Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 30, 1874, Image 3

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7, AO 30,.1874. ,
ITowanda, Th
ips Joe to Wilkei-
Joint Ailow
Tun new public; square fence into
be painted green. -
a ___ I . _ ,
Blnj,DniG asamplituou stin4 501 a
on 116nday_ivening Wi l t at SSG premium: ,
. . _ 1
Pi oral= DlSOliklier.:Cllpt.GllN,
• ,
who was under bonds for his appearance at the
next. term of Court, has gone off.,
THE, Lin-ta Band terenadedALßEET
LONo„.on Third etreetion,Fridity" evening. The
music was very fine.
• TILE night train on the Lehig .
Valley, in addition to being a great convenience
to the public, pays the; company.
WE LEA= that, parties were in
tOwn last weak, with al view to establishing an
other bank here. 1
A nr.rarsarNs, shower was eaperi•
enqed in this Seetion : ott s Tnewhii last. d. longer
continuation would hate been very acceptable.
THE First National Bank of Ath-
. _
ens, with a capital of 800,000, litta accumtilated
a 'sprplus of V 5,000.
Dn. Pniar's new office on State
atreei, will soon • bo completed. It will add
very Acts to the appeeranee of that street.
Finnze To assisted in the dedi
cation of a new'Cathcilio Chinch at Plessapt
Valley, Luzern count, on.Sundaydast. '1
• I
- Ter, whortlebe i rry trade - is very
brisk ,this season. Iltessrs. Brsysss k, Loco
hive already bought dyer one hundred bushels.
HAVING recently added largely . to
- our facilities for •jobbing, are jareparid to
do all kinds of job printing on the shortest no
lice, and in the_neatest style.
HEnvirrEn.i' thc night train :will
bring a mail from Philadelphia, and a mail will
be sent from the Towfrida office on the 10 ,
train for Philadelphia!
. •
REAL-ESTATE owners sboald rega'em
ber that they subject ;themselves to a pais*
in letting-Canada thisiles "go to seed" on their
REV. F. D. Hosszs, of Elmira,laas
returneddrom hiiisutimer vacation, and servi
ces were resumed at Grace Church on Sunday
WE Et&VE on file, and shall soon
ptiblish, au original story b}•one of our most
talented lady,writers.,l The talc is entitled "Vi
cissitudes." I
EARLY FA OST.HAyo ung gentlelnrua
disce'vered a WM , %,h•ast 'in his residence early
one morning last ; weelt. No damage was done,
and Lanni is blippyi in the possession of 203
eight-pound boy. I
11 - OUBLISIIIN i the list of legisla
tive candidates last week, we 'inadvertently
omitted he name of HE MAN llonsr, of Litch
field. Ithe omission was the 'niece noticeable
. I
on 'account of his prominence.
SLTERINTEDENrr diTDD; of the Bar
clay road, is onof the best railroad men in the
State. Careful, prndent, and attentive to dray,
it cannot be long, ere, Ire will 'be called ;to a
',Dire reepolimbla pesi. . 1 •
.. ,
BANK Inspecto i F DAW was in town
~r , Monday. Mr. D.] is deservedly popnis , 'ln
this'eection,. having, rendered ialuaLle and • Cl
dent aid to the Itepiblican , :cruse tlitriti 1.0
-.campaign of 1572. . 1 . I
WE HAD intended. ,to Hpublish this
seek the able and interesting oratien deliver
ell by Prof. W; B. qra, at the recent'corn
mencemeat eaercisesiat LaFayette College, I at
MC are compelled to postporie it nail...some
future issue. r •
TALL CORN.—(n the 21st of Jane,
BEN T. KvyKENDALL, o f this place, sowed a field
of .corn near his residence in the Third Ward,
I •
and on the 22i of Jul y measured the Stalks and
- found that the arerige height was fi re feel.
Can ani granger beatiit?
• I
. .
I little
, NARROW .e. ,
being.—A tl boy; 1 son .
or,wx., M. mAmony, ,I.: this place, was run: over 1
I.l f the Ward House ll•ain onelrlay last week,
but escaped with a fry: slight bruises. Fertu
' nately neither the heres' hoofkor the wheels
tit' the c2acti touched the little fellow.' . .•
I - ~
______ r ., 7 .
• Tile publication of the detaith cf
the flEtertEE-TavoN fican d a i , Nibetber Ttr.i.o's
story be true or false, most hue a very balaul
effect upon , the morali of community. ;The•re,-
p•wt should never barb found, i'+ NV ay-,intiiitly
respectable nevispape l f. . = i=
. • ,: :.
F.. J. CALKINS 118 a genuine. cold
water• luau: For thiS agcommodation of the
thirsty public, he hasi placed a large ice water
tank on his counter, rilyhere all, are invited to
partake of• the pure Leverage prepared by the
All• Wise for hie creattires, '%vitincrut monap and
without price.
WE TAKE plefolure in recommend
mg to the patronage ;of the public, the Elwell
House. Although nUt as_ large, nor quite so
elegant in appearance, as 601:110 of the other
hotels, it is kept up in first-elaSs order, and we
believe mine host Wu-sow strictly conforrits to
the law prohibiting the sale of,liquor,
glad tb announce that our
: Prof. H. 6. Easrannoos, has !•gain
LO up his resideicc in Towanda. ft ing
associated with himself a life•partner Fin— he
felt, he has probatily 4:minded to' "'settle
down," and Wisely eII7OPeS the best town in the,
United States., Wef extend to him and 'his'
young wife a hearty !welcome. -• -
FUSISK C. MILLS, Of the Towanda Graded
School, ind. Miss A. M. LIIBAIII3 - , of Athens,
have been granted 'permanent certificates by
state Superintendent WICKERSIIAM. We are
not acquainted with Miss L., , but Miss Mu. Lit
•Irp know to be one-cif the very best .and most
successful teachers in the State.
• I
Tny. Stisqctehpna Collegiate 'lnsti
tute has again bee signall honored in the
success 01 two of itslgraduates. Luta B. Min, who o,•adeatc_dakthe last commence
ment, has just pas4l a creditable exainication
for entrance at Pririceton,, and FnINK {Parrs
carried off the flrat i iGreek prize in the recent
commencement at he Rochster thirersity.
Cowry Su p
printon4ent • EY,
. has been singularly afflicted daring the past
two years, having Veen called up on to fellow to
the grave tim .reritains of three ...
troth his . parents,. 111 he has apparentty been
remiss in attending to his Official• duties, his
dereliction should he charged to the fact that
his fainlly ailitctionit have occupied part of his
left this place on t!he 10:20 train sonth, l
day cvening, tranracted bnaintss in -Pfaßadel
phia.pnyriday, stopped off at Bethlehem and
Allentown, and arrived at his home} at 3:30
on Saturday morning. The boy's idea express
ed to his father in !the early history of railroads,
"that one eonld g 4 anywhere : sooner ; than be
.could stay at hotne," is very , nearly being real.
Use& in this era of fast lines.
I -
Qua,=mins= lirtzarm, of the
0. A. 8., Department of Pennsylvania, liatijust,
bean melting a tour of visitation to the ros4
in thin county. I '
THE next annual convention of 'the
Irish Catholic Benevolent Union of America,
via be held tD Banton,- commencing on the
7th of August nest, in the hall of St. Co!nib.
klirs Young Men's Literary Society of that city. said that pearly every society in the 7nit
ed States will be represented.
CiPT. ,Josult HUBS; one of -the
most gallant soldiois ever enlisted in this wan
ty, and who has been doing service in the reg
ular army for some years past, has been grant
ed a year's leave of absence. ' He emliulD24
from Ban Francisco on the 16th hist., onliosrd
t he steamship Grenada, and will pro ba bly
reach his homo in Herrick early in August. He
will receive, a warm welobme from his friends
and old coinfmaions-in-arms in this county, and
will undoubtedly be able to give some interest•
ing reminiscences of his eianpaigns„ on the
frontier. • •
SNEAK Tim—The residence of
O. T. KIMIT, on Main street, was enteXed on
Thuri3day evening last, during the temporary
absence •of the 'family,. and a valuable gold
watch and chain taken. A case of expensive
jewelry which was lying on the bureau from
Which the watch was taken, was not distirbed.
•The same evening, and at about they same
hour—between 8 and 9
,o'clock—a silveriwatch
was ttolon from the residence of Mrs; L
P. SPALDING, 011 York Avenue. Mrs. 8. valued.
the watch not so much for its intrinsic woitb,
as a-memento of her late husband.
People will have to be more careful
leaving their premises unprotected.
'llirsz.b3 no doubt that, .aroon. our
social obligations, that of influencing others to
right conduct should rank very high. W e r have
impediments to their onward p ess;
not fuifilled.ourwhole duty - to our fello - en
,when we have accorded them liberty . of tion,
have secured their natural rights , . and MOY-
t an
ed all
we also owe them a direct and positive n
once for good.
Its.rygrarics begins in the humiliation .f the
heart, and ends in the reformation of th , life.
How difficult it is, with the very beet interi=
tions, for a woman who Lives in the world to
steer entirely clear o!iinspicion or misinterpret
ation, tmleas there ousts between her aid her
husband a frank and cordial understand i ng.
CH rtv Fs C. THOMAS, who has been
employed for several years past as salesman in
the store of . ETINS & Humanist, on Brt r l i ge-st.,
was last week detected in taking mon from
the drawer, and on being examined by lir.
Eves, cenfessed that he- had been in the habit
of taking small amounts for some time piJst, but
did not think : the aggregate amount would
reach more than $2OO. lir. Tuous..s has borne
a good character during his residence here,
and We regret exceedingly the trouble and dis
grace ho has brought upon himself and friends.
His case should prove another warning to
young men that , their only safety lies in strict
integrity and unwavering fidelity to the inter.
esti entrusted_ te them. Every young man
should be careful :to guard against
which lead them estray, or into expea
yowl their income,
• . p,
DEEDS le ft f or ' record in
for recording deeds, weekending July t
Plynn Phelps, jr., to Minerva Y. Hill,
1873, Burlington Boro. E. Overton, jr.
