It 11 • 1. COraumed from first par?. Th( shall be an‘`-tiecti )l3r ' SEC'. -I.i sere . 1 , Aire Coramittee of thie Natioual , • 1 Grange, consisting of three members, ' Whose fernisiof Office shall be three , years, on of whom shall be !elected each yeu . , • . ' ' - ' 1 1 Sic.- a. The 'of fi cers of the , rave i, ti'ye-'Gra ges shall be addressed es "WOR Ir. ' - I' as IL--Ilied i ings:' L. Sxr - riol; 1. Subordfnale Oranges 1 shall' mOt once each' cmonth, and may hold intermediate 'meetings as - may• ibel eemed necessary for the ( i ,;good of the. Order. .411-• business -Lzeetina. re confined to the 'Fourth Deg--ree. t i l i , ,• Sic. 2 State ,Granges . shall meet `CI , ' annually t such'time and Place as the, Grange shall from year=to year determine. ----. -- r SEC. 3.1 4 110 _National Gralige shall meet an ally on the first 7ednes day, in F . bruary, at such place as `the Grin o may frothyear to year -- ,determin ,- Should the National Grange t jjadjourn without selecting the pla of meeting, the tmecutive Committee - Shall appoint the place and, notify the Secretary of the Nati Banal C4ange and the Master:sof State Grangek at least thirty days before the:thy lappointed. el -* IA4TICI.E lll.:—.Lai , : i . , - :s.: . ational Grange) at . its Session, shall fram amend, il such laws as the, good of le' if may require. A laws of bid Subordinate 't Granges n.form to this Constitution 'aws adopted by the National M _anunal or rcp©. the Ux - State must co' and the Grangei 1 . ...... ..., .. -, Iid.IIIICLE J. i ~.--lialtat. I , titnafadopted by the National shall be used in - alll Sabor- Granges, and_ any desired the same must, be sub o and receive the sanction of, _ Grange. ! • I - - InTICLE I.L-ME in ber. , hp_ li Any per,son interested in agricul tural pUrsnits, of the age of 'sixteen years, ifeinitle, and eighteen years, (male, rduly proposed, eleced, and !DeuplY i tne. with the rules and•regula ' tions- df t 'the - Order, - is - entitled to membership and the benefit of the degrees taken. Every - application must L i p accompanied by the fee of raenah4iishiv. - If rejected, the money will :c refunded. ' Applications ' must certified by members, and ‘ bollot 31 for at a subsequent meet l.t ing. , t shall require three negative votes to reject an applicant. Aanc.t.. l 4 •,! Vl—Fee.3 ,of Memberdi , ip. Tlic !lA. inimtun fee for membership in a Subordinate - Grange shall be, for min five dollars, aifd for women two collars, •for_the 'four degrees, s, except:charter members,, who shall . , pay-LlFnen, three dollars, and women tifty cents.. ! - . • !• 1 I .• IA 1 -- RTICLE M. —Due. , . • -i 1 I SAAox L The miniumni - of regular mouldy dues shall t r r t -ten cents from li Member, and each. Grange may regulate its own - dues. e l• '-' ISLt • i ... , . The Secretary of each Stiliainate: Grange shall report - guar rirly to !the Secretary of the Secretary-'of , the State Grange the - namd of all persons !initiated or ' paS .s.L(l tblhigher de g rees. • - SL(.! 3. The Treasurer of each is Subordinate Grate shall report _quarterly, and pay to the Treasurer of,hiS State Grange the sum of one - d!>11a0or each man l and fifty cents for each woman initiated . during that tiu!litcr• ? also, a quarterly due of six , 1 , cent4 l for eaeli member. • 1•i4.1 ?- The Secretary of each . :7•q_ate i - =.iftuge_-shall report -quarterly to the Secre-ary of the National ' Grafige the membership in his State, : Lc!! the de• gr ees conferred- during the lnarter. I : S.r.e.!;i. The Treasurer of each State G:.•••.:lage shall .deposit to the credit of - the Natioriaf Grange of Patrons of Ilushiindr- with some Banking or Trut, company in" New York, fto be ' - ‘2leaded by the Executive . Cora ildgee, ! in quarterly instalments; the . a:lunt - il ,due of ten cents fora each 'number in his- State, and forward il.-v . r6cePi ts 'or- the same to the I ' Ti i e - islrer of the. National Grange. I ---I Si e. 6. All moneys deposited with said company shall be paid out only upon;. the drafts of the Treasurer, signed by the Master, and counter :.i, the Secretary. \ -, SEC'. 7. No State Giange shall be entitled to representation in -the • National -Grange whose dues are iurpaid for more than one quarter. FEM .Gan e' &nate alterati , witted the "Na irenientA 1. lleports from Subordi - Granges relative. •to crops, stock, bratty other nitet= tef,----calkti- - for by the National -GOngo,,iunSt be certified to' •by The Master and Secretary, and uriclor seal of the Grange giving the earner. Sc..E2. , All ...printed matter on whatever subject, 'and all informa tion iasifed by the National or State '. id Subordinate Granges, shall be i Salle ktownto the members with Out unnecessary War. . SEc. 3. If any brothers or sisters of the Order., are sick, it be the duty ofi the- Patrons to, visit them, and see that they ilre well provided ivith all things needful. 