11 priatibtraL I f twmires Should Ke e p Accountk, The great mass of 'the farmers of this, country keep no accounts at all' not - erena :Ittemorandum book ht which they . note down .currents x.' p!mses, etc. The is of • "keepingt books,' has a terror 'about it, which deters Merit people whose success in life does not absolutely hang upon their•-k.eePing accurate accounts to haN4' . .-w.uell to . do with them. The amount money which passes through the hands of a small farmer pa l yt of the country is so mall .that. his ,recollections 'about money , trati:. , ..):Ctittrb are usi - tally;prettyacca , rate, antrtbe"real neeesfity of spend ,.2;.! fey minutes a day;:neeessary to olerably -'-ucenrate aceotints is ,to them, and . ekl1)1 not 01-. it 1 not. object .t.z.;ter"' argument to cortviv.c.e any. Ike dtt-irableness of keeping tic,-"Q•.!t's,'but to shpw how it may he ' , end . The y•-,)tet- Itte far some, used the fei.3161i .- ii:. - g system' for keeping his family and farm acounts, which are kept togethe,r, - and it 'certainly is' conveniei`t, - and appears to be ail that is required. The book is-ruled with' double dollars, and-cent colams. - In one -of theso cola - ruts the eafr.emses are set dow.u.; in the other, thk,receipte. . The book peed i:ot. be larger than a com eopy-book, and three! . 14 -i- 11. ,-,tv,s a day wild serve to make,ull the entries. If- the farmer is. cc3ld andhisfingers are-stiff ; his, wife i; or. one of his thughters will gladly tike the pcL': Oftener than otherwise,lVve think-the wife, if ra9r o'Verburder i led v:ltres (_.f household- and (V'ould the best 'one ,to keep the aecounls In a great many casc:"; ; dies and .half-dimes slip aWtrif ,r f -.L. ersonal intlulgences (glass of something warra, or tobaceo,) which were- it -the good wife's. daily duty t,-.) make the record, would not he spent: • These accounts ought to be balance - a as often as once a month, it wilfbe.obserred'that this•book, if accurately 'kept, will only shoal the transactions in ready : money, and hence should be 'called cash ifccourds. ' We - almost all hare, -of n i eceseity,i elas of f ' teco.u9ts to keep. 6 not alway.sliossitile or be to pay . at , d 'we may make ; little .debt_t and ;;ice credits.. till the time. The t' , ltnientt-i are often made in lab , ;I rometbing beside Oti there sLould be just as ),:earl of the transactions ;LT With those perfous with i. .t • / uuning at4,:ouut is kept, ',)lit n- he an account opt-ned in r .bouk, and s.iu.,e pages devot ' to In other et - Lei-3, a simple f t , , :n, , ,r.anqutti-of the transactions way quit t , s- no know •4*..or still as a v Sir t . tct:n he d n- . ,• ~ t ' NE . • . , ) 1 • ; • A9rir , t I- [. ,or I 11111 =KIM .•., 1 -: , -Neatly all !),t; n,r h by., improper • !, 3.. lira plfteP. -In nine • (wet ••1 ten the digeti(n is (t• - )al, says the Lire :40e1,. niust eflicienf and rrret:tiv(-. z lt will cure in a nits;:. Irpropoly wie.: • - • ih with tLe fut.• one of till! finest eri%‘s and a kit.d ,neighbor Ilk thus! drug., and poison. being ill; and tumbled to t](: coy.; concluded that the catof , fer:nr O l Ver eating, and • utdc-f - ,.(1 _it + of :pulverized ell:trc, giv.--li i.u i ;water. It was in a 'junk bottle, the upward; and the Water and c1ia , ; . ;.:1 poured dOWnward. In five improvement was. visili!o and in a few hours the animal was in •tl e pasture quietly. eating , greis,4. ..!.other instance of equal EUCCS9 OL:- ciTiroi with a young beiter which had tmeoide badly bloated by eating green •apple , s after a hard wind. The bloat WLIN sn severe that the ,sides were pd: hard as barrel, The old reniedy, salaratus,; was tried for cor recting the ,, , - ivtidit. But,the attempt to put, it dawn always caused cough . ing,. and it' did little good. Half a teacupful bf powder cha r was ucit l;ire:% end iii .a few hours all' appearaw:e of- bloat had gone, and the heifer .waii well. ' E===l 1.11:. ;KIND, 'l.l Yet lionse ~ver ofte:,"a from Ito y e du not shout at him, fur Oie animal dreads to be 4 ), not shake the reins, for Itia imam: .s much more sensitir than your lips are: Do not use' the Whip; for the buree is naturally so timid that 'the . moinent you begin to 'correct hiirr, he beComea so terrified that ho loses control of his own trea soning faculties, _(acid; in his blind terror plunges, aud.riars, and fails to obey. I. The right course to pursue :hpeak kittietllr but firmly to the Comfort. the trembling animal With the magic of your . voice, and bring —l4la those perceeptionse which, help, yi,url _horse to guard against ri=peating the action of stumbling. This Manner of procedur is fur more hrimape and reasonable than to yell - at Uzi animal, or lash him fiercely,- Muir frightening and bewildering, him, instead of teaching him what is:expected of him. AD% Ice To DRIVEIIB.