TERMS OF PUBLICATION. Tar llalDrdnD liciwarsa is pnbushed every • Tburedv lioruley by et W. ALvoup at TWO Dollar, yea. snow+. do advance. a,lvurnei u 4 in all cases eicltturre of anbeerip ti :peA ut ' u n tb A PlCer goTibir.B inverted at rarrw cturril P er line tar and rtva carpi per line for mbsequegit Itiairlinius. • LtaiaL'rntrierlit. dame style- ea reading matter, rwSicTl CIEPTA &DVERT.IdEIIENTB will Inserted accord rag to the following table of rate*: - uw Ito Stu Gal lln 1 inch $1,60 I SAOI 15.40 $.OO I 10.06 I 16 3 I 'aches ' j 1.001 ti.n 4.1111 Vl.lllO I I &On 20.00 4. (ache" I 8.00 I 8.601 1 woo ULU 46.001 86.00 colnmn • I .15.na I 12-90 I MOO I '22.00 I ED.OO I ifLOI `; enlnnin . I inAri . l In_no 1 nn.nn 1-tit.nn 1 na.nn 1 Tr,sn, column I in.on I iso.on A *man I im.fen $lllO I SAW Admintattstors and tnixintor's Notices, $9; Midi ; or's 'Settees, 12 30 ; Swiftness Cards, Ace lines,Sper, 7 earl $3. additional lines av Yearly aivertmers ereentttledto quarterly changes. Tracatentadvertt%amants must be pia for its advance. Re4ol ennui, of a•soistions ; Oommenteetton• a t limited or mrticlidnai .nterest. and notices of Mar rri; toe and Denthealiceeding destines, ara charged nas .0r...-re Owe 'Mai; Jag Patti fiNif; of Peery kind, in Plain and Fancy Wore. done With ossiturots end dispatch_ flandlulls. Si mks. (lards, painphieta Rillheads, Statements. ke. of every satiety and '4tyle, printed at the shortest notice. the RYZPOILTEK (Niter Ii well supplied with 'Power Preens. • amid _assortment of new typo, mod everything in the P.tnting line can be executed to t le most 4rttsite Manner and it the lowest rates. 7Pfixtft . T4 , • 11111 TIM "OM, ' CARDS. TOHI DUNFEE; BLArmsitrilw, el STONROETON. PA.. pays partlentafattrntion.to robing ittindsa. Wagons. 91eIA11e, kn. The set and repairing Ilene on short . notice. Work and charges guaranteed outtiatact.r , y. . 12.15.69. AI.IIOS PENNYPACKER, HAS is tij t i established himself In the I'm:miffs°, •lIS . Shop over Rockwell's Rtore. • Work of /eery desert ptlon dOtte. ID the latest stylee. Towanda, Aprllll. 1R701—:-tf ( 1 S. R.IISSELL'S ' X.J. I , GENERAL IN eu R A IV C E 1 AOIENC Y, ' may23ll) tt ' I TOWANDA, PA. ~. . i ~ ~ ~, I t>- -1 .0! , ; F, t.-Z r --1 ' ` 7 4 • . ; ' , x. r.-. 1 1..4,_,....... • , - - 1 ! , 1 , •-' K. ~...) 1 64 " .. ~.... ........+I -., ; ;;.;; . ~ ..r.. 1 . N., . ...4 ...+! . .. .; % 1 ' 11 ...... . ; rilrlE TINI)ERS'T(I-NF,D 'TECT %NM IttfiLDEß..oashes to Inform thr eitizena or ranch um, that ho :Pre •partuttliar attontinn to iraorini4 pL ini. •detOOlta and apootiit-Anotia for all ruannor nt topPlinga. private And ruoiic. Anp..rintetul..tioe ffireti for rea.nnaiite cAnrpeiiotttna fPhoe it mgitiflltlee N. E. corner of Sece.r.d aud..Elizabeth streets. J. E. F.T.,EMMECO, Ifni 511. Towanda. Pa. CEO '_ •7 • v , KINGSBRY, : °, • 11E41. ES ' TATE, LIFE, VIDE.. S ACCIDENT INSURtNCE !AGENCY. o:t..,c,ezzner a Main and State Streets, March 13 197,2. • _ TOWANDA. P. ASH -- , DOORS, AND BLINDS. • hon.rrezurNi to furnish Eilo-dried Doors, Fasts Ind Eirnde ofariy style, site, or thickness. on short 'notice. - Claud in ynirr orders' ten days before yon n-sot nee the articles, mid be sore that •y'on s: ill A7f.t ke..r•••ifist,will not shrink or swell. Terms cash ' Toßtod• 1i 19. 