Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 18, 1874, Image 3

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b ludfgidleporkt
a Towanda, Thursday, Jar 18, 1874.
L 0 OA :41 7 1) GElt BBAL.
THE Naiad Bind' discoursed some
very - "eloq tient music" on the green, peaky
evening last. -
Mar 'Democratic Banner is the title
of a paper just ataxi i ted at Williamsport, Pa.,
with E. B. limns a l l editor.
Tuz anniversary of the Presbyteri
au Sunday-school will take place on Tuesday
anal:mon next at
GEO. T. Cour. whose sudden death
we announced_laat week, bad his life Insured to
the amount ot, $7,000.
I - i - , . •
'pas borough authorities advertise
for proposaLs for the grading of Main itree!;
between fdcmir's block and Chestnut street.
E. W. Nw., ;of Monroeton ;town
owns a ewe which drOpPed a lamb a few
day: since weighing nineteen pounds. , •
insurance companies i hapj sets
tlcT i the claims of ditiaaa LYNCH and krrnoar
Liu for loss by Ore.
i •
THE street 'and sidewalk between
Houston and Chestnut streets, are being mate.
rially improved by Commissioner Wins:
' A conkruNlCA'rlol.7 from' " Casteltix"
and the proceedings o l f the Teachers' Amolation,
are tinavoidslay crowded out this, week. They will
appear hi our next tame. •
• I .
joux BOWEN Grand Worthy Chief
Veniplar, of Willta i will soon visit this place
audlspeak.on the stibject - ot temperance. Due
notice will tie given of the time.
EVEUTBODY should patronize the
festiiral now in pro;ress at Mennen Hall: A
good band is a ben tit to tbotown. and beside
will prove economical..
lif r 3L ritncro; son of Iltak Mn To,
was cery seriously injured while working in the
ranee at Barclay liist week. Both legs were
badly bruised and one ankle bone broken..
on too cdming Fe',
observe the day at;
31inncgna, and eve,
titre to be numerous
th The' Grand Army will
:mithfleld, the Grangers at
body at Tnnkhannea.
fled to be, able
‘RBELLS, wife of conductor
clay road, is rapidly recov
- revere illness.
nounce that Mrs.
PARSEII.B of the Ba
ering from her Ter.
enced-running on the
just (Friday, and! we hope
- e regular tripe ;until the
(1 7 Effit ed coal ha. 4 been con-
S. & E. road agiiin
may continue td m•
laet pound of the c
eu med.
- • ••
TILE American Life Insurance CO:,
of Dhiladelfhis, week paid, through their
agent in this place, Dr. Puarr, 52,500, the
amount of a policyisaned on the life of the late
Joems F.Lar.r.rE, of Windham.
WE Nonce airiong the list of grad
uates at the first annual commencement of the
Selniel of Elocution and Oratory, in Philadel
phia; last week, thci name'of Miss EYIIA Bar.w-
En; of Orwell, this county.. Mies B. has already
attained a wide reriotation as an elocutionist.
A - BouT ll•e0ock on Wednetglay
evening last, a
. 11104 e owned by Torn LODES,
and occupied by M. GANLET, was 'set' on fire
by some-incondiary l r The fire was early dis
colored by the, inmates of the house, and eitin
guiabeclinfore Fanelli damage was done
Tnoms - O'Hina, a notico of whose,
death appears in another coltunn, was formert3r
well known in this flace. He was a brother ..f
.llra.-E. 0. Goonnica. A man of prudent, 11-
Iluatrioutt habits, latl accumulated a bandat.s. o
fortune, and alwaya poettesed the entire ect.,:t•
tlenee of the bugino4 l s community.
THE Northerii Tie?:Eelk saYs Li •'
r.ivErrE LEONARD ei dairy, Leona, of ten cows
a . uil "three two-yeais old' heifere, gave, durit . g
the week ending Ssteirday,i May 30, 2353.1b5. of
milk. , From this tiineq-two poUnds of
'butter were sold. The hest five cows gave
1,090 pounds of _milk. •
JOHN OwEs, who has been ecOploy
ed in the telegraph office at this place for the
past two or three yesre, has just been appoint
ed operator at Standing Stone. Jona was al
wayir industrious and attentive to business as a
'subordinate, and 14 have no doubt rill' give
good satisfar - -w position.
. : 1
•—'-- VIIII:IP B. BAKER have ,l
cenuneneed on of a Sunday paper
at N,
ikes-Bt it number is i before
iv, and is . a sprightiv, little sheet. The senior
vi, e believe, il'
s a native; or this county,
and .has-been (or yars a writer or consiolerab:e
1 I.
teote: lie poo,sessef the ability to makei a tint
C'3!4.4 : his; PT!
goer) H. FRIiiK, well -
placei . a9.the obliging and 'gentle
,- clerk at the Ward, loose for(,several
years, has•just takein a similar situation in the
f .
thirty Hnnse, Ihrghamton, N. Y. The pro,:
ittiehir of that p9pular hoetlery is extremely
lett inat..) in Feenring the service 3 of Igeut.e
to w ell calcula l ted to MI the position.
- I 1 ---- -
' . 11Ev. , 13. J. IPouGLAvs, fop Imany
-years the 1y. 0 .67'ed and ~.accessful rector of
. r
Chriat Church this )
plaCe ' w,ti4 elected a' deputy
to the General Ci.)llWf ',lion of the Episcopal
ChoLhfroui the ,Dieceie er Delaware; lby the
late4oliveution (d" that State. It .is gratifying
to his,ntit:oeroui Wrm friends here ,to tinow
that he is appreciated iti his, OCW home:
' -
- I
I ...
Ms. Jo i e' .-I.kItSDEli, father of W. C.
Idar"orv. • g...s plaice, died 'on Saturday evening
last I :dr. IL and hit , wife the here from Mad&
1 ..1 I , rew days eln so to Ed the summer •vith
thus', son, but the old g atleman 'arrived •,, ly
about me week afte big , ital. $ e was buried on
Monday morning. The age mother. who Weightless
and infirm; reels bill Ellie n oeeply, and has the
condolence of the erdlre mcmity
1 - - I •
'.!IfE Minne4na
and has the prospe4 - 4- a
The, popular superintende
the charge again, which is
nothing will be kft indon
rything agreeable td gue
who feel themselreildraw
place, will find Kintaclul
anywhere In this sealon
the , State Grange meet
last week, and see tre
mciubcrirfrom thiS coat
el in milking up the col
vsaS chairman of i4e
committee, ankpOl:Prol
tion on the cordmittee o
--As straw
btiries are now in season, a rebipe to make a
palatable dish, known as Striwberry shortcake,
Will not be amiss. I Rub a piece of butter the
size of an egg into a little flour, pone Into it two
cups of mar crown:, , one teaspoonful' of soda
and a little•salt. ?Es into dough and roll into
cakes about ono-halt inch thick and ten inches
in!diamiter. Prick with a fork and bake irra
quick oiien. Whil,n done split them open with
a knife and spread with nice butter; lay the
piece on si plate and cover it with straw
'beilies nearly in i inch deep. It is better to
- have the strawberries sprinkled with sugar a
fc,* bours , bcforethey are put into the cake.
Put over th:* th e top of the cake with:tbe crust
aide dean an a
over this lay the h
and more berrie3;
LI right side an, Se
'ayer of etrawberries again;
ttom pieee
_of another cake
and put oa thii
e with tweet &cam,
SON11:50 c DT has - given the Alcor of
ths Luanne Won a oopy of Abe asognsA owns
Demoer4published in Wilkeiaarri and dated
July 18,1838, Among other items the paper
montane the announcement of the =mos of the
following igentlenien, at that time :widen's of
this count 7, uleandidates for the Doinination
for Oongreas : Oen.. disci 3m. Mawr, Cum
= Para, OVUM P. Wails; Hvezi
Winsam, and 001. &wax Batanmr.
Pasecetir.--Dies; Amor Ociwm,
wife of thO aiebabd•oe a Ubo)agtss aodwriter,
is `pig the mms: in thin saws.
•=Wrs. W. Wows of Marion. Ala!" if visiting
at K. Lawnre, in thfa *on.
pvimrox has been selected as Marshal
et tbe - diy at the Smithfield Celebration on the
BRADFORD county was doubly hon
()red by the Good Tempkrs State Convention
pet week. Hon. B. S. DAB= wu elected one
of the Grand Lodge officers, a compliment
which every member of the order in the county
will appreciate, and Towanda was selected as
the place for bolding the nut animal session of
the Grand Lodge. We pledge members :Who
may be prisent at that meeting a hearty wel
come. i ,
Flit ALVOIID : I notice tiro mie-
!ACM is my sermon on - " Dancing," published In
the ItEronrsa a few weeks since. In my quo
tatkm concerning the Prodigal Bon, referred,
or should 'hate referred, to Luke xv : 25, in
,sioad of the xii: 25, as you have it. In the sea.
and instance, ininoting what Erne axis about
the heathen dances, I wrote : "He says also
that among the Hebrews the dancers were a
band of females.' .You two it thus: "Among
the heathen the dancers - were a band of we.
men. etc." E. Branovoys.
OamPtown, June 18, 1874.
Tim time-table which went into
effect on the Pa. tt N. Y. R. R., on Sunday 1.0
meets entire-lien the requirements of the tray , .
sling public. Daily traits will run between El
mira and Philadelphia and New York as here
tofore, and an addition* train will leave Elini
rain the evening, passing this place at 1020
P. x., trriTing in Philadelphia at 7 A. 711., lan d in
New York at 9a. K. Returning, this train will
leave New Yolk at 6 r. -X. and Philadelphia at
7 F. x., rasing this place at 3:30 a. x.
jag care Will , be attached. This will • pVove a
great convenience to business men who can.
now take this popular route for the citiee with
out haiing to vend a day each way in making
the journey.
SPRING HILL Innis We were vis
ited with several showers yesterday afternoon, one
of which was mixed with bail, nearly the size of
hen's tiger The stones were of Irregular shape*
some of which measured three inches In length.
