Rural 1 1 03ta 6i-rail:Reran The New York State .‘---__ Society hive issued their 414•43 f p're .mittiru3 and millationa foil* 84th annual fair to be held at 4.hester September 14 to 18th 1874!?, Chicken cholera is a , malady of ivbich little is- known. '-= There is a very. malignant "type , which almost always ',roves fatal; and a milder form which appears in some localit. destroying not more than half or one-third of the birds attacked. The best medicine, that has been repurt ed, is alum-water made strong, and given for drink, mi x ed with their soft feed- Ilany of the medicines adVertised for the cure of the di.4or der are entirely worthl e ss. • Sulphuric acid ;oil of vitriol), diluted with- fifty times its weight of water and sprinkled over the_vines, is said , ta Ise a perfect remedy for potato bugs without injuring I the vines., This, is much safer than Paris green, as, a'Aer dilation with fifty Y parts of ffatei., it is entirely safe to handle and sprinkled on wail a common Watering pbt. This lak4 ,is not 'alway_s_of the same strength, and if the druggists acid is obtained, use seventy parts water to one of acid. .This also is the cheapest remedy. ; ' It has' been' found by accurate trials of differ4t dairies, that it takes from twenty-Seven to twenty-eight pounds of milk :to make one pound of biatter, and a gentleman in a late agricultural meeting _ stated that it ould takolwenty-seven to twenty eight poundS - ,on hay. W. N. Che ney, of BelnionLV.has cows that haVe given seventy pounds of milk a day. Simpson Of Cambridgeport, has a cross-brd Ifolstein cow that gave thousanl three hundred and ninety quarts of milk in a year, the half-bloods, it is said, being nearly - as good for milk as thoroughbreds. "A Breeder" asks the Live Stock Journal whether there is any known way! of producing sex at willy I There have been' several modes proposed, - and on single trials have , appeared to succeed, but on the next trial proved valueless.' There appears to be a law s controlling the animal world, that , the - sexes shall be Produc= eel in about .equal -numbers; and it does'not yet appear that the breeder can change this; therefore, ,any pro give - posal to information as to how this maybe done, for a consideration, must be regarded as a sWindle. There can be no exception taken to any . breeder's ,experiementing for the purpose of finding out sortie way of controlling sex, but-let hith beWare how he gets sold by, some charlatan, who proposes to •sell him is sure mode of doing it. 1 SE-NSIBLE A.DVICX TO Fenarsas.—A. good many farmers are rushing into, the.dairy business under the impress sion that the profits, are large and Sure. They figure,only on the profit side of the ledge; and do not take into ncconnt losses liable to occur in the _different departments. IWe do not wish to - discourage any one from ,'enterin - g uFondair7 farming; for we . •'believe it. will compare favorably - in k its profits, when well conductekwith other branches of farining; but we • have named some of the diSadvan- taw::: in one clep,artment—that . of liVe stock—in order that men - may; see their way more clearly and not -get too'high notions of the profits to lie realized. • I We advise every farmerl . ivho is doing well and making a fairkncolue from his-special kind of, farriaing,qo / _lu, - •lor other . branches coac4ninl , whieh - he is not . fur the chances arc, that the fie*, business will not yield any more •-profit, and, -perhaps not so naubh aS , the 'one with which he is acquainted.: We believe the peofits from dairying* lark: often over-estimated; -and while, its advantages are often the topic of: discussion. and laudation, it proper - that some of the disadvantages .be; made to- appear, and then: the bal ances of-account may be' struck, and .no one need be led astray. , i [X. cl. is Iti , ral 2‘ 7 Civ Yorken • Cows on .diversity , of opinion . existS among agribultur _ ists as to the best breed ofcows , B for the prOduction Of milk, It is only - lyi, , making careful tests- ' that a satis filetory, conclusion can be, arrived at. lii Catlin:llv dairicy, twdveqqarts of milk to one pound of butter is c.n - • sidered.o I :ir average.--A test made between tl . • ~: ilk of several gdes i3f kows, shout:Li that ls quarts- z-1 f mifl.