4. Any member found guilty „1. w4lloll' cruelty to animals should f;:pelled from the. Order. 5. The officers of Subordinate Granges shall beton the alert in de vising means by which the interests of the Whole Order may be advanced; 'but no plan of work Shall be adopted by State or Sul ordinato Granges wit cat- first sub hitting-, it to, , and rc eciAing the sanction °Lillie Nation- Grange. • c Aurront anti Di. pen- salions •SEcrox 1. AIP charters, and dis p:-nsation‘i issue' directly from the National Grange. , SEc. 2. Nine men and four women 'Laving reeei - icd the four Subordinate Degrees, zuaf-reeeive a dispensatiOn t , J'organize a Subordinate Grange. SEC. 3., Application for dispensa tions shall be made to the Secretary of the National Grange, and be slu ed by the persons 'applying for the' same, and be accompanied by a fee, of fifteen dollars.. • Stc. 1. j Charter members are th6s6 persons only_ whose names are upon._ the application ; and whose wc-re paid at the time of organi iOn. - Their number .shall not be than nine men and lour women, I Jr more than twenty men and ten women. . SEC, Fifteen Subordinate Gran ges Working. in a State can apply for authority to organize a State Grange. SEci 6.• When Siate Granges are .organized; clbspensatfons will be re placed by ebartera, biatted without farther fee. SEC. 7. All charters must pans throniih the State Granges for record ; an 4 receive the_seal and official gig. -..)iurts of the same. Sec. 8. >No Grange shall confer . more .than one degree frcither First, Second, Third, or Fourth) at the same meetin . Su. g. 9. After a .titate Grange is organiied, all applications for char tore must pass through the same and be approved by the Master and! Secretary., Lirrta, X.—Duties of Officers. The daties of , the officers of the National, State, and Subordinate CI-ranges shall be' prescribed b 7 the laws of the same. Amain XL—Treasurers. SECTIP N. I. The TreaStirers of the National, State, and -- Subordinate Granges shall give bonds, toTbe ap proved by the officers of , their res pective Granges. , SEc. 2. In all Grangea bills must be -approved by the Master, and countersigned by the Secretary, be. fore the Treasurer can pay the sum. ARTICLE Religions or political questions will not be tolerated as subjects of discus sion in the work of the Order;and no political or religions tests for mem bership shall be applied. , Anrxci XllL—Amendments This Constitution can be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the National Grange at any annnal meeting, and when such alteration or amendment shall have been ratified by three-fourths of the State I Gran ges, And the same reported to the Secretary of the Natioiial Grange, it shall be of full force: BY. LAWS. Arencul. . 1 s The fourth day of pecember," the birthday of the Patrons of Husband-, ry, shall be — celebrated as the anni.; versary of the Order. . AsTicLz 2 Not less than the representation of ten States present at any meeting of the National Grange` shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi ness. ARTICLE 3 • At the annual = meeting Of each State Grange it may elect a proxy to represent the State Grange in the National Grange in ease of the ina bility of the Master to attend, but such proxy shall not thereby be entitled to the Sixth Degree. f. r. Iralct.E. 4. Questions of administration mud jurisprudence arising in' , and bet ween State 'Granges, and appeals from the action and decision thereof; shall be referred to the Master au& Executive Committee of the Notional Grange, whose decision shall Le re spected and obeyed- until overruled , .by action of the National Grange. AUTIo r LE 5. It shall be the' duty of the Master to -preside at,mmtings of the Nation al Grange; to seer that all officers and members of committees prolierly perform their respective duties; to see that the Constitution,. By-laws, and resolutions of the National Grange and the usages of the Oreler are observed and obeyed: to sign 0 drafts drawn upon the treasury, and generally to perform' all duties per-- taining to such office - I ARTICLE 6 It shall be the duty of the. See tarydo keep a recoul if all P n roceed , iiigs of the National Grange, to keep• a just and true ttecount of all mon eys received and mid out . by him, to countersign all thefts upon the treasury, to conduct the correspon dence of the National Grange, and generally . to act as the administra tiveofficer of the National Grange, ,under the direction of the gester and tlie Executive Committee., I: shall be his duty, at least vacs each month, to