They came down nearly straight, so that few glass
were broken. Of the large sized hailstones, we
should Indge . there were not more than four or Ave
to the impu,ire yard, &auk they are reported much
more nizmerons elMowheril. Doling the storm, the
large new barn of Wm. 81rrimm was struck by light
ning, doings ore damage to the barn, and' killing
ono of kas horses rind 'three sheep instantly. 14.
;frame.* and two young men who were in the barn
at the tiro, were considerably stunned.
The address this P. IL by Hon. B. LAPC'ETE• was
. ,
an able one, and entirely . eatlafactory to oar; people
we should judge. ' A.' B. J.
, •
June 13; 1874.
WE ,clip froth the: Philadelphia
All Day City Beni, the following complerandary
notice of Faros Torime, and his. celebrated
lecture'. .."The Poeta of Ireland,"
We soe it stated that the elequent and ! l earned
Fatheefoner, of Towanda, a few evenings since,
delivered his great lecture, "The Poeta of Ire
land," At Buffalo, in aid of the Sisters of the
Good Shepiberd, of that city. Bishop Ryan in
troduced him, and the audience was thrilled by
the oratorical ability of this "second Father
Burke." Whyrioilet Philadelphians hear this
e, concerning which our cotemporaries
are so enraptured? Father Burke was well
patronized in Philadelphia, as in any- city in
America, and Father Toner would bo equally
well received, if he spoke in aid of our Sisters of
the Good Shipherd, or some other equally
mcrtorions cause.
THE ''session of the Grand Lodge
of Good Templars, just cased at Harrisburg,
was both' a very harmonious and interesting
one. The attendance was larger than the pre
vious year. In the early part of the cession it
decided to have no pie-nics, excursions;or pub
lic demonstrations of any kind until the work
of the session was compieted. . Among the del
ezates were two who had attended every ses
sion of the Grand Lodge for twenty-ono years:
the two were the former secretary, Ext.ct
Wnionr, of Lancaster, and the present Treas
urer, SAN6ON KING, 4FII Duncinnon. The
presence of the. Grand Wortny Templar of Cali
fornia and Wales, addLd to the interest of the
proceedings. G. V. C. T. WAGXEII and G. S..
SADIE dscKsos, who' eye both re-elected,, de
served the compinienti from the efficient and
earnest work performed by them in the past
year. Ken. B. 5. Baru, of Canton, was cho
sen'Grarid Counselor, and the next session of
Grand June, 1873, will be held at 7b
,eanda. ; Fr places as small as our town have
ever been favored thus, and in this case the
credit is 'due to that earnest worker, Cass. E.
WIIITE, Esq. No person who has never attend
ed its session, can realize theamonot of ability
and earnestness evinced. The Temperance
pool to of Bradford county and Towanda, will
ilolbernS i elvfs injustice if 'they .exclude them
selves frOm the session by refusal or neglect to
become mew be , X. X. X.
INCENDIARY FIRE..--A dwelling house
in the Third Ward belonging ter EIJIANAN
was 'discovered on fire about hallpalt one on Mon
day morning the 15th. - A few of the neighbors
'were *retired, who succeeded. with the ; help of the
person who occupied the house, la extinguishing
the fire before it had done serious dsn4agt, ,... About
an hour and a-hilt afterwards, .Col. :r4 - sz srole, who
lives very..near, found the house on Are twilit and
called to the occupant, who again put ;out the fire,
About -4 o'clock, another fire—this die in the up
per Vnt7—was: niscovered by Mr. Viscartr, who
also hves near; and with the aid of a son of Mrs.
OwEls, another neighbor, put out this fire, as Well
as three others they fount burning in the second
story of the houte.
The agents interested In the insurance, Messrs.
Motai & Viscrier. finding evidences pointing to the
occupant, Wm. L. lionntsoie, as the incendiary, took
steps to have an investigiMon made in the cue;
upon which ROBINSON wasiirreated, and after an
examination before JustiO BOGUS - 7 was -held for
trial at next Court in .$l,OOO, In default of which he
was lodged In jail. The fact that the house was fired
at three different times and in eight different places,
fn closets, in baskets Of cloilies and on beds, show
conclusively that - there was a desperate attempt
made urn tha building; and it seems a nitride
that-t ire was evVnguished, as kerosene oil was
freely used and plastering cut away to enablS the
fire to mike better headway. The only explanation
is that it was What Is known as a " plank-house"
with cross sires every few feet, completely stopping
the fire from dropping down, and preventing any
draft between the Ilaster walls and the outside
boarding. The house was set on fire some six or
eight months sinc‘and at that time was occupied ,
by.the same person; damages were then paid him
for household furniture destroyed. •
011130 3S now open, -
very. successful season:,
t. Mr. Arrxci l t will tate
sufficient guarantee that
on his part to'inake eve,
a. Those of our readers
g toward some watering
the ,most inviting spot
WE WERE favored with a pleasant
ray on Wednesday evening last from C. L.
KING and 3f. 1). L. Hayes, of New York. These
gentlemen represent the irell known publish
fog hone of Ivisos, BLuauser, Tivr.ou k, C.
They arc now employed in introducing the;
Speucerian system of penmanship. We believe
this system now takes the preference with most
experieac:d teachers. The fact that such a
house publishes, and two such men are engag
ed in introducing them, is a sufficient guaran
tee that the books small they are'rei resented
to be.
;11 represented in
og at Mechanicsburg
elegised to 'retie° the
wero not overlook
nuttees. Ezw► Looms
mate° on credentials,
or the co•operztive
417 occupied a posl
The Educational Reporter, in referitng to these
copy boob, nye: "
This jestly popular system has long been the as
standard in this countmand,Europe;
and we feel confident that these revisions Will place
it far In advance of the position it has heretofore
occupied, =bracing as they do many fresh features
entirely'original with the authors, and nowpab.
limbed for the first time. The copies are din ac
curate and beautiful, and are and
pr^gresidvily arranged so as to ord practice upon
all !to different combinations, and at, the same time
see ~re the most beautiful pages when written. Thus
the new revised aeries is more perfect in arrange
meat and classification than anrother series noir
WeWe have also added to the series three small books
which we call The Shorkr Course; also a Tracing
Book; the copies to be traced with pen and ink are
printed in a color, and so arranged that the pupil
is required both to trace and write apart each
We have nearly ready far publication a now aerie. of
Writing:Martz, comprising 47 charts. to be sold
iepazately or bottnd together—size 19,24 inches.
They will be so printed as to present the appearance
of superior blackboard writing.
Each capital letter appears by itself, with analysis
and printed /dtaerlption, The letters are of very
tarp aim, the capitals and loop letters le rau l foet
in Mehl; and the small letters In so
that the 7 may to distbactly seen across agest
school-room. They are mmted upon a rota In
`mach a rf :tanner .that one p* is eihibited at a tin:lo.l
4 Tan commencement exercises of
ibelhasinsbanda OoMatti Initante, created
on Thursday, the 11th last. In the lOwsoor,
the schabinlinade trial of their, gifts in recitertons,
tons, declamstkns, oompositthess, and lustre
mental no more thank:slice to all
concerned to say that the different performan
ces were highly creditable, and of more than
the natal *verso 112081101100. The Principal
and his assistants hive sikkaaly labored to
promote the intellectual welfare of their pupils,
and any spectator on Thursday afternoon -
mob' see at a glance that their kbor Eta Dot
been in vain. We can fatly endorse the Colle
giate Institute as a thorough and admirably
conducted school; and hope that hereafter it
will receive the encouragement and patronage .
U so well deserves.
The lecture on Thusiday event* by Dr.
Dunnitto, of Honesdale, on the Darwinian
Theory, was marked by his well-known soh&
=Op, acuteness and rhetorical depicts. It
would be Impossible to set forth and refute
this hypothesis in a more simple, intelligible
yet masterly manner. An ape or not an ipe—
that Is the quest:on. All who heard and Mow.
ed Dr. Duman° will henceforth be prepared to
give an intelligent answer to this question. We
are glad Quit we ban so able a clergyman in
Our section--one who is not only a master of
theology, but able to cope with scientists as
foeman worthy of their ded.
DEEDS left forreoord in the office
for recording deeds, etc., week endingJFie 13:
E. W Fiala to N B Overton, March 8, 1855,
E W Hale" to N B Overton, May 10, 1863;
Duper 0 Ball to hive Mukluk°, ha. 12,
1874, Athena.
H Gaylord to C A . Bkiwell, May 29, 1874, Wy.
Phila.Truat and Insurance Co. to Thomas
Nelda:), Jane 2,1874, Towandapom
Thomas Nealon to Mary T. 'Kinsman, Jane
5,1874, Towanda Iloro..
Lucy Maxwell el al. to Edward W Warner,
June 8, 1874: Towanda Boro.. •
0. L. Anthony akal. to B.J. RAO, Math 14,
1874, Athens.
John F Bithburn to James June
1,1874, Athens. ' ° •
Geo B Neal . Pt al, to John Bilep, June 6, 1874,
Towanda Boro. •
. Silu Dann to Charles Sterling, Juno 2, 1874,
Juries A Bristol to Win P Murray, May 27,
1874, Litchfield. • -
Win P Murray to Charles P. Wel:es, May 27,
1874, Utehfield. •
Edward It dories to Ctriatina P Lawrence,
May 15, 1874, Atha:is.
D D Jones to Margaret A Johnscir, Juno 10,
1874, Orwell. -
Russell B Young - to John. W Young, Oct. 14,
1873; Springfield.
Reuben Cue to Mrs Charlotte Sims, Februa
ry 28,1874, Troy.,,
James Wood, ifim'r, etc., to Patrick . Ryan,
Feb. 7, 1874, Wilthot.
Niram Rockwell to Jacob' G Rockwell, Jan.
29, 1874, Canton Boro.
Frederick William■ to Geo. Rockwell, Apts
1, 1874, Canton.
P L Hinman to - J Henry Junta, April 2, 1874,
Towanda and Monroe.
Bedinglon to Brainard Bowen' April 7,
1865, Troy Boro.
Berk' Harehberger to Geo. Fox, April 3,1674,
Samuel .1 Hyatt to Wm T Ellie, March 26,
1874; Athena.
N C Harris to John Burns, May 14, 1874
B C Sinsabangh to John Burns, Sla y 187
Guy M Tez=2r to Martin Rogers, Dec;-3,1868,
Martin Rogers to Ephraim Watkins, April 6,
1872, Sheshequin.
