
or lees, abed.: 40 acres improved, with a - framed
house, frezne, barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at- the snit of Bass
le Clark TB. .1. p._ Johnson. :
ALSO—One - other lot, piece of parcel-of land situ
ate in Shesheqieln tovruship, bounded as.follows, to
wit:. Otiethe 'orth by lands of Edwin Gore; east by
the public hi hway. leading from Sheshequin to
n .,
Athens; south by lands of Peter Wolfe. and west by
the ensquebanne river, containing 25 acres of land,
more or less, ell improved, with a framed dwelling
house and a few fruit trees theieon Seized and ta
ken into execution at the snit of Geo. Smith use vs.
G. P Kinney.: • I
ALSO—One Other lot, piece . or parcel of land situ
ate in Alba bolo., bounded es 'follows, to wit: On
the north by lands of N. M. Reynolds I and V. 31.
Wilson; east by lands of .A. J; Merritt and P. tie
Miller; south 1, land of J. he Witherell, and west by
the public highway leading from Troy to Clanton,
ormtaining one we of land,. more or less, Witejlerp
framed dwelling houses,: frareed barn and 't
trees thereon.: ]Seized and taken into e „ eeution at
the suit of L. A. Packard Ye. je L. Baker. • ' .
ALSO--One other lot, piece or parcel Of land athl
ete in Pike and Herrick townships, bounded as fol
lows, to wit: i On the.north by Janda of Geo...C. At
wood and Archibald Coleman; east by Thomas
Beaumont; south by Thos- Peee, and west by lands
'of Geo.' C. Atwood, containing about 90 acres, more
or leas; about,6o acres improved, with a log house
with framed addition, framed barn and, a young or
chard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at
the' suit of Obadiah Titus 2d'vs. Hollet Titus dr. .
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land sibi
ate in Atlialut tawnaldP, detscr as follows, vie:
Being all that certain lot or parcel or land tying on
the west aide of Ulster Street in South Waverly (so
called) in laid township of Athens, and being lot
Ho. 55 as described on a map of said village Of
South Wavelly, recorded Jan. 20, 1866, In the office
for recordingof deeds &c, in and for said county at
Towanda, in Deed Book No. 74, page '2:i, said lot
L ii
being 60 feet d 6 inches trout' on said Ulster St.,
with a framed house and a few, fruit - trees 'thereon,
and being the game lots, as ;conveyed from Robert
Dildine and Wife pa George N Eilnehaister by deed
bearing date Feb. 24, 1874, and *corded in said of
fice for_ rcemiling of deeds &e. in - Deed gook No •
120; page 16. i r S:c. Seized and taken into ,execution
at the - suit oleSathan Eilminister vs. Robt. Dildine.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in WialuSing township, bounded as follows. to
wit: On the north by lands of P. H. Connakey; east
by the publid highway; south by lands of Charles
Bramlusil. and west by lend of H. Gaylord,, contain.
ing one-eighth of an acre of land, snore or
improved, With a framed theelling house Mad afow
fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execu
tion at the snit of Ackley,- Lloyd & eliccher vs. Jo
rush& Wickwire and Albert Wickwire. : • '
ALISO=One other lot, piece or parceled laud situ
ate in Albany township; boturded as followi, to wit:
On the north by land of Lewis Jones; :east by the
South branch of Towanda Creek; south and west by
lands of Orlando Haverly, •eontiiining 200 acres of
Lend, more or less, abont l'lleacres improved, with
a framed dwelling house,ltamed barns, other lent
buildings and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
•r 8O other lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate In'Albanytownship, Bounded as follows, to wit:
On the north , by lands oC Frank 'Wilcox; east by
land of Sinicirellazdy;lsouth by land of Wm. Peen
bleb*. and 'West by the Sullivan &, Erie 'Coal and
Ballreadrany, containing .15 acres of land,
more or bale
no improveine o ts. Seized and taken
Into executien at the: aunt of Montanyes -vs; A.
Haverty. 'l, ,' i: •
: ALSO--Ope other lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Athol* township; bounded as follower, to wit:
On the north and east by lands of 'C. flunsiker;
south by the public highway, and west by the
Thurston lot-and Henry-Par, containing 150 acres
of land. more or less, about 100 improved, with a
framed house, framed barn, other outbuildings and
orchard of fruit trees. thereon. Seized and taken
into execution et the Buie of IL Whilst* vs. - A.
linnalker. I• : , i , .
, .