—Look at your horses, mouth see how he aut. fero!as he strive to draw his load, and how 'hot-'and fretty ho is. Do .you not see that his mouth is hurt and etretelied by ,the bit with that tight drawing rein; and the more he 'pulls the more ho is punished ? If we were working we should not like to 129,Ve our heads buckled up in that winner: Now unhook the bearing rein'aud mark the difference. Your good,sense will tell you that it is n change for the- better, for your h•nso e - au now throw his head, for-, w4il (aid with ell his strength,i wqrhip l .; e,Joly and comfortably and t rice na as" le, did before , the IL: was loosen •d. -• A. NEVENTIVE ot , Bori Pi . HORSES. I will (..five you a remedy for Nitta which t lu,Ta used,and known others to use tyrenty years With entire-success._ Oct some salt from a fish barrel and fet d to the him) once a week, and be never be 'troubled With butts so long 1 / 4 the treatment is continued. My way of feeding is to mix it with clean salt in the proportion of about two parts of the latter to one of the former, and -- give a" small handftd a week. If this is ikno. from the first 01. January to the first 'of July; there is not much danger of 1- 4tP:, ' 14. F. 13. - Sur. titia-the ISaiLtsi ',lndia -16 ebse tb bates; IL.. brut* tut* tomikt, igt4.441 !" dta x itimwt , rdi , 40, itavOttr - , ' ; MbliX iha==. WOODBM, Ul b • re e Maim O tek de:6W to go Ord f . the belditt ntire itnek HATS, CAPS AND BO EIS FEITHEIta, ' FLOUNCES, LND BritANS, - AT COST, ;see TBZ MT IMO= Ailey Rooms, carper of Main and Bridge Wrier, over K. J. Lours Stars. Erdman* on Main St y Ad door trona corner:, . Towanda Dee 4 111. pLecnsv, RESAWING, BILL Lula= MIXED TO OLDER. SEASONED wurrensz extv PITCH }TS FIQABBS, FLOOILIWO, - And a variety of Bendock Boards for! wale. We byre now in operation a now,- heavy, aLt,ll.l Planer, and other machinery, combiaLpg au ghe recut Isavoreggwais, and of the =oat soperb Work gunship. Itunntur, by a surer-failliag triter-power, we are able to do work as woo as it u ;11580_444 do it cheaply. and bestow aU the care DecessarY for doing it perfectly. BoU the work *I orders: we will unify every maw as to priceiC sad work ccurahip Agiiii*N. Itistreoimiro.•to , 4l IST.-17 - i" = HOW LS THIS FOR LOW We ( .offer DRESSED LUMBER at the following rates:: Hemlock Flooring, ;choice) Esl per N. Inge Pipe ." . • 26 Pit*a. ; 2rß Siding • '• '• • , if: to 25 - Pickets from Sr to Ft per =area. F.T.ANrsc, xiertsisG, ez-eewn , :o, Done et a moment's notice Ind by the tirei mArlda err now made. We hate an hand. , ; ONE lIENDEED TEIOCSLND FEET DDT LUMBER hat , . I= l'ond TEIEEE ISCNDIIED ASD FIFTY TROESAND i FEET OF LUXE= 'And are constantly iLinn.facturing. • arar Dirties who can reseti, us are foolish to go near the railroad forlitueber, sa =dee any drain stators we can SELL IT VILE&I.EII-4t least the coat of transportation from here to the railroads— ' say 1.2 to $3 per thousand. If. B. INGRAM. Attie Z. Camptown: SITSQUEHA_NNA • . ; • r - . • COLLEGIAT E • ) MSTIT-14E The Spring term of this institution will 4sta. Mena KINDLY. APRIL 6.187 x. No pains will, be spared to maintain the bigb standing of the institution, and by catefelti /oohing to.the interests of each individual student to mike its work even more efddent. Each teacher will hive his speciality. and use every facility to make the topics interesting, and to stelae the arced possible reign its in Ida department. . Close/evill be organized in sevesi new studies in Science and Language. Also the doses in En glish will be remodeled so ail to meetthe wants of nes'inadc.ots deviling to pursue these branches. To Save expense, text hooka, the same as in the county wI!l be used in the Eaglirh branches, &PM, the exception of Geography. • To make e sojourn of non.resident atUdentS more pleasant, the .Principal win Usti lite bans"— situated but a few rods from the Instants building --ftir boarding purposed, where mono fnrnisbed throughout and provided' with clothe* closets and other eonveniences will be tarnished for the 7.024 Ladles. - The best rooms In the Institute_ will be tarnished uid assigned to the yoien,.! men; all will board at the Lionise of the Principal There will be a rueful supervision on the put o: theltrinclpatand teachers of the manner Su which et &lent* employ their time. Prire for furnished romo and board, including fuel, lights, and washing 1.-4 to riCeila a t pieces. tel per Week. Student. sTiriziriAah their own toilet and be held accountia,. - for th.i furniture In rooms. , • 1 Those desiring to prepare theu.seleee (or the work et teach no during the fol:oleine .Butnrier. should *POT to the Principe ea. once. Tuition from Your to Ten Don•se per terns, - cording to studies pursued. . For tdrtLer perticulsre or eireulari, sddresie the Principal . .. QUltildili. Towanda pa, MILLED. PDX, Pree'tßosed !Truett**. SAVE TWENTYIFIVE TO 30 PER CENT,: BY BUYIMIi fYOUR CHRISTUAS AND NEW YEAR'S ESENTti N'UUGUI(7.NIN'S Net. U xide of the . 14tvort. ntyh t. 44;weliy u!: 1 al titscriptimaa to large quantittem, at I r.)walititt. 1.o.•. ark.r 41); I/47.1 IMM NE' v. FURNITURE STORE. JOSEPH H S . „ . Hat nox opened • ricx Furniture 13t,ort en 1 • BRIDGE STREET, TONFANDA., Where Le will keep 9E liseo A tiEti.E,IIAL ASSORTIKLNT. OE FritNI2:CAE, S FLieh will be suld AT I.IIICM TfiAT CANNOT FAIL TO YLLABA . .. . 