Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 09, 1874, Image 1

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Trim dustmen Maros= Ls published emery.
Thursday Morning by *kV?. At at Two Dolling,
,per an lam to advance. —7 1
azir ?averaging in WI cues exclusive of subscrip.
Mon to the paper. •
SPECIAL NOTICES inserted at erns= aerrsper
!Ina for first insertion, and nett oxen per, line for
subsequent insertions.
LOCAL NoTiors, name ityls as reading matter,
---- iirrivrr mans a tine. •
ADVERTMEIifEfiTEI will be inserted according to
the following table of
lw 1-4 w IRm tax. .1 em - I Iv.
1 Inch 31.001 100 6.001 6.00 1 10.001 , 6 II
2 I nChes j 2.00 1 5.04 8.00 I 10.00 13.00 1 20.00
3 Incla9a I 2.60 I v , 110.00 I 18.00 I 40.00180.00
Incbes I 8.00 1 8.60 t 14.00 1 18.25 1 25.001 35.00
column I 6.00 1 12.00 1.12.00 1 22.001 20.00 145.00
ccilamn ► 10,00 20.00 ► 30.00 ► 40.00 ► 65.00 ► 75.00
1 column I 20.001'60.00 I 60.00 I 80.00 I $lOO I $l5O
Administrator's and Executor's Notices, 52; Audi
t r's Notices. $2 50 ; Business Cards. ave Urals, (per
I 9 al $5, additional line. , 51 each.
Yearly advertisers are entitledto anarterlychanges.
T militant advertisements must be paid fat , in advance.
All Resolutions of Asabetations ; Communiatticins
o 1' limited or Individual Interest. and notices of War
n tues and Deaths; exceeding tivelinea, are charged
E en ar:.-rs per tine.
.1013 PRiei Lir.o of every land, and Fancy
.::Mors, done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills.,
Blanks, Cards, Pampldets,.Billhesds. fitalenients, he.
of every variety and style, printed at the shortest
notice. The REPORTER MCA 11 well supplied with
Power presses, a good assortment of new type. and
everything In the Printing line can , be executed in
the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.
• -BUSIIM;; .CARDS. - . •
tft IifONROLTION, PA., Ipays particular attention to
-coning Buggies, :Wagons; Sleighs, ke. Tire set and
repairing done on short notice. 'Work and charges
guaranteed satisfactory. 12,15.69.
again titabllshed htraself in the TAILORING
ITISINESS.I Shop over Rockwell's Store. Work of
very descrtnticm done in the latest styles:.
Toorsnds,, April 21. _ -
E-4 •
- sz—e
;•-•-+ • • ''
-0 --,
Et 4- 1' cl --,
- ... 4
, oti
F-4 t.--4 --',."'' ..,._
``, • " 7:4
TECT AND BUILDER, wishes to inform tee
citlzarte of Towanda end vicinity. that ho will giVe
particular attention to drawing pl.ns, designs and
patiticatiomffor all manner of bnildings, private
public. Superintendence given for reasonable
. - iompensation. 0111 co at residence N. E. corner of
Second and Eiizabatb ;treats.
octin '
.-:1).31e, , , corner. of 7 , :: ftin ri , e.l State Etr,aet.s,
~arch 13, 1i.z72.
L .. )
I 4ra prepare :Ito furnish 'Kiln-dried Doors, Sash
Blinds . of any style, size, or thickness , short
Tfaml in your Orders ten days before yon
, rant to use the articles, 'and be sure that yon will
;-et doors that will not slirinit or swell.. Terms each
' •
.11:7 ti. 15'71. GEO. P ASH.
" I .k.Y TON . Sz B._I!v.OTTCEP,,
cash prk^. is pail all Emu , .
In M. E. it05c4:•1'.:1 , 1' . 3 Stun,.
.1. A. DAYTON. 1 • 7
DAYTON. I n0v..14.'70,
NE . W F I R
eaters in GrqccrECs and. Protisior.s, D: -48
~! Medicines, KeroFtsne Oil, Lampa, Chimp•iiha Dyd Stiffs, Pakrits, Oils, Varnish, Yankee
Tobacco,(' Cigars' and Snuff. Piro Wines , :‘1
L_• of the, best qudlity, for mediclnalr: 45
y. All Goods sold at the eery lowest pric s.
...:!: -. .ptions carefully compounded at all Lo of the
11; arA ni hi. p Give us a call.
7 : 101 -. .rritton, Pa., June 21, 1869-Iy.
11 - ). undersigned he, - 43 leave to return thanks to
the - people of Towanda and vicinity' for the very
everona,patronage._extended to him daring the
easort, andat the eamo time to give notice that
hc has added to his bu9iness a stolk of,
rr.eplreA tn - offer AT THE-LOWEST
Which he i..,
Ils will still ccntinne tif. I:als.ln2 busiaes3 in all
t; ant can famish liirthing in this line
. .
7; 1::. 1 i al , o flt.;:d 1:1, a
11.: , :•re els ready to farulrit Me
Luaellana lowor cate:r-tlian usual.
rarta- , san dot]; •ra • - a are Incited to
.try- Parties t. 111,411,1 with tee ere 1:11, Cakes, Pr-it,
:,I.onre:t:oncry-at short notic:%
IteLeerpber ,ha pleee,nearly cii , :r.E•ite the Means
S-14 4 11...72. nfinACE A. COWLES.
CEO. 'H. WOOD & CO.,
TO , T.IC:;DA,
f f ue.orlus r•aironage of the
pa•it woild in. , - )rin all Wanting, Pictures ••.,- are snit adding toga establishment .
.ktl adoplimg tried an I a4roved modeS of
printing and retc.:• - •l:irg in order to t•ezure
kTN. - Elt PTIOT
• tha t!:ties, that we make
• . • n!ty to 6ntarlp•• all of Picturest•l
.. • : iniVater ••.
~. 11.11A, or in Oil, is the.-
ire al.o ethleirr::r to 241:e ail the th roe pops!.
hie t11":na childrecs pictur:es,.ea as. to - se-,
care fhb eert restiltß. .
.11 : e at:e - enn3taLtly ar.lding
. to ° 9,rr !..trmt of
r r.- It E s
. •
MI new patterns and tiktetra Styles, ant fur
nish them at a t..ratli from.cost prices.
May 14, 167 a. • •
410 THE
![I.--,Your attention is specially in.
,tel to the f 4 that the National Banks are-now
,prepared to dive Enbscrlptions to the-Capital
St • - ....1; of the Centennial Board :of Finance. The
lands rralize4 from th.saccoarre aroto be employed
-pi the ereetirli of the.bnildings for the International
exhibitl,r, and the expeasfs rondeeted with the
.." htnr. tis lonnlently bel,evrhl that the Keystone
:taw will be epresented by, Cm name of every MAI.
t eni alive tol patriotic croosanatorationlof the one
un treath br il ti-day of thp nation. iTt'aa shares of
s tttck are offe e for sid eacli, and anb.wribers will
V'etiVO a ban somely steel engraved gertiffmate of
Stork, gettable for framing and preseivation as a
national memorial,
Interest at theyito - of six psr cent per; annum w 111
I;anald on all payments of Centennial Stock from
of payment to January 1, lre.
t :3 , llm:ethers who 'are not near a National Bank
ln 'wait a check or post-office order to the under
FREDS. ETALEY, Tmasnrer,
934 Walnut 'St.. PMl's
4, '73
uuderelgted haTingl prucased the
.1, to 11is :urge stuck of
V.1.11c11 hr is now iirepared to
i•••!. , ! r E ''. o:' , . i 1193 T 107..5.30Nr1: TERMS. -
r.: Lyinfil pron*tlr attended to
T„;,-6 4 ,1
I i •
Ely Ccrmmetzoi as Lim. Towanda. Ps.