Qeo. padlock to Sally Menthols', Feb. 19,
1848, Litchfield. i •
• Theodore and Jae Arnont to Emily Bobbin,
June 13, 1871, Mourne.
John ,Holmes and J• P Kirby to nos Jordan,
Jona 16, 1873, Korth Towanda, .
John Liilry to Watson H Freemin, Dec. 26,
1873, * Canton. •
David Brown . to Polly E Shover. Feh 25,1871,
Wyalneing. •
. John Suover and wife to Lizzie J Melville,
Feb. 20, 1872, Wyalnaing.
James Wlliwrick . to Ettioz_ir F Fox, June 12,
1871, Athens.
Francis E HerrieU to Eleazer T, Fox, June 12,
1871; Athentii
Dr J L'Corbin to Frede.tiet 11. March
31, 1874, Atheita borough.
- w H Docket to E T Fox, Jaw) 13, MI,. To
wanda Boro.
E T Fox to Ifannah dt Decker, June 13, 1874,
Towandt Horn.
Dscana HON DAve - Sauna, HADIDeiltO Enoreos
TxxleguaNcE-17jitmx—AZID A Suacirsztoe FOR
TUN AVEN-Ftia or JOUllNALlClle—Decoration
semi to be a most necessary adjunct to patri
otism, els._ we would ask in confirmation, why
.do the milliners, And dressmakers, and tailors,
and ,:.„.11 the mercantile world dealing in udder
of personal adornment, experience such a rush
and hurry, of business toward the Fourth of
Jul 3 ? - The Star Spangled Banner might float
oat in waves of limitless and ethereal beauty
over the boundaries of the tangible into the
realms toward which the best sentiments and
outreachings of humanity tend, and yet men
and women would care as much shunt the
brightness or the spangles as they would for
their significance.
What, for instance, would Decoration Day be
without little girls, and what would little girls
be Without white dresse*, and Intern:linable rut=
tics of wrought edging; 'and 'What would white
drCsses covered sith - Flimburg edges - do, with
out the offset of those indispensable sashes and
brilliant-hued ribbons that brightened EVANS
HumusTres drinks' windaws,'and made Bridge
street radiant in those cold and forbidding days
of a dilatory spring? y l e saw more happy faces
over that initiatory movement of theirs, in the
cheap ribbon line, than we have seen,even over
the success or the recent ,, temperance move*
Meat. And, dou reader; if yon had been in
Pews .'s Store, on Decoration Day, and Witness
ed the eager countenances hovering over their-, 1
beautiful assortment of fancy artich s, you
would have rejoiced f i n your • heart that the
pretty tower and country girls ould satisfy
their souls' desire* at such reasc.nable rata.
We were in there on that busy occasion, in a
moat dejectertframe of mind, for a single pair
of ;stockings,—an article forever giving out In
our household administration. The mock ap•
pal of the "gude. man" for a "pair of legs,"
was still lingering reprovingly in oar ears. He
had 'got past asking for , whole stockings, ac
oording to his most recent and emphatic state
.and so we stood there in the crowd, and
arming the overhauled • ribbons, waiting With
our burden of humiliation, for our turn at the
hose bcxes. •
On these memorial occasions, how the swift
spirit of retrospection goes over the sad tunes
for which they are inaugurated, and boil full
of sweet promise is the sight of young faces
brightening again over those flower-strewn
grase*, like shining visio s of onward-re:aching
It Is not at all to he presumed that any live
editor saw less than we did of the day or its
doings, but we dontit that rainy saw Uri pro
cession go by from. s more favorable point of
view than was - ours—under tho shadoW of the
early leaves, and amid the rhythm of singing
birds and laughing children. It was simply
beautiful. The - 'lovely, symbolical; flower
wrought grave, bornealowly along by the white
bories,—the breezy girments of bar young
girls, embowered in the moving boudoir of ver
dure that followitd, from I whkh their bright
faces looked out like sunlight over troops of
White-clad Sabbath-school Children, whose tiny ,
feet moved to the made like the light dipping
of angel tfinge. Mingled with this, in deepen
teg accord, came the tramp' of soldier feet,
&add, slid yo n ever lishtn to that tread, on
ward mantling, to and from the grave of
soldier boy that bed been yours ? /rpm have,
yon know how it strained the heart4Liords
then, and all the ant of ttts peace, and joy and
gladness, into which these childish feet have
come pattering so sweetly unconicieps, and so
innocently ignorant. Nett earns the bands • and
the fire Companies. .
Otis thbughts moved along so tenderly with
the mode, that we almost forgot to note the
order of the procession thlat followed. Knights,
belted and f.purred r —Fellnws;Ocid and even.—
Templars', good and tctt' er,-,filariders, with
their beautiful insignia jot mospld soil gold,
sod bearing foremost in tlieir MIS our' own
belored Stare end Stripes.
~ . r 1
Then ple a * of asp wattle fin lO N
mean:trial Slay, bat none of them Gould compare
in best* witlithe American balance; !Wens by
one le4ll brethren:lllow happily we, ns a band
of muted nationailthis that:have lovedastairif•
fared nailer its protecting Adds,.cit4, hence
forthacid forever to the. limy , knows
what the ceremonies at the cemetery lir; be•
cause everybody was there. Onto lone mother
came rushing Aiwa the shriek tn fit,tlC, search
of IL strayed ' darling with an Indathile sash.
At that peeled of VW day, we had tint s trati
all to mamba,. but embus o`o :11101 the
object other eeatili, and SO thli litiui we win
ignorant sale to 'whether a not the itfOresaid
sadiwaia reeorered, -' ..., .-, _
In thew:moo, of the evening, we rtmasked
with illinupsuessed trim* that wer! ilia net
:titer sees or beard of a abstention! drunken
neis during the day. thilklend who ii, a vig
orous opponent of the loos d.oFition !twi g Inform
ed ne be had son cisas bloc at fell ,kegth
and dead drunk. Prone** loosilty. ist 'infer
red the fallen Individual was meld* his way
to the Bann aloe, to thank them kir isorting
that Montrose Democrat squib about nem.
What does it mime that thew sonalsdpir i - lkillor
sellers and isedy'substftute*Uss are so or
gent just now about the Usury law, or the can
dy law, or any law tinder heaven but the tem
penman law, Wog inks oid 1 It they are at
work to emits a divendcm, they are a little too
late. ' If they mean to apply i emnitei• irritant
to public, interest, they may tbenirlirvis, per
haps be the lint to feel the smart of thole own
proscriptions, for when upon this fOot a. :2!
God ulna such feasible and soul-'
extortion is the, whole clue of liquor ceder
apply to their writhing victims. -. .. 1 : 1
We litwgiti to feel serious concern tort e Ar
gus. Its hysterical convulsions,sit the
forthcoming of those "Golden Words ? "' be
coming chronic. And the only remeov that
promben effectual relief—'the upheaval and
overthrow of the "Post-I:Zoe EditOr. lll 7 -is an
event that is not at all likely to occur. i
This hidividual and his "Temperaneeprgsn,"
as the B6ol= is reproachfully designated,
have been too long and too thoroughiyand
interestedly identified with - this oWati moral
question to be very feebly rooted ha titriblie
estimation, just now, particularly, w the
"gravitating" is so decidedly that Snail. , Not
"oily" and "nnctuotui" as be is, he will not
burn, or, drew', or hang, or go off into the ele
ments, by' spontaneous combustion. !le will
riot drink bad whisky, nor will he ea over.
much of, that awful ! candy, that th.trsius is
alarming the - Democratic public 11 th, and
there is no prollp3C t i*iiitever of his sPeinlY dis
solution: He will continue to sus thermos.
vu and - distribute the United Slates; and
l ertai
what Is Ito be done: for the antke ' at
Democratic oonticepinary across the way? He
must be! up and off, with his hundred eyes.
Nobody but a lean, hungry dyspeptic knows
what it is to Nye daily in hall view of a well fed,
coo:mistiest, and successful editor of another
political persuasion. Yon creel your emaciated
hands ogee your cadaverous bosom.; and take
to solemn promenading. I . 1
You ambulate, and perambulate, arid rircum,-
ambulate, and on everi occasion and every
where, up turns the inevitable editer„ whose
comfortably adjusted elbows, Mut Sarni Gent's
umbrella, poke
,yon iii, the ribs. We adl the ris.
Argus, es a sanitary Measure, to unite for the
Yellow stone. Minnequa , and the provincial
resorts tire WO near. It should take' along its
brilliant denouncer oft:unity. It will need that,
dear booom to recline on, and the enllted soul
can, in the meanwhile, attend to private busi- 1
nen along the road.-... • 1
It, is rather unfortunate that the Metre is be..
oomiciOnfected with this Argus distemper, for
It is sure, as has been intimated befok to vent
its spleen in bad grammar. It is an awful thing
• "Hie Royal Highness" of the "Teniiperaiice
Journal" to tell lies, and require "gilt-edged
documents" for his "sanctimonious "' Columns;
"but whit is that to making a faulty and of past
It isn't very important what Mr. newer=
."done," Or what "we done" on that thrilling
occasion that round the Rem to such holy in
dignation last week. except, that as a Combina
tion they might hare done better. 1
6/LTUAILINE Bum= Says a woman ',Ls more
to be condemned for msking bad brenl. than
for using bad grammar. The Rem ought to
advarthse het-cookbook gratuitorisli.
The senior editors or this literary commcmity
hence subjected themselves to repod, at
the hands et the Journal, by "throwing dirt at
each other," might not take a little outside sag.
gestiori amiss. •If you will be quarr elsome,
brethren, do be more choice of Your prejentiles.
Use skimp,' as the Journal does, on similar a-
CasiOnP, and your circulation will be llicreased
by the' operation to the extent theirs as..'
~ m
—The District Convention of Brad
ford and Sullivan counties, I. 0. ' of G. T.,
picket Dnshore, May 27, 1874, ip the Evan
gelical Church, and was called to ' rder by
C. E. White, W. C. T., pro tem. !
Minutes i of the last meeting rea and ap
proved. .