1 • •-,• AU who may favor Itirr. with - 01ali patrol/apt. • c! Weatesir may be warded to the kneeriture GALL ON HINES and exasnins goods ass! Wens Woos runtasing abeirhsre. ' 21. 11173. STAMPING DON AT MRS. HENRY KINGSBURY'S' DBE/3E4-.- 1 RAKING Roahrs, No. 2, ARCADE BLOCK. par„ 17, HIV! GO TO JACOBS' TEMPLE OF FASHION idAIN MEET, FOR LATEST STYLES pi FILING AN) SUMMER CLOTHING. ' 000ns'azerava, emir twr. 1. `" . " 4. . April 7,7 AI 4, T u... LONG EETABLIEIRED DILILINERY lITOLtIt • , Or - M sB. BIF F I N Rl4 Jut boon riplitalalud with i fall lad COUPLE'rE ASSORTMENT OF . Brltlllo ANDBITYKZEI • - 'rd attic! the itt;saiin 'at toy cu,-.4inr yiw. dilly WWI- trie reasonable atitl - 411 good s gait. mama. 3 . M, Tamar. Aftrit 93, 'T ' • nArnoN.—Whereas * wifa Alice Na. too lon my bed end lionr4 nstnout !nit ann. or prorogation, oil potoono Lend/ forbid bar. bon ng or Iniataxis fur on my account *4.14el will Mt &Mu otber mamba& attar taw cliesby kw. &WU V.lll4lllar inh smoli 14-20 7 , I -, ' I TOWANDA MARBLE .WOREIB, mgOABE k SON Eris just received the largest. ieserlasect eY rrn.nm.v:m7.7.TA-rn Zvereitttldol in this notion; to which tiler - invite the attention of the public. • They keep od toad or tandah to order TOME IiTONES, MANTLES, keg, PNlAtu:ver,lTlV:Pvani:o* - 111 Parsons in want of anything In oar line are ra• vacantly invited to call and LTA:nine ow stock. MoCABE & SON. Towauda, soy 1. 1641. . • D. W. SCOTT & CO., BAKERS AND GROCERS, We tine added =Aerially to oar stock, sod now offer a full asaortmerat of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS We keep uo books, add no percentage for bad debts ; therefore Ise can and will give you the low est rates. All are invited to tali and be convinced. In connection with the abuse, and meals at an hours of the day. TArawls, PO). lo; A PPLETONS' AIfEBICA.N CY- . cLopmpla. • NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by l re ablest writers on every subleet. Printed from new type, and illustrated with Several Thousand Sigrarings and Map*. The work originally Published under the tido Ina ldirm talisman CICL .Pair►. was completed in 180, since . wbich time the wide clacutation which it .has attained in all parts of the United States, and the signal developments which have taken place In every branch of eeieruse, literature and art, have in duced tbst editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a new edition entitled,Tnt itittuicas Crcumerins. Within the twit ten years the progress of dieanery in every department of knowledge. hu made anew 'work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political affairs has tent_ pace with the olsooveries of science, and their fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement. of social life. Great wars and consequent revolutions have ;occurred. in volving national changes of peculiar moment the civil war of our own country, which was at its height when the last Volume of the "old work ap peared. has happily been ended. and a new course of commercial and hadrurtrial activity has been commenced. - Large scoesslogs to our Seogr*Pkical knOwlidge bare been made by the ludefstivtile explorers of Africa. The gred political revolutions of the lid decade, with the natant rcaelt of the lapse of time. have brought into public new a multitude of new men, whose name. are in every one's mouth, and of *Lase lives every one is curious to know the Mars. Wed battles have twat fought and taut sieges main, of which the details are as yet preserved o nly!n the newspaUers or in the transient publications of the day, but which ought now to take their place in permanent sad authentic history. In preparing the present edition for the press, it hes accord tory been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to the West possible dates, and to furnish so accurate account of the most re cent discoveries In science, of every fresh produc tion In literature, and of the newest inventions In i c til i u nal ruticAl arta, ea well as to give a succinct and record of the progress of political and his torical treats. rbe work has been begun after long and careful preliminary tabor, and with the most selPleetatlitf. ces for carrying it on to a successful termination. ?tone of 'be original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has been printed on new type, forming In fact a new Cliopedia, with the same plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such Im provement* 'n its compoidtion as have boson sag gested by longer experience and enlarged knowledra. The - Wattrationa which are introduced for the drat time In the present edition, have been added, not' for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greeter ludicitar and force to the explanations in the text. 'They embrace all breaches of adience and of natural history, and depict the most famous and re markable features of scenery, architecture and art, as well as the various processes of mechanics and -roanatactures. Although intended for lastmetion rather than embellishment, no pins have been spared to ensure their 'artistic excellence ; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will lind a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the C yelopedia, and wor th y of its high character. 