deposit with the Fiscal Agency holding the funds cr! the National Grange All moneys - that may have - come into his hands,vand forward a duplicate receipt therefore to' the treasurer ; and to make a full report Of all transactions to tlik National Grange at each annual ses sion, • It shall be his further duty to pro cure a monthly report of the Fiscal Agency with whom the funds of the National Grange are deposited of all' moneys received and paid out by theni daring each monthesnd send n copy of such report to the Executive Committee and the . Master of the National Grange.. ARTICLE 7 SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to issue all drafts upon the Fiscal Agency of the Order, sui* drafts baring been previously ,signed by the Master and countersigned by the Secretary of the National Grange.. SEC. 2. He shall report monthly to the Master of'the National- Grange, through the office of the'Secretary, a statement of all receipts of .deposits made by him, and of all .drafts or checks signed by him during the previous month. SEC. 3. He shah• report to the National Grange at each annual ses sion'a statement of all receipts of deposits made by him anti of_ all drafts or checks signed by him since his last annualleport. - - ARTICLE I ,B It shall be the duty of the Lecturer to visit, for the good of the Ordef, such portions of the United States as the Executive - Committee -may di rect, for which servites he shall re ceive.compensation. A.UTICLE 9. It shall be the duty of the Execu tive Committee to exercise a general supervision of the affairs of the Order during the recess of the National Grange; to instruct the Secretary in regard to printing and disbursements and to place in his hands a contin gent fund; to decide all questions and appeals referred to. them by the officers and members of State Granges; and to lay,before the National Grange at each session a report of all such questions and ap peals and their decisions 'thereon. AnTicir. 10 SECTION 1. Such compensation for time and service shall be given the Master, Lecturer, Secretary . , Treas urer, and Executive Committee, as the National Grange, may, from time to time, determine. ®SEC. 2. Whenever General Asp , ' ties are appointeAby the 'Master of the National Grange; Said Deputies Shall receive such compensation for time and4iervices as ;may , .be deter mined by, the'Executive Committee: Provided, In no easeehall pay from the National Grange be given Gen eral Deputies in any State after the formation of its State Grange. Altax-r..r. 11. Sumas 1. The financial existence of Subordinate Ganges shall date from the first day of January, first day 'd April, first day of July; and first day of ,October subsequent to the day of .ther organization, from which date _heir first quarter shall Commence. • SEC. 2. State Granges shall date their g financial existence three mon ths after the first day of January, . first of Aprilifirskef .., and' „„ first ~ of October ~.:, • - - , HON* their organization. Xmas 12. 12. 1 -' - ' Each State Orange be etitled to send one roman . . Who shall be a Master therm!, or ' pro*, to all meetings of the National WINS' He shall receive milssge ak, the _of five cents per mile both= the nearest - ratite, to be paid as folgwalke Hager and Secretary of (he National Orange shall give such representative an order for the amount on the Treasurer of the State Grange which he represents, and this order shall be receivable by the Naonal Grange in payment of State du . • Aaiscut 13. l , el. Special meetings of. the National Grange shall be called by the appli cation of the . Masters of ten State Granges,Jone month's *aloe of such lneeti4 ig - being given to all members of the National Orange. No altera tions or amendments tq_ the By-laws or Ritual shall ' be _ made at any special meeting. • - ABTICLZ I. • • These . By-laws may( be altered or amended at any amnia meeting of the National Orange b4 al t two,thirda vote of the members p t. 1. prllo3T s .& BONS FE Westkl incite the Public to: l.1:'111:)'~•4 k 1 OF Vuasur Thy have_now LARO= AND Ben. UL.lw,ki 1 , ch will be Kid at Wh W . e are use p lIN.PER oa the 1' L' We also keep In SAS4 ~. `• BLIIiDS, =MI DOORS MO 111 EN FLOORINGS, &c a. o. non & 110103* Oct. 1, 1873 T OI Y ANDA tMARB,L ]ucc =I basest assortment of AMERICA MARBLE 'lifter :rialto! in this maim. to Irbil* the, Wits thefttishilya of Ur magic. • I Panda to ordar 1 13 m keep on.hasid MONU M p T_S, TOMB ?LiNT74I3, WEST TEBiB. hani:l:4e ii;;;II Person la Tut at sorbing 111'011, UM IWO re. opoettony Lottod to all and otoalito oar stook. IfoOLBE do SON. Tmnini4,loo , 1. 17. TEMP AND 'BABE Pi : lA= l 3.