II tadfordltpottet Towanda, Thursday,lay 14, 1874. LOCAZ' AND GENERAL. local option law can be in forced. :'.r GoOd Templars of this plsoe, have diabandeci. . _: AN EiFO BX is being,iiade to organ ize-s new Lodge of Good 'Amplans. Tue Good Templar County Con vention, will meet,in bushore on the 28th and ' 2DH; inst. Tuz - grainid is becoming very parched and dry. Li it caused by the grangers, ' or local option ? WE nevE been expecting somo no tice of the proposed proceedings on " decors : - tion day," but go to press Without it. T. H. Eamon has a_ large assort ment tf plants from the -celebrated Alderny gardens of D. Sensors, Which ho is offering very cheap., Fon the very interesting repOrt of Court proceedings of the present term, we ate indebted,io 1:m; - esteemed young,friend, ROD. NET A. filmier:lli. .SErsuir, egregioni blunders occur red in our report of Court proceedings last week, oocaskined partly by the 'great baste in which the matter was put in type. REV. lichrena will return from hie western trirt this week, and service ' may be expected in the Episcopal Church next Sunday at the usual holm: "JUL"F. VA. ' NWINKLE has leased the Forest'Llorse, in Ulster, and will be pleased to show the traveling public what he knows about running a hotel, The Ladies' . Meeting on Sat urday, will be one of Thanksgiving. The verses of Scripturwwill be seleled with special refer ence to that . subject. For Executive Commit tee. Hon. C. F. Mcnois is entitled to the thanks of the law and order abiding citizens of this place, for the gallant manner in which he conducted the combat against violators of the locattoPtion law. • WE ABE indebted to DANIEL Hen"- Km, E N .; of Wilk s•Barro, for a vory gener ous supply oitlowt • ing plants. Hr. H. is one of the most sacces.Nful florists ici thin &doom] cultivates. the:choicest varicties 7 of flowers. • Isu>~toti sirs .— E. T. Fox is pig ting doWn a anbitantiaf stone walk and. ia-on fence in front of bis residence on York Avenue. :—J. J. Grum* is improving his handsome property- on Alain SCreet,, by putting down ston&walk from gate to back entrance. • • WE Tts:liD our thanks 'to "mine host" Elam of the popular Son Hotel, Bethle hem, far a copy tit very interesting work on snmufer travel; l?,,ititled " Where to go and Oat to see." Wii4:4!), , that Bethlehem is one .of the moat attrartqve ; towns in the State, and the "Sun Hot •Itis ultra of hpsticries. IN THE • to the VaAles' l d the prosecutions, i the REPORTER °Utast week, a ,disagreeable blun er ocaUrred in the 6th line, from the bottom. re types'read, "and when tee sent," etc. 1t s buld bare been, '‘ when He scut." - ' I i . • ED. REpoßizr, : rn connection with the production of the bovine species in Brad ford county, I wilis l ay that M Swaim has in his barn in Pike township, a calf dropped May 7, which when 24 lalinrslold, wi-igheil 118 i I's. Who can best it?` I. C. N'ti. SLocr:r. . _ . Leßaysville, IStiylo, 1871 THE addres delivered - by Rev. W. E. ENOX, of Elmira r in the 31.:E. Church, on Tuesday evening, las most attentively listened to by the very large audience.. The effort was every-way worthy Ihe 11 . ead and heart of one of the most determinid and consistent advoca'es of the cause in the lemantry, and will long be remembered with 'refit by thlis'e' who listened 'to him. H. A'. Scciri, of ShiitHeld, has purchased an interist in the celebrated "Myer's MAN," 31essrs„Cr. Ncr and .Cersen retiring. Mr. S. is a wide-a Wake; enterwising business and we cordiiilly weleonso - him as a valua ble acpsion to this community. Mr. 0......?cv has purchased atqua- in North Toiranda, and Mr. CCISER will still continue his residence on the property purellased from Ist's(' Mysn. THE first &ass of violiition of postal laws of the linitcdi State*, in sending obscene, and scurrilous cornon postalmunications postalcArdp, through mail?, Was beard bt:fori , t B., Corn rniesioner J. W. *ix, of this place. a t•••w days since. The part} hargad rith tho !Tense, is Jam: Cann, of Wit,lwing. In default of $l,OOO bail, he was coca!Ood to the jail of Lyerming county to wait 6;41 in June. • I• PERSONAL.—rttr. A. JCbSON has sold ilia- farm in Nuith Towanda, and purchased broader fields inl i ffiitchfleld We congratulate our Litchfieli friends on I hi•ir good fortune in sezuring au Valtl4lB a eitiaoil, I CKxhier BLTF I S I a' of the Fst ationa, Raub, had lwer•nn. frill an extrogrre farmer, stir] suliedi4euds tJe work. oa sii:ne Cl , l acres ef t llin,l. Y. C. 3lii i dur, r.l.i• tors bun ruff'. r ing fr• ni a gcri - rc. duriog the - past taw .1:44/11 t•i- the _grea• flea:ln °lbis ntirovioui friend.% 6.1 • . • . 1, _ . . Mns,D. o.i. ITou.os, :of North To , I wands, dig', q - , steblenly vii Thursday night last. T , • :t.:.11-1 1 .:(1 hal :iron indisposed for a. r,• ~. ..- nut nol,r•prs %cc re entertained 1... her I. '. Is that an : i ling srrioo: w.,uld result .m her illness. Slx , :j gre a sni.lenlf worse, ~...,1 old' swtviNett a klmrt :,:me. blue was a most exemplar!: 1:161,dr of the :d. E. Church, a de vuterl'wife and mother, and -a kind neighbor. tier hisi Aril. he l' . 4 'r^ t l not only by hoz' family, but • the entire comaninity. Her tender care and eoliettud.?: for het] children was manifested in her last moment,. -After giving •some direc tions and adricel ift repird to them; she calmly closed her eyes. abd commit - led herself into the arms or her S v out'. Her last words were, `• Lord Jesns, tik me." .. While for her "to live - Was Christ, tot die was } gain." Her remains were followed tii their final resting place in the Holton Hill Cem6tery,- tiy a very large con course of peopiL,lrM'Saturday lash . • ' En. Rapparart-- 7 Dectr - Sir : Reading with. the deepen regret, of ' the immense amount of misand sufflring 'caused by the f disastrous aloe in our Southern Stater„ and r concurring ful y, with the Suggestion, • that all clasies should liold out a helping hand towards alleviating to solve extent, the same, we beg.to ofter • thelolloW6g idea to your readgre and the public gexteraili .. 7- Let a Subscription- Ilehef Feint be started, say in Towanda, and some gentleman of ydur village appointed as treasur er; to tlfis gentleman we are willing to hand " over .