-. ,f from a, grade Durham cote will pro ,- dueit one pound of butter;' .While Gi qtiartS of milk taken from a tfmliough ., bred. Giitrnsey ccfiv i prOdueed tke, :::ttile amount of butter. _, Thel.,abofe teat shows'that ..the Milk . lef ,tie 6 ii&r.sey, cOw . was / alinost three Ernes - as rich" inbUtter as-that of the Dur h,im, In this I respect, 14wever, .• . Iliffercitt cows of the :anic . br, ,, ..(1(1 may, - . and dt - ..-. - biless ad, rez y b lucil: .The .(jualitity of milk'i - given . by each cow • shciild also be , taken into account. A Militant . coW that would give • 1 three tithes asinuch milk as a Ottern .lk sey,' even though not so rielaj would be:more valuable. • Pinsoxen , 'MATTEds.—The Maine • Farmer-says: We need again o urge fanners_to have greater , regard for ' their . personal health and domfort than is generally the case. Wd.lirrovvi just how hard farmers have to work, and how. pretsint are the dcimands of the:'present season . But nothing • is gained by hard and , long-c iitinu cd application. ' Work in th morn-, - - lug and night, and if . ossible enjoy a' long, "nooning"—iV - Will do you no harm. Bathe frequently, and ' ' never repose a' night in _the inner elothiii t y , in which you have worked during thHave alight! day. ,f clean, nightshirt, to take the place pf that -full of perspiration, and dnOt, and 1 ! enjoy to its fullest extent the re =freshing influence of the 'night's 1 rest Eat wholesome and v4ll pre i 'l , ars-d, food, but 'avoid an elTessive use, d f fresh tout. 'Drink- s.l4.ringlY ! ~f e‘SI water dUring _warm weather ;..r. ,it infaiy often results from this . . ' CCM I LAY 'TEA Ect: C.uvEe. —A farmer wCt) had a - calf of value and 'no milk' to give i!'„ Was 'advised tgive hay He did so; and the calf ri.portt( fiody, though it noithor roceivi n d hay . n meal ii:! !re ;ot - ,` P . ; lie cuts th best 1.14 t:- h las, abotit two lung,.and pours boiling water (4er it; lets it stand until 'cooled to abont the heat of milk from the cow, I when the tea iS . eiven To the calf and the" . hay". to the, coW,' Bath Calf and cow thrive. on their feed. - have fed a gieat deal of hay . tea) to ! , calves, with good results. - ' naohu=is . , raWOODRUFF V• fr Bering ilecided her stock of to go out of the hominess, ffete erctlFe HAM;• •• ' CAPS ! . AND • BO '+ • FELTREItS, • • FLOUNCES,, - AND RIBBONS, - • AT COST, OM I= 11::= =SIM DM*. , Rooms, corner of Main and Bridge Streets. over M. J. Long's Store. Entrance on Main St., 3d door from corner. . Towszdapec 1'73. pLANING, BitsAwnip, ate. - 4.- • , BILL I.HAI3EB PAWED T0:9=221. - SEASONED WHITE PINE d 33 ,grrc . a PIN • MUM. IP;0011ING. ROM lad a variety of Eaton Hopis tar sale. We hale new. In operation a mew • bean, sts-rel Planer. and other snobbery ' , colObtotat all the recent Improrements. and of the most superb Wet nnutablp. Bunning by a norntallbett walarisrwar. we ere able to do work as soon u is prearnted— do It cheaply, lad bestow all the care-asmii for doing it perfectly. 801 l In the work and rders. we will satisfy every man is to rites and work. swaistdp. , I , H $. INGELX. cenvansa. April 7. ItrIZAT - ' HOIS T LS THIS FOR LOW I , , - , We offer DRESSED LUMBER at the following rates: Hemlock Flooring, (choice) White Pine Pitch •• Siding _ " •• 'Bl3 to 23 .. Pickets from $2 to $4 per huhdrod, PLANZG, MATCHING, 8E431.1M10, Done at a moment's notice and by the best machin ery now made. We have an band ONE lItTEDIIED TROITELLND7rz; DRY •LIIMBER . 1 We have in the Mal Ppstd THREE HUNDEND.f,' AND STORY THOUSAND FT= OP LIM= • - And are constantly Manutacturing._ • my* Parties wh o- tan reach as Ire' foolish to go near the railroad for. Lumber, as under any circum stances we can MILL IT tniCEAPEIt--st least the coat of transportation front here to the railroads-- say $2 to gp per thousand.. • . • , H,13. INGHAM. Camptown. Juno 26, !73. SAVE i TWENTY-ITTE TO 30 N.; , PER CENT, BY - BUYING YOUR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S i f 4 ~rl~r'4S+ .. PRESENTS AT HUGUENIN'S. New doOde of the latest styles.. Jewelry of all • de3criptions in large gnantitieg;;lt MI tocranda, December 10, 11373. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY.—Direct route North and South to Bal timore, Washington,, Philadelphia and all points South ; also to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Buspenairm Bridge, Rochester, Syracuse and all points East and West on the New York Central Railroad, and the Canada'. i(s.. On and alter Sunday. Nov. 23. 1973, trains will Ieave.BLUIRA. as follows : 5011211:WAILD ]fail. attire . ...... Northern Express........ Morning Accommodation Evening Santhem Expiesi wa. Northern klpresa north .and Southern Ex presa acme, are through trains" between Rochester and Baltimore c the Morning and Evening Ac com modation north 'connect atCanandalgua with train■ for Rochester and the Falls. • G. cLuiToN GAZDSEB, Gael Snpt. ED. S. YOUNG, Oen'l Pau. Ag t, Baltimore, Md. YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL • , • . HOUSES, F/R51.5,. LOTS OR • ; • • BULL PROPERTY, or if you wish to lend or boner, money on Real Estate or other •sectulty for a short term or a term , of ye'ars, of if you wish ' .I.RE - ..:TS OF HOUSES' r other Property colleCted slid paid. we offer sn- Perior facilffiez for the prompt transaction of Inch business. We have now a fine list Or prpperty for lisle, and those seeking REAL ESTATE INVEST3IENTS In either town or county, will do well to gill on na. . • -A. J. ;COBLE & CO.. • .Iteal Estate and Loan'Agenu. Office Stain street, opposite Court House, To wanda. Pa. Mar 19. BAKERY AND DINING ROOK Fast btock north of Warditouse. - BREAD,, PrFS, CAKE,CRACKERS, - DARED , DAIL Y. -• . . I And 'ae:tld at Wholesale and SetalL !--- - ' In our DMING BOOMS we will accommodate tbs. pnbHc with Slitter , a tuna . or a good meal - at all times of the day and evening. OYSTERS AND ICE OBWI ON NAND MOM Tams SEASON. Also a fine ' assor4imut of Oroeeries,oonfectiosery. Fruits, Nuts. ke. • amyl"' ti D. 'W. l3oo=' k 00. THE NEW 1241 PROVED tpEMINQTONSETVING MACHINE i!,WARDI:.D TETE VOU PROGRESS, AT VIErrA. 1873 • THE 111511 E s 2 OILDE4 MZDAI:" AWASUED AS ••-- • 1 TTLE. 4 EX:1 1, 05111CM . - • NG SEWING liIACIIINE RECEIVED A HIGHER P1117.E. =I I .--A New Invention thoroughly Tested an .0. cured by Lettere Patent. 2.—Make as perfect Lick stitch, ahke on both sides, on all kinds of goods. - • 3.—ituns Light, Smooth, Noiseless and Rapid— beat combination of qualties. 4.—Durable-riana for years without repairs. s.—win do ALL varieties of work and Fancy :Stitch- Mg in a =peal , : or moaner. 6.—ls • Meat • easily Managed by,,ther operator. Length of etittl:, may be altered whilst running, and the machine 'can be threaded without passing thread through holm, 7.—Dealgn simple, -ingenious, elegant. forming the stitch without the use of cog wheel gears, rotary cams or lever arms. Has the Automatic Drop -Feed, latch insures uniform length of stitch at any weed. Has our new Thread Controller, which al lows easy =Yemeni of needle-by id presents Jury to thread. • B.—construction most careful awl finished. It is manufactured by the most skillful and exPerfenbed mechanics, at the celebrated REMINGTON AR MORY. ruox. N. Y. ramm4Lpins om dlu CIIESTNIa ST. , BLACKSMITHING, • , • f The undersigned having recently l Tet o n term of years the old "Boas stutd." in Boro', =mow prepared to carry On the blaelunnith ine btodnees in all Its brsticties, ' and pledge than sclrce to d 0 their work as cheap and as well as any other country shop: let Bradford County. We study to please all who =Sy far= us srlth a all. • GZ011132 IL DAVID k BQN. D2W, 141. 2e, qa, TOW INII UM Jut MG ITS!!I lo vzsY • 1 $1.6 per 11. ...... 26 .• Nom tn want of anything in oar Us us se. spectrallyr tatted to, call and saataine oar stock. Toimp3a. gay L • , D . W. SCOTT k CO., BAKERS AND GROCERS, . - First block Forth of Ward House. We have added materially to our stock, and now offer a full assortment-of. • 'GROCERIES :AND PROVISIONS. We keep no books. add no percentage for bad debts ; therefore we can and will give you the low. eat rates. All are Invited to call and be convinced. DINING ROOMS -77 In connection with the above, and meals M all hours of the day: D. W. 80017 & 00. Toiszidi, Feb. 10.1874. IMI A PPLETONS' .ANEBICAN CY zue.- CLOPEDIL. NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by the * West writers on sway subject. Printed from new type, and illustrated with &mei Thousand enpaings and Maps. The work originally published under the title of Tar. Di= ASINHICAN Crams:am was completed in 1863, since which time the wide circulation which it has attained in all parts of the United States. and the ad developments which have takes place In every Mit=h of science, literate= and at, have In. dozed the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough rerriiion, and to issue a new edition entitled Tax Mass= CYCLOPES/a& Within the last ten yesrs the progress of discovery in every department of knowledge, has