M. Wilcox, July 20, 1871, Albany. E.
rick, et al., to P. A. Allen, May 30,1874,
Bora. Menry Crimmond to C. C. McCl
!Jan. 10, 1860,4LeRoy. R. W. McClellan! ,
C. McClelland. July 21; 1863, LelloY - -
Doffee Daniel Decker, Nov. 2
Athens. S. C. Gaylord to Calvin A. F.
May 25, 1871, Wyialusing. Jeremiah Dlk
al. to Wni. Scouten, April 10, 1869, Armenia.
Scouten to Miles Button, Sept. 9, 1872,
Armenia. Orlando W. Rockwell to Hiram. L.
'Rockwell, March 14, 1859, Troy. Azar Rock
well to Hiram L. Rockwell, March_ 27,:1869,
Troy. Delos Rockwell to Chas. W, Thomas, - .
April 11, 1974, Troy. ,
FATAL AccxDENT:---A sad ab f ideut
took place in Granville 'township on Friday af
ternoon, which rezultect in the death of.;Erizt
nrii daughter or EDWAIIII
V, a young woman aged 26 years. Her father
waft. busy drawing in wheat, and wanting a
hand to load, was go , i.g to send oft lafter a
man, but she insisted that she could - load as
well ag any one. She was permitted to do this,
and atterthe wheat was loaded drove Alia team
down a elope, and in holding back the horses - ,
slid off with seteral huridlei under the heels of
the horses, which started to rnn. The] wagon
passed over her, injuring her very) badly,
though she thought her injui - ies were not
much. - A doctor was •called. and decided that
she was very dangeronslY hurt, I which `proved
to be the case, as she lingered in life brit a, few
hortis. She was buried at tlin L. E. Ehnrch,
in the "Windfall," on -Sunday last.—Northern
Tier Gazet(e.
- WE learn that a most fiendish and
diabolical • outrage was committed Saturday
afternoon last at' [latch Hill, in Albany town
ship. Two groceries, it seems, ate maintained
at that point for the accommodation or berry
pic'sers,—orle of thin owned by ECIICTLET
Horr, and the other by a young man named
WALTMAN. On Satnrday afternoon, Di r. W„'s
place was entered by six ruffians, armed, who
declared in a boisterous manner that [hop in
tended to have what they pleased without pay
iog for it. The proprietor, - in attempting to
protect his property; called upon his clerk and
Mr. Hem and his clerk. The assaulting party
used'knives and clubs, severely if not fatally in
juring air. Herr.. Mr. Wal:rstAx was silso bad
ly eut. The two clerks escaped with less seri
ous injuries. We arc informed that the despe
radoes were arrested and permitted to give
bail for appearance at co err. On Tuesday
morning it was thought Herr could not !sur
vive. We could not learn the names of, the
men who committed the assault, but whoever
they may be, they should be severely pi:wished.
PEIISOICAL.-Dr. BAKER 1:1111:i wife,
Mrs. Taos. RYAN. and Mrs. M. H. Can, of To
peka, 'Kansas, arc visaling friends I tliis corm-
—Supt. l'acsEn and Mr. rovvri.t. have return
ed:from their trip to• the , Thousand llslande.
We learn they had a - delightful time. . ,
—C. C. Drrrnicii's Zanily will 'ap — e - tid — the re
mainder of the Summer in this place. I
—Judge Monnow, W. T. DAVIES, Dr.! l'OnTss
and Collector Mosra.nrs, hate returned from .
their fishing excursion in Sullivan 1 county.
They report that they found rattlesnakes more
plenty than trout. •
C.lsd. SANDERSON' left on Saturday test with
his family for Hinnegni, to spend the balance
of the heated term. ' I
--Mrs. B. M. Map, lately of Binghamton,'
has taken up her residence in this place.
—Mrs. JANES Woon and 3lrs. 0. A. Bainwis
are still sojourning in Cuba,--,not the island to
the south of us, brit'a very quiet and pleasam
little town in Allegany county, N. Y.
—Miss Mts.+. &up:masc.'', of Serat
been visiting friend hero during the
—Mrs. W.. 8. Tiscmcr is sojourain:
nequa, in hopes 'Jo - restore the lean .
infant child. We are glad to ;elm
—C. S. 8 - rAnt; , of Tunkhannoek,
daughter, Mrs. 8. W. Lrrna, a chit
-MiSB.DEITE i 8 visiting the family
BErrs, jr.
• BAPTIST HISTORY.—The undersign
, ,
es is engaged in preparing for publication
some annals of the regular baptist ch*.ches of
Bradford county. (Bee minutes of the IBrad
fort Association for 18734). A have Ales of the
Chewing Minutes to 1830, and of Brad
ford Maintes to the present time. I desire also
the record- book of the first "Alba' church,
(1810 to 1815.) and of the .first 'Columbia".
church, (1813 to 1830)—or if the boob Cannot
be had, 'any memorial,' not printed I 'al those
Minutes, respecting the formation; original
membership, place of worship,- ordinitions,
pastors,, deacons, and clerks of those Churches.
Also any information* respecting the Biaptist
churches of the county, not contained in those
minates. Any who think they can i add any
thing to these facts, will oblige by -frankly ad
dressing me at New Milford, Su,squeluintia Co.,
Pa., as soon as convenient. felt, ltifoices,.
:Tar'following is the third ennui
statement of the °audition of the Mutual Da*
jpg and Saving Fund Ass:dation of this FOTO
Balance from last yeas ... . .2 21 25
!Weel,B6 from 214mayment . of Louie. 1,098 12
Redd from butaamente...sl3,l47 00
Less Int. on advance paymia.....2 07-13,144 93
Received from Interest on Loam... . 3,134 00
Reothed from Pines . 56 42
Total $17,454 72
Paid on Loam 117,015 75
Paid on Sedy'a and TreatYa Balmy.. 400 00.
Paid tor Advertising and Printing— Si 00
Cash on Hand ....... 8 07
Total ..... . : ...
Sectuities for 316 Loans at COO each. $63,200 00
Gash on Hand. t 337.
• Total...
To.,43tookholders for $36.25 paid on
1100 shares. less $25 unpaid.t39,Bso 00
For Payment on Installments not yet
For Premiums, Interest and Fume,
less Expenses . 23,331 97
Total $63,209 97
Number of series lanai, 1. Number of
shartia issued, 1300. Number of loans sold Ist
year, 104; 2d year 111, less 1 repaid, 110; 8d
year 109, less 7 102. Total number of
loans now out. 81Hag Ist year,
$B3; 24 year, $75; ad year. Ilir e r n nsest premi
um Ist year, $6O; 2d year, $40.50; 8d year. $37..
Arerage premitm lstyear, $69.78; 2d year, $64.-
76; 3d par. / SO.BB. Average premium for the
3,years, $59.85. Value of each share at end.of
lst i year, $18.95; 24, $88.92: 3d. $57.48.
Goonsils, Beef.
ToVandg‘ne' ' l / 4 30, 1874.
,—Wo most cordially sa•
dories thi!foNoWing notjce of Ninnequs SprLoge,
copied triim Pow:Rote Democrat, New York :
"Idhineqp.k_liprings, on the railroad between
Troy and Watmspat —not fathom the plea*.
ant village of Canton, Bradford county, prom
ises to become one of the most' important wa
tering places in the United States. When We
hunted through this country years ago, and
gathered ashes fair a potash establishment at
the farmers' homes all about Columbia Cross
Roads, Roseville, and even almost to the. vil
lage of Troy, there were no Minnequa Springs.
as they are now named. We remember hear
ing the oldest inhabitants tell of a sulphur
spring the"
over yonder in the woods some
where. They told of the wonderful • curets
wrought by the Indians, and that the original
aborigines looked upon this spring as equal to
the Great Spirit in its power to cure the blood
and heal the flesh. The spring was there then,
but the railroad and station, and the large ho
tel, capable of accommodating 500_gueits. did
not exist at that time, for Peter He the
energetic worker , . manager, lands tor,
lumterman, real estate owner, hoto builder.
and millionaire, of Williamsport, was not then
around. 0
Arrived at Miimequa, we found here a beau
tiful spot, and although early in 'the morning
and daring the forenoon there was a_ severe
shower, several hundred persons: had assem
bled. The hotel, which is large, splendidly
equipped, and kept better than majority of
flrst-clus hotels in the large cities, was erect
ed by Peter Herdic, for the accommodation of
those who are now coming to Minnequa Springs
from all parts of the United States, to test the
wonderful waters of this spring, which boil,
bubble, and force themselves directly up ,from
the earth, discharging about 1,500 galloni per
minute of the coldest and clearest water imagi
nable. The spring is sheltered by au octagonal
pavilion, in the centre of which it a floor and
railing surrounding the spring. Inside of this
railing stands a man somewhat past the middle
age of life, whose business it is id wait on visi
tors; hand to them glasses of water 'as it bub
bles up through the marble Slab, duly perfo
rated and prepared for the occasion.. This man
has a history. For sixteen years he was unable
to barn so much as a farthing, so great were
his sufferings from rheumatism. At last his
prejudices were overcome, and he was prevail
ed upon to try the waters of this healing Beth-
Asada. Believing nothing .or the stories told
`him, be al last consented, through the solicita
tions of some friends and neighbors, to visit
these springs. After using the water a few
weeks, his pain left him, his rheumatism van
ished entirely, and from that day to this he has
been not only a well man, but a spring man.
Day 'after day he has been at his post—stand
ing down in the wet below the floor upon which
the visitors congregitsi to drink the water as
he hands it up, with every appearance of a man
in perfect health.
"An analysis of the water shows it to contain
chloride of sodium and potassium, carbonate
of soda, lime and-magnesia, oxide of iron end
:amnia, sulphate of lime, sulphur and sulpha
rated hydrogen, organic matter and carbonic
es be-
play 14,
to Jas.
. Her-
I d to C.
;1. irtl,
If one•tenth of what la told about the ears
tire properties of this water be true, no other
spring in the United States Equals this.