{ as our mite) the net receipts of money - paid for adinlininna hero, doling any two con secutive days that may hereafter be agreed up on. This is our suggeition, and if put into prietiiial . ahipt4,, we believe would be a good ' o — ne. ' f , ; ' ; .. —'' Our Bummor arrangements here' are now completed, and should this idea meet- the ap proval of the Pnblic generally, and they dock here en TaattsA,ldnriag the two days that may a - appointed,toy will not only enjoy their visit, but at sit e time will be performing - an act towardi mitigating the sufferings of our Southern brethren . Very Respectfully, 4 Dow ' do ' Fsman. Laddsburg, it., May 9,1874. "WOMAN TO a litmus; a Story of the Nem &wade," is the title of the popular AmerkOan writer, T. S. Airrutra's last work, and it is nisi which especially commend, itself to the alien, Om of the people at This time. It deals directly with and wholly upon the exciting topic of the day, having , for - its subject the new woman movement against, intempe rant* and, although in the shape of-a story, is a moat powerful argument against the evil of which it treats.. Its fidelity to facts, striking piettutis of oft-recurringlneidents, and intense draludicteffecte, will convince the most casual readee of the kith of its argunserks, and awaket: impulses which cannot fail- to Mane* great good to the community. It will prove a real blassidg and pleasure to many, and as it curie' with its•truths a singular charm •of in teTest;lit is a work which will be without doubt largely read. We can confidently recommend it to our readers as one which, whilst they can make large circulation for, will prove of untold value to all who read it; and to every woman who ban the slightest interest in this move ment, i will be of the greatest interest and worth. The publishers are desirous .of giving it early and largo circulation, and want agents to sell it; they will furnish a complete , agent's outfit. With grant of territory, for MOO; and we strongly recommend any of our readers desir ing profitable employment, (whilst they can be doing sAarge measure of good circalating it), to applY for an'ageney at once, as wit learn that choice or territory is being fast taken up for it. Mesih.4. Id. fitonnarr .lk Co., Philadelphia, are the Publishers. Miss Daisawyran is agent in this place Co*. PROCEEDINGS. —Wednesday afternoon, May a Om; J. Hines—Larceny. The prisoner appAred in open Court, and by his ootineel, palm Ectekwell and 8. W. Little, ERN, plead guilty. Benlenee deferred. Com . . S William Lewir,, John Lewis and Charles Lewis.-1 Aggravated assault and bat -tery. Di`strict Attorney Reeves and Elhanan Smith, Esq., for the Commonwealth. Pe,' Davies and N. C. Elsbreo, Esqs.,•for the 'prr. oner. :Title - case was confirmed during afternomi and evening. " • --Harriet; Chandler vs Robert. Chandler. On reading aid filing depositions, and on • motion of Feet AlDavres, Court make the usual decree of divorce. Antointitte Stevens vs Nathan B. Stevens. On readieg - and filing depesitions, and on mo tion of Dyes Rockwell, Esq., Court make the usual deereo of divorce. John Turk vs Rosins E. Turk, On reading and filingldepositions o and on motion of Delos Rockwellakci ;Court make the usual decree of divorce. :1 In thei i atter of the alleged lunacy of Sophia Benson. ' i pn motion of Delos Rockwell; Esq., Court direct that the Commissioners make .re port nexeterra Of court. -` • In the Matter, of- the widening or Carson street in Canton borough. On motion of W. H. Carnoebao, Esq., Court direct the excep tions to Hie report of viewers to bo Thursday, , May 7. Hon. P. D. •Morrow pro sidirg, atid AssoCialo Jadgits Harkneis and Russell 014 the bench. Corn. q John Dunn--Selling• liquor milhout license. The defendant appears in open court, and pleads guilty, waiving an examination by the Grand Jury., Tho court sentence him to pay a final of $5O and c - sts of prosecution. .The Grand Jnry disposed . of the following cases : ,Il ' ThUE r.u.a.4. .- ~, GAIL vet iteger ritzgerald-Ltri:janlt and- , bat tery. ;I - Com. vi. Wrn. Napcs—Llreony. . , ' Corn. vi Daniel Brown—Se:bag liqoor I riittr-: out licen.i . O. . . .._ , • , Corn.v 'Toot prom .-qoillng. Equor to int note: rl Corn.!.pinguor on election day. - 5 Com. v Calvin llvdge—Fa‘se:pretencea. Com. vi Ellen dlaviu—Assault and battery. Cum. veAdtlisln Arnold and A,. E. Arnold— Forcible entry and detainer. Corn. vs George Arnold, Ainotd-rancl James Sltiraltall=rorcible entry and detainer. A -true bill against George Arnold, and not a true bilgagainet Harriet Arnold and James ration in regard Society's relation to NOT TIME DILLS. • 601.11.' , ; 7 4 Ingham Stone—Assault an:l battery. The proeijotor, Truman Hoiton, far custi. 'Com Tti George Metler—SettMg liquor on B undA2 ,. . The pro.iiient9r, B. S. Dartt, for coete. Cora. Lois et Id--Aggravated as sault andibattery. This caso:was submitted to the jury this mo'r . l:ug. flee come into court at half-pat five and thry .wise unable to agree: idis Honor Judge Morrow told them ho could not!discharge them, anclsent them back, dt half-iist seven they un - ii came into court. They find the defendants' not guilty, but that Wm. Leuls pay all the I;xe3pting mak. which the pros..-.Cut9r Tuns. f. II )7.13,1,1 to pay. Corn. 4s 'Dalt Donavan. Cou:t direct. the clerk to rietta habeas corple,- and, on the de fendant tiping brought into open court, and on filing_ a hiinit bpproved,by the court for his tip:. pearance at-ligit term, the defencl.o.: is dis chat ged Goth enstory. Com.. va 1?; D. Chase—Selling liquor nithout license. Tlistrict Attorney Reeves and Delds Rockwell, Esq., for the Com. 11. N. Williams, Esq., for the defendant. The cotinsel for the defendset moved to gnash the. mdietnient, on the ,groun I of the illegality of the drawiog of the jury. -Tye motion was argued at length by Mr. Williams and — Mr. P-uckaell respectively. The court ei•ird thr to but granted ex ceptions to be tiled. The trial of the ease was then proiieeded with, and the disc was nib:mi t-ail to the l jury this afterncou. Coln. vs It - y,er Fitz,gcralcl—.lssault and tat ters. .D.i.tric: Attorney Mersa and H. 13. McKean, ;Esq., for the Commonwealth. Elba nanSruitt., Esq., fur -the derehdan!. - The elite was submitted to the jury this afternoon. They came in this evening% they find the defendant guilty. '4h court sentence him ti pay a fine of $5O, 'aiid costs of prosecution, and give bonds of $5OO hir the surety ofi lie peace. .7 . - Com. vp 3corge Metter—Selling liquor to mi nors and drunkards. The tle!tndarit t by his attorney,i DOlO3 ROCkW( . Ii, f pleads . Upal pijwent cf costs, sentence is snspeuded. 'Com. Gcurge Arr.ol.l—Torcible and detainer.' Dia , rict Attorney Rreres, H. W. Patrick and L E , q4 , rer: the c•ln mm. Bath. I;llracxn' smith, Madill CaligtoOliet.f..:4dant. rhiA cart 411 com menced this e7e%hvg ' Cum. VA iliC):1:1011 aid bitter The crurt direct a :toile prosepti to be enter ed up - in psyment of costs by the denindaat. Friday!, May 8. Hon. P. D. Morrow presid ing, antbAssoe44l4 , Judges Harkness an 1 Etas. sell on the bench. :tom. rs F. D. Cuaiie—StAling poor trithout liccose.i The jtiry, alttr being out all night, came iu } this rnoridifg They tied the tlyfeud nut guilty. Sentence deierred. Corm George Arnold—Foretb:e entry and detainer.. This case was tubmitted - to the jury this morning. In the afternoon they came in. Theylud the defendant not• guilty . , and the Prosecutor to pay four-fifths of -tbo costs, and the derMidant onc:fifth. The three eases of the Commonwealth vs. Daniel "Drown, acre continued to SeptemtKe term. Corn,'mi Addison and A. E. Arnold—Forcible entry and detainer. District Attorney Ineveki, IL W. Fatriek'addiL N. Frans , for the commor4ealth. Marian Smith Esq., and Madill Califf for the defendants. Ibis cue . was submitted to the jury this afternoon. •In the - evening they came in. They find „the de fendant guilty of a forcible detainer. Sentence deferred until , The prancl':Jnry disposed of the following cases : Corn,l B . Wm. Brown and Orsemns. Brown - Lareenr. Coni.! vs L. W. Depew and Diana Depot— N a -a. Com; Ts Wm. Gunn—Selling liquor ;Oittiont -Two indictments. cntiu VS Thomas Barney—Selling ligdor 4o:lnm. Com; vs B. It. C. Simpkins—False pretences. ComJ vs Clark B. Porter ,s , Aling liquor with out tics se. Com: vs Dr. B. C. Porter an Elenry,C. For• ter—Selling liquor without lice ce. NOT TRUE BITIA ' .COUN Via H. P. Disbrow and Tars. 0. 