: ALSO-0 other lot, piece or parcel id land WM•
ate in Litchfield township, 'bounded as follows, to.
wit; On th north by buldieof John Rogers jr. and
dal. Bogeris; east by land i belonging to the estate
Of Edward Barton anelames Campbell; south by
lands of A. -Layton and John Campbell. and west
Viands of 8. le Barnum and JAMBS Drake, core ,
Mining 160 acres of land, more or less, about 140:
l i r
acres imp ed, with a framed house, framed barn ,
and MO o ds of fruit trees thereon.le , \ izsd and
taken into execution at the suit of M. W. Wheelock :
vs. S.D. °Maier. i , • - • I
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situ.;
ate in West , Burlington township, bounded - iissfilli
lows, to wit: On the north by land of B. F. Gerould• .
east by lanpppdaaaa of D. Fi Geroulds and Plynn Pbelpsi
an& eolith d west by lands of George pare*,
containing 6 acres of land, more or less, *bent 14
wires improved. winkle log !IMMO, log Matte end ie
1 ------ i ---- -'l --- ----- ----- — 1
lOW fruit tree[ thereon. Seized and taken fete tie. '
re ar tio d n i ;a s t t A he s ini t ia l .loseple Powell, adne'r. of C. L.,
TALSO=A3no other lot, piece oe.parcel of lend situ.
ate in Canton township, boundedas follows, to wit :
Beginning in the *nth line of Wile of !dab*
Bollard, wheit it creel es the railroad; thence south. -
rely along 'the west line of OW railroad to the pub
he hlghwaY leading from the Lycommg creek road
tp Beech Fists; thence along the and public road
and the road leading from Canton down!Lyconaing
ck westerly to the south lino of • said Ichabod
e llard'a l nda; thence easterly along said &
sputh lin to the place of , beginning . containing 5
acres of d, more melon, all improved, with a
teamed d elling house. steam saw mill with engine
and boiler, machinery, tools and attachnienla be
!anteing to;s3rne and few fruit trees thereon. Seized
.arid taken into eiecution at the snit of Wm. Owen
4; Son vs. '.S. Miller and E. Z. • Clark. Alto et the
suit of Wm. Owen and lehelpd Salient vs. E. L.
(dark and P. 8. Miller.• . 1 .
1 ALSO—Cne other lot, piece or parcel of land site
ate in Standing Stone township, bounded as follows
to wit: On she north by land in possession of Ed.
Win Keeler; east by ptillic highway; sontleby r•
land of Cherie' Neese, andiwest by the Pennes and
eNew or ; Canal L Itailrer*-- Company. containing
2,' acres of l land; mono lor less , all impeosee:
Seized an taken into esec titian at the snit of it, H.
,Itt e nneaul Co. vrej E. 11. DePew.
A LSO lie Other let. PleCe Or parcel of Bind situ. .
.a in Win township, bounded as fa/lows; On -
the north by theemblic highway; east by lands of
1 Ilerli. Etiftellkah end D. . Brainard; :south by •
4ncLs of :: Doan, and west by the public high
*ay, ton eking 161 acres of land, more or less, all
Istapneved, th a fanned brie ands few fruit trees .'
%thereon 1;
ISO. ne other lot, piece or parcel cfland site- '
ate in Windham township, I bounded as follows, to . •
*it:. Beginning Attlee northeast corner of the late
Ilarvey Fox lot; thence east 177 and 2.10 perches to.
&Meek the solitheast corner of the lot lately stir.
v ifjed t° E isha Dailey: thence south 41 perches to
a post a corner of N. Coleal, lot; thence east 49 per,
te's post in the south line of said Colas' liet: thence .
sleuth 8 degrees weld 1 10 per. to a post in the weft
Hee of J. paine's lot; the,nce• west 230 per. along
Daniel, Gleeson's north line , to a post theessutlicaet
corner of Harry Fde's /ot; thence along his east-lice
north 72 and 5-10' per. l to the place:Lot beginning,
containinglloo acres of land, more or lies, being a
pert of a larger fra fof land originally sorveyed in '-
41;3 warrantee naree of Thome! Ifeaty.
s 1 . . .
e' ALS —One other lot, being the north line of the
a ove described lot on the West side of the highway,
hnunded an follows: Beginning at the ,eantheset
corner in- e centre of they road ; thence north 20 .
perchee by centre of said read; thence welt 32.. k. i ;
per.; then e south 20 per. lay James W,
00 heelheraisees •
land; then east 32 ,k l; per. by the 'above 1 acre .'"
let le tire 7 of begining,' containing 4 acres of '
',rid, mor or less , being thee same land conveyed I .
by George W. Webster and Jerustia J. Webster to
1 1 J;lart L. Howell March 11,11842; deed inF the o ffi ce
f r recordi i g deeds Lc. in and for said Cotinty. in
Deed Book No. el. page 327 Le. Seized end taken .
tete execuLon at the snit o N. C. Elsteree use vs.