O ' were
n motion, the public. cor
dially invited to attend and particcate in
the exercises of the Convention. i I
The! W. C. T. appointed the following
ComMittees : On Credentials, •4, IM Piatt,
W T Lawrence and Mrs. A Wil of ; oa
Resol Lions, B S Dartt, WT La nce and
Lewis Lant.z.
n i:
Co Mittee on Credentials made the fol
lowing report : Delegates from - levation
Lodge, No. 770, Bros. D E BlUinande
Samuel Shrader, Sisters Shtuder I 1
and Wil
mot ; Forkaville, No. 776, Bro. La ncaster;
Dushere, No. 776, 0 J RiChart,' [Hannah
Benjamin ; Liberty - Corners, N 4. 1,002,
Bro. nett ; Franklindale, No., 497, Bros.
Lantz!, and Stevens ; Notth'Towarela, No.
539, Bro. C E White and wife ; Canton,
No. -- 1 7 —, B S Dartt ; Rome, No. ;169, Bro.
P L s Chrispell and Siiteis Mrs. O-.' Young,
Mrs. A Keefe and Miss Bernice Wattles,
who reported their Lodges in a flourishing
condition. ,_. •
Committee on Resolutions reported as
folloWs :
I .
. Respired, That our thanks n 4 hereby
tendered to the Court and Jurors of Brad
ford county for the impartial- manner in
Which they discharged their duties in 'regard
to the! violations of the Local Op on Law.
- Res l oltycl, That we, as a Tempe l nee or
ganizetidn,hail with gratitude th change
ti r
in public sentimeut in regard to lenforcmg
the Local Option Law. I 1
Ites l plced, That we reeignize * With great
pleasure, the new development of !the tem
e movement, and are filled with grat
itude toI the ladies of our count, for the
sacrifices they have made, the and de
termination they have manifested in. the
temperance cause, and bid them God speed
in tlieir mission of love and mercy,. and
earnestly urge the ladies of our !district to
renew the ir efforts to` raise the f4llen and
remove the temptation - in order t
h ave oth
ers from falling.
, !
The above' was unanimo u s) !adopted.
Adjourned to meet at eight o'cioCii.
Evening session was opened with : music
and praLver by Rev. Bro.
! Blaine, after which
he-addressed the meeting, followed by Buis.
Dartt, ChrbTell and •Keefe interspersed
with musier- and dismissed with ti , benedic
tion. -
Saturday morning, 4, a: M.-Convention
metirith A. Keefe in the chair prayer by
Rev. Rio. Blaine ; Committee on 'nuan
ces, Darn, Lantz and Young. . ,
Tile Committee on Officers report as fol
lows : . ' 'i. ,
For W. C. T., Lewis lantz ; V. V. T.,
Bernice Wattles; W. S., W. T. L awrence; '
W T, J M Piatt ; W C, Roi. David E
Blake; W. M.; Sister Ginett Shrader; Dis
trict Deptity fir Sullivan, Wm. Lancaster;
Eastern Bradford, - P L Chrispeli; lyestem,
C E White, who were unanimously elected,
*and the following were appointed; ,W. D.
M:, Wesley Stevens; I. CL, Sister Jennie.
Wilmot; 0. G., 0, J. Richart; B. H.• S.,'
Sister Mary J. Lantz ; L. H. S., I Sister Ma
ry Keefe. •
• , -•, •
The PoMmitte on Resolutions made a
further report: .
- -
NrprREAl4, Careful observation has con
firmed our opinion, that the use Of cider and
wine as:A beverage, is the . most prolific
source of intemperancp . and intoxication
Therefore, 1
Baa l red ) That, as taisperia6 sea l we
can of tnanfacture eider front' apples or
wine from grapie,or irostitnti eni of the
good fndt that God gives us, to nth base
and Unholy purposes, but rather 14 both
wine snd cider be kept to theinlies God
has made for them, and thus them_ ,
wholesome ank harmless, in social
That Bro. David IL I3lakie,
Brit i giherson,'.;_and Bro. John N.
Cali', Esq., be appointed a special com
mittee 4a pre** all temperance etatatei of
the State in compact form for paidication,
if it can be dame without expense.
Reaoina t - : : . -.That Bro. E. 'T. Citidlarbe
contmendetto be appointed as G. L. Lee-
Beseloe4That the thanks of this Conven
tion are hereby tendered to the citisens of
"Du'she i re a rtrir kind vitality in enter
ddecnil:la Trustees
rmEvh3ocety for the use of
their beautikt Church.
/ For the good of the Order, remarks were
made by Bisi. L Lents, W. Lancaster, P.
L Chrispcll 2 :A. Keefe, 0. F. Young, C. E.
White, D. E. Blaine and Mrs. Williams. .
Miens:motto meet at North Towauda, on
the third Wednesday and Thursday of Au
gust, 1874. Wawa ilessuss,'
Laige 'stock of Pictures and
Pkture Frames, at W.4Tang,s Bs4ol. Ifir•
MP Have you 'seen those cheap
Baby Wagoes at lizacz's
is. For the boot Roast or
go to Mug k.
ill. Yoil eau get a large Silver-
Plated Cutor foe l $4.50 at
Nip The most exterisiTo stock of
lialinesyCloodo are now on esbibitkm St Xn.
J. D. lines Moro on Dago street. _
sir siosi go a c oio•inet Se
at '
Grahain Cracker, Ost Meal,
Graham Flow, Crashed Wheat, at the Third
Ward Grocery arid Bakery.
M' 0: A. Bum claims to be
selling Mockler, aii Olairwire at rag by Ames,
LAND PLows.—l sold 73 In 1873, and every one
gars satisfaction. "tA. fun stock on hand.
11. M. Wassas.
Tow=4p, Pa.
sr The Palace Refrigerator Lute
kaorledged to be the sass. Said by BraLlt,
Mr. It will pay you to call so.
look ova our dock of Boole, Shoes, Gallen,
Tiooks, Traveling Bags, eta
Opposite the Coast ,Hoagie.
IS. A fine assortment' of Stone
Ware, at the Third Ward Grocery. '
usaishing Tackle; Fisk Poles,
Baskets, Shot Gans, Revolvers, and Cartridges,
at j COMING, Buss= Co's.
sir: You 'l3an buy eyertbing in
the Grocery and Provision line a little cheaper
at McCann a &titans thas any other place he
town •
se: The heat place to buy_ ready
mi4e clothing is at No. 4, 9 doors west of Goo
num, Room Co'a.
stir Several valuable Farms , and
Homes and Wm for solo by Bourn T 1 T.
lioirsz AND Lior roa au/ oa: Bar.
—Terms easy. Apply to Mrs. E L. W 00011717,
over )L J. Lotto's store. •• , •
Tann Houses TO PENT.--4)ne in
First Ward, near upper depot, &nein') in &c- ,
and Ward. Inquire at office of (Marron it
as. Remember, that in 1873, the
Binger Mac Mae Co. beat Ur' timid, selling
nearly 800 machines a day. ,
stir Choice Family Groceries, as
cheap as the'cbespest, at the Third Ward Wo
a All kinds of black born, rub
ber and rest jet jolts/zit et veil low prime, at
M. 111121DZLX11111111
186. (gym. MoCAzz & Sox have just
received several car loads of choice marble,
and they are turning out some of the bat work
ear made in this place. Yard and office one
door south of the Baptist Church.
Fon SALL—W. - A. Rocawara. has
one otP. IF. Dsomsaz R. Hone Power
Hey Presses far sale. Th best there it.
lane I, 187 t.
.811, Two gentlemen who can si
fted to•piy for good bosid Ina private family,
ermveniently locati4 neer the centre of town,
can bp acconnimdated. Inquire at this office.
ger If you want the International
Lemons and Sunday School papers. give your
order to aF. Close, who can tarnish them to
you on better terms than ion can get them In
the city. .
Mir Why ran' the risk of an
dent, when yon can get a ticket, pod for Cie
000 in care of death, for 20 cents a day, by ea&
Ing on Faux Btrassn.y. at tipper depot
iS It is not generally known that
R. C. tllnrrasza, at the Book BinderY over the
Itaroarim office, makes Blank Books in. any.
style of ruling and binding desired. 'lf you
want a tisw Ledger. Journal .'or Docket. give
him a call. •
air Hair Work of -every &Elazig-
Ocia ain as lOU WS pier apt Wu 04 Xsw T
Islam Call sad magas It 1. Lavolafs
Hair Palace. Is Iln. J. D. Dltes Flag
Store. " •
Lost—On dune 1 1874 on the
_ 9
road leading fr om Tolland& to New Albany,
stun Prnsa•Book. The under will be paid kor
big trouble tri =tett 1t to Franklindale P. 0.,
Bradford Co., Pa. J. B. Joaseoi.
1S I:4lmezaher the One-Priae
0. D. Clothing Store of Aura. Somme( Hay
ing recently purchased a large lot of Men's and
Boys' Clothing. dents tarnishing Goods, Hata
and Cape, at reduced prices, I will offer my en•
tire stock cheaper than Corer. Call and lee for
yourself, Get the woith of your goons, sod
we time. All customers, are treated alike
Haying but one price, which I. low, we guaran
tee goods of represented.' We solicit a: esp
trout one a$ all: Amu. Sotorroir.
123 . 111ain street. •
To Tax Powo—Thiritt.lettoodl
and thetwasbly refitted 14 illellaalwT Hotel, I
beg leave to.. intone my -*salon/ county
Mends and the public generally, that I elm now
prepared to entertain both man and beast,
the most hospitable manner , on strictly tem -
ram principles. I can also tarnish Mane it
carriages to th ose who desire them. Give
a call, and satisfy yourselves ,tbat a hotel .• •
:be well kepteittnint resorting to Ant lab
liquors. _ H. J. Esis4.
PogroPam JgD' 9 e UM
or Avery good housewife is tic
terated is knowing where to sadism the to"
kitchen tandem and the most haportanC i l
ale found in the kitchen ie the stove. We ba
had sone merinos of late in kindling
to cook the breakfask and take great pkeuratii
in saying we believe tbo new Empire Coot!