11. P. Diabroir—Selling liquor without - license. • • Comj vs 3! Wm. Means—Selling liquor with ontlicense. * County for costs. , - Coat vs E. B. Smith—Belling liquor without license; County for costs. Com: vs Adam Stembort—Selling ligbor withodl license. County for costs. =l= TUUR.LILLS ME vit t am. n Tbeedore — ltre Larceny. The jensecntor,Jetn ix MU, for ' . , . Com, vs J. X. Smith and a '''' Pecker—As- Sault and battery. ' The prosecatior, &I. Lake, for mists) • Oormi vs IL /3.• Sterns—Aggravated assault and battery. District Attorney Beeves, W. T. Davies, Esq., and Oration A risbree for, the conunostwealth. =moan Smith • and IL W. 'Patrick, Dais., for the defendant. This cue was commenced this afternoon. The following Eiherifradeeds were acknowl edged in opeh court: To John Holmes and George Gordon. For a house'.l.`: - .1 lot In Towanda Borough, containing one acre.' Bold April 30. Comdderstion 31475. To John Homes, for a house. and lot in To wanda borough. Sold April MX: - Conelderattou $1i026. ' .To Andrew Crane, for a piece of land in. To- wands and Monroe townships, containing 51 acres; sold 4pril 30. Consideration, 32,051. • P. EL lifahoney, fors pieced land In Tar , catora township. containing 4 acres. Sofa April 30. Consideration $3O. If• To Isaac licidleman, for s hoots and lot Athena township. Bold Apill 39. Conlidera ticin $lOO,. To A. L. and A. G. Cramer, for a ploce of land A Leßoy townihip, containing 115 'Ores. Sold April 30. Coosiderattoo sl,eoo. To Goo rge P. and D. O. Iranley, for a piece of land 4n Canton township,' containing 37 acres. Sold April 30. 'Consideration 3900. • To John Vroman, 21, for a• Piece- of land in West Darlington township, containing 41acres. Sold Jan; 24; 'consideration KM. To 31. L. Post, for a piece of land ie Pike township, containing 10 acres. Sold April . 30; consideration426o. To J. T. Rathbun, for two lots in Athens bo rough. hold May 4; consideration $l5OO. To Israel Phillips, for a pieeo:_pf land- In Smithfield township, conlaiuing di acres. Sold April 30; l consideratiOn $57. , To B. L'ldeAffee, for a piece of land inßidg.. bury towiiship, containing 31 acres. Sold April 30; conahleration $lOO. . To Joli . n Fergnseti, fo r a peen of land in Granville township, containing ` , l acres. Sold April 30; Cf.nsideration $ll 50. f To - Janjes Fox for the Central Hotel awl ,lot Iu Clutter; Borough. Sohl.Aprtl I n ()insider stun '4,200. A TO Ladorty & Ltudon, fir a toeco 41 land WyaltiaioF town hip, containing 6a perenci4,. Saki 31ircli 21. Consideration t 520. To GeOrge C.:Atwood, fora picot, ur land in rike'ktand Herrick tor:nal/Ip, : ,..ontainitig t 8 acres. Sbll March 21; considera:ti.o4 1675. To Coa l . C. Atn - ood, fora piece of !awl in Vey: aloshtoVfl ip, co:41411014; 1 P.I . TC and 61 per lnc. Sold March 21; t , ,on 1100. To George C Atwoocl, torn piecu of init ., ' in Tu.;carorn ton nsip,.conttfuing 25 atm. , . Sold April 30: . .). , rideriition $3O. - 1 . To C S 17ciscriberry, for, apiecn i!' hind in Pike township, c)ntaihiug 4 acres. S. , ld April 30; cni , sidcir4tirin $lBBO. Hiram Elstree VS Jamia Liddy. Ou applica tion of tl4 Sheriff, the court appoint George D. 111 - 11 , ar*i, Esq, auditor, I.i dimribubi money in Stteriff'a Gandy, raise 1 from the Seerttni ~ste of the deientlant'd real relate. Hohn.S L Passage %T. finsn J JA,(.l,nsottia P Jacohu. O.i api lioaivni of tin, :sllvrirr, the court apimint , John F. lianderson i arti , • I auditor, to distribute money in Slieriire hands, raised fro l ln the Sheriff's sale of the defendant's real eel John F l 3lCans vs James? ,Le.tris. On appli eati9n of the Sheriff, thi; Cour. apponit I. Me. Pherson, Aurli!.or, to ilistribnte tnoney in Sheila's hands, rane)d froni the Sheritrm 82 le of: the datentlants teal estate. niz-ij etit Bei , j4rOui vs S S Benjamin. O r d motion th i e c..urt - aiipolut Jobo, W 31 , x, E4q., a. 1 ,1 cringes Holm (.;)niniissiculer.i to take de xi this chsc., matter of the ..-itim or Mrs. Mary lipr st‘iy.irate ear..leg , , On reading 1, l u , l ou motion of :dada' 5; Calif, the 1 t th,, , nin t . to bri tiled by 'the Pro :., • 0,, - said court, arid that the - iameto in ihe °a l: for the: tee ,rdio4 of ir) DEM Liddy MEE EMI tlionutai recArE , I dregs y. ty 9. 114 , 11 : P. U..3l.irrow. pre. Slturtl3 The Gr cases • ;and: Jory aitTosi• tho following T,:Ve BMW. • P H P.lrner . auti W G Glrt without hedus.9 r Com. % iug Guru V. Oilt 1 C^ [III tignorßith- C m .1 P ~ kg witlio;fit MEM 4.) 11 a,l I'3l. 0 II l' !iv • Agit): 171:h0.1it Cony ts! brow—S • A !f -u 11;111,.r nithqut eaIII c+ peon,;. out heeni 1;1 liquor nith- \•IT TaUt: S.;ti Derty—Aggr.vAed assault y. Pc.:4oi4 Defor- ti I 1,1! egt, hlr , e I; A Jenniugs—`ielling liquor without fitting. l i quor to minors, 'and selling Sunday. TlO prosecutor, C Minden, in cs,h of the . unlit:talents. C'l=ll V 4 R tribe, r! Juin )r li 14 r c0.,,i I,taim,s Daly am" ly J Allen—Breaking ?,•ry, end,Lareo.my. Cntnty for costa. A ,George Mlines, Eben E Stanton, Isaac Onn;elly—Assanit and proeccuter, Junes Patton, for C, in vA ()pc.' Cr, o Cow %41 Ephrei•ii bat. tfiA, cm.ts Corsi v bk'll:cg 'Daniel Sheits—Lsreeny and bored County for costa. Ccm w Eden Slavin —4as:tuft and batteiy. Ctmtumcd:to September term. Cmi vglJ P Logere--Selling liquor without liaame.Coutitated to tieptember term fan Com vs, Joinn liquor with out ow :nee. The defendant smears in open e‘.tirt all plead:4 guilty. The court sentonco 100 l a tine of S5O and c." , 5t.d nr orat,e:u ta e. e .71 S • eVelig—igg,TSV4te.l and Intt;rv. This c was' conticuct donut; tho • 114, • day. A. l f-pant thFoo o'clock. court adjourn: cd oil 6.1t.01a luoraing at uttic o'clock. !gay Bon. P D Mot Toot preaid , it . 4.T, and AgsvPl de. Jiolge's IlarkiiCsm and Ens- 8;.:1! • - M C Co v, 1) Coti , mid W W Cute. • C 1)21 Roo%well, auditor to dist r(I, tip! wont yin Mina's hand+, raimid froinaln.,liillr. parsoza.l propn . ty. C I Etii) E 311;:er. On 1110 IOU cz.art appoult-C E Audrn3 a coarains,Outr t ia Alw.int If:grim in vs I.f4erinan. On . , ;WILI tt(.ll7L Zppullsi, A. S o .173111 e t,i ns this ca. 3::. Corn 1'24 A•lsilS , ltl Arnold anil A E AruorA— . Forc,blo cotry and d‘liaii;er. The court soa k' et. Hien' ea .11i to pay a trol of $25 and cests. - • i of pro. c,vution. , - Coto , I v - s Ab•a:ent lixl, r No6aitee. The , 1 court sentence-met t.l pny'a fine of it and costs of prosocatiol. Corn its, Michael I.•they Fornication and bastardy. The court verosti, ClipT - i•iiss to be settled no payment o - cost- , .. ~ , , „ ss Com 1 c. v2l :Dvaro Shaw, et i at—Conspiracy. The court sentence W H Eitoo, J W Half, and John DOnahue, each to pay a tine of $75 and costs of prosecution. A S Bozo to pay a Soo of $3O and costs of prosecution. Frederick Brock to pay it floe of $23 and costs of prosecution. Freder ck Reynolds and Frank Bowman each to pay fil.e cf $lO and costs of prosecution. Coro Iva S B Stevens-Aggravated assault and battery. This case settled upon, terms filed by permissimlof court, "tin payment of coats by the ilsrendant. ; t ' . .. . Com vs S B Stevens —Surety of the peace. Caurt Permit a n(gle prosepti to be entered in Ibis cake, ou payment of costs by the defend ant. - - Com vs T II Bradstaw—Surety of the peace. Cou4erruit a noiliprosequi to be entered in tLe ca!e, u: payment of costs by the prosecu tor. I ' • : Cuoa ys OiF P Disbrow and Mrs . 