11UOVENIN14, 71:dis work ts sold to Subscriber* oidy, peyab e on s&hteub or o b v omem. Ite w ach l c b o s r th p g le t"ebdr nt 800 pages, fully Illustrated with WWII thOttarad Wood Engrartngs, sod with numerous colored Lithographic Mips. In extra Cloth, per vol., ~ i BM In Library Leather, per vai. . In lien Turkey 1p repo, ivy vol., ... In MU acute, extra Wt. per Tot-.. • 0.00 In !all morcato. Udirinet gilt edges , Per enl..10•00 CI FnU Ilmasta, per voL. . . . . . . 10.00 'Arse volumes now wady. Illisteeellnyi until oinupletlon, will Whined ones In two months. Etpoettuen pages of the Assascaa Crane/mu. ahowing type, liietrstions, etc., will be sent gratis on application. rritirr•Cuss Cst&sssuic Aortas iltsissza Address Ws Paiidishers. D. APPLZION t C 0.., 60 kUI Droadmiy. T., 1016 eIIIIOEI Bt. FM% -YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL HOUSES, FARMS, LOTS OR smix, pionimr, or If you ahrlite lend or borrow moray r ow term of goat Mate or or Lf y otherou wish warn? Ice short term o yam 'RENTS OF HOUSES Or other pproperty collected and pald, we offer en. poi. or hetiltlea for the prompt tranucUon of each business. We have now a fine ltst of property for sale, and those seeking REAL 'ESTATE INVESTBIENTS In either town or county, wUI d, well to Call on no. A. T. rOBLII .1k (10.. • • Rai Zeta* 14 Loss Agents. • Me Stan sirtroet, opposite Court House. To. wands. Pa. Mar 114 144. • NORTHERN OEN CAL RAlL 'AL—Direct route 'foe sd South to Bal. Weektitstott. Medal sad 001 points Routh ; also to Reale. Sieger PA% enettogon & Woe. Rochester. alums NW sn Potn Rut ending on the Raw TOrk Oettrelltallteaty sad the Mauls& se. Oa end atter Randig4Nor , :a• 18711, Mies Ida tom E4.IIIIRA es follows : • NULL arrive • . • .... 10 00 pat Sort:bora 114000 00 at *mutat Ac 11 amuoaftatka. 140401 * r °, l3 ( d° • : 065 pm " • • 100211 1 / 8 111). • . iboria lona II oil pipi K &c id - II so • irs.errs b e rass b %Mb Soutbas Pow MON exfilA ibs beams WAND, 11114 aallnate ; w NaIM. Incas Meow swdetlam mit licamel N Omearimigos will trains lorliectoMee and Ohs Ms._ • • • . ill=101311:0141, Sot 0.11 TOM. Onsi Pow Let Reltthian. BttOKSMITHING. 114 atallinisooet baring mainly Wood tot s tom of 3.ears ft l a old *gots stand." SafibefOli Licked% 11/11 now popttnd to carry on the biantsmttb- Inn business in in hi Wanda's% CA - ntsdirig Ilto antra; to do Mott nark as asap lintel la finY tither atilkatrf andfoof 0104MOV A r o add/ to Unite &With° may Woe os oUta a call. • , mow* ff. si sox; DigrUdesta SAW, mt. 6, 'Ti. El s~ 1 MARBLE )110NIII4ENTS, Of evert st73i. Find bloclaortfa of Ward Souse DINING. BOOM 1). W. SCOTT tz CO ,RSICS Min BULa OP BOWITO, IT"rMI =MEE HEM WMOIOII WAGONS I I have on hand s large sass itzmad of LUMBER AND LIGHT MI WAGONS I WILL I. SELL CHEAPER Than any other establishment in the -1,. WAGONS AND IjARMAGES - Of story description manufactured to order on abort notice. JAMES BRYANT Towanda, *rich 26,1!73. FROST k EONS Would lairtte the Platte Vital) tad exisedislithefr NEW . STYLES Or FURN ITURE liEl UY THEtfiCY The*, hese new on hand the latittiZElT AND MT AISSuRTMZNT OF,GOODS NM 114 TOWANDA. Wkich will be sold _at Wisekale prices We ire alacrprekariaci tQdo Qr•!: UNDERTAKING =I ow OA most Lle lezvs We also keep lu store sad maks to order SASH. BLINDS, DOORS, MOULDINGS; FLOOBINGS,, &c chi!, teis WE INSURE ALL KINDS OF . PROPERTY -- Lemur uses sit DOUAI, BT • FIRE AND LIGHTNING. WI roman* one Mr = I Modal. 1 ; Old IWO& oad Zoom Claaspoaloa LIFE INSURANCE IN 11170 - OLDIBT WMI/M FrOCC AND MUTUAL 00/d . AIUZEI IN THE t111111:D finTlos. ACCIDENT INSURANCE ' ; Wrom on* day to gait you. NOBLE as VINCENT. , vie. to, urn. QUPRRIOR AGRICULTURAL KitCOM. toe Sok b 7 . • B. M. WELLES, TOWASDA.PA.,, Koresseo illosk e tares On id °oat Nous drum WHOLZIIIII A= WAIL. DLL= MID 111411STNACITQUIIII AGM, Kowtow Illaddisoi. Sono Pardo sad Tbinaboro, Wiled Woo, MO* Sown% Win Jss KO Tons% lionottbio TM *ono Rood Giant Bain sod Ilnustas &am Rom* iiimmiamainms axe amain - MOM MINIUM in *mit. anai 7 sawailres ORD altelgis 141. • 0001.00116111141/NOSWAIIiiiIIMINI venni filie• alooknislibedi Noun *die allippliod. it ion nit bid lam mts is nod be division hirodil vino to Toinisin. NU mod oio •pritti ' . It, IL MUM!: DAYTO'&N it BROTHER, Dialersla WOOL, 'ffiDES,• PELTS, CALF . am, tuna. 4,c14, AN I rma we Waist mob prim is iitt'a a/ time 9.11111* limussurfs atom -;; lb to DAUM I I. lunar. f sar.l4lo ' TOWANDA PA. === m.z cLoszaliG Efirouvit: . I TL mill grow& atlovindi di la at began% sod Co. af the amoundly in Os _ , READY MATE CLOT4ING UNE • ' 1 .