Wove the lieges ultra. It is Isrie, saamaa T
any made, sod engages all the meneidenem
of a dike* , mop. Doo'Sfaii to call at ;
T. Inn% and coraine it.
• us.„
or • • style; Esti andiOsps,
reaped vr,mi & DWI/L i I, • :
1111 1 ' •T varieties of stone rine;
Pr" 001 !!! kwerlO,P:ert biclirct t ee ns. *
Trude, It. Ilanitatuft, bridge
1"16.1f on want fine Hair Work
isossiite*satioir. so to. L&.
me.seps# f ) bids &Ass. latip-atO at Xre.l.
a.' LW* Prifty Sten.
• tto veal
- 1 Mr . eridan and Swiss Watches,
,a san braasbt to ibis tows, as
Er../A1 t 1
116.2 . 1
*welly; cal,
sir o.
Onts Wo
I In waist .1
as. C. F. Coosa has Oaf; rOmived
a very large invoke of Books mutable for 8.8. ,
Lltwaries, which he will tarnish at a "count
25 per cent, to schools.
Fon Seur..—Tlie new house on Main
street, second door north of Chestnut street.
hit about lof feet front. Terms *1?. l Eusitdre
on the premises of Mrs. Howls and of E. T
Do you want Shoes a La.
dy, Gent, Misr, Boy, Youth, Child' or , Intaist I
Then go to Coma & Cooirk when you will
dad a large Stock to select from, and at mord
log low . Opposite the Court House.
Fos IkLDwelling cson!sining
rooms--anitaida fora boarding bogie or a
large family: Also. ones Small tbrea4tO7 house
in centre of, town: - F. E. Pon.
No. 32, Second at.
Coasza & Cows.
ma. Pianos & .NroaOra are se lling
. 41 varietlealor Cosi very cheap. They are eole
ignite for the celebrated Barclay Coil. Coal
by'car load at a discount. Orders left at B. J.
Pawn's Store, M. .1`: Lome. Store, and at
Ilaarries Btore will receive s prompt attention.
J. F. Halmos.
Hamar von SALL—On Second-et.,
t?stweenPliri and Bridge —east Twelve
rooms; Gar Water, Heater, Amiga, se. One
of the moat convenient houses to be found.
- • s 'easy Enquire on the premises.
so.. beat place to bui ,
waft, Doing ail 4 all kinds of Lumber, La at
Ifuntr & Sons. Factory on Charles street. Of
fice 107 Mash street. They NM cheap for cub.
IS T e
your &Item •
Spring and
neared the
York City. ~
tel Bonne
!me If you don't want your wife
o buy the now patent riad-Ircio, keep her away
firca n
Joss k t It is the beet and most concord
out non n for lessening the tedious work of
I troning ore! presented to the public. No one
who sees it Will ever go hone without it.
Roma PAlNE—Warrunted to be
nore &maid, and better for house or other
panting, , t my other paint. Has always
rem pert. t satisfaction.
SVIII you have got soy painti ng
to do ; call at 11. T. Joss's Ind purchase some
l ot that superior prepared paint . It is limbed
l and chearse article of the kind ever offered.
11 Is
soy other
Evils, in
pal Church'
the latest
notice and
a specialty.'
Ile is the nniversa testimony
of all acqusizded with the busGess, that
Clogs has not the best arraoged Book Store In
the mu:atm and city dealers tell us COinixt is
one of the:closest buyers. That hi" taste in
selecting-. is eseellent, all who Tie' his
store test
M b X
dear little
the on
as now. J.
and send
but Ant
& Co.
11116 - 3ba lad* of Towanda will be
pleased to keen that Mrs. Mum Manmoi hilt
°pried a istr establishment In the
roil! neerfir 0 .1. 5 enr 4 f 0 blO, Ir.*MOISVINTit u
00U41CdOes1 office, corner of Main and Ph*
streets.' Eihe has an entirely new Wok of
goods. al her largo expenienee in, businessi is
soMeksi guarantee this her goods are Just
what the 1 dies need.'
WP4 good cook - stove will genes
ally condor. nary materially to domestic peace,
for when everything goes right in the kitchen,
the good wife is usually good-natured. In or.
der to nuke certain that yon are getting tlm
best , store extant, always ; uy the new Empire.
It le far superior to aoYaorik-stoie manufactur
ed. If yoW don't believe it, just go to Joitifli
and buy o e sad try it. -
DAunpuoi l Arnamo2l!—lNAmaau.
i ammo tits% White & illte defeAlie hit
received Iwevity lons Genuine Imported Ash
ion Salt. ' I Thci May, pars salt tbr dairy inupmei
which wiL, entirely dissolve. Go get some, sad
too eoliths! bargains in Teas, Beam, Coffee
and Spice!, at the Red, White Mid Bios Store,
We bap abisper, and sells'ibeaper than any
other: Owe lathe county.'
: Usiliffott. , ; . '—• ~.
~,,, .. . •
. . . ,
Baeserosio Clousori.—.The 'Bradford
Conon otiPatree. of Husbandry will meet at
'the 'Court Noose to ; Toiimbi, on !IharadaY,
hee ,4 117 ii $ 1 _ 2 " 076 4 4 %.* Ths . Conned
will be oompossd - of the Masters of all'ilibordi•
nate Gump, in the County, and stii Delegates
to be e
. .Isiited by esei Grange, three brothers
Ito are 'fourth . degree members, and three
11111Moitho are Idatrons,... Deities*" r . ,, Rho were
elected reitoul to the former biting of
Om* miniibers of the Council for the
user. It bored Vat ;Damages in th e Coun
ty 1/1/1 r ain Bated • by a hill list of Nu*
glum fourth degree members are admitted
to the ' font tilititi bat Vehigesi are en.
lakd ki TWO. , 1: 0- ..WiTrifiatr.
tif. - . limb*
Illit " •
Is., Jane e s 1874 • ,
1 1 ,
*Pk 011110n
sad' reillawaVii46 OWNS
doh aubtalllll.llmnitaturs.
Flees at Mormiusues.
'"Girl of the PeriOdr ti
• wisdom of trod. HMr Pala"
1k•. J. D. lines Iraq ilkoa.
'sec If you wish to know
and bow la wear' It, call at IL 7.
hal all, theaoreitioo of the sea-
m a. plain Gtkimiting to
go to H/131D-7,7--I
Hie of Paw*Ulu all
Pm 'relived by
Evan it NUMMI.
e and bonnets for the old
• • and single, at Irk J. D.
Store, Bridge-id. , I
you wish to see fine gold
-150 acres :of lind, .1
dert. Also Decal i 'second•
F. DarroN has removed:his
to the store lately ovuided ky
where he wi l bo plearid to aee
f good work. 7
.I:d.lemei, we would call
. to our new styles of Shoes for
umnier wear.' Prices low.
Conn fc
be Court House.
Woonatryr having again
services or Miss flirts:so, of New
rs a very fine selection of Mats
Corner of Main sod Bridge Ins,
B. N. Ram" Agent.
teed to cover :more etplace than
int now in nee.
nuamo.-Mrs. HENRY Ktoos , ..
e Arid, block, opposiite the Eplaoo
eis prepared to, do dress-making in
tyle and neatest manner on short
t reasonable prices. Tatting made
Stamping done also.
lie not fair to Iceep thoiti
.ndeomtiehnt up the house, when
air is so pleasant and refreshing
t put Shemin s nice baby.earriage,.
e head of the family out with them;
the carriage at CODDING, RUSSELL
1~ Wail ara.-„ and
cheap id wsp.4oissiioifes..*:
*maws lank. '
„ ~j
inserted WIL
m muagu e s .
ifir S. and fyll gf
nn . anted egait :` sy Is the !mice
ate cheapest to beat, at ifixwmatax
I f
spit you joint the best 904'
ailiz* call at Iv 'a, areroaloa Block t I
Afgaint and Boi
at 1ar5..1. - D. aridgtost.
,ser. An endless variey et ht
skives at loses, irhich aro. betag so
4• •
ur o to l l ‘
Am V 1 'uremia Sne irr s,
Ifereaa's Adak, for your; Book's sad Staiooery,'
t- L ,
mg. won iDwAiD 3
their expectation rent to increased bail
nese more than since, they took, pos.'
Make of the no They anginal' tbern! l
mares strictly to eir , iegttimtits businMs, sod '
thus are enabled take adiantage of every;
opportnidty for a " good bargain ; spd being s
satisfied with i ble prods, 'their anstom.'
era rasp the bens tof their eiperienoef; !fall
our hustings men were as fafr and hasorable
as this lirm, thet would be n P cause fer r coni
plaint , about " dio men on the Inert of
(;rangers and others. 1
. .
Mr Go an se in ' 1 Exaz '
m LAve • who
baisgre retuned Nll4l Uri with an i l mati
stock of ammn. which be bought la ,ban k
rapt sale. and mill be land it, lowed' cask
prior. at LavoneT Hair, Palace of Elmira,
N. T..—ltrtdirerst.. °wait, Pa. , ' I
' 1
• , 1
jbe la ra-un on o
f the flepnblkt of indica 4
74, et Smithheld, Iry winch
ilk" as well as oltio, are
Ito attend.' A 'detailed pnt
, ' I d ue II , . • I
tnounced in time. .
~ i •
L W. Scatouvaa; P. C.
_.___Ll__ I •• 1,
1 I
Nortca.-..-Tie relatives and frii3nda t
of all the desaasea soldiers that are buried in
'either the Itiver-dide or Cabrillo Cemeteries of
Towanda, are re l rectfully rCquested I to give
their names to el her or the underaigned cow l
mlttee appointed by Watkins' ota 0. AI. B.