-111711 As Liv. Otlice.,aortier of Main and
Pine Stow* opposite Porta", Deng Store.
sviazos, office over Dr. U. C. Portefr Son
te Co.'s Drug Mors.
Ehmagos.ofters his professional services to
the citizens of Warren and vicinity. Residence
first house north' of I. F. Cooper's Store. Wan "
Centre, Pa. ap11812.17
sOccessOr to Dr. Wester': Mae In Patton's
Block. np statrs,;Mall Street, Towanda. Pa. • An
kinds Opiate work a specialty.'73
and Surgeon, Moo over Wickham & Blacra
Crockery store. •
Towanda. May 1,1872.4 y• . •
F°II4 MoPIEttIRSON, herion-
Nrys-AT-Uw. Towanda, Pa. Will eye DrainTd
attention to all matters entrusted to their charge-
Orphans' Court 'Mildness* srecialty.
W. FOYLE. [nasy2ll3l WM:MX.
. atn Comma:um AT Law, Towarida. Pa. Par.
bottler attention. paid to busheeis 111 the Orphan •
Court. ! • _ jrCy 23, '6e.
Liw. Oflce, Mercnri Block, Lext doorto
the Erpress Office, Town.% PL •
• irri, AT Law (inetrtet Attorney for Brad.
ford Ccrnaty).Tray. Pa. Ootlecticms made and prompt.
Ip remitted. , • feblll,l%—tt.
NVB . 1 ;. KELLY, -Dmns.i..-office
. .over Wickham & Black's. Towanda, Pa.
Teeth Inserted" on Gold. Silver, Rubber; and Alum.
nine base. Teeth extracted ar4hortt pain. C1e23,72
.T-rakr, Towanda, Pa.
11. J. stioht.t., J. N. cthri.
Office in Wocid's Block. nrat door south of First
National Ba.k. up stairs. Jan 8,73.1 y
",, Ci
\_l PITT's at Lay, Towanda, _ Pa:, having entered
Into copartnership, offer their 'professional eerviors
to the public..' iSpecial attention glean to business
in the Orphan's and Register's Courts. apll4'7o
JOHN 7: 311 X.,
Special attention given tc clAfrais roinst, Insur
ance Compablei. Office, .of
Box 511. Tow =la, ra
11 : c li.. TIAI4I AL ° D DS ?r. lifort O :llal A tte. V eL E
appoßito Ealseopal Church, Towanda. Pa. All den.
tal operations ' s speciality, Jan 14.
pEcir. & §TRETER,
: IV. A. Pcx.; [Jan.l.rit] • 11. SrnErtrai
f)R. - J. 7.
I •
Office en 11 . 41 n Street. formerly °Templed by Di
Latl.l; Res:aence, corner Pine and Second atieets.
Towanda, dune 22. 1871.
1573. . . Towanda, Pa
riCiCToR LitAY'S, A GRAM- ate of the College of "Physicians and Surgeons,"
New TOrk city ? Miss 1643-4, gives exclusive attention
to the practice • his profession. Mace enl reald'ence
on the eastern Slope of Orwell MIL adJoin‘ Henry
How's. ; 1 Jan I lag
4? '69.
Dit D. ID:
Dentzst,i has
purchased G. H. Wood's property, between
llercue Et Block and the .Elwell House. where he has
ideated his Wilco. ' Teeth extracted without pain by"
use of pas.. Towanda, Oct. 20, 1870.--yr. -
° CV.CC —17.1 L ST., TOACANDA PA., with Noble
cent. Insurance Agents. .
Ackr:owledgments taken:o.'4l3l3s administered.
The subscriber acts as roman loner in taking dep.
ositions of witnesses.. General duties of the Mike
promptly attenneil to. Wm. i 3 VINCENT•
Nov. 12'73. I ; Notary Pnblle.
--Jr,- • -- -, ,t . -
.D - 1 N I NIG • 1 . 0 0 Ars ~
IN -cosNr.crnoN InTa TIit:ITICERY,
. Near the Court House... '
We are prepared, to fo`pd the hungry at all times of
the thy and evening. Oysters and 'lce Cream in
their seasons.
March 30. 1570,
L 4
Having leased this House, is now ready to accoutmo
date the travelling public. No Pains nor expense will
be spared to give satisfaction to those who may givo
him a call. .'
-North side of tho public square, out, of Sfer.
cur's nem - -
AA) TEL. ' -
Haying purehaied and - thoroughly refitted this old
and well-known stand, fOrmerly.kept by-Sheriff Grif
fis. et the reouth4f Ruunnerftehl Creek. is ready to
give good . accom odations and satisfactory treatment
to all who may fatnr him with
Dec. 23, 85A7t.f.
ill. P., S
HorscO, Farness. &c. of all guests of this
house, insnro3 agiainst lose by Fire, without any ex
tra charge.
superior qu:l4,of: Old English Bus Ale, just
icele A ived. j T. R. JORDAN,
TowanJa, Jan. 24.'71. Proprietor.
A. R D
. •,-- 1 .4.
TuWANDA,- . .
1 • • - I • •
IifiIDFORD COUNTY, Pnil.S . A . .
This popnlar luonse, rccently leased by .31essrs.
KOOS & Mwcs, and havingbeencompletelyrefitted,
remodeled, and 6funiished, affords - t 8 the public
all the comforts and modern conveniences of a first
class Hotel. Situate opposite the Park on Main
Street. it is eminently convenient for parsons visit
ing Towanda, either for pleastite or business. .
sep6'7l 1 SOON& STEINS, proprietnrr. .
-.--- • 1 tiEnATSVITLE, - PA.
W. W. Buocy,snip,
This FlonsBla ciriilacted In strictly Temperance
Principles. Every effort, will be made to make
meats comfortable. (foo d rooms and the table will
sliviiya be supplied with the beat the market af-
fords. 1N0v.1.1871.
• .
Ai! , , l'
._. . . nrur 1753. -
, .. .
Rich in historical interest, it is the only building iit
the country es pt Independence Hall, honiped by
the sojourn wit in its walls of Washington , LaVay
cite. Leo.. Gates and other patriots of - the revolu
tion. This , Mar hotel has recently changed
bands, been improved. entirely refarnished, and
the proprietor cordially invites his friends and trav
eling:public to give him a - callno pains will be
spared to rend:r their stay comfortable. People
en route for Phi adelphla will find it convenient to
spend tho night here, reaching the city about tight
in the morning.. A sample room on first floor for
accommodation • f commercial agents.
O. T. MI I,
S,:•pt 4. 1873. • , Proprietor.
1 Hotels.
Auceessor to Humphrey
. vet Ifoody's Store..
Keeps on hand a full assortment of DOUBLE and
SINGLE HUMES% and all other goods In his line
ItepaLriniand manufacturing done to order.
T-vranda. Murat 23. lan.