• , Has *pool s nes skis la 11 like*, aorsoody occupied try .' loctotsa) oat is out mo , mod to claw to hal edd coduceort ant th e *one peostate l , a beet stock at , wzior AND BOYS' Thu Lea be b" bead In wig other ,e cent xf side the eb. , 1 eemb . bee . boo pszetorell' _ sem its Oft arisce. se tasi I have suidd eta& to get Aid at toogbi it legb pilaw /Ws a ton ilm of GENTS' IFURNDNIING GOODS nsak frmilit. istest or Übe and ityiu,, viola I as Ofruizg st low Lorca. • • • .lUMIMB' ! . IWe no tonnectian with the old stand, sad when you Inuit saythinu in the katl2.4 line. for yourself or boy.. 012 rue in Beaks= s Block. pRESENTI4 FOR ALL JiT TEX W • Is constantly reestriflg, ;in mottos to Lis tags steak &Jewelry, 1 I ! Fors GOLD arre, PINS, AkpULIAS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ULM Purim WARE OF ALL ver.Lents 13ILYX1i AxD fLiTED ' BI O 8 Asa MIME' Weil= CLOCK mid SEINELBY repairing done in the best a:fanner. and wereasfad. . ?huh for iderat patronage and hope to merit • continuance of the gains. WE CL nay nee, the proof of which - be as the extreantiziaa Wee, end increasing de. mad far Um: ; MY That from the peculiar conetmetiou oit the ZliniMap Bede* s_& Maim theMdtd. render. mi freittest chart anasomeary. ed. That they omit* • brilliesoy mut distisetwees of vision, with an amount of sees and mutat not hitherto enjoyed by apecterle wearers. id. That the Wisteria from which thewt. LesseeW ireok groati4. sommactanel irly for ro ea, mid te park hard. mid lieht. end lice Ushlw to beams wretched. 6th. That the trams fm which they us est. ',bath. or In Gold. , l ar Steal. ars of thollnest and finish aeon ranteed perfect In " For sale only by , our outimised agsatLt e :Th= lty. We never uppty or employ peddlers. J• 0. FROST 1L• BONS• 0, A. *OK OROOKERY OF V ARIOUS And is knir as Ulf Jovia l • . I GLASSWARE, in hook I•*01 a BAKERY ; AND DM!‘' *OW rim block masa ot . Irak BMW, PUS, CAICKORAWEEZIO, - 11.111C21) , DAIL T. ' •`:' ' • '1 . _ Ant acid u WbAsaala ass fatal.. I ; 1 i la oar NOW SOO= maid aaaseasokate lks• = ist wi l li v i at isi tt r isu i la t tra t i or . a nook „ law ,. aa ~, (wants AND m: claim 6 BIND 4:#'1,1!44: ' • 1 ism 1371995. •". . " .alila a aii 4b' asaravatt at Greattlecilaaradifamai. Fratta. Nuts. k. . . . ...JDFel y t _t < t 110 i ii.ll U -.• V • aim= laz lotalezonia , . • _ atissealii , eaapiod i IMI ME MI Towanda. March 28.187!. bkinliti:All'ti.afil;.&j ; l BAITD§ I RINGS. STIIpS, } • CHAAMI3, - NECKLACES; • GOLD. SILTED Asv'STEITL SPECTACLES, °LOCKE§ Of All descriptici at the want Prim' Towandaatoi.ll2, W. A. 8001WLI.1. OR lii i LAZ4RUS tit MORRIS' CELEBUATED Di ti :0 D:qU I MAI vmt Ii AN I D ETA OLARLES, AdvifitVel over tliois d.orgs• WM. A. CHAMEBMIN, Bole Agent, 110v.20.11112. 11=1 OfIXDJ TERNS. TABLE CIITTJERY, BILTiEBRLATED WARE ID WARE, 00 WARE, BIRD CAGES, BASKETS, GLASS SHADES, r the pnb]lo ; tLM on any goals kept I would fag to of; maims' old. iElliii LEI == , - SE S WOOMAOBA. tax NEW:YORK BOOT SEI so. is; Antos a aurrnritsitoczn Is me ring oats _ beat stock of BOOTS & Sli s brought in Towanda, Which offering at thervery knrest pri Omsk coneisting of GISTS C & &zoos, Bora ills Boors,' I Mums and Cage ones Shoes kinds, all boight direct . Manufacturers, atid hand goo& warranted. A rum = tr , "Alm axn PISDINGB. Thankful for past favors, I a continuance of the, same. Tomas. ma. 2/03. t‘i ri.ei V : I S* from #mo NEw oa88IA(E Fa anoutrace to' ills triantlx ask he buLlt REW. EMI taltigAGE *heirs be sill arcistelitly keep 9Z head a,l gout of _ „. TOP AND or= DU nimmia'l3uziga. aw Made dt the best nastadal and finished day data We long szperienee /feetories gives bits a decided advantage in the Finish, Style *anti Dur of kis Waves. 422 they ukit IS NZ INSPECTION . OF' _ Hls 4LX 1/OIC waszurrav i TO GIVE EATIIMICTIOY. Thankful for tbs liberal patronage ex. tended and reapectray ask 'a eoutLA as of the Atm& REPADIMG PEOMPTLY ATTEND TO Towsnda. lsn. a 11172.—tf FOIJNDIKEY do MACHINE SHOP. undersigned tutting plinitutsed thA Toaadry sad Itscldno Shop lately anted by John Cortasn. are tbel r propared to do atl baeineee, vita =a wor s 2 i L d s=ing to MlLta GEAiRI9S," OIEOULAR A. Sir ‘HT I LLSI, N DB LLB. And all Made of MILL .IROIT MADE To oinisa - ENGINES REPAIRED, And All work mataidoil e o Ovo ottliMotion. Of the latest end most Improved kinlistartnflotured and kept constantly on hand ready far • p ••), LOUGHS, EIDEMZIX. MON AND WOODEN 'Awn CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS 4sit • ,- PL - OUGH 1"011411 1 1:3 or WI lt , Jads. and duo kept LLE . OII.AND . IBM . ALL STOVE O,A BUM AND SLEIGH. OBS, And all buds of castings fundibal to_ limb SO. IWO. W 141034 I BLOOD ' co., Towanda. Ps. tTttll sontlnne o resiselbeturs their resistors' nom POWEBS & ozailatas, sad will sell s better maize, for less robe? than MI be bad elarthere In the node. We dal= for aar mandnattlat they se do OS ale* at more, ran any often re ere sore dumbly boa. We presonslly sapertntend oar work and sr that it Is wen dorm We will and • DISCIIIIII7II Of fOr troblar, on appnoagen. ONE AND TWO rowEBS, d raw arm roman SIGPXJLIIO/14 raszszn sad mum= •FANNIIia MILLS, OZWV&O AND Me sew AND OWN XILL inn* done t i o order. Give as. call Wore onintieting elm& 1 1 Ta c•op eapaavutt OS) V •aoorz - as&2i 11611. r WOOL 'OABDING, MANUPACTETRI;NG, After a men of toai , sad heavy. la Isoprodog MIL aad Weter Powee, mos OUT old bOsizegoi of 311 . 