- My Abtortdged Catalogue of lbw, Bare and Besatfrol Plante is now ready. and willbe mania free to an applicants. • E. 11. (*WU& Ma 19 'Mt Towanda, Pu• WM3O/,113! WAGONI3 I I have on hand a large assortment of Than any other establishment in the Of every description , manufact ang iixamlatithalr, FIIBNDTURE AUTUMN: 1873. hasteatt arstml. OF GOODS WANDA.• Pried. !vexed to dO EM ost resisasblestems and sake to order ill ENOS, i ' W 0 BKitrr. WE INSURE ALL AGAINST UM GB DAMAGE FIRE AND LIGHT E & SON weseirelent am !lily mom osPl LIFE INSURANCE IN THE OLDEST AND. LARGEST SEOCK AND ISTITUAL COMPANIES DIS TIE tram STAMM • ACCIDENT INSURANCE Wan oms dity to one year. • NOBLE A; VIN T. urm 12IIPESIOR AGRI• r 111.4.. L 11.1013A8Y, for Sao '4 IL M. WELLEO,. TOWAXDA. PA.; Once No.l Illeronos Block, north side of Court Rouse spore. WHOIXBAIX AND arum DOI= AND M X a L th N i II s T . AEXinMe IXB AG M Wheel Plaster Bowes, w rin 4 !l e ad ih Hy Tedder,. Bessraible aid Neel Bowe; Coltlestors, Tid/i Ross* Hoes, Clover Bullets and teen*/ KUL. Laws 110112111. VA= MIME. Nill UMW 111* CZ= POMO in m nos" ooze =um rue am CM POW& sq., owao elacripthe, ithorsisiß prin Wars. Metaled or mailed tree to ell appikants. ted dr. inn oat but three cents to send for ghouls:a Pootolto bilinisers when in Towtads, mill and ins *wall in. • R. X. BMWs: = HIGHEST MANCET PBIOE OLIN, ' PAID 103 GRAIN, BIIITXR AND EGG% onnicurn, - ; WAGONS • `r LUMBER .AND 'LIGHT 1 WAGONS WHICH .1 WILL SELL CHEAPER country. WAGONS AND OARRLiCiES to order on short notice. JAMES BRY Towanda. March 26. 1873. *tft- NEW GOODS' ' 1 OPENING 19=.' - LAT- 1 1 MONTANYES NEW STO September 10, 1874. PROPERTY Old Edell!' vid zoom o BY GEORGE SMI - PA. _ Ar* m . Bogi =I C1L0214110, EXPOS/U[l omens smuts wan abnerily oeempled b 7 3. Jacobs.) 1 IM The rapid growth ot Towing' noires the slim. Murat beidswee, Rd Wool/edge/4 realLdrigUde want et the oonunnnAr to the READY MATE CLOTHING LINE I- -.I , • . _ Ras opened a 'am dare In ieldlemerea Blocht Owsotat, 000lobbwa by MI ;snobs.) and la nowt pre. pared to Met to hue at, eutdriner, and the pa a bottle.etock of MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING Than can be found Inn? &her establishment out. aids the cities. Ify stook bas an been puiebased from the swum betas:* this season, so toast I have no old stock to get rid Of, bought at highvioes. 1 hare a fall Hap, 4 • GENTS' IPTIENItI‘HING FOODS of the lined 4inetity-lead latest stiles. which IWI MOUE at low errs. I bass no connection with the old stand. and wisn yon want anything in the clothlni c ans. for yourself or boll,rill on me In Siddlianstriti3took. Tcnnuas, March 28. 1871 .-; PRESENTS FOR ALL NEW JEWtha EIROEE Is constantly receiving, in addition to We large stoek of Jewelry, PINS, BANDS, RINGS. AMERICAN and SMISE GOLD mu) SILVER WATOIIM ULMER PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES GOLD, SILVER, &*D BTEEL SPECTACLES, SILVER AND PLATED 01 all descriptions at the lowest prices WAY*, CLOCK and JEWELRY repabing done In the beat manner, aid warranted. Thanks for • liberal patronage and hope to marl $ continuance of the same. Towanda, Nov. 11,'73 WE CLAIM F A.Rtr ~ C 4Dlo4lKopow, The andermentioned adrantages over tnose in ordV nary use, the proof of which nay be seen in the extraordinary sales, end constantly Increasing de. mand for them: lat. That from the toeentlar construction of the =they wilt and preserve the eight, render mond changes nonewasta. id. That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of elides, with an amount 'of ease and comfort not bitherto todoTrd by spectacle wearers. • That the material from which the Lenses are ground, is manufactured for PurPos• es, and Is pure, hard, and titnt„ and, not liable to become scratched. 4th. That the frame In which they are est, wheth er in Gold. Sneer. or Steel. are of the Azad velar and finish and guaranteed perfect In ' rerpect for sale only by oar outhorisecl agent to this local.' tr. We Urfa miPply or employ peddlers. 101. A. •CHARBERMIN, 41tarx1872. 0, A. BLACK 13 OF CROCKERY. OF VARIOUS-PAT ING. And u lowls the lowest. GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED'WAIM, WOOD WARE, GLASS SHADES, I would say to Ode pubtic that on any goods kept In Mock I will not oe undersold O. towards, Yob. le, 3874. • BARK" AN D I DINI&G BOOM. ' /Int block north of Ward Ems. BREAD, PIES, OAKES/BACKERS, BLEED DAIL I. and add at Wholesale and Ia oaminto ZOOM we will sooommodito the public with either a tench or rut meal at all UMW, Of UAL da end mak* OTWOrriND lON OIUGUi ON NAND MENG Mao a flneamortment of Groceries, Confectionery. Waite, Nuts. kc. Emir U ' D. W. SCOTT lt 00. eforPY • I 46 131 414 lee H', IMII IMIXH:I3Eft t AT TMi W. A. ROC/EWELL FINE ( TOLD SETS, 111 STUDS, ' CHARMS, • NECKLACES, 4.L.nos AND CHAU= oLocks W. A. ROCKWELL. dr. MORRIS' UTE!) SPECTACLES AND GLASSES. Solo Agent, Towanda, Pa. OFFERS TERNS,' STONE WARE, BIRD • • BASKETS, TIMM BIGU3021: - • • . - , ..j .n... ~ "E z. MO =9 EMI 7- rti S e 'WOOPFORIV NEW YORK. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, uo.s, mos a 011214TZEB - BL4XIIL,BBIIiGII St Is receiving one of the largest and best stock of BOOTS & SEClES‘ever brought in Towanda, which be is offering at the very lowest prices - for Cash, consisting of Ozsrra (lux; Eno & &rocs, Boys Ostr Boars, LADIES, Mums and CHILDREN'S Shoes of all kindi, all bought direct from the Idanufacturore, and hand made all goods warranted. • & rum. STOCK or Loma him was. • , ' Thankful for put favors, I solid a contintianoe pf the same. Towanda, 1110, 1872. NEW C OPPeehe the new TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY STOLEN Eitspotnaly announce to him friends and Isstrons, that ho has built a NEW BRICE OARRZAGE FACTO= I I *bare he will constantly keep on hand a flail . asaori. Mont of FAMILY CARRIAGES; TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING SULKTS. AND SKELETONS. ,Made of the best ' material and .finlatted 1 Ithe beat eity style. Lila long experience In city Garrido Victories gives lain a decided advantage cies others In the Style and Durability of big Wagon& Au they asks is an INSPECTION OF : • HIS -WORK previous to purchasing elsewhere. ALL WORK view:ANTI:JD ro otripzialtor SATISFACTION. . a _1 Thankful for the liberal vatroasge formerly ex= leaded mid respectialir mat a eantlaaasuao of the lame. I . RP-PIMLICO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO I reduced prices • • BENBT onmiqpi r Towanda. Jen, 8. 11173.—tf FOUNDEItY & MACHINE SHOP. The underMoed haring purchased the Foundry and Meragne 6bop lately owned by John Garman, are prepared to , do all kinds of work a to their business. with , promptness and etch, MILL GEARINGS, CIRCULAR p - A7 M 11) R L S • • -• 43:4 all kinds at - MILL IRONS MADE TO ORDER. ENGINES REPAIRED, And all wort'warranted to give Battataction., SHINGT-ms, MACHINES Of the luau and most improved Ends nisaufackand and kept constantly on hand ready for use. • PLOUGHS , WiDE-DELL, DION AND WOODEN BEIM Of OULTIVA.TORS, coax PLOUGHS AND 1 PLOUGH 'POINTS Of all 'dads. l and the latest Intprevateents kept constantly on hand., CHURN POWERS, LARGS AND SMALL- SIZt. STOVE CASTINGS 13H (ES; OXLIAB GILLTPS. AND SLEIGH LARGE nun; arruza • I • • dad all kind! of outings fttribthed tc March 30.1870. , & ROCKWELL. BLOOD & CO., 1 BWI continue o manufacture their celebrated I HORSE POWERS .& OLEANEES, and wilisell a better;„ for less money than can be had elsewhere in the world. We claim for oar machines that they will do as much, or more, than any other, and are more durably built. We personally superintend our work And see that It is well down. We will send P ir DISCBTETIVII OaTaLevu h trEB. of oar machines, on aiiileation. ONEAND TWO HORSE POWERS, _ owl raw Horn THRESHER if SEPERATOEZ WHEW= and erawirsits, "ftAIyNINIG . MILLS, courcua um mesa Lew 3C121.111, SAW AND MST MILL work dime to order. Otis OS i call before mmclmaing elsewhere. - va 1. 00 smodavua 'smart' "OD . (100'1ff Aug. 2, 1869. WOOL, r CARDING,' . • . MANUFACTURING, r, After a recess of four years; and heartexperlibire in improving Mills and Water Power, we again re sume our old business of, , . _ l _____ . ..r . 71Aiwir/LOTURING, WOOL CARDING, CLOTH pRESFILLIG, rhq. Appreciating the bird tlmis we have thought best not to "let down." but to itish florae Indnstry as the best means of restoring plenty. For the Icooriimodstion of the assztrestinct rice of Splinter% we Mail mats Bons. For those who prefer. we will make Urn,— . , . STOOSIIIO YAM. FLOM, In eaninnetion with toeil Option we pr pose to aid the frogs/11i of the ocruntry by =Wag a few thousand yards of Stoat 016th, that will enable a every man to keep his breeches on. Those who can, should call and we will show them one of the winged and most complete WOOLEN riOTORIEB In the 17ntted Stites. , 1 , Oct maehhary Is now In good ander, ait oar water WWII? Is nsver•SUlng the public may be, in no hie of dleappolntment, and we warrant all work to be &Improperly. 'H. B. INpHAM: Caropkint. Ps.. Mq U. 1871. ', VOR SALE.—A place of .5 acres, with a dwelling house, good barn, orchard. &c. thereon. A splendid chance' for a . Mee-horde or a Storekeeper; grill be geld cheap. Enquire of • W. H. /IHRHOM k CO. Towanda. tan 14•IrS GimErr AID M 6'o B ap;! Ell VA. FAMILY 1!E!