Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 02, 1874, Image 2

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• !:
,- —0 .ttifoattt as ti. e3' ft 1 vat
op 3m d Lit
en. -13: L .F. utter. willrb6 fifty
six scant obiext No ember 7
-LdOws farmers , asp white Willow,
piantaa3hialy, for fgacitw.
-Minneapolis bad 110;000,000 feet
•of krut4r tin hand% sattnry.
Senate a New frersey has
tyaroptlon ty e vote of C to 14.
c' r-silent Gy.ttit has appointed.
C. scni pennon agcot at Oliiioogo.
tltuiral is in. a very
er. cztlitioo. • •.•
ladintS • are Stealing more
bon, 4k-Iwyr‘piinz.
- itarge traut of woods icon fire
Jfi,boy, N. J. , •
z—Tbe wife of - Attorney-General
NViiitamA te gOito nercote rittstratioo.
— , -CttlifOrnirt is to have a Statd
lifttr.i of TrettTof:t
1-on4,foillion vf gold will be sold,
r.r Apn! in Nlns.tork. _
Grangers. pt Baku county
0i..e!.(--ei a roalyard.i - I '
counts contaias 1;075.
r.oarr. rni!cs at eMplo acre s.
--AVeAthorgarvi co .
tudy has fited
;lath and Clot. Ist and 23d as the
,t we ti . .)icling, It* s4es.l rair.
• ./ •
I . --Sommitotyti -.
e new lifasotiie hall,
5.04 Ins. handsome 9/10.
A seiviL , tt - sAouI is soon to
opeo(td in tierart.l . m by the Y.ll. C,
—Lebancti elaiins one of the hetit
rLzoletti coat t limas! to the State.
—Tap Fast National Rink of
Tittsbarg itisurt s the lives of its letoployees to
the amount of $l,OOO each.
rite ,Gia ` nd Cominaudory of
Tentpiar %Ali - meet at Belleippte,
; , (11 , y, M y 13ih.
2ho'freight trains taken off the
Pittsburg ros.d ,st vic time bf the panic,
I ben pat on agar t_
the steamship llerrimae, over,
as been lietrd from. She hroke her pro-
AV't <ln
%Inf.. 1
.1 lie*
Jie.Philadelphist Carpet - Mantt
giCe to to their striking
.ctur l
•H. Kittaby, prominent
liar. politician and gove'rument official,
It Plc:mu on Slturday. '
, Brooklyn Gerinan saloon-
Rank to resist ihe temperate
6.) the bitter end:- •
oallenA ar jury • came. into
•en SaTurclay night, an'l not hiving
Gan verdict, was discharged.
Daily. temperance prayer meet
re VAC . Leld'in, Wailaington,this , weett..
.iloon4 mill also be visited.
The Farragut, prize money, over
there has been so much controversy, is
itistributed withont farther delay. -
thonsand persons get
through the mannfactare and sale
tar Pannsylvauia.
(2.11151 1
tout t l
-Moe wheat than -•
IsBl, fall iulllinoip , lowa, In;
-The last day Henry
rut id the tieuate nas the first da
tl B 1
There is a good deal
:4 ; 7.1 0.: atyynt.ercetiii ;; a
-I.k4l:lQs S.hruhr:r
S n.ate refuses
t woman anferakejts t e House has, to
t he . - -
i 'RYA,.
.c race of . Mx. .tunner, in
.... .E!„‘tEi t i',.have boine more than the
usual re - siTtnhlance to Edmundtake.
• — r liark Twain says e has .`no
.1 1
kEEnt id,::. t.r intentioEof cvly standing on
Itirt , 'ithttfortEagain." .
-Thc N. Y. Cerkfral;Penn. den
afEil Erie R. R. have raised their Eines&
t:,!ci titicketstdtdthe old rates. -
LcLg ia
anon clifEas a lailge pnrcen
-0 school ebi!Elrei) Ulna 31. y Tiler tor) or
;Ji in the State. L ,
I . .
[ -The col 'wry is thn
E.,- lb cie,6antry: List:year 3)0,000 tops'
ii I'el'e, tAtipk . .tl frt)tri there.
„.I.Carbsfe lady has - a j?air of live
~Ei broke the Abell soon after the adop
t the constitution of .1,534. I
1,. o>.
tige r
liif 01
•It2acling,:s chief, of. pOlirce is a
b Musicians, and the instrument from
.il 4 Nresc:es ; ,.Inicet etrains ilia jerrsharp.
•Alesandi., - i - rll. Stephens is iai.
v, ipliertiti f and is egpee!ea to'rsnme
it io the tioll,:e of Ite , prescntatives soon.
tA. number, of Readin l. 'capitalists,.
kasll a Lain in'Cnnib4rl nd.county ni:
liatit'not ra.Cuing a fortune at miuirrg 0:t%. 1
( `w - ~,.,
lTh log drivers on tlie . aters Of
eit•Braucli . A..&+ stopped Inn • account of
N- -rage ~r ..o_r.
h ' Jur
plc)* i
his c,
Cambria iron
propou. resuming,
rzil ml;.nt.anly
no Duke of , Edinbi
i,3cm! Tnnyso'il
!Ike ''
Le Sth th C'arulin
a on tlie.l7th nit . tot
Fitiz : a. it has been
Qf th,'
rumor-is current
!e.,1 and imprisoned,
Gn.msEett. have
Oat t
The Pope ha's in, iniated Abst
ishop Itinning% And Lie nine tither
h.hoiss w. 111 ) ,, catAtea. cardinals at the
The siea.thslup Far dy will begiu
15th of April to take board the cable
is to,be'latdilircet between E gland and
I , lited Statcs.'
AT 1.1 I c
the I
i . .
..-‘ ;
Ir. Disraeli has ponsented Ito
/.., a &potation of serenttr Digit members
;iarn,nt uho nish tr. o of urge the rcleas .
.nian cinlitiet3.
i liehreliA'Ales,s .was arrostedin
.I . ' • I,
ork. 14a Saturdly: - (..r 1,11 not in g ' a matt in
ir.qes 2 it - eck r. 1::)... 111 LS Le:ieved - tolbn
ved robbcr. -
of P
ti e
fr , 1
he lire iu the Erupize (. 1 ,1)' al
,war Wiilu s 8: fro, has osi thocompany ,
':,00,00(I'ln money aunt, andeoafeonsem
iti ffort-If•ut dJa-n he flLe:
lie w
• - • •
neFreneh . inister_ tte,Lthis
v, .Barran Barthely, .I+bo sneeeetis_,ibe
lis de .Noaille9, reach - d New -York on
Plia ability, as a dlplekatiste, is highly
- I
f he 'coal shipments : : over -the
.'and 'coal
Clearfield railroad for the first
ntonthS ,of 1874. , are 100-per eent.!_in
Ithe' shipments during , the same
here -are more than 60,000
es in the United; States, and about
omen Itatholic chnrches. ThesB lare
til.) t n iti i r nt k oi ci f f ;
c ri ob li 3 en try e . siiiniftie'g the power
, - •
-in inquiry '.will shortly be h .1d
,er ef the Britiqi Government in ref. et ;
relatives of-those British subjects ' , rho ni the Vir4init.v.i end shot by
:r G-fieraf En - iriet. PI
r 1 . 1
-i he Pullman palace cars which'
. beta _intro..inced into- EnOand 14ve 1
1 1 .
v become poplar. The London papers
litusiastie over the 4....etv feature in r.n
-i ailway travel. , .
William-J.4l°yd - Garrison c a
. a feeling tribute tri Mr. Surnne in
eiere•ftleid iu this re): "In the' long 011
1 rt.lts in the case of liberty the Dam of
:3 Somi,cr 'shall stand conipienens, as
t =viii the 41iplatise and reverence of man
(lea. Burnside is the first can
---to- take the field - openly for &niter
lE-Ce GRat blit the 1. - . I S. Senate. Anlad
settirig forth his qualifications for the
'on id published in Tli Proridence' Jour
nd is iigned by a largo number of lir
iinent Iterinblicans st thet3tate. „ ' • ,
Pero .Hyaeiathe and the Old
, elie.B:ibop lieinkens, of GermanY are at
sece. ' Pere :Hyacinthe • repudiates the
~-,4 ;.arilprie.tdtichtlitrtheaptulreltslitce;ll3lattnlpePv'egroclaizufficilil
Ann - nett - ion with .liim since ' his marriage
C: tv, , light upin kiA rr•Volt tram Roman
4. - . , .:licittu,--- I
• - ' - 1- 1 1 ,
Mr: A. T. Bt9Wart is said to
tin Wing to have Ida' portrait' taken, and it is'
ii; enable - that none of-the illustrated papers
11 e ever beim able to give it. )Tr. John (L
t., lc - hasFrarely been willititi to give sittings
e, , t , ., a photographer, though ii is said ths.t
aLitton artist recently sutured a sittuitaetoiy
r6rtrait; while it is also stated that there)if
fri 4 tb9m l DS a - PorintHttist of Mr. Stewart
ni:Aleldd froth re:Mlectuirif
1 i , • - l'
Tytta t l
ni-, ,
n , A
fa al,
1i.,.% r i
C r: •
of •n
c. ;)
k• /
Towanda, Tturtd"rey, Aril 2, 1874
COMBITIIRR.—The members of the Repub.