1q I.' • Gr . ). P ASH. lA S` . k7 TON ,t;B-ROTHER, - - • . DEaiera in . • HrDEFi, ,PELTS, CALF - • SIIES.A. y11E.53; &C., • F' r -whirl: th , z,h!zheit.lash price is paid at all thteg. 0 ":;ce in M. E. R0 , f,:a9,31.1's State; Main-at., Q. A. DArios, l ' " a. ;a. turroN. l ritlc.l4.'7o TOWANDA . PA: ICT E F R 311 • ,VETV GOODS, LOW : PRICES! • • • - AT 110NP.01."TON, PA. TRACT & HOLLCIN, Retail Dollars in Groceries and Provisicrns.l_ , •' , 44 and Medicines, Kerossne Oil, Lampe, Cliimi shades, Dye Striffs, Paints, Oils. Varnish, Yankee cs• Tobacco, Cigars and Hnuff. Pnre Wines Liquors, of 'the boat quality, for medicinal purr , only. All GAFaaa aald at the 3•ery lowest. prices. Pre,- acriptidna carefully Compond,led at all hours of the -lay and night. Give us a call. ' TRACY & HOLLOW. ' Ifeuroeton.Ta.,'Jnne 24,1136:4-Iy. BA.KERY ! CQNI.CTIONERY ! -. 1 7 11 - 0:C E.. it IE 5 ! The und.rslgned begs leaves to return thanks to the people of Towanda an , l vicinity 'for tho very g.tierrms patrouig- eat'oniled to him- timing the pact easnn,.atid of the 8311.1(1 time to give notiep that h. be added to hies bir,ineto ti stock of BEST FS:N.IIIJY - - GROCERIES ' Whirh he iii prepared to. offer AT THE LOWEST PRICE:. , . • • lie will - still cuntinia the Baking, bimidess In all 't.. , hrlii•ui:.s ..m.l ..:an furnish 1•11 , • - tli!ng in.thls line .in , thu short , , , st. n• lice and • GUARANTEE SATISFACTION If . nay a, ttecil DINING ROOM, - •• Whore h^ will at all Clap.' he ready to (nrniFhsleals of l'Auchr;ng at much lowar than 11 , 1141. . 3 - 11 ,I'3ri t• cn are invited to c3'l. gir Parties supplied with Ire c''.-un,Cakes, Fruit,' ud C. out,,tionery at stf4,rt itt•nneumlier the place, nearly oppoeit the Means ffougo. , S , lpt 11.12. , k4l TO 0 - CR PATRONS. _ .. . , .. GEO. H. 'WOOD - C. 0., -Ff()T 0 G APITETZ:§, To ANDA, PA . . fir tt.ful for ta; , . cen.rnua patronage.: of the ‘r,4:11,1 inform all wantin4 Patturee . t4at wn are s:allla4.ling to our establiabmeut NEW AND IMPROVED INSTP t UILENTS, f Auti adopARLI tried 'mni'approcit modes of priuttuai autl 4 retviling in order to secure '! FINER P S T11. 0 .N EIERETOF pr:E' oatklda of the calm and that, we n?Akt. • sip-cialty.to eill,,rge all kinde of:Picturt.- ..ny cure de,dred, and finlAh in Water Colo. •, India Ink, or iu Oil. in the', • BESt STYLES AND VE - RY LOW PRICES. • We al•o endearnr to take all the time poael ble in inatimu,tubirens pleturea, so as to se cure th.. ocst re.nita. We aro constaLtly adding to our *lock of FRAM S' • All , new patterns and 14, - tehal slyles..and fur nish them At a Stasi' adtance fromcost prices. Msy - 14. is 73, • 'Fti - E CITIZENS OF PENIN- T i° Bylxo7lo4—Your atteutOn is specially tu rited to the fa:t that the National Banks are now prepared to ra.zaive Pubaniipttona - to the Capital Stock the, centennial Board of Finance. The inuite realized from th saconrce are to be employed in the erection in the buildings tor the International Eiznanitua, -,nct_ the ezPenaea connected with the ;anal tto confidently b.,1 . eyed that the Reyato.e i will be revre...nted by the name of every cal- . ":.eu alive trpttriiitio comma I.oratios of the tint undrcdth birth-day of the tiatiiin. The 11414V11 or stock are offered ter $ 0 each; and Olub.crtbers will a-handsomely «Wel engraved C.rtificate of. suitatne for framing and preservation as a national metu.rial, interest at the rate of Mz per cent per annum fill be paid on all payment" of deutennial Stock from date of payment to January I. 187 d. Sahacrilers who are not near a National Bank clir , init a check or. poet - office order to the tinder. , signed. FREDR. FH.kLEY, Tretimrer. 