"The hotel on the grounds will accommodate
abOnt 500 persons. Within - a short time other
buildings will be erected. It is surrounded by
a' sell cultivated farming country and splendid
roads. MI about here are the most delightful
rambles and placeeixl recreation, while here is
a chande to rest, gain streaght, enjoy life, and
escape the rounds of dissipation necessary to
these who visit the more fashionable watering
places, nut to gain health, but to display their
"The hotel is under the superintendency of
P. S. Attick, with W. D. Tyler, a very, condi! ,
OUP, well informed, agreeable and painstaking
yenng gentleman, in charge of ibe office. The
rooms in the hotel are large, well-flnished, and
the tables are supplied_ with the freshest and
choicest of everything-which can be purchased
from the well-to-do reamers all about here."
Ninety-five millions of dollars arc spent by the
American pleasure•aeekera during the summer
mouths, say the papers. Wowonder how much
more enjoyment they find than we 'do, in . our
jog-trot of duties that leave us no pause for
recreafion, To us it,comes a rich, sweet, ever
recurring surpriSe, in the gaps when the twi
light breezes steal in over our cloying drily
cares, and in the mornings' when the sunlight
brightens the leaves, and sets the birds sing
ing. 0. this beautiful, green-clad earth, that
leaves us no longings for heaven. We do not
wonder that poor imprisoned mezi and women .
rush out-td her verdant uplands • for refresh
ment and relaxation, as famished little ones fly
to a mother's arms. If only she could do it all.
If only her beautiful presentations and holy
teachings might fall on hearts and lives that
were not so seared and enclosed in worldliness,
that her best minbitrationit are almost lost,
Nature, in her softest and most picturesque
beadly, or in her most startling grandeur, can
do but little for us, when we go to her with
our bordetling selfishness and ambition, for
some fresh intellectual .stimulus, or the mere
impulse of a now sensation. 'This old mother
of ours is a careful cultivator, and like. the sow
er in the parable, she wants good s?il" for her
Ninety-five millions of &Alarm spent by Amer-
icans at Summer resorts I Oh ! these magnifi
cent dollars,-and- thobrilliant train of -friends,
and service, they bring to their fortunate pos
sessors ! Hoyt' they brighten faces, and broad
en smiles, and multiply _professions, from the
scraping landlord up to the fellow millionaire;
and the moat beautiful beauty of the Whole
thing is, that it is all accepted u a genuine
tributso genuine regard for genuine merit.
One forgets, In• the march of succersit,_how_
-this flatterer snubbed him, aforetime, and how
that'sycophant looked put him, in thek,,days
when friends and means were scant; but tile%
whose business is it? No ours, surely, for wi;
have more than we can attend -to properly,
now. It isn't for us to wonder and complain
it the unequal, distributions of life, we suppose,
While we have-bur extra dollar, and the beggar
halts at our door.
Every day we see a Little - women-raw' wash
woman's child looking down from an attic win
dow at the bit of greensward where the chil-'
dren play; and do we beckon, and say "Come,"
and ask her to share the romp, and the cook
ies, and the cherries, and the thoughtful woida.
,wo seek to drop like jewels into the little open
ing minds ? Will a voice say, in t h e hereafter,
'"lnairauch as ye did it not unto Wes° my little
ones, ye did it not unto He?"
Iu the pusing throng, on the street, a single
youthful figure has for wee/4 attracted our at
tention. It is that of a carefully, but not.over ,
dressed girl, whew) expression' of countenance
and whose general demeanor indicate - a more
than ordinary degree of culture and refine
ment. She never speaks vfoudly. She never
stares hatightily, about her. She never wears
yellow gloves, or clothes eat and adjusted to
the demands of fuhion, rather than to the
graceful proportions and delicate outline of her
own pretty face and figure. An air of subtle
individuality hangs about her, in all her *Ova ,
muds, that is decidedly charming. She his
touched another and a. younger heart thin
ours, and with a woman's quick intuitions she
has found it out, But my little lady hu fallen,
because she tkiuld nOt bear with dignity the
consciousness of a little power. She could illy
afford the expression of scorn we saw on her
lovely face a few days ago, for with all her ad
vantages orwealtii, and position, and educe-
Mon, she is not the equal of- the boy sbe
stowed that look upon. He did not see it, but
we did, and it wax an unmistakable, dowmigh4
sneer.. - It ipread over the soft features, until
every line of their delicate beauty became rigid
and coarse with the eoinenesit of her thought.
Anon Bun must have seen an expression
like that on Etas fair hoe, whir hie Itkote So
ton, has
put few
at !din.
h of her
o child is
paid his
t week.
of N. N.
his beloved Timoolate 111 Mir to the shad
ow of a sneer to be seen on her face, and the
daeghter who declared she "would rather not
have '.h. , ca„ Mt* not to have been his daugh
ter," would barely heed the warning.
Has this fair girl, 'whose every surrounding
indisates the most careful nurture, "missed this
essential point, which the naughty man, and
the unexcelled calculator of effects, enjoined
upon his child as thb most indispeasabkiteold
site of tbauge beauty. If she . lm, she must
take the thought we otter; aild plant It so deep
ly in her native, that no contempt for a luau
favored one 'of her nob, shall rise to the au
face of her spirit in such revolting self-betrayal.
We never have, nor do we Intend to • tell her
name. But the boy she lightly regards as
humble and, obscure, has within him the ale
manta of a large and noble manhood, and bas
had from boyhood the sodety of the loftiest
type of female chancier. The sweet-faced
Quaker mother who reared him, would feel
that an arrow had pierced her ma, if her eon
should grow to love a woman who would stoop
to sneer at her fellow-men.• To some one re
mains the task of detaching this boy's interest
in a fair seenblance of vecifianhstood, without
weakening his faith In her sex.
$17.454 72
$63,903 97
22 00
Sr. Nuarous foi Aog wt irrerflowe
with bright stories and charming pictures. for
young readers. There iss story or a "Sind.
piper," by &menu Ormuz Paws; "A
Whaleman's Obeid," by J. H. WoolThvini large
installments of "Past Frbmds," and . "What
Might Have Deem Expected," The Zoological
Gardens of London are described; there is a
French story for translation; lire. A. N. Diaz
bas a capital sketch of "Moving the Barry",
with fanny, amateur pictures; another trade
on wood-carving is given, and there are many
other sketches stories and poems, all exqui
sitely Mustrald. "Jack-in-the-Pulpit," who is
never dull, discourses on various topics in an
entertaining manner. ' •
NO Large stock' of Pictures and
Piotare_Frames, at Warrocitp & Bum% Mer-.
rep Block.
se. Get the "Tompkins County,'
If you want a good and durable Wheel Rake.
it. M. WiLLIII. agent.
stir The Tompkins 'County Who&
Ake is Lite but. B. M. WELuas, Agent.
NIL Wall Paper and Curtains
cheap at - Wurroons
liercar's Block.
Sir New goods just recived at
Mr Spectacles and eye glasses,
warranted equal to, — any In the market, from
the cheapest to the beat, at HENDELINAIei.
serif 'you. want the best Cook Stove
extant, call at Junes, in Marcia's Block.
181. For the , best Boast or Steak
go to Bias do RIINDX,LI:II.
Mir Go to WarTOOMB & , 811AUT'S,
Iderenr's "stock, for your Books and Stationery.
The largest assortment of
Cloaks at low prices at aLVD113.1“101.
ifir Spring styles Hats . and Caps,
nit received at TAYLOR 8; DATUM'
IMS.If you wish to see fine gold
Jewelry, call at Hzwelaxuee.
stir From a plain Gold Bing to
the finest diamond, go to Ifmnaline.
sir Several variable Farms arid
Houses and Lots tor sale by Barman& TRACT.
—Terms easy. Apply to Mrs: E L.l WOODSVIT,
over M. 7T Limo's store.
ter A. large line of Parasols in all
be new shades, just received by
Stir Atherican and Swiss Watches,
largegt stock ever brought to this town, at
Fos Saz.--,150 acres of land,_ 1
mile from Water depst.- Also several second
hand wagons. A. B. tints.
OS. The best and laigest assort
ment of ladies And gentlemen's gold chains
ever offered in this market at M. Hannii.max's.
j All varieties of =stone rings,
per cent. lower than ever before offered in
Towanda, at M. /ILNDT.L.ILAIIII. Bridge street.
Graham Crackers, Oat Meal,
Graham Flour, Crushed Wheat, at the Third
Ward Grocery aid Bakery.
Fonen.—On the road leading fr i om
this place to Monroeton, two cutter ban for
moiling machine. The owner can find them at
this office.
LAND PLDWA.-I sold 15 in 1873, and every one
gave satisfaction. A full stock on hand.
11. Way.
Towanda, Pa. - -
sr it will pay you to call and
look over our stock of Boots, Shoes, Galicia,
Tininks, Traveling Bags, etc. •
OpposiWihe Court Hone.
fine assortment of Stone
Ware, at the Third Ward Grocery.
tirr i Ladiesl If you wish to know
what toirear, and how to wear it, call at E. J.
Moms'. She hu all the novelties of the sea•
son. •
te. The hest place to buy Saab,
Blinds, Doors and all kiwi - lc - of Lumber, Is Ist
?Boa t Sorts. 1? tory on Charles street. Of
'Ace 107 Main stree They sell cheap for °MIL
Mgr :C. F. a • non has removed hie
harness shop to the store lately ompled by
Joints Woui, where be will be pleued to see
all in want of good work.
set.. C. F. CsOw has just received
a very large invoice or Booke suitable for 8.8.
Libraries, which he will tancish at a dice mmt
of 25 per cent. to . schools..
sir Yon can buy everything in
the Grocery and Provision line a' little cheaper
at llcCenz t Evw*mi than an other place in
town ,
my. The best place to buy ready
made clothing is at No. 4, 2 doors west of Coro
Dino, Russ= k Co's.
Tama nous* TO Rmsz—One in
FiretiVard, near upper depot, ana two in Bea
and Ward. Inquire at office of Onarrox &
Choice Family Groceries, as
cheap as the cheapest, at the Third Ward Gro
cery. 'i -
Fos Itsarr--Dyelling ccintaining
14 toonuringtable for a boarding house or a
large tangly. Also, one small threaatory hone
in contra of i town. F. E. POST:
No. 32, Baoontl-st.