made a new work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political affairs has kept pace with the cliscoverioe of science). and their fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life. Great wars and consequent revolutions have occurred, in volving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our own country, which was at' its height when the last volume of tits old work ap• peered. has been ended, and anew course of wmmavial and industrial activity has been commenced. lIUGVEICINI, Large amnions to oar geographical knowledge haw, been nude by the Indefatigable explorers of Africa. - The greet political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural malt of the lapse of time, have brought into public view a multitude of new men, whose mines are in every one's month. and of whose llvea every one is carious to know the agars. Great tattles have been fought and = tent Beget maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only f n the newspapers or in the transientpublic:alit= of the day, but which ought arm to bike their place lb permanent and authentic 10 20pm 12 00 m 6 45 am In preparing the present edition • for the press, it has accardingty been the she of the editors to bring down the information to the latest possible dates, and to furnish an accurate account of the most re cent discoveries in science, of, every fresh no. host in literature, and of the newest inventions in the arts• as well u to give a succinct and record of the progreas of n polltical and his. toricel events. fbe work het been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resour ces for tarrying it on to a ithccesefaltermination. none of the original stereotype plates- bare been used, but every page has been printed onnew type, forming in fact new Cyloptedia, with the same plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater 'pecuniary expenditure, and with inch im provements in its composition as hays ti beon g nested by long 4,:qp;r:thmoe and enlarged koowled sa The illustrations which are introduced for the first time in the present edition, have been added. not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater ludicity an to theecrplanstions ande text. They embra cellbranches of science f natural history, and depict the most famous and re. mutable features of scenery, architecture ant art, as well as the various processes of mechAttics and manufactures. Although intended for Instruction rather than embellishment. no pains have been spared to Insure their artistic excellence ; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they willtind a welcome reception as an admirable fen tme of the Cyclopedia, and worthy of its high them-ter. 555 pm 2 08-pm . 545 am This work is sold to Subscribers only. pgsb'• cm delivery melt volume. It will be completed in sixteen large octa►o volumes,. each containing about 800 pages. hilly illustrated with sevens thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored LithograpEie Nape. - ' In ems Cloth. ppeerr Tot, . 6,00 In Libriny_Lesmer, per 70 /..6,00 In Halt Turkey Mcrae. per vol . " . 7.00 In Half Buds, extra gilt, per vol.. . 6.00 In Pull Macao, antique, gilt edges, per v01.,10.00 In rallltusals. Per 701 .: • • • • • • 10.00 Three iolumes now Toady. Succog' v,olumes. until completion, will be Lamed once in two Months. Specimen s of the Asommew CITCUIPADIA. 03101,131 type, Illustrations, etc., will be sent gratis on on. Address the Publishers, D. APPLETON it co. 519 k itt Broadway. N. Y., k 725 Bansomßt.,,kdra. WHEN YOU . DESIRE THE " REPORTER " OFFICE. THE _ , .11a. } { hat Isom replentibod with a fnU and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF s PRT.4G AND StIyISER 1300: 1 8, To which Pie altentlon of mp . cnacomai is saw datirealkd. Pries reasonattio and a 0 goods - =toed. I • • Tome% April 33, G. K. G B:L E Nir B ItSs MoCIABE & CON the Ingest elsottment lOA AND ITALIAN MA RB.LE E!IE=Mil on band or furnish to re ONIIMENTS, STONES, MANTLES, &a, Of every It3ll, i=St ;AI f:. m McCABE & SON. IMICE Alp WILE OF inspnca. FIILiT-CLLIB CJIATMMIING A6Z3I4IIW,URIM El JOB PBENTING IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE, CALL AT (LONG EETABLISHED MILLINERY STORE MISS WAGONER WA.03038 1 °: ~ wai~o I hive on hand It birge llMPortineutd LUMBER AND LIGHT SELL CHEAPER Mum any other establishment in the WAGONS AND OABBLIGES Of every dem:riptide emenfeetared to order on short notice. , Tomah Mink 26, 1,71. FROST & SONS - . • Would Wits the Pat*: tol'oell and •samluMbMt NEW STYLES OF FURNITURE' .ron him now on han4th• 'Lao= LID BE:3lk . liEl M which mil: r• . 