= FIRST, CLASS CI GE FAOTOBV hi• VOX ft =WU are no b ' ins a fresh stock of Goods in their line, boned Mutt the Ist January; to width they liztvite, the st- Mutton of their friends. We keep the largest . stock In town. Oqr goods are fresh and desirable. We sell at lowest market ricer. I Jan. 19.1871. H - FfII AND NEW T ld iS, bonglat i t c!the recent decline, in price: and sellin g at cheap retail. ' . FOX & - Jan. 19. 1871. "PDX & NERCUR are selling Gro ceries at setatl. 1 • :au. 19,1871: ', "PDX it HER= are selling New and Fresh Goods. E. ]9,181x. . . . 'VOX & =ROUE are selling Gil,- eduies camp. . • • Jan.' 19,187}. 'pox & MEECUR are se ll ing first classeixds only. Jan.. 19,1671. • 1 REHEMBER that we are selling Goods at ' RETAIL! , • And that we won't be undersold. Jan. 19.1871. FOIL Sr. 3IEROCIL MICHIGAN FINE-OUT TOBAC Jan CO—my eh —at 19. 1871. - . FOX & 311111.C11R'5.4% OCUSTOMERS can !rely upon getting the very beat the mutat afford/ azid at Ingest prices. E. T. FOX, T. , Jan. 19,171. • limmy MEBQUS P [AAA I:V A R \ CUB ar. re wholesaleps. The fret dam riPcer k•es how Sept. 29.10. ww STEAM FLQTYR le*ow In naccesatukoperation, and that he la yre• pared to do all work in his lino on short noticb. I • • CUSTOM GRDITDING DONS ON SAXE DAY Wheat, Buckwheat and Eye Bloir, Corn{ Meal, Feed, Bran, he., always on hand and for Sale st lowest rates.l I ; PARTICULAR RaTlCE....Pareone Rvittgo . fill the west tide of the river desiring to patronise ray raW, will have their farms paid both ways, when they bring grins 01 ton bushel. and upwards. ap1.411 S AYERS. CI, B. PATCH, GROCERIES AND-PR COUNTRY p Dlf CY BUTTER, POULTRY AND Especial attention paid l to filling jordersi Goo delivered free of charge apywhere lri the llorocig EILENBERGER'S TROUT PONDS We will boprepared' tO sell trout tipattm fro.. November 20, 1873. to January 20, 18714 Spawii cannot be transported during any other season If tho year. - I Mao a splendid /at of yonag try for sale during the months of February. March and April. The proprietor having bad experience in!locatl g and arranging trout ponds, offers hie services o those contemplating laying out and stocking Ash riel, at reasonable rates. A beautiful Grove and 's large Picnic House ranged expresely for parties, is on the grotinds. These famous''Fonda are located on the line f the Sullivan and Erie B. 11,, about 12 miles froM Towanda,_ • 11 C l, r • COPARTNERSHIP.---Thewade atgeed base formed s copartnership; for . purpose of conducting a i : I ' I . The highest market prices paid for all 'Maas • Grain. • • FLOUR, FEED AND MEAL FOE 13 it l P• and dellviied in any 'put . of the - Borough with° • extra charge. Orders by mail or otherwise. will receive pfomy attention. j ir MITTEL JAR. FOSTER. Nagar:Creek Mills, May 14, 1873,4 f . B A.RGAIS IN STOVES! &a, Given toall pure • IL T. A t D''W A Eec, IT. '73, ~~: STORE. Wholimb 1112 d SOU Dagen IX, I • . (ROOF =I I 'AND 11 810 i PBO V moms' law • tc on 0111'411SO • ICOI/1:P ALWAYS uotblng but. Oath Pahl for Produce. JAMES W 11; 54, Mara 1.1870. CUR are: selling Jai.. 19, 187 . cheaper t h an ever T FOX & MEE ail kinds of Grocartei at • •at stock Lti town. Goods E. T. SOX, IMMIX EROIIIII. IN - fUTESHEQUIN. red . The subecrib deelreelo give notice !hat ble ziew - . • STRkm FLOTRLNG MILL THAT IT IS RECEIVED. I WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALER .IN TOWAtiikA. PA The beat bit nde 161 V,L 0 U'R ALWAYS ON BAND 1 , • Tim Dittholt prkce paid for all kinds. o. - „ 'C C. B. PATCH Towanda, "Jan 14, MAI iottrtisaton to ponds, .7.5 cents; Season ticteta , $ Toy full paxtlntdaracsa on or address 8. B. EIZ Oet. 22. ad Bradtt l it E l G o t tmdlr, Pa. GEIcERAL MILLING BUSINESSI TINWAR HABDW IRO & AaND i s. 'GLASS, CARE. 'KERS' c., ASOT ME ibAVA DA, 1 i i II IV — 7H ----- . I a (11 POR - , • . , r " , 0 10 •OW VG' STORE, : ' l' - • '. 7 1.1; 77 1 I 1,1 40 cti. ; :. 1 r-, ll 'l , end Pine Streets. Toinutitil, Pa.. . to ' ye , wszitooltzd pa ce rte { rwasc II :2n . , ilevieraceelly ,)areal tititr az irak.anukati =e ianumg aialifiriaria hi Atte fig =o i cat taa 1 r : i l l iwi ma ilit fraah at an a l iletad. of I _ I I' I I r Icesbui ptp • Vatroff,--I,3lzrarms, 4 :,.....,'eAra, 16.262., one. l lf 1 ;. ~, • I I I A.. 16011 01 ANii I : .. 1314 1 1 1 1;NX . ' BAOII P . VARSISIL wtarzlwat. all kinds f Bru ahaa, I I 'I4ERO ENE:' 0 CO A L OIL, 1 1 Burning , ittid. l 1 r t liel l'_ i ADEB ' 1 C , 51 7 /18 ' I uPeM TAfd, i , zrests t. , 00t, J 1 ' J TANNERFI AND , 011411 E 011LS,1 ..- roi l tar and Monet in ta s tier T l O. keti. • , tioso 1 , BROS ,SO COM* I Hair- sit, Parinnetry,. POCKS BOaIiSPO r RTifON44I . , iliniockeirt.„l,- . ~?•.:; -.ars~+ac t ,,::~✓x~..~. 11/ PRO • _i .. zit Df3, IEB . TOW IN2 = Al. ll j 7 l'ackst Wyss,' 1 1•1 1 . I TOOTH, ..BM• AND BAIR AIkkTIONB, , . . . 1 PCNB I. N9INEft ed NIE ?VDU, , . I For 1d Ins! ,1 .- I ' • ... 1 . 