Foewe.—On the Fourth'cif July, a
Q. T. 17. of badge. The lour can have it
by calling at this Wilco.
star All kinds of black horn, rob
ber and real jet jewelry at very low prices, at
N. nthicthniee
you want the International
Lesions and Sunday School papers, 'giro year
order to aF. CROW, who can furnish them to
you on better tams than you can get them in
the oltl.
T '
..el. The NOrAlliiiiiiitati fiewitg
gaellitie la certainly the best. Don% fail to
amine it before purchasiim a machine. _
11Estov_AL.--W. Drrrszmr, m :le
delalen has changed his base, and may here
at be bond at the corner of Main and Pine
~ieela, in *owes new block.
111. A. B. Chums; ,Wyalising, is
the agent for the New American Sewing
Chine, which it taking the lead . of all' thers.
• _
MM. Gentlemen, ' we would ICA
your attention to our new styles of Shoes for
Spring and Summer . Prices low
s ConsituglOootts:
, Opposite the Court Holtie.
,_Rinoms PaNr.-"Warranted to be
more durable and heitir for house or other
painting, than any other paint. Has always
given perfect satisfaction:
' Sir Mrs. WOODRUFF having again
wowed the minions of Shis.Bl2viais, of Nair
York City, offers a very fine selection of I fiats
and Bonnets. Corner of Mehl and Midge Sts.
Fait atia,—W. A.' ROCKWELL has
one of P. K. DWZNAI & COIL O. X. Horse Power'
Hay presses for sale. The best there hi.
Jane 1, 1874.
is.. FMCS & McKim are selling
all varieties of Coal very cheap. They are sole
agents for the celebrated Bay Oral. ;:toi s l,
by car load at a dlicooni. Orders left'ai J.
Oasi's Store, M. J. towo's gore, and at
liowimes Store will receive prompt ' attention.
House roil Snr..—On Second-at.,
between Phu and 'Bridge—cut side. Twelve
vomit; Go, Water, Heater, Range, etc One
of the most convenient houses to bo found.
Terms easy. Enquire on the premises.
bra. -Card
tng, Spinning, and Weaving, 3 also Mannfactnr-
fog, Cloth-Dressing, etc., ai usual. Stticking
Yarn; Flannel arid cloths for sale. Machinery
running in good order, 'and work warranted
and done with dispatch.
lbr If you don't want yonr [ wife
to bey the new patent Sad-Iron, keep her away,
froM Junes. It is the beet and mosV conveni
ent invention for lessening the tedious work of
ironing ever presented to the public.. No one
who sees it will ever go home without it. •
EiBEBS-BILKING.-Mrs. Timmy }tin's
-13711i, in the Arcade block; opposite the Episco
pal Charch,ls prepared to do dress-making in
the latest style and• neatest manner on I abort
notice and at reasonable pricer. Fitting made
a !pc r cialty. Stamping done also.
Naricz.--Miss A. E. Pbtrr haslpur
chased of Mrs. WoonauvT the entire agency of
E. lit:atm:luck's patterns-for Bradford CO., and
will keep constantlion hand all the lateit pat
terne, at her dress-malting rooms. over M. E.
Ilesintrinas Clothing Store, Blain street,"To.
July 15-3 w.
It is the nniveisal testimony
of all acquainted with the business, that C. F.
Cnoss has got the best arranged Book Store in
the country, and city dealers tell us Cusitur is
one of the closest briyors. That his , taste in
selecting goods is
,excellent, all who visit his
store testify. •
stir It is not generally known that
H. C. WErrsizn, at tho Book Bindery over the
Barnum office, makes Blank Books in any
style of ruling and binding desired. If you
want a new Ledger, Journal or Docket, give
him a call.
Why ran the risk of an ticci
dent, when you can get a ticket good for $3,-
000 - in case of death, for'2o cents a day, by call
ing on FRANK Bonnawic, at ripper depot?
INS. Do yon want Shdes for a La
dy, Gent, Miss, Boy, Youth, Child or Infant
Then go to Coasts .t Coons, whero you will
And a large stock to select from, and at exceed
ing low prices. Opposite the Court house.
ter. The • New American Sewing
Machine Company were never in 's more flour
ishing condition than at present. The groat
falhng off in all kinds of business last year, pre
vented many sewing .machine and other com
panies from declaring dividends, but this com
pany paid the stockholders a' semi-annual divi
dend of 6 poi cent. • ,
—A general meeting is called for Aug.' 12, at
9, A. at., to locate and prepare the camp
ground at Meshoppen. Pa. On or before this
all - those wishing to retain tent sites oc
cupityl last year, must notify the committee on
Locttion of Tents—Beire. L B. tams and d. B.
%WNW; after which all tent sites remaining
uncalled for will be open to any that may ap
ply. d. B. Buwszn, Bee'y; .
A Ram Coutcs.—To make room,
for Fall and Winter thxda . , I will close out my
stock of Neu% Youth's and Boys' Clothing•at
cost, for the next thirty days. Now, is your
chance for a good bargain, as they mast-bo
sold.* Call early at the One-Prise C. 0. D.
Clothing Store to secure bargalas.
123 Main street:
cuL Couxos.—One of the largest schools of
the kind In the country. Prerares students for
College, teaching, professional study and busi
ness. Commercial College one of the best in
existence. Bend for an illustrated catalogue
and commercial journal. Commercial Students
address Prof.. L. L. gramme; all others, Bev.
D. COPELAND, A. H.. Kingston, Luzerne Co.,
Pa. Fall term opens Sept. 2.
July 15-6 w.
Cousin & COMM
viir When the times are dull, pru
dent dealers take advantage of the market and
lay In their stock. Such has been the case with
McCann t Enwanus. During the past few
months, manufacturers and Jobbers have been
so anxious to sell that they have been , willing
to trade on a very small margin, and Malang
& EDWA - ILDS know that a "nimble sixpence is
better than a slow shilling," consequently they
offer greater inducements to cish buyers for
everything in the grocery lino than any other
establishment in the county. They deal in the
very best brands of family groceries. and Hour.
L F. Horros.
. ,
Mir' W e take pleasure it:feeling at
tention of our reaeers to the advertisement of
31.E.Bousrnsw In another column- Idr:lt. has
Justly earned the enviable reputation of being
one of our most reliable business men, and
his long experience in the clothing business
enables him to make Jind offer better baxgains
than those who are engaged in the business,
but who have not aval:ed themselves of the
opportunities for purchasing which be, possess
es. Buyers can rely implicitly on his represent
ations, and feel that articles purchas
ed at his store are just what he represents
them. • I
war K. HAIM'S, at the new Sliti
Unary Store, next dooi to Cuarsinu.iz's, has
more than realized the expectations of our
people. stock of goods would do credit to
to a firs‘Class city store, and his prices are
lower than most ordinary-country 'establisli
The ladles of Towan and in the whole
courity,wilfind it to lb vantage to visit
his storebefore purchasing. It affords us real
pleasure to ricomniend such an establishment
to our reader.
CAMP MUTING. —The Wyalneing
District, (Wyoming Conference); :hail decided
to holit's Camp-meeting this year on their old
grounds at Meshoppen, , commencing Aug..,
28. The following are the Committee : Ynis.
tern—L. Parr, P. E.; J. . 8. Lawis, Wi. Saar,.
Ciao. Gulswilarm, 7. B. Strstszi and J. K.
Para. Laymen—l.o. Biwa, W. H. BAIINkI,
A. D. Warm:mil, ~ B E Noon; . Al D., and G.
E. PALM, N. D.
A meeting of tho committee will be held . on
the camp-ground Wednesday, July 15, at 11
o'clock, to look over the ground and make ar
rangements for board, tents, horse feed; etc.
All persons interested are invited to he presint:
By dider of codnittee. J, D.13945p.
L. Psciti P. t; Chart Ma.
,_ B. Ageni.
ALu BoLoxos.
i'az' Nici
r ticit.The"r - • loaiversally
admired New „ ..Coq MOTO , . IL bolinfl fo
supernede ail ooMpetitork - llt has reciiiieillitx
Wit piemium at the New York State fairs for
thi3 past Ave yeit, and in the favorite with the
ludic..' With ill minuted front rnid MU-Clink
er,Grate, it is th most cheerful and beautiful
COok Stove ever pat upon the market. The
Het Air Draft, p educed by the Auxiliary Air
Cfamber, is perfect, and by moans of which we
gearatitee— , • .
flat. ,A saving of 50 per cent in fuel.
dd. A fire may maintained throughout the
eidire f lear, (wit either coal or toody without
rekiridllisviild irtti the-oveei at' all times in
bikini order.
3d. Averfect itonstimption of gas and smoke,
110 that thd 'is &Sipa ild) :11110$0•44111 lady be
kCpt closed most of the time ..(thereby rotating
the heat in the stove), without. any escape of
Ras or smoke into the.repipti 4 i ,
-.4th:, The best aklnistove in the world.
'sth. The best eating stove in the world.
6111: The mod skaldic and oulest managed
stove in the wor d. •
1 7th,
, The mot com fo rtable stove for sum
mer and winter se in tho world.
. For t
sale only n , Towanda .by M. T. Just,
Mereur's Block. Don't purchasO any other un •
tU you have eza fined tho Now Empire.
. ,
; 1 .---- •
lECTORE.—The f owing directory is published far
the information o the public. We will thank our
friends for riotifyl g uspf any errors they may dis
cover, .5
liar' Tor Om= —Main Street, below Washing..
fan._ Services day at 103; a.m. and 734 P.M.
Sunday School at 12 o'clock. Prayer Meeting
Thursday evening. Pastor. Rev. S. J. Luau.
Kraterwar. Cncso3o-Cor „Minx and Canal Streets.
"Sunday at 103/4.v. and 6 ; 4b v.v. Sunday
School a9A. w. Ilere. s 011•111sE. Melz.variz, Pas.
tor. ( .