Wan Connty - Committees:a requtsted to-tnett /ri
the °BAND .117 RY BOOR. in Towanda, oak MN.
DAY. APRIL 7; 4874, at 2 o'clock, P. 21, for the
purpose Jef nothing arrangements kr this'eautng of
• convention to;elect delegates to the itomltot St to
Tres& &gents .o.): the Pennsylvania
Railroad tiompany are instructed not
to sell a ticket to any intoxicated
person, and conductors not to allow
a drunken individual to bwil emir
train, This is a moat cieelrait rule,
and if carried<out tvill save passeu
-gera s p:reat,cltal of t `nnefant.t., hod
conanctOrs a 'great deal of trouble:-
ilnited States Senate ,has ap
-pointed a committee of five 'persons
to - inveetigate the effects of the man
ufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors
upon the public, 7ellare. The Uni
teitStatesi il3 EVerrybOdy:kn?ws, de
.iive.S a large revenue from taxes upon
the business, and to- that e`atent at
least it holds official recognition.
The Object now desired is t ascer
tain whether the ignoranee, crime,
neglect of bus:mess/west ind of mon
eY, sickness, and death, resultin'g
from the abtite of liquors in the Uni
ted States,—viewing it from a dollar
and 'cent stand-point—do not cost
us, as a people, as ranch as we derive
revenue froth these sonreea.
Locll.--OrrioNi Senator . &OPER .
empresses the, opinion in
.his paper,
the Delaware County-American,. that
the L!• - c6.1-Option laW will .not Ibe re
pealed this session. -; He thinks the
unusual. interest disphiyed "within
and beyond the State in . suppressi g
the liquor 'traffic, will 41 , coavi •ce
t i
men who nerer were conrinced :e
-fore, that the time Is - a' bad one `to
take any. backward step—that,..,itt*
dangerous to insult a •growing temr
perance sentiment. The simplii re,-
suit Will be—the • plain outlook - is-. : -:
that so far its the Pennsylvani4Le,g
islature is concerned no aFtfoo Will
be taken, and Local-Option will ibe
inain ta L m d.,". •
snl was
latia, Kansas,
Clay ever
that Charles
.AT the spepial election held in the
Wayne and Pike district,
24th, to elect a sncen.sor, to W
Thames, Thomas T. BOYD, Reptd
can, Of Wayne, was - elected. The
Democrats, have a large majority in
the. distriet„ but- their votes were
divided lietween two candidates,
THOMAS J. HAM "and Enwri . j_B.
FLOWED. The vote *as very
Born had 1,157 votes in Wayne'and
228 in Pike. HAm bad 1,355 \tea
in_Wayne and 50 in Pike. ELD ED
had 40 votes in Wayne and 34'q in
Pike. Boyn's majority , over- FIA3 in
the district, 310. HA - a, Who is editor
Honesdale Herald, consoles:
him , It by quoting from Shakespeare,
"Siveet are the uses- of adversity.l
I of talk in
, Entnerit to the
GOOD ADVICE.. T the following
sensible, article from thelVilmington
Port is to the pint. . good
advice - and ought to be heeded and
"Care should he takiqi that Repub
lican candidates have the qualifica
tions which will commend them to
the support of all. Let the fight be
a i square one 'on , principles only.
Let us compare what NVO have done
for onr : country, with what •'.the
t!'epoerats - have done. Let us cOm - -
pareour promises for the future
theirs; and let us offer men Who
fire tnoWn for virtue and intelligence,
and the victory will be ours." ' '
• •
tug doesn't
wrote to Lis
it is ;! ternVe
legis . lature
c -rest dftlit
is session tiro
Tat Republican State Convention
in Indiana, for the nomination of
Condida'. - es for Secretaz,-, Auditor,
and 1 Treasurer of State, - Attorney
General, Judge of tlie Supreme Court,
i and Superintendent tf Pablic
struction,•to be chosen at the next
generabelection, is called JO be held
111 Todiauapo.4s on Wednesday June
17th. The call says: "The Iteptibli:
can Party, having been farmed on
the basis Of the imthortal Deciara
tion of In&pendence, and - avoWing
itself (1w • party of equality, jaittice
and progre, able to rectifyi its
errors us well , as to correct I the
wrongs - of its adversaries, having
successfully fought , the battles of
I;tiunan liberty, and : being the only
party of known principles, able and
willing to-meet any emergency of
government, invites ! all good men
who sympathize in these principles
.. participate in its deliberations
and assist in its victory."
p.nTaiiii that
,Iliffchefort and
ped from New
' CLEVELAND, a, has afforded alvery
sad and disgraceful .exception't6 the
uniformly forbearing consideration
shown elsewhere to the lacliei engag
ed in the crusade against intemoer
-mice.- The ladies started - out ini ) that
city in accordance with the t i p lan
e l lsewhere pa
~ to', saloons,
pray with' the Aillers, and s'olicit
signatures to the abstinence' pledge.
They were quickly beset by a bois
terous, ruffianly crowd, who ! not
only drowned their prayers ,with
rowdy songs, oath and
closed !about thew, crowded upon.
and struck and kicked several of the
ladies. Men who essayed foAake
the part of the women were assault
ed, and one was probality - fatally
bitten. The ladies 'finally found
refuse in a store, which was, a one
time-in danger of beirg- sacked by
'the ruffians. Eventual:: the — ,, police
were able to escort thc..l home; On
the following day, the ladies 'made
another -attempt, and Met With
similar treatment. The mayor has
issued - a proclamation aiming to
repreSs the rough element, but its
terms are such as are held to !apply
to the pr4ing women as well:
. .
11. L. 800 r,
The strike amen the employees
of the ausquehatufft hops, assumed
a serious : wiped last week; aril : .the
Sheriff biing unable tfo - .protect Abe
-the se3 orCif their
company, in
prppot3.o4rea tip° the governor for ,
troops. I. This actic; i n *as strongly
by the utborities of the
borongh, who seemed to sympathite
with the-strikerp.ln , reply to a;
,telenam frorn the tilt& t 3, asking the'
Governer hot to send troops, Gov..
HAErrast-r sent the folio Wihg sensible
and manly telegram. It has the
right ring ' and will receive the
approval of every right minded. nisei:
• niteuttinuetT, ?siren
W. A Eall.l:sitttaii, Susquehanna Dc
'pot, a. : -
As an individnid. r. may Itympathrie With
your people in their puisloctunejnpot reecifing
prompt pay t meut their;dget , but. as the Chief
F.,tecn.iVe of this Ztate. I cannot allow credi.
tors, however meritorious their clrims- may be,
to forcibly seize the Mnperty of their debtors
andf bola it without duo process of law. Much
less can I allow them to take and lad illegal
possession of a great highway and punish the
innocent public, either as passengers or trans:
porters for the default of; a corporation with
width they Lave, no concern. Whenever the
laws of this Cominonwealth shall provide that
the employes or railroad company may sus
pend all traffic upon it until their wages are
paid, I shall acquiesce, butt cannot do so while
the law refaces to acalemplate any such re
medy. My duty Is not to Make Ilya or to
iriticise pem, hitt to execute them, and that
duty I must discharge williont fear pr favor.
General Osborns 'the o! cerln cohabland.: 7 l
haviriMplicit t_corefidenen in his impartiality
firmness, and di3eretion I I have ordered him
to Lonfer frith the sheriff of your county, who,
is its propert 'peace officer. It the laws aro
nos set at defiance, the sheriff will so inform
General Osborne. If they aro set at defiance,
General Osborne has been ordered to enforce
obedience to them. It unfortunate consequen
ces folios, the respoesibity must rest vita
those Who endeavor to redress their wrongs by
violencbi i in contempt of the laws of their coun
try and of the officers whose sworn duty it is
to talid care that they bo faithfully executed.