4, - ..tyle prices. - • UNDERTAKING It • We also keep in store and make to order BLINDS, DOORS, - MOULDINGS ; f'. .. s Oct 4, 1873. • NIVE INSURE ALL ; HINDS OF PROPERTY! AOAllfer LOSS DAHMER HT FIRE AND LIGHTNING. repsimat avti 11117 Wmtn i 01 1 141111. Oltimittdiand HamtOmpanloos. LIFE MStahlICE IN THE OLDEST AHD Liacusair lIMOH AND virruAL COHPAXII23 IN THE WARD STATES. , . • ACCIDENT INSURANCE F ow= day to one rem - NOBLE & _VINCENT. Pas. 19. WM cIUPERIOR AGRICULTURAL NACEIREST, for Halo by a IL WELLES, TOWANDA. Ofilce No. 3 Mescal Block, north ado of Conft Noon num wacomaul AND 1111Tiu. DIAZ= AND MAIrOIACTIJUIVI AMT. 11Localnes, Zorn rivers NW Thraldom Wheel Pluto Sono, Chits and" 811:r !Wen. arranibli aid la* M Otallitoll4 Inal Hobs Row: Omer itilE4mtedMimw Lunt nem& Ts= *as mo. an map seer CIMIN 11111111012pOCRX mum vox am osicnirri: so.. ao. Ina daftriPtill‘ Mutated ;doted dr .Clitak=lrhod or mailed hos to opptlorato. It will cost but tbroo Nato to mid for etrrultrs rafts haunts who In Tavaudy:call sad am am • apttt2ll ,11.:10=1,1m DAYTON & BIOTHER, WOOL, HIDES, , PELTS, CALF- WHS. MS. &A; ros "With* blame. as& peke Is at s 4 Ofmas. 011 a fa IL Icessfiskrs MOM _ 0. ia 1. Imll.lo TOWANDA I WAGONS WEICO I WILL country. JAM BRY4tNL IffiatlT asioantErr or wow _ ?'eIWANDA, 17e precinct:l to do •b , rinet rearonible terms. F- ,FLOORINGS, &e. .1. O. FROST k 802(8 Dealers ta all6181111114'." Cr 111 MIME MEE 7. • ' . . , • P.'.! SPEMALTIEfii : . • • GIOIOIDII3I AT TAYLOR k CO.'EL ISM CODDING, RUSSELL & CO., tOWAIQDA. PA.. Hardware, Iron, Stoves, House Almlizilthig Ooo4s, LIMO, Cement, Lath, Tinware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures, Gans, Revolvers, Cartridges, Paints, Oib, Varnishes, Patent Wheels, Hubs, Spokes, Farmers and Mechanics Tools, Always at lowest cash prices. May 14, 1874. AN 'UNDISPUTED FACT THAT GOOD GOODS ABE SOLD CREAM •AT LILO:SAO fi 461 THAN ANT OMER OLOTRUIG Spun IN MATBEEN .PZ3WAI ~,\ Haring recently fated up Ms lame and roman one store lately ceenplod by PDX & MOM, to amezonodete ray rapidly-Inereastng trade.' respect. fully ask my old embanks, aid the-public general. ty. to all and eiamlne roY elegant NEW STOOK OF • ' -.Emannatuanhick And Misty themeelres fay y price; defy compe• tition. TOTIVII4 111 1871. ERE *. e • I • ',—, 1, •; e'••• 1 •Qfel :I'''ef 4'.1 2 : . ~ ':; l' 7:1 , '.. f:...7c. ~ ~ :. "2.; - • ::-,-411Ag• VIM 1.„ NAP MIS . MEEMEiI OWN +ol:+r • , Isriiohi*Ono- ottliet bedietodi POTB:4 .iaTimaidk .a *every i krinatisiaosifor Caohjeonditing at Garaspazai Lx? Bin* Clair Boom lauftg, Wino and ettiiimatet Shoes -lot 411 L kit*, pU licnitht [from 'the = wzllaaafilii4:ol4,:lurnl of all uni Fnuited. 'Firbtir AND foric*aCiaiviii I tiOlidit a toatia' itaaaa ea csaline.l r • T , bwands, Km 2.1 W. .: iF ~ .. r;:+ AZUIOOIICO he H A ifteribi irlE occuilitihrkiiip on d Alan mod.. tam" . :'' -t 7 '• - - . . - * . • • FAMILY :Vit#IIIAGES, ToP 4N1:0 - - OPEN MGM, , L. I • TROTTING BULpilt, AND frEMIXTOIO3, ' . , Kade of the best material sad finished In the best etti style., Zits long_ overtones -to rib Carriage InlrsetariesersebbredeodeleS, advantage ore: others the - Style 'a l nd zhfiyir " - of Ids magma's. Au they saki is In • piozio'Nw(4) \ l Ziiii6Ei ALL FORK WA IBILA7ED TO QIVZPWECT • •: Thankfal for the ne t s . patroiatfonaorly bsr loaded and reopoA con fully oak a =OM of the moo. Toiraada. Jan. B.' irKINDERY 41, MACHINE SHOP. sad Th r=ar=r t ig airman. their to ail lands of trikk_s i ( :itaiDa to . UMW Iraihrilk with Forraess alto MILL GEARINGS, OIRCItLAR' SAW MILLS!, MAN DRILLS, ' AO all Mb of MILL. IRONS To ORDIUL SHINGLEI MACHINES Of the Wed and most lmprored kinds EMU and kept mutts" on bind midi for us. PLOITG,HS, VIDEIDELL, IRON .AND WOODEN DEANS Of rl 'dna. CULTIVATORI4, CORN PLOUGHS 1.1121 D PLOUGH Of all kinds, and this tiy lat:t i Improvements kept • STOVE. CASTINGS =mit GBATE4 SLED=J- AND STNIGH And all Minh of 'Arno rambled to , Mara SO. 11/10. MEANS & EOCENEI4. BLOOD & CO., 1 _______;: _._ still cclitinuip. 0 ......- oelebrwou HORSE POW" & CLEANERS, and will sin a better roaeltine, . for 101 1 hkons7 than can he had else Where In the world. 