914 walnut St.. Phil's. Sept 4. '73 ToWANDA NURSERY. The enderel.zned haring' iferehased the NETASESION TOWANDA: FLATS, Iqs attention to his :argo stock of FRUIT AND ORNAiENTAL. TREES 4;, Wird' ha now Prrparod to DZLIVEit ON xto.3r REASONABE TERMS. e!iiers is parson cir tig null promptly - attended to I , &saris; Cyril IC:l.j Da Physici4n told Sturgeon, once over Wickham & Black's emriomy atom - Tn.rosnel% May 1i1111T2.-11Y• Plir B. MoKEAN, ATTOR 1 4- • OM COVERTLLOS AT TAM, Towanda, P. • tieniar attention paid to business in the Orpba. -Conrt, P ll 7 20. 'OO r HW. PATRICK, Arronrrr • LAW. (Vim Mercor'e Block, melt door the Eipre.e 4 131ce,"Tow.nla, Pa. • • Jo y 171973. c... 4 . 2 ..., "... 4 44 61 ''.4 WH. CARNOCHiN, ATT43. • WET AT Lan (District: Attmmay for ford flonnty). Troy. Pa. Collections made and prom v •nrnttted. fob 15. la—tf. B:..KELLY. DEsTurr.—Offi 7a', ncliri Wickhßin k Black's. 'Tniirandli.-P Teeth' ineertrA !tip cirild. Rilcer. Rnbher. and Aln nirm brow Tfnlh extracted aritbovit pain : 0r21.: trgL OALEFF, ArroasEr AT,T.Aw. Towanda:, Pa.: H. J. IirLDTLI., Offtre In Wood's Block. lirit door south of Pill Notomil Bank. np Phira 11 Jan .7n-ly nvERToN k.F,LSBREE. ATT'o nvien AT LAW. Towanda Pa., hminir i n ~. np4rttiprabtp. offer their pmfeßalonal "aryl( . to the. pnhlte- RpPetal dtrntinn elven to hnatne in the nrpban'a and Reointer'm Courts. apl 14.7 e. ovvierriti. nt. ti. C. MOIR . TOFIX:W.-MTX, Roor.oll Aftortion girPn Prrainst %An l sure Corrp.inles, Office. of T'nb Slnam: ATP.' WqON. AN , p NTVCIT•NICAt. DES'TirT. North STaine44 optrlgien ebtirch4Vitanda. Pa. All di.. tal 8 rpeclB;lty, Jan 14. I BECK a, STRFEIiER: ' °Moe on 'Stain Street formerly occnpted by P Ladd. Residence, corner Pint and Second streets Towanda, dna,. 22."1871. E. ,GREDLEY, • TIOCTOR 0. LEWIS, A GRAD ato of the Collefze Phystelana 'and Rtirgeons. Now York city. Claes 1 gp-4. gives exclnaive attentin to the practice of his proresalon. Office and rf. - on the eastern Elope of Orwell Hill. adjoining Hen Ft me WS. `...) • . jan 14.'C9. I TIM D. •D. SMITH, • Donitzst, : purchased Wood's property; be • • • ‘terenes Block and, the Elwell Efortpe, where.he b lociated his often. Teeth extracted without pain $ 1 use of Oaa. ' Towind .„ Oct. 20. 1870.—yr. NOTARY PUBLIC! . Offize—lTAtWElT., TOWANDA PA., with 'Noble k Vi cent. ineuriineq Agenf E. Acirtocrled:Mients taken; • Oaths adrolnlaterel Thy Rlll)Periber itta a commi.t.foner in tat Ihg 410 ositions of witneLies. General dotira of the o 1 promptly a , troned to. Wu 9 VINCE , T; Nor. 12'73. , Notary Public. Hotel _- --. .s. . , . DINING - R 0,401.1 S , .. : ° IN CONNECTION. WITH THE BASIETLT, Neal ) Hie Court HOLM& , ' We are prepared to feed the hungry,at all timer the day ' ATI evening. Oysters and Ice Crean! their.Kessohs. . March 3( MO/ D. W. SCOTT it CO.. vrAvELL HOUSE, TOWAND • Ete. 4 . Having leased this Rouse. is now ready to sccomm il l. date the tTavelling public.. No pains norexpense • be epsred:to