J. F. Hitan 'Art
.mu. in relation AO the State
Treasury and sinking fund has been
introduced in the Henn at Harris
burg; :and passed first reading. 'lt
provides substantially as follows: -
The bonds of the State Treasnrcr
shall be
~ $500,000 ; the ,term shall
commence on the first Monday of
May following the election, and con
tinue two years; the governor, with
the advice and consent of the Sen
ate, shall fill all vacancies; monthly
returns to the auditor general of all
moneys'received and paid out shall
be rendered, these!returns to be open
to the inspection Of all ; whenever it
shall appear onpthe first of any
month that the balance 'in the State
Treasury is 'in excess of $500,000,
such excess should be carried to the
sinking fund; - the Sinking fund' is to
consist of the proceeds of ' the sale
of the public works or any part,
thereof, the incomefromor proceeds
of, the sale of any :stock owned by:
fa State, and the l tax on the capital;
stock of all corporations in the. State;
all other revennesja the State are to
belong to the gen-ral fund; monthly
statements are required to be pub
lished from the commissioners of the
sinking fund, showing its exact con
dition, and it is Made 'obligatory On
them to Apply all the moneys in their
possession to the! iectemption of an
equal amount of !the State. debt, on
the lst of May, Nugust; November
and February. The. other`provisiohs
of the law are similar to those now
in force. ,
Zen //nip Adjournment—A General Scramble
for Hume—What has been accomplished, imd
What is yet to diHThin Prospect fur an
Early Adjourniaenl—Thinys in Genernt,
14iir-isnur.4;, March 23
ITesterday, in cemp)fance with 4 concurrent
resolution allgpted a wee';, since, both Houses
of the Legislature adjourned ever until the 7th
proximo—that is to say until Tuesday, the 7th
of April, at 3 o'clock, p, M.. The scramble and
confusion incident upon the occasion was a
trifle less than that that .charactetizes the gen
eral breaking-Up - day, livhen adjournment sine
die closes the legislative parccr.of the individ
ual law makers of the Commonwealth. To-day
" order reigns in Warsaw," both chambers pre
senting the appearance of "banquet halls de
serted." To-morrow Smith, Jones and Brown
will be at home aidingth:ir Betsey Jane's and
SusatiXtrie's to set the •' speckled hen," patch
the garden fences, and prepare for the planting
of early potatoes; which, unless more rapid
progress intbe brainess of legislation is accom
plished subsequent than prior to the recent re
cess, will be in blossom—if not in market—bc
foie the day of dual ii,djournment.
DON . E.
Thus far' about a yzen Bills Lase paesed
finally and received the approval of the Execu
tive. A good deal of Work is in - ,an i - advanced
condition and but for' he delay incident upon,
this adjournment over, Could have been eons
pletedatleast by the middle of April, and is
not unfair to presume ti:at.,all the legislation
necessary to have made the new constitution
effective in its workings could have been ac
comphshed by the Ist lot May at the farthest.
Both the representatiVes from Bradford shared
lu this opinion, and opposed the needless waste
of time and extra eickosp tathe State involved
in this vacation It could seem, however, tlat,
to iii:',e'tlid language of far. -Webb, there are
many rrpresentativeshere to whom ten dollars
a dariaLit much more ,valuable consideration
than, their time and Misiness at home, and who
,yould be satisfied to alailiere the year around
at that figure, did a reasonable -xeuss present.
itself. 'This class would be perfectly suited
with a perpetual f CSZ:O,.r.JI:: co ' other occa
.pation would such Medion -falentreceive such
extrevagant pay.
cit - turs Tv , TILE i I eLqVfLLE fe.01).11..
'And ; now Nvo are to litti ? e nothing more of the
~ • 1
6o:clier ,
orphans echo f il .
scandsil. The educa
tional committees of the two 11011Eei have re
,spectiveli submitted Majority and minority re
ports. The former censures Prof. Gus, and
recommends the removal of the school, remit
ting, however, the question of his guilt or inno
fcence to the coup. The minority report dis
agree in to to
_Tali the- majority. disbelieves in
the cupidity o? the principal, but instead pre
sentslimin the light Of a victim to Political
malice and prig ate pique. The report of the
majority is severely criticized, and the disient
lug memberi, BlessrsJ i Orvis and ReYnoldr,ing
gest separate schools ror the sexes, as a bar to
farther scandal of this chaxacter.
PASSAGF OF rnir•rrayrixo mu. ,- '
, • 11 sill be gratifyin,gl to, know that the muddle
created by the variou 1 attempts to pass a bill
for the_Paymenlof th expenses for advertising
the new constitution, is ended. ' The agony is
ever; and while,the bill ,is not precisely what
it should have been, is•parhaps the best that
could, under the circumstances, have been ar
'rived at. The disposition on the part of various
publishers in the State to .charge' extortionate
prices for their work,tatised adelay in the set
tlement, and has occa Toned liOnest piiblishers
a deal of trouble and annoyance. . ; • ,
' • TII E MU, 70 74: A NTLIP,ACiTE , i20.u.,
and which has been so vigorously opposed by
the miners and operatives of ~tbe coal . region,
and upon valid grounds, too,' as was demon
strated before the committee s c . ways and
means, has been isithdraWn and a subabtute
inserted - taxing the franchise of corporations.
This is satisfactory to thd miners and will
doubtless become . a
law. As it is quite brief, it
is here inserted : .
Be it enacted. &e., That every company en.'
acted by or under any law of this Common
wealth, or incorporated by any other State and
doing basiceas 'in this Commonwealth, which
possesses the corporate right or privilege, to
mine and sell 'goal and shall enjoy and use
such right and privilege, or have * leafed or
transferred the Isame or any put thereof to any
corporation ' La. persons, who hhall•enjoy and
nee such right and privilege thereof; shall pay
l in ,
into_the Trea of, the Commonwealth an
nually on or he ore the thirty-first of Decem
ber in each an: every year, an additional tax
neon its corpo to francligneated by or rised
within this Cu noonwealth at the rate of five
mills upon each dollar :'.of tho value of ate air•
porde property and tritztehiiies; and it shill ben
the duty of the President arid Treitsttrer or
Ilietet:Ty or such company, atterbehigl duty
sworn or affirmed to do and perform the sathe
with fidelity, according,to therAgeit of ;their
knowledge and WIN( ' -111.11rtiat ".the Stet and
fifthtoenth den cif ArOfethslik'sy emoll Aar; to.
estilliate, ritW ankiptifidllS titOorporate pro-
Altd. - 011reee of Mick - coMpanY i p end
WWI Itailiball-hatte . i boa so Arnif esti
tusked, valued and spixaiseik'to forthwith for
ware-to the Auditor libmerat It statement there—
oiliment making the elle, to
= with the calk . xe setramtion e them
and attested by the vtaistrito
son before whom takeb laud guinea to Ittdinin
tail*thit same t Provided,That if the Apditor
Galena of Treitirarer or either of them,
is not. Satisfied with the estimate, • valuation
and appraisement so made and returned; they
are bent"' antherizpd and empowered to make
an estimate, valpat:bn and appraisementithere
of, and settle an account upon the estimate,
valuation and-appraisement so by them made
for the taxer; penalties and intereet dee the
,Commonwealth thereon, r
• I= #iatiht.
Spring hit really ame; hnd litre Sil'eady
had a taste of her quality in lovely days' all
.cloilleas sunshine and • more: . kottlyOolong
breer4e; on which Is t ofrie itticraelotherie sOngs
of the robin an'El bluebird .
.The bade on manY
yeep ) bare swelled to k,rsting, and the plants
• •
and Anitbs tho Capital par t s base already
pritTorth tloy leaves,of emerald brighrriese.