M.Z. Quuncif—iain Street, above State. Services
. ;I ;I
.. ..vutiti 1034 a. and 73' DAL Prayer Stee li ng
(Mang.. Sunday School •It 12 o'clock.
ra" . stariev. IL 0, MAN. • I
PEESEEEEEZAX Cnoucn—Court Street, near Court
Bavioo Sunday It 103; s. t. and 7 vat.
Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. , Sunday School
12 at. Pastor,Rev. 3. S. ftrzwasz.
S.S. PEllnt EDpatm—Services every two weeks, •
at 9 and 11 a.m. and 734 p.m. Sunday School at 4
*At* 'Paster, NO. PaaWat Terrain. •
• A.M.E. Oituned—Stater Street, above Second.—
Preaching Sundays- at 1031 a.m. and 73; ma. Sun.
day,School at 1 P.Er. :
A.lPlL—Ncerrnzan Coucturraurr, ILT., No. IS.—
Masonic Hall, over Patch's store, at 7 v.v. ,J. C.
lama, E.C.
Ilmon LODGE, No. 108.—Once In two , weeks at 7
Y.Y. J. O. Invirm, W.M.
11.11.8. A. CEAPESP., No. 161.—Once in two weeks,
at I vas. Cara. Y. Caws, H.P. '• ' ' •
• LO.or O. P.— &wren* Loner. No. 167.—0dd
Yellows' Hall, ov Frost & Sons Furniture Rooms.
Sleets every M Idly evening at. 7 o'clock. Wat
Joar.s, N.O. Wade.= Buz. See.
Bunion]) Radavarmrar. No. 41.—Meets second
'and- fourth' Wednesday evening of each month. •
Wm. tisynEn, O.P r , Wasnra Mu., H.P., Wm. dolma,
P arn r; I
K. or P.—Towtztna Loner., No. 290.—Meets every
Tuesday evening lin Temperance Hall, 73; o'clock.
J. P.lVanFizzr, W.O.
K.O.S.C.—Towasaa Loner, No. 370.—Meets sec
ond and fourth Thursday of each month. Joszvu
Itmaror, Q.S. I
'l• : . OFIrldL DIIaCTORY.
, •PrridentJudgg—lion. P. D. Monnow. Towanda.
.4 stociale Judgei r -H0n.13.D. Haiutinzas,Springfield.
Tion.l3. S. Hussia.z., Towanda;
, Prothonotary and Clerk of Court—Thou. M. rtht.
Register and Recorder and Clerk of the Orphana'
Court-0. J. Cmaninat., .
Sheriff—J. Moulton Barra.
CommissionhrH4lifonms SEEDAIID, Weill; BEEJ.
Jury CemunistiOltl7B.-11. 10. ' KNAPP, Columbia;
C. E, F=GCBON, mater.
Ti ecuurer—idatzmcw 31.irtattaz4.; Deputy. Hiram
yrannxe, Towan..
Auditors-, A.H. Baoww, Herrick; Ins ' Csant,
South Creek ; E. i. f Dr.EOo, North Towanda.
Counsel—Pnrr, o t DAVrcs.
134rgess—Jacrs BEYINT
Councilmen—liarra IDIYA-NT, JOHN D. MONTANTP:,
3. M :
Say and Treaiiirer—JosEru Knsfixot , ay.
Justices Of Peade—W. C. Boast, N. TIDD.
Constablez—JoimoN Wriza, L. T. Bolin.
, Policemen-43. B. Banns, 'Amu C. InTrsa.
School Director{-J.A; Comm ,President of Board;
N. TED% Treaniser; J. P. VANPutzr. iieey; S. W.
Arson), J. N. CaLuv, Joint HoLar.s.
Overseer of Poor-Dr. J. W. LEMAN, War. MIX.
Auditors-44m htscranta E, J. A. RECORD, GEO.
dnenor-daxge H. Name.
Phyriciaa-Dni l D. 8. PRA=
Engineir-Cbiet U. 11. PATCII; Assistant, Meur.we
Flt;ankiin Stem . Fire Engine Co. No. 1.-Meets
firet.Wednesday 7ening in each month, in Borough
Engine House. I. B. HEXVIIILEY, President; J.
WARDELL. Jr., Fieey.
Naiad Engine Co., No. 2.-Meet first Monday even.
ing In each month. In Borough Engine Bonze. E. B.
firrax. President; G. E. Faorr. Sec' f.
Lin-ta Stearn rire Engine Co., No. 3.—Meet fi rst
Tuesday evening in each month, in Lin-ta Engine
House. B. A, P i tman President; li. A. Bizactim.
See'y. •
Mantua Rook and Ladder Co., No. 4.—Meets first
Wednesday evening in each month, in Borough
Engine Hons.. I AMES.B. lirvms, President; E. C.
Inuits, Sec'y.
ToMarma P OFFICIL—MALIsicing south close at
9:30 Aar; golno north, at 10:15 A. M and 4:30 r. m. ,
Arrive from north at 10:30 A. at. and 4:40 r. Si.;
.south 6:15 P. M.I
Barcliy mail loses at 1 r. at. : arrives at 6:30 r.m.
El l , & E. close at 2:30 rat.; arrives at 10:30 A.M.
Troy closes at A.m.; arrives at 1 P.M.
Lellaysville cl sea at 1 P.M.; arrives at 12 m.
New Era arrlv a Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Bator
dais at 12 at.; d parts at 1 r.m.
Biehoopany yes Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays at 12 m. departs at I rat.
Sheshequin arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
Saturdays at 10 .1.2 r; departs at 12 M.
1 . . S. W. At.vonn, P.M.
Mutual Building and Sating Fund Association.—
Meets in Grand Jury Boom for payment of install
ments, third Monday in the month, from sto 7
rat; N. N. Brms, Jr., President.
Towanda Bus!ling Association.—Meets in Grand
Jury Boom t ol l payment of installments, fourth
Monday in each month, from 5 to 7 r.m. Journ
Port's. PresidSnt. ,
POWERS—RICE.-1n Rome borough, July 21,
1874, by Rev, P. T. Maryott, Mr. D. M. Tow
, era of Norwit.h, N. x., and Miss I.4zzio Rico,
of Rome, Pa
GRIMES—MANEUL.—At the house of Leßoy
Smith, in Wilmot township, June 27, 1874,
by Rev. 11. WW I Mr. George Grimes and
Tdise Olive Maneul, all of Sugar Run.
BURGESS—I. GHAM.—luMehoopuy, at the
bride's home, Julyl23, by the Rev. William
Mr. V. D. Burgess to Miss Addle J.;
daughter of B. Ingham, Es 4., all of Me
oopany. •
TEMPLP 4 TON.—On the 20th inst., at his resi !
dance, 21 iyest-Ninth St., Now York City,/
Qsear F. Templeton; (late of Bradford C 0.,)
Aged 34 years. • 1
• 1
His funeral lyait attended by a large circle of
i •
friends, who accompanied his remains to Green
wOod on Frldiy, July 24. •
BBADLEY.-41 Troy, Pa., July 53, at 2 o'clock
'A. 14, of consumption, Mrs. Charity Bradley,
'rife of Gustavus Bradley, aged 33 years.
PARSE.—At his home in Athens, Pa., Jnly 14,
Heim B. Parke, (second son of 8. W. and A.
Parke), aged 28 years.
• Corre tray *eanesany, by 0. B. PATCH
subject toehanges daily. •
Wheat. $ bush
Bye, $ bush '
Buckwheat,* hush •
Corn. * bush
Oats, 9 bugle
Beano. ...
Butter (rolls) Ai
1 10 fb INV .... ....
Eal 1 1 dal • '
Potatoes, $ buste,new ,
!lour $ barrel:.
011310111111 1 bushi 2 00
Wxwars ow Gam—Wheat 60 'lb. •. Corn 56 lbs. ;
Bye 56 Ibt.: Oats 32 lbs.; Barley 48 lbs.; Buckwheat
58 lbs.; Beans 62 Ibis.; Bran 20 lbs.; Clover Seed 60
Tilmoilit Seed 44 lbs; Dried Peaches 33 lbs.;
Dried Apples 22 lbs.; Flax Seed 60 lbs.
Nasvolll DEgurt.— A depressed,
irritable . stabs of.mind; a weak, nervous, ex
hausted feeling; no energy or animation; con
bleed head, weak memory, often with debilitat
ing, involuntary discharges. The consequences
of excesses, niental overwork or indiscretions.
Tio Nznvore Drnrisri finds a sovereign cure
'Flo. 28. It Ones up the system, i arrests dis
charges. dispels the mental gloom and despon
dency, and rejuvenates the entire system. It is
'ilectly harmless and always efficient. Price
for a package of live boxes and a largo t 7
v al of powder; which Is important in old, seri
ous cases ;. or $1 per single box. Sold by ALL
Tggitts, or sent by mail on receipt of price.
Address, - CLAIM H. Bolivar.
South and Ward House, Towanda; Ps.
C. T. KIWI,' itercur's Block, Towanda, Pa
-1 1 Now livertisements.
'.l..Tl.— Rnia *Unds ea:copied by the circus in
Towanda .TiUy T. an envekrpricontahnng
Three is in bills of the following de-
nominations: 'roe $5O 0150); balance in twen.
tate. tens and Ayes. The fin d er will receive the
above reward land no questions asked, on returning
the ume to e Postollice, or Sir. Smith. on the
farm fabled :invited by Stephen Powell: in North
Towanda. .., . (July 19
1 .4 1E1T ' LETTERS remnining in
the Postoinco.-Tolniails. Pa., irdy 21, 1874.
a Azum,lgclmu Q B. Dunce
tales min
TIL Camp 11 Cheater, Cobb mars Olive, Drees.
bath Q 0,• micss Tills, Tinley It /I, Dailey
Charlet 2,11 comb 11 A, Lynch Daniel, Malin tabs
Cora, Moline Witham, O'Brien Patrick, Preston tore
OA, Mayer al, Wheelerlohn. •
4 ung iumm 4 rat portico?*
1-Ali:Pert rl Friendirrile,Pa:; A Waldron, Lowle•
bnrg, Pa. , •
Perms: for .bore letters *lll may alter'
tlisd, giving •dats of Dot.
