NEWS , FROM ALL Nazi& Carlisle has a . goose which w:i g hs'ase porinds. niss Gage they call her. —Ten persons -died of heat 'and emu itrolre in Etllsdelphis on Taes,lay. —TII . E; 'Honesdale Presbyterian ehrirch hits property to the amount ot slr,ooo. --the mirrors in one of lily &ca t G a hotels cost $20,000. , - —New Jersey producei annually 20,000 gallons of wine. Y—There are about 500 more midis taut females in Japan. - f_ -4. Edgar Thompson leavea an °stab:, otabont $2,00,00Q; , —The mercury stood at 100 in the shade at Richmond, Ts., on, Wedneadsy! • —Five different lives of the; late Charles Sumner are in course Of publication. • —AU eiperiment is being tried in Wisconsin of usuig maple rails for a railrina. —George Frineis Train is! still negotiating forth° gew York Herald, ' =Adeline Patti . pays the osch brothers U.OOO for filming away from Amadei!. - —Chcilera has made its appearance in New Orleans. —The richest man ik Mississippi to-day is a negro who in 1860 was a slava. —Maine has in her State tirisonl 140 ionvicts, 'of whom 11 are under sOntenost for murder. I I • —A national convention of batter ' manufactories and dealers is to bo held at In dtaiiapolis On the 17th inst. • ' —Francis E. Brownell,. the private soldier who killed Elsworth's- murderer, captain in the regular army. -An oil car exploded .at Green :wood N. Y., on the Erie railway, Monday after noon fatally hijorlng the conductor. • —The appropriation for the. pro ppsed We:thing:on monument hal failed in th Muse, . • —The International Sanitary Con gtesti., apponited to be helclat Plena; bas been postponed tip January 7, 1675, The, American pilgrimat hav bten kii , sing the pope's hand. He 'bette siec6_ 1 I —DeacorLßichard Siiiith lecture! . the Obieleilitors, this year, but Charles' Dant -refuseil to read the poem. • • I . , --INeWark, tarnishes a Female;tln for yonog women, who have no pleasahL plug to pass their evenings. • I —Emily Faithful' insists ihat the intemperate use of ice water is, the chief cans• of bad healtb among American women) —Two New York policemen eln bed a drunken man to death on ElatnrdayJ Hanging, would ibe-too good for anch follows. . . Canada, last year, drank upw: of forir gallons. and bill of intoxicants t. every. man, and child in the -oistitry. Whew; —4il - Greene county the sheep are alit:etc:l with x dangerous malady called "pa-i per' skin." , • • —The: Baks county court has re in , cd-a'new trial in the famous',llishler—lkie- Sl:oms ,eduction case. —The. American Medical Mamie-, tion at Detroit elected last week, Dr. Wm. X.; Lim hug, or Pennsylvania, President • r —The GrandLodgeof Penneylva-; ilia, .1. Y. 31. bag 'aPpropriated 81000 for the; nee of the Lonisiana sufferers by the flood. t • • . 1 --=q 'lee Income of. Saratorie, the son-to-lawi is said to be 480,000 a Veal. _ _ - , —The xridow, • of the late General, ratiby :s tS-receive a ponsionbr $5O permonth. —Miss Maria Lovejoy, of Wiseen a, lyq begun her film : ill breach of prat:llse HILL witiiess in an assault - and y care, f... 1 Nlaryarille, Kentucky, swore that I'arzJoq dill 1 , t —got mad until he had been cat! i :riirr eighty -um/ times. -14 of. lti illiam Howard Dixy color'cith hill contest with 'gr. Child for.lhe Republican _rinminatiat for• member •of• the • ---Laricolfrittat tjuuse are ILLIWEI - . Bate the former in the attack of a biographer , :tike Lamar and the latter in tint 'ntahappy. t iagacity. of ono like garden. • t __DosoCt everybody hope, who is g oin g to Europe. th7tt the cabin as well as the steerage rates nill begin to knock under by the iivalry of steamer lines? --.-Lanz Branch isitors' will be cnmpened to take along their bilkdoin gap plies in their pockets. The local ar4boritiee 1111,7 granted ncycr a lime°. —Persia.has ttenty-five thdasand ustivi.' poets. No more need apply. But a few good loborers might do the cvntry a good service. - - ' , --Mule, Georgia, holds out a pre mium to4to .contennariaVitsenep. 'Etch one receives a ntimniticerit serenade trorri , s thtfer• lug public. • . —The Boston- School Board his decided that hereafter girls shall not ad mitted to the High School until they are fifteen years of age. _ 1 • ' —The ruling passion of Now York policemen just .no iv is clubbing to death of in , kulehAve citizens- ride telegraph - reports al daily. i —11.6 wetiment is to be made of prOcagatinn. lobsters: and oysters in the Great Salirds.%% of% litahi A live car load,or them Las art iced at Ogden. 1 il . ... . —The ttidow of the lute Congres . - mill Mellish will be paid the. salary her hap hand would.have received until the end of the ' , resent C9ll;:rt Sp , . - ‘ 1 ' —A...yonn,g girl about 16 yeari of age, named .Nellie Sullivan, died of fright op Sundae night'-