give satisfaction to those who may gi him a call:. AR' ,Notih aide_ef the public eqiiarr,,eagt of 31.1 neg ❑ec+ blnrk. ' p U3I3IE,RFTET D CREEK H ltiTrt.. • • ' PtTER LANTIMSSSEIt. Hawing purchased and thoroughly- refitted this and .cell-known stand. formerly kept by Sheriff grit; fig. at the month of liummerlield Creek. is ready ;to kcxid aciximmcsiations skid satisfactory treatment .to all who may farm him with a call. tl 23 gaa—tf. - ATEANS HOUSE, iTOWANDA.; PA., , COIL ILIES l.q.D BRIDGE STREETS. The fiedaes, Harness. kc. of all guest' of thie bonne, iusured against loaiby !ire, without any es. tra cbarge, - • A superior quality of Old Euglish Rasa Ale, received. - , T. It...JORDAN. Rwanda. Jan. 24.11. - Proprie HORACE A. COWLES VARD 110,1:1S.E, T9WA.NpA,. BRADFORD CO UITI„ PEWN'A. - . • This popular house. recently Island by Mesi Rprie k Thula% and baring helm completely .rOtt-Zd. fflllllo4iflPii, and rsdorniallad. afford', to the , crnhlq• all the elnotorta and rocalern wmaroulencos of a arm- Hutal. 4itnate optrafte• th• Park on Main Str,N.t. It Is eminentlyr.onvaldprd . for perilous visit ing Towanda, elther torploastirwor business , . appall - EOON'it UgANS, Proprietors. Air 4NSION HOUSE, -_ • I W. W. EiR0WN.13243.. lliorn • 1 1 Tills House is cmaneted in strictly Tempe Principles. Every effort arill be made to m i am,sts comfortable. Gored rooms And the table +essays be supplied with tho best the market! fonts. . N0v.1.18 11011 B ETHLEHEM, PA. . ... " OLD *MORAVIAN SIIN IN • R•dt in hiatorical Interest; it in the only bnildinat thh coontry ex pt Independence 11.11, hono , eo this sojonrn within its wails of Waidliontot, La Fs ette. bee. Oates and other patriots of the resell Lion. This poprear hotel hai recently chang. hands, ..been improved. entirely refurnished. a. the p - oprietor cordially inviirs his friend* and Ira Wing public to give.him ca 114420 WWI wil .sparecl to render their stay nomfortat•le. •• • p en mate for Philsdelphis.will dnd it convent.. t spent the night bore. , ensobrait the city about .lg 3n the or , rulug. A maniple room on Ant f• • . r accommodation ofeomutercial agents Keeps on hand a tall assortment of D 91713 aq siNfiLE HARNESS, and all other goods In With . Not Airing and minnisettuing dons to order. - - reWllll,, MUM. , 9 2 - 1,41 - • STEAM SAW MILL, SHINGLE MILL, 1 ' AND CIDER MILL, • I 1 tij liflll Is now in good order. sud - I an Yrepan4 to do all kinds of wore In my hue on shorktvAloo. .- LtIALBER. SHINGLES tod LATH, slwsjs on 4 hand. 1 I Ono off , r :or sale a IS Hcrse-Power Engine and noi.larr ""V• 1 o. v. • , ion.i.gorwiloofurorti ~ . Milrft PIM IMII 1 i f 4. W. AL.VORD, 611siker. r.- VOLUME XXXIV. JAMES WOOD, Ar,roaszT ~1 1 0T r ithazion LT LAW. Towanda. Ps. Q.:MTH & MdN,TANYE, A L tem2. LA2r. 443f110p--42:ftar Nan Pim.. Remit: oppostip Plebtes.Droa store. D tt T. B. JOHNSON, PIMIUTRAPI kvanitine. Olttee over Dr. U. 0. Porter k 00..111 Drag Store. MORROW, PaysiciAN L • Firranzos. offers his protessim2al eery! the citizens of Warren and vicinity. Beside. • first house north of J. F. Cooper's Store. W ("entre. Ps. 1 M. STANLEY, DErrurr, meow? to Dr. Weston. Ofilati In Pattoto Block.: up smarm. Main Rtrort, Tosanda. Pa. kind...OW*o. ',ark a spwrialtv. . /an liytt roYLE & 4ttiiP'FrERSON. Arm! a~i*.at - Lay. Towanda. Pa. Wlll Oro etteetipn to *ll matter* Potrnetea to their cb °rebate' Court business a specialty. - W. POT T.T.. rrnayl"l3l 2.irrinisso I • o A 7:TOREr--AT—LA W. TOWANDA. PA LA Jr OFFICE, TOWANDA. PA, W. A. PECT: [lnn 1514] IH. SST:STrete. i )1.1. J. I,rNtvq, • __:.PaYSICIAN A i SuFasox. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, April 1. 1k73 JOHN C. WIISON. I Lr.RAISVILLE. PA 13 . tILT 1758. Sept 4. 1R73 CHAY,LES F. DAYTON, Successor to Itatopitrey Bros.. HA-RNESS MAKE Over Mood?. Store, n EIHESIIEQ j: ~; ~. i 111 pular , tuft. • • BATECOVE/GE TO SAT NOI [You're et'iirting to-day on life's journey, Alone ou the highway of life; You'll meet With a thousand temptations, Each city With-evil is rife. • This world is. a stage of excitement; There's danger wherever you go; - But if you are temrediff weakness. t Have courage, my boy, to say—No The Siren's sweet song May,alliire you; Beware of her ennning-and art. Whenever Sou Ito her approaching, Be guarded, Mid baste to depart. ' The billiard Saloons are inviting.••• " ( Decked out la their tinsel and show; You maybe invited to enter; . • I Have cottra,e, my boy, to say—No l I The bright ruby wine may be offered— • No matter how tempting it be, From poison that stings like an adder, My boy have the courage to see. Tne gyubling belle are before you, Their ligl-4, how they glance to and fro; If you ibotildibe tempted to enter i Think twice even thrice, ere you go I In coltrage!Ciao lies your manly, 1711 - en'you the long journey begin, And trust in a HeaVenly Father Wilt keep yin Unspotted from sin. Temptations krill go on increasing, As streams rorn,a, riv'ulek flow, But it yon arc true to your manhood, Halve the equrage, my boy, to say—No ! (For TUI4 Reportituj A OALIFOANIA INOIDEN P. 13:3=1 It was in f,be afternoon of an An - tonal day in 186 7 -,.that I (au Eng lishman and to stranger) ebtered a &inking saloon in San Francisco, called Missoula . lager, lit wy pipe, and sat dawn in an easy chair Mr a quiet smoke. It ii as a famous place for a nnoke, a place fit for any one to sit down in, and have a 'yarn with his friend,=— comfortablY; not at all like al ng lish bar,—Where he is usually glad to leave when he has finished his liquor, but with cushioned chairs and lunges, and comfortable surround ings, so that you might sit and smoke as enjoyably—as you.' would in your own house. Theta was a queer looking' man bitting near !me, who raised his eyes from theptiper he was reading and seemed to rtgard me with some curi osity. had a frank, honest ex pression of Countenance, and seemed well disposed towards me, for all that he was ratLer moody and end' looked as though he had seen 'a great deal of trouble. =l5lOl ,At last, drawing his chair - a little nearer and putting_his 'brown hands on his knee', he said : " Not been here long, ay,?" " No," said I, "only a few days." " he said, meditatively, "I thought 'Frisco is a queer kind of a °place- Or"a young hand; noiv I've took whit Of a Lucy to you, mud' as you ain't much up to things, I de'say you wimid n't cut up rough, at suthite useful in the way of advice." • I was rather astonished at this, but was quite pleased to make an.ac quaintance with him, although he was rathet rough looking, so I an swered tha v i I should be glad of any advice which might