The long, cold winter is at last* over, and all
nature has revived from the • cold iniemeibility
that c enaTapped her, and ref :iced with Wbeauti
ful gladness in the bright light of Spring. Gay
and delicate toilets begin to enliven the hith
erto sombre appearance of our streets, and the
shop window's aro wonderful to beholdin their
elaborate display of spring - and sniunitir fash
ions. • April, with her sales andtears I JI4 upon
us ) andPwa hail her sweet and variable coming
with &light;ilnanymin.
snrcors liErcitann:—Tbe fanncb tbo
"City c 4 having been so ulidy
ticCd by tiro press Of tbo country, and an tutor
est • thereby awakened among , tbo misses en
the sulloCt of ship building, tho thought oc•
vane,: that , description of tiM works
.might he of Interct to many rt. adore of the
REP.A.TF.E.. • '
Of the launch of the famous ship L + vill only
say it was s most majestic• sight to FCC! the
monster glide so graerfUlly into what almost
'menace lies native clement, so bueyently did
she side Into the water. In this connection I Will
say that the " City - of Yedde, o her exact coun
terpart, will be sometime Medley, and
could seine of oat; Bradford people visit Ches
ter that day they would feel well paid foi all
trouble incurred. Chester as:a city is' not par
ticularly inviting. Mt Quaker eiement, which
exists largely in Delaware county, Is hot very
progressive; and I believe the enterPriso-that
is now gieing the place a national importance
is not nativ t. - Yankee enterprise 'and Scotch
-perseverance are ttecemplishing things not
dreamed of by the Dateli and (baker peptic. - -
tionof Penes leaule. An - spplication at the efllce
of Roach's Ship yard procures Aur one a pass
through the gates. Tho works now employ
about 1000 men. The shins bendier here; of
which there are seven in the trellis, are all of
iron. The plates used arelmostly about ten
feet in length by about four in width„ and for
She lirger veasels,:seven-:fights and , hue inch
in thickness. Shears - Me need here
: that cut
these plates with ,apperentOs much ease as
One would cut a sheet of paper with a pair of
scissors, iitiOtotes three-fourth of ati inch in
diameter are punched at ono stroke. These
sheets are first laid out in the moat precise
manner, the lines all drawn and 0(47 rivet
hole marked. They are, then trimmed and
Punched. the edges plained. ,the ritet holes
reaMe I so that on one side the diameter is
about one-third tn,orc than as the et:M [ l'; then,
every plate having been previously tested so it
is known to be perfect, they are reedy to be
Joined to each other ant to the ribs of the yes
_sel, which is dello with red hot Wife :or, -rivets
beaded m while hot with sledges and hatitmers.
For the frame of tbe. stip, besides the ribs, im
mense bars of iron aro use] that lOok„ when
lying in the yetrd mid before being shaped, al
mosfallarge as the heavy timbers of which
tvoodOn buildings are constucted. The "City
of Peking" and "City of Yeddo" being built
for the Pacific Steamship Company tiornn from
Ban Francisco to China, will be the largest ever
built, except the Great Easteer., ; and i they are
expected tote the fastest. The length, is 420
feet; beam, 47 feet and .1 inches ; depth; 33
feet and 6 inches. They are each of 3,000 tons
burden, will accommodate 150 Cabin •1300
steerage passengers The coal butikere
each carry 1500 tons.
I Five hundred thew:mil dopers wan poet On
the "City of Peking" to the builders the day
she was launched. The total cost of each when
fully completed will be about twice that sum.
Besides th — e - seven new ships being constructed
at this yard, there are four monitors,—the
Passaic, the Jason, the Natant and the Wy
andotte,—belonging to the 11. S. Navy at the
docks, being repeired. The turret of the
Passaic shows indentations made by about CO
different shots, done, it la said, principally at
the bombardment of Fort Sumpter. These
turrets aro made of twelve thiek e esses of iron
plates each obe inch in thickness, firmly riveted
together. Theses turrets being round Mel only
about twelve feet in di'ameter the resistive
strengthat much greater than that of a flat
enrface; yet, with such force did some of the
shots strike !het - bulges as largo as one's head
aro to be been 'on the inside. Each turret ersl
- two 15 inch
At Chester, in addition to Mr, Ito.tch - s yard,
there are several smaller -ones where wooden
ships are being built. ' There as little doubt but
ship building Fen the DaiaWare will assume as.
great magnitude as on the Clyde, ebere. at
present, instead of 1600, 17,000 hands are em
ployed in a single yard. Aside from Fhip build
itig ellcstr is a city of considerable importance
as a raturrOacturing town. Cotton and woolen
mills are numerous. _The poled Toiler Matins
factoring Co.'s works aro here wkcre the most
accurate thermometers are produced , nf allsizea
,and etiles, from the delicate mouth thermem
eterfor testing the warmth of bodice, to the
large ones' used in sugar houses. Also zinc
thermometers for dairy purposes, on which are
Stamped the right temperature fie churning
cream and for scalding cheese, which by the
way might be need to advantage in Ntorthein
Penneylvenia. 1 F. W.
THE Fish quEsTioNi
The Philadelphia Pres, • I fcfr. rring
to the work of the fish couniissior,
remarks: -
It . really seems to us ai *if this
movement to revive this ,`valuable
source of industry is meeting.with
signal success. Wei saw by the re
ports of the commissioners, The oth
er .day, that they had distributod
millions of extra shad, all alive, in
the waters. of the tielliwars and the
Susquehanna; we now find that - they
haie scores and hundreds. of thou
sands of liennebee and Sacramento
salmon ready for distribution in the
same waters. - Whenit is considered
that tho salmon fisheries of Nova
Scotia have been of such importance
as to prove the subject of aln-ost in;
vidions emulation between Great
Britain and the United States, ,and'
when it is further reflected that the
salmon fisherieS or Alaska were the
chieftest value attained by that ac
quisition, and when still farther
known that on the 'Northern Pacific
shores theie fisheries are a command-
ing industry, employing thousands
and thousands of men in their dis-,
tributfon to all parts of the world ;
the fact; of those fisheries being es
tablished in our home waters, the
Delaware and the' Chesapeake Bay,
their iniporttinee, as our correspon
dent states,' is indeed difficult to
overestimate. From the modest re =
port of the commissioners we infer
that it needs not a sanguine judg
ment to predict the successs of this
undertaking. We are pleased to
observe that with great good taste
the commissioners retain the services
of Col.lWorrall, the original commis
missioner and organizer of the move
ment tiPrevive the fisheries iu tiie
State Of Pennsylvania, thus availing
themselves of the experieu.ce already .
gained We trust•that the moderate
assistance they are asking
,from the.
Lc.gislatnre . will be freely' accorded,
becauFtt :we have not heard tho ;light
est breath of suspicion of any misap
plicatiOn of the lurid already placed
at the 'tlisposal ottbest. gentlemen.
A Gotn tttEti Bli,nias SLII - 00,0Q0
A 3fLonbaa Matt—We linit the following In :Ltd:
siinville.Tlaoliapar,of Want &ton ! NOM 34
Years asolligoilfsliteikplor om. islio is Or, to
Jacinto:MU wool a ream,* ot.ltitiddligion=
them chaps* elet ftl Ida 14ftf ii *id*, tam;
Utilitar i an I*M be bitetiliiii:ooll47,44 l oP!ibt4i.„ ,
Luba:ter tied beet, led ',taping , by OS halltisattie tet
wicked sirieiatlose aid was naafi disioftefti and
dissipated—to ell eppearance , a - morel and physical
wimck. I ' - I f
It la more than probable that Major Illoss/redls.
covered redeeming qualiires in the panne mai), wtot
withstanding the depths:to which , dissipation had
brought him, for , the. iqftiod bamaritan'' 'Nosed
him, assisted him by conceal and the aid of Ina
scold indoenter to mate Ittniaelt a now nit; . After
ha reformation was after:tele-the ~y;ung man re
turned to his tierefits, 44si inhabit:l ColoitelO, and
- for a DOmberVt years bte generOlia ti eneactor keatd
•, i •
nothing of h i d. ~ . i
In Macambir of till 4 Year, Major , touotes Wan
tint am Called to an advertisement in a Boston pa.
per, over the signature of a. Latimer." Inquiring the
:address of W. A. Bloascso. He, responded to the
Inquiry, and soon received it letter from the parents
of his former portege, tea Castello
,county. Colorado,
Informing him that their son, in dying, had willed
his property to'him, in gratitndo for the kin deeds
of pars itgone, I .
The letter,4which feelingly alluded to - is act,
gave the:sepal to the reformed man's life. lUD ap
plied himself vigorously to Wiliness after hie return
to Colorado . became an ,honorable and unit mein
bar bar of Soey,tr , and In aye* years amassed large
fortttnelall of Willett, ir;ivj . ceA at I,lMtkio, 'in f a ll
Into the possession of Major isiosidm lieu. auk
No act of genuine clatrity is ever Wei. So °where
in the conservatory of good'deede the plant II pet
forth its blossoms and Shed its perfume, pe haps in
the balm and brilllancal of the eternal morel g, per
haps in the subdued fight nod murky atmosphere
of the mortal life. I
The folloWing is going the
rounds. A fat'-French lady says: “ I an 40 fat
that kpray for a disappointment to make me thin.