-- 1 - ', — *ll.,ldoKas,
• I Drama Bwiassx
I t . 1 , , ' ,
1 , - Jarsair BRYANT. 1
• 4401. • , I
sap The daeidedly cool weather of
1 , i
the peat few months admonishes ns unit MM."
mer will be short. It i shotild also traduce those
who have not , y t r madded 1 the:motive with
stammer out-fits hat they
r atieuld avail them
selves ca the g i biirgelins new offering
iklll737lllLeil i 'Mama clothing. Illaving
prehased target in anticipation of tut- early
and long-contra:ad 'heated terra," I now offer:
better bargains in. summer hats; and clothing
than ever befb 1 Those _who have Pl* 0 7
goods in limas t. will know what thil 1a
Remember;, Ido t aik yen ! to I buy mma I
rr ito
can satisfy you at My prices are lower and
my good& equal if not better oran at, a 4 other
establishment. 1 I - 3f. F.. Bosimmu.n. I
sea. There
the Grand Panty
Oxi Pal?, Jut/ 4 4
W soldiers and
cordially invited
gramme will be a
N La. /Imam, at. the new AP
unary Store, neat door to thrutezeurt a, haa
more than realised the expects dowel Ur oui
peopia;: Hill itAA of gioOdi would do credit to
to a drafeclau o ty store , mid hie pricing are
lower 1 Man m ordinary country establish.
Mate, 1 I I
„ i_
The ladies of °wands, and intact t o irlMlle
county; will And t tn their adviiitage to vhdt
bleitorebet re gruel:edam llt afforda wraid
pleasure to aecommiuld Burl an eatablighment
to our readeM. 1 I I ' I
l' I • i . 1
, f , 1
To Donator 'Worn IN Tares.=
, i , .
Wrap, s rag on the" e nd , of a pole;telently
long to enable y t
on .tor reach, the ' Then
saturate the rag with 'kerosene. ael L it i on tire,
'ad put t nnde the !neat. ,It 'will Dr thetn.
Try it. 1. ,
Faatoriville, ) 11., Jose 4,18 74 4i • 1 - J.
. i
: I
CIiIIRC/1, s4lCPrif AND 0371 DI-
itsoroirr.LThe following direct i ory is published for
the iriforniation of the public. IWO will Dunk our
ftitaabl for notifyifig us of any errors tbeyi may dia.
I I -
Darner oftv—Kain Street, below *shin
ton. Services latulay at 8=117% rat.
t=aylichoot at 13 I o'clock. Fever Meeting
4marinB+. Pastor, Ref. &J. Lots.
Eavicoat—Cor. Nan and Canal Street'.
Sorrices 10. X &it. and 7 rat. I Lecture
Thursday Sunday Scbooll34s"a G Peg.
tor, Soo. Chums E. Ncluraiza. 1
/1 obAe.B Cffesci—lffain Street. ahoy. l 'aernoss
Sunday at 10% A.m. and TM r.x. PlaJuri Meeting
. Sunday School at 1 11 ; 4 0 r 'CLOC11.
Th Pailtor m nlirr el .tt _ [ I I
Passarriazar Cuirocu—vountitreet, Court
Hopes. flanicallunday at 10% A.m. and 7 /mt.
Prayer Meeting 'Thursday main& S' 7 ' School
13 is. Pastor. NAT. ersTwa. I
at 9 and 11 /Wt. lad 73f r.x. School at g
pat. Pastor. Bev; Pat= Tom. ; 1 • 1
/OM Oußci—litate pmt. above
Itesehlog Stradays atl94 am. and 731 SP
day Sch .
00l at 1 LI" ! ' I I
A.LlL—Skorrunss ciconuarroorr LT.. No. 16.
Masonb MA ors" Patch's store,. at 7 r,x. Z. q.
Irmo. • , • "reeks at lbws Woes. N 1
o.loll=Ossa in two "reeks at 7
tat. 3. Cam*. VAL I I
11.H.8.A. thiastio, No. 1111.-. Once in two weeks,
at tr a. Cale. ILA*** 11.P.1 _
I. O. air O. P.—llittososo Loon. No. 67.—Odd
11=a' NaD, oot" Prost Sons Mai Booms.
Monday I evening at 7 o'clock. J;
XruA. • I
__ A rm
or -L iao Lows. No. 29.—Ifeeta in I
isuovs' a ii % 3m i;Wl third Map evening in each
Month. A. . CAUL PLUM Secy.
Baturoso No, 41.—liesta second
and fourth W evening of each month.
Wan= Kw, NP., O.' W. Rua. W i rt, JONES,
Saito,or P.—Mimi. ; I I
Lows. N I
0.796.—Hee1s awry
Tuesday ererdogln Teasperaites Nall. IN o'clock.
J. W. W.C. N
; 1 2 _
IC.o.B.o.—Towaros Loves, O. 170.—ifeets sec-.
old and fourth I Thursday of each =dbl. Jossru
Mom, ILL 1 1 , 1 1 '
- —
Y 4. A,!LFAmiirszors.
TowazDa Potramcs,,Kall going saatticlose4
8:30 am; going north AM amts from n
41040 ant.; sonth 5:15 nal. I I •
S. hi & snatteleses aS TAO a.m.: anises, at Pal,
Battlay and Canton doses at 10 a.m.; anises at
8:301..x. I ' I
Tray closes at 8 a.m.: anises at 1
doses at Fiat.;' antra at 39 K.
t i irw=iyis Teesdays. Thnostaylii mi t o l Batne,
dsyr at 1231.; :Sparta at 1 Lk, -
8 1 11 " 11 ,110~. • yid
Prldsin x it s rint.; departs at 1 tat.
atheahaquin arrivesTunidigli Wsrussel 7g. 9 1 1 d
flakrells at 10 4.x.: &pads St r_ M
I n.I.TOnDo Pat:
Towani L
Persideatitaie—Hon. P.,- Nonow.
Astociatelsst*--lion• asikutlanANlngfitl•
0.& Wallands: _
Sad Clerk of Court—ioesiM.Pxylic.
IZtr i = Swank? and Clerk of Ala Orphor
Jak J. Ontsinmit. 1 „ . •
Ctoveintoners t -Itonals Sniessah Wens: Bro.
Huss Inkes.s.Tarinda; Anam EINZLL, Toluends.
Jr Onstftosers.—B. F, Exam , :Columbia;
. 11. tno* Meter. • 1 ' L I .
Fromm.- Manasam; Deputy, in
,legaza. T ' ' • I. 1
/edgers -A. S. Diem". Renick; ILA CRAM
loath Meek; E.B.Mono. North Voniinda.
. anterti k Dsrae. j
o h _ ,
t riw
17)1F pil BOROUGH 0071 Ea l•
Ihsrpos.-4AXCII Beim'.
" Colniegnien--gawas RITAINT. Joan D . ifOlfrAtills,
J. M. Waarr. J Nceanni T. B. Jotting, Z. T.
lox. D. 8., 1 2. N. Woof:morn rl
par.... 1
&eV and . mint Zama_
- 'seeker of ilf. O. Booms. lg. Tam.
Coaskibkr-4_ N'asoic L. Llama . i
_Proiss. Jmlla O. LTLG. •I
fiedoolDira , ora-4.A4Coproso,Prealderk of Board;
N.Twa.Tanater;, 1,.. T. Fox; georeahry; J. 'P.
Vaargary, W. Laxtaaux. 8. W . Rowan.
°veneers qf Dr. J. W. Lyman, 'Nu. Mix.
Ilus--J NAcraarA, r., J. A. Ezooso. Cr.
lbselwat. . 1 " I .
Anesaor-J ' IL Name.
ihilfoioo- D. IliPaarr 1 ____
1 1 Hig Omr.iths.
Vogiseer-CL t,H." Pisan; Analelaat, Nan sr
Climatal. I I .°1
Franklie Ska t e B.
Ant Eerier CO . No! 1.-Meta
fuel Wall:leader erealn_g la each month. to Borough
Nouse. O. A ~Zi.ace. Forma= ~ , I , I
I W I ZI Angier Co., No. 2.-Keetfalt NOINoII ern*
lag L each mostly faßorough Brigtho U °6° °' E" B.
gram. •
ut ea tita gloss gfrui jrngke Co.. 10t0.'3, Neat grit
T vr
Roam P. A.
Hoagie. each
Preal incia tt in 14 1 1 411
En =
Meatus Nook Ladder Co., No. 4.-Ilfeeta
I , a lt.
Wednesday e to eack asionlk. i Borough
Engine Now. tr. Werrnair, t. I- . , -
I -
" 1 BUILDING 43.910CLM0N : 1 . 1
Mutual Bnitd/ng unit gorier /Rind
Nieto la amid Jeri Norm tor papaent of luta&
meals. thlid sz t s, oaday In the ino i : s from:4:
But. N. N. Jr, Preintknit. • .1
„Pomade 48seciarkek- In
Jan Boom germ* of totallainahl." fourth
Moody la annitk. frore i 3to • T Eats' Saints
Tomo& 1 ' 1
--1 i i
Tha thiid aun t
ing ,
of the Stockholders of ' th e, Mutual
said Saving Fl # od atisociation of the lii i rtigTl
Towanda, willibe held in. the Grend l ciri Zuni
D, Mondan .inno *1874, betwfttr i the tiro
or 7 sna p. ;. if.; 4 which place snd time s
President and four Direetore to serve for the
mooning year. willbrieleceted. Rominstions for
these aloes Mill ba maa'ai the '+fed,nreek.
log of thw- • Von on Monday, JON i 5 ,
stl:3o 1% 3i. II i*la et 181=01 I jr.•
P 1441041, r a. v. God' Atte
I ~
ti rig
~ ..
~:_ ~`
." '' ..•- + 1 , Le - I
. .. ir ' ' I l ia, : ° 14 4:,, '. '
' ealig ~
tlOl, Win buy at
t OD; , 7 itlesiewo, lane 22, awl
!hi ij - i -,liiloo# goOd' fa Veal
11466 / 0 5 4 4 4 1 4_ Oiiing lb" lakteill of
Itooli'lrealklinw ndl tier every week as Jtere
tofkre iiiiivieritseti/ .' , • 1 ,- - Owe, Swrrit.
Wisanklar;•lnne,l2, 187f.-46w. ' :
gagi l tintees
she,' to . satlirtactior.
all wOrk,4pite
air Paw
or the bkx4, - by
Anil on trill have t
.Ilt tho
• eikier.he
Gaucoz Pl. -Nw.-4he Prtrons of
Husbandry and al *lt feel friendly to the or
der, are invited I. attend a. general ple-nio at
'alto groro of W. ". Woonswaw, hear Borne • la.
sp/L 7
lage,, on July 4, I L All itre or:peeled to bring
baskets well fill The rtierriekville Meer
Cornet gaud ha bans tuyited. It bas' been
decided tbst - the 'bettor's
their regalia.