• .;
My Mill is now in good order. and lam prepared
to do all kinds or wort In my line on short notice.
ttlinEtt. EiIIINGI.E.3 and LATU, always on
I alsO ofre Bale a2s tlorao-Power Engine sad
Boiler, cheap,
Rheasbequin. - B^-ot. 99,1 N
[For Tut
COLOITADO SPlll3p33i l poi. Feb. 9. -
s .!:liztvina determined. op, a trip to
the far West in search of jaealth, and
haing selected this place'on account
of its Pxcellent reputation in that re
gard, I bade adieu to tV East, with
its net, cold winters and ate springs
and journeyed toward I he setting
sun. There are a numbe of routes
by which one can reach- enver, the
capital of C3lorado. yoli may leave
New York via the Erie R R. to era
cago, thence to Cheyen e on the
Union-Pacific R. B.; thc.ce via the
Denver Pacific to Denyer, or leaving
Chicago go to St. Los; or Kansas
City; thence by the Ktnzas Pacific
R. R.; or, again, you cant 'o via' the
Baltimore and Ohio B. I , or the
Penna. Ventral from P ' adelphiet.
The time of The joarne from the
Atlantic seaboard is fr tin 5 to 6
days. Ichose the Penne .R.,R., and
left the City of Brother . Love in
one of the handsome tiletee cars,
which now-a-days mak: a journey
a .thing of pleasure, instpad•• of toil
and trial.
• After, leaving Pittsbu l i
next day through the bet
ing lands of Ohio, over 1,1 .
ries of Indiana and thi) . rich and
fruitful State of Illinois.' Just before
teaching 5 - . Louis, we -titer what
,are called th«:) "Gieat American Bot
toms." - Here is a tract of country
some twenty miles in width, extend
ing many miles north and south, of
the-richest and most prbauctive, soil
in the' world, the annual,' overflow of
the Mississippi operating like the
yearly rise of the, Nil© id ''Egypt, to]
give the land ate tima4i'ng , fertility.'
Here and there are s ed circular
mounds from twenty; to eighty feet
in height, caused, scient fic men siii,
illy the action of the mit rs.:
l i r
i t
Leaving St. Lewis,,' 'e continue
our journey via the St. L 911113, Kan
sas City;& Northern 11. ~ I to Kan
sas City, spending-4i da in; crossing
The great State of Miss? ri, which is
destined t 6 be the Pep sylvania of
the West.
,Minerals ablaund in vast
quantities—farming lands are plenty
and good. Late at night we reach
Kansas City, and forthwith retire to
bad to rest, for a long 'journey over
the plains awaits us." l ,Katisas City'
is the -principal place' !between St: ,
Lonls and San Pranc4o, and has a
D. W. - SCOTT k CO
rptilation in the - nei:
35 4 009. It is' situated
bank of the laissour .
miles from the Stati
railroads 'centre here.
daily papers, and does
sale business. The p•i.
call it the "Chicago of
Nest day we take th
for Denver. Soon after
sas City, we enter that
known as the Plains,
of 600 miles wide—thei ,
firlcient lake. At Top,
dinner. Next morning,
fast at Fort Wallace. it
oar first view of the 1,1
Peak distant near
Long ago it was the Beacon tower
from which me; plegrapheil
,vith naming signste is their corn
redo far away upon tle plains, or
among the parks an; ,monntains.
And in later-days it Iw as generally
been the first point sec by the trav
eller crossing the plain:. It was on
the 15th of Novemb• , 1806,
Major Pike, in comma:
pedition sent out to e,
pion by the War Dope'
sight of the Peak, w
since borne his nun
leaving, Fort Wallace,i:
to appear, and soon tb
hundreds bounding a
as the, thundei of th •
them. Buffalo also a
in great numbers.,
evening the train "61,
station, and the wele
brakemen is heard t_'
The first house buil
was within the limits
the city of Denver. In J . :A:l'lcm' years
it lips become a poptfic us and pros
perous city. It has
.I ~ the , present
time 15,000 to 18,091 inhabitants,
and is the terminus i of five or six
railroads. The streets are traversed
by }horse cars; it has' gas and water
works,. churches,, stlools, theatres,
smelting works, wills, manufactorieis,
hotels in abundance, rge wholesale
stores, and in fact that goes to
make up .e city..., At ' 's point we
take the cars on the enver & Riff
Grande Railway (thel ilioneernarrow .
gauge road of the cotn try), for Colo-,
rude Springs , distan!s miles. This
railroad is now com eted as far as
Pueblo, 118 miles fro Denver, and
has a branch to C yon City, 4.0
distant 5.
The road run outherly from
Denver to El Paso, , the borders of
Mexico. At that po i ' it is to con
nectiwith the Mexica Railway, run
nitig. 800 miles south, to the City of.
Mexico. ~ I i
• I I
Probably no partiof the United
States is as well adapted to stock
riiiiing 'as Colorado, *s it has within
its bordero about 400' miles by. 200 of
0. a. Awe.
, i. , ....,...::.,
. ~...., :.„,
clutch p Q ttp.
I 1,...„
•_ , i
!' ' BY J. T. IfIKLDI. •
We were crowded in. the cbin,t
sleep ;
Not a soul would dare •
; te
it Sao midnight on the wa, rsi
And a-Storm waion the !deep.
. 1
'Tie a tearful thing in wintlr. _ ,
To be Shattered by the blast,
Aid to hear the rattling trumpet
Thunder, - "Cat away thl mart."
tio we shuddered there hi silence.
For the s‘oatest held, hI4 breath,
WhCe the angry sea was roaring,
And the breakers talked with Death
And as thus we sat in darkpeas;
Each ono busy iu , his prayers;
Wo aro loSt 1' the captaireshonted,l
As he staggered down tit l e stairs. 2
' -
But, his little daughter whdpered,
As she-took his icy hand,!
" Isn't God .upon the ocean,
Jiist the saute as on the I t rad ?"
hen WO kissed the little :Malden,
And we spoke In better:cheer,
And we anchored safe in harbor
When the morn was shining clear.
tiscelfitit . oll)?..
. ,
land: that affo r d free pOntlige of
the richest' grasses, for .conntleas
herds of cattle, Sheep and horses, re
gni ng no other 'food or shelter
thro ghont the year, than such' as
' they can find in their ranges, and
n ing no other care than herds
men) to keep them together. The
diff, nee in cost of raising stock
here and in the East will pay the
cost of transportation, and a great
deal cre. A prominent stock raiser
told o the other day,: that he was
disp sitg of three-years old' beeves
thatcost ( all expenses included)
$lO 0 per head, for $4O per head in
Ohre go and St.j.Jonig. .'. i
pure dry air and the water
from the melting snows of the moun
tains render the common diseases of
the t I almost unknown here. The lie
sweet, rich grasses and other natural
advantages should and willto doubt
makelthis one of the best dairying
count 'es in the United States. As
yet t ere is little done : in this line,
but a 1
that is wanted, is a few ener
getic 1 men who understand their
business, and cheese and butter will
lecorde great products` of this Terri
tory. < .
splen •
shunt •
skins I
east o
of tho
the "
horn Range, .drained by the Arkan
sas river easterly to, the Mississippi.
Third,lthe Southern, embracing all
west .of the Greenhorn Range,! and
drained by the Rio Grande river,
southerly to the Gulf of Mexico. The '
"Divide ' is a great spar of the
Rocky mountains,- Extending in an
easterly direction 75 or 80 miles into ,
the Plains: The Greenhorn Range
is alsol a spar of the Main range,
throwri t out below the Arkanas and
extend about 100 miles in a south
easter* direction, dividing the pa
ters of the Arkansas and those of the
Rio Giande. The Northern division
is of coarse the most populous, being
thefirtlt penetrated by the railroads.