No sooner does the disappointment come than the
mere eipectation of crewing thinner givessite Bitch
joy that I grow fatter than ever." Thii Is e etect
of rattle of the coridition of the Democratitc party.
li F is so ton that it prays f r a streak of O.M luck
to make it fat. No sooner does the good hick come
than the Democracy capers around so IV a con
summate fool that it soon Weems s lasn
• -
Some Farttuatara as to 111, Dc
Ntw Yortx, March 30.—A. 1 erald
special from London says the steamer
llialWa had arrived at Suez ori9 . atar-
I fL
day With the remains of Dr.. ‘: diving
stone. ' The following acco at is
given of. Dr. Livi l ngstone'sillacss rind
death. i.
'Ho bad been 11l of chronic .J
tory:for several months.. 111
well:supplied with stens and
tine; but had a presentiment t
tack Would prove fatal.,,
At the first he was t
but soon he had to be curie.
riving at Mnilala, beyond Lak
ba, in the Bisa country, t k
"Build me a hut to die in." ' f
was built by his' followers.
lst of may he was confined ,
bed, and afterwards suffered
groaning night i and day.
The third day he said ho Mt'
cold, and requested that more
be pat over tho l l but, but his
era did not speak or go nee
Kitumbo, Chief of Bisa, sea
and beans and behaved wel
aids the party. I - •
The fourth day Dr. Livi
was insensible and died about
night. Makaohooa, his server,
present.; •
Dr. Livingstone made his la
try in his diary April 27th
spoke much and sadly 'of his
and familylwben he was first
by the fatal attack '
- Ho kid his followers he in
to exchange everything for iv ,
give them, and i then push on 1
iji and Zanzibar,. to reach Er
The Doctor prayed mach
his death and often said "1 and
His followers dried the body
Lim, packed salt', and, vvr
kt in bark, traveled with it six E
to Unyanyembe. There' Can
party was met and the news tt
Zanzibar, whither the remains
ed ten days aftvr.
Mr. Webb, thoAwrican Consulate
at Zanzibar, has lettersfrom.Dr. Liv
ingstone for Mr. Stanley. All his
papers, which are sealed and'address
nd to the Secretary of State, are in
charge of Arthur Lainy, a ritish
merdhant of Zanzibar, who accom
panied the retains.
'The Troops from Philadelphia
esslon of the Shops , ..Paymen
rneneed by the Compariy and
charge of AD or the Greate
the strikers , ordered—The w
Off from the reservoir. Lea
Town Defenceless 'Against
- General impreision that to-d
-be produced I Event* whl
shoek Erle In Every Departin
31-1 A. 31.—The exciiement
point over the Erie Railroad
ist.a' strike has not decreased
"least up to the present writi
there is every indication tha
will be some lively _tirnes to-
or nest day. _ , I
This morning a meeting was held,
by the strikers, and it wasunani
mously resolved that the prop sitions
as offered by the company yoisterday
be tabooed, but back pay bel accept
ed. Paymaster Ritchie. commenced
. to pay to-day, and Will finish to-m Or-.
row or Wednesday. All the men,
1,300, have been discharged. The
con3pany has stipulated to re! employ
a Select few. 1 This noon jthe Ist
Regiment. Pennsylvania Militia,under
command of Colonel R. Dole Oenson,
arrived and were received with great.
applause by the assembled troops.
They mado a splendid appearance as
they marched through the town.
,They are in possession ,of the 'machine
shops. The company's prOperty is
now out of the hands of the 'malcon
tents. About fifty powerfnl locomo
tives are still disabled, and' it will
take some timi to get them hi work
ing operation, as all the connecting
parts are in the breeches' pickets of
the malcontent's or. somewhere else.
As far as the Missing parts are . con
cerned nothing will ever be earned
by the malcontents, who also are
bitter in their sentiments i towards
the scandatonsly-managed trio cor
This evening Colonel R. I ale Ben
son received information ! that the
quarters of the Philadelphia troops
would be blown np with fiftr pounds
of. nitroglycerine. This waE a start
ling report, and of• course created
some excitement. ,; The Colonel
promptly ported exlra, guards to
prevent any incendiary , designs of
thialtincl; The Erie officia s appre
hend that some of their pro. erty will
be destroyed, and citizens express
the same opinion . The mi itia still
have control. of the town, and are
fully provisionod for a long. iege. It
has been reported that Imo e troops
are to be ordered from N w York,
but as General Osborne an his staff
aro very retieept on mat era it is .1
impossible to verify the s atement. ,
To-night a sieret see* . of, the
malcontents was held, :an it, was
decided to meet with the EtJie officers
in - the maelune shops th-morrow
morning. They will reqiit st that
they ;ire all re-eloployett. If the ,
company will no accept the stipula
tion therelvill be another
, strike, as
the Press irepresentavive bas • been
infornied by the master of transpor
tation, P. IL Wright., Tice Prdsi.i
dant Clark says that such a; tiring
absolutely inapasaible. The: general
isOpmsfien is,tliat to-mono* walla
productive f of such' ,erieute ; .i ns' will
Aociiitriela oyez? deprtii3cktsw
, Hiuntitak P nisfarchsk. •
~.4 P. =
Theist Segment Philadelphia Militia
has just reached here. Matters are ,
a good deal, more serious than at
first supposed., The strikers have
all been paid off and bare congregat
ed on the side hill abotte the track.
They have five pawls of artilery and
command the whole field.
• Pastiengdr trains are running, brit
:no freight trains. The i i , threaten to
begin theinttle if the latter are run.
It is believed that all trains will be
stopped to night at Horneaville.
Shopkeepers, decline to sell to the
soldiers, and many have not, eaten
anything today.
I presume there aro 10,000 men,
women, and children in the neigh=
berhood, no the 'excitement is
intense. ,
inuriunci, March 30.---The, fol
lowing was received here cto-mght:
SUSQUEHANNA Drror, March 30,
To G0n..4 F. HartraV, Earriebt l irg
Your ,dispatch of yesterday, was
received just as General Osborne's
command arrived. Under the effect
of his presence I was able imme
diately to start all pasienger trains
without a resort to extreme force,
and this morning have giVeri s ; to the
railway company fall • possession of
their road, shops, and engines. The
men haie consented to take their
Money, which has been 'ready for
them since Friday evening. The
strikers dill retain all the parts of
locomotives and other machinery
which they,r6noved to disable them.
General Osborne. should remain to
protect the property of the company
until the excitement has subsided
and the shops are again; safely in
operation. A great riot has thus far
been happily supplessed withoit
bloodshed. M. B. HELMET Sheriff.
r SUWEHANNA DEPOT, March 30—rp.
m —The • strikers have cat off the,
water from the ' reservoir, thus
depriving the shopg, hotel;, engines,
dt,c., of the usual supply, and in the
event of a fire no water could-be had.
0 4
{3 was
o at:
A correspondent of the Scraton
Republican . vriting from the present
scene of turmoil thus describes the
origin and 'progress of the troubles
between the emplo'vei and the com-'
pony, as explained to him by the
chairman Of the former:
, 12 the
o his
- • li
During the past winter, the: mesh
allies were working on three-quarter
time, and even at ,the small; rate of
wages they could earn, it frequently
ran into the third month before they
could get their pay, and :then there
wail no fixed time for paying. On or
about the third of February the men
struck. for a regular pay-day, and the
matter s was settled by the company
stating. that they would make the
fifteenth 'of every month pay-day in
future, and that they wouktgiye the
men their February ' pap; ou.• the
fifteenth of March. The,men resum
ed work, and when the 15th of
March came, ' notice- Was given
through the officials that` in conSe
qtienee of certain embariasinents into
which the ;company had fallen in
New York they could not t pay before
thi 25th... The men cordingly
yielded the ten days' grace, and
when the 25th came a no ice appear
ed on the bulletin board in the shops
to the effert that the, paymaster had
commenced: paying elswhere, and
that those along the line' who' were
paid first on 'last
,inorith would be
paid last this time, and vice' versa.