11N0TM7117U3G. WOOL, OARDIRti, billtactatfolt the hard times. we have thought vest not to "let flown." but tomb lionmtndustry as the beat means of restoring plenty. jibe the accommodation of the newly extinct race oof washed mate EMIL For tame who - 031 1031 make Tam— ifrOdifitti*lnt,lititt!!l;. " = "3ll43l = vi ol favor lZ d" Mae , of llm by: f thoommit lords of Otani ~teat_ C loni innibie • reify sus loiseployibiliclieeta• ' • O. A. BLACK. . Thous lib° As. _should oil sod wo *soaao otOo purist emdinostioir 1i...W001.341 "Apr 4 ;4, ' tit, the ••tpar la") Harm in deal wrier; et our ' niter Doan aner-amag •be fatale- max .be in- so Las, ot dlemerstmant, end are Tranvia% aU re* to be • ILAB. INGF - M.. Onnitown, Pa. M*'2L IV& 11 4 1 +. A. 141 maw Ina* 4/4 Mots 16 tad be maw ton 1 0 sufigyskintr. 14 IL COWAN 10t "Tha rev:wit" lISEMEgi grid Sots" ~. "' AND EMM Opoe. tkt• sew Jail. TOWANDA, PENN'A. :s wjj MD It Azi FAMIGI MiltaLLG PLATFORM WAGOR r!laeloct Wass 0t.;(0115M.i, tN:t oarAl Of al ktncia. CHURN -POWERS S TI onus (JUTE% n LARGE IBM EIIdILES pIiZEIMI. IC. "..• ''''-•:1‘ _llawilossi-ItrMtkrm. NEE 1140ABE.Ar. EDWAMIIfiI rsimil . flottsfiDailarsia 1:3 t.&21L1L . 1:-;-GROOEBIE 1 for ,Err P o"v N zee, f all the of 07 incitimm nir:ELOOL TOWANDA. r -A• do cot doom Ititecoostry to osittooteto on Matta snicks we blooit.l 9uriolortabot EauD ALWAYS COMPLETE. FIRST: CLASS GOOD j ,ellifl ()la paid for Piamettr ?name. JAMES • • VS .IiDW Nara 1.1870. NEW 6TEAM'FLOIIIIII G , slit , EIMMIZIO7121; PA • • • . The sidu•schh desires to give notice that his • • STEAM FLOTEDIG MILL . • tallow tII saixesital operation. end that bet. . plod to do ate work in his line on shad notice. . ' CUSTOM GIIMIIM3G DONS 0031712 LUMP. 11 IN AT IT 13 BICEIVICI). • MUM. 13sekitioia Bys Moan Corn feed Braa,lkc., always an hand and for sal invest rides. PABTICIIIIARNOTIOZ.-.Pereatui livings on 1 _•• • wed aide attic, rives desiring to patronise any will have their *Wage paid both way. , wi le al being piste of tan boaheis and upwards. ap1.4"71 • • IP. BA pair:(ll:A, =3 the beat Oinfais others C . B. ;PATCH, WHOLESALE AND .ItET ORB GROCERIES AND PROVISIO: The best:briuds of The LtighFst yrioe paid for ell Wilds of CO UNT RY PRO DUCg BUTTER, POULTRY ,t2iD GAM , Especial attention paid to Idling order,. Go delivered free of charge anywhere In the Boro • Towanda, Jan la, 18741 B AB CARPENTERS' TOOLS, • I . &c:, &c., Given to all purchasers for Cash, j H. T. JUNE'S 1331 HAREiWARE STOR j! TOINIANDA, PA , G $ Let, 17.1'19 E Wi'r T .CHES,,4EWEL 'SILVERWARE! NEW JabLET SZOBE, ON BRIDGE In tLe building foinierly occluded by IN • Thus. with s large assortment of Gold sa zwy • American and Swiss Watclie 8,, Fine Gold Jewelry,` Gold CRAM ei‘p. - RINGS, CRAW BRACIDLETS. } • BUTTONS, rim, &a &c. f] la A hailer, of 'auk) envsa and plated ware .r7.wTrwv--zipm EEI 01411 kiiuls--Gold, Silver and Steel Frees the cheapest to tho best, and romiy szttclastoe aruneroas to unction, but to be so • by e 54 1 . 1 3, M. REND r „If, IL - Watches . Clocks end Jewelry re • - • mottos! ifforkaaen, and werrantod. - Tollable.Aht. 10.'13 • - %ann.- 7 TUE NEW TOWN OF kJ nn SA.. le 'situated cm tis how •• as mis s opelorsee War , riy. lea L. and Miesna._,• Fla.; WI Waitrons the Aittbrecite. 411 Ulla from t= tee. lad *AM Wm O I seat&lllttomle Gal meter Preasylvaalik tt tattle houttooro (dee IleetherW(ketral Ballecod. also of the Ohm atheetasod trehttolly the Northern taredlopo °fibs fttirshey sad Pe. hN. T Ran, mita: It Is 1 - Ala quottar trots Me . Rail at wa_ y Waverly. MY= hay dread, to loccereful operation laris oar Wheal Irry,-a_ Puncture Factory, $ Jog Mill. 6 Weeks WU. and a-rtardas Mlll. • emu ire** to tiottoiyated A. r 11174. ME THE TOWN PLOT ti ziow eddy fur t•martinatioa: Las for rest. and basiskire V ca foe sale on retionabis to • Jl44tav_or. ab ! l ! l a C a ti° l4 ' jpzikOtz roivr 11/14 11119110 id lakiioeausata ampffecre& We JIM Itallonal Ain; La egre t A torl. IMOD 4 7 1' '?' ~~. P " . 111) 111M310 trroax WI sall nothing but DEALER IC TOWL.NDA.;rs FLOUR ALWAYS ON., NAN C. B. PATCH AIMS IN 4STOVESI TINNVMM HARDWARE, N AND NAILS, GLASS, &c., , DQUAR7E7RS FOR EMI 31. ICKNDM,MAN Ru opened a CLOCKS ..Z.4:4MAM6:ftri,.:':,l4-.,--,,<;-1,z,4iA1.;•• lt ZZ:Ei Whim El Q " m a * Wit• MY .CUSS DIWG seam= moos rum. ems oat sea mai amok, zomegik, OA. addbiloreetriotbetraiodreafgaid saimelwast; comattutft. as *Owen es. useardas suesreriew are Is Os AM OW alscbmiola Paraim ~OF daisaid to Ow proli emote ai the slob*. "blob in to kortnrirnwsatZPUld hot ladtriM temosobli tame of Vbaleiabor 144 =WA* at • I , I Davos,. linutaisi, Oszmucas, sianik ou", wAsswing. it 14031011 AND :{• ILLIN PAM ITABNIAM , Ana kinds ?Muslim "MOEN]; OR COAL OIL' banshe ;n ul ls; LUDO. frEeDZB. WIC= CZEID ow= r.d.whia..zwit.7.4, TANNER'S.AND att.CHINE Posey and VtlElFit aryls in at! tbste vizwfir, MONO& 111=1111,, 10128. flame. . Pagodas; Itsis-Dris. , Pelireata, ' POCEZT B4 r OKB; PORTNOY IVO* Malys% Samati. 