1 We claim for our machines that they will do as notch. • armor.. than any other, and are more &ash!) , built. We persona* superintend our work and see that It is weal down; We alp mar insciurn7 assmootrEs. of ear suchinu. on application. I I ONE AND TWO HORSE °WM, One rite Sons =Kw= 4 kW/MTV/A i'MULTECKB I mid ChZll,lll, PA I NNINIG MILLS, cizionbis DIM ItAW B&W AIM GRIST MILL work d i ne to order. • Give call s before iinrchaidag olwewhare. • .va mamma Immix `,•oo vi aoor.ui . au& 3. ISM WOOL CABIN(, - IIiANUFAOTURINO, &O. I After a recess of four , andleary expenditure In improsing Mlle Water Power, we again re. sume our of business of ' 1 - d - • i MAIMPAOTTHIWZG, WOOL . CARDING, CLOTH DIOLSONO, &O. 1 . . • 1 Appreciating the hail times, wail/Nil tha w % best not to ..let down,.l but to milk Home Ind as the best means of retodng plenty', • For the omommodation of the nearly extinct race ' of Spinners, we shall make Rolle. For those who prefer. we *HI make Yarn,— STOCKING I Ur, FLAIIIiiL, O. In tionlatogen— _ with t f ccal Option Ws propose to skl the ftWlrof the ommtry by inaldng a few thousand yeses of Stoat Cloth; that i win enable a suety non to keep his breeches on. 1 1 Those 'who can, should call and 'we sin show them one of the Klugesand most complete , WOO,LEN FACTORIES .1 • . ' . i In the red States.' . . . 'spiu nuiddriery Is n in g4: i rder, aii oar water poker is never4alling lip pub Ml 7 be in no fear of disappointment, and we t all work to be I - d°n'eproperly. • ft B.' INGHAM. • - Campthre. Pa., Stay 1l,1873: auLuis WOLFF NTEW AND 4ARE PLANTE . - =Ablnidged• ogee a New . Bare and Mlle hill • -read. and .111 b• =NW tree to all appacinte: E. H. OCIALIA Max 19 'Mr. Tairsadi. Pi. - 1 , A ~I I ' i ME OARRIAM, F. I 1/ew `O AND I BEEmi BT Men* and pst!oniv azat macs: PILATFOR3I WAGONS, Hlti; WOBIC sAnsrActirozr. I:44qAl:4lfftil V*CirsivirffV,Vs4.3l).Alaii(ll IMM 11:1:4.:f:V4:11,1111/1.1.4 MADE 'REPAIRED, ted to eve ntLefietion. ENGINE And ill work I • CHURN POWERS, LAIRGE All 9 SMALL SIZE. LARGE IRON I=L}2l =ME o*t!4_to.:.: . _ :; T: . ; 1 .i,., ! =MB _ 0 - 1 B E &EilW MEI 16..:5i iiia 401:gr•b* SHOE IDAtitrLY GROCER masa i_u_ it : aver . P.A.'o'O ~~.1 4.1~ ~. 111=ZOV8 NI BLOCK. TOWANDA. Wido soldOsoinsoogosi7 to dllitestostbdoooolOtvw% OurtAkartmestli AiIVAiE; Co .. -. . NEE °j i b 4.4 foeftiners ivothice. 'IIIST- CLASS GOODS. • • JAMES /Pawn; 7,104 BIDIMIWILI, BM M 111":014879. vmr, WEE ISE 'd `~ SZe The nutua its. deitirei to etranotice L.- ',Li . liinow In simental opaiton. and 'Stud 4 1* paced to do ailwadda Ida lias on 'hart • CUSTOM GRINDING DONE mime /11AZ' rr is szOrein - what; Boakruss and art!llmix. Oom Iterd.Branwka..- abeam on haM andor Wasiak& I 1 [ UTPOI _PARTIONLASI N_ wan aids at tlutztunio L _ ___ r will We thaot n ft't• paid both nos.. _ Intarrit ton thals and upwards. I v. 8 C , B. PATCH, WHOTY.S ATM Alkfro ___ GROCERIES A ND The beat brands of The highest price paid, for 8,11 kinds of 00 URT BY' PRO BUTTER, POULTRY A.m) • gonna attention raid to filling • delivered free of charge =raters In th Towanda, Jan 11.15741 BARGAINS IN STOVES CIAMPINTERS' TOO &,c., Given to all purchasers for HARDWARE ST TOVi r ,A.NDA, PA E.c. 17. •73 SHOES, HEADQUARTERS WATCHES,. JEW SILVERWAR YEW JEWELRY I3TOILE. ON DEiDO In the building formerly occupied Titus, with a large assortment of Gold American and Swiss Fine Gold Jewelry, Go CHAINS AND RING 1 CHAIN BRACELET itIITTONS, PINS, &c. A fall line of so= men and plated SPECTACLES AND EYE G Of all Idnds---Gald, Shyer and B From the cheapeat • to tho best, and • articles too numerous to mention, but tai :be by caning. • IL HIM) 4 N. it: Watches. Clocks and Jewelry • practical workmen, and warranted. Nov, 10. '79 4 ... , , , , I SA a I:BE. P — A. TIIE Ni .Dustedt it T e l a tli ; QP River, between Waverly. If. Y., and Atlirara. o Pa.,' I: mom from the Anthracite. 