0 II P.Dis. brow -I-Selling liquor without license. 'The'Dis , islet Attorney asks leave Of the court to, enter a nolbiprosequi in this case against Mrs 0 H P Vsbrow. She tot basing been bound by the ruagittate to appear. COM vs 0 H P Disbrow—selling liquor with out *eine. District Attorney Reaves, H J Madill, and S . WlAttle, Esqa., for the etimmoe wealth; Smith and Montanye for thedefendant. This cue was commenced this afterpoon. Tuesday, May 12. Hon. P D Morrow prat& big. 'Jumada Judges Ilarinesi and Russell on theleneb. Ooin vs 0 HP Disbrow-;Belling liquor with. out Ileonse. This , Cu waso entrained 0 the jury this morning : , They find !din not guilty, bet that be pay all of the coats. Henry Ward vs Kariba P Ward. On motion ,~>~.. =I . °Mitt ail Mint IrCI Bogart, Eel., s Miminisidon. ertake depositions in this ease. ' 03 111 1 , 1' 110131431 8 arney—fiellUng liquor with. Mit , lame. District Attorney Beene, W T e l Davin and H J Madill, Esq.., for the Munnion. wealth; Smith and lifontanye for the , difiinfsiti After the jury had been impanzudisd, the de. feuding withdrew his plea of not guilty,' by his counsel, mislead guilty. _• The MIA Imimit him to pay e• anti of IPSO end ismte Air prosecn. ton .- • ,1 1 Ccen vi Willis / Hines -Ltrceny.' The court SCAM ca hi* bi - zunicegolur imprieMunenl of one'oaf ludiWnsonths in the Fastens bid- Com "vi'Wm Ourin-:fifi - iiiit4 liquor nitbogl ii.- cense. Centinued to fleptember terns. ..Coro vs ABm Romin—Elaillug• liquor without limn* it. The defeudant tqr her - counsel, Elba. Mu . fliiihs . Esil, plead VA!. li,eidlfiew Im pended ruitiltieptember terin. t ' The aril muiepwere fikei de r - Mahlon, Moody is:Afmaii - antifi, IlarrY Pat• ridge ; unddeofige irsitfeklejnOtraret,' -DS- Witt di Maynard for plaintiff. 11:W Paid*, Esq., fizidEircith A Ifontanye' for Cdefendante. This cape was commenced this afternoon, and continued during the afternoon and erasing. Overuse re, o r Moline, or Wjalising towbahip vs Overseers of the Poor of Terry. tati.: th • opinkin of the court filed.: The: order of ,re. morai quashed. -. Dime-left for record in, the office , for rceo l rding deals, week ending titayeth, _ . 11 :11 8 T 'ggs, to PC F&8 Paetard,i Troy. Wm Packard to F 8& F C Packard, Canton; Joh F Gillett to Wm 8 Pitt, &nth Creek: -:,. Wm IP Decker to Geo W Patin:lmi), . Atheni- - . B 11 Middaugh Gnudien to JOhn Dilly. Athens. : • ,- I , • 1 Mary Wiithirold to John Daily. Athens; CL 'Anthony et at to John Sheehan, Athens. Weary Wilcox et al to B W Child, Smith-. field. , - • 1 , Zen aa Filen) , to Zeiss Y Baily ir.,Bpringfield Alien Usher to Ann Gates, Bmitt.ileid. M 0 spong - don to E L Smith Gratville. D 8 Smith to John W Doan. ' . Andre* Zeller jr., to Wm M Seger Sheshe _ quin. ' . ,Wm M 13 , ;gar to Geo Smith, fibeabequln. ' ;,-, John IL Gaylord to 0 W Corbin, Wyalusing. 1 • Glen on .t, Irvine to Muth% Dunbar Canton, Bow.' 1 . • 1 Geo Lyon to Isaac Wright:. Oriell. Chas - Faylor to E S Daily West Bortington., ilryan Stiehee to 0 N Faller Oranivilla. 1 Herr Crandall to E L Bally Wet &Wing- . ion. , N M 3 5 Reynolds to It 1.1 Broderick Alba; Noah 'Loomis at al tolietb Loomiti Granville. Griffith Thomas to Joel C Allen, Bmlthileld. . tho ni l l as E Walton to E A Gooper,lllidgbitrk. •Goe. ooper to E A CAoper, Ilidghury.. Borto ,t, Mary Sexton to A Sex n, 'Gran. ville. .: ' .i , Behny or Gates to Amos C R%le, Bmithfield. A C II I e et al to Daniel , It Bailey, Springfield. 8 3IeI tosh to T U MonoVinton; Bow. • i USINESS LOC,4 I L. it ir Large 'stock of Pictures and Picture' times, st Witrrcome & SuAufs, ger cur's lilt I cheap a l • Nerc, es: Block ger New goods jnet'reciv Elf NDEI I A. wir From a plain — Gold Itin6 to 1 be fine Diamond, go to ISIENUELMANS. I , --"'"--- 1 A large. line Of Parasols in all shades, just received byl 1 EVANs LIMETII. 1 ..V.ll hn toe =3 HENDK • • t. Xf you wish to sea Sao gold weir. 7 4, , rail at RENDLIALUes. II ALS. J. D. HILL is no city, pitchasing fnll assortmentF Millin9yZoods. iti licrior with. Fe; SALE. —l5O acres of, land, 1 fr in Ulster &psi. Also several second. vai;ons. A. B el3irrn. set r The best and largest assort ment et ladies . and gentlemen's gold end in this market at M. BENDELSIAI,eII. =I clock Stir. Spring styles Hats and Caps, that re 4 eived at TATLOIIk, D‘vm.' ser All ,varieties of stone rings, 21 per .-nt. lower than over before offered In Tewan eP, at M. 11L•3DELNAMI;13ridlie street. wa r If you want fine HOr Work made up, or desire to purchase an gO to E. Li- Tom a reliable hair .dealer. Brldge-at., , at Mn. J. D Ert.zes Palley Store. lair Fancy Goods and Sationery for the' holidays, better and cheaper than alio. where, at C. F„Cnosa'. • gm. The " Girl of the Period " is to be seen in the windor of lavors's Mar Palace, on Brt . e-et., at Ws. J, D. Hun's Fancy Store. Best quality of }ln ' GROUND 11A:in= at Mrtasouna Tiln.t.p, at £6 50 per ton. . i lital;Lsclies! If you wish to knoW what t wear; and how to wear It,. call •atE. 7. fifttro3.'. She has all the novelties ,of the sea• l • O I V; RENV—Dwelling Ordaining 11 ropms—sititable for a boarding ,house or , a large family. Also, one small three-story house in cenitre of ton. • P. E. Poem' 150. •_, Second at. Or Mrs. WOODRUFF having again secured the services of MSS STEVENS, of NO York 'ty, offer. a very fine refection of Hats and B neetr. Corner of: ado and Bridge fits. i Ayrshire Yearling Ball, "J. H. Morg b," for sale-460. ' Fit for service.. Dam a sup •rior milker. Pedigree will be in the ith vol. A: 11. B. . A. 31. Coaam. -".— Svl -Julio, Bradford Co , Pa. morn paint give. now. itoc Alto dear the as U. and bat I. bet rood of tl Tcr -;" ritsONAL.—We .solicit the honor of and shall be pleased to show 'you through our stock, whether you will buy or not. i ll 3:y stock is complete, and at prices to sun purchaser. Oar goods are marked is alifigures. and ate sold close, ay we sell for t' and being at beadqttertere, we will offer you ibargains in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Call . early and see for your:telt The only One-Price 41 0, D. Clothing Store in Towanda, 123 Ills/tHil. - Aux. SoLoxon. IiNIBERFEEMIREMENEMEBREIMP II IWIPPOPIII II - - === • i Wall Paper and Curtains west:pomp & 3u,urr's. American and Swiss Watches, stick ever brought to thhi town, it EERIE! ' The largest assortment of t low prices at HENDEL3LIVS. 1 1311 En PAlNT.—Warranted to be durable and batter fur house et other nge than any , other paint. , Ha! alwiya perfect satiafactioa. /1.11. WELLER., Agent. HENRY PEET, Nurseryman, 118 pplyiag all who want good trees, with from PAUL k. esirmiu.'s Nailer!, 'Anat. hundred feet above the river). Cie r ixl y apple and cherry trees at 25 camts each. her kinds of trees banished to order. idenee on Poplar street. Maras Parr. It is not fair to keep -those little Innocents shut up the house, when ntedoor air Is so pleasant and re:hulking' ; . Justi:a there in a nice babpearriage, nd the hotid of tho family out with them; I et boy the carriage at Conrano, liussinz --- iOUSX NOB SA.7-- VL.