1 • I ..L. 1 ' I TOBACCO, SNUFF ' , Parra kw Czoaßa,{ •,' 1 i z Garden. Field and Plt r Seeds! Trusses. Sep-1 porters, filuapenschies, Inader j Braces, , Breast Pumps, Teething gs, limping Bottles, Nipples, Nipple Shed ads, ,Syringes, Bedrana, Seltßiallig Liars, Thar- . . =motors, FlavOrin E to hi; StOno • Jags, Glass Ware. Ito es, Vale, Corks, Bath • ' Brick , and Stove ng, Ptah Tattle, Am munition. Am.: Botanic.' 4 .„ lc Medicines. and all the tiler Paten . 'AII ' 1 I , • E. DJ ,I 9 !EIS: , 1 en_larticks warranted, al . represented. Persona, at a distance can receive th e orders by stage or mill, weith will receive prompt and Careful l attention. I • ?ladles] advice , given gratuitously at, the Mee. charging only for medicine. , . 1 li` Thankful for past liberal kit:toilette, would res-1 glectentlyszinontice to tlieln fries and thepnblic, 1 no Pains than be Oared 14 satiety. smimeritthe i 0 7 . tinustion of their contiderice and Oatronage. air Open Sundsys for prescrtptlonsl from 9 tolo am.; and 12 M. to 1, and oto GP.= I 1 I I 11. 01 P ET E B ag BONI. April 1, 11312.—yr. . i Tr ODIC idcoAl34 , I WARDS. :E MILD 1 -) '' . AVER CURES i I i I 1 ; HU }lO ME 0 PA. TEI 43 SPECIFICS , .! 1 h [ 1 • Ha t cv ie prevca, from the most am p le ' experience, al, en success. Simple,romPt,lefficient and relia)4 ble.l They axe the only , edicinei perfectly adapted to popular use—so eiropi that' Mistakes cannot 4 made in using them; eo barmiest as to befreetr danger:- andao efficint as tO be always rellabl ' They have the highecommendation from all, and will always render sa ion. j ; , ' ' 1 1 1 .1 , cm , rts st utt I.Fevers , , CongestioZ lU3snamation, '2t 2. Worms, Worm Fever WormlColle, , . 23 .3. crying•Colle. or Teetairig 'Of Infants, • ; ;; ; 2; r 4. IDiarrhoes,, of Children or4Adtilts; • !,.. 5 . IDYsentailY, Griping, Hill° s Colic, 1' 2 •6. Cholera Blorbus. yOmiting, j . 23 7. Coughs, Colds, Brobitisa, 23 '.B. Neuralgia, Toothache, FaCeache, ' . 23 9. Headaches, Sick Headache. yeri t. ~i gO. . , 23 10. Dispepala,Bl/ia18720, ) lll.lSuppressea, or ru . mrem4,, 12.1Whites,too Profits°erods, 13. Croup.tgb. Difficult Breathing, 14. Salt Rhe . Eryalpes. Eruptions, 18.1Rheumatisitri, Rheumaic Pains,! ' 16. Fever d Ague, Chili. Fever, Agties„ ~ 17,i Piles, b ud or bleeding, 1 , ' , al 18.10pha y, and Sorcl'or Weak Eye's, 19. Catarrh, acute or i el:lmile ; Influenza, 20. Whoop g Cough; violent coughs,' 21. o ppressedthing: 1--% . 22, Ear D es; imp treed heari ng,' • 23. Scrofula!, enlarged gland. Swellirgs; , • 24.1 GensesdiDebility; PhYsiCal.Weakness, 25 Dropsy Ind scanty Secrehons, 1 23. Sea Slickness, eclat's tram riding, 27, Kidney isease, Gra el, 1 - 28. Nervo Debility, Se in yr6aknese, or Invol ntary disci+ ge. , e..e n 29, Sore 31 th, Canker. , 314 Urinary Weakness, 1' I 31' Painful eriods, 'with Spa:moil, 32, Butte aat shangelof life, 33 EPtisPq.BlPasima, llt. Titus Dance, 34. Diptheria, ulcerated El or q throat; 33 , chronld Cotpistic, an Eruptions, Vials, t9sents, (e,tc pt qB, 32, and 33.) . 1 FA i dAsEs. 1 • , , Case Moroeco) with 'boi l e, 33 r large vials and ISfan *nal of Directions ! ' I 1 !01 Case (Morocco) of 20 largo vials and Book,- . /0 0 'OC tangle Boxes and Va . , Le as above liar -These remedies, H are sent by the' 'c e ase or single box to any part of the country; trite of charge, On receipt of price. Address 1 •1 1, t 1 J , I CLARK B. PORTER, Druggist, 1 . , 1 I 1 1 - 1 To : in/Ida '', Pa r .I EM Say 28.1973 I clothing. , 6 A• W '3]Et o 1 I i VISIONS D•gs to inform L i e i nr.wo l , •ho dostro to avai {hems! io supply thenisolN j es i with I 111 I= .THE BEST WINI 1 • r at he has jus!, oraed. th lENS' AND' I , 1 I , • REgEIII3ER that ray g arid WARRANTED WE Oct . 1,r1870 ms 'ON AC WHICH C , • - STOVE F PURCHAS APE OFfE THP.., I US II EMI MEM IM3 M 1 OOLS, NEI for Ctish, G° STOR PA. FOR LATE INBEE =I I CLOTHIN El et sto4Ers, and as ives of au opportunif lER CLOTHfI =I AT PERT 1., w PRICES, I I ?. beSt stock of God Y I S ' W E • I lin niirket 1- Ever displayed Inds ant EIRST-C EOM One' dod: South of Fox Mcnctrn JULIUS E IN FIRE!!! IP Cot T OF A 1 ; 1 OSE 1 1 • LTPrIL:R ' UND RY, WE HA OVES WH TWO-T PRICE CA , Br T THE Mil HOll RIDGY alusin 28, 1874 Ti r ) t i J 1 E p COB Ol' FASHION M SI REE r, 3T] STYLES)II CLOT •' •• ' ZMIMT DAT 7.:1819.1 - . ~~^__ ~~1 J=ll-,4; EMI PAtrOV i I ' TOWA3 '1 WROLES i _ . is' ii: i t :112i iml : : '-• : , 1 ; , i ;• - viag ciztOuilieiy rori , Chimemopeaked, maectectittoo,cfnudift , - 1 41 1 48. E XPWITS , ! • CXYATED ;PILL% f:0 ij , TrSCITTB OE AMC': ECL YE STUFFS, Erruk REFIM RE WINES For Medic I BACC, SNt E 0P11L41,4 Ana's Fitt - - OIL 'P AND . - • Moro thin tue upnal componhding of Pre 17319 olelock-,a1n.,t0 :Ir, 3terar..2,' can be cl dny of (34c1/week, a Towarvii, l. srar .7, 18 '9 .NA 1 - , - -' '• OF • CAF4T4 - 1 Suß i pi l us Farr Thignank. 