48 miles trout the Burn. van. and $8 miles from the Semi•ltitzunMous Coal Mines of Pennsylvania. It is the Southern; terththps of the Southern Oettral Esileo of the I=m I Athens =raid. and is IY" the !Northam on teiminna of the Lehigh Valley sad Ps. & . Y., Rail road& - It is a mile sad a quarter from the Erie Brawn at Waverly. i ; , SAYRE hu already in material opera on a large Car Wheel laundry, a Furniture lactcizry ll' Plmir. lug MM. a Woolen ILUI. and a Planing Rill. A 'rig orous growth is anticipated for 1874. • THE TOIVI , PLOT =, , thnow really for examination, Lots fog, residences and business pyres for sale on l'essomMlq tames. , 's Its favorable locuticm makes it a 1 1 1 • DESIELISLE POINT. TOR WAREFACTMLEIts, and especial Indiaanwints are oared. l' Appiy_at the tint liationd, Bank of , grniy, , or at the 0.. In BM% FIL ' ' r I Apilli-IL • ~ 1 110WAID A It= i =I OM AND = =EI W . * liollitotbiogiut lli 5111X01,41taNp PL ME DEALER, XN • I TOWARDA,,Pa. FLOUR' ALWAYS 0 Eli C. B. EC TINWARE, HARDWARE, IRON AND NAILS, GLASS, &c., &c., H. T. JUNE'S FOR AND - 21. HLNDEL3LLN nu opened a CLOCKS lEELDBEZEI iMiiiiiii =CI • *, • APR =EMI OODS, DMS E ME 121 Ars*EßEs, 1 e l th. 1 ,• TOLE, DAlii I MI MEE ! - ' ;• (LO = BOLDFATFS. , ,WOOL SHAWLS, ii i El PRINTS, MI MI 2 HIRTING, NOTIONS, &o. ■ In fact e ery department-will be foun NI • LIESCUT PAPER PATE rsa April 23, '74-U ~~t~Y~'gy~~~~:~~~ 0 011 1 119 Wei DI A ;44 by receiving, is e4cfition t PINS, MI RINGS. 22 , i oliti 1 , AMERICA., afid SWII3 GOLD LAND SILVER WATCHES; . 'TED WADE OF ., ALL VARIETIES SILVER Asti STEEL SPECTACLES, EIILVEII GOLD. MITER PLATED rai 01 all escriptions at the lowest pri , WATCH. in the best ESE a liberal patronage and h • of the same. Towands, Nov-12;13. I y. alive LACK' O, A. EMI rig rwir.n And as low so the lowest. GLAS i WARE, TAR LE cUTLERY, I I VER PLATED W • • WOOD WARE, STONE WARE, I would luky to thepubno that on any g GERI not oo undersold I=l2 6.19, 1874. G AND STJMME EMI 111 NE NAPKINS TOILET Q MI IUI ME PASELY SHA ALS, PER TING, complet4, 'l. We are also agent for EVANS k Ii TB AT THE ROBE W. A. ROCKWELL hie large FINE GOLD SETS. 'STUDS, CRARMS, FM ILLNGS AND CHAIINM CL4OKS • : and JEWELRY rep er. end warranted. W. A. 800 omits Y OF )iIIiIOIIS PAT- TERNS, EiE ; BIRD CAGES, •-,`, BA SKET GLASS SHAD [ , O. A. ,Drup sittifiedape, , Triz-31:111) - POlrlat MAE% LIONZOLATEI9 lIPECATIQ Bare MU'S, idealise Mod *APls4P2 — Notte}k . ssa entire =wen. fittore, prompt. efficient and rens. bra Theysze the oulTtall64lBst7 141404 popular to nae— so Npwle m= cenatt be Made Janata, them MO 999941999 Is bbefreettom anger; and Ts as to be always reliable. They here the aigbest commendation from alliand TM always render isatisfacToa„ I .?! ites. ems. ' qtrs. revirg,ctaisitasitistoniaiton,,- ,, 13 2. Worms, Worm Fever W .00c: ' 2, 2. Crying-Colic, crrT of Infants. , 23 4. Diarrhoea. of Childress* Adults, 25 • .Wassolary. Griping. Mllms Colic. „ , 25 6. MOM Idortsis. - -wmialo2l4 T. Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis,. 'B. Neundsia. ToottakelleTscesche. ' 25 9. 99midsclei,91C11 80940910.-V9rH4o. l ' 25 10. Dyspepsos, Edam Stomach, 11. LL ltepprsseed, or Med POW* - • I • 23 12. W134... c t : 3 41 "tu " r ' 32 = ti di n , 2 r , 13. Croup, Pielcult, , 23 -14. Salt 99•991 , Erpdpalm.• prapuoss. - 24 ; 13. Itheurnatialm. ItheuraaVapains. 23 Id. Fever and Ague, Chill Ismer, aass. 1 17. Piles. blinder ' ' 12, f la Sore or Weak Eicor, ' .MM. Me or carted% Ineuenas, 31) 20. Whooping Cough, violent congla,,• - 21. Astluxua oppressed breathing, Ty ) 22. Ear Disehargesitmpaised hearliT, & r , 23. Scrofula. molangedislanslic s liwelling, t 4) N. General Debility. Weakness. 23, ,Dropay and scant, 6eastions. • 1/, 26. ses eu 'Mimesis fosen riding, 27. Sidney Disease. (blvd.!, • I 32 38. Nervous Debilliy.liendsal Weakness, or I I Involuntary 4lecluirges.l or, Ns. Sore Mouth, Ceram • I I , 30. u rinar y Weakness, _ ; I 31.-Pss Periods, withliptuants " , 32. Sufferings at change ,of life, , 1 _so azi•_ePar, Spasms. St. Vitus Danes, I 0) mptheria. ulcerated solethroat, , to is. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions. Vials - 30 cenix. (excePt 28, 32. and 33,) 1 09 L PANILT CANN. Case (No ) with above, 83 .large vials and Man . nal of Directions, • I I $lO O Caagi e (ldorocco) of 20 large vials and Cook, I 64j Boxes and Vida ass above. Tar These remedies are a 'ha by the case or single box t 6 any Part of the rataistrT, free' ot charge, on receipt of price. manse CLARK D.KurrES, y 1873. • ;1 • Fj IB S T : §IIBPLUS This Rea ea traneactiost of $ GENERAL .- - - BUzINBSS. MEM= MD ON D ACCORDMO To ?..GISSEhrIT. Stanzas. CLuz Omni To aux boa Or Noss 6 . 