---011 SeCOlld-iii., een Pine and linage --east side. Tirel re isl ; Gar, Water, Hester, Be,im etc. One a most eenveulent,. houses to be fotind. s easy. Eeqtdre on the promisee. ' i` 1 . , Putirmta Malin: waresoted most to soy W t, . the ebottlitt to the Yost, at, :. : r. • PlirifloTOPiritPlf t iOk Stov eitaucan at AM In Mactii4 Mek. I .1111P1 An'aullailiariety of heating doves at Joint's, which are beiag sold very cheap, 4 SPRING Mrs.—All the httestligaee at Mrs. L D. HMV* liffilinery Store, Drldgo.st4 -Tomah, Pa.:. -I I r. ! ; N' Chi 'to Warrants & Mercurio 0104, for your Boob and stationery 1116., For the best Roast o`r Steak go to Ilya & Rartotteg. ilr test Girdesatetiaiiby ounce or pout 4; alsoMiumit m c ci Aß & EDWARD'S; ' ' as. Graham Craehm,.,Gat Meal, Or ;Jam ettukteidwieei,- it the ildrdi Ward Grocery and Bakery. • ler Giangers - and- symbody else eau buy tb!trdcrnir aug, , Tbucitby seeds at 4600111 , pda% at Roams & REVERSIBLE. , SIDE-HILL A 74 LEVEL LAND Prows.—l add 75 In 1873, and elmiTc" gave satisfaction. A fall stock on hand. •'; : 11.17suss. 'Towanda, Ps. • iirlt will pny.yon to. call and look over our stock of Boots,. Shoes; Gaiters, Trunks; Traveling Bags, etc. ' Opp?site the Focal Rouse • . fine ansoltznent of Stone Ware, at the Third Wail Grocery. ser You can buy everything in the orocery.and Provision line s , little • cheaper at McClain & EDWARD thaw any other plate In town I- The best place to buy ready made clothing la at No. 4, 2 d"or‘west of Cop , DINO, RIISSIELL & Gillian and Flower .Seeds a specialty et tho Third Ward Grocery. , VW Several valuable Farms and Homes and Lot, for sale by BarnxrritTiu.cr. , HOUSE AND LOT . FOR . SALE oft', B. —Terms easy.' Apply to Mrs. E L. Woomtuvr, over M. I Imo's store. . , THREE HOOkEI TO BENT.-9110. in First Ward, near upper depot, and two in Sec ond Wird. !minim at office of OrEnrox & ELIIIILIEE. _ kW - Choice Family Groceries, as cboap es the che l apeet, at the Third Ward tare.. eery. ser All kinds of black horn, rub ber end real jet jewelry s$ very low prices, at M. HENDIFIMIAIeti' , d at M. ,ta. Ow. .McCenz k Sox have just received seteial oar loads of :chince marble, and they are turuitik oat some of the best work ever made in this place. Yard and office one door south of VIC Baptist Church. Cum iou THE NEW Yonx WEEKLY Taintusx.--Price per year One Dollar and Ten Cents. Subscriptions received at the Towanda rest-oElmq paper seat to any Post•Ofilee in the county. Postag. 20 cents—to be paid at the office where revised: ' ie. Why run the risk of an acci dent, when you Fan get a ticket, good for $3,- 000 in ease of dental, for 20 zents a day, by call ing on Fnalcz BURBANK, at npper depot? ' e_ • win the of Spring writ is not generally known that El. C. WHITAZEII, at the BoOk Bindery over the Reponvim office, makes Blank Books in any style of ruling and binding desired. If you want a new Ledger, Journal or Docket, give him a call. SECOND-HAND WAGONW FOR ►SALE.- 4 Boggiei, 2 Open Buggies, I,Bpring Bulk ey, and 2 Platform Wagons; also, 2 (new) One or Two Horse Lumber Wagons, will be sold cheap for cash atH. 13 - rormes Carriage Facto- ry, Pine street, opposite the now Jail. Towanda, April 29-4 w. • ser Hair Work of every descrip tion w ll be sold at 25 per cent. less than Now York prima, Call and examine at E. LAVOLIVIS Branch Hair Palace. Bridge-at.. in Mrs. J. D.. Ittri's Fancy Store. • , FOB SALL--The new house on Main street, second door north of Chestnut street, lot about 100 feet front. Terms easy. Enquire on tho,premises of Mrs. Horns and of E. T Fox. ' M. Do yoa want Shoes for. a La dy', dent, Misr, Boy, Youth; Child or Infant? Then go to Conon k Goons, where you drill end a largo stock to select from, and st exceed ing.low prices. Opposite the Conrt House. par Go and see Eau Lawns, who has just returned from new York, with an immense stock of Raman Hair, which he bought at bank rapt isle, and which win be sold !Vowed cash prima. at Lieoteiltraoch Hair Palace of Elmira. N. Y.,—Bridge Towanda, Pa. . re- Why 'is it that 'TAYLOR & DA rite dress men and boys betkr and cheaper than any other house in Towanda. The reason is, they stocked their now store durithy the money panic, and are satisfied with 'very small profits. , e aft; The best place to buy Sash, Blinds, Doors and all kinds o! Lumber, la at Faosr dr Boss Factory on Charles street. M ace 107 Hain street. They sell cheap for cash. es. Gentlemen; we would ealll your attention' to oat new styles of Shoes for Spring and Summer wear.., Prises low. 0011.11:5 CooNs. Opposite the Court House. Stir PlEacz A Manors . are settin all varieties of coal very cheap. They are sole agents for the sale of the celebrated Barclay coal. Coal by car load at a disonont. Eoor. —From very fine Light Brai n:lSO, White Leghorns and . Buff and Partridge Cochin!. Pries 1111 per setting of 13 well packed and delivered at Express office. To wands, Pa., April 1, , 1874. CICiaI&—BII4I.IqIALL Sir, HAIGHT, by buying large pantitlet, ••are !tilling cigara low what other dealers pay roi , them; see their Pittsburgh Tobias, 5 p r 10 cents, or $1.60 a bag Regalia Cigars, 5 cents each, or $3.00 • hundred. A fall line of all other grades. Also a fall assortment of all kinds of Smoking To bacco, Pipes, Tobacco Sims, eta., eta. FAIR AND FSSTITAp.—TO TaZ LADIES or' Towawmk: Ths Naiad Cornet Bard are making arrangements for holding a Fair and Festival; about the first or second • week in Jane, and would be pleased to have the assist ance of the Ladies, as we S wish to make it success. All s articles that you will Abe pleiused to giro or mike ni, we will thankfully receive. We intend having Lie °resat and Strawberries, and all articles tending to make it a Fair end, Festival Articles cad be left at Frrre's Candy' Store. Dy order of Committee. TOBACCO AND CIGARS DOWN.--BBAY* BALL '& HUM lase been appointed role agents for D. C. Mato & Co.. Richmond. U., and are sellingillazo's &Ira ilary at 1 cents plug, (heretofore 10 mita), and the same at cents a pound. - Also, sole agents for W. a Isnintwoon & Co.'. Detroit !ins Cut Tobacco Retailleg'at GO cents a pond (formerly go ca • 41 411 75 Is 41 44 ( • coo 44 $l . OO 't4 U t ft . Lso And can furnish dealer/ these gaols packages at factory pdtros. freight added. . L 6.74 CUE Pi* disglaY HAVANA sireec will milt' vegetabll conditscii April i 4 sir he undersigned hereby gives hoot* th tbe will not buy Calves and Lunbti, oA.• Elh7.l4:bei will buy on triday, 104 19, ind .r that time u • heretofore, advertir ed, idea f notice is given to the contrary. Bo or:tuber one but :griuisrfAt naves are wanted, • - • .1, Chroxon Sawn. Ncrri' i' sufficient 'reason, I think it ..ktlble, just and profitable, to make a permanent reduction In my pikes. I There fore inimading iitilliing but business, and that without lowering in the least the high standard of honor and excellence which I always aim at; ;aimottatio my, detege4atina to sell. my pros-, ea'apiin - . a n d autainer stock of ready made clothing, tarnishing goods, hats and caps, all of the latest styles eind'n4reities for Ibo ensuing season, .