I. W. mow. R
. . ,
• 1
. - - estop =nuns. ; 4 _ 1
Athena Iwo, 0 L Eistaireoksi Athens twp, Z
Mello:ant Burlington Bore; J 0 Clark; Canton twp,
J linzritg jr; Columbia, Lt Ballard; Leßoy, J Blekey;.
Monroe two; .1 Blacl=a0; Orwell, C If Ibsen; Pike,
I Stens. Jun 8 Wood; Rama tsB. 8 Darner; RIP
Wry. I 'Hammond;sheqMn. 0 Omitee; '3O-
I o
wands boro, Jag lice& , lifit. O D (ph; Troy,
J Dobbins; ' Terry, F. ton ; Wyatrusing. 3 P Lee,
A Jennings; Wilmot, g M , ka; Wysox, G Rimier;
Windham, P C Vandyke'; Wells, C Shires.
.- - . 'amovirnaz r 11.4i , -ITLIIPT WEEK: i
Athena born, T Ma t
OY:1 Albans twp, A Phe 'pa,
A . /Sumner: Albany Wavle% 0 English; Bur
lington twp . 4 W Wirth 7; Barclay , RV McCraney;
k r,
Canton boro, W dlie t; ; I Columbia, 0 Mosher,
0 &McKean': A Budd; 'kiln, W Anderson; Ohm
ville, 8 T Durke,.7 L Fe 11; Litchfield. EM Mad
lock ; Monroe twp, JEn ii,,.LPratt; Orwell, A Conk
lin, B Sibley; Me. J win: Shesherynin, J Tow
ner, A Bingham; Stan ng Stone, N Stevens; Smlih•
field, J Bird jr; Sylvanfii, C It Mosher; Springfield.
B Cooley; Towanda bero, D Sheridan, II Taylor, G
IL Eaton ; Towanda torp Jne E Fox ; Troy, E Looreis;
Terry, J W Vanauken• Mister It Edminster, J Min
' •
ler: Warren, T Able, ()Eloper; Wilmot. J Yeager, P
Miller; WLndham. A "Imo; IWO% N W Garrison.
' • vnovings rxrizirsoHrzoka wang. , ,, - I -
Athena boro. ri Smith:l Athens twp, II Huff, 3
Thurston, II Miller; Darlington twp, S P Guilin;
Barclay, J Dltchbnrn: Canton boro, E W Colwell;
Canton twp, g ItsYnol/8. It Thrums , Wm Patrick:B
Faarett. N McClelland, IA T Olen; Columbia, F But-,
lock; Franklin, W B Reelrwell; Oranville,',B4, Mo
iler, H Tinklepaugh: Berea:. It Ilankinion ,Dr
well, B U Case; Shoehequlu, I F 8 Ayers, Id ToMP
klns, It Sohnson; Smi Wield; 0 B. Biggs; Standing
Stone , li KinkerYi /Mr andli bore. J W merup, J.
WIMP, W If Jones, L Mundy; 31 II Smith; Troy
twp:ll Greene, H PortSr; Terry. Jno Mann; Ulster.
W Homet, G_Rogers; Weli. 8 8 'Ayres, Warren. I
Whalon; Wilmot;
II G. Ingham; .IVyaluaing, •II
!Raiford; Wysox, J oibailgh.
• i
• _ =mum rciiimis—uuno•wv.rx. 1
Athens born, r A Brilstol; Athens twp. Wm Webb,
D Gardne r , J A Woodaworth; Alba, 8 Ito nnlds;
Asylum, W (Cole ; Dare*. NV II Brown; B ding.
ton twp, B Kendall; Canton 'boro, 'C A Kris : Can
ton twp, I Williams; P. NVorden:ColumMa, II leod;
Herrick. J Newhil; 1 n 30y,1• Halley ; Monroe boro,
-3 Dorighterty, A L renutdr; . Monroe twp. B K
Benedict, 8 Lyon; a,- L' W Towner, W B Parka;
Smithfield, I Bullock, r V Pieree; Standing Slime, 0
A Stevens; South Cre k ; W c Cowell; Shesheipiin,
W French. M'Osbo ,y 'Amanda bore, E Ashainn
Parsons, L 1) Montanyp, q Hovey, L L lIdoody;[To.
wandatwp, OF Mason; Trtscarora, 31 Montgomery;
Mater, 8.8 Lockwood'l Warren. 0 Vanermah, W W
Baker; Wilmot. If Sa i rs,; I 8 Quack; Windham, I
French; Wells; P It K apl • Wysox, E R Bishop
'.1: 1 3L SMITH; Sherif.
Towanda, July 30, 1
. - -
INSOLVENT 911ICE.—Notici; is
°hereby given to my eredfiora that I have 1 ap
plied to the Court of Dradfond county for the bene
fit of the Insolvent Lgwsof Jibe Covelnonwellitt of
Pennsylvania, and theta hearing in the cue will be,
bad on MONDAY, SET. 1, itt . 2 o'clock, p. m. 1
July; 30. '74. . i
PUBLIC N IC E . .-Notice I is,
hereby given that there Icame 'within the ; en
closures of the subscriber.l on Tuesday the 21stl!lay
of July,lB't4, one Yokr
was red color and,tnel
hereby notified to co
pay charges and take
dealt withaccording
to order to make r
BEST stock of
Ever opened Willis n
It is cinuectsgary f,
Ana arc only-Meted
er than carry them 'o
Towanda, int) , 23,
I 1 -
dilution will open AUGUST
supervision 0 P. L. CHRIS-
Mee L. A. ItIDG WAY . sitd E.
and 'continue twelve weeks.
di 1 the common and higher
languages, are too Well kriorni'
int& I ' t. ' '
ci:ciurrmi Eng1i5h ............!
Common English.-- . 1 .1... • . 1 15 ®
Common and ono /If het
Single ref-it/Mins in guiges . . ......I 3MY
AU Bills mutt be P 'd l ! i.y the -Middle of the Term.
It is the atm of ty Iraculty, in all departinents,
to make sound stnd to; ; and every effort will
made to render the rm's - Work thorough and pro.
Stable. Special attention Will. bo given , to students
wishing to qualify focotranon school- te aching.
Good board can be btained on reasonable terms,
8 1 ,
but students cart les n ;expenses by renting rooms
and boarding themes veil. For further inforMation
The faU t erm of
17. 1874., under the
PELL, &Meted - by
The Instructors, bo
English, and also the,
to require any comet' :,
Rome, July 30, '74
onbacliption fo
much reading matte'
county, including a
ord ett all the' count
Proceedings. Jury au i
the Markets, Abetrac,
redt news of the day
Try It. Fend for
tent free on applcati•
July 23.4 w
is hereby given
the estate of John
deed, are requested
and all persons hut
must present them
July 23, 1874.
FOR SALE:=4 Farm containing
'GI acres, eituata in Piko bop. lirldfc . rd Co.,
45 acres under improvement; Fra m ed House and
Barn. young orchardfofllso trees, besides Cherries:
Peaches, • Pears, and . choice Grapevines thereon.
Unimproved land, tifutstred with Pine, Oak, Chest
nut and Hemlock. Terms $25 per acre. For further
particulars call on or address . I .
June 50.2. M•
Means vs. dairies P. Lewis..--In the Csurt of
Commck Pleas of B loriel County. No. 878, Feb. T.. 1874. I • , I
The Undersigned, art Auditor appointed by said
court to;distribute oneylln the hands of the Sher
iff, raised from sale Of defendant's real estate, will
attend to the duties bf his appoment at the office
of Foyle, do AlcPbersen, !in Towa nda Boro', on FBI
DAY, the 17th day ry, 1874, at 10 o'clock, a.
m., at which time and place all persons baying
claims against said ono must present them, or
bo forever debarred from claiming the same.
June 12. '74k 1 I
$1 40 g 1 60
1 60 ® 2 00
• 23(6 29
23 ®
8 60 10 60
Notice Is here
to the estate of
ceased, ire reques
and all persons ha
must present the*
Towanda, Jnne 31 ,
Notice is herelly given that all persons indebted
t' the :estate of Sherman Bradley, late of Pike,
dee'd, must make *mediate payment, and all per
sons having claims pipit* 'aid estate must present
them duly authenticated for settlement:
51.11. - CODDING,
fff Admlnletrelor
July 14-w6
, ,
E x ''E'o U I Qp.'s NOTICE.--
Settee is hereby Oven that all persons hidebted
to the estate of stee tow's, late of WYalltsll4l,
deceased; are reqw*tel M midis immediate payment
and all persona hrug Claims against said , estate
must present the only authenticated for settle.
moot. I , ' • ;r 1 MILTON LEWIS. •
—I now offerined"of the drink farms for eale
in Bradford Connt3 , eiloated two miles kora Ulster.
Ilpwardis of i 201) eterna l -175 acres improved. good
fruit of every deactiptlol a line dwelling, barns,
sheds, and all nece sari building thereon, will be
sold for a relent= a price, and time 'given to the
purchaser. Yor ft rther Partienlara enquire of
GI . Juno 2. , ' I
J. i [L. CORBIN. Athens, PA.
;--; ,
. .
I VSTRAYED.-4ente to the eAt ' am..
11 1 limo( the suliscter trr Smithtleld. oti Or about
the 27th eity: . of 4ou oat, one White yearling
Heiferi and three spotted Yearling Steers, which the
owner; call have .7 pro }inn- property and paying
chargea I ' , JACKSON WAKELY.
etnithiteld, pa., 'll7 14. 1874. - 1 I
, 1
O, THE U : tit 0.--Ilaving had
nearly itrtre years orteriencs in baring round
pump loge, I offerimy,eerrioss to the public. Work
attended to in anyl part of tbo county in abort meter
and satisfaction guaranteed. C%Y IN ALLEY,
' New Albany. klarchl2sltf.
10TICE.— I I hereby forbid all 'r
-AA eons hiring Jriraing or trading WI anyway
whttonr wi th so *son, ilobn Allen, minor, without
my =mut. . • 1. j DANFORD AU=.
isrytolnis2llß, 1114 Y -114, 1674.. _ I
,1 . 1
New dealv
RI oxen with yoke on: Sono
(other black. The owner is
• thrWard, pro•te proisFrty,
hem away, or_ they w lit be
law. I - 1 •
1 87-1.