The mining interest is more develop
ed, and farming along its streams
quite extensive: It is about 150 miles
from the "Divide" to the northern
boundary of the• Territory.
1 . , - we p aB . l
'Ural farm
e flit prai-
The Central division extends about
200 miles south from the "Divide" to
,the Raton Mts., and. about the Same
distance East to. the Kansas linef and
is the most extensive agricultural
portion i of the Territory. The! Arf
kansas river runs east through this
i great basin, and is, next the Missou
.ll river the largest stream running
east frem the Rocky Mountains.
This river, with its tributaries, sup
plies more water for irrigation, than
is supplied in any other district on
the eastern slope of the Rocky Moun
tains. The altitude of this valley is
the lowest in the Territory. Corn is
a staple product. Iron' ore is 'also
found at the head, of j.he valley,' and
coal (bituminous Yin abundance. In
fact in I all this large domain, 200
miles square, there is scarcely any
waste land. It is abundantly water
ed by the Arkansas, the St. Charles,
the Hnerfane the Cucharres, the
Greenhorn, the Purgatorie, the Api
shapa, the Fontaine qui Bonin% and
other smaller streams; and with a
fine, mild climate and long seasons l
produce's abundantly all the cereals..
The products are about aa follows as
`to yield and value—the latter, of
course, Changeable
Wheat, per acre 27 bash's; worth per
Oats, " 55 " " " " GO
Corn, ". 30 " " , " ", 1.00
Bm i en 14 . 41.32 14 .4 It 1.00
beans, 30 " '` " " 3,50
iboyhood of
a the:south
river, two
line. Eight
It: has five
large whole
ple out hero
e West."
cars bound
leaving Kan.
es el country
vast espanse
ottom of an
ka we take
e get break
': ere is get
mons Pike's
Potatoes. *5O-200 " " - " ", 00
In the - whole Territory there is
probably no-town to which an East
ern man would - take , a fancy so o ner,
than to Colorado — Springs. Not, yet
three yearabld, it has a population
of about 2,000, and is a prosperous
and gro l lving place. Situated ; neat
the foot 'of Pike's Peak and within
easy distance of some of the ,most
magnifident scenery in the *mid.
Here the Me Pass opens out on the
plains. The Cheyenne Canyon, and
Mount ' , the Garden of thi GOds,
the mine al springs at Maniton; and
scores of other beautiful and wonder
ful place —all these combine to fur
nish attr ctions to' the tourist and
the beal t -seeker. In this climate
about 95 per Cent. of consumptives
and tuathtuatics are cured, or so
greatly helped that they live almost,
if not quite, as long as the average.
Bnt I find ; my pen miming away
with me, aid must bring letter to a
cloSe. Yours Respectfully,
150 miles.
I d of first ex
'lore this re 7
r went, caught
ich has dyer
. Soon after
ntelope begin
•y are seen by
oss the plains,
the bombast of the past was weari
some, it had its virtue in the patriot
ism by which it was usually inspired.
This virtue gave it attraction, and
there are few , of our elders who have
not been thiilled by the diffusive,
burning harangue of the stump; but
to our ears the wild ry ,of the bird
of freedom has becor4e a disagreea
ble squawk. After awhile its voice,
got into the throats of demagogues '
oftener than those of true men, and
thus it went out of. fir:lion. Now,
when a man begins to talk \about this
great and glorious country, and her
manifest destiny; we suspect him of
a scheme to obtain land grants or
subventions for steamboat lines---to
extend the area of freedom. ;When
he speaks of the_ of this
community through the want of in
ternal improvements, we snspect him
of a desire to get his hand into the
.and when he:says he 'is
ready to lay down his life on the al
tar of liberty, our suspicions grow
:almost to convictions. - If, in addi
tion tothis, be invokes the name of
his Maker as to the purity and pa=
triotism of his motives, our mind is
made up. .V
rain startles
seen, but not
+ ally in the
s" op to the
• e cry of the
in Colorado,
what is now
gt _SYMPAMY," Bays John Panl, 'ig is
something which I never withhold prom those
in trouble, whether they happen to be.. Mew%
or not; there's nothing mean about me. I Ali e
too, that one can go around shedding sympa4
thy on all sides, for weeki at a time, withosil
spending - a bent, or being at mach personal b*
. - .
. . . . .
... .
.. . .
, ~ z. , , , r , ,..1,,rtfrp.„C7, - .. , ...ftiRC , ...7. :::. - Z. - .f•11:‘!...,;?::.i . 1 ,, ..?..,•,:t.,•Z-5,-.•4e.:;- ,. ... - ..,.. ~ .:, • •••.1 , . .!..- 1 ,4•••
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, . .
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la':: 11
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.. r -.,...•
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, ~:.: -
. , . .... -
. .
. .
milk here is very rich, and as
is land in abundance, ; with
id pasture all the year round,
s no reason why this industry
not speedily- develOp. '
e. are three great natural divi
n Colorado, in the j part lying
the Rocky Mountains. First,
orthern, embracing all that
of the Territory lying north
"Divide." This is drained by
tte river, easterly to the Mi
s the Central, south of
wide," and east of tk►e
{1. 250 11
J. E. Astasox
Jutomixamo or f onnouxuat nos All
`u..:;+UY33lq.. x.1,7:1:1:..
The followingis the second article
appearing in the Press and Standard,
relative to the history of Shrewsbury
township, Lyooming county: \ '
The most important event 'in the
history of ShrewsburY township, after
the first opening. by Hobert Taylor,
was the advent of George Lewis. He
was a man of •wealth, and built . a re
markable establishment for making
glass at the Lake, since called by his
name. , We have sought diligently
for.material to give , a' history of his
early life, and the motives which im
pelled him to commence such an en
terprise, so deep in the wilderness,
when modes of conveyance were so
difficult, but have , been obliged 'to
content ourselves witha few meagre
particulars. It is certain that he was
English, but the date of his arrival
in this country we have not been able
to obtain.
,In 1794 Mr. Lewis bough a large '
body of lands in. Shrewsbu includ
ing the lake known -by his name:
This was before a tree was gat with
in the present bounds of Shrewsbury,
bat there were settlers on Muney
Creek above Hughesville. We have
no evidence that • • Lemiis took any
steps to • improve his 'land before
1808: About that time he employed
a large number of laborers, who cut
roads and made a i great clearing
about the lake. They also put up
the necessary buildings for. -manu
facturing glass from the beautiful
white sand found ill the margin of
the lake. The main building was a
large stone house ; there were also
three stone dwelling houses and six
framed dwelling houses painted red.
One of these was used as a boarding
house.. A commodious frame dwell
ing hods() was erected fer the rise of
Mr. Lewis.:He had no children, and
his family, consisted of himself and
his wife, Drusilla, andlei sister who
resided witn them part of the time.