prove ueeful, as I was strange to the country. "Wal!" said he, "in the first place, if`You don't want to get mauled, the best thing You can do is to keep that thar derringer party close, seein' as this is rayther a rough place, an' some might take 'fence at it." rfollqwed the direction of his eye, and saw that my revolver—which•l always carried—was in bight, stick ing out of My belt. "If you 'carry one o' them things, it's all'usliest to keep.it dark; don't let no one know of it—till it's Want ed. Another thing I might tell.you, that is, dal to show all the dimes you carry, when you're paying for a nor; thar's I a lot of people rouad— that likes dimeti fast rate—and ain't got uorie--Latid dou't B a slant when they see it. Thar was a young ster like you might be, rotted 'Frisco once—with his pouch full of dollars, I . and . a dertinger—which he did n't know hcwa.o handle no more nor a possum. Well! he , was laid for by two "plant' smart, decent looking fellers, and took into a gamble shop, whar they let him win for a bit,— primed him with whisky till he didn't know is right bower from an ace, and enchred hiin out of his dimes bit by bit till lie was nearly cleaned, when he saw one of thee yar coons grin, and say sothin'- laughin' like to his pal. Then he see'd what was up, and that they'd gone throngli him proper, so he up and called them a darned lotlof swindlers, and said he'd have his money back. One of them pouched the dimes from the table, whi e t'other 'put a shoulder on him' and said.: " Guess you're green; don't know the ropes, ,Ijohnny, so 'I won't take no 'count of your talk—cause you are riled nat'relly at losing yor dollars, but jest yen dry up, and don't say no more or that's no knowin'. what'll happen !"I "Now the young 'an bein' wild, and kinder didn't care much what was on the cards—long as he got his dimes—said, By thunder! if you don't give! back that money, Ill— "He never finished it, for, he'd been feelin' for his shooter, but' he wasn't sharp enough, for one of the chaps outlderringer, and 'put a pea' in him —sb he didn't talk no more." "Dead !" Wal, no, he were n't that, `but he were that nein. it, that he never '"petted he'd, be tellin' the yarn to you. Yes, his name was Dick Selby, and that's me. Now he said "I don't halt from 'Frisco—l b'long further north, and if ) . ou• like my company, I'll just, show you a thing or two, and if yon don't,—you've only got to say so, and I won't both er you. The fact is, I had a son once,":---bere his voice dropped,, and ti'dark-shadow seemed to cross his face. "Yes," he said, abstractedly, and seething to talk more. to himself than. me,—"Poor Ben I—just ' such another. I had a son once, 'and he war like you—very like," he said, rousing himself, • and I fancy it's made me sorter take to you; now you must think a darned open._ soh of s and, agyhow donl ion r iiiiEE! NE3 0 iscellgneosis: lIAZAIID I to a drh3king bout: , Tge _ttiiii and the bit gok r into Heluistone (that , place niot beiug above au hones' sail , fr) juqt, at nightfall; hit On, their' way, n t hearing anying liof Mrs. V . DaYne , they ;looked, in o the little fore-em in, - and; 'to ' lir ldismay, , or woman leeding found he poor and almost' senseless. She . faintly told.' them t at her hushiud; ha 4 struck 11.1 her a t emendous blew List before he' lt,ft hi boat on the winning; and ... - they had hardly got hr on shore i when she died ;rout its ffects. •• A dteadfol retribatio had over- - taken' ter murderer, 'anti I had wit nessed; it, as also had an others; , for beiades being -attrcted j . to, the ' cf spot by my shouts an, whistlings, some Of tits natives of itstlean had cangKsight of the begjiming of that chase for life, and 'of course had fol- lowed it up. 