3D 1 9 1 F La • • .1 Parties wishing to =ND United States, England, Ire rival cities and towns of draft tot that purpose!. pAssias To or from the old country. lug Luca, always.on bud. FAXILEGB mama GYM, I sig*at l'xicepaidfor U. JOS. POWELL, President. December 1,1888. FOR SAIE. ' TIMES DE M= CENTRALLY' LOI i • • ON_* EASY' TERMS • • monthly parraenW4tke apartion of the chine money.' i Zan 14.1874. I. J. NOBLE CO. . THREE CHEERS - -% . -. FOB THE RED, 731.12 & BI4IE. , TRAMP, TRAMP, 'MAUI' ri!he Boys arc Marching, and the Girls and Men and Women, too, all rushing for their rocerieslo the RED, WHITE & GROCERIES & Now Bold cheaper than the i thd line of Groceries & Pro FL or FAMILY -G Sept at the Red, Whito & get: a pile) of goods for a 11 TEE HIGHEST I PRICE COUNTIi'Y At the Bect, White & Blue • 1311115 GE Towanda Jan 28 '74 TtOOK-BINDRY; _iv is respectfully - inform had been removed to the third story, where will be 13 00 K-B IL, In all Its various branches, ae 44the times" will allow. der the charge of H..C. NTH = An experienced Bitider.'and i done in a style and manner Music,. Magazines; New ..• bound in every variety of I tion will be paid to tne ~ BL~~'E To any desired pattern, W bility will be warranted. All work will beivady,for The patronage of,the pub feet satisfaction gnarran Towanda, August 2, 180. TO THE CITIZENS OF PENN= STLYANIA.—YoUr ideention Ili specially in vited to the fact that thei3iational Banks are now prepared to recalve subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial Board of ?inane. The tunditrealized from this acource are to be employed in the ereetion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, • and the erpenaes connected With the tame, tis confidently believed that the Seystoue State Win be remikented by the name of beery cal. ten alive to patriehe commocaoration of the tine hundredth birthday of the aation. The.ishares of stock are offered for $lO each, and ;bscrlbers will receive & handsomely steel ,engrav Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a tuitional me - merit/. • I I ," I Interest at the rate of six per cent 'per anntrm will be paid on all payments of per Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1875. I Subscribers who are nolI near a National Bank Pin remit a check or post-Mace order to the tinder. signal - I 'I rams. Fry.lreasunw, ;Sept 4,'73. 9 NT:Want St., Phil's THE .PLACE g done to meri mansa AND HORSE F NINGS rnuALLY, , 1 T.: at C. F. DAYTON'S, in Dr store lately opcupied by Julius Wolff as a Ciotlung Eitor Having re moved my eatablialunent to more connaodlona and convenient glutton, I 'respectfully invite my olds customers, r and all in want of anything in the line of . . . I • I -,-• HARNESS, SADDLES. Iv &c., to give me a call, f • the facilities I poilsese for ka better job, at a lOwerz, bllehment in the county. DO NT FORGET THE PL LOW THE FOX E BLEREUR 24. Co w,. The subscriber having the agency of the I. son Colliery it Kingston, Pa t .r iA prepared to furnish; dealers with all.sizes of Anthracite Coat •PrePared ! the best manner,. from. the celebrated Cooper Vein.! A full supply of Ude' Coal may be seen by `calling on W. H.' Humleton, at the New Coal Yard, on,Pine, onelduck soutkof etrat, where all arelnwittid to call. Full :weight ,and good quallo Issued. • L. 8. CARE. ToWanda. Feb. a. 1874. GOOD FARM FOR SALE Cheap, containing about 73 acres, about; 50 acres im; proved, formerly owned by 4. M. Bowman, decd Log house, good frame barp, good water, young bearing fruit trees; and situate in Asylum twp., four miles from Towanda. Terme easy. Enquire of H G. GOFF, Towanda, or • I I • I Mar 19 '74-tr WEST _STREET =ME .4U kept A TFAIVER.I1 4 iCE riorsg, PLAN Rooms n and 75 cents pert MODERATE. The best mantel market. BEST BEDS in the dune • B. T. B &CL L tri MN 7) rtgqoA. AL BANK . $125,000. ~40• ' ' ooo. Clll=3 for tbt ,• to any part'cd the Scotland. or thaprin. ••can hero procure . 1 I • TICKETS' by best awimer• gr - elau RXDCC1131114121:8: Bondi. Gold and gilre 1;1..;f: BETTS Jzt CastU DWELT-1503, CATED, BLUE STORE PROVISIONS cheapest. Erexthing ILL F E E D, ERI ES OC , re- Como au Blue St• e money CASH FO D C: PAID L PRO !tore - of • ' HA GET, STREET TQW.1.1.6..AL J_ 7' PUBLIC that thecßocik-Bindery "Bepoiter" 'DING! on toms as reasonable The Bindery will be nu- assn, 1 .111 watt will bb promptly bleb =toot be excelled. • pens, Old koots, , style. ?Articular atter.- . :and BLlLding of 00KB, ch in_quality 141 d aura elivery Nfhen wcmised c isl aolicited, and•ier YOUR BIT BLVSEET; WHIP I - I • ~•• satiatled' thatlrons ;archaising stock, I cap ca. than rny other _ es-ii f !kbE ;on root DE. STORE. -O. DAYTON. I. COaLSAU¢B. Wilkes:43.2n% :OW,', I I :sr., NEW TORN.. IN TEE EIIIIOITAN Day. CILLIMISveri and yentalei fII the ty. • , :13,111% Rlool3ota'