Ge W. Webster. :,) -1- 1 - , •
480—One other ot, piece or partial of .land - na il •
a ain Canton boro. beiunded as Mitoses, to wit: Oil
-the north by. lands of George. W. Arnoet cir.dthe
Nothern Cntral Ra il road Company; east by lands
of Benjam n Clark and Widow Brooks; isouth by •
Tioea stn t. and John Whisk/et, and West by the
Northern eritral Railroad Company. containing ' • 1
of an acre f .land,!motei on less e all improved, with ,
slimmed tending known as the Keystone Hotel.
Oemed barn with Sheds attached, meat market and
other outbilldingri thereon. 'Seized andlaken into
execution st tho lent of Margaret Dann vs.'Orbin D. -
Rowland, F: D. Chase and Chs. Terry, Trustees.
!ALSO—Brio other lot, piece '
or parcelof land title
I r ate in LitehAnd township,l bounded are follow:4,1e. ' .
eat: On th north by the mobile highway; east and,
sbuth by nds of 1 W, l K. Green, an wen by 'emir
of George Ltuneneartx. eoptaining three acres or
hind, mor or lees,! all improved, wits a frame , ;
House, st e m saw inill. with engine, boiler and at. '
tachments belongingto Ranee thereon. deed aril
taken into execution at the suit of Dan el Bensley
ex. S. 8. - C rzner Riad°. A. Fanner. ' - • •
I ALSO— nc other lot. pleee or parcel o lend site:-
atef in Alb ny township, described as folicwe: Be- •
gentling, at all iron. bee planted in the bed, , of what ie
known e's Ladd'a i creek, on tlia• lower Ingle of,the •
.;ridge end !tinning thence orth 09 degrees east 252 e
feet to a post; ehancs nor 4 deg. wesi 06 feet to a
corner; th eil. , e sceath 89 e.e. west 232 fiei to a cor e
Per on thel Susquehanna 34 Tioga mapre;comeutmly
known are the. Berwick turnpike;; thence south e
deg. east 6, feet be the place of beginning, contai,i
hag 16639 equate), feet of land; more or less. all im
proved, with a framed hanee and a few trete.
thereon,l;eing the seine piece of land a..ff CenToy,' ,
rel. A. E Ma by Engel Kellog,g and wife, by deed - ,
, earing dl i te April 17, 1872 : i Sized and' taken leto
e eeecution t the, l. siiit of more Broe.i fe Co. t',.. ,
vs: James A. Ennea. ,
I Alga—One other lot, ',N i ce. or pared Of land situ=
ate in West Burlington etnship, bounded as f,.j.
laws: • Beginning et a pos t ion the west line of - War-.
rent. theisoutherest corner of lot No. 32; thence•
- spnth I reit? ( degrees east 122 and 6elo Perches t e 3
I .
post. the northwest corner of lot N 0.139; trier,: ,
spethl ee deg. ean 195 per.; to s post. the northwest ,.
corner of lot No;' 46; thence north Mel, deg, wire .
102 arid 4110 per, to a port on said warrant lice :
theme. north ilr deg. east 123 per. to the place er
liegiuninei.lcontaining, 95 acres and-425' RFreht sot
lind, more orleilti , about e 5 acres Improved, with '
two dwellibg house s. 1 bane and young orchard ei . ,
-fruit. tree l thereon, being the. came land as con- ~
vleyed to il •fendeet, John Green, by Edward Oer-r
-_e'en and Nei - e, by 'deed bearing date Nov. 2.t, ler:7, '
Yiwepng. ti ndl ie:4ervitg from said hat two certain _
L i ,
e:Pleces of I.nd sold by John' Green to C. D. Allo. •
and —le:veneer. and recorded in Bred Beek No:
8 1 2, page 35e, t 1::.c.;1 Seized and taken into execute'' ,
at the knit 0 Edward Overtonve. John Green C.
li. Allen, ar d 4 , 11 n T Green, Terre Tenant:. •
;Aug. 4.. j . . :J. M. SMITH, Sherif!.