'But, from a 1 strange coinciepee, accident , oil , whatever it inv t '. eve been; `eel ; instrument 1 selecte(d by Fate to deaf thifl act' of ' retributive justice torhea otO to have, . • been 4 fearfully fitting ne—the mis- , erableimaniac being no'ie other than ''' the lother 'of Mr& Rayner.. The faint f madness 'Was' in .the family, `rind o ce, long ago, it was proved - he i5 - ad attached her husbatid, atter some high words between dill), and nearly strangled him. This was the• first . sign that homicidal Mani which, 'early leading 'to one Murder, as . the , duct had stated, terminated in the , . eatast ophe I beheld.--Illis account- 1 ed for Dayner's behaviour when he fit* heerd jof. . the - Inoiltic being :at 1 large, and the'ubjecti finer Ihe dis- played _on seeing : him - thiddenly ewer r e — from the clailk;po. _His nerve , shattered by hia disselute life,' • 1 3 doub less, the recollection (!)f tilos° , terri le fleg,ers; which hdd once ,: 1 alrea y been, at his throat'i . scared ' , his wits utterly. andiefl to his seek- ' ing safety in flight, thd One course of , t all o Pets the most atal fro have --- adoptelj'in the Treierice of such a madman. - ~ 1 i ' I - ' 1 doubt if I ever! shall have tho I :,„ , heart to finish my' eikeph. I fear I i 1 644 ever look upon itl linesiwithout: l. 1 seeingthat awful death-struggle still ' goin on npon the Mile green pia teen hich'is so promient a feature '. ' in tb subject. At present pad can- - 1 vase tends with its' face to Ithe wall and verything concer'aing the tre.- gedy being now overar d my presence of n farther use, 1. , ttiink the wisest • Ibieo I can do ia,,,,10 ipack jup 'and • quit t he Pilot to•nio*ow reorning, ende I,oring as far ais poiaible — to forg •t my visit to Pitddean,l and all conn•cted with it 3 -I A HILIA Loom.---There is often a ;dept., of wisdom M :the Shoughtu 'and ayings of the little on, which prat illy has failed tb fathom, and , Iwhic those 'Who are but lohildren jof la ger growth " rriiOrt dp well to, i l lappl . Such ' wisdom T ate beautifully exe fified in the ease of a little girl who i onm rpturned 'to !her klimofrom , la jauht; in the woods, her face coy-' lered with mosquito bi 3 i es. ‘glWhy did on not drive them]n away said her mother. " They WoUld not go," said f the,hia " Why 'did you: not kill theao" "It would ilot h 4 ove been righ ," was the answer. l "But I hay ;seen .you kill them it hotoe," nrg 4 the surprised riasithek. " Yes, ma Ma," argned; thb Child txmly, "if tkey come into any : hones and, bite me I kill their ; but if Igo into' i i the wiitids, that it their house, end I bawl no right to kill themi'' .' "--Fs this jury co wrists ts. erect," amid 4 X•asour4 roAtiag dP WI Sieves sad lispiaptor his voace4ina qIII . I S sball trei comptolod to nmeot asp °wand 1111Amtuld Pull Auto las iNtst thrtittliftlllll4llllll.. . • II =EI E