This notice was eagerly , scanned,
and its contents spread, ithroughout
the entire range of shopSl as'. rapidly
as a wave of fire sweeps over the
parching prarie ' the naezi taking it
as an insult. Accordingly pursuant
to a resolution adopted on the 16th,
work was immediately suspended by '
the eleven hundred men,' bells were
rung, a mammoth steam whistle was
blown, the officials forced from the
shops, millband and lathe and w eel
were thrown idle, and i the entire
works cleared and under complete
control of the men in about twenty
minutes. ~In addition to 'striking for
a. regular pay day, the, meelianica also
demand regular apprentkeShip in the
shops instead of employing ; unskilled
labor, as at present, to do the work
of mechanics; they - also ;.vaiii, to be
paid up to date and receive 'at the
rate of time and-a : half fqr all over
time. The : regular monthly pay of
the employes in and around Ithe Ma
chine shop averages $50,000. The
population of Susquehanna Depot is
about' 8,000, nearly all ' l d which, is
dependent :on the earnings of the
men employed in the Erie Railroad
Company's machine shops. The
losses arising to the company from
the present sfrike, cannot be other
wise than enormous. Thousands of
dollars worth of freight is lying at
the depot, much of it conSisting of
perishable goods,' while all of it - is
urgently needed in the market.
• I
Pat flown the first practical strike in
Pennsylvania as about ended. This
afternoon the men, nine hundred
strong, paraded the streets, headed
by the. Susquehanna Valley Cornet
-Band, each man having an American
flag. They were cheered , along .the
line of marcb,bunting being very con
spicuous. .
This afternoon Vice-President Clark
addressed the employes,,lmaking the
following propositions: 1.
That two-thirds of them resume
work in the morning at 7, A. II ;the
company to select such reen_as "they
'have use for," from ~the remaining
one-third previously employed. "The
use for " bars out the leading strikers.
and resolved to allow every man to
do as he chooses, to resume work or
not. When this strike/ commenced,
the property owners were reqaested
by the transien's to alloP7 them to do
the striking work, so I that if legal
prosecutions followed they would not
suffer by loss of property. •. ' i
' The question now is, will the main
body allow their men In be rejected
and they resume work '? It is the
opinion of out people wor k
the majority of the men will resume
work' when this is don ~ „Then the
trouble is ended. '
They say that they Were brought
hPre by ?also representations. They
aro camped in the main shop and the
public halls. Rations ate , arriving
froM Binghamton.
The Philadelphia Grays are hold
lag a ball to-night. '
s very
, hint.
• stone
t, was
•ry to
o Uja
in the
ken to
In Pus
s Ctitn•
the Me
-1 Part of
ter eat
'lng the
it ie Ire--Ay
h will
Ila 4
at tins
. achin
in the
If the men resume w•or
<lug, the troops, eicept MOW 0 - ~.
company, will leave to-mo .w ; if,
however, the men refuse , . ge AO
work, the shops,Will be. des A. until
new men arrived n& the will
of course remain to pro* , thein.
The force In the , 'ehqps In% be te•
:dined to two hindied meii * the old
em_ployes refaseqo be rti-e ployed
Trains are nosy running ,r Oar! ..
- Sixty . -five trains left here to- ay.
Suntrammota,Pa., March 81-1 1 ,
- t r. M.—President Clark to 2 -
`clat'ed to the nien thst ii 'g officie t
number could not be. tint Wed o
work, the shops are to be reeyed o
Elmira: Some beavY mite fi nery is
l i
being ten demi in Order t rem° 0
it 1 ,
Erie `
and the action of th e ana e
meet is aeatheinatized by I e inh b ,
itants.l - 'L , 1
The militi a are gua ding the riiil
1 . •
way prpeqys
. 1 A
• Owned Ovoid
i - . • - i
i 8 be:ag made to throw I
I:(4ward, Superintendent c
powe4 as he is'.ehal i ed wi
th agent who hred,t e stli
et ikerirdenonueed him at - i
.. .
hi eight. . : :, .. •,,
The nineteenth century
ne4sed many and great d
n 1808 Fulton took out
patent for the invention of
bdat. • •
he first steamboats w
re ar trips across the
0 ca n were the Sims
estern, in 1830.
The first 'public ; appli
p eget) the use of gas for
in was made in 1802.
lln 1813 the streets :01
were for the fi rst tithe lig
In 1813 then was built ,
m Mass., a mill believe'
en the first in the we
Combined all the 'regain
making finished clOth fro,
tdn. I
r IrL 1760 there were only twe:
fie post-offices in the whole' coon;
and up to 1837 the rates of post
were twenty-fife - Cents for a . .le
s4nt\over four, hundred rn es.
Iu 1807, wooden Clocks ommeo
to be made by MaChin .
ushered in the era of cheap.clot
About the year 1833,, the first r
road (if any considerable length
the United States was nem&
1840 the first exp rimel
photography.was made b Dago
About 1840 the first es ress
n'ess was established.
The anthracite cbal bu 'meal
be said to have begun in 820.
. _
.In .1836 the first patent for th
vention of matche was anted.
In 1845 the first elegra was
Steel pens wore ntrod ced fo
in 1803.
The first ducce dal caper'
constructed in 1833. •
In 1846 Elias llowe ' btain:
patent for the fi rs sewing mac ,
The first succes ful me hod. of
canized India rub er w:: pate
in 1839.
New Adv•
- - •
In Abe building, form
Titus, with a largo assor
American am
Fine Gold Jew
A full Ilno of onto sltrzn and pia
From the cheapest to tho best. 3.13
articles too numerous to wentton. het
by caning; M. •
N. B. Watches. Chicks and Jew,
practical workmen, and warranted.
Towanda, Nov, 10. '73
O,IIE-RIFF'S SALE,: ty virtge of
sundry writs issued out of th - q net of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford ConntY, an . to mo directed.
will be exposed to public sale at th. Court House in
the Sorongh of Towanda, on TH4R DAY, APRIL
F 318 7 1, at ono o'clock, pnu o
41bed lot, piece or parcel of tans alt to in Canton
ro, bounded as follows :On the 0.1 by the es
tate of Elias Rockwell . dad d ; on th east by the•
Steam 111111 lot ; south by the and west by
lands of Lewis A Coon, containing tie acre of land
more or less, all improved. with a aped building
used for Planing Mill and Factory, th Steam En
gine. Roller and Fixtures attached thereon, ( as the
property of N. S. Denmark.) I I
ALSO—One other lot„ piece or I tif land Mtn-
ate in Canton bora, bounded as fo we to wit: On
the north by land of A. D, Spalding p the east by
lands of A.:D. Spalding and Eber Ili on the south
t i
by Carson stree; and west by land James Finnell.
cent ining three-fourths of an acre I band. Mora or
le s s, all improve with a framed weill, ng house;
framed barn ands few fruit trees ereion. I 1 (..
Seized and taken into execution at e suit of Strait,
Clark & Co vs. N. B. Denmark anctIJ.IE- Rockwell.
Also at the snit of Pomeroy Bros. va N 8. Denmark,
and Hiram Rockwell. Sec's. • I
.11410—One other lot, piaci, or pieced of 1-nd Wu
ate in Canton twp.RAiounded as 114ars : On the
north by the pubbe b4hway; east y tidti of Cara
lint Hanley ; south by lands of J. 8
i l ti Manley and
Nedeblah Smith; and weal by lands ef t acey Smith,
containing thirty-coven acres of laud, tnure or lean,
about thirty acres-improved, (no buLdingil) being the
same land as conveyed by Rubbel litabley to- B.
Manley, by deed bearing date Feb.' nth. 1872. '
bar i tatima ALBo—One other lot, piece or Ibf land actu
ate in Canton twp., bounded as o laws: On the;
north by land of H. H. Hickok; by lands of
George Meeker; south by the. To Creek; and,
west by landkof Nedebiab Smith. ar g seven:
ty-fite urea of land. mere or hi s,I improved,
eil L
with a homed house , a framed . th shed at-'
tubed, hay barn and s few fruit t on. •
Seized and taken into execution t stilt of Wm
8. Jayne, Adm'r ad Litem of Hubbe Manley vs. 3,
S. Manley. [ ,
Alao.--3)ne other lot, plece.or parcel f land situ.'
ate in Alba bole, bounded as follows. n the north
i i iiTai
by land of N. 74:Reynolds &V. MI , n eon; on the
east by land of a. Merritt and P. 17. er; on the
south byland of J. A. Witt:oral; on e west by pub
llo highway leading,from Pi.. n .containitig.
ono acre ef hind. more orbs. WI two framed
dwelling houses and hauled barn a few fruit
trees thereon Seized and taken into eoution at
the suit of L. A. Packard ,va. J. L. 1 ' •
.11.80—One other lot, piece or ' .f
land situ
ate ba Athena twp., bounded aiif Ink to It: On
the north by land of Perry Knight .ak the east
by a street (not named); on the th b Pittney
Skeet; and on the west by land Georg Rogers,
containing one-fourth of an acre. f lead, more Or.
less, all improved. with a two-etory crated dwelling
house'and $ small out building thtreorr. it tug lot
No. 211 n Coolbaugh's Addition to ^uth nearly.:
Seized and taken into execution at t e,fnu Of loan'
Beidletain vs. Charles Monroe.