1 4 30131, HEIN i mp ittti, Pl= • 1182 WEE= 4.11:11 LNISOZII s sae %wow - TOBACCO, Sarum Pula AND. Chow, Gard it. road sa4 Saw &lads TeSsiesSap - patters Bagesiaries. litioaSer Eason. Bout NVlLlSetbaL ta ltags. Nate*/ Bottlsii Nipple sad 1301/345. I Pau. heitaebits Pratt ists t = ges i , taus, listorut. Itstacts. State Is" Oboe Ware. vessies, VIAL. Ossits. r' sad Stave Pssb T. Lae_ akaattlati. Botstdo. Zatatia sod Saamonatle 31Letklaes, sad AM! , PaßtaKr •Pateos E.D I 0 N-E S AD stficies sr/rotated at rep d. Pero* st s distance can receive Omar orders by Wags ar *sU. stocb aril metre prompt sad modal stteatioss. , !Wks] advise give graptbassly st the • •os, dismiss sail toroildiettke i . Air 13isaktal lor pelt Mem! sad stalal4 peettettly swam= to their trigaduad a. pablictbst no galas aball be spired so soassi. *ad mot Uzi ma. ttaasaszo of %sir coatideate sad paroasgs. •sr Opal Staidly/ for prteartptioas tom 9 • 19 sta., sad l 9 m. to 1. sad 6to pm. '43. FONTES it :IN.: dprtll, 1.872.—yr. Tilt Nrum POWER CUR _ 1 HOMEOPATHIC SPECIP/Of Hare proved. tram the mo t staple - =wrists:is, in entire success. Blutplo, prompt, dISCICIA and relit, We. They iire the only tuediciss perfeetlY adepted to popular nee—so simple List mistakes sandal be made in using them; so harmless as to balker From 4111 4PPr; mid so efilcint as to be always reliable, They base the highest comagendstion. from Mi r and will always render satisfaction. roe. Serra . , C I. revere, Congestion. Inflariattation, 2. Worms. Worm Fever. Worm Colic. 3. Crying-Cohn or Teething of Infants, - 4. Diarrhoea; of Children ?r Adults, G. Dygetital7, Griping. 13Dims Colic, - G. Cholera Morbas. Vomiting. • T.'ooughs, Colds, Bronchitis. &-Neuraigia. Toothache, Pace:ache. 9. Headaches. Sick" Headache, Vezitio, 10. D) speps , a, bilious sits ace, • I Suppressed, or Painful Periods, ' 12. Whites, too Profuse Period*, 13. Croup, Cough. Dirdenn Breathing. 14. Salt Rheum. gr7lligAlaa•l 15. Ehemustoitin, ftheAnst4o Pains. 18. Fever and Ague. Chill Perer.Agnea, 17. Piles. blind or blesalinnt; 18. Ophthsittiy. and Sore for Weak Eyes, 12. Catarrh. acute or throttle. Influenza. 20. Whooping Comb; violent coughs, 21. Arttana,Appressed breathing, 22. E.,r Loackargea. impadreld hearing, 23. Scrofula, !enlarged &langs. Swellings, 24. General Debility, Ph:rine:a Weakness, 23. Dropsy and scanty Secretions. 23. Sea Sickness, sickness from riding, 27. Sidney Disease, Gravel, 28. Nervous Seminal Weskriess, or discharges, 29. Sore Mouth. Canker. • 30. Urinary Weakness, 31. Painful Periods, withSpagams, • 32. Sufferings at chime of life, 33. Epilepsy; Spasm:us, St. Vitus Dance, 34. Diptheria. ulcerated Sore thrtiat. 35; Chronic Congestions land Eruptions, Vials, CO cents: (e Sept 211.32. and 33,) FAMILY doze- Case (Morocco) with above.-35 large vials and oat of Directions, _ Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book, Single Boxes and Vials as above. , - These remedies are gent by the case ori box to any part of the country, free of than receipt of price. Address May 26„2673 “ A WOLF DT SHEEP CLOTHIIs . Begs to inform his nainercitts customers, . wlio dery to avail themselves of an ,opportonity l to supply themselves with i • 1 . - g THE BEST WINTER CLOT I=l.l 1 . AT YEBY•LOW PRICES, pg)ut he has just Opened the best stock of 0 IFIII MENS' AND BQYS' WE Ever dieplayed' in the market • BESIZILBEB that my geoda are all FIRST-0 and WARRANTED WELL MADE. One dooi South of Fox ft Rimers's. Oct. 1,T1873 FIRE! _FERE!! FIRE! ! I ON ACCOUNT OF A WHICH. CLOSE) UP A STOVE FOUNDRY, WE H PIIRC4ASED STOVES W WE OFFER FOR TWO-T THE USUAL . PRICE. OA EAB:S TO GET THE B I GA.'S , 4, HOWARD 43; RIDGWA.' Wyslttaing, Tam 2'B, 1874:- g- MLSS GRIFFIN IteepoctinAy announces to her old gusto ( PI PUbit 4 that, the oominnes the es • - MILLINERYZErSINESS,' ; At her old stand on 'LINA STItELT, and that his a tcstuminmsesoartrarz to , eoans. which selling a t i t le suel moderate prices. r I Ot Every Lauri= i P.V. ORIPTIS . CLARK 13. I)ORTER, Drug& Tpwailds.. Cl JULIUS WOLF JIILITTS WO ME • EMS a_ tj 4 zumi. rnmiire ~.... , I ,TOWIND.4 4 wsougazz AND It110(.4IS eziestireily lepslied thei kalreteaapikped with • It • • stoat, Ming af. PE "A pY:7iy#•l rwmr.s, WI) PILLS, CrICD&S, G ' i :.:4.INZFEB, , ;r a Oac,..ntov, liii P4Wrios it tiE arnszi, EZZO3E.i A L L , i , : 1 l'r R , E WINS AND • LIOI . • 1 . • , ' i For Nedlchesil Parp am • ' : - , ( ~ .• ' ! - 1 1 i 1 I tt 1 TOBACCO, EN - ul4l ` A 34 'CI . ;; . 1 . . AD the - •' 1 ;,' POPITLAB PATENT, I. _ It lA, - . i ' • ' I : i . r . if : • ' dada Fine Ars° at of 1 • T 4: ) 1) , ILE ! ,4 ? T AND • FAIT ' ODS - . . -1 , • I it. J Noire than the saars4 case *ad at ;act , ell to 4 Cotepaanding of,',fuecriptiVittil- OPetti, 15 tzdaJt' from 9 o'clock.a an..tc? 1 pacr,., Lc 6 p,es. te,.7 pail Dr. itanitt. can be ectneulted a the on Set ccrdny of each weeX, -as ,her.ctoto I 1! i ; ~ ! • ; '• IL TrletE.s... i I n lir. 6. Goa Dos.! r TowirßlA. 91;3" f; ' 1612. -: .11 : ti• 1 . ,-1,--8i STUFFS .1,14. c . FIRST 14 AtIONA:L i i III 5 - i ~ 1 r, • 6.1-I . owhstai rr Ir Ceprzu, - ~ ..,,,....i. —J r ... it .