The men* era will bo present and ad
dress Ito ineetiog : Hon. ozo. Loom, Hon.
V. &Prom ' n
s, Hen. E. R. Mt, and' Hon. B.
Irroars.• By
order of the executive committee
of Bome Grange, No. 05 P. of FL
1 W. IL 13u.tV;;Beel.
Boma, Jitie 174074, 1.. I* ,
'ff4 B B 4D.
14W141M-1188—lit th Pirionsge, Merry
all, Jane 11, 1874. by Bev. B. Cook, Charles
and Xophemit,Fish.
STOIEZ-DD.,t-Ia Trisugle. N. L. June 4,
I?, Bev. r. Hew% of Whltneye Point, Mr.
. 1
B. Stone sof Alum' Emma- Todd, both of
PAWL—MUMS— At the reside= of A. L.
BlSchoodr, 3unal p t i r " lL Barroughs.:ol
Csniptown. Sus L. of Oka. ana
'Boma J. BiddirtM of Beerick. an of Bradford Co.
OOESII~LICI-At the resl ~ le ga Nib a. bay.
1114. In Watford, Catalan& Co., N. T.. Jona 12th.
Mr. IL P. Gmbh:. of West Warm.; Bradford CO.,
and Mn. Jen:ll6lElWe, daughter of Wr Ervin
Tainter. Bag.. of the abcr•O named place. •
'.e; -- •'..- - : IPIEP,
MOODY.—In Rome Bradford Co.. Pa , March
26, 1874, Moses Dimly . aged 81 Years. '
Fattier lifoopir Was born!l-i' lilissachusette, in
1- _, . •
fihri . he i •
the year 1790,. camo to e,qw n with his
father in 1795;ard with tile, farolly settled In
the Part of Wyse r which ii pow, Rome, on the
farni at presentl owned by ',Judge Pareistons.
Thiii was the first settlement in what is now
ROMe, Orwell, • Windham,' 'Warren and Pike
townships. Their nearest neighbors Were on
the river in - Wysx and Sheribegein: • Here in
the I rrilderness t
ley . toiled fir a living. sue
rennded-with wild peatitsi of the forest, without
1 • . ,i .
society, milli, mechanics',i help, medics! and,
churches or ich6oir, until
i the slowly' tieing
tide At 'population met • them
with these cell.
veniences. ' . I .1
•' -Wiierever oth4s. wandered, ' l Father Moons
staid in his timely place unfit it became one of
the most thickly !settled an d . PrOsperous agri
cultural- .
l sections ,f the county, 'auttributing by
his Mils to make the wilderness blossom as the'
ice ei Here with his berme wife, who still lives,
he ra ised a large family, whove well known in
this i ceicinty, and licitly allisettled in 'ft, adding
to its wealth and respec . lability in its agricultu
ral; mechanical , ' merca ntile and profssional
depirtniente.., Hie took lively interest in pub
lic business and in the leading events of his
linte l 's, through , Jrci or three newspapers, of
Which ho was a diligent reader In the send of
life.) He went /kiwi,' dow4 to the grave, trust
ing in the Mercyl:if God, slid indulging a pray
erful spirit. • The last summer of his - life he
worked'irell his o wn gardtt; and the last win'
ter :iritriared nearly.all his w ood for the stove,
and even thilaitday mlk d his own cow. Thus
be ceased at on to work 4 lisle. Blessed be
i . •
his mum., I ' ! -
-Fuiami.—ln 'Marshall Co'.,. Kansas,' May 10,
187 k. of black erystpelas, Strati, wife of C. R.
• Fidler, aged 30 years. 1. 1 , •
O'HARK —ln Boighamp tbn, N Y., Tuesday
ettning, 9th Mat., 'of ; consumption, Thomas
OlHara, aged 61 years. 1 '
GOODWIN.--Aitiaceyville, May 30, 1872, Mrs.
Eleanor, wife of Jesse Goodwin , and daugh.-
ter. of David d Jane Baldwin, aged .39
years. ' ._! 1 • i
BALDWIN.-Zin ITusearora, May 19, 1874, Da
vid Baldwin, in the 69thl year of his age. •
1 -
PARSONS.—In Towands,i Sidi 16, 1873, Mrs.
Eunice M. wife of E. 1.1: Parsons and daugh
ttr of David and Jane, Baldwin, aged 37
f are. I
BALDWIN.—Iu Tuscaritra; May. 23, '1874,
Franklin, son of David and Jane Baldwir, in
the 30th year of his ageL
Vellint3B---11i North Towanda, June 4th, 1874. in .
elilld.bed, Thnna, wife of Frank Tannest, adopted
- • son of E. ,B. Belong. 1
The bereaved hisband has the aympatlay of all
the neighbors — b eng left with, two little children, a
little daughter le years old, and little son three
hours old. May God in Hie mercy potect the i
motherless children. 1" 1
MOWRY—At his residence near Carpenter, Pa., on - 7
the 13th inst., Iwo Mowry. aged about-68 years. .
Dared was foimerly a redilent of Tciwands.
MAREiDEN.—lulTowanda -, township, June 13,
at the residencte of his son, Wm'. C. Marsden, i
John Illarsden,l late of Philadelphia, in the
67th year of his age. 1 [ , •
1:43 was former l y an extensive ingrain carpet
manufacturer i Philadelphik until the year •
1833, when ho w s stricken down , -with `paraly
sis,lsince which inie he had not been able to
1 ,
renew his business. He was confirmed in the
Episcopal Church at Yorkshire, England, when'
about 14 years 1 , Ofage,; and attended that
• 1
chircb, but since' the time of his affliction with.
paralysis he has hot bean able to attend church.
.He l eame to this place ab o u t two weeks, ago
111 , •
with his wife, fo the purpos e of spending.the
summer with hi son. Ho pore a stainless char
acter and was a lgo3ll min., He died with a
bright prospect l et a happy, future. His loss
-will be much fei n t among his Many friends and
his family, espe,halli by his wife, who is blind
an very feeble, and who was very Strongly
attached to bmil . 1.
.1 i .
BYDEIt—At Towanda, May 26, of a;
hums: Sally Estr
r'! - -
'''' . ,
her, wife Of Beni: F. Ryder, of Ter-
TQW AND A lit /6.1411.ET5.
Corrected every Neaneartay, by C. B. PATCH
subject to changes daily. 1 ,
Wheat, 16 bulb I I 1 ' . 31 515 g 1 75
Bye. 0 bush ca
Buckwheat, g Utah ; • •** • ** '' '"' . 75
CorMl6llosl 1 ' • 83
sea ts, m
Oa 0 bush g boar
b . 1 ' -iso 0 3 00 65
Butter (rolls) ilk 1 i • ' 1 25 0 '25
• 410 Egg
s 4dalr7.) *lb now 1 25 0 27
dos I I I , , 75
1 1 ,
Potatoes, II 50
Meer it barrel 1 ) 11 5O g lo 60
Onions 111 bush..i .1 * ' li '
2 00
Wszonrs at Gaenr.—Wheat 160 lb. • Corn 66 Ms.
Die 56 lbs.: Clata 22 lbs.;. parley 46 ibs.; Buckwhea t
58 lb& i Beans 6211b5.; Bran: lbs.; Clover Seed 40
Ibi. • Timothy Seed 44 lbi; Dried Peaches 33 lbs.;
Dried Apples ZI lbs.; Flax
Nwors 11)
irritable state :of mind; i a weak , nervous, ex
hinged feeling'. no energy,or animation; con
hued head, weal memory, often with debMtat
lag, involuntary discharges. The consequences
otexcesses, mental overwork or indiscretions.
The NERVOUS DEBELITI finds a sovereign cure
N 0.28. It tones up the system, arrests dis
charges. dispels the mental gloom and despon
dency, and rejuvenates the entire system. It is
perfectly harmless and always efficient. Price
$1 fora package of five boies and a large $2
vial of powder,*hich' is important in old, seri4•l
ono cases ; or SI per six !10, box. Sold by ALL
druggists, -or s!nt by m On receipt of price.
Address, C4RIE B. I'ORTEL
I - South end Ward House, Towanda, Pa.
T. KIRBY ' I lifercurli Block, Towanda, Pa
TIST remaining in
the Towanda; Pa., Jtmel7, 1574. •
Pen S.; Brennan 1 , .; &mins James Ben.
Jamin Miss Caroline; Crowley Dennis; Da
Mss; Dunn D.; Ely B. Mills; Emmons
Irwin Mils Mary; roster Charles; Fries Miss Sin:
ma; Tumid nos, ; Ora* Mary; (Moyle minim;
Granger Geo. IL : Johnson James H.; Jib= Caro
line; Jones Miss Runde; Keegan Mrs. Hate; Leon
ard John; LeWIS Miss Nettie; Mosier Sannusl; • Mnr.
phy John; MoSill Miss Cora; Nicely Miss Mattis;
OjDonned John: °Monks Edward; Bcanlin Hanno.
rah; Scolteld )1.• Sampson . 1 / 4 Marks; Simmers
.Uice;-Wells Mrs. 1f.'1.; Walborn David.
Persons calling for &laic- letters Will say after.
Used, giving date of list. 1 I
- , , S. W. ALVOED,
Jifil.. Keane Ts, Imes P. Lertis.—ln the Court of
Common pen of Bader County. Ito, 879, Feb.
t: Th 37 4. - I 1 , • , ,
e undersigned, an natter appointed by said
to distribute =sty In the hands of the Sher.
attend from tale of dedirndsz4l- real estate. urn
aitte duties of hia smodruent at the 02os
of Foyle It llcltensoi. CI Towanda Borte4 on PM-.
PAT, the 17th day of JULY , 1874. at 10 o'clock, a.
lOb. A -srldeh lime and visa all persons
or claim wind fald Molloy mud present them. or
forme&bred from chanting the same.
f. McPll2oBolf.
June 12. '7S. ' , . „ Aud io,.
O TO - fAOCIB I S' i
Ears ranv,
/17r STYLES Ili
. • 1
• =MD mks Dll
it • • • : pALT; of ira irmie 4 ,
'• . _ I
. By dines deo order boa so orphour Court of ,
Siodford 000 1 10, erg/ , mood to sale in
front of the Belot dB asswisit try Johan. Welty. .