,[ , -
—r-- , I i • .
_KJ SEPT, leaf EMIL TEEM', 13 - 4:
i . • '
j 1 -
. I
• nretsn ..CEOI:a
I ,l,Atheni, l i no, G. L Eastabrooksi Athens top, B
Neat orau ;, buliingtoa boro. J Et Clark; Canton twe e .
JeSurrett le; Columbia, 11 Ballard; leßer. 2 Melee ;
Monroe t D - r., J Blackmaß one an; Orwell. OH Upton; leee.
EStone. Jr O S Wood; Bone tap, le Barner; li. ,1 -
bury, I atemond; Elhesherittin„ 0 Chaffee; 1,-- .
Wanda borO, Jae McCabe, IV Miz. CD cash; T rk , ..- .
.1; Dobbir.s ; Tcrty, E Hor. on; Wsalusing: It' J: i.,
Al Jennings,: Wilmot, H Meeks; Wysok.,o 1:1ee...0r;
Wimihern, p C Vandyke; Wells, C Shirs, -
ereeetlez Jrnaas..—ilibT TVE :0. . •
A Athens ifere.,-T McAvo'y :i Athens twee A flee;;
Hiansik l r , Albany, S Warren, C English: Bele .
Heston twp. J W Wrieley; Barclay, 11 W McCrance:
Clinton boro, Iv G Newman; Columbia, C Mosher.
0 1 ,8 McKean, 4.Budd; Franklin.W Anderson; Gran
vaie, S T Burt°, ,T 1, Ferguson; Litchileld:EMllee- •.
hick; Monroe tWp, J Ennio, L Pratt ; OrWell: A Cenk- ,
1113, Et Sibley; Pike, 2 BaldwineShesbequin, J T w,
tier, A Bingham; Standing Stone, N Stevens; Smith, .
'field, J Bird Ire Sylvania, C H Mosher; Springfield,
R Cooley; 'Towanda bore, El Sheridaraell Tayloie' G .
If Eaton; Towanda twp, dna E Fox; Troy, ELoomis:.
Terry, .1 W Vanauken; Meter, It Edminster, J Witt
ier: Warre , T able, C Stoner; Wilmot ; J Yeager. V
Miller; Wi am, A Wanzo; Wells, N W Garrlien: ,
.eleyeater. TCIIOIM r aECOND Nit..EV., •
'Athens bone H Smith; ,Athens twp H Huff, J,
Thurston. 111 Miller; Burlington twp, ti P. Onstin;
Barney, J Ditcliburn; Canton bank E : Calirell:
Clinton twn. 8 Reynold 3, H Thomas, W Patrick. 1-•
Friesett, NfcCiellend, AT Owen: ColutabikelelCiii:
leek; Fran lin. W B Rockwell; G ranville . 13 I; Be
vier, II T nklepaugh; Herrick. R Hankinson, Or- ,
Well, Rt . Gas t; .Sheshequire. P &Ayers, 51 Temp-, .
kink 11 Ro nsop; Smithfield. 0 B Biggs; Standing
Stone, 51 Kingeley; Towsnds'boro, J W Means, J
51cIlue VI Jones, L Mundy, M 11, Smith; Trey
ta ll
p, ' G
no, H Porter; Terry. Jno Mann; Ulster,
W Hometi Rogers: Wells, 8 8 Ayres . Warren. J
Whalen; llmot, OEII 1* ham; Wyalusing, 11;
Stalford; 1 ysox, 31 .1, Cool angle, , I
I , xnAvEresz ranomererumn *mem
tlAthens boro FA Bristol; Athena terP, Wm Webb, ..
Gardner, fit Woodsworth; Alba, 13 Reynelds;
Asylum, W J Cole; Barclay, W H Brown; Bhiling.
too twp, 11 Kendall; Canton bdro, 0 A Mae; Cull
- ton twp,.l,Williams, P Warden:Oohing:4' 11 Blood:,
Herrick, J Newell; Leßoy,lE =ley; Monroe born,
J! Boughtrty, 'A L • Crenener; Monroe tap, B N.