The most substantial building of all
was a large stone' barn. , The times
were lively at thalake when the war
of 1812 broke out. The glais works
were in fall i blast, and numerous
hands were busy at variant; kinds of
labor. The little village, which was
really the first village iti the county,
seemed on the high road to prosper
ity. , -
If we are correctly informed the
work went on successfully until after
the, war closed,mhen 'the business
became unprofitable, and after car- ,
rying it on at a loss for,a while Lew. -
is was compelled to sgspend opera
tions. -' In 1822, Lewislwas still at
the Lake with his family, but the in
dicatioris of decay were already ap
parent. The tenant hews were all
empty, and moil business, except farm
ing, going on. Mr. Lewis then had
about four hundred sheep and stock 1
of various kinds, with: plenty of farm
ing and grass , land. His clearings
werelarger than the clearings there
now, for several hundred' •acme then
in fields and fenced have now grown .
up to woods. .
Mr. Lewis, however, was not cal
culated to make money in farming.
He was not practical in his business
matters, and not a man to learn
much from experience: An incident
will serve to show one of his pecular
ities. Virhile his active , business was
going on, he had a " boss " who had
general charge'of his,work, but occa
sionally he would wine around and.
" boss ' himself. On.. one occasion
hie' men were putting . up a Icig house,
and a man was at each comer to 'cut
the notches ad the legs. were' rolled
up to their places. One r of these men
at the corners was the hest axeman
there, and with t a few well-directed
blmis could cat his "nick " as neat
ly as could be desired; while the less
.xpert man at the other' end of the
log would work several minutte lon
ger to get his end ,•ready. • Lewis
came along and stood looking on for
some time ; finally he called the
" boss.". Said be, -- .."_Do you see that
man upon the &nd - there ? " point
ing to the geed chopper. "Certain
ly,"replied 'the "boss." "Well,"
said Lewis, "call him down and die ,
charge him at once; I've been watch
ing hith ever since. I came, and he
sits still about half of she time." The
" bess '-'• knew Lewis too well ' to at
tempt, an explanation. He called
the delinquent who chopped too fast,
and told him' to go to the office and'
nettle up. Lewis was satisfied. Af
ter Lewis was gone the "boss " told
the hand.what was , the matter, and
kept him.. As Lewis did not person
ally know the man, he never knew
the difference, and the circumstance
remained a standing joke in the
neighborhood. ' '
What year Lewis left the lake we
do not know; but ho was not there.
in 1830, for about that time a TOAD
named Adams took the glass' works
and run them a year or so, but be
could not make the business pay and
finally gave it up. •
" II 1:50
A poop story of Gov. Cbittenden,
who was one of the early Governors.
of Vermont. He was quite an exten
sive farmer, and in those days to be
Governor did not greatly. interfere
with the incumbent's ordinary voca
tion, as the Legislature was rarely in
session longer than thirty days, and
the Governor only resided at the cap- -
itol during the session. Gov. C. had
two sons. One of them was a boy of
bright intellect, and the other de
cidedly dull. The old gentleman
thought that nature had done enough
for the younger, and that he would
make his way in the world without
more than a common school' educa
tion, but that the , elder one would
need all the aid of a liberal educa
tion to make - up the natural deficien
cy, and he was 'accordingly sent to
college, while his brother was kept
011 a farm. It happettod one spring
that among the fruits of the Glover
nor'it herds was a very stupid calf ;
it would not suck 'or drink, and no
amount of effort on the part of the
father, son, or " hired man," could
induce him to take his sustenance.
-Mter-repeated trials the good mau's
patience gave out,, and he said to his
son: "Freeman, what on earth shall
ive do with that stupid fool? "
don't know, father," was the ready
response, " unless we Send him to
college. with Martin.
ML. 9. 1874.
, _L
' ~ Bering the damp and cold season,
deficient (trims of the, feet and legs is
a frajtful source sf disease. 'The head,
thro l t, and liver are perhaps the
t i ,
frequent' sufferers. ' The legs
andfeet sari far from the central part
of e body. They are not in great
mas like the trunk, bat" extended
and ." enveloped by the atmosphere.
Besides, thy are near the, damp, cold
earth. Foil these and Ober reasons,
they require extra covering. If we
wool sec rS the highest physiolpgi
cal conditions, we must give our ex
tram ties arra than the . body. We
irear.spon our legs in the coldest
Seas n but' two thicknesses of cloth:
The sly bail at least . six...; Womeri
Put n them four thicknesses under
the hawl,?, which, with the various
1 ' f
don gs, ;furnishes several. more,
then over ' , ,n11, thick-padded furs ;
Whit theirllsga have one teickness
of ton, ,under a ball o on .. They
tly come . tom me about their
head che, palpitation of the heart,
and ongestion of the liver., Recent
ly, o e said , to me, "AU my blood is
in m head and chest. My head goes'
timid' ty-bump, my heart goes bunt
pety, tunp." I ,asked, "flow are
Your feet? " ". Chunks of ice," she
repli a ti rgiiiito he "If • -In-
4410. 1a... __ Aer, yet.. so
dreso your l'gs and feet so that the
blo can't get down into them;
wher can it go ? It can't go out vis
iting, r
it mnst stay in the system
somewhere. 1 'Of course the chest
and head . must have an exc essive
quell ity. •$o the go i humpety 7
bums' and Iso t hey must go, until
you dress your legs and feet in such
away that they shall get their share
of blod." In the coldest season of
the ye ar . I leave Boston for a bit of
a tonbefore the lycenina—;:going as
far a Philadelphia, and riding much
,th night withont an overcoat ;
bUtl'give my legs tw oor three times
theirt tend dress. During 'the cold
eat eather men may wear, in addi
tion to their usual drawers,.a pair of
chimhis-skin drawers with great ads ,
yenta e. Wheu we ride in a sleigh;
1 ,
or in the cars, where do we suffer?
In o r legs, of coarse. Give me
warm, legs and feet, and 'I 'll hardly I
thank you for an overcoat.
"* dear madam, have you a
head4che, a sore throat, palpitations
of the heart, congestion of the liver,
or in/igestion ? Wear one, two, or .
threepairs of warm, woolen drawers,
twoairs of warm, woolen stockings ; I
and t ick, warm shoes, with more or
lesar d notion in the amount of dress
°ben your body, and you will obtain 1
1 1
the s me relief permanently that you'
401 derive temporarily from a
warni ; fOot-path." .
I Must not for got to say that a
thin layer of, India rubber, cemented
upOnlthe boot-sole will_ do much to.
keep .he bottom o the feet dry, and
warm, —Die / .4wis,lin To-Day.