16 Athens 1 flovough • WanDAF. MILT ed, :11,
oolinullatag at 1 cfriott FAIL., the fallowing de. ,:
ser,ben Bog zome„ del property of Magee 7. 1
Wennedased. 1 .
Z s
llt . ea tot a to loweehlp, known
as Lot Igo: & gu ' Welke 4 lielbsr.k'
Leads, costtlahli 1011 i int isaleoproved. OW
eats On Cade Creek. shod We' num from Clad: ,
DV* On the Pa. 4 N.ardtaz, moo pea far gra
nd Well timbered idi good Hemlock.
ir 010 ad a MOM* gadabout
Iwo miles a good ass Saw NHL
N 1 1.1- Aleo-One other piece. adjoining above lot
did humus. Lots Nod * ll 6 * a " a l * Kalil '
beck mlialvfelon. watelniogin weemdesti i Wes
did tO Niles Munk dirk or Indylder. - Well Witter
led by 'good &treblesg4ngs: traversal tIF & good
while , road; about acres Improved ., shoot 30
ease of which has bean stumped, and the totems -
=improved is gathered with wood. gleminek and
Oak); ;soil goat for plugs( purposes. gawp or Dal-
VIGO willi plenty of goon gdoW lend. One fringe
diersift.honsi. two haw and others out.tariklinge.
No. 11. deo-The Milan Farm, iltnatod on the. .
Rives amnia, to Ulster, towrzeldp, •
about s323peres. All Improved; soil of •
lard toned tn MO country for aniennenhoe.'
el purpons; wg widen angle wad springs; creek. , •
dewing lbono Rouse' Ida&
hiegra; class
frame dwelling h, One of the a and bed
arranged bend in the , mWiy. with Maw barn`
attached. a good Oars House, topiWz wish other
meow ord.Wgftgle., a good orchard of fru't
depot of the Pa. k K. T. 11, B. I. al
Y. co
the ham. I 1
~, li . 1 .
No. A. A lso -The Watkins and Blellogran Farm,
situated in Ate= Trienstdp. containing 319 240
acres; about 2 idles horn A the ns Borough; aced:
able ly tood e r i gtgood for either dairying
or aill=w of purposed
with a small running tlirough It. and water '
from a good inning brought into the , house by
pipes. - Goonfreme home and barn. together with
other, out-buildings. ii About los improved and
wader good frees and titivated. Wade le Wooded
with wan =some , itch Pin? and eerie good '
Oak timber. 13 ' 1
No. & The Da You. alluded in
*thew Towing:lp. con 312 310 acre, about
one mile from Athens ,rough. accessible by good t
...terinds. About 101 • +of fled-class land •
equal for cropping atVg to the flyer bottoms.
Well watered with g springs. with a illydradie
ham carrying water to house. - A toed frame.
dwelling house, two piled barns, out - house add a
gollyoung orchard wn. , Unix:proven land.
wetimbered irith 5 int closed' aridifttit..
, N& 6. Afro4The Foundry Plot, camprlzhig
Lots Itos.ll, 2,13, 4. 5, ,7, 8, 9.10 and - it. accord
ing to a ploWcg mads by Z. F.' Walker. hey -lard. .
11174: - These LtAs are reap desirable for building.
being centrally located and of good size. , -
80. 2. Also-The l l V: Kiei. lind and Lot, now OCCU- M
pied by 1.. T. ige, g the fourth store in the (
Brick Block in Athens Lot 20' by Id feet +
,with an edra in rear of Ince& 25 by its feet.
No. a. Also-.Thek Store' and Lot, now occu
pied ba, Antehell being the lower or south
store in the Brick ,in Athens Borougoh. Lot
11 by 146 feet. t i I, 1
TMet&-.ow sixth - the Nuclide money upon
confirmation of the sa le, and the balance In lye
equal annual payment* with Interest. I Plots and
aofferla Can be seen at Ihe office of John 0. Wens_
For complete desertp see Athens Gazette. ,
1 . MEMEL Mdoeutriz.- -
1 . JOHN O. Executor, ---
1 , JOIN W.,HOLLENBACK, Executor,
1 I I Of Charles F. Welke. Deceased-
Athets r ps.; dtme 9 It. its* ' _ i ' , '
orbjd homon
or Anal; Pills
as well asbo-
Expendltnres of Towanda 'Borough School Dia.
trill from Mantle!, 1819, toJuntlat, 187$.
Jane T, To Cm on hind -
7 7 '26, t ' ' A. H. 111 ngabury Col. ''''
300 :- -1 '. 4 5
July 9. " Edward Overton. - • 3.000 00
Ang.2o, . " , State tppropriatlon. [ 600 90
18T3 , 1 .
• ,
Jan. 8, ." A. H.S.lngobux7 Col. i . 150 46
'..'45, . , Edwat‘d Overton. 1 .5.00000
, i Tax lituplleati. j . 6,218 03'
, , ,
• - - cpNritt: ••• ,i ••• ,
For bnikUng purposesi - ' 4 ' •-_H I 12,019 39
••• Teachers' wages. 1, - - i . 2. 321 25
.. Bent. • • .p ' 'l '. Ir.: 60
=I. 1. • , . 117 51(
et. - i 200 00
~ Janitor. z. . 1 . 86 2.3
•• Fuel. ' ,
.7 ' 86 50
~ Stationery. '' 30 77
~ Insurance. , , 13 au,
fl Corowdaalou 815,110 to Treasurer._ ! 302 CU
, "Eocretary's salary.i , 25 00
. Balance to new account. ~ :1 , 1412 61
. .
i 517,170 i' , o
Jane 1. To B.llince to new account. ~, 1,712 &i
I • -.NATHAN TIOD, T [ reasnrer. •
, .
trict from' June
1 2 73 I
Jane 1. To 811.1
" 2," 1
1874 - I
Jan. L T9 Cat
Feb, 3, sytt
For amon,st
Board from No. l
For Teactiera'
• Building pnrpo
" &hob]. furialturel
Frieti •
!. Janitor.
" Interiat.
0 Com.; on
Paid 'Flee
0 Cashion' ,
:71 i
of the
timers. iWit+thlacitle4
Smith ; 'also to ItM!
Bridge, I itoehestea4
and Wed cm i the Nei
the exudes, wak.;(
'1873, triimairill Zeta
. 1 . i 1
Mall. arrive i•
Nottherti Express, ~
Morning Accouuu
' --- I .
_ - 1 11
Southern Esprers. i
Mail•.,.! ...... _
int..iorthern Hz i
and Baltimore the
modation north con'
for Rochester and _t
i I I , G. W.X
money on Real ratal
to or a teem
Ii E N T
tor 'other property!
=c 3 .lrttlea foe
We halts now aft
those seeking
In either town or elo
wands. Pa. •
Kir 19.,
u of Towandallorongh School Dlt
lot, 1873, to Jane lot; 1574.
, - ii
lance ot howl. .- -. . 1,712 Gp
Oa of F4arard Orerton. o o•f00 00.
_E3 IT. Fox, Trustee. ; 2,000 DI
, b of E.T. Yox, Tinstee. 1,700 0)
31g: Dimling. . - 1;300 00
- -151 W. Elan, non r-e S. : 50 00
.. Fines.- l ' - - 300 00
.. '
Site Apprapriation4 637 82
;a DttpliCate Welt Collector ,e,t34 34
i ' 1 ,--
$16.634 28
f r 015T11.6.., .
td on brdors of the School '
, ___.
. 1 . T
110 164 isr.hat,lve.
3,158 7.
7,829 58:,
2,711- E 3,
333 20,
112 75,
4 3 0 ,00
-12 97,
19 . 751
2 * . OO
PS& 51
2 per dent. TIC 33. 307 Pt,
all:, I year.
23 09,
I 1 • - 3" 30 09,
16,034 2 4 ,
.d to now account. 203
NATH& TII.D. Troarmrer.
'eh on
11 •
I. •
-4 _ I
• I
rout* Neath aid South to Bob.
Philadelphia and ill points
0, ?Saturn Pails, Suspension
Byrum* and all points East
York Ventral Railroad, and
a a$ attar Sunday. Nov. 23,
Fr .RA la fallow :
Ulm- 7 '
..... . ........ 2 59 pm
5 45 am.
es nth and Southern
traits' between Rochester
orning and Evening Ac corn.
at Canandaigna withArlin 8
*2? GARpriElt, Real Supt..
1, . . ~
1r Ilion lash to lend or borrow
r e or other security for a short
ars, or If you wish • •
1., i .
ected, awl paid, wo offer k
prompt transaction of such
e list of property' . tot' 'alp:. and
' • I, 4'
ant:. will 41., we to lon us.
A. 3. NOBLE & CO. •
' Real Estate and Loan itgents
•t, opposite Court Noose. To.
Office Main
' '
BI Li r , I I
1 . ; '•
ii 1 1 - I
1 ,I I
314 S i l G 'I!, IT F 1111
- 11 1,,, , ._ •
gag jturt Wm rephallshal with a tau ma 1
I 1'
110MPLET?a 4.sscatirm i zia oi , ,
SPBING: Jr)) strirequi GOODS. . I
Te!zhich the antlan of my =nen is s ea*
...ul tpt 1 l !li Is '! ° _ S. IL gtle . 2l
1 Towanda. April S. '74-f :_ . 1' . ,
11 , r
rind block north of Ward Hoar e 1
i 1 1 • 1 ± , - ,
BREAD, PEES, cw,chaaoxEts
- 1 1 . 1
, - 1141.111) ./SAlttlr.
'-1 ' ' I
And i
' sold at include aidiL liata - .
•1I I I
In oneDIRIWG VOWS wa will aseoutdats th
with (Mhos! a lunch or a rod antiq at
*I OK day Metelin. ,- r, - 1
AID IFS Clltilall Olt ;FART , D=l
13211011.1 _ ••
. nsns=
"K. until_ a k Of buts.
a " ilir -1-7 1 -. D. ir.' iiedrit a CO.
417,170 Oo
• ••• • • 10 20 pm
12 00 m
• a 45am
555 fit,t