ALSO—One oil or parcel 61 d sati
ate in Burlington twp., bounded as ;fai n to wit:.
On the truth by lands of Griffin gte and the
Mountain Lake; east by land of Mort •- [Smith;
south by land of James W.. Nich leAri 0 'public
highway leading from the . ok kan Eke near
Nichols School House to Luther s; West
by the Berwick turnpike road, co acres
of land. 'more or less, about fo proved,
witn a framed bonne. framed a ng or:
chard of fruit t eta thereon. an en into
execution at tile suit of Joh lt r. vs. P.
17 Darla- • -
ALSO—One other lot, piece orparcel of
ate in Leßoy twp., boundeddidesc b
to i
lows, wit lan O
On the north f. Eric
and Levi Palmer; on the e t b tang of
Wilcox. 0. Morse and John clteal;
oc wonk ? •
ixithe morn-
Erl 2
Is , b I
Ay °couple
,went of Go,
Of all klnd4—Gold, Silver and
• ' ~ - :-:-.New 4 biro 'oinin4s ! - .
. ,
---- -,-- 1 1— ", ---- 7 - 7 - 1 ----- *" 4 1 - —l ' --;
by t
Tewands Creek; ma the set by landed PM
WOW. tonteinlng one htt deed and tifteno Nees;
of land. niore or lest. ab ort sixty Imes improred ,
with a fumed house. (name bum and A few fruit
teen thereon: Seised and 4.6 execution at
IMAM& get& G. Rally th e Yds I kit!) ,I '
LAILISne other lot; or 1 of.,land Ran
;tie la milrorit twp.,:tion " as Ifollowe: On Os
latailitrY lands tit John CI pe r ; IMO by lands 6
Joseph ColeXiatni Utah th ads elf IJalta Canfield'
and weld by the Mato high Y. enntaMing Oren*.
gee acres Of lead, more or Jess, alt hoprotted, *lib
ls framed house, two (timedtmoiski and an old weed
building'eretofore used fog a biackaMith shop, and
a few fruit trees thereon.eized and taken into ca
seation at Ohtani of He nryo B. Hall use vs: ! John
10t; I plitaLl Lend MIL
LSO-+O ether p Mit Or .
ste fun
got_ - d•d as follodimAin the
- bOrtjf .1% di. ;Mo illeri 46n itiilpdi
~I s t a i.
awl 0. tf. d; eolith by /ands P
(I, S. ikillardaind.west by SulitrenStreet. -contain=
Mg threttefoOrthe of en acre of -land, more Of IM O I,
all improved. With one trip led.l3onU. framed barn.
and cooper shop. Janda fewltrult OM thereon.'. f . ,
ALSO—Oneother lot. plane or parnel of land situ
ate in bore of Canton *formal& W=ded as fel owes
tt*lti Oh QS lidtill by Mod frf Eta. gelen° l sll hint
by Centre Street; South btland or C.& liellard: and
west by lands of BO& Grant .10 I f if.' Mid-
Ing orthe above described ot, co tainiue ontethtrd
bil i s
of sn acre of land. more ~ lass, Ul/ ImprovAd , no
buildings. &Ind and IMO executioe, at' the
stilt of Edward goon - vs. B. N. Ir.! i :
AVM...One other lot, piece of of
ate is Witteinam t.Wp.* 'httended I tone* to wit:
On the north by lands of Anna Cowles; east by lands
of Mahe flhotznaluir aid*Dory Cheeneaft Mitt lay
lands of Myron Nithoiti d west by lane :of Webb.
ington Webster and E . Owens. ,containing, MO
acres o f land, More" or less, abode 50 acrtalraprot4
and few fruit trees thermal -no heddleSe., ! ' !!' I :
ALSO—one other lot, pi or parcel of, und attn.
stain Windham tyrp„sfo said. bolindedas folltrWe.
-to wit: On-the north by land of Jacob Giteily; east
by land of Anna Cowles; south, and west by the
public highway, - containing , 00 .aetes of land. more
or le.tia. about 10 acres' Improved ; nci bnildings,
Belied and "taken intoethticithei,itt the suit of IEI.
halm Smith vs. Norman pewits: ; ! I'.
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land Mee
ate in Franklin tern.. bOunded e : s , follows: On the
north by land of John Lahti; by Uncle of Bur
ton Browne' south by of J.,13 . Tamest; And
weft by lands of Elijah:BUM and :William Rockwell,
containing fifty acres ofland, more or, lose, *Moe
forty acres improved, wit a hatted MAW, framed"
barn at:drew fruit trees t ereon.) I Said land levied
upon as the property of he defendant.: ,7. B. John
son. - Seized-and taken to exec:Mimi at the suit of
0. W. Smith vs. P. W. ell" arldll. B.l:ohneon,
ALSO—One other bat lam or parcel of land alto. Me in the bore of T da, bounded sp foliowa , to
wit: On the north by an ley: Mid of It: L.
lifoodyl south by Chute t West; and West by land
„rin i
of ray Chaapel. being fifty feet trent' on said Chest-.
nut Street. by two,hundrad and eeventren feet deep.
with a framed dwelling 110. 1 21.;;11 plank honse, a
small barn and few fruit; items tdernole. Stlzei and
taken into ersecutlen at the suit et Codding. Bastian
& Co. vs. L. C...lielsOn I . 11, .
ALSO—One other loi,iece or patcel of land Mtn
ate in Burlington bozo. nnded as follows, to wilt'
on NI
the north by land of K. Cterk Icu byline! of
bylin of
Joseohns. Campbell; an th by llSuger Creek; tu3d
west be lands of Mrs. MFbew Betts. Geo.;P. Tracy.
&H. Hill. Mrs., Gee. C. ill and J., M. Ayers, Con
taining seventy - five acre of lanii.-more or less', all
Unproved. with a framed dwelling house. framed
bare, horse barn. grazier). °Meat:tut buildinge, and
f"w !Mitres. thereon. I Seized and taken into exe
cution at the snit of Deena, Pl l elt . and Curtis vs.
Reuben Morley. i l an d 1
ALSO—One other lot, lace or,Pucel of n sati
ate in Towanda - bore, oneded as follows, to wit:
-On the north and cut lly lands Of .John F. Means;
on the south bylaw/ of E. T. Elliott; and west by
spinee street!conbiLtrier on: 54d lend, ritore or
less, all Improved. with tw framed house,
framed barn and few fr it, trees hereon. [
ALSO—One other lot, Mee of:parcel Pr land situ
ate in Towanda imp.. minded is !enema. to. wit:
On the north by land of H. H. Mice; cut by land of •
i ,
m e w; Deetane; sout by land of James McGill;
Mel west by land of Johnlicrunin. containing thir
ty-eigllt acre; of land,' ' more or less; rio• impreve
ments.4 Seized *natal; n into execution'. at the snit
:ef John F. Means vsnjamih .Lewis and James
P. 'Lewis , . Also at th snit of John I°. Moans vs.
Jalliell P. Lewis. ' " _ ; I I :I
ALSO—Oni3 other lot,lplece oil pereel I of land situ
ate in Canton born, bounded as follow's, to wit: I Be
ginning at the southst con*r of 'a lot of land
owned by J. K. Seems; hence north 1.7 1 4 --err. west
II feet; thence :south 3; dea'west 11'3 and'-right
twelfths feet to the cenof Towanda street; thence
north 70,1 e deg east 13 feet to W. J. Phelps'. lot;
thence north 15 degwe st 87 Met to said Phelps'
northwest corner; then north l 7l deg, west 32 feet
to said Phelps' northe as t - corner; thence north 12
deg,west, 120 feet to a' ornar .or Joseph Beeman's
li in
P e; thence north 89 d a west one cud Beeman's
south line 03 feet to , w t line a land of 0.-A. Erica
theme south .21'' deg west 132 - feet to the place of
beginning. con taining .nne-half Of an acre of land,
more or less, all imprOved. with a framed house,
- kriown u the. Central I Hotel. framed! barn... Meat.
market,cce house. other outbuildings, , and few fruit
trees thereon. beteg the MIDIIM as. described to
deed from Jared Bunyan cud ; wife td JameiTox, ,
bearing date dhly 27Th, A. D.. 841, and recorded in
the office for recording' deeds. &e . in and for said
county of - Bradford; in laced II k No". 95. pace 244. I
Seized and taken into e ecntio ! suit at the of James
Fee* vs. Randall anley." Also at the suit of
3.j } :,
James Fox vs.-Mandan & alanl y.- : , - i i . 1
ALSO—One other /o piem ete parcel of land situ.'
ate in Itldghtary twp„, bounded as fa loin, to wit:
Oti the north by land of Stephen Dewey; east by,
islets of Patrick Better gift -Thomas Butler; south '
by land of Edward Cooper: and; west by the Berwick!