1 1 i
'.. 1
L—How rarely do
we fi n d at home that courteous con
sidertion of speech and manner that
prevails in somety. will speak
to hl . wife* in a tone of voice that
wonl be felt as an insult if used
elSewhere, and to any other woman;
and, woman will be as disregardful
of right feeling and courtesy toward
her husband. Brothers and sisters
chafei, and criticise, and find fault
with each other in a way that would
not he tolerated for a moment if they
ventdred on such a freedom with the
!people they'. meet outside of „their
homes. , 1
/t heeds no argument to show,that
r this ''' wrong. Are the feelings of
1 thos ' we - love to, be less regarded
than the feelings of strangers? Shall
we ! i eigh the meaning of , our words,.,
and .r be careful in their utterance I
when among outside people, and
flingithem about thoughtlessly or ill
natnredly when at ham, to hurt and
wound, and annoy ? Ah! the home
peacit and the home comfort are per
petnally broken, for lack of consider
atiO ' 1 1 - I,
yo a s d gnar er, hdoewdtit speech p Ni' ith
) a . t ock home as re
iniey, lest you should wound' y
u i
a tofreely spoken sentiment ? Are
you' s careful of the feelings and as
con aerate of the comfort of 1 ,
htiahand, your wife,
your - sister or
brother, or your depen dent, as. of the
straiger or acquaintance you meet
abroad ? • , , ,
Think of these things. It is want
of reflection that so little good feel
ing and kindly intercourse prevail at
home.. Begin to think right about
this matter. It is the first step to
ward doing= right,
THE EFFECTS OF Wonev.---That the,
effects, of worry are more to be
dreaded tban those of simple hard
Work, is evident from the effects of
mental overstrain. The . case-book of
the physician shows that it is the
speculator, the betting man, the rail
way manager, the great merchant,
the superintendent oflarge manufac
turing or commercial works, who
most frequently exhibit the symp
toms of cerebral exhaustion. Mental
cares,' accompanied with suppressed
emotions, occupations liable to vicis
situdes of fortune, and those which
involve the bearing on the mind of a
multiplicity of intricate details, even
tually break down the lives of.. the
stron4est. In, estimating what may
be called the staying poWers of ,dif
ferent minds under hard work, it-is
Always necessary to take early train
ing into account. A young man cast
suddenly into a position involving
great "care and responsibility, will
break down under circumstances in
which, had he been gradually habitu
atectto the position, be 'would hate
performed its duties without difficul
ty.. It is probably for this reason
that the professional classes general
lysuffer less from the effects of over
strain thin others. They have a
long course of Preliminary training,
and their work' , comes on them by
degrees; therefore when it does come
in excessive quantity, it finds them
prepared for it. Those on the other
hand, who ittddenly vault into a po
sition requiring 'severe mental, toil,
generally die beforelbeir time.
AS ME sun , is reflected in a spring ,`
when it ie clear and limpid, so God hi reflected
in the soul of man when it is pure and epirituaL
?dm jtelge as , by
_the Emil:mess of our
efforfi. looks at-11111.0Mb thenufebek.
~ea'r;:~c.;»c#++ , <:s r..._i..f:..c~.:fs.~c. s~.snJ~-:v~w.~.'::sk:_.,.s.' r;t<` -- ,
• ' A a ABGE BURIAL: -
pow THE D r ill 'THillt DEAD
The first burial of a member of the
Patrons of ,Hasbandry with the hon
ors of "the ! Order that . hai .como to
our notice, took - plane day before yes=
day inifickapoe, when the remains
of Minty --were consigned to
their last rusting place with all jthe
pomp and , funeral pageant .of
Granger burial service. Mr. / Bolin
was a prominent member, and: the
attendance west Very large, some . 460
persons being 1 present:; The -pro
gramme of the burial was -
,about : as
On leaving the residence of the
deceased, the learse which contained
the remains lids flanked, on either
side by thiee pall-beatura,whe - walked
with uncoiered heads and regalias
draped in mourning. Following the
hearse came til e, relations of the de
ceased, and nest marched the Sis
ters of the Order,' clad in full, re
galia.l, The Brethers Came next, and
following them the. bast'concourse of
people, wild had come from- far and
near to witless the ceremonies. The
remains were first taken to the church
where a priest-went through a ser
vice peculiar. to the Catholic Church,
of which the deceased , was a mem
ber. 'When the exercises here had
been concluded; the procession took
up its' march for the c - Ameteryi,wherA
the granger; ftineral rites were per- 1
fortned. The I coffin was placed on
supports directly over the open
grave,' and iremained there till the
impressive and , interesting service
was concluded. G. B. Coffin, Mus
ter of the IFranklin, Grange, dm
ducted the ceremonies.
When the brothers and sisters of
the Grange' of which the deceased
was a member had assembled about
the grave, the Master read a selection
from the burial ritual, folloWed, by a
second 'selection by the Chaplain,
and then the members repeated slow
ly and solemnly the Lord's Prayer,
closing with, a beautiful and apprnz
priate ihymn. . The brothers of the
Order lhen stepped to the grave and
'threw into the opening Reveral boa- -
quets of flowers and evergreens. A
short but powerful , address was nest
delivered by the 1 , chaplain. While
the cciffiii was being lowered, a beau
tiful and soul-inspiring hymn
sung, and during the Singing the sis
ters showered_ boncinets of flowers
upon the descending coffin until it
reached the wooden box at the bot
tom of , the'grave., The master then
sprinkled a portion of dirt thrown
from the grave over, the coffin, and
the service closed, with the solemn
benediction of the Chaplain. Taken
throughout, the ceremonies are very
beautiful and impressive. This is
the first krial of' a Granger in the
the county, and if, wo are correctly
informed, in the State, that is, with
the-ceremonies of the Order.--Lear
emsortl Times. .
Wiikr is scolding.? It is a lashing
with the tongue, a, moral and, men
tal flogglng.l Therejs no argument
about it, no persuasion, no law, no
kindness; it is mere , cruel 'fimish
ment. Many a parent who would
be ashamed to treat - a' child unspar
ingly, will yet, bring down upon it
the entire mental force very unmerci
fully indeed. "What are you doing
now? How dare you! Didn't I tell
you not to touch that? Yoil are all
the time into some. mischief! 'You
are the most troublesome brat I ever
saw ?" and se; on. Ju'st imagine all
that brought to bear on a sensitive
child, the tone and the look making
every impression seem like'a distinct
blow. The
, spirit is crushed into
silence or grieved to tears; when it is
repeated again and again; bar-,
dened into indifference, or morerfre- -
quentlY into deriance, l screaming back
in that imitate. cry in which so many
children get th eit scolding; for they
are apt imitato 8. 0 When older,,they
will tease and quarrel, with each .
other, , and, , ow np fretful and
complaining ftveless an unloving.
A4naturity t too will be likely to
become scolds.
HABITS HER irr.tar.—Nti find al
most-as effect .al and continuous an
intervention Of-h,ereditary in the
transmission o passions and senti
ments of a vory different order—
those which -incline to vice. The
liking fOr strong drink, habits of de
bauch, a passion ,for gambling, ac
quire in some persons a degree of
force which call be accounted for on
ly by some fat O rganic predisposi
tion 'derived oratheir ancestors.
"A lady With om I was acquaint
ed," says GannMagbado, " and who
possessed ala e fortune, bad a pas
sion for gamb g, and passedwhole
nights at play. Shedied of a puhrto
nary complai t. Her eldest son,
who was, in a earance , the image of
his mother, ha the same passion for
play. He died-of consumption, like
his mother, and about the same age.
His daughter, who' resembled him,
inherited - the same tastes, and died
young."' The hereditary of a dispo
sition for thl , rape, murder, and
suicde, has be n proved in Several
instances. • '
old Aunt Sara
' , a - A% see ver,
she was buzz;
ready for
umbrella, spec
but not least,
latter shci had
something o
inst moment,
church it pro
box, and the
find her place
of prayer, ton
went off in fin
"0,• Jim 111013 1
Joseyy "
"THAT 18 t
city" said Fi
reached his e
A pretty
a blush and
she munnuiei,
hold in his col
ger, but its n
Finner doesn
be received_
that, pretty yi
.-.....„,-,',... ~..--..-.:‘,.. .
, ..
2 pei. 4112;#1117.