$1 , ,000, Ilalam Ft" S.-.. , . . ' p ,000 i . i ' . ; • ":—.--i.. " !I , 1 . I : , This Bulk arra" rn - sra.r. r sA t ..iIIPS ic'r 11s. Doti. . I '11: : h I 'I EA ~_' II 1 ,1 I I diENERAL z•AziTELLYIBU I STNE6,S. ' -1, 1 .- 3•I. q - ',ll - ' a • t. ti 1 '; trtmmez Am osi imPosrrg i Acß.pr_Kal r. , : - .) Aamzzloacii s i!,- •• • IA .1 ;• ' i , t , i l i . finiTAT. au= Grwro To TTIE •c. • -4 ri Im , Norr e l ,stum L i , . [ ,: i 1 . 4. I i iartSes isloirtdd ;cramp iscorrr r) siii part of ..he C rinedftlitell.ereakoLlreland. or the prlz. enatcttiea and towns : of Znrop +ere drafts Sot that purpose; I pro}-r.re , ! ) I !. PASSAGE ric . To or tram the old country, b nag tiara, a;waye nn lazd. • 1: 74x Eau =rams ovia •z ,gEfigtesf Priv tr.& .kkr .TOS. *TELL, December 1,1869.. A. it N.Y. CANAL eatatsGE:ll:mr of P - 1 1 , 1 t IfondaY: 1..1 PLEFM . ./LL Pi. No. 29.' 9. 7. .4 1 P , P I .I.IS ' 248 0 125 D 3 29: 1 20,, 905 ; Waverly . 3 18! 1 29: 912' 8 ss' 135; 919; Attemr..., 4 201 205;10 00 ....!..Tenawada. 5 )51 10 50 5 29 1 3 05 11 14 ....!.Lacey'vlllB.l 6 02 , ••• 111 394 Ileeltoppea -6 . ,1145 ' IXtelioatmuiy 45:, /35 12 30 •.. 7 . ll.9.lc.hannoci 8 00' 4 42'. 1 30 ...‘[..Fitcavort.. BS, 500 293 Barri A T 1 0 N .---- iOO 0111 j.l 30 435 ... Mauch Ch.- 8311 6sojAllentow n; 845 605 .... I, 9151 685 ;:Easton.. ; ;10 W. 820 ....PiaVsdelp • 0 00 6 00 945 Vele York. ni 20. 3314 N-es Towinda at 7 20. *1.4, Box. 757 a. ; Waver .gat FILI2IIII at 9,00, A. st. "o. 31 leaves Matra at 5 30 S p. m. • Sayre: 6 24 p. m.; A ring ; Tosimcia at 10 P. IL ME TAB E OF 1 1 d wutoAD.Laait , 1, VA es ERIE 'FicllT.Nov."ll, 1: .I;zzarazro I DZSI=3 •IlaNerol LIMNBOE.- I. WII.COXS . ... allIA:411. /11:11. LEAS .A. DLIMORE IBEILVICE L.M. 8:00 8:10 IB - 8:30 1/ I 9:10 9:50 - ,10:10 11:10 I. OR SALE) US THREE D TRALL •IBABLB p LOCA. ON - Lhibly Payments • money an 14 1874 RUBE CH' I Eprit THE .1!) W • Li I 11: TRAMP, 'AIRA311 1 ;1 e Boys are ,1 ; March ancl"Mea arid ttro 'shing for th, Groce , WHITE Sz Bt: GROCERIES 8: PR • sold cheaper tlisrithe cheat' line of Groceries fr, Prcrristo • rL o F 1 . !'! AND A XI I L Y:!!GR ,• : at the lied. White t a pile of go,,da for a little Ind'. I I worissr Palcz PAID 0 II NT R P •• , At Ithe Red. White Mao Store fr BRiallf&LL & • • BRIDGE . =to T4t l i9A2CD.t.,.""- Towszida Zan 28 '74 ' 1 , r B• - • 00.11-BINDRY—T TTBLIC reerguyinfunned.thill tbe pit-atridery 'ad been removed f to the' 'Br pOito Bailding, story. where wittbe done I ; • • - 1 • , , BUO' ll B LS D 7..; ', O" il •• i , , I i 1 r all its various branobea, I on terms L se reasonable •••the tittles" will allot', ,Thei iridetY will be no -7 the charge of 11 - . 1 • , • . 1 . II - • :1 . . ', . 1 1 : • ! A f 13 I 11 , 1: . ) ! il' An experienced Wilder, Ana a ll y will be prompt] v done in a style and manner .1111 cannot' be medical Iti.iio, Ilagralties, ' Newspape Did, 3 4 Boohs, ,/ce,, c, bithtuid In every virility of ity , cc. Part, !valor Mien tiOn will be paid to tne Boling inad Bisaing of 11 ,- ' ,•, . : I 1 . , I 1 . I I I , , pLt k ilic mocaa, • 1 II 1 1 , To soy d esired pattern, wbioni I . g iy and dura bility will be warranted. i 1 fi AU workwill be ready for dell, when promised. The patronage of the public solicited, and par. feet satisfaction irtuttrliiita 1 1 ,. i 1 trl. Towanda, August 3, 1866.-rtflq v , . Coal. • MI El 'i; : • , '.• •; - , ~ . he subscriber iuiring the aginoi of,tlto Untold. son Colliery st Hrtigston. Pa., ~ ' to ftirria dollars with all sizes of An to COL 'prepared liCttie best maiszter.'llroiU Olt 1 cedenrated Coo Per Vein. ' A full supply of this Cod Ma* be seen by *ling on 'W. 11..lituulston: A l i thi Ile* Coal Tard, on Pine. one blcct south of 'Main strefet. where all are invited to call. Pull volgb ' and good utility inixtred. . r ' J 4 t • -rt; 8. ( ;34i8F. ToWtoitia. Pr. 3 1 7 1814. ' i - ; 1 i•r ---- : a r OOD FAUM FOR 'itLk, Cheap,, NA containingabout ia. ecrele, abono.l acres im proved,„farmerly own-d b.y, Ji. ~ Coition,. dec'd. LOs house, good frame bar* gOod treler. YOund benzin* fruit trees, 'and eltits4 ltr 4osyl mtwp ;lour rollea from Towanda. Termseasy. quire of H. oGorr, Towanda, or '0 ,:i I i ii' - i • 4 1 Wet 19 "rim. i • i , i , it% i ' ' 1 .l 1 .1 ..: 9 E I I r I :I+ I pl? IL - , 1 OBE 1 1 ,Al' -s , ci, 4,1, AN: 1 'TS 1 I! 1 e1' 3 4 ,231 crt LA ;MI ~~~~ Gal 4 q. a EINI Et CO.- -G r• l .be , 13 no : 441 4. - 1 4. • ffffl .1.210. I 6 23! 750 4 11.45! -6 5o: 05 14 /1 . 1 35i:5 42 653 I 5 11 , 29, 5 36. 6 53 19 9 r 90 505 615 45 . . SIS .1 9,26, 405! 454 •,• 9,' Ds', • 4 30 .1. • t. 681 430 6,50 5 25, 3 020 L 2 3 p 2 30 ,„ 47 12 24 !10 30 1/ 10 .1- ;10 05 11 40 8 80 * 945 44 500 900 t tl" Asr ex Ativms 7.;50 , 805 a. m sr • rn..,; at 6 30'p. m. , A. PACKER, u • tendent; effect on E011:131WialD :DO :50 :SO :45 :25 :05 30 Y. 4 1_ 3 3 2 2 2 1 , 1 i !pILiS, . • er Agent 1 a. t' ' Getil I t : I $ •Y TERMS •on I.Dt e QUI" NOBLE k CO. Mil sERS ' J , & 4111 TE TRAMP ig, .{'An the enfiltao, all "6s fo the . ~~0~ trytlavg , la E , G ' =Ka Stoie Come: and Eli an rou 0 D(7 C 'I