'turnpike road, contaltilng sixty,icres of • land, more
or less, about fifty acres improved pith a framed)
dwelling ' , vase thereon. Seized and, taken Into ex
until:in at the. snit of ID: H. Burnham. vs. J. W.
Chase. Also at the suits of Beni. .11,' BOTIM/1111 use.
vs. J. WetCliase,.F.fal D. H.
,Tturnham vs. J. W.
Chase. , 1 ,
ALSO—One other 10. 1 piece or parcel ef land - Mtn.'
ate In the townehip3, of. Towanda , and,' Monroe.,
bounded as follows, to lit: - Oct the north .I by lands,
of Thomas Mulehy and Fus. Carter: an the east byl
the public highway ; 1 on the south' by! lands o
Thomas Bennis; and West by landa of B. W. Hary,ey i l,
containing fifty acres Of land. mare or less, about!
forty-five acres improted. with a framed dwelling
house, framed barn
shed attached, other ont-I,
buildings and an o rd of fruit treed thereon. ,
ftelzed l and taken into execution at th e su it c ire o e n t
Donalley vs. James Liddy Also at the snits of
Richmond Roche vs. James Liddy, and Hiram Els.,
y vs. James Liddy, 'and A.G. - Crane:ter vs. I
ALSO—One other lot, piece Or parcel of ' land situ-'
On in Smithfield twp„ I bounded es tollows, to wit:.
On the north by lands o f Levi' Ormsby and William
Ormsby; east by lands of ,Lake Parkhill:Led .' Anna
Phillips; south by lens of George B,,s,ch and eve.
Ham Waldron; and w eft by land of Schuyler Gates,
containing sixty-four acres of land, more or less,
about fifty acres improVed, with a, framed dwelling
house, framed barn with shed attached. and an or
chard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and token into
easel:Mon at the suit ol l E. S. Tracy is. Uri Phillips:'
Also at the nitre of E. . Tracy & Co. ve. L'ri I Phili I
lips. and E. S. Tracy .4 Uri Plaidlips. . 1 . 1
ALSO—One o th er lo t, piece or parcel of land situ;
ate it; Towanda boro. b Waded as follows, to wit: On
the north by tends of J mss 0 Frost; east by lande
of John F. Means; sou by lands of John Lantz;
and West by Charles et eat, being about 106 feet oe
said Charles street. running back to the 11110 of tan
of said John F. lifeans.labont , 110 feet, Moro Cr lees:,
with a hutted shop thereon. I 1 I I
ALBo—...The defendants. C P Cash and F. A :,Cash
unditided 2.5 interest in one:ether lot, piece or par
eel of l.nd eituato In the -said "Bore of 'Totiranda,
bounded on the ninth by Poplar-at. cut by
south by land of Wm rifesiltrest by. an alley; be,
tee about 105 feet fron torrsaiti Third-et, and about
221 feet back on esidl Popiarist, with a, two story
gothic brick dwelling house) mull. framed bun.
other buildings, with fruit and ornamental time
thereon.. Said lottnown as the homestead let of the
David Cash estate. II" ; 1 , .t -
ALSO—One other 101. piece or parcel of , land ,
the property of the derndant.l.! D Cash,' eituaie. in,
. the said Bo re of Tow an da; bounded ore the north
by lands of Solomon lborn add. H Jacobs,' east bY,
land of T 0 Delano, so u th by Pine-st , west by laud
of (1 St Manville; being about 100 feet (rent on sae
Pine-st, and being abhut 112 feet deep, rennin,
back to the south line of said Walborn and Jacobs i .
with a framed dwelling house thereon. , I,
ALSO—The defendants, 0' D cash and FA. Cash. ,
undivided 2.5 interest in one other lot t piece or par.
eel of land situate in Barclay twp, containing 113
acres; more or less, irt the warrantee name of D,ll'
Cunningham, Ns - Uhl a raw null, 2 mill houses and
stables thereon. - 1
ALSO—The said defendan ts undbided 3.5 interes
in one other. lot, piece.' or P•lrech of land' l'itinta 1 1
the township of Barclay, s ite and county afore
said, containing 400 -sieresdzulro; or 14E8, ha the
warrantee name of Peter Ladley. - ' I : !I
AESO=The maid def-ndeets 2 5 interest in one,
otherlot of land siteate in said 'Barclay townelap l ,
; 1
1 .containing 320 acres. ore or lose, in the warrtuatee
name of Joseph Lael I .
--ALSO-eTbe said de ,_ nindUeded 2.5 interest in one
ether lot of lands tae t° in said township of Ila-clay,
containing 354 acres. More or less, in toe vartantea r
prom of, Walter Ste rt. i I
ALSO--Sslitilefts. ndividea 2-5 interest In one
.other lot in Barclay nd Overton, containing 400
arses, more or less, in the warrantee name M enI.I
drew Ladly. • I . I . • I I
Seized and taken iutexeehtlonat the met of 141
Jacob. vs Charles D. eh at d?Fred'A. Cash: lately!
copartners, trading under the :nem name MO. Dl
Cash & Co. - .. I I ' " I
Also. the undlyived one:fifth Interest in the above ,
lands, at the snit of U. Jacobs vs C. D. Odah. .11
ALSO—One buntlin and let Of ground situate in
F i i
Tnacarork tern. ; said b tiding, is a dwelling home, a
story and a half high, iixtenet by twenty I feet on the
around. - bounded on the north by lands .of "Perry
Babcock.: on the east by Edward EfOrbaker. Jr.; ma
the-south by lands of potiriek's; and - on the west by
lands of Jnetne 'Lewis' Selma and taken into exel.
"anion at the snit of , artley W. Roberta vs. Joh n
11aLSO. Clapper. ,
I I!,
—Ope other lo piece or parcel of laid BUM!
ate in Towanda hero, ounded and described as fort.'
lows, to wit : Beginding on the southerlyy, line of
street, at the! northeut corner of a lot con.
tracted to Wm.. H. Shipman by O. D.Bartlett; thence
south 29 deg and 24 men east 138 feet; thence north
60 deg and-36 min mild Bit feet; thence north 29 der
and 24 min west 138 feet; thence westerly along the
line of Spruce street tio feet to the pla4e of begin
ning, containing 12,4egriare feet of, land, more or
less,. all improved.wi th a small framed dwelling,
bonsa and small hor barn thereon. Seized and
taken into execution the suitlof.o."D. Bartlett vit.
D. W. Hughes, Susan; Hughes and Henry Harriit.
. - . .1:15.1. SMITH, Sheri ff .
Towanda, April 3, 1 74. ~ I ," : ...'
I f motive
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Ito bei seen
repatel by
is hereby given t all periona indebted tb
i ra
the estate of Lawre ceOlforon, late of Standitig
Stone, deed, are requ sted to mako Ithinediate pay
ment'and all persons ,having claims against said
'estate. must present them duly authenticated f r
- Settlement. ' ?fillItli" waeuctx.
April 1, 111- 4 'ln ~1 l' Ryan...or'
tti ,
A InlilligifiglLTOWS
qief , is hereby Oven tniti all persona indebted
otate of (4 9 0. . Barrett. late of Elprlnt,•fleld,
deed, mat make p n rutaettlate paiment, and all
porse7 baying el , arratuat saki estate ritual
prey at thou duly authenticated tor settlement.
April 1, 1871
Notice is herebyoven that ad persOns Indebtet
tr• the est to of Wm. ItanWert,,, late. or. Holub Crek,
deed. must make imMediate payment, and all p
sons having claims against 'said estate must present
them dnly authenticated for settlement.;
; ; . Admrntatristnri_
r .kpril 1.1874.
f 4 r11114‘.18 , !
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