'" said a school-girl,
well, and last Sunday
g around and getting
hurch, looking for
:, over shoes, and last
er prayer hook. The
secured by grabbing
her, bureau at the
pit when she got to
ed to 1:14 my, mnsieal
Id lady, In trying to
n this nOommon book
hed the spring, and it
'Style to the tune of
0 . come Jim along;
e sweetest bell, in tho
ner, as the vibrations
1 from a chprch towel.
1. who was passing
tho compliment with
, nguishing smile, while
to herself, 'lile, is very
pliments for stran
;ce to be appreciated."
t know to this clay why
melting a amilo from
turg lady. 1 .
7. .
4 . 4 7
I F I' ' 1 , .
' SITTING' '.' ra i d
' I i , I e
She expected hi.. San night; , i
the parlor curtains : were do4n the old ' t
folks noticed that it 'was h l ea thy ,to c
go to bed at eight eiclock, l an dohn-I e
. L 1
ny was bribed with centio I permit i h
himself to be tucks a w a y at, sun
/down. Hp sneaks u p the 'patll.l ,• t ]
one eye on the dog, he other watch-! h
ing for thei ,"old m - , 1 1 ) who didn't ! , 91
-like him any t 4:: we - gai, e a I faint i _
knock at the door, it it was opened, . . 1
and he was; escOrted into the parlor. . l e ,
He said he couldn ' t st ay bu lt Ibiu- s i
ute, though he I did st I mean to go ti
, ~
home for honii. hp wanted to a/
know how • his 'root a.' was; 1 if his
father hid returned orn York State;
a i
if his brother Bill's bourne 7 was b
any better; and he went r; ' and h
sat down on the so so ' pet to d
strain his voice. Then I coniierpation .
Bagged, and he'played with' !his hat- h ,
and she nibbled the sofa Ody: He ti ,
finally said that it as a beautiful
evening,. and she replied tha t ' her
grandfather predicted a ;sal storm. t i
He said he gneseed it wOrild ' sno*,
as the moon wasn't cro4ked I enough li ,
to hang n powder ho n on • the end,
and she said se ' "dn't believe i lt[ el
would either .— Thi s mutual; under -I d
standing seemed jt4, iv(); theta 'cot:lX-1 .0
age, and he wanted; o know if she ) k ,
had 'lseen Bill Jon s :lately. , She ti
hadn't, she said and e ;didnr i t i went '
to, • Then they went to talkin about 1
the donation visit w 'eh ivis to be r
given to Elder Berry, andlielreless- r ,
ly dropped. his hen on her 7 his A i
right hand, whil ' his left hand i sneak al
ed under the sof to et behind her '
shoulders. She .pr tended I ' • n ot AP tl
notice it, and he loo ke d ad,,i a t , hili ,
1 if a
boots, and Wanted o know sh el A
thought i mutton to owl rott (1' 'out T
boots faster than i lar and la; Pbhick.•
She 'couldn,t say, b bu t she id an : h •
idea that it did. Idle, lad ju i t
,com- h
menced to lock ' fingers wi h • her,
when she discoveted that something I,
ailed the lamp. (Sh rose up, , and l i
turned the light dow •
,half, makingi,
the room look dim. I ' took him five I'
minutes to get hold Of , her ('fingers
again, and she prete n ded to l ant to
1 1
draw her hand ';'away I all • t e time.
After a long pangs he .
lowered his
voice i to a whisper, and said : h didn't
see what made folks ~ve ese other.
She bit her handkerc hief and tidenitt
tail her ignorance. He snia. h could
name a dozen young men wh were
giiink to get married right aw y,tand
his left arm fell down and gaNie her a
hiig.j . Then he went' Ter and
I f
out of the window to make en, e l that
it iwas or lwas not goi n g to snow; and;
coming back, he t urned t,iii, I light
t. t
down a little ; more 'Andilt en • sat
dewa and wanted ,i) knoW if , she
didn't want to rest h *elf byl eaning
her headl i on his ehon der. I
lAh, me
and! wholof us cared a cent , w en the
old Flock struck twelive,i and te, five
miles from hom ? 4hcipld m n was
asleep, the watt - do a visiting,
atid, the handsomest lin the coun
tryl I did n't, see ,why we need be ,in
a htirry.l '_ , I I I
perhaps I should I havewritten l
01l this, but as was going bYlSatin , s d
de l rs's the other - day , thinking of the ,
I. ' -
.4 , 1
night I heard him whisper in er ear f
at 'spelling schor'l that he 'd leveller
very shadow as (long as ,lie hi.ed,.he
raised the window
, and, ' called out
to her, as she was picking up chips
ile road: 1 1 ,
1 Sue Saunders, c me in hei. 'and
find the; b'ar's gre H I foi iiii, sore
heel, or I'll break every bone in:your
body!" I I 111
ti , ,______,_,! 1 I :
Many , yeais ag6,l Mr. bram
Dodge, of the lowa df.J4swich ga4s.
owned a hearttlful horse .whiCh I.was
thl . pet of the rili.l He Was ad
mi ed by all w o know playfulness
and , good enalif' tions.y I.h • the.
Summer it was , iDodge"ilshabit
occasionally to hay a' frolic W thhin
hole° in his barn-ya 4, then , t him;
akin') and he Woul go to t r'Ver,l
which was Obi* one-third of 'le
dietant - , , -Wheirel he would bates , then
gel to a COV:liiCi i n and roll on th grass;,
then with the freedom of air'4 art fox" home. 'lns stable was renovated
blfo him while he wan, gone, end his
akfast put in his crib. If e met
hie, master he Would show son" cotl
ishl pranks, hound for ' the , table,
pull°ollie wooden pin that fasten. ;
theldobr with this teeth; and I io
the )manger Where he expected-find
his food. One nightj the howas
stolen from ' the, stable. ; Afte the .
expiration of Oteen Tears* D dge
* s at' the, tavern . where 4 man - ova
a hoise up to the door. Mr: D se
a ;once recognized is, horse, nn he
h ld'the driter hisreason for\b ley;
i gitto he Ins. the man told of hont ,
1, 1.)
h bought the'herse, and said 1114.1 "'
h, had owned him Ifor several
„ years.
Mr. Dodge chained his horse, and it
was finally agreed that if the horse t ,
would, on being taken to his old ",,
s ;able, go through he h abit of bath- u'
jir, rolling on the ins end Palling !”
t e pin trona the stable door a)sabover
described, that Mr. Dodge (should
have him. When the hprse was let
out into his cold yard he reviewed the
premises foro moment, then;started
.his old bath-tub, then for his
green towel, on the common, then
to big old stable, pelted the woodn
l i e
in, won for himself a; good me 1,
d his old '
master his favorite hor :.
These factsj ere vonchiafed for h
reliable old residents of the beantifi y
picturesque old town, and show coh
usiVely th long 1 memory of, oar
noblest animal. 1
• , d i ,
FOOLISH aPendi4 k is the father of
oveity. Do noTt Ibe : ashamed of
oil'', Work for the best salary pr t
! I
wage's you can get, but Work for h
price rathei than be idle. Be yp i nil
own master, and O . not let' soinetyf.
and k d ashion swallowup l yourindivld
naliey. Compel the selfish bodyto
spare somethingL for profits saved.
Be stingy to, your own 'eppeiite, but
merciful to 'ethers' neceesities. Help
otheis, and ask i. 4 I help for yourself.