06:5 I ansactioo of a I I EN PML BA -,: 1 • INTEREST. AID I ON EING I AG` " BPICIAJ. CO= eurrs I ADrD"C Baca& " " , I Parties wialaing to United Btateal Etinland, apt, cities , and,towns flraftwf4r that parpoa.a 17.,. Tm. co • sum - rt to Ireland,.sLo . of Enrolk•, can • . PASS 4 To or I*nzi tn.) old c • • th,g linen, nitOr'iyn on • 1 I=l MEM PAM:AI3B IEDIIGHT . Highat Pr i ce paid f I I • I JOB. POUT 3 . .; Press December 'I, 1869. ' r Q.S Bind:, MEMO PL & N.Y. CI To take cfro et OF . PA99ki7G ,tday; Ddeem __ sorra wia.o. ! ____l 50 --...._. 40_ No., No. I No.. 9.9:1 9. C 7. , $ T 50 .1 , It PI I! i I SM 245,12 50) 8 30 .. 3 20, 120; 9 05' .... - )1 328. ° '123; 9 12 .... 335, 135. 319 ' .... 0 420; 205110001... 01 515` 1 10 50— po I 536 i 3 05,11 1P... pol 6 02i ... '.1.1 361.. 50 6 10 : .... .11 451.. 50 6 451 3 3512 30' .. 100. 800( 442, 130'.. 1 825 i 500; 200. 7 30; 4 35 . 831: - 550 . 94 5 . •5 0 5 . 1 9 15:, 6.35, ;1030: 8 20 1 . • MEM .Eittura ,Warerly , ..Sayre. -Athens ,Towanda._.. Nyaltsing..... Lelt . cepil . le.... • esboPPP-n•-• . ocrpahy. :. . h‘cmh , :s.. . 4 -Pittston' rankei Bartle... ch Chnnk.. f- 4.1 . lento*n.... . Bethlchrn ... .....Easton . htlade2iih? a— New T0r.... • I' 111 P5c.,945 1 F PM; I. No. 3 - 4 leaves To t 7 10 a. a. m: . ; Salire, 757 . tn.; WaVerly, riving at Elmira a 300 4. . No. 3111 eaves ltalra at,..S 30 p. 616 p, ra.; Sayre. 21 p. arriving at Towan a at 7 10 P. St. n. 4;S• T il" T. 1' I-42.r.k!Eitz Mond., Nov. 11, OF Luc rim::um— !. - *sorxinpain f BTATION,p - .1 - - .i • ' . . 800 1 , II ' r - - s:101 :i tie 8:301- i .. 4 "-. , - 9:10' 1 ..; PI .. y9:30. 'ii .. .9:30 11 1 I ..... 10;^_0' I ..., 11:10 , .1 .... a.]:.'l TOWANDA... -. CLAY JIT's.:CTI —MONROE 'Ey?, ALBANY... ..MILLERS .DUSHORB - . . BBB:NICE R SAL THREE E5.0.4.8ix Dwf Y tOdAT C~VT~A~ ®MI Mont/Fly Paymrn chaie money. ..1n :14 iiT4. THR7 MIMI HEE D J.: I FOR ',D, IV TRIM The, Bola. Girls slid rtishin'g for 4 "T RED,, IVHI MEE re AI en and I heir G OM GROC , ! iIiXEI IlNowtohl cheap the liue of arbc - I . It than the, I . I nes s: Pro R ,1 : 1? " :ANA El L 0 FA MIL IY an Nltite k.{ Blue, 3 ter a Ettlp mo. Sept at the Ited get, a pile gou. 1, TUE ,lIIGLI :1 PRIC PAID : CCr -N TP, 17,, _., P .11 ( At the 104 Wbirq k I3lne Stota 0 P4l,b.lll:Aia, & Ey BRIIE STREE' IS '74 I loarankla Jan 800K -13 18 respec had bean reral third story, wh. •NDRY y info ed Qua ved to the ireinill be one I B • In all its carion as der der the charge • q K-ii IN D. • tiraucht4,:ott to The if ( • 1 C NV arrAK! • .1 IME Au experienced done ins style a Music: Magas' bound in !eye tion will be pal in der, and all iv. d manner whi es, Nevetoperd, variety dr styo. to the Ruling wit. , • •_ A • ' DLO,* 1 800 i patte,,Ay4‘ich in a rrant t , :f i r rea lor i zlOy, r or ipi%blic,k,• a 1 guar tend. '7 1 Eit4, 'SG6.—ti' To any, desired bilfty will be w AUworiwill Tho pitronag fed isatisfactioni Towanda, An 11A Z 461 AT 1 t:7 7- 1 • ,NJ. /07 F.EN A' f titclyfil Ward 4cil ettpp 1 I A NE 1Y Hu purcha'so S. CAgu, and mil keep I AR WILKES- AND amim I the 'LO ZEE A1N7158 on TOW6aMI. No VEDI ua+~►w.. ADON - 1 _ L =mg, A, 'Pk, op mai G I S T'S diet a .1a /: . P/18, 118118, =B, GUMS, , W I NEC D HDIItJPA: 1123 • TIMIS, fACIEfrNS" ME io= AND In ORS 1 ' nal rurrmes. AR FF AND ,lithe'.r, j ENT 3~I:D ME Astortment ' °DK FAIS - 0:k and Ittentio rtptions. O. pan. & fro4s suited st the heretofore, gl I { o3 on to thl El Stmday*, . • . 147 p.m. at. on &V D. 11, W. I. ITTIBNEn. I GORDON 1= f lONtA En I OWA.TDA4 ,000. ,000. 181 23 for tits i~ EPOSITS. A •MO TO or Ncrrr aki of the .r the lulu ro procure EH! try, by beet and Sure arfTS J Cashier r ;CO: • TEAM; ; , 1873. '' IN AL & =II 1 1 No. I No ' 41. i 4. TIONS irmlrm 2 ti 6 0 1. ^ OO -1 - 1 ~•1550 X 705 1 5 421 1 6 68 050' 5 56:1653 5 05'16 15 9 4.5 i .S 75 9 20; 405 54 005 7 450 858: 420 8 30i 3 251'3 55 720 237 Iva 7 00' 2 20'1 11 451, 1,30 1047;1224 10 30,12 10 ,10 05.11 40 8 3Q . l ' 9 45 OEM 7co 900 Alt Ai d • ; Atlyzns 7 i5O 05 a. in:, ars • .; Waverly. at at G 30'r. nx. , I PACRIER, rinlendent 'lig effect on 2:OBTHWARD P. M. 4:00 3:20 2:45 2:25 2:C 1:311 EOM 11,. F. Gerel Pu 1212 111 ODMAN, • engnf Oent LISGS, ,TERMS 9 of -thy pur co P ? LIT, RAMP rchi oco and tir 111 tao, :s to the STORE EIM ~'ISIO\ S FE ,eliqa V.s.ou Ftypz7l . 4ipr, ED, tRITS and CASH FOR DUCE, I GHT ,:roW"AkIDA :E - PUBLIC, I. o 13ook-Bintlery. ME EZEM ..s' as teaionable . der,7 - wilt he un- I will Lc propirtl,y r nnoi be excelled. Ala kooks; &C.. Pattienlae stfcu• Binding el ..!? u3lity. and du ra when promised, licited, spd per' OWS 1011 Sara. of •I« I r of 'AN COAL PBIQUi