- twisting of the very beat of all the various hAtt of goods, from fine; ress to ordi nary bess omits, which can be obtained at my star ~ efi :Main street. They have been carefully cleited by myself, with a view of supplying the wants of my customers and the I publio ge . erally. You will please regard this I l and as an Invitation to all. Yours respectfully, ' , id; E. Itossarml.n. _ _ MI ;7* f eked! for aelarr .cs-Lliain Street, below Washing. Sunday at 103;,£.x. and 734 P.Y. Sididay Seri at 12 o'clock. Prayer Meeting :tiredsy ening. Pastor, Rev. and. ZPlEcort Cditsen—Cor. Idain Canal Streets. daL g at . 10fri Snn s t y st and 77:1 il 2 , 4 r. rair Lec . Lecture "hnrsdayr, Rev. E.,IICILTAUM, 1 . C u—Main Street. above State. Services at 03; a.m. and 711 P.X. Prayer Meeting jEbursday awning. Sunday School at 12 o'clock. Pastor, Berl Id. C. Dun. Pszsarrnasz Coo:mu—Court Street, near Court ,House. Services Sunday aslo3 ; A.M. ,aul 7 r.x. Prayer IfeetlngThursdsy evening.. Snudsy School '7l Y. Pastor, Be!. J. S. &MAIM 001117.11. 'it COON/. I. F. Maros. S.S. - Purzli arm Parr . -- Service ' s every two weeks. a 9 and 11 a.m. and 7;4 P.N. Sunday School at 4 K. PastOp , Sam. PATTUCK TottLit. I' A.M.E.d. Ciroicu—State Street, above Second.— aching Shndays at 10% a.m. and 7% p.m. Sun. y School id 1 PAIL A.T.M.—Noirruzurreotesksararr, 'GT., No. 16. nio .1 11, over Patch's store. at 7 P.M. J. C. VINO, E.C. C Mum Lo R. No. 108.—Once to ,two weeks at 7 it. J. C. livoo, W.M. • tr•U•Rd. ca&Pritt. No. 361.—Once in two weeks, a 7 P.W. qua. F. Cuss. ILP. I 1.0.0 r o.lF.—Bnataroun LoDoz# No. 167.—0dd Fdlows' Nall.over Frost k Sons Furniture Rooms. Meets" every Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Jas. N . WASHICH Rua., Sec. pii Cf . .or 11.1.z.au Loram, No. 29.—Meets in Odd Rows' Rill first and third Friday evening in each oath. A. gariazw, 24.0.;en.e." Faux:. Sett'. BILLD7OIO ENCANPIPPIIT, No. 41.—Mecta second d fourth I Wednesday evening of each. month. Asir., Hun, 0.1'., O. W. RYAN,. R.P . Wn. JONI:s. be, L . K. or P.—TOWANDA LODGE, No. 29U.—Sleets every y evening in Temperance Hall, 7;4 o'clock. W. Baum., W.C. 1.0. or o.T.—Noaramm Lorios. No. 223.—Meets • ery 'Friday, erenlng at 7 o'clock. 8. E. Werra/Jot .T. 1 .o.B.o.—Tow•nn• Lonna, No. 370.—Ifeets w iN.t and fourth !Thursday of each month. JCPEPH .. g LT, &if.. ' ' N, , iILtIL .412RANGEMEN2'S. TCMAXDA rOOlOl7/ClL—Mair g cln g south cloies at p 30 •.11; going north 4:30 P.M. Arrives from north 10:30 • 14.. 1 ; aontla 6:15 PAU. .. . . & & E. ntail closes at 7:20 a.m.: arrivals at 4 P.M. Barclay and Canton, closes at ;10 a.as.; arrives at 30 rat. Troy closes at 8 a.m.; arrives a at 1 p.n. . Lellayavllle clove al I P.M. •, arrives at 12 u. New Era arrives Tuesdays. Thuredays, and Satin , • ys at 12 at;; depart' at 1 P.* IlebOopany arrives Mondays.. Wednesdays, and • gayest 12 u.• departs at 1 P.M. Bhesßegriln Ultima Tuesdays, .Tlatirsdays, and tordays alO a.m.; departs at 12 u. 8. W: ALvonn, P.M. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. . • Prerkkut.tudge—non. F.,,8. 137nErnr..n, Towanda. Addition al Law Judge—Hon. P. D. Mozzow, °wands. 'I Associate Judger—Hon. Zsetmor Pennun Orwell; on. S. D. Mammas. Swine&ld.. ProLlumotnry and Ckrk of Court —Beam U. Pres. Register a .Recorder and Ckrk of ike Orphan' Pours -- O. J. OrinalreCK. Wieriff—J Monson Bum. J. • - Commisrioners—P. O. Her.i.oao, Monroe; Morten. sways, WAIN BELT. lOrrionmatz.. Windham. Juiy Commissioners.—E. R. DsLowo, S. W. Bros. Treasurcr•l-Mu. Dunras, Granville. ; -, Auditors-4°as B. Qualm. Wilmot; A.' IL DeOWW. errick; Ina Csawn, South Creek. ' . • PAyrician-Dr. T. B. Jonnsow. Cowgirl-I'm & Devine. ;" ' ' , • TOTITANDA BOROUG-fl OFPICER3. , - Burgas—Jain EinyANT. Councilvien—Jaams DuTest, JOHN D. MONTANTI, M. WAID,I Imes MO:Wm, T. E. Joar•AN. Damns dd.tuon, N. N. Barra, Jr. Mark and Treasurer—Jar:Eva EINUSDVIIY. JasticeJ qfjPeace—W. O. Basis - L.. N. TIDD.' - Constabies—J, °lissom Wrals; L. T. Roux. PolicemasHO. 8. BIIIINEL School Directory—A. Wrcinan, President of Board; N. Tinto; Treasurer; 8. W. RODGY.III4. Becretaxy; E. . Fox, W. T. norm, J. A. CODDING. Overseers of Poor—Dr. J. W. Gram, Wis. Mx. AtidaoTl-741/. MAC/AUL/114E .1, A. RECORD. GTo. oor. .1 • A:senor—Jaime H. Nzvnr". FIRE COMPANIE S.. Franklin Meant Fire •Engiti l e Co No I.—Meets • Wednesday evening in each m onth, in Borough i • • gins House. O. A. BLaca, Foreman. I Naiad Engine Co., No. 2.—Meet Ant Month(' even. ng In each month, in Borough Engine House. WA. Sams, President. Lus.ta Mean Eire Engine Ca, No. 3.—Meet Ant ! ednesday Stinitig in each month, in Lin.tsEngine more. li. ,' A, Pam= President. Mantua look and Ladder. Co., No. 4.—Meets , tint Wednesday evening in each month, in Borough :... gine Hons.. F. 8. Warman, President. . Mutual Building and daring Fund Association.— , eete in Grand Jury, Room tor payment of install " ante, third Monday In the month, from sto 7 , • .x. N. N.;l3rrrs, Jr., President. Yes:Panda (Building Auociation.—Meets In . Grind my Boma for , payment of installments, fourth Monday igarth, front 5 to 7 p.m. /05X/11 avrtf.. Tho day is not far distant whon'thoie who sacrifice teeth that, by the ut most skill, may be saved and made useful, will be considered guilty of mal-practice, and treat ed accordingly. Dr. Dodson, Arcade Block; North Main street, saves frail and aching teeth, extracts With ease, and makes artificial teeth that vie in appearance with natural ones. • NERVOUS Dzmury.—A depressed, irritable state of mind; a 'weak,. nervous, ex hausted feeling; no energy or atumaticin; con fused head, weak memory, often with debilitat ing, involuntary discharges. The consequences claims*, mental overwork or indiscretions. The Nsnyous D :num finds a sovereign cure . in HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. 28. It tones np' the system, arrests dis charges dispels the mental gloom and despon, dency, and rejuvenatss the entire system. - It is perfectlyltarmless and always efficient. Price $5 for a package of live boxes and a large $2 .vial of powder, which is important in old, seri ous cases; or sl.Fer single, box. , Sold by ALL druggists, or sent by mail citi receipt of price. Address, • CLAIM 11. PonrEn, . South end Ward House. Towanda, Pa. C. T. KIRBY. Mercer's Bleck, Towanda, Pa C. P. Wgt.tr. ~ TOWANDA MARKETS. -N. I grBOLZSAIX mon. • Ocurected every rtectuesday, by 0. B. PATCH subltict to changes daily. Wheat. V bush, . . 1/ 504 1 73 Bye, It bush. 65 Buckwbeat, 13 bulb . . 65 Oen. 11 bush "HO .oats, V bulb; 65 Beans, V bush. L.. 1 60 i 1 00 Batter ovnat if as B2 St 4 1 )ioni.)111 lb an. • 35 - 83 - Eggs V 1 701 Potatoes, 15 boohoo:is, • ' 15 • a 5 Float V itrarrel 4 60 410 50 Onions 11 bush • ' 200 WEIGHT' Or °um—Wheat 60 lb. ; Coin 56 lbs. ; Bye 58 lbs.: Oats 32 lbs.; Barley 1616 e.; Buckwheat 65 lbs.; Beans 62 lbs.; Bran 20 lbs.; Clover Beed 60 Mt, ; ligit 21 by Seed tabs; Drted Peaebes 35 lbs.; Dried the.; 1111 geed SO TM. TO aNDA ,ITURSTMa. . , it Olers i I. person or by. mill promptly attended to ITENRY PYTIT. Tavrain•le. 41.•41 la. I , fro THE PUBLlO.