See that you areipiond, but let yOr 3
pride be of tho rift kind. I Be too ki
potird to b3lazy; proud to give m
up without I conqu i e'lng every difficul i o:
ty; too proud to !veer a coat you On. it
not buy; ten proud to be. in company d
you cannot keep tip With in-expenses; '
too proud to lie, i nt, steal, or chea;
too prou d Di be Stingy; -i I . a
hateh il l
boy w
Sof t
it. N
4 boY laying hard 11,beadi-, ,
of about - i little boy' and' a
t, filld'hOW, !MOs) the' jai°
aid zet tell a he. he, in time,
be Itresident of tho United i
I was very touch inipratiend by ,
r w, le s° happened that on the
yof Tdareb,- he woe" ten"
4 .and his father asked tam',
8. wonkli like--to ' bate' hie a
I present; :.'Very . naturally
o answer'as, :"A little hatch- ,
on pleas% pa tej .. 1
father. bo t him . a little .
t; that yery : y, pid, the boy .
; to d i e2h w tl ii ti m itj ha l aetuellly
y the' ext morning. he pilng;
himself, took hii little hatch . - ,
went out' into 1 the garden.
is luch would have it, the first ,
bat taught his cf 6 was his; fa
, favorite • cherl7;treii. "My'
' exclaimed. the ittle boy', to
"What - a time my father - _
make if a fellow Were to. cut •
:. ,1 f' It - was a wicked thought, 2 -
1- d hini into teinpiation: There
i:, tree=-tall; - strarilit and fair
t. ing invitingly before him ? —
' : thing for a sharp little hatch- '
d there was I the -hatchet,—• ---""
sharp and shining,—justl the
or a:favorite cherry-tiee.' In .
) instant the swift- strokee of
were heard:iu the still mom- '
~ and,: before long,- a Enna
a seen . running toiVard 'the _.:.__.
His father met him at the - i'-- 1
1 I
, i
boy, what noise .was that I
rist now ? Su m
et u . hive
rt at my favoritet erry-tree!" -
boy stood profoundly before
izit with downcast eyes and -
,6• cheeks. I ,' • ,I
p?r," he said,l cannot tell, a
nit Cherry-tree is=---"- 1 .1 .
• nov more," :said the i father,
lig • his arms. ,` •Thu have
ronCtny son; and that, was
ly fairite tree;' but you hive ago- ,
rt o h 'truth .
- I forgive ! yon, Bet=
4--I. - I
his i was ,too much. The boy
is ed ;into his father's arms. , , 1
" Fatheit's he whispered, ".tliiril
)c)/ !•I. haven't touched the cherry- .
re lint I 'most chopp d the , old
p le-atump to pieces. :,
" Yo n young rascal, :y ti ! " cried •
be fat er, " do you mean to' say yin] ,
ac n't chopped my .c err Y-tree ?
Lp it f of your oldiather willlyon ?
7a e o yoar coat, stir !" ,[ . .
it a suppressed sob, that little
o oh yed. Then, shutting
, his eyes, ,
Le sit is father's hand descend up
inis I hrinking form. ' - I
' My son," said the father, solemn- '
r, s h stroked the little shoulder,
i is t sairst of April. Go thy way.
—E. Aicholas. 1 .1 f_
• i
, 1
• d
t i 45.
1 1 5 I
as , in
$ of
thej, h. wing seen more of the world,
have c i angel my opinion, and now
think t , at, in , the :majoritY of cases,
the i lo ger the , courtship the more
in •ss will fall to the parties con
cer ed. It is a singular fact that a
ma gel erally- requires very different_,
,tiu lities in a wife from those, he ad;
mi rs IP a sweetheart. While it lover,
,he expbcted to see his fhttire wife
c l ri
neatly 'and stylishly, dresied when
ey4 h chose to call, either morning
or eye ing; and the girl busied 'her
little b ain all day in efforts to please
hisltas e. If he left, toWiri '
for a few
days, e sent letters ful of sweet
nothings that filled - her Boni with joy.
Ph t o t e ,,. d a e ir l aag i h h t o ft r t i l ts ra i i i m i t l A ctr itt m li n ic o,
ete a-4tes after the family had
ire ,' 'hen the two souls saw'no - one
)ut ea b other in.their world of, love.
11 , - bat such bliss must ever , be
i ;
Lis led ! TimerbroUght-prepaia-
:io s fpr , the approachingilweddiOg,
for thiii devoted couple imagined that
the ' kph:Less zould never be coin.
ple e ntil the hymeneal knot was '
tied: 1, o the wedding arid honey- ,
. .
keel 1 :
lute s
7 --
talitei l l for liet.loirer, which; cerl'ainly.;
seemed: to incline toward dress and
sentimentality. Now, alas! 'she die- ,
covert,that; „ his stomach 1 demands •
food if the hest quality, and because
she krlows not how to catiir to his _
paliti) his love seems to, he waning.
While he is, vainly trying to appease
hunger with SO= ; braid and burned
steak,,little, does he -appreciate • the
sweet inonsense and honeyed words
whica used; to' be satisfying to ; his
se 'timental nature. Ah, men are so
essonable I They expect to find
ev ,quality of excellence the;iro
m ritey marry, yet have not ipene
triai ri sufficient to choose the most
was y. To shine in society, to ex
hibit every feminine accomikshment,
both at home and abroad, are duties
which they require in' the women
they marry; and what have they to
give in , return ?, It seems impossible
that those delicate attentions which "
characterize 'f lie lover should be ao
withdrawn; by the husbind.. ' The
other day, Wheal heard'a neighbor
diMa'anding his' dinner in, nct the
MOO pleasant tone, I thought; "Can
it be possible that he ever played the
ardent lover to that pale, dejected
womanwhom he calls his , wife? "
(.31 lover' who could scarc ely, tour
.uneelf away from' his sweetheart 'at
midOight is the same man who now
, aies his wife to spend her efenings
i est she may while he passes the
ours in doubtful enjoyment. , Ah,
luvi soon men forget the solemn vow
to toveLand cherish till death! And
ho Many women- regret that the
charming delusions of courtship were
ever exchanged for the= unpleasant
realities of marriage !
• I
, ,
- A !KANSAS paper gives the following
repOt: of a mdge's sentence, !lately
pas t ed on a criminal: " Brumely, you .
inf iaons 'Scoundrel! You're an wi
reeemed iillian 1 You hain't Eisingle
re eeming trait in your Character.
YO tivife and family wish' we had'
1 4 1 i
seneyou to the penitentiaiy. •This is
the fifth time I've., had you before.
me, rcit
and you fiave put ,me to more
t ble than your,. neck is wOrth.
I'e exhorted and prayed over you
Snough, you scoundrel ! , Just i
go ome' and take \ one_ glimpse at
you family, and,
be off in short or}
dei 1 The grand jury Have found two
other' indictments against you, but
I' 1 discharge yen on vour own
,re- I
co izances, and if I- ketch you in
tb' nick of Woods to-morrovi morn
ing at daylight; I'll sock yon right
- qre in jail and .. hump you o ff to
ersonville in less than no time,
infamous scoundrel! If f , ever I
h you crossing your finger- at
woman . or chill—Oita mad
igger . —l 'll sock you right square,
the' ; jug! Stand. - up you scotin
1, While I paw sentence on you! "
ago was an earliest a d
short 'courtships ; 1 bht ghee
Pere soon over, and the parties
into the matter-offact of life.
ide knows nothing l of beam:
- Since her schooldays she.
Int her time, in studying the
I Via stings us even in co
Tirtda eousues ds aim