Benedict; Lyon eßome, L W Towner, Wl3 Parks;
Smithfield. I Buildtt, W Pierre ;• Standing Stone, G
A s emens; Sotith Creek, W CI Cowelliefilieshequin,
W Fre — tube 31 Oabornee-Tawands boro,-,E Ash:nun
parsons, B D Montanye, C,Hovey, L LMOody; To
wanda twee, G F Mason; Tnseerora, Id Montgomery;
Cider, 8 Lockwood; Warren, 0 ' , fisherman, W W
Bake'r; Wilmot. 11 Sacki e J S Quick;! Windham, I
Trench;; elle,1" It Knapey Wysox, EB Bishop- . _
, J.ll. SMITH , Sheriff
1 Towand , July 30,1874.1 - ..
TO .lfrank 365. Feb. .7%. 1874.
Yon aro herobyj notified that Rachel E.!. Moffitt, ac.,
sonr wife,l his applied to the court of common pleas
of Bradford CO., tors divorce .firtun Ithe bonds of
Matrimony, and , the aid court has ' , appointed Mon
t*. the 7th th ee et SePt. 1574, for hearing the said
Rachet E. tin premises.; at which time and place
you can attend it you think proper. I
Aug: 3 7. M. EIMITIL.Sheritt
P T P o T. ( 13 :1 i 1 W T a i s ° son 4510. 12 11 T., -
Ton are hereby notifLed that M. P 4 Wasson, &c,.
your wife„ has applied to the court of common picas
Of Bradford (7oJ, for &divorce from the .bonds of mat•
simony, and UM said court has appointed Monday,
the 7th day of Sept, 1874, for nearingthe said 37. P.
in tho prwrniseS, at which Urns and. place you can
. attend If you think proper::
Aug. 3.1, M. SMITH, Sheriff .• :
T4ll joseptithe Ros.—No.. 838. Sett. T., 187 ii.
von. are 'hereby 'notified that Wish T. Roe, your
husband, ;has applied to Ms court of 'common pleas
of BradfOrd I CO., for a divorce trot:alba bonds of
instririaorty,and the said court has appointed Mon
day, the Ith daY of Sept, 1874, for hearing the sail
Win; P., ,at which time and, placia.
•:tin tanattend if you think proper
Aug • . • J. at.iustim, ,
To Hannah L. Seebich.—No. 364; Feb. T., 1674. •
Yon are hereby notified that Andrewficebich, you
husband,l has applied to the court of common pleas
of Bradford Co:, for a divorce from the bonds of mat
rimony, and the said court has, appointed 316nday,
the 7th day of gept,l674,for hearing the said Andrew
int the premises, at which time I and place you
can attend if you think proper.
Aug 3.1 1 J. M, B.s : , Sheriff.
..1. In the matter Of the incorporation of Bunt Hill
Cemetery Asanciation.—No. 185, Sept: T., 1874.
Notice Is hereby given that the above name; As
sociatto4 has presented to the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford Co. their articlesl Association,
asking fora dicree of Incorporation and the said
Court having examined the same, h i l te d finding them
correct, will decree that they beearparated as
prayed for. 'on 'Monday, tho 7thl day of Sept.
1874, at il o'clOek, p. in., unless eausS be shown to
the contrary. i
. _,. , B. N. PECK:
i Aug.. - , : • othmotary.
matter l,he lunacy of
Court of Commor. Pleas of Bradt)
223, May Term, 1870.
The cindersigned, an auditor appointed hy the
court to ,dispose of the exoepticrns to the account of
John A.l Perkins, committee of the perscm and es
tate of rrancis Tyler, i hvatici wrn
_attend to the
duties of his appointment on 110l7DILY, the 24th
day of August. 1874, at 2 o'clock, at.the office
of Edward Herrick. Jr., in Athena 'borough, when
all persons interested are reve Ito attend.:
_tug. 1. I Andttir. •
• •
TI NI"le Notic©
E,la hereby given that all pers•lins indebted to
the eitto. of John P., grown ,to of Wilmot:
dec'd, aro requested to make ....ediete payment
And all moos' having claims. -at said estate
Most p esent them duly autheuti- ted for settle
ment...; 1 I • IRA L. : : 'WE; • \
I 1 -- . EDIT . ER 0 zeKER;
1 July 43, 1)?71. - . Executors.
Tice le hereby given that ell permits Indebted
tl the estate 'of Sherman Bratllgy , late of Me.
4eo'd. net mato immediate papal:rd, end . all pet-
Igoe , haring,clatma against geld eV :t wat prevent
them m y authenticated for settle t. •
IS. .ifs.
Jril. I [
• • • hilinirdiWitOr•
—ln tho
Tyler.—ln tho