—Having had •J. neatly fifteen years 'experience in boring rand pustadra offer ray services to the Work to ill any pert of be county in ehortmeter ew irolideciton k OM mitesstapil. C ALVIN . ALLEN, W ' • tor. Wlre • 01 611 RAW lane Plowadog and other Planta, eall at rails GREEN , mom an 11rd ;rwtill 1* delighted. _ Ni.. tibtdi. Hills. also 41 kinds of : plant. In Immense -variety in line ; Wysoz,l MEM u, &Pawn AND (Ml' au. Di. .epte following dlrectm7 is pnbliabed for - lona thq Priblta will thank our Mug rui;oftrij errors they may dio, Paten, Chief Engineer; L. M. o;Bata, nieinnt Engineer. BUILDING Asscoci.4 noss. DIED. UTTY.—In North Towanda, tipril 11, 1874, of .lung fever, Carrie, daughter of Hiram M. and. Ellen R.lRutty, aged 1 year and 8 months. - Parents, weep not to your darling, Jeats only claimed his own; ,• Death is bnt the pathway leading To be great Eternal Throne. . • Safely l on bright angel pinions, _ IVacted from U 34 woes and harms, Ho wbo blessed the little children, Took her to Hisdoving arum . --- - 1 ---- ---- This maidersignod halibut" purchased the: 1131113EItT Obi TOW. WA T4TE4 rile atilS tr ution to'hls.:arge stock of FR IT IND ORNAiIENIAL TREES bo i ls now priiiiiied DELL Vga ON MOST RFASON&BE Tztulit =I ME EWEN ODDIN G„ Patetit W Farmete May 14, 1 SPECIALT IDIRIIE AN UN THAT GOOD CLOTIIING Wiring OVA lONS mew:mod .11 fay 'A my o Iy. tq odl and NEW, ST And ester Tana* - MEM , rt t r r. . I r . ri , RUSSELL 'CO., ram, Hard are, Iron, Stoves, unOshing (kmdti, Hones , Oenlei)t, La ±; Plstdd Lam a, Gam Fixtureel, olveis, Cartridges. Gan; ' • ' I Oils, Varnishes, Pain eels. HubP, Sp 'd ccbanics fewest cub Always ai I === • 1 , • , • .• • • • • • • • . p i • • t e • . - t•I • : • Crs I - 1 : , • • 0 • .. 0 . FM I I •~ ~. 1G10.1.01D1 8 1 AT TAYLOR & SPUTED FA 001)8 A. 114 SOLD 'C Airs woLvr. BAN ANY OVM' Nag IN NOME= Elthei op the line warded by 101 t replitiplocreasing customers, and the • • my elegant 23 SU emsalvea that my pat tabu. =I PROI a I - pow 7 II =I CZ! NEW 13 - HUB IftlaNG .1 M. Fa It 0 l Opposite Thera pled by Wickbarri Icon etintly re cei - mar Climbing, to Than - ean be lie skis lb* elites. A GENTS' I Hale s Cape and novelties of the at the cast • the manufacture* Jed to sll ash this Spring. Ally Thanking you renege tomer': tinning:* of the April 23.'74 EMI T° WAND El NAILS AND IRON, NAYLO FlTit CODDIN MEB ~~ EXCELS ZE FEED 011 And Fr GAS Fll. PLUM EN ME El BO CM =I --.~i. -f-..gx.yc. , ~~q-, MI FM =I 1 MN MEM I=M=ME leo . 1213 T C7K ED PRI GOODS EMI EEO APrit =4. Jena MI 1111? AS(3AINS Ali ! HUEILIH r. 0(1 del er, prTT!T•T L ge taktAntio, IP I .4 LD'S, &Ora ln•marly omit. lust recelsed and Is It of eining and Sam- w4R, d JO LOW Um's establishment ont- ICI2 THAN .ILVET: aP7 • line of arn I=l El GOODS; Ni l ~ Eg! of the latest Styles and • • which lam offering tW bought direct &Mu e •I will mak3 it an oti • • base clothing of me • ted as represented. r kind and liberal 'pat= 1.1 respectfully salt a con. A' raicss. .. therefoT meta to _1 go ads vs; 111 tor' T eiteadett.l E. ROSENFIELD. Towanda, pa. MI t WHOLESALE!' MI 'REELS, . • ME SO MI LATED WARE noes, SII 11! ASS, PAINTS, ‘1 s I LL & CO'S. L • • ISTIKAS, . • , lE2 IMES El Ei IMO EDI STMTS.. LIZ BINEI' RANGE, 1 0AN SHELLEBS ools in Geneial. ME ill RR, and ETIRON WORN nOtice.‘ sho al DDIING.AI7B6III4, a CO. N' 11~ I. . ..€ lEEE =Vs sag . of.Coal:and 'brad= in thi 'Comities of Mayan fOrdo Penasphisnlia. , ' _ '. By *Mx* Of a CestilialSolageseterTlesit of Trrid. .and thilveneby the Iliellivan Is Erie COW Cilinipial, elf et SIMI of Pitiansyhn. ;pan tit llndethignaLar, _Tristsit,, _dated the first iails lef of __Math* leak MO ractirdad in it* aloe kw.. Ilfteatiktdelda. iite... Wand foe The county of 1 orlateal. in as 4 Shiley in',lftpge_Dook ito., 10 MOON. it eas lit, on the M jay of No a. D.; Wt. and in the mien .fot the recording, o, (deeds, ha. in and for &Divan county, in Bald State. .;:tlitlaids,... llookNo, 2. gape ea to SS inclusive,,on . .„ ,„_ OI P dal PfDeeembitr.,..44 D., MO. , . ei,, ITZ t rondlinad.lig TrUtftd Ils atoms Id, hereby re of that I will on WILDRISDAL the-14th 4 8 WDER, 1874. at twelve o'clock &twos Of , st the nohow Italle Remus. -Number pi irsy. go the. city. Cosibillad State of Raw •__or ti l e rgr . suction So the highest bidder, the prop. warf_ . Privileges end fruockisel ecm c jid or lri tri be logavend to me hy said ld eor Fras.o 'lX•itat ; 4615= listing, been rude the 177 fla the terms and conditions Of said itinil. each default having continued tor LoPtoa n ialltY days. and 1 beteg required lawrit. f W :Mb sale • by holders of at hest one ilth in a mint or the - bat:deem:id by said Wort- i OP or Deed of Unit. which were at the time of tWag, such_ regnest due and Ontlitandinif• i 1 TlytNwati &animal:l includes some AT thou. ease IA land Slanged in Dbory I and Colley /4 B l inllon *ninth In the StaU Of Penn- Itoey veil being the following named warrants `and a warrants.: to wit ; ,Johnilakeit and Andrew le. nd puU of Philip' Stein, George Roberts, 1.. : . goer's. ',Pillion !stet% Leonard Jacoby , 6 1 Philipp Ilir ri ll e ltedny IMO% Usher Pet Mister, David . ~.drilrike Dudley ; th lUedralei a ra te l i konas Orion, 'Richard , Jacob Altair, Joseph Totem, Collinson ITeid. Getting &roe? and Chran Getting, and is aU the mod land* of the said Conaway; and the< /11 " 141a NU Cotaten,Y. and all the lands of the sold Company now occupied for the erection of de ,,P016,,..."03....44nietini1, ~_ Jilqips.s. ha. and as the rood -b ed ‘ , I railroad /rep war mines in said county of Sullivan, to the present northern terminus thereof. at Or near the Borongh of Monroe, la the County of , Dialdford. }Rate of Pennsylvania; and ail the corperr, ito'fillatbleta • of laid Gamma. as secured by their CharterZ Together vith all and singular the build. bp, and Improvements, rights - . liberties. tyrivileilel. . bi t tar tst. and ] appurtenance to the same ap- a p . with rerthereof. eersions and reminders, rents. rofi _ . r a move full and compUbe idoscriPtion of the .to he sold, with its boundaries and 10011- I. re me afofrrODCOmit d. be bad to the raid Mortgage, o f f liedord resai , - • of Salo. Ten per cent. of the mart/lase to, be paid cash In hand on the day of sale. the Isi to be paid 'Wads thirty day. -that. Room NurnSer 4. In Number ad Wall Lett the City of New York, State of New York; and DP O O PSYnierit of the said balance in full, the purchaser will receive a deed to the said property. eolrvartalt each title as is vested in me as Trustee S a lif y reall . , id; Dated March 19th, 1874. I JOHN .A. STENvART. wruete l y tt the bond-holden ,of the Sullivan a: 3 , , e Coal and Railroad Company. . W. A. W. STEWART, Attornarfor Trustee. 4$ Wall Sti*t, Now Tork City. *arch dr ' - ._ NM El II ~• ,~•.y 1:=1=g1 =II I , „dub ad 'l4-Gm. 1 .. I'i ....• •1 'i . The above adverthfernent appears In the following netiPaPina I published in the ..eftyof ' New York, to wi • ..The Evenine l Post Weekly.' "The New York Weltkly Milt,” "New York bpectslor srd W eekly c9FueaN ±}l i Altilveribler." . - . l , . .; ~ i xEctr T O }vs • NOTICE.