_ L _
CHE A i'!•1
.10' flip • LAMOIZT I aud.
Hill for tl cH
, •
e te sly that my gócal arc
Hi • _ l, •I '
11 1 1 RI-C1:135,,1
• I
, I
ally reduced prices ratia
. 114.,4 6035011.
- .
I I ; • ' PrtrimAL
ill pay one'
1 . , "•1-
i enlargement, contains as ,
as any other paper in the
I and carefully pm steed rev ,
netvii. ' It contains the ',Court
Trial Lists, Weekly report of ,
of Sheriff Sales and tblo cur
simple copy, which will lie
I • D.ll. TITAN
Editor : uci Fro
NOTICE —Notice)
ttiat fall Persons indebted to
P. Brown, late of Wilmot
to make 6mediate payment
g calms against said ;estate
duly authenticated for settle.
• 'Executors. 1
glvin that all persona indebted
tel. Ayers, late of Granville, lie.
to make immediate payment,
tinff 'claims againat said estate
(bilyl authenticated for I settle-
MARCUS AYERS, 1 A i l n .. r ,,,
H. l'. PORTER, I , —'
. 1 l'
The Fall term of Om tw e ntieth ypsr of this instli
kitten will'oped AUOU T 94,1874; with the follow
4 a4 list of instructora ; : • •
I EriFiFf E (4U :MAE Patitcvax.,
Ancient LaintgesAnd Normal Branches. ','
• •
E. 1.:11ILL18, A.ll. • •
clninercial, Mathematical and Sciez3llllc Branch.". a,
, -Comtneicial and atlieniatical Branches.
Miss MEN E. ILL. Pluccarrnxi.s.
Common and Either' English.
Mademoiselle J. LZQUIN. •
French Language, pawing and Painting.
, • Mrs. L. A. BALDWIN.
. Vocal Music. 1 .
Instrumental Music.
Teacherir Class will bee - organized at Commence
ment of ..the term. The Principal will conduct the
exercises of thin class Chiefly. and aid all teach ers
/the prove theinielses Worthy and competent In se
curing positions. Effort will be made by devoting
mere time and stelag.the Increased facilities of ap
paratus, to make the instruction 1A this clam- more
profitable, than err before. -
At a considerable additional expense. instructlea
in 'Brewing and Vocal Music has Deep made free to
members' of the fact, . These two studiiii, if paid
for as extras, as is woolly the cue, would nearly
Cover the cost of tuition. , Provision is also made
fort individual instruction in vocal music. Mrs.
Baktwin't ability to teach Tomb' music is too well
known to - need comme4.
A new, laboratory It 2g
Iltted,up and.the colter,-
Akin of Philogoptaal apparataa enlarged. The
ilePtleda are being graded . ,.flne croquet grounds are
prepared and effort made to meet thq physical as
well as the intellectual Wants of the atedeets-
Tnition, from $4 to $lO per terni. Board, includ
ing furnished room, lights, washing, Ac , $4 per
week. Expenses per year in English studies, $192 ;
in classical.' $204. j
per circular or farther information. addrees the
jPrincipal, E. E. Towanda, Pa. .
my 23. Prc.'t Board Trustees.
• ,c-------
HARV.EST !OF 1874.! • .
•1 I
X have now fn stock for the coming Harvest s frill
toe of very choice toole conaiaing of •
( -
1J Tlit L — •
B'f9NlD3..ftElidaG4lND . 19.N.15.13.
anl •
d thr celebrated
. - •
1 with patett GT:IIIV° rwllr7l;-
F AIOWDIG 31.4.0141tit'S
I t t
use in this vicinity. Tngetheewttn a fnif lint of
4:t aG ;descriptioi.
Car;iagOl . 4 of every Variety,
[ •
Carriage Fainters' Colbrs,
1 ,
Poitth: ;for ShOrel Plows,
AISO 2 trio 6t
All of p liich ,will bo.
LIN ..
• ;
Great Itritain and Irg l laud to New York • •;•. $lB 00
France and Germany! •• •
...... 20 00
Great, Gritsiu and dralated t-o Towanda__ 24 CO
l and Germany •• •• ”.... 26 0 0
!few York : 600
••I to. Great I ritain and Ireland ; .....-. :12 CO
•• 1 , France, andAlermany : . 21 00
[ ••; - "; Net) •ka and Kansas - 15 CO
Parties travidiug ee l
fan imrchaSe tickers , a
uther office i`n
Our lines cornpris,3ll
r STEABIRUS in the sct
SOW. 1.0101. , .115E41
pELF/931' and COD]
Remember add rtr
Office bp,
Towanda, Pa...ln •
W .. scit
JLa TC'll
JOe 2, 1874
110 TILL
This standard
greatest carp.
• Its'effects Aro as wanderfid and satisfactory as
evcri I
It restores gray or faded•halr to itayouthful
It removet all eruptions, itching and dandruff;
and the scalp by it 4 ruse becomes White and clean.
Bytts ionic. properties It restores the capillary
glands to their normal vigor,' preventing baldness,
and Uniting the hair grow Ulla and strong..
'As l a dressing nothing has heen found so effectual,
,_, • I
or destrabfo.
Dr; A. A. LikrE4.iStato Arsayer of . Bfaasachiziotts,
says of it: g• I . conOder - it faelbrstßreparation for its
intended pur poses;" 1
.0# Ina w , 4
This elegant preparation [nay be relied on to
charige the color of the beard from gray or any other
undesirable almdeJ - to broarn,i oehliek. at discuation.
It is may molted, being in onipreyaratirni, and
quickly and effeetUally trodUceuU ernaarent color
which will'nWani rub nor 'mush oil.
aftuinfactura by 1 ,
U: P it . EWA CO., Nubia, a
ia, S. .
aft diUgglite and dotter infinediclatl,
1 i
Oa of tht, celebrated
fold c very close margin
BA Itr„Q:4, Agent, '
Alain, Areet, Towanda
or *oat Europe or thq 'West
un , at teas rate: than at any
some of the largeEt and finest
rld—aalli , ng direct to and from
STOWN, LONDON, 01,1,8-
,natwrax. PORTS.
r us a call before RoxClatiln,
posit° Court House, Putt, St.
4. 1574: I I
O N D,
8 1.A7) CIOCkTN,
kla it compounded ATM! the
DllC.DitiliC i kt'S DYE,
ro* TILL WlLUdfail. •
Leg 4
virtue of an order issued .out of the Oritbans!
Court of pradfcird County, the undersigned, Adnain• .
lstrators of the estate of. fiebra 0.• French, late of
. Wells toimahlp. In laid canntfr docesaled, will ex.
Polio to Bale on the premises, • on• TUESDAY.
OUST IL 1874; at 2 'o'clocka. H., a certain tract or ' •
parcel of bold of. which Weld S. a. yzenth ,died
seised, siteitein-said Wolfs' township, bottnded spd. ,
described arfollowa, to wit;, •
peOnning at UPI northireaticorner Of a lot Of bnd
conveyed to D. Strong tryi Ann - Strong, by. deed _
dated April-6th. 1657; thence sontlx.2 deg wept 23..
-per to a stake and atones; thence south 20 deg - Weer . ,
104 per to a stake and stone in the out Sneer the
Samuel Seeley lot; thence sOnth 1% deg west po per
to a trout and stones; therme south 88 deg .bast 65 '
9-10 Pere to a stake and ,hones to, the northwest •
corner of Henry French's lot; thence south SO dc'
east 257 per to a small Maple sapling; tbencenorth
119 per along line of lands ttittion - ging to the
with estate. to a stake and gouts; thence nOrth 88 -
deg went'-212 per along Bee of- lands belonging to
the estate of D. Strong, deceased, and line of. lands
owned by Norman Davis, to the place of beginning,
containing 204 ametan4 46 perches,. more or less,
being nearly all74mproved. on which Is situate a /
large framer two 'story dwelling 'house; twe !ergo / '
frame barns, one wagon and horse barn, an or,chint
of apple trees, &c. •, ' .
TE11618.-2100 to-be paid upon the property b"
tug struck d0wn;11,460 en confirmation of . sale,
and 12,660 with interest, one year from Anal collar- • '
mat ion, the balance, in•two :equal annual payMents .
from date'of payment bf $2,600, with intoreetenntt•
alb at payment of Installments. • • -
Said land is to be sold subject to the pa ynbut of
a mortgage on the same, made by said S. 0 ...French •
in his lifetime to Lucretia Strong, Adatinistratrix of -
D. Strong. deceased, dated! April let. 1861, and re
corded In said Bradford county in Mortgage Book •
No. 0, page 293, &c. "And the percbuor of said real • .
estate will take the same with the lien of saidruort. .
gage undivested and In all force ; and will be
obliged' to pay said mortgage as weLLes the amount -
- of his bid for said land. Said mortgage is in the
sum of 23,600, conditSoned for the nayMent of -
$108.a7 onto Ann Strong; widow of John Strong,' -
deceased, during her' natural life per annum, and to
Amanda A liumsty during the term of her lifutho
stun of $36.28 por annum; and upon the death of- .
said Ann to pay to Temp: A. Strong_the sum of
6601.84, U said Amandabo .then living ;• then
front thenceforth daring the period of -her natural „
life, to said Amanda the ftirther gram of $18.16 per
annum, but if she then be dead, to Tempy Strong.,
the further mun'.of $302,42: and upon the death of •
' Amanda A. to pay to said f•Teutpy A. the principal
sum upon which said Ata! nda, A. draws the interest
during her natural life: and unto Wm. Ingalls, son •
of Aaronlngalls, the sum' of $3OO within one yeaf
from thedeath. of said Ann Strong, with- interest
from the death of said Ann, as by the record of said
mortgage will appear.; .
• 1 tx.vr staVE,
I •
g • Adtalaistratorr.