---; . berstlipaßtf,t ail persona indebted , tiro deceased, are rem:tested to - make tuitedlife `• paymtrint, r and all parsons': having clams 'against u eststei must prettent giem duly autbenticat. e for Aettlinient. j r wAREEN AYER, • . Afar 16. ;614. I ' • ktlntinistrstor. 1 -I—,, otic_____ TORUS 7 Ne, , ' XEO TOS NOTIC is bel•el?3 , given i that all persons Indebted' to tkul estate) of Reuben, Barnes late of Wilmot. deed, are „tell:tested ito trialto immediate-payment andall uerions having claims against said estate minii ofr 2.trf.t. i presp them duly authenticated for settle. m t. ; 1 1,.. . - . i OSCAR o.j BARNES. ' .1 Atraorz.i. A.. BARNES. 1 f, 1 CIRS I OR R. BARNES, , A . • Executors. ', L • X.Egi;ITORS itiOTICE.-- 1 Ncitie.e is hageby Oren 'tba ; all persintsllndebted t. , , tiler , " estatel Of 111.4t0n : olcorab, lat.) of Ulster, dee,ll. are 'MquesW_ to $ e Immediate payment, attdiallperms halt:lir .. against said estate, Mita! presen them fin - authenticated for settle. melt. i i t POLLY ;HOLCOMB, A n. ~, 23,14. - ; I ,Executrlx --, A I D3IINISiIiEkTOR'4 NOTICa--- Not'eeis berebytrivin that all Personsindebtk t's t e eat 4e pf Wm. VanWertJate of Booth Creek. deed. valet mate immediate payment. and all ;yet'. son* havirik raims against said estate must present them duly fm thentiosted for aEttlem 4 1 j it ' SOHN A. N niTEHI , i Apr.l I. IS 4. , •.l I.IOIIMI , r , - , RXE • V I, c Is be la li gi ° ver« S that ' .4 1: . 1 .) t iler s..u l;7 's ? i -. 4 ° te l d i 7.. the estate, of LawrinceOlimon. late of tending • i Ste e, dec7ll, l are requested ' o male immediate pay -me t, and;el l i persons baring claims against said : estate mast present; them duly-authenticated for , "tt ` lemma 1 ' ti '.' ralfEß O'HERON, ' tp1:1 1. , ~ 4 _ ~,, • J- 1111..n tn.. ' i A Ü btTOR% 'NOTICE. .-- ,In • the matter of theicstate cf Dsadel 31cDnffee:In thiii Orphans' Court of Bradford County.-:`o. lO. - February 'F. I . 1874.r,sedgn. an Auditor i ! .appointed b'y' . r.id co • to dispose of ;exceptions tiled to the supple. 4 .me l it. tary ascount ofi the executors of Bali estate. ' 'hereby ' gr. Fee notice that ha will' attend to the dtts,of Wd appointment on FRIDAY; th 4 ei4htli da of 31AV, 1874, at 2 o'eloct. P. tt , ., at his Office in thrporcugh of Towanda; at 'which lime and place all irartietti eoncornOd are requested to be present :': ant be heard in the premises; - otherwise to be de. •barred of eiheaaing before me. ' W3l. FOYLE. -' • • A'pr 1; 18.74. ' , -, . • Auditor. El - DVSTRATOA'S NOTICE.- NatiO herebigtfen that stipereons Indebted .e of Abmhent A. Worden. are requested . . itomelliate q payment. and all.personf hat'. claims, against ma? estate must present them anthehteated ep settlement. 1 4 1 - .. 4 . - 1 ; C. W. =norms. .• 1 1 ' _ Administrator.. sr 19, ..rf#. V . With the Win anteied., • E N x. t/c uToß's Nanct...:- . - • oticei is herebg given that all personsindebted to the estate. of Noah Muer, late. of Canton; d aced. ii Inv -ratiasted to make immediate pa ent, arid all persons having, 'claims against sal eatatAiMnst pmsent them duly authenticated cr i .f s ettle t. . 1 THOMAS 8. IifANLEY, Li I i 80.8LEICACER. _ • sr 19 74. i • • i. • Euratom. . A pramISTAATO I R'S ...R6ticiii is hereby given t all persons indebted ‘ to fhe eatatS of M.Wel Hever% bite of Ove:fon, de-"' eateed.Tara requested to make's:mediate .payment, sad all paver= haring claim walnut said estate mdet present Metal drily authenticated fbr settle rapt -1 iMATILDL BEVERLY, : I JOHN 1i47) . MO, - . . . . r 19 44 I I I jN BIIRIJPTCY.-1., 'ill e Dis , tactforto ft he United States for the Western District. syl*aWs. No. 1815 in Bankruptcy. In theraatter of FE W. DAME. Bankrupt. To the , l' creditors of said Bankrupt. • ; L i a ll NOIiCZ that by order of eirconrt a second fmeetingof the creditorleif said; bankrupt,' oil the,purposes amed in the Twenty-seventh of the Bank*upt Act of the 2nd of March. We, will be held it the office of IL. Overton, , Jr.. one of the Watergate. Bankruptcy In said Dietrlct. ori the; 18th'day of Way . 1874. at U o'clock. ii.., m. 1; 1 ' GEO. B. DAVISON, - .;.• • • 1 DEWS BocKwEr.L.. Apr23.'74 . i • . Assignees.. ithD3ITNISTRATOIII3 NOTICE.- 1 - 1 Notice,is herel* given that aline:moils indebted , e,.estits G9o. P. Barrett! late at Springfield: mast makei Immediate pament, and . all ns tkping claims against said estate t mat P DNA Orin dilly authenticated for BARRETT settlement. •• LUCINDA A. , • • - prd 1 48. I pi tore. DD TRATOR'S NOTICE, 3 Not is hereby given that all persons Indebted the est*, of li:sigma Campbell. late of Burling n, deo* mutt immediate payment. all haring r jrut against easd estate 'must pre ' nt them flnly authenticated for settleMent. . CHZEITEB E. GUM 1' Apr.' 231±74. - I Administrator. ADi 3 g ST ATOR'S NOTICE.- .1...R.N0t11 is hereby given thatalluersoas Indebted ta the esti e of WW = Rosetta. late of Wyse:, de clued. are reqttesbtd to make Immediate payment. scut all peTsous having claims against said estate ~ ust pre, at them duly authenticated 'for settle .. at, - i'l HARRIET ROAGLIF," 4 - ' 8. B. KABLO. • " : h DAYTON 'ALLEN. ' Mar 19 4. Admlulatratora. ' iiIN 1 • , I T.) ISTRATOR'S 4 N OTICE..- ~ .N.3, 4 4 . i, bereby Wen tbst all potions indebted t9the e of John H. Asheraft, late of Wilmot. dee'd: must make immediate payment. and all per sons hiving claim's against said estate most presen tharn duly authenticated for settlement I;I, I , TI 1 - ' 8..P.. - LATILItd , „ I May 6.014. . . '•: _ . . Administrator. ' 14 Mk WRiS : .- NOTlOt—Daiiiel .n.. Ts. Albert Vanwert. ' In 'the Caret of lommon i 'Pleas of Bradford Comfy, _ , The widendented. as. Anditor awarded Wield , mutt to . 4listrltnites money in the hands of the Sher-- HA arising teem mile of defendants* real aerate, will IOW:140AM dntles of his appointment at the Wilco • of Smith! I & Slontanye, in Towanda - Borough, on WEDNESDAY ; the let: day of.. JULY, .A. D.. t i alkcecloch. p._m., - at which time and place all, art resent them, or be debarred ham emir ° 4111 13 u l pon , same; ' .1 - G. D.-IiONTANYE. May 1, 1871. ; ! le r ' : Auditor. T° ' • cmoras OF PENN.' ' SYLVANIA.4.-Yotir . . attention ,fa', Specially - in .irited to the fact that the National Banks are now the_ them, or b ste uthungs li bicpti: a te e in th terus e Capital : of ; th e the Centennial Board -of llama. The' . *Cud from thlasoonrce are to be employed • n. and .the ermines animated - with the N eu same. ' is conlidenUy believa that the Keystme I ' State berepresented by the name of .every citi ten: alive to patriotio oammsmoratbow of the one Inlindig i th birthday of the nation. The shares of Istah ' offered* $lO each, and Subscribers will 3VOCOITe :1 kudame4 steel elliers*ed ' COMM° lof . ilitoalt.Maltabis far . main stial, mil presernition, eli ' a lomn ~ . . • cent, ; In termt at the rate of t er ct per mum will j be 14 1 1$11 all MOldadtat - Centauddl„Edock ti9m Ws dial/ant to January 1, IBM .„ _. ' Ilubsalberle who ace not sear, a National Bank aunarar a check az P 0 1,41600 Order to. the under, sigma 1111.11. Ini-Aziintl T riennia. • - ' .' !I - : DIL .. Sept 411:'73. ;,. • • 904 \Mali Bt..Plail'a. . I J r • IMEI =I eiii & • 1 1 ;f 3 T 1 B =1 FIE , , EU Administ•stori, it S1311;019 KIM idiNcqr, ° ITimixtra, re. 11 Ili 1.11 U I 1