TRII STEE'S 'MLR of "`Coot; and
• Railroad Property in.the Counties of Sullivan
and Bradford, Stida of Pennsylvania, • •
• By virtue of a certain Mortgage ofiTrnat,-
vxecnted and delivered by the Sullik • Erie Coal '
and Railroad Company, of the Btate_of Pennsylva
nla,tothe undersigned as Trustee, - dated the first
day of November. 1866, and recorded in the office .
for recordingleeds, ke., jin and for the county of I
Bradford, in said State, in Mortgage- Book No. 10
Pagoe 80, 31 and ,82; on the 226 day of Novemberf
A. D.. 1866, and in the owe for the recording
deeds, k.c., in and for Sullivan county, in said:State.
ha Mortgage Book No. 2, pages 82 to 68 inchudvo, on
the sth day of December,! A. D.;1866..•
I, the undersigned. as Trustee as aforesaid, hereby •
give notice that I will. of; WEDNESDAY. the 14th
day of OCTOBER, 18T4, at twelve o'clock at noon_ •
of that day, at the Exchange Sales nCOMS. Number
111 Broadway, in the City, County and State of Now
York, sell at auction to the highest bidder, the prop -
erty, rights, priyileges and franchisee conveyed or
intended to be conveyed to Me by laid Mor i age or , . •
Deed of Trust; default having been made by the
said Company in the terms and conditions Of said
Mortgage, and such :default having . continued for „
the space of sixty days;aad being required in writ!
leg to make such sale by holders of at least one
tenth in amounCof the bonds secured by said Mort
gage or Deed of Trust, which were at the ; time of
making such request, due and outstanding. '
Thoproperty aforesaid ; hicludes . seine five thou- i
sand acme of land situated in Cherry and Colley
townships, In Sullivan Cbunty, in the State of Penn'
stlvenia, being the folloWin'g married warrants end -• •
parts of warrants, toviit 't John Baker and Andrei' '
Epple. and parts of 'fillip Stein, George xtobertn,
Joseph P..Norrls, Wiilf , m Stein. Leonard Jacoby,
Philip . Wagei, Henry Epple, Peter - Heater. David
Zeigler, Samuel Carpenter, Heber Chase, • Dudley '
Chaso, Ellp,hilet Gillet. , Thomas , Oilion, Richard -
Tomlinson, Jacob Hazer', Joseph Totem, Collinson
Reed: Getting Gayer and Christian,Getting,landle.
tug all the coal lands of , the said Cottipany: and the
railroad of maid Company, and all ,the lands of the •
said Cornpari,y. now occnpled for the erection of dr •
pots, constructing sidings, hc., and as the road-bed
of said railroad from their mines in , said county of
Sullivan; to the present northern terminus thereof.
at or r=ear the Borough of Mouroti, In the County of -
Bradford, State of Pennitylvania; and all the torpor
ate franchises of raid 'Company. as'. secured by their
Charter. Together with all and singular the build
ings and improvements.'riglits, liberties, privileges.
bereditaments and appurtenances to the same ap
pertaining, with reversions and remainders, rents,
issues and profits thereof. •
' For a more full and complete detitription'of the
property to be sold, with its boundaries and loca
tions, refcrenßo may be hadto the - said Mortgage, of
Record as aforeitaid. ; I
Term.s of Sila.-.--Ten ;pet; cent.' of ; the purchase
money is to be paid cash' in band on the day of sale,
and thelbalance is to be paid wilbin thirty days
thcreafttr, at Room Number , ll, in 'Number' 48 Wall
Street, in the City of Nev York, Steep of Now York;
and upon payment of the said balance in full, the ,
purchaser will receive al deed to' the said property.,
conveying such title as Is vested in ine'as Trustee
as aforesaid. Dated March leth,. 1 ;
' JOHN A. STEWART. • ; ;
Trustee for *lm-Imnd-holders of the Sullivan
Erie Coal and. ailroad Company.
W. A.M. STEWART, Attorney for;e, I
Street, .New York City. , •
March - ' •
The above advertisenlentappears-in the following
newspapers pablished•ln the city of Neu York, to
wit "The - Evening Feat Weekly," "The New York
Weekly Mail," "New York Spectator fill fl We:eLlY
Commercial Advertisers'
SYLVANIA.—Ba4r3nD CouNrs, 21 1 1.
Eeptember Term, 1874.1 1 , •
' In the matter of fixing the Terms and tines for
holding the several cOurts fcr the 12111
rict, Sled May DI, 18741:
It is ordered that theiregalar terms of the several
courts in and for Saifleounty, be held on the first
Mondays of Septembeti, December, February - and
May in each year;rnd Shall continue: three weeks,
except the term comm .:wing on the first Monday Of
May, which shall continue two Weeks •, , And said
terms shall respectively be: known and designated
as follows: September !Form, December Tern, Fel,
rnary Term and May Term. In additionithereto, it
is ordered that two terms be held at Troy) In sa:d
,courity, commencinglrespectively on the foam',
Mondays of October and March, and - continuo tip:
weekti, for the trial of :castes, kc., a 9 regnired by
the 'act entitled .an 116 t to authorize the canna Cf
"Bradford county to hdld additional sessions in the
"borough of Troy in said county," approve(' Feb
ruary 23, 1670, and the: supplementathereto, but no
summons or executions or original or final procesl .
shall be made returnable to any of the terms to be ,
held atflroy 10 aforesaid ;--and this, order. in rela
tion thereto, is not to b 3 taken or construed to give
to said cotrts any greater power or jurisdiction than,
as nrovided in said act:and the supplements thereto
The foregoing orders are made by virtue of the
11th section of an act entitled, .. , an act deaignating '
"the judicial districts of the Commonwealth, axed - ,
"pew/tangier the appointment and election of judg
•-eu therein,—for issuing to additional judges learned
"id, the, law cowl lesions as president judges, and
"nianner of fixing ther terms of court therein," ap
prayed April 1, 1874; which said orders 'and all
modille,ations and changes thereof shall be pub
lishednot less than two newspapers in said
corinty at least thirty days before the time tied fur
holding said courts. ' :.By the Court.
otherwise ordered. it is directed that said'
orders be published in the Muumuu REPOSTEII and
Bradford Argwe, two newspapers publiahed at To
wands,'; and in the Troy Gazette, published at Troy,
in said; cotlnty. . ' . By the Court. ,
flupluags' Ociurcr SALE.-By
virtue of an order limed out of the Orphans'
Coprt of Bradford county. the undersigned. Admin
istrators of the estate of Jonathan Vir,hipple,deceased,
will expose to public sale on the' premises in Asy
lum- twp. on TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1874. at
o'clock, p. in., the following described real estatk.
About 23 acres of the farm of the deceased, it being
the southern portion Of the land purchased from M.
Ellenberger on contract, and 'Will be sold subject
to balance duo on purchase money. • . '
TERMS.-10 per cent.'on day of sale ; two-thirds
ofbalsnce on confirmation; the remainder in six
months thereafter With interest. .
- -
C. E. WHITE. i
' Administrators. %.,:e
t I
July', 14
NOTICE.--Facet Na
tional Banliof,Athens vs. Wolcott & ifidloch:
In tho Court of Corarecori Pleas of Bradford Co., No.
6244 slay T., '1874. I
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said '
coact to distribute Watley in the hands the Sher
tit arising from sale or personal property,tvill at- -
tend te the duties ofi his.appointment at the Ev
-change Hotel. in Athehs borough, on WEDNESDAY
thq 19th day of Atigust,lB74, at 1 o'clock, P •
at which timo and place all persona -hating claims -
against said money must present them, or be de.'
barred from comirg in upon the same. 1
July 14. ' JAM WOOD, Auditor.
-Matter of the eatato of Alanson Lovelace, deed.
Ma of Sheshequin twb. In tho Orphans' Court of
Bradford C0.,•N0. 4, gay Term; 1874. -
Thelandersigned n:ats appointed an Auditor by
the Orphan's Court f:if said counts, to make distri
butlen of funds In the hands of the Administrator
of said estate, and will attend to the same on 1110 -
DAY - the 3d day of August, A. D., 1874, at 1 otiorki
p: m., at the office of smith & Ifontanye. in Towans
da boro', where all persons interested in the funds
of said estate are requested to present the' , claims
to the same for the Onsideration of the Auditor.
Juno 24. p. LITANAN S3IITH. Alla/ton
matter of the. estate of Charles and Uebecea
Smith. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County.
The , undersigned. cua auditor appointed by said
court, to dispose of exceptions filed to the final sc.
-count of H. T. Herrick, guardian of Charles and lie--
bcjeca Smith, hereby Ovcs flattop that ho will attend
- to the sluties..of his appointment on MONDAY, Au
gust 17th, 1874; at le'o)clock, A. lit.. at-the office of
,t CAM', in the • bore. of Tonanda, at which
thuo and place all petwons conehrned , are requested
to bo present d the, shall bejhearil.
t • J. N. CALIFF,
• 3p r d.7 • Auditor
Ellsbree vs. Jaines Liddoy. In the Court of
Common Pleas of grad-ford County. , Feb!.
Term; 1871. -
'The undersigned, ian , auditor appointed by the
court to distribute Money in the hands of the Sher
iff, arising from sale of , defendants real estate, will
attend to the dutieslof the appointztient on TIIES
BAY; the 25th day of August, A.Dr, 1811, - at ouc
'o'clock, P. 31., 'al the Mike of Smith Afort :nye.
in Towanda borough. whoa all parsons interested
are requested to attend.
July 23, 1874
:Notice is beroby given that all persons indebted
to the estate ol isto of East omitntield,.
dessAssd, are requested to make immediatemnfent.
and all persona having clairnklielknst said estate
most present them' duly antliennetted for. settle
ment. JAS. H. WED%
' Juno 18;1R;;_ ; Administrators.
, E i x-Ecutoß's CE.-
°Webb; berebi given that all peracrnaitiqebted
to the estate of Lather F. Clark: late' of dranville,
deceased, are • requested to make immediate
PaYttplit, and all person' having claims wtinit
said tale renqt present them - dray suthehUested
for ettlement